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Previous: >>487138094

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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>do tower for some extra Changli rolls
>can't even 21 star anymore
Wtf, did they buff this shit?
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I rolled Yinlin and her weapon.
I rolled Jinhsi and her weapon.
I rolled Changli and her weapon.

I will roll Zhezhi and her weapon.

What about you?
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Canon wife
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wuawua wuwave wuwuwu?
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Anyone tried changli in depths of illusive realm yet?
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Dunno about the weapon, we'll see how much I like her.
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Canon Wife.
Congrats to all my fellow birdbros.
Enjoy your chickenbreasts.
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If I get to 70% CR, would this be a decent build?
This lost the 50/50 to a Jianxin, but I managed to get her weapon without getting pity. Still this dumb bird as kill my gems so it looks like I won't be rolling for zhezhi since I am F2P
How strong Changli? la
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Gonna let her rest, don't wanna shatter her pelvis from all the pounding she's had since I rolled her.
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I am diamond.
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Zhezhi would for sure shitpost on Wuchan
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Just 6 more weeks Zhezhi zhisters....
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Changli's sexo model is the only reason I'm not dropping this damned game because holy fuck the model in-game somehow looks better than the webms posted.
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Fuck Changli.
>dogshit echoes
>I'll just half ass and use the standard sword who cares
>end up with sig and sequence 2
I-I'm sorry I'll get to farming
Her weapon looks good, but I'll see how much of a difference it makes first
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We're gonna say probably, weapon banner is blessed in this game.
it's easier than before
only particularly tough floors compared to before was exile leader -> inferno rider(rider was pretty tanky) and level 80 drone thing.
mechanical abomination on the hazard floor 2 has less hp than monkey
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Meanwhile, in Russian /wuwa/...
>changli wants fusion rover
>yinlin probably wants electro rover
catfight soon
I am just happy I didn't brick my account with Lingyang. No I guess I should grind up to union 50 so I can max her out. Good thing I was already building Encore and Verina
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My wife Changli…
The strongest cow
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Changlis slow ass banner is killing this game.
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Yinlin going over 100% crit rate with her E buff is so silly
yeah those floor 4 are extremely fucked
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Bros I don't feel so good...
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Maybeee Jinhsi is broken as shit already.
I will roll for Zhezhi but not her weap. Even tho I always purchase the sub and pass, I'm still careful since I can lose the 50/50 both at max 80 rolls anytime.
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I managed to 21-star but just barely, even after C6-ing Mortefi just today for that extra 20% damage.
Scar is a tanky evasive motherfucker and the fucking shit camera doesn't help. I know I've got skill issues and my echoes aren't even close to being decent, but it definitely feels like I wouldn't have been able to 21* without Mortefi even though my char skills are upgraded more compared to last week.
I won't roll again until they release another hag. I'm good for now.
I will probably skip Changli's weapon.
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>b-but she's not your wife, nothing confirms that
>she had hundreds of men, you're a le cuck!!!!!!!!!
>muh char could be good if it wasn't for (you) pandering, now it's shit eos soon
>don't pull for change she's a brick this is le hardcore game
>the game just copies genshit because they have a redhead too :^)
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uh cuz her clothes burn off?
although does her quest explain why she puts on a blindfold? haven't played it yet
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Impressive. Very nice.
Let's see Paul Anons character page.
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>he rolled for BrickLi
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They added fucking Scar to tower?
So insteads of posting things about rotations, strategies for gameplay, or the quality of character design all Wuwa players can do is posting about "WIFE" and sex and whatever... yeah this game is dying, its never beating Genshin, at least with Genshin people actually fucking play the game and have to think about what they're pulling and then the team building based on that, the combat in Wuwa is literally jsut spectacle with no substance which is why the only thing you have to fucking talk about even on a brand new character is just how much its sex. But notice how the gameplay aspect is completey absent. Now stop shitting up the Genshin thread, go back to investing into a dead game where all your money is stolen because it's going to EoS
>loli birb
>dmg chart
>tier list
is 4ch /wuwa/ really any different from ru /wuwa/?
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Can I take this guy's girlfriend? she's pretty cute for a npc.
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We're not that different at all, huh...
looks more comfy though ngl
post this without crying next time
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Posted last thread but sure! It's going pretty well so far.
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He starts in his goat version, yes. Have fun with the camera fucking you over because it can't handle large enemies properly. I like the Scar fight but holy fuck the camera is ruining it.
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Sex with wife for WuWa
Camera lessons for gayshit troonfart
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bros 1 hour ago i had 3 million credits...
changli ruined me financially...
Nah, they just straight up stealing fucking posts lol
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WIFE SEX! got super lucky for her but not for her weapon. Thankfully I got the sword from standard banner so Ill just cope with that.
>install wuwa because friends play it
>everyone is getting 5 stars left and right
>get to hard pity on the limited banner
>save it for Changli
>get Lion faggot
And this is how I came to uninstall this game. Thanks for listening.
You're very cocky now wutroon.

Mess with the best die like ththe rest....
This to beat Genshin you have to post about NTR, pag, Neuvillette, trannyshit and why Childe takes it up the ass.
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Bros, I will ask again:
Should I continue rolling for Taoqi dupes? Currently at S2 and I have like 150 rolls left. Wouldn't mind S1 Changli, too. And I am skipping 1.2.

Help a fellow Cowqi connoisseur out here!
fuck the lionfag
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>look at that subtle jade like beauty
>that tasteful elf appearance
>oh my god, it even has 0 coinflips
why are you so obsessed with the camera shit. it's not cucking or whatever, It goes to show there's depth in genshin's story. Instead of having to resort to coom pandering instead the writing subverts that by showing actually it's possible to have characters that are interesting and not have them just jump on your dick and praise you like you're god, it's the most cringe shit ever. Like yeah okay I guess it's cucking if you consider that it deliberately stops the player from getting any hint that they can really get with the characters in story like Nilou in the summer event but it's better because it adds the character depth
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All is worth it for my wife...
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this you?
Hoyo fujos fav hobby is brainstorming how they can humiliate u cucks further
Changli Bros advice on her weapon I'm 20 pulls away from getting it is it good or can I keep using the standard 5 star sword.
Real world accurate to what it's like to marry a Chinese girl.
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Same deal here... Good wife but an expensive one...
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I'm going to boom out and genocide the map today bwos, what a good day.
Do you use her a lot? If yes, do another 10.
If not just save, she is going to be a 4 star in a lot of rate up since we don't really have that many 4 stars and so far Kuro hasn't added any.
What you gonna do, film me fucking your gf?
Well at least the Aix is gone I guess...
same wtf
first time hitting this issue
I guess Kuro really wants me to buy the BP
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speaking of saars
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>M-mess with the best die like th-the rest...
What is our answer /gig/bros?
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how many more victims will he claim?
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The depth is you being fucked to the point where wingman puts you on top of the anime girl and she says "ewww"
>Do you use her a lot? If yes, do another 10.
I do use her a lot. Just wondering if there is really any downside to continuing to roll since 1.2 and 1.3 I'll be able to get more rolls...

But then again in 1.3 she might be rate up again with better 4*
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Is Mourning Aix hologram IV the first filter? Finally beat it...
The worst thing about getting LIONED is that the game doesn't let you skip the pull animation
based saudis not touching that degeneracy
Why does Linyang look like a girl and Danjin looks like a guy?
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Imagine being a Kuro Games dev. You sit alone, overtime in the office while doing nothing, no new content in the pipeline, since higher ups still discussing if they should copy HSR or go straight for ZZZ.

You sit browsing gweilo image boards making sure general thread doesnt get archived. You are not sure if you`d be paid this month. Tomorrow is new banner, so maybe you would -- but company invested 200 million in the game and asked employees to take mortgages, and so far didnt recoupe even half of it. Times might be tight. You play HSR on a side. Market research, you tell to collegues. They nod understandingly.

Today AI that generates characted design got broken - returning result that it already copied every Hoyoverse design at least twice. Next banner is under risk - but team leader quickly solved it telling if Hoyoverse can release Kiana, Mei and Bronya 10 times, why cant we?

Snowbreak devs work in neibouring building. They walk around smug, smirking at us. There was time it was us threating them as beggers. Now your collegues are secretly sending their resumes there.

Content creation team was recently fired. Either way, who cares about new content, theres no way to match up others - players will be satisfied with just new character and some boss fight.

Marketing team took the last money from finance, trying to find content creators to promote the game - but they all refuse. How can a person refuse money? I cant even afford instant noodles! But its a fact. Something about "ethics" and "toxic community".

