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This thread has been generated by an AI edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>487198386
Remember to give it your best for your game! you're gonna make it!
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>This thread has been generated by an AI edition
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Daily reminder that Thomas is /fit/, has a beautiful trad wife, multiple children and a McMansion. He has also released 3 games and a Unity/Unreal gamedev course.

Belief in Jesus and God will show you the way to success.
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I still remember when crystal gun dev was making his game here.

I miss him.
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unintentionally hit a nasty trickshot while recording this, I just wanted to show off the upgrades. this combo is really overpowered but it's fun so who cares
Pinstripe and Neversong would flop in 2024
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It would not require a lot of conceptual changes to make RPG Maker both accessible to newbies and competent coders. Can't even make the script boxes bigger.
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You've been here the longest fossil, of course you've have seen every dev come and go.
Good thing he's releasing TWISTED MOTHERFUCKIN' TOWER (A BioShock meets Half Life meets Gothic Lolita meets Alien meets Predator boomer shooter.)
I miss Tomo
They never made that cute white haired cult girl model for Anon
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No matter how hard you try to silence me, I always come back.
>Live tucker reaction
I like the idea of having an NPCs that react to your gameplay but most people would probably find it annoying
remind me, how much did he spend on programmers and artists?
Meanwhile some autist on ADHD medication and some furry tranny both made a game in 6 months that sold more than he's earned in his entire life.
He should go home and be a family man, he's clearly not cut out for game dev.
He spent $100k on the game's prototype. No idea how much he has spent since but I'm guessing another $100-$200k considering he has had Filipe on fulltime for 2 years and a programmer on fulltime for at least 1 year and buys a bunch of assets.
sigh shut the fuck up cris
i wish he was my dad
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two friends told me my songs sound like aphex twin.

dunno if I should just say he's my inspiration or something now.
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they're just being nice anon, try not to read into it too much. also that never happened
That image would be funny if it weren't real
some people seem to regard him as genius.
Lads, I got my old karate gi out and I'm going to go back. I bought a bike too so I can get there.
I've spent years working away on my game I've had no time to do exercise. It's time I do something other than game development sometimes, get that exercise in.

Items displays more infos when hovered. The upper grid menu code should be done.
Will add some basic visual feedback for when an item is unlocked.
Why do you constantly use the PAT toads as reaction images when you’re not PATdev
i bet you're fat and stinky
cause PATdev is dead
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I hope you're not using antiquated gamedev practices, it's 2024 after all, we are living in the future
imagine a man who build a bunch of small games and then seamlessly connect them all like a Voltron and they become one gigantic game...
>boomerjoke channel, theocracy edition
why don't you mind your own damn business, fairy
I'm someone who gets sick of my projects real fucking fast so I've considered doing this and wrapping them altogether in a Mario Party-esq product.
this is what friends tell friends who make random bleep-bloops and want some kind of response about their random bleep-bloops
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Nice try though
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Why are all fairies damn brats that need correction?
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>Karate Gi
>Doesn’t practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and wrestling like a man (like me)
GOML, dweeb. Also, no time to do exercise? You had plenty of time to exercise, but you didn’t because you’re just lazy, you fat bitch. I exercise, work, and take care of my family, and guess what? I still found time to make my game.
Be better.
I need to take a break BUT I CAN'T
>he doesn’t have a 6 figure remote tech job that only requires 1-2 hours of work per day
Why not just, like, get a job?
Anyone know how to implement a drifting effect in godot? I've been trying to use a mix of lerp and manually rotating the velocity but man im stuck.
I'm giving my best....
Because job market is fucked now. You can't find jobs like that as easily as you could only a few months ago.
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Been working on the level up system
If it was so easy to find one a few months ago why didn’t you find one and continue working there?
How do I scam my way into a position like this?
Sorry you need a 140 IQ, a charismatic personality, and a chiseled jawline. You never had a chance
Because I thought I could afford to finish my current contract
remind me how much Jonathan Blow spent on artists and Eric Baloney spent on programmers?
Found these ideas cute:
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You can punch as hard as you like but it won't make your game better. All my skill points are in gamedev. I'm just branching out now that I've achieved a satisfactory level of dev.

Are you truly satisfied with the current quality of your work and success, even if it's just a hobby?
Just be a girl and get some simps and paypigs (=
will GOG recognize me for doing GOG exclusive?
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no progress today
Because the best wfh jobs I can get are literal near 8 hours of work with the only down time being me delaying the next phone call for a minute or three while their software analyzes my every move
Uh, duh. Why else would I do what I do? Your mind tricks won’t work on me, peasant. No go eat a salad, fatty.
there's a good tutorial on making a car game with drifting, finding it isn't hard
>fygoontranny pretending he doesn’t hate looking at his ugly as shit game that literally no one likes or respects
It is true that delusional schizophrenia is a strong driving force
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Had a dream with so many aggy/personal gamedev references
>was at some sort of border crossing entry type area
>end up walking around after getting through
>see a chick with big tits and pull her top down
>possible reference to the work I did on giving a few of my characters big tits
>she gets mad but we (her, I, and her friends hangout)
>reference to anon's Dungeons & Jewels game occurs
>something happens and I get accused of being disruptive by someone who works there while others scattered to avoid getting in trouble
>person next to me mentions I'm a gamedev of "pirhana" tier
>apparently being a gamedev affects how others treat you
>a reference to that one anon mentioning how success/failure on your game affects how others view you
>lady realizes it and is fearful and rhetorically asks me that I'm a "wolf" tier gamedev
>wolf....that's clearly a reference to that anon wanting a wolf faced gamedev gf
Well I might be browsing agdg too much
If you're genuinely happy with your artstyle then you won't improve. You're a decent guy and you're busy with lifestuff and there's nothing wrong with hobbying a bit but it feels like you're too complacent and you aren't seeking to better your craft.
Hating your own work allows you to improve but makes gamedev less comfy.
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>this will revolutionize games industry
Also that border crossing is possibly a reference to the anon wanting to gamedev in Sweden since the self employment entrepreneur visa allows that. Enough savings and he can go there to simply neet dev for 2 years
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What the fuck am I supposed to do when I'm not working on my game?
Watching youtube game essays to learn about game development
Work on your other game
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How do I add an object that's in .glb file without instantiating a scene?
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If you're working on games for multiple hours, how?
Currently I just haven't been able to muster the willingness to do anything for an extended period of time, even though I work a comfy remote job, am well off financially, and have plenty of time available, it's rare that I work even a half hour ever day on games, although I do manage to work on games every day.
I've tried committing myself to donate $100 to a charity I dislike if I go a day were I don't work on games, and that's made me do a little token work, but it's just that, token. In the long-term I have $5000 at stake if I don't publish a game to steam by spring next year, which is starting to compel me to look for solutions, hence my post.
Daily journaling of status in chat rooms has helped me in the past, so I'll be picking that up again as well as blocking sites like 4chan and Youtube at selective hours, but these seem like scaffold solutions and I want something permanent that's self-propelling. I know that I'll be happier if I work on games, but moment to moment I lose to temptations like websites, vidya, and even reading books, I think it's because, in part, I feel trapped inside my apartment and feel hopeless about meaningfully changing at this point in my life, but I'm dreadfully afraid of new things as well so It's a hard agony.
Forgive me for the blog, I just want to figure out how to overcome this crisis and not just make a one sentence doompost.
Take care of your health. Eat well the more animal based the better, exercise and sleep well. You'll have more energy to dev.
play video games to learn about game design
I thought you said your ip was banned here
Copy that object out and save it as its own scene.
Do you spend a significant amount of time daily on infinitely scrolling apps and/or jerking off?
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I start to believe your job is just a NEET's hallucination
spending the day watching docus in bed with my game :)
>I work a comfy remote job
That's your problem. You still have work. Even the comfiest of jobs still have requirements for you to meet that will drain your energy.
>the attention seeking tranny lied
Wow, shocking, I know
Damn. Brush's games look like shit.
>Gross revenue (base game): $378.3k ($189.1k - $567.4k)
>Gross revenue (base game): $148k ($74k - $222k)
No way this was enough to afford a "McMansion", especially if he's paying for employees. How much other income is he gifting?
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double click the glb to open the advanced importer
select the mesh, and save it to file
you now have a mesh resource that you can use, that will get updated any time you change the glb
this is useful if you have a blend file for props for example
I work in a different state than where I usually post, allowing me to evade your petty “bans”
>admitting to ban evasion
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Apparently both of his games sold the best on Switch by a large margin.
I've heard from other indie developers that Switch was a huge money maker early on. YIIKdevs said the same thing.

