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Previous thread: >>487196234


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
Marduk reveal > heihachi reveal
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So much this.
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Why is Lee so photogenic?
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My Husband
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sometimes when I look at Lee's usual work day, I get impression we are actually a company for testing fire extinguishers
Lidia has been surprisingly easier for me to play then Eddy. I think it's cause she shares a lot of inputs with my two mains and I basically play her like them(Reina/Dragunov). I jab with df2 like drag and I use ff2 into stances as punishment like reina. It's been surprisingly fun I might switch
Where do you put your hitbox on? Laps or table?
My girlfriend (Reina) sits in my lap, I rest it on her lap while I play.
in the trash where it belongs
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OP picture couldn't be more wrong. Everybody trying Lidia say she is mid at best and Reina does everything better.

That make me angry since I wanted to drop Reina for her.
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a visionary, truly a revolution
Would you say reina is a sexy character?
Maybe when she grows up a little, right now she is more like that cute kid whose cheeks you want to pinch when they are being silly.
Cheeks on the face, to be more precise.
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why is this game customization so ass?
so that you buy more kekken coins
but the fundies are still SHIT. i just want to make some anime characters but nooooooo, you're limited in what you can combine, fucking basic outfits like an aikido set is missing. my god this is trash even if I am a paypig which i will for alisa's t6 hair.
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Do you want to know her combos?
Chikurin has already done the work for us.