Now leads say the game should be more hip and appeal to more modern audiences, like ZZZ. They fired old composer no one like, and looking for a rap performer. For now ost is made grandpa playing electric lute. 99% of players in polls said they turn music off.

When relatives visit they get exited and with expectation ask - Mihoyo? And i turn down eyes and lie to them.

But otherwise, life is good. Is tomorrows banner sells, maybe i can eat noodles.
Hey man real talk are you okay?
It's just banter.
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>actually became our paimon
I think this is a good thing.
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>Team Cowtits is 2/3 complete
Just one more until I unlock Boobxodia
>Turks and Saudis are allies
I dunno what to feel about this. Are there any kebabros here in wuwa?
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Changli is kinda clunky she keeps floating when I try to combo with her its so annoying
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Don't let the door hit you on the wait out.
Atleast abby fucks off for the majority of the quests.
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Tier list aside Changli is just fun to play, her moveset feels versatile. I imagine we're going to see quite a bit of tech with where and when you can swap her out.
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Don't jump lmao
First Tencent/low-budget game? Tower of Fantasy plays exactly like this.
Aix is probably the most annoying boss, even once you learn it's mechanics it still feels stupid.
I think Mephis and Crownless are both harder, but also feel more fair.
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I spent 50 bucks because I was 40 off pity and ability to buy a waveband with coral.
Taoqi's strongest warrior.
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>top 1 only in Korea
What are the implications?
>roll changli
>combat is suddenly way more fun to play
if it's not a cn or jp tier list i'm not following it, keep your prydwen garbage to yourselves
yinlin and her weapon
jinhsi and her weapon
a large sum of money for changli coinflip, will be skipping her weapon so i can save for zhezhi
rolling weapons hurts my account when kuro drops hags back to back
>can't get a single atk% 1* fire echo
I'm coping with the shitty lingering tunes ones for now
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You win this round Cow lover...
Yeah, try to get at least 120% ER too. One ATK 3-cost is fine if fusion echos fuck you over, the difference is minimal like within 5%
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im a roach...
You feeling it yet?
I warned you fuckers to invest in credits.
Legit question, do niggas really need validation from a random chart to play a video game ?
>Changli is more fun but Jinhsi just obliterate the enemies with two buttons
Jinhsi won...
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alright someone explains changlis kit like you're talking to encore

jinhsi is just like 4 basic skill 4 basic skill

What's the equivalent combo for changli
What's the rotation for Changli?
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im down to 700k how do i invest in credits
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Not doing so good... but at least it's Anko and not the furry this time. Good thing the next banner is ezskip.
You too? I posted similar pic two threads ago lmao
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Someone earlier posted their Anko fusion tower cleanup so I felt like doing the same for Chang. She's no Jinhsi but she'll get the job done as long as you don't half-ass her echoes
wack shit, get forte, max forte, hold to dameji, occasionally echo skill and ult
it's too late bwo
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You literally did... Why didn't I listen!
You use only one character or smt ?
she feels liek she deals no damage to scar
can you post your stats please?
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>Mess with the best die like ththe rest....
More like invest in BP.
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Fire Berb Forte has 4 bars, you fill it either by:
>Basic Attack 4
gives you 1 stack
>Attacking after Res. Skill
gives you 1 stack
gives you 4 stacks
When you get 4 stacks you can long-press your left mouse button to go boom on your enemies.
Simple as
Yes, especially for east Asia and SEA popular=good, even if gameplay and gamblo aren't fun.
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This is with her weapon, ER is shit but whatever
Very cool Baizha.. thanks.
So basically bottomline for Changli is you only pull for her if you like her or you don't have encore?
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>most hyped character since launch
>still behind /giggods/ and /zzzoochads/ despite us having drought atm
we accept your concession.
Dawei sends his regards.
>Calls you Dear in English
>Calls you Dear in Japanese
Yep waifuCHADS won.
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>Sleep forever, diaper crap
>Changli so fun I forgot to switch to another character
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Thanks nerd. What about her flying mode. Does that matter at all?
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gooks will save the game
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You should be able to solve this.
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Is this "the best" you're talking about?
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>won the 50/50
>conflicted to keep pulling for more mortefi dupes
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Lol you call this character ruining writing "depth"?

Imagine you getting knocked out, possiblly in grave danger, one of your friend save you, and put your head on your another person's legs, this person isn't some random girl, you and her had gone through a lot in the past, she even hugged you right away when she saw you in a magical land. In the past she had been shown to be a caring, empathetic girl, who treat you like a true friend.

But her reaction wasn't "awwww taibibito is fainted is he gonna be OK???", "Please Mavis do something taibibito fainted" or simply just try to wake you up gently, instead her reaction was this


To make it worse, even the hat guy who just save you, was questioning about her reaction.

Hoyoverse fucking destroy Nilou character with one single line.
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>Gives you her treasured feather talisman that's supposedly only handed out to her most treasured person as well
I kneel
How does it work? I don't know how to tabletop chink games.
kleechads moved to wuwa?
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Post your birds
What the fuck anon I was just about to eat
don't post this shit ever again, even if it's to clown on hoyodrones
NTA, but I bought both BPs, and am still not having much credits, and I DID farm them for most of the double days.

Leveling to lvl 80, both chars and some weapons, plus a bunch of skill levels and such quickly goes into money. Good thing I'm skipping the current banner and next patch. Enough time to get my 6+ chars up there. Currently prefarming boss drops for once I hit lvl. 60. After that it's other mats.
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If I win I fuck her
If she wins she gets fucked by me
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Same here but I want Cowqi dupes.
Her basic attack 1 hits three times, enough to break a rock with a single button press. It also has a wide AoE range that can reach multiple rocks at once.
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let it go hoyobros
stop letting them do this to you
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Just going to say it, Changli is more fun to play than chariman Hsi.
Luv both equally so whatever.
After Basic Attack 4 or Skill you can trigger birb mode to get 1 stack of forte as well ankobwo.
Very situational but can be used for bosses with big collision size, you can hit them while not being in the attack area of their hits with the phoenix thing.
range too small, dreamless still wins.
I want to go home from work already so I can roll.
So how is my boi Changli?
Worth it?
I heard he can fly too
>Open /wuwa/ - Wuthering Waves General
>Get /gig/ - Genshin Impact General instead

wtf, I lost the 50/50 here?
She's alright imo.
I'm still only UL45 so I can't level her up past 70.
How is changli’s weapon?
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you dropped this king
Jinhsi is worse
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I simply cannot understand why the writer will first, give Nilou that line, and then gave wanderer kind of shit on Nilou for saying that line.

What the fuck were they thinking???
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when wuwabros post this in response they suddenly stop replying.... EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
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>Roll Wife
>Can't play her
Why'd they release the banner so early...
>Gook game
A fate worse than death. Do you guys realize that this means Kuro is going to make the game grindier?
I just use jue. Clears everything and doesn't miss like dreamless
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>Rolled x10
>Got Chagli
>Probably 40ish rolls away from pity weapon
>Only have enough asstrites for x10 pull
>Want to remain F2P but also want her weapon
I doubt I can get enough for 40 pulls to get her weapon as I've gotten 90%+ in almost all zones, done all the story content(minus the companion stories of yinling/changli).

I won't buy the season pass.. I won't buy the season pass....
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Spoiler your gore holy shit anon
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When will kuro do a double Tacet field event bro we need tubes
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lmao even
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Yes. Have you seen that movie with the bus where if it slows down too much it explodes? I'm like that with mobile game app charts, if we lower too much I literally die.
I did farm some during the 2x drop event and thought 3 million would be a good enough cushion... Didn't expect them to just evaporate like that
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This is your (you), now you can report your result to your superior and get your 0.15 USDT so you get to feed your family. I hope you dont do it for free anon, whatever your agenda is.
half the thread is poebros anyway
Everyone knew this already
But if you enjoy damage per screenshot then you rolled Jinhsi
>those crit rate/crit dmg's
god damn you guys lucky with your fucking echo rolls fucking hell fuck
Tencent game.
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Her weapon is not that great compared to the normal 5 star unless you R5 her sig then is a huge diff compared to everything else
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I really shouldnt be going for this..
>ching chang for (You) white man
>makes 10 bucks
>Nilou rerun
>film her having sex with other men
>10000000000000000 dollars in 1 day
NTRchads run this gaming genre
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I am fucking losing my mind. This is giving me a sensory fucking overload. What should I upgrade first? The characters? The echoes? The forte circuit? The weapons? I have half-assed all the echoes on most of my characters and I am also low on resources. So many upgrades and just a few waveplates. Fuck. Someone help. This is overwhelming.
eog is enough anon
Anon if you look at my statline most of my echoes rolled CR/CD/hp/def.
The normal 5 star? the one with crit rate%?
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>180 rolls
>Anko(I picked RC2 Jianxin for my rookie banner and free selector)
>Changli's weapon
>RC6 Taoqi
>RC5 Baizhi
I'm satisfied.
Tourist here. Where are the ChangLi gameplay webms???
your camellya bro?
arent PGR and HI3 still going tho
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I didn't roll Jinhsi so I had 20 years to grind echoes and burn like 1500 tuners, the daily fusion dog/lizard route really makes you want to kys
Jinhsi instant kills rocks with her skill on like 3 sec CD, while rushing forward. (gap closer)

We have more than enough options by now.
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rate my wife
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That's another thing hot damn she's satisfying from a feedback pov. The sound design is AMAZING on her attacks, utterly mogs Jinhsi imo.
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I'm sorry creditchad, I should've listened.... my retarded ass farmed for weapon exp during the increased drops now I'm at 9421 credits
Yeah but you see, I don't get CR/CD either. I'll get basic attack damage%, energy regen.
I still don't have any CR/CD on my Rider with CD% at +25.

