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Previous thread: >>486235675

Featured Game by thumbnail: Path of Achra

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KikLLLeyVOk

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas
>Roguelike Archive (Collection of pretty much every free roguelike there is)
>/rlg/'s "official" Cataclysm: DDA fork

>Current Events

23 July 2024 - Emerald Woods v0.4.3 released - https://blog.slashie.net/2024/07/23/emerald-woods-ponytail-0-4-3/
21 July 2024 - TomeNET v4.9.2 (online-multiplayer) released - https://www.tomenet.eu/
18 July 2024 - Terra Randoma v1.1.06 A Castle Isn't Built in a Day released on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1120400/Terra_Randoma/
18 July 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.8.4 Cryomancy released - https://steamcommunity.com/games/2399160/announcements/detail/4328605795697418532
14 July 2024 - Triangle Wizard 2 v2.3 released - https://trianglewizard.com/
14 June 2024 - Steam Sky 10.0.1 released - https://thindil.itch.io/steam-sky/devlog/764841/version-1001-arrived
13 July 2024 - ROGUE-FP v2.6 released - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2343160/ROGUEFP/
13 July 2024 - Realms of the Lost Beta 1 released - https://aukustus.itch.io/realms-of-the-lost

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

Roguelike Servers
https://angband.live/ (Angband and variants)
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1st for roguelikes
los como rogue
does baby nights have sweating yet you do you still have a -10000000 speed penalty for wearing a shirt and pants during summer?
Nice work man
>>Slay the Spire
>can beat the heart with silent, defect, and watcher
>silent is fun, fast
>defect has fun mechanics and several builds that are easy to get online
>watcher is almost an insta-win every time simply because of how the mechanics work
>for the life of me, cannot use ironclad
have tried exhaust builds, block/barrier, just can't make it happen
someone please spoonfeed me what the mindset is for ironclad
StS is not a roguelike, but look up Jorbs on youtube. I believe he has an ironclad guide
Show us a screenshot of this babyanon
i consume 5L of beer almost every day and i can 100% black stop at any time
roguelkike for this feel?
What's the FOTM, or does /rlg/ still only play dcss?
Cataclysm Bright Nights
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I think I have pathfinding working decently well.
>he's still seething about BNs
Who is?
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Roguelikes for this feel?
cute dog
hades 2 for this feel btw
One of these days I'm actually going to try that mutation path. I just never liked the idea of being locked out of the torso slot for gear.
qud! carapace + slime glands = snail build
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Whenever I play CDDA, I can't stop myself from cheating and always ruin my games. I wish this game prevented you from cheating but it makes savescumming and debug mode trivial.

I hate it, I really do. I want to stop cheating but I can't.
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its snailing time
bonus points if you can befriend Slog
tranny game
you forgot the four arms one
i agree with this statement despite playing said game
snails dont have arms silly :^)
Can anyone who has the necessary build tools add an option to Era of Decay to start on the 1st day of Spring?
>he doesn't know about the cloaka surprise
Post-threshold slime should get reach on martial arts, like dhalsim.
hey man whatever but can you let me back into the rlg gooncord please, im sorry ok
He looks like mibe in the thumbnail.
Frog. Frogfrogfrog.

God, playing as a sword/rag/ring is weird.

It feels kinda bad that COVID wiped out like 90% of the Angband variant maintainers, tho.
rog lik
I have another idea for a roguelike I would like to try and ultimately fail to make, and was wondering if yall could help me understand something better. I plan to use tiles, and a UI. What confuses me often is managing a variable viewport and resolution. I think I want to split the screen in two, with one side being the map and the other side being UI.

With that in mind, what is the minimum number of tiles that need to be drawn on screen at once, that you would still consider playable? In other words, at what point numerically is the visible map too small to be enjoyable? I don't plan on having a minimap drawn to extend view either, nor will I allow free-look. I want to make sure that I choose a minimum screen resolution, and a tile size that still allow the game to be played. For the sake of discussion, assume the the viewport of the map will be square.

I don't want the tiles to be so small I need very abstract art, but I also don't intend to use large tiles with intricate art. I will probably be making it all myself (poorly), so the actual size of the tiles can be atypical if need be. In my head I am considering 32 bit tiles, but that is just my starting point until I think it over more.

>Tl;dr, at what point does the visible map become too small to be playable?
Go reincarnate yourself
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Dragon Quest Monsters can be argued to be a roguelite, and it does it's stuff in 10x9 screens with 1 last row dedicated to the UI. Believe Azure Dreams has the same viewport. So it's possible with a very small resolution.
Thanks. It feels like a delicate balance where the view and the gameplay need to compliment each other. Can't have a bunch of long ranged sniper type enemies if your screen is this small. My very rough math has me considering an 11x11 screen, which would allow you to see max 5 steps in any direction. Not sure if this is too restrictive for something involving stealth and tactics.
Sorry for double posting but if we assume a minimum screen size of 720, splitting that in half for UI leaves 360 pixels, divided by 32 gives 11. Im pretty inexperienced with game dev so I don't know if any of my thought process here is sensible or not.
Good night, /rlg/
sword is cool in a head empty kind of way, you become strong as fuck by the end
rag sucks
ring is also cool but really tricky
>baby nights
More like Based nights kek
When you think about it, India and Italy are kinda the same.
Is Degrees of Lewdity a roguelke
>unfinished game
no ascension condition. not a roguelike
Does it have permadeath? Does it use tiles for movement? How many modal windows does it have?
>unfinished game
definition of a roguelike, what are you talking about ?
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gently or violently bros
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Are the baby nights players in the rural cabin with you right now?
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The second I relax completely my breathing stops altogether. How am I supposed to sleep now?
just sleep like you breathe.
get into an iron lung
underrated post
any other bloatkino poschengbandlikes with tons of meme gimmicky playstyles?
Baby nigger autofellating
least pedophilic DDA fan
All roguelikers are pedos
That explains why so many of them gather on discord.
grandma pussy
the White man can transcontinentally abduct and carry into space the Black man like a sack of potatoes, and he still won't believe in ayys
she can take it
Sounds like you ODed on painkillers. Only thing that can save you now is the blood filter cbm.
Is anon kill?
Playing DoL without being a crossdressing submissive boy with a tiny penis is a waste
I can't believe Silksong is not out yet
I really need new gooning material
good news /rlg/
DDA experimental has linux builds again, for the first time in a month.
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I would recommend Morrowind. Been ages since I'd played it last and I'd never tried OpenMW or Tamriel Rebuilt and it's been great. Ended up moving a decent orb-fondling ADOM character to the back burner because it's been so enjoyable to fuck around in Morrowind in the evenings. Probably what I'm going to end up playing all night tonight too. Enjoy this view from the silt strider platform overlooking the town, I'm here to fuck up the tong's skooma trade. Is the silt strider captain in the gimp mask innocent? Probably. But I don't doubt I'm going to have to go Max Payne with my crossbow here at some point. Also Silksong has bugs and Morrowind has bugs, coincidence?
prescription skooma for cats naow
I'm stroking
Dunmer women are hot
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I need that .gif of the guy smoking a hookah until he dies in QuD. Help a nigga out.
Can I have more opinions on this please
rare find, thx
Whenever I play CDDA, I can't stop myself from cheating and always make my game more enjoyable.
Teleportation is big QoL because auto-drive is too slow and NPC faction always so far away from each other.
Add giant women
Doesn't Elona just straight up let you play as a snail as one of the race options at character creation?
why are people against pause button in Dark Souls ? is it an attack on roguelikes ?
yeah; only viable build as snail is pianist/pet haver/mage
I wish she was my DM
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Here, have some dunmer small penis humiliation. Found my drug lab and shot the place up, the boss gets to live because he's a gigachad gish with crazy good armor as well as insta-kill spells so I'll cowardly kill his underlings and rob him and run away
anyone play poschengband anymore?
>just started skimming the thread
Fucking hell. This general tanked hardcore since the last time I followed it. Has there been such a drought that only the psycho's forcing meme's are still posting in it?
I'm 100% black
You are brown
it sucks here now yeah
to answer your question I play frogcomposband these days but not pcb
perfect female specimen
Don't think I've seen that gif before.
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he loves it
prod with the prod for a silent takedown
kotomine is my cute little prince. i would never hurt him like that
>grappler zombies
God I hate them. Is there another way to kill them or resist their stupid pull that is not ranged weapons?
Also is a foldable bridge made of light frame a sensible idea for navigating cities on the roofs?
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>niggas are unironically posting bethesda games in the roguelike general
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>I need that .gif of the guy smoking a hookah until he dies in QuD.

