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Death to slugs edition

Previous: >>487230964

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
if I start the game now without rerolling can I guarantee Changli
my gf and her sister pulled changli, but skipped jiyan. this is a reminder changli is stacypilled
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God I want to have birb wife irl like you wouldn't fucking believe
You can get 140+ limited rolls just by playing, also free shit + monthly
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she can watch us all she wants
Same, but no gf
I'd kill her every time she turns 14 so she reincarnates back into being a cute loli.
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Birds carry disease you should've voted for chairman Xhi.
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the girls in this game like me for no reason and constantly make moves on me

is this the chad experience
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>but skipped jiyan
Good, he belongs to the homoGODS
Yes. It is still better to reroll though(unless you have Jinhsi as well), saves more resources for upcomming banners
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Now that everyone's done the Changli companion quest... what the fuck was his problem?
He wanted Changli for himself by scaring everyone else.
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For my dear player no expense is too great
He better have the same broadblade stats as Jinhsi and Jiyan, but with Liberation damage instead of resonance/heavy
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>American schizo character believes in conspiracies
Based Kuro
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It is an enemy spy spreading enemy propaganda and he deserves death
We don't fuck Friezas
in universe equivalent of a flat earther
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Gatekeeping his waifu can't say i blame the fat fuck.
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why is she so smug chat
>hotfix completed
>stutters everywhre
fuck you solon
explain how to play changli so that a retard would understand it
How do I dodge Crownless' desperation moves...
spam dodge when you feel endangered like in souls
Mash basic attack, mash skill, when you have 4 bars charged you heavy attack. Mash ultimate on cooldown and heavy attack immediately after.
That's how I like them. My disciple did a good job.
I tried doing that bout the dodge goes on cooldown if you panic spam and he shits all over you anyway.
Echo skill?
Which one is a priority?
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How I feel after the quest...
become desperate yourself
Mash X/lmb 5 times
Y/(idk the default mapping for skill on keyboard, is it E?) then X/lmb
Repeat until full forte
Hold X/lmb
Hold X/lmb
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How do we feel about this bro?
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Don't compare Changloli to that gremlin ever ever again
Chinks have an ongoing gacha movement called "有男不玩", which means "if there's men in it we won't be playing". They essentially call those omnipandering games as "mixed toilets" (every time you pull you have a chance of getting homoed)
Obviously it's not a huge movement but clearly Mihomo is starting to feel the sting otherwise they wouldn't have tried to hard to cancel snowbreak with that recent VA fiasco. I think outside of Homoverse games other smaller new titles like wuwa are feeling the pain the most which would explain why it did so badly despite all the chinawank themes in the game.
How's the trans community in China? I assume there'd be a lot with all the gacha + a deficit of some 10 million women due to one child policy
>incels getting this desperate because all these male characters are actually desirable good men unlike them
holy KEK
I mean ak is doing pretty good with all the old men in it so I don't think this game will be in trouble just because there are some ripped men
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>How's the trans community in China?
Ready to be eaten.
Why the fuck chinks are so based and we have to cope with ugly femoids and trannies in our games? What the hell happened?
yeah actually the dodge window is kinda long if you dont press direction while doing it so you can actually dodge a bit early, just careful a deceptive attacks
They don't really play games, somebody must mine that uranium for reactors after all
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>you see that raymond shit on the other game?
>we won't do any of that

-snowbreak dev
>They essentially call those omnipandering games as "mixed toilets" (every time you pull you have a chance of getting homoed)
Ok but what prompts this behavior? If I see a male or female character that looks fun, my first thoughts are "I want to play this character because it's fun". What goes through the chink "straight" male's brain when he associates other males with homosexuality?
Why didn't you niggers keep it in the previous thread? what prompts this mental illness?
SEAslug, its a new mental illness only limited to the area of SEA.
They literary did that and it backfired, that's the entire reason their game is "based" now
I really don't get why /vg/ faggots feel the need to slurp shitty gacha companies like this
Demoralization happened
It's mainly incels that do. They will eat up anything that panders to their loser mentality.
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you have to see chinkland male to female ratio irl
thanks to the one child policy back then shit got super imbalanced
also the way they live under ccp arent helping too
you are either mega rich or living paycheck to paycheck as a male
the females can simply fish money from ronery males as a streamer
shits super grim there
so these predatory gacha with waifus works for them as escapism
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I skipped Jinhsi because I just didn't care for her or her gameplay much, but Changli's gameplay seemed a lot more fun to me (Haven't met her in the story yet)

How is she bwos?
For reference I only really play Encore or Hrover.

How far away is Camellya?
Sorry if this has been asked a lot
Unironically Genshin (and the games who try to copy Genshin's success with the normalfag audience). Wuwa got caught in the crossfire, but it's honestly not about hating the very existence of male characters, it's more about shitting over games that try to sell girls as (Youbait) then the femoids in the devteam joyfully ship her with another character a couple patches later after when they already took your money. iirc that one shitty 3d arpg by Yostar did that as well, where they reluctantly had like 3-4 for (You) girls in the literal entire game, then shipped most of them off later and then had to damage control with the last remaining girl because no one gave a shit about any of the others anymore
>desirable good men
Yeah ok you did use your selector on lingyang then right? He's a good lad too just misunderstood.
Males in Chinese gachas are mostly effeminate bitches made to appeal females and trannies, anon.
because they fail and fix their own shit, they know whos their audience are, and they tried to play with fire but the moment it fail, they go back before it too late. its the same shit what genshin trying to do right now (so they claim), BEFORE going all harem, there is no playable male at least. you need to give them credit to actually fix their dumbass mistake before too late, you cant really blame them when 3/4 big name gacha mostly omni pander, they want those money
I don't think you have any idea about anything at all if you think Snowbreak ever did Raymondshit lol
I will not give them any shit unless they fix their fucking game, its bugged to shit
t. didn't know the 01 incident
fucking tourist
>I will not give them any shit unless they fix their fucking game, its bugged to shit
what bug nigga? the problem with the game is its literally too easy and just barebone fps.
She’s pretty straight forward and isn’t back loaded like jinhsi
Her roll is like Yinlin, she will go amazing with a Fusion Liberation DPS
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>tune echo for DPS: flat HP, DEF, just shit all around
>tune echo for supports:
dps verina we go
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She's extremely flexible
She can support your Anko and she can also comfortably work as a main dps.
She's also very strong, Jiyan tier I'd say but not as strong as Jinhsi.
but most importantly she's hot and fun to play with
Tourist? This is the wuthering waves general retard, you should be the one to leave, make a gachashit general or shit up /snowg/
Their only "mistake" is getting caught. We both know they'd do it again if they could, they can't because their game is fucking garbage
The fact this shit generates any goodwill when there are gachas with literal porn is baffling to me
>01 incident
>Anything even remotely in the the same universe in terms of similarity
Glad that you confirmed you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
It's not just that. Chinese women are insanely superficial and will only settle for the 1% of the 1% of men. Countless men are dumped or cheated on or cucked just because the other guy makes a bit more money. They are highly materialistic and don't see anything wrong with that.
It's extremely forced in Genshin and it really shows what happens when you put women in charge. Female characters get shafted kit-wise, relegated to off-field male support, C2R1 bait, rewritten to have the personality of rough sandpaper, and then also shipped with other characters like Chlorinde and Wriothsley, Neuvilette and Furina or even yuribaited hard like Raiden and Yae or Eula and Amber. This is all from the female staff in charge. Not to mention the whole Zoophilia shit that started with Chlorinde where they made her say she was a "pet" of a Vishap monster for a month.
You're subdps Baizhi looking good
>my cuckshit is better than yours
Never change, /vg/
Imagine being a Kuro Games dev. You sit alone, overtime in the office while doing nothing, no new content in the pipeline, since higher ups still discussing if they should copy HSR or go straight for ZZZ.

You sit browsing gweilo image boards making sure general thread doesnt get archived. You are not sure if you`d be paid this month. Tomorrow is new banner, so maybe you would -- but company invested 200 million in the game and asked employees to take mortgages, and so far didnt recoupe even half of it. Times might be tight. You play HSR on a side. Market research, you tell to collegues. They nod understandingly.

Today AI that generates characted design got broken - returning result that it already copied every Hoyoverse design at least twice. Next banner is under risk - but team leader quickly solved it telling if Hoyoverse can release Kiana, Mei and Bronya 10 times, why cant we?

Snowbreak devs work in neibouring building. They walk around smug, smirking at us. There was time it was us threating them as beggers. Now your collegues are secretly sending their resumes there.

