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Previous: >>487100603

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

liz sex
Hello countdown until Skadi?
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IbukiGODS how are we feeling?
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Wonder how much money they missed out on by now hopping on the neco arc zoomer craze 2 years ago
Will this thread be better?
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I am proudly a member of senpai's harem.
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Spread your buttcheeks.
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3 more days until buster gets saved again
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>I need to wait 3 more days until Skadi to see what's left for Erice
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You DO have both of them, right?
Nasu is going to wait a few years for the zoomers to grow up and have disposable income, then he's going to release Neco Arc as a callback to an "original gangster meme."
All of my female Servants say this.
Internet memes do not sell. Look at Sony who got duped into thinking Morbius is popular.
If internet memes do not sell how come Liz is FGO's #1 earner?
Wives sex
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>starting a FGO account from scratch
He's joking, right?
Nobody can be this retarded, RIGHT?
even if 1% of the views neco arc vids got paid $1 theyd profit. they already own all the necessary assets
they sometimes sell. The Room is immensely popular.
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Nasu copied the Morbius memes 2 years late.

Is there any other gacha that also gives the characters three outfits right off the bat?
Like sure, I know most characters just have some extra accessories, but take Merlin for example, as she does have three different costumes.
she's not though
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Do you like Tamamo's newer model?
Enter, tits
Who do you think is sexier, Erice or Ibuki?
Don't care
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Not gonna lie, I'd be tempted to let Ishtar peg me. She's very cute.
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Erice is made for rape, so her.
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You're sounding kind of defenceless, anon.
Erice is 14, so her
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Glorious NP2 for 270 SQ
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I'm more or less defenseless before Ishtar, since I like her very much.
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sion looks like THAT!?
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Why can't she be here yet...why did the story have to tease me...
If Ishtar loves gems because she's a Rin pseudo, how come Eresh doesn't love gems also?
>queen of the underworld
if she's anything like Hades then she has access to all the gems she wanted
can't believe cuck stancer burned his shiki after finally deciding to watch KnK
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No, she actually looks a lot more cunning.
yeah but he found love in kama his new 120 so it's all good
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Got the Dragon, bros
is she part of the no panties faction
>finally deciding to watch KnK
Did someone edit the episodes into a gooner hypno comp? Otherwise I think this is unlikely.
you guys use a lot of words that dont exist irl
Uh bros? Where's the last copy of the Bazett event CE? I bought all 4 from the shop...
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Gareth, you WILL wear the china dress.
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>you guys use a lot of words that dont exist irl
When will we finally get a playable Sion? I've been waiting for so long...
Feeling good about my servants all of a sudden.
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This poster is one of the great mysteries of /alter/.
If you want playable Sion, go play Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r].
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Feeling good about my servants all of a sudden.
They are all so golden and shiny!
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When are we getting the F/SN 20th Anniversary stuff? I want my free Saber.
Why is Gudako like that? Why is she so gay?
>high-IQ mind control vampire
Femdom material.
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Why do we continue to be the laughing stock of /vg/? It's been 7-9 years already...

in 2 years or when F/SN Remake will get official release :)
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Lmao her proportions are all out of wack
Why is her head so big
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Gotta edit in a third Ibuki for a full squad of cheerleaders
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>they tried to give Gareth some pathetic character development in the middle of a stupid haunted house episode
why even pretend to use this character after lb6, what a joke
When EN FSN gets released.
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let her cook
Why would I roll for Morgan? She can't even beat hands lol
How do you buy quartz in Russia?
your seiba Ibuki?
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a big head for a big ego
im just glad percival isn't here
truly nothing worse than sakurai percival
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Funny Vamp EX
>three bimbos
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That shit was so hilariously out of place.
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I prefer a low-IQ mind control vampire
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Funny Vamp EX+
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It can't be helped
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Anal funny vamp.
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>ate one of my icecream pints already
>skadi 3 days away
aaaiii i want icecream!!
why is Moonlight Cringesword here
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But being bimbo was supposed to be my thing...
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What's the best MC for S. Ibuki? Assuming I actually need MC skills and I can't just set a random one to level.
Gareth doesn't have tits that big.
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probably fragment of 2005
either that or just plugsuit oberon teehee
Shut the fuck up Ishtar.
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>He doesn't know
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Aesc uses it.
I could have an NP4 Ibuki if it wasn't for you, Bradamante. Take responsability.
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Only retards use int builds
Pick a real weapon.
I reject your reality and substitute my own. Gareth has a big tits build and character and it's criminal it isn't acknowledged in the game.
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It had to be done.
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Morganfes... my last chance to be meta before I sink into the ocean of niche-less damage dealers who can't compete against 90++...
Please, don't forget me master...
you some sort of a the dungeonmaster or something? okay i believe you
No one on /alter/ cares about gameplay.
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>I reject your reality and substitute my own.
The ultimate technique - Grand Delusion...
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>No one on /alter/ cares about gameplay.
I just wanted to roll 1 for my NP5 Arc but I guess this is my life now
he's right though
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If I was FGO's writer I would've written Gareth to get killed offscreen by that shadow Lancelot and everyone would've been off wondering what happened to her for the rest of the event.
Next year she'd get killed again, this time by SMelu.
No one cares about Bidett.
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>no one on /alter/ cares about gameplay.
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>he's right though
god this face makes me laugh every time
I don't care about her either I just need the last copy of the CE
Where the hell is it, am I blind
>The game approaching eos so of course they will release bimbos more than usual (and make them meta too) to dry out last money from coomers
Said 2 years in the past
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I guess she escaped Area 51
Was Wu always this retarded?
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kinda cool
point ladder
I didn't summon you for gameplay, Melu-chan.
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imo they should have leaned harder into the monster elements, but her np is pretty cool
eh i think she's cooler this way
I want to bully Mordred.
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Its time...
Its time to fight King Salmon...
The fate of humanity rests on my shoulders...
I wonder if im ready... or if i will fail...
Melusine is one of the best multicore farmers in the game because of her 100% battery.
Next to no servants can solo 90++ eventually, but Melusine and Arc continue to have a lot of relevance forever just because of how busted it is to not need any outside help to have a full NP gauge turn 1
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You can do it, bro!
I would say Tropical Summer, right? It's power for her third wave and means you can get away with only a 20% charge source like Waver's attack and defense buffs.
Nasu said he forsees about 10 years of FGO, so EOS / a sequel very well could be announced next anniversary for JP.
shut up tenga
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>halfway through my stash
>see rainbow
>see gold berserker card
>Ibuki doesn't come until I hit pity
There's nothing for Skadi the oni ate it all
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Ayy double bro.
my damage for 600 sq was np3 erice and Np2 ibuki. 900 sq left to get np1 skadi and I'm clear for rest of the year.
Is NP5 Ibuki still god tier in JP or has the powercreeping even put her into retirement?
Whos better in thsi team? Winter Martha or Koyan of light?
>Nasu said he forsees about 10 years of FGO
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I forgot to add screenshot woops.
Night'n'GAY-le, eheh
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Like 4 years ago exactly, and that's when FGO was still by far the most popular gacha around and before he got addicted to Hoyo games
Considering ordeal call is acting as the game's epilogue and he said it's the finale for gudao/ko, it's not hard to imagine a sequel being announced at the 10th anni.
What powercreeping lmao
The only decent servants after this are Tezcatlipoca, Kukulkan, and Draco. None of them are revolutionary. The entire game's meta has been locked since Oberon's release. Ibuki isn't even some amazing new hotness, she's just Summer Musashi +1.
idk what that means