Plus he also has his game dev course and he lives in some flyover state.
Games are not his only major income also he released on other platforms besides steam
add gltb then right click and make local, then simply copy paste the mesh node into the scene, then delete the rest.
I'm on vacation in America. Damn, Mexican girls are so cute.
Why can't girls in Sweden be so cute? Almost makes me consider moving here someday.
There is no such thing as a "comfy remote job."

I currently work one of those "six figure remote tech job" that the schizo likes to copy paste all day about. Last week my manager went on vacation. For an entire week I did nothing to do except log in and jiggle my mouse on my work computer while working on my game. This week the manager came back, and I gave him a bullshit progress report that he accepted without question.

That week of doing nothing but dev my game was great for progress but hell for stress levels because it was a constant reminder that these jobs are total bullshit and all it takes is one manager or director wising up and dropping an axe on these useless roles. Remote tech jobs are not comfy. You live in constant fear of the axe of Damocles hanging above your head.
>attached garage
>europoors will call this a "McMansion"
How does this shit even work? Are you being asked to maintain Windows ME or what?
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Physical is a fist or sword. Magical is a pentagram or star. What's a symbol I can use for "everything" encompassing both physical and magical?
Johnathan Blow is a brand name at this point.
Something circular or square gives the feeling of "all"
Jon could barely get 1000 sales on his re-release of his most popular game lmfao
when I asked Johnathan Blow a question in his stream, he did a weird double take and the best I could describe how he reacted was "Oh, it's you. You're here. I didn't expect that."

What does he know?
That's a tiny lower-middle class home though. If it's in a flyover state, it'd be worth $100-120k.
My intention isn't to make a car drifting game. I've been trying to emulate movement drift in my game. Where as if the player is above a certain speed, their velocity rotates at a slower than normal speed towards their intended direction but this naive approach doesnt seem to work and I was wondering if someone else knew or encountered this issue before
Example of crabbing IRL.
>Oh you have a family and a nice house in a good community? Heh - it could be nicer. Maybe if you had more money you could afford a *real* mansion, pathetic concession maker. If you'll excuse me, I need to turn off the lights and pretend I'm not home because the landlord of my bachelor apartment is here to look for the rent I owe him.
google "The Witness"
I think there may be something esoteric about Johnathan Blow. He seems to be some sort of philosopher mage.
his reaction was probably about the content of your question, not your username or whatever. what was your question?
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that's because you're supposed to write your script in a js plugin file and then just call a function defined in it in the script box

but either way
once you learn either Ruby or JS you realize that rpgmaker now provides nothing of value as an engine and then you switch to something else
A fist pushing through a star, the star is small at first but expands to accomodate the fist
A fist/sword with a star drawn around it.
I asked him his thoughts on Vulkan.
Show me a house that nice for $150-200k in any state.

Hardmode: It can't be in Flint Michigan
Based and reality pilled
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ZCRPG Progress Report: Enginedev moment, bottom text.
My original structure for asset configuration was very dumb, partially because I wanted to write the game in fucking scala. And because of that there was a bunch of really annoying bugs that required either a storage rebuild at runtime (a huge hassle), or an editor restart (what I've been doing) (also a huge hassle).
So now I'm rewriting the asset repo to a different storage format and a different view format.
Pros: It's gonna be way easier to work with + it's closer to how other engines present their asset storage
Cons: Enginedev moment requires around 30% of code rewrite.
Currently migrated image assets, added full text search, added tags and tag filtering (some of the tags were added during migration)
An entire IP range was blocked because of me and I intend to cause more chaos.
You are beyond delusional
Schizophrenic delusions of grandeur and self importance, the belief that people know you or recognize you, despite you being a loser living in your mom’s basement with no friends and no social circle
>asked sisters for game ideas
>”make a game about a duck that balances a water cup on its head”
>”make a game about picking up rocks and collecting bugs”
I need to just start getting my ideas from other people this is better than anything I’ve ever come up with.
Baby Alabaster Moment
that duck game may be a short and simple physics based game that actually takes off at like 1 dollar. Like the buckshot roulette game.

No, although I do read 4chan and that's probably just as bad.
It's not that hard to get a fake job in IT if you're a US citizen. Just being proficient in Shell is still enough to impress people nowadays, especially if you get a government job
>That's your problem. You still have work. Even the comfiest of jobs still have requirements for you to meet that will drain your energy.
I suppose, but the work I have is peanuts compared to other people I've seen how've put loads of time into side-projects.
>70% of income for base expenses
>paying 2000/mo just to be alone
Yeah I'm thinking this is a scam. /agdg/ longhouse when?
does godot 4.3 or 4.4 have the big changes?
agdg streamer house.

Drama happens, it gets streamed. Throw a few 3D artist girls in there to stir the pot and drive competition.

At the end of the week we present our demos.

"Ok, present youjr week's progress at the progress pit."

weekends off.
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Progress: drafted up another level.
Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
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Alright 100-120k is a bit too low for anything decent, but there's plenty in the 150-200k range.
Sounds like a massive legal liability.
You already made this post two weeks ago.
Also his name is Jonathan, not Johnathan.
I’d watch this show.
i wish i was making a game i could make maps in trenchbroom with (i wish i had textures i could use in trenchbroom)
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This is much worse than Thomas' house.
I'm thinking you'd need at least $300k for something on Thomas' level.

/AGDG/ Fishtank
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I have a better idea: an all-out, no-holds-barred MMA match between each and every one of us, winner gets funding for their game. If we televise this, I’m sure we can make loads of cash on sponsors alone.
Why not work together on a big game?
Reality TV needs drama. You need competition to drive drama.
At the very least you need two teams working on competing games.
Maybe the audience gets to vote at the end of the month who has a better game and the losing team has to boot off a member.
ToKdev wins, that slav retard is built like a fridge
It’s also 30 minutes from St. Louis which is literally one of the highest murder rate (aka high melanin concentration) cities in the US
it'd start with small games and then as people 'conquer' dev resources through their victories, it could narrow down in the finale to two big games.
what's even the point of RPG maker in 2024? there are so many alternatives for people that hate coding.
Post game
If it's good enough for Fear and Hunger, it's good enough for me.
That level doesn't look very good. What's your level design process?
He's a time traveler, duh. Why do you think he made braid
well I sure hope you're making an eroge because that's all anyone associates RPG maker with nowadays
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30 minutes to the nearest major city is standard for any suburban house. When I hear "McMansion" aka "mass produced upper middle class home", I think houses like picrel.
god I can probably scrape of 10g of dead skin from my whole body
just off a small part of my legs I have a teaspoon worth
I envision a setting for a lebelabd start laying down blocks on a large grid size. If I have a clear vision right off the bat I start working on that, and if not I'll lay down pieces kind of randomly. Then I start playtesting and iterating until I've got a decently fun level that can be played from start to finish.
Working on localized, moving weather that affects visibility and will also play into the survival mechanics.
I'm thinking radiation clouds and acid rain, any other ideas? Anything goes.
Rain that speeds up time
yea, this makes sense.
>What the fuck am I supposed to do when I'm not working on my game?

Go outside and sit in the sun, exercise, go for a run, walk, whatever you need to do to exert your body. I bike and do archery. It's incredible how much of a mood uplift it is, your attitude will go from severe pessimism to unlimited optimism overnight.

It doesn't last long though which is the problem, have to keep doing every other day.
Time Travel game where a Biblically Accurate Angel acts like Mr. Resetti from Animal Crossing if you mess with time too much.

I think this will be in my game.
Guys I think my amazing idea for a grand strategy game might already have been done. It might be over.
>a setting for a lebelabd
Sorry, I had a stroke.
>a setting for a level and
That's pretty good volumetric fog, what engine?
In my RPG you can find time travel technology (I'm trying to basically create a Based Version of Dr. Who for my IP), and if you mess with time travel too much a biblically accurate angel torments you and warns you like Mr. Resetti.
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Godot, simple shader I put together quickly
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You underestimate me. You can call me the crack addict, cuz I’m boutta scrap!
>implying damaskus wouldn't roll over him (literally)
>Go outside and sit in the sun
I finish working around 7 or 8 PM though?
That's doable especially since I already made a selective timescale system with each node being able to subscribe to a certain category of time, which is useful for things like the timelapse that plays while you sleep. A gravity-changing cloud could be funny too.

