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Previous: >>487097575

>TFD Helper (Beta)

>Resource Doc

>Module Combination Percentages (Use Google Translate)





>/tfdg/ Thread Template
First for Bunny butt
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Do what you must magnum
I got like 8 of your stupid shotguns/snipers/launchers out the way already
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well, what now?
what should I look for? I do use TC on colossi since I've dumped a ton of shit into it.
do you like to collect? I like to collect.

any elemental attack and weak spot damage
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Thoughts on Edging shot?
Day 1 of Ultimate Bunny farming: no parts dropped.
I'm edging my shot right now if you catch my drift
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winter can't come soon enough
Bunny gets all the material but I make it work for Freyna and Valby
FARM FORTRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the fact that they are letting us farm fortress as it is right now just means they're going to up the cost of everything in teh future. you are aware of this right
Shite because everything is multiplicative. Regardless if base crit low or high it won't do that much for its opportunity cost.
What am I doing wrong barely getting 300k here? Are my groups just trash and not running gold drop chance Equips? Legit 280k is my average with good runs hitting 300k. I'm valby and often there's one other valby
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time to redeem Sir
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Instant gratification mfers are annoying
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Killing too slow probably
>realize there's a "world chat" tab
>switch it on
>hard executioner carry
>hard dead bride carry
>stunning beauty carry?????????
>3000 valby farms (i'll switch to valby bro trust me)

these are the people that will join your hanged man and obstructer public intercepts
If you're satisfied at farming something at 55% efficiency then you're the retard. It's a game about amassing resources, don't get mad when people get more resources than you
I watch stuff spawn and die in 1 tick, unless there's a way to make the ticks occur faster than every second I'm not sure how I could improve this
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All I want is some proper TFD lewds that fucking AREN'T Bunny! I want to see Viessa anal and boob window boobjobs by Yeero and FPSBlyck! I want to see Valby twerking and hot dogging by Kishi3d! I want to see Gley and Sharen giving sloppy blowjobs and deep throating by BulgingSenpai

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next is valby
>Don't get mad when
Nigga who gets mad over video games
literally everyone
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I know, but with it I could get my TC up to 39.74% CR. Which is pretty good. Currently it's at 31.6. If I rerolled my ammo capacity substat into CR it'd be at 34.4% on a perfect roll. It's probably best if I just stick with what I've got though. I do think it'd be worth trading 3 bullets for 2.44% more CR though.
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it sucks that impact round weapons get worse crit mods than general weapons
What's the best way to get ult Bunnies stabilizer?
Prayer to Satan
Not wanting it
>What if I want it
Work with the people actively doing the void shard/fusion reactor
Having company makes everything more bearable except when doing the sneak
Take a shower stinky.
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What do we think about the 3sec of infinite ammo every 16sec
p2w boosts
Wait am I dumb or does it actually cost 100 usdollarydoos to get the slutty ultimate gley skin?
I didn't see it standalone in the cash shop.
>looking the converted price in leafbux
not like this leafbros...
okay brb I'm gonna go choke the life out of my dick real quick
>tfw I'll have this same dilemma tomorrow
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Was probably my best run but i do arround 500K average yeah, think it mostly boils down to how fast you kill reactors and push phase 2, i usually do it in 15seconds or less depending on where i am for the reset, also picrel does help i guess
i'm running solo but i did waste one activator on her, the time i'm saving abusing this shit will be worth dozens anyway
if you like the ghame and see yourself playing it a lot just buy it nigga
when do we get a community manager to simp over?
>Running solo
I've only run into 1 completer and that was some tard bunny
I didnt get mp collector from the bunny mission, im going to kill ymself anons :3
How the fuck do i get more thundercages?
This 20% aint 20%ing. lmao
that guy has boosts but I also get about 300k. It's rare I get close to 500k. I think you have to one shot them, which I do most of them but not all of them.
lol no, i crafted her myself, you can buy the skin for 1k after she's done, same for all the ultimates
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wait a darn minute isnt this better than mp collector
oh okay that's a bit better thanks
what am i going to gain wasting time getting a group together, hoping some leecher fag doesn't grief the outpost when i'm hitting those averages
try it then tell us
I think it would be better suited to something else. Those 3 seconds will only get you about 1.5 extra base mags worth for free with max fire rate on TC. Assuming the CD starts on activation you're looking at 4.87 second of continuous fire which leaves just over 11 seconds of down time. If we rounded thing out and assumed timings aren't perfect, we could say the mod has a 25-30% uptime, which I don't think is really worth it compared to just slotting in a reload speed mod.
s-shut up!
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Valby outpost is the fastest weapon proficiency leveling right?

Also, is it worth it to even save for Afterglow Sword if you've made Piercing Light? Seems like you can use the prior to farm the latter.
1 in 19 people are going to be salty AF bunnies, everyone else is there to profit off of your benevolence
Well to be sure it definitely helps for the way I play gley currently on an assault rifle
>Lead off with infinite ammo
>Empty mag and reload for another 3sec of infinite ammo to magdump onto colossi spawns
>Repeat with dodging shenanigans
I'm not always dpsing the boss but when I do I find it comforting the infinite ammo is ready
I've been doing the outpost by honestly it's utter cancer. The boss is tanky as fuck and hides behind a ton of clones.

Guess I gotta upgrade my thundercage
if you can hit oneshots without a yellow reactor to switch weapons yes, otherwise i think bunny cave is still better
is there a build i can use on a fresh 40 valby that has no catalyst or activator for the gold farm?
>doing infil with 2 others
>random retard comes along and ruins it and cant even complete it by himself
how do you get to level 40 and you're still this clueless
Is it just me or is obstructor super easy?
>Notice Lepic Ult Code is Reactor AMP only
>Fuck I hate life
>It's a Stealth only AMP too
>Get two
>Might as well start
>First AMP gives the code
Based Koreans.
Gley is an entirely different use-case and I agree it would be good on her. Especially if you combined it with Mental Focus, which at max rank would give you an extra 1% (base) damage per consecutive shot fired up to 150 stacks. Pair those two mods with a BBB that's set up for max fire rate+damage and ignore crit stuff and you've got a super bullet hose with minimal downtime.
I've seen absolute zero viessa deleting spawning enemies out of thin air so fast there wasn't they didn't even play their spawn animations and were falling as wall of corpses after her. Dunno if there is some trick to force hyper spawns somehow or it was just pure damage.
Start taki ng safe angles
Shoot from that ramp or behind cover
Position yourself o be able to mow down whatever rounds the corner
D2 moment
No, atleast not for bunny, because you wont get enough elec back from this fast enough for it to be worth it.
PLus mp coll has higher activation chance.
do you seriously believe they will break their game's economy because some turbo autists farmed this for barely a week while normalfags probably can't even mod a couple mods without bankrupcy?
I just got an extra 50k damage on TC, seems a bit easier now. Adds are going down fast at least. I bricked my TC tho by not putting the energy activator on it :-(
Oh, after swamp walker you get new loading screens?
gonna have more of these than catalyst soon
Na, fully leveling modules is super expensive. They aren't going to do shit.
>who is picking up embers
>i say me
>everyone says ok
>embers drop
>retarded gley starts picking them up and then dies
>Takes 36 hours to research
>4 of them
>That's 6 days
s-s-shut up!
it was soon in Blizzard time.
sadly i've only gotten 2 catalyst blueprints in 2 days, afterglow doesn't seem to have many parts on catalyst amps
They will nerf frost walker somehow, shit is just too whack, neither obstructer, molten fortress or even hanged man is that fucking obtuse.
they'll give out cooldown reducers when the game is more established
anti-luck farming legendary dupes
i don't want them to. i just would like the average player intelligence to rise
yeah give them out in the paid battlepass
Whats the best Ultimate gun after Thunder Cage?
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Does bunny not scale with her power modifier at all?
I see no changes in this at all
I actually don't like Ult Bunny, but I'll use her because it's a no brainer to be using her for farms.
What skin should I get for her? I don't like the cheek ones
I fucking wish, bonus shop is literally useless right now and battle pass itself only worth it if you want maxed sivgore proof.
When I'm farming fortress, do i have to clear my inventory to pick up more stuff, or do i just leave it on the ground?
Will it disrupt my gold drops?
Python, Enduring Cry
Divine Punishment only if you're Yujin
Afterglow Sword for Collosus
N. Devotion for good damage with its def debuff

