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Previous Thread: >>487019625

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jul. 2 - Jul. 22 | New Mini-Event: Maze Guess
[Current] Jul. 9 - Aug. 5 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Lingering Summer
[Current] Jul. 9 - Jul. 29 | Point Event: Fish on Cloud Nine (P2000)
[Upcoming] Jul. 23 - Aug. 5 | Theater Mode Season 12 (HOC: RPG-29)

[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Detective 2
[Current] Jul. 18 - Aug. 8 | New Event: Zero Charge

[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 |Collaboration Event: Retrocausal Trie Interference (Neural Cloud x Steins;Gate)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Dazzling Arclight] (Mayuri Shiina)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Truth-Seeking Kronos] (Kurisu Makise)
[Upcoming] Jul. 23 - Aug. 20 | External Search - [Crimson Joyrider] (Bonneville)
[Upcoming] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | Character Event: Bonneville [Phantasmagoric Sojourn]
[Upcoming] Jul. 23 - Aug. 13 | New Mini Event: [Melodious Macrocosm]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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Pinch doll cheeks
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all those legs but one of them decided that she wanted white stockings
Year of the rat
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Let's have a wonderful Monday and let it be a great start for a blessed week!
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I think i now accept the fact that MICA games will never be a sky high success like some anon wishes they are (doujin boom and revenues and shit).
Also i hope Madcore is doing well after this.
>not even the queen of anal anymore
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she's still the queen of jobbers
The real MVP of this story
reject dolls
total admin love and smooches
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Dolls that listen to Duran Duran?
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With how king chong's games are, it's always destined to be niche. Maybe it's for the best honestly, like have you seen the amount of shit that goes down in larger gacha communites like genshit?
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cosplay rat for gfl2
I need a 3D Imhotep
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Sweaty African armpits, underboobs and butts..
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Tasha doko or Elaugh DOKOOOO
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So am I supposed to complain about no Tasha now?
>girls frontline line 2
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God yes please
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Your proof dork?
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>People may burn on average 3 to 4 cals/min during sex at moderate intensity. While people often claim that you can burn 100 to 300 cals per sexual act, you'll need to go for at least 25 mins to make that happen.
Working out with AK-15,K3 and CR-21..
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That's definitely Nanaka. But the registry said it's Nana
"That's not Tasha", that's how
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Have you ever seen the two in the same place at the same time? Have you never tried taking Nana's glasses off and then visually comparing her to Nanaka? Have you never noticed how you can't say "Nanaka" without saying "Nana"?
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It's official then.
>Second-hand game market
You know it. He said what he said, one hand in the mouse the other...
Simo better be featured in her character event
>elaugh dorks keep having to post the same game CGs of their waifu because 0 (zero) fanart
I'll make one then
hell why only ONE, I'll make TWO
Big Russian smooching
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It's a fucking crime I tell you, a crime!
nowhere near muscular enough
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>Five days later
>I am forgotten
>My message for humanity buried under waifuposters
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This is how admins look like?
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Meryl, strip!
She's a friendly admin so the odds of her being next are good!
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yes, we need the birbs back. both of them as a package deal.
She already has someone she loves I'm not recruiting her!
Anon, no amount of admins will allow for her curtain to rise again. The play is over and there is no second showing
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Are you implying owls aren't birds?
Anon, your meds. Now.
>She already has someone she loves
Her original self does. She's just a copy.
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nah the oppai loli can stay dead, she's a bitch. I only want the black swan.
Sorry but only Ange matters
And every copy loves that person
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ak-12 mod 3 story TL doko?
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The more the merrier, I fucking love birbs!
Meryl is like Evelyn where she was permanently "retired" to the server. There is no Meryl outside the cloud. If Magrasea goes down she dies forever.
And that’s for the best. At least it assures they put in effort, instead of serving slop for the masses. I’ll commission my own porn anyway.
there's no mod story, because she's not released yet
Maybe because its a spoiler?
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That's a good thing, she'd provide the spice in our lovebird triangle.
Mica... the Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou collab...
I present to you Nana(ka)
Eh, she can always fall in love again. A ring does that to a girl.
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>Chong plays Golden Ring
What build you nignogs think he mains?
>Crying over waifuposters
Very funny
12's mod story will be 4 chapters of moping after zero charge
What did he mean by this?
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Blasphemous Blade
Fingerprint Shield
Veteran's Set
Mimic Tear
Embla SF capture doko?