Why do you need that, specifically
/vg/ is such a failure of a board that all you can do is laugh
As expected of Kirei.
>This general tanked hardcore since the last time I followed it.
Always has been
There's just not been much innovation in the roguelike genre, that combined with some of the biggest games(DCSS, CDDA) getting progressively worse, it was bound to happen.
good morning /rlgl/ <3 it is time for achra
I'd like to think we're doing better than Boeing. Nobody important has died yet.
guten morgen
>thing bad, I hate thing cuz I'm so unique and hate popular thing
>yeah I'm playing pre-DOS looklikeshitlikes I'm so hekkin cool
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Disdain for plebs.

Because I thought I had it saved but don't. C'mon...
its the remix 2 ignition
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Good morning /rlg/.
For now this may just be a wand or trap effect but I'd like to use this to add roof collapses at some point.
I had to eat 16 fucking carrots to go from hungry to sated, and for some reason raw carrots give a mood debuff
Hunger can actually be a problem early on in EoD (so probably in DDA too) if RNG happens to be rough to you. As for taste, it's generally subjective but those in places like Canada probably lived their whole life without seeing an actual farm so "raw" vegetables must needs taste strange to them.
You know anons in this thread in particular, but really 4chan as a whole, bitch about people using discord and how it forms horrible cliques and this and that, but I consistently have real actual conversations there. Unlike here where you get one or two meme responses and then are shitpost into oblivion, even, or perhaps especially when you have actual thought out posts, topics, or questions to discuss. So I think I am going just going to take my actual discussion there.

>tl;dr Go fuck yourself?
you get shit responses because of discord tranners shitting up threads go back you esl freak
Well what do you want to talk about?
>for some reason raw carrots give a mood debuff
Dame reason cranberry juice gives a mood debufd. Dda developers have no taste.
Maybe those were BABY carrots, you big baby?
Take a look at Kevin. I'm sure you can figure it out.
so if your cat disappeared so you weren't able to gobble up all the dwarves and gnomes for their picks and you didn't get a wand of digging and orcs took over minetown then you just get no minetown that run?
crystal ball and a leash, joy
followers/pets in roguelikes are universally the most obnoxious fucking things in the world i always abandon them
>he never had a pet bell of termination with a gatling gun in Elona
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It keeps getting worse. Blacksmithing is officially lostech now.
based kevin
gnome king's wine cellar, the one with the treasure trove that you have to dig to, great!
You get what you fucking deserve
Can't handle all that realism uh?
Mostly can't handle the interlocked loops of almost everything needing a metal chisel which needs a special kind of tongs which need a metal chisel. On top of everything needing a L3 quality hammer.
I guess there is also a bronze hammer that requires L2 hammering and provides L3, somehow. The only problem is finding bronze. Never seen it over the years aside from mods.
if you have a crucible you can disassemble ammo for copper and alloy it with aluminum cans to make bronze.
Ah, now everything finally makes sense. I wonder which trees you're supposed to harvest ammo from if you're playing an innawoods scenario.
what a shame
>decide to install latest cdda so I can experience the pockets and stuff
>check the options
>default season length: 91 days
>warning: you can't change it or it breaks the game, also fuck you
Oh fuck I remember this change, why am I hurting myself this is bad
>decide to install latest cdda
Era of Decay is a more palatable fork of DDA that does not change a lot in most areas. It does change chemistry significantly but I don't mind.
At least he's trying to play roguelikes to bring the Discord nerd back, he's doing his best
You can literally turn into a slug if you befriend a certain legendary mollusk.
What was your top char in Qud?
Here's the guy with which I BTFO the six nephilim. Now I'm waiting for the official launch and the story to actually finish.
never heard of it, I'll check it out as well
My best Qudités are pretty sad, I consider myself doing well if I fuck around in Golgotha but I also have yet to dick around with psionics
What troubles are you running into?
Nothing specific, I just don't play back to back Qud runs so I don't build up enough experience with the game itself so I don't properly identify danger. For whatever reason Qud's a game I really enjoy but I like sprinkling it in with other games which does hurt the gud gittin' process
IMHO Qud is a pretty easy roguelike all things considered but it has a lot of content. The difficulty curve is not steep (save for a few rough spots, mainly Bethesda Susa) but it is long until it reaches its zenith.
A big part of improving in the game is knowing the general organization of which areas you should be going to at which level.
Zone tier is a pretty good indicator, with the caveat that there's a huge jump from the tier 5 areas to the tier 6 areas.
Generally speaking, try to be around level 16 when going down Golgotha and level 25 when going to Bethesda Susa. Obviously once you really know what you are doing you can rush certain areas to speed up.

I highly recommend mental mutations. Despite all the attempts at nerfing them over the years they truly remain the most powerful playstyle by far.

I obviously recommend making your own character (imho the truekin presets are far better than the mutant presets), but if you want a strong generalist character for mental mutations use then this build code is my go-to (put it in the build library if you want to use it):

I fucked up really badly and now my fate is in the hands of some fucking bureaucrats, if they don't get off their asses and work for once I'm fucking doomed.

Pray for me, /rlg/.
Which game?
I told you dog. I told you to stick to 2D.
Roguelike like this ?
welp, there goes my best URW character so far.
Turns out that walking on ice isn't 100% safe even in the middle of winter, it can still break and once you are down getting back on the ice can be all down to luck. I was unlucky and the ice kept breaking.
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>open dda crafting menu
epic fucking bloat, it was already bad before but wow
kinda wish the crafting more like urw, instead of having a recipe for cooking every fucking type of food, and double that when you add some pepper
Thanks for the writeup, and I didn't even know there were delineated zone tiers like that. I'll try out your character build later on too, maybe tonight. Morrowind's had a hold on me but taking a break for some Qud wouldn't be a bad idea and maybe psionics will light a fire under my ass to play more Qud

Speaking of Qud, have you ever tried a full speech/party focused character? I've never tried that either but I've always been curious how viable it is, if at all, or if speechifying someone into being a companion is intended as a later game side-skill rather than something you can build around

I'm impressed just because that boss fucked me over more than any other From boss. God only knows why, even meme shit like Malenia in Elden Ring wasn't that bad but Nameless King took me more attempts than anything else
Got the build loaded into the game now at least and I was surprised at the balanced stat distribution. Obviously your late game character was more spread around but when I make characters I tend to focus heavily on one or two stats and dumpstat the rest, you're of the mind that starting out balanced is best?
AKA gas
the cats know
There's a recent 7drl called Thaum that pulled off 9x9 pretty well
You voted for this
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>Because I thought I had it saved but don't.