After killing Rider at least 200 times, and rerolling CD% at least 10 times.
I gave in...
>god damn you guys lucky with your fucking echo rolls
Not really, just having changlis sword and any 4 cost echo with crit rate main Stat gets you to like 30/200 by default, you don't need many crit rolls to get decent stats
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This means fanservice and fololo being broken.
if that was the case GF2 would be breaking charts, but only thing that is breaking is raymond bed frame fucking micachuds girls
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So assuming Camellya is first in 1.3, how many rolls can we save up?
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Best one I've seen yet so EXPLODE
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>Actual DMC gameplay
1st week of august its coming

Wuthering Waves general. Discuss Wuthering Waves, sir.
wtf is this tiktok speed
Is there any reason to do the phoenix attack instead of this? I feel like the air combo is a bit slower here.
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Went all in on the double drop and became a wuwillionaire
Okay so I have EOG, but my echoes are just pure shit.
I don't have enough tunes, man. :(
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It's up for NA?
Phoenix gets you out of harms way and helps you hit Parry attacks that come from above.
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Who is first in 1.2? Zhezhi or Yao? I need to know how long I got to save for Zhezhers
Level Character - Weapon - skills - echo
the standard 5* looks so weird on changli but i dont want to pull for a weapon
This is a PC game
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Chicken breast owes me milk
cubeman first handlebars second
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why is getting crit rate so ass in this game, for changli for example if you have standart 5* and have a minimum c.rate roll on every echo you get 68 percent. but the the c.damage or the attack is ass
Yao first supposedly
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>lost the 50/50
>going to spend the whole day playing genshit now
thanks wuwa for nothing
holy fuck
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My takeaways from throwing Changli into ToA
>She feels weird. Not sure how strong she actually is. Feels held back by team options until Zhezhi
>Taoqi is actually just the worst fucking character in the entire game besides Lingyang
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>He lost
Just swipe.
>Taoqi is actually just the worst fucking character in the entire game besides Lingyang
I bet you run discord on her you retard lmao
What substats does Encore want besides CD/CR, ATK% and Energy regen?
rating gacha combat by complexity
Genshin Impact>>Zenless Zone Zero>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wuthering Waves>Honkai: Star Rail
genshin's elemental system is extremely deep if you care to look and you know theorycrafter terms and secret techs
ZZZ looks complicated at first sight, and it is, but not to the extent of genshin
genshin looks much simpler at first but it's actually deeper than ZZZ by a fair amount
HSR is a literal auto battler
wuwa is a mash your face on keyboard type of game, not much more complex than HSR to be honest
Fuck lmao
Where's the Hu Tao equivalent? That will end Genshin permanently
characters > weapon > skill > echoes
Looks nice but lets be real, juggling him that much is just tanking your DPS
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I mean, it looks like you did fine with her to me. Can't be that bad right?
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what the FUCK does it want me to do
where is the gameplay? I see one button spam
level -> weapon -> forte -> echo
echo lasts because you can do a lot with just a cope set, leveling the others is better since there is no rng in what you get from upgrading them.
NTA but I got Taoqi thanks to Changli's banner how should I build her, can you give me some advice anon?
Also she can work with Changli right?
Look how they reduced my aniki...fuck
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>Be me
>God of China
>Woke up
>My pet groomed a child and make her my wife
>My chess friend groomed a child and make her my wife
yes but holograms are hard content and you usually die before the timer runs out so time is not an issue
so making the boss unable to counterattack by juggling him is actually ideal
Is literally telling you have you have to do
If you're looking for max return on investment (clearing more of tower for like, 2 extra pulls every two weeks) focus vertically. Prioritize two teams and the most important DPS skills to upgrade. Don't pump excessive upgrades into skills your character doesn't rely on, such as basic attack on Jiyan unless you have spare resources in the first place.
Also don't spread your upgrades across too many teams because they'll be equally shitty if you do that. Also worth noting that weapons and echoes can be shared across different teams in tower.
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Very good bwos
Climb up to the tallest building next to the pond, it's fucking stupid because the tracker tells you its somewhere at the bottom when you start climbing.
Also help me while you're stuck >>487158383
probably waiting a bit to avoid burnout, HSR already announced HuTao 3: now it's personal
You think Crownless is there, getting pummeled in midair just wondering where exactly he went wrong?
Holy bias.

Genshin's is by far the worst, because you could exchange enemies with a dummy, as long as the dummy still has the same elemental barrier. NOTHING of the combat would change.

And Star Rail shows again and again how much depth it has just by retards posting dumb shit, running teams in terrible ways, match ups etc and can't understand that the problem is THEM. The entire "power creep" thing was born from that. "Why can't I use this char I used before? POWER CREEP, that's right! I can't be too stupid for this game".

ZZZ and Wuwa are fairly even. Both have their issues.
>trying to appease a god by offering a virgin
Historically accurate
I wanna bully this nerd with my dick
literally the opposite with the exception of HSR
>shell credits: 0
Build her for damage with 3's being Havoc damage and only 1n's being Def%. Her Ult hits just as hard as Sanhua's.
Yeah, it was funny getting the item that allowed me to double cast the ult every 15 seconds.

If you play it right you can almost infinitely spam forte + lib damage
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and that is??? I am next to a ring, idk what the hell an "eaves" is
thx and add basic% to that and thats it
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Did we win
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why does wear the mask?!
> Holograms are hard content

No, it is not. Are you bad at video games?
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>back for Changli after playing ZZZ for weeks
>combat feels like pure shit now despite I praised how wuwa's combat was much better than genshin back then
Crazy how Mihoyo always have backup plans for anything...
Can anyone share a good .ini for the graphics? I'm playing on 1080p and my game is insanely blurry, but other anons play in the same resolution and their game look miles better than mine.
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I have never farmed echos.
Is it over for me? I just use whatever I've been getting from material farming.
why the fuck are you retards actually replying to the most retarded bait ever, i hope it is the raidbuddies of the fag and not wuggers...
post hologram
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if I pulled Changli... should I use my selector for Encore?
As for the Sonata should I go Havoc?
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Genshin status?
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Do you have Verina already?
I'm playing both side by side and ZZZ is getting incredibly boring over time while Wuwa stays enjoyable. I just did the latest hollow zero levels I've unlocked and every enemy is a non threatening hp sponge that takes several minutes to kill and unlike Wuwa I don't even look cool while spamming the same skill over and over again
Make sure you have a verina first
memphis 6 at UL40-50 is harder than anything Elden Ring throws at you
>inb4 elden ring is not a hard game
it was hard enough to cause the chinese to shit up the rating on steam
>A fucking month and a fucking half
Literally kill me, there's no way someone will last playing until then.
Full damage, play her like a subdps, not support. Ideally you'll have someone else with fast concerto regen enabling Taoqi's intro. And you really want her S6.
Sanhua and Danjin work particularly well to enable her.

Also use the quickswap parry tech. Definitely one of the higher skill ceiling characters.
yeah I do
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I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
Now post no-hit Azdaha run
Don't listen to these faggots

They're the equivalent of genshin metacucks telling you to pull Diluc back then or to get Furina today
Get who you like
Noted, thanks anon.
>literally just spamming basic attack to juggle with Changli
>no timing, no additional inputs, no holds
Did you fucking faggots even play DMC or are you just spouting buzzwords? Wait, don't answer that because you'll embarrass yourself.
Take my favorite game out of your fucking dirty mouth.
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>Pulled Calcharo on my beginner choice banner
>Pulled him again twice on standard banner
>Lost 50/50 from yinlin to Calcharo
>Bought one of his resonances in the shop
>Pulling for Changli should give me enough corals to R6 him
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Those retards that keep spamming these revenue charts see their time and money spent on a game as an "investment".

