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>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Patch 1.0.2 for Vengeance dropping soon according to SteamDB

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks is now available for on digital streaming services

Previous thread: >>487018694
Read my Kogetsu draft, I spent so much time on


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Read his draft bro that's totally his draft
>>Patch 1.0.2 for Vengeance dropping soon according to SteamDB
Will it fix the game?
The level scaling is still shit, just less noticeable.
Why can't you just right a unique story inspired by the series and not fan fiction?
This series is now dead and nothing is worth the effort.
Oooff, you can definitely tell some of the periapt magatsuhi skills got more love than others. The 4 archangels one is so underanimated its funny, before they get in formation they literally look like they're being dragged around the modeling software with a mouse, they're completely unmoving holding the same pose. Then they all just do a default attacking animation and a big beam of light shoots down. Its such a cost cuttingly cheap signature move I laughed a bit when I first saw it.
A minor update won't fix Shakan or the writing, so no.
It's training cause uhh I'm not ready for an original story, I kinda need to read more books
What did you expect? Only animations that involves Doimons or important demons from Nocturne gets budget
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I mean, SMT can do better numbers if Atlus sells out completely to the genshin/gacha/pokemon crowd.

(You) play as the amnesiac 'Great Will' who looks like an amnesiac anime teenager building your fantasy kingdom of light with not Paimon. Every demon panders insanely to you. Add in some OC super cute demon waifus and husbandos (2:1 ratio). Add an oath/marriage/support system and valentines day events.
What would you say are the top 10 most iconic demons in the series?
If you are too illiterate to read you can at least watch KrimsonRouge. Avoid any pitfalls you can fall into. Just play his Empress Theresa videos in the background. And I pray, avoid Mary Sues.

If you can't learn from the best, learn from the worst.
No I've got books but people want me to play video games
The Slime and Black Ooze were most egregious to me. It was hard to watch that shitty animation for the first time as it was the first combo skill I had ever used.

I would've preferred the skills to work like the combos in DDS. Something that is easier to pull off and has an adequate action cost.
Guess I'll hope for Metaphor not being a shitshow like VV
not even the gacha does that. that market is saturated and every attempt they have had in doing something like this has resulted in outrage and backlash. that doesn't mean they won't try something like that but the precedent is already set.
plus Chinese wont touch the ip with a ten foot pole, it was banned in china. they can sanitize persona as much as they want but as soon as you make a game without the core aspects of megaten you will get core fans cursing at you non stop and the general audience won't even looking at it a second time when advertised. SH2 and TMS happened not that long ago.
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Yeah I benched the 4 angels on that alone. It fucking sucks (visually)
Ran a funny setup where I used all of the combo preiapt but when it's time to actually use light that shit deflated my sails too hard to use
And also it sucked ass against Satan

Jack Frost
Black Frost
Hua Po
Muu Shuwuu

Most of them you could show to somebody in a void and they'd instantly know what it is.
>Metaphor not being a shitshow
Ha. Haha
I'm buying it anyways and so are you.
Most video game stories are shit and don't exactly translate to literature writing. Just watch good tv shows or something
Reddit bird is not iconic, retard
>jack frost
>pyro jack
big gap
>reddit bird
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kill yourself literal autistic tryhard

rise up mohpedos
I've got classic books or something

Any recommendations if that doesn't work iyo?
>muh reddit
Shut the fuck up.
Alice, Jack Frost, Pyro Jack, Mara, Pixie, Matador.
Those demons are 80-90% of the SMT memes and fanarts.
Is Lucifer not iconic? He's in every game
>I'm buying it anyways and so are you.
I haven't bought VV but I might concede to Metaphor as I can't emulate it.
And I still have hope in Hashino as even though P5 has become hated it wasn't a disappointment like SMTV.

Honestly the last director at Atlus I have faith in. If the game sucks I'm just done with the company as a whole.
befriend mohpedos and alicepedos, alice
Are there shota demons?
Certified devil summoner certified pedophile - Kendrick Lamar
Reddit bird
She's literally popular with redditors
TMS was fucking crucified for all kinds of fucking reasons.
I still remember that fucking reveal trailer
I quite literally haven't been baited that hard since Breath of Fire 6
Remember that shit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ2Yuu8FmJ8
You think "oh shit they're showing all this legacy shit, maybe it'll be like that
It wasn't like that. Tokyo Mirage Sessions didn't burn me anywhere near as hard as BoF6 but it still wasn't what my retarded as headcanon wanted it to be.

Then there's the censorship thing that made people mad (and eventually made JP fans mad enough that Nintendo(!) offered refunds on the re-release lmao) But this was during a time when I still didn't care about that kind of thing.
Not a tactics game, not a demon game
Read like shit, played okay.
Oh those motherfuckers got me good.

I wanted to add things like Lucifer and Cerberus
But Lucifer had an attempted redesign. And for that matter so did Angel.
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If you switch to Safety for Demi-fiend (or any other boss), you're a fucking bitch and I hate your guts.
Your prose is bad, and you need to practice your English more.

It's fine honestly, Megaten is a rich setting, and it's fun to make stuff in it if possible.
As opposed to what? A slug fest using Sakuya the literal best support demon in the game?
2 turning him with either Arioch or GOGMAGOG

If somebody wants to Safety Demifiend who gives a shit.
How? Thank you by the way
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>If you switch to Safety for Demi-fiend (or any other boss), you're a fucking bitch and I hate your guts.

I did it since I wanted to complete everything first playthrough for CoV, will give him a fair shot next cycle or after. I just want every single quest complete before I move onto next phase, cuz SMTV is full of so much ER-tier busywork.
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Don't care. I'm switching to safety so I can easily get Demi-Fiend essence and recruit him for my playthrough because I want to have fun
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redditor nigger
Why does Gogmagog look like Kodama and Sudama?
I like SMT's gameplay, but the superbosses boil down to how long do you want your spreadsheet sessions to be.

The preparation is also a pain in the ass.
Persona 5 is much more popular and failed at the same thing. The market is way too saturated right now with gachashit.
Just read what you like and be able to break it down to what works and what doesn't.
Being able to understand what makes a story you like good is important when it comes to writing on your own.
Alright thank you I will read my 20.000 leagues under the sea
Captain Nemo is in that.

Just as an example of an original concept (but relevant to Megaten), you could for example write a story that involves a Captain Nemo demon, or keep the idea in mind. There is reading good stories, but also there's being inspired by them, or taking ideas (but not too heavily) from them.
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Wanna know something funny? Neither Atlus or NoJ made that trailer. It was purely something created by people at NoA because they wanted to promote the game but had no idea what was actually happening during TMS development.
NoA singlehandedly ruined the game's development and any chance it had of being popular in the west. Also as you mentioned before, the Treehouse controversy during the peak of "SJW hate" and Gamergate made sure TMS couldn't thrive as a niche gem like Neptunia or Trails of Cold Steel.
Ah I see, yeah I watched Nadia that's why I wanted to read it, also tried writing Raidou fanfiction that was basically that

But I understand I'm so confused creatively I have no direction
The thing about books or any media is that there are similarities everywhere.

For example, if you want a scifi horror story about a doomed mission investigating a strange disturbance in Antarctica, that's Eversion by Alistair Reynolds and SMT Strange Journey. If you just want a horror story in Antarctica (why is this always the place where bad shit happens in scifi horror?) you have similar plots in Evangelion (anime) and it's the main plot in The Terror by Dan Simmons

There's only so many plot structures that work for these stories so once you've seen enough stories it's pretty obvious what's going to happen for maximum character conflict
i just killed him with same figment slash strat from vanilla smt5
I don't do the superbosses in these games because they aren't fun.
I did it in the first two areas when realizing they were mostly the same so I could get to the new area faster, then I switched the difficulty back,
That's crazy, I didn't know that. I also find it very fascinating

It depends on the game. I liked Beelzebub 1 and 2, Demiurge, Shiva, and fucking Stephen.
But I REALLY don't like Demifiend (any flavor), Masakado (any flavor), Lucifer (Devil Summoner), or the 4 added in SJR
The ones in Redux were just poorly balanced shit fights in general.
I've never beaten a superboss myself...
Should I play more SMT or go read books?
They're usually wastes of time due to being poorly balanced (in either direction) or puzzle fights that remove entire game mechanics from your repetoire.

I don't know if the ones in P5R are decent, I didn't buy that game. The twins in P5 were pretty disappointingly easy. Coming off of 3 and, to a lesser extent, 4, you'd have expected a little bit more then that.
I'm more of a fan of end/post-game then I am raw superbosses.
So canonically, Tehom is up there in terms of power with the Great Will, no?
I was meaning this in terms of structure as with games usually the story is to service the gameplay. Unironically the only time I saw the opposite was with Deadly Premonition.

