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Previous: >>486184459

Exedra News #1 (starring Asakura Momo, Kato Emiri)

Exedra on Steam and Google Play

Magia Record will complete its service at 15:00 JST on 31 July (1 July for DMM version)
Thank you for loving and playing Magia Record
Thank you all the sisters who contributed to /PMMM/'s original contents

/PMMM/ Meguca Mother-Daughter Fanfic Contest by Mizuna anon
By 31 July (EXTENDED)

Magia Day 2024 Announced
25th August 17:30 JST

>Final Event
The Last Story~Heart Will Go a Year Then Ten Thousand Years~
23/7 00:00 JST - 31/7 14:59 JST

>Final Gacha
4*-Meguca-You-can-choose-gacha with daily free 10 rolls
1/6 00:00 JST - 31/7 14:59 JST

>Release of Archive App
31/7 15:00 JST - 14/10 15:00 JST

https://justpaste.it"a"/6splx (Remove "a")


>Cock Tower

[Get the Game]

[Play it in English]

>Friend List

>Add Yourself
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First for Ria.
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Miss Tokime and Miss Hiroe....
I've been thinking. We haven't had a Cameo yet.
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YNSN do not look ssu!
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How large is Oriko's penis?
Junko might want to know...
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I love all of my /PMMM/sisters!
Love you too sis! <3 <3
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Final story will start soon...
I swear Iroha's boobs got bigger
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Miss Kure cute!
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Nooooooo she killed fishsis.........
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Sometimes go out and exercise sisters....
>average Jurifag
Just like Juri, they kill everything they touch
Let's read the last story sisters.............
Yachiyo visiting the parents of the hospital trio and Iroha to give them the last messages from their daughters
Oh no sisters, not like this...
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Just reclaiming her old territory
"Hello, I would like to inform you that your daughter is now a god like being defending the universe. She said to take care."
"I heard about you, you're that weird cult leader that abducts children! Get out!"
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No rebellion?
Kinda lame bringing the Tamakis back for like 2 events before making them disappear again. The other groups didn't even get last words.
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Fuck..... That was too much.........
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Magia Record!
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its over..?
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Oh, I thought these were "force" ghosts >>487114848 but it was just them reminiscing about them... I want to be sad but its really hard to "enjoy" any of this when you can't understand any of it well enough. Its a shame they didn't release abridged versions of the story that could have been translated.
KaedeTsuruno holding hands.
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Two magirepo left.
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Are you using your magia recard??
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>Mifuyu has a credit card
What do her monthly expenses look like?
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Amazon for dildos and kindle hentais...
Netflix, Hulu, Amazon prime subscriptions for anime streaming...
Uber Eats and other food delivery services...
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Mikoto enjoying the Portuguese countryside...

...why do the photos I take through the magireco app come out so blue?
Mikoto looks happy...
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Space Toyo when?
How many sisters are literally Mifuyu these days?
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I stopped being Mifuyu recently...
Now I am more like an exhausted, tired wagie OL...
Why do bananas never get lonely? Because they hang out in bunches.
What happened when Ashley Taylor visited Yukuni city?
Ashley Revolution
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I'm literally Mifuyu but also Kagome...
>exhausted, tired wagie OL
Look on the bright side sis, you're the prime demographic for horny magical girls looking for stress relief
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GOD just imagine being Sogetsu as she walks out of the shower nude and tells him not to stare so hard...
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HannaMiko kino...
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Mitsune status...
She obviously didn't want to come out and had better things to do than hang around with a bunch of Neo meguca nazis.
*strips to her bra and panties and straddles this burned out OLsister*
*humps wildly*
Also Chika, Kagome, Mikage, Nayuta, Ranka (who didn't even appear in Puella Hysteria), and Ryoko.
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So this ranked mirrors has no new Shizuka memoria?
Is it safe to use all my Mitama medals already??
Honestly since I started wagecucking myself I think I'd just be annoyed if a magical girl dragged me off into some bushes to make me her cumdump when I need to get home and do the laundry and cook food for next day's wageslaving. Can't exactly take the bus home either if your clothes are torn to shreds and all your holes are dripping meguca cum
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Kanagi's pair of Daitos...
In that case, you need Mizuna megucas instead of Futatsugis.
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And how many sisters are literally Miyu?
Where are the /pmmm/ foot fetishists??
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You would love it honestly, good sex is a stress relief.
You can't take a bus since 2/3 of the buses in madoka/magireco bring you to a labyrinth.
But Futatsugi girls are better at sex...
Almost lost. Akuma, Akuma-chan, Mitsuru, IroKuro, Shii, with guardian is scary.
Considering the title of the last story, I guess 10000 years has pass and the Tamaki 4 are rereading the record of their friends that has passed away?

Fits with the title where they felt like only a year has gone by while in reality it is 10000 years later.
>Ahh After 10,000 years I'm free! Time to conquer Earth!
>AI, Iroha escaped.
>Recruit a team of magical girls with attitude.
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Clocktower sis is vtuber? Or did someone from outside of /pmmm/ take over running it... I forgor...
Magia record
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Sorry I haven't been around in a while, went on a short vacation to the beach and an aquarium 3 hours from my place (and yes, there were a handful of lesbian couples at the aquarium too, kek)

/vg/ lost 3-4 to /t/ back on Saturday but mabs didn't get the chance to play in that match. They'll be playing again on Friday against /jp/ at 19:00 UTC and on Sunday against /wsg/ at 17:40 UTC, so there's more chances for her to play on /vg/ this cup.

>it's real
it's never been more over than before
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>hey sougetsu, don't stare so hard
>i'm sorry kanagi... why is your dick so big?? it's bigger than mine...
>you pervert... *kicks spermie factories*
Kind of funny Iroha disappeared twice, Kamihama had two universal level threats, and the PMHQ was none the wiser. I don't even recall the last time they interacted with Kamihama Megucas.
I guess Iroha and co. decides to not include them into Kamihama's struggle.
>Ranka (who didn't even appear in Puella Hysteria)
Why does Ranka get cucked so much? Didn't even get uncapped before EoS...
If we go by LBH and the final story, it is possible that everyone remembered the Tamaki 4, be it moogles or PM. Even after 10000 years, thanks to Kuroe's efforts, new PMs get to know the Tamaki 4 as legends.

