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Duel Links Speed General #2466

Dumon tier 1 is near...

Exoslut >>485646585

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a Mobile and PC game that uses the Speed and Flush Duel formats. /dlsg/ focuses on the SPEED duel format of the game. Classic yugioh anime discussion also welcome.

>New Player FAQ
>Datamines Drive

Current Events
>Tag Duel Tournament

Upcoming Events
>Sherry added to the gate
>Dumon unlock

Useful resources for info on Legendary Duelists, Skills, decklists, events, etc.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
>Official Duel Links Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
his name is durbe
Tetsuo bros... the ntr CHADS won...
Shit art.
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Kotori Meadows
>voiced by Kakyoin
Holy fuck. That isn't even an upskirt but a side picture. These sluts go flashing their panties around at all times.
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will rank 4 spam be viable
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I love Sora.
I'm happy Zexal has both the human and barian forms. It would be so shit to be stuck with the cringer forms like Vrains characters do.
>display format can be changed
When will mom learn the correct terminology? This is getting embarrassing.
Don't the chair and other star seraph already spam rank 4s as they are?
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What do you even use pot in?
>What do you even use pot in?
Performagechads, what is our response to stuff like Swords of revealing light?
Made for older men
The only one you'd want more than 1 copy of would be the live twin spell, and that'd be a 2 of max here.
They run castel
I want to cum on that face
>engage is in the new box
but why
the striker skill doesn't let you use it and there's not a deck that could or would want to use what striker cards we have as an engine
This is a buff to sky sissy decks the skill locks what monsters you can summon so things like nib and kaijus are usable now on top of making the deck 20 cards
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Imagine how Perfect would GX be if Sho was replaced with Sora.
you're not playing strikers with just shizuku
and if they do give us the the other ed monsters in the box, then it leaves the skill in a weird position where its existence is just pointless
can't wait for the links to be UR and spread throughout multiple main boxes
>spent 50 usd to build a meta deck
>only to lose to Ancient Gears
Holy fuck, I've reached rock bottom. What kind of OP effect being unnafected by other cards is though.
>1 wight support card
It's time to get spooky
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>He can't get over a monster with 1800 defense
Pathetic desu
It was after a bunch of misplays. I had 1200 LP and the win in my turn with an enemy controller to protect me until then but they summoned that shit and it was over.
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how will (you) deal with the space rock?
noone's gonna run it in this game for a good while longer lmao
>Sky strikers don't care
>Uchained can end their turn before their 5th summon
>Blue eyes don't care
>Sacred beast don't care
>Shadolls don't care(i think I space out when I duel them their plays are boring )
Rip performalpals fleur and borrelink though
most decks are locked from their skill to use it anyway
Wait till he finds out about Chaos Giant lmao
I feel like there aren’t enough decks in the game that would trigger it so it would often be a brick
duh duh duh duh duel

