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pomf =3 edition

Previous thread: >>485474234
>General Info on Taimanin
>General Guide for Characters and Builds

>News and Current Events on Action Taimanin

>Official YouTube Page (EN)
>Official YouTube Page (JP)
>Official AT instagram

>JP AT Wiki

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
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Foolish Taimanins, first post is Oboro
How sinister
Did they just added a bunch of stuff to the event shop?
Yeah it's the second half of the shop. I like that it has a crystal kit.
But the old shit is still there, right? I haven't bought tickets last week.
I mean yeah just scroll down and you'll see it. It was there for me last I checked.
Yes I saw, I hope they didn't restock with the update.
They didn't my purchased tickets still show as purchased.
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Kirara love?
We need nipples and cameltoes, this game is being left behind.
What happened with that email thing to get her ass big?

Kinda of a waste This franchise will never have a half way decent character action game with optional fan service scene editor.
Does anyone who purchased the Special Ops package Tier 2 know if the Hebi-shika helping hands gets you the daily 65 gems that the normal Hebi-shika package gets you? If so, that's about 2,000 gems over the course of a month for about $8.
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Can confirm that the "Sakura Swimsuit" campaign mission is actually for Rinko. Just did the 10x clear as Rinko in hers, and it was listed complete.
I demand 6 gorillion gems as compensations, gremory.
Need NTR Mama
She's not like that
You're right, I trust her.
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Is this one not registering for anyone else? I double-checked to make sure she is wearing the costume.
Yeah I noticed that post precisely 5 seconds after mine, teaches me to read the fucking thread next time, gomen.
I asked this in the previous thread and apparently "Hebi-Shika's Helping Hands" and "Hebi-Shika's Day Off" are two different items. The first one gives you jims, the second one is just the other effects without jims.
Have not tested it myself though and I still don't know if buying the one for 8$ gives you the purchase bonus 250 jims.
Can you please just say "gems"?
Yes, the only things you don't get are the inmediatamente Gem and Mileage pay off

Also, just so you know, the "Day Off", "Helping Hands" and other previews of the service stack. With each other. So you can buy the Helping Hands AND the special ops to get a 60~65 days of the service.
Also, just so you know, the "Day Off", "Helping Hands" and other previews of the service stack. With each other. So you can buy the Helping Hands AND the special ops to get a 60~65 days of the service.

They haven't given us enough of them to do this but imagine someone just having a years worth of discounted or free helping hands stockpiled. It would just be funny.
Damn how can you fail to quote.
So, who going be the first boy?

Nao or Shikano?
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I think i know why Boeing planes keep crashing.
Sweet, thanks. I feel like the Special Ops Tier 2 is worth it just for the gems alone in that case.
>Can you please just say "gems"?
What's the matter, are your... jimmies rustled?
Shikanosuske is more likely since he is the friend costume of 2 characters, he also already has a model in-game.
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>Also, just so you know, the "Day Off", "Helping Hands" and other previews of the service stack. With each other. So you can buy the Helping Hands AND the special ops to get a 60~65 days of the service.
Uh, what?
So if I get Day Off and then I activate 1 week of Helping Hands on top of it, I get 37 days of 65 jims? No way that's how it works.
>So if I get Day Off and then I activate 1 week of Helping Hands on top of it, I get 37 days of 65 jims? No way that's how it works.
I fucked up, other way around: Helping Hands is the one that gives gems.
So if I stack "Day Off" on top of "Helping Hands" does that extend the period of daily gem-giving?
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>no bikini for Nagi
Feels bad, man...
Tricky. And thank you, anon.
Look at the description of day off. It explicitly says it doesn't extend the duration of helping hand. They said more service as in the buffs that people care about not an extension to the free gems.
So what the fuck was this supposed to mean:
>Also, just so you know, the "Day Off", "Helping Hands" and other previews of the service stack.
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>They said more service as in the buffs that people care about not an extension to the free gems.

That or they forgot that day off doesn't extend helping hands.
She's here the worst kept secret is here!