So it became a record where everybody knows, which is the reverse of the catchphrase of the anime ver.
I have been away for a few months now so I may have missed some of the recent news. I heard that you can link the account data to Magia Exedra. Is there anything I need to do to my Magia Record app before EOS?
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>everyone remembered the Tamaki 4 after 10000 years
Madokami BTFO
>thanks to Kuroe's efforts
Poor kuroe... living 10000 years is really hard
Mapsis! #9 here, I am still alive! (hopefully you see this)
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Learn Hinomotese
Use SP to buy the items that unlock all event stories.
I fought despair Patricia again without looking what she does and won on first try. I remember she giving me trouble back then, but IroKuro makes everything easy.
After EOS you'll update the app for gallery mode. In gallery mode you'll find your transfer code.
Now that I'm thinking about it for anyone playing via Magia Translate APK it might be a good idea to switch to the normal app ver. before EOS.
We Love and Remember You Forever!
They are only better at rape...
Final Repo in 3 hours?
Which meguca wins the penis fencing?
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Mapsis here!
This post is a continuation of the previous post here! >>486284449
If you already replied to the previous posts, you can safely ignore this post!
If you read this post for the first time, please read below!

>[If you see your previous entry on the map among those labelled from 1 to 43]

Please reply with your previous entry's number to this post so they will not be removed in the next version
In case you want to change your ship or region, you may tell me about that too
Any unreported entry will be removed in the next version
e.g. "1 here"
e.g. "43 and I want to change my ship to RiaMayu"

>[If you don't have your entry on the map, and you want to participate]

Please reply with your one most favourite ship (or just a character) to this post including your country
Tell me it is about the new entry too.
You may also tell me your specific region or even city so your entry can be placed on the map precisely
Or they will be placed on a random region of the country
e.g. "New entry, GunOlga, Norway, (Oslo)"

Please be honest! Only one entry for one sister!
This post will be made for 2 weeks from now in every /PMMM/ general so you can reply to any of them!
The final shipmap will be done around the EoS date...
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Mother/daughter lesbian sex...
Imagine mother clam and daughter clam lovingly squishing each other...
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I never thought I would get this attached to fictional characters.
I still can't find the exact words to express my feelings but I can't stop crying.
I realised I love this game so much when I found myself being able to say literally all Reco girls names...

There's more than a hundred of them!!!
Isn't that just what giving birth is? I mean if coming in/out of a pussy is sex then its sex right?
Sex doesn't have to involve penetration.
The proud Hinomoto pussy that gave birth to Shizuka, the guardian of Hinomoto...
>proud pussy
nothing but our yet another cocksleeve ssu!
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Kamihama imperial ambitions...
>rolled swimsuit mami
>hmm who next
>decide to roll for remainder of swimsuit units I don't have
>get both Homu and Iroha with single tickets
Nice, but I don't think I have enough materials to level them all up now...
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can you say her name
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We Hope Next Exedra will be announced in the next episode.
See you in Magia 'Exedra' Report, PAPA!
Megumi Moka
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what about her
sis failed!!!!
Do not cry!!
Yuzuki Rion
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that should be all for forgettable narr- i mean megucas, i think theres one that sells flowers or something but she might be from a different gacha
hidamari sketch scrapped character?
Sorry, this is the first time I've seen her.
Komachi Mikura


Hibiki Meguru
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I don't think we'll have another Adjuster-san in Exedra...
Gacha is some kind of locked door instead of adjusting soul gems?
And shop is a mascot type character?
I guess it'll make more sense eventually. I hope to see Mitama come back but maybe they want to be different from MagiReco.
>can you say her name
AQ is Alina
Shop plushie is Kuroe
Namae is (You)
Where is Touka's mother?
>not a single mother or adult female ever got a proper model in reco yet tonk papa, and nayutan's sugar daddy did
"lesbian" game
Intern-chan knew /PMMM/ would get too horny if any magical girl mom got a full, non-faceless Live2D model so she stopped that whenever it was planned
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Correction I guess we got Cleo, the faceless old woman. Toyo's mom didn't get a model though did she, yet most of the guys in Taito / Mizuna story did.
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I still remember making this pic right after Junko Live2D happened... >>487133251
>Dear Donald Trump
>By the time you read this letter I imagine you are back in America
>Where to start? Let me start by saying I admire you.
>As a learner of American myself I admire your proficiency

Shizuka-chan cringe.
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Fude pen FUFU
Furueru FUFU
Hajimete kimi e no GREETING CARD
Tokimeki PASSION
Afurete ACTION
Hamedashichau kamo ne

Kimi no EGAO souzou shite
Ii toko misetaku naru yo
Jounetsu wo!
Furimukase nakya
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Surasura TO NE!
Saa! Kakidasou~
Uketotta kimi ni SHIAWASE ga tsunagaru you ni
Yume wo misete guruguru to ne ji ga maiodoru
Ganbare fude pen!
Koko made kitakara
Kanari honki yo!
Based on what was said that day there was no indication that Shizuka will be back for Exedra only acceptance that the game is dead. Course, I didn't ask her if Shizuka is returning or if she phoned up Mocho to ask what's happening. I did let her know though that I really hope she comes back for Exedra and I'm expecting Shizuka to be back.
Nah. Shizuka would hate him. Too soft on Japan's mortal enemy occupying their Northern Territories. And once the Soviets marched down the Sakhalin they did to that place what they did to Prussia.

Course, bit of a Catch 22 there.