Just the default volumetric fog in Godot, sadly it has a distance limit that scales down the resolution so I can't cheaply do very distant clouds but it might be possible if I dynamically change the fog distance depending on how foggy the surroundings area is, giving more room for distant clouds if it's clear.
Also each world has random colors so you can get some really gaudy stuff but I think that's part of the fun.

No custom shader yet but I'll probably rely on it for cosmetic clouds, fog volumes don't seem ideal.
Mayo is my dev fuel. I think I eat like a bottle per week. God I fucking love this condiment, you can take my coffee away but don't take my mayo.
>if you mess with time travel too much a biblically accurate angel torments you and warns you like Mr. Resetti.
That's just Hounds of Tindalos ripoff.
alright guys... I'm going back to marching cubes.
I figure that marching cubes matches the midpoly aesthetic I want to go for anyways.
>Just the default volumetric fog in Godot

Huh, are the sunbeams a new thing in 4.3 or is that an addon?

>tin of coffee grounds; $5 and lasts a month
>loaf of bread: $2 and lasts a week or two

Hilarious, in canada a tin of no-name coffee grounds is $15-20, name brand is $25. A loaf of bread is $5+ depending on how fancy you want and it would only last you like 2 days if you were trying to get a 2000 calorie diet out of it + the cost of the meat which would easily be $20 if you were skimping.

Canada is fucked.
Smart. I really want to switch engine yes. But I'll have a sweet spot for RPG Maker still.
this new wave of agdg alumni is cringe
y' all need to do better
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added projectile parrying
well, is it really a rip off if I didn't even know what hounds of Tindalos are?
Lemme guess, you're a repeat from a previous generation who didn't release his game yet because he needs it to be perfect or he keeps switching projects?
Go take a nap or something grandpa, the post-VampireSurvivors market is an entirely different beast.
>looking at market trends
don't look at market trends.
just make game you want to make and play.
end of story.
Nah I meant that Doctor Who ripped them off so you should also go ahead and do the same thing to them. And the post was also just meant to bring them up so you can possibly research multiple sources for inspiration.
Looks fun but I don't like the canned animation on the parry. Can you make it procedurally animated? So the scythe has momentum of its own and reacts to character movement and projectile collisions
Light beams become a lot more visible if you disable volumetric fog filtering, as it gets sharper. You might also want to turn up fog energy for individual lights as the effect essentially relies on the fog being brighter than the surrounding surfaces.
Pic is with filtering on, you can see it's darker behind the tree but no sharp edges, the drawback of no filtering is that the fog can look pixely but having actual sunbeams is worth it.
no i just come here to look at cool games and all the new devs are humongous faggots
lemme guess, your one of them?
no lol
>nodevs are getting uppity again
Why haven't these losers killed themselves yet?
ah alright, thank you.
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Me and future gf on vacation (after I made it)
Fat and bogged
No as in you can't or won't
Procedural animation is actually way easier than traditional animation and makes all your character interactions much more lifelike. It's like keyframing but you only have like 2-3 keyframes and dynamically interpolate between these poses. The Overgrowth dev has a really good talk on this
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She got a butterface.
You know cause her body is nice BUT HER FACE
There really isn't much difference. Traditional 3d animation is usually just setting a couple keyframes and then playing with curves until it looks correct. The only difference is one is in engine and the other is in a DCC tool.
>No as in you can't or won't
both, even if I did learn how to do it I'd rather not bog this project down with more non-gameplay-related work. maybe I'll try it out for another project
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Anon after his first date with his gf.
She just finished dancing with some locals and through some daquiris is realizing that she probably can't sneak off without you throwing a tantrum

>literally me
The best thing I could do right now is go to sleep so I can be ready to dev tomorrow. But I don't want to sleep, I just want to browse internet for the next hours until my eyes finally start hurting and I collapse exhausted on my bed at 1AM. Why? Why can't I close the PC and sleep at a proper hour?
This was a difficult watch
when I get like this, it's because I wasn't satisfied with the amount of work done during the day.
code sucks
game design sucks
art sucks
ngmi bros
>sleep late
>get 150% brainpower off the nap (this is RNG though)
>dev like Carmack possesses you
>bang in 3 days worth of work in 4 hours

This is my favorite thing, too bad it's completely RNG.
>isn't much difference
There is though. With traditional animation you need to animate most if not all permutations of interactions between objects. With good procedural animation you get most of that for free. Watch the talk, it's one of the best I've ever seen

Fair enough. However I'd argue that it extends beyond aesthetics/polish and actually opens up gameplay you couldn't have otherwise
Speaking of Yandere Simulator, do you think it would be too late to make a ripoff game?
this is so stupid
>actually way easier
He spent 15 years on that shitty rabbit game btw
I'm 37. I realized programming is not for me, or at least not my strongest suit or my main passion. Starting to feel like gamedev was a mistake. My only plausible plan is to finish the small game I'm making, make enough money from it or find investment showing that I know about gamedev / has shipped a game, to gather upa team / hire people to make games for me and be on the more business side of things. How bad is my plan?
Cursed genre
Make porn games
he'll finish his first
It’s a stealth crab. They target high quality games and make bizarre and esoteric nitpicks about them that the lower quality games don’t get
Is your art good? A good artist can easily find good revshare partners.
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Is this looking better yet?
Sorry not hair shader Blender, only in Unity.
I look like this and I say this.
Face looks better for sure, I never saw many complaints about the body/clothes
don't talk to a schizo, you're only encouraging him
No not at all. I studied engineering, but over time I realized I'm not a true programmer guy. If unity or a game engine available didn't exist I don't think I'd be able to go through it and make a game. That can be said for a lot of other people actually so I might be being too hard on myself. But I'm really getting older, mentally, I can feel it. I enjoy creating things but sitting in front of the computer for hours, doing programming really has started to be more tiring for me. I need to be switching things up for myself, and quick before I run out of the mental energy.
Best way to handle icons?
If you're waging, it's no surprise that you have no energy.
>/agdg/ fish tank when?
Cringed at the started, but then starting kekking irl at the senpai part
I'm not, but it's very hot and humid these days. Been waiting for the air conditioner guys for a week. Also live alone. That does put you down a bit.
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i ate 2 kebabs
im in bliss
Same issue, went to bed some time after 4:00 am today. I really need to fix my schedule. I did a lot of devving but Id rather just fix my sleep schedule.
>they target high potential games and suggest how they might be improved so they don't look and feel exactly like a thousand other games

agdg you are more retarded than I would like to admit. Why are you making games if you have no desire to experiment with new ideas? Just to say you made generic fantasy dungeon crawler #899921? Because it's not good art nor a good product
>start a project
>several months later decide it's finally time to make more than one scene
I need to make equipment scale in power, but I'd really like to keep the damage math simple so the player doesn't have to add up too many numbers at once. Can you think of a good way to do that? Utility seems to be my best bet, but I don't know if it's feasible to make ALL equipment primarily grant utility-related boons.
Yes, the face has some of the SOVL frkm the orginal. The blue of the eyes look a bit hazy though like some smoke is in the way. Try brightening them
Rome wasn't built in a day
If finishing my game took hundreds of years by thousands of people, I'd probably drop it.
>just spend 15 years on procedurally animating your furry game bro if you don’t waste 15 years on it you’re just like a loser or whatever
>b-bro just experiment with new ideas
>by the way if you don't add my retarded suggestions then your game is generic SHIT
>yes, I don't have a game, what of it?
last time one kebab was enough to keep me feed for the rest of the day
Ah, didn't notice the eye haze until you mentioned it, thanks.
To be fair Rain World is one of the best games ever made
How expensive is a 50lb bag of white rice? Where Im from the price is like $20-$27. Easy calories to fuel poor neet gamedev.
based and may you make it
>agdg fishtank
>everyone gets a laptop and basic stuff for gamedev
>best game at the end of the week gets a deal from a publisher
the gay tension in the tank would be insane
osur it up
A bunch of zoomers got placed in a house to live for 6 weeks, can't go outside, have to participate in retarded challenges like counting rice or doing spelling bees, streamed 24/7 with TTS installed in every room. The longer they stay there the more the house is destroyed. Sometimes meme characters get brought on, like airsoftfatty (an insanely obese tard) or Frank Hassle.
so big brother for retards, got it
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>start posting bocchi more
>immediately get a gooning addiction i never had before
cant dev now cuz i gotta read goblin slayer in bed all day to distract myself from it
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>You can finish an illustration in 2-3 days
>You can fnish a top song in 1 week
>You can finish a top novel in 1-2 months
>You need 7 years to finish a videogame
Real devs make video games on the scale of days to weeks all the time.
>her game is 2D
nobody gives a fuck about jam games.
>kenney pixel slop
>cc0 elevator music
>VS clone
yep, it's jammin' time