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> Waiting for a tan skin
there she is, the girl who stole all of kirara's fat!
I hate that she is assist because that means her supporter is half worthless. I know I shouldn't expect all supporters to work with their character but this is almost hebiko levels of dumb.
Never go full Hebiko
I kinda want more themes in the private room I got an idea using the 2 nun costumes but there isn't something like a church or temple.
Can someone post it here, I can't see it.
also, that's too much clothing, doesn't look like the usual half-assed apple censor either.
Here anon:
fuck x (formerly twitter)
She sounds like a moeblob.
God. Damnit.
Is that the cucked apple version I hope?
Shikanosuke is way, way more likely. We may never get any playable males though, realistically speaking.
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I love Rinko
Should be, they usually use the iphone versions for announcements/adverts
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Rinko binko!
What was the last reward from yesterday? I thought it looked like 2 bikini tickets but now I can't find them. I know I logged in a few hours before the server reset.
2 summer weapon tickets
2 weapon tickets
oooh thank you. That's fine since I always buy every outfit instantly and I always regret it when it gets a ticket later that week.
Thanks, man.
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The drunken aggressive violent Oni bimbo with a massive kanabo is fucking green? That makes zero sense.
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Taimanin RPGX Extasy

I'm sure most of you have moved on, but anyone got this last unit? I thought I was able to get everything before EOS, but one missing....
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From what I can tell, it's this unit, but have no clue about getting it
There are no R or SR missing, so I guess they might drop a Gosha banner on the last week.
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>We got bat character.

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They actually changed her weapon
is this game fun?
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oboro swimsuit.... forgotten....
It's okay. It's mostly about lewd costumes and bouncing assess and titties.
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Ybuta all dressed up to betray.
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>is this game fun?
Maybe for the first few months to a year at best. Then the game quickly becomes a slow endless grind with bare minimum/rng dependent progress. But, if you're a collect-a-thon or modeling fag somewhat like me with a weakness for anons post >>487396754 or flatties then you can probably squeeze more time from the game. it's a bit more enjoyable if you pay or cheat too.
Feli too...
feli looks like the sort of girl that only go to nudist beaches anyway
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Is that a bulge? That's gotta be just the lighting, right? Right, guys?
Deliciously thicc
Assists are supposed to be a support team in-lore. How is Francis going to help Francis fight if Francis is already fighting?
Oboro the vampire is afraid of the sun, I read that in the loli oni event!
>Yes, the only things you don't get are the inmediatamente Gem and Mileage pay off
Actually, you get that too.
Her steam version is exactly you see in RPGX, they simply added an extra texture there for fragile normies to look at.
How can you help others if you can't help yourself? - someone wise probably.
She just goes to regular beaches nude
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Beach Felicia would use a school swimsuit
ToT Felicia school swimsuit erotic
Omg I would unironically pound Felicia now. If she was like this, unarmed of couse.
And better get some cuffs and secure her just to be sure. Her demonic power is not THAT powerful to destroy cuff chains by sheer physical strength, right?
Not sure if it was me or someone else who made this post, but yes, cuff Felicial now and find her reaction to getting pounded.
>he doesn't know about the gosha feli scene
Care to enlighten?
She was "captured" and was impregnated. it was a ploy for her to get stronger by absorbing the fetus and killing those who captured her
And it was true, or a lie, at tje end of the day?"
I'm surprised shizuru's is 350, I thought this would've been stuck in a mission pass. Shame that maika's has that stupid wet shirt, like she's a minority in Eric cartman's waterpark.
for a moment i thought that heart earring was actually her tongue piercing and got a boner at how depraved that'd be.
cute bee
Don't give that sow ideas
What game has Oboro being utterly broken? Her smug face annoys me.
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They keep going for the BIG girls.
I guess Mari's chances are really zero now.
She gets messed up in the last episode of the OVAs iirc
Maybe she'll be after Francis. The way it usually works is or 1 or 2 characters that get a limited support and then 1 character that's been long overdue
She already have model and is part of RPG main gang, gremory can't exactly skip on that.

Same goes for shikano.
Is the Lucky Draw as bad an idea as I think it looks?
>Francis will be playable
Lol. Mari will be in the rape cave for a good while.
>Event put whole focus on her
>some stages are conspicuously single character.

It was pretty fucking obvious.
>some stages are conspicuously single character.

Implying anyone plays appropriate characters for stages based on story...I actually do do this, but I wish there was like a character bonus for stages so we know before hand instead of starting a stage to get the plot just to know which characters are fighting. like I don't know 10% hp boost on lapis to indicate lapis is who is fighting in that part of the plot. Wouldn't work for non-playables but it would be nice.
It was supposed to be your turn you little bitch
Some anons got costume vouchers and demonite. So yeah, you should for it! :^)
Why you got such impression that he would be released now?