Do you:
A. Want to be ethnically cleansed and sent back to what was a charred pancake
B. Stay around, hope the Russian soldiers do not find you an experience the joys of Communism and Purges.
sis presidency
I regularly call Vtubers ewhores but I guess she is one of the good ones
Guess we can now make fanart of Arusuko and Candy Okashi (Clocktowersis)
>scrolling SNS
Heh. /vPMMM/ Cabal.
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Was she a pedo?
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>aru follows Shu
We are behind her. All of us.
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I've been bad about clearing the final event stuff, but I'd like to make friends with anyone I missed or whoever decided to try it in the final days. Add me if you haven't
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Ummm sis?
Why do you need to hide your gemspermies?
We have no event any more!
Remove the screen and let your gemspermie sacks hang loose!
Express Train to Hell reference?
Lobotomy Corporation collab soon.
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Where's this from...?
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I really love it when usually dominant girls get subjugated against their will and are made to bottom
New basically, HomuKuro, Texas
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Ah, I see you are a sister of culture as well...
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Started spending all my 200 single roll tickets.........
The mighty lion of the east...
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Had to clear my memoria inventory multiple times...
Another yuri gacha came to EoS a few hours ago...
Mother and daughter.......
This the natural end for all yuri games as two girls cannot have children...
>no pubes
This is a misinterpretation…
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No because she fucks Juri.
Is clocktower-sis actually from /pmmm/?
>no pubes
This is a misinterpretation…
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Oven and bun...
Ummm they are Hinomotese so it should be cooking pot and rice...
Is Himiko touching Toyo's…?
>Cock Tower
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I'm a bit out of the loop with the story but I thought that Iroha and Ui were no longer gods and just continued living a normal life while Touka and Nemu handled the purification system. Did Iroha and Ui go back to being gods again?
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It's fine, I'm not going anywhere in the meantime anyway.
I'm not participating in the momfic contest though, sorry...
oops i put tsudosis in the options field and not the name field it's over
In the subsequent events following paradise shift it was hinted at regularly that the Magia Record was "unstable".
Because of this they decided to go back to the magia record.
too busy thinking about getting fucked by Suletta...
Toyo's what??
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if some sisters (lesbian couple) have really overgrown clits (something like clitoromegaly) then when they hump and rub them together is it frotting or tribbing?
What's the difference when it comes to magical girls?
the hag gets bred by the entire family...
their competing spermies kill each other, preventing her from becoming pregnant...
is that tsuruno??
uhm no she's me
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Snaa's getting evicted in a week...
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And Yachiyo's getting evicted today!
>finally got to arc 2 chapter 6
>got to the part about felicia's past
shit, sisters...
Why are Futatsugoids so degenerate...
Damned witches.
t. tokime dinner
Tokime women giving birth to half-Futatsugi baby girls...
I wrote one (1) fic. Give it a rest.
Did we already get all the outfits they promised?
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one more than everyone else sis
Magia Record
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Can you have sex as a pregnant girl? is it safe for the baby?
Stop bullying tsudosis!
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Yes you can.
Some might not be safe for the bun but not all sex is vaginal penetrating...
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>no need for the pills, condoms, or surgery
>raw futa penises spurting raw spermies right in a raw vagina
>still gets contraception
Meguca reproductive biology is so fascinating nya~
the futasugoid inclination of violence against each other is irrepressible...
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Toyo's little futanari ochinchin nanoda~
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Leave our writesisters alone!
You just cannot milk out the fics you want from them!!

Exsanguination part 2 when? HomuKari when? New KLF when?
just like she can't milk out suletta...
I think so.
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>New KLF when
This week
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I'm sorry sis, I just couldn't make it work. It just feels wrong writing it. I just couldn't make Homura believable enough for it to be satisfying for me. I'll try to publish one (1) more fic before EoS tho.
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EoS...End of Ellipses...
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>tsudosis, MDNWsis, Speedsis are right now on /PMMM/
Goddess it feels like I am at a con right now!
I hope Lain-sis and Hinano-sensei log in one more time before the end. Or at least 2deep4u...
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>no rikarenwriter
Oh no what a tra-ZZZzzz ZZZzzz
/PMMM/'s fic factories...
Once shrivelled but slowly restarting again...
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After 9 months from the horrid raid of Kirimine village by PB megucas...

I'm not the only one who thinks Promised Blood grunts are hot, right?
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What was it?
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C-Can I touch them?
>murdering each other's spermies so that instead of at least one spermie fertilizing an egg, none of them succeed
Just like the real Futatsugi
Of course sis.
Just imagine a gang of PB megucas who are sexually frustrated...
>If I can't get to fertilise the egg, none should
The Futatsugi Mind...
S, sure but please be gentle...
They are still recovering and very sensitive towards external stimulation...
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Hinano sensei logged in just the other week!
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What are the psychological effects of getting raped?
Seven (7) days remain...
Seikon no Qwaser yuri oral scene with nipples.
>Common emotional and psychological effects of rape include: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – feelings of severe anxiety and stress.
orgasm!!!! well I'm speaking for myself here
Tokime cannibals...
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The Tokime clan leader will personally abort each and every single fetus carrying Futatsugi blood
>is it safe for the baby?
Some megucas can make it very safe for the baby while others like Futatsugoids...
I started working on a read/watch order guide for Magia Record.
I did Scene0 first b/c it's the shortest and most self-contained.
I was thinking new players from Exedra may appreciate a story guide that omits the filler and is somewhat chronological.
I'm pretty sure Exedra will retell the story of Magia Record but I don't know to what degree.
Anyway, here's what I got so far. Feel free to tell me if it's garbage or if you would have done something different.

Here is the read/watch order for Scene0.
All the main films(minus the side stories), Mami(Scene0 ver.) MGS + Mabayu MGS are required in my opinion. You can skip everything else, but I recommend watching all of it.