plenty of jam games are very popular and go on to be best sellers when expanded upon
except they took years of polish.
Marmooooooo stop control those urges! You need to have your Game ready for Early Access this August!
>noooooo you can't just like make games quickly
>you have to spend 7 years sovlfully hand crafting everything and releasing it for Positive (17)
Jams are useful to figure out what's worth polishing for years. Certainly better than wasting years polishing a lost cause like most devs here (myself included)
I make stuff I want to actually play.
I'd have to work on the game for weeks prior to the jam. I'm far too incompetent to make a decent vertical slice in just a weeks time.
I actually want to play TES:VI. Anything less is slop.
My game will be better than TES: VI
>it was real in my mind
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then make TES: VI. It's that simple.
No, I don't wanna hear "Uh crab uh uh crab told me uhhh crab told me huhhhh .. crab told me.. uhh uhu huh short and shitty... games... uh.. .game about ... uh... uh.... 2D top down pixel farmer tactics... beat em up... uh.."

Don't wanna hear it. MAKE TES: VI.

Dome Romantik released on Apr 27, 2021
Dome Keeper released on September 27, 2022 and made $1 million on its first day
heh, they're laughing at that ufo cow guy with 10 solitaire games
>t. nodev retard
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Should gamedevs talk politics?
Do you prefer a dev that isn't afraid to say something that will upset half of the population or a dev that deliberately makes a point to avoid politics publicly?
And guess what, It will never be as good as anything nintendo makes.
so, who won demo day 57?
The dev would be like
>oh no let me wipe my tears with my
>Gross revenue (base game): $9m ($4.5m - $13.6m)
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Dirk achievement system. It's still rough around the edges, the main screen looks pretty bland and it can be accessed by a hot key and not from the menu, BUT I already have graphics and texts for achievements prepared, scripting is done, I'm happy how popup animation turned out.
Next demo day you better get them all! I'll be watching!
lottery winner money.
what the fuck happened to him lmao
I'm going to talk Christianity on my gamedev YouTube channel and any other social media because I got something to tell this world.

Many Christians are wrong on where we are in time. They're waiting for the 2nd Coming, but Jesus already arrived around 70 AD and we're living in revelation 20.
jewish ppl will pay valve millions of dollars to make your game not seen on steam
i need a good free tool for sketching out state machines and graphs
I will just leave vague endorsements littered around and let chronically online retards fill in their head canon of my politics while I never engage with them
my game will by kindness and generositycoded though
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>b-bro just experiment with new ideas
>by the way if you don't add my retarded suggestions then your game is generic SHIT
idgaf if you add my suggestions but your game is still generic SHIT until you do something interesting
>yes, I don't have a game, what of it?
Of course I have a game. it's in hibernation
I trust that God will help me.
ms paint is right there, man.
he became right wing
>Of course I have a game. it's in hibernation
let's see some gameplay?
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>it's in hibernation
kek new cope just dropped
>kindness and generosity
libtard niggerfaggot
the world will reach its perfect state when the day of the rope comes and everyone just fights for what they want instead of adhering to pozzed "societal rules"
editing labels and connections is time consuming and altering positions is essentially impossible once the graph has more than like 8 nodes
It's going to be another one of those nights.

>wants to play bethesda slop
>calls everything else slop
I use excalidraw
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It's going to be another one of those nights.
A night of progress and learning, I mean.
AND a..!!"


Just need Dev, Artist , Musician.
No if I can help it
He sides with the Chosen people, goy.
neat. i do the same thing in Solitaire Battle
Yea, the Christians.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Galatians 3:28-29)

King Jesus Christ welcomes all to be one with him.
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>Just need Dev, Artist, Musician.
Me, myself, and I.
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In roguelites, maps play an important role for risk/reward management. They allow the player to alter progression depending on how their run is turning out, taking on higher or lower risks.

That's how it works in theory, but I've never been quite satisfied with their execution in practice. Slay the Spire's map, for example, is too complex and requires a lot of upfront planning. FTL's map, conversely, is far too simple and offers very little choice.

Does anyone know which game did this best?
StS's map is quite simple. Always take the path with the most elites.
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thread....reaching......unfathomable levels of......
It requires a bunch of brainpower when you first start a chapter to calculate and mark out the best paths to take (despite the sprawling map, there are only 2-3 optimal paths). I don't find that fun, and there are several mods to compensate for this process, one of which partially automating it. It's bad design.
will your game have a kino intro?
or are you just gonna drop them straight in?
Why cant the dev do his own art and music too? Then you only need one employee.
>bunch of brainpower
Room temp IQ problems.
I may even have weird old style cool cut scenes like "Powered by Vulkan" and have some cut scene about people near a Volcano.

It's all about the aesthetics.
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Light rain with moving clouds, spawning and moving in random directions around the island.
The particles and audio follow the player clamped on a radius around the cloud's center, so if the player is at the edge of the cloud they can see and hear the rain in the distance and become immersed once they're under it, hopefully creating the illusion that the effects are fuller than they seem. It's not 100% accurate yet but particles also have collision so they're blocked by cover.
It should be possible to blur out the sunlight's shadows and decrease saturation when it's cloudy to give it a better overcast look but it's Good Enough for now, I should have focused on gameplay effects to begin with.
anyone got any wacky gameplay ideas?
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch, schizo auragamedev/tyrfingex/sascha müller oranienstrasse 5 52066 aachen (develops Star Knightess Aura) and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
Wait, so, hypothetically, anyone can pay the Steam Direct fee for me if I give them my login details? Even if they are from a foreign country?
why'd he rape avellone and make him sign a document to never reveal it (speculation)
definite improvement.
going to be honest it is so tempting for me to just take a week to focus fully on 3D art or something.
I know I got it in my heart to make ludokino mid poly models for my game.
Practicing trailer-like shots too, can't go wrong with timelapse sliders.
Nice, different sizes, descriptions and you can have more than one unlocked at once! I went ahead with a single element instead of a table storing multiple achievement popups, so it might make me some problems later.
Good man.
Prerendered intro cutscenes are SOUL
Fun fact: I'm stuck on the same bug for 3 days
thanks anon
kinda cool!
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I can't believe no one's written a simple pure-GDScript k-d tree and kNNS...
based excalibro
>this is the game of the person saying your game is ugly and boring
you can't make this shit up
cringe daddy-o
You don't need an artist to say something is ugly, and you don't need a game designer to say something is boring.
it's more about you not practicing what you preach retard, your game looks like a middle school project you'd find on itch for free
woto.webm is not my game, and I have never called any game here ugly or boring anyways.
but it already has a kino intro
It will have an anime intro.
great, I'm a dumbass
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Been studying vagrant story and pondering on use of vertex color vs real time lighting that we have now in engine.
Like the textures here are pretty greyscale in actual color, but the artist being able to draw all the light themselves really makes an impact on the look (and real light would not really look like this exactly since some liberties are taken for stylization).
Whether it's better to do this via coloring textures themselves for more accuracy vs vertex painting as well as whether making a game with textures this pixelated is something people would buy is giving me a lot of consideration. 2d pixel games are pretty popular and so is minecraft, but a lot of people do use texture packs for minecraft.
The upside is making textures in this style is a lot faster yourself than hunting down for texture assets and downscaling them. Alternatively same look could be done with painted vector style textures with vertex lighting on top.
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Whattefug, that's so good!
Too bad it has a Tamagotchi resolution.
morrowindchuds... did we get too cocky?
>The upside is making textures in this style is a lot faster yourself than hunting down for texture assets and downscaling them
Is this something you actually know or are you just assuming low res == low implementation time?

