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Previous: >>487102821

>Ordeal Call: New Mission Release Campaign Part 7:
●July 17 ~ August 4 JST.
▶2 new free quests have been added to Blank Earth.
▶New missions (permanent): 2 Torch of Morning Star and 200 Stellar Sand.
▶5 Limited-Time Master Missions: 6 SQ, 30 Hellfire of Wisdom, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 100 Stellar Sand.
▶The AP consumption for the first clear of free quests on the Blank Earth will be 0.

>Summer Event 2024 Pre-Campaign:
●July 10 ~ July 31 JST.
▶Event starts: Mid-August 2024.
▶Requirement: Ordeal Call Prologue.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Golden Apples, 10 Hellfire of Wisdom, 2M QP, 20 Heroic Spirit Crystal Star Fou-kun (10 ATK, 10 HP) and 50 Mana Prisms.
▶Limited Master Missions: 5 Rare Prisms, 2 Crystallized Lore and 10 SQ.
▶NEW Limited Master Missions(~ July 24): 5 SQ.
▶Spiritvein Stones: 7 by Login Bonus and 10 on Mana Prism Exchange.
▶AP consumption for the main quests up to Lostbelt 7 will be reduced to 1/4.
▶The chance of achieving a great or a super success will be doubled for all servants.

>Summer Event 2024 Support Campaign PU 2:
●July 18 ~ July 25 JST.
5*Foreigner Abigail Williams(夏)
4*Rider Murasaki Shikibu
4*Berserker Brynhildr
●July 21 ~ July 28 JST.
5*Archer Jeanne d'Arc
4*Lancer Ibaraki Dōji
4*Assassin Ushiwakamaru
All limited.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
fat in the right places
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Did Bob and Gray have a scene in LB6 Summer?
is Murasaki for someone? dare I say (me)?
I'm gonna eat her wings
>AI collagopa
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You are.
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I saw a doujin once
>51 kg
Ahhhh!!!! Cuck Summer!!!! I will never forgive them!!!!
You're raikizuschizo.
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My lovely wife
Does Summer Abby cancel it all out?
Enkidu? for me
Abby, Fujino, Ilya, Murasaki (maybe). but it doesn't mean it's not a cucksummer
some people need 'safe' picks
Surely the Rani leak is fake right? No way the annivs just keep getting worse right?
I don't know man
it got a lot of replies
need to return to the days of good anni servants such as...
fakest bit is actually the danganronpa story
oh yeah?
what about
Imagine being this bored.
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(You)r Foreigner OC main helper
seriously? well here's the leak for anni and summer servant, reply for credibility!
>Alterego Manaka
>*5 Arc
>*4 Bradamante
>*4 Atalanta
>*5 Caren
>*4 Altera
>*4 Bazett
>*4 welfare Eresh
bro... your tripcode
But I want Manaka to be Beast class
Monkey's paw...
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>this leaked in full
>that leaked partially
>not gonna tell you tho
What's the point of me knowing you ran out of creative juices for those you unimaginative retard
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Cleo has gone too long without a buff.
Watch out for gold Assassins cards next strengthening batch.
For you, for Raikou weirdly enough, and for me. Sei is already a rapist who has Douman and Kama
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is that dude
>Unfortunately, I think he still draws Morgan... with horses...
If someone wants to do beastility shit with Morgan, they should stick to dogs or bugs. Horses are Artoria niche.
>Sei fucks domon and Kama, dude trust me
Sei is just an extrovert, she gets along with everyone; Domon is bullying target #1, she throws oranges at him whenever she sees him. Kama is someone she tries to befriend because Kama acts grumpy.
No Murasaki isn't "for Raikou" whatever that even means.
Morgan didn't allow horses or horse based transportation in Lostbelt6, I forget why. The game handed them woodwose and they refuse to use it.
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no Tamamo content anymore.
It's impossible to do that in FGO.
enjoy instead 4th degree alternative of seiba this summer and a second one as well
t. Nasu
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This segment is pretty cool, it's simple but it makes me feel a little like I'm playing a JRPG with the flavor text dead ends
Who wrote this chapter? So far I like their style
wow imagine if they made a fate vn
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sleepy time
tomorrow will be better

>NO Japanese servant
Cappus Maximus
>also year 1 servant
Last 3 summer we havent got year 1 swimsuit starting summer
It's Sakurai best work. But it can be argued it was written with other authors since we now know they can take over the writing of a segment if their character is involved.
Because of animal cruelty laws.

But she literally is showed petting Woodwose with a real smile in official art. Her only game CG is caressing his face.
And keeps saying how soft his fur is.
She's a dog lover.
You're being retarded, and that's Sakurai's character anyway.

Sakurai is way better than Higashide, Meteo and Minase when they really let her go insane.
Maybe, hard no, yes.
>Sakurai is way better than Higashide, Meteo and Minase when they really let her go insane.