It was just some anons shitposting.
I wanted to eblieve ;(
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Young and juicy fresh watermelon
I bet Su teases lot of men at the beach jumping about in that bikini..
Don't look at the bottom left corner
Huh? It's obviously just his child's arm. The kid is standing behind him.
>I bet Su teases lot of nasty orcs at the beach jumping about in that bikini..
After Mirabell, Shikanosuke, cunny oni twins, Cerastes, Muscle Lady, Kaliya, Masked Taimanin, Clone Asagi, Future Ybuta, Nao, and Brunhild. But still before Mari.
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I will buy brunhild with real world money and feed her full of popsicles
What do Clone Asagi and not-pseudo-loli Yukikaze bring to the table that they would need to be released as new characters?
Different weapons?
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I turned my Su into a Dragon Fruit
Her plump and smooth butt must look good bouncing around in that.
Nothing, same with Masked Taimanin. Adult Ybuta is the most different as she's taller. I don't really seem the appeal of any of them and it seems like it'll just give gremory the excuse to charge money for the same model again, and it'll doubly suck for Asagi and Oboro enjoyers as when those "new" characters get good costumes they'll be salty that OGs didn't get them.
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Always faithful Ybuta
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Anon it's time for penis inspection day with your HOT ONI NURSE

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Her swap costume is Fuuma Aki's, another one that'll be released before Mari. Bros, I'm not feeling too well
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>his wife, his sister wife, his wife's mother wife, his teacher wife (Shizuru) are all loyal to him and will never betray him
Tatsurou is a lucky bastard. No wonder someone at Lilith was jealous and conceived his super fan OC Fuumer, who is the strongest, all Blacks want his dick and he is in contact with most powerful demons Lilim and Minasaki and his best friend is the manliest Taimanin and his Demon Eye is the strongest Demon Eye and...
Nice idea. I went with yellow water melon. Since I didn't like the colors that I thought were supposed to represent it. Because the white seeds on yellow were too bright.
Why can't this be the default costume? Why'd we get the cuck shorts?
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Anon... that is the default costume. They always use the censored ones for the videos.

>captcha: 80maad
Literal fucking who?
Jesus Christ Gremory what are you doing?
Yea I was kind of hoping that she'd sound more like Maika. I hate the general asian "We have to make this character sound as young as possible even though design wise she's be at least an older sister".

The last outfit is the best by miles and I'm betting it'll be a crafting outfit. I still haven't gotten Phantasma's crafting outfit yet.
>another katana user
I sleep
For no other reason then reminding people remember to prepare for the phantasma limited coming in like end of September - start of October. Assuming that they keep consistent.
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Her tits are looking massive in those. Is that the angle?
Machine Operative soon friends, Right, hahaha. Surly we won't get yet another demon after Francis.
I got a hunch that it's Power lady after Francis, since it's the anniversary
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Reckon it's worth to get a second one at 5/5? I have had super bad luck with the exchange facility
Its solid for just about any machine character, and it is free, so I can't think of a good reason to get rid of it even if you don't need it right now
It's good only negative is the numbers aren't as big as hebiko which is understandable since it's free. Also I don't think machine specifically has many permanent options most being limited or event so getting a second should be good.
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She's big
Look out, Noah's going to suck out all of the Oni milk!
If I'm returning to the Action after a long while, what are things to focus on as for as AP use and such go? I feel like I've forgotten the 'flow' of the game.
AP: any ongoing event quests. Leftover AP can either go to daily secret quests, or the half-cost dailies if you need the materials.

BP: Battle Arena until you reach at least 6000 points for the top class weekly rewards. If your team is strong enough, do the daily VR grind until you reach the 5000 VR points daily cap. Otherwise progress the arena tower, i guess.

Don’t forget to assign your characters in the special activity facilities to produce the AP & BP restorative items (or to the ones that increase the max cap, I don’t know which one is more efficient)
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Slampig just like Maika, probably due recent refs.
Bro I want Azusa as another vergil clone not her.
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So the EOS of rpgx applies even to steam or how will it work?
Bro you have brainrot
Oh no, why Francis...
Seriously speaking though, I'm a bit surprised lilith has never made a character dedicated to that fetish, considering all the other shit they've delved into.
How do you even function outside- oh wait.
>weird for being in pornbrain mode when looking at taimanin stuff
cmon man
Secret Garden is censored, isn't it. Man, we're never going to get another full-body latex fetish appearance again, are we. Well, at least I still have Mysterious Spy Shizuru.
I love tits on stick blonde bimbos.
>I guess Mari's chances are really zero
>another one that'll be released before Mari.
Not necessarily anons, but holy shit being a Mari-fag is a true test of patience. I imagine it's far worse for day 1 fags too but AT definitely feels cursed by oni titty monsters and even worse... inevitable swords.
because it's fucking boring, why cater towards a race fetish when green dudes are right fucking there?
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racebait cuckslop fetish is forced by jews, Gremory are Korean.
Thank anon, sorry I replied so late!

