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EVO is over, congratulations to Aarondamac for clutching out the win against Tororo.

>SilentOne tournament

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2197859465 (Congrats Gran gawd)
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
Versusia (20 aug), Vikala (october) will close out the pass, season 2 starts with Sandalphon.
https://youtu.be/4GqEX6Eqr34 [Embed]
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Nier, Lowain, Siegfried
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>487068431
I feel like grubbing again after 2 months
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vikala waiting room
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durrrr hurrgurrrrr
Remember to report off topic posts and spammers.
Remember when Versusia FUCKING KILLED GRAN in her trailer?
She was just correcting her kid
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This but 4 months
I'm pretty sure I'm going to hibernate after a week and wake during the balance patch next month, and then hibernate again until Rat
Rat is my last hope bros...
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>release fujobait prettyboy
>millions of females flood to rising
>ill finally get a rising gf
I see the vision now FKHR...
thank you
i will miss you...
the final horsepost...
good riddance
go play vanilla, retarded fuck
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I'm gonna make babies with Vikala
Like that faggot who literally cannot shut the fuck up about "m-muh horses!" like they killed his family?
is the horse TO leaving what the fuck
anyone want to do a VS room or a Rising room?
I want to do a Grand Bruise room
We had a couple of Eustace anons, right
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we could've been happy
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Sheep makes me happy...
Yes but I think one was NA and got Masters early while the other one is EU and got Masters recently. He's also one of the posters that actually post tech, setups and teach stuff about his character so.
2 sheep
2 gran
3 charlotta
2 zeta

are we the tier whores...?
What... is the subtext here?
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we have default Eustace and Halloween Eustace
sheep makes everyone happy
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when are we getting a sheep outfit in the battlepass
nier is getting her funeral gown in the next one...
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If, for whatever reason, you wanted another angel to make it in, who would it be? I discovered Azazel through Shadowverse and idk if he's relevant in the gacha, but he's got some of the sickest voiceacting I've heard.
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I am genuinely surprised it hasn't happened.
What the FUCK is Cygames doing?
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nice coding bwo
or any other big titty angel in a leotard
but I really want Raziel with skyfish
theyre dead.
They should add Grimnir from Shadowverse
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Here's your S2 guest character, bro.
it'll be kot
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Sariel is the likely choice but I think they'll stop doing angels considering he's not really a fan favorite and Raziel is too recent.
It will be a while until the 'ig 'eaty drops, hope you lil niggas don't fall into despair a week from now
for me i'll be playing the shit out of the next poe league and the big meaty should drop right around ive had my fill with poe
guest character is going to be a vtuber
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you can be nice
Can it be one with big titties?
I hope Siegfried gets a combo from normal light Orkan into uppercut followup now, where they just give him the Anila sheep buff that leaves the opponent in front so he can keep comboing. Same shit they did with Gran's charge slash special. In fact, I bet they'll give that change to pretty much everyone so all characters have a good mid-screen combo now without using resources.
I just bought the game, my friend told me to pick Anila or Gran to learn the fundamentals, what the fuck are the fundamentals and are Anila or Gran good?
>what the fuck are the fundamentals
have you ever played a fighting game before
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w-why are you guys hyped for that rat whore
Nier can be an idol too
just pick whoever you want to play lol
Really you should be going for Katalina, she has a very good footsie plan that rewards reacting to hits from a decent distant. Can often lead to 60% corner carry. Shes a good space controlling character. The other two he told you is just unga mashing your buttons liek gran 2m. Anila is just sheep spam with 66h spam.
2touch game lets gooo

These are the characters to learn le epic fundies from less basic to a bit peculiar.
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It's time
Why didn't you try the free ver bro...
Also pick whoever you think is cool, do the tutorials and the character specific tutorials and see who you like more
pick whoever you want your friend is a retard
the only character that might be detrimental in learning the game is Nier
Fuck all the other suggestions, pick Charlotta because I said so.
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no, that post was gold ship bait.
No, I played Tekken 7 with my friend but I mostly did random bullshit with Yoshimitsu
It was only 30 bucks for the whole game plus dlc, I liked most of the characters i saw on top 6 except Nier because she's too edgy, also when I saw the idol rat loli i was sold
If you've never played these games before its best to fuck around in the arcade mode a bit, then do the character training/trials if you want and then go to the lobby and find someone with a green/blue square to fight.
you are going to get your ass kicked in net play btw dont feel bad when it happens.
maybe you are gods gift to 2d fighters and wont though
and pick whatever character you think looks cool you dont need to worry about fundeez
I'm a newbie to the series too, I'm only coming back for this chick, is she a boss character?
what other anons said + try to get someone to buy the game and play with you, it's a lot more chill when youre playing with a friend then you can go from there to learning the gmae and playing online
they can just play the free version with him bro
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>idk if he's relevant in the gacha
He's been part of a manzai comedy duo for quite a while now
He may become relevant in the 6 Dragons story line since Lu Woh wants the help of the fallen angels to attack Bahamut, though.
She's going to be the boss of the story update yes
sir this is a spinoff from a shitty gacha game you pick the character you want to fuck the most
anila is a long range zoner that also has free combos when she gets in so by definition needs no fundies and gran is just faceroll the controller to win, tell your friend he's a moron
1. There are no fundamentals in this game, but there were in the prequel.

2. He recommended you 2 of the worst characters in the game.

3. He is a shitter that knows nothing.
I'm stuck in A because I don't know how anyone works
Will trying to play the other common picks help me at all?
Is it at least worth it to take a break from A and play with people actually my rank (aka other people dropping down to C)?
>Will trying to play the other common picks help me at all?
>Is it at least worth it to take a break from A and play with people actually my rank (aka other people dropping down to C)?
you should stop playing ranked and play people in the lobby in longer sets
Any EU up for games?
I'm going to pick Beatrix because I like her demeanor and she looks like she plays straight in the enemy's face, Maybe Charlotta too but isn't the lack of a projectile a pretty big downside?
It's getting late, but I could play a few I guess.
Like everyone is saying, just pick the character that clicks with you. Starting out as a newbie, I'd say just get used to using to moving around the stage, using your character and some simple autocombo->special sequences. Learn how to block and be patient (important). If someone else is blocking everything, remember your throw. Get familiar with the antiair timing with 2H (crouching heavy), since jumping can be very dangerous, and other new players will jump a lot.

Other notes: Casual has poor matchmaking, you could get another new player or CanofSprite turning you into paste. Ranked gets you closer to someone of your skill level (usually). Lobby games with similar color/rank also are also probably around your skill level and are generally pretty fun. Avoid low rank pink squares, they're possible sharks.
Fireballs on their own aren't that powerful. Yes they're always an option at range but even mediocre players learn how to deal with them eventually. Then of course you have stuff like Sieg's fire waves and Belial's bullshit but Bea's are far more tame in comparison.
>t isn't the lack of a projectile a pretty big downside?
You get used to it, her 2H being bad is a bigger problem in my opinion.
>Avoid low rank pink squares
For Charlotta her only anti air option is DP, which is honestly way easier to land especially if you're on simple inputs.
Hi, my name is Michael.
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I got this guys, 2B is finished.
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Here's your season 2 and 3 bro
Honestly the only thing that fucks with me is the fact that all the 2Hs in the game have near-identical frame data EXCEPT Charlotta
>anila is a long range zoner
You shouldn't bother with rank, instead you should look for people in lobbies with a similar or very slightly higher rank/color as you, and fight them until you reach orange/pink, then go back to rank until you hit another wall.
Rank is just a test, you have to go study in the lobbies. Once you are able to climb, you will instantly just climb up until you hit the next rank.
post your sword
>Rank is just a test, you have to go study in the lobbies
This is good advice for keeping your sanity, especially in S/S+. I wish I knew it earlier.
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are euros really that upset over evo?
are his legs okay?
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>number 2
I did that
I watched.
nice condoms fag
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I still can't believe my girl vikala got in
I can't fucking wait bros