I've never seen a writer with more annoying prose
No she really isn't. She was good with this chapter because Dantes is mainly Nasu's pet project and Jeanne Alter's entire backstory wasn't written by her.
We saw how she'd ruin a Jeanne like character in Remnant. Sakurai has no idea how to write good characters like Alter.
>they'll announce highly anticipated new anime project!
>it's another Fate/Extra
What purpose does Moneybills have in the plot now? Everything is starting to blurr together for me after Filler Call started.
>makes a trailer to announce an announcement
Classic Typemoon
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You folks ready for Summer Salome to complete the Anni Bronze trio?
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1 seems like a win-win-win situation
6 is chill if you plug your ears. Now if it was between the toe suckers, however...
any non faggot will take 6
Gil looks so innocent here
Unless this plane is going to crush.
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>infected by worms by the end of the flight
187 seem more or less safe
Would Gil really be okay with a pleb seat
Shinji constantly goes to the restroom just to mess with you
Good luck getting past burger king if you want to pee
Stuck between two retards fighting
The funniest option would be 5 and flirting with Souichiro.
>Don't even bother to make up male costumes
If I were to speculate I think it'll be Tez or someone completely random that none thought of, but won't complain.
I think it'd probably be Moriarty Jr. We already got the Charlie costume. Though the Spain tease does point at things but you know. It's Spain. Not Mexico. Not that it truly matters to Nasu or anyone really but we might just get Tezca. Plus Mashu points at so many things at a time I'm sure like half of them never really happened.
>Flashbacks of the "year of raikou"
lmao what a clown show that was.
Mashu is fgog's greatest vagueposter
So which one of you faggots made up that fake leak
Probably intended to release FSR that year. We know the original idea for it ended up getting scrapped when it was nearly done and it was retooled from a Souls game to a Musou-lite
Yeah, bedsides Tez Moriarty was also my pick.

Decided to look at the 5* male roster to check who has a chance and holy shit, they barely release them and there's a clear lack of options I don't know how they'll manage to keep giving two limited 5* costumes a year. The only other possible options are maybe Muramasa or Grand Chink (is he permanent? I don't remember). Rest is either meme options that would just serve to fill a quota instead of actually appealing to husbandofags, never evers like Archer Gil, or if they allow servants that got WD skins to get summer skins as well. There's Ozzy and Karna as permanent options I suppose... Normal Arjuna...

And then there's Takasugi, but I think it's too early for him, he's clearly not getting a WD skin because I doubt they would make another WD event about him but at the same time I don't remember any of the Gudaguda boys getting summer skins before.
>Grand Chink (is he permanent? I don't remember)
Yes, but Achilles got a summer costume too and he's permanent too
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>Got curious so decided to check
>After Muramasa 42 female 5* servants were introduced
>Only 15 5* males, one which is a duo with a girl.
And you guys still complain, damn.
What? You're the whiniest bitches there are you literally complained over and over about your faggots they gave you royal treatment with Flopsugi and he still royally flopped when he arrived, lmao.
the winners always whine about not winning hard enough
then proceed to slober over stuff they loved 10 years ago and ignore new stuff no matter how much they pander towards them
Why couldn't we just have ServaFes 2 (True)? Why is Nasu like this?
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News doko?
NTA but what the fuck are you talking about you goddamn retard?
Not him either, but I think that he's mindbroken by something that happened 5 years ago during that GG event.
Can't say more because it happened when I decided to take a month long break from FGO and here.
we should be getting the 9th ani pre campaign tomorrow i assume? are they actually saving 30ml until after summer
>he still believes in the 30mil
surely within the next month bros....
30mil will be fused with anni
>Okuni comes out
You've been crying over and over the past years its embarassing. Most retarded decisions came from listening to your feedback and it shows.
Dumbass collabs that nobody wanted and performed like shit. Shipbait servants because you want some pathetic ass characters from Prototype or entire months wasted on garbage that nobody wanted.
I'm here waiting for batschizo to flop because none of you read LB7 or cares, his relevance started and ended at him giving us alts for popular girls. Nothing more.
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>appmedia destiny order simulator https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/77054644
do you plan on getting it this year, rider is my main goal considering they kicked off all pre castoria servants off gssr
how does raita manage to consistently create the most ugly designs in the entire game? why do they keep putting his obviously untalented shit in? He has been drawing for how long exactly and still cant properly colour in his drawings.
remains to be seen if it will even be repeated
>introduce destiny order like last year anni.
two:sumimasen destiny order can only be done once. there won't be another destiny order for this anni or for the future lmaoooo
>You've been crying over and over the past years its embarassing.
Who?, I'm only here when i feel like there's news or to discuss lore
>I'm here waiting for batschizo to flop because none of you read LB7 or cares
Good thing it ain't "us" asking for him then, almost all his fans are Japanese
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I did Aesc
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I love Melusine
Whatever you say Georgie
fgog how many saplings do you have right now?
Don't forget their utterly retardedness by nuking Ocunny by pairing him with that flop.
Then doing the same with Kenshin.
a little less than 1,4k
I remember the 5 minutes of relevance Shingen had before he was dropped like all the other shipbaits yeah.
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Takasugi's case of being a "flop" is always so funny to me because after years of female players being mistreated and getting less than nothing, in a year so far where they only release three male servants, they decided to make an event around male NPCs that triggered an outrage by the Japanese female players complaining about mistreatment and then their answer was make him playable TWO years later, where in between nothing improved for female players.