Film 1 + Side Stories
Film 2 + Side Stories
Madoka (Scene0 ver.) MGS
Film 3 + Side Stories
Film 4 + Side Stories
Homura (Scene0 ver.) MGS
Kyoko (Scene0 ver.) MGS
Film 5 + Side Stories
Sayaka (Scene0 ver.) MGS
Mami (Scene0 ver.) MGS
Mabayu Aki (White Lab Coat) [Costume Story]
Film 6 + Side Stories
Film 7 + Side Stories
Film 8 + Side Stories
Film 9 (There are no Film 9 side stories)
Film 10 + Side Stories
Film 11 + Side Stories
Film 12 (First Half) + Side Stories
Film 0 + Side Stories
Film 1-0
Film 12 (Second Half)
Film 13
Mabayu MGS
Thanks sis!!
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MangaReco Ria...
My goddess Ria is so tall...
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>asuka is 160cm again
>strong urge to be a mother of Ria's children
Becoming my wife!!!! (non consentual)
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any1 know the answer to this?
pls respond
I deserve to be animalistically raped and impregnated by a girl who is around 17 or so
Sister of taste....
sorry sis i am not a sex expert...
How? I'm using the cracked apk
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Big Iroha...
>Make sure you have your MagiReco account information (Transfer code + password)
>Acquire VPN and connect to Japan
>Create JP google account and login to google play store
>Search and download マギアレコード
>You can disconnect from VPN once MagiReco is installed
>Open game and login
>To avoid potential country code errors make sure you're connected to the country where you made your account when you login

I don't know if the team behind MagiaTranslate will update their APK for gallery mode as well or if that will even work but I would just make sure I'm using the official ver. to be safe.
Time to read.
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When did you realize that you're Kuroe?
But I'm KagomeMifuyuIrohaSana...
You mean you have eight breasts???
>normal Asuka
>henshin Asuka
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>13 pages long AshRiko
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Despair witch tier
THIS but me and Sasha.
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Ask Yuna
Why do they rape each other...???
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Ama-chan reincarnates in modern day to be raised by HimeSasha.
Takeaways from Shuu's visit
-Family is from Hiroshima, with all that implies
-Studied Japanese in University around 2014?
-One day she decided to up and leave for Japan to follow her dream of being a seiyuu, ended up in a fight with mother because of this.
-Inspired by Nobuhiro Watsuki
-Is getting her first lead role soon.
-Close friends with Moepii and Homin, the other two girls who joined Nijigasaki at the same time as her.
-Japanese Newbie Seiyuu need to sit close to the door and open the door for seniors.
I want to beat scene 0 to despair level within a week. Which magical girl should I pick from among the magical girls below that I haven't picked yet?

Flame: Yuna&Juri(Vampire)
Aqua: Yachiyo(Fairytail), Basedaka
Forest: Kagome (Hakkiyako)
Light: Toyo, MasaKoko (Wedding)
Darkness: H0mura
>Magika ru charges 30K yen on VGen, a 50% markup
Good luck.
If we don't get another Nanoha collab I will riot.
>she's old enough to graduate the college
Time sure flies...
>Family is from Hiroshima
>Decided to leave for Japan
Bumping clams with college aged Kagome...
typical tokyoite
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Hibari is so lucky........
We have 157 hours left and I have a question /PMMM/......

Did Magius Do Anything Wrong?
I got Oowie!!!!
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Grats sis!
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Dog witch was literally hell until I got Shii. Shii legit made it easy.
In the first half of Crimson Resolve people actually thought that Juri was the top! LOLOLOLOL!
Oowie is legit adorable.
Yes. Also, it's kinda messed up how Alina never faces any consequences while Touka and Nemu lose their daily lives.
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>PB legit tried to hurt Oowie's coin slot
Tokimes are right about Futatsugoids...
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>Madoka Ukiyoe wooden print
>71500 yen
I still want to know if clocktower-sis is from here and is actually a vtuber. Clocktower-sis please respond.
>Tigers have barbed penises that painfully scratch the female's insides to both remove competing sperm and stimulate ovulation
Poor little Juri...
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>Juri talking about Hikaru's dick even as she's violating Yuna's most precious place
Rent free ssu~
Roman side boob…
God damn all the non generic version duo units are so cute.
Since the thread hardly talks about the game, do you think it'll make any difference during the time period between magireco's death and exedra launch?
Probably not.
Shu was born in Australia.

Her parents immigrated.
Yes Shizuka can speak perfect English with an Aussie accent if needed
-Likes Nutri Grain which made me hit myself for buying her single origin Aussie chocolate.
-Shounen shitter. Likes Bleach
page sex
>PB legit tried to hurt Oowie's coin slot
Why, what were they going to do with it..?
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Do women REALLY?
>tfw no doujin of homu going back in time and becoming madokas father...
I've come to really dislike anything involving Ashley due to that person
In a few days she won't be scared of Page 10 any longer.
It's been a while sisters, a few questions before the end:
1) Do I need to do something with my account to be able to download the archive app?
2) Is there a way to permanently save my archive app? I don't trust my phone so I want to save it on Github/Google Drive/Something.
3) Is there any gift or something for pre-registering to exedra while having a magia record account?
4) Does anyone has a method to access the jp play store? For some reason my jp (using a vpn) created account doesn't work. I'll probably need to create a new one it seems.
5) I love you sisters, thank you for reading
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Meguca for this feel?
Girls don't wear the one on the left in public
>Do I need to do something with my account to be able to download the archive app?
Personally I would make sure you have your account information (transfer code + password) and are using the official app ver. (not MagiaTranslate).
After EOS we update the app for Archive mode and that's where we'll get our transfer code for Exedra.
Additionally, I would make sure to use up all your rolls, acquire all the memorias you can (Past Memoria Shop, Mirror Medal Shop, SP Gacha), and upgrade as many girls to their maximum (Spend all your SE shards too). This will add to your account's overall player score.
>Is there a way to permanently save my archive app?
I can't answer this b/c I genuinely don't know. I'm pretty sure you can if you're on android. This question may be better asked in the Discord(s) or something.
>Is there any gift or something for pre-registering to exedra while having a magia record account?
(Taken from the Discord)
As was mentioned before, once Magia Record ends service and transforms into the Archive App, players will be able to view their Exedra Transfer Code from the Archive App.
Entering this code into Exedra once it launches, will grant the player various benefits and allow you to transfer various data to Exedra.