Like as you described you are talking about similar ideas and concepts but once you get down to writing and structuring it they are worlds apart.
Damn that’s wild. NoA wanting to promote a game they have no clue what it’s about and shooting themselves in the foot such that TMS practically died after release and subsequent rerelease. Much deserved but funny that it generated more hate from that baity trailer than it’s own achievements
The challenge just seems to be preparation, team setups and following a script or abiding by some MMO-esque gimmick (Simon Says, don't Null too much, exploit the AI, etc.)

I think in a lot of ways, they kinda suck ass, as they really take away from your agency, or approach to battles, but I do like the fact that DF can be charmed iirc.
The raid boss fight against Satan in Imagine he can pretty much kill everyone in the room if you don't kill him under 10 minutes.
Man I regret not playing it. I got that closed beta invite and was too young (stupid) to know what I was doing and never played it again.
That's every MMO boss, enrage, DPS checks, the usual.
Speaking of Imagine, what's the least gay private server?
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alice's sexy child bloomers
you should snap your neck, it will be good for you
Metaphobe lmao
There is nothing saving the demon markets at this point.
yeah no. go fuck yourself
im trans btw
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I'm sorry you had to wait for this anon.
cute, can i send you money to draw kogetsu?
learn to draw faggot
im gonna kill myself, i wanna support artists faggot
>peak of "SJW hate"
That's now, or at least that's how it feels. I have never seen so many normalfags get into the culture war as there are now. I think the most common sentiment during that era was that the game was cringe weeb trash.
guys why cant yall be nice and help me
can i commission you?
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learn 2 draw
No, I will filter you. Took me long enough.
oh come on, be nice to him, he gave me good esex, he's a good man
>good esex

nah ain't no way you had esex with this nigga
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Nah, my drawings aren't nearly good enough for people to spend money for them. Also, to me drawing is just a hobby, if I started putting a price on it I think I'd grow to hate it. If you want me to draw something you can just ask and I'll do it if I have the time/think is cool.
Hella cute. Love your style
can i give you a request tho?
> alicefags

fucking nuke this general already

she not gonan fuck you lil bro
Umm this artstyle actually lacks texture, so you niggers don't appreciate true art like Da Vinci for example.
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Fucking kill yourself you newfag lolihater, flatchested brother you are not, fucking nigger
Man, what the fuck is your problem, can't you just encourage the artist, what the fuck is the point of nitpicking like a fucking asshole.
Sure, go ahead.
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could you draw a pupper thats being pet by this dude. its a georgian guy, i just wanna see what it looks like you can decline if you want, but if you accept i'll be happy.
I was expecting something megaten related, but okay, I can give it a shot. Is he missing a leg?
no its just hard to see it
>Ultimate magatsuhi skill that you need to 100% the compendium to get is just "make all enemies drop an item after combat"
Was definitely expecting something cooler from the combo of metatron and sandalphon
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>highlighting alice like this because of pedo buzz shit and murican education
how about neck yourself
You wanna enter that Alice pussy, dontcha?
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>another namefag appeared
How about you do it with me, i stan artemis,you fucking creep. hebephiles are better than pedophiles.
Based doujin
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holy fucking shit a real nigger
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faggot meme for faggots who trying to dodge the pedo meme bullet? lmao yours aren't even hebe. lmao you're so lost
You know what, i fucking hate you pedophiles shitting up the general, go back to playing Strange Journey, the game made for pedophiles.
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i think that person meant he wants to fuck teengers.
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stop shitting up this place you literal rat
hmm yes alice's cunny
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hey uhh does anyone like Namaah, like shes supposed to be like a whore version of Mary, right?

or was that just black maria...
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which is still pedo but he's gullible

anyway they're fictional and retards and shitpsoters will be retards and shitposters and loli is loli and you gonna spergy. so in my book loli won and spergs will always rentfree.
We still haven't peaked for that yet
>cringe weeb trash.
I always thought of SMT as kind of game a weeaboo would play so i never understood using it as a offense
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Is your penis that small? bub i wouldn't go calling names, because i'd be taking names if you even dared to piss me off.
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It having so many other girls too for Oldsona and DeSu is also very based.
It's the gift of disappointment.
Does it have Mirai Kaname from Devil Children?
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says the retard who posts a pedogod guy
there's a bit of a leap from something like DDS1 and 2 and something like #FE
I wanna write a megaten story centered around jewish shit like maccabees or something, i'm catholic btw, from vienna.
No. Use Pixiv.
i wonder who was the retard that thought it was a good idea to do that

I know but i mean i've seem quit a few people try to distance the series of "anime" despite being part of it
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I'm trans and i think you are hitler.
Metatron and Sandalphon's group magatsuhi should have been Aspinthos, the greek name of that meteor thats gonna get called down by an angel and destroy one third of the world in the book of revelation
Almighty multihit with some special effect that makes it good
I wonder if you could change it via mods
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praise your pettan god with pettan follower
What if we three more Saintly Angels.

Archangel Moses
Archangel Peter
Archangel Isaiah
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now without the shitty gps
I could yeah. Might do that. Drop any other balance suggestions you may have. I've been working on a balance patch for a few weeks now.
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bro are you a schizo???

nigga learn cinematogrophy and play nocturne
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She is so massive i want to put my fist into her tummy until she vomits, then she will piss in my mouth and cum in my hands.
For a second there I thought Demeter was massive or alive was small.
what the actual fuck
alright settle down there nigga
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>She is so massive
it's just a close up picture you dumbass
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Oh its literally this
massive cunny
kil yourself, you called a trans person a nigger yesterday.
shut the fuck up Avery
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anyone wants to join me in elden ring
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What groups of demons would you like to see get special combo skills in future?
I liked the feature in persona 2 as well
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Bring him back.
thank you!
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The Four Devas, give them something like 4 Shura Slash, since they each have a different weapon. (except Koumokuten but whatever)
I like how they all have their back turned against the enemy
Ah Armageddon
My love. How I miss you.
speaking of fusion spells randomly reminds me pegasus strike was a saint seiya reference
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Man. Demons with double weakness are fucking hard to build with (and it's all pleroma's fault)
Gogmagog actively benefits from it.
That use case does indeed exist
Building demons becomes a lot easier if you specialize them instead of trying to cover all their weakness. Just only use her when her weakness being exploited isn't an issue. Her unique passive makes her better to sit on the bench anyway until an opportunity to reverse buffs is available.
I'm trying to run a theme team into Masakado.
If I leave a weakness open on her she can potentially just die outright in one cycle.
Though to be fair so can Tao and Yoko if I'm not taunting (and potentially even then)

Honestly I don't even know if I should include Amanozako into the "main cast" team given how she disappears. Though on a completely different note that's what always stops me from using Inanna since her best use is just stripping all but 1 of her spells and going hyper focused onto one element. Physical neutral? Not that bad. Physical/mudo/hama weak? Not happening. Were it not for the physical weakness you could probably run swiss army with 4 high's.
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quick question, does Dragon Eye help in anyway like helping with crits?
No. Dragon Eye is only accuracy. You're looking for the "Glees" Bloody Glee(1.8x) and Murderous Glee (2.5x) which stack (3.3x)
so why the hell he has it? should he benefit from low accuracy attack that always crits?
>should he benefit from low accuracy attack that always crits?
With only a single eye? No. Even with double eye and matching agility/luck you'll still miss ~30% of the time.
i get it, so it's a thing only for siegfried
Stacking passives were a mistake
They really should have made some attacks that have accuracy somewhere in between 100% and 50%. Would make Beast eye and Dragon eye more valuable than just being Figment Slash support.
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nice IF reference
Pretty sure Bloody Glee is 3% crit rate boost and Murderous Glee is 15% crit tate boost
Rampage? Megaton Press? Myriad Slash?
It's listed on both the calc and the guide. The game's been heavily datamined.
All have 50% accuracy. I said somewhere in between like 70%.
Then Vengeance buffed them because they used to be 3% and 15%
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Drawanon, your art skills are very good. I did not mind the wait at all, you simply can not rush art. Also, the nanashi plush is a incredible extra touch.
I agree
As it is most of the miss chance skills are balanced around law of averages rather than actual practical application
The calculator says that the values were the same for Vanilla.
I wouldn't know, I didn't play much of vanilla after beating the two superbosses, adversity for demifiend.
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this shit is op wtf???
A glitch demon would be pretty cool same with Melissa and its to bad she only appeared in demikids
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
Lahmu's passive is better. Agrat's is restricted to only Quadistu.
she literally crits with bufubarion without other Qadistus members active in the party. doesn't it say you need to have more Qadistus in your active?
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agrat fucking crits every turn in every encounter. WTF
No, it says that it only works on Qadistu.
solitary or as a team?
It's not a prequisite, it's the effect.
but it says "may" and it's not really ""may"" in my case. she literally crits every encounter, haven't tested this on bosses yet
You're just very lucky then.
probably it acts like a physical attack so murderous glee stacks with it? don't you think?
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>level 77 in taito
That's more of a factor of you bullying relatively weaker demons with a bigger level differential. Her crit rate isn't higher than base, queen's decree just gets to hit more.
The bigger the level and luck difference, the higher the chance to crit.