Content creation team was recently fired. Either way, who cares about new content, theres no way to match up others - players will be satisfied with just new character and some boss fight.

Marketing team took the last money from finance, trying to find content creators to promote the game - but they all refuse. How can a person refuse money? I cant even afford instant noodles! But its a fact. Something about "ethics" and "toxic community".

Now leads say the game should be more hip and appeal to more modern audiences, like ZZZ. They fired old composer no one like, and looking for a rap performer. For now ost is made grandpa playing electric lute. 99% of players in polls said they turn music off.

When relatives visit they get exited and with expectation ask - Mihoyo? And i turn down eyes and lie to them.

But otherwise, life is good. Is tomorrows banner sells, maybe i can eat noodles.
>She can support your Anko and she can also comfortably work as a main dps.
Doesn't her rotation take a fuckton of field time if you want her as secondary DPS to Anko?
You're not just clueless you're an Off Topic nigger.
Kindly fuck off.
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>no bugs at all
mhm, totally no bugs at all, working as intended
Ye that's why they wrote 01 out after people found that he flirted with Fenny and she flirted back
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>same shit what genshin trying to do right now (so they claim), BEFORE going all harem, there is no playable male at least
They aren't fixing anything. They just nerfed Mualani into the ground and buffed the Danganronpa guy. All because female players like him more.
Wut? Her combo take like 10s
>they tried again if they could
>literally just fire their CQ guy because some feminist slip "01" in their game
>stop working with said 3rd party studio.
>implying they're getting caught when they just fucking fail revenue wise
look if you just want to hold the dev in contempt just because they even tried to make money, its up to you, but as far as i fucking care they suck my dick now.

>star master
acacia need to fix her buggy game, fucking brat
>look if you just want to hold the dev in contempt just because they even tried to make money
ah yes trying to make money pandering to an audience that doesnt exist
didnt know NTR had such a huge audience you could market to but I guess youd know all about that
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Wuwa this month
>lost to snowbreak
>lost to fucking Blue Archive
>had ZZZ earn in less than a month > total wuwa revenue since release
>ZZZ huge on PS5, wuwa doesnt even have PS5 nor working mobile
wasnt it supposed rival MIhoyo? be a competitor? force real changes in gacha scene? how comes its just ToF 2.0?
I'll take hoyodrones over delusional snoggers anyday, stay in your containment zone retards
>ah yes trying to make money pandering to an audience that doesnt exist
exactly, as i said, the dev play with fire because their previous game also waifu bait, they tried to cater non existence audience from their fanbase because money and you know what? they fail.
>they wrote 01 out after people found that he flirted with Fenny and she flirted back
and Fenny still did that you just dont know about it
none of these girls are loyal and will always show interest in other men thats a fact
its the same here Jinhsi and Changli show interest in Rover, not you
Smell like SEApag hours in here
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What the fuck is this thread bwos...
>its the same here Jinhsi and Changli show interest in Rover, not you

yeah okay, idk if this faggot slip up or something but now i know it aint worth it to argue with this niggers
Delusional Snowbreakcucks crying about getting cucked
still SEA hours
just ignore it or wait until burger or yurop bros come along
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>Yinlin – Rectifier
>Jinhsi – Broadblade (functionally rectifier)
>Changli – Sword (functionally rectifier)
>getting caught
When they literally deleted it themselves in beta when they realized it was a fucking retarded idea and deleted it before they even released it to the general playerbase? And way before they were "forced" to
As opposed to Girls Frontline where they actually got caught making a mistake and then tried screeching and gaslighting players into thinking it was okay and only finally deleted while seething when their revenue dropped like 95%? And then making fun of their players for not liking it anyways after they were forced to fix it
Changli is a BBC lover
>tried to make money
>because money
This fag operates under the assumption that him getting fucked over = money, and taking a fat steaming shit on him should have been a financially sound decision. Too bad it didn't work out I guess
Imagine being this much of a cuck
>>Yinlin – Rectifier (functionally a sword)
this would never happend if Kuro didn't offend Master Lover, what Kuro did in CBT was huge mistake and they trying to rewritten it only offend the old guard and imperial son.
>When they literally deleted it themselves in beta when they realized it was a fucking retarded idea and deleted it before they even released it to the general playerbase?
Funny because if they were so remorseful about it, why write it in the first place unless?
GFL2 was completely fine, have you actually seen what it was all about? it was literally nothing
whats so wrong with girls flirting with guys or having relationships with them? not every girl is gonna be for you or into you
you see genshin? that shit sell like hot cakes, oh and do you know what people call them? fucking camera. also i dont understand half the words you said.
Do not fall for the moonlit shills, build molten rift on her.
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man changli fucking sucks
my jinhsi can clear this with 3 mins left easy but changli can't even come close
That's rich coming from the guy that advocates for NTR in these games being fine.
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just dont pursue man, its not worth the mental retardation you have to read
Bro??? Your substat pity???
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>put women in charge
It all boils down to this, Mihomo said that 41% of their employees are women, and most of them work in product management, marketing, or writing. Not in development where it actually matters. They had free reign since Sumeru where all types of faggotry happened and the game was at its worst state. I think its the first gacha in history to have only male banners for an entire year, not even pozzed western live service games stoop this low.
It seems now that their male execs are scrambling to fix their shit with non-stop female banners but its probably too late. And it's probably a cat and mouse game with their femcel employees now who'll tirelessly try to inject whatever shit they can like the vishap lines or cuckshit.
I'm glad I stopped playing after Dehya, it has to be their worst offence since they took charge.
Uhoh melty
you just suck at the game
>Some fags cry on NGA
this is fake news and old.
poor negative edging bro get better
hate to break it to you anon but having sig and s2 doesn't make you good at the game
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the chinese feminist war on men tho?
its fuckin real
Have you tried the kuku cancel technique?
You can cry about it all you want, fact is that Sumeru had the highest sales (Cyno outsold Raiden by a long shot) and the highest player count. That's all for a good reason. Sumeru was PEAK Genshin in all aspects from story, music, characters to sales.
Like this guy said >>487264487
It still sells like hotcakes despite the Traveler being now officially labeled the "Witness" and nothing more. You are just the camera witnessing the world.
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"Women are incapable of appreciating value and beauty" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Doesn’t look like they’re trying to me, here’s the latest event
Dunno, amazing how they will do anything to not talk about wuwa in /wuwa/ though.
funny thing is alot of these gavha dev get fucking scared, Aether Gazer for example stopping releasing male unit and going all in on more fanservice, the latest update where 2 of (you) waifus if put in the same team while have combination ultimate attack
They already said what's the problem with GFL2 retardbro. When you make (you) pandering characters, but then make them suck some rando guys cock instead, what do you think the playerbase you cultivate with the pandering will do? If they would go about it in the way from the start that they have the pandering girls and the not ones, less would cry about it, at worst the devs would notice they make less without pandering. But if you fuck over your pandered to playerbase, don't be surprised that they want to break the door on you because you deserve it for being a dumb faggot.
>do new tactical
>thundering comes out
>changli does her skill
>bro just gets timestopped for the entire fight
Uh oh. New bug?
so that's why genshin flopped so hard last month only managing to do OK in china ?
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For me its Chumlee
>how comes its just ToF 2.0?
>no new 4* after launch
>rumor about 2.0 release after 3-4 versions
41% of most degenerate hentai and doujinshi artists are women, not an argument.