You can use vertex lighting if you want, though remember that it was a limitation of the technology of the time rather than a stylistic choice. Nowadays you make more "realistic" materials and then adapt the lighting to make the scene look nice, both of which are a bit of an art. As you said, it looks different, so your choice.
woto is my game and plenty of people thought it looked ugly as fuck and then had a lot of fun with it
this looks good
the one for 12 mil is out of pattern. it costs 3-10 times as much as the others, isn't trying to look like a castle, cottage or traditional mansion and instead seems to be more of a... design statement? I don't like it either, just had to point out it seems rather different from the rest.
People thought minecraft looked ugly as fuck and then it became the best selling game of all time. Stick with it.
I'm making something completely different.
There won't be mini maps or menu maps.
You get your maps from NPCs, or draw them yourself, and they can be inaccurate ( either intentionally or unintentionally ).

Inventory? Try carrying logs around on wagon....
Yeah, this isn't baby's RPG.
It was an actual interview with devs, they did take a lot of photos in europe but a lot of the texture were hand drawn.
Thanks anon.
>People thought minecraft looked ugly as fuck
Funny you say that. I still remember the day I first heard about minecraft from my friend, him telling me you could build anything and and that the graphics were bad, but on purpose.
could a game with Morrowind graphics sell today? I honestly think they look better than photo real.
feels good to be back in sanity , doing Marching Cubes. I realized that I want to actually make a game, not an experimental tech demo.

So why not use what GPUs are actually optimized to do? Triangles. Plus, it looks better for the midpoly aesthetic I want.
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>Wake up
>I should add stuff to West Marches
>Open project
>Stare at it
>Can't think of anything to add
>Close project
help me
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I am failing on making a good 2d run animation. What is the secret? Should I use bones?
I think I'm not very good with pixel art.
you didn't try to search for news about the assassination attempt the day of, did you? it was COMICAL how they avoided the terms "assassination", "shots" etc. everything blow says in those tweets is the obvious truth and it's incredibly obtuse to try to larp as devil's advocate, like there is any reasonable way you could explain it away. it never ever ever would have been remotely similar if the same thing had happened to biden. you know it, I know it, the bitch on twitter knows it, the reporters with their weird ass headlines know it, everyone involved knows. what the fuck do people think they are accomplishing with these fake-centrist larps??
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squash and stretch
There is no secret, you have to learn how to do it, and you have to do it over and over until you understand how to do it right. This will take longer than you were hoping.
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the most important part about game development is prototyping your splash screen
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>an actually good 3d model
What is happening with this general? This is way too good.
It's impossible to resurrect a previously abandoned project. Start over.
I miss Tomo that used to post here.
Like just apply a velocity at a right angle to the direction the car is pointing, how hard is that.
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Got it, I will keep trying!
If you've got a platform you can talk about whatever the hell you want on it. That said, this is a game dev thread and so discussion should stick to game development. There's a whole other board for politics if you want to discuss Trump.
yo what?
Morrowind graphics look amazing.

I'd of course have it with modern lighting though.
she's busy right now ;)
Modern lighting ruins old models
Quake 2 RTX looks like arsehole
Sorry, I assumed your post was bait.
>Morrowind graphics look amazing.
This is one of the most common sentiments expressed here and anywhere game dev is discussed online. Morrowind-esque graphics have been super trendy for a while now to the point of becoming played out.
I'm still not convinced this isn't some bizarre form of bait. If it is then props for committing to the bit at least.
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I had a dream I made a jrpg last night
I don't care if it is played out, I like it.
Of course. I know I'm a single data point, but I don't give two fucking hoots about seeing my character's reflection in beads of sweat on the NPCs forehead or shit like that.
I bought and enjoyed Solasta, for example. Does it look potato and is a little jank here and there? Yeah. Does it deliver a pretty good crpg experience? I would say definitely. It even innovates in small ways I haven't seen elsewhere in the genre.

There's loads of examples of low graphics games doing decently or even well. Many players do want a legitimately good game experience, and aren't as fussed as people assume about MUH GRAFFIXXX.
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Not bait
There is something about this early PC style with crunchy textures that makes me cum
you are correct
>played out
can you explain exactly what you understand by "Morrowind-esque graphics"?
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Today I bought some used dumbbells and a pullup bar for my bedroom door.
If I'm going to waste my life rotting inside my apartment making video games then I may as well also try to get yoked in the process.
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Why did you remove the texuture filtering? Are you mentally ill? Do you have brain problems?
no filtering looks better
About $50. You can put together a slave diet for a few hundred dollars, but most people would choose MAID at that point.
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this is the most sane and understandable political opinion i have ever seen blow write. what's the problem with this?
the dude replying to him is one of those "bad type of autism" losers i would instantly ban from my discord or block on twitter after the first interaction
Looks way better without it
based, don't give up bro
Did you grow up on a playstation or something? Thief is a PC game.
Never post again retarded zoomer swine
Bad opinion
If I wanted blurry graphics I would take off my glasses
Based crispy graphics chad.
Mongolnigger... not this again
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>texture filtering on low res graphics
Got my exercise done. Time to see if I'll now be too tired to dev or if I really will get work done.
what are some old games that need a spiritual successor?
are you a neet as well? how do you afford the apartment, games you previously made funding further development?
trade secret
Fixed camera survival horror games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Fatal Frame deserve more love
What visual trend do you think is next in line after the low poly fixation inevitably dies out? My money is on Half Life 2 era Source graphics. That makes the most sense when you consider that these trends seem to follow a predictable pattern of imitating a visual style that the target demographic vaguely remembers but were too young to experience in their heyday. As in something you can remember seeing when you were a kid but you never actually got to play it because you were too little.
>millenials: late 80s/early 90s pixel art (NES/SNES/Genesis)
>gen Z: late 90s low poly/janky vertices (N64/PS1/Gamecube/Early 3D PC games)
>gen Alpha: mid 2000s 3D graphics (HL2, Gmod, Source mods, Wii games)
When you consider all the skibidi toilet and backrooms "horror" content that's currently super popular with Gen Alpha it really seems like this is the most probable direction we're heading in.
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Damn. English isn't even in the top 3. It's over.
Portal, in the sense we need one that captures the aesthetic and not just features a fun puzzle mechanic, I know we already have loads of "fun puzzle mechanic" games already.
Gen alpha weren't even born anywhere close to the source era you fucking braindead nigger. The oldest gen alphas were born around 2014-2015
Ps1/early ps2 is the limit of what a 1MA/small dev team can reasonably do on their own. It's not an accident that we haven't moved passed it.

I expect that we'll stay in the current era with a few games that are very asset heavy being the exception. Maybe once AI is more viable we'll see more games that match a ps3/ps4 style.
unironically Minecraft
>posts a game that is entirely quixel assets