ok but
>first combo
>58 damage
just means she's honest bro
More reina nerfs incoming bros
weren't dlc characters supposed to be extra broken?
yeah but that's for maruk and fakhyourmum
he got 70 dmg combos there and didn't even do wall combos
nah that nobi nov run was cracked frfr
better nerf lili
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>day one Reina combo were 75 damages without heat or wall
Its over...
Fix devil jin nigga
When will leo stop getting shafted when it comes to customisation packs...
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>friends coming over
>try to set up my old ass projector (has a VGA port) to my PC so that we have a bigger screen for tekken and watching whatever
>the screen keeps flickering whenever I switch to projector screen
For fuck's sake
>Buy Octa
>Steam overlay bugs out and now the game backdashes for me
>gf coming over
>don't care about kiddie shit like videogames
which grand finals?
>he doesn't play tekken with his gf
try lowering the resolution
>gf coming over
>the lili combo sheet above the computer
the fuck do her stacks even do before you get 3
more damage for some moves, heals her in some moves
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You should share your interests with your partner or it might become an issue between you two later
Sorry. Leo is too busy getting shafted by me to be trying on pretty dresses and such
I don't like video games
that didn't help, i think it's a problem of the wires.
Legends say that if you never plugged in your life you unlock the Cyrax dlc
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How did Tekken 8 got bikini allowed even for minors like Lily and Reina while gakuen burq@master has no bikinis and even one pieced swimsuits, having only rashguards? I thought Jap gacha never gets censored for being irrelevant while Kishida has banned bikinis from Japanese console game since 2023 so only Japanese gacha can have bikini? For Korea bans bikini from gacha too... such as BA having no bikini in 2023-24 and maplestory having no bikini since Adventurer renewal(was Hero(adventurer 2H sword warrior) main).
Is Lidia's only launcher delayed jump kick?
after evo
fuck is this word vomit you saying bro
what is blud sayan
clip dat
No. But pure fury and despair that goddess Miku let Japan got bikinis banned from anime and console games...
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Yeah. Reina can wear a bikini spite being minor, piercing thru Kishida and SBI's censorship. While Gakuenmas from same company cannot have bikinis due to SBI consulting with this HQ gacha.
Amazing influx of players
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whats the word gentleman this bitch worth buying?
she is low tier so make of that what you will
imagine going on a beach date with reina then getting to have sex with her in this outfit at the end of the date...
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i DEMAND more coomer Lili content
I've yet to see Asuka honkies in that bikini
Plug Lidia on the loading screen.
post that tmm video about low tier drag
>release one of the middest DLC characters after the war crime thats eddy
whats the long term gameplan here?
I'm with lil 'rada on this one
Calm before the storm called Heihachi.
Would you rather she was OP?
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They want to gather some godwill by showing DLCs are not pay2win before releasing op Heihachi
My girlfriend (Leo) sits in my lap, I rest it on her lap while I play.
I don't have to imagine
Yeah, especially in the super ghost unlock costume
We already discussed this in previous threads gachabikiniskitzo
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ff3; 3,1; uf4
>n*il polish
Not my Reina
I just checked them out shes got some bazookas
Final DLC character is probably Devil Reina
final dlc is a guest cause tekken must copy all the other fighting games
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This is the final dlc char
This looks worse than the fan made bikini mods already available to be honest
Final DLC character is probably Xiao Meng
No, it's Kazumi
Better than Gakuen Idolmaster's burka swimsuit. Spite both are from same company tho.
he also posted this when Lidia was a top 1 character in the game so...
blud looking like Mario
The fuck is swe
Does anyone even care about Reina anymore?
Tmm knows literally nothing about any non Kazuya character
>middest DLC characters
give it a week and she's SS-tier in every list with most GoD ranks online alongside Eddy
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Swe stands for Sweden.
It was northern european country until it was ravaged for "refugges" and african immigration.
I do. She's cool and fun plus I goon to her r34
I'm at the point where im drinking beer at work to calm down from losing at tekken
>dj reina
this fucking sucks
this fucking sucks
this fucking sucks
this fucking sucks
this fucking sucks
this game is shit character roster sucks donkey balls and they literally can't create something new
Every single one of those lineups is good if you remove Reddy and add Alex
Dr.Bosconovitch when
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It's going to be Angel Jin
Lidlia bros..
how our character went from best design in 15 years to trash in span of 1 game?
you have a serious condition called "directional brain" seek help.
Remedy: touch grass outside
but it’s direction is northern europe he’s right
keep seething ytboi somalia will take iver the world and pregnant your woman
I think they're afraid of another Leroy or Fahk situation.
>already forgot about 'nov
kek based white reaper back hiding in the shadows until EWC
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gotchu senpai
I'm not a paypig so I will announce Lidia's tier placing after labbing her on Thursday. I'm never wrong.
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No need to lab it was clesr from the IGN video she was mid
did they fix the matchmaking with the new update?
This bamboozles the tekcuck
Instead putting bikinis in pass Bamco decided why we can't just selling this separate - players anyway will buy both bikini and pass so why we should care about it?
Even you buy only pass and get coins from it - you will lost 400 coins for purchasing bikinis that could be in pass.
So greedy company....
wow a hadouken super
My interest in reading poorfag posts is.. COMPRETERY DEAD
how did we allow arabs to take over this game? what the fuck asia bros
damn arabs live in a 7th continent?
TMM stream already offline? He must've completely figure out the character and already put her in a tier list
they unironically keep playing this garbage lmao
>Gigass's 50/50s!!! But with a twist! An Armored mid! Keep the opponent guessing!
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and more
How do I train counter hit combos?
Halal lifestyle is conducive to exceling at tekken.
>no alcohol
>hanging out with your bros (women do not disturb)
>slave labor so you can lab all day
>and most importantly, celibacy
ki charge
what do you mean lil bro
>ghost vs ghost
Finally tekken autobattler
Practice settings -> player counter -> counter hit
I kneel SFgawds. I can't do double qc at all.
richie is just fighting the same 5 guys for 1 hour
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>EU hours on tekken
BRAVO Murray, now no more updates until October, just bravo
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what color scheme? Orange bros?
What is Lidia's tax policy
stop posting gore
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lidia saved tekken
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>job to Devil Kazuya
>pretend to be dead for a year
>only come out when Jin has killed both devils
What a BITCH
I saved something for Lidis
*unizps shorts*
If anyone is crashing. They updated the Engine.ini file with this update, so if you’re done graphical improvements in it and then made the file read-only, the game won’t be able to update the file on launch and crush.
If that happened, just delete the Engine.ini, launch the game(this will make the game create a new Engine.ini file) and in that new one add the improvements again
that's not him cause you can see hair behind his head, even if he lowered his hair flaps, he wouldn't have hair in the middle.
this is lidia grandfather which is a tekken monk seeking revenge
this isn't heihachi
He didn't come back on his own accord. Reina had him resurrected. This isn't methodical mastermind Heihachi, it's whacky lazarus heihachi.
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That's not Heihachi. ... yet.
This is obviously heihachi (resurrected)
It's time for Lars to be a proper Mishima and throw him out of the Yggdrasil plane.
the lack of footprints in the sand is triggering me so hard that i'm considering uninstalling
Please do and also leave this general forever
15% vat
i'll never leave my home, now undress, binch
Are you saying Jinpachi isn't a proper Mishima?
lidias everywhere in quickmatch
>lars finally stops jobbing and steps up
never ever
so we go like 2k more players but they are all 150ms laggy faggots on pentium 4s?
We don't know if he had been tossing folks off cliffs before he had a change of heart. Even Kazuya lived almost normal life with Heihachi between the cliff event and going devil, so it's not like they do it annually.
You know, I just realized both Jinpachi and Lars have a rich chinese friend.
Why is everyone cancelling matches as soon as I win!!!
I swear t7 wasn't like this.
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what does fergie think of ridia
We don't know if Lars threw people off cliffs when he was part of the Tekken force either
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having a blast
ayorichie doesnt look he does anything special with her, he is just breaking his opponent flowchart...