>she's going to have a dialogue with nier/belial/faa-san
>her weapon skin is going to be her headgear
>weird playstyle to troll people
>poses in photo mode
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Beel and Cag players always lag switch
So what's the meta for actually getting people to fight you that long in lobbies
Whenever I do lobbies I just go to whatever has the most people and do pushups on top of a machine until someone bites.
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>I still can't believe my girl vikala got in
>I can't fucking wait bros
>she's going to have a dialogue with nier/belial/faa-san
>her weapon skin is going to be her headgear
>weird playstyle to troll people
>poses in photo mode
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We are gonna make it bros
I run around the lobby and hop on the first available cab that has someone waiting.
If I can't find any, then I just sit at one of the cabs close the trampolines by the starting point next to the stairs for visibility.
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If it's still 700+ next week then I'll believe that
>we were barely 200 average just 2 weeks ago
I guess we really are rising
gonna make my ps4 afk in casual queue then beat up lowbies on my pc in ranked and teabag them
this game MUST die
I've glossed over some archives to see what I've missed the past few months and apparently grimnig is in the DMs of a certain despised player here and he chokes on cocks what the fuck did I sleep through
you really went through every thread you missed one by one?
who the fuck reads archives you weird nigga
I search my name for namedrops
no I just name searched grimnig and nezu and found some interesting posts
every master player here slurps each other in the secret discord
sorry you weren't invited
Beatrix is just a better version of Charlotta, she basically does everything Charlotta does but better. Better approach tools, better pressure, a better command grab for opening people up. The projectile is just icing on the cake.
I've seen Maidjumpy tweet screenshots of this place while posting about itself so the idea of a secret discord illuminati existing here is not surprising. Remember that many of our best players also tend to go by burner accounts like the grimnig so /gbvsg/ is just an anonymous playground for the Twitter community
>chokes on cocks
what exactly did you think a guirrrty cyclone was
no one here uses burner accounts aside from grimnig
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i was literally joking then i went to take a quick scroll and https://x.com/MaidJumpy/status/1812583378903802042
so this is the nier apologist that posts in here?
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>There are no fundamentals in this game
do not investigate how many top niers post in this thread
It's true and you know it.

By the way I was top 4 in Vanilla (among 6 players) and I main Cag while sitting behind 2 traps, spamming f.H and spears all the time and I get angry when someone manages to hit my unskilled ass, not sure if it matters!
day of the beheading for you all, niercels
Not sure what you’re talking about, but I took that pic from his twitter and posted it here and afaik that was the first time it appeared here.
Repeat ad nauseum
I was top 3 in vanilla (among 3 player) and I main Belial. Who are you.
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Top any player really. If you guys were in the actual secret discord you'd have an idea of how frequent the NA competitive scene comes to this thread to shitpost about themselves/each other or laugh at the takes here.
oh yeah..? i'm nooticing
I'm gamera. I only pretend to be Japanese when on TV to make appearances. I'm actually a 7'0" Brazilian/Chinaman.
I am in the secret Discord, but not sure what your post is about. I guess you're aren't aware of the super secret Discord's latest developments then.
Sorry, shouldn't have sat on your 0 crystals and farmed your 3k like everyone else good at the game did.
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gamera truly belongs here
I am in the secret discord and we say nigger a lot.
This is true, I can confirm. Instead of GG, we say NN. for NiggaNigger after a good set. We do both a soft A and a hard R to be inclusive.
I would say
>imagine getting emotion over you losing in a video toy
But he does waste most of his life playing this videogame, so it's understandable.
Ggs Percianon, thanks for the asskicking, I needed to remember how to play after 2 months
>default style
>super old post

>not even using 4chan x in the screenshot

yeah no, tourist at best
Which top player was larping as grimnig tho
Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhh.........
no one. He has a distinct playstyle with grimnir, if he actually was a top player playing in tournaments, it would be obvious considering on recently Zane started playing grimnir while everyone else slept on him.
Ggs sorry about the connection. Im WC lol
>nothing creature?
Any TRANSlators?
Aaromandac, Shinku, Kojicoco, Xerom, Havaniceday, Elsa, Shosan, Arslan, Daigo, HotshotGG and Diaphone have all larped as Grimnir anon at least once and admitted to respect him as the superior player.
It's messed up that horses saved this thread from getting deleted multiple times, and now that it's somewhat alive, they are getting thrown out
vikky will use her gun
Why are horses being kicked out? The thread watched all 3 seasons of Uma Musume together even.
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>watch the trailer again
>get hyped
>want to play
>realize shit is still grim as i watch the intro
>alt f4
Evo tourists are mass reporting horseposters
Vikky is packing heat!?
she has a gun?
then why is she worried all the time without her headband.
lmao just shoot people what are you doing vicky.
With headband: trigger happy, no thoughts
Without: thinks of the legal consequences of shooting someone
This thread is for people who like Rising.
To the horseniggers, good riddance.
vikky blaster?
>Horses are literally in the game
ive been on 4chan since '12 or '13 or something like that and ive never used any extension
I've been in this shithole since 2005 and I don't use extensions either.
>checking last thread
Oh I see.
Yeah the general has been like the same 20-30 people bumping the thread with stream boaring + horses, the EVO trailer brought some newfags in so they're not used to the horse posting I guess. I honestly don't mind them, actually TO is a horsefag and the one contributing to the quality of the general by hosting tourneys, so...
same but 2003
Trust in the meaty.
TO is actually the grimnig
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>be Charlotta player
>go into a room with a friend to practice Sieg because I want to actually knows how he works
>mfw it's an entirely different fucking game
>barely have to move to even hit them
>just stuff them into a corner and fire wave fire wave f.H 2.U fire wave f.H
>use gigantic DP or SBA when they try to press a button
this feels like fucking cheating
Anon... He participated in tourneys
he played on a separate computer while hosting
lol the horse niggers are still having a melty over a few deleted posts hours later
actual attention whores
I'm going to pretend you're not just a samefagging horsenigger
>the EVO trailer brought some newfags in so they're not used to the horse posting I guess.
calling people sick of your garbage newfags isn't gonna work, try something else
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>contributing to the quality of the general by hosting tourneys
This is directly countered by his sheer volume of horseposting though. We have a net gain of 0 in thread quality because of this.
All while commentating at the same time... truly remarkable concentration.
commentating his own matches
das gawdlike
>commentating different matches while playing on an alt account too
If he did he's not a grimnig, he's a grimGOD.
>TO is a horsefag and the one contributing to the quality of the general by hosting tourneys, so...
He let the tranny join the tournament multiple times and this has damaged the general infinitely more than any possible good he did by running the tournaments.
He can get fucked
The first tourney he hosted "fatfuck" mysteriously dropped out. He probably wasn't used to commentating and playing at the same time back then.
Shut the fuck up.
Compared to the average -300 thread quality every other general has?
I'm not a horse spammer, I watched the anime with anons and enjoyed it but honestly that's it.

I'm the kind of person that if a crow constantly shat on my window but also brought me 4 dollars every time then I would allow him to do it forever.
This along with the fact that they are buttbuddies on discord screams that there's something more going on behind the scenes.
>Siegfried gets his happy memory before he kills his opponent which stops him
>Versusia gets her happy memory after she fucking obliterates her child
/vg/ in general has a problem with the jannies not being able to tell what is and isn't samefag attention whores because you can't browse every general on the board at once to be able to understand the context. And there's no real way to fucking communicate with the mods besides an IRC that will just call your concerns petty and go back to jerking off over stupid shit.
I watched Uma Musume season 2 here with anons and cried...
The TO and Fear are not the only ones posting horses and goldship. You fucking retards.
are we making shit uup about the TO now
no, it's just those two, they are actually friends from /fgg/
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I love my mom
Welcome to toptier, that's how I felt when I tried release Bea
4chan is full of retarded schizos who are convinced they can "recognize typing styles" or some other idiotic shit like that, don't bother.
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When you roll the gacha in the main game you get a weapon or a summon. Characters are tied to a weapon, so when you roll a "character weapon" (not all gacha weapons have a character associated with them but most do) you get the character in addition to the weapon. However, the characters themselves almost never have anything to do with the weapon, outside of literal year one characters from 2014.
In fact, Bikki's weapon proficiency in the game is axe and melee. I guess they come from her giant living mousetrap who really does all the attacking. It's not like she's herself really a capable or at least an orthodox fighter.
she might have the best sba AND ssba animations
it's so well done
either im shelling out the shekels or learning how to creamapi my machine for her
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>cringe pointless namefag highschool drama
fuck off with that wheres the bruise lobby
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Even this, see?

N******u is a fucking mentally ill schizo but he's not that bad at the game and a good player (if you ignore he plays the definition of "I don't want to play the game", the character) and he stopped causing problems since the very first tournament we had. I don't have problems with him at all. I don't give a fuck he's a clown everywhere else on the Internet as long as he doesn't cause issues here. I find more annoying the people obsessed with hating him instead, for example, who actively derail threads with their bitching instead of ignoring him.