So the Secret Quest is what exactly?
Hate to break it to you but Koreans love that shit
Now what?
Noah gangbang
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>Still no Mirabell
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Just what I needed on my home screen
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"Future" Yukikaze has a new combat style, firing off palm blasts and fighting close up with lightning blades in hand. She could be the basis of a glove-type weapon, or she could possibly be a bracelet-share. Also, as said, she is taller, has a much different hairstyle, and her attitude is very cool in comparison to her young self (she's not an atrocious tsundere).
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Rinko's butt on my face
>she is taller

Nope, both have exactly same size.
Sleeping in bed
So, Francis gangbang when?
No gangbang for her until I see her model in her proper bikini
I don’t get it, what’s wrong with that image?
Its a spade. Most associate it with queen of spade in the context of NSFW material. quoting urban dictionary since this definition is the best one that puts it into words.

>The playing cards symbol usually with a 'Q' above or inside. It connotes white women with a sexual preference for black men. It can be seen on tee shirts or even as a tatoo. Also a way for a white woman to let potential black lovers know she is available.
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>Francis' AV debut
>Nope, both have exactly same size.
Jeez and Asuka is 162cm, so adult ybuta is what, nearly her mom's height? Like nearly 170cm-ish?
Future Asuka isn't a good reference, she was age-regressed, and is even shorter.
>future Asuka who is on potato mode
>not the one with actual Yukikaze.

Except I did answer that question, making the only concession yours..
Cans someone post an official image that shows her height? Now I'm just confused.
I think she's taller than little Ybuta, but not by a lot. Don't have an image though.
If you did you should have no problem repeating the answer but you're absolutely terrified to do so.
2 weeks
It's not that much of a difference
Ah just a bit taller then, ty anon
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Funnily enough some height charts were posted on futaba the other day.
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These ones aren't official but are based on Action Taimanin models.
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And an Aoi character breast chart.
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And finally the new version of that image people post around when talking about official measurements.
Shizuru isn't even near that busty in AT
cool shit, thanks anon
A damn shame if you ask me.
I enjoy some peace in the events so I can build back some gem reserve, and also level up and tune my gear a bit.Those swimsuits are so expensive man.
When is the next half AP for events?
Doesn't help when banners never put out and I go 4 IN A FUCKING ROW where the only copy I get is the pity copy.
Can't save gems.
>Francis is 181
Even her height is perfect
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Astaroth swimsuit when
I'm fucking pissed. I wanted to get that limited timed Saika costume they had last week, but my bank was fucked up until today. Now I missed out on it!!! Why do they have these things for such a short time?! I'm trying to pay pig!

Oh, and Sakura sex. Thank you.
I thought she would have a more flirty Onee-san/Ara Ara vibe to her voice. She almost sounds like Yuki. They definitely should have gone with an older woman sound like Maika or Rin.
On the bright side, anon, you'll get it discounted around the same time next year.
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this, how has she not gotten one yet
That's a man.
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Too perfect. Shrimple as that. She could even finish a mere human in a minute or less using that tongue to it's full extent.
plump child butt
Don't lie. Nobody cares about Astaroth.
She has fans here, they just don't talk about her all the time. She's definitely way above the characters that no one ever talks about. There are some girls who almost NEVER get mentioned around these parts.
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Stop silently implying Winchester, I love her.
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You expect me to talk about my wife with strangers online?
It's natural to want to show your wife off a bit. Are you ashamed of her?
That's what we do.
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How often do you get Nanomachine (SR) for this slut?
I love micro skirts so fucking much. My Ideal whore wears a tube top with visible nipple piercings poking through, a microskirt, highcut string thong, navel piercing with chain linking to a clitoris piercing and is barefoot. I should really learn AI so I can generate a waifu.
Nice on-wife you have there.
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She's just an ugly friend of Sakuya who will never be released becasue devs are pussies that scared of cunnies
Trying to impregnate anon's wife
Sakuya WILL be released. Eventually.
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Well, I like Sora.
You may be the only one of your type. Another one and at least it will be enough for a threesome.
Am I counted in this? Mind that I'm neutral on her char herself but I like playing an archer. She helped me get to vr50 (my first time) when I was struggling at 25-30 a few weeks ago.
I've been waiting on her limited costume/supporter for months, I'm so tired.
>her base costume, bunny girl and iDol are the only ones that have space for her tail
a model update is needed.
That month was probably financially terrible for gremory, I wouldn't expect shit. I actually fully expect them to just pull another spinel/lapis and have a new story character with sexo design when they want to add a new OC.
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What is this and how do I fix it?
Is your account linked?
shameless toilet
it looks like she's swatting at imaginary mosquitos
Had this happen a few times. Usually restarting Steam fixes it, but I chose to play anyway and had no problems. Better link your account with its ID, just to be sure.
Restarting Steam fixed it.
I hate that they just randomly made her a fox girl when they released her as playable. Really stank of a lack of confidence in the character. Surprised they released her at all.
>phone I was playing AT on just stopped charging and died
Uh oh. I emailed customer support from some random thing back in 2020, but is there a better way to reach out and say 'hey I can't access my account, also I boughted pool lifeguard Emily plz help"?
If you have account bind just log again on googleplay/apple.
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For me it's tart little kiwi
Every taimanin has a fan, they all loved. Except of course Your Favorite