It better just be her side of the Wolfpack like we got AK-15 and Abakan
very emotional
It's not exactly smart but it is smartly written - it's not supposed to be for actual scientists or educated people, this is definitely marketed for teens that are on the way to be scientists or those who have an interest in STEM, or just someone lonely and chuuni. It really isn't anyhow scientific or deserving praise for that but I think it did a good job for being a tale about friendships through hardships and how one can learn to cope using imagination. The ending sucked ass. The fuck you mean they just want to stay so they do? You could've literally used the cheap trick of saying "oh they don't have a way out so they have to keep looking for now and therefore they stay" or better yet use the excuse that to leave they need to disconnect like the rest of the dolls which would explain them being stuck with us until the end of magrasea. OR say they want to stay just the same but also mention THAT TIME FLOWS SLOWER IN THE OUTSIDE AND THATS WHY THEY CAN AFFORD ABANDONING REALITY AND ALL THEIR FAMILIES??? jfc
Anyway I'm gonna share some screens, I don't have much to say besides it being a well written story, it sucks for actual science but it did it's job at pretending to be intellectual and that was it's purpose anyway (rather, being for babies who will grow up into smart beanpoles), which it succeeded at brilliantly.
I refuse to believe that that's her mod3 design tho
Shut up, Kimie would not aprove of this plebian ass build.
My brother in Lunasia, you should've accepted it when PNC and GF2 were neither open world or third person shooters. But one autist with a vision and drive almost always produces something of worth, even if is jank or weird, while a game for everyone is a game for no one.
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>the queen of anal
In her dreams
>the queen of anal
In her dreams
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kimie thinks this build is for shitters and is thus probably what YZ would use
Lind was always the dedicated butt doll together with timpie
She's hotter with the mask
>>>beaten yet again by her superior imouto 433
I love AA12 but she made me suck out jolly ranchers from her cooch
No one ever considered TMP to be a dedicated anal doll. I will not stand for this /gfg/ revisionism
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sad kot
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Maybe, but her crazed expressions are great
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He's right
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AA-12 would never do that. What she would do is make you cuddle with her in bed while she listens to Kalin radio.
that doesn't keep the lights on retard
good luck, you'll need it
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I'm surprised noone made an edit of this
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Is there any rewards for beating the last node of the maze? I'm getting oneshot there so just wanna know if I'm missing anything if I don't do it.
well it's literally named AK12_mod in the files soo
>hear about the failed VC collab for years
>don't care
>finally get around to playing it and it's fucking great
>suddenly become sad
Who would've been in it other than Alicia? Please say Marina.
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Why did she do it?
YZ sold his house to make GF2 and lives in the studio
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You mean Chong sold his house, he only has 14 remaining?
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Please understand there's been a virus spreading through the base's network. Last week it was Contender making me eat as she calls them her contendies
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they just got teleported there so it's more like hopping dimensions or something rather than logging off. the ending was just to justify the agents because i guess they didnt want to do the "we scanned a copy and left it behind" like all the gfl1 collabs? they can go back any time they like since the machine is fixed so staying a little while longer is probably fine. also they're way in the future and going back presumably to the exact same time they left so their families wouldn't notice them gone at all. it's not like skk where he goes into the server during the present
Should've played chess.
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Selvaira, Alicia, Aliasse, Imca, Riella
Just the main characters and villains.
imouto got turned into a fairy, I hate it
I think it's just the mem frags so you can skip it if you want. If you're the type to hoard all the fairies, I'd actually spend a few on the way down to the final boss since she's not super tough. You can drop a few and still have enough to beat her
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>interest in STEM, or just someone lonely and chuuni
Comrade, it's me. The organization is aware of my lonely career path, it appears I'm being gangstalked. If I miss the next scheduled call please microwave my HDDs for 2 minutes.
El Psy Kongroo.
I swear I'm not a seanigger, but I couldn't get rid of the idea until I made it real
>they will return to the same exact point as they left
that kinda makes sense ig, but my complaint was about how even this supposed reason wasn't given by Mica. This happens a bit with the world where we are left to guess if the lack of explanation is because they are smart and know we will get it anyway, or if it was rushed and lacked it due to incompetence.
>it's not like skk where he goes into the server during the present
we still don't have a concrete lore explanation if he logs in once or keeps logging in everyday like we see during the game's startup. There's also the "PNC only lasted a year" from the summary timeline which implies the server is sped up but I haven't seen it being directly stated anywhere.
it's okay, she was just a dead darcsen.