Well I don't decide who can join tournaments so whatever.
4chan's lack of moderation is a double edged blade. I'm towards the slightly more favorable towards a more moderated site. At least remove shitposting off-topic, not a huge issue here unless you really hate horses (who are characters in the game btw) but in some generals on /vg/ it's unbearable. They allow threads to get derailed for entire weeks.
Its probably the same hyper obsessed retard who attacks the lobby players because nezu occasionally joins. Any time people are having fun this retard shits everything up. Having been laughed at for his previous attempt at forming a lynch mob now he is going after the innocent TO of all fucking things. Thread is having fun after EVO time to shit everything up.
i don't care
horsefucker said rising is garbage
we show him the door
it's that easy
I had to look closely at the sba the first time because I thought she had flames coming out of her armpits. But it's just her obscured bahamut hands making them
GOD imagine when both she and Yggy are on screen at the same time...
They could fix it by adding IDs, but they dont want to given they even removed IP counts which really didnt do anything but give an idea of real engagement.
i like this game
Yeah, this website is a goner. Removing IPs confirmed it.
No. An anonymous poster replied to you and said he didn't play rising. You don't actually know the horsefucker said that, you just chose to connect the dots in your head because you are sub 80 iq and struggle with the concept of anonymity and the internet.
>weapon specialty: melee, axe
She doesn't know how to use it.
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My majestic mom
Are you fucking retarded lol
he literally posted the horse pic he always posts with ''rising is garbage'' or some shit like that i dont remember exactly what
I am the TO and I hate Rising. I will not post any proof you will just have to take my word for it.
You sure it wasn't the Babu poster? lol
The gachacord...
okay, i believe you
uhm?? no counter hit slowdown??
I am the TO and I'm extremely sorry for guessing that the almighty omnipotent flower of Lumiel Charlotta Fenia's character will get nerfed in the next patch. I meant the opposite, as Her radiance is too divine to be touched by the filthy hands of Fukuhara, the devil spawn of Cygames, overseer of the Homoknights.
im not even gonna bother being smug yeah i'm absolutely sure
>I find more annoying the people obsessed with hating him instead, for example, who actively derail threads with their bitching instead of ignoring him.
Tale as old as time.
When tripfags were more prominent you would ALWAYS have a bunch of retarded gorillas making 20 posts about how much they hated them and "M-MUH ANONYMOUS CULTURE!" constantly derailing and shitting up threads instead of just... fucking ignoring tripcode users or replying to them depending on what they actually posted.
These same retards were also 100% convinced the trip users were the problem.
>which really didnt do anything but give an idea of real engagement.It derailed threads because "lmao 50 IPs"
Genuinely, honest to god, sub 80 iq. You should not be on the internet.
i think counterhits make even the character flash red
that might be a punish?
armpit sex
she even has 4
Those 40 IPs back in that one thread months ago? All me.
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You WILL love your mom.
Need to hear the audio of this, the trailer doesn't have it...
Everything about this looks straight out of a Trigger anime and I fucking love it.
>and he stopped causing problems since the very first tournament we had.
I am sorry anon but this is wrong, the creature has derailed multiple threads.
Otherwise I mostly agree with everything you said
no, it is there, just not as loud as the music.
>I am sorry anon but this is wrong, the creature has derailed multiple threads.
Again, read:
>I find more annoying the people obsessed with hating him instead, for example, who actively derail threads with their bitching instead of ignoring him.
If you meant discussions about Cagliostro then I'll tell you the truth, I derailed way more threads discussing Zeta kek
wheres the cow
i hope the photo only shows against gran/djeeta because i think its kinda out of place
>learning how to creamapi
You seriously don't know how to copy and paste windows files?
How does Gran/Djeeta exist in the same photo together
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that face she makes, hoo boy
BTW nice theme, I do not want it playing during a matc.
Seriously I'll never understand Arc Systems habit of having lullaby tier songs as battle music.
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>he didnt play the story mode
you need a csrinru account for the files, no?
i dont know if its easy to make an account there or if its some mod-approval needed garbage
theres this
but i think its a bit sketchy
It’s funny to shitpost about nezu but it’s all in good fun. Overall I like having him here.
I don’t think there’s a single known poster I can think of who actually has a negative impact on the thread. We have it a LOT better than some other generals. Entire generals have been destroyed by lone dedicated shitposters before.
>I hate [namefag] so much and wish he was gone so that the threads would be better
>You know what I'll do? I'll keep namedropping [namefag], falseflagging as [namefag], and derail the threads talking about [namefag]
>Then I'll samefag and post about how [namefag] keeps killing the threads
>I will keep doing this until [namefag] leaves
>If the general dies in the meantime then it's obviously [namefag]s fault - they should have left or else I wouldn't have done this!
I don't get it
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I do
Time is convoluted.
Vicky... w-what did you do?
>>If the general dies in the meantime then it's obviously [namefag]s fault - they should have left or else I wouldn't have done this!
this but completely unironically
she should have blue nipples instead of red nipples, who is with me
what the fuck even is this gif
djeeta bullying a dumb cow (her wife)
I think at this point that user is probably just the deranged stalker from the lunar document.
no it's embarrassing
that's very likely and I wouldn't be surprised
Literally just make an account, wait for it to get approved and your done.
Or alternatively, just grab the .exeGODS folder from this general, I usually drop a catbox link when someone asks.
I've looked the other way for that reason. It's pretty benign as long as people also post draph tiddies.
theres this pic with neeko from league of legends where she has blue nipples and a blue cockhead
it's insanely hot
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my pisswife!
>Overall I like having him here.
Literally why
You sound underage, go outside kid.
There are multiple actions happening in the webm
Here is my rundown:
1. A character is sleeping in a dark room
2. A second character appears and turns on the light, which wakes up the first character leaving her perplexed at the situation.
3. The assaulter proceeds to attack the light switch button with all her might thus pressing it on and off many times in a small period of time
4. This causes visible discomfort to the character who just tried to peacefully sleep to the point of making her cry.
is this a special SSBA ending screen against gran/djeeta like the one vira has against kat?
Rat will be the end of this general. What we see now is peanuts compared to the main event in October.
>gen gets a breath of new life
>instantly devolves into retarded petty drama
ahh, home.
Why would she be? What do you mean?
why did i think playing this kusoge today was a good idea
The Euros will be sleeping soon, and all will be well.
why does no one talk about the story mode, the concept of jeeta and gran meeting each other sounds great i wasnt aware this was actually being done
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th-thanks, I think I get it now...
Rat will be the new beginning for this general. What we see now is simply a buildup to the showtime in October.
thank you I am blind and was not able to view the gif so your detailed explanation that was read to me by the text to speech (I'm not deaf) was really helpful
I'm going to take a huge dump in the thread while the tranny and people who defend it are here.
Don't like it? Just ignore it bro
Not enough white girls being posted.
based.. so fucking based...
>who are characters in the game btw
This argument is retarded because they're no more than 3D models with a couple of lines.
Imagine if I went on the R6 Siege genral and just nonstop posted about Laura Croft because she has a skin. Just every day I wake up and pepper the general with Laura Croft for no reason and reply to people with pictures of Laura Croft and inane comments about the game that are helpful and unfunny. And when people get mad at me and tell me to fuck off because they don't give a shit about Tomb Raider I cry persecution because Laura is technically a part of the game. She's an Ash skin. Not even a playable crossover character with their own unique stuff like Sam Fisher, just a skin. Would you really say I don't deserve the shit I get?
Left > Right
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It has it's moments. The Vegeta energy Bubs gave off in the story actually convinced me to play him as a secondary.
begging for cock. every lesbian needs dicking down .
I love horses and horse posters. I love granblue fantasy versus....

rising too!
Oh I'm rising
I dont mind one horse pic per thread personally
there are no lesbians in that pic
where is she?
Nezumiku is a Master
That puts her above 90% of the posters in this general
Fighting games follow the law of the jungle and in here, she's considered an elite
Regardless of how shitty her takes are or her attention whore posting she earned that right through her skill
If you don't like it then challenge her to a streamed FT10 where the loser must commit streamed suicide after the set
post more snowbunnies
i challenged him and he just ignored me
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I propose we ignore that post for the sake of the thread
S2 guaranteed.
i used to shill the versus rpg mode but they got rid of the grid autism and grinding (for the grid) for rising so im yet to play it lol
You are some literal random nobody and you dare challenge an elite like her? You'll have to wager more than your own life here because hers is worth more.
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OUR FUCKING HERO... has fallen.
My fav 2B image
This post too
>That puts her above 90% of the posters in this general
Most of the general is Master rank or plays at a similar level anyway