i talk to the wind
my words are all carried away
i talk to the wind
the wind does not hear. the wind cannot hear
said the straight man to the late man where have you been
ive been here and ive been there and ive been in between
Santa Martha is better.
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I checked and never saw it, I really am blind
Thanks bwo
May you roll your wife/husband in less than 10
Yeah, I wondered if it was a while ago. Since then we've seen some successful sequels and some totally bomb, so I wonder if he's still so gung-ho about that.
We'll see I guess.
Based thriving newbro! Post fc so I can add you.
I can't get over the thought of
>ibuki farts water snakes
whenever I see the Np
She's still goat tier in garbage design. Kukulkan tried to defeat her but Ibuki is too strong.
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The latest meme quest with 3x 500k hp 1st wave, 1,2m dragon 2nd and 2,7m hp Vritra 3rd dunks on Ibuki but gets bodied by some Sabers so it remains to be seen if they make more quests with ridiculous hp pools that take extra extra damage from their class weakness to dunk on berserkers and other universal loopers.
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It's over for omniloopers
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>got spooked by a rainbow AND berserker card
>hit pity too

This is your Fate Grand Order: Sakurai kino summer event.
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The Bimbofication of Servants
You forgot Cummer who kind of just makes Draco redundant
FGO2 Genshin killeru
3x 100k*
According to the calculator, 2004 is better if you only care about damage on the third wave.
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good one
especially Archer, that fat chested whore
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Arts servants are all useless nowadays. 90++ is never going to be a refund-friendly node.
My Queen Morgussy...
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Isn't the idea of forcefully losing one's intelligence and becoming more prone to indecency delightful? Especially if one is conscious of the process but can't stop it.
>already out of date
I've just been cautious of arts/quick loopers since the advent of non-3/3/3 nodes. Also couldn't hurt to ask since Spishtar who was highly regarded at the time got power crept so hard I stopped using her entirely before she ever reached bond 10. Would like to avoid the scenario again if I could.
>2.7 mil hp
What meme quest is this even for? I would have assumed a challenge quest but they don't print those without a million break bars anymore.
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>Anti saber defense fragility
So Ibuki is still on top.
Said, the meta now is basically the meta in 2 years.
You can maybe slap on summer castoria (best st in the game), Aesc, Tiamat (when her class doesn't fuck her over), and ptolemy for some multi core set ups, but even then summer castoria is the only standout one as they've mostly switched to clap bait over meta stuff.
Anyone else having an issue with Chaldea.center?
she could have been a poet or she could have been a fool...
Need more gudako in slut outfits
Draco is unsurpassed against the seven standard classes. Castoria Berserker is better against extra classes.
Tfw oneesan np5 came painlessly, got cocky and Merlina sucked me bone dry. Did I win the game now? I also have beefed up Kriem.
>if they don't shutdown all servers at the same time
of course they will
90++ is at least different enough to force different team comps, even if they all pretty much need oberon on them. most recent one in JP needed to use soujuurou and aoko to 3 turn in reliably. Never thought I'd use aoko in a farming comp.
>90++ is never going to be a refund-friendly node.
only if you arbitrarily restrict arts to only using double Castoria while Quick and Buster can use 3 supports because ???
It's one of the new bleached earth free quests you do 3 a day for a shitload of bond
>The interview went on to say that the development team will continue to listen to player feedback and refine systems in Fate/Grand Order
Draco is still the best story servant and beginner servant in the game bar none due to her meme class. Also one of the best challenge quest backliners
She's by no means irrelevant, just like how herc is relevant to this day all because of his bond CE
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get corrupted idiot
Whats the fucking deal with 90** quests anyway?
Are they something you're meant to farm all the time during downtime or something? Can you only do them a limited number of times? I'm confused.
Bros why did 2 HP gold fous showed up in my inventory
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What is your next goal after summer, bros?
Pic rel for me
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Yes, chud, you've won
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Here you go.
City but I'll throw some rolls at cute Koma
>It's one of the new bleached earth free quests you do 3 a day for a shitload of bond
And people are acting like we have to 3 turn it as if it were a lottery?