I didn't want it to be very popular, but it really didn't deserve to flop.
I think roro and sop should each get a speq where they can plug in a combat module chip and temporarily transfer the consciousness and combat power of one to the other for a super boost. maybe they could call it something cool like tornado clown
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Uranus grilling
It is known from AC and the black hole exploration logs that Magrasea has time dilation effects in certain areas.
>Aliasse, Imca, Riella
Huh, I figured they would all be from the first game.
Not being too popular is good as long as they don't EOS, they shouldn't pander to the general audience, even if it might be better for them as a company, it's for the best the normie vermin doesn't touch the games I play.
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it was with all 3 games
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well they'd have to go back in time anyways since the server is in 206X and they're in like 2009 or something? I dont think you're supposed to take PNC's placement in the timeline too seriously anyways, since there's multiple holidays that pass (christmas, cny, etc.) i just like to pretend it's someone else that isnt the main skk (maybe a cutiekan skk rescued during the exodus) since it feels too weird that all this is going on while he's still stuck in the crazy stuff going on in the real world.
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Being a cyclops be damned, my boy can work a grill.
Family took away her water?
the great dehydration...
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>tfw no tokusatsu detective RO SOP spinoff
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Who did it best
every time you ask it gets delayed 2 more days.
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i think that's everyone,,, wait why does vepley costume looks different
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my dorky cat bear thing doll wife might not have understood the assignment but she still gets first place
>Flying Michael
Same Michael as the one in the main menu?
Does anybody have the name or a link to the GF manga? No, I'm not talking about that shit fanfic with Gelatine. I remember a chapter focused on Welrod's relationship with SKK, and how they communicated via coded messages. SKK got so used to speaking in code that he asked some random guy to take their picture, but he spoke gibberish to the guy and Weldork laughed. I loved the art style, and the stories felt like Healing chapter to me.
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Girls Frontline Anthologies? I think the artist for that one is Mishima Hiroji. IIRC he also compiled his works in one big fanbook, so maybe you'll find something over at panda.
"Dolls Frontline: The Works of Hiroji Mishma"
Nope, that's Lenna's drone(s), along with a ribbon, the original dinergate stripes and a hand painted 404 logo
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Thank you thank you thank you.
Uh, actually it's over that way Famblini.
polish word??
also post the nude one next time kurwa
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So Lotta is really tiny huh
It was a retarded message anyway.
We should exploit the shit out of alien tech, ascend to a fully digitized consciousness and take to space.
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at least post the translated ver
also, Dragonbun is the cooliest and Peritya the cuddliest.
This has a soundpost.
don't care.
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Thank you to you as well.
you can see it's from /gfg/, no one is as obsessed with niggers, men and trannies as this general.
ok Genshinbro
i WILL dick her into submission
i would not mind another maggie-like doll
Coom in Loom
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I see, thank you!
Sorry you couldn't repost it to your discordbros.
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Smooch pat smooch hug
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I have no fucking clue why one model of vepley from CBT2 is taller than the other but here we are. As for mayling, I suspect the two tall models are just used for the shop and gacha animation while the dorm one is to be on scale with everyone else in dorm. Lenna is also a weird one, she's the only standing at 150cm, everyone else is either 160 or 140. Dush is also floating since she doesnt have shoes but she's still in the 160 category. I wanna do some more comparison shots, like ass/boobs and old/new, drop ideas if you have any
Also for mayling do note that old models have the legs spread while newer models have their feet together, which makes it more likely for mayling to be a womanlet
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Where would we go :3
to a segs shop, to buy the tenga
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I would suck jolly ranchers out of her ass
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do thighs
>we almost had 180 bearcatthing and nemesex
Why did they run away from greatness?
Is it because chinks are weak?
yes, they fucking hate tall girls.
M500, my wife.
Timpie is for vaginal. Don't fall for cabbage lies.
I will never forgive the Chinese.
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unless they're small cute girls
Look at what I found in the black zone
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SMOOCH dead girls!
that's a boy
Nuh uh! She's now an android with all the right bits in the right places!
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how is it that nothing came out of being able to marry a tranny.
The whole controversy was just staged sabotage.
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>/gay faggots general/
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Always. Has. Been.
Me and my wife(cannon)!