We have now been granted more information as to what exactly this will entail:
You can view your MagiReco Account's data, such as Magical Girls, Memoria, Transformation videos, etc.
(Note: You can VIEW this information. You will not GAIN your playable characters or Memoriae for play in Exedra.)
You will gain special titles in Exedra, based on your highest Mirror Ranking Score and your Account's overall player score
You will gain a special Portrait (the Exedra equivalent of Memoriae) in Exedra
(- Further bonuses may potentially be added to this function before release)
>girls dont wear bikinis in public
is rena a boy?
>Does anyone has a method to access the jp play store? For some reason my jp (using a vpn) created account doesn't work.
I think google did something a while back that messed up or reset the accounts regions? Not entirely sure... My JP account that I made w/ a VPN can't find "マギアレコード" when I search it. However, I can access MagiReco's JP game page by looking at my google play stores installed apps section. You may need to make another JP google play account or check your current accounts installed games/apps. As long as you can install the app you'll be good. You'll just need your transfer code + password.
>I love you sisters
But they do the right one?!
Have you never been to the beach?
I don't wear two piece swimsuits at all, not until I lose a little weight.
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Ao and her magical girl outfit.
i dont go outside much...
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I want to go to the beach like magical girls...
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Promise not kept...
Do we have an educated guess who's Witch/Labyrinth the top right image is supposed to be?
I think this is what Iroha is saying:
>Soul Gem... The impurity is severe...
There were speculations that was supposed to be Momoko's witch labyrinth
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No... Momoko...
I wonder if we'll see any cut content make it's way into Exedra?
Although, maybe not. I guess it was cut for a reason.
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8640 minutes left...
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>The Doppel of Self Discipline. Its form is manicured nails. The master of this emotion cares not where its power fly. This Doppel attacks with its huge fingers, along with the many fingers that fly around it. All the nails on the fingers are polished and decorated. It cares very much about its nails. When someone praises them, it becomes quite happy, but when someone says something bad about them, it gets discouraged and depressed. It is quite troublesome to deal with when this happens, so it is a good idea to let it attack the enemy as soon as you summon it.
Leaning towards Momoko
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>around 17
>Amanes are 17
Sis...for a hag, any girl 15 - 20 years old is around 17...
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I can definitely see that!
The labyrinth has goop pools(nail polish probably) w/ artificial nails I think?
Maybe it went something like this...
>Momoko witches out
>Kaede learns the truth about megucas and pees herself
>Rena despairs next?
I dont think Sakurako is 10, sis
Can virile meguca spermies revitalize sad old hag eggs or are hagsisters a lost cause?
Ummm. Is Isabel impossible without Reira & Seika or Firefuyu on Despair?
sorry :(
*bullies you*
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I hate western morals... i want public nudity!
Boys and girls naked in public...
Mixed gender baths when??
Fuck western moral hypocrisy...
Hagsisters never are a lost cause!
Virile meguca spermies freshly out of their spermie factories are renown to revitalise human females' wombs and ovaries even if they are a step before out of business!!

Some researchers suggest that meguca spermies are the only solution to prevent population collapse!!
I want a cute /pmmm/ hag gf to kiss my brown pussy lips while i sleep...
>Some researchers suggest that meguca spermies are the only solution to prevent population collapse!!
State-mandated insemination by meguca soon...
>State-mandated insemination by meguca
The main side effect is that all the resulting babies are girls and most of them are apt to contract with Kyubey...
>kiss my brown pussy lips while i sleep...
*makes a wicked smile*
Junko is so sexy......
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No... It's... It's... It's... over
>In the not so distant future where the existence of magical girls is public knowledge, microplastic pollution has rendered all men infertile. As a desperate attempt to stop the complete collapse of their population, the nation of Japan has resorted to an emergency solution: half its population of adult women are by law required to get impregnated by magical girls.
>Relationships: Yachiyo/Iroha's mother, Kanagi's mother/Momoko/Mitama's mother, Alina/Karin's mother, Alina/Mifuyu's mother, Shizuka/All Tokime women, Juri/Yuna's mother, Juri/Ranka's mother, Hikaru/Ao's mother, Sasha/Himena's mother, Shigure/Hagumu's mother, Rabi/Nayuta's mother
>Tags: nakadashi, futanari, impregnation, age difference
So basically megucas are required to make half-sisters of their girlfriends...
How could you forget Ren/Rika's mother........hai.....
I hate my stupid ass boring life I just want a girlfriend who makes me gag on it
Gag on what??
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>MadoIro DevilHomu HisYachi not available in gacha
It's not fair...
>sexual tension
I'm pretty sure she's in there. DevilHomu and MadoIro aren't though.
Can this be our 4chan ad image?
*lifts skirt to carefully straddle a pmmmsister and dryhump her face*
SeiRei is not there too so you will have to find another for the artist witch.

HisYachi is not available sis.