Honestly speaking you do not deserve nice things.
In fact, there's a fucking faggot who just bumped the thread
fuck you with a rake nigger
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>and for some reason raw carrots give a mood debuff
One time a fat american chick asked me if I really did eat my carrot "unseasoned"
there was something deeply disturbing about that exchange, she had never eaten a raw carrot before in her life
It must be something deep set in the american mind to crave the corn syrup derivates
Oh hey the pedophile saga is starting again
based quirked up white boy
I'm 100% black tho
Thank you <3
tfw no good modern roguelikes
What are you talking about? All of them are from after 1648.
I have become drunk. I'm playing Qud. I got killed by a rocket turret 14 strata deep, but I savescummed. I don't give a shit about anything. I found a crysteel battleaxe. I'm doing axes and cudgels with multiple limbs. I don't fucking CARE.
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It will be nice to have freedom of religion again after the Unholy Carthaginian Simpire fails to pieces.
>14 strata deep
me dancing with arelgee
any Finno-Mongol war roguelikes?
im not having any fun with bright nights desu
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It's autism leaving your body
imagine if you could reverse niggers and browns into human beings
that would be the greatest discovery for eons
Germany would've succeeded with the French if the US hadn't interfered
The Weimericans stole the technology but German saboteurs ran it in reverse
Soon Hitler's clone sons will rule from Patagonia as the poles shift
1.nazi is a buzzword label
2.nazi party membership was mandatory
3.war crimes are subjective https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden
4.6millions? for real? be reasonable
I have not cum once for 2 weeks now due to zoloft
So this is what hell feels like
So true. If we'd supported Hitler against Stalin, Germany could've peacefully shipped the Jews to Palestine and Putler wouldn't be supporting Iran against Israel now. A North Korean nuke on a Chinese missile from an Iranian silo will be the Final Solution Hitler never wanted. Checkmate Reddit. Conveniently there are about 6 million Jews in Israel.
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I'm sure a few spiteful mutants will survive in the caves of Qud
how did /rlg/ turn into a /gsg/like shithole?
Update: the bureaucrats actually got off their asses and worked for once in their entire careers, I am saved.
same post-soviet Khrushchevka incels, just that roguelikers are too poor to buy a decent PC
How do I make Stone Soup Dungeon Crawl good again?
What's the latest version before they ruined it?
I want
-gods with actually interesting needs
-hunger and corpse eating effects
-the more interesting classes like stealth focussed ones and the pacifist healer
-drinking from fountains
-fluff stuff like press P to contemplate life
good morning /rlg/, whatcha playing? watcha listening to?
>maybe psionics will light a fire under my ass to play more Qud
They are the most interesting and flexible skills in the game.
>have you ever tried a full speech/party focused character? I've never tried that either but I've always been curious how viable it is, if at all
The way to get companions in the game are:
>Proselytize skill
Don't buy it with skill points (too expensive), instead go to the Six Day Stilt and water ritual the Mechanimist Pope, then ask him to teach it to you. Mechanimist reputation is the easiest to get in the game, just throw down artifacts you don't use down the well.
This one works on everything.
Mental mutation, doesn't work on creatures with a mental shield (basically oozes, plants and robots).
>Rebuke robot
Skill unique to True Kin, only works on robots.

You can only get one companion for each ability. So as a mutant you can only have two companions (one from proselytize and one from beguiling). As a true kin you too normally can only have two (one from proselytize and one from rebuke robot) but there's a very expensive implant that lets you have two proselytized companions at the same time. Also technically you can get mental mutations as a true kin but that's a whole ordeal and very RNG dependent, so the theoretical cap is 4 companions but it is very hard to reach that.
Do note that if you get a companion which itself has followers (eg.: a chrome idol followed by a bunch of naphtaali) the followers will also follow you, so you can have a sort of small army if you want.

Getting companions is a really good force multiplier at any point in the game but it is not powerful enough to be a main focus of your character. By the time you are able to proselytize a star kraken or a chrome pyramid and have it BTFO anything, you would already be an extremely powerful character.

tl;dr get proselytize and beguiling as soon as you can but don't expect companions to kill everything for you.
>you're of the mind that starting out balanced is best?
Yeah. I think attributes are an essential aspect in Qud and trying to get all of them as high as possible is super important.

Strength, Agility, Toughness and Wisdom are all extremely important and you shouldn't dump any of them.
Intelligence is less important, specially if you already know which skills you want to buy.
If there is a dump stat in the game, I think it is Ego if you aren't playing with mental mutations. If you have mental mutations then Ego is really important.

The rationale behind starting out balanced is that increasing attributes beyond 18 at character creation costs more points than increasing them up to 18, so a balanced character gives you the highest possible total starting attributes. Minmaxing gives you a better start in a single attribute but makes you much weaker in the rest, and considering that all attributes are important that is not worth it

You get the level based increases but those become rarer over time as each level takes more XP.
Then you can get more attributes through Sultan relics and consuming brain brine (RNG).
Theoretically you can get infinite attributes through eater's nectar, but it's not really practical.

The only attribute, afaik, that has a sure, easy and regular way to increase throughout gameplay is Ego, but only if you are playing with mental mutations. Idk if you already know what I'm talking about, but basically your mental mutations scale with your Ego modifier, making them stronger, and by using mental mutations you can eventually get tonnes of free increases to your Ego, making you exponentially more powerful.
Thus, there is actually an argument for dumping Ego when creating a character focused on mental mutations so that you can start with higher attributes elsewhere, knowing that eventually you'll get more Ego than you can use, but that's more of an advanced strategy for people who have got the early game fully figured out.
The strongest point of beguiling is robbing merchants blind, if that wasn't nerfed
That's kind of a secret mechanical interaction so I didn't want to spell it out.