They're like those wall street trannies that keep checking the stock market every couple of seconds. Absolutely pathetic
>several minutes
I feel like you do something wrong. I've not needed more than a minute for those double boss fights that actually show you a timer.
Also not like this game is different. I kill everything in 20 secs tops..
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>farming 3* echoes
>get like 15 of them
>ok time to level them up
>only one of them was fusion
Moonlit is better imo, especially if you intend to hand over to Changli or Jinhsi.

But Havoc can maybe work with a Taoqi/Danjin/Sanhua quickswap comp.
use the config closest to your gpu, I also enabled SMAA because TAA looks like shit in motion no matter how much I changed stuff
How about you bring in other gacha games if it's not strictly an action game comparison? Arknights requires more thinking than any of these games
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tomorrow's echoes will be better!
it is actually a goofy sidekick that doesn't steal away from the protagonist, i like him
Cool, I'll try her when I have more resources.
post holograms
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Pulling the fucking furry faggot out of all things instead of Changli is the biggest humiliation you Can get. Literally would be okay with pulling anyone else, but him. Fuck you Wuwa.
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uh ohhhhh melty
oops meant for >>487159057
>memphis 6 at UL40-50

Are you a retard? That's like having 1 HP at any game. Of course, it's going to be hard. That's an example of bad difficulty.
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>pulling for changli when she's just an encore sub dps
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Soooooo the turkey is out for all servers now
Wuwon ? wulost ?
That awkward moment when the subdps does 20% more damage than the dps...
holy gore
you did not answer the ritualpost to scare lingyang away...
post ToA clears
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>80 rolls
>got anko at 40
>got bird tits at 50
im fine with this
I'm not IK 40 yet but I'm just dpsing all the time without stopping with Ellen.
Wuwa isn't that different but it's flashier and also requires more APM depending on who you're using, the swap system of wuwa is so much smoother than ZZZ
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>My art friend groomed a child and make her my wife*
I think Havoc is superior since you want to make sure the shield is lifted 100% of the time.
Moonlit's buff is kind of meh and Taoqi wants no Energy Regen at all.
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You can juggle infinitely in dmc with high time into E&I.
>memphis 6 at UL40-50 is harder than anything Elden Ring throws at you
LMAO look at this faggot I cant even beat him in lvl 4 I fucking hate that judgment cut
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Jesus fucking Chrirst.
So the cringe sundial was her idea.
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I'm at shiyu 14, play while commuting, lvl 40 chars and i'm facerolling everything.
Game constantly tries to play itself it's very offputting.
Mash LB to win. It's just brainrot friendly slop.

I doubt you even play either game and you're probably just stirring shit, but at least be somewhat informed so you don't look like a retard next time.
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I got extremely lucky with both of SSRs in this patch
also Vidyabro, how do you like her new design
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Yet 80% less dmg than Jinhsi
I quit Genshin. I can’t accept cuckoldry anymore. They even just buffed their only sexo female DPS to protect their homo. Hope that game dies. Just downloaded wuwa.
>Mash LB to win. It's just brainrot friendly slop.
So just like mashing basics with changli to juggle enemies right? Or is that somehow different, because if you think it is then please explain.
Azdaha is a trashly designed boss
some of his attacks can't be i-framed
but I'm sure I could do it in less than an hour even with my genshin acc I haven't logged into for over a year now because with built characters you just 1 shot him anyway
>Are you a retard? That's like having 1 HP at any game. Of course, it's going to be hard. That's an example of bad difficulty.
he still one shots you at lvl80-90 so it doesnt really matter
only thing you get out of lvl80-90 is faster clears so you have to do less dodging in total
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uh oh hoyojeets are shilling zzz again
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Have fun bwo
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>IK 40
>this means interknot level 40
I can't take this motherfuckin game seriously jfc
Korea loves this game for some reason ot at least the hot chick characters. This banner and quest today seems like it's the last real thing of consequence happening in this game for some time yet though unless your a CC and like making videos about muh free stuff but that ain't actual in game content so....
You forgot
>the wife my chess friend got me groomed me a magistrate wife
I remember already following this thread's tips and not seeing much difference but maybe I fucked up somewhere
I'll try again, thanks.
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>I think Havoc is superior since you want to make sure the shield is lifted 100% of the time.
Havoc Rover has shit concerto, does not enable Taoqi well enough.

>Moonlit's buff is kind of meh
It's alright. Better than havoc. You might also consider 2 piece moonlit/havoc. But full havoc is unreliable. Taoqi can't get the buff up fully.

>and Taoqi wants no Energy Regen at all.
She wants as much as she can get since she generates so little. You MUST ult off cooldown.
S5 definitely helps with that. But I have yet to confirm whether its 20 energy per hit or just once.
Whats the quickest way to build up tidal is it the chest from exploration or side quest/achievements?
Nobody besides content creators and their fanbases have even really acknowledged that anything happened in this game today. It's pretty wild
>he still one shots you at lvl80-90 so it doesnt really matter

Now that's a terrible design for a GACHA game. If this was a real game, it's acceptable.
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I said it already but I am NOT playing zzz. Why do they want me to play it so much? Is it doing that badly? Leave me alone hoyosloppers.
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I need to farm a shit ton of rings. Any good pathing to farm those exile fucks to get plenty of them?
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Did you miss the part where you wave to do like 21 other different things to achieve that?
Doubt it.

Conclussion: You're just seething.
I accept your tearful concession.
>troon out
>act like a pedophile
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>people are rolling for a sub dps
You're about to be as disappointed as you were when you rolled for Yinlin and realized she is SHIT.
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Try it on hologram 6 anon, let's see what happens. Post webms...
Can you speak up? Lolicucks need to talk louder.
I can already hear the screams from gubei pass. Good stuff to loot too.
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Can I get this instead?
I'm more disappointed you are back anime avatarfag, was the interknot's size not of your liking?
I completely misunderstood your first point, I need sleep. Disregard that one.
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I wonder who this little girl is
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>he still one shots you at lvl80-90 so it doesnt really matter
>only thing you get out of lvl80-90 is faster clears so you have to do less dodging in total
You contradicted yourself in your own post. Dodging a boss for 1 minute and dodging a boss for 4 minutes is a completely different experience.
MrPokke said it best: all gacha games' difficulties are artificially inflated by level gatekeeping whether it's wuwa, zzz, genshin it's all the same. Doing content on-level removes most of the difficulty because that is what the devs designed the fights around, not doing it 30 levels below.

Also, as someone who's currently going through SotE with a level 1 character and no skibidi fragments I can confidently say that you're flat out wrong. This challenge run is one of the most difficult things I've done in gaming so far and nothing comes close. This regular mob is about 20x harder than Mephis 6 underleveled.
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The question now is, how do they top this? How does anyone top this?
>Changli literally has a kid with you in game
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wdym? I'm getting good mileage from my Yinlin investment putting her on my Jinhsi team. I'm gonna get even good mileage from her when Electro-Rover comes out. and when any other Electro dps comes out if you think about it
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Next week
lol look at the amount of clothing. she's only missing a hijab.
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Good question
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there is still phololo
and future mecha girl with royal guard
Did we win?
> No one is theory-crafting team comps and different strategies

is it too shallow of a game?
Yinlin is the character I'm most satisfied with pulling though
t. have jinhsi, yinlin, changli

She makes clearing the overworld super comfy
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Fedoraman is better with Jinhsi than Yinlin.
Yinlin is brick tier and Changli is DOUBLE brick tier.
/wuwa/'s team-building ability is limited to matching colors
>strategy in an action gacha game
LOL just mash buttons gweilo
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For me, it's Youning.
Do weapon banner pities carry over
We don't really have any dalao's in the community yet.
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>spend everything on jinhsi and her weapon
>down to 30 pulls
>changli comes home in 10
she loves me
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>do illusive realm with free sanhua
>get scar down to 10%
>haven't taken any damage once
>suddenly get one shotted through my shield while he is timestopped
>didn't even take any def/hp down debuffs
This is some bullshit.
Lord Abiter, I will forgive your....indulgence....with the stinky bird, BUT SHE IS A FUCKING NPC. JINHSI IS IN BED WAITING FOR YOU DAMMIT.
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Wait for black shores and fractsidus bitches
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isn't it bedtime already for zzzooniggers?
Number low? You lose