>This applies to Magical Girls that appeared for a limited period of time before 12 January 2024.
>Magical Girls who appeared in certain Collaboration Gachas, Moemura, Madokami, IroYachi, Mokyu, MadoIro, 8Eroha, HisYachi, Akumahomu are not available
Smell from her unwashed crotch after long work day
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Deleted the previous one b/c I wanted it to pause at the last frame
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Babe, wake up. New Exedra tweet.
Momoko, Mitsuru and Sae helps, but in the end I didn't manage to win before getting Mifuyu.
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They're alive!
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Look at her pair…
Look at her pubes…
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>Remove Region lock?
Remove Region lock
what did she smell like?
Vegemite, Tooheys and the Blood of Queenslander Scum.
Dear exedra devs:
Keep the region lock
No one wants to play this kind of game with laggy sisters who dont even bother to speak english or japanese
I believe in MikuPinku. She will save us from region lock by fucking all Aniplex execs!
But that artist didn't draw any Reco art did she?
Why does she care Exedra so much?
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I love Magia Record but I will never give money to an*plex after the NAcaust...
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EoS announcement within a week from Iroha's birthday... How could they do that...
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hows exedria
working on it
why are they sad... :(
they visited pmmm and googled 'futa'
New entry, RikaRen, Malaysia
Argie Vtuber. Selling sex for views
35 here
change my ship to Sasara X her father
Thank you
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New Kirika's mom by Sonohi-sensei!
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This is what we need to not have a repeat of NA Record
well go shill our game
>madoka, i just thumped your best friend sayaka
>im so embarrased!!
Homura's cocksleeve is so cute...
>Maria went to the cake planet alone
>Magical Molly and Sabrina not invited
>Hilda don't want to get fat anyway so she's okay
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Just unlocked her! I'm going through Scene0...
I want to cuddle with her or make out /bump clams with her while this chillout transformation bgm plays in the background, it's really sexy music...
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Have fun!
I love Sneed0 so much.
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I still rember that day...
Sisters witching out, screams of pain and despair...
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It is my understanding that Aniplex NA is not involved with Exedra Global ver. at all.
So, maybe we're safe?
I really don't want to roll for a miphew...
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For those who are interested in Futaba threads and what Hinomotese talk about Reco.
Check the archive below.
>regional block
hasn't even begun and it's already ogre
Maybe it's a sign that I've been on /PMMM/ for too long but I would definitely read that fic
You only need 1 slot.
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yeah but miphew is a whore
Wow, our japanese sisters are really horny...
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If you have Sae, Mitsuru, Mitama Darkness, Kyouko and another fire blaster/debuff remover/buff remover, It might be possible.
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Sis... page 10 is so scary...
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Which magical girl do you relate to the most, /PMMM/?
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For me, it's gotta be Rena
I'm cringe, I have a bad personality, and I have trouble expressing how I feel.
If I keep quiet no one will notice I'm cringe.
Thankfully, I have a few close friends so I can be cringe sometimes.
Kuro. She's weak, takes too much effort to make better, even when better she's still garbage, nobody remembers she exists, nobody knows what she looks like, her sole purpose is to be used for others easy wins, she's dead like this game, and when she dies everyone gets a boost.
Shizuku, because I am an anxious bundle of nerves and fears and am utterly lost with what I want to do with myself and I'm only barely covering it all up with a facade of calm
Meiyui because NOBODY wants to be my gf
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Girls don't stink lmao
In hindsight, wasn't Puella Historia basically filler? Only differences between when Arc 2 ended and EoS are
>Mikoto tulpa is dead
>muggles remember Iroha and the hospital trio
>big bang
>heat death
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>no opening
>non voiced
>shorter than a main story arc
>longer than an event
It's filler
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magia record...
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Another さささささ art
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We Han girls don't stink. It's literally genetics!
And you get really dere-dere in the bedroom?
Ok. As Exedra will keep MR's henshin videos which ones are the MUST get? Which ones are so good it's worth preserving?
Mikage's like one of the best before Tsuvid started messing with the quality.
Miffers (lewd)
Summer Amanes (200 MHz)
Tamakis (underwater "kiss")
Sudachi (underage nipples)
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Vagitan. Ultimate Kino
Kagome (Hyakko)
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I don't know how to write anymore...
Guess I'm rolling for the underwater kiss and Kagome then. Thanks
Make sure you kiss Kagome (hyakko) on her lower lips!
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Don't forget KaeRena
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Mmm Rena-chan meat...
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The world is too harsh of a place so I relate to wanting to disappear a lot...
I hope I can find my place someday just like she did with Mikazuki...
Also early anime Iroha was very relatable with not fitting in...
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Yachiyo is grabbing little girls again...
I used up all my gems (21k + 300 single tickets) and got everyone I wanted, and now I have 5 girls I can buy from the shop and a 6th I can buy with destiny crystals from dupes...

Think my last 6 girls will be:
- Haregi Homu (if I don't roll her by EoS)
- Mizuna
- Chizzle
- MitaMomo
- IroUi
- Bloodborne Kanagi

Struggling to level up all the new girls I've rolled so far though don't think I have enough crystals to level their episode points or do their SE trees. Made it to under 10k on my profile now with all the girls I've rolled though.
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Need a tall girl with a thick ass and meaty thighs and C cup tits and a BIG dick!
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I miss Mifuyu...
Sis, the goal is successful impregnations
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>not knowing Isuzu spermies are extremely virile
Pathetic hai.
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My goal was to obtain all PMHQ alts, all unlimited girls, and a few other non-unlimited girls such as Sakurako and Ashley.
Unfortunately I got spooked hard these last 2 months and I'm missing the following:
-Sayaka (Haregi ver.)
-Surfing Sayaka
-Swimsuit Kyoko
-Swimsuit Nagisa
-Uwasa Mikoto (Need for Witch bestiary)

I was at 90/100 for Sayaka (Haregi ver.) today but got spooked by Tsukuyo...
I have ~1200 Mitama Coins so I can only pick 6 of the 9 girls I want, unless I get lucky w/ the free 10 rolls the next few days.
I'll probably give up on Yukika, Jun, and Kirika and buy everyone else.

>Struggling to level up all the new girls I've rolled
Bluestacks has a built in macro. I've been using it to exhaust my AP pots and grind episode EXP.
I'll probably be autistic and attempt to use it to exhaust my BP pots as well.
>Need a girl...
>with a BIG dick!
Anon I...
My only problem with Bluestack is that it keeps crashing after 1-2 hours.
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>Need a tall girl with a thick ass and meaty thighs and C cup tits and a BIG dick!
That's a weirdly specific request...
You have any girl in your mind?
oh right, it's already Friday

/vg/ plays today against /jp/ at 19:00 UTC, they're forced to avoid another loss here to prevent an early relegation back to the babbies in October and increase their chances of staying in the elites for Winter. I'll let you all know if Mabayu gets a chance to play in that match. also /u/ plays today as the 2nd match of the day at 17:40 UTC btw
Perilous difficulty cleared, now only the real despair difficulty remains. But Isabel and Roberta might not be able to.

