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Miss Piggy got my jr acting up
Made for rape.
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i hate the antidood
I'm not fundamentally against the concept of guest characters, but at the same time, I don't think of them as automatically a good thing either.

Just from an "artistic" standpoint, I feel that they can often be very out of place. Not even just breaking the lore, but the very art direction can not fit very well. Imagine if they added Sonic the Hedgehog to Virtua Fighter. Sure, people would be excited due to their enjoyment of Sonic and it would probably help push more copies, but he doesn't really fit well into that world at all. VF takes place on "real Earth" rather than Sonic's version of the planet, but even that aside, he's far too short to fight with them normally. He would be an ultra light weight that gets juggled all day, but also probably be too small to properly hit to begin with. I believe that was a problem Yoda had in Soulcalibur 4, but I'm not sure. I like Sonic, but I think those are two things that should rather be separate.

Perhaps, that's a bit of an extreme hypothetical, but let's use a more tame example. What if they put a Final Fantasy character like Cecil in Blade Arcus? He would fit way better than the Sonic example, given that he's a magical swordsman from a fantasy RPG in a game full of magical swordsman from fantasy RPGs. And it would probably push copies, yet again. But still, I feel like it would "cheapen" the product. Like the publisher didn't believe enough in the product to just present it as its own thing. A real example of that would be the VF guests in DOA5. They fit well enough into that world (though they tend to have a simpler aesthetic). But at the end of the day, it just feels like the companies wanted to cross promote instead of just making a new character people would like. Again, this isn't even about whether or not I personally like them. (I like Pai). I just would rather have had them make a new character with a unique, distinct playstyle.

Good for a laugh, but not really that good for a serious game.
Baron why do you let Cheez call you the n word?
What is the point of playing fighting games if you don't have the gene? You will always be shit and the community won't accept you.
On that note, if you have to have a guest character, I think I actually do find the concept of taking a completely unrelated character from a movie or a book and making them into a fighting game character more interesting than just adapting a pre-made fighting game character to another system. Unless they give the character a unique mechanic that doesn't exist in that game, it just feels like they could have been any other character otherwise. If they're just trying to adapt Ryu into a Power Rangers Battle for the Grid character, they already have a template to work with. But something like Negan in Tekken required them to come up with a unique playstyle and ideas for the character. You're already whoring your franchise out, so you might as well go all the way at that point and try to be creative with it.

I think that's one of the things people found interesting about the VS games. They had to come up with a unique and original playstyle for a bunch of characters. They didn't really have a template for how Venom would work in a fighting game and just came up with something based on what he does in various Marvel comics. Or they had no idea what Doronjo would do in a fighting game, so they just had her summon her friends and have that be central to her fighting.

Of course, regarding the logic of "this will attract more fans from those franchises," I think that's a bit silly, too. At that point, you might as well give up on original ideas altogether and make everything a licensed game based on some other franchise. Why bother coming up with unique characters when you can just reskin your grappler with The Thing and your zoner with Harry Potter and then make a bunch more money even with licensing fees?

That was a joke, of course, but I think with ballooning prices of game development, hedging bets on guests will become even more common. You already sort of see that with the high amount of collaborations SF6 is doing. It feels a bit like a mobile game in that regard.
>have to wait until 2025 to play lucy
this nigga planning to play strive smhtbh
you gonna use macros for her too bronycheez
But speaking to me personally? No, I would not want that.

Even if I like a character like Beatrix Dominatrix, she doesn't fit the world that well in my mind. She drives a motorcycle and has a spaceship. What, did Otherworldly Lachatte just get teleported into the 1600s of a different dimension? I would have to adapt the outfits of the characters so much to not look ridiculously out of place like one of those mugen character packs with 50 different franchises, it would simply make more sense to make a new character.