Rest are trash
Enduring Legacy
Gold keeps getting picked up, but it will despawn so run with everyone. When your inventory is full, guns and reactors will keep dropping but you can't pick them up, they will despawn. If you're just in it for XP/Gold, ignore everything and keep running.
Your Modules are a different story though, when you can no longer pick them up it's time to go Dismantle in Albion
Did you press Save when you applied the mod sir
The info updates only when save
The only one that shoes up is the skill power mods like techniciant, the type and lightning ones dont show up on the stats page.
>Did you press Save when you applied the mod sir
>The info updates only when save
I know, I did.
I'm testing it in the lab right now
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genuinely surprised I got all 3 part blueprints today and another activator ready to queue

we're all gonna make it bros
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Any Viessa mains here? How do you farm your BiS external components? H. Dead Bride is cancer to grind on public.
Danke, I shall now never stop running
this is my wife now
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also forgot i have this which might help picking up more stacks before they despawn
Unironically I use 2 piece Slayer for more Duration, and I know I should use 2 piece of that other one for +Chill but every one of my components MUST have HP/DEF as its primary stat and HP/DEF as a sub stat, so I'm using random shit for the last 2 slots.
If it has shield it's useless and not worth the 6% chill power imo
Python for dedicated boss smg
Perforator if you are spreadsheetfag
Afterglow Sword for dedicated boss heavy sniper
Piercing Light for single highest alpha strike and to make Sharen half useful outside of outposts
Smithereens and Executor for Enzo shotgun memes
Wave of Light as best impact gun in the game
Fallen Hope if you want to main Freyna and hate yourself
Divine Punishment if you are contrarian who mains Yujin and want to make both of them work some fucking how
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Welp, it's time to go base bunny
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post titles
Yup seems like that's true. Damage goes up with higher modifier even though it's not shown in the tooltip
Full set from bride might be worth it if you run absolute zero, scaling from enemy hp is huge.
alright i'll bite, give me one fucking reason to waste a slot when i have ultimate
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You should never use Fallen Hope, period desu
People keep saying "the synergy with freyna!!", the 40% chance to proc? How about 100% from Thundercage instead?
Also it's an inferior Eternal Willpower in everyway
And people will say "but the toxin spread", doesn't she do that shit normally? Or have a Contaigen mod for it? It seems useless overall.
I tried it out and lost a lot of HP/DEF and wasn't really sure what benefit her set was really giving me. I run Absolute Zero on every build because frost roads doing damage is great for trash, but I'm not taking her into Collosus so I guess it doesn't matter much to me

I admit to not really understanding what Frostbite is really, either
are you the anon that erpd with some dude and got $25?
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NTA but you can have more loadout and different mod slot setup by having her base form.
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>gotten 2 Esimo codes at 6%
>gotten 5 Crystallization Blueprints at 15%
>Gotten 3 Secret Garden Nano Tubes at 10%
>6 Piercing Light Blueprints at 32%
>not a single Ultimate Lepic Enhanced Cells at 32%
I know it's variance, but it's starting to get frustrating.
sup, hazel?
>Passionate Pig
Hey thats mine too!
So, who's a somewhat reliable clickbaiter currently?
The amount of missinfo and trash tier spam videos are way too fucking high for this game
alright im giving up on frost walker
i will just farm molten fortress for reds to combine and get bionic fuel that way
What's the worst part about farming Ultimate Viessa?
>What's the worst part about farming Ultimate Viessa?
not getting the blueprint
/tfdg/ .Here's a song dedicated to the first week of The First Descendant and my favorite descendant gals. Enjoy!


[Verse 1]
I want to play The First Descendant
but today i just can't win shit
The game has been down all day
and I need to GOON to my favorite girls

I called off work to play (pay 2 win)
I missed my Wife's birthday (Korean)
My wife is divorcing me and taking the kids (slop)
But as long as i have the The First Descendant I'm the one whos winning (GOONERS UNITE)

Oh god I want to smother myself in Viessa's cooling cleavage
I need Sharen to give me that hydraulic press gawk gawk
When i'm with Ms. Gley she wont need to worry about her daughter anymore (Cuz i'll give her a new one)
Bunny can run as fast as she can but she won't escape this A-Train (Anal Train)
I'll dive inside Freyna's toxic pungent bush swamp
And i'd let Valby give me that ultimate seaworld watersports
Oh Luna, oh fuck Luna! I'd let Luna booty me down! BOOTY ME DOWN!


[verse 2]
Viessa's cooling cleavage, Sharen's cold steel handjobs, Gonna give Gley a new daughter, Bunny's tingling thighjobs, Freyna's poisonous juices, Valby's waterworld piss play

You can farm devourer or something then
is it possible to have 100% uptime on Valby's 3 ability w/o using a CC or Activator?
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how can other girls even compete?
I was asking because I happened to get the Blueprint while farming Lepic. So taht's the worst piece to try to get? I have 20 AMP 75s so I think the Code is in the bag.
You don't need 100% uptime to farm.
so is electric specialist better then electric master overall? regular SP and electric SP don't multiply?
What do you need then?
yeah, get cd or duration on reactor
>literally the only time she looks that hot
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You forgot Nell but still based kek
With a fat ass. Like Freyna. Who exclusively does anal.
They don't like Luna, how come?
>queue into molten fortress
>3 xbox players
you can guess waht happens next
yeah well there are people who's been farming their ultimate for 4 days and still havent gotten the blueprint they want
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Now what? I dont want to waste any catalyst or activators on her so do I just stack CD and duration on her for outposts?
if I'm not Solo sure. If I'm solo there is a gap where I can activate the 3 ability, and a visible gap in the snow as well. I have the duration up 7.3s with the duration module. Waterway 22s, "Stack Cooldown" is at 14s
pretty much
yeah. he's actually a very easy descendant to build. you just want cooldown, duration and shit tons of hp on her since she scales with a one-shotter weapon.
they had a contest to see who could say nigger the most times in 10 seconds
fuck you luckshitter
>play in Korean voice for most of the game
>wong sing ching weng wong wong shing song yong ying
>wonder how the english voices are