I hate that Grandmaster is more grinding autism and not a definitive way to distinguish good players from average one (99% of Masters)
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I agree, let's post kots instead
Yeah it sucks but Master is already a mostly meaningless title and Grand Master is just going to be Masters who have the time to netplay this kusoge 20 hours a day.
A new rank was the last thing this game needed anyways because who the fuck actually cares about this dogshit system
>Most of the general is Master rank
Speak for yourself. I can't make it out of A3.
>A new rank was the last thing this game needed anyways because who the fuck actually cares about this dogshit system
Nah it was absolutely needed however not like this. They just need to implement ELO or something
>If you don't like it then challenge her to a streamed FT10 where the loser must commit streamed suicide after the set
just wait a few years and he'll do it even without losing the ft10 lol
Arcsys already tried doing an ELO system a long time ago with PSR in BlazBlue and P4A and it turned out to be a dogshit system due to how little the player populations were so you had high psr players just farming ELO off of mid level players
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White girl draphs are the best.
you will be stuck in s rank soon anon!!
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A5GOD reporting in
Can't you drank from S? Or does it only start with S+ or whatever?
The average player is S5 thoughever
high crystal count does distinguish good players from average ones in the vast majority of cases
Kotkkoro and Kotcorine are CUTE
>so you had high psr players just farming ELO off of mid level players
That's not how ELO works, you can't farm it.
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>run of the mill master cag
You can, which means you'll be in rank up, rank down hell for a while too
Then there would be no way to get high ELO in this dead discord fighter then unless you pinged other high ELO players to queue ranked to sacrifice their points for you kek
I am a B4 BRO. These claws will scratch S rank one day.
built for milking semen
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I'm like you Kojicoco! I can be top 6 too!
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haven't played Rising yet--is Djeeta still good? didn't see any at evo
2B deserved it
shes top tier
2B deserved it
ok but honestly the top level mind games needed to play take real skill
>That extra long slash at 12s
Hava got 7th
She's got above average everything but this is a game where characters like Nier and Siegfried exist that have above average everything along with having other traits that make them excel at certain things. Djeeta is just good at everything but she's not the best at anything except making some anons cocks hard. You will more often than not still have to hard gap every opponent you play since she's honest and has no abusable knowledge checks
If they stick to the poll while adjusting slightly for post poll popularity we get Siete, Ilsa, and Galleon
Full corner to corner carry off any stray hit is not very honest bwo...
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Holy fuck Galleon is sexo
At the cost of a buttload of resources and a 66H starter sure
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You haven't seen anything yet.
woah fella that there is someones wife..
She has been appropriated.
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I thought only draphs were allowed to be titty monsters of THIS caliber...
Galleon is a dragon that made a humanoid form which is all the races combined
Why haven't I heard of this bitch until today? Niggas holdin' out
I will always find it funny that she grabbed a sky island and threw it at another dragon. I need that as her ssba
Ah... now I see.
There's a fair amount of Humans, Erunes and Primals + Fediel with tits of that caliber, it's not at all rare.
She also communicates only using single words and constantly kisses people
It filters people who have around a 50% or less winrate in master rank. Everyone past that should be on a grind fest for grand master. Everyone below that doesn't really have a chance unless the gaps for seasons is really long or if they play Uno or Vane.
>all the races combined
here i thought she was a funnier looking funny draph, im learning more about grub here than /gbfg/
is she just walking on the ground of the planet?
that doesn't really work when erunes and draphs are pretty much humans but with animal head parts.
what part of her is distinctly human.
Her ears.
Yes, she's that huge.
Modern day /gbfg/ is so distanced from the /gbfg/ I know from 2017 and prior...
isnt the ground supposed to be hell or something.
do her feet just not give a fuck?
she has harvin ears though...
Her other ears.
Narmayachad here.

I don't care that Galleon is completely mogging and replacing my wife's niche at all...

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Ggs lobby, perci is super fun and one day I'll do one combo for once in my life.
galleon covers the niche of cumming on someone who is asleep and then rubbing her titties with your semen for good luck?
/gbfg/ is pure kino
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She's practically the god of the earth element.
And yes, the bottom of the world is called the Crimzon Horizon and it's filled with a demonic race called Otherworlders pic related.
Galleon fucking hates them, so don't think she minds squashing them on a daily basis.
this isn't even bait
sometimes, just sometimes posts almost tempt me into playing a gacha game.
Yeah, because it isn't. Literally a den of schizos who do nothing but shit on something they only play because of sunk cost fallacy. Pure and unfiltered kino right there.
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I made it out of A rank after watching Xerom play
Don't, it's shit and so is the worldbuilding.
It sounds interesting but it's a fucking inconsistent mishmash of things that just got stacked ontop of itself over the years.
The entire franchise needs a hard reset imo.
d̶̡̡̧̧̡̞̖̱͖͔͈̰̙͈̟̭̼͈̜̬͇̬̗̮͕͉̭̩͂̾̈́̄̈́͆a̵̛̱͂̇͋̊̔̎͂̈́̈́́̌̋̎̽̕͝s̴̛͇̬̭͙̋̽̓̒̽̈̑̃̍̇̃̂̌̌̿̀̄̀̓̚̚ ̷̧̧̛̮̪̰̝̤̱̺̗͉̯̼̳̥̗̦̳̖͖̥͔̯̗̜͈͕̇́̌͑͆̾̏͆͂́͋͐̃̓̒͗̒̓̽̚͘͠ǵ̸͔͇̊̐̈́̈́̂̾̐͐̀͂͐̕͝ͅạ̴̡̛̛̛̛̱̰̳̟̳̥͉̹̥̠̇̌̍͐̈́͒̉̆͛̑͑̃̓̋̑̐̈̀̈̆̔̕̚͘͜w̸̛̪̓͋́̏̀͂̐̾͐͂͂̎̈̽̈́̍͊̊̽̆̊̊͊̓̍̚͠͝d̴̡̳̖̼͖͚͓͍͓̈́̈̆́͆͌̏̿̈͝͝l̶̛̹̫̖̪͈̗̼̱͔͎̋̓̒͘i̴̢̢̢̛̛̛̻̥̺̥̣̦̺̦͖͇͔̙̖̗̬͍̤͙̍̾́̾͑̈͋̏͂͂̀̈́͒͊̒̈́̽̈́̈́͘͘͝k̷̢̢̧̧̢̰̭̩̘̝͕̤̤͉̺̻̹͎̗̭̻͓̥̈́̆͑̽̓̽̈̽̊̌͘͜͜ȩ̶̖̙̯̫̜̱̼̪̥̼̳̤̗̠̤͎̐̈̊̏̃̇͆͒́̑͂̿͐̓̕̚͜͝͠͠
What was the adaptation that pushed you to the next level?
>They play
Not even, shithole gets raided by discordfags 24/7.
the grind is terrible but i can somewhat play it casually. i started when relink released
well let me untempt you
The only way to get her is to save up 200 rolls to do a spark, which lets you pick any unit you like. 200 rolls on this game, outside of big event giveaways, take months to get and you have to wait for a span of about 3 days per month where she's actually available on the gacha. And after that, you probably will only have dogshit for other Earth units and you can't farm to improve your Earth grids because you need a good Wind team to kill dirt raids and you ALSO need a Fire team to make sure your Wind team can even do dirt raids and so on and so forth. Grubs is ass. Don't play it.
There are so many new green squares in the open lobby my goodness gracious, we are so back
You type like a predator.
What if I just want to hear Anthuria's voice lines.
I can't even jack it to Nier anymore, I hate her so much
The wiki is free
Even better then, a dumping ground I poke my head into for a laugh.
Knowing how to pressure better with M and L lumiel, making them guess if I jump or mash f.M/2U. Or walking up and c.H when they start spot dodging.
I also stopped walking into 99% of wakeup SBAs when I watch my opponents guage, getting better at teching throws and reacting to jumps under pressure
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Scroll down for voices. This is the standard unit, there's also a Yukata and Christmas alt.
Wiki doesn't have the voices for a lot of characters actually, I just checked Anthy's.

huh, weird
Thank you I am going to sleep well tonight.
Their posts really aren't that interesting, it's just the same fkhr edits, sales charts, ACK posts and comments about a schizo called seraph over and over.

where am I?
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this might be the cutest nier ive seen so far
I think I want to buy that plushie now. Fumo?
I only pop in once a week or so, that way I don't wear myself out.
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It's 300 rolls in grabble for a spark anon
Anyone up to run a long set?
rank? region? character?
I've been playing BA and BA is 200, I forgot it was that many.
Honestly, the game is just grindy as fuck now a days. They added a whole academy mode for new players and pretty much give you free grids and a free character per element plus 1 old grand character at rank 150. The only issue you will really have is grinding shit and waiting a grand gala gacha.
I member old /gbfg/
Making fun of fire and dirt and constantly namedropping
Yukikaze and other enmityniggers DONT HEAL
Niaposting & chococats
Rhyme selling his granblue account for $2k and then buying an account for $3k
FireSEAgod Arc
Clear pls
Xieicord & Jiyunacords
Toilet Paper 1 birrion and lose
Beafriends dancho paying a chink to farm his account for him and getting banned
Redux malding and chargebacking thousands of dollars