Mihoyo hires otaku, not sjw activists. Reason for Genshin being so tame is that its popularity exploded and its litterally KIDS game now. They dont care about whales anymore, main target is actually little kids. For older audience they have now HSR/ZZZ/HI3. And for female soon their animal crossing clone.
>flopped hard
>outsold every other gacha
>especially WuSHIT and Snowcucks
Cyan heron prevents the whole thing if you hit it during his first jump and dive
>Mihoyo hires otaku, not sjw activists
whos gonna tell him
>hoyodrones vs snowbabs
wuwu wawa?
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NTA but I did, yeah. I regret nothing.
man imagine you work for Seasun and hate it so much you take a cake and throw it away only to lose your job
lmao why the fuck didnt she just quit
stupid fucking feminists this is why everyone hates them
genshin was bellow wuwa globally last month copebro only did aright in china
This nigger can't comprehend the concept of delayed feedback. Sumeru literary killed the game lol
>whats so wrong with girls flirting with guys or having relationships with them? not every girl is gonna be for you or into you
mfer I can't believe it /wuwa/ can stood this low, what next Scar being BiS for Changli is okay?
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>not sjw activists
You're one of those incels that screeches over Wanderer cucking you out of Nahida, right?
show one example
No, it's /gig/
So how is Taoqi at E6? Does it make her any useful or does she stay a brick who inhabitants the bottom row of every tier list?
Wow, that's fucking incredible! Is that why Aether Gazer makes less than PGR? Because of all the fanservice and incel pandering? LMAO
>get to use two great characters together
What's so wrong with that? Are you that insecure?
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>supporting THAT
just take the L my sister and fuck off
You do realize plenty of memes and cultural movement in the west started from fags crying in 4chan too right?
it just occurred to me that unlike in genshit the bell is actually useful here
I've only seen women, alphabet people and brownoids use this word, which one are you?
>my changli feels like she's doing 2-3x more damage than the magistrate
Am I just shit at Jinhsi or is Changli just that good?
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Jinhsi time traveling abilities fucking when?
Someone post their global marketing director whose resume is just like 10+ years of LGBTQ+ Marketing
Jinhsi have way higher burst but you dont want jihnsi on field for too long maybe that's why it gives you that notion cus changli on field dmg is wild

we are talking about chink women, they are not the ones writing doujins
>not sjw activists
uhh thanks for proving my point? Cyno sold better than neuv even though being shilled endlessly
>You are just the camera witnessing the world.
your reading comprehension? I don't play the game anymore and couldn't care less about their traveler getting cucked, I'd say it's even deserved for cucks still shilling their game here.

my last post wuwa sorry for being off-topic
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You're such insecure fucking losers. Have you ever wondered why Scaramouche won the most popular male character contest on Weibo and why he's still the most popular male character in Genshin as a whole? It's because women like guys like him, guys that aren't like you.
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half of my wuwa folder is phrolove chibis
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based China, hiring gay for Global audience.
Hand them over. You stupid fucks posting Fulolo chibis actually made me want to roll for the character
>3D arpg by yostar
Which one is it? Def not Aether Gazer, right?
hearty kek, are snowbreak devs really next door?
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i don't think anyone was under the illusion that guys like THIS kek
>because women like guys like him, guys that aren't like you
They like guys that hate women? That's literary me, wtf are you talking about
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the staring magistrate
Burst vs not burst damage
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>revealing themselves this early
damn bros
/wuwa/ is something else
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Is it possible to make this game not look blurry as fuck all the time? I can run everything on Max and I have adjusted the Brightness, but it still looks washed out....
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good post
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I have no idea how Jinshi's kit works. I have no idea how Changli's kit works. I don't know what causes Jinshi to enter her sword throwing stance or whatever. I don't know any combos. I haven't looked any of it up. I have not even read their skill descriptions. I don't know anything but mashing buttons, but I'm having fun.
Oh wow the zzzoo faggot's still here shitting the thread?

If this is the same one from 4-5 hours ago, that's so damn sad he's already spent close to a whole day trying to bait (You)s here in this thread that's unrelated to the game he's playing, shilling his game, for free.... without compensation.
dlss off
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Nta but the reason for the chinese ML movement is the incessant bitching and wailing because female characters had breasts that were too big(shenhe) or crotch shading(dehya). The genshin characters that were censored were because of femcels crying to mihoyo about getting genocided. This isn't relegated to genshin only, it's industry wide.
You will never see the male audience cry about alhaitham's muscles being too big and pretending otherwise makes you a disingenuous little shitstain.

There's a reason why there's way fewer male characters in natlan compared to previous zones. The female audience was paying for genshin while the pandemic was on, now that it's out the window, so is the female audience. Expect a 100% different storyline in natlan compared to fontaine and sumeru, which on the whole had lower profits than previous zones.

tl;dr you shot yourself in the throat with your bitching about big breasts, enjoy it. Also, i've never in my life cried about sexy male pixels, i'm not a femcel, but it is funny to see the hybristophilia come out in fujo sumeru writing, i have to admit.
Disable Anti-Aliasing, modern AA is literary just a blur filter. Everything will look jaggy as fuck tho
I did that too. But is that the extend of it?
I love tits.
you can't say that or you'll be labelled as an incel
It's one of the main culprits but this too >>487265931
They like manlets who are assholes and treat their partners like shit? I can't do the first part, but if you want me to treat you like shit, I could do that. I mean if that's what you want... It's not what I want, but if it's what you want...
Yea... That's not really that great either.. It's really a shame since the game could look way better to my limited knowledge..
No one replied to his new character shilling, guess he gave up and shitpost something else
Goddamn changli's kit is CRAZY. My only complaint is that it can get hard to see things.
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This thread makes me wanna be like Selena except I didn't get saved by the Self-Insert
Kuro games founder is Da Wei`s univercity buddy who was gay for him. Da Wei refused his advances, later he was kicked out of uni for being gay and he swore he`ll avenge himself by making mihoyo games and making them homo.

This is why WuWa started with male banner and keeps pushing males despite china litterally boycotting them.
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Is this seriously it? A whole more month of fucking nothing?
And I fucking shitposted ASTRA for not having content; I have played that shitty ass gook game 6 times more than this shit Kuro spawned and I still have stuff to do. God damn it
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Anyways did I forgot to say that I love tits? Because I do.
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yeah i think this is as far as i go bwos
changli sucks and i don't have a stringmaster anko to carry her useless fat ass
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>corpo fanfictino
holy shit, what did we do to deserve constant raids bro? all I wanted was to laugh at the ankobros getting gatekept by the puzzles
i love ass.
>you dont want jinhsi on field for too long
I love having her on the field though she is so pretty...
Is it me or is Chang li smoother to play than Jinhsi? Like she feels smoother and easier despite the lower damage.
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>The genshin characters that were censored were because of femcels crying to mihoyo about getting genocided.
thats complete made up bullshit, kill yourself
i see it brothers
the voluptuous mt. tai twin peaks
Hoyoverse will start funding labs focused on viruses soon. Have to bring those female paypigs back somehow.
will kuro start banning when skins get sold on the shop?
Yep, despite having multiple hits per attack, she is much more smoother.
The jank probably comes from the dragon rotating Jinhsi's model during attacks
Welcome to open world games
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this is what happens when you welcome salesposting, next time someone posting rangking and revenue chart ignore it. numberfag=dramafag, you welcome one the other coming too
>holy shit, what did we do to deserve constant raids bro

Maybe you didn't do anything, But almost every single General has some sort of resident wuwa faggot constantly shitposting all day long. Honestly I am pretty sure that it's just some insane clique of SEAniggers stoking the flames of war. I honestly feel bad for anyone just wanting to use this general normally.
Is Changli as big as Taoqi?
Maybe their game's too boring for him to do anything that's why he's trolling our comfy thread.
A zzzooo faggot was also trying to farm (You)s a few hours ago, barely anyone was replying to him it was hilarious.
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Funny you never post censored shit from your game
So why did they make alternate outfits for Amber, Jean, Rosaria, Mona, and not everyone else?
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>and I still have stuff to do
I don't believe you
Unironically looks much better this way. The incel pandering in ZZZ was grating as fuck.
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>Sumeru literary killed the game lol
Soulful cast, Aranara, underground exploration, cute & kino. You're delusional, go back to /gig/ and kill yourself.
>open /wuwa/
>genshit censorship discussion
>close /wuwa/
>But almost every single General has some sort of resident wuwa faggot constantly shitposting all day long.
huh, I was chilling at /haniho/ for the past few weeks and it was comfy, didn't knew shit was happening
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>censorship good
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Is this what believing Snowbreak and WuWa doing things right does to someone's brain? Holy fucking shit, tell me you never got a number or an insta from a girl and can't talk to one either without being a complete fucking creep without telling me the thread.
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How wrong you are.
>no furries
is that why Lingyang is in the game?
Which standard 5*s have the best resonance dupe upgrades?
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S2, did I make it to the cool kids club?
>reddit spacing
that fabled "resident wuwa faggot" is just you, isn't it?
All modern engines are like this, there's really no solution, best you can do is run a higher resolution and pretend you don't see the jaggies
Man I miss Crysis and BF3, anime styled game with that level of technical prowess would blow everyone's mind compared to the slop we get
Changli kinda sucks ngl
It's pretty funny considering how that policy basically turned children Into Gacha and normalized re-rolling whenever you didn't birth an SSR unit
>Women likes handsome but toxic males
>Men likes gentle and loyal women.
Wow more news at 8.
bwos I did it, it only took 4 hours
Hes a beast who defurrified himself. It's kinda weird because he's the only case I've seen besides the beast from beauty and the beast. Usually it's the other way around.
was it fun? was it thrilling?
If you somehow max her, Jianxin is amazing at S6. Insta max shield off a single E. Verina is a good one too.
Do you think Changli sometimes roleplays as a little girl for Rover so she can feel pampered by Rover again?
He was before but got scrapped.
And kemonomimis are not furry shit.
Shitposters use different games as cudgels all the time.
No but she definitely spreads her legs for a bunch of random guys while he's busy with other things.
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>Doesn't know what S2 does.
>frogtard doesnt know what S2 does
Smartest frogposter
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They added a 3 new permanent gameplay modes in the last 2 months:
- mutant zones were you play with 4 knights at the same time, new zones every 3 days with renewable trophies for starstones
- war god arena which is blue archive pvp; climbing let's you roll for halos, a new accessory; there are limited time halos tailored for new characters
- portrait of thierry which is a roguelike tile mode which is the endgame PvE mode (resets weekly, too hard for normal players) clearing it gives you new accessory sets as well as currency to roll for the new equipment called Cids; once again, there are limited ones made for banner characters