Now that's one made for anal
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Disgusting, I will never stop going for Lind to satisfy those forbidden pleasures of the flesh
that's a man
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Lily is a wonderful girly girl!
Looks like a good amount of cheek to me
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well... EOS is pretty much coming when they run out of money, for all the games lol
8 years going on 9 btw
at least GF2 lived longer than the sakura wars gacha
Two more weeks?
you wont live much longer
The jannies actually scared you into hiding? That's pretty sad, even for you NGAfag.
When we reach the game anniversary, are you gonna be screaming next year for sure as a cope?
>sakura wars gacha
Never heard of it?
Where's the nga posts, ngatranny?
FGO studio funded by SEGA to make the next potential FGO 2 blockbuster gacha. It died in 4 months, cost around 18 million USD to make and only made around 40k in its first month
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Jade dragon
oh new chink site to add to the filter thanks
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there won't be a clear date, but the signs are already here
there's fucking nothing, it's all about how everyone is a cuckge (primarily AL and Blue Archive) except snowbreak. gf2 barely mentioned
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I will never forgive Mica for not including Luka as a recruitable character.
We don't need more mikos and we don't need more men
I cannot read that Lao Wang
It turned off its in-app purchases 4 months in
EoS 3 months after that
Total lifespan 7 months
>GF breaks the cn gacha industry
>GF schizo breaks this site
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Are we finally going Reverse Collapse with GF2?
It's just as >>487190634 summarized with Chong replying to it
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We absolutely need more of both.
What? Afraid of the pocket janny getting on your ass?
The research of relic technology and it's consequences......
Surgically giving her human arms and domesticating her
I love this masturbation over muh break CN gacha industry, and then when I look at the sales it's still the same types of gacha making the most money.
>2 more weeks circa. 2020
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>Gray fluids all over her body
This is one of those instances where I wish China doesn't have this dumbass blood/skeleton censorship
Whatever you say, little buddy. It's OK to be a Weenie Hut Jr. patron if you can't hang with the big boys.
why? imagine the hugs she can give you with those
being mocked by /co/posting with spongebob is too far buddy
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It feels like a missed opportunity that the main story finale won't be released alongside 10th anniversary. Could've even leave some wiggle room so other servers can have simultaneous launch of the finale.
God I wish that was me
I want to be taken (care of) by two cougar priestesses
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Eat the whole ass SKK
Rendering practice? It has more depth than your usual art. Nice job. Another one minute wait to post.....
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>wanting to drag this for 2 more years
Come on bro
I do not want to wait five years for the finale tyvm
>Content shift
I guess they mean the whole new dorms and interaction scene ?
But wasn't it the plan since the beginning ? since it clearly was the logical continuation to get more contact with the dolls since gf2 is 3D
Ah interesting fanart, a two piece swimsuit on Clukay
>A freaking halo
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I'd rather they release the WW3 Arc on 10th anni.
That's just talking about the retarded
>they changed everything from GF1 and threw away their core audience
bullshit the chinks kept pushing
Honestly I did expect that after we're done with Berlin, in the next arc we'd move to, I dunno, London or something before the story timeskip to GF2.
We get it ngatranny. You're obsessed about VB
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I know right? With Erika being harsh and wanting to punish you and Kimie being incredibly kind and understanding
God that'd be hot
what does jd chiki taste like
Same greasy fried chicken feel with the flavor overpowered by cheap Jack flavor
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Well at least we get to molest our dolls as a consolation price for the delayed global
My biggest complain about GF2 is that the bosses looks lame. Also some maps that looks minimalistic, probably meant to be simulation fight, just look shits and unappealing when people use them for gameplay showcase videos. I mean, our Deep Divegrass Stadium looks better.
All missions where they're doing EW use the same couple map tilesets, which are also used in all resource sims.
Even GF1 sims battle or layer 3 digimind look better. If it's a digital realm, why makes looks like dark concrete with barely any feature.
I thought 94 had more chest meat than that
Im pretty sure 94 has small breasts, if not completely flat chested
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Hey you guys never told me the dub for Stein's; Gate was pretty good
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needs more varied combat OST
Source on the image? I know it's from one of our drawpiles, but I didn't realize the artist had a twitter.
That looks more like WA
found something
laughing at the article that white washes your game
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No idea
It's 2010, Grandpa, we like dubs bow
>they don't know why people hated gf2 so much
There's no point in trying to clear the final stage of maze guess right? It's too hard for me.
