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Buy your Privaty maintenance kits in the cash shop soon.

>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


Update on July 25

>Developer's Note: July 2024

>Current Events
BEAUTY FULL SHOT - July 4 ~ July 25
Dave the Diver Minigame Collab - July 4 ~ July 25

>Upcoming Events
Union Raid - July 26 ~ July 31
Solo Raid - August 2 ~ August 9

>Current Special Recruit
Sakura: Bloom in Summer - July 4 ~ July 25
Mary: Bay Goddess [Rerun] - July 4 ~ July 25
Neon: Blue Ocean [Rerun] - July 4 ~ July 25
Rosanna: Chic Ocean - July 11 ~ August 1

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Ein - July 25 ~ August 8
Anis: Sparkling Summer [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15
Helm: Aquamarine [Rerun] - July 25 ~ August 15

>Current Costume Passes
Maiden: Under The Sun [Mission Pass] - July 1 ~ July 31
Viper: Shine of Love [Costume Gacha] - July 4 ~ July 25
Guilty: Wave of Disbelief [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Mast: Mast the Diver [Event Pass] - July 4 ~ July 25
Anchor: Anchor the Diver [Minigame Reward] - July 4 ~ July 25


Previous: >>487129128
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I love my wife Rapi.
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Its habbening
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
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cue impotent seething from MLBlets
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Analchiro is going to be.... Analhilated
Why are 90% of nikkes SSR? Doesn't that just make the rarity system kinda pointless?
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Welcome to Eden https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66405802
first gacha?
It's also pointless for devs to spend time making non-SSRs in most of these games so I'm not surprised ShiftUp hasn't bothered
The cones and yellow tape is the reason why i decided not to mlb
Looks trashy and retarded
I like her in the event lobby more
alright what's your predictions for how they make anomaly interception more difficult?
>you can choose the boss
>BUT their element rotates daily AND every interrupt circle is now an elemental shield
Pilgrims are the real SSR units
Wtf ch 29 was too easy. Don't tell me ch 30 is going to be hard...
The boss kills you irl
I’ve got 900 gold milage and need 2 more SRosanna copies to MLB her, but I also want to MLB SAnis later
Should I go ahead and pull the trigger, and just hope I pull multiple SAnis copies with gems later?
Pepper is definitely drawn by hyulla, you can still see the characteristic eye + nose style. part of the reason Pepper's face isn't as jarring is because she doesn't have the pronounced lips/lipstick which helps give other hyullafaces that uncanny alien-like doll look. same thing applies for Vesti. if you compare Pepper/Vesti to Emma/Eunhwa/Neon, the effect is very noticeable
Its pointless to worry
Most of the oldfags can clear it easily
I'm kind of tired of nikkes loving me. Can they love some other men instead? I just want to play video games. Ans video games I want to play. Not fucking boom or final quest.
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Do you think that for the Stellar Blade collab, they will do it differently so that they don't get erased from existence at the end?
Maybe they come into the Nikke world, not from the Gatekeeper but from something else?
I'm sync 244 and done with the current campaign. You can definitely push to the end if you power up your campaign team with dolls
Bro you already have helm and mast for that
I could see them sticking around in lore since it's Shiftup's own IP
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>next chapters are perfectly timed so that we get the next ones for 2nd anni
>she wakes up during chapters 31/32
>VTC experimented on her and Grave to find a cure for the corruption
>ultra popular without saying a fucking word or doing shit, just jobbed and slept but godlike design
Perfect setup for her being released for 2nd anni with her backstory of how she ended up in that coffin. Rapunzel gacha skin/freebie since she is related to finding a cure to RH's corruption and part of the VTC for inside point of view.
It all makes sense.
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going through it right now and alice is just fucking shredding shit, the same bomb spammers get shut down by crown alone
28 really tried to push egg
Nikkes can't get pregnant.
topkek i heard people are beating ch30 at 200. They're stuck at 200 due to waifu autism
sex with urorong and bypos
Yeah you should have no trouble
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Nikkes are highly compatible with cumflation
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>topkek i heard people are beating ch30 at 200
Dolls are ridiculously OP when it comes to CP. Maxwell was on to something
I will love you forever.
I love Counters.
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Cumflation requires vast amounts of cum. More than from 100 men. Probably 1000 if you are able to inflate a medal body like a nikke
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>Rapi cucked out of a SSR version again
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One Lord-Class rapture can contain over a hundred liters of cum.
what month is anni?
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The Bonk!
He's quite hot
4th of november
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egg is so fucking tiny in cutscenes
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Tentacle monster rapture that vigorously pumps your Nikkes full of cum without mercy
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>wake up
>dev notes
>archive: BBQ master return
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petra can do a great Neon AND Bonk
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Which NIKKE has the biggest penis?
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Scarlet Edge
I wonder what ohisashiburi's Crow doujin will be about.
BBQ was the worst minigame to date
>Hey teach, is wrapping my legs around your face really necessary for these "friendship" lessons? It'll help us connect better? Alright...
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Barbed for your pleasure...
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>all that pink
Is this what the room of a mentally ill individual looks like? Which nikkes have rooms that look like that?
That's a man.
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Nihilister has 2
git gud
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Post the sequel image
Sex with Dduck Kongs
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I don't know why Rosanna's the hardest for the to MLB every time. Moran's the easiest.
I wonder if they're going to make side quests for ch 29/30 or if we just never gonna have sidequests again.
>hit wall
>can't progress campaign
>team gets shit on in arena
so.. just log on, collect outpost/arena points/social points, do simulation/interception/advise, do one shitty draw and then just log out?
i was having fun up to this point
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Which wall?
i don't have any mlb nikkes
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rape correction
what else can it be
>clear base defense zone
>progress bar barely budges over the 5 seconds when nothing was inside
>one big rapture appears
>almost immediately drains it to 25%
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When are we getting more Combat Ace kino?