Shadolls and Borrel Link since it can let them reuse monsters, Performage and Unchained get enough guys there they could activate it too
Man, they really don't want to give me that veiler.
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They should have stuck to Blue angel. The other two avatars are trash.
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There's something about Blue Girl that makes me want to fuck her so much
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It would improve it so much. I feel like his playful side would really fit with the GX world and cast and he would be up for their mischiefs.
Almost a month without login in this piece of chink trash
Thank you for playing "Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Links."
>doesn't play game for a month
>Still lets it live rent free in her head
Duel links status?won.
Kek. Memories...
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Missionary position sex with monsters world ...
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I love the Obelisk Blue uniform
I hate the I love the Obelisk Blue uniform poster
Ojama destroying zones before it was cool
Just give her a little time, growth spurt soon
You're late
I promise you that I'm not complaining
Being flat is a good thing. I bet her pussy is extremely tight.
I have a sub with this artist that guarantees me art of this tier each month. Any suggestions?
I hope it's stinky and hairy too
She starts out with no hair, but if you were to tell her you like it if she grows her pubes out, then she'll keep it that way for you.
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someone fucking tour guide doggystyle, but she is also bending over backwards and biting him till he bleeds
like this, but at an angle instead of from the side
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My ex gf kept it hairy for me it was pretty based.
>like this,
I don't even know what that is. Same artist who drew these btw
I don't think the position is possible anon
Wrong. Should be shaved
It isn't. He's asking for break neck stuff.
Who is that whore
>The aloof quiet card keeps it shaved
Yeah okay lol next you'll tell me that stinky bitch Carly is trimmed too.
Some OC stuff for a mock-project. I posted them here before.
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Gtfo here konami I'm looking for big tiddy goth girls
Why leggings
to stand out from those other skanks
RUSH bros can't stop winning. enjoy your niberu token speed sissies lmao
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I have good news for you then!
>Harpie Channeler
>Fairy cheer girl
>Trickstar foxglove witch
What is sera supposed to be cosplaying?
Leggings sweaty
Why that rather than a cubic?
because I like constellars
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is this Strings' first appearance in the game
what deck did they give him
are mekklords still good or they suck now? they don't have a broken skill to prop them up like other archetypes.