And then he only made second place and was considered a flop.

You guys should be impressed by how many girls still play this game even though they don't get jack shit. I don't understand how you expect male characters to perform equal or better than the waifus when husbandofags doesn't get even 10% of the treatment waifufags get. You guys already have a meltdown for the most irrelevant things, you guys would not be playing at all if things were reversed. I know a lot of girls that dropped FGO because of this and decided to spend their money towards male vtubers instead lol.

But that's the only complaint you'll see from me towards this. I've been playing this game for years, and other gachas as well, and it's always like this so I'm used to it. I get my husbando content from elsewhere.
868.... I have 44 apples at the moment
RAITA literally created some of the most popular Servants for this game when it was at its peak.
If you're not a fan of his designs lately it's because he is intentionally going as wild as he can and Takeuchi is just nodding yes cause they're all alts. He hasn't drawn a new Servant since Murasaki
Femoids don't play or pay, they talk about their shitty opinions in twitter, draw their shit and spam it, complain about waitufags and pandering, at best buying merch outside the game, before shlicking off to yaoi or whatever.

And those cunts dare to say they care about the characters and understand their lore better while shitting on anything that is myroom/valentine/events that aren't story chapters.
I have JUST spent my last one.
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>after years of female players being mistreated and getting less than nothing
You get an entire month dedicated to you and solely to you with the most disgusting pandering that we never get since we have to appease your disgusting ass presence and Gudako's so pandering can't be deeper than what we got.
Mistreated? My ass. You literally got a now permanent new cast member in Shitdock while we've been stuck with the same Trashu setup since 2015, the other Crypter girls? Shipbait.
The fact you even speak of "mistreated" whenever you don't even account for atleast half of the revenue and popularity this game makes is pathetic as fuck, you should be happy you're not eating scraps since the downfall of this game is entirely on the shoulders of a niche fanbase that's only capable of crying.
>was make him playable TWO years later
We waited Tiamat for 7 years. She was still a massive success, with less shilling than Flopsugi and with a retarded copout release in Arcade.
>You guys should be impressed by how many girls still play this game even though they don't get jack shit
Its because they don't use the logic "it's female -> male pandering so its nor for me".
>I don't understand how you expect male characters to perform equal or better than the waifus when husbandofags doesn't get even 10% of the treatment waifufags get.
Why did Costantine flop? He had an entire white day event and he had an entire chapter to himself. Traum opened everyone's eyes that even with a good story and a collab character, males simply do not sell.
>all the whales are going to migrate to the Aniplex thing thus making sales tracking impossible
What are the salesfags going to do now?, post fake charts more frequently?
let them be schizos in peace
Their circlejerk sessions will last for longer but they'll still have the same frequency.
>We saw how she'd ruin a Jeanne like character in Remnant.
Higashide literally wrote her there retard. There's even an interview of this. Did you forget who ruined her in Apocrypha? Thanks for playing.
Dude, in the first two years there weren't even male summer costumes. In the first year there weren't even male valentine's scenes. And then they killed White Day and reduced it to just a costume instead of a new servant. They can completely turn this game into an otome's wet dream and it wouldn't sell well because no fucking girl is going to start a 8 year old game that did jack shit and decided to do something now. It'll only alienate the waifufags players. The players that were gone wouldn't be back.

>1 month of pandering
Ah yes, in contrast to 8 years of male player pandering? LOL

Also it's funny how you complain about Mashu when she's strictly for (You) but deny because the lion incident and say the crypter girls are shipbait comparing them to... Kadoc. Who was Anastasia's boyfriend and to this day they make sure to remember you of this by shoving her somehow randomly when Kadoc gets screentime by making her a "cold blizzard" that gets jealous of him.

Ah yes, you guys had to wait 7 years for Tiamat while there was nothing but pandering husbandos in between, right? They didn't release a single popular and pandering girl in that time frame, right? Damn, that was though. Truth is, even if Tiamat was just released with no appearance prior she'd sell well. I don't know how you're not getting this is a waifu pandering game, and most of the player base is male that likes waifu.

>Why did Constantine flop?
He never got a White Day for himself, he just showed up as a cameo as "Michael" and then in Traum his role was to be in love with Johanna, a ship they killed by the way. Oh, did I mention he has one of the worst kits a 5* could have? Also, all this happened 6 years into the game and after the NPC outrage. No shit he flopped, Sherlock.