Mmmm yeah I'm thinking old /gbfg/ was KINO
NA, S, Beatrix.
BA used to also be 300 spark in the JP version until Uma Musume changed the industry standard to 200
Unironically thank your horse overlords NOW
Cute doesn't excuse heinous crimes
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You could pop in once every 3 months and nothing would change.
Back when the shitposting was actually good.
>Beafriends dancho
Never forget that retard.
The only reason we have a spark system is because Grub fucked up HARD
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I do not think I will ever experience anything as kino as the Baha HL raid slot spreadsheets of 2016 ever again...
you forgot TIME AND EFFORT
leechlists were fucking kino
actual public shaming, *crack* *sip* yep those were the times
current endgame raids don't really have that kind of shit anymore because everyone is afraid of hosting it outside of their discord
hope you find someone!
Viramate was also the primary way of disclosing leech lists since it showed contribution per raid member. One of the few good things that came from a tranny and 5 years later and still nothing has replaced some of the convenient features it had.
I'd play you but I have been dying of a stomach virus the last few days and still am.
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I know DeNA is a baseball team in Japan but I don’t know how that relates to Granblue
there was a mcdonalds collab, people got banned because they stole images of other peoples proof of purchase
one of the login methods, there's multiple you can make an account for and use
honestly surprised Cygames didnt implement a lot of its QOL features since even fucking nips used them
Do you care about rank
thank you
They did thou
I still don't have quick skill press
Is there a webm of versusia's walk cycle?

sex, thanks
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Is Vira a bad matchup for Sheep or am I just retarded?
I consistently lose against Vira players.
but Vira in general is just a pain in the ass to deal with
vira is mean
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Something similar to this. The funny thing about punishments for violations in Grub is that they won't necessarily outright ban your account if you get caught enough times. Instead, they may mark you as a cheater and make your account unable to connect with other players, essentially forcing you to play single player Granblue even for raids.
>fM’s your post
Nothing personnel
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This character is so fucking goofy kek
vira is not a good character at high level and doesn't have many good matchups
she's good at stomping noobs though with command grab, 214M and transformeation shenanigans

Fair enough.
This last set I just played I fell for the command grab twice so I'm definitely on the slow side...
Hey were there any gran at evo. I missed a lot of the matches. And i want to watch some matches to improve my offense.
Any Gran at EVO were literally C-rank players in pools
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>and comments about a schizo called seraph over and over
said schizo shits up the general himself
>transformeation shenanigans
Once she's transformed it is all over for me, I can't anti-air her for shit at that point.
There was a single gran on stream I think named bweanz or something. I don't know how good he was I kind of zoned out.
Well there goes my hopes. Thanks for the heads up
ever heard of report and ignore? those fags talk about him night and day
believe in the big meaty gwan changes bwo
Well I do want to get a head start so when the changes come i can finally start cooking.
fewwy anon plays her if you ever run into him you can ask to learn the mu
it would be so funny if strive had gotten a granblue character instead of lucy
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Should I buy Granblue Fantasy Versus? How hard it is compared to other FGS?
It’s not hard. Way easier than most other games but the trade off is 66L destroying the neuch
it's hotter if both are lesbians that secretly want cock from other guys
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NA lobby up 1/9
pw is gbvsg
any skill lv idc help me de-rust
no thanks bud!
Gooning to sissy hypno with nezu...
is it harder than SF/Tekken? Same level as strive?
Thinking about buying 1 copy for me and 1 copy for my sister
he has multiple 30 day bans and still ban evades every single day
but they still aren't lesbians
easier than all of them since the system mechanics are incredibly simple and easy to understand. It's not like the wild assault nightmare arcsys created in strive and is now trying to walk back.
Is that one cute anon in the room?
the game is not fun if that's what you're expecting
how come?
Ah yes he ban evades, that's why they have to circlejerk and namedrop that retard all day.
Fuck off, those guys are just as bad if not worse than the retard himself.
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Try the free version first. If you like it, buy it before the sale is over. Just stay out of casual matchmaking.
easier than SF
easier than strive at low level, harder at high level
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So with Versusia and Vikala rounding out Season Pass 1, and Sandalphon starting off Season 2, what's the likelihood on characters we can guess coming in?

Because we know Seofon is practically guaranteed, what with having a model and VA already together, but we also have others such as Ilsa who only has a VA but was mentioned during the Eustace segment of story mode as well as being part of his outro but that feels like a stretch but knowing Cygames they'll spoil the Society members.

I guess the new story content dropping might also give us another model for someone as well.

Anyone got any suggestions?
mechanically easier than strive but I think it's harder to play overall because you need to actually learn how to play the game instead of just learning one gimmick and spamming it
strive also lets you dodge match ups
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Don't listen to him. The game is fun if the pace suits you, it just has flaws like anything else. The skill floor is low with a relatively high skill ceiling at the top end.
All I know for sure is that both Lucio (in that form) and Lucifer will never be added.
doombros.. come back..
anymore like this
low ranks are so empty you won't find anyone on a beginner skill level to play with
I have a feeling Lucifer might get a model for scenes with Sandy, especially maybe an SSBA like in the stage performance, but that's all.
they added avatar belial, they can add more lucifer
Id (from Relink)
Idk some fag
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There might be a chance that instead of normal Seofon we get his evil version who has a god complex which would make him the next villain.
They haven’t really done anything with that version in the gacha.
beaGAWD streaming
post hottest grangirl
hottest grangirl
No way we get him, I'm pretty sure alot of people would crucify Cygames. Solid pick for an Alt Costume though. If they were serious about wanting that, they could do what SNK did with Hibiki in Samurai Spirits and have an alt version with cruel voice acting and different animations for non important things like taunts.

Specifically I'd be down for that if they added WMTSB1 Sandalphon as well.
7/9 alive game alert
ggs ladiva and charlotta
is the grandmaster rank thing per region or overall?
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>Lucilius changes are so insignificant Xerom didn't even think he got any
it's fucking over
It's global it's just whoever is top ten diamonds per character gets grand master rewards.
Siete, Ilsa, Geisenborger or Fraux, Lucio and Shalem, i want Catura in but she is not that popular
issa over
Catura is arguably more popular than most of those characters you mentioned
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someone in here said catura canonically cannot run
why is that
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arcsys seems to have completely butched strive with the latest patch-you can no longer RC from a DP, wild assualt is minus on block etc.
hopefully they won't do the same with grub
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Not that guy but how adaptable is she for a fighting game?
All I know about her is that she has delicious fat titties and that she married Danchou, apparently.
she tires out too quickly and has motor skills issues, she's retarded in the medical sense
ggs soriz anon, im sorry to have cut it short
Both good changes.
Strive is a fucking gorilla enabler game and 15 second rounds are gay as fuck. Anything that pushes it away from that is great.
as a zodiac she is absolutely more popular than all of those other than MAYBE siete and ilsa
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GGs anons. Seems I need more training with Six before I fully main him. These claws will touch the skies, one day!
God you're a faggot
dont be sorry
i needed to go anyways, needed to prep something
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so when does 1.5 come out?
Prepping that ass for your bull's cock, fag?
Watch as they add chicken instead of her
GGs thanks for joining
I know I am but at least I am trying to get better at the video game instead of sucking dick forever
next month on the 20th
this better be is a future costume for faa
if he even gets one
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>gran is 15 years old
does this mean narmaya is a p*dophile
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No...you can't be playing with someone else...we're GROCERY BROS remember? wheeze
Gran has been 15 for 10 years Narm can do what ever she wants at this point
I wish I was 15 again...
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It is time.
>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
>RC from a DP, wild assualt is minus on block etc.
you gotta be unironically retarded to think those are bad changes
Nyigga I ayin't dyoin a fyuckin syurvey sheeeesh
Same desu
Getting old fucking SUCKS
he's trying to steal our data, who does he think he is, big tech?
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ggs charlotta anon!!
>she's retarded in the medical sense
dumb cow wife
What did you think that stuff about pretending to be a big sister was all about?
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>she tires out too quickly
I mean, she is carrying a giant burden...
can u tell me the age of consent in the skies
grandmaster rank.. very cool
i guess i'll have to block every tournament player otherwise they'll just farm my crystals
That's a lot of questions but sure
i wish the whole game was balanced around his power level but i tend to think he is underpowered
they nerf everyone to his level and make 66H hitbox match de animation
well, j.214X and 214X have different cooldowns
>change mains
i want to pick up other characters but i greatly enjoy bubs
>character to get deleted
cant think of any really
2B? but its never gonna happen
You'd be surprised, top 10 of most characters never join tournaments. For example the top 4 Charlottas (or 5 I don't remember where Xerom is) do not play tournaments except 1 which is Waffle
It's my first time joining the lobby, gg anons, I was prepared to have my ass kicked but I still enjoyed the sets
that's fine, if i lose too much to a certain player i'll block em as well until i only get even matches
15 on some islands (canon)
>>Your main (or mains)
grimnir, zeta(quite bad with her doe)
>>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
very strong but not overpowered, just alright
>>Dreams for them in the big meaty
no nerfs
>>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
grimnir remains unchanged, zeta's ultimates get some nerfs. both powercrept to some degree, but not really a problem since all the S+ tiers get heavy nerfs
>>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
no refunds on ults
>>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
>>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
cagliostroon, toobe
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If i stop spectating someone in the room does it stop their match?
no, you can do whatever you want.
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Bros, Lucifer keeps kicking my ass....
Who are u playing sweetie?
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im sorry nier. i had to protect the new guy from groomers
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I had an even rougher ballbust by a master cag afterwards
Looking at the revenue data, Cygames knows that Rising has failed in every way, so now it's just FKHRT's pet project for the rest of Season 2 (the final season).