Doesnt look good for Lidia...
>forcing 50/50 and exploding your opponent if he guesses wrong
>not doing good in Tekken 8
Nice artifacts, what video did you screenshot this from?
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>tab out of the ayorichie stream
>see this recommended to me
he didn't know yet he is a Mishima, it would lack the proper mindset
So she clearly need week 1 buff
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Lidia is so hard bros.... Wtf she was supposed to be broken.... :(
Hi, I have no idea what I'm doing. What's my game plan as Lidia?
alt+f4 into unistall
Venom Heihachi
mid character
deplete your opponent's health
Same as everyone else, mash.
Venom Reina
See? Lidia is mid so fix devil jin nigga
Buff King Pendejo
Punished Hachi
Murray literally put mixups on top of mixups and tealie tards still don't know what they're doing lmao
Not yet. He is a clone of him they are grooming to be his vessel, which is why he wears the mask. Once the ritual ends, Hei's soul is placed inside the body.
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You might be right but I'm not so sure yet
I need to get stretched and spread by a fellow tekgenner
that's gouken
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i want touch his cock
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>lidia's 10 hit combo
>destroys more than half of the healh
Can you interrupt it?
So no character episodes. Bit of a shame, I was hoping for a funny ending with Heihachi.
No 10 hit combos are OP even the Arslan spammeds 10 hit to win EVO
poland-woman is cringe
Dude it's Chapter 16-19
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Can a Jun nigga just give me the cheat sheet on dealing with this string?
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Yes, I know, I'm looking forward to it. I'm talking about those individual character episodes everyone in basic roster has, the ones with non-canon, sometimes silly, endings.
She wants to start WW4?
normal people talk like this
>desire of peace
Tekken 6/7 are no canon Akuma descanonize them
He's killed millions of innocents
hahahahahaha there is no answer to jun strings
you just react to the low its pretty slow
or try fuzzy guarding it
She's not a normal person THOUGH
Tekken 4 was the last canon game everything after it's a Ganryu lucid dream
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why jin and kazuya va is so kino
i'm gonna finish the battle pass in a week at this rate
DLC chars get them too later.
I hoped there'd be easy way out but i guess i just have to react
it feels fucked up that there is a mid-high mixup immideately followed by a low-mid mixup
Is the soundtrack from Heihachis trailer new? I can't find it anywhere
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Yes it's new
its kazumi
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>Jun drew Claudio
Oh no no no! Don't let Kazuya see this!
Literally a Jun move
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winter update better bring back pic related
the winter update is twt tournament and they doing sexual "tourism" in shibuya this time
im buying that
i will be sexual
blud is buying a Tekken 7 art that everyone got for free oh my Nigel check this
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this image has a very powerful aura
Now I can make my clown outfit
mainman rating Jun so high just because he refuses to learn a very simple matchup is so funny
Hell yeah I'm going to TWT
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Zoomer here, is this game easy to get into? It's hella active and I wanna play the hot Karate girl
that's a man
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Sign me up, chief.
It's called Masheen 8 for a reason
just mash buttons nigga and ur fine
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>xiao being that high
this is a running joke by this point right? like he just refuses to lab her for 20 years because it's funny right?
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really? what's the thinking man's 3d fighter then?
Yes and no.
Easy to pick, mash, learn a bunch to easy combos and having fun.
Hard to master.
sure all they do is keep making the game more casual. Tekken 9 will just be a movie
just mash buttons and win
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>hella active
>hot karate girl
if you get climb up you'll fight the same 10 guys and it's a man. And no it isn't easy
Virtua Fighter
Bloody Roar
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bro thought he could do the same
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it's a march tierlist dumbasses
I told you we had a raccoon expert in the general.
Here he is.
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Ehh i'm sure pic name says march, she is currently in A tier in lists
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Remember that White women will continue to dominate this Earth!
>tekken 5 steve skin is coming back
may allah give me the willpower to resist these vile temptations
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shes so pretty bros
>dash into attack instead of baiting the RA
i WILL buy this tekken 4 fit
nah that combatant was robbed
i haven't had a single xiaoyu rematching me in like a month
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learning curve is extremely brutal. You pick up and learn combo very fast, then once you reach the "intermediate level", you understand there is no middle ground. You go from fighting newbie like you to veteran who will knowledge check your ass to death. Its a game made for boomer who play since Tekken 2.

You can become better but it'll take a long ass time, way longer and harder than other fighting game.
I guess I'll have to buy it since I play Stevie, and it'll be his summer outfit...
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If Kazumi really is DLC4, Reina could actually be connected to her somehow.
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How do you go from looking like this to become a bloated meathead?
i knew nothing about this franchise 7 months ago and im still having a blast to this day
>paid dlc that you are forced to buy
>paid costumes
>insultingly shit customisation in base game
>faggot coins
Its too jewish for me bros. Go on without me
>Story mode will include 3 DLC characters
>The last DLC is conveniently left out
And retards will think it will NOT be a guest
lack of motherly love
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is it too much?
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Stick bros i might think Lidia is best played with a stick.
>3 bar wifi in SF6
>Almost like offline, little to no lag
>4 bar wired in Tekken
>Literally that underwater stage from VF
Bros, did Harada have to play homage to the GOAT that much? Even in netcode?
shutup faggot, it's not a guest, it's bob, cause bob burger, are you stupid to not see this?
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Hello, brank new to tekken, and fightan in general here
What's the best character to play if I wanna get guud and learn the fundamentals of T8?
that's a man >verification not required.
yaeh i dont like it
someone will make a mod with reduced muscle normals and i'll install it instantly
Sex with a girl like this could literally fix me bros
stop falseflagging as a newfag
We don't like new people here
first lidia cosplay
Steve but he's too hard for you
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its perfect, not every woman need to be the perfect doll with a housewife body. Of course, we dont need a man like Marisa.
drag, feng or law
if you want a waifu character then alisa or nina
>paid dlc that you are forced to buy
creamapi that shit
>paid costumes
mod that shit
>insultingly shit customisation in base game
mod that shit
>faggot coins
mod that shit
stop having skill issues
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Jin, literally god tier, infinite skill ceiling because he's a mishima, designed to be easy to be picked up and learned
DLC is really shit so far
>eddie with retarded install
>fucking lydia as DLC AGAIN
>jk I'm not dead for faggots who man to such old man dick
Can they even recover with the last remaining mystery nigga?
oh NOW it doesn't have to be doll hmmmm, so they really are dolls
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Any character you like that most. This game is easiest in the series.
Only shit Character is Panda and Zafina. Reina is good but you need to play her 1,000 to not lose 24/7.