Besides all this shit? 100 celebration event giving everyone a 5 star selector for characters AND weapons. A free Death Crown with a code (who is pretty much their game's Archon) 2 reset scrolls and a SHITLOAD of gems, limited pulls and a re-run of old characters.

It's unbelievable how this little gook company has done more content in a similar timeframe than a multimillion backed developer like Kuro. They had a fraction of their money for publicity, but have done overall a much better game over time.

And you know what? Next week the game is getting Guild Unions/Halls, guild events and a new character (who will come with a new Halo and Cid meaning you'll want to play both new modes in order to get them.) See how there is a shitload to do in this game now? And it isn't even tedious crap as I find everything FUN to do. Portrait is so hard, it has people constantly talking about it. The game truly needed endgame for PvE and they finally delivered. Can't wait what they'll show for guilds soon.

I'm bored waiting for Blue Archive to get updated, give me a break, I needed something to do.
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no it was sunk cost, and i got lucky on the kill (Verina's life save cooldown came up and saved my life). I almost randomly killed it like 30 minutes in, and spent the next 3 hours having zero fun.
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>Stir shit up between /snowg/ and /wuwa/
>concern posting about incel on a incel central site
>during burb sex banner

nah I won't buy it, we must be raided
>Maxed Arlecchino
>Maxed Firefly
>Maxed Changli
>Will max Lucia Oathblaze
>Maxed Jinwu in Aether Gazer
Why are games making fire wives?
ah yes, classic "i can cake walk this and proceed to jobbed for 3 hour", honestly at least you get that guy out of the way now.
Oh? you mean normal spacing? Stop calling everything reddit. It's pretty fucking normal to structure your shit like that. It's easier for the eyes and makes sense when there is multiple subjects or points to be made.

You fucking troglodyte

That's true. But it makes sense that some people will retaliate, and so the circle continues.

If only people stopped being so fucking retarded and acting like you can only play ONE Gacha, then maybe we could avoid most of this shitposting. While we are at Sales-posters should get the rope
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I wanted one copy of Mortefi for coordinated attacks but pulled Changli instead.
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Congrats anon.
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Good to know
I was worried they wouldn't have it in them to add content to the game when I was playing it some months ago
Hope you have fun anon
go back
Why do you try this hard to fit in anon?
mandated by tencent for omnipandering
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Hi /wuwa/ just come back from work-
You faggots still reply to baits
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all me
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have fun with me anon...
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whoever the fuck designed its moveset, kys (keep yourself safe)
When did you realize the different factions in this game are just a bunch of different sects that worship Rover? Including the bad guys.
It's just that Huang Long went beyond and above the other factions not only grooming Jinhsi and Changli but also sent three other girls to fuck Rover. Heck I bet Taoqi and Sanhua are meant to be wives too.
Black Shore has Cameylla and Anno and bad guys have that weird girl.
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and it's not the first time either. Yesterday was /bag/ and /wuwa/, a few weeks ago was /pgr/ and /wuwa/

it's like they are constantly seething over for (You) games and desperately want them to fail by false flagging on both side
Astra was fun but they teetered way too hard on the edge of wanting to make it an MMO instead of a gacha and the grind was ridiculous. On top of co-op being fucking dead, matchmaking being stillborn and questionable design decisions like weapons only increasing their substats with dupes and not levels. A good game overall but mismanaged. Also the fucking machine translation.
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Maybe some other time I'll come back
I'm having fun with wuwa for now
well seeing that they are fairly supportive being cucked and calling straight normal men incels
I'm not that surprised
someone needs to screencap that post as counter argument lmao
NTA but I'll download Astra now. I didn't even know about it until now. I really like the Vanillaware aesthetic and combat. I'll give it a shot.
wait, is the MC fucking immortal or what?
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Bwos @@
bro i...........
MC is a God and will pump bird full of semen to have children. He will fuck many women for more heirs.
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3 weeks later, I am forgotten...
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It suffers from a lack of advertisement with their main focus being on the korean market
Just like wuwa
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NTA, but yeah MC is immortal . He wakes up every now and then and saves the world, after that he snoozes again.
LMAO the Chinese are funny, they made a comparison between traveler and rover by calling them : Teyvat Cameraman vs Sol 3 Emperor after the last update.
>weird girl
Phrololo(?). Isn't she Black Shores as well?
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Dumb story skipper
Finish 1.1 NOW
based horny chinks
Of all the genshin could never moments, this one is the most never ever
She's in Scars faction. At least in the story. Don't know about Datamine stuff.
>Korean market
I sure hope it's not been Megalia'd.
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I lost the 50/50 and got Jianxin. Is her grouping actually good? Like can I run her with Encore and have her group for Encore?
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Tell me about the gooks
Why they like Wuwa so much
EOS cutscene leaked
She's part of the Fractsidus. The red suited human enemies you see are part of it as well.
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the suffering magistrate
Reminder this is all thanks to the Chinese beta testers or else Rover would have been an amnesiac errand boy that's hated by Chixia and the 4 star healer for no reason.
game hard
gooks like hard games
its that simple
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come to /vmg for our general anon. Ignore whatever schizo may spam in it here and there. The place is comfy. The game is fucking gorgeous, and the combat is really well done.
It's alright but sadly doesn't last long on the field imo.
Her Sequence Node S2, S5 and S6 are really good tho.
They like the Holograms because it actually takes some skill compared to the normal gacha game.
she's a must for tower unless you really wanna waste seconds
There's a certain degree of irony in complaining about materialistic chinese women only to heavily invest in gacha games that require you to damage yourself financially on a monthly basis. I think money isn't the problem here
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You are right. It's that Chinese women just complain a lot like western women but in an even more annoying language that's harder to tune out. That's the actual problem.
E-sport country

They are the true gamer unlike chink
Any differences between the versions? PC standalone, Steam, mobile?
>damage yourself financially
What are you poor?
i'd rather have the repeatable endgame contents being holograms rather than TOA honestly
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You're saving for me now, right anon?
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Yeah, I'm indonesian
the censorship was because of litteral SARFT demands, as with all chink games. Thats why the left outfits in Global
funny how many CN games dont censor themselves like that then and its only the female characters that get censored
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finally killed this shit, congrats be bwos
looking forward for another launch disasted
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bro the packs here is 25% cheaper and you get 12% back wtffff
Wtf I rolled Changli and her weapon but she's a brick??
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>giving more money to chink
grats bwo
now kill the cat
>changli doomposting again
when are we getting out of this period bwos
name one