I don't know which is better
If you stack enough duration you don't even need CD, you'll have enough time to pop the 4 reactors and set up a sniper shot on the elite spawn.
>>TFD Helper (Beta)
Is there a better builder?
There's a ton of errors with the mods
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Here's my build on Sharen with no resources used on her. I just have defense there because I use it on other descendants so its maxed already. gives me survivability on hard mode outposts. Literally just need max duration and skill extension. nimble fingers is only cd in case i needed to jump in and out of camo, but with those 2 mods upgraded to those levels, I have never had an issue hacking all 3/4 towers in one go.
>finally get ubunny
>constant boners everytime I use her
I just did hp and def mods so I'm not too squishy then some to shorten cool down and extend effect. HP collector too if you have it. I'm at work right now so I can't give you the exact build.
bunnys ass is too erotic desu
my wife said i'm not allowed to use ultimate bunny anymore
Where can I get Maximize Duration, is there a certain mission to farm it on or just hope for it to randomly show up
Your wife should work out and get her ass sculpted up and then you can just eat hers.
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Ah alright I LFG'd a group instead of pub and it got better
someone in my group was talking about this but didnt know how
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Anon, please make use of the Access Info feature in your journal.
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What do you think he's thinking about?
Bunny's electrified futa cock.
Turns out I've been doing the wrong boss 20 times for a module drop, welp
In all my time playing I never even accidentally clicked on that tab fug
what kind of reactor am I looking for for valby? trying to get one for ult valby when she drops
I did that last night when I was making a weapon
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sexo with valby
Is there a list of affixes for reactors?
It'd be aesier if we had acces to one.
>queue into hm devourer
>kill him in like a minute
>the shitters thank me
>everyone claps
Let me leech please
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Why is Valby so cheeked up goddamn
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Game glitched in some way and gave me this glorious screeny
can i just say that velby is a great characte like freya but fast and has got a phat fucking ass
Bunny has a better as and Luna has an even better has
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Depends what weapon. If Thunder Cage, there isn't currently a place to farm the good one up (Materialized Mixture). Utilize this button on the map to search for Reactors.
>special rounds
>it's blank
wtf I can't even get an ultimate clairvoyance reactor for perma blizzard build
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whoever made this shit has earned the death penalty
bring back guillotines
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not gonna make this homo but i got it in 2 tries kek
They rotate. You'll notice the timer.
aye bruh what a nigga wan kno is why if a nigga have a BLUEPRINT a nigga need to get another if he tryna make another. shit make no cents u feel ??
we dont wanna hear u say nigga no more cracker
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Ah ok. Seems a bit weird.
I shower every day.
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just do frost walker runs
eat a dick son
also mental focus or electric conductor for bunny?
Going 30% slower is gay
>xhe doesn't know how to build regular sprint for infinite duration and needs to run slower
Is perforator good? Which descendant benefits from it?
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What kind of reactor am I looking for on Valby? I know this isn't good but its all I could get in an hour of farming.
are you retarded perchance
I just realized that there's a limit to how many shape stabilizers you can hold, according to your mastery rank.
no wait i'm teh tard. are you implying that i don't need bionic fuel? because you just made my day
they should let us dismantle these for special currency or something
they go into lost and found if they over fill at least that's what happen to me
this is how i set up mine
what happens when you dismiss a descendant? does it keep all the activators/catalysts you invested? does it keep the level?
range/duration is what i use
how are you supposed to keep up electricity in a boss fight
someone post the luna gif, im convincing my friend to play
she's a minger
Should I start playing Warframe on Destiny in 2024??
What's the best way to cum hands-free?
rub it against your mattress
electric onahole
any recommendations?
what kind of stupid question is this? you should be in control of your own self to the fullest. high T activities only
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whos got the best theme music?
Just got Water Play PLUS double conductive metallic foils from the same mission. How bad will my RNG be for the next day or so?
where's tfd on this ranking
TFD has waifus so top obviously
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what does Skill Speed do?
I tested it but I can't see any difference
Is it cast speed? Lord knows Sharon could use it but I don't think that she can give up the module slot.
Is there any logic to the merging modules or is it better to just scape them for more Endo I mean Enzo I mean Kupier
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I hope Luna has some SUPER coom outfits, since she's alreay dressed like a whore
Because I'm going to buy them
Scrap all of them except blue, combine only blue ones trust me
theres this idea that if you match everything, it will haev a high chance to produce a module of that same quality + socket
I can't respect a game whose main appeal seems to be porn before gameplay
Between warframe and D1
I enjoy Viessa
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and here's your partner for the next hour
ok troon
respectfully nobody cares what a homo thinks
how do I fix the mouse lag on menus?
just bee urself :))
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This skin says it's acquired in game but it doesn't actually tell me how or where. I figured and achievement but there wasn't any Viessa achievement for it that I saw.
bruh I've ran this white night gulch op 4 times it's boring asf I just want to make ONE wave of light and i am NOT doing reactors
if only
>wanna farm ult bunny? spam fucking low ass trickle ass bullshit as freyna of all people
fucking shit
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>Oh yeah, it's all coming together...
battle pass internal store
io wanna get started on teh farm now that im in Hard Mode but goddamn im pissed at how myuch loot hard mode drops

i cant keep up with this shit
From reddit: It's in the battle pass. There's a little square icon in one corner of the screen - that takes you to the cosmetic shop. You get the coins from the battle pass and you need to be at least lvl 50 on the bp to buy anything.
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This is the kind of people that orbits this general. A mentally ill freakazoid kris tyson wannabee without the money

BE BETTER, /tfd/
I just want to see valby with a cute little cock
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>ultimate bunny cooking
>decide to farm pyro for high voltage
>run echo swamp missions for AMPs to open
>run pyro once
>high voltage and activator blueprint
i've doomed myself to lucklet status for 200 years haven't i
Shut the fuck up you english pedophile.
let me guess
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Not until I stop seeing Bunny AI slop.
So pay for some art comms
It's unironically a good shooter but the majority of the people playing it are tranny pedophile goon heads.
Don't be mean. Xhe's a RENTer. Why else would it be playing a FREE to play game and BEGing artworks?
10 runs for high voltage, so it must be 5-10%
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My pronouns are he/him
severely mentally ill
i only really rcognize one of those "artists"
I'm so sorry I didn't mean to misgender you....
>farming outpost on normal mode
>10 runs in and still no AMP drop but I got a stabilizer
okay then
also the extra rewards for infiltration are an additional roll with 20% chance and not added to the roll right? I would prefer a 40% roll honestly
its even worse because the bonus roll AMP is different from the regular reward (non-stealth) with its own separate loot table so you can potentially never be able to get some drops if you don't have sharen or never use her for stealth clears
it's a different amp so separate roll
i want ubunny to sit on me and fart
>Farming Crystal Blueprints in Kingston Labs
>No grapple
>No jump
>Easy, no ledges in this

>There is in fact one tiny ledge you cannot get up in front of the boss room

on normal it's the same AMP
oh interesting
dunno how it works then
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I also bricked myself
Time for you to go back to Destiny 2 and stay there with the rest of the gays.
Does Enzo's Supply Firearm Enhancer work with Passionate Sponsor? Like, would I get a stack for each teammate that uses it, or just one stack for the first teammate to use it if it works at all? I have a few Ultra-precise sitting around and am wondering which augment to go for. I already have Supply Tactical Armor by accident, and its trash because it only lasts 10 seconds, and only applies when you use his 4th. Why is his shield drone not an AoE team buff?
this word has lost all meaning hasnt it
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Hi bros, I just started and just wanted to know if I'll be able to get the other 2 starter descendants, cause I kinda wanna start with Lepic but I also really want Viessa.
yes you can farm them eventually but probably not feasible until you clear the normal mode and enter hard mode. you get one other descendant for free and 2 more are sort of commonly dropped during the main story progression so you aren't stuck with your first pick
sniffing freyna's disgusting swampy jungle bush
Ok cool
You can get every character grinding, but the starter are not that easy to get until you beat the campaign.
In my opinion Viessa would be the best option in the long run since she's the only ice character so you don't have to waste time getting her.
sniffing reynas silky smooth low dps
>go to Steam store
>go to f2p
>see Lust Goddess
>mouse over and it shows full nudity and a dick between some titties
my Steam recommendations are bricked now because of TFD.
You think she using the vials from her armor thing as dildo ? Wondering if contain aphrodisiac
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Fuck these gooks
do you think they will show off Ult Valby this week?
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I can't land a single group that can down Pyromanic. This shit is fucking AIDS. I've tried like 20 times and nobody can seem to get their shit together enough to beat it.

Also, for whatever reason, a good portion of the groups I get into to has one player running to a spot and going AFK. What's up with that?
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i've collected all the infinity stones
and only two of them are worth using
Put game on SSD
i can come carry you if you'd like
what's the mobbing build I just want her to just farm stuff
Replace High Voltage with Bionic Fuel
the secret to beating frost walker is to make your own party with world chat.
Looks sniffy
then ask me to erp with yo gay ass in return? noooo thanks
god i miss hazel...
I guess i'll go farm that later thanks
ok retard enjoy those pugs i guess
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Bunny threesome
Is there a better Gley build than just infinite Vestigal Organ spam? I know it works, but damn is it annoying.
why do they all wear that stupid mask
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something like this but replace hv obviously
and probably replace technician with singular specialist or maximum power
and if it's not this some stinky neet is gonna come well ahkshually me
i got to level 100 and i'm a little bit confused on what i should be doing next
Can someone help me with Hard Mode Dead Bride? Pretty please? ^_^
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will I get 1 out of these 11
How did you get to 100 when the cap is 40
for u bby
*kisses you*
Thanks babe
How are you guys so cursed when it comes to rng? I have like 7 amorphous for Gley and got the blueprint in the second attempt.

I even got one of the Ult Bunny parts while aiming for Valby.
Post ID
probably this weekend is my guess
well ackshully you're wrong
Um can you post yours instead? And I won't be able to play until 2 hours from now.
oi i need some modules from dead bride hm
if you want to geet carried just ask
carry me thru executioner first pls
I'll go with this guy >>487218889
Because he sounds less unhinged.
Cause it's free...
Holy shit, Sharen might be one of the most unfun characters I've played in any video game. Her ass is her only redeeming quality.
>I'm putting together a team.
I just finished baking my ult ajax, should i even bother to potato him? Doesn't seem like its worth it to me.
if im going to carry your ass, you better join with 10k hp at least
isn't wasting time reviving you 24/7
sent :)
I still use generic components, mainly for HP DEF roll, but I'm looking on MP recovery next when I get my ass off to farm components again. HP DEF is king and I don't know losing so a bulk of it chasing 4 set bonus is worth it.