There's more story when you beat it. Try using two shotguns with a sniper fairy and rifles
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You don't rike blocky geometric shapes floating around in a void?
use some of your fairies. you dont need them all for the final boss
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I prefer the English dubs for the old animes from the 90s and early 2000s. I can't stand most english VAs anymore now.
I'm here to fix the timeline
>shotgun and fairies
Well the thing is I only started a few months ago and the only good team I have raised is a suomi SCUR team with shield fairy that i use to steam roll everything. So I haven't had any incentive to pull on SGs. Guess I can't clear it then.
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Pull the trigger. Do it.
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alright ass and tits along with panties for those that dont wear extra tight or whatever. Might as well work for thighs. Did you guys knew G36 was packing that butt? Also krolik got robbed
The moon will always rise
Same, I don't get how not liking dubs is an oldfag thing. I used to watch dubbed and subbed depending on the show, but dubs feel unwatchable these days.
I used a rfhg team with a taunt fairy but it's pretty close on the last depth with the hover tanks. you should get a spas for free though but yeah shotties are the highest investment dolls. if you haven't done so already you could try farming points for the 3 buffs to see if that helps. the reward is just like 20 mem frags though so it's not like you're missing much
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you're fucking with my chong, why the extra timegates
The future universe is destroyed because we didn't save any pizzarusses. It's time to go back and make things right
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WA already had her show
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Do it then dinofaggot
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Lotta is that small!?
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The soft ass of an idol
The hell? Lotta, MP7 and Suomi should atleast be family's height. They're way too small if they measure up to Babushka.
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Lotta is short!
strange fagmily lips
Lotta manhandling
certified shortstack
CBT2, she wasnt even playable and Mica was still figuring out the shaders they wanted to go with
and how are you going to check that, turbo fucking dork?
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I'm studying a lolicon artist as close as I could and I really, really want to make it GF2 related
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Rimming Finns.
Her default has more butt lift.
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dumb bitch
MP7 got downgraded a size by Dier as a joke.
Fuck off you are not making me play gay survivors just for a border.
Cheeta explicitly got put in the fun size body because her old one broke
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>Dier and Helian settled with giving MP7/Cheeta a smaller body for the funnies
Easy, by looking at my friendlist. You only have to set it to the S;G titles+title background for a day to not get dorxxed

Lucky for you, it's just the titles and title background, not the profile pics, borders or profile bg. You have to score 14000 in the Network Training mode for those
FBL (Finnish Butt Lift) Suomizzy...
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This compresion is shit
Should just reduce size or better yet, force gookmoot to increase the limit
>You only have to set it to the S;G titles+title background for a day to not get dorxxed
dorx me now and get it over with im not doing that shit
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Oomps will be smooched until they beg for mercy, and then some more.
As if it matters coming from a dork.
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a little better
I've been using the same profile setup since day 1, fuck you
Peritya wins. But in terms of skinny body with huge ass, i think G36 might be the best
AK-15 drawing thinly veiled manga about a Commander faking in love with his muscular subordinate.
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hmmm nyo, I'm never going to change my background or pfp
>Peritya wins
There was never a doubt there, only Sabrina can compete with her breast

another thing worth noting: Krolik's costume is her old SSR so there is chances of seeing the other ones (hopefully peritya's SSR or SR and Lenna's CBT2 attire, since she wears that in the old cutscene/trailer too)
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Rimming bros, how do we keep getting so many W's from mica?
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So what's her secret?
>he thinks the Oomps, especially 9 will beg for mercy before you do
Imoko's daughters are all part of the privileged class
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lotta damage
All imokos have a full sensory link to their master
She will know whatever you do to her robodoters
Her face and hair is really well made.
It's kinda spooky
like... no future as a franchise?
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The sumata will be legendary
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did they really need to give the biomechanical horror huge tits
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she has taken your jacket. it's her's now
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Amaris Punch
I feel the lighthearted side stuff doesn’t need to be really strict about timeline or canon, but simply reflect SKK’s level of main story character development at its original run time
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I've got something else for you bitch
Rimming gives you loads of Worms, yes.
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Help! Stop that thief! That's my last coat!
sniffs skk's undies
Dolls for this feel?
What will this devilish dork do with the (currently) last coat?