FKHRT values Japan's opinion above all other countries, so he's going to put in Siete and Ilsa. The characters were likely decided many years ago, so I don't think there will be any dragons. There will also be another dogshit collab and another FKHRT pick like Uno.

Are there any old shillclub members who aren't in the game yet?
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I wondered why english Versusia sounded so familiar. She's Urbosa.
>Your main (or mains)
Six, luci, and belial
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
I haven't played much Six so not sure, but Luci feels very underpowered and belial seems to be a bit overpowered.
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
Won't change much for Six or Belial. Luci needs his blade level shit retuned or reworked.
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Six get's a few of his normals toned down, Luci get's a few more combo routes at low blade level, and Belial's legs get shot
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
it's over...
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
Not Six but the other two might get swapped for Versusia since she was fun to play at evo when I tried her and sends to be my style of character.
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Cag because she is fine her players and the shit surrounding them, good or bad, just makes me wish she was never in.
You aren't that important
Whoever it may be, there is but one certainty, we need more men
>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
surprisingly extremely mid imo
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
anila got a follow up for her jump, I want a U follow up for demon flip. also making 214U good/usable
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
very small tweaks
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
fucking nerfed because of xerom kek
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
no but I might play versuvia
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
2B, I hate collabs
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Lobby closed GGs to everyone who joined
Good to see new faces that have picked up the game in the time I haven't been around
i forgot to add
one of the things that makes grimnir so strong is his ability to throwbait no risk with his seals. IF airdash becomes punishable on block, it's going to be a big nerf foor him
I think he might get completely untouched
This patch will show what is FHKR's or the dev's team intended powerlevel for the game and I have a feeling it's around Grimnir/Zeta/Narmaya level
>>Your main (or mains)
>>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
This character is fucking stupid
>>Dreams for them in the big meaty
623U eats a big nerf. Either a longer cooldown so it can't be converted into a full corner combo or it launches up to begin the combo limit immediately.
On hit, 236U doesn't freeze for as long. Ideally, linking two 66L's together midscreen shouldn't be a thing anymore while preserving corner pressure on block. I wouldn't be opposed to a universal duration nerf, but I'm guessing 90% of the cast is getting major buffs so don't want to nerf this too hard.
Miscellaneous slaps on the wrist could be had here and there (take off some damage, make jumping off the wall slower, 22[X] as a big maybe loses it's invincibility so certain DPs don't get fucked over) but the above 2 feel like outliers when it comes to Lancelot.
As a QOL, 214M and the second hit of the rekka go from -4 to -3 so that they're properly safe on block.
>>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Not much. This game loves it's homoknights and I don't see them heel turning on it now.
>>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
Minimal doom
>>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
I doubt it. I'd like to think I'm playing Lancelot because I enjoy his playstyle and not just because his top tier, but the fast pixie chars aren't normally what resonates with me so I might like him just because he's strong. And if that's so maybe I jump ship.
>>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Remove 2B's whiff cancelling and my life is yours Cygames
Got that revenue data on hand?
We don't have a gorillion active players, cygames is pulling the plug next month bros...
Doomposters don't need actual data.
so fvcking based...
i'm interested in what kind of buffs gran abel kat and luci will get
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>honest as his main (lore wise)
I kneel.
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>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
buff 2L range, decrease her cooldowns by a second
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
barely changed since japs apparently think she's high tier
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
nerfed because of stupid japanese tier lists
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
probably not unless i love versusia or buffed vane
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Lance, Cag
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Imagine the blowjobs
>Fus Ro Dah in 2024
>Your main
Charlotta Fenia
>Do you think
I don't know
Demon flip parry + faster 5U
Faster 2H/5H
More minus on SBA/SSBA/DP
>Will you change main?
>Name a character you don't play
>play against a metera
>airdash airdash airdash spamm 5L airdash airdash 5H
>tee hee just play patient airdash
I hope all Metera niggers get fed to a pack of feral dogs
>Demon flip parry
How good would it be? Charlotta would basically force anyone into a coinflip...
Your 2H retard bro? Your 66l? You literally any button?
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Somewhat underpowered
Midscreen stuff without using resource
Fix his naked man super
Has to use more resources
Excluding Siegfried and Nier; Vira
ayo this nigga wants soriz to full combo mid screen from one charge punch
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>Your 2H retard
Pic related
The problem I have with every fucking Metera is brave counter exists and the moment I finally catch their nigger cock slurping asses they BC and airdash out of the corner.
>Pic related
H DP on reaction, nothing else you can do.
M DP too but sometimes it doesn't work
I fucking hate Charlotta's M DP, it's absolute jank and I really want them to fix it
So... Djeeta's gimmick is gonna be a Stat that grows somehow, stacks 3-5 and the higher the stack the further she can corner carry. Max stack is current length, maybe a little bit further
I thought it was a futa cock joke but it's actually a clever way to nerf her
She's top tier but extremely fragile and vulnerable to some nerfs
just give it big minus like grab version
>UHHHHH BUT SHE'S TOP 5?!?!?!??!
>N-no... Djeeta is better than Cag Narmaya Zeta Belial 2B and Bea!!!!!
now all the faggots who think Djeeta is top tier can stfu
>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
another special or 5u to be better
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Nerfs to 214u for some reason
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
Vikala because she's hot but if I don't like her probably not
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
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The problem with zoners in general is that they completely change the way the game's played and not everyone can adapt unless they've been playing fighters for years or just have a lot more matchup knowledge than your average player usually gets. Casuals don't have a lot of them because they do take time to adapt to. It's a character that desperately wants to get out of melee in a fucking fighting game, which is hard to just pick up. It's also why zoners are the dumbest fucking idea anyone's ever had and I despise that it's basically a cornerstone of fighting game design. They're also fucking impossible to balance because if they have too many tools to get you off them then they're basically playing solitaire. Too few and then 90% of the cast can smoke them without thinking.
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>how's your boy
Bottom 1, maybe botton 2
Shield becomes useful, U is no longer a lose button,
I tried on these nightmare vision goggles
It's an improvement
>will you change main
Yeah, I'll probably fiddle with Zeta or Beatrix for a little bit until Bikki comes out, she's already an instant main. So far she is the only one of my wives to make it into the game.
>fuck this character in particular
Vira. Fuck Vira. Also fuck Narmaya, fucking frauds are absolutely carried but pretend she's a low mid tier, but Vira is definitely the worst.
I agree they're risky game design. However they make fighting games unique I guess, otherwise you end up like Kekken.
Ferry and Metera should function more like Lowain who uses zoning purely to bait opponents into doing shit so he can suddenly rush in. Metera is partially there but there is too much of a defined line between her zoning and going in
that's why modern fighting games avoid traditional zoners as much as possible in favour of rushdown-esque hybrids like happy chaos
>Your main (or mains)
Lucilius, Seox, Bea
>Do you think they're currently balanced?
Underpowered? Overpowered?
Lucilius needs adjusting for core mechanics, he feels like a weirdly rushed product except for his buttons. Seox and Bea are fucked, Bea less so by a pretty wide margin now she got nerfed.
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
Luci has a dartboard of buffs, they just need to throw two and he's fine. Seox doesn't need shit. Beatrix 22M is +0 or 1 again in favor of making her 22H have more startup so she isn't hoe'ing you with unreactable garbage.
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Lucilius gets some nothingburger buffs, Seox gets Lance tier slap on the wrist shit, and Beatrix remains mostly untouched since she was too recently nerfed.
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
Lucy gets buttons hit for skill "buffs", Seox untouched somehow, and Bea's bandit bringer isn't + anymore.
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
Yes, I've moved through half the roster as mains (over 200 levels) and my only real hard commitment would be Sandalphon.
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Cag, Vira (dont care for her as a character), and 2B (I love NieR but holy shit why is she here).
Gyood, gyooood...my lobby anyon profiles are getting MUCH more in dyepth nyow...
>we need more Lowains
Bro who the fuck smacked you with the crazy bat.
should have included rank in this "survey"
im with that anon we need more lowains
Our lord and savior goenitz will carry us granGAWDS to grand finals trust
>land bubs command grab
>laugh maniacally
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literally me
Literally the main reason I play him.
He always sounds like he's having a lot of fun, it's great.
goenitz is a bicurious djeeta player though...?
>gets counterhit by enemy close heavy
And I'm a bisexual Beatrix player!
>Literally the main reason I play him.
>his command grab
Your dream job as a kid was to become a pajeet scammer.
>still laughs
There's no stopping him...
goenitz is a gran player in denial. Someone needs to tell him that no matter how cracked his djeeta gets, nobody fucking cares because gamera exists. It's the curse of being #2. It's the endevour-all might scenario from MHA all over again
He should just play gran where he's undisputed top 1 there
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I have planned ahead of time and scheduled out the tournament dates for August.