Azur Lane is Singaporean. WuWa is tame and censored to hell, ZZZ makes it look prude as nun in comparison.
>as with all hoyo games
>lose 50/50
>camera still acts like crap
you're trying too hard
No sequence so far have been appealing enough to play
maybe the two charges on raging homo's S1 I guess?
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>bu-but they moved to Japan
Cognosphere's HQ is in Singapore but they still got censored
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funded by Tencent btw
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Phrololo + Camel + Coastguard will be my reason to whale
I hope JP yen still dirt cheap till then
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If women IRL were like Changli or Jinhsi nobody would complain about them, don't you think? Instead they choose to be anime villain tier evil and disgusting whores, and what's even more scary, it is currently being normalized and absolutely ridiculous laws have to be made to make this degeneracy stop, because they just find their way around all normal laws.
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Already did it bwo, the first one I killed just a day after the update.
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cry me a river, basedboy playing 8+ game

funded by your tears

tame as fuck png collector
>censored to hell character
>cluttered up
>proves anything
kek, and here i struggled more with the cat rather than that flying cube
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keep coping
Kek the zoos still spamming after 6 hours
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Imagine being a terminally online gachabrain and 4channer and pretending not to know the difference between furries and kemonomimi. It doesn't get more disingenuous than that.
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>tame as fuck
>post an even more tamecharacter
They are not sending their best
Just ignore him, its not that hard
We are weird, we are obsessed with very expensive aluminum rectangles aka keyboard
Gook loves hard games that's why AK is our mainstay and Wuwa is one of the new additions to our rotate
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Okay now post gameplay
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>woke up
>zzz schizo is having a melty

i wonder who just came back from the palm oil fields hmmm....
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what is that? a kindergarden party?
Honestly, I respect this guy for being so dedicated to still be here since WuWa released. If he were to channel this kind of dedication to something meaningful irl instead, he would've beaten Bill Gates.
zzz won
I really love how Nicole conveys the perfect AIDS-ridden skanky crack whore. Her Trust Events should be about her tweaking and experiencing meth withdrawals. At max trust rank she'd choke on her own vomit like the girl in Breaking Bad and get deleted from your roster.
Chang Li is a Yae expy.
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The zoofags can't stop themselves huh.
Go back to your containment zone.
Wake me up when you guys get something like this.
In the meantime your character get cockblocked by his/her sibling every time there is a (you) pandering.
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Let's make a bet boys, how many more days till this zoonigger is out of this thread?
naming convention Changli fell of bricked wuwa huh..
Don't care, post gameplay
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My wuwabwos playing a good game that pander to hetchads and will never have BBC cuck shits insert into the game
Comfy life
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god, those shoe hoofs are hideous.
horrible fanfiction, homo
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ZZZ is really shitty and I say this while having a really account
I'll keep playing on maintenance mode for a few weeks more but your game is shit, sorry bro
That's an insult to palm oil workers anon
they don't have all day to shitpost in Thailand gambling forum
>changli doesn't even use her sword 70% of the time, just summons pretty collors from her hand
wtf is wrong with kuro, one bitch fucking flies her sword in air, second doesn't even use it, that's fucking retarded
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It's a summer beach party, it's something your game will never have
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How old is she?
lmao, never noticed that
>panders to pedo nazis
how will ziggers recover
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reminder to not engage the zzzoo faggot, they're just farming for (You)s and attention that they can't get from their own thread
LMAO S rank
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Considering how long they've been shitting up threads, we're talking months unfortunately
Why so quiet SEAnigger zzzo faggot? I said 'post gameplay'
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I am not even playing your game. In fact, no one actually does. I am here to be satiated on your tears and observe the coping as the game slowly agonizes to oblivion.
Based GF2 going the snowbreak route
truly the best game ever released
not even fromsoft can top this
what the fuck? how??
New Federation at 2.0 will save this game
WuWa sisters... our game is not accessible to the blind... it's rover...
I'm glad ZZZ catering to the silent majority of gamer
The blind gamers
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DOOD imagine gettin the game you shill clowned on like this.
You couldn't pay me enough.
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She's so FUN
Agreed, Wuwa would never have it.

I’ll believe it when they add marriages back in.
Just to make sure I'm not a retard.
That's a blindfold right? He's playing entirely blind in the hardest game mode?
Old enough to drink
It's their endgame btw LOL
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yeah he wore it before he started the stage
>He doesn't know about PGR's summer events
can't wait to see you guys getting btfo next year.
Your game sucks dick though and I'm playing them all so I'm objective and have no stakes anywhere.
Sorry for you.
Now that's great sound design.
he did the same for WuWa. In fact, streaming right now telling he`s quiting Wuwa in 1.2 and focusing on ZZZ

he did, but its low levels of Shiyu def. He did the same in WuWa on his stream too. ZZZ is much more difficult than WuWa on higher levels. Meanwhile him gettging raped in ZZZ

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>That's a blindfold right?
No, it's low-bypass turbofan engine.
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When can I pull for this brat to correct her
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its coomer game since beginning though
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Even our cosplayers outdo yours by a tenfold magnitude. You wriggle about and writhe in your own filth like the insignificant vermin you are. Soon you will be forgotten and nothing shall remain but the joke you and your garbage game were.
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the day he stopped posting here will be the day he takes the rope willingly
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That's not zzz kek. Where's your bunny skin btw?
More like NTR game
Did they fire all the retards that killed the game yet?
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ngl doe, all this shill has cool word like, " Soon you will be forgotten and nothing shall remain but the joke you and your garbage game were." that was kinda hard.
Post the wuwa blindfold holo clear.
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I am sorry, but the only one you are fooling is yourself. Pathetic.
he's on his chuuni phase, prease understando
for me i dont give a shit about that tp be honest so long they keep adding high quality models with good tits
yes he was trying to prove a point that gacha game difficulties will always be artificial by level gating https://youtu.be/MXSywyiq-J8?si=nnLO5AEWK1xH3rHq&t=5219
>game has healers

Pussy bitch game lmaooo
really hope going from 80 to 90 is as big of a damage increase as people say it is
>obese skank
I concede that mutts might find her attractive and on the skinny side
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What a day to have eyes. Kinda relieved that my girl sanhua will never see this shit
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Its over....zoo won...with their furry fantasies....
Me too bro.
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we only have one estus flask bro and she is tired already
Dont make the wrong investment by playing wuwa.
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WHAT THE FUCK? so you're not a shill for zzz, just hoyo in general???
I can't wrap my head around someone shilling for a corporation for free. what kind of mental illness causes someone to do this?
You forgot the hashtag.
I forgot that ZZZ is basically sfw Dohna Dohna, did /haniho/ had a chuckle when it got released?
Black Shores NPC in Mt.Firmament
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Hey wuuu
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bet on the next region theme? are we going to murim?
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Your game is yet another byproduct of the Cognosphere Dynasty. A cheap imitation that is wholly limited by its copied designed without the philosophy to serve its backbone. This shadow is nothing compared to a side project that is infinitely more successful than whatever horrendous shite KuroGames can concoct. You lost. In every way imaginable.
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>They always post that pre-rendered cutscene of that fox-eared girl as their last resort to "gameplay" because they can't post actual gameplay at all....
>They keep saying "UHHHH BUT LATEGAME HOLLOW IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD" but refuse to post any gameplay at all...
Why are you guys even giving this fag your time of day
he says while sucking dick of litterally thief chink corpo not able to do anything but copy paste
this is Coastguard in disguise, trust.

It's going to be New Federation, basically notAmerica. Rinas is too obscure to be next, all we know about it is that Echoes there are smartypants.
Azur Lane is a fucking light show in China.
The only way to get out of censorship in China is to make a R18 game. It's pretty telling how prude the Chinese rating board is when ZZZ is R16 as compared R12 in the rest of the world on the Apple Store.
Black Shores Island.
America or Europe
That New something something country
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Gooks love autism game
oh yeah that one i keep forgetting about her ingame
a homo and a furry... why am I not surprised?
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>2 new women in 1.3
I like her because she summons Lugia from the successful game Pokémon Silver featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry™ Series
please no, my fucking stash aint gonna survive even with bp and monthly
Don't we still have 5 other provinces/regions in not China to explore? Granted Jinshi's province is the one at the frontlines so not much of note may not be happening in the other areas of Huang Long.
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Black Shores is 1.3-1.4.

It's probably going to be Coastguard + Camellya(?)
>2 new women
>want to get zhezhi as well
bros...my wallet. Sisters, complain or some shit so I have more time to save.
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ZZZ designs are litterally made by hentai loli artist

People telling "Hoyoverse would never" are plain retarded
thats so small
solon what the fcuk
this pic hard af ong
I think the one on the right is more zoomed out, so it might e bigger
>Black Shores is 1.3-1.4.
Oh right, I'm retarded, I didn't read the whole thing.
2.0 will most likely be New Federation.
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>hentai artist
>censored all his designs
What’s your point again?
we're probably just gonna revisit them every now and then (2.3, 3.4 or whatever)

The previous leaks about Mt. Firmament showed it being smaller than that, and its actually fucking huge.
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What does this trash have going for it other than pandering to incels? Nothing. Nothing as you are yourselves. You can complain and shit up our thread all you want, fact is nobody cares but you. You crawl back in defeat to this thread of yours and proclaim your victory after having been BTFO epically. You're a joke /wuwa/.
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My next pulls are Cummelya and Phrolove, hope the romance&dating update is up by then
One of your goons escaped to /bag/, please bring him back.
i hope its bigger than firmament desu
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You can keep your lolige.
How much do they get paid bros? I need employment too...
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>1 gameplay webm is enough for him to sperg out
>feminazi terminology
didn't read
Probably a falseflag. We're right here at home fighting zzzoo faggots BAg anon.
>0 lore discussions

Pathetic world building. 0 fucking identity. NTE/AP will mog this game if you don't fix this. Definition of replaceable game.
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What the fuck is kara cancel edging
How good is Changli's sig?
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No one care about her anymore…
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still better than any others
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Iyo is retarded, don't listen to that dumbfuck.