Yes Murderous Glee works.
An anon thought the same and just gave her the glee skills and seemed satisfied with it.
The guide doesn't talk about how crit rate for magical skills are calculated so it is assumed to be the same as regular skills.
I over-leveled, and? who cares, i just love walking around and grinding, kid. maybe i am a true gamer
I present to you Gospel, retard
i have like 16 of them. and?
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>That's more of a factor of you bullying relatively weaker demons with a bigger level differential
I had a hunch
>until an opportunity to reverse buffs is available.
So basically only a single superboss fight in the entire game?
Yeah pretty much just demifiend unless you're doing strategize OTK yugioh memes
how many times have you bought SMTV? i'm at 3 times myself.
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El violador
How do you fight Masakado? I'm on CoC
Armageddon doesn't really seem like something that would work in mainline since Lucifer and Satan are characterized as opposing each other pretty consistently.
>VV adds all these periapt combo skills
>Nothing for lucifer + satan
Yoahitsune should give you a quest when you fuse him.
>to unlock masakado you need to have the lords sword
I already have it. What next?
wait no. That's not it. That's for True Masakado
True Masakado is actual cancer.
To fight regular Masakado you just need to be far enough in the story and talk to Yoshitsune in the demon haunt.
Will of the samurai? I already finished it
There's another quest you must do to unseal him
What's the difference between normal satan and true satan on smtV ? Just bigger stats ?
is there a miracles tier list or something for smt v? can't find anything, if there ain't one, what are some of the better ones, and should I just stock pile glory to buy only the expensive ones? (I'm m at shinagawa Pier and just cleared Abcess)
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
you're just gonna get all of them eventually anyway. don't think too hard about it
also fuck you
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If I bother to get vengeance then AS USUAL I will either play thru it whole on safety (or hard (either of those two that is))
Turns in Digital Devil Saga canonically happen in a single second
im ready for my miman onahole, both sexes
I don't use it as a offense, but that's what most people think of the game.
Huh. Tehom's actually a pretty neat fight
Basically just rotating across a large roster of demons that exist to hyper target weakpoints

I imagine if somebody built into a trio for every single element ([element] crit (or Lahmu), share potentials (or 10% if potentials already maxed), x Gestalt (for the 36% (49% if taking the 10%) they'd be very happy. And also a little insane for building such a sheer amount of demons.
Honestly I wanna do the fight again and see how it feels with teams like that. But I'm also fully aware that collecting the sutras necessary to do that would take days.
Rotating? Lol this was my strat
>Throw element gems with support/debuffer and figment slash with the rest
>Wait until she targets mc with luminescent mirage
>Mc just unloads omnipotent succession charge paraselene blur
that strat works on literally everything that's not light immune. It even works on Satan if you wait until he eats a light weakness and let's you one turn everything.
>No light immune omnipotent succession charge
>Light immune glory charge
Very epic atlus
>page 9
what went wrong
everything since IV
No Raidou 3
the first two were not good enough to warrant a third one.
Playing smt 4 for the first time and can you not play hard mode for your first run?
You can't and it's dumb
Damn should I steal a save from somewhere to get hard mode or is the normal mode still fun?
No. NG+'s Chaos has most of the best bosses anyways
Here ya go. It's not megaten, so I'll catbox it to not cause any trouble. It was a lot of fun drawing it! So I do hope you like it.
They were great in every way besides the gameplay. Even Raidou 2 is only great compared to 1. Compared to other action games it's still pretty shit
>Have Yoshitune
>He'll give you a quest that involves taking down some enemies in Chiyoda
>This will eventually lead into a different quest that involves the fox doimon and those ugly korok clones
>This unlocks the area where you can talk to Masakado
>After talking to Masakado, he'll say that he only join you if you give him his sword
>Go to the place where you got the tailsman to bypass the firewall
>This will lead into a new quest where you must travel to the fairy village to defeat the large demon against the waterfall
>Defeating said demon will give you the sword
>Go back to said place where you got the tailsman and they'll say you need to beat all the four heavenly king to power it up
>Defeat all the four heavenly kings that are in each area
>Go back to Masakado
>Fight him and win
>Congrats, Masakado joins your party and he's outright the best demon in the game, if not top 5
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Lord of the rings dwarf
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I miss him so much.
So DDS is just Angel Beats...
Sorry anon, but Raidou makes Korean tremble in fear so he cannot come back.
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>Korea is scared of a Japanese schoolboy from the 1930s with a sword and a gun

Silly Koreans
I don't care if Koreans doesn't like Raidou since Raidou was never meant to be the beginning of some series and they're behind some of the best PC games to ever exist back in the late 80s to early 2000s
are you guys serious
buying a <lv 10 demon costs like 1-4k macca in nocturne from recent memory and demon auction is like 200 macca to purchase outright
Kudzu demon when?
Post arts of Ace Detective Pixie
Long, long ago, before the general known as "/smtg/" gained Knowledge...
>Ace Detective Pixie
I find it really funny if this was a thing back around the late 2000s to the entire 2010, you would see tons of SMT fags get aggressively pissed that SMT was getting infected by Persona
But since all of the old SMT fags moved on from the series and the current SMT fanbase are people that grew up with IVA, the persona 4 anime/spinoffs, and persona 5 nobody seems to really mind
What are the old SMT fags doing nowadays?
they killed themselves obv
most of them either became type moon or touhou fans
some became visual novel or DC fans
I seen a couple of SMT fags saying they were going to get into Fate because vanilla V was extremely disappointing.
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They mostly left for other series like Dark Souls and FF14 online. Or they went into more niche stuff like Wizardry or different monster collection series.
old SMT games are outdated unplayable ass
If SMTfags wanted to get into something else they should get into TES (especially Daggerfall to Oblivion). TES lore is insane.
Why does Atlus allow that porn megaten game to exist
Japanese ones only play Dx2 and ignore everything. It's why that game has so many SNES era designs.
Kind of sucks many cool smt 2 demons like cthulu and ophanim just are cucked out of any new games.
Alice in DeSu2 is the only one I've ever managed and even then that game has an even superer super boss that I never even unlocked
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Moh Shuvuu going
with a valley girl accent is stained in my brain now.
Because it’s a dungeon crawler that lets you use your favorite characters or demons throughout the franchise and porn game second. You could fuck a waifu or you can break the Giten plotline and fight a souped up Ishtar who’s angry that (You) cucked her
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Still like the series.

And was a F*te fan before SMT, got into SMT via Persona to Nocturne pipeline, then played the rest, like Devil Survivor, 4, 4A, V and DDS1+2.

Still like F*te, but find myself waning off the series (due to FGO) since it's been 9 years and the plot hasn't really gone anywhere, the only things being Moneybills being revealed as the primary villain and what the Bleached Earth is, but the game will drag on another 2-4 years for the plot to finish.
Is it possible to go over _7
All replies to this post are anons blogposting
Is it possible to go over +6 affinity when maxxing out a demon's trust?
No shit, he's asking how old fans are doing, it's a natural instinct to reply.
here is your raidou 3

is that the sap
you took that stupid copypasta from hyss-ho and pepsi and are trying to make it a meme, can you please go fuck yourself!
haha very funny guy you are, please kill yourself and never reply to us ever again.
oh interesting, but who the fuck is Kogetsu and why is he in my Raidou 3!?
is no one going to reply to these clowns?
It's possible via Demon Haunt. Just remember that Healing and Support have a cap of 5 while all others cap at 9.
>while all others cap at 9
Good to know. Thanks anon.
Absolutely filtered.
they are the most unique in atmosphere.
replaying the same handful of games and checking this general once every 4 - 5 months when bored.
Also coping that devil summoner will first get a Portuguese translation over english.
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So who's modding him into VV?
The same guy porting all the other dx2 demons.
>All the superbosses in VV are dudes
Where's the hot/cute girl superboss?
so i used this to patch the giten rom but retroarch doesnt detect its pc 98, what do i do?
Ok I may be retarded but what skill is better, severing bite or wrath tempest? I just want the skill with best total damage.
In your haunt.
Your goal is to protect your ballsacks from them.
That's what Zeus is for
While Zeus doesn't seek your ballsacks, he's definitely aiming for your boipussy
Would've been down for a fight with M.A. again.
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what happened to pepsi, pepsi if you are alive please respond
You can guaranfuckingtee that MA would have killed through abyssal mask at 100%
And even if it didn't she'd just point at your demons and unsummon all of them
Actually forget her secoond form, her first form woould also be cancer in this game too
>Oops your Nahobino is a MAG let? Time to instantly fucking die
>not full health? Washed away, oops!
And because crits are individually calculated you would have to resist/null physical on literally everybody or mother's kiss would lead to a cascading OTK the same way Agrat can in her challenge fight right now with Queen's Decree. And that's assuming they didn't just make it pierce because fuck you.
Mem Aleph is a shitty fanfic boss that I never want to see again. Worst part of Strange Journey by far.
how do i patch the giten?
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Did you like his song?
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Can't take the heat? Stay out of the kitch~
>MA's your MC with every cast, ending the fight instantly
>"Oh you buffed and debuffed"
>Clears the entire field while also healing

Though in all seriousness I didn't hate her. She did, could, and would fucking wipe anything with an actual weakness out of the fucking timeline with her elemental attacks and if you're open on light or dark at all she deletes the demon/MC
The alignment withdraw kept you honest with your party composition. If you stacked all your alignment for team attacks it only takes one Mem Alpeh MA wombo combo to pop your dragon ring.