Number high? You win.
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I think that in terms of animations, Pholololo will probably surpass her, but the model for Changli is just too good.
More like yawning
I leveled Calchudo
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Fedora is a dps loss, I only use him when I'm too lazy to actually play the game. Yinlin can charge Jinhsi's forter bar faster with better dps.
Why am I even bothering to reply to obvious bait?
>You're about to be as disappointed as you were when you rolled for Yinlin
true, that's exactly how disappointed i am
which is to say not disappointed at all
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>match colors
>swap characters when their button lights up
>swap again when your energy bar is full
did you really think this game is that complicated bro? you fell for the cc and thread bait?
why do you think changli has no gameplay discussion at all, its because theres nothing to talk about lol she has no depth or secret tech because you just spam basic attacks and spazz around the screen
I regret leveling Calchudo
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Wuwa OBJECTIVE pros and cons :

>good female designs with little censorship
>great animations especially in combat, the game nails the chuuni aesthetics
>good ambient soundtrack
>nice QoL, able to skip text
>echo system, while perfectible, is original and superior to other gachas with the way it seamlessly fits into the world
>great JP VAs
>open world feels alive, holograms are a nice challenge, enemies fight each other on the map, several environmental hazards
>parry system

>mediocre battle soundtrack (soon fixed with Vanguard's comeback)?
>shit male design (aside from Sephiroth)
>mimics Genshin too much with rates, in-game store, amount of tokens for pulls, 50/50
>terrible writing
>main city is ugly
>much, much stingier than PGR
>performance issues and no 120 fps without modding
>parry system
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The hottest girls are always the biggest bricks.
When will you all learn.

He's only a dps loss if the 5* yinlin also has her 5* weapon.

>takes 160 rolls to beat out a lvl 1 fedoraman
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I regret leveling Calcharo Lawrence..
What's a good path to grind 1 cost fusion echoes?
Lost the pity on Changli, if i get her i am dropping Wuwa, if i lose the pity too i am dropping both and waiting for the next big gacha.
The anime girls xcom looked interesting.
Oh look the anime schizo is back
>shit male design (aside from Sephiroth)
Nigger alto is literally fucking me
it only takes 2 rolls, one for yinlin and one for weapon
don't tell me you're a lucklet?
>great animations
>good ambient soundtrack
>open world feels alive
You dodge and counterattack, that's the whole strategy for absolutely everything.
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>why do you think changli has no gameplay discussion at all
we're just waiting for gooks to optimize quick swaps.
Let the koreans do the math.
Get it posted here
We give the poster (Yous)s and applaud the optimized quick swaps.
Simple as
>Also, as someone who's currently going through SotE with a level 1 character and no skibidi fragments I can confidently say that you're flat out wrong. This challenge run is one of the most difficult things I've done in gaming so far and nothing comes close. This regular mob is about 20x harder than Mephis 6 underleveled.
what a big boy
I played through elden ring SL1 base game and the hardest boss (malenia) took me the same time to beat as memphis 6 on UL40
Malenia took like 1-2 hours with a moonlight greatsword (which is not even a meta build) so memphis 6 is definitely harder with no handicap
I haven't gotten around to play the DLC yet, I know it's harder than the base game but I plan to beat it on SL1 too
Alright, thanks. Appreciate it.
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waiting for more rollable characters still
More like I am busy playing the story, I could care less about gameplay metafagging right now.
Vanguard is not doing the OST bro
Kek. This is hilarious. Is the streamer a man or a woman IRL?

I'm too lazy to find the jojo meme gif
Cheap fucking copy of my perfect wife. On the left.
they're coming back
>everyone is enjoy the patch
>only schizos that doesn't play the game keep shitposting
thanks for the bump
Well there's that too... I haven't progressed Changli's character missions coz I'm having too much fun sparring with world bosses right now as well.
nice NPC kek
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>haven't progressed Changli's character missions
you're missing out bro
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So this is what S6 Changli looks like...
Wuwajeet found
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Should I upgrade the weapon's rank or save it for someone else?
the flesh.. is weak..
You're waifu a shit
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good good, no lion boy
gimme the mod. gimme...
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>he's still coping
Changwhore is trash. Math doesn't lie, just like we were right about Jinhsi being the best dps.
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So did anything really change with Changli's release? Or are new characters suddenly considered as new content now?
why do you hate lion boy?
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Whoever cooked Changli and Jinhsi weapon deserve a raise.
Look so fucking good bwos
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>standard banner DPS
>4* DPS
Why did I fell for this again...
What are people's opinions on the story quest. I quite liked it. Feels like they keep improving and the VA's were actually trying this time.
It was kind of annoying they used the same VA for the mentor and the Fractsidus goon(was one after the other as well which made it very obvious).
yeah, no
fuck this bootleg furry justin bieber
Amazing companion quest, the best so far
how much ER am I looking for for Changli
Give the 2nd one to Danjin since its red
>Changli dried me hard
Thanks god she's 2nd part.
I don’t care about wuwa but I’m glad it’s shitting all over Genshin currently and I hope it does even more. The Genshit devs deserve a wakeup call.
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It's okay bro, I'm not a fag that's gonna have a melty just becauseI get spoiled. If anything it only builds to the anticipation of me experiencing it as well.
I just decided to pace my gameplay properly so I'll always have something to do when I log in. Right now I'm just beating the living shit out of the tempest and thunder mephis until I exhaust my guaranteed 15 echo drops and trying to optimize my rotations with chixia.
>be me doing 1.0
>tell a content creator Jiyan will get powercrept sooner than Verina
>he pulls up a whole notepad to explain why I'm wrong and how Verina will be powercrept in 1-2 months while Jiyan will stay relevant for at least 8-12 months
>whole chat is laughing at me while this dumbass is cooking me
>ff to today
>Jiyan already powercrept
w-who is laughing now... haha...
kek fair
Post vid please.
I must be doing something very wrong because I can't fucking beat this shit with a full team.
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Changli does less dmg than Encore, how do you cope?
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Writing is on a steady incline now that the game is figuring out what it wants to be. Shame because Yinlin my beloved deserves a better quest than what she got...
Maybe and I hope she gets inserted in future events with better writing.
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>She didn't carry me in tower
Changbrick bros... its true...
Kuro has a grand masterplan, no limited ever become useless.
Yinlin get paired with xiangli yao (electro+liberation 20%)
Jinhsi with Zhezhi (resonance skill 40%)
Jiyan as early dps still beat Jinhsi.
So i expect around 6 patch there will be a pair for her
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your Camellya?
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Cope? I installed game for anime tits and white straight male pandering
I think Yinling quest was pretty good also, outside of the ending that is.
Jiyan was literally made for people who can't play the game correctly.
That's why he was on the first banner to begin with.
I'm sure phone players would enjoy playing with him or even Jianxin her shield and small grouping really helps out.
He does good damage and have his insane parry window thanks to his ult.
Of course he's gonna get powercreep especially since he's a 1.0 character lmao.
Is her Weapon worth rolling?
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goodbye bwo ill never forget you
>93% CR
holy moly
Lovey dovey quest where you have to help her because her disease is acting up soon
Jiyan has really good voicelines thoughbeit, unleashing his ultimate feels awesome each time
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>genshin's elemental system is extremely deep
im so retarded i dont understand her kit at all
same, fuck metaslaving in this game
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>hat guy
And that is the critical strike.
In chink language, hat guy is called "A-mao", but "a" prefix is a very intimate way to call someone, so if a chink guy may read that sentence as: "You couldn't have set him down on the grass over there, dear Amao~"
The damage done could be critical...

That means you didn't know oyohim well enough, back in the good old days, they called Honkai 3rd captains as deck cleaners, ATM in event plot, kek
I will never financially recover from building Changli.
It's doing WHAT again? Post the sales.
Bro you just need to post a Neuvillette 360 spin and you'll make him shut up lmao
>echo system
They need to figure out how to improve it bigly. Managing the echoes after farming them is a huge pain in the ass. Im considering just not picking them up and deleting the useless ones instead of recycling cause its so not worth the time. The tacet fields give too few upgrade materials.
>mediocre battle soundtrack
I like it personally.
>terrible writing
Looks like they're trying to improve.
I'll give you another con:
>camera is pure cancer and it doesn't help that Jinhsi (and possibly future characters) have moves that ram into the enemy and you can't prevent that,
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>212% crit damage
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Oh she will, without a doubt. After all Yinlin is the one who saved wuwa.
I didn't think it was awful, but I do think it was the weakest of the character quest we've had so far. Including Lingyang.
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Stop! This game is not a fighting game. Go back and play zzz.
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id roll for changli if she looked like this
crit damage GOD
5* weapons + party buffs + food buffs
Because the writer was told to do something and did it in the most backhanded way possible
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Is this the modern version of the national team? I can't see what's happening at all, just the 4 bursts. >>487164389
I'll do the honors wuwabwo... and they got mad when Hoyo was finally gonna nerf this AFTER they got milked for all their money. lmao
If you're still playing a chink game by the time the war starts, you should be arrested and executed for treason.
how the fuck
post your echoes please
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danjin is love danjin is life, one day i hope for a danjin wife,
as i arise in the morning i gaze upon my danjin wife yawning,
with eyes like dazzling gems, and gems 10/10,
all i know, all is well in life
when i have myself a danjin wife.
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You WILL bench her since she is shit.