Another good 2 set is the white ammo boost, though its usefulness is very subjective. And I agree shield is very useless right now, even with 10% restore on demand viessa has.

Frostbite is just max effect ice shackle, which just freezes enemies. The difference is while ice shackle has reduced effect on bosses, frostbite can't be inflicted at all on bosses. CMIIW

Every outpost farm right now is fucking tedious.

Battlepass supply store, need max battlepass (lv 96) and supply coin from weekly/season challenges.
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>How much Have Aiming do you need sir?
If I keep my elemental resist mods at 9 and use resist from accessories will it be enough to go through all the hard mode intercepts, or do I have to get all 4 to 10 to not get 1 shot?
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>gf has been farming ult bunny for a week
>at around 35ish attempts at the code
>she's upset at this point
>I open the reactor on accident, figure I open one of the #82 amorphs I had
>code on first try
bros...d-do I take this to the grave
a bitch will break up with you over some petty shit like this
don't tell her
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Nell creepshot.
You cracked that amorph on your account or hers anon?
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on mine...
Speaking of, can there be multiple Ultra vaults in a given instance? Can I just change locations once I find one, or should I still check out the other spawn locations just in case?
nice reddit joke here's your gold coin
Sorry about your break up.
should I be using singularity specialist on bunny instead of just technician
My condolences
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>Try Python out since I want another gun to max into
>See it's Weak Point oriented
>+40% Weak Point Damage but -20% Accuracy
>It's still reasonable for its accuracy
>Slap on an +30% Accuracy/Weak Point mod
>It's a fucking laser dot with no recoil
What the actual fuck is this gun? This seems ridiculous
It's projectile speed.
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>bionic fuel
Why yes I would love to be slower than someone spamming roll while having 15% hp half the time.
I've only done H Pyro 4 times and got it on the fourth, so it must be 25%.
which one gives bigger numbers?
at 3% you're most likely gonna need to open 32 per activator
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No clue how to do webms here and it seems like a chore, but have this.
Top is with "Have Aiming", the +40% Weak Point/-20% Accuracy mod
Below it is Aiming Compensation which is +30% accuracy/whatever stat
The reticle doesn't bloom much when firing
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I saw this dude do this on the youtubers and he would just slingshot everywhere to kill stuff, hp collector to heal so you can just run forever i guess.
Quit falling for youtube shills, you would straight up be superior with mp collector and a mana roll on your sensor.
does mp recovery work while sprint is activated?
i have no catalyst blueprints anymore...
but i still have 20+ activator blueprints... fuck..
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i didnt build it but he was doing 2mil a tick on lightning emission but it might of been this set instead
what's with all these retard refusing to play Valby on Valby farms?
and all these dismantle trannies slowing down the farm?
>mana roll on your sensor
Speaking of which, MP Recovery stats don't seem to affect your MP Regen Inside of Combat which is fucking dumb.
I'd figured with 0.23 in combat mana recovery, slapping +50% mana recovery would be like, 0.31 mana recovery in combat. It's not. It's just when you pick up the fuckin' cubes, so dumb
sounds like a luckshitter getting a tiny bit of comeuppance
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Bionic fuel is a meme, this is what i run and i pretty much never have MP issues farming, and i really fucking hated how it slows you down.

+ gold MP sensor and other MP recovery external components
there's a mp recovery in combat specifically. I haven't tested if mp regen works while sprint is toggled though.
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I need mats for adjustments fuck you
i dont know man.. without those catalysts, i deal shit damage.
high voltage is even more of a meme for mobbing
You guys do know that rolling is just as fast as Bunny's sprint, right? It also doesn't cost anything.
>without those catalysts, i deal shit damage
they really should make catalyst blueprints the highest chance to get. it will greatly increase the chance of players not being shit at multiplayer
luna's ass
what's the obstructor success rate in pubs
80% it s very easy
On Bunny's electrified futa cock.
I actually tested with or without it and barely makes a difference maybe a few seconds per run, and if you get increased HP elites spawning it actually ends up quite a bit faster.

Only downside is if the guys that makes groups immortal spawn you have to make sure you run close to them.
>You guys do know that rolling is just as fast as Bunny's sprint, right?
it's not. it's fast, but not as fast as Bunny's sprint unless you're talking about just regular sprint lol.
just buy her ultabunny
It is just as fast, you cover the same distance in the same amount of time. The sprint pulses slightly more though, seems to be a hidden function.
idk what happened but every map I go to the game has to prepare shaders for 2-3 minutes (including Albion), wtf happened?

game was running fine last week w/o these long loading times
>he doesn't have NVMe SSD
ok but an emoticon to grab bunny's ass when?
99% if I'm on 200% aoe toxic immune bunny.
I dislike how the only way to get gley enhanced cells is either watching your teamates wipe in mining, or waste time in defence.
What are you guys' guns looking like for soloing hard executioner and dead bride?
pretty impressive desu
>>run pyro once
>>high voltage and activator blueprint
Same happened to me on my first hard pyro run. I don't have ult bunny though. I'm still stuck farming the last damn amorph and it's not dropping for so many runs...
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I really like Viessa's crop jacket. It looks comfy
am i supposed to farm for 5% drop modules or is there some other way to get them
thundercage with an activator can kill hard bosses.
>Nexon adds a grope emote
>Players can emote to forcible grope any other player's ass/tits without consent
>it costs 750 Caliber
Would (you)?
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One more forma and I'm done.
>haven't potatod a single character
>only thundercage cuz it's all i need
ult viessa in the oven, she'll be my first <3
>bunny calls you a pervert
the game is on SSD, but it was running fine, idk what changed today.
>he formas the elemental enhancement slot
you realize each element has a different polarity right?
some weapons are only good for specific elements
how do I beat the first hard mode colossi as bunny? do I just have to make my thunder cage strong as possible and stack def mods?
>Download the Bunny Koikatsu card
>Grope her all i want to for free
Anon, you cant be this braindead.
I can respect a game whose main appeal seems to be porn before gameplay
>he forma'd the element
oh no no bro
>Bunny Koikatsu card
well do share
>people going late into defense missions with 0 survivability
rate my gun.
I really don't see the issue here. I'm not putting any other element on, why not?
It just isn't the same
>cameltoe, nipple bumps
>no jiggle physics
wtf nexon??
>Farming for a specific module
>drops from Hagios hard mission mobs/elites
>literally every mission there is cancer
>Need more Rainbow Crystals
>Have a few extra Hard Pyro AMPs with 20%
>First one drops Ult Gley Cells BP
God damn Koreans
is it just me or does anyone else get this weird thing where you literally can't jump?
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>want to put on color
>one time use
guess I'll wait.
Bricked account. Just start over, bro.
>using elemental attacks
Doesn't exist (yet), but since this is a korean game, im sure it will not exist forever.
If its not the same because you cant grope unsuspecting players, you may want to rethink your life choices anon.
bunny is a virgin right¡?
She goes by bunny because she's a snowbunny
Hah there's no way they're that jewish.
Friction fused her pussy shut. She's like a Barbie down there.
She got VULGUS'D
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That would be Gley actually, one of her skins says they kidnapped her and did stuff to her.
>want to put on color
>one time use
>use it and never look back
it's that easy
this means it's goated.
thank you, I know.
It's a consumable that can then be used as many times as you want and in any slot of that skin you used it on
I don't know how many skins you paypigs bought but I have more than enough dyes I got from achievements and there's still plenty to unlock
Noted, Thanks anon
Would you go fight Dead Bride or Frost Walker with that cold oriented weapon?
Turn all of your settings to low and work your way up. That's how I fixed my issues last week. A good anon posted a youtube video about settings as well. I'll try to find it

Why did they model her pussy like this?
>15 minute video to tell you to turn everything to low and turn off vsync
Anon with all due respect, you're acting very ignorant for quick chuckles. Anywho I hope the video helps others.