The NA and EU tournaments will be back to back, hopefully with a ~30 minute break between. Because then during that time you can enjoy a nice $24 + tip + tax burrito (50 quids for you euros + optional habanero license cost(ID REQUIRED VERY SPICY)) at your local Chipotle, it's fast casual dining tex-mex-ico food cannot be beat, and also rustic but urban at the same time.

/gbvsg/ NA tournament 10th
August 10th 3:30 PT / 6:30 ET
/gbvsg/ NA tournament 11th
August 24th 3:30 PT / 6:30 ET

/gbvsg/ EU tournament 5th
August 10th 12:00 PT / 9pm CEST
/gbvsg/ EU tournament 6th
August 24th 12:00 PT / 9pm CEST

(This post is paid advertising by the Chipotle™, Have it your way because I'm lovin' it)
What a bitch-made viewpoint holy fuck.
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>come up with an elaborate plan to draw out Bahamut to defeat him
>immediately lose
Hey there fellow interwebs boomer, been keeping up with the latest harry partridge toons?
Ask for recommendations for djeeta replays to watch and the sheep masses will bleat out gamera-sama. no one fucking knows or cares about this guy's djeeta.
NAfags will slurp hava out but they're burgers so who gives a fuck what they think
Myods there's a horse on my screen...

red pusi
describe the chicken to me gorulshi
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We could only hide our power for so long. Chipotle has taken note.
Are you gonna up the production with more casters and prizes like May TO had during /ggg/'s prime?
Who's stronger
Chipotle or the eye drop ad

Before you answer, remember that they forced the announcers to use the eyedrops live on camera
return of ferry when
Cag and Bubz
I think Cag is fine but i suck ass, bubs could use a small buff seems like he get something in the teaser
Bubs becomes a completely different character and vanilla tier strong
>Realistic expectations
they both get little to nothing changed
>change main?
probably not but i like to try alot of the cast often
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
none because im not a fag
Watching the panic in their faces as they knew what was coming and the tears and agony after it was so unbelievably fucking funny. I could see rohto z man standing behind them with a whip.
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I'm a boomer, not an American.
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this would explain why gamera looked like a fucking ghoul the entire event
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I'm early today and it's ANOTHER DAY
gamera ate chipotle before his games, that's why he lost
Man that EvoJP top 6 was so comfy and fun(ny)
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Stinky is european? That explains so much (the smell mostly)
He's a Seamonkey
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no I'm not?
issa mongolian
Someone change the subject.
They better start dripfeeding balance changes instead of just spamming tutorial combos on twitter
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fuselit is a fraud who got people thinking he was good by beating up a bunch of burgers at their locals all day
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>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
I think she's right where she should be. It's the top tiers that are outliers.
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
Less recovery on L. Setsuna. Some kind of midscreen conversion that doesn't require an extremely precise hit confirm or BP spend.
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
I've heard that maybe RS->RC damage is nerfed, which will make midscreen hits even more worthless. Narmaya will be nerfed indirectly, again, making her even more reliant on corner damage.
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
She needs to be nerfed into mid tier. A message has to be sent for the health of the game. Some of her setups and chip are absolute bullshit.
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
No, I'll be as autistic as I need to be to make her work. I may pick up Versusia as a secondary.
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Nier. Her perfect world is one where she doesn't exist.
I've been thinking, is 66L actually good for the game?
66L pressure isn't fun, doing it or receiving it.
But think about it.
Remove 66L completely and fM/2M takes it's place, and characters with god tier fm/2m are now the top tiers.
What do you do? Do you nerf all good fm2m? do you buff all weak fm2m? do you do all that until fm/2m is pretty much standardized across the cast, making it no different from 66L?
Fuck that I want my pinata patch day
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I just learned that Grimnir has install super
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Is Granblue really a gorilla game?
I've seen people say it is as gorilla or even more than Strive, which I personally think is ridiculous.
It is obviously more aggressive than Versus, but at least you aren't actively punished for blocking like you are in Strive.
a big part of why 66L is good is because it also moves your character in while also being a strong whiff punish, approach and pressure tool

if they make it minus on block, then it becomes a weak pressure tool, but strong whiff punish tool. Since it's not special cancellable, it would end your turn for any kind of pressure reset.
if they push you out more on block, like outside of your f.L range, then it becomes weaker as an approach tool
if they decrease the distance traveled more it becomes weaker as a whiff punish tool or approach option. But keeping +2/+3 on block would maintain it's strength for pressure.

ultimately I think they should make it less universally applicable as a tool and be more focused by having it differ so some characters 66L are strong for pressure/weak for whiff/weak for approach or have it be strong for whiff punish/weak for pressure/weak for approach, or have it strong for approach/weak for pressure/weak for whiff.
issa pagpag nigger
This might be the best post I've seen about 66L
uma delicia
need pigpag
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not even a fag but how is lancelot so handsome man
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I just beat my kizzington!
lance is 1 degree off from being draw a girl and call it a man territory.
all homo knights should have been female
mmmmm Lancelot with boobs
IMO, what they should do for 66L is make it clash level 0 and no longer give combos on hit. It seems like what the devs want the counterplay for 66L to be is stuffing the approach out before they get to you. But as it stands, trying to stuff it out with a button is a pretty horrid idea because the range of 66L is unreactable. Even if you successfully stop them with an f.M or something you get a special cancel, or maybe a RS followup if you feel like burning meter. If you fuck up even a little bit though and their 66L hits? Eat a full combo and get sent straight to the corner.
So removing combos on hit and lowering clash level should make stuffing out an approach a much more rewarding option. 66L will still probably be a strong option at lower levels (which is fine) where it'll serve as a "one size fits all get in" option for people just starting to learn the genre. But as they get better and fight more skilled people, mashing 66L should fall off as a strategy compared to a more solid fundamentals game.
But that's just my train of thought blogpost
he's 27 years old and 5'11
niggas like these >>487246871 are the ones who think sf6 luke and vanilla katalina is peak gameplay
wtf isn't gran like 5'6
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People are still reposting some of these clips, so here's a new one for the anon who asked for the Ferry outro 4 months ago. If they are still around.
66L can combo it should just always be a fL. There is a massive gap between characters that can 66L cM and ones that only get fL. Except for Siegfried since he can just do fL verdragon and get the same damage as a cM combo.
i WILL have sex with oni mom
theoretically bubs can get a cM combo from his 66L but man that shit feels impossible to pull off unless you hit your 66L deep inside their prostate
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>Desu not dressed up as Simone
Who the FUCK drew this thing?
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>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
She feels outdated, like they designed and balanced her for what they wanted GBVS to be then ported her to Rising doing little more than giving her access to the universal mechanics
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
More sauce in general
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Buffs to 5U (at the very minimum the damage she takes from it should count as chip damage so she doesn't die from it unless at 1HP)
A reason to use 214U
Charged 2H getting buffed or completely removed from the game, either is fine.
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
Her being barely changed when pretty much every one else gets buffed
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
Balance will have no effect on whether I change my main or pick up a second one.
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Fuck guest characters.
Its kinda crazy how you can get most characters to S++ min by just doing the same sequence of buttons, especially in the corner.
Its kinda crazy how you can get most people to answer an inane list of questions by just humoring the idea that their shitty little opinion matters, especially in the corner.
FUCK I misquoted okay shitpost over nothing to see here I'm going to bed
So, you mean I should think less and auto-pilot more, gotcha.
I don't know how to defend as grimnir without DP AAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEE
I'm having so much fun against this C Bea in Rank bwo
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>>Your main (or mains)
>>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
Schrödingers top-tier, but I think she's in a good spot. Yes, her damage potential is great, her oki is scary. But she suffers in the defense department and her threats tend to be pretty linear. Strengths and weaknesses.
>>Dreams for them in the big meaty
Armored frames on her follow-ups from her reversal, preventing multi-hits and autocombos to punch through them.
>>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Some nerf on her ult-skill damage.
>>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
Ult-skill combos not possible anymore, not only gutting her damage, but also getting rid of many of her combos in the corner and oki-setups.
>>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
Hell no.
>>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
You can say pedophile here
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>Your main
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
Generally alright aside from the top tiers, so he should be in a great spot if they get nerfed
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
Better normals, wall bounce for 236H and fixing his SSBA so it's not shit (the grab, not the install)
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
No changes at all or maybe a slight nerf because Cygames are cunts
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
Gutting his plus frames without any other changes
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
Maybe, if Versusia is fun to play
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
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guard cancel
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>dodge back
oh you beautiful bastard. c'mere
>siete but no celestial cape
That would be fucking awful
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He looks cool, tough
Sarasa or Nio
Elmott or whatever
Maybe another disciple, they are all fairly popular
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After seeing what an amazing job they did with his animations and avatars in Relink I want nothing else. Would be fine as a bp outfit though.
When Grim has his seals up, just do a j.L, because it's an active hitbox that last until you land again or hit/clash with him.
you mean after 5U flip?
>Your main (or mains)
>>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
Actually think he's one of the best balanced characters in the game with clear strengths and weaknesses
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
I don't know, green nade not disappearing if Eustace blocks? Or red nade not going away on a bad tech from the opponent? MAYBE ex slow kill comboing from max range 2M and f.M, that would be nice
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
66M is two frames faster
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
Somehow make him hit combo limit faster
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game