Really it's all fucking MA's fault that the fight sucks dick in practice. (Better in Redux because demons can revive you if it targets MC as death isn't an instaloss after you unlock the skill)
You get just TWO fucking chances (assuming you're using the dragon ring, because you fucking are unless you're retarded) to not die. If she points at the MC twice with MA, you go back.

this and the quest where you unseal Masakado was probably the highlights of the quests for me
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Someone should really upload all the Haunt dialogue if they haven't, lot of lore, mythology and worldbuilding stuff in it.
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I had honestly started but ended up stopping on that attempt once I forced about half of the demons to max trust.
Too much dialogue is generics and the myth quotes are usually base "fun facts" in delivery.
>myth quotes are usually base "fun facts" in delivery

And that's neat.
I mean sure if you like that kind of thing. It's the same as Miman giving random topographic fun facts
But, I've played enough edutainment games growing up to instantly be repelled by the mere concept.

Rather I would have found it more interesting to see it through to the end, if the words out of the god, were feasibly out of that god with a bit of personality rather than bouncing between two extremes. Like random trivia from Skadi juxtaposed against Clotho talking about mobile phones and selfies.
>I mean sure if you like that kind of thing. It's the same as Miman giving random topographic fun facts

It's strange to be a fan of Megaten and not have a passing interest in it, yes.

>Rather I would have found it more interesting to see it through to the end, if the words out of the god, were feasibly out of that god with a bit of personality rather than bouncing between two extremes. Like random trivia from Skadi juxtaposed against Clotho talking about mobile phones and selfies.

Fair ig.
Didn't have headphones on. I didn't know it was an actual song. I expected to be like Kass in BOTW
Anyone have a link to it?
Does lore really matter when the game's world is soulless and empty. I could see someone justifying it in 4 and 2 but the other games aren't too interesting.
>Does lore really matter when the game's world is soulless and empty. I could see someone justifying it in 4 and 2 but the other games aren't too interesting.

It's a hard concept to grasp that people have the ability to like or have an interest in the lore and story in all the games. I like both 4 and 5, don't be a faggot and try to project your retarded schizo opinions on me or others.
Tranny protagonist in V
man i try to play giten but neko project in retroarch is so fuckig hard to set up
>It's strange to be a fan of Megaten and not have a passing interest in it, yes.
as with everything, context matters and limits exist
e.g; in KMT1/2, SMT1/2, DDS1/2, 3, and Nocturne
You're not going to talk to a Lamia, and she turns towards the camera and says (paraphrasing here) "There's good gods but there's a particular goddess (Hera") that's not very nice.

It's a bit on the nose hence my losing interest.
In the games aforementioned demons were influenced by their mythology in mannerisms and actions without just spouting things like that.
Anyways if you're willing to do the work yourself it's not "that" difficult to force demons to max bond. There's only around 1-2 dozen lines per demon and an additional one per area dependent on recruitment level.
For bonds, there's a table with pointers and the address is 27E67730

The hardest is going to be the editing (if you do it video).
can someone make a devil summoner sounfont?
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waiting for a new fan translation to drop because i think modern SMT fucking sucks especially yhis blue haired troon duology, the old Japan only SMT games like Debisama and Giten are the only remaning thing worth looking forward to
schizo nonsense aside, are they being actively worked on?
also devil children and like fangames, i heard this kogetsu fangame thing is being made, i kinda think its neat
begone V-tranny, it's not like a faggot such as yourself is capable of playing a game like Giten without getting filtered
Oh. Hey, that's neat
Thanks, anon
i also heard this dude third guy is making shit, thats about, it an also soul hackers saturn getting a translation again, i kinda wanted the ps1 translation since the game just feels more ps1 desu

also guys please make more fangames like kogetsu or something
>as with everything, context matters and limits exist

Yes, but ultimately it's there for those who are interested in the topic and discourse of it, SMT has clear focus in real-life mythology and culture, and naturally overlap with things such as history.

I wouldn't really say your example is what actually happens in the game, it's more a cartoonish caricature and exaggeration. At most, it's just demons describing some esoteric or historical aspect of their origins or culture, I wouldn't say it's terribly done by any means, it's pretty straightforward and I like the way it's done, it's simple but fun, and has some slight educational value, it's not like the Magic Schoolbus.

As I said, I think it's strange to not have an interest in the topic, or be so dismissive of it or the way its presented in-game, but it's ultimately an opinion, if you dislike its presentation or how it's done, that's on you, I don't really care necessarily, it's just a strange outlook. Regardless, I think someone should upload it somewhere, and that's what I am hoping will be done.
you're welcome
man i hate p1 psp and cant stand the changes in both revelations and psp shit my eyes hurt, when is megami ibunroku, the majestic thing, like the album, gonna be translated?
I can't remember why but presumably the P1 JP fan-translation got canned due to internal drama or the programmer not caring anymore, causing Tom to work on non-megaten stuff atm
holy fucking shit running giten on neko project is so complicated
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>I wouldn't really say your example is what actually happens in the game
That particular example actually happens in game.

As you said, that's on me. I like when these things are done with a bit more nuance like has been done before.
But even beyond that what especially made me stop was the generic interchangeable lines.
Those interchangeable lines are how you get stuff like pixie wanting to dye taito red in blood.
why does God let satan win...
i saw way more fun dialogue in fucking smt 1 for fucks sake
I like that you just admit to being a slop eater.
How does it feel to lick Atlus' shit?
>As you said, that's on me. I like when these things are done with a bit more nuance like has been done before.

It's been a thing in all the games, with demons calling you bro, then in other contexts or scenes, being very dry or straightforward, it's not unique to V/VV. You're just being pretty arbitrary about it.

Either way, upload the dialogue or don't, your personal feelings don't have any value.
>You're just being pretty arbitrary about it.
What? I explained my feelings in a pretty clear to understand way.
Actually fuck this. I won't be responding anymore on this topic.
you just made that up, this is bipolar shit
Do you not know the definition of arbitrary?
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I wasn't gonna engage in this because I don't care as much but I find it funny you said his example was a cartoonish exaggeration and not really what happens in the game, which to me, shows an acknowledgment that you think that type of thing is bad. Then he just posted it actually being a direct excerpt from the game and you completely changed your tune. Makes me think you're dishonest.
I think the dialogue is fine either way but I couldn't help but notice that lol.
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> change topic

so the megaten fangames are interesting, right?

i mean i heard Kogetsu had a pretty fun story from my friend on discord, he said it has bad prose but its very enjoyable and feels very raidou, but some parts can feel rushed or feels like something is missing or even worse that Hyss-Ho rushed and ran out of ideas.

i also heard that dude third made a jack bros metroid type game and hes made a bunch of megaten fangames, he or she they it, xe xir, who cares atm

anyways i think the fan games scene is growing and is looking pretty promising, hyss-ho really improved after the mess that was soul hackers 2 1999.

also i commend the dude for going through with this, while everyone tells him not to, idk man he just kinda reminds me of okada.
i mean should you really be prasing the guy that fucked his dog?

i mean we got pedos here but...
You know, I thought you were exaggerating. But this is requires a bit more brainpower than I can cope with at this hour.
also trannies, dont forget trannies, the kris tyson situation confirmed most of them are pedophiles.
>You're not going to talk to a Lamia, and she turns towards the camera and says (paraphrasing here) "There's good gods but there's a particular goddess (Hera") that's not very nice.