Also if you're computer is shit, it's shit.
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13:47 is your TL;DR
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the dye system was stupid in mabinogi and it's here out of the players too
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>three bunnies spamming some Swamp mission
>guess I'll join too
>literally full inventory every 30 seconds
Yes, I've already beaten DB with it and I just unlocked FW. Even if the frost resistance of the boss cuts the frost damage in half, I'm still doing a decent amount of damage. AFAIK everything else in the game takes neutral damage from all sources unless it's something they're weak to. So what element you choose is really just which debuff you prefer.
How do I get the flesh colored dye?
Why do people even show up as non-valby for valby runs?
trust the plan that the companions have a auto recycle for parts or gold
auto dismantle with better loot filtering options is required. hopefully it comes before the looting pets.
Don't have her. Now get to work, sprinkler.
So what is the deal with molten fortress? , it gets up to half up in less than a minute and never get out frenzy mode, tried to kill the flaming rocks but it does nothing
You only need 1 Valby to max it out.
fps = dps.
you either turn everything off or buy a 5090 and set it to ultra with rt.
also this isn't like warframe where the damage gets changed into the element, they just added a percentage of that particular damage type.
I don't really know what to do. I really want to get Ultimate Bunny but man, running the dungeon over and over again is tearing away at my soul.
cant you switch it up between dungeon and reactors
you can wage slave over and over again and just buy her
who has the nicest smell?
Take breaks, hydrate, it's not like she's going anywhere and so far the devs have made the game less grindy, not more
It's not worth burning out just to get the character 1 day faster when you're still gonna have to wait 3 days for her to be crafted
you shoot the towers so they're facing right. You have to form a cage. Just ignore the balls, they didn't think the fight through.
I told you all yesterday that Valby farming is getting nerfed and some of you fuckers didn't believe me.

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So it's getting nerfed to match "other farming methods"? Guess it's back to 'Anticipated Ambush' in Sterile Lands.
>Guess it's back to 'Anticipated Ambush' in Sterile Lands.
yep. well, at least in sterile lands, you get code breaker and transcedent mod. outpost doesnt give you that lol.
i actually still prefer the kuiper mine cave in sterile lands
doing it private and extra comfy because you're not getting rushed for reruns
>at the same time, we will update other farming locations to match the efficiency, equivalent to The Fortress Outpost.
am I reading this wrong doesn't this mean they are buffing all outpost across the board or am I wrong?
The correct response would be to add an actual racetrack with endless waves of enemies spawning in.
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For me, it's Echo Swamp.
Yes, reread >>487231331 >>487231724 They're going to keep the spawn rates of enemies in the valby carousel, but drop rates from those mobs will be reduced to be more in-line with other popular farming methods.
Can I leech?
I too enjoy the swamp as bun buns mission reset bitch
Guess I'm calling into work to ensure I can farm circles all day.
they just hotfixed it
oh I see guess is time for people to look for other spots to find
there are no other spots its back to swamps with the bunnychads
So Sharen only exists to get the Infitration bonuses right
They should add a racing minigame
no, i main her and do good damage with snipers.
She can do void shard farming too haha...
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erm where is my valby blueprint?
Buy Ultimate Valby in August for only 100.99
here is no way to make this, every time some idiot change the signal or just do nothing
He is.
With good party i almost reach 500k dps on him. Killed before frenzy lmao.
Right here
*unzips dick*
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So close yet so far
Going to stop rolling for now
>parkour racing like the missions but timed/competitive
uhhhhhh your crit damage and crit rate sis...?
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do this anon
thank me later
>having GPU scheduling on
dont listen to him anon
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right here
I had 5 fps and my shaders took 5 minutes per load before doing just this
As usually you guys was a retards.
Peoples tell you that will be nerfed and you all pretended like they a mad.
Someone post valby's login animation in her meido outfit pls...I need my autistic retarded meido...
>working on Gley
>need non-attribute to do the void shards
>don't have one of those yet
my plans...foiled
>just got Analysis Master module
huh, so enemy crit resist is a thing. I wonder how many of them have it, and if it's possible to reduce it beyond 0.

When my shaders were extremely fucked I watched this autistic guy and he made my stuff load instantly with this
I hope they copy bdo's pet system.
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>pet trannies
go back to BDO faggot
goon with men
Can't be upstaging Bunny
It's fine though, I've upgraded a shit ton of modules to max over the last week and I'm going to keep Valby farming until the last second
No, you'll suffer just as I did.
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oyasumi nasai...
You can get the appropriate shards from other fragments, it's just less efficient.
It's unironically over
Was fun while it lasted.
yeah I think I will stop playing now
Nigga are you retarded? Getting upset at vidya is pavement ape level shit.
August will save us…
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i got my valby code! ty tfdg! i did the void crystal thing!!! *mwah* i hope u guys get all your stuff too!!
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But hey, it could always be worse.
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Good night sweet prince...
Why are SOs the worst content in the game?
Losing to colossi feels more fun that completing an SO.
holy fuck.
You need 4 valbys...
Don't worry, the consoles will save us.
>still no shot focus....
It was a bad move to launch with several thousand dollars of premium DLC
is it unironically over?
Congrats anon but stop humping me
grats, just in time for the nerf
It'll be nothing but bunnies.
im so glad i didnt pay for valby's meido fit.
instead i pay some whore to pose with valby's maid in front of me while i masturbate
d-did you make a webm?
What's the plan for future story content? Will we have to pay? I'm only familiar with how Destiny 2 operates.
I hope they sunset content like d2.
i hope they add ocean fishing like in ff14
I hope they add SEX
if I'm sharen and my friend is another descendant,
can I get them infiltration credit somehow?

I'm kinda retarded
form a party, make sure they hide while you punch the consoles, when the boss spawns your friend can come out and dps
i'm pretty sure you can?
just have them sit outside of the arena thingy and stealth them through it, the rewards should drop for them too
As long as you've turned off all the generators, everyone will get the benefit
roly-pollies are so cute
why are king fishers such little motherfuckers and roly-pollies are so well behaved
How the fuck do I do Hanged man
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Since Tamer is considered the best machine gun, and Eternal Willpower for best assault rifle, what are the best purple guns for each of the other weapon types?
get yellows wtf?
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kiss me and ill tell you
He has me filtered too. I've just decided to grind until I have 20 catalysts in my build and vaporize him before he can do anything.
ligma 21 is the beast purple beam rifle though a bit slow on reload
the unwelcomed for tactical rifle
The main problem is that it's forced multiplayer so I can't even just solo it lol I have 3 other idiots who also don't know what they're doing and won't shoot his fucking mouth
>zone into fortress
>3 non-valbys already running circles
Going on 25 openings of AMP 74 with no Ultimate Lepic drop.
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>you can use viessa, guys
>said that viessa got forma-ed multiple times to reach efficiency with non-forma valby
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>viessa keep winning
Ult Viessa actually does it almost as well, with Frost Roads and the Absolute Zero module. Bunnies can also just kill the ones in vicinity, though they need to be careful not to kill the boss. And I think some others like maybe Freyna can place some lasting dot on the ground.
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Can't even color the base ultimate descendants? What the fuck
also it has to be the ultimate version because of the transcendent module
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that's right wall gated
I was bummed because I couldn't color my ult Viessa. I could just take the free costume from the battlepass and paint that instead, but I need the armpit.
every bunny is a fucking retard that run in circles and dont know a single mechanic for boss battles
You can actually use the Cold Snap Watch method like in that video with normal Viessa
no maint today?
cameltoe for ult valby
>farming for A
>won't drop
>finally get it
>farming for B
>A keeps dropping
freyna's puddles doesn't work as well because of delayed tick damage and can't stack
freyna skill 3 with the module works pretty well
>whoever grabs the cube runs to the outside ring guaranteeing that they wont' be able to dodge the lasers
>starts a cascade of people getting downed trying to rescue them as they all keep getting lasered
how do you even make it to this fight without knowing how to play the game
I want a small roly-poly that can collect dropped items for me in the world!
haven't tried it but room 0 trauma doesn't deal much damage on application and need to wait 1 sec delay for the poison to apply so it's going to be slower than valby with the instant damage ticks
i want one too
How do I deal with the Devourer's healing pods?
So was the fortress thing patched, or were anons having an episode?
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kill them
there is a mod that i speculated might help a tiny bit and its this, if your dps is horrendous and everyone in a group runs it
Yeah I've been trying to build Freyna for fun and Freyna's dot damage has pitifully low multipliers.
I want two roly-poly and smash them together into a bigger roly-poly
the toxis footprint shit oneshots the mobs for me because it has higher damage than the regular skill 3 dot
>start hanged man
>Fucker grabs the tube immediately without any of us dealing damage
I hate this boss.
>pick up cube
>Everyone stay together (this is important)
>boss will look at you and start charging mega las0rs of d00000m
>it's scary but all you have to do is shoot the dildo in his mouth
>if everyone is together on the same side then it is easy to shoot the one target the boss has
Ok, am I are going crazy, or are weapon module preset tabs bugged and randomly switching.