Autistim calcs only showed a 9.7% difference compared to Emerald of Genesis.
He already invested too much that he has no choice but to choke on hoyo's dick 24/7
Not a big boost if you already have the standard 5*
That 9.7 is against r5 EoG tho right?
You basically only edge your jinhsi while allowing your changli to finish
idk bro but genesis' 12% ER is pretty good and more ult = better for changli. someone correct me if im wrong though
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r1 EoG, difference between r5 EoG and Changli SIg is 6% or so.
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except you dont even have the best hags
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9-10% more than standard 5* sword
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Both good.
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I don't get anons here. If a new weapon doesn't powercreep old weapon is it considered a BUST or is it considered good that new releases aren't powercreeping older ones? Sometimes you get mixed results here in the discussions...
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Your game is so meaningless and forgettable, your company has to buy views to appear as if anyone cares but it's easy to see that nobody in truth does considering all other videos don't even break 100k.
ZZZ on the other hand needn't buy views and is honest about things. Which is still 1000x better than whatever WuWa is trying to be.
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There are more people lusting for the litteral Rat on the internet atm, than there is fags finding AI generated WuWa designs attractive
It would probably change if the retarded autists who calculates shit actually learns how to play the game. Prydwen and their gameplay already told me that, fuckers doesn't even know how to play Encore properly.
Mogged by one of our NPCs.
Nice try tho.
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I play Wuwa and ZZZ.
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>Be me
>Literal wuxia God
>Come down from the heavenly realm to the lower species realm
>Save a cunny and look like a hero in her eyes
>Ascend back to the heavenly realm
>Come down again at a future point
>The cunny I groomed has maintained her virginity and has bloomed into a wonderful hag
No wonder chinks liked the story quest.
2 limited copies from the coral shop cost 90 pulls
what were they thinking when they came up with the coral system?
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It is because the teased romance with changli in game but with jinhsi only in comics. If jinhsi had similar scene with rover the thread would be a fucking waifuwar battlefield
lol, zzz is now stealing our NPC designs wtf.
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>needn't buy
We need more bugs. I'm missing 30 pulls for my Changli weapon pity.
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All thanks to our old apprentice.
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She looks extremely mean in some shots...
>Prydwen and their gameplay already told me that, fuckers doesn't even know how to play Encore properly.
Do they really-


Holy shit, yeah lmao they suck at the game.
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Sorry Jinhsi
Me too, but I like getting verbally abused so I'm permanently erect.
are there more (you) quest in 1.2? wherte are the leeks
Jue could never
ZZZ is superior and winning because KusoGames decided to cheap out on music and designs. Even the story is completely forgettable and skippable. It's so terrible in fact they made everything skippable retroactively. Getting anywhere in WuWa requires money being spent, it's entirely P2W unlike ZZZ where they throw rolls upon rolls at you and they still break bank unlike your shitty game.
me on the left
We don't know but a bunch of girls are getting a companion quest like Baizhi and the other 4* iirc.
I watch bili2 gods. At least they know wtf they're on about.
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RNG event soon bros.

I hope they fucked up more, I want more freeshits
>sucking in a live service gacha game

Congrats you lost potential revenue for future content and patch cycles are slower.
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Smol observation:
1. Jinhsi is smol
2. Changli is the same height
3. Changli's heels are higher
Changli is cute big booba gremlin
say thanks you to Master Lover in Weibo and NGA they're the reason why Kurogame kneeling to WaifuGAWD
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We can only wait
>2-3 more days
im already dying with my resources
Hold on let me hop in my time machine. Anyone wants something?
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>No echo exp
When is Fuluoluo banner?
Finally, a casino in my casino game
anyone know how this will go? Do we gamba with real astrite?
Hope Baizhi's quest is pure sex.
Are you guys excited for Natlan?
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Because her ideal and backstory tie in more with (you). She has been waiting since she was a little girl for (you) to finally show up so she can help you create the world she dreams of.
>Use one [Lollo Stamp] to receive a random "Lollo Helper" reward from the roulette
Yeah, travel to the time when they have humanlike robots and bring me changli robowife
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No dummy you use tickets from dailies
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peak wuxia cinema
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Same, doesn't stop me from clowning on uppity zooniggers thoughbeit. It actually makes it funnier and easier.
Yeah but how do we acquire Lollo stamps? With astrite? Or is this like a Nikke event where we do random shit and get tickets for it?
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Need a few more days for Echo XP lil gweilo.
Moonlit or double Fire for a Changli - Anko teamcomp?
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Take note, Wukeks.
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Why would you use Moonlit on Changli....
made for the KNOT
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Wait wasnt today the NTR shitposting day, i thought ZZZ shitposting was on weekends only
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>nobody paying attention to the zzzoo faggot anymore after wuwabros had their fun dissing their game
>he's still trying so hard to bait (You)s
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>Don't worry. By completing all 7 commission tasks, you'll earn enough Lollo stamps to claim all rewards from all 3 rounds!
>Have zero (you) pandering
No thanks.
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>Hes talking to himself again
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Why is it concave?
Her buttcrack is literally SINKING into her pelvis WTF DOOOD
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This is what an actual game looks like where skill matters.

All WuSHIT boils down to is the size of your wallet and Echopicking luck.
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Not to mention she spent a lot of that time learning and preparing herself to be of better help to you.
>I found you and brought you out of that Sonoro Sphere. This is proof I am qualified to stand by your side and assist in achieving our shared goal. It takes great courage and wisdom to willingly enter into a situation full of unknowns, and I trust that you will achieve your desired outcome. My knowledge and power are at your disposal, always ready to help you in any way needed.
this is just borderline bot now lmao
absolutely mindbroken, keep lusting after basic bitch birds incel
It's not a real lottery, it's one of those things where you empty the whole box by the end anyway, the lottery part is just to keep the good rewards at the end so you log in every day.
>5 seconds of "you won" screen
This pisses me off more than it should...
>where skill matters
There's a typhoon on the East currently, so most of them probably got no school or work.
he does it for free too...

>Wanderer x Fischl is canon now

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I finally learned how to pronounce Changli.
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why cant she be real bros
reality hurts
goddamn I fucking love being a cuck
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Just who is the actual market for this cucked shipping game. LMAO
CN GOD said fire set is better, but you need swap cancel for maximum dmg
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>Changli banner
>Jue posting stop
It’s fucking rover
Changli killed all Jinhsikeks
you're already meant to swap cancel 24/7 with encore, so what's double the work?
>going double fire set
how to swap cancel?
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No but I'll blow some loads to Kinich
Crooked legs like all ZZZ femoids, landwhale ass built to be inclusive towards the throngs of morbidly obese ameritards
WuWa brothers and sisters, we can't stop winning
So business as usual? Why would you NOT swap cancel?
Post the other ships. I just know there's plenty of them.
weqing bro >>>>> jue
I really don't know if I should S2 Changli....
then again, if they don't ever revamp the echo system, I'm dropping the game so...
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Sorry Jinhsi.
The canon wife has arrived.
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It does. The real question is how does anyone top this. Camellya is the only one who has a shot.
Well...I can tell you right now that Traveler/Nilou is sunk.
>they don't ever revamp the echo system
I can 200% assure you they're not doing that.
Might as well quit now NO i don't want your tear jerking airplane post or a reply just leave.
>this faggot gets buffed
>Mualani gets nerfed into the ground

How popular is this game with the gooks? Played with it yesterday with Project Moon music in the background and its surprisingly fitting
Phrolove mindbreak&youdidfixher arc will be kino
I mean the farming issue and xp materials. Not the entire system.
fuck off no one cares about your game here
>CD cost 4 + emerald
lol, you expect me to echopick everyday for ideal crit rate pokemon
Tsubaki will top this because Nigga Shores were probably created by an apprentice of Rover or Rover himself in his past life. They'll find a way... There's a reason she's OBSESSED with Rover's seed
swap cancel is basically just removing the need to watch the long ass animations, here's a few easy examples;
Encore Forte then Switch to Another character
Encore Skill then switch to another character
Dreamless Echo Skill then switch to another character