You can do that with proselytize and if it fails they don't even get angry. And no, it wasn't nerfed.
anon, I promise there will be one
trust the plan
theres at least one other anon working on an ragu posting at the start of the thread and nobody replied to him
invisible entities may be working on good roguelikes right now and you wouldnt know it
the future is bright
Unironically play kimchicrawl
Just stay away from children dude, it's that simple
Bcrawl is superior
at least in bn it doesnt show that much
a good crafting system is context based, e.g.
click knife on a wood stick, its now sharpened
actually unreal because it requires genuine effort instead of 10000 different json filea that chomp memory and slow down the start up
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>Open map
>game WHRRRRR's my ram until it crashes
>logs printing a thousand "missing mapbuffer data. regenerating"
is my save fucked or can I salvage this?
I wish there was a CBN source port written in C
Unless you are saving the game during the crash, you should be good to reload.
Also please submit a bug report
it wasn't a one-time crash, I can't open the map anymore.
Any way to do that without signing up for anything? I'm incredibly averse to creating accounts for shit just to drop a bug report.
>literal, unironic incoherent schizo ramblings
I hope they provide euthanasia wherever you crawled out of.
He made a pun on Putin fucking Ukraine and said their jets and women are cooler. Are you low IQ or something?
Learn to construct proper sentences in English, Ivan, and no one will be calling you out on it anymore.
Buggy Baby nights
>he's still seething about BNs
Started a new URW game.
Selected the runaway slave start to change things up. The initial sequence of running away from a bunch of Njerpezit is a tad annoying since you start right in the middle of a village and not in a nearby forest like the description implies. Got a really nasty arrowshot to my arm but escaped.
Managed to hunt an elk nonetheless but skinning and butchering it with a broken arm and only a rough knife was pretty bad. However, I managed to find a village and get healed plus sell the meat from the elk and my starting rough quality clothes in exchange for a decent bear pelt and then I sold the elk skin for preserved food.
Now I got a full suit of bear clothes (footwear, leggins, shirt, mittens, hood and cap) just 7 days into the game.
Gonna hunt more elk and reindeer to make some leather (need me a belt) and buy a better knife.
Only people with a bad grasp of english struggle to parse slang and informal speech. You must be ESL.
Can you showcase your 10/10 english skills and tell us what this thread is about? (hint: it's in the title)
hot take : piper perri was hot
You have to go back.
How so? Do you keep dying, or are you getting stuck somewhere?
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>feels like that zombie cows map special is too frequent
>is that a bug or
Thanks for these writeups too, wasn't aware the "Charm" skills and abilities were limited to one minion each for example. And I knew about water rituals to learn skills but I didn't know where to go to get specific skills, which those probably would've been handy since I tried a few runs with that character yesterday and was splatting in Red Rock something fierce. Sunder mind does excellent damage but taking the stairs down and finding the stairs are in the middle of a snapjaw pack (So throwing up a force wall isn't viable) and then taking the stairs back UP only to get hit with fear from a plant and eaten is a bummer. That long cooldown on sunder is a bitch when faced with multiple enemies in multiple directions and/or a wandering monster shows up. Going to be a lot of careful crawling and sprinting to leverage that

Appreciate all the Qud dumps though, rarely hear about it so all this is gold. Just need to adjust my playstyle so I'm not grugging and also, ideally, don't get scared by a plant while retreating from snapjaws
> And I knew about water rituals to learn skills but I didn't know where to go to get specific skills, which those probably would've been handy since I tried a few runs with that character
There are a bunch of persistent characters which give useful skills but don't worry too much about it. Getting Proselytize from the Mechanimists is the only one which I would heavily recommend due to how expensive the skill is and how easy you can get that reputation in particular. The others are just some minor optimization.
>and then taking the stairs back UP only to get hit with fear from a plant and eaten is a bummer
Yeah. Make sure to fully clear a floor before going downstairs.
>That long cooldown on sunder is a bitch when faced with multiple enemies in multiple directions and/or a wandering monster shows up. Going to be a lot of careful crawling and sprinting to leverage that
Always make sure to improve your weapon skills. Mental mutations are special abilities, they aren't meant to be used to kill every single mob. Always carry a good ranged weapon and a good melee weapon at all times with every character you make in Qud.
>rarely hear about it so all this is gold
Qud is rarely talked about in /rlg/ and it sometimes just devolves into people who have never played the game complaining about the devteam. Plebbit is plebbit and the shitcord for this game is notoriously garbage, so there really isn't any good place that I know of for good discussion on the game.

Keep playing and figuring out stuff on your own, it is the best way to learn any game.
However, if you are looking for more in depth advice and don't mind spoiling, the official wiki is very up to date and there's a page called Qudzoo made by a very, very experienced player called AFFINE, which hosts a few community-made builds but more importantly it has a guide written by him that covers almost all aspects of the game.
What bothers me about qud is the percentage of non-procgen content is way too high. It doesn't feel like each run is unique, it feels more like going through the same checklist each run. Even worse when it's gimmicky shit that is mostly build/run agnostic like gay deer village.
Good night, /rlg/
good night nigger
>Always carry a good ranged weapon and a good melee weapon at all times with every character you make in Qud.
That's probably another problem with my general Qud playstyle since I tend to over-specialize. If I make a gunslinger character I'll usually take a melee weapon skill too since I never reach the point of comfortably having unlimited ammo, but I'm really bad about taking ranged weapons on melee characters. Should be something I do more naturally since ADOM's my favorite roguelike and you sure as shit want to have options there, but I think my standard operating procedure for games I'm not skilled in is to hyper-specialize on the grounds that it brings more clarity for specific play types while learning, but then it bites me in the ass in games where being more general is preferable

Might take a look at that. Qud's in an odd spot for spoilers for me because in something like ADOM I don't mind the spoilers because there's so much obtuse stuff going on that even with spoilers there's a lot to be considering. Qud, though, feels like learning the game is a larger part of it which is somewhat like >>487632625 is talking about. Hearing character builds and getting some general knowledge and tips is great but I'd feel like I was cheating myself if I was flat out playing with the wiki and especially learning the lore and fluff through the wiki
tonights the night, I'm going to get past sokoban again, I feel it!
>since I never reach the point of comfortably having unlimited ammo
You can buy it en masse from gunslingers a lot of the time. Also, once you hit level ~15 you should do a dive down to strata 10 or so to find some Good Shitâ„¢. You'll almost certainly come across chaingun turrets down there which will drop 100 lead slugs per (assuming they don't kill you).
>Hearing character builds and getting some general knowledge and tips is great but I'd feel like I was cheating myself if I was flat out playing with the wiki and especially learning the lore and fluff through the wiki
Mostly agree, but unless you're a masochist I see nothing wrong with scouting out the basics of Golgatha/Susa/Rainbow Connection/etc on the wiki. You'll have a bad time just running in there and eating shit, or barely getting through while also picking up one of the (many) pain-in-the-ass-to-fix disabilities that live in those locations. Starting all the way back at Joppa and doing the exact same shit to get back to that point in the main quest was pretty bleh and made me drop the game for long periods of time.
That is certainly true, I remember the pain of one of my few Golgotha-reaching characters that actually survived having to frantically deal with his tongue. That was years ago though so I'm not sure if it's less annoying now or not, IIRC at the time just regenerating your tongue wasn't good enough since your new one would just rot out as well. Actually "Years ago" made me look it up out of curiosity, snagged Qud in October 2015 and I'm only at 32 hours played in nearly 9 years which is way too goddamn slow. I blame it at least in part on when they were overhauling all the skills slowly since I do remember thinking "Oh I shouldn't play until all the skill overhauls are done" and then I shelved it for far too long
Roguelikes shouldn't have "main storyline" style quests. The only time I've seen it be actually tolerable was Elona, and even then it was probably better off without it.
Qud is definitely a case where being a generalist is better. There's no reason to not focus on both ranged and melee. You should always pick a melee skill and a ranged skill and invest in both accordingly to which one you prefer, but in both nonetheless.
>Qud, though, feels like learning the game is a larger part of it
Qud is an interesting case in that it is a story-driven roguelike. The atmosphere, lore, characters and world makes an attempt at engaging you beyond the usual roguelike schtick of "get down this megadungeon to retrieve the mcguffin".
I think many aspects of the pre-written content is really good but your mileage might vary depending on your personal tastes. It is definitely a big part of the game and not just fluff painted on top. If you don't care about the lore you are missing out on a lot of the game's charm.
>That is certainly true, I remember the pain of one of my few Golgotha-reaching characters that actually survived having to frantically deal with his tongue.
Well the thing is, there are many ways to avoid that. I actually never caught any of the Golgotha diseases until I purposefully inoculated myself with them in order to get the achievements.
> IIRC at the time just regenerating your tongue wasn't good enough since your new one would just rot out as well.
It is the same now. I think it is great that curing diseases takes some real effort and not just paying an NPC to heal you or casting a single spell. The only part that the game really doesn't communicate well is that there's a specific book that tells you how to cure diseases which can be found either on the RNG dependent inventory of book sellers or on a specific NPC in a town which the main quest never takes you to.
>Roguelikes shouldn't have "main storyline" style quests
Why not?
Nevermind that many roguelikes have a main quest, particularly the megadungeon-style roguelikes, it is just that most main quests are a single command of "go down, retrieve mcguffing, go up".
DCSS, .nethack, Sil-Q, etc... all have that as a main quest.
What's rare about Qud is having a main quest divided in multiple segments that take you all over an open world map, with a considerable amount of dialogue in between.
CotW questline:
>Go kill that asshole
>Well done son. Now go kill that bigger asshole.
>Son there is this huge flaming asshole. I know you can do it. Good luck.
I dunno, I think it's fine for open world roguelikes. If you're going maximum-rogue then sure you're dumped in a dungeon and you're going after the foozle, but having a "Main storyline" to point you toward whatever the ultimate win condition is seems fine to me. Especially if there are some certain guaranteed rewards or hurdles along the way so you have a few things you can plan around rather than all-RNG all the time. I also wouldn't be surprised if the main storyline quests aren't ultimately mandatory so you could ignore them if you've got meta knowledge, which I don't know if that's the case for Qud or not particularly since the win condition isn't in yet. Could be like the "Main story" in ADOM which can largely be ignored other than a few spots, or it could be like the main story in ToME where you do indeed need to knock out quests, both of which are also open world roguelikes though I would say Qud feels closer to ADOM than ToME since ToME you tend to knock out dungeons in rote order while ADOM you can change things up based on how your character's doing. I'm fairly sure Qud's closer to that and I just don't have the skill and knowledge to really do that yet myself