Also, let me dismantle in combat, holy fuck why is this even a thing...
THE CUBE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are those some fancy pants or does she have prosthetic legs?
>ah haha
>are you
>ready to be
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forgot pic.
>MR17 to 18 & 75% to 19 all from weapon proficiency grinding while valby farming
I can not imagine the slog it would be to farm proficiency legitimately
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9 days
I just got about 2 million gold in around an hour.
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You know what, I kind of like Blair.
I really appreciate that his gameplay loop includes waiting for optimal times to turn his stove on and off, like waiting for optimal times for food to cook perfectly. I mean it makes him garbage bottom tier compared to every other nuker in the game that just pushes buttons off cooldown, but it's also soulful interweaving of lore and gameplay plus atleast I get to look at big numbers for my efforts every minute or so. Plus his theme is a bop.

Shame that there's 5 ultimate descendants and 5 or so guns I gotta build Energy Activators for before I slot one into him.

But after I build those 10 activators, and also after I put one into Sharen for those infiltration missions, he's currently top of the list for the twelfth.
She's nice but I'm honestly looking forward to Ult Valby a bit more.
Always follow your dick
>pick up cube
>run around with it
>no one shoots the mouth
>drop cube to do it myself
>bunny picks up the cube and puts it back on the pedestal
More than Warfram LOL
To be fair, once you can even half do this method re-catalysing her is pretty quick, plus in a months time you might actually still be using ult viessa unlike non-cameltoe version Valby.
She's probably gonna be some wimpy support character right? Still gonna give her the mushroom though.
gonna dismantle all the antibody mods...
I just tryna make a wave of light and this 38% won't drop bruh watch imma get this ult viessa code before it that shit stay 100 u feel me g?
Patch is tomorrow or day after (on week reset). You still have plenty of time to make some quick shekels.
The nuclear or the black one?
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See, I'm no homo. So I don't want to do the sex with Blair. I want to sex with the ladies.
And Blair, who is both handsome, garrulous and exists in the same world as all the ladies, has a much easier time sexing them than I do. And so, I not only want to play Blair because he's soulful, I also want to play as Blair so I can self insert as the guy inserting himself into all the ladies I like.
Black one? I'm giving her an energy activator, it looks like a mushroom.
has anyone ever seen a game that maintained 100% forever
Bros... I can finally solo H Devourer with H.Voltage Bunny. Now back to grind for Viessa Hypothermia build...
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Why does the one on the left take 10hours to make, the one on the right only 1 hour?

These are the same item right?
I know the mats are different for left or right
>Get Code of Ult Viessa today, right as Anais finishes the other three parts
>Fortress Outpost farm will be patched by the time she's done cooking
I'm at 20M gold and I've already spent upwards of 30M upgrading many modules to max
When (how) do I stop Valby runs?
blud needed bunny to solo devourer
Just need valby code. 15 fucking nano tubes and 3 energy activator blueprints later, and I'm starting to think it's not really a 38% drop.
>Why does the one on the left take 10hours to make, the one on the right only 1 hour?
>I know the mats are different for left or right
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DRG online continue to grow since release, you can easily see upward trend. Good games be like that.
keep going until they patch it DDJXX

Red modules take like 5 mil to level up
>1/4 of peak
i just do not have the autism for this
>Game treats Jayber's turrets like a player for certain things like Greg's lasers or Khulan's jumps

Do not until the nerf
well, what's weird is that it's easier to get more of the mats on the right, yet it's faster to make
Because it's level 100 mats, the other is normam shit
jayber's turrets could probably out damage a lot of things if they were allowed to just be untargetable
still feels shitty though
I'm at 50m and I'm still afraid...
im stopping once i hit 100M
You say that but you know you'll keep going
I really can't wait to get my Ult Viessa, I'm too excited.
Farming with Valby or Bunny feels like one of those Bullet Heaven games when you pick up the loot.
i wish shotguns were good
Smithereens may be good on Gley, testing needed
When do you think they'll introduce Rivens
Blair's code does not feel like a 20%....
>I've already spent upwards of 30M upgrading many modules to max
for how many characters?
She's got the ugliest outfit out of all of them. Very disappointing.
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She is a support buffer character.
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I wish heavy ammo wasn't so fucking rare. Or at least let me carry more than a dozen rounds.
I'm about to use a stabilizer to drop the chances for valbys code. Maybe that will increase the chances of me getting it.
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Just watched a Sharen with a playstation tag and a mexican name fuck up stealthing an Outpost for 10 minutes. He gave up and left.
Cold-Blooded and Massive Sanguification was 10M already
Then I maxed modules for the rest of Gley and maxed the modules for Python
I'll work on the remaining modules for Viessa soon
this is the anal sex character, if you use her i know you're into fucking women in the ass.
Is she at least fire...
never played this game
is that an npc or a player?
is this some mmo?
player, it's a warframe/the division/"destiny" type of game
Most people don't know Sharen needs to be specced into infiltration before she can do more than two gens. You need 18 seconds for her invisibility to infiltrate most 4 gen outposts.
Post build, I'm ready to stick a tater and forma up her metal gear big ass
Shenanigans going on with the percentages.
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I can't kill the intercept bosses
lmao he finally got it and killed the boss before I could tag it
guess he’s about to get his farm fucked up. can’t stealth it when i’m in the middle of it blowing it up
And I was thinking I was fine with 30mil for two characters lol
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Do I?
I still haven't found a better weapon
Wait for Aug update, they plan to announce a new weapon "Untamed Tamer"
>I still haven't found a better weapon
Enduring legacy?
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I've been maining Sharen a bit, here're my thoughts after mushrooming and crystallin' her.

I run Skill Extension, Maximise Duration and Battle of Stamina for maximum duration. Long enough to do 4 gens easy. And if I fuck up, the invisbility lasts longer than the 'attempting re-infiltration' timer, so just slap a mook with a sword to reset invis and then invis again.

Range is more important than raw damage, because the explosions from multiple flash swords can overlap. And because enemies are stupid, if you turn invisible after enemies become aware of you, they'll all shuffle and crowd into the last spot you were seen. With the long duration above, you can wait till they gather to wipe out everyone in the outpost at once, and probably the leader too if he doesn't have invincibility. Also helps with hitting boss balls when there're a bunch.
Also against enemies with boss balls, you can do the cloak-lure in trick to lure them next to a box so you can jumping energy slash all the balls at once.

I like HP Collector, it goes in my X slot and helps sustain while I pick off adds before focusing on the boss, including against collosi. And I build defence as well, naturally.

I'm using the battlesuit melting rounds augment (or as I like to call it, 'the nut buster'), mostly because I don't have any of the other three yet. It does help with group fights against collosi, especially in combo with Nazeistra's. Sometimes I take nutbuster off if I know the outpost boss can be stunned, though.
Why does she look like a high elf
I put some modules from my other characters and let thunder cage do all the job
Obviously, snipers are a good pick. I like Piercing Light, I need the first shot to be murderous, not the second and third, though against Collosi I don't need to dispel Afterglow is prob better (after I get it, that is). A Piercing Light out of invis to the face takes care of most outpost bosses.

I probably don't have to tell you that you can use cloak to res allies. You can also use it to push buttons safely for things like fort outskirts farm. And although it's obviously not as good as bunny or valby at mob farming, you can hit use flash swords to hit mobs of enemies through walls safely.