To beat Isabel, you need all of Doppel Kyoko, Chizuru, Gunhild, Mitsuru, and ReiSei...but I don't have any of them.
Roberta desperately needs Mikoto or Yuu.
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Do not lewd Kagome!!!
Maybe you only need a refreshing inspiration…like having sex…
Bitch who took Meiling from Shaoran
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They also love yuri and futanari too...
I feel sisterhood...
You just made me realize that I'm a potato, I don't have 6 girls left to chose I have 11. I have 2000 mitama coints for some reason I thought that would get me only 5 girls...
>Roberta desperately needs Mikoto or Yuu.
No? Roberta needs Kuroe, Akuma, glasses Homura and Mabayu, 5th girl can be LITERALLY anyone and I'm not exaggerating.
I love their meme of Sunao assassinating blue men
It was like that here in early arc 2 days too...
The problem is Isabel.
I don't have Doppel Kyoko, Chizuru, Gunhild, Mitsuru, or Reisei. What should I do?
So this is what non blue board /pmmm/ would look like...
Give up? I doubt Sae and Momoko are enough. Maybe go status ailments route with Mitama and Amaryllis. IroKuro can be the healer, otherwise you'll need Manaka.
Manaka is too weak, there is no Sae either.
To beat it reliably, you need Doppel Kyoko, Chizuru, Gunhild, Mitsuru, and Reisei, but you can't pick Reisei...
I beat it with IroKuro, Mitama Darkness, 3 slots Mitsuru, Doppel Kyouko and 1 slot Mifuyu.
I no have irokuro...but have mifuyu
Fire Mifuyu. You need a character to remove/reflect/protect from debuffs.
You are talking about normal Mifuyu.
Fire miphew gives charge conservation. Isabel is super weak to charge and blast. Get to +20 charge and just loop. Actually, would Madokami-senpai work? Or is their huge MP down on non-fire units?
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Finally, /PMMM/ sisters admit they need Mifuyu
No, I'm talking about 2 different characters. You need fire Mifuyu AND a character to remove/reflect/protect from debuffs. In my case that was IroKuro.
I Haven't IroKuro.
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I only noticed now but Swimsuit Madoka's 5 star art is somehow really, really lewd......
You can entirely see the outline of her lower body so you can imagine her little butt and crotch......
The see-through part of her bottom showing her upper most part of legs only boost your imagination......

Homura is so lucky...
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I fit exactly into that empty space in your heart...
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Don't forget
Her name is literally (Me)(Who)(You)
Despair start...this is hell
Reco server is increasingly slow right now…
I guess people are rushing before EoS…
Beware sis.
Server is very instable right now.
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6660 minutes left and the server is kill...
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Akuma did it…..
Post the full thing
I want to lick transformed Mabayu's midriff!
I wonder who spilled their drink on the servers?
Full thing?
So you want me to post Akuma Homura's devilish SHAFT mercilessly spreading open Sayaka's most precious place as a girl?
F4 going full meta.
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No idea why JP fandom loves Kirika's mother so much...
I love her too though.
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*frustrated horny sounds*
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If anyone asks where this Stacy is going

Yo-hohoho, yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, yo-hohoho
Yo-hohoho, yo-hohoho

El sake de binks será
Lo que vamos a entregar
Ni el viento, la marea nos podrá parar
Cae la tarde sobre el mar
Y en el cielo escucharás
El cantar de los pajarillos al volar
De mi pueblo yo me voy
Con orgullo zarpó hoy
Ese canto es la fuerza para navegar
En olas de esplendor
Y la brisa de la mar
Que nos va acompañar a dónde hay que viajar

El sake de binks será
Lo que vamos a entregar
Navegar por el mar
¡Piratas hasta el final!
Este barco es nuestro hogar
Siempre nos hace llegar
Calaveras en las velas nos hará notar
La tormenta viene ya
Y muy pronto llegará
El sonar de los tambores nos alcanzará
No te vayas a rendir
Es momento de vivir
Que el Sol siempre volverá a salir
So don't be afraid
Don't be unsteady
My dream will be your wish!
歌唄えば ココロ晴れる
Sono invincibile
Why do megucas rape their defeated enemies??
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Tokime mooks look like this???
True... they are usually small.......
also >narrows
It's the last Friday before EOS...
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The last Friday night with Tonker…
when I get my HANDS on a LESBIAN!!!!!!!!
Not just their defeated enemies, if they're horny enough they'll rape any woman they come across
Imagine a horde of horny megucas…
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when I get my HANDS on a PENIS!!!!!!!!
Sis no!
Penis is not food!!
*stuffs your mouth full of PENIS*
That's it.
My commission is delivered in time…
I guess this can make the OP of the next thread…
wow, I wonder who posted this one
d-don't use your teeth...
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It's time sisters!
Hinano is so yellow...
Imagine her brown...
Bullying sister is not allowed on /PMMM/!
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Umm, this isn't my Fire Mifuyu. This is a boy...
Mii's Cute Little Daito Clam (CLDC)...
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This is also not my Firefuyu...
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This is also not my Firefuyu wtf!
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This is also also also not my Firefuyu actually what
That's not even Hinomotese…
If to Urman despair clear, evony must need?
...labia lips
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So delicious yellow skin...
Brown nipples and labia lips...
I love Minaminagi girls so much...
"Labia lips" is like saying "nose nostril" or something...
Who made you the labia expert?
I just think it's amusing.
>pinches and pulls your labia lips
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This was my set up!
I have not irokuro and shi

Can't clear as devihomu, kuroe, madoiro, kushu, zero madokami?
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More like smolgitan…
That's the wrong mouth...
>zero madokami
Alternative timeline sis...
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This is literally me.
Very lovely clip...
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Alone on a Friday night?
God, you’re pathetic pmmm~
shut up tonk youre just a hologram now its not friday night yet
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>I want to go to the beach like magical girls...
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>paying tax
>not being so cool so your town can get tax exemption
Mii loves showing her clam…
I hate this fucking game
Kagome 69 with who...?
Please grind your heel into my crotch Juri-sama!
>not found
Some of Nemu's quotes hit hard. I hope she makes it to Exedra.
"Some girls still feel it, even in a wheelchair."
- Hiiragi Nemu
I don't think that Nemu has a spine injury that caused loss of feeling, it's explained as the loss of use of her legs so that's probably different from what causes paraplegia.
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Need an expert's opinion.
So I'm playing some fantasizing games and I was wondering if anyone has a good idea of what Mabayu smells like? I'm sure she smells faintly of like dust, popcorn and FilmGuard... but maybe someone could help me imagine her smell a bit better.
Thanks in advance!
It comes from damage to her soul from using her doppel. It isn't physical damage.
I wonder QB taught any magical girl part of the soul gem to touch to make them cum. If there's a pain touch, there's a cum touch.
Scene0 Despair 1, 2 is Easy. But what comes after this will be difficult.