I believe I even had the book for it since I remember it was a recipe of a few ingredients to cure that disease. Must've been favorable RNG since I don't imagine I would've bumbled into a specific NPC in a town that main quest doesn't point me toward, though maybe that was one of my "Wander around" characters. In fact I think I'll fire up some Qud now
It adds too much repetition. Doing branches in a certain order (which there isn't actually a firm order most of the time, unless there's a main quest in play) does not remotely compare to talking to the exact same NPC, with the exact same quest dialogue, sending you to the exact same dungeon, with the exact same layout and gimmick and boss and completion reward, so on and so forth, in terms of content stagnation. That's the reason I used the term "main storyline" not "main quest", because any roguelike that has a wincon technically has a main quest, but main quests with a heavy scripted narrative content are a different story.
Personally I really enjoy Qud in great part because I love the setting and atmosphere. Post-apocalyptic cyberpunk science-fantasy in which the ancient super-advanced society is shrouded mystique and seems somewhat alien is pretty appealing to me. I feel like this is a rare case of biblical references feeling tastefully sprinkled around the game because they aren't really about the content of the Bible being superficially alluded to but more about the general feeling of something ancient and grandiose, spoken about in reverence.
The Tomb of the Eaters is easily the best part of the game and the first time I reached the upper tombs after so many runs I was genuinely impressed.

>sending you to the exact same dungeon, with the exact same layout and gimmick and boss and completion reward
Typically only the final floor in Qud's dungeons is pre-generated... which is what every other roguelike does too.
The layout for most floors does absolutely change. If having set patterns upon which RNG is applied to makes it the "same layout" then DCSS' (to name one example) branches are by all accounts same layout with same gimmick, boss and reward every time. Having a pre-defined boss (or a specific list of enemies that can spawn) with a pre-defined item on the X floor of a given branch/dungeon is standard, not unique to Qud in the slightest.
uhhh a nymph drank a potion of invisibility then stole mjolnir
god forbid women do anything
The gimmick and enemies in dungeons like Rust Wells and Golgotha are so definitive that even if they have some minor mapgen differences it feels exactly the same every single time. Just like how gay deer village is 99% same exact dialogue ant 1% procgen. There is no room for a novel gameplay experience.
>Just like how gay deer village
Absolutely obsessed lmao
You really should look at yourself in the mirror and ask why a short piece of dialogue from a very minor npc in a sidequest lives rent free in your mind.
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oh fug I looked at dungeon level and not xp level aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
and I dipped my unicorn horn into a polymorph potion now I have figurine of iguana
>someone else having the same argument I've had, probably with the same guy, no less than twice
>In fact I think I'll fire up some Qud now
Quick status report, I decided to try wandering around on the surface rather than immediately hitting Red Rock because surface means longer lines of sight for popping heads. This SEEMS to be working out since I've hit level 3 by blowing up crocs with no danger, I am slightly draining my water but since your character build starts with a stillsuit it's not completely horrible and I won't be quite as fragile when I do hit up Red Rock. Actually to add to this since you recommend wings I could (Presumably) fly up and use sunder with impunity if my opponents don't have ranged attacks on the surface, too. Feeling like this might be too grindy and slow for repeat runs but I'm experimenting and fucking around with the build

Plus getting a few levels under my belt means I can pick up a weapon skill now since I don't start with one. Not sure if I want to go with short blades (That's what I start with as a weapon) 'cause with double muscled I'd think axes or clubs, especially since I'd be starting from scratch and I'd think that +2 accuracy would be most useful super early. I'm ALSO probably being a dumbass because since I've got wings I could probably plunder the rustwells near instantly for potentially fat loot/XP from critters/banging through all of Argyve's quests really fast. Just thought of this as I was considering how my character's too poor to be buying weapons currently

offer her something less cold and pointless
fated 1s
Yeah Qudfaggot is definitely gay
Only a faggot can write a huge blog about nothing and get mad about gay remark
Probably furtranny as well
>gone home tier walking and talking sim gameplay in a fucking ASCII game
>incentivized to repeat that garbage every single run because you get a bunch of free shit and skill trainers
Gay Deer Village cements its identity within the game because of how shit it is.
Short blades are pretty fun, but it does scale almost entirely off AGI. Cudgels are probably the best weapon class in the game. Not the anon you're replying to btw.
Do you know to continue south out of the bottom of Red Rock to get back to Joppa?
blacking out on Soi 6 is a risky way to lose your cherry
You're better off slaughtering all the queer deer for their artifact axes if you have any interest in using them. You probably get around the same amount of XP, too. Losing out on possible Multiweapon from water ritual sucks slightly but it's a bit of a pain in the ass to raise their rep enough to get it anyway.
He does the same thing every time.
>tries for hours on end to bring up qud, which is otherwise goes for days if not weeks without mentioned because it's unplayable shit
>spams a bunch of blogposts about the game and samefags them
>seethes at people who point out the game is troon-coded or that the developer is a convicted rapist pedophile
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if he's a paid shill.
Keep experimenting.
That build is meant to be versatile and work with whatever floats your boat.
Wings also serve as an early game panic button since you can retreat into the world map and get away if you are flying (doesn't work if enemies nearby can also fly).
>Feeling like this might be too grindy and slow for repeat runs but I'm experimenting and fucking around with the build
Don't feel forced to grind.
Level 3 should be more than enough to deal with red rock, just be careful around corners and keep a line of retreat upstairs.
>>incentivized to repeat that garbage every single run because you get a bunch of free shit and skill trainers
>>skill trainers
You didn't play the game.
don't know what's worse, the devs beings faggots or faggots here being this mindbroken over it
I got floating eyed in sokoban... I had a mirror, would that have definitely paralyzed it then I could have moved away safely after killing the other monster blocking me or was it better odds giving it another smack with mjolnir which it survived somehow?
>people wanting to talk about a roguelike, in a roguelike general, AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M GOING INSANEEEE SAVE MEEEEEEEE
I genuinely couldn't care less about the devs. I want to talk about the game. You are an autist who can't fathom that.
The artifact axes are among the less useful rewards from gay deer village, and IIRC there's also the gay deer warden who teaches shields, letting you get potentially two melee skills (both of which highly useful on chimera) from a single village. In general, the diplo system in Qud offers very little rewards for making new enemies via killing champions, it just causes new shit to aggro you and makes it harder to get new skills, because that's not the way the dev wants you to play. Same deal with you getting an OP reward for making friends with the Golgotha boss, or not being able to get a broken robot from fucking anywhere else than Golgotha. The open world in Qud isn't actually very open, because you have to constantly put up with such situations where you get punished by the dev for playing in a way that they don't approve, or get offered rewards for playing in the way the dev approves of, which is usually gay and unfun.
Down in the bowels of the dungeon? No, I never saw that. I generally just get my girshling corpse and leave. There some hidden path down there or something?