... and that's about all the wisdom I can provide. I've seen cloak augment used to murk collosi, but that's as much the weapon build as anything else.
Here's hoping she gets a good outfit soon. She's, what, the only female who didn't get a maid outfit? WHich is a shame, cuz she'd be the only one I'd buy one for. Sword ninja maid is cool archetype.
How soon into the game do you get the pretty girls?
i really like her and her paypig armor looks good with the white metalic dyes
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did i win
what else do i look for
at the selection screen after 1 minute you start the game
How is python compare to thundercuck?
She was there three thousand years ago...
When Isildur took the ring...
win what? thats and easily farmable mod
i thought that was the one you only get from combining
Thanks. Going to stick a long shroom in her since I'll probably never get ULT Bunny.
Well, I famed Ult Ajax and Ult Lepic and got some Ult Gley and Viessa pieces, but I think I'm gonna farm some guns for a change. Getting a little bored of TC. Python is good right? I got a decent reactor for Lepic but it's Python so I might as well.
High voltage is not rare at all, I was farming pyro/dead bride for ult gley and something else and had like 8 of em.
On the other hand I still haven't gotten a single contagion drop off of db.
wont click on that link but thanks!
i dont think there are any mods that are locked exclusively to combining
looks like a virus, not clicking lmfaorofl
Shot focus, shield collector.
Why does every Korean game expect me to treat it like a full time job?
That's bullshit tho, my 14.4 seconds is enough to infiltrate every outpost. Sure you have to be fast but still possible. Then you just kill one mob with Q to get inntant stealth back and oneshot elite with Q unless it's one of those 2 bar elites.
shot focus which is literally one of the best
F Brah>>487252471
Right now i have two fulltimers
But only one i get played for.
And i played 140 hrs in Last 3 weeks
And worked Just 120
Apparently Shot Focus doesn't even work. It's bugged. Just something I heard.
>firearm atk+15%, skill power modifier-15%
am i being memed here or do everyone just play gley or ajax tamer
fixed in some minor stealth patch
i play gley to brute force everything but 15% less ability is nothing to anyone probably
>thunder cage
mid as fuck
Sure thing kiddo.
>zone into fortress as valby
>3 non-valbys zone in soon after
>zone out
the fuck is your problem?
Games that respect your time like FFXIV and GW2 got no content after an expansion release. I prefer grindy games like this.
>enrage phase starts
>everyone runs to the outer ring where the giant fucking cone laser is the largest and hardest to dodge
I don't get it even after dying to it like 50 times why don't people learn. Is it because they're consoletards who can't aim I don't care on of you fucking run around the center with the cube I can solo the core I just need you all doing something useful and not fucking dying in zimbabwe
I stay and get kills but if they keep running the opposite direction to me and making me bump into them, I leave after the one time.
I'm the carry, respect my direction
>Is it because they're consoletards who can't aim I don't care on of you fucking run around the center with the cube I can solo the core I just need you all doing something useful and not fucking dying in zimbabwe
It's fucking retarded that don't know how it works. Consolefags have a heavy aimbot, so it's not even that
>I suck
weird flex
Ult ones are good on enzo.
how is valby not just a better freya?
>making me bump into them
how shit is your build? im constantly in my water form so i never bump into anyone
Sorry anon you must have balls to use shotguns.
is this the best way to grind bunny code?
keep queuing until you get an OP overlevelled teammate that shits on the boss
Must be a console thing because I finally got a round where there were 2 other PCgawds and it was a (mostly) smooth kill even though someone grabbed it a bit early.
>Get on
>Realize I still haven't gotten the red mod I want
>run too many circles around the outpost
>crash the server
thanks valby
Which one?
not her fault your computer is water-cooled
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>only counts kills with the actual projectile and now the poison puddle it makes which would make it much more reasonable to get 500 kills with her Q
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Only two tries? Thanks rng
You're doing something wrong because I 100% got the kills with the puddle/dot too. Took me like 25 minutes or something.
moshi moshi valby desu
what is that currency
saaba wo otosanai de kudasai
Go to the White-night Gulch mountaintops toxic void fragment. The first 50 enemies in it's wave are all melee ones. Group them up and use Q on them and watch them all die it's a easy 50 kills for this challenge.
On the battle pass pass page there is a shop you can buy cosmetics with these coins.
I did it in Kingston Defend Albion mission in small room on your right
>special rounds singular chill reactor this week
>all right time to farm for clairvoyance reactor
>missions there suck ass
tough but gotta do what you gotta do.
lots of them
I don't even want this nigga I'm just trying to get energy activators. This was all in a row btw.
Is Intercept -> Colossus the fastest way to farm Ult Gley? Some of them have the choice of Void Reactors but damn the void shard grind is a slog
>I don't even want this nigga
The drops say otherwise. Just admit you're gay, the game already know it.
most people prefer colossus but I personally just do the outposts on private and wait the timer out while doing something else. void shards ain't that bad with the bunny cave, just need to find one with stacked bunnies and stock up a couple hundreds.
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>do a Sepulcher run for MUH GLAY
>a bunny that dies to every single attack and has zero mods on emission is on my team
bro that void reactor in white night
that fucking fire thing
it has more health than some collosi
its the first time i had to die for ammo
>Sitting outside outpost as Sharen right as it resets
>See someone warp in and start running over
>Be polite and wait for them to get a bit closer before I start
>Too late I see that they are playing Bunny
>They lightspeed in and discharge the place just as I hookshot over a wall

>Later, farming another outpost
>3 other Sharens appear
>Without saying anything, we line up with each of us facing a terminal
>This gonna be good
>10 seconds before reset, a wild rocket launcher wielding Gley appears and positions on the fence of the outpost
>Lights the place the fuck up the second everything spawns

'aight, I'm done being nice.
You guys can go tard up outposts in your own time, I'm private only from now on.
>kill pyromaniac 8 times
>1 red mod
fuck me
You know you can go in your journal and turn the divine punishment quest tracking off
>want absolute zero
>suffer through 6 frost walker pubs
>get 2 bionic fuels total from all attempts
>and ult bunny part
Fuck off nexon i don't want bunny.
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she needs that divine punishment though :)
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You can always gamble for it
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ask the anon who made these pics
Lmao, this is unreal.
Once again the very next run after complaining I got 2 red mods to drop and one of them was high-voltage that I was after.
This is getting a little bit too coincidental.
I just mean in general no matter who I'm playing. Valby, Bunny, Viessa, Freyna, doesn't matter. Whoever's carrying you should not get in their way
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>can't change the colors of the panties only
Give me more customization nexon.
enlighten me the best way then
it was "fixed" in an earlier patch, they changed it form additive to multiplicative
the alternative is the amorphous 106 (meaning you aren't wasting void shard for the other two parts), good luck with the farming personally I got it the second try
i feel dumb using bunny
In general, sure.
But you know Valby literally, physically can't collide with people when doing water slide things, right? Unless she get's slapped by an enemy that has a staggering or knock down effect, she go right on through.