>Males don't sell
They do, they won't just sell as much as the girls because the entire market has been appealing for a specific demographic for years so it obviously won't have a radical change.
Don't bother trying to reason with waifufags of that level of mindbroken. They complain about literally everything being cuckshit because the female isn't 100% for (you) even if most of the waifu servants have some form of (you)bait. Fgo has only been releasing males once in a blue moon now and waifufags will still bitch and piss themselves over any man that talks to a female servant. Fgo already barely does yumepandering with their males now a days and it's STILL waifufags that feel like they're getting cucked with how much they cry about male servants existing.
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The lancer class looks kinda meh in general, others are fine
I aim for Huyan Seggs Doll and Miss Crane
I fucking forgot Johanna existed.
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This entire fucking chain
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Her NP animation looks horrible, a shock for me back then. I am going to pick her only as an auxiliary arts support.
If this summer is a Traum/LB7 summer she might be in as well. Her swimsuit form was mentioned during the tower event last year.
>Dude, in the first two years there weren't even male summer costumes. In the first year there weren't even male valentine's scenes.
Good. They never made any sense just like how males in valentine events don't.
Yet we have them because you bitched and bitched like obnoxious retards and ruined the entire point of those events.
> And then they killed White Day and
Oh FUCK. OFF. White Day is an entire MONTH you get dedicated SOLELY to yourself. No females. No heterosexual pandering. Nothing. Meanwhile you infiltrated your disgusting shit in valentine and summer both and poisoned them from within.
Now the female servants can't interact with the MC because the male servants with costumes have to hog the scene and add nothing to the story and ruin the possibility of pandering.
>Ah yes, in contrast to 8 years of male player pandering?
Yeah I wish. "Mashu is strictly for (You) but gets treated like a whore and tossed around across games and in the game itself while Kadoc is shown as a steadwart loyal tradhusband" nice comparison, sums it up perfectly how our pandering is vs yours.
>Ah yes, you guys had to wait 7 years for Tiamat while there was nothing but pandering husbandos in between, right?
Correct. We got garbage like Takasugi before Tiamat, imagine that. Or even before, we got garbage like Douman before Tiamat, imagine that.
>He never got a White Day for himself
Outright lie. And he's not in love with Johanna in his servant self which released before then. See? You don't care about your pandering, you just love to whine.
He flopped because you autists are a niche that couldn't make something sell if they tried. Oberon got carried by us since he's actually a male character that wasn't written to pander to you but to everyone who enjoyed reading a good story.
>They do, they won't just sell as much as the girls
So they don't sell, got it.
Nobody wants Mash. A dull, clock blocking borefest and the worst heroine of all time. Boggart was a blessing. Reddit hated it, we don't.