Another random aside, feel really silly I'd never fucked with mental mutations until now. It's interesting how they get bonus levels from your ego bonus which also prevents you from advancing them early on since it counts your raised total. Which means either hoarding mutation points for mental mutations (Seems unwise since that anon mentioned ego's the only stat that'll naturally train up anyway) or spending those mutation points on the physical mutations to help out in the early game. Get a bit better at beating enemies down physically and then I have sunder to blow up tougher enemies. The mental mutations seem like they fill in a nice niche that way. My gut reaction to having a few mutation points was to increase sunder but being told it's high enough it can't advance had me rethinking everything. Similarly I feel like my stat point should go toward ego but after the mention about ego it sounds like it's better off in almost anything else

>Don't feel forced to grind.
Oh yeah, even immediately going to Red Rock at level 1 I'm fairly sure it's still very doable, I'm just trying things out a bit differently this time after a few splats yesterday
I agree with you about the main quest line, I'm this guy >>487654736 and I've argued your position before in this very thread. I don't really feel like you get punished too hard for not playing ball with the dev's vision, though - the deer warden isn't a famed character as of the newest update (dunno when or even if that changed) and you can kill her (and everyone else in Bey Lah) without consequences. All of their axes are Carbide+ and better than what you'll probably have at the level you're doing the quest unless you rushed a Fulminite/Crystrel set from the asphalt mines with dawnglider tail cheese or something.
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>You didn't play the game.
Why are you lying on the internet?
I have no idea, but I believe in Byrny's inevitable victory.
>There some hidden path down there or something?
Yeah. When you get your girshling, follow the river south. Make sure you full clear all the screens - don't go down or up until you find something cool. At the end of the river start hunting around for up stairs, it'll bring you back into Joppa.
Why is it so hard to fathom that gay deer village is remembered moreso for being extremely unfun than for being extremely cringe?
Melee weapon upgrades just aren't that exciting because you're usually not DPS racing anything. There's no resource clock so you can take as long as you want with fights as long as you maintain the ability to disengage and avoid enemies that won't let you disengage.
I want to play Sil-Q but I keep getting filtered by the race selection being a difficulty selection and the weird singing mechanic.
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>Fly down a rust well
>Grab the loot, mirthworm and fungus riddled cannibal charge at me
>Start to sunder the cannibal but immediately flub my flight check and land on my ass, breaking the mental attack after a single round
>Make a force wall to block them out for a few rounds while my wings get straightened out, fly out of the well
Pssh, nothin' personnaile cannibals

Jesus that's a million times nicer than crawling through there without flight. No fucking rust from qudzu. No artifacts in that well but I'm sure as fuck going to loot all 3 now, obviously missing some XP and loot but not clearing them fully but fuck the rust wells

I will do so then. At least I would if I hadn't gotten lost (Somehow) in this tiny little walled off area that it seems I can't fly out of. Turning on flight and hitting < just says I'm lost, rather than moving me higher so I can escape this weird pit I'm in. Not sure how I'll get out of this, never had something like this happen before
yeah, using mutation points on improving mental mutations is a waste. spend them on physical mutations or on buying more mutations.
race selection being difficulty is honestly the only way to accurately portray The First Age. Singing is the way magic was always portrayed in European myths. If anything, waving a little wand and making fireballs explode should be weirder, or at the very least it certainly is less traditional than singing.
Read Kalevala.
Aside from the scripted content being too repetitive, the completely randomized content is too low effort and boring as well. You end up getting funneled into the samey scripted shit because the alternative is walking through a bunch of empty jungles and deserts and caves and swamps with 3 enemy types to each biome. Meanwhile in Angband or Elona you get real rando-dungeons with real enemy and layout variety.
You are brown I assume
>fated 1s
Tried using clairvoyance to get a full known terrain line of sight on other walkable tiles on this map from his pit and then did the "Move to" command with flight enabled and he just flies into a wall. Looking like the end of our hero unless I load the save up later and bind some of those debug commands to get him out of the hole
Are you lost? What's preventing you from going up to the world map?
Flying doesn't allow you to move over walls. Worst case scenario you can dig.
Also keep in mind that you get a recoiler (teleporter) from the Rust Wells quest. Get a battery (ideally a rechargeable one like a solar or wind battery) and put it in.
You should be able to slowly chip your way through the walls unless you're out of water or something.
I just like DCSS/TOME style races where they're basically a subclass you can combine with main classes to create characters with varying playstyles. Race just being a point or two difference in stats with the added caveat that many are just strictly better/worse than others becomes too much like there's no race option at all. Add on the lack of a class or god system and the character building in Sil just feels rather anemic. The melee mechanics are great, however.
Yeah, that's why I was surprised. Got lost traveling the world map and ended up in THE HOLE. Even sillier with wings and the compass skill both reducing the chance to get lost