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Imoko is gfg's cannon wife.
when will she be in gf2 bros
Pretty much the only Parsley doll that is guaranteed to make it
wombst is the amazon
She'll have to sit on my face while giving me a footjob as punishment.
dolls don't poop
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What do you want now?
ganbare, kotanon
Cheeta . webm
Mating press
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So does Lenna still have the fattest ass? I can't tell anymore...
What does her ass taste like?
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I knew that the release would be kind of bumpy but didn't think that it was going to be that fucking bad.
Like ASS
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Like a knuckle sandwich
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She's an android, she clearly wanted to get anally ravaged or else she'd break out earlier.
Is this a package skin, I'd hate rolling the gacha?
She's so cute
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It's gacha, but you should have enough black cards for her by now anyway, right?
So where does she put the charging port? No seriously
How many batteries do I need to give SCUR to do what I want with her body?
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I used 8 card recently...
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any hard date on exilium for the other servers or is it just "soon" still?
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Can't be too high up since Cheryl could reach to unplug her.
500 batteries
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Will we be rolling?
Lunasia my beloved
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I just need 2 more but can easily get one for a few more tokens with a summer batch. I didn't have anything else I really wanted to spend black cards on at the moment anyway.
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I don't know who is WE, but I will
Stop pretending to like M4.
Of course. I believe in svarog supremacy.
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I wasn't pretending
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tsun anon. you can't escape no matter where you run to.
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I like Lunasia for real.
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height anon could you also compare some of the unfinished cbt2 models? curious how tall the other girls were
For sex?
How about you pay her the batteries and then you get a surprise on what it's for?
I want to hear Olivia SQUEAL!
I want too many of the upcoming characters
I hope the next one for CN is an easy skip or I'm cooked
Just use your adult card. Brother Yuzong needs all the help he can get.
I don't know seems kinda weird.
those werent CBT2, i have no idea where they're from
Early data from CBT1
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Please curse me, /gfg/
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Nanda bless
I'm not paying cash for background CGs. Dorx me if you must.
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I'm contemplating on skipping Lewis since I don't really need any more units for the Hubble Alter team
Sure would be crazy to try it and find out, though.
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family will guarantee it :3333333333
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It's over. Agent is cornered.
I am not asking for blessings, merely for witnesses.
Enjoy your shark.
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Shark bless
Go getter, champ.
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I heard someone say Olivia was KSG
>Level 135
Find and dork him!
lmao even
>22 extra impulses
>19 extra impulses
Third time's the charm, eh?
Nice combat reports doroo
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Thank ye kindly.
Luv famiri, luv shork, luv nanda.
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Good work Debiru!
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>Third time's the charm, eh?
Had to burn through ~80 extra impulses to get her because I did it last minute.
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Another satisfied customer
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Little smooch
This is how (you) will die in GF2
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>He doesn't know about my giant magnet
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Grilled snake is nice
god damnit piece of shit software turned the % into _
i guess it just adds to the effect
I was expecting a gunshot at the end you could give Mr. Pizza that soundtrack as goalhorn too, lol
laughter at that article which tried so hard to whitewash you
i only wish someone tells CN about this general
Clean it up janny!
Dear Sister...
More things to add to the filter
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Famili provides
I don't think this nigga knows what this word actually means
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this water tastes kinda funn
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Dolls for this feel?
What happened to that guy that used to draw those? his Family lewds were quite good
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Hydrated too much, went the way of the Arknight, drifted off into the great unknown, it's anyone's guess...
That sketch was 17 years ago.
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Post the lactating one
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What's the original?
It's not that hard to find, you have enough clues
The Youtube video is much newer than the original airing in 2007
He isn't talking about Mr. Pizza
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Ya...got me...pardner
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You killed Fami. And now your wife is gonna get it
Release pre-reg now or she'll be sleeping with the fishies.
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An update on the Kalinyaa situation from this morning
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I miss my sunrise
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About time she got better
NegaFami was right, Family just wants us to Hydrate too much
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Anyone who didn't get renew their dorm should be dorked.
fuck off, style check FAL
you never accepted the friend request I send you
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Today's the last day of the Maze Guess experiment. I guess after this, I'll return back to the police station to continue my investigations. Before I go, let's make sure we've collected 60 Correction Coins just in case we need to clear out the experimental results. I think we should have 1260 in total today! That's it! Let me write a note for Ms. Persica when she wakes up. I've made some boiled eggs and coffee; the automated bunsen burner should warm them up at 10 AM! Maybe I'll get to meet the AR team properly soon!
Thanks Rori smooooooch

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