Women don't play or pay, yet the writers keep pandering to them while the actual paying base is bleeding because of the constant cuckshittery. Arthur lines and bond CE were changed to pander to yumes, meanwhile Melusine got her horseshit bond CE for example
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mashu is for these fellas
The only chance they had but they turned her into "muh friendzone" shit. Like holy fuck with Valentine being a cuckold event since 2008.
If you want attention you could just say "hey I'm here" instead of adding your shit bait to anything you post, the retards obsessed with you will come around to reply to you anyway.
White Day was that sometimes too.
Remember how one was about CIRCE love life? And another with Moriarty shipping with you Trashu? They learned slowly to stop the cuckshit. Maybe next Valentines will be free of this curse.
waifukeks will never comprehend that nasu just doesn't give a shit about you and will write what he wants. and hire shipper writers too. there's no way you can threaten him, he's financial secure for the next couple centuriees, his husband is the art director and will keep shitting out bad designs, you can't even kyoani him because so little is known about him. keep coping and seething, nothing will change.
Its been like that since malefags poisoned the well with their shit.
The sooner people see the light that you can't please two audience the way they attempt to the better.
Suzuka was just one side of the problem last year, the other side was Oberon hogging more screentime than servants who actually had an alt to showcase.
Every single time they listened to their femoid/homo fanbase the game has gotten worse.
this series outline was otome and will always return to it.
even as an eroge, it had more male characters than female. go and count how many males and females are in most old fate entries. fsn, extra, apocrypha, prototype, etc.
it's mostly a male cast.
the ones that poisoned the well are fickle waifushitters actually. they should have stick to less girls, but focus on quality of waifu with the ones they had, make a few husbandos (like oberon), and have a majority of male cast that doesn't pander as it's always been.
Yeah if it was a Tsukihime game, but this is Fate. Male cast should dominate.
>this series outline was otome and will always return to it.
Surely "sis". Leave your fake otome larping to someone who believes it.
You're just some shill ramping up garbage to shit on the game you don't give a rat ass about what you're even saying.
The game and series has only florished when it focused to its actual fanbase. Male self inserters.
That's why EXTRA was the beginning of the end by introducing female hakuno which killed the entire point of it all.
>Women don't play or pay
>he doesn't know
Japanese women spend more money than waifufags in merch, that's why Tezca got so much stuff despite his gacha not doing that well
They introduced Hakunon because fsn got a lot of female fans in the first place you retard, as late as 2016 a solid 80% of the Fate doujins were yaoi and yume stuff
people seem to forget that pre-fgo cuxemiya has been by far the most popular ship
This is just the same 4 retards baiting each other in circle.
Biggest mistake in their life since EXTRA was a failure and the damage of that decision poisoned the entire series so badly that they could've been the king of this industry and actually compete with the current competitors.
Instead here we are, where games nowadays entirely deleted males from their character selection because devs realized its not profitable and that those fans are just annoying leeches that do nothing but ruin everything.
Comiket? Bye bye yumes and faggots.
All a result of their own doing since now there's no more patience to wish for equality. And FGO will follow this trend. They'll start chasing after what you call "waifufags" because recent events like Remnant show that "the other side" is disloyal as fuck and empty of reason.
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yes yes, keep crying about the evil dicks that scare you anon. those sales will surely plummet because of them, not cause of any other retardation they pull. you'll totally remember generic girl that loves you #324 next month and won't ever attack them for some nonsensical reason
>roasties getting toasty
Go back to your mihomo games.
You're a tourist aren't you?, go play Azur Lane or something man
>Blue Archive
Where's your yume/fujo competitor? Genshin? All its males flop, like FGOs.
Face reality, you're dead and are going to be left behind as you should've long ago instead of poisoning the good stuff.
>you'll totally remember generic girl that loves you #324 next month and
Cry more, this false equivalence as if you're some preserving retards of male characters when Cagliostro and Shingen literally disappeared 1 day after their respective screentime ended lmao. Meanwhile Kagetora and Marie? Memorable, talked about.
No waifu game managed to topple FGO, it was Mihoyo and their games full of cute boys who did it (and apparently there's a chinese yume game making a lot of money (even more than FGO) recently but idk anything about it)
Talked about her ship killed her niche popularity
>Marie Alter
Even her sole doujin is about hate sex since she isn't for (You) and hate (You)
Those are bad examples.
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I see, anon. You're just a retarded. Have fun having a meltdown every update and making imaginary enemies on your mind.
Genshin was popular thanks to open world meme, actual gameplay, getting normies into it. Yet the girls and the little pandering they had was the thing that got attention from whales.
And then in Sumero they went full cuckshit, full homofujo, and they double down on it in Fontaine.. killing the game into floppening, cuckshit joke of a cuckge.
>No waifu game managed to topple FGO
Uma, now Gakuen and even Blue Archive.
>it was Mihoyo and their games full of cute boys
Lmao Mihoyo games are literally renowned for having people point out how males don't sell. They even made fun of that other competitor of theirs because it debuted with a male and it did so fucking poorly before rising with a female banner.
>and apparently there's a chinese yume game making a lot of money
>believes the reddit chart that makes up revenue numbers by his own disclaimer
Yup, it doesn't exist.
That's why you're being strongarmed out of comiket.
This guy thinks that those doujins (some are likely older than him) and pixiv art collections are made by like 10 people leading a grand conspiracy to make Fate a female franchise or something like that, it's hilarious to watch
>her ship killed her niche popularity
Wrong. Her ship died and it killed Shingen's.
>Even her sole doujin is about hate sex since she isn't for (You) and
Damn roastie seething headcanon.
That doujinshi is one of many that the author is creating a storyline around. She's so for (You) that there's actual thought put into what people draw for her. Think of that.

So you're cuckposters too, huh "yumefags"? As I said, the literal cancer and poison of this game.
So glad you're being sidelined and killed off everywhere in japan.
Love and Deepspace. It's a full pandering yume game. If waifufags think they know what pandering is, they should look what they have over there. The surprising thing is that it's really high quality, so in a sea of low effort garbage gacha games directed at female players L&D is like heaven. Not wonder it's making bucks. It outsells everything except for HSR/Genshin.
Oh come on, aren't you going to cry for a batschizo anniversary? That's what you want anyway right? To tank the game even further just because you're getting "mistreated"?
Let's have a repeat of Muramasa and Takeru killing NY again, that'll be a good poison of death for this entire company and universe.
Do you believe the leak is real?
If not, for what reason?
because there is nothing else really (besides a Mihomo game ironically) solely dedicated at females. What else do they have to funnel their money on?
>If not, for what reason?
its a leak, dumkopf
what leak
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>Not wonder it's making bucks. It outsells everything except for HSR/Genshin.
Sorry "sis", not a good look whenever you have to lie like this.
Akihabara is owned by John Nexon and a waifu only game nowadays, not your filth.
Because at the end of the day the truth is before everyone and the industry didn't head for you and never will. You're dying off.
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>dude the chinese datamined this this and that, but I can't say more or they'll be on my ass STAT
Murachanga NY was the most successful month of this game what the fuck are you talking about?
Genshin, Honkai and FGO are making more money than BA
sounds too good to be true
but if it is, I will skip the anni servant
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>No you see the imaginary yume and fujo market!!!
>Waifu, boomer, waifu, waifu, mixed ( declining ), shonen, waifu ( yuribait ), waifu, shonen, shonen, waifu, yume, shonen...
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Anon, if you were mentally sane and actually read anything I said I already told way back that I played this game for years so I'm already used to FGO's MO and so I have zero expectations of in that department. In fact, most mixed gender gacha are like this. I'm not a husbando onlyfag. If I want husbando content I go elsewhere. It's a waste of time time having a meltdown for a JPG like you guys do every day.