who is right and who can tell and who gives a damn right now
I honestly wouldn't even care if they did.
OC1/2 are both apparently snooze fests with a couple of fun moments. I'd be happy to just move onto FGO2 instead.
She should fucking drown in a pool
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the smiling priest
(i really really really wish he was single target who cares about yet another arts looper holy fuck fuck you nasu)
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It's more so they're wondering if those 90** nodes are going to be transferred to events in the future
90++ originally came from the Tunguska event and now it's a staple of every event
She is grailed NP5 of fucking course she has mana loading you absolute neanderthal. Wondering if 120 on her is worth since she already blows away everything at 100.
Wait till she tries to ship Arthur with Merlina later
ANAL Aesc.
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>sabers do 10x damage to final enemy
>2nd wave has a dragon
Oh no if only there was a 4 star saber that basically everyone has that is the best anti dragon servant in the game
God damn fucking stupid bitch.
>Wondering if 120 on her is worth
After grailing my first 120 I don't think I'll do another one. I'll rather use that exp/QP/grails on other servants.
It's OK, Aurora will always remember you.
>>>>saving for Rasputin
you can also perish
Dragons are gigacringe. They shouldn't exist. They should be fucking retconned out of existence.
>for you (true)
>pure and innocent
>big boobs
>isn't a bait like melu who loves aurora brito is 100% for and only you
>ins't a prostitute like bob
>don't eat her lover like barghest
>just took a friends seibah and gorilla'd it
Just have friends
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There has been released any super broken meta support since Vitch/Oberon?

I dont remember anyone noticeable coming in the next two years.
Now I remember people memeing about kukulkan or other fotm servants that were useful in their own events, but there has been anyone castoria/vitch tier since castoria/vitch?

Because Aesc/morgan swimsuit for example was not quite there.
>we'll continue to listen to player feedback
>servants coins not fixed three years later
What did they mean by this?
Sounds boring.
bros is it true that even np1 ibuki can loop if enemies arent berserkers?
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nope. quickfags will say ruler skadi but they are wrong and dumb and gay
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2 days until Scáthach=Skaði's swimsuit is released during Summer 7 in NA and my heart is saved by her smile again.

A friendly anon made a spreadsheet showing how many Saint Quartz, Summoning Tickets and other limited materials can be obtained in the future:
She can loop berserkers at np1 too.
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Pray for quick fags as this anniversary in JP is probably their last hope, and if lasagna goes for Ciel (inevitably a damage dealer) it's probably joever for them
So, is this a costume for Shuten?
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Bobbu rabu
Kukulkan being fotm despite not being an event servant is hilarious
Summer Skadi really changes the game for quick and makes all quick loopers like 50% better.
Rumor is on JP this year that the anniversary servant will be abe no seimei, a quick support who will re-shape the meta in the same way skadi and castoria did. A ton of popular servants this year ended up quick and that points to a meta shift incoming
One day FGO will shut down and there will be no way to experience its amazing story again. No more Singularities and Lostbelts. No more killing bosses and Crypters. Only bittersweet memories.
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So who we blame for the state of this thread?
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Summer Skadi really changes the game for quick and makes all quick loopers like 50% better.
Rumor is on JP this year that the anniversary servant will be Super Van Gogh (Pretender), a quick support who will re-shape the meta in the same way skadi and castoria did. A ton of popular servants this year ended up quick and that points to a meta shift incoming
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>good thing Raita coomers don't read the story and just skip & coom ;)
Wrong, I read the story. But I dont care because I selfinsert in whoever does the fucking.
I can selfinsert as gudao as easily as I can selfinsert into Kintoki, Douman or my own """oc""" fanfiction servants Goku or Heracles lily.
I may even selfinsert as Goredolf if Ooku setting if on the mood.
I faped to Katou danzou selfinserting as Douman.

There is no rule on the fapping book that says you can only selfinsert as the main character only
This ESL nigger>>487119146
Quick is great! Skadi is wonderful!
She's worse than that, she was not even relevant in the month she released
I wish, but no. She just shows up as a shadow servant during her fight.
Lazy devs.
Can I get Xu Fu from FP gacha?
Isnt there a chance she might fail to get enough np gain from berserkers if she's NP1? Or am I confusing her to some other Servant.
>anni servant
Never happening again after holmes sold like shit
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The rage I feel.
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>Only bittersweet memories.

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>got ibuki np2 trying to get Erice
>still not having my own castoria

I can just use vitches and oberon like with buster, right?
Not having my own Fu Xu either. But I have Paracelsus
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My wife
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No, better save up for November
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>I can selfinsert as gudao as easily as I can selfinsert into Kintoki, Douman or my own """oc""" fanfiction servants
>I may even selfinsert as Goredolf if Ooku setting if on the mood.
>>>I faped to Katou danzou selfinserting as Douman.