It's an exaggeration, most specifically "turning to the camera", which is what I was primarily replying to. I see it as bad, sure I guess, but a demon saying "this goddess, she's isn't too nice." It's really not a big deal. He's painting the scene out as more cartoonish than it actually is. It's an exaggeration and he's being pretty arbitrary.
compared to the smt 1 dialogue of jack frost wanting to kick you in the nuts if you dont crush this rock with your bare hands, its weaker, weaker than nocturne sj and iv combined.
Like I said, it's been like this the whole series.
One scene, Titania may be formal and courteous, the next, she's saying she's going to shove something up your ass.
That anon is right. I don't think anyone sane enough is going to make a entire page or video on all the demon haunt lines when most of it is just out of character dialogue like this
Truly worse than 9/11.
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link to what, Kinmamon song?
This sounds like a fucking shitpost, what the fuck is this shit
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> Archangels in Lustful Clothing
yeah if they had less flavor text it would have been way better
That's in-character tho. Also quite funny to see a puss in boots tell you
And just an FYI, that pearl clutching behavior is very low T, and you are a huge faggot for it.
There's some shared and generic dialogue based on race, personality or demon type, some unique dialogue as well, some have more than others naturally.

Some demons are standout examples with unique dialogue, for example Demeter, Idun, the Qadistu, I plan to go check into Fionn's dialogue.
fyi this does not happen i soul hackers
I honestly don't know why they bothered with the demon haunts they are so functionless. And if you won't to just get your stat points, you are basically going through a walkable menu.

They should've found a more coherent way to interact with your demons if they wanted it so badly. Would've loved if the Aogami benches were just places you found as you explored throughout the game, and essentially work as a quick break from the game's monotony.
I actually don't dislike demon haunts. I just wish they didn't have so much generic garbage shared between demons.
I would say that's far too harsh.
Functionally, the whole game is basically a walkable menu, with combat being spreadsheets, why bother with any kind of deeper interactivity at all?

I would say it's a step in the right direction, but one in which they need to continue developing.
honestly i gotta agree with anon, hyss-ho really made something that i could see being made a reality, but i sadly dont think it can get that far.
There's more unique dialogue than animal crossing at least
man this story was something else, i mean i read it and it was very interesting, way better than whatever atlus comes up with
...wow...just...wow this is uhh man i dont ever remember reading something raidou related and being so fucking confused and intrigued at the same time.
It's something they should continue to develop on.
anons i think this is what they were reading if anyone was wondering

the idea is to be able to see your demon more as actual entities existing in the world of Da'at, at certain parts it really felt like they wanted you to think that your demons are reflecting on what's happening to you while they tag along traveling with you, but the execution could have been better
>but the execution could have been better
The idea is good, but just needs to be improved further.
man...anons were right...this stuff is really interesting and something modern atlus wouldn't really do, but the prose and the way the document is written could use some work, i mean words need to also capitalize the I.

but other than that, there is some major potential in this draft.
more references to mythology and less funny and horny texts, keep those to negotiations and even there doing gimmicks and challenges is a way better approach
Honestly, it's a little weird but I really like how some demons will comment on current events at certain times, but not all of them. It felt a lot more natural, rather than just going through a checklist, and you'd even get some dialogue like that when you brought a demon "out of sequence"
>horny texts
But I like those.
i mean is it really let me see

> reads three pages

yeah this shit has potential
Can Khonsu Ra not be obtained in CoV?

It seems like he and Miyazu have totally disappeared.
That is NOT in-character. Cat Sith is canonically known for being one of the calm and nicest demons in the series. He's not supposed to be fucking desperate to see blood and flesh because he's not a Oni or those midgame demons.
He can be obtained. Same way as usual. Do Amon's quest and there should be a demon that has the Khonsu Ra quest nearby. Or maybe you have to go there.

Eitherway IIRC if you beat Metatron (I think that's the cut off) before doing that quest MIyazu dies and you can't finish it.
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man i kinda wished i could help the little femboy out with this Kogetsu shit, cuz this is interesting.
wait lemme read, im interested now
I killed Metatron, but it appears if you don't start the quest before killing him, you can still do it.
exactly what I mean by "entities traveling with you"
it's no replacement for towns but I'm sure everyone would agree furry demon funny dialog #100 really doesn't make this option fun to engage in.
it's too fucking repetitive
No, the cut off is when you are at the alignment lock part. It happens way late than Creation route, so there you go.
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playing various game after beating SMTVV low level on hard
man, i thought you guys were on something, but that climax was kinda insane...
Do SMT fags not use TCRF? I seen Marsh being shocked over the cut dialogue for Tao's ending despite it being old news for awhile now.
Man that scene with Ginkomi and Kogetsu was actually insane, i wanna play that

this is truly the fanfiction of all time, we need to make this a huge deal, man.
anons i think anon is right this time, all the hate and he still produced something atlus could never even fathom
idk man kinda not getting the hype
yeah go fuck yourself, im excited and think Kogetsu is fucking awesome

i am a true Kogetsuling
Umm you can like not be so open about it, fucking asshole, he is transphobic don't support this fucker.
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his ex is trans tho, so suck it Ringoschizo, go back to twitter, you fucking faggot!
I need to swallow Tao whole
yeah read it, its based, if it makes ringoschizo and avery mad then its gotta be good.

see, hes based thank you for writing kogetsu my lord.
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>rare based hyss-ho moment

i knew he was a tao enjoyer
Literal samefaggimg zoomer
What does samefagging mean?
that doesn't make him not based
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Rigorously dealing with alice
Oh my yeah i wanna do something to that rotundular bosom.
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Big tip to the fanfic guy; maybe stop posting your doc link and instead finish your shit and then post once it’s finished. It’s annoying as hell to see you post shit, samefag hype with “uwooo raidou 3” and have 300 words overall.
but i finished it just yesterday, its done, the draft is finished
She's underage
i guess he changed his mind
The entire thing? Or just chapter 1. Either way, stop being an annoying git. That’s not how you get people interested in your writing and instead actively make em hate it by virtue of spite.
If it’s a draft, it’s not done.
no its done. its 50 pages and 100 pages of art

its the final revision
Then post it somewhere and link it here. Fanfic, Ao3, SB, SV, QQ, etc
>samael needs all the 4 quadistu
Big price for a snake that ain't even that strong
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The fuck this nigger's problem? Annoying as fuck
The price of filling out your pokedex
Potty training Ringo! (please be patient, she's new)
He's pretty strong even if the only peopole you have to inflict ailments are him and Naamah. Omnipierce is ridiculous.
>but the game will drag on another 2-4 years for the plot to finish.
anon pls, at least 6 years

I mean they were the Noctourne group not the ones that grow with SMT 1 and 2
Goodness. The demon king castle sucks more than I remember.
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I decided to read the FGO Ordeal Call 2 plot cos it seemed interesting.
>Marie Alter and I went on a date
>Jean Alter told me she loved me
>Dantes 2 told me that me and him were fated to be together
>Some monster of the week battles...
I am, all of me, the Harem Master EX
Every girl wants to fuck me
Every guy wants to fuck me
>Nocturne group
I think it was more so PS2 and DS SMT fags. They were the most vocal against anything Persona and gave SMT a rather bad look in the JRPG community for years.
I wouldn't mind that but they don't really commit to it,its all edging to milk people
The plot stalling on pointless filler is a problem with all these live service games
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> non con rape
i mean you made it, of course you would think its based
True,some even try to get an ending but they decide to keep milking and ruin everything they built,one of the few live-services that i remember that still up to that ended the story and still up is FFXI
Dragalia... Lost?
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Smtg became so meh
Replying to namefags and mounting eachother like fags.
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just read this story nigger

I don't see the big deal when smtg is mostly dead after VV ended up being a disappointment (again)
Can Masakado use his aoe in the fight multiple times in a single turn?
bro just read the thing and things will al be good

stop blackpilling

Fanfiction won't improve VV at all
bro we know, but please just read it like everyone else is doing, its the best thing we have rn.
Cute Mermaid!
This demon needs porn.
Mizu Kuzunoha needs porn, goddamn this bitch hot as shit, all my hood niggas would kill for this kinda bitch
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>Shitty merchandise
>Can't be shipped outside of Japan despite Avatar Tuner being incredibly unpopular over there
lmao nice 20th anniversary
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you mean this bitch
Blame the schizo.
I'm honestly surprised there are only 6 special fusion demons that got one of their components changed in VV.
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I'm done posting in this godforsaken general until there's some actual news. It's incredible how much damage 2 or so bored schizos can do on a board with no mods or jannies. Good luck.
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Hey thats not cool
before you go you need to read peak