I'm just chilling waiting for a Tez rerun, bro. I only pointed out the difference between releases because I went to check to see what were the other options besides Tez for summer costumes.
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Always glad I can dispell this narrative. Here's Muramasa month, oh wow it seems as if someone else carried the month didn't it? It seems like fake narratives were made by some people to pretend he was this huge success he never was?
Let's go take a look at the year before...
It takes a while but desu, kizu go Kys, last time you talked on Discord I couldn't see how much of a clown you were, and now try shilling shit about male “sale better” when you were the same mf complaining about fgo “lack of content” and don't even answer when a guy told you to rerun are content. Just kys atp retard, and tell your goons to touch grass
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What's this? Guifei and a rerun have a straight line vs Muramasa flip flopping gacha that was then carried by Space Ishtar and Yoshitsune?
I wonder why.
That's the first time I'm accused of being Kizu, damn. I forgot how mentally ill this general is. The wildest thing is that I actually argued that waifu sells better.

Anyway, anon. Have a good day, hope you have peace someday. It's enough/fgog/ for today. Sorry for the rest of the anons for accidentally awakening a schizo.
That wasn't even me, you retard. I argued your claim you're getting mistreated I don't care who you are.
But flee, that's all you poisoners are good for. Come into places you don't belong into and ruin them for everyone else.
that's a nice pic
>almost every fate has more male characters than female
>xhe decides to complain about males in the one entry where this isn't the case
The more i think about it the less sense it makes
Just like Sakurai…
>Horii shitto de gosaimasu yo
>goes into general of game from franchise that always had a shitload of males
>complains that there's too much males
>proceeds to say that someone doesn't belong here because they don't agree with the voices in his head
This is some advanced schizophrenia at play here, very sad to see.
The first person to complain, complained that there weren't enough males, though.
Very nice dead posts showing how braindead you are.
>xhe decides to complain about males
>goes into general of game from
>complains that there's too much males
See >>487256294
This post started it.
Go carry your pathetic ass narratives somewhere else you disingenous faggots.
>from franchise that always had a shitload of males
But what helped it get mainstream was waifus. Do you think people fucking care about that little gu worm of Zouken? Why do we have to care about Gil 1D writing in fsn? Cu appeared as a jobber to saber. Heracles who was nothing more than a “stepping stone” and couldn't even talk? Or kirei true nature? None of that mattered, none of them had anything to sell, Not to mention
Start with waifus, still rely on waifus to get hundreds of billions, give them the funds they could never expect to see if they keep writing about some male shit. It's a fact.
Idc what started it, i just saw the same retard (who perhaps doesn't even play this game) having the same meltdowns as before so i decided to play with him a bit
FSN got popular because of the writing and 60% of the og fsn doujins are shit like emiya x Cu, they used to be all over nhentai and exhentai back in the day before FGO second year started but you're probably too young to know that
>emiya x Cu
As expected, ooc shit, no need to tell me more about your delusion. The only thing that's somewhat not half-ass between them was that Archer was able to told Cu to throw his pride in the mud because in the end heroes get a shitty life, and it ends up as Cu immediately goes for the kill by throwing a full-powered spear “aimed” at Archer heart.
>What a nice monday, senpai. I heard that THAT festivity is happening Soon™, I wonder what has been prepared by THOSE servants
>Biggest mistake in their life since EXTRA was a failure
Yet it got three sequels, a remake, and two spin-offs (foxtail and last encore), it's almost like they just do what they want + direct sales not being the only way to make money in Japan
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I'm not any of the previous anons, but while the waifu element is undeniable, reducing SN to that is unreasonalble. SN hadgood (or at least decent) writing first and foremost, that is also what made the waifus in the first place. If it was only cute design with cute but superficial personalities, it would have been forgotten with other counntless properties
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>As expected, ooc shit
Huh?, that's not relevant at all tho, a solid 99% of all parody doujins are ooc (unless you think that characters who can destroy continents being beaten up and gang raped by Japanese tanned dudes is something that could actually happen in lore)
ooc is anon's gotcha
his noble phantasm
Is there any information about how much of Arcade Sega owns?, it had enough models on it that they could reuse them for a FGO 3D update without needing to make everything from scratch
doesnt work that way
if the models work on arcade machines, it doesnt mean that they're optimized for mobile
The arcade it ran on was a modified PC with a GTX card
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bullshit leak
Rani would be trash but that doesn't mean that the anniversary servants have been getting steadily worse. It's always been a random mixed bag