>masterplan is having Changli as a sub dps whore who's on screen for less than 5sec
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He didn't pull the Changli weapon because he was saving some pulls for Geshu Lin. Is China successful in turning the West into gays, one at a time?
I love you danjin ritualposter. Changli's sig looks really good on her btw
Go back to the shed Danielle, that's my berb wife's sword
>I can't see what's happening at all, just the 4 bursts
yup exactly
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im ok with it
It's unbuffed, bro. You just settle for being mid, that's all.
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how bad is this
She left me dry too bro
Wish me luck
this nigga UNIRONICALLY said that NOBODY from honkai sistergame HATE WATCHES ZZZ content. its actually baffling how people can get past the first 2 minute.
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>What are the implications?
this was the best possible outcome.
see >>487156245
by clearing everything in the game with her anyway, because there's nothing hard enough for it to matter
Looks like a lot of fun compared to the button mashing in wuwa

If you have standard 5* sword not really
Better than mine, at least you got some characters before 70 pity.
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Poetry! Can't wait to try the new sword out on my Danjin wife.
and yet, wuwa's teambuilding is still far less interesting because its element system sucks
Why are this guy's nails painted?
Jingling keys syndrome.
Forgot pic
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not great, not terrible
>got fox phoenix wife and her weapon
>all the fusion echoes i had farmed rolled like shit
Can't win them all
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Good luck bwo...
even I rolled her and her weapon as F2P, what a fuckin homosexual hypocrite
i agree with this, wuwa elemental system is work as a nerf if anything, on another side, you dont have to make you whole team work as some kinda color puzzle.
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post retarded decisions
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i said it before and i'll say it again
you trash ass mfs wouldnt last ONE MINUTE in the arena with my nigga messmer but go ahead and keep pretending like your toddler ass "press the button that lit up" game is the "dark souls" of gachas
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>he got her the sword
Based Danjinfag
Here a new Danjinpic i found today
I like how people will have double my crit rate/damage and call their build shit
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good luck bwo
honestly dendro ruined Genshin's balance and made team building beyond retarded as well
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Oh shit oh fuck
Playing gacha as a f2p and doing some gacha feel fucking great when you win the gambling
t. energy regen/hp/def rolls
if you're at 200-210% cdmg you're trolling
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I will in fact not do such a thing.
should i use that free 5* weapon on the sword
Careful bwo thats how they getchu
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>i still dont have cowqi
new player here, why do people complain about the echo? coming from Genshin it seems relatively easy to get a good mainstat on the echo you want and the real rng appear to come from the substats but aren't these relatively unimportant compared to the main stat?
>80 rolls
>not a single copy
homo game
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You were the same people criticizing Changli's animations for being "too flashy" because you can't see anything happening on the screen. Apparently spamming 4 ults in a row and watching everything explode in an incomprehensible mess of flashing lights and colorful numbers isn't a problem.
fucking christ
actually insane luck
Sword and gun are the better picks.
There arent many gun users however.
the only people enjoying the echo grind are neets who farm the open world 3 hours a day doing brainrot "routes"
it's literally one of the biggest complaints that regular players have about the game, the echo system managed to be worse than genshit because of the exp gate.
The weapon banner is guaranteed.
There is no 50/50.
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Guess who came home
>hurr durr wuwa gameplay bad
>get btfo by people posting genshin "gameplay"
>can't post zzzzoo gameplay to defend himself despite hoyoshill insisting that their game is "deep"
>larp as a fromsoft grug...
reaching the bottom of the barrel
nta I rolled her+weapon lol
Is this guy buying echo exp with cash?
Gachagame will never get me again in this lifetime
I was there with FGO/GBF/Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur and I wasted ton of money on them
I know I got the weapon very early (23 rolls)
More games should just do that with weapon banners. I feel more like throwing my rolls at it when I know it is just 80 max for the character's weapon.
Rotted his ass while Tyche drained his HP. Took two tries, skibidi level 14. Much easier than level 4 challenge bosses
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kill furry lion
behead furry lion
castrate furry lion
crucify furry lion
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wtf I kneel.
Lots of rolls were 3rd line and beyond...
I am a time traveller, Changli is Bennet of wuwa.
I repeat, Changli is Bennet of wuwa
>I know I got the weapon very early (23 rolls)
Oh nice congrat then anon
>do single 10 pull
this is the best gacha i ever played desu
Ah.. a seasoned. Im still in gbf for my crew and I miss harassing the homescreen loli in Million arthur
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If I lose my next 50/50 I'm uninstalling this game. Buy monthly passes, BP, and all I do is go 70 rolls into each char and lose. Already had more luck on the first banner in ZZZ and I don't even care for it as much.

Makes me curious how many players gacha games lose by RNG being heavily not in their favor.
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Yinlin is still somehow the most important character in the game to have so far
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Everyday humiliation ritual, hoyokeks can't help themselves
>getting yinlin and jinhsi early
You had to be unlucky sooner or later.
How good is changli weapon? I don't wanna use the blue 5* sword
One of the few ritualposters i tolerate.
Happy for you bro.
You mean that game that regularly releases pandering females only to ship them with other females two patches later? I feel pity for you.
This but I got Calchudo on Jinhsi's banner and I couldn't get her on time...
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Fuck I shouldn't , but I think I will get the weapon too
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it's alright desu
1. Half of the thread is poebros, nobody's complaining about farming, it's rather availability
2. There are limited amount of mobs on the map, while this does not matter for 4 cost echoes (bosses respawn and you can farm them endlessly) or 1 cost echoes(there are shitton of them on the map), you are really bottlenecked by 3 cost ones, since there are around 45 of them on the map and you need to win 1/5 to get echo, 1/2 to get the proper set and 1/12 to get a proper stat, which averages to around 1 good 3 cost echo per 2.5 days.
3. Sub-Stats matter very much, they are the primary source of crit rate and crit multi
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are you me?
too bad my echoes are complete shit and I only have 40% CR and 210 CD
god i wish this was regular but unfortunately it was a once off (so far?)
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Took 10k astrite, even though I was at 50 pity and guaranteed. Think I won't roll for Zhezhi's weapon, I still have 18k astrite but shit is looking grim for Dork+Fulouluo+Camellya
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Nikke collab when? They give us Sakura BS, we give them Chixia but we hand Chixia a tacet AR instead so she doesn't embarrass herself in the Ark
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Not surprising, everyone knew she was a versatile support with crazy personal damage from reading her kit.
how much crate is too much crate on changli...
Why does this game never have codes
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Fuck gonna do it
>roll Changli
>try her out against Scar in the tower
>can only barely clear him with 2 minutes remaining
I have no idea who to pair Changli with apart from Verina, Havoc Rover unironically works pretty well but Scar resists Havoc. No Encore and my Chixia only has two dupes.
>28k astrite
how much have you spent on WUWA, fren?
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Why is no one talking about whether Changli is a must pull? I only have 20k astrites so I don't know whether to pull the trigger or keep holding
>rolling on the worst weapon banner to date as a f2p when you consider how broken the standard one is
holy fucking retard.
>c2 changli gives 25% crit rate
holy pay to win
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>umbrella fake out before firecracker
God damn I want to fuck the gilf.
15 dollars, I've been lucky all this time, that and I skipped Yinlin
>not terrible
i lost every 50/50 though...
must pull for heterosexual males, all women, and trannies
skip for homosexual men
he's rerolling bro...
If you're too stupid to think for yourself on top of being a metafag just wait for your designated CC to tell you what to do.
It's not that hard.
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That mob was put in there by a person that has never even played the game or fought against it, that much is certain, fuck this shit
If you don't give Changli her weapon you don't love her, simple as
Huh a lot less than I thought honestly, congrats dude
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Because everyone pulling for her are only doing it cuz "MUH DICK"
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at one point we are the luckiest person alive, the next time we are brick...i feel this shit is rigged
birdbros, I don't wanna think, much less read, which skills do I level first? what's the priority here?
only for the sound design and as advisors, they aren't doing the OST. They didn't even put that on their site
I'm playing gachashits long enough to know meta means CERO shit in long run
Monk is good though?
>no Magistrate
Yeah that's a brick
basic attack + triangle, crit/attack %, ult, resonance
karma for rerolling for a homo
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I feel empty after doing Changli's quest..
I need a part two...
I miss my wife...
>terrible writing
What's wrong with the story again?
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Ah yes, the... African market?
just imagine a lvl70 with dogshit stats, lvl80 soon
didn't you pull her???
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I quit the game today bros.
Go on without me.
Wasn't dendro mechanical powercreep and Fontaine brought individual powercreep where Neuvilette and the wolf ice dude could solo Abyss?
why cant retards just not pull for dupes you dont need
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Of course I did.
But I need more story and cutscenes with her...
cameroonbros we did it!
Thank You Kuro