If they buff Eustace the wrong way he's gonna be mega cancer to play against, but I do feel the character himself is good, he just gets bent over from system mechanics
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Holocaust normal
He literally, unironically, needs it.
I don't know what any of Grim's buttons are, never touched the dude. I meant when you see him dashing around between seals, just j.L.
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>Zooey buffs turn out to be nerfs
Does he? He can already put you in the corner from anywhere and then do his bullshit mix without it.
I fucking hate how many polearm wielding characters in this game have stubby ass normals, it's good he has some long reaching ones.

>i think that rend the earth guy blocked me
uhhh grimnigs?
b-but I'm grim
Oh, kill yourself then, I hate you fags.
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The essence of grub
He can keep his far reaching H but giving it an 8 frame startup is fucking retarded.
>turn based combat

Fair enough.
How do you even balance this, really.
It now costs meter.
Make it so you don't get oki on BC.
It doesn't HKD on counter-hit
The one thing I want the most is BC not giving HKD anymore. You can justify losing your turn because they spend a BP, sure. But also giving them oki + side swap + the kids and the house is a bit too much for a single resource.
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Let the dripfeed begin
the top tier players are all switching to djeeta in preparation for the patch
I think she's strong and there's not really anything that needs to be done to balance her. She'll be even better if the scrubby system mechanics get gutted. I just wish so many moves didn't get rid of traps for free. Dream change is not letting fast characters literally just run across them with impunity. No I will not change mains unless Vikky is ridiculously fun.

>Hope gets deleted
Vira, Zeta, Beatrix, Ladiva
>get rid of traps for free
Any good cag will punish you for swatting the damn things.
There are a lot of characters that can simply press 66M and get rid of both ex traps with absolutely no risk to themselves. There's also retarded shit like Beatrix slide getting rid of them which you'd expect to be a counter to it
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if Charlotta is about to use unpunishable SBA
Just say no
What the FUCK you can't do that!
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if i were you i'd run instead of 5U for oki
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also don't use j.U it's a garbage button j.H is way superior
It's "hilarious" how little priority all of Charlotta's balls have.
who cares
Me because it would be nice if they didn't get stuffed by basically any random hitbox my opponent puts in front of them.
stop using it as a fucking command dash
Ferry cant hit it with any normals!
Make me.... which you can, unfortunately.
-8 DP
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Got Kat's wife to masters!
Grats anon
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Get out of here stalker.
good job
Ty anons. Lots of bubs in S++, and ladivas. I hate getting 66L into command grabbed from ladiva...
>demote someone from s+4 to S1 cause its only matching us
Nyo....Im sorry...
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I know it's 7 in the morning on the east coast, but is it really so much to ask for better than 6 rollback frames and 250 ping?
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it's 8PM
hey wouldn't it be funny if it ends up being worse
nu uh its 7 AM
It’s okay looking. There’s another one with shirts over the bottom.
>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
I think she's in a pretty good spot right now!
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
I just hope she doesn't get nerfed again!
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
I have no idea what to expect, given how erratic and unpredictable the patches have been since launch!
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
H fireball launching and triggering combo limit faster.
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
It would be pretty hard to get me to switch to any other character at this point, unless they add another fast rushdown character with a free command grab. If she became literally unplayable I'd sooner just quit the game altogether.
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Nier. But even then I don't want her to get deleted. I want her to keep most of the tools she has. I just think she should do less damage and run out of stocks faster. And maybe you should be able to hit Desu whenever she's onscreen, instead of only when she's attacking.
i think everyone should do less damage
except me
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>Your main (or mains)
>>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
Underpowered, but not by a lot compared to high tiers (underpowered by a lot compared to a top tiers)
>>Dreams for them in the big meaty
Bigger hitbox on 2H so that it doesn't go through them point blank, make his SBA not miss when the first hit connects, 300 more damage on L command grab, standardize frame data on spaced out, counter hit ultimate moves hit to make his conversions more consistent, 22U now has super armor like it says on the side of the screen but for some reason currently does not, faster c.H, make H fireball so that it actually clashes with other H fireballs and not outright loses.
>>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Some useless garbage that makes his strengths stronger like "hurr durr lets make him do more damage on his ultimate tackle, surely thats what he needs"
>>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
Some useless garbage that makes his strengths stronger
>>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
Probably. I think Mom looks really, really cool and she is a big body and probably at least has more than average hp which is I like about Vaseraga
>>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
Delete as in nerf to shit or delete as in actually delete from the game to not be playable?
Nerf to shit - A toss up between Nier or Sieg I think.
Not playable from this point on - 2B
better catch up on your lore anon-kun, she thirsts for that danchou cock like every other generic gacha whore now
vira always said that dancho was different from other guys if you used gran and always liked djeeta (back when they did different dialogue for different mc genders)
>lesbian in denial claims male danchou is different from other guys
She's pretty much bi lets be real
gran and djeeta are the same person though
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now go fuck yourself
She's whatever Cygames needs her to be at the moment.
Holy fuck her latest fate episode was bad.
Yes, Fediel, we get it.
Shosan is live btw
>Vira's true nemesis is cygames writing team
thank you
>Granblue Fantasy's true nemesis is Cygames*
Her H spin used to have H properties but got nerfed in Versus
Her M spin has H properties... lol She's weird
Remember after the Bea hotfix when people said "oh this means they're going to nerf everyone in the big meaty and lower the powerlevel across the board"?
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It's not the worst thing they did in Rising.
Someone pointed out that Charlotta and other characters feel outdated for Rising and that they just slapped its mechanics over it and it fucking shows when you see Percival's command throw.
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>Your main (or mains)
>Do you think they're currently balanced? Underpowered? Overpowered?
Solid high tier
>Dreams for them in the big meaty
Anything to make her less flowcharty
Anything to make her U-skills more worth using
A real U-DP
No SKL recovery block during hitstun
>Realistic expectations for them in the big meaty
Extremely minor SKL buffs
jUU (pod stall kick) becoming a usable move
a reason to use 5HHHH
>Nier dayo doom levels of disaster for them in the big meaty
parry nerf and nothing to compensate for it
>Assuming they get changed following your realistic expectations, will you change main?
if versusia is fun or zoi is stronger, sure.
>Name a character you don't play but hope it gets almost deleted from the game
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>I know it's 7 in the morning on the east coast, but is it really so much to ask for better than 6 rollback frames and 250 ping?

Actually yes, you psychopath. Us each coasters can't play real people until noonish.
well excuse me for working the night shift
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IT'S HI-oh...
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It's here
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>watch soive evo
>this shit shows up in my recs
granblue isnt so bad
>Already lost hope because his changes are known
>See above
>Every character getting better offense/damage is already a huge nerf to Lucilius
>Probably not because I hate the rest of the roster
>Belial (Not going to happen)
>Already lost hope because his changes are known
Actually they said changes are not final yet :^)
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big coperino
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Kyaaa so cool!
dumb...that anyone could ever hate Charlotta
I tried Sieg for the first time and holy shit this character carries you like a goddamn princess
It's actually kinda impressive

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