I hope you like Tekken 8!
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She's not even ripped
she's just fit
>easiest in the series
not really, tekken 1 is really easy if you know the broken moves (king's) because there's no counter play
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reina sucks
How are we doing post patch, reinabros?
Did we survive the polish invasion?
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>unirocially watching low effort streamer slop
King or Kazuya is right up your alley
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least gay playerbase
>nigger music
shant be watching that
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where do I fight this ghost at?
I can't find any new CPU ghosts in the super ghost battle thingy
good morning bloody benchod
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>Buy Hori Octa Commander just for Lidia
>Arcade Stick ends up being better for QFC,QFC combos
you didn't look up her movelist?
well yes duh and leverless is better for kbd but the point is you learn to do the moves with the input method you prefer, not the easiest one
macro it brother
Shoulders are a bit too cut for me but the back is fine.
Glad she didn't get the copy paste treatment.
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>Musclemommy Reina released
>Heihachi on the horizon
It's so fucking over reinabros...
guys i got the projector to work
>he hasn't learn jbd yet
ive been using hitbox haute42 for 3 months now, stick are for boomers now.
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Who am I? Someone that's afraid to let go, uh
You decide, if you're ever gonna let me know, yeah
Suicide, if you ever try to let go, uh
I'm sad I know, yeah, I'm sad I know, yeah
I've seen literal proof of this several times now so you may be on to something.
And she has 0 wins in top 8.
yes, too much shit on my monitor
I hate reina and reina players
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look male asuka
I've exclusively played sway characters and lidia's qcf not swaying is jarring to my head
I will put a footprint in your ass, if you keep saying this
did harada say that somewhere?
>Hori Octa
the dpad is just cancer
that's my fetish
Release fahk faggot
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You now realize Raven is 0-2 vs Heihachi
He sucks
Nah her QFC,QFC is literally 2D stuff and Arcade Sticks rule there. You do wanna do the 83 free damage combos as Lidia right?
I use both, but because Tekken 8 no longer has any executions except for Mishimas and maybe Lidia now, you can just use controller.
Doing QFC,QFC in to Guile's Super B,F,F is not fun the D-Pad but it is good for King's HFCs though. I mean the Hori OC is not that bad better than DualShock though.
You should be able to do qcf on a dance mat your peripheral is not the issue
Lidia invites you on pegging date
He's in Arcade Quest
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i don't date with men
I started on Hitbox but changed my mind when I tried a K-lever, for mishimas. That shit just feels too good
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Cool kek
meh copy
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New Helpme?
forced to play on keyboard since my pads are drifting, and each differently to my annoyance, can't adjust for the hell of it. Why must everything but trashy 3rd party cost as much as a new game or two (or four if looking by razer)
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Try the Thorn Shadow my man. Cheap but won't let you down. Buy reserves though
I see so many amazing photo mode pics online, and here I am doing most basic Reina bullying.
devil kazumi animations from Heihachi story mode. calm down tekken bros
finna ruin those cute abs by putting a baby inside Reirei
that's just jin movements when no one sees him and he thinks about hwoarang
I have a New Helpme yes, also a Knee and dongpal lever
Hmmm, is the Knee lever good? I plan to get an IST Alpha N. Dream stick would be a Sanjuks though
is ranked fixed yet
lemme guess, the membranes have either ~three months endurance or the cable is the shittiest copper that breaks in random spots causing it to losing signals
no, there are still people in it
I want to buy a stick but also don't want to and price is retarded
get a job then nigga
Yah, it feels good. Got it cheap from a friend who rage quit tekken. Also capsule tops feels amazing, never getting a bat top again.
easy there, Lee
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I cannot fucking play this shit ass retarded game. I went back to my old main and I got matched with high ranking players. I forgot almost everything about Nina so they fucked my tight blonde ass up.
Switched to quick match and shit is FT2. IN A CASUAL GAME. How am I supposed to learn anything. I'm switching to SF6 until Hei comes back.
Not really, it's floating dpad, people say you begin to have misinputs if you use it everyday for a year or so
I've only ever used ball or bat tops, I don't see the point in this or bullet tops
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What are the chances they'll eventually put discounts on the character outfits instead of the avatar shit?
lol lmao
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found him he's in the online lounge main building
Probably during the first anniversary.
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know what?
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>I don't see the point in this or bullet tops
Neither did I until I tried one
so what's different about them?
A fight is about who's left standing. Nothing else.
A fight is about drip. Nothing else
Why is JinxLili so hot bros?
Why did they ruin her by giving her wavedash and electrics ? She should have been the karate girl
bingchilling is not hot it's cold
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It’s rape that’s hot
They love each other though
I'm switching to gay sex until VF6 comes out
Every patch means recompiling shaders means the online experience shits itself for 2 weeks
The even girth makes it nicer to push
For me, mishimas on P1 feels alot better. Thats just me tho.
interesting, too bad I don't think they're my cup of tea, I also use my stick for shmups