Based Raita autist. Way to coom! :D
I'm really curious where you from, raitakeks, got here
i wanna live with a cinnamon girl
i could be happy the rest of my life
with a cinnamon girl
a dreamer of pictures, i run in the night
you see us together, chasing the moonlight
my cinnamon girl
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>BB write me a lostbelt where Caesar took out the whole senate with his bare hands. Supporting servants are Eric Bloodaxe and the Trung Sisters
>Writer? Hikaru Sakurai. I want to be pissed off like the good old days.
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We were so spoiled back then
And we didn't even know...
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Wow, lucksucker is unironically one of the best posters in this general currently.
Newfags keep getting uppity and he's the only one able to put them in their place with his witty comments.

Do you guys think newbros will be able to recover? I think they understand that they were gatekept and will go back to their hoyoslop gacha and ntr porn.
Hello, BB here. I cannot write a Sakurai chapter with this premise, none of the characters mentioned are japanese. Please, introduce at least 3 japanese names.
still cant belive they made Mash racist
>oninigger thinks I actually gives a fuck about that goblin Shuten
Feel bad for Kintoki to constantly be shipped with her
Bro deserves better than that
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>Not being hole bros with Kintoki
Your insecurity amuses me.
>You lost this one
there was a competition? Ok you win the retard price.
>sCReen DoNT shOW it
Holy projection batman.
purely subjective term.
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I need Shuten sex.
I will take this post as a cry for help and attention and give you this (You)
I hope things get better for you, wherever you are.
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Pull 3 pre-edo Japanese names off wikipedia. No more than 2 available sentences per character. Make sure the story revolves around them to an uncomfortable extend.
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I lost...
Humanity is over...
is gudako for me?
Funny part is Kintoki just wants to chill and lift weights with his bros. He is incredibly pure and not cool with sexual stuff in the slightest.
If you rolled for Cuckbuki and don't have the regular Ibuki. I WILL remove you.
If you also grailed her I will shitpost with your name for the next 3 months.
You have been warned.
incredibly based
I see 29 ways you could still win
Just post your FC and I'll remove you myself
I don't need crying children in my friend list
God I hope I dont have cucks like this on my list. Its a depressing thought.
...I like Jannu more than I like Jaltuh.
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I did this.
ew l*lishit
Need Maid Shuten.
Right, like that's even gonna happen. What a load of shit.
Now writing a NTR fanfic about Emperor Seiwa
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I have grailed and gold foued np1 brown Musashi without ever rolling regular one. And 116 Space Ishtar without getting any other rinface. Come at me.
>there is currently 1 person on /alter/ with a 120 Saber Ibuki
Anyone who tries to tell you they like her is a lying gameplayfag
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Ahhh. Progress...
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Pitch a chapter not written by Sakurai that would piss you off the most. Like, some actual, honest to god
>Why in the FUCK
tier of pissed off.
is changli out?
No. That's your blood related sister.
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Np2 is good enough right?
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>oh no, Shuten the turboslut wants other men! I'm going insane!
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that was indeed The Golden Age of /alter/...
Now it's all so tiresome, boring and same shit over and over for the past 3-4 years...
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By your own admission it's "almost" anyone.
Coins are working as intended.
why do you care so much about what people are rolling for dude, just play the game however you want to
> 475 SQ,
> No Ibuki,
> Suddenly berserker just at the end.
> It's Vlad.
Is this pity or mocking?
who is lucksucker?
This anyone with an np4 or lower Ibuki or Arc deserves to be shamed after the anniversary gave us 800 quartz you have no excuse not to have NP5.
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>>sCReen DoNT shOW it
You sound mad bwo. You good, patrick?
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Chapter where we save Judea from Hadrian
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>You don't like servant unless you max them
Fuck off Albert you cocksucker.
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Do you remember Melusine?
I remember her cute feet
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Those boobs just look weird and uncomfortable.
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Tell me I'm holy based
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I have vague memories.
I remember Percival cucking me on Valentine's Day with her
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Do you remember them?
If you got owned here how will you defeat the....
You are holy unbased
It's Vlad
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I agree with Bob. I liked her relationship with Aurora.
Projecting your skill level insecurities here is not a good look onifag.
You don't even have me added
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120 addict collector here. Don't feel pressured to max. Fou paws do nothing since the majority of damage will be buffs if not your NP and getting enough for a brave chain is inconsistent at best.
I may have maxed my favorite and plan on maxing more but you shouldn't feel like you have to match me or anybody else.
Now get her to 120
gonna post based in next thread
Hold that thought for 6 hours.
I can't test it for you, but there are videos on youtube. It depends on overkill hits I guess. You can always plugsuit anyway.
This summer
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>Rahm loves Lip
>She has big boobs
>Rahm went for NP5 Raikou
Why would I have rolled for saber Ibuki? Her s2 doesn't do anything for Arcueid.
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Still waiting for her doujin to be scanned
Which node gives the most north pole ice?
I need to renovate the bathtub to lvl 5 to unlock the next node
ur replying to cucksucker lil bro
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Titoria... My King...
Uh, I meant Ibuki. Thought about Raita and got a stroke.
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Animation update, please... she was the FP poster girl for so long, and yet...
How do I cure Fate brainrot? The usual treatment of going outside and having a life doesn't work anymore.
this but unironically
Lucksucker? More like AIsucker lmao.
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Arc in all
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Only thing I really want form this summer.
If you don't have NP6, you're an /alter/ peasant.
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And if you do have you are Albert's ball sucking slave.
I thought you hated summer wu since it ruined her loli body
If you do then you're an /alter/ king or noble.
Is there a CE placement guide?
That's probably the other guy
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Funny how human ort is so flopped
same, i was saving 500 SQ for skadi but oni tits swayed me
NP1 and NP4 erice
Use your brain.
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Bros... I am just getting erice after erice after erice... I want Ibuki
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Excuse me.
Mesugaki Dinchi sex.
That is all.
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How much does ibuki need her 2nd append?
Is it mostly just for Arc memes on challenge quests / 90++?
Yuyu love!
It's hilarious she flopped that hard when Tez and City have way over 1k
Holy Cr*p
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we're in this TOGETHER
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Open if you dare.
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I'm definitely not who you think I am.
tfw NP7 erice and only 1 ibooby in 900 sq
its so over