I guess I'll try that too. Not sure how good a 1d3 kris is for digging through walls but it's worth a shot, IIRC there is some walkable terrain fairly close by that takes me to another tile if I can dig to it. I'll give it a go later, enjoying the character but getting stuck in a hole's a good sign it's time for a break
A DCSS/ToME like system wouldn't fit Tolkien's world. Traditional European fantasy is very different from D&D or WarHammer pop fantasy.
Perhaps, but one could also argue that Tolkein's world isn't very fitting for an RPG. Just look at how lame the ultimate magical ring was in the end.
>Just look at how lame the ultimate magical ring was in the end.
It took Magic the Gathering to turn the Ring into a format-warping powerhouse of unstoppable rape
Getting lost is pretty fucking annoying sometimes. Just the other day I lost a character haha lol because I went from the worldmap to standing next to a famed Plutus group in the salt dunes at level 12. Fuckers.
Ring was just copyright protected
>but one could also argue that Tolkein's world isn't very fitting for an RPG
I don't see why. The main issue is that pop fantasy has been warped by authors who wanted to copy Tolkien but only understood his work on a very superficial level because they never engaged with the source material that Tolkien drew inspiration from. That is to say, actual North-Western European myth.
If anything, UnReal World is a much better representation of Tolkien's world than most fantasy games, without attempting to do so, just because it seeks to properly model early medieval society and nature.
>Just look at how lame the ultimate magical ring was in the end.
What's lame about it? It isn't meant to make any random retard who picks it up into a powerful being. It's purpose is to draw the random retard into Mordor so that its rightful owner can get it and recover his power.
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>powerhouse of unstoppable rape
let's just say there's a lot of orcs with hobbit blood in the misty mountains
Not enough power scaling, not enough opportunity. An RPG setting needs to have magical treasures and opportunities for power scaling everywhere. Tolkein's world is extremely caste-based in that you either are a badass or you are a bitch and there's very little you can do to change it.
Tolkien's world is full of magical treasures. That's what the ancient swords found in the barrows and the rings are.
It is just that the concept of worth and value in traditional European folklore isn't the same as in pop fantasy. Value is measured in terms of prestige, not on commerce. Ancient steel is valuable because it has a story and a connection to a better past. It doesn't need to be flashy and launch purple sparks around every time you swing it.
>Not enough power scaling
European myth are not a shounen tournament anime.
> Tolkein's world is extremely caste-based in that you either are a badass or you are a bitch and there's very little you can do to change it.
Lineage matters. Of course the race of the ancient kings of the Laiquendi are superior to random schmucks. Don't take modernist ideas of egalitarianism for granted.
However, personal heroism is still extremely important and faith in God moreso. Fëanor was the most blessed being ever created and he failed at everything because he lacked faith. Weak peoples such as the hobbits being able to do much good is a huge narrative point.
>It doesn't need to be flashy and launch purple sparks around every time you swing it.
Literally the Balrog. It's not that Tolkien was too cultured to do fanciful fantastical combat, it's just that he thinks that cool and flashy things were evil-aligned.
the preacher is putting me to sleep explaining why Sil doesn't need interesting races
Yeah you are definitely brown skinned.
>get refuted
>start projecting
Holy cope.
>noooo you can't just wield magical powers to your benefit it needs to be linked narratively or literally to some greater spiritual good or evil nooooooooo
This shit is why nobody takes "classic" western fantasy seriously, and why Lovecraft has an entire genre while Tolkien is mostly remembered through elf porn. Lovecraft implicitly entices the audience with occult powers whereas every other fantasy author will just dump a bunch of preachy or pretentious nonsene on you.
I have already told you that you can't appreciate Tolkien if you don't love iron age European culture. If you think that nuD&D shit like Critical Role is cool while Beowulf doesn't interest you then you simply don't align with that culture and are therefore brown, spiritually if not physically.
nigga the combat in Beowulf was retarded, shit improves
But I just expressed appreciation for the balrog? Is the balrog not of Tolkien? Is it not appreciating tolkien to want to play a character that wields a sword and a whip made out of lava?
Not sure why you love some dudes who sucked aristocrat cock and offered their wives' first night to noble sons so much. I can see why a game revolving around such a sentiment would be boring.
>4:19PM in Australia
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The kris was able to tunnel out of the rock, and I got a hologram bracelet out of the rust wells, and now it's into the depths of Red Rock and we learn that once again /rlg/ and /glg/ are one and the same

Thanks for the heads up on attacking through the rock like that. Absolutely wouldn't have thought of it but holding the keys down for hundreds of attacks used up some water but did get me out of that situation
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Too much ziggers on my /rlg/, what happened ?
mm, no, very unwise
People see your mental damage and are intentionally agitating it.
what's your favorite monster race to play in frogcomposband
samnite and 10th cycle down, apophis is so busted. how we doin achra bros!?!?
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>Tolkein's world is extremely caste-based in that you either are a badass or you are a bitch and there's very little you can do to change it.
Which caste are hobbits?
Hobbits are a typical example of a romantically portrayed low caste. An example of top caste is the negligent omnipotent dirtfucker, who a hobbit could never even hope to put up a fight against no matter how many rings of power he has.
>The kris was able to tunnel out of the rock
Make sure to travel around ruins and get as many books as possible before you take a trip to the Six Day Stilt
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Got my first DCSS v.28 15-rune win this afternoon, nospellz MiFi oka -> TSO for pan, hells and tomb, ~90k turns. Took me 40 or so deaths as MiFi over the last month, one of which was a very close 14 rune run where I ate shit in a royal mummy moshpit at the Tomb 2 entrance.
Abyss. This run it was a ~4k turn slog to find rune, had to bail out to unfuck mutations at least once.
Torment is fucking gay.
Damnation is fucking gay.
Cocytus is FUCKING gay holy shit. Wendigos, hellions, tormentors, ice fiends and deep water are not a pleasant combination. Elemental wellsprings shitting up the place with summons in places where javelins are likely to land in the drink are the cherry on the frosty turd sundae.
All malmutators must die.
>lucked out
Arga, nuff said.
Oka was a pretty cool dude whilst we were still besties and gifted some gucci boots with rampage and +15 crystal meth armor with decent attributes.
There were a lot of tools that probably would have made my life easier early game that I (consistently) hardly or never used, mainly datura, atropa, para/acid/mindburst wands, due to not understanding when the best times to use them are over say running away or using damage throwables. Special invocables too.
Obviously, not touching spells is missing out on a big part of the game.
I still have no idea how to 'properly' invest my skill growth, I mainly just let fighting, armor and shields grow to 27 in their own time, axes on priority to mindelay and tapping in to invocations/throwing arbitrarily.
Even some of the gotcha moments that you have to chalk up to experience, and utter bullshit like when you get dropped three floors onto a sourceless alarm trap (true story) manage to be entertaining.
I've enjoyed learning when I can play it fast and loose with tabbing, when to be cautious and how to recognise when things are about to get too spicy.