For shojos
Can I refund a DLC?
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>The even girth
I also like to feel Knee in my hand
huehuehuehue shipping the minor
their hairstyles contrast each other nicely here
tekken 8 in 1 picture
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Based Screenshot/Lili GOD, thanks
not going to jail for war crimes but for grooming nice jin
my shaders are fine though
Is there any other nude mod without those big areolas and no pubes?
I dunno how you guys can stand listening to his voice
that's the only thing he has so no
i literally can not feel my energy
where the fuck is geese
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is mainman using a mixbox? i heard key noises
Yeah that is the only thing i have, because other ones were not well made, tits looked too plastic. Not really about areolas.
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yeah her breasts look really good and natural in your pics, pubes are so so imo
still look like shit
>Verification not required.
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If anything I'll also appreciate Lili in cum fuel outfits too not just nude mods
Why don't people assume that 4th character is someone new?
too early
season 3 at the earliest
Story mode expansion comes before winter character makes sense to be a guest
please understand porn addict anatomy knowledge
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This. In general I find that lewd outfit mods look better. But both options are good.
Good sniffs are a staple of fighting games
they never saw women boobs in their entire life boobs don't look like two balls glued to a torso
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Does this work too?
fix boob jiggle nigga
Oooohh.. The blue spark is so easy because you just can have neutral with QFC,QFC,22. I take my words back, this could be way more easier with Keyboards and HitBox.
and ass jiggle/physics too
boob niggle jigga
i saw my mom's boobs plenty of times
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More like picrel (damn)
Well I don't mean it should be new. Might be some new original character. But I don't understand why people refuse this idea.
that's all for today, tomorrow I'll harass Kazuya
cool pics
stop hitting reina you lee cuck
nigga fix devil jin
shut up, Reina, I already said tomorrow is Kazuya's turn
this one is nice
Murray, but 2 of them were right...
lmao people really think marduk will happen in s2 with all the other characters that they can make LMAO
murray's vision
>lmao people really think marduk will happen in Tekken 7 s2 with all the other characters that they can make LMAO
lets be real they saw the reaction to the leaks and changed marduk to heihachi
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karate is reserved for Akira
They ruined her by giving her non Mishima bullshit
That's cool nice for a OP pic
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Why the FUCK aren't people with lewd mods flooding us with screenshots already
>lmao people really think marduk will happen in Tekken 7 s2 with all the other characters that they can make LMAO
It's not time yet
Totally more plausible than them using misdirection with the game files after the entire roster leaked
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I'm waiting for Lidia to launch Tekken 8. Dont have the season pass.
Varies based on GPU
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Bandai-Namco moment.
But there are better characters to lewd. Xiaoyu included.
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basically David Lynch of modern times
To be fair a Marduk trailer at Evo would be lame. Fighting games are all about chances and marketing. Next Evo they're gonna have to top it with Tifa or some other crossover character from SNK or Capcom.
Hey! This one looks cool but not big fan of the arm
That's from Gungrave Gore
who is forcing him to make these tweets? humiliation ritual
Yeah I read the description now, it's a cool mod Ong with the Chun li Jun
This dude is going to cry when he gets taken down by capcom/bamco yet he is leeching money with a pateron.
which tweet Joka trying to act like he isn't carried by Feng or Nakatsu slave story time?
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I'm not trying to go for super lewd stuff. More subtle.
Couple things annoying with photo mode is that the settings aren't saved, so everytime I exit the mode I need to do it all over again, and who wants a damn ugly blur? For what? Let me disable that easily, come on. Also filters aren't very good. No vintage, no sunny, stuff, nothing really interesting.
But the worst is that, to get the pose you want, you need to pause the game at a certain time in the animation of a move. And you can't advance time in the photo mode after pause, which you could with UUU5.
So overall it's less interesting than UUU5, as expected, but still nice to have if you don't want to learn how to use the external program. And good for console players at least, even if you're somewhat limited (no real free cam obviously etc.)
wait a second, why there's sekiro ost in the beggining of trailer
Last char is Baek
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If it works in replays as well then you've got an easy pause option
I finally reached Tenryu for the first time, but I was wearing a stupid ass outfit.
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welcome tealie
baek this dick in your mouth enough with the old fucks getting in my coom game
High Level Kino Hype Epic Tekken Momennnt!
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It reminds me of that JDCR nude Alisa customization he did.. I miss the koreans on twitch...
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Tiger Jackson
jesus Christ I LOVE ELIZA
speaking of him, just port old Eddy gameplay to Tiger Jackson
And Jesus Christ loves YOU.
And he tells you not to love DEMON EVIL WOMEN.
stop using his holy name to talk about a literal demon
Not him but Jesus Christ is a faggot and can eat my dick while I eat Eliza's holes out
Got matched against a fucking Tekken King King(I'm only Tenryu). Shit ended in a double KO.
Then he leaves. Fucking pussy
jesus Christ I LOVE LADYBOYS
you have more to gain than him, do you think people are playing to be your training dummies? don't waste people time with your fraud character lmao
This is now my new avatar
T-that's gay, anon...
There's still time to find truth and love in Christ.
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This is cute
>my dumb tenryu ass keeps getting matches against tekken gods
what the fuck am I looking at?
blender ball
but now with a new texture
With some of the filters I'm not even sure what they actually do, they kind of give the same effect.
But yeah, the worst part is you can't really get to the part of animation you want. Since I can't see photo mode option in replays, it has to be done in actual fight, and it can be really awkward to push combination of buttons and then quickly the button for pause. Missed some potentially really great shots just cause I wasn't fast enough or cause I accidentally pressed start twice in hurry.
Shut up bitch
when is someone making a video with leroy and raven playing tekken ball with the watermelon
you're cannon fodder for everyone else (thanks for your service, please keep playing)
i only fought her twice and both times, it was the same player
roblox ass face
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hmmmm kazuya or jin or devil jin or lidio today hmm...
the laughs i get from watching this faggot cry about xiaoyu, yoshi and jun cleanses my soul
I will let your face like a roblox ass face with my footprint, nigga
please murrymur, add footprints, i can't play like this, it looks like they are floating
What's your Tekken Prowess?
what are the odds that he drops jin for lidia again
Tom Brady is having another mental breakdown about Sub Zero being ass
can i customize lidia as yoruichi
Zero because she's ass
0, he will have a pocket Lidia when he goes into schizo mode doubting that Jin isn't S tier again
jin level 90 btw
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It's fucking insane to me that Jin players constantly downplay Jin in their minds. The fucker has never been outside S tier even in T7.
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Yes but you'll look like temu version, also not brown enough
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why is Jun so ugly
Jay Leno?
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Imagine Kazuya enjoying his vacation with the waifu and getting a call telling him Heihachi is back
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>We have corrected the hit detection for walls on the lowest level,
there previously was a larger Wall Bounce hitbox area than visually
Good Job Murray!
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buzama da na
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>a man eating a woman's holes is gay
Why are YOU so ugly, anon?
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Having Christ sucking a man's penis is not gay, anon?
While submit and lick pussy (not even pound it)?
This is text book cuck fetish and gay sissy brainwashing hypno fetish.
hmm today I will play tekken 8 ranked
I'm so fucking upset that they removed the showerhead so we can no longer easily get wet bodies
stance heavy characters sucks
good thing there are none in Tekken 8
marduk was put on hold the instant they knew what direction they were taking the story. he never made sense with lidia and eddy's story.
my peanus weanus needs to be sucked
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>their POV
Oedipus Kazama
how the fuck i'm getting matched with middle east
You play Tekken, bud.
Also, that's not a nice thing to say to France or England.
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Surprisingly, I didn't find a lot of bikinis online.
does anyone know when its my fucking turn to press vs lidia
you can always press against lidia. it's all fake pressure
The game is dead. Didn't need to spread fake leak about Mard and Fahk which killed the game.
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here's my bikini hope you like it
When will they add Master Raven?
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>2 ravens
wait until tag 3
never, please be excited for our 7th Mishima after heihachi
Correct, a man having sex with a woman isn't gay, by definition. You can make it bi if you add Cuckhrist to the equation but it will never be gay.
luv fightin' fraudulent yoshimitsus and kings in ranked
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ok he's not appearing in t9
I'm scared they're going to give Hei the DJ treatment and ruin him. Modern Bamco can't design a good character to save their life. Everyone just gets gay pachinko stances.
This dlc story will bring back devil Jin and devil Kazuya
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If we're lucky he'll just keep his stances he had and no more will be added
>pressed F12 to make screenshot
I'm so retarded...
Good one btw.
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i lost to polish furry on lidia
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just got out of jail havent played in like 2 months and a wake up and forgot all my sneaky combos. jumping right back in lets go lmao
lemme guess jailed for sexual assault
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nah was in a house when a warrant was served on the owner. got lumped up with everything in the room i was in.
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>fight alisa
>grounded back and forth first few rounds
>suddenly she starts doing shit
>flying around
>her head falls off when I punch it and she kicks me in the nuts
>boosts towards me then suddenly changes direction and ends up behind me
>lose 3-2