But what comes after this will be difficult.

3. It would be convenient for Uhrmann to have Ebony, Irokuro, and shi, but it won't work with the Kuroe, mad0ka, madoiro, ria, kushu, and devihomu I have.
(I don't have Ebony, Irokuro, or Shi)
4.Gisela is kyok0, heruka, mad0ka, yunajuri, shizuka
5.Charlotte is 0sakaya, historia yachiyo, fairy tale yachiyo, mayu, mad0ka
6.Elsa maria is mad0ka, Toyo, Madoiro, infinity iroha, and Masakoko?
(I don't have Masakoko)
7.H.N Elly is Mami0, Heruka, Lavi, hakkagome, San (no slot)
8.Albertine is 0sakaya, historia yachiyo, fairy tale yachiyo, mayu, tsuyu
(I don't have tsuyu)
9.Isabel is Mitsuru, Doppel Kyoko, Chizuru, Gunhild, Reisei
(I don't have any of these)
10.Roberta is kuroe, devilhomu, Mabayu, MeganeHomu, and more?
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>I'm sure she smells faintly of like dust, popcorn and FilmGuard
Maybe she also has a bit of a coffee smell to her as well thanks to her helping out at Recompense?
According to n0gisa, mabber stinks...
I've given up
Nagisa never got a Scene 0 unit right?
>Kuroe, mad0ka, madoiro, ria, kushu, and devihomu I have.
You can do it with some combo of these. Multiple people have. I wasnt able to, but it's possible.
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Can any sister properly TL this?
>Yachiyo: Show us your dick, Kanagi Izumi
>Iroha: How can you be a magical girl supremacist without even showing your dick?
>Mifuyu: It's a dick bigger than Neo Magius'
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I was going to say Touka but she was in the dark about the truth behind the Eve's power

Honestly the one that really stuck with me is probably Nemu (anime). She knew the Eve was Ui, she knew who Iroha was, she knew what she was doing was wrong, and yet she still pushed for the Magius' cause. She wanted to save Iroha, even if it turned Iroha against her.
I'm a bit of a sociopath, I know, but I'm still a good person deep down.
Kushu keeps dying... Even though he has 100% spirit enhancement...
check youtube.
Fuck, does anyone have the Rena cover of Buddy Holly by Weezer? I don't seem to have a screenshot or the lyrics saved.
>but it won't work with the Kuroe, mad0ka, madoiro, ria, kushu, and devihomu I have.
Wrong. You should be able to clear it with this team(minus Ria).
>(I don't have tsuyu)
Use Hotaru or any other water mp generator.
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I want to hug this sis...
i love all of our mifu sisters. I hope they find their brutal sadistic domme one day
>Mifuyu: It's a dick bigger than Neo Magius'
Huh? I don't really get this one
I can't clear it even after 30 turns...
Mifuyu is implying she had already seen Kanagi's dick.
>30 tries
See? You're not even trying. I cleared this shit without Kuroe and it took me 1000+ tries. What you're dying to? Last Phase? If so, you're supposed to do 70m damage in 2 turns, so if you're getting attacked you're already making a mistake. Are you equipping MP gain up when hit by weak attribute on your dark girls? Also, you can use Mikage in Kush's place, even at 2 slots it's enough.
Show us your dick, /pmmm/sis...
Looking at the Uhrmann strategy video, other people clear it easily in the late 18s to 20s, but I can't even get past 30 turns. The boss has so much stamina that it takes all day to reduce it.
Juri should have sex with her wife instead of wasting her time with vidya
>~3 days until reco dies
>haven't finished arc 2, another story arc 2 and sneed 0
Let's run through sis!
It's not too late!
I'm at arc 2-8, another story 2-1, and sneed 0 film 1
I need to rush this really hard
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Hi. That was certainly my post...
I have PTSD.
True... and baked goods.
Don't have one, sorry...
You just know it smells like Mabayu's pussy.
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Then you should go for the Another Story first because MS and scene0 will get the official video archives.
Noted sis, I will do my best!
Fuck me I'm lezzing out for Mabayu super hard AAAAAA why is she so cute
I wish I could help you sis...
I wonder if they'll add translated captions to account for Exedra being in English
Not all of those have been translated
>Puella Hysteria
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You got any problem with Puella Hysteria, Infohump, Cock Tower…the /PMMM/ jargons?
>Paradise Shift will be the last chronologically
>making people believe Iroha and Ui returned to their daily lives (and that Mikoto didn't re-die)
5760 minutes left….
Is there any magical girl dick in Kamihama that Mifuyu hasn't seen?
Attentionsis' last post soon...
Cool letter sis!
4th despair... i kneel
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But Mabber is literally me…?
Why is there so much futa content for Magireco
Because OG Madomagi had lots of futa contents.
Fuck off that one wasn't even me I've been in a car all day and I would never post those words in that order
Best regards,
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Shiggy because i'm just 13cm erect...
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Seething nya~
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My oppai ssu!
Sally is in Singapore. Go there if you want Ash's sig.
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Pure Touka Sized Dick....?????
Huh and I thought being diagnosed with autism was bad
Reminder that we have multiple Sulettasisters...
I will miss Chelsea-chan.....
Wanna literally netflix and chill...?
>wanting the dub va's signature and not the og japanese one
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41 here
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The Legend of Chelsea...

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