And even if you maintain it is dumb regardless, if one person goes opposite Valby, it's smarter of the other two to follow them so that no one collides, whether Valby or carry-ee. Therefore, atleast 2/3 people are doing the right thing and deserve to be carried.
As you should, dumb worthless slut.
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h-how dare you.love it tho
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Ultimate Bunny players must have agp, strutting around like sluts though
>they don't know
The Guide here. Ask me anything
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Just reached Hard Mode, what do I do now?
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Would they do an ultimate Valby promo video?
What is the best thing to upgrade if I want to be able to solo reactor boss?
They must do it for everything they are putting out
Choose which Descendant and wepaon you want to main with your 2 free energy activators.
I already put one on Thunder Cage.
Get your waifu/husbando stronger, farm for the most important stuff, be the guy who carry people in colossus battle
farm the weapon
Do you think the hit video game "The First Descendent" will last long?
>doing outpost with sharen
>another sharen joins
>this sharen thinks invi skill is instant when there is a delay
>keep doing invi while moving into the outposts
>get seen
Fucking retard. Costed 2 outposts timer and drop chance.
>people still doing pubs
you deserve all the suffering you get
Selective MP or MP collector?
Did you tell him at least anon.
Its private, nigga. Host invited that Sharen from world chat apparently since we running 2/4.
I did but she kept doing it like a retard.
Longer than Destiny and Warframe.
I guess it will be pretty short then.
I like Valby because she's kind of fast like Bunny but surprisingly tanky because of the 50% damage reduction on her v. And even when I don't do a lot of damage, I can still contribute to my team with the crowd control from my ultimate.
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You got her contact number ? Slut
Both games are very alive and very shitty.
>sex appeal doesn't sell :)
>women are the +50% of the gamers :)
>Concord is dead? Why? :(
gee I wonder
dude, There is a new item in Lost and Found.
>not running 4 man enzo keyshare parties
took me 60 shared purples to get firearm supply, you're being retarded
Keyshares don't share mod drops anon. Only kuiper and materials.
Is there a lore reason for these things btw?
Magister just wanna flex their technology.
Magisters left them around so the Vulgus wouldn't get them or something. I forget.
What do I put on Valby for the farm?
pretty sure one of the enzos i ran with got one off my key
ore no chinchin
all the good shit to make her skill longer, bigger
>fucking faggot runs through the outpost cause its in his way
>ruins my hack and aborts
I wish Blair floor thing hit little harder
it should instant kill trash mob but it doesnt
Should I skip regular Gley?
I bricked my farming bunny by falling for the boss killing meme, and I just can't stop putting new crystals in to try new builds and bricking it further, and then I wasted 5 million on High voltage which sucks ass
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if you want to solo (and help other people) farm fortress outpost then this build will do the job - permanent water, OHK enemies for fast spawn
no, mastery and also ordinary 60 capacity gley is strong anyway
probably for luna only, i don't see they did any videos for ultimate
I don't see green numbers when I put focus on dimension
Destiny is actually the exception rather than the rule, all story content and missions and quests should be always free, these games mostly rely on people buying skins and items to speed crafting
it's known visual bug, you can test in lab and see for yourself
i havnt loged in like 5 days whats this fortress about which node is it
i need farming locations thank you
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>permanent water
Luna owes us sex.
defense line
strategic outpost
ily thanks anon
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get in line
Assassin's edge for hand cannons RIP Jeremy
>tfw concord will earn less money than ult bunny pack purchases alone
LMAO even
She has 3 holes anon, I'll take the rear.
Is there any ultimate character that can do fortress outpost except bunny?
I said water, not your buff
concord looks soulless ngl
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>gee I wonder
>a bunch of stuff with literally nothing to do with the game like that shitty joke about "learning with the professor"
is this gonna be descendent octavia
see >>487241429
so far none of the skins in shop are skimpy as this and ult bunny, does nexon hate money?
ult valby has a thong, trust the plan
The state of that dudes crystal spending
you don't need as much investment for an Absolute Zero build to do the outpost but it has to be the ultimate Viessa
It's a balancing act. Lean too much towards horny, you alienate the normies. Too prudish and you bore away the coomers. I think 60/40 spread of naughty/nice would be the safest bet.
>I accidentally dismantled my overwhelming HP and Def mod
wrong, you can get the modules from someone else opening up the vault, friend of mine got one last night when someone else did the decrypting
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how do i build this gun? which modules do I need?
Goddamn I want that ultimate Viessa skin for 3500 plat…..
>wave of light trash
I’m sorry that literally is one of the best gun in the game but you need to to be maxed unique ability and max fire rate.
why not for free?
Is this outpost bugged or smt ?
Been doing this for like 40-50 mins and i haven't got a single AM yet
Least obvious gook marketer
Farm ult viessa, get discounted pack at 1050
>iTs 20% sO yOu hAvE 80% oF fAiLinG
>not knowing the outpost reset timer exploit
Not it isn’t just teleporting elsewhere and coming back.
There is a exploit going on right now to totally make the timer non existent.
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It's called caliber, descendant.
I am resetting the timer
oh, yeah I forgot it gives an insane like, 50% base crit right? After reloading or something?
I'm not gonna hate it but because it's a scout rifle the general community will think it's shit
Can you post maxed stats for unique ability?
no you are not, the screenshots shows the timer 4minutes
If you are doing the exploit correctly the timer would be blank, no numbers at all but stuck in perma loop.
It’s as simple as valby going in out of outpost grind except you get patterns
huh, I thought you don't get the mission rewards doing that
>Wanted forma blueprint
>It gives me this instead
OK game why didnt it do this when i was farming bunny
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>descendant unrepentant
>entering name into rng blacklist
wait that sounds like something i shouldn't do literally exploit the fuck. I am spawning on another zone and coming back is what im doing
cause you wanted bunny
No there is an exploit going right now to bugged the outpost timer, it will spawn the machines back immediate after
Completing the whole thing, no failures.
It involves using buggy descendant that the devs don’t give a fuck.
I hope they never do so poorfags will go back to warframe and enjoy their garbage 1999 with nine inch nails, the band, and jingo jeans.
>high powered mods
>sniper exclusive
>shotgun exclusive
>launcher exclusive
fuck you gooks...
Yes it gives base crit, there is a small orange rectifier circling while the buff is active, basically all your hits will be crit after reload which is absolutely insane if you max out your fire rate to fire the entire clip within the buff.
It’s the only gun to crush all the other meta general round weapon.
why do people keep expecting this to happen?
I think the better question is why they expect it to happen this soon. The easier you make things to attain when the amount of content is still relatively low, the faster player engagement drops. If we get caliber trading, it won't come until after a year, maybe two.
because Canadians did this 10 years ago when they were based (first few years of WF were pretty glorious time to be alive) people expect that greedy gooks from Nexon do the same in current year, the same greedy gooks who went out of their way to make default ultimate skins awful to force people to buy skins
>Yujin, Jayber, Esiemo codes are locked behind 6% void hell
ew, disgusting
no, it will never happen full stop. think about where this game comes from and how the people over there and the surroundings treat RMT.
People think they can sell their unused stuff for caliber when in fact they'll be worth literally nothing with how much it's being farmed and botted.
> the same greedy gooks who went out of their way to make default ultimate skins awful to force people to buy skins
Warframe did this too with early frames at least.
>Still working though MSQ
>Valby NASCAR being nerfed
For something so ridiculously important to progression, they really couldn't have made it any more obnoxious to obtain.
And everyone is almost guaranteed to waste their first one.
Steve learned quick that Jewish antics would kill the game before it got rolling
what happened to bunny mains when valby was the new thing and they were deemed redundant?
did they start selling themselves on the sidewalk like old busted hags?
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>no change
Uhhh is this bugged? It's the common ammo -> purple ammo mod
moshi moshi valby desu
you need your weapon out for it to work
oh it just reduces slots
RAID incoming when ?!
since we are on the topic of trading when. they add the feature what do you guys think they will allow? My guess is kuiper/gold/materials but not codes/parts/caliber
they need something, anything to do with redundant parts because my inventory looks like total shit
I'm willing to bet they meant "trading" not in the sense you guys were coping with. It'll just be a "trade-in NPC" that gives you dust for unused parts you can use to buy something with probably 1:20 rate.
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mega dungeon is coming in December, which I guess will be this games version of a raid
Best Descendant Joke youve got ?
>le epic
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>season j mystery to get to 20 and take out 150 intercept left to do
got that viessa hair from the shop
Thank you sare for reply
So 24hrs till Gold exploit fix i guess !?!
Did devs confirmed that you will be able to fully clear both pages in bonus shop or you must pick one?
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You should be swimming in these stuffs, they are so easy to get
This is Pickachu, gotta be
not sure if they did weekly seem to give out some coins
crawling in my skin!
I am swimming in 30 crystallizion catalysts and four energy activators on the side by far the rarest drop
Valby is only good until Thursday lmao
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>"tehee guess who's coming next descendants? you'll never guess!"
Energy activators are the one of the easiest to get if comparing ultimate parts
If you ever run of energy activator just try to farm for ultimate versions, you will get those quicker. I know it’s only 6% but holy shit you sure are hitting those 6% more than 10%. Not sure if it’s a bug or intended.
Luna means moon, meaning the bitch as a beautiful ass
it's ult valby
>want gun-based hero
>best one is Gley, which design is something I dont like
well that's disappointing. I think Sharen and Viessa is my kinda girl, aesthetic-wise

Migrate when ready gooners.
it feels way different for me and I got 2 ultimate versions left to farm out but it's fine I am not building a lot of weapons or descendants so it's fine for me
except we have to keep dismantling shit cause of inventory caps

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