can they fucking remove this character please
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i was afk and some guy randomly started matching my ghost
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>4 dollars for bikinis
i guess i missed a lot
battle pass worth it? doesnt seem very honest.
since lidia actually looks good with the subsurface scattering, will they ever update the other girls so they can have navels?
Hey..... :3 u looked so cute....!! x33
she has my vote
They should scrap Marduk and make Fahk King's rival.
does creamapi still work in T8
I got the ultimat edittion season pass and got lidia so yes
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it will always work, they cut down the customization and put behind a coin shop to minimize the damage
sounds like they were going to release the expansion before the autumn character was even out. that was always a weird implication. Do heihachi and the 4th character appear but aren't playable?
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unfortunately the ling simps and lili nation does not support the predatory practices and high prices for these offered goods
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I'm seeing a lot of bikinis photo mode screenshots, the first and last time I would say kekken 7 ones were better to me
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Leobros we're home!
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dvj bro calm down
if momodog can get GOD with DVJ then so can you
you just need to git gud and play 500000000 trillion times better than your opponent BUT it can be done
sounds upsetting at first but eventually you can force yourself to develop a perverse addiction to torturing yourself with this garbage character
masochism is pretty devilish right?
enjoy your -6 mid high df1
enjoy your hellsweep that does 70% recoverable damage
enjoy relying on iws2
enjoy having your u4 clipped by fengs jab
wow really helping your argument there sister
T5 and 7 crimes DVJ RETARDS, enjoy
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i'm not faggot...
woah kazumi is the orange!!
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it's 100% not color coded after heihachi. and i like how we are just jumping straigght into another datamining meme after the last one with much stronger evidence got proven wrong.
We post this since yesterday, this is an old new
no, are is olds new
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Heihachi has long been associated with blue ki/electrics.
Orange is .... Tiger Jackson
1. he was long associated with yellow electrics, blue was always kazuyas and they just made hei give up his uniquness after customization was inctroduced
2. his electic ki is yellow in tekken 8. bring back his unique color association.
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I pray god its true... the perfect hag for me...
>in 1 game
We don't need 2 hags.
yellow gods won
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Not real Hei.
You lost urinekek
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the very first lidia plugged btw
you schizos sound like the ones 20 years ago going through all the mental gymnastics to swear up and down palpatine and darth sidious weren't the same guy
Yeah thats Akuma! Shin no shōsha wa ichi de yoi. Jakusha-shi subeshi!
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nice red ranks lil fella
buy an ad immer i'm not clicking on your links
you guys aren't even real
No one is real we live in a simulation
I wish... as a fictional character I would be able to work for Violet Systems.
i'm you
I'm you and you're me
there is no such thing as free will. you are wasting precious moments of your short life posting on tekgen because i made it so
remember your place as a mindless puppet on the absolute bottom rung of an intricately woven hierarchy of cosmic dominancy that places me at the top
I sharted my pants.
You don't exist
He exist because of me.
I create him and I create you
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>be boomer who has been into Tekken since Tekken 1 and fighting games since sf2
>tune into stream group from sajam slam who only started Tekken one month ago
>they know way more current Tekken and street fighter mechanics/strategy and the fighting game scene than I do
I'm out of touch bros. Im pretty much a casual for the past few years, but shit, they learned a lot even when it's not their main content source. Also ngl the streamers were actually cool and knowledgeable and curious and far less "streamer personality" than I thought they'd be. Rather watch them than max imo
I dropped from Tenryu.....
When is Lilianon coming back?
ah yes these ''tekken boomers''
tekgen never existed is your imagination
Is that Terry in sf6?
i create mario
he pooping on rickstah
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oh oh oh oh oh
If you are a boomer how do you inut EMGF or AK's Dragon Breath Fireball?
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Whats the point of a bikini mtx without Josies big brown milkies
i don't remember asking for your life story nigga
skimmas be like why do streamers who have an influx of fg streamboars feeding them lines and are connected with pro players better than me, a 50 year old man with 50 year old friends
maskuman said dragunov has higher damage than lidia
i believe only maskuman
i'm hungry for men
Hey..!! :3
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I'm tired of this
Haiii ~
I'll fucking make it to GoD with my favorite!
/ourqueen/ (king)....
References to Marduk and Fahk are back in the code. Will winter really be a cold one? Or will they pull the same trick on us again?
after evo
i thought you guys said she did no damage....
most of them seem kind of cool and seem to still be playing the game, except the vtubers lmao.
just keep fapping to tekken instead of playing the game, it's the best way to go.
This polack bitch is retarded fuck you
i'm retarded too
*sucks your dick*
let's be retarded together bro
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>Jinpachi = magenta and black
>Heihachi = indigo and amber
>Kazuya = blue and violet
>Lars = cyan and fuchsia
>Reina = purple and yellow