Also, I'm trying to get the skill Link Darkraze with Ghost Gal but it's fucking impossible, how the fuck do you farm skills in this game? I've pvp 100 times vs legendary dualists at the gate lvl 10, 20, 30, 40 at x1 x2 x3 and after more than 100 duels only one skill has dropped, WTF
I just play ranked with the character, skills feel like they drop quite frequently there
yeah that's probably the best way to get skills, I might just do that and stick with ghost gal for a while
>autoduel loses to Joey + Keith twice
>try it myself
>Keith CPU has Desperado and Weevil CPU is worthless
He showed up first in one DM event about slifer I think. Too bad they never allowed us to unlock him despite him having all assets necessary.
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>Shaddoll is a hard deck to place on the Tier List, because there are a lot of factors with this deck in particular: from piloting difficulties to paywalls (naturally resulting in lower representation). The deck is quite capable at locking out decks like Borrel Link and Unchained going first, but is much more manageable if it goes second. Performage has a much easier time in these scenarios, as theyre capable of setting up Abyss Dweller. Also, the deck has the potential to brick, and Skull Meister floating around the meta means that Resh Shaddoll Incarnation's ability to unbrick your hand isn't as reliable. As such, Shaddoll is being demoted to Tier 3.
Shaddoll bros...
I'll clean her sweat with my tongue
Pov: you are on Girags boat
Which OST do you like better: Duel Links or Master Duel?
duel links ost might be the only good thing about it
MD's music is pretty good but it's locked behind the opponent paying for fields so the game might as well only have 2-3 duel tracks
DL's still better than MD overall though even if that stupid mechanic wasn't a thing
see >>487287040
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Yukio Hot AF and it reminds me of her.
Duel Links because of Carly's theme.
I loved that episode.
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dogshit nigger tier """art""" why y'all mofos this mentally ill wtf that garbage doesn't even look good why would your nigger tier brain feel compelled to share such trash is beyond me, fuck you nigger
I can't wait for Vector to make it in so I have a good reason to post Aqua Dolphin
They actually had their skill reset to how it was before the nerf. It’s just powercreep has moved so far it doesn’t seem as broken
He is actually available to all new players, you duel him once to unlock Slifer.
>all assets
No win pose or voice lines
>but he doesn’t speak!
Strings can’t do anything himself he needs Marik to puppet him
what's their skill? link darkraze? that shit barely helps them, glorified 1500 life points in the form of a skill and some the tie that binds level dmg boost
Uh buddy I think you missed one
Z-One's mom said skill
Meklords have multiple attributes, come from the main deck, and have 0 attack except for the boss
why the hell did you think that link darkraze would even work with them?
Was the figurine released? Do we have a shot from below?
I think he's playing unchained with ghost gal retard bro
Duel Links's OST is the only good thing about it. That said, I much prefer the video game OSTs of old, Forbidden Memories, Duelists of the Roses, Tagforce etc.
ah, my bad. I said mekklord instead of mekk-knights since the first post, sorry about that.
So yeah, about Mekk-Knights, are they any good? I only need the UR spell world legacy and would have a 100% deck completed, they seem moderately fun at least but to live and die on a limited 1 trap card looks flimsy at best these days.
damn I'm retarded, I replied to someone asking for a figurine instead of you kek.
Our next unlock
maybe after another dead flush unlock month
I don't play Mekk-Knights so I'm not an expert
but I've heard that they are a deck that never completely goes away, which is why you should always try to avoid having 2 cards in the same column
they are not meta, but every now and then you might see them mixed into other decks
regarding the limit 1 trap, I don't think you need to worry too much about that
most removal these days are either monster effects or traps that only affect monsters
I use a backrow deck and I almost never see MST these days
the trap will negate the monster effects on the field too
the real issue is getting the trap into your hand
Effect Veiler is more common than MST, and it will negate your search for the trap since the search is a monster effect
and if you go second then you will need to deal with other negates, pops, and their backrow too since you need to have 2 monsters on the field to link summon the searcher
Mekk-Knights are also attacklets, so they can't even beat over Blue-Eyes which are everywhere at the moment
they might see more play in the future depending on a lot of factors, but at the moment they are not good enough to keep up with the other decks, in my opinion
totally agree, they are similar to S Force not only in the columns gimmick but in the sense that both archetypes kinda play without touching the extra deck a lot, you usually stick with the normal/special summons and those are supposed to hold up and carry the grindfest but just like you said, 2500 max ATK on them kinda sucks and their best extra deck summon aside from the mekk link that enables the trap search is dingirsu so yeah, 2600 ATK tops.
I hate those. Don't remind me.
Monster world...
My wife and her best friend who's always coming out of our room sweaty with messy hair when I come home from work.
my hotwives
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That's virtual world space, not a boat.
Girag is so lucky...
I want to have sex with Blue Angel.
2017 duel links... home...
This game is dead. These threads used to be much more active a couple of years ago.
rushbros... come home...
is complaining about Rush really activity though
I can't believe RUSH duels actually won TwT
*battle chronicle activates*
*kaiba constipation noises*
Turn end
Kaiba is such a little tsundere
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>Arc-V cast's interaction with AUs of the returning characters were just one line to each other.
What a disappointment that was.
I hate the crash town arc
Why? It's based and it gave us my based brown waifu.
It insists upon itself
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Bro, we're in the middle of a really easy and boring event that we already talked about.
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Uhhh...where's Raye?
in Gold rank
Raye sisters we'll be top tier again then they'll stop making fun of right ....
B-but the topped Quantum events...
>discount DLE
>which is already DLM from temu
doesn't count
Wtf is Anna's problem
shes showing you the way
>Anna hates hero fags
Best girl of SEXal confirmed?
Give it to me straight, will Durbe be meta or not?
He doesn't use dragons so he'll be as meta as girag was but more meta than alito was.
say Dumon
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I want to smell Cathy's bushy cunny
you'll get toxoplasmosis
I don't know what that is I'll keep huffing anyway
cat beign
which is it?
Looks like Dumon is coming on the 26th or 27th. Though I wonder what other cards besides star seraph will he use in the game. Since it doesn’t look like there is much cards. I see the game added baromet the sacred sheep shrub is one of the drops for the event
I only meant the 26th
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>go up against Gaye
>have full combo but just set and pass
>they fail to OTK and get demolished next turn
Sky Dykers need some help
I want to sniff Carlys muff
>open game
>do the tag duel shit
>AI stuck like this for 10 minutes
works on my iphone 15 pro max
He would probably have voice lines for Satellar
I see this complaint every event and never once have had it happen to me. Do you have a suckphone?
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I'm so lucky bros...
based girag
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Tag force man, come back...
Cat, looks like THAT??
I still need to play the Bastion route in 3 where he's the hero
yes... I do...