I like her playstyle too, I just wish I didn't have to use her SR weapon and her UR weapon wasn't just a useless +40% particle charge.

Short term - buy a wireless Qi charger or an Apple wireless charger
Long term - You should have bound your account to either your Google/Apple ID, gotten the code etc... If not and you get someone helpful in support you can use your transaction IDs from the purchase of... I dunno Lifeguard emily as a reference for your account. It takes a lot more and takes longer to get approval but it's better than nothing.
This sounds stupid but I want a Taimanin game where you take care of the girls like they’re your pets and you collect them.
Like a Taimanin v-pet where you feed them and clean their shit?
It's Friday!
Another friday waiting for Sakuya. We need more cunny. No hate AT ALL towards the anons that love big-titty demons, but holy shit it feels like we've had plenty of that lately.
It's the year of demons thoughbeit. Also why would they release a toddler when tits sell well?
because in the modern anime landscape loli stocks are high
Yeah you're probably right and I get that. But anecdotally I've given gremory money but literally only for cunny, so it seems like throwing us a bone every now and then wouldn't be bad. Thankfully we got Ybuta's insanely lewd wedding skin recently so we're not entirely forgotten.
Aren't they cracking down hard on loli though? I mean, I think I'm insanely out of the loop, so I'd be interested in a QRD.
>>487821340 (Me)
Oh wait, supply and demand, yeah? Or am I missing something? I've had a few so bear with me, anons.
if you mean the visa/mastercard that's cracking down on porn as a whole not specifically loli.
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some post picrel front and back view(webm) pls
No, I actually meant I've perused /a/ a bit and they seem to complain about anime becoming more conservative about ecchi and whatnot, especially where cunny is concerned. But I don't lurk there like I used to.
I have to agree, it does sound mighty stupid
Anime in general got more prude thanks to censors in tokyo.

There still some lewd ass ecchi around like mahoako and reviewers, but don't expect anything from run of mill seasonal crap.
I can't say in good faith that I agree when we had a borderline porn anime about a dom loli sexually harassing magical girls.

the thing is that anime is much more streamlined, so more serious seasonal dramas anime has less fanservice, however fanservice focused shows are much more outrageous.
Manga has become a lot more open about horny, though.
>he doesn't know
Korean ntr artists are always drawing that shit, ratatat made one doujin of it that manages to be more cringe than hot due to the sheer amount of BBC worship on the dialogues
No one talks about the new generic cute/retarded demon sword-user girl either. I don't recall her name.
There goes the argument from the guys who are always coping saying ybuta is 18 for some reason
Post wives please, I wanna let loose a few rounds
Is Special Ops package Tier 2 going to cost the same until August 20?
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>cute/retarded demon sword-user girl
You mean the one with big tits?
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Or the one with long hair?
The one that dresses like a school girl. There's more of them?
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Should I?
How this fag have more ass than Kirara?
Yeah like a v-pet you feed them clean their shit and shower them and sexooo
Acy studio stuff looks off when you see them in person
Call a book by its cover, what if Sakura but demon. She even looks the same in that one skin that hides her long hair and horns. But ye, got completely overshadowed by Lapis perfection

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