>Jin = red (golden instead when in angel form)
Post-purification Jin needs red and golden lightning
im new here but how is it possible the lower population generals have better post quality than this popular one?
calm down Reina
kazuya mains are getting wild again
>116 dmg with heat
yeah... thats a plug
shirtless men lobby going up in an hour
ps5 na1 no crossplay
voice chat enabled. let's hang
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you won't learn anything unless you put in the errors and try to learn
if you really want to maximise your time spent playing tekken

do punishment/defence practice every single day until you have perfect punishment and defence
watch every replay that you lose and try to figure out why you lost (bad decisions, disrespecting frames, autopiloting, knowledge checked)
play a fuckton
don't play a character like alisa/zaf/lars/asuka/lili because every GOD alisa I meet is fucking awful especially on their subs
can you break CH throws or not?
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yes, you can even do it on reaction too if you spot the grab animation before it connections to your character
spot this
*spreads ass*
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I don't really care about Kazumi but I guess she's better than Fahk and Duck
But you can't break the throws which grabbed you during power crush.
it's bob..
I am on mhg, dbdg, some gacha generals, erg and they all suck donkey dick compared to tekgen
hey, i suck too
tekgen it's to complex to you, kid
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i want to plug
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>trusting tekgen and non pro players streamers
So if Lidia goes into H&E after 112 or 22 on block, and I get a read on this, can I just hellsweep safely?
yes (i don't know)
stop afking in the queue you french fucks
I made a Lee plug by doing this
what does lidia's power up do? Reduce the heat cost for entering heaven and earth? Is that it?
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guess white boy