>how much does an arts looper need mana loading
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Skipping straight to summer Bob and Melusine
im not some butterfly on your cock
FINALLY! I'm free... Right? RIGHT?!
I got NP5 Gareth an NP1 Merlina in 900 SQ with no other gold Servants. It could be worse.
The Queen of FGO...
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do you think mom would be mad
i'm not removing it. it's funny
Are you going for NP10? Gacha can be cruel
Based Titoriabro understands how peasants think and pities them.
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Depending on how badly my Skadi rolls go I might get myself an Okita (finally) and an extra Castoria copy (for eventual 120).
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summer illya's facial expressions are so kino
It saves you a castoria click on most nodes, for that alone it's really good.
But if she's your lead dps there's not really any content that will require it between now and morganfes
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>120 Castoria
What for, little bro? She doesn't even deal damage with her NP
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3,2k SQ reserved for her.
I'm sure you'll make some exceptions. Like Tiamat, Britomart, and Draco
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We have a giant misunderstanding. I'm gonna go NP1, I just don't like anything else this summer. Skadi is ok I guess, so maybe NP1 for her and gather some additional Wus along the way.
I have an NP5 regular Wu and was told to roll for her summer version.
Remember how hard a few anons seethed here two years ago over adult wu?
Like they were genuinely really, really upset
Good times.
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>Joined falluja invasion
>1h17m in already
its joever
i'm skipping skadi myself because i got raw dogged in two rate ups. 720 summons on one and pity on ibuki. i'm going for wu cuz sexy but if i don't get skadi in like 300 or np5 wu i'm dipping
Hello turd
They are great, need more Illya...
why is there a /co/ fag here
Glad to see Shuten isnt completely replaced by Ibuki yet
I want this costume.
I member
When the trailer dropped and they noticed that Wu had boobs it was really funny
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It has been a while, did they fix Quick already or is it still shit?
cool king.... shame the artist quit doing art of her because her ship sunk.
nta but i got mine to 120 because of the emotional investment i had in her story.
i caved in again bros
>11 rolls
>bunch of CEs
>first time i get double SSRs
>no erice
do i still have a chance at summer skadoo?
Why have they done this?
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Use your credit card.
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For love mostly, for damage that's what her Summer version is for.
please understand making costumes is hard work
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Skadoo was just struck down to A+, rip I guess
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>shame the artist quit doing art of her because her ship sunk.
Why go all the way to 130? 100 should be enough
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I’ve wanted to roll for Rasputin and Tlaloc initially but it doesn’t seem possible after merlina disaster unfortunately.
You only need 3 quartz to get her
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9th anniversary will save quick...
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Hope big Wu permanently replaces loli Wu like how Lambda did with Melt
I think it's because Quick doesn't have Arjuna/Morgan/Ibuki-tier DPS, once it gets released, Skadi will jump back in tiers
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All in on Rikyu
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Sorry, the funposting reminded me of that specific story and this pic in particular.
Summer skadi is a sidegrade. She basically only brings a damaging NP to the table and supports quick/buster instead of pure quick crit. She is by no means a gamechanger.
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Fated lover