>OG Da Vinci
Kinda cool
Very good
>Small Da Vinci
Very good
Clapshit but I personally enjoyed it
No. Best writer they have after Nasu
No. 3rd best writer they have after Nasu
It's a tie between Minase and Sakurai as to who is the shittiest. I'd personally give that title to Minase as Sakurai actually managed to do a half decent effort with OC2
>Very good
Under what criteria?
7 so I can grope Artoria's thigh whilst smelling Rin's hair
Really like her character, character design and at the time she released she ushered in the original looping meta. Aged poorly, granted. Gotta look at these things in context though
When they "let her go insane" she gets FGO caught up in a plagiarism scandal retard.
Only the plotgang can save FGO now...
Has excitement and interest for FGO even been lower?
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Leave fgo to me
>Tlaloc 5* leak
Whilst I would fucking love this to be the case, there have only been three servants in the history of the game who went from being SRs in their Normal incarnation to SSR for their Summer Incarnations. They are Saber Alter, Nero and BB
All three of these are fairly major servants in TM lore standings. I just can't see Tlaloc as someone on their level of official push
Honest? I don't even care for news anymore
I don't care about waifus or males, I just want the Plot to move forward.
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lasagna are hard at work doing shit like this
All I want is Miyu in a micro bikini
Nero has Bride and BB was always meant to be 5* but she nerfed herself.

>still heats up my phone when farming
>one of the reasons why Melu has 1 NP animation
It's cute but frustrating.
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>9th anniversary servant isnt tied to summer 9, only gets the bond+damage bonus
>same stick as summer 7 with 3 5*s+4* rateups
>male rateup/summer costume is 5* Gilgamesh, 4* Saito & 3* Cu Chulainn
>first rateup is 5* Mooncancer Kazuradrop 4* Rider Tlaloc
>second rateup is 5* Saber Beni-alter 4* Ruler Ereshkigal
>third rateup is 5* foreigner Olga Marie (Rage) 4* Lancer Jack
I saw this on FB
it's real
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Place your bets
900 quartz, enough to guarantee a single 5*!
>4rh anniversary
anni stream when
on anni
1 Quartz per bond 10 servant.
Don’t be greedy.
It's probably bond quests so it'll be a high number since bond farming is gated.
Filler Call is taking so long to end, I'm not even sure what they'll do with the story once it does. If they reveal "well you solved that now here's ANOTHER bunch of singularities you need to fix" I will lose my mind.
Bond 20 will allow the servant to be cost 0 in your party
uuuh next saturday?
I kinda expect them to release some low rarities to be honest.
This is the first time this swimsuit has ever looked good
>More Sakurashit summer servants
No thanks
Tlaloc would be a good candidate for a Summer SSR version as she's one of the few servants released around that time that generated a lot of fanart and love in the community. I'm sure they could properly her up lore-wise to justify an SSR. Maybe if they lean more into her divinities rather than her city/elemental aspect
Thats one of the worst lineup for sure.

I really hope FGO still doing 2 Japanese servants per year because thats the only obvious indicator left for confirmed servants
I reckon it's going to go into eldritch/higher existing entity/planetary territory. If Notes is anything to go by then there is still a fair bit of escalation that can occur to keep things interesting. Weirdly I've always felt like FGO shared similar themes and escalation as FF XIV does
How many more sleeps until anni?
Depends how long you sleep for.
Less than 2 weeks
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At some point we're going to run out of shit to fight unless we go dimension hopping for 2 years.
Gay, better be a shitpost.
same goes for Bob and Barghest, and you don't see them getting *5 in summer. Also kuku obviously gets a lot of favoritism, although I'll never know why her art is so ulgy
Kuku is cute
Bob is good as a 4*.
Barghest was underwhelming since Durga was just released. Her NP ST change is dumb because she keeps the same NP gain which ruins her
after we fight the ayy lmao we will fight the ayy lmao^2 who are the ones in control of the ayy lmao and are the true enemy
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Bob and Barg are extremely popular but they also came at a time where there were loads of great female designs. With Morgan, Melu and Castoria already occupying the 5* slots they didn't really stand a chance of displacing one of them
For me, it's Riyo Kirsch
wtf happened on the 7th anniversary?
No one cares about you or who you think you are talking to, go back to discord, no one needs your hounding, freak.
That was when they added 3 sq per final ascension for non-welfare servants
>FGO players were disappointed at how many SQ the 8th anniversary gave
>Even though it was the second all time high
Bunch of whiny bitches.
That's not even remotely an argument.
That's like throwing a ball of paper at someone talking to you.
That's why Nasu is setting his sight on Honkai Star Rai. It has higher powerlevel ceilings than Type-Moon currently. The strongest being in the Nasuverse is barely Emanator level in HSR.
8th anni got only half the sq compare to 7th anni, I think complaining is valid
redpuill me on honkai power level, where would Stelle be ranked among servants?
Me too
go back hoyoniggers
Which is what enables this hilariously revolting situations.
Like seriously, have you seen another company insist upon itself this hard? despite making products FOR people?
It's like I keep saying, nasu needs to be fucking whipped, these fucking dogs do NOT learn unless somebody grabs them by the THROAT and make them behave correctly.
TM should do a collab with Nier/Drakengard rather than the Chinkslop
At least High-Servant level. She has a Grail inside her body (Stellaron), and got power from 3 different gods currently.
>High Servant level
Try again without the extraslop nonsense please
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didn't nasu say something like the game was dying before lb6 came out?
Nasu doompost about FGO quite a lot, but what he said was that he thinks that FGO must end eventually (Aniplex disagrees).
High-Servants aren't exclusive to Extra retard. Douman, Muramasa and Rasputin are High-Servants.
I'm >>487297495 and I never touched anything Hoyo aside trying Genshin and enver touching it again