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You can break the wall right now if you do this simple trick
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NIKG NA (6459) has two slots open. Only need to be mildly active and/or do hits, since we beat it in the first couple of hours. Reply if you apply, thanks!
>defense stage
>objective text fucking blocks every rapture that appears in the first second
>lose 3 nikkes because I can't see shit
twice the sakura, twice the _________
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reminders that nikkes cant pregnant
These balmy summer days are perfect for seizing a hot piece of ass like bridposter and engaging in day-long sweaty and heavy slow sex until the sun sets, then relaxing with a cool shower while bridposters wife yells at him for his infidelity over the phone (its always on speaker)
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Are shotguns good? i'm noticing my naga isn't preforming that well and i don't know if it the AI is focusing on the farthest raptures
How many gems do you have banked up? Are you rolling the standard banner? Are your wish listed units targeting units that need more dupes or are you fishing for new units? I broke the wall at about 1 months and two weeks as a lucklet and I'd probably be stuck for much longer if I only rolled rate up banners.
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twice the compatibility with cumflation
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a plus I find is that low rarity in other gacha games get literally forgotten while here they leave ,some more than others, a long lasting impression. if you ask me I would say quiry is the most forgettable featured SSR we got
Idk, my Naga hits like a truck
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They're garbage for story pushing
They only work against certain bosses
I don't understand why pilgrims aren't their own rarity. They are actually rarer than other units and they even get perks like higher max affection.
i bought a mission pass and got nothing with the 25 tickets and both molds

i have like 15k now, i blew around 65k on ssakura trying to get a mlb and only got one copy
Do you get more synchro slots after chapter 20?
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which fucking retarded gook nigger came up with this
the "free" sync slots come from the academy
don't like that one, not one bit, takes too long
on the upside in the point defence one if you kill all the ground enemies and then cover air enemies can't capture so you auto win
Sent :^)
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Why is 30-6 so fucking gay? Literally everything one-shots my Nikkers.
le skill issue
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First 10 pull. I didn't even want her especially, just wanted to get all of them. Why is it always when I want it it's 500 pulls (Rosanna) and when I don't it's a double in one pull.
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Yeah i was wondering if you get more academy missions since it doesn't show me anymore
desire sensor is real
Class M is the last one we got for now
Just kill them before they kill you. It really is that easy.
is Oinkk for (You)?
What should Elysion's upcoming air force squad be named?
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I would, if their fry picker sized lasers wouldn't kill my Nikkers before I can burst
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Rare Neve art.
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The Tia/Naga skins BETTER be showing actual skin and not be wrapped like Sharya ninjas
i sentence Elegg to rape for the crime of crushing her shoe heels
the nier characters (A2) arent coming back right? I'm guessing licensed characters arent rerun?
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Do these have a shield health bar so i'm just to shoot them with a MG or something?
No collab characters have been rerun to date.
I just hope they make Tia not look like absolute shit anymore. She's way better than her garbage default pose makes her appear.
They take a certain amount of shots before the shield is down, that's why MGs are recommended.
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I sometimes fantasies about long missions (10 min+) were your squad is on an air cruiser fighting multiple rapture vessels
This update is fucking nothing.