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Funny vamp
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>feeted lover
Her name is Lady Avalon.
There's a bunch of new quick servants begging for a support at the absolute least on vitch's level too
Like, nu Dantes for example is the type of servant that would instantly skyrocket to best single target in the game if quick got a castoria or oberon level of support
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>100 should be enough
Enough for what?
Gameplay? You can shit over anything in this game with double castoria with or without grails.
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>her ship sunk
...What was the ship?
shouldve been neco arc
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Yeah Douman i find that annoying too.
Basically all my SSRs are all Extra classes and theres only 1 extra class slot and 1 all slot so thats so annoying.
I wish all the support slots were all slots.
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Her name is Merlinetta
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cuz i wanted to. duh. 120's the higher number and more effort so i wanted to represent that bond with 120.
To express your love, bro. 120 is gated behind multiple NP copies, it is not reasonable
Quick will always be second class citizens after the Skadi meta made Nasu angry
I will NOT be charmed by Morgan's kuudere antics.
I will NOT be distracted by her tits.
I will NOT think about blue lipstick marks.
I will NOT. I refuse...
you also cant farm extra EXP
This conversation has never happened in game. Guda was perfectly fine with Circe choosing Odyssey over him, nice edit, moron
Oh. Well, she was filtered. True fate shipfag would just double down in denial and be happy.
For what it's worth, sex between Morgan and Titoria is a really, really hot idea.
I wouldn't say game changer but she is the difference between like a B and B+, definitely a straight upgrade, especially since she boosts party attack instead of lowering enemy defense which adds a lot of 3 wave consistency.
The problem is there are next to no servants (besides summer skadi herself) that benefit from a triple skadi setup over 2 skadi + oberon, so the difference between normal skadi + summer skadi and double summer skadi is ridiculously small, and if quick does get a nu support it might become even less consequential
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Agreed. They're also fucking cool together.
Question of the day: do i really need Skadoo ? Or should i go all in for np5 Iboogi
How did we end up like this all of a sudden
Titoria provides all the coolness, Morgan is there to be smug as fuck.
i do not know why you replied to me
B-but Morgan called me her husband... and I burned my Berserkers too
Whatchu got there
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Why do they hate us?
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bros i cant gym atm and im not hungry recently, should i cut and get a six pack
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News from the developers of Chaldea:
The free quota of the server was used up due to intensive usage of the team look up feature. They are fixing it right now and it may take some days.
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Trust the plan.
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You are not immune to Morgan's appeal. You will fall.
No, you will inevitably regret it later
Which one is more important to roll between Ibuki and Skadi?
I prefer her daughter
I'll pinch those cheeks
Damage report?
uni is coming up its time to get a real grill for (you) and i will trick them with my sick abs
Please, no.
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She's a good mother. Both are very cute together.
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I am Bob's step father btw
You should check out studies of first impressions. It's all about the back and shoulders.
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~2000 sq
Cute Túrd.
Please tell me more about this Altria Black Grail looping
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is Wu (forma grande) for (you)?
What kind of beast is Aoi Yuuki? not even kidding Ibuki sounds nothing like Shuten or Okita if I didn't knew they were voiced by the same woman I wouldn't believe it
Oh, you went for NP5? Got any spooks?
basically all i do is shoulders for this reason
*pulls into shower and rapes her*
Are (You) retarded?
Adult Wu kinda looks like a Disgaea character. Same artist?
Yeah, got 2 spirit origins of Altera, 1 spirit origin of jeanne and np3 Odysseus…
For me it's Run (clown girl)
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Clown girl is a cannibal
The best
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>Same tier as Arash
is gudao right hand for (you)?
Arash Interlude 7
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Arash is a better farmer than Gil
That face IS very cute though. Shame about everything else surrounding it.
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L would peg you for a price
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That's it? New super mega meta servant and barely anyone rolling
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You'd actually want to do the opposite and only do back if posture and scapular retraction was your only goal. Only training chest and especially shoulders will achieve the exact opposite posture.
Wow, 4 spooks out of 9... I'm sorry, bro
Arash is a mighty and noble hero. I wont stand for disrespect against him just because of his star rating.
He's living proof that we are not forced to be what we are born as. Even 1 star people can rise to the echelons of the SSR!
Aye lads, I am a player who is coming back after idk 2 years, I quit after Lostbelt 3 or somewhere, I've got Skadi caster, Merlin, Waver, Sherlock, Jeanne Ruler, Nero bride as supports. Who should I be saving my SQ for? Knowing that my luck is dogshit and I'll likely hit pity, who should be the one 5 star I should hold out for? I know I missed Oberon and Castoria, but I don't really have anyone who could do any Art looping at high levels.
goredolf whore
you're seven hours late
>throw 30sq
>super long loading screen
Holy shit.
congrats bro
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sorry Gareth but I'm going to cum
are you here broh?
The most type moon shit ever would be if instead of adding Arc's OG outfit in the Extra remake campaign or the eventual taukihime event, they instead released a summer Arc where the 1st ascension I'd her OG look.
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me on the right
fate/grand order btw
Depends on your box but I would say Skadi just because you need her to make Quick viable.
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actual spoilers: are you ready for raita's fanfic fake beast?
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Oberon in 16 minutes!
ibuki is more useful than the entirety of quick
this bitch is even more forced and annoying than musashi
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Give in, surrender to happiness.
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i never said he wasn't, i said he is better at farming than Gil which is true thanks to Summer Chloe
the most type moon shit would be never actually releasing red garden at all and leaving us in limbo for another 20 years until nasu dies
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Fuck it, I don't care about farming anymore. Who are future Servants that are fun to use in CQs?
She's also uglier than the ugliest Quick servant
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>Summer Chloe
Ooohhh no no no
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Do you have normal skadi and castoria?
Do you have just castoria but no skadi?
Toss up leaning ibuki
Do you have just skadi but no castoria?
Toss up leaning Summer skadi
Do you have neither?
Summer skadi
they smell like goredolf semen
bros, it's so hot
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So what now?
What is the point of asking this to NA players? You know no one here knows JP so why? legit question
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10 years you mean, that's the time the remake took lol.
That said the FSN remake was quick as fuck after they started releasing VNs again (though I'm pissed Nasu didn't do an Illya route despite doing 2 new routes for Tsukihime) so I'm sort of assuming that while they've said the red garden game / remake will take 2ish years it'll probably only take 3 and be out around 2026 or 2027.
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I keep forgetting that Mighty chain is a thing.
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i can piss too
Who does your dick prefer?
What was the point of this ascension when it's never appeared in the story and was removed entirely for her summer version?
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*blocks your path*
weird, but comedic nonetheless
This is... the end of era
>FSN remake
It's not really a "remake" though, is it? At least not in the same vein of the Tsukihime remake which is an actual complete re-write of the story. It's just some slightly more modern tech and an official translation.
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Wu bros have watched the Mr Vampire series, right?
Never heard of, is it fun?
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Reminder that if you accept Sigurd and Bryndhild's invitation to a threesome NEVER EVER BE IN FRONT OF BRYNHILD.
If you're spitroasting her, be the one hitting her from the back.
If you're DVPing, be the one fucking her pooper.
congrats with 30 sq, bro! Roll for Ibuki
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Extra Record will have a better combat system, right?
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>120 NP5
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what is this? hmmmnmmm
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Because it's the only one that was given any sort of personality in her interlude
If you like Ibuki you do it for her loli form unironically
If it's just for sex appeal then we are talking about a different topic
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It's a fun comedy horror. It's basically THE movie that kickstarted an entire jiangshi genre in HK cinema and part of what cemented pop cultural awareness of taoist priest and how they control/ fight jiangshi.
Summer Chloe is significantly held back unless they add several points of servant cost or a way of reducing either servant or CE cost.
She sits right on the edge of being meta, but due to often still needing a triple 5 star support + plugsuit she's not there yet.
Though if they said fuck it and released a 4 star with a 40%+ target / team battery she'd instantly see use
I still don't get it. So the best for generating NP is BQA and best for doing damage is QAB? How does the Quick crit bonus factor in?
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got 900 rocks left to hit pity on Skadi
wish there are more decent Quick options
90++ doesnt matter if its not a lottery, do it if you can but not a big deal if you cant
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I hope not. I actually like that lazy gameplay that relies on luck for the first 3 turns.
The most iconic moments of this rolling session were two(!!!) Altera spooks and double Merlina on the last multi.
Got np6 Avalon and theoretically can max her out…
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Fine, I submit.
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You WILL kneel.
True though I'm going to cope and have fingers crossed for illya route dlc if it is successful enough.
Or go full unlimited cope works and hope they announce that it has the illya route this anniversary when they talk about it and the extra remake
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I want to bite that fucking ahoge off.
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Have any FGO characters come anywhere as close to being as beloved as Castoria or Oberon after LB6
As much as I pray they made a live action combat system or just remade extra record with samurai remnants engine / mechanics it's probably just going to be the rock paper scissors shit of the original
Ibuki is so strong I don't even need to use mine (for these quests at least)
Now post the other one
if pulling of saber's ahoge turns her into salter
what happens if you pull off an alter's
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doesn't she require her bond CE to be consistently useful for her NP charge meme
i don't like any of them
Because have all three types apply all effects to the rest of the cards. QBA means that you're also increasing damage and NP gain. It's equivalent to doing ABA.
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I like Ibuki because of her bubbly personality and carefree attitude. I give 0 shits about her loli form
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I welcome you into our ranks, Morganbro. Remember to hug your new wife regularly.
Please kill me
Tez I guess, but he's still well below them.
Woo-man and Takasugi story wise
Aesc non-story(partially?) wise
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no, not even remotely
there have been popular characters, but they don't come close to those two.
Cute Jannu.
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She was errr, fine on her event, may be you will need an arts st berserker some day.