/vg/ is actually one of the most moderated boards, they just have preferences because they themselves frequent some generals and there's schizo that are worse than the ones we have.
>/vg/ is actually one of the most moderated boards
Which generals do they care about then, 'cause I don't see it.
FF14 and /wowg/, since they have 10+ schizos who ban evade.
The most famous ones are FF14 and PSO2 with a lot of associated drama because they always go on a power trip.
This is literally nothing when compared to /feg/, /feh/, and /fgg/.
>until there's some actual news.
See you until 2027 at best.
Some generals also basically have 1 shitposter ever and have no shitposting like 99% of the time
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I read through it and jesus christ man…
Don’t get me started on the shitshow that is your spacing and quotation marks. Definite ESL or someone with no decent concept of modern quotation.
Story wise, it’s shit. Your main character is a petulant ass and everything flits way too fast, alongside having no genuine story outside of just battles and scenes that are barely strung together by your ‘page breaks.’
Is this what you’ve been shilling? I’m sorry but I’ve seen better narrative coherence from Naruto Betrayal fics. This is surely satire, because no way have you been lauding your OC as “Raidou 3” and give this-excuse my french-shit. And the audacity to try and replace raidou in the end no less; lol.
Grammar wise, it’s all over the place. You need to expand your vocabulary because there is nothing interesting with the way you write here. Spacing makes it a pain to read and breaks the flow and immersion. Fix that with at least a 1.5 or 2 inch page space, and for the love of god, this isn’t a script. Make your characters react, exclaim, patronize-do whatever to integrate dialogue decently. For all the effort you’ve been making /smtg/ uninhabitable, I feel embarrassed for you in seeing this “final draft.” It’s a pain to have this general slowly die from your samefagging and shilling shtick, but it’s a sad day indeed when the content you’re throwing at anons could be described as nothing more than compost for a better story. I feel as if my own time reading and commenting about it was wasted because I know that you won’t take any criticism to heart. If you believe this to be your magnum opus, I hope you’ll finally relieve us of your presence now that you’ve completed it, shilled, and had someone (me) read it.
Now kindly fuck off.
If VV was actually good then this wouldn't have happened
Based effortpost
V is pure visual cancer and probably the most aesthetically uninspired game atlus has ever made
its not my magnum opus. its just better than my other stuff
/gsg/ has a janny who has been personally deleting posts for the last couple of threads (previous thread they deleted over 200 posts) it's still 90 percent shitposts because /vg/ is a shithole other than that ive never seen a janny sit in a thread on here
Cool. You’ve posted it and now it’s forever in the SMT fanfic bin-congrats. Now kindly fuck off with your Kogetsu shit.
What Raidou 3 should look like
Fuck off loser i can smell your disgusting scent from your post
Reddit bird
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH bro is mad nigga is so mad, it worked
Based I agree
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this you?
he used to post entire AI generated text dumps with the formatting and all intact straight ctrl c ctrl v
honestly anon you are not the first one who is trying to give him proper advice he's just either too retarded or a shitposting op
im retarded
then try being a better more educated person in your life and leave this place
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>genuine SEAtard
Well that’s my bad then.
nah niggas love this place, (im nigga)
well your story sucks but i kinda liked it i think its still shit
what do i do to improve it, its not the final draft, i lied
It's a shame that VV added niggers until the game
yeah that wasnt cool i want them to add saints and prophets as metatron archangels
people have already told you what to do anon. read more and consume better media, if you want to write in English you need to understand basic writing etiquette too. but you don't want to do any of that you just want attention.
what do i do, do i quit games for a bit and read books watch classic anime and movies or soemthing???
SMT VV is the best and deepest game in the whole Megaten franchise. There is no other game with a story deep and full of lore like or gameplay good like it.
The story is huge and emotional, making you feel like you're in this vast world dealing with the political agenda of gods. Yoko story and Tao's true goal are the saddest in the series with how complex their motives were makes Maya's death in Persona 2: Innocent Sin look tame in comparison. Seeing Sahori deal with bullying and willing died to stop Lahmu made me want to reach through the screen and give her a big hug. Or how Khonsu desperately wanted to save his "Ba" reminds me of Mother 3, a tragic game filled with a tragic story that involves love and coping after losing a loved one.
The alignments reps were also well done. You can easily understand Dazai's pain and sorrow to help Abdiel while being faithful to god in the most humanely way possible. He felt like a deep, complex character than previous law reps so far and had more personality than the characters from the modern Persona titles.
Nuwa and Yakumo were well done as the neutral rep. Their motives were mysterious and complex, making them the best neutral rep in the whole franchise. Aogami and MC relationship was great as it told us that even machines can have emotions and feelings as shown by man and machine relationship. It's way more well done than Nanashi and Dadga relationship as Aogami had more character and the MC had a more deeper personality thanks to his actions throughout the game.
And the gameplay is the best in the series. Level scaling offered a fun challenge as you need to keep up or you'll be defeated. I love that MP items are now rare, forcing you to actually conserve your MP and not waste it. I love the essence system, it allows any demon to be useful which is something this franchise needed for awhile now.
SMT VV is a masterpiece and hopefully change this franchise forever.
no one is telling you to stop playing game, just educate yourself and diversify your media consumption habits.
what should i watch what do i do??? ive seen a million 90s animes and it hasnt hlped
oh i know i should read my bible more
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That namefag shit is literally a bot?
maybe read some reviews and critiques and learn about tropes and writing basics or read about the creative process of people you admire. you can't create good media if you don't understand what makes it good.
That's a underage demon, pedo
thank you hyss-ho 2

the lord has blessed us
the way he goes into the same loops of response I wouldn't be surprised
are you asking me how to read now
now im asking where how and how do i learn about the author of the bible????

oh wait...
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Shes older than you, bot
thats hyss-ho number 2, he has autism be nice to him
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Why is his MP kinda low?
What is safty mod? Abusing balm and essences?
Probably gameplay balance.
SG wants him back
wasting my time
>Resized pic
A shame.
She's a tall flat actually.
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Blame hiro but we already know that
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Mermaid belly and chest... ToT
$50 says it's the same one that shits up /pg/ all the time always seems to be around when metaphor seething starts
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Alice and flatchest... ToT
It's probably the oshimaitranny from /v/
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Wiggity whack
Gabriel sex
lord have mercy
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Post Kaneko approved character designs.
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ok i suck at writing, but at least i have something to work with and improve, there is potential in the characters...

also gonna watch less movies and shit and listen to bible dramatized or read my norwegian,icelandic and english books.
I just remembered Kaneko did his own version of Tao for those alice (kinda) in wonderland NFT and I still prefer Doi's
If his MP was high he could just spam AoE Trisagion
You mean Ichinose?
SMT VV is the least balanced entry in the series, it's likely just something overlooked
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>SMT VV is the least balanced entry in the series
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Imagine having this ugly garbage in your room. Looks like "but how does it affect you personally" basedjak
I was going to say this, no matter how much I detested base V's level scaling, I could at least say the first area was left undamaged by it. Unless you were doing a low-level run
the prayer?
>Phys demons are the tankiest of the game
>Balanced demons were ok
>Magic demons died to everything even with doping
>No defense stat btw so fuck you
SMTIV's glass cannon gameplay is underappreciated. You guys overlook the thrill and strategy it demands, balancing the high risk of being easily defeated with the immense satisfaction of dealing devastating damage to enemies. It forces you to think several steps ahead, constantly evaluating the trade-off between offensive power and defensive vulnerability. It creates a uniquely intense and rewarding experience that keeps the adrenaline pumping and the stakes perpetually high.
If you dipshits were to master you'd find a profound sense of achievement, unmatched by more forgiving game mechanics.
Thank you ChatGPT
>Tsudaken will voice Krishna
will I die first or will I play the gacha
repenting rn bros'ive been sinning and need repentance correction
>Thank you ChatGPT
You're welcome! If you need any more help or have other questions, feel free to ask.
Unironically play a PvP focused game or shmup if you seek that kind of thrill.
The "Nozuchi was a Doi's demon" guy?
Diff guy but why Forneus is one of Eisheth's components? It’s because of words/rhetoric, right?
wait the qadistu are fusions?????
Yes and the "VV can be entirely cleared with the auto mode" and then proceed to post a webm of him pausing said auto mode to use a dampener or Critical"
He also admitted that he got filtered by Nocturne on normal mode.
>got filtered by Nocturne on normal mode.
How is this even possible? The game is so straightforward.
man you guys need to repent
He's clearly retarded and is doing damage control since he said that, either by pretending that it was someone else and he did actually beat the game or that Nocturne was always shit.
He also can't samefag for shit, it's impressive.
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How do I reach the up middle-right demon? Can't find a rail or way to let me go up there.
I think theres a leyline crossing you need to go its on the other side of where you're at right now. It's hidden pretty well.
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oh man i want a law theme that sounds like this
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A lot of the Twisted Metal games have that grungy 90s comic aeshetic, and some of the characters wouldn't be too out of place in something like Debisama.
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There's nothing worth discussing here currently. I came back after Vengeance came out and had a few interesting discussions but now it's time to take another hiatus. Fingers fucking crossed when I come back this annoying ass zoomer namefag will be dead or gone.
why do you want me dead?
there is giten but i guess i'm htre only playing it?
SMT IV isn't glass canon gameplay, it isn't balanced at all because it's unfinished. It wasn't intended to be everyone dies in one hit they didn't have time to test any of it. Bosses are literally not able to use any of their mechanics in IV because of this shit, it's a balance war crime
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alright folks, what do you recommend for odin build: critical aura for instant crits or stacking up eyes into him and then finish it with zealot?
and i do be needing animus for melee pierce
so the way to go is eyes and zealot for passives and that's it?
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not naked alice/10
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moh and alice those aren't blood!
I animus doesn't do enough damage and charge is better
yeah but the pierce effect it's important
Without pumping his luck Odin will be hopelessly incapable of critting even with double glee
e.g; if all he gets into luck per level is 21 points of Luck (for a total of 54)
against demifiend he'd have a whopping 9% to crit with double glee