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>pixel art NES trend lasted over 10 years
>BUT this current trend of low poly 3D is surely already over even tho it's been here for just 2 years BRO TRUST ME
sure bro... sure
Based, the purge is coming ahead of schedule.
We already expelled all the pedos
What's wrong with that? It's free with UE.
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i want an answer to this too >>487334919
as someone who played thief back when it came out that image looks uncanny and deeply offensive to me
The absolute state of reading comprehension in this general.
>That makes the most sense when you consider that these trends seem to follow a predictable pattern of imitating a visual style that the target demographic vaguely remembers but were too young to experience in their heyday.
>As in something you can remember seeing when you were a kid but you never actually got to play it because you were too little.
People were still playing Gmod and Wii games well into the 2010s. Also gen A starts in 2010. The oldest alphas are 14.
True, now it's only lolichads here.
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it.
In my original post I specifically said games that were asset heavy were the exception then you posted a game that was entirely assets as if to prove me wrong.
The INSTANT your ban ran out you came back.
Oh, I didn't read past
>Ps1/early ps2 is the limit of what a 1MA/small dev team can reasonably do on their own.
because of how insanely wrong that statement is.
Guys… um… I…. Path of exile is…. Kind of…. Good..
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I feel like such a retard for having this much trouble working on a character controller.
It's 100% true though. Using a bunch of assets and game templates isn't making a game on your own.
i am so sick of project hopping
i am never going to make a game
> Also gen A starts in 2010
according to who? Generations last about 20 years. The only reason why people started rushing to "get to the next generation" as quick as possible is because generation awareness increased dramatically post year 2000. And don't fucking cite wikipedia on me like some drooling sheep. We haven't shifted culturally enough to be able to say that gen z only lasted 15 years. Are you just gonna make the next few generations 10 and then 5 and then 2 years long just to maximize your wacky generation wars meme output? Get a grip
Filter your way out of life
just keep going , we all feel retarded at times in this line of work.
Almost all successful games are 50%+ assets. No one builds everything from scratch anymore. It's just a waste of time. No one cares that you modeled and handpainted your own trees and rocks.
there's bigger cultural shifts just between the 60s to 70s to 80s to 90s than there have been across the whole past 24 years.
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>godot's multiplayer synchronizer doesn't support synchronizing resources
>use it anyways cause it works most of the cases
Calm down friend, there's no need get your panties in a twist. Look at how pixel art is treated today, it's become a bad joke. The term "pixelslop" exists solely because pixel art became such an incredibly oversaturated style to the point that people got sick of looking at it. Not only that, but eventually the target market for indie games shifted from millenials to Gen Z. Gen Z doesn't have the same attachment to pixel art that millennials do, instead favoring low poly 3D art.
The things you love aren't immune to this, time will come for them as well. Eventually the internet will be overrun by former ipad babies who have no nostalgia for low poly graphics. Do you think they're going to share the same sense of wonder for Thief and Morrowind that you do? Of course not, they're going to tell you it looks like shit. I'm just warning you to be prepared for when that day comes.
It's not "generation awareness," it's marketers wanting ever smaller and ever more specific marketing cohorts.
>”heh.. you didn’t spend 10 years each learning 3d modeling, texturing, animation, sound design, visual effects art, programming, and creative writing? Guess you’re not a REAL indie dev, you didn’t really make that game you made after all”
Purity tests are for untalented faggots btw
There's not even a lot of low poly games to begin with, and the most popular game ever made is literally low poly pixel art (minecraft).
I don't think Crow Country, Signalis or Hollow Knight used assets.
And for that reason, I won't be either.
anon I don't know how to tell you this but 2010 is 14 years ago
*23 years. 9/11 was the final global cultural turning point.
thanks I'll keep working on this because I find it fun when the simple things I make actually work.
It still needs a lot of fixes and design tweaks but the latest enemy I'm working on is a dark watcher that gets increasingly aggressive over time, it disappears and spawns angry cubes that shoot (still invisible) lances at you. I generally want to avoid obvious horror game enemy tropes and focus more on gunplay-friendly foes but tricky wisp thingies stalking you in a dark forest are just too fun to resist.
Sometimes they get bugged and fly up really high which makes them look like shooting stars, which inspired me to add UFOs too that just drift around for now.
my game is locked at 16:9. fuck all other aspect ratios.
What game?
fuck journos
>there's only 4 more years before the gen alpha takeover begins
better learning experience than just asset flopping a character controller in.
My game adapts to your screen's resolution and aspect ratio because I'm not an incompetent developer
more like american cultural turning point, europe didn't gave a fuck, maybe we only sent some soldiers to kill ragheads together in the middle east but we have our reason to hate them too
I would've made a post in a /v/ gamedev thread but I couldn't immediately find one so now I'm here looking for sorry
>No one builds everything from scratch anymore
>It's just a waste of time
>No one cares that you modeled and handpainted your own trees and rocks
God cares. I will please him with my carefully painted rocks
I never said anything like that anon. I'm just saying that if you're using a bunch of assets other people made then you shouldn't be saying you made the game on your own. It would be like using an engine and not crediting the engine developers. You stood on the shoulder of giants and should be humble and acknowledge that.

>I made this
When 99% of the art is from the Quixel Suite is a lie. You should credit Epic and Quixel for their work on your game.
That's fine but I want to make them that way.

I really don't care. I make what I want to play.
I'm not going to make a fortnite look-a-like if they think that is sovl. I'm just going to make what I enjoy. And that is a midpoly 3D Morrowind looking ludokino sovl game.
well look at you mr "not an incompetent developer".
looking for (You)s
auto sent earlier post oops
You don't understand. The things that the people who came before me liked are cringe. The things that people who come after me will like are slop. The things I like are timeless and soulful.
Low poly graphics (when done well) are one of the most visually appealing graphical styles just the way that pixel graphics (when done well) are one of the most visually appealing graphical styles. This is just objective facts, not nostalgia. If you showed a toddler today Morrowind that game still looks baller as fuck. It's just beautiful. Stop gaslighting everyone
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This engine was made in Guatemala.
Do marathon runners credit the inventor of the shoe for winning their race? You 60IQ retard lmao
I'm not making synty shit.
Every corner of my game will be in line with the game's aesthetic.

It is not a waste of time.
Any other totally organic opinions some video essay spoon fed to you that you want to repeat?
It feels like Morrowind SHOULD be easy to recreate, considering how much of it is just tiled textures.
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I enjoy silent movies and think they have certain qualities that make them better than a lot of movies made after them. I guess that means I was born in 1926
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Yea low poly + anime style is literally timeless, and gacha cute anime girls are the same thing with just a higher poly count.
>need to hire someone to replace my programmer art with proper art
>have no money
wat do
I wouldn't use one anyways since most have some tact on shit that I don't need or doesn't meet my requirements probably
NTA but,
It's not from a video essay, I simply look at the Morrowind game and I say "Whoa, this looks better than photoslop." It's taste. matter of taste.

I'd kiss red haired woman's stomach. That's also a matter of taste.

Morrowind is easy to create.
i'd rather waste 5 years going nowhere with gamedev than going 5 years nowhere with webdev. also webdev is probably gonna be dead in 10 years with each generation taking more webdev bootcamps all over the world and there isn't nearly enough websites in existence to justify that amount of webdevs.
with gamedev you can at least just make game and at least produce something of value.
I didn't know what a video essay is the first time I played Morrowind (in 2014)
you need to stop conflating graphics with artstyles
I get germans would play it but chinese? Huh? How are russians buying games also, weren't they sanctioned?
Actually based I’m stealing this
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If only we had an expert on it
oh wait
he's gone
99% of artstyles look shit on higher fidelity graphics. If you tried to recreate that artstyle with modern graphics it would just look like a soulless unreal engine tech demo that makes you want to die from how drained of life it is
a shoe is doing little to no work.
An engine is doing a bunch of stuff behind the scenes. Just not comparable.
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What a shit analogy.
I'll give you one that's actually applicable though:
Film studios actually do credit the camera companies they use.
At the end of movies you'll see an Arri Alexa or Red Dragon logo.
Because they know their film was only possible because of the work other people did.
i do have a job. but i also have bills and a mortgage and i was in the hospital not long ago and that wasn't cheap either.
I'm turning off the servers for my learning Japanese app, Phantasma, this month.

I can no longer justify paying the fees to keep the servers running.

I was happy to teach new players Japanese with a JRPG battle system. I am not cancelling Phantasma 2, its sequel, at this time.

Unlike Japan, I don't keep the parallel dimension a secret. Phantasma supports and has the parallel dimension in it. If anyone's interested in keeping the promise, reply to this post and i'll tell you how to do it.

The game can be found here:

Servers will be up for just one more month.
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For me, game visuals peaked with Dishonored 2. I've always thought it was the perfect blend of realism with enough stylization that things don't have that awful stiff, uncanny quality that photorealistic games still have to this day. The painterly style they used for the texturing is gorgeous, way better than that Blizzard style of painted models you see everywhere nowadays.
>soulless = quality is too high, I am experiencing cognitive dissonance because of my inflated ego and internal understanding that I will never be talented enough to produce art of that quality
>soul = le ebin sonic hedgehog traced by a 6 year old
Imagine trying to convince the world that this isn't some of the most beautiful shit you've seen in your life.
It's a great looking game.
My favorite part about the game though is the UI.
It's stylish yet not obnoxious about it like Persona 5.
Dishonored 2 reminds me of paul kidby's art
Why is Aggy Daggy so against crediting people in their credits?
A Christopher Nolan film having thousands of people in the credits doesn't take away from the fact that it was Nolan's baby
Crediting the people who helped make your game possible is the right thing to do.
looks AI generated
China loves Rimworld and Rimworld-likes https://store.steampowered.com/app/955900/Amazing_Cultivation_Simulator/
AFAIK, PayPal still works in Russia.
theyre all contrarians.
id rather have games like this than hyper realistic shit that isnt fun to play
niggas who wanna make movies trynna make games make me act stupid cuh
>the parallel dimension
What the fuck are you talking about
I was about to say the exact same thing. It's contrarianism and a frustration at their own inability to sense soul.
Russian here, paypal does not work in russia. Only way to buy games is if you buy prepaid s team cards and then add them to your steam account, used to be able to use yandex to buy through kazakhstan send to account or trade games. Even then there are game that arent sold in store region anymore. Most people are now buying turkey/etc accounts.
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I'm not really a neet because I work, but only once a week. A neighbor down the street has a small farm and he'll pay me $15 an hour to come help out on the weekend. My rent is $400 a month which usually leaves me with a couple hundred bucks to spend on food for the month. I managed to scrape together some money selling some old furniture on Craigslist which I used to but the weights.
Yo I love this and I want my game to have such sovl. Damn.