I got so emotional on the companion quest with Changli about the 2 NPCs. It reminded me of me and my wife's struggles everyday. My wife has the chronic kidney disease for almost 3 years now and she's having 3 sessions of dialysis every week. The only way for her to extend her life now is by having a transplant. But we currently don't have the resources for it. I am currently on a different country far away from her just to earn money enough to buy her needs. When we got married last year we made a promise to each other that we accept what we have now and we know how everything will be challenging ahead, but no matter what happens from now on, we'll keep going on everyday, will be each other's strength no matter how far we are. I wholeheartedly thank you Kuro for this story quest, it strengthened my hope for a brighter future for me and my wife. Thank you so much.
Genshin having a rotation based on team comp to proc reactions = jingling keys
Wuthering Waves being 'quick swap for +dmg%' and flashy animations for spamming 1 button = not jingling keys
pretty funny
Cool, thanks.
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she reminds me of someone I know
uh bro? Your super secret sex mini-game(GoW style) on the boat?
This should apply to all future 5* characters that uses swords, until they start powercreeping out of their mind or give it insane crit stats such as the rectifiers.

If you're a f2p and you're pulling on the weapon banner you're effectively bricking your account.
Beach event soon, housing soon... We'll be able to move our wives in and tend to our garden before long.
>GoW style
How much Astrites did she shit out after cumming?
Kuro is not in the thread bro, he can't see you
F2P weapon puller here, my wife got her sword, life is good
damn jinshi is way fucking stronger. its not even close
>even less of a difference than Jinhsi with and without her weapon
why do people even post this shit on reddit. i legit can't wrap my head around it
I pull with my heart and penis and never with my brain
a good game will accommodate that, while I'll just quit a bad game and lose nothing
Now that Changli is out, are you guys going to farm for the upcoming characters?
I started farming electro gear for cubman since he's free.
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1600 for clearing, 3200 if you finish her in under 2 minutes.
>1.2 expected pulls 67
So how is this different from genshit? Don't use the free 5* excuse because not everyone cares about using a stupid male.
for the same reason you post on 4chan dumbfuck, (You)s
also it's obviously fake gigatard
She has smaller tits though
I mean, I wanted her C2. Nobody said anything about needing it.
I had 500 coral and I was planning on buying it from the shop either way.
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Why does it feel like every fucking thing in this game requires those exile rings for mats
I just want my wife to have her weapon and if my account is bricked so be it, I'll quit when it stops being fun
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I feel like I have low cdmg compared to others...
why do you care? You don't play this game
Didn't pull her. Prefarming for account lvl 60.
better 5* rate
lower pity
100% weapon
any more burning questions?
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Yinlin? I don't remember giving you a key!
I'm still trying to improve my current kusoge echo sets what are you on about? :D
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Did Changli save wuwa
Bro you are letting your wife holding that ugly blue sword? It doesn't match her look bro????
>both changlis in under 80 pulls
what exactly are you expecting?
I'd say the free 5* is a pretty good excuse.
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I still can't get past the first hazard boss
I regret rolling Jiyan (he's my only real leftovers after getting 22 stars in the other towers)
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I want lingyang off my account
underground castle warrior origin I kneel
I might start building the cow since I R6 her with this banner
>new update is just a banner and a companion story
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We're finally getting somewhere bwos (I'm a Changlilet this is unrelated)
he's a character in the permanent pool, it was gonna happen eventually, why are you bitching? Just don't use him
100 percent pity for weapon. 80 rolls for hard pity.
Ehh its fine. Came to accept how things are and its sticking around for the friends moreso the game. Besides 3stack genociding wuwa with gbf players means they usually dont tap out easily since they autistically farm gw so I benefit from that too.
ehh theres meg&mari, cupi&tristette which i forgot and the most recent one I think the shinobi? I started skipping events unless the lineup interest me.
>So how is this different from genshit?
free 5* selector
begginner banner with lower pity
novice banner with selectable 5*
standard banner with selectable 5* weapon, with 100% rate
higher 5* chance (0.6% vs 0.8%)
lower pity count (90 vs 80)
100% on the signature weapon banner
more free stuff in 1.0
more free stuff in 1.1
1.2 is not confirmed yet so cant say shit about that and neither should you
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Finally got a Marcato for my Monk!
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im already dry bwo...
don't worry, your luck isn't as bad as mine
I have 40%CR and 210% CD :)
my luck with echo rolls have been god awful I've just given up
The retards who makes that infographic are comedically incompetent. They still put livestream codes in there and still has 2 tower cycle rewards when there are 3 per patch. I wouldn't take those estimates seriously if I were you anon.
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classy, I really dig her animations
I can (usually, at least for now) make out what is happening in WuWa. It's incredibly hard to do the same in Genshin at this point. Outro buffs being tied to a couple of actions also discourages ADHD switching whenever your skill is up. It's really just based on how much I can make out vs what I'm doing. WuWa feels like I have more control over what's happening than Genshin does. Iframes and VFX vomit is to blame for that, if you ask me.
I can see WuWa go down the exact same path, though, don't get me wrong. PGR also shits out too many effects to make out enemy animations at this point.
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Same but I'm flat broke from building Changli so it's still lvl 20....
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I feel like rolling on anything other than a support right now is just retarded. Even before Changli. There's no reason to get any new maindps/subdps units, we already have way more than enough for tower clears, what we need is a serious support healer / buffer. If you used Verina on the 4th stage of both left/right tower, you're already screwed. No I'm not going to cope-build a monk, this isn't a solution.
meg and mari were yuri from day 1
there was a ton of cope in the thread and it was very funny watching it get crushed out literally every time they were on screen
cupi&trisette is the only time it came out of nowhere
Yea we should be able to blindfold play wuwa bosses too wtf kuro
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I don't need her to clean toilets I need HER as a Toilet.
>star rail estimated pulls 105+
>also gave a free top tier nigga
now what? don't even bother with the weapon banner, only literal retards waste pulls on a stat stick that's 11% better than a standard 5* weapon
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so nice of the kuro devs to give us a portable onahole companion
Mei a cute
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>Pull Changli and her Sword
>Barely have resources to level
>Outro into Chixia
>Mech Waste into Res Liberation nukes everything
>Chixia Boom Boom hits just as hard without Taoqi

I won.
Changli bros won.
Chixia bros won.
Encore bros keep winning.
>out of echo xp
>can't kill the prism thing on the tower
it's Rover...
i already have a 2nd electro set that Chud is using
>watch rexlent stream
>talking about changli fart fetish

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do a Cowqi-Changli-Chixia comp so you can also buff Changli's forte blasts.
we are getting a free 5* next patch
anything else or are you out of arguements?
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Same. She's absolute seckusu.
Wait...if I understand this quest correctly, so Changli master grooms her so she can be explicitly for(You) and (You) only? The entire dungeon section is just a test to see if she is worthy enough for (You) right?

that is so fucking BASED from Kuro
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I didn't know having a girlfriend of this caliber was so expensive... I need shell credits! Save me Jue!
Yes see >>487154193
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okay faggot lier, HSR you have to mega autisticaly grind the new game modes to get a bulk of the pulls and there's also coin flip on the LC so that's a HUGE pull sink it also have higher pity than wuwa.