>he doesn't fleur
Where can i fight a female vagabond?
In bed
I’m too ADHD to try for KOG
Sorry, canceled at last minute by Konami for Tag force but she shows up in one of the Xbox 360 games.
after reviewing the leaks I think I can safely say this game is cooked. desu I don't think even Cathy or Rebecca can save it at this point
That's like the ultimate for of ADHD though,it seems you aren't enough ADHD for it.
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It's hard to find art of the barians that isn't yaoi
Nice. Hype increases even more.
Let me guess, you are a poorfag and haven’t spent any money in the game
This isn't even the worst. The worst is when the cards you want are at the the bottom of the dawn box.
Uh sis your mom said skill that gives you an unbreakable end board no matter the turn?
It happened to me with ding
Fuck that niggercard
But he's useful
But fuck it.
Happened to me 3 times when I was going for the SR performage cards in Scream of Resistance. Holy fuck.
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Monster world...
>It's hard to find art of the barians that isn't yaoi
at this point we should just post cropped fanarts
Let's go, bruva
Sora getting to visit GX's Duel Academy in lore makes it up for me.
why tf is this pos game lagging on steam now? anyone else having this problem?
Works on my machine
stop playing this shit game on your favela tier machine
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stop playing this shit game
Everything is OK on mobile.
I put in 2k burgerbux into this I'm not leaving till eos
This is what we should have gotten instead of cringe new avatars.
>aoi sexo
>blue angel still looks extremely cute with short hair
what the fuck were they thinking? these designs are so much better
>staced long hair Aoi
Should have done that for Cross Duel you retard.
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Skins Konami. Just give us duelist skins. I'll even paypig for the good ones.
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2k wouldn't of gotten me shit in cross duel
Sky sissy meta in 2 weeks, trust the plan
how many of the decks you're playing will be safe from Niberu
I'm playing Ancient warriors and it's only on a really good opening I'll go to 5 so I think I'm good
Will this see card finally see play with nib coming or do more prominent hand traps need to get in for that to happen
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In the end, it was good enough.
It's a trap. You can't use it on your first turn.
You use it on your opponents turn and it sees play in the TCG enough for it to be limited
Do hand traps really matter much when you already went first? This is just to rip out an important combo piece or kaiju from the opponent
>most characters here are in a neutral pose
>except Tori who has her knee shoved into the Flush glasses girls coochie
>and Romin who is spreading like a slut for no reason
You can use aqua dolphin too if you want but its at the cost of your normal summon usually
>that one tournament where the crowd started chanting “dolphin” because some guy won with it by targeting Ash
True kino
Shame things never went further than that, could've improved Vrains by a lot
That's because they have access to TTT and use it after getting Ash'd, Veiler'd or Nibiru'd and set Red Lotus to completely stop your opponents play, essentially skipping his turn if you manage to rip his one and only starter.
I miss them already. Is it really over for them, will they never get to ne meta again?
Any deck can be rocketed back to tier one with a fresh mom said skill. It just depends on what Konami is looking to shill
they should make crashbugs tier 1
This but Hieratics.
I'm super stoked for the new Chronomaly support, hopefully the skill will make it somewhat competitive in current meta.
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THIS. My boy Trey deserves to be meta at least once more.
Trouble in Terrorist Town?
that is the only TTT I know of
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monster world...