Even with "rip-off" characters, you still have to do way more work than just copy pasting a random popular guy into your own work. In fact, in the attempt to avoid getting in trouble for copyright infringement, you still have to change a few things and make some creative decisions. Even similar characters like Sol Badguy and Dark Schneider or Winter Soldier and Red Hood aren't exactly the same. In fact, one could argue both of those examples are so different, people wouldn't even try to connect them even if they were already familiar with both.
unbirth showed a goth loli and yall niggas talm bout lucy
post the goth loli
pedonigga shocked no one cares about pedoslop
why would i give a shit about that when i have lucy luhmeow
i was exicted for the loli until the first second of gameplay showed she also has the full screen normal combo starter that everyone has
remember when niggas used to say Under Shite was anime Street Fighter?
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Which one should I buy?
yall niggas talm bout poocy when granpoo dropped big body oni wife
one of the funnier shill campaigns. jive players knew they were lying, under shite players knew they were lying, but the casuals watching EVO didnt know any better
>safe big body
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Granblue Fantasy Versus...
ummm terry
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get uni2, its like anime street fighter
I just bought Under Night, its alright
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I've seen this meme parroted very often, what the fuck do you people mean "safe"?
I really like Red arremer in SVC chaos, is his whole gameplan spam fireballs into unblockables? Or is it that the online is full of retards I wanna know if I understand him or will I get blown up
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can I still find people playing in low ranked? and whats this? do u have cds showing for both players?
safe, non-commital, avoiding risks. a safe ebw, for example, is when an anime just recolors a white woman. a safe big body is when you take a small body and feed it a mario mushroom instead of creating a real big body like black widow
guest fighters sell more then any other fighter, its been that way since MK9? MK10 Ed boon stated that the most popular single purchase items were the guest characters. Same thing with every other fighting game, guest sell thats the end of the discussion, they don't care if they fit they just know they will sell, there hasn't been a single fighting game guest character that didn't sell more then every other dlc character that includes negan from tekken 7 and even geese
hows the playerbase? I literally see no one playing on steam right now
>can I still find people playing in low ranked?
The absolute majority of people are in A and S rank, which are basically right in the middle. I think the very, very lowest ranks are still fairly populated but unless you are very inexperienced with fighters I don't think you'll spend much time in there anyway. Also, once you reach A rank you can no longer rank down from there. All characters you play have their own individual rank.
>do u have cds showing for both players?
Yes, both you and your opponent can see all cooldowns on screen at all times.
Also I probably should have asked this first: are you in NA? I've heard EU is kind of dead, so if you live there your mileage might vary.

Who the FUCK is Black Widow?
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those are your specials. in granblue, specials have cooldown (LOL).
post-evo spike so idk how it is regularly but I found it easy to get games, just got done playing a bit of ranked (Im EU so if you're NA you'd probably find it even easier to get games)
SA, we have lots of discs and tournaments going all the time so really not a problem to find people to play in lobbys, I just dont know the ingame ranked/matchmaking situation.
>those are your specials. in granblue, specials have cooldown (LOL).
so theres no special spamms like in street fighter?
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>SA, we have lots of discs and tournaments going all the time so really not a problem to find people to play in lobbys

>so theres no special spamms like in street fighter?
Most characters follow a simple rule with cooldowns: the L version is usually the simplest, weakest version of a move that you can use basically indefinitely, no cooldown. The M version is faster/stronger/hits more whatever, and has a very short cooldown. The H version is the strongest (meterless) version of that move, usually has a longer, sometimes significant cooldown.
If you have at least 50% meter, you can use the Ultimate version of any move, regardless of whether or not it was on cooldown, at the expense of meter of course.
The only exception to the first rules is this guy: his gimmick is that he starts the match with VERY long cooldowns on every one of his moves, but the more you use them, the shorter they become.
You can but when you use the EX version it takes longer for the cooldown to recover.
are girls with animal ears just safe furry?
mai natsume is a safe tranny
Mai Natsume is fucking DELICIOUS
She will learn to enjoy the Cheezcock.
I look like this.
watching uni for about 2 microseconds will confirm to you that it has absolutely nothing in common with street fighter
>comically slow walk speeds
>half the cast has massive disjointed buttons that can hit you at fullscreen
>tons of degenerate setup oki
>homing jump
>air tech
>air FD

the fact that this "anime street fighter" meme has been repeated for years is confirmation that anime players have no clue what the fuck street fighter is let alone played any of the entries
when will we get a new blazblue?
Nice try shadowcheez. But I have no interest in mai.
Always knew cheez was a pedonigga homo
Stop projecting Timmy
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Black Widow from Slammasters 2, a wrestling game by Capcom that takes place in the SF universe.