I don't need more dailies, the new interception should let me skip entirely without ever even wasting the 15s to auto once. Also overclock fucking with my meta team is stupid bullshit, I don't want to theorycraft about and I will only ever be doing to bare min for maxed rewards.
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Wait for the 360° maps bro
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I'll take a Mizuki Yukikaze or Igawa Sakura outfits
Only Stellar Blade collab will get a rerun.
Is there a new intro chirp?
"Goddess of Victory: Nikke. Say Cheese!"
I missed her…
Is there a survey active? i want to harass the dev team
When is the Crowsex alt?
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>moved from 56 dust to this in 2 days
I'm fucking exhausted
>Naga: Elegant Date
>Tia: Lovely Date
they're either casual like the diesel skins, or summer dresses of some sort
Naga's a support so she's not gonna do the most damage even if her piercing shots are nice sometimes
She's mostly there for buffs
Shotguns in general are better for bosses that don't have easily hittable cores because you won't miss even at long range.
They add new lines to that every time they add a new unit, I think skins with new voicelines too
It's probably a warmup line for the VAs that they throw in for fun
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Doro Domination.
>just now realized anis is a tank
>tanks in rpgs are normally fat and smelly because more weight = more hp
i get it now
So is there just not going to be a Summer 2 or what? Them releasing the archive and units is making me think so.
>he's still having fever dreams about summer 2
anon... it's time to let go.
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But Elysion Summer hasn't happened yet...surely it's still happening?
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I like Frima's default skin better.
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Why is Vesti drinking a cumbag?
>getting anything
>when they've constantly gotten the short end of the stick since 2022
>it's now the second half of 2024
anon... it's time to let go
i like both, but SU is saving me 20 bucks by not letting me get the summer one
Provide 9000 unique reasons why she shouldn't.
i think doro SUCKS
You motherfuckers said summer part 2 wasn't real and I spent all my gems I'll never forgive you
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t. Oswald
I'm rindin' with Ingrid
Rapi 2nd Anni SSR will SAVE Elysion
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Anon, the sexiest summer releases so far are Elysion.
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2nd anni
it's not happening and OP has mentioned the impending s.anis and helm reruns for a month now, what are you upset about
I wanna hug Ein.
EOS game
>Rapi SSR
she's going to be a Pilgrim so that Shift Up have an excuse to make her 1% instead of 2%
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we're about to get more story wym
First gacha? They'll just invent some new special rarity manufacturer banner and make her 1% and unable to wishlist
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what no
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So no more full burst for the entire month huh.
(of august, I mean)
>aislopper passnigger
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>just give up like I have
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No Cowtits = no buy
we'll get some during the collab
is it AI? I literally just typed in "sad" into search and picked the first result.
(of my computer's files)
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Wait, isnt this indicating a nikke event after Ein? I dont know what collab would be called Sunny Date.

Could it be another summer event? Zwei banner?
the "Sunny Date Event" is just the log in campaign
oh. Gay. Free I guess. Fucking devs not giving the free one to Naga
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they know that Naga is on the meta team with Crown so it'll bring more money
very easy decision on their part
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More squads should have uniforms, they look tactical and cool.
Where the fuck is Rouge?
I'm level 401 and on hard 23-12. What is my wall currently on hard? I'm breezing atm
When do Naga and Tia graduate and rape SKK?
At 401 you can get all the way to 28H boss.
Probably 27/28
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Giant boss fights where you control multiple squads would be cool, like having to intercept adds with one squad so that your main squad isn't overwhelmed, or having one squad built around damaging parts to support your main squad, or one squad that fights up close with shortguns, or one team with Nikke specialized around damaging projectiles. It would be a good way to utilize more niche Nikke that rarely get brought.
>When do Naga and Tia graduate and rape SKK?
Time doesnt flow in gacha silly. They'll still be students in 10 years
Or you could have stuff like the Strike Force missions in Call of Duty Black Ops 2 where you can do sub-missions that will make future missions easier. Now, that game had the plot alter depending on if you did those missions but I think that might be a bit much.
whats the tia naga skin look like
Nikke also *sort of* had that in one chapter of the Invasion arc where Rapi specifically says "We can go this way and get through less resistance, or go this way and kill more Raptures to keep things safer." It was totally up to you if you wanted to larp SKK to make things easier or not, but I certainly did.
Wait a couple days for the maintenance to kick in and the datamines start to leak.
I'm 403 and still walled at MW.
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Said Nikke
What level will I need to hit to clear normal difficulty (up to 30)? obviously my OLs, dolls, skills, etc make a huge amount of my CP but I just want a ballpark to hunt for. I'm at 219 with 217k.
First non-corssover abnormal units
"Robots" made my central goverment's analysis of your tribe tower runs
you dont need any levels. you dont even need to play the game
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i hope they dont have it because eve is a lame ass generic nothing design and her tits are weird
>maxwell engineer
>not assault
plaplaces head is fuckin huge
who is this
251/261, Chapter 30 has 360k POW
What nikke do you hate the most?
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Snow White. Bitch keeps stealing my snacks.
sorry but you're the only one with a working shower with hot water
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And I only need about 290k right?
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Alright, fixed.
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Tactical, cute, cool and coom
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Think so
that "everyone laugh at this faggot" part is insane
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>started ch16
>used rentals one at a time
>should be ch16-9
>somehow at ch16-11
not gonna tryhard that much, sweaty

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