where the hell is she by the way, not like Stromberg would be broken with her or anything
Triple tactics thrust TCG ignorant bro
Holy fuck. Why was Zexal so well animated?
>more stromberg castle trash
It's SOUL.
Raye barely cares about Nib even in Master Duel. It won't be an issue here.
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I knew I could make this shit work in the end
I mean yeah Late KOG is Late KOG but I had to face down borrel, unchained, sacred beasts, fluffal and even 9/11'd a Blue Eyes player, had to play against Lancea against borrel on my rank up as well
So all in all it's not as dogshit as I thought it was
>I could play this
uh, nice
>Late KOG
Fuck. Thanks for reminding me to KoG.
KYS kozmotranny.
>seething over a tier 10 deck that can only late kog
Couldn't be me sis
Why do tier 5 decks keep bullying my Performage deck? A chaos soldier fag just OTKd me because I couldn't activate Trick clown nor Damage Juggler on the battle phase to save me because of the Ritual's effect.
I don’t get how performages are tiered, I’ve genuinely never lost to them.
I always beat them with whatever deck I’m playing, even the more jank meme ones that usually get shitstomped by meta
Either this deck shits all over unchained or most unchained pilots are certified retards
20 pieces of my shit cut down into cards could KoG late month
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They are great going second and have floodgate options going first.
Rex looks kinda cute when he doesn't have dead fish eyes
Hmm. Is there a raye dancing shikanoko brainrot webm?
Has Rex ever been meta?
he was viable in legacy duels
Jurassic World beatdown with 1600ATK Level 4 Dinos was meta at launch
I even played a jank Dino Counter Fairy deck when we got Dark Voltanis and Elementsaurus + Skelesaurus
Damn. I wish I had been there.
Very early into duel links life he was yeah, he took me all the way to like plat 3 before paypigs demoted me down to like gold 2
He was super meta in early DL. He had a skill that started him with Jurassic world, so all of his monsters were basically hitting 2k on normals. He was beatdown. Remember, this is when cards like Axe Raider were considered good URs.
The ol suit stays on.
Prove it then retard
Assemble the shittiest archetype you can and get it to KoG, it's late month so it should be easy right?
Hell yeah, he used to abuse his skill Titan Showdown prenerf to direct attack with Anki for game
Honestly I'm just glad most Zombieniggers were put out for eternal rest for some reason
I fucking hated that Spirit Grasp deck
EOS announcement
Rex was the first face of cancer
>Two Headed King Rex and Crawling Dragon have 1900 attack on Jurassic World
>if you actually get something out that’s stronger they just hit it with Order to Charge
>if you do manage to push an attack through you got hit with Ebola or Mirror Wall
Pretty much the only outs were getting Levia Dragon out for a field wipe or if you were lucky enough to get the skill, HHG could level the playing field
I will never forgive zombies for abusing poor miss Necrofear
she didn't deserve that
2 more months if go flush is announced
Necrofear deserves my cock
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Uhhh when is RIN coming?
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She's in
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Rin is coming on my cock.
You can count the number of people here who can KoG on your hands. If what you said were true, everyone and their mother would get KoG every month
it would be out of character for yusaku, he is too autistic for that
shit I procrastinated for too long and missed another event. hope the rewards weren't great
Rio gets her Barian skill tonight. Screencap this
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They were shit don't worry
>he missed out on Hebo, Lord of the River
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>decide to try tag force for the first time ever during maintenance
>first duel lasted 50 turns because their deck was nothing but man eater bugs and other cancer effect cards
Lord give me strength
>The duel lasted 50 turns because the deck they gave me was full of SOVL
I don't see the problem here
you guys check the new shit while I listen to durbe's ost
>"dead game"
>Try logging in "erm sorry anon there's too many people trying to play this dead game right now"
Make up your mind /dlsg/
Turtle bros I don't feel so good....
>staggering log-ins
Nobody plays this shit anymore, stop injecting more bots konami
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no fucking way they put star seraph and chronomaly in the selection instead of a pick up box
Konami you bastards putting the other live twin whores here is a low blow
>Bish to 1
reptile bros...
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>new minibox