Ordinarily she is wearing a disguise that makes her appear genderless, but she takes it off in her ending and reveals that she looks like this. This is the kind of big body lady we wanna see, not shit like Marisa.
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Eh... abs too defined for my taste, tits and thighs don't look soft enough.
Rainbow Mika is the kind of big body I want to see.
I NEED big women to have a soft looking, BIG, fat ass.
damn wong playing ZZZ and hes using the pedonigga function???
Every woman needs a big ass.
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>Rainbow Mika is the kind of big body I want to see
>She's 5'6
Not even a big body you fucking idiot.
B Widow is 6'6 and 209 lbs. THAT'S a big body.

(And thinking about it just makes me hate Marisa even more)
we could've had this but the proportions were too complex for the mumbai workers to figure out, so they gave us fridgerisa instead
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I don't care nigger, Mika looks better than both this literally who character you posted and Marissa.
none of you have ever even played rainbow mika in any fighting game
>female big body fags going at each others throats
Oh this gonna be good
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>Gets angry that he gets proven wrong and has to be stuck with his flatulent womanlet
I dunno why Mikafags willingly choose suck, never been my scene
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You never see barabros fight like this, just saying.
that' a man
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This is very clearly not a man.
Unironically what is wrong with the people that want roided out freaks like marisa?
why do maitroons make these posts like we dont know that niggas lore? you like a tranny lil nigga its not the end of the world
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Overwatch had Marsia literally 7 years ago and no one cared

Crazy how radically politicized you incels have become where now everything is a secret attack on your masculinity
Manrisa is literally more masculine than zarya.
mildly sniffable, not as bad as manrisa but not as holy as black widow
I want to throat your cock
how so?
everyone acknowledged overwatch was woke trash for tumblrinas
Wow, its insane to me to see how much of this parroted & disingenuous shilled statement has been spread online about UNI. I felt that there was something smelly under the floor boards when this shit statement got spread around as gospel and truth. If anything, granblue (vanilla only) is closer to the "anime street fighter" timmies are talking about
No one cares about Overmid outside of the pixar curves characters. Literal cure for insomnia: the game. I ok with only playing my awake shooters, like TF2 & Quake, you can keep this blizzard trash
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we love men dough
it's time for men
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>tekken pass has a watermelon and afro as items
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not so fast
you will never have an ass like that timmy
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the rev system in COTW is so well thought out.
don't forget the slop snickers
this is the first pass or already second?
spent months asking you niggas if UNI is playable in EU and you all either ignored me or said no and I bought it and im getting games fuck you useless ass jigaboos
Uninstall the tranime, buy sf6

Its not too late. You can detransition and become a man again right now.
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Remember when SFV added a kernel level anti-cheat during the Urien patch?
Once again, the CapGODS keep innovating the genre while others just follow behind.
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The Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising tournament will be held on July 27 at the new time of 2pm EST. Sorry if this is an inconvenience but something came up.


If you got questions feel free to ask.
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bought dix on release, its shit. im a wandering jiver now
in discord?
bro remember we have EVO peak right now
be sure to find a discord so u can matchmaking with people
What will she play like?
Thoughts on Clayton Chapman?
Im cool with guest characters, even though it does water down the design philosophy of the game because sometimes guest characters feel to out of place like The Walking Dead dude in Tekken 7.
But SF6 has already a lot of the fan favourites missing from the roster. We only get four new characters every year and making two of them guest characters is just too much. Terry and Mai are also very boring picks and thats me as a Terry main.
Say what you want about T7 but its guest characters were not boring at least from an end user perspective.
guest characters belong in either the base roster or end of life of a game. niggas adding terry and mai while heavy hitters are still sitting on the bench and expecting niggas to slurp it up
timmy got ran off /sfg/ again so now he has to vent here
damn you're right...
it's never too late
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SF6 Decapre when?
Remember when Timmy made up a fake scenario about Evo moving to Saudi Arabia to rape and behead all of this LGBLT friends, then when it turned out to be complete fantasy, he immediately moved on to trying to get Evo spectators deported?

What was that all about?
He was trying to keep people safe, is that so wrong?
No I don't remember that. I'm not "remembering" a lot of what you bring up. I think you might be a bit misguided about reality.
it was some fagboy named tarzangief. First he said "he heard a rumor" about evo being in riyadh as a new location and became very angry and made up things in his head about how the muzzies were gonna murder him for being gay, then the FGC trannies ranted about it for a week as the FGC muzzies complained about islamaphobia, then it turned out to be bullshit and there was no rumor, he was just having a schizo moment.