/blog cool game, will probably try gnoll next so I'm forced to improvise with whatever the run provides.
That's a big cat
for you
why is there no dwarf fortress general? D:
can we talk about df here?
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Uh, no. We only like big things here. Dwarves too small.
No fuck off
/dfg/ moved to /vst/, which will probably be our fate soon. You can talk about it here but only Adventure Mode.
so that's how he dug Angband
>which will probably be our fate soon
nope, BN vs dda banter keeps /rlg/ stronk
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Achra is fun
Good night, /rlg/
Hmm, yes. Very wise
>/dfg/ moved to /vst/, which will probably be our fate soon.
Roguelikes fit neither strategy video games genre nor tactics video games genre definitions. /vrpg/ is the only place where they can be on-topic.
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>OP pic
You are ok in my book anon
Roguelikes are tactics RPGs where you only control one character. If FE gets a general there then so does /rlg/.
>tactics RPGs where you only control one character
So just regular RPGs. Also the very notion of appending half of an alphabet to "RPG" as an attempt to claim existence of new genres (as opposed to genre hybrids) is retarded but this nuance will be lost on 99% of modern posters.
That's like calling FE "just an RPG where you have a big party". The content of the gameplay and source of difficulty is what matters and is very different from non-tactical RPGs.
I don't know what "FE" is. And I don't care. If it doesn't belong on /vst/ you should go and tell them that. I'm talking about games that are like Rogue.
>am I speaking out of ignorance?
>no, it's /vst/ that is wrong
lol okay zoomer
I don't know about you but if /rlg/ dies I'm becoming an elona general refugee on /jp/.
>I don't know what "FE" is.
i don't either, and i don't care either
>he's samefagging now
For the third time, I'm talking about roguelikes, not about whatever "FE" is. If it's Fire Emblem, a name which I've obviously seen over the years, I have no idea whether it fits but it might because everyone kept calling it a tactics game.
But either way it's irrelevant because it's on the level of food analogy. You pretending that you win because you've tried to fake a samefag to pin on me is extra pathetic, however.
Technically tactical RPGs get posted on both boards, since mods on either one won't consider them off topic. The seething of jannie-wannabes aside.
Technically literal generals are being posted on both from time to time as well despite being explicitly forbidden in the sticky. Either we get every board become a /b/ variant or there is some le gatekeeping. The horror!
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Where I left off last night I was still crawling around in the subterranean river. Never explored that before since I always just figured it was a quirk of the map gen making particularly huge cavernous areas at the bottom of Red Rock. Still have yet to buy a weapon skill (Very foolish, I know) since I've only found carbide daggers and I'm torn on using daggers. I did find a compound bow though which is nice with freakish mutant muscles, not sure if I want to snag the rifle/bow skill before taking a melee weapon though
>Roguelikes are tactics RPGs
Other way around. Japanese TRPGs and Ultima both originate from Rogue.
This site isn't worth gatekeeping anymore unless you're a fan of arguing with chatbots all day.
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Funny little thing, dueling stance is still a better money maker though
This can only be worthwhile with chaff due to loot.
I fucking love eating naga hatchlings, swallow them whole by the handful.
Cdda bugs:
Furniture pushed off ledges just floats in the air, I think this happens if it can't displace whatever is under it. If the fall damage isn't sufficient to kill a Z it just seems to float, especially cabinets. Replicable

When choosing a weapon NPCs choices are still questionable.
>fails to pick up high value weapons
Even if owned and on adjacent square. Npcs would be a lot harder if they picked up guns from fallen comrades or from the environment
>wields armour
Npcs consider weapon values without considering the other uses of items. Do you really want to take your kevlar vest off and slap me with it?
>doesn't consider mindam
Is it worth throwing a jar of pickles at me? It's a kind of wholesome human reaction though. I think the issue here is that npcs put too much priority in throwing junk items and not enough in say, finding a weapon.
>npcs don't have enough triggers to flee
NPCs are some of the strongest enemies in the game and I think the global aggression settings need tweaking.
As a general principle no sentient animal should ignore its own need to survive, Max aggression should really be reserved for robots, demons, frenzied animals. And this would actually make the game harder because 3rd party fights would often end in a draw with both injured enemies fleeing. Far fewer EvE encounters would be fatal.
On the other hand, smarter npcs should recognise when it's just not worth fighting and "flee" as a tactical decision. This would allow you to move NPCs through show of force or dint of circumstance.

So let's say you were naked, would a hostile NPC still try to kill you? Similar to #dropweapon# a bandit might just order you to stand still, this is important as a way to open up NPC options with hostile NPCs.
For example if you accidentally agro'd guards, they might incur a trader debt on you, it would also allow you to join bandits right from the get go and take bandit quests.
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Never did see some supposed special thing but I found the stairs back up to Joppa, that's pretty neat. Gives you a longer stretch with potentially better loot. My biggest prize was 3 carbide daggers, but I found a staff with a gem in it which is cudgel-classed and approximately as good as a carbide hammer so may use that and finally buy cudgel skills. I did also apparently find a cybernetics credit but it must've been during a fight or auto-looted under water or something 'cause damned if I remember when or where, but it sells for a pretty penny at least

>Some trinket dagger made with impossibly advanced technology to produce the parlor trick of turning a person into a gemstone for the amusement of some decadent starfaring princeling so he can feel powerful and special "Executing" people wit hit
>Lost through the ages and ends up in the hands of a grubby savage where the gemstones are incredibly valuable, and a nearly useless gimmick item becomes an unfathomably grand treasure
biggest improvement however would probably be that hostile npcs surrendered and fled more often.

A dangerous NPC might just flee a firefight if they had no reason to stand around getting shot at. an NPC armed with a rock might not just throw it at you if you had an AR15.

No hope mod has some awesome NPC additions but they undoubtedly make it very hard, but if cowardice was a much stronger feature of bandits I think a lot of those nohope attributes could get mained
>spotify recommended queercore
it's over, the internet radio's saying my musical tastes are gay
>make trap door in narrow hallway
>adventurers now stuck and starve to death

seriously wtf do i do?
I don't need you to explain, but do you DO need to search ALL the walls
It was in mines. Turns out there's a 20% chance you don't trigger trap doors.
>I did also apparently find a cybernetics credit
You found the thing then, you might've clicked through the menu without recognizing the value of the miner's hat - it produces light, meaning you don't have to carry a torch/glowsphere. You should've also gotten a sphere of negative weight which will show as a trinket iirc.
no one cares, vatnik, no one cares
Rogue likes in which being a woman isn't an option?
So far as I know there's never been any gender options at all in DCSS.
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Somehow missed those entirely, which... Feels sort of unlikely. Is it possible the items were picked up by NPCs and I happened to kill the one with the token maybe? 'cause I definitely think I would've grabbed any trinkets

Ended up in the ass end of nowhere on the other side of the world map because of a clam, got infected with mumble mouth but stopped at a village as I was flying back home and found the book of disease cures so that's nice. Have to find desalinated slime, sap, and a leech and possibly a spray bottle. Just got into the Six Day Stilt, at least I've got a fucking library's worth of books on my back and a sack full of cyberware I looted from becoming stations during my journey. This character's been messy as fuck but fun, cudgel with bludgeon and backswing and double muscled is PRETTY nice
>Never explored that before
Really? the first thing I do in Qud is go down the stairs in Joppa, find the miner's corpse and then head straight to the Stilt
>Is it possible the items were picked up by NPCs and I happened to kill the one with the token maybe?
Nah, NPCs don't pick up items. At least not any NPCs down there. In the future, you're looking for bones, which will look like a cum splat on the ground.
Mumble mouth's not too bad and you got lucky finding the book that early. Finding a desalination pellet for the slime will probably be a bitch, but sap and leeches are both pretty easy to come across.
If you really want to meme with the cudgel get into axes as well. Cudgel in main hand, axe in off hand(s). Nothing will touch you in melee.
frozen depths
Got a bug where enemies block ramps without being on either z level. Can't attack them, can't move into the ramp tile, can't shoot them on either tile.
They are on the radar, but can't be targeted
Never even knew about the stairs until now

Really odd then, I presumably walked over it and auto-looted the credit, but god only knows where it was and how I missed it. With the river there was a whole lot of liquid-slopping going on so I might've lost sight of it in that since you say it looks like a cum splat. Haven't checked out the shops in the Silt yet but I'm hoping I can find a spray bottle or desalination pellet. It took my face slot which doesn't seem too bad but I'd still like to get it cleared up
does anyone know the trick to wield death scythes in frogband without immediatelly killing yourself?
bump for cdda/cbn salvation
I wish I had time to make a yet another fork..
imagine removing redundant shit from the game and focusing on the actual game loop instead of recursive pockets, condoms, rainbow patches and other fluff
>wield death scythes in frogband without immediatelly killing yourself?
Isn't that the whole point?
have you tried eating beets ?

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