>super quants
huh nice
waifufags deserve to suffer
mako bros, we won
My War Rocks don't care about that card
>sky striker AND live twin shit paywalled
seems desperate. RIP any sky sissies in the chat
This guy sounds weird cause he never dueled in his human form in the anime like all the others did
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New card for stallsisters
It’s limit 1 so it’s useless
>worst sky striker link in the selection box
phew if it were red or green I would have been tempted to paypig
>e-thot deck has paywalled content
That tracks
lol dont even remember what phantasms do and I used to play them during 1st master duel xyz event
>Dumon got the Quinton treatment
>lines for all Satellar
>also has lines for generic level 4 light support like Shining Angel
>only 2 cards worth anything don't appear
>>lines for all Satellar
I hope they do this more. Like Cobra being the Ogdoadic guy, or Amon playing Weather Painters
How many Quantum White layers would I need?
time to shell out the pesos amigo
>No one's mentioned tourney mode yet
They get kind of autistic about it though
>give Tori Agent lines
>but oops not the tuner ones because synchro didn’t exist in Zexal
>no one has mentioned the thing that was leaked 3 weeks ago and was already talked about
Hello, retard department? Seems one got loose again
at least 2, the 2nd to proc its search off of being sent to the grave by the 1st
There was nothing in it before now we know how it'll work
>no pickup box
jewnami strikes again
Did we need an explanation how a Reddit tournament device would work?
The actual deck is a normal monster control deck that uses equips to summon the big beater monster and traps that can be activated from the hand if Umi is on the field. But no one was playing those in Master Duel. Everyone was just playing the Pacifis field spell with basic Sea Stealth Attack stuff.
>Rio gets her Barian skill in the last episode of the event
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DLM bros I don't feel so good
>no cydra support
>new box
>new character unlock
>thread still dead
it's fucking over
They just released the dogshit pigsection box and nothing else at the moment
Tetsuobros...the NTR chads won...
>I just got the bujin, the live twin zombie and my third effect veiler
we bailin'
after reviewing the live troon support I have come to the conclusion that it's bait. the monsters don't seem exceptional and I'd rather not lose a s/t zone for a search I can do by other means. unless I'm missing something here help me out
the damage/lp gain per summon is not once per turn
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We discussed it when it got datamined.
Oh no, he's hot!

Water Bros Eating GOOD
>lines for Vector
Rayebros are SO back.
N Cards
Is that Black ray Lancer upgrade any good at all?
Without the full armour stuff? No sadly he's mid maybe the one trick skill will help him
I want the super quant cards but I don't think they justify digging that shit box for them alone
pretty nice for rayebros but we still need kagari before we drop that skill
not gonna bother whining about having to go into like 4 boxes for her deck. we all knew it was gonna be that way
you're getting kagari
apparently kagari is coming in a bundle meaning we will be limited to 1 copy for a long time
>they actually did give him Satellar lines
I wonder what the card threshold for non canon lines is. Mizar really should have Hierartic lines but he didn’t. It was even his event deck
building strikers without the skill seems like a scam, a big gem investment for little benefit
kagari means no rota/terra and kaina is locked behind a selection
for your investment you get 3 engage and can use stuff like kaijus
the 3rd engage is good but not huge, and kaijus in my opinion are a worse option for your tech slot than wightprincess