Crit Zealot needs IIRC at least 10% crit to not be inferior.
Crit Aura + Crit Zealot will provide higher returns for Gungnir.
If you're fishing for figment crits Use a different demon
only for the bosses that resist it, yes. otherwise you want to put out more damage
let me guess siegfried
>if all he gets into luck per level is 21 points of Luck (for a total of 54)
luck essences, i have them
so double glee for gungnir or double eyes for figment slash and im done?
Depends on how high you can pump luck. If you can at least match stats you'll be brought to a 20%. So yes.

And again this is only if the enemy is resistant to physical. If they're not then you figment with double eye (and if you want consistency an accuracy boosting demon like Xiezhai, Valkyrie, Yatagarasu etc) all day every day
Christ Is Lord.
Is this a LAWFagg?
Kogetsu is the skibidi toilet of megaten
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i think i go with critical aura, it's much safe
wtf did they figure out how to make custom attack animations
>Pitfall trap right near a treasure chest
The devil works hard, but this modder works harder.
next law theme should just be this

what's better ziobarion maziobarion or thunder reign? the same question with other elemental attacks
Okay bro, nobody asked
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>Cute Pure Maiden
>Hymen Status: Intact.
stop using my name fool
Thunder Reign deals the most damage, without Dance it has a base power of 300 but because it's random in battles with multiple enemies it has a chance of not hitting the target you want at all or just once. Against a single opponent it will hit for 300 and with a dance team it hits for a whopping 750-1050.

Barion only hits one enemy but always consistently hits for 265, MA version only hits for 185 base damage but it consistently hits everyone. Narukami incidentally hits for 230 but pierces. It really depends on what you're fighting, basically all 4 final elemental skills have their own niche.
The skills don't exactly seem very bayonetta
Should probably make her dark and physical based
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i won't forgive them for debuffing my paper boy
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boot up my first ever smt3 playthrough and my demons

rate and hate
Your demon will forever be mistreated until he gets a redesign by Doi
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why the hell Alice wasn't in smt3
She was in the unused files of the OG release in Japan but not in any of the re-release that followed.
My guess is that they lacked the time to add her or that she clashed with the rest of the Fiends since she's not a skeleton.
Nocturne development was rushed and a mess so many things ended not being in the final game or changed, notably with amaterasu being a guy or Mara being a edited slime
>looking back at smt3 nocturne idle animation
it was so smooth back then, in general the animations in ps2 era was smooth
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Goddammit. Still smt5 including v lacks many demons as well which very poetic
a fate worse than death
Nocturne was rushed since Atlus was collapsing since they had a massive fall from grace with 3D gaming taking over. So she was in the files for the OG, but many things were cut, and many things in the Maniax version was intended to be in the full game. There is also a bunch of stuff with Lilith that VV does go into that was cut from Nocturne.
get that persona name bitch whore out of my face
Alice being cut content from nocturne wasn't real that was a shitpost someone made up here like 3 years ago that went unquestioned long enough to I guess get ingrained in some of your psyches
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she wasn't? who to believe?
You can figure out who to believe by trying to look for literally any evidence of her being cut content, of which you will find out there is none, not in the archive nor the cutting room floor.
>inb4 our little jokester edits the cutting room floor article right now
>inb4 our little jokester edits the cutting room floor article right now
Shit. You're onto me.
Forgot to check dx2 wiki thx
holy fucking tourist newfag, did you play IV at the slightest, you cum eating sloppenheimer
source for pic
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god dammit i cant even scratch shiva's buttcrack with my current set up and demons. rip for another billion years
The level scaling isn't as bad as it used to be but 66 is still untennably low. Anything greater than -20 is opening you up to a lot of pain. Might still be able to soak with +2 defense -2 attack and Kannabi veil.
literally just search for cum_in_mouth for either alice or muu on gelbooru, jesus
Reddit Bird
but i want you to do it for me
Kys pedo
Makes sense, since there's nothing to fix there.
lolis aren't allowed on this site, fucking disgusting pedo freak
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hello namefag
This is what happens when you use pedo demons
when you give beelzebub the aux cord
reddit bird
ahahahah this corny ass nigga cyber noobing out, nigga named cyber CANT EVEN fight shiva. ahahaahhaa
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stop sperging out you literal faggot's shit.
literal leech. and i see a newfaggot bowing for modderitor
stop childposting
STFU new fag, im older than you.
>eazy mode actual homoniggers and a newfag telling anyone to get out
Reddit bird
80% of the posts in these threads are made by the same 3 people
bro just switch to safety difficulty
sure, namefag-kun
New Fag i can type However The Fuck i want, been using This website since 2006. So shut up you