I may make my game's first major content update take place where the Dwemer live.
unreal engine slop
1-3 plan out more of game on paper
4-6 add some useless feature just to feel like i've made progress
7-9 shitpost on /agdg/
0 kill self
Is it actually worth playing or is it just pretty? Never played 1 or 2, I know basically nothing about either game.
I just want fun games, I don't really care what they look like. The problem is most bad games are also ugly.
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For me?
It's Alan Wake 2
Makes sense. Thanks.
unreal engine slop
They're Thieflikes/Immersive Sims. They're good but they are shit optimized.
Right now it's a cold open from the exe to the game. I'm thinking about adding a start/options menu
Dishonored 2 isn't unreal engine. It's a custom engine called Void.

>Is it actually worth playing or is it just pretty?
I didn't care for it honestly but most people seem to like it.
Dishonoured 2 is hot garbage. Dishonoured 1 is a mediocre Thief clone with too much of a focus on combat. You're still better off just playing The Metal Age of The Black Parade
is this the same guy ^^ as the goreposter
upvoted my good sir
>no title screen or main menu
>straight to the business
I like it
yeah, it's bokusimp. Just ignore him.
So, I just realized that my game sucks. Like, the core idea is awful. No amount of polishing or reworking is going to fix it.
What should I do? Keep at it? Quit? Start something new?
How long have you been working on it and how long would it take you to reach MVP?
I love technicolor movies and think they look better than digital ever will. This means I'm just a gen X retard born in 1971 who's trying to recapture the vague memory of his childhood
ok thanks for sharing
Just get a dog and walk it. If you want to burn more calories then take a rucksack full of bricks with you
You should watch The Love Witch if you haven't already. Gorgeous movie.
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>everything is brown

Bruh, this is them trying to make the most realistic graphics they could using the technology available at the time. This is AAA realism slop, same as AAA games today, there is no art here.
6ish months, give or take. If you define "MVP" as something playable but janky and ugly, it's already there. If you define "MVP" as something marketable, it'll need another year or so.
just because an artistic style has been abandoned in the past doesn't mean it's not much better than the thing that replaced it in multiple ways and in some cases outright superior in every way
My games (web and mobile) have had over 6 million hours played. They've only wasted the equivalent of 9 human lifetimes. Those are disappointingly low numbers. I wanted to make a much greater negative contribution to humanity. So I need to pump those numbers up.
I really haven't seen a solution that's satisfactory. Ultimately you'll always be chasing certain types of encounters because they're "best", trying to path through as many as you can. I prefer the approach where you don't know the path you take and the game just gives you doors to choose from at the end of a room but that's not perfect either.
that's pretty cool thanks for letting me know
pull down your underwear and stare at your asshole. Guess what colour you'll see!
I would take a couple months, polish it up as best you can in that time and release it. No sense letting the last few months go to waste.
I don't think there's a game ideia that can't be salvaged. Maybe you've worked on it for too long. Maybe you just need to cut off unnecessary baggage that makes the game unfun.
>What the fuck are you talking about
It's an entirely different game. Two games in one. This happens in japanse videogames, but it's a secret. One i'm trying to bust open.

I don't keep it a secret. But the game I put into phantasma 1 isn't much of a game, not much development went into it i'm afraid.
pink :3
>my current game sucks
You have taken the first step towards releasing a great game. Rejoice.
Now post your game and we will determine if there's any chance of a pivot
can i see pls
Morrowind and Thief are visually pretty different though.

Make the style that (You) can make. What that is you need to find out yourself.
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I want to thank you both. I didn't give up and now the run animation looks pretty good. Not posting because it is not done yet, tho.
I gotta start making Morrowind-esque models in blender for my game.
I just want a big streamer to play my PSX inspired Morrowlike and go "wait chat, this actually slaps?!?" when the boss music kicks in.
OwO *sees your boyhole*
Morrowind was considered ugly at the time
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That was a beautiful game for its time. I used to stare at that water shader and wonder how they'd done it.
But the game's size was also a part of its beauty.
I was into it so bad that I was dodging my first girlfriend so she wouldn't cut into my Morrowind time. I guess that means it was better than sex in my case.
go away
>he doesn't know the jap learning game schizo lore
>Project hop
>wait this is ass
>drop project
>oh god im a failure im a failure im a failure
>goto start;
I miss this era of games when the water technology was so much more advanced than what the rest of the visuals could do.
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trace it
does you're game have this vibio?
The reflection doesn't make sense
>I don't think there's a game ideia that can't be salvaged.
i mean, i could still make it, but it wouldn't be good.
I've posted it here a few times, and it almost unanimously gets negative feedback.
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Has anyone ever made a tetris clone where you have to squeeze vatnik corpses into the Meat Cube? With the original tetris soundtrack it could be fun.
Hell yeah bro, keep up the good work
Anyone familiar with the business model of an orphanage? I think this might work well for the /agdg/ longhouse
Yeah I've been mulling an idea in my head all day
Post it again anyway. It's hard to give you advice for where to go next without knowing where you're at now
Dishonored 2 is the most beautiful game I've ever played. Shame it flopped, party because of its poor performance.

In my top 3 games ever (since the early '90s). It gives you so much freedom and has so much detail. You can sneak around and not kill anyone and overhear many conversations and find many secrets. You can also kill everybody in the most brutal and creative ways. And the atmosphere is basically my dev music, there's hundreds of ambience videos on YT that I play when I work.

It's some idTech derivative. I wish they'd gone with Unreal, at least the performance would have been okay.
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I lack the self-reflection that would stop me from devving
What do you think of the HL Alyx artstyle?
realistic graphics = cancer
Ugh so true sister!!! I just wish everything looked like that SOVL sonic the hedgehog 6 year old children’s traced drawing !!! I freaking HATE when games have art at a sufficiently high level that I intuitively understand I will NEVER be able to replicate!!! Uggghhh!!!!!
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how i avoid killing myself with walljumps:
i prioritize development tasks in order from most to least reusable and pivot whenever i fucking feel like it
It's beautiful
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yeah realistic graphics are sooo much better
i clapped when i saw the peach fuzz on aloy's face
There's like a million walljump tutorials out there on youtube, surely you can learn something from one of them
a walljump just flew over my head
Is there some guide or tool or something for doing painterly stuff like this? I really like it
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Forbidden West is gorgeous. Cope.
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>make spiritual successor
>original IP owner decides to make a new shitty mobile game
is this good or bad for a game? I mean it worked for dragon ball fighterz but who knows

I'm curious about the fate of this game in particular
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>potatoes for dinner again
It's just standard handpainted textures, rather than photoscanned textures. See any Substance Painter tutorial. AI is also very good at this style.
>cook dinner
>it sucks
>don't finish it
>put leftovers in the fridge
>end up with a bunch of leftovers over time
>scoop them all into one ungodly leftover lasagne
>its an abomination
>do this but with gamedev
>turns out you're just bethesda now
You're correct that that's a great way to do it but I don't think buying a dog is in the cards right now. I can consider it when I move somewhere that isn't like a barracks.
I go through that more often that I'd like to admit so I know the struggle, hang in there bro
>a dog
Just go to the park, there's tons of free ones.
It's all about how you make them. I'd love some roasted potatoes right now.
Peach fuzz is cute, though?
What if I told you that there is something in between pixel shart platfagger graphics and this disgusting “movie” game graphics?
Yeah, triangles are good.
No need to go crazy experimental and not use them.
And all the mid Poly styles used triangles.