Unless you have uncle Vlad, if you have my condolences
Not really, obviously it improves it but she has cost problems without her bond CE.
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Miyamoto Musashi
Even after her death she still keep getting new stuff for her. People love hippon banzais
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enjoy your pizza
Yeah Eric Bloodaxe
She turns into Big Sister Jalter.
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She kinda looks cool.
I already have my uncle vlad, and he does his job great.
I still think it's funny that Vlad went from the worst 5 star in the game to the best single target arts servant in general until summer castoria, and is still extremely good.
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Cute mother and daughter
Ok Bah
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Know who else is cool?
who the fuck is that
She looks fucking awful, her hair looks like a fucking bird nest.
still cant remember who she reminds me of. some actor or singer
Tez and City are beloved but not as popular as those two
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Someone left a deleted post here.
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Everyone in the Avalon Gang is cool!
She kinda reminds me of Ashley + Milla Jovovich.
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nice pants
And Britomart
I still have 700 quartz saved, should I spend more rolling for Ibuki or is it more important to use them on Skadi?
>worst 5
He never was that, even on first years he was relatively decent. It was just back then it was buster times, but not even on those times he was considered the worst vanilla pool ssr.

That was Orion (Artemis) even after taking into account she was good for Gwain with Poojuna being second worst
finally pizza friday with my bros
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And this right here class is how to fuck up a post.
6 and you will roll story
The real Mata Hari was very flat chested so I love the idea that in her servant form she just gives her self gargantuan usders!
is ibuki better with royal icing or black grail
It's time for the JC sex.
Black grail is always the best if you don't need initial charge or np gain, which she doesn't.
with prisma cosmos, retardbro
Why after all this time we still dont have a bulk skill upgrade?

I get not having bulk for character growth because there are ascension sequences, but 7 years after the release of the game, do we really need to tap 30 fucking times and skip animations 30 fucking times to get the skills maxed?
hey slut do the face
>Seiba, Mordred, Lancer Artoria
Due to their Overcharge effects giving NP Charge, they can use this new CE to NP 3 times instead of a 50% NP Charge CE:


This doesn't let them 6CE in general with something like Foumes, it's very specific to Overcharge bonus CE.