You're switching to another character while still making the animation keep playing, this only works on certain characters and skills so try it out on your own and no one would really make a whole video on who can do it or nah.
probably my favorite by far lmao
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Mongoloid teens must feel validated for pushing buttons on sound cues, please understand
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They keep pandering to gooks
We spent too right bwos :(((
They might but it will take time.
In the meantime I'm sure we'll get an item to help us choose the main or sub stat.
We have those in PGR and I'm sure it will be implemented in Wuwa.
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Camelya rapes us and forces us into another slumber. By the time we wake up again, our daughter is ready for oyakodon
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Since the nigger birb blew my entire stash since 1.0 I'm saving for Tsubaki next. Did we know the 2nd banner of 1.2 yet?
I have a feeling I might lose the 50/50 and will need another 140 rolls.
>her excellency that was mentioned by the Fractsidus
Probably someone who followed you a while ago, or learned from someone that did that is fucked up.
>Black Shores
The Opposite of the Fractsidus one.
Jue didn't respond, he knows he's a hack.
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I present to YOU the third camerawork..........
GENKEKbros!!!!!!!!!!!!! we wwon
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Yeah she's the best.
They just moved HQ to Korea the chances of them being more generous with XP and materials dropped to 0.
Personally: I couldn't care less.
As for you: Cut your losses already.
Uhhh dilucsis? Why is this bitch stealing our sworn brother?
changli sucks tho, she does 0 dmg
Kaeya and Jean!? What happened to Diluc?
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Depends on what exactly do you mean, if you mean in terms of design its pretty easy to sexcreep Changli, they just have to release a Bianca or Hanying expy. If you mean in terms of plot then its a bit harder but it can also be done with some PGR stuff.
Too bad she is mid as fuck and will be an outdated/bad character after one or two patches
I've been playing for 6 hours now. Game is very fun
Story was boring trash until Act IV now Im paying attention at least
why is her voice retarded
Can confirm, spent 10 minutes whaling on a trash mob fusion prism and she does 0 damage.
Wish i was joking man like WTF Kuro.
basically ignoring the intro outro stuff right?
think I kinda get it now
Our daughter in PGR is so cute
No new Fololova stickers?
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I will grind the fuck out of the map to provide her with best echos possible then. It is my duty as her husband.
>They just moved HQ to Korea the chances of them being more generous with XP and materials dropped to 0.

But Nikke and Limbus are okay
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Pagpags must fill their houses with buckets because it rains through those sheet metal roofs they use, and they also must scramble to preserve the scavenged rotted food leftovers to cook more pagpag and sell it to buy welkins.
Current shitposters are most likely Indonesian seeing as how Indonesia seems unscathed (which is sad).
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hello wuwasisters, how are you today?
constantly laughing at the zzziggers trying to derail the thread
Explain this meme to someone that has never played Genshin
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kinda but not really

here's a video that shows it;
Encore uses her skill, you switch to Sanhua to ULT and Forte, you switch back to Encore to use her additional skill.
It's raining hard here and the floors are getting really cold:(
and I had diarrhea from sardines I ate this morning
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Your tears gladden me, pedophilic raghead. Enjoy your bricked brownie potato.
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This is such a bad deal...
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Since I just come back to PGR, I'm grinding the rouge-like game mode in PGR to have enough roll for Alpha CW before the anni banner go away

Other than that, life is good
None of genshin chars are for (you). This screenshot demonstrates that newly added female character is also not for (you)
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Based, don't forget to do the special dispatch missions to get Alisa's free coating and weapon anon it's worth it.
Take a look at /zzz/ I think it's the same schizo who tried to derail and bait both threads.
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>indofaggots do all of this
mudslimes must die
For 25% of sumeru. Then we got desert part and fuck me that one was so dull and boring.
why am i seeing a faggot using the word "incel" up in the board here? did a mihomo tranny got in?
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real talk, playing Changli is so fucking satisfying. Being able to launch enemies in the air and keep juggling them to death before hitting skill to get true sight and then super fast dash to the next enemy. I can't wait to hit Union 60 and get Lv90
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Is Changli good bros?
she's fun, she deals double the dmg of encore, and most of all, she's hot
indogs shitposting hours
what'd you expect
get that disgusting twink out of my face
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not looking good, it start going down but i believe tomorrow big non gacha content creator will start doing whaling stream.
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Why did they have to make the timegate for max character level so insane in Wuwa? I started a bit late but I still started before ZZZ, yet in ZZZ I'll be able to get my characters to max next week. Meanwhile I'm UL48 in Wuwa.
nothing screams sad incel more than acting as if every female character in the game should only pay attention to you
so is changli decent enough for 2nd team for floor 4s? I need 1st team for the hard tower. Spent every roll I could scrounge up for her. 1.2 looks dead. I have anko but no 5* catalysts and echoes suck.
If anything, it's a great deal. You fags are too focused on the weapons being garbage. I can just use the play store cupons to make it $5 instead. And for that money I get 9 rolls (5 golden balls + 640 astrite and I get to have 40 left over for later) plates and a bunch of upgrade materials. The weapons do suck, but who cares about them? In a pinch, you can just use them on a useless shitter like chixia or yangyang who are only to be filler in a lower level of Memory of Chaos.
>inb4 "retard doesn't use that cupon for a free lunite sub"
I did both, as a whale in other games, I have a pretty stocked up fund of those play store points for cuposn, I'm not running out anytime soon.
We don't care about what roasties have to say.
Go back to /gig/.
just ignore and wave anon
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Sex with girls! Girl sex!
My cute bird wife in heat Changli!
says the pronouns on bio tranny
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The desert overworld was ass, but the temples and underground were kino. The oasis had ups and downs but wasn't terrible like some of Fontaine's areas, or should I say most of Fontaine's areas.
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>We don't care about what roasties have to say.
Why do you care so much about sharing your opinion with us? Better yet, why do you screech "incel" when you spend the better part of your day begging for male attention?
Is Changli’s C1 a noticeable difference?
ummmm how do i commit currency fraud like you guys
use a vpn and go to the wuwa transaction website, you get a discount if you set it to any country besides burgerland
If they added the layered map earlier, I would've enjoyed it more
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cucked beyond redemption... tabibito bros...
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>Its an ATK/ATK episode
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This but unironically.
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Don't be ashamed, xister. It's ok if you popped a stiffy.
wtf thx bwi
What went wrong? How did we lose so hard?
This sequence is pure sex.
the dmg is whatever, it's the interrupt resistance that makes it worth it
woowaa bros. Who's the best standard to lose pity to? Verina ane Jianxin?
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i'd pop off more of this than that twink ass piece of shit faggot

now shut up before i hit you with a hanger
Meanwhile china is praising 1.1 and changli's story quest.
They even call Rover the emperor of Sol-3 to spit on genshin's mc lmao.
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>what went wrong
You shilled for Hoyoverse, and your mother didn't abort you to save you the humiliation
>How did we lose so hard
You shill a company that has turned you into a mindless drone. Especially when they put out a game riddled with literal furry fetish shit.
verina bar none
Verina remains the best.
I don't know you tell me zoofag
uh oh kuro melty
Verina. monk only shows her true power at 6
Not having to dodge could be the difference between a 3 doritos clear or 2. Sure, you could just play better, or get better gear, but what if you don't have to?
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>just noticed /wuwa/ frens list

No lie, I've managed to dodge zzz shit from now till release, but today I finally have to ask. What the fuck is inter-knot lv?
Verina since she's a better unit.
But Jianxin's S2/5/6 are very good.
No one will be your friend anyways.
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either or, verina is BiS healer right now but you can flex monk wife to do damage as well... but she requires more thought when using. monk wife tits tho
Verina > Anko > Jianxin

The dudes are garbage bricks.
Tell me you're an ADHD-riddled idiot without telling me you're an ADHD-riddled idiot. Guess you enjoyed WuWa's underground though since it came with a layered map on release.
You mean the rentry? Think it's been there since week 2 robinbro
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Anyways add me onto the list

Account level, like in this game it is Union Level.
What about at S6? Monk hag or plant loli?
>t. Small whale that has both loli and Hag at s4 from pity losses, can s6 one of them.
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>The dudes are garbage bricks.
can confirm
It's a word play with the word Internet and Knot in canine reproduction (you can search it up I'm not gonna describe it for you).