Then after Evo, he found out Infiltration was spectating there and said he needed to be deported and have his visa revoked for trespassing because that nigga is Korean Johnny Somali
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Haitani Kokujin Turd Strike FT10
Only 3 people? I thought this game was massively popular here just a month or tow ago. Did they all get bored already?
Or is everyone just waiting until the last minute to sign up dramatically?
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Those terms didn't even exist back then.
Face it, you were radicalized by the alt right on 4chan.
EVO could actually start a 3S revival if they just regularly give it mainstage. casuals love parryslop, the playerbase keeps growing as fightcade becomes more popular, it brings viewership. its really only a question of if it can maintain decent entry numbers or if its gonna be a massive drop off after dixies got their taste
Why does Evo keep ignoring the cries of the LGBT community trying to get Shinku banned? Don't they know he's a brutal rapist?
Isn't this bad for their image since he keeps getting top 6s?
aint nobody playing turd strike
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Ryu bros....
The best we can possibly get is....97th....
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What do you think about me making tic tac toe on godot, but not shit?
idk about that but good music taste anon
fgg... is dead
So where can I go to watch the DBFZ top8 from evo?
She will probably have a bunch of hacking moves copied directly from CP2077.
It's 12PM on a weekday...
You dont know that
SJW trash
how many of you are from /dbfzg/
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Nice hairline troon
But enough about you
So is Lucy legit a tranny character?
what a flaccid response
how utterly flaccid
just so flaccid I can't believe it
while cheez was busy drooling over the next soive troon character I had sex with morrigan and lilith

not reina though sorry I didn't have time
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Why didn't the roving PMC squads stop Infiltration at the door?
It's okay bro, 2 out of 3 isn't bad. I'll have sex with Reina on your behave.
>on your behave
Timantha's brain stopped working from all the HRT
how come alex valle look white, but is peruvian?
fear payed them not to
Cheez knows more about HRT than most people
Post tits
Plenty of people from Latin America have different ethnic makeups
base vegeta is easily the coolest character in the game. nigga just pure neuch, lvl3 mix and ki blast loops
I know, I just find funny the whitest guys on the /fgc/ are latinx.


Chris G.
Alex Valle.

Not white, lmao.
Is he considered difficult to play because of how other characters work? I thought Ki blasts were difficult to properly utilize because of superdash (but I haven't played dbfz in 6 years)
Cheez... you're admitting that troons have cucked you and fucked your wives...
which post is ellie?
you can vanish as a reaction to a SD if they use SD while you're throwing or in recovery, but thats part of the neutral,
is he considered difficult to play
hes a neutral heavy character in a meta where all the top tiers easily skip neutral with some lariat into assist call, so yes
damn cheezette is kinda sexy ngl
niqqa pretending he wouldn't be cooming his last two brain cells out if nintendo offered to put krystal in his game as a guest character.
you're not as principled as you think you are
Imagine if cheez didn’t repress for 12 years smfh
A few more years and this nigga gonna crack so hard we might get a new fake breast chun li at evo 2030
Wasn't me.
Is MK1 good now?
MK hasn’t been good since Trilogy
False, MK11 was great
That isn’t how you spell MK9
cheez you left your name on...
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Going to make a board game of kof where kensou rapes athena and momoko and mai and leona using a deck of cards in godot.
Why is it always brutal rape with you?
Wasn't me
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how else is there gonna be conflict and combat with the end purpose of getting them pregnant?
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Yeah sure, faggot, and I roleplay as your daddy, finnaboutta beat your ass like he should have for being a lil bitch nigga that needs to be put in his place.
>I roleplay as your daddy
god please
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Are you enjoying his game? I know you bought it when it was on sale last week...right?
I don’t play trash
I play good games with hot girls that have big juicy butts
Deadly Alliance was sick
>infiltrated evo
I love this wife beater
I bought, an unfortunate amount of timmy functions in the roster doe
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A better meme for'em:
>I love my daddy trump inserting me my npc chip to hate about! I need to be a snowflake when hair is dyed and a girl gets muscle! Reeeeee!
I had to stop playing to work on my Visa, again.
Damn fascists.
based, absolutely based
>Infiltration walks in
>s-sisters, lets keep our distance...
what did walmart do?
theyre racist because they lock up all of their expensive products in majority black areas
what did they mean by this
if anything i think walmart needs to be banned from evo too

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