>Seiba Alter
After a buff that she gets in a year she can farm with a Black Grail, Foumes or any regular CE against 3/2/X or 2/3/X waves.
spend ALL your quartz on Ibuki
most of the time you'll be using event ces but for normal nodes black grail obviously.
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Isn't that being a bit too greedy?
Reminder: Summer Erice is actually Ericebro, therefor she is /alter/core. If you don't have Summer Erice then you automatically get demoted to peasant.
Disrespectful and rude. Shame on Castoria.
here's your bulk
I heard that some other gacha has a patent on that.
I remember there was a discussion about a while back. iirc, bulk skill upgrades are copyrighted by some company
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leave me alone!
next retarded question for today:
can ibuki loop without castoria/plugsuit/np gain buffs/brain of the person asking the question?
help me, /alter/, pwease
Well somehow I got Ibuki before Erice, so I guess I'll never have her. Fine.
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Dantes was worst SSR in the game before the 3rd anniversary. Artemis was at least usable against male Saber bosses.
at least it wasn't fucking Xiang Yu, I got two spooks including Scheherazade and 700 SQ just to get her NP2.
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Ati lust!
She can loop with support Castoria and Xu Fu.
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I'm sorry bro...
For the duration of this event at least, she can loop with Paracelsus and your friend's Castoria.
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You gotta pay first.
How did she flop? Reception seemed pretty positive. Everyone says she's hot, is fun to play, and was enjoyable in LB7
Believe it or not, summer ibuki is so strong that she can loop without summer ibuki.
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How was everyone's GSSR pull today?
Rather happy with mine, shame I misclicked and pressed the knight and calvary rate up instead of the berserker one.
by far the worst post in this thread
Thank you
thats bullshit, there are several gachas with that feature and they are from different companies.
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Is everyone in this room right now?
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>fun to play
I too like to press double the amount of buttons to loop
Tez was a huge hit, and her skills require extra button clicks, making for split second slower farming. That was enough to make her less appealing to some.
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Kukukeks should know their place
>adding another sql statement
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Don't let BB faggots NP shame you.
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a child should not dress like this
>gets a summer version
>literally just the same thing as her first version but with worse stats and an Arts Avenger
How hard would we see the
I wanted Erice and got np2 Ibuki instead. So Ill take my sour grapes and bail out, I like her but Im not dumb enough to waste sq here after being blessed.

I rather save for castoria and rape Erice with the limited sr ticket next year or wait for a rerun
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It's over... my /alter/creed is ruined...
Uoh... CHILD! Child erotic... ToT
For real, I remember she was completely overshadowed by Tez and Tlaloc from the start
She should take it all off, it's very inappropriate
I thought she was a pretty shit farmer, I'm talking about story bosses and CQs
So... does Fou want to fuck Ibuki? Or what is his problem, why is he jumping on her?
>thought she was a pretty shit farmer
He likes big tits. And Sakurai wants people to like Ibuki, so she makes Fou like her.
You mean the guy who is hard locked to Ascension 1 just because it gets worse for him every time he changes clothes?
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The next event will be better
Why are they explicitly exactly like this in canon?
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So why exactly is Erice an avenger?
She is the sanest party member so far in the event story.
One good ascension is already more than what Kuku has
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What have I done...
She is second to Arjuna and Morgan>>487122557
Don't know if that qualifies as shit farmer
This child should let me lick her stomach.
they like kissing girls? hot
Cause of all the homolust from /alter/ towards Ericebro.
>And Sakurai wants people to like Ibuki
Man I still couldn't tell you anything about her except that she is goofy and likes drinking
Rate my support
I’m sorry bro….
Is Summer Ibuki there? I am removing and blacklisting you
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Wake me up when Kukulturd catches up to Morgan
Why is Gilgamesh on S Rank / 2 Star rating according to appmedia dot com?
Best niche in game for 90++ and pairs well in multicore.
because he buffs his teammates strongly just like ibuki
>the guy who is hard locked to Ascension 1
Don't care his 3rd ascension np is cool
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Does anyone have the reaction image of Skadi saying “n”?
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Dude can't admit Kukulflop was mogged by a dude with ugly art and a 4*, I pity him
Finally got her after 500 SQ. is NP1 enough for looping purposes, or do I need to her to NP2?
I don't get it.
seen lot of people say that she can loop at np1
Tlaloc is overrated and boring and not bobcore.
Lostbelt King with the lowest fanarts excluding a monster and a ugly npc
I can loop with 2x castoria
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is Rasputin as based as Kirei?
going from np1 to np2 is the biggest relative increase in damage, like going from np2 to np5
if you want to know do you need it just test it yourself?
>he doesn't know
33% more damage from np1 to 2
Now go try yourself
On opposite day sure!
He IS Kirei. Rasputin literally decides that Kirei is better at using his powers than he is and goes permanently to sleep, ceding all control to the priest.
np2 ibuki, do I go for append or lvl120?
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Well today is Ratcatcher's Day and you're giving off some ratty vibes.
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Ohhh i get it now.
So to defeat him i needed to get a berserker support and put my 2 NP chargers in the front,use all their buffs and Np charges on him,then swap him with some throwaway 1 star trash,then let the Goatia blow his nobke phantasm on my used up np chargers who were gping to be useless anyways and the 1 star throwaway and then i can kill him with my 3 strong units in the 2nd row once his NP is already used up.
I beat it finally.
Congrats anon
Nice work anon.
You should hide then, someone is going to catch you
i remember using a friends bond CE herc there and it basically doing 80% of the fight, i had no chance by my lonesome
The Undefeated Hero of Chaldea, MY FRIEND'S ARJUNA ALTER
/ourgirl/ is voting Trump and saving America
>maybe you will, need an arts st berserker one day
kek shes completely powercrept by cummer and arguably even kriemhild
Read LB1 again.
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Already did release, she just needs a better quick support.

Append's generally gonna be more useful for her needs. Also, wayyy less farming.

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