It's basically their version of User Level.
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I hate that i know the implication of this pic
It's just a different name for internet. Your main character works on the internet, and since the plot is that you're a freelancer doing internet crime who got their fiverr account hacked, you start from zero again, so the Interknot shit is just your account level as you progress through the game.
if you want some challenge go jianxin
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Roll for her or she will draw you having gay sex!
Wait am I supposed to use fusion dmg + atk echoes with her sig? Is fusion + fusion worse?
You're lying if you think not having a map for an entire area is good design
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add me to the list too
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S6 Jianxin gets super good because you reduce her time where she practices her face-sitting squats. You get shield up immediately.
Verina S6 is more damage and more coordinated damage, but yeah you'll have more than enough healing with verina as is.
Personally Id go monk. But that may or may not be a bias opinion. The 'safer' pick would be verina.
You're only supposed to do ATK + Fusion DMG if you have sig because it automatically gives you Elemental DMG bonus %. If you do it without sig its a dps loss.
Redditcoded character
Plant loli remains the victor, but this game is easy, you really don't need either one at S6, so if you want to go S6 the retard monk and play with her then go for it bro.
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Bring it on.
International unit of measurement for how deep Lycaon's cock is up your ass.
Pretty sure the rentry has been abandoned by now. It's a good time for someone to make one of those self-suficient google forms since so many people have jumped ship by now.That way people can add themselves without having to rely on people who don't play the game anymore, I can't do it though, I need to sleep, NAfag pulled an all nighter for no good reason
It's only 1-2% difference, just use the one with better substats
I played calciumdo yesterday out of boredom, his attacks are fast yet the same time it feels like walking through mud... even verina feels more fast to play
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If you own greenman this banner is a no brainer
yeah plus people can add their emote zip file links there too... the rentry needs a facelift desu
No, I'm not. I like exploring and remembering locations without a tard-crutch. Probably has something to do with not being an ADHD-riddled idiot.
the fate of first launch extra ssr character
just bench him until some kind of rework mechanics in the future
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Why don't you play kingdom come then if you hate map so much
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I'm not well versed in the Echo-autism.
This is an instant +25 right?
Only if you get a Crit.Rate substat
I wouldn't be so sure buddy, I'd do +20 at most, but 25 is a lot of exp, unless you get crit rate of course
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You saved, right bros?
>all the atk% 3 cost echoes I dumped
Grandpa go back to play your 80s RPGs like Wizardry 1 or Ultima
Not really, I would go to 15 before continuing further just to see if I'm getting flat atk'd Still, dat high crit damage roll is good. Level it to 20 at most and leave it there.
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>Jue's rival
Don't tell me some old master is going to shill Zhezhi to us next. Haha...
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Why is changli so shit at dmg, everyone hyped her to be the best dps in the game but she literally does 0 dmg
Yep I'm saving for all of 1.2
Blandest Gacha girl I have ever seen. What the fuck is wrong with Kuro 80wms
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Ever wonder how the master-apprentice oyakodon will go? Who sits on your face first? On your dick?
Rover has had good friends in his past life.
No, but you should roll to 15 now, if it gets 3/4 of crit rate, crit multi, flat ATK, %atk there, you can 25 it
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Good morning bros. Very nice thread with mihomo stans raiding all night.
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I could do that on wuwa too
My characters are just that good
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I was tempted by loli Changli, but I will put the rest of what I have for the cute megane....
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Alright bros went with S6 hag.
Instant max shield with small heal is amazing. Thank you all.
Jinzhou militia has been defending our home for around 24 hours now. Glad to be fighting in the trenches with these niggas...
Are the Mihomo stans in the room with you right now anon?
nigga got too cocky, better luck next time
It will be the old scroll master / librarian from the sect Rover founded last time he descended from the heavens to the world of cultivators. The entire game is going to be Rover meeting previous disciples from his sect who all offer him women to earn his favour so they may learn his immortality technique.
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my lovely bird wife
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I killed them all for now so no. But knowing the roaches they'll probably be back at a certain hour later tonight.
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dew it
Cute slampig
Wish she would cosplay our fat Resonators
Thin women with big implants >>>>>>>>>>>> fat landwhales with natural
Good morning bros
Based. But unhealthy. I Just don't believe that any general would care enough at all to even consider a raid. If anything it's just mentally ill discord cliques doing it to get hard or something
mornin, hope you slept well
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Good morning Fluffavalon.
If she's only subdps and not support, I guess I skip. I have Sanka already
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Good morning bro
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When do we get a limited 5* parry-based dmg character
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your Jiyan?
xinyi wingchun gauntlet at 1.3
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Oh no no no female players are NOT happy about Changli's quest...
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I wish...
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you mean trannies and she-male?

imagine playing Tears of Themis and you complain that its not catering to male players
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>ZZZ and Genshin
>>Knots and Cameras
Sorry but Solon is not Dawei.
>lost to x
>lost to y
all metrics taken from mobile which isn't our main platform, so irrelevant
Good morning phrololobro
This is why we are hemorrhaging women to Genshin
Are /hrsg/ and /wuwa/ allies? I like how you always shit on their thread all the time and all they can say is "UHHH PAGFLY?!?". Feels like righteous vindication for /hrsg/ being persecuted a year ago
>has to build stacks to do a big move that you can swap cancel (you have to do this or you're trolling)
>underwhelming damage
Is Changli just female Calchudo?
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my condolences anon
may the rngods shine upon your next echo
everyone in /vg/ shat in /hsrg/ a few days ago when it got announced that they're collabing with Fate UBW
am i retarded or is the aiming mode on pc the worst thing since hags
its like using a on screen joystick with a big ass deadzone
if i move my mouse a little bit to adjust the reticle does not move at all
i HAVE to make big movements to have the game recognize anything but that fucks with my aim
What did you expect? Very small % of GOOD women can compete with changli, it's is absolutely logical that feminazi will be assblasted about this. They can't comprehend love
go setting bwo
max them out
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Calchudo Changli quickswap quickdraw kino team I'm swiping as we speak
>500 more attack than my Changli
>100% more crit damage
I hate echo farming.
sorry bro we hate mihomo faggot here

we are allies with non mihomo game only
>Changli is so shit she's compared to Calchudo
imagine having that fucking brick on your account
even worse theres people who rolled her shitty weapon
I beat all the content on genshin, star rail, and zzz. I am going to reinstall Wuwa now. So much FREE content!
I didnt know about that. Why is that so bad?
I literally aim with mouse while holding LT on my goypad and it's fine. Maybe sensitivity is a bit small but I just do bigger mouse movement
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Remember to save your "good enough" echoes for the inevitable Substat Reroll.
It's not echo farming that's the issue, it's you being a lucklet loser.
>wuwa logic
>other games are present on mobile, PC and PS5
>wuwa only on PC
how did you not fail the math test in your elementary school?

The fact your game runs as crap on mobile and isnt on console, doesnt mean more players play it on PC than other games. Fucking Blue Archive people play on PC mostly even despite only running on emulator.

your total playerbase of 1000 pc players vs 10 millions Genshin PC players
Why compare yourself to an ideal anime girl? I don't see men comparing themselves to Jiyan lol
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>stat casino
>just get lucky bwo
What happens if I only do the main story/exploration only?
I played all of the Might and Magic games, fool.
Those too, but I'm not a grandpa, just a retro enjoyer (one who isn't riddled with ADHD, it begs repeating). Perhaps you should stop drinking so much soda, it literally rots amerishart brains. Or perhaps you're an Indonesian raghead so you're inherently subhuman due to centuries of inbreeding.
Women are mentally ill.
I decided to go back to Genshin after having not played it since Inazuma and I'm having a lot more fun with it than I thought I would, but I decided to check out Imaginarium Theatre (their roguelike mode) and it was awful dogshit. I saw people saying WuWa's roguelike mode was better so now, for the first time, I'm kinda curious about this game. I was feeling turned off by all the chinawank before.

Is the roguelike mode fun in this game? I really like divergent universe in HSR but it has problems.
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forgot your ZZZ image/webm
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for any non SEA bros thats just opened the thread
just ignore that one raging indog hoyo cock slurper that has been shitposting for all day
thank you
I will go for a second 5* sword
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We told you to stop at most 20 anon why did you do it?
That's actually great news.
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Any way to force the game into 1080p fullscreen on a 4K monitor?

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