>lidia lidia lidia lidia lidia
that and make her core attacks do more damage and heals her in some moves
I want to plug my stick on her.
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shitposting and complaining are the heart and soul of /tekgen/
how are you able to post here if you can't spent 5 seconds opening the movelist and selecting the heat part that explains the stock you
the heat shit just increases certain moves by 2 damage per stack so only 6 damage
how hard is that to understand?
i tear my ass to land that fucking kazuya ch on mashing lidia and this bitch just parries it
ask that to the at least 6 posts with the same fucking question since yesterday
unwavering emotions
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you still can't sidestep ff2
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I serisouly need to dig up my hitbox.
buy you can fulyl sidestep her heat mash
she's the only char in the game that doesn't need to heat smash and shouldn't
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if you're having trouble beating lidia just do dp and crush her mids
Shroyuken has invicibility btw.
hey boys
i'm a man not a boy
>I am heihachi mishima
WHy would he say that out of nowhere when no one's there to listen
prove it
I was there
you listened
it was just a teaser for the new voice actor
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goddamn it, thought it was an ass with a skirt at first

I would just retire desu
Rapist attire?
So does Leo have the DLC swimsuit or not? We can put the rumors to rest with this.
he does, is a full swim suit, no boobs but also no penis bulge
When do I throw out electrics?
Hei is at 1.5m
Hei reached Gouki teaser views
when you know ze matchup and punish whiff saar
he has the male version of the swimsuit
yes, it is he does it as hoby
he's short
Like Kazuya

Male swimsuit.

Leo is a male.

In the story, he is referred to as "he" and has been for the last 2 games.

His voice actor is a male.

Leo is 100% a man.
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>lidia mirror is who gets to 50/50 first right
Every attire is a rapist attire if you believe in yourself
King is bald BALD
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I should stop switching between kazuya/jin/devil jin and play one mishima
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Kata... rina
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db+3 is actually broken. Lidia is the best character in the game.
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this is me btw
literally me
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Lidia is way too masculine in body. Was she like that in T7 too?
This is my uncle
Why does Lidia have a +6ob 12f high?
You guys have no idea how hard Law counters Lidia. Lmao this isnt even joke.
it's the same body dude, her skin map is just a bit different. and barely looks any different if you aren't disabling subsurface scattering.
>inb4 marduk and fahk are the first 2 season 2 characters
she needs it
TEKKEN 8 - Demitri Maximoff Trailer
TEKKEN 8 - Freddy Fazbear Reveal Trailer
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Mfw when trying to reprgram my brain to do B,FF1+2
TEKKEN 8 - Leo Gender Reveal Trailer (male)
TEKKEN 8 - Akira Yuki Trailer
maybe but i don't think they will have a season pass that male heavy when the base roster is a sausage fest as it is. they give the dlc closely connected storylines now so where there's crag there's also armor king.
TEKKEN 8- Chipotle employee trailer
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TEKKEN 8 - ugly chinks must be murdered (xiaoyu)
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>Day 1 Lidia
>I wish Heihachi was in the game already.
Whats' super akouma playing now?
ummm akushuallly I just checked my notes and it's launch on block. Just duck friend
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potions in tekken shop when?
Go away REDDIT
Hei at 1.6m
The most popular trailer by far. For comparison king got to 1.6m in 6-7 days
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wellm it's also a story expansion trailer and not a character moveset reveal trailer. also shock factor.
dude shaved hes head bald like heihachi
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>good at tekken
>humble and praises God whenever he gets the chance
>married his hot cousin
and i'm supposed to hate him? if anything i'm jealous
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Tourists are posting cringe again
Ling counters everything from Lidia's Horsse stance with the phoenix sidestep
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Tourists keep this general alive
you were a tourist once
No I wasn't. I was born with The Gene.
wish i was his cousin
Story trailers besides the reveal one generally were doing worse than character trailers
This trailer is mostly a teaser for Heihachi
i created the first tekgen thread in 2015
everyone but me is a tourist
i used to be a tourist but then i took an arrow to the knee
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>Anooo tourists are posting cringe again
>Uuuh he says uuuh Go away REDDIT
it's a reveal for an unseen storymode and a character reveal for a character no one was expecting on top. it has both factors at once.
watch when nobodies does this shit in matches when lidia is mashing in their face just like when she came out in 7 and we saw countless videos of her stances being fake because you could react with a dickjab.
This nobody took arslan and knee as in a friendly match and make them seethe
Lidia is mid but I'll still play her for a while cause I like my Leona custom on her
Whitebros, I don't feel so confident the face of the saarpocalypse
Post your tournament wins
page 8
where new thread


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