and what does this even mean
uh huh
Good morning SEAmonkey
Riyoshit with normal proportions feels weird in his current style
That's because they are fused with gods like Extra, bro.
In VNs and VN-style videogames is where you have this whole shtick of multi-layer relationships and characters not being necessarily for you.
FGO has always been a (you) game, much like any hero on any classical movie gets all the pussy to himself, its a fun writing style, nothing more nothing less.
Tell me one good thing to come out of adding males into the formula more than the bare minimun for world building, aside from pandering to the lowest lifeforms on the planet, shippers and women.
>FGO has always been a (you) game
The 8th SSR servant to ever come out was Artemis.
>「Fate/Grand Order」カルデア放送局 9周年SPに出演するキャストに関するアンケートを募集いたします。
We will be soliciting questionnaires regarding the cast members who will appear in the “Fate/Grand Order” Chaldea Broadcasting Station 9th Anniversary SP.

Servant Ranking
>Q1. 初登場時と印象が大きく変わったサーヴァント
Q1. Servant whose impressions have changed significantly since their first appearance
>Q2. ビジネスパートナーにしたいサーヴァント
Q2. Servant you would like to have as a business partner
>Q3. FGO Fes. 会場で、はしゃいでいそうなサーヴァント
Q3. Which servant would be having fun at the FGO Fes. venue
>Q4. 無人島に辿り着いても楽しんでいそうなサーヴァント
Q4. A Servant who would probably have fun even if they ended up on a deserted island
>Q5. 「ここだけの話」と言ったら守ってくれそうなサーヴァント
Q5. Servants who would protect you if you said, “Just between you and me" Maybe it means to keep a secret rather than to protect

Options for these 5 questions are Morgan, Ishtar, Castoria, Dantes, Mash, Oberon.

Speaker Ranking
>Q6. 先生に向いてそうな人は?
Q6. Who would be a good teacher?
>Q7. 冒険のパーティを組んだら、リーダーに向いてそうな人は?
Q7. If you put together a party for an adventure, who would be a good leader?
>Q8. 無人島に置き去りにされたら、1番早く脱出できそうな人は?
Q8. If you were left behind on a desert island, who would be the quickest to escape?
>Q9. FGO Fes. 会場の列整理が1番得意そうな人は?
Q9. Who seems to be the best at organizing the lines at the FGO Fes. venue?

Options for these 4 questions are Yui Ishikawa, Kana Ueda, Ayako Kawasumi, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Rie Takahashi, Toshiyuki Toyonaga.
yeah but she never mattered, specially back then, and that's because everyone was in the same page, also don't forget orion was a plushie, that's how much they understood how to do things right.
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Funnily enough, compare that to lostbelt 5 , where orion gets his hecking "chad" form, has a love story with artemis, and Medea lilly blows kisses to Jason through a transmission, and you get a prime example of how everything went to shit.
Nasu, or whoever the fuck, got cocky, because of popularity he only got by hiding his true intent.
Not only is he a dishonest RAT, he is willing to destroy whatever faith and relationship he has built with his playerbase throughout half a decade to start vomiting the slop he always wanted to.
This is some evil fucking shit, I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy.
But even in the early days, Okeanos had Euryale shipped with Asterios and he confessed his love to her when he died, meanwhile Lostbelt 5 had Charlotte being way more for (You) than anything in those early singularities and got a CG for her confession.
Posts so overly dramatic and unnecessarily grandiose, I could be fooled into believing Sakurai wrote them.
it's called, mental illness
When are these tourists going to leave?
When are you going to leave? all you do is talk directly to no one and behave like you are the thread police or something.
I think you need to shut the fuck up
>Doomcuck babble
left is a collab character, you chinkshills aren't even trying anymore
Happy to see Yui is one of the panelists. I think this is only her second time ever.
He's good at hiding his hobbies in plain sight
>Protea vore
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>ZERO(nada){none}[absolutely non-existant] arguments.
>Beta male passive aggressive non-linked vaugepost
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Why are you being dishonest while calling someone else dishonest?
Did you forget that (You) and Charlotte also had a thing in Atlantis? Chiyome marriage comment? Come on now.
I've been enjoying fgo currently, whos your favorite servant released in the past year Ptolemy is mine

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