Niggas saying pink hair chick will be top tier or w/e are caping on the stack we dont know if she will brick or not till she is out
>Star rail
Turn based shit. I have a huge turn based backlog. Don't need one that never ends.
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I regret rolling for Changli
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I beat ER DLC twice and I play wuwa

now what fag?
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How good or important is Changli's sig?
I still have the UL45 box I could use on sword for her, otherwise if I go for her sig I can get a different weapon with that.
Or I could give her the standard 5* sword from box and just save for someone else
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Finally some good luck
why do people still pretend fromsoft games are hard
why do people who pretend fromsoft games are hard think that wuwa is supposed to be hard
>Jianxin down a tier
Why though?
>Manage to get her in the last of my jimmies after getting that faggot Calkek for the first time in the roll before
>Nowhere even close to the pity either
You have no idea how happy I am holy fuck
>picture moments before she shoves you into the boat's room to break your hips
That's a nice idea but I didn't think about it because of no healer, how good is Cowqi's shield really? I don't have her fully invested yet so I don't really know, Changli left me dry of money and exp.
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Man I really like this game
H-Hey Jinhsi what's... hnngh... what's the m-matter?
C-Changli? I... mmfff..... I haven't... hahh....fuck.... I haven't seen her, s-sorrYYY—! Oofff.....
W-What? Oh no I'm... hngghh.... I'm ffffffine...... d-don't worry about me... mmmffff.... o-okay?
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Congrats bwos! I'm happy for you!
Jinhsi is a better Sig for her and any Broadblade user
Changli's is good but the Regular 5* is close, so you can use that one instead and not lose on that much.
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>Still cares about Prydwen's opinion
I mostly pulled for the sword because it looked like it was going to be the best general sword for a long while, dethroning emerald genesis by a bit.
Shipping games were the only thing we had back in 2013, it's 2024 now bro, you don't have to be a cuck anymore
I rolled the sword because it has crit damage sub stat, I like having options. Also, it looks cool as fuck on Changli
>okay faggot lier, HSR you have to mega autisticaly grind the new game modes to get a bulk of the pulls
ain't this the same general that calls hsr an auto battler? i mean don't get me wrong it absolutely is and i say that as a day 1 player who's literally autoing it right now, but how can it be both an auto battler that requires no effort and a mega autistic grind?
come on man can we at least have an honest conversation here? and again nobody who's not a whale should even roll for weapons in wuwa because they don't alter mechanics at all. i completely regret pulling for puppetmaster for my encore and learned my lesson to only roll for characters
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>autistically farm for weeks for fire echoes
>get an acceptable echo set barely scratching everything I farmed
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I regret investing into danjin, she used to be so good until I started doing TOA and I kept coping that she was being held back by havoc resist mobs.....
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huh, I rolled this without thinking much about it, but isn't this like really good for Changli?
>tier 0.5
Imagine playing this shit on Iphone
It's better for manko, changli wants skill damage, but it's still a double crit + attack so it's great.
It's decent, would have been great if it was Resonance Skill instead of Basic Attack.
Is this your cope for rolling for a shitty brick character?
kek an actual prydwen anus kisser
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It looks great on Danjin too! And yeah, too many teams I like want more than one sword user, but I only have one EG.
Encore piece, Changli wants Skill dmg bonus, but might as well use that for the crit and atk stats until you feel like searching for another one.
NTA but that's not a ratiocinative conclusion.
They can both be valid arguments without any overlap or as you implied; dishonest.

Not saying i agree or didagree you're just holistically wrong in your approach.

I also play HSR btw, if you're inclined to find it relevant.
Bee honest /wuwa/......

If changli saw you IRL do you think she would ever give (you) the time of day?
noob here what does s6 mean?
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nope she would skippu me
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Give it to me straight bros... am I bricked?
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>tier 0
>tier 0.5
>tier 1
>tier 1.5
can someone explain this retardation to me? what happened to the good old tier 1 2 3 4
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damn you guys are right, just read the skill now, still good enough
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No, and that's the point.
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How the fuck are you Changlis so strong
I barely have 2000 ATK, 50% Crit Rate and 165% Crit Damage
yeah like 10 seconds and then be bored as shit
means youre a whale
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fucking whale
but also show food buffs
post your echoes bwo
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>and 165% Crit Damage
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dumb Yangyang poster
Tectone took 150 pulls to get changli bros
keep me posted
It's just basically
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>that requires no effort and a mega autistic grind?
So you think farming up divergent universe wasn't a grind ?
LC in hsr are game changers for MOST units. Lets not even mention how dupes in HSR literally FIX characters, like the latest addition Jade for example.
HSR is just another mihoyo whale bait, they create problems or release a character half assed to then put all the fixes in the Eidolon system and / or LC.
In wuwa at the very least the biggest impact in performance comes from not being shit like you can whale max out a character but if you suck balls it aint gonna do nothing for you.
Can someone translate Changli's rotation to kbm inputs please
I have about the same, with the 5* crit sword and one crit substat on every echo.
People with 80%/250% are fucking whales/luckshitters with double crit on every echo. 1 crit substat on each piece is normal.
>trad-wife in wheat field
This picture is very right-wing... Oy veyyy
>uninstalling wuwa kills Yangyang
Deepest lore
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this is bait right...
Nobody makes good tier lists as nobody has all chars well invested and plays the game with all of them to even know how good they really are.

So it doesn't matter. It's easy in turn based games, but in real time there's too many things that fuck chars over, or help chars, that aren't obvious, or happening all the time.
It was over after +10. Stop the cope.
Got an early at 30 pulls but lost the 50/50
At least the nerd for my Jinhsi to bully is guaranteed now
Just tune it. Worst case scenario your next echo will be +22, then +20.
>open the game
>get Changli in 60 rolls
>brick my account
>see that I don't have the mats to ascend her or good echoes
>close the game
holy shit how MANY saurians are there on the map? the 3 cost fusion echo
I've been at it for an hour and there are still on them on the map, it just never ends
what the fuck
i have 70/270 on her, level 80 with her sword. most of it though is from echoes, i have double crit on all pieces except one, which has dmg + atk %. I'm also completely out of tuners though and spent a good bit of time echo grinding so theres that
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How good is Changli's weapon at 1 copy of each? Is the 5* standard sword good enough? I currently have it on Sanhua. By the way, is the BP sword any good?
I would've stopped at +15 since it's a 3-cost, but looks like a resource sink
the wolves are the worst there's a trillion of them
Just do it coward
same and I got verina im coping by calling this a W.
The drone is so mindfucked it never thought hsr LC/dupes are solutions to problems made intentionally KEK
BP weapons suck massive dick. You can just share the weapon with Sanhue unless you are planning to use both in the same team
wtf i'm not that fat
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i really really really REALLY hate 4-cost farming
the standard is good enough, save your pulls
the BP regular sword is complete trash, R5 is worst for changli than Commando of Convition at R1
We are not getting a second 4 cost echo?
>Nobody makes good tier lists as nobody has all chars well invested and plays the game with all of them to even know how good they really are.
You... you know that prydwen isn't just one person making the tier list right? You DO know that people level/gear different characters and pool together their results to make an aggregate list?
I sincerely hope you are just baiting and you're not actually this retarded. Then again I've seen other posts share your same opinion so maybe there's more to it after all.
Do we get stream codes like genshin ever?
I just hate echo farming in general. Easily worst part of the game
No they just give us straight up free pulls every patch
I can't even farm echoes I don't have any energy left after leveling everything else
>kill cost 4, get echo
>go to jue, kill jue
>kill cost 4, get echo from pity
do this to save some time anon
my rolls didn't go too well
had to swipe
the verina is a dupe
New bread boko?
>can't even alt tab
>20% chance to waste a bunch of time
that makes it even worse
Kuro doesn't expect you to do that song and dance for some pulls. No.
You just get them and that's that.
But she is flat and has no ass
you mean dreamless?
>early jinshi
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This turkey is extremely smooth to play.
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extra gay
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homoGODs how are we holding up?
Lol fuckface already got his content and is done streaming. What was that like 3 hours today? Probably at least an hour of which was watching his chat scroll by or reading/trolling on twitter while fellating himself.
You can't make a good tier-list with multiple people as input. That's a poll, not a tier-list. We can do this here as well.

A tier-list needs to be objective and structured. The fact that wuwa even has t0 and t1 chars is fucked. No character is. Every single char in wuwa relies on short time windows of burst, but the enemies aren't designed with it in mind.
Think Dark Souls. You wait for an opening to strike. You can't do this here. If you are in your damage phase, you NEED to play offensively or else it's a huge DPS loss. Enemy jumps away, on a pole or something along those lines? Get fucked. Enemy attacks you and disrupts your combo? Get fucked.

The enemy, or rather specifically the boss designs favor skirmish characters. Characters not relying on intro/outro, liberation or big cooldowns, who can perform in short bursts. None the chars I've raised fit into this. So none of them are t1. T0 is just an absolute must have, can't play the game without it, which we also don't have.
I played too many gacha. Tier-Lists are always a big ? for all of them. They are always shitty. No exception.

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