kid, i just got there, and i know what to do. stacking up my demons with health, maximizing my demons to 99 and i already up there and fuse stronger demons. easy. it's all experiment what im doing
lmao you got outed, newnigger
why would you do all that work when you could just switch to safety and win immediately?
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newfags will sperg over pic-related, an instant win
Since the quality of this thread can't get any lower. Have a Twitter screencap.
Twitter screencap is unironically higher quality than this thread
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because im not an oshimaitranny like that namefagging faggot's shit and other newfags plaguing this earth and cosmos. I am ascended like shiva buddha and izanagi
my posts are high quality besides those larping newfags
Not gonna lie, it kinda stings seeing these decked out Nocturne HD demons knowing how difficult it was to transfer skills in the PS2 versions..
Why are there so many mentally ill people in this general?
you hate yourself?
come again?
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What a pitiful sight.
File deleted.
I think most people played VV and left, so the vocal ones staid behind.
It's like 3 people camping the thread since VV discussion died down
hot, hyss
great taste
was VV good?
SMT V and VV brought tons of mentally ill people to the community
That's not the demon art I wanted to post that I found.
xitter and dumblr will flabbergasted and shit out "don't use agi!"
Some random modder is already making n ew skills what excuse does atlus even have to not have more demons and skills?
homoshit is allowed on this site, fucking disgusting homoshit freak
Not really. It didn't improve anything besides level scaling removal and only doubled down on it's issues.
and this newfag's shit is one of them>>487466927>>487467184
fucking double replying nigger zoomer. why /vg/ is a thing?
>Story is still bad
>Characters are still awful
>New dungeon is shit
>Qadištu are on the cover but barely present in the actual game
>Gameplay is still ehhhhhhhh
I think it's possibly the worst JRPG of 2024 since it didn't redeem V at all like people hyped it up to be
You sick fuck they're underage
it's a boy
why you're pretending to be me?
Very flawed overall, I really wished they did a SMT4A situation instead, since Vengence outside the third area has 90% of the things the same in the same spots. It doesn't help it feels incomplete with how most demons don't have unique passives when modding and adding them are easy and how some stuff doesn't even change in between routes. SMT6 will probably be better, but for 3 years in between base V it feels lackluster.
He gives off skibidi vibes
Cory said it's good.>>487466440
Better than V at least.
Yes, i grew up watching other zoomer core shit. my condolences.
bruh that's pedo shit, extremely gross
somehow agrat who is not even a loli, triggers local newniggers and now is a loli.
VV is the funnest Rpg ive ever played, you're all just a bunch of contrarian nigers
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newnigger street speech, /smtg/ is literally youtube's comment section now. lmao
i rather go and post alice in /pg/ LMAO
What RPGs have you played in the last decade?
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Being a funny game doesn't mean it's good, retarded faggot
She is literally a loli
go away pedo
>She is literally a loli
ok newfag. tell me how is she considered a loli?
smelly feet
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I'm starting to related to Heat as a character.
Her body is very loli-like
Her voice is very high pitched
She's the youngest member of the Qadistu
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It was okay to good at best honestly, at least gameplay wise.
gonna post homoshit soon, attention whore?
>Her body is very lolilik-
stopped reading there and she's petite you fucking double triple quadruple nigger.
loli is literally all flat and thin and sometimes has budding and thighs but it's about it. literal 19yo NEWCANCER
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me when I see doi lilith
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>murican newfag
why the fuck xe still posting in here?
>dbz posting
ok /smtg/ is worse than /pg/
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mmm doi lilith so tasty
>She's the youngest member of the Qadistu
and you came to that conclusion based on??? and anyway retarded fucker, they're not even kids nor real kids, they're all pretending to be fucking humans. jesus have mercy upon me
reddit bird
Fucking The girl
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Can you say that again ESL
which one?
says the illiterate esl bugging everyone in here
more PM Koshimizu = good
sorry, it's a pedo medium
Disgusting pedo art
Fuck off she's literally underage
What do you mean
youtube literally few clicks away, retarded spammer
Loli is fine, 3D isn't.
Neither is fine, let's be honest here
don't engage with retards
no one cares, righteous wannabe moralfaggot shit, newnormalnigger. get your murican nigger ass out from here
>even sfw alice and muu cant be posted anymore because newfaggot/namefag tryhard has a possession or his brother diddled him
Most of 4chan userbase is from merica newfag kun
This, he was always handsome but I didn't find him actually interesting until Vengeance which made him 100 times hotter. I swear someone who loves men in three piece suits was on the team and had some influence or something because goddamn.
calls others newfag when he's a newfaggot himself? has he lost some bolts from his head? newfags don't even have self-awareness nowadays when xe literally outed ximself in this very general? the archives have the evidence. it doesn't mean everyone adores muricans even muricans hate their own posters and you have no evidence for that
Reddit bird hasn't been allowed to be posted here for years now bro
a literal homofaggot
Post the video then
Christ, at this point can you ESLs just write in your native languages? I can’t even understand half of the posts here anymore.
bruh nobody is esl here just calm down
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years? you literally just appeared here last week
>Post the video then
posting shilltube[dot]come and you fuck off? good
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he's basically Krishna but he is more invested in you being his brother rather than forcing salvation by any means possible
> I swear someone who loves men in three piece suits was on the team and had some influence or something because goddamn.
his model is just beautiful, I got the switch version so the quality is bad but I've still taken so many screen shots of him
reddit bird
>replying to newfags
brain damaged child diddler
but this is my general
I'm not a newfag
He's not wrong though
this nigga cyber needs to get fucking range banned.
>randomly hides his name
>then puts it right back
the fuck this newfag doing?
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Personally, and just speaking for myself, I greatly prefer the 4chan moth.
cyber? your new boogyman?
but somehow you don't want that "Hyss-ho" faggot rangebanned? suspicious.
The general is only this bad because the reception to VV has been almost universally positive outside of /smtg/ unlike SH2 which flopped on every level
The zeitgeist sees it as SMTV the way it was supposed to be
You are never getting 90s occult games from Atlus ever again
>4chan moth
literally zoomers like auto-battler parroting faggot and newfag namefag killing this general now.
>unlike SH2 which [headcanon]
>You are never getting 90s occult games from Atlus ever again
The very first SMT was already more modern sci-fi fantasy than occult. The franchise has never been hard set into whatever you idiots think it was.
I'm pretty sure the general is only this bad because exactly 3 people are bored enough to shit it up. Possibly only 2 people if the schizo is deranged enough to be the pedophile as well.
That's not really true. That was smt 2 with the scifi elements
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Reddit Bird
i guess faggot newniggers just want to slander people even if they post alice and just muu? like the fuck you newfags want from us? post cleo hag and wank shit?
I mean you have based your entire presence in the general as someone that loves cunny and calls anyone that doesn't gay. What else do you want me to refer you as other than pedophile?
go nag about it to your xitter nigger friends, hyss. i bet you're a bot that went berserk.
who cares? retarded newnigger? you're not even hiding the fact you're a newnigger, homofaggot hyss.
the triggered you're the more you will eventually fuck off and stop shitting up this general.
That's some other anon
Cleo isn't a loli, so yes
didn't you say you're a gayfaggot? Can some reasonable mod rangeban mississippi or something?
You know what I don't even think you're a third party. I'm pretty sure you are just the resident schizo sowing chaos as usual by pretending to be different people. I didn't want to believe because the act of Muuposting followed by responding to your own posts with "redditbird" was a little too much to believe but now it's starting to become more clear.
I never said that I was gay? You have bad memory or something
jfc, I've been coming to 4chan and /b/ since before you were probably even born and, believe me when I say this, no one likes a tryhard. Just do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up for five fucking minutes
Awful people demon
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great, 2 more years with anti loli sperg crusade team
Reddit Bird
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>his model is just beautiful

It actually opened my eyes to how good looking he is, his art truly doesn't do him justice and the more attention they put on him in VV opened my eyes to his full power. Glad this game lets you play in whatever language you want because his English voice pales in comparison to his Japanese one (but the English dub in general just isn't good lol lmao)
I encountered Agrat for the first time and wow what a qt
this post really just got ached for no reason? i sense projection.
the hell you're on about? for real, claiming to be a pedo really rustles your jimmies that much? wow

take off your name, hyss shit
I thought VV's story was pretty good aside from how Aogami comes back, such a dumb thing to put in the game when you make a point of sacrifices being necessary on the chaos route
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beware, local newnigger will call you a "pedo" for adoring petite women. lmao
Dude, you've been using the term 'newnigger' like you're going to die if you ever stop. Did you just hear the term last week and now you need to use it as often as possible before your parents take the PC away? That's what I mean by 'tryhard', you sound like a 14 year old
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i heard about it since 1 and more decade ago and been using since then, newnigger
when you and you "hyss" buddy stop sperging out over bird and loli and stop calling agrat a loli MAYBE.
Did you finish Vengeance Avery? Is that why you're so bored?
That other guy is nothing to do with me, you're just such a pathetic underager, I'm suffering embarrassment just reading your posts.
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who? the other local namefag? are you that zoomer autist imposing your namefag onto me now?
rewrite your nigger post please.
Who are you trying to fool? We have been suffering your autism for years now. I think I can tell by now when you are on your bullshit.
Holy Fuck. SHUT UP
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are you pretending esl now and mimicking my posting style or something, literal nigger. lmao
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SMTV is great if you love autistically fusing demons the same way you catch all the pokemon.
>for years now
well, i've been coming here now and then and talked about dds and such, now it seems like niggers getting triggered over alice and muu and they have been part of smt since like the first reich?
Le sigh
based, spending 2 hours fusing rare demons on a Saturday night is peak autismo hours
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4chan girl
total reich victory
>if you love autistically fusing demons the same way you catch all the pokemon
That's every SMT since SJ.
>schizos leave
>smtg is fucking dead,
Lol. Fucking funny.
Does anyone actually like SMT?
I do.
i've beaten all the persona games but the only smt game i've liked enough to finish was v.
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Which schizo? Loli schizo? Im god and my loli brethren will praise me
I like to claim Megami Tensei is my favorite media franchise of all time. I think my claim holds some weight because I didn't get into the series until I was 17 so I can't just say I only like it because of nostalgia.
Actual cancer spreading the post and its chaotic miasmatic scape. At least aloce were in those games.
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>too high level and luck to get crit consistently by Masakado
Well that fucking sucked.
I need those crits.
Had the weirdest dream that was a mix of devil survivor and New Vegas. Amane was there, Terry Benedict was there and was overpowered as hell, and King Frost was the escape bus driver.
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I have fusion autism
>King Frost
Why does he keep showing up in random anon's dreams?
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Dead General
Gozu-Tennoh deserved better.
da heck he doin
when he gets low health he can't help but literally shake in frustration.
Needs to take shit
Reddit bird
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Was this guy an easy boss for anyone else? I literally had his whole fight under control the whole time
I've never heard a single person say they struggled with Khonsu in either form or in either version of the game. He's a jobber.
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That's because he's not a endgame boss
his animations are honestly pretty neat
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Who are these characters again? I think they're from one of the PS1 games
>When I see a chaosfag
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That is pretty funny
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Built for the BBC ngl
Ugly fucking whore I would kill her for the sake of chaos
but mastema isn't a law demon
Is there a difference in item drop rates between if I talk to a demon that I have in my stock, or if I kill it? I'm trying to grind Chakra Pots and Somas, but Kali and Chi You are being greedy as shit.

Also what's the difficulty order for the super booses in Vengence? I'm assuming Shiva would be first, but not sure for the rest.
is she standing behind the Tokyo Tower?
Idk just google it
Ngl she looks creepy in this art
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Nuwa vibes
New bread?
My Empress would never

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