honestly I think the biggest buff the striker is being able to run 2 hayate so you can be more liberal with your -1500 pokes
We are getting an event right now for the literal who of the Barians, did you really think Vector was still up in the air?
I think it’s safe to say Vector will get another archetypes lines then too since his is peak suck and even smaller than Star Seraph. Satellar is
>xyz focused
>thematically appropriate with its star theme
>can get out Sentry
So what’s an unused dark rank 4 xyz deck?
Yep that makes the most sense. Ticks all the boxes
"Effect Veiler" or "Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill"?
"D.D. Crow" or "Skull Meister"?
Durbe is meh. He played pretend to be Barian's leader at first, but then became the most lackluster one of them all.
I'm an overtly negative person, of course I was expecting Koonami to shove him under the bus in favor of more flush content. But now I'm so relieved.
I don't think it's confirmed she's at limit 1 just that we will only get 1 copy. But yea the deck is pretty weak now especially with the current meta of monsters being immune to targeted effects and destruction. It's gonna be painful digging through 300 packs to get a playset of engage and hayate.
You sound more like a retarded person. Vector is a huge factor in the story, he can’t be skipped. Dumon could have been though
They should have given Tori Madolche. It's an XYZ deck and a lot the cards she has lines for have a food theme.
anyone get nibbed yet?
They probably would have it they didn’t have to give her Agents
>have to give her Agents
It’s what her VA played in tournaments IRL
I remember in the 3ds game her deck was agents
She participated in Tournaments without getting harassed? Pics or fake.
Same reason. >>487731164
She is a celebrity, she has security
Bruh. What happened to those female only tournaments that also had security, I wonder...
it happened in my very first game post update
FUCKING FINALLY. 50+ Pvp games weren't enough even though I have every other skill unlocked for them
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Tetsuobros...don't look!!
She belongs to bronk
Bronk was made for cucking.
Why weren't any of the OG Gameboy YUGIOH Duel monsters, nor the Battle Breeder PSX title ever fan translated?
Yeah cucking dumon
>doesn't do shit
>no numbers
Bronk's the one getting cucked as we speak. Playing with kiddie toys as his crush is getting railed by Barian cock.
Yugioh Duel monsters SHOULD have had PS3 and at least 1 official PS Vita game.
Bronk won
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I missed the explanation, what's the purpose of this item?
I'd kill for a new Tag Force game with updated cards. I need to play my Deskbros. The last one just had the first three.
use it at the EX trader for stuff
During events you get EX jewels
You can cash them in at the EX card trader, the gold/white guy on the fountain screen, for various (shit) rewards
Prismatic event cards mostly.
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Thanks mates
That's what rio gives dumon eveytime bronk spends the night in their bed,when he gets enough she buys him a singles pack at target.
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Is this the most coomer game mat?
Wait till traptrix get theirs,the sleeves alone ooze sex
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I just purchased this sleeve but Steam has dumb minimal funds options and now I guess I'll just have to use diamonds to buy a game mat.

I'm torn between the Dark Magicial Girls one or a simple blue one.
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tetsuosisters... he doesn't even see him as a threat
What a bullshit card.
uh synchrosisters? our response?
Dumon is cool but his whole thing was "I wish Nasch was here : |" Hopefully Vector is the next Zexal unlock to drum up some excitement.
I don't see how they'll be able to save Umbral Horror
>i don't see how they'll be able to save Umbral Horror
CaC incoming
for the first time in history, new cards will be revealed and debuted in Duel Links!
A MS Skill could help but he could get the Quinton treatment and get another archetype.
I'd prefer they start doing this instead of giving us more skills that give you auto-fellatio while handling your taxes.
I had completely forgotten Shark and Rio had different names as Barians.
If my name was Reginald I'd wish I was some sort of alien king with a better name too.
auto-fellatio is when you suck your own dick
unless you become the skill, a skill can never give you auto-fellatio
His name is Ryoga
You'll never be Japanese and you'll never have a bug wife
get fucked tachyonigger
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wanted to spend some dosh on the new selection box but look what 1k gems got me sisters
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I also got a Kaina and the halloween live twin
Im 20 boxes deep and have yet to get this nigger rock
I really, really lucked out, got Niggiru on my 3rd or 4th pull
I kept getting the femboys rock collection which I wouldn't mind except I already had playsets of each of them.
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5 and everyone in the thread gets nibiru'd
I don't really see the value in that card for live twins
they already have a searcher that gives them home which does the same thing or any other live twin backrow
and with a 23 card deck 6 monsters is consistent enough that I almost never need home anyways except when I need a third live twin because the opponent got rid of one of the live twins before I could link summon
and that burn is horrible, 5 summons is only 500 damage dealt
the lp gain is a little bit better at 1000 for every 5 summons, but it still doesn't make up for wasting a spot on the field
I sometimes get to set 3 backrow on turn 1, there is no way in hell I'm wasting a precious backrow spot on a shitty continuous spell that doesn't even special summon the live twin it searches
Live Twin Home makes you discard and locks you into the archetype. It's not even comparable. Sunny's Snitch is good in the Unchained build as well though you don't have to play it.
I'm not sure why even argue for those two when Rio was clearly built to be service'd
last 2 limited packs and still no space rock. fuck this shit.
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>Dumon has lines for Nash and Marin
>when dueling Shark and Rio he comments they are very familiar
So how will this work? Are those two gonna be separate characters or will they eventually get a skill?
He might have lines for them at the end of the duel if they use a barian morph skill during the duel
Gee I wonder why they stopped letting people bring their waifu mats to sanctioned events
Marin no way, she has just as little as Rio does
Nash 50/50. It would be weird to have one of six be solo

Those lines could trigger if the Barian skill has been activated, or in the tag event where they start in Barian form.
All the Barian Emperors will probably get a skill where they transform right at the start of the duel
Basically every rule added to Yugioh after the start are from someone having a giggle
>deck upper limit because of the 2200 card deck
>game mat rule because of porn mats
>hygine rule because yugioh players smell bad and that one guy who would shit himself to make the opponent forfeit
>unity handshake rule because people put their hands on their balls
>sleeved card rule because people were trimming cards
This community constantly needs to be protected from itself
What's wrong with this? It's just tour guide and a weird kuriboh
>at the start of the duel, activate your ebin Barian power
>you may play (characters 10X) from the extra deck for free once per turn
>if you do, pull RUM from out of your ass for no cost
>gain 2000 LP
Yep sounds like the natural progression of things
You should only enjoy the flavor of your gfs feet in private
Sangan is more like a pet though. That’s like having your dog lick your feet
You should definitely only do that at home or people will start saying YJK to each other. Like, I have no doubt Tour Guide takes Barox cock on the regular but you should have some shame over the little guys like Sangan
that's a Sangan, not a Kuriboh you stupid inbred niggercattle npc slop enjoyer motherfucker I'll kill you I'll kill you myself
Weird rizz you are trying to put out here fr
Sounds kind of weak compared to Shark's new skill. Make it require even less brain cells please.
Why is there so many fun police in the ygo community
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This fucking WOEFUL water support jesus

I'll see you guys after Halloween, I've had enough of this shit for summer
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My angel!
See you tomorrow
Your American slave names will never be canon
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cool, also have a prismatic riot dragon.
true cute and canon here, girls love bad boys, and durbe is a loser who reads books, tetsuo is a fat, delusional retard and IV plays with dolls

CLEAR winner here with pre-established hatesex and kinky choking onscreen
But that's not Durbe....
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>But that's not Durbe....
Yes because it's Vector. Durbe will ALWAYS be the kamishiro orbiter who never scored
The eternal cuck, who never won, and never beat the guy who tormented his king and queen their entire lives, and who never WILL beat him despite Vector playing a much shittier, never ever getting support deck.
Imagine being Durbe, lol but at least he's not Tetsuo. The actual BIGGEST loser in Zexal
fuck you
What the fuck. Do those people not have any blood in their faces?
Vector is for Aqua Dolphin and stray dogs
I can even post proof if you want me too
the only good card in the selection is kaina. Everything else is trash
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>I can even post proof if you want me too
NO NEED, I will post first, but dogs are not stray if they are owned by someone :^)
since that dog is owned by that dogloli

Vector still won
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>Ishizu every time she sees Kaiba
tori pantsu...
me :)
I'd use 2 too if I pulled them

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