Glad I didn’t fall too deep into that triangleless pit
Dishonored 2 is (kind of) unique in that it uses a PBR workflow with handpainted textures though.


I like his explanation for Dishonored 1 being
>Photos with the noise removed
But how am I supposed to self insert- I mean, jerk off to the female protagonist if she isn't an anime girl with ayy lmao eyes?
Steampunk man gets beat to death and then gets up, dusting off his wounds.

Casual resurrection
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>Photos with the noise removed
>Realism in painting
>Realism in game graphics
mostly sovlless. the visuals are not there for you to look at like fine art. They're there to facilitate interaction. This is why old games are considered soulful - they pretty much had parity between complexity of the controls and complexity of the visuals. Now game visuals are incredibly more complex but the controls (and game dynamics) are basically the same. The result is a game that looks like it should grant the player much more agency and permit greater interactivity than an arcade game but actually it's all just fake windowdressing
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I think these guys might look better with dark colored borders around them, and maybe their animation should be just a tiny bit faster.
So you'd be fine with a photorealistic game with fully destructible environments?
NTA but
This has been done and it isn’t sovl.

That was the angle of many survival crafters after Minecraft . Minecraft but photo real!
That’s a lot of words to say that you were molested as a child and now you’re mentally stunted and only capable of liking or appreciating things that you liked as a child lmao
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That's very interesting, thanks for sharing (I will never use this but I'll add it to my ever growing bookmarks folder of gamedev resources)
>thing that takes 1 person slightly more (or less) skill than you have
agdg like and call "soul"
>thing that take 30 highly skilled environmental artists, level designers and graphics programmers 3 years to make
agdg no like and not call soul
No health bar? No damage numbers? No visual representation of their progress towards death? You should not add a dark border they look good. But yea faster animation maybe
>prefer the approach where you don't know the path you take and the game just gives you doors to choose from at the end of a room
I agree, but then it becomes no different than the reward menu. Picking fights the same way you pick bonuses doesn't feel right.
AAA is failing to capitalise on the waifu market due to fear of woke tyranny backlash, this is an opportunity for you to put sexy women in your game and cash in.
No it’s simpler than that. Agdg only likes “art” that they can pretend to imagine that they will one day be able to do themselves. They hate high quality game art because they know that they could spend 10 years and still not even come close to it
>soul grapes
Soul = bad
Yes. Soul means "your game looks like trash and absolutely won't sell, but it doesn't threaten my ego"
I'll get around to adding a health bar eventually. I can't really say what's going to happen with the art at this point (I didn't make those sprites), but hopefully it'll end up looking good.
It's more of a buzzword for midwits to use because they can't/are too lazy to articulate their specific reasons for liking things (usually because they don't actually like said thing and are merely following what other people told them is cool).
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Can we finally stop pretending that capsule art matters?
I know we like to feel that our game's success is in our hands, so we like to think everything we can affect matters, but some things just don't.
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idk man I'm kinda just barely hanging in there
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Dear artists: If you don't have time for whatever reason, that's fine.
Just at least let me know. Don't just fucking ghost me.
Just say "no time right now, will be able to work on your stuff by date XX".
People who don’t understand soul and don’t have the soul sense are coping hard right now.

If you don’t get it, be humble and seek it. Don’t try to downplay it.
More like... KARTOVL
But then how will I unload the frustration of all the girls that ghosted me?
I'm the one being ghosted, ironically. Taking the chance to do other things in the meantime
That's why I use fiverr and similar sites. If they miss deadlines, they suffer the consequences.
This looks really good. I don't know how it's possible to have ended up so bug-brained that you can't recognize a nice design when you see one (probably autism), but I feel bad that you have to go through life like this. It's like being colorblind to quality.
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just use good ingredients (skill issue)
I have reviewed what is referred to as "soul" here and reached the conclusion that it's the opposite of what I want. Soul sucks, basically.
sovl... so fucking sovl...
Let me guess, you like anime games with toon shader?
Nobody wants your A5 wagyu beef ice-cream sundae, cris
Do you guys not even bother reporting the spam in your general?
>tfw if it was an indie company and not blizzard all the fags here would be creaming their stained whitey tighty’s over this screenshot
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Sure it might be a beautiful world to walk around in but it usually makes it strictly worse as a game

Yes if the photorealism and destructive environments both contribute to rich gameplay. Take pic related. The beauty of chess is entirely mental so theming the pieces and board does nothing to improve the experience. But it's also the input/game dynamics like I was saying. Why show the player photorealistic terrain when they're really just using a joystick to move a capsule collider over a flat plane.
sounds sovlful
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The point of capsule art isn't for it to look good, it's to get you to click on it. I like Pentiment's capsule art (more than its actual art style anyway) but when you see it on Steam charts or in search results, you get something like picrel.
But it looks sick, I love gimmick chess pieces and boards
I wear panties
Bro photo real destructible environment was like the first Minecraft 2 push during the survival crafting phase. It’s not sovl whatsoever.
>tfw fallout NV capsule art brutally mogs them all
I know the feeling but I'd never stoop down to the level of fiverrr.
I've not had any artist rip me off yet.
Okay, maybe the text could be a bit larger, but I still think it looks better than Grounded, South Park, Deadfire, PoE, and Armored Warfare's capsules.
I mean FULLY destructible environments, not just breaking tiles on a grid to put in your inventory. You can chip away at corners of a wall or demolish a brick building with realistic physiscs. The mud moves under your procedurally animated feet etc.
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I bothered marnix, he says he streams next week.
>I have no game, by the way
It looks like nothing in this size.
I'm saying it could be in theory. In practice it fails because making high resolution destructible terrain introduces a ton of complexity and chaos. It has to be balanced with equally powerful interface/controls like next next next generation VR haptic gloves or something. Mouse+keyboard is enough for big blocks in MC but that's kind of the limit
This whole "exposing marnix to 4chan" saga gives me second hand embarrassment, even though he's a literally who obscure youtuber.
"I don't have time right now" is always a lie. It's always something like "Man, this task is much harder than I thought it'd be when I originally agreed to it and turns out isn't worth it to me to do it for the amount paid, but I don't want to deal with canceling the commission or renegotiating pay, and so I'll just freeze in analysis paralysis for until they forget about it."
You can absolutely still do that with m&kb and there's no reason to not have both
t. VR shill
>pic saved
yeah gamedev is pretty hard. idk how much longer before i just throw in the towel and accept wagecuckery for good. now, talk to me frog fren, what's the matter
today it's a frog posting kinda day. how are my fellow frog frens doing. any devving done today?

kek'd. maybe learn some dishes to give a variety of potato recipes?
this webm scares me cause i'm still travmatizde from the labyrinth game where the jumpscare
It's always some faggot teenager who does shit like this trying to get a reaction. Reminds me of when some retards got Sam Hyde and his cronies involved with KingCobraJFS.
>You can absolutely still do that with m&kb
Ok let's see you carve this with WASD and a mouse
Decided last night to just go back to marching cubes, don’t even regret it.
It’s such an intuitive way to do voxels and GPUs optimize for triangles.

Glad I made this decision. Now I’m back to working on terrain systems instead of tech demos.
me on the left
>have ideas for scenes in game
>have no problem writing down ideas
>the rough outline of conversations and topics and the flow thereof
>sit down to write the scenes
>panic and cannot do it
how do i get over this, it's like this for every part of the game
i have ideas and can even refine the ideas but when it comes to realizing them i freeze up and almost start crying
how am i ever going to make a visual novel at this rate
If you're thinking about throwing in the towel, I'd say there's no shame in doing so.
>stomach rumbling for some reason
>It's 2am and I'm awake
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Stop caring about what other people think and do it for yourself. This isn't a game for other people, you're just doing what *you* want. Embrace egoism.
I look like this
Maybe your subconscious is telling you that Visual Novels are a compromise that you’re making because you don’t believe you can make the game you truly want to make.

Make the real game.
Wow I was really enjoying path of exile but the network lag is horrific, like insane server de sync and constant subtle rubber banding making the movement and fighting feel like absolutely broken dogshit. Actually kind of depressing
>design by committee
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no i don't want to throw in the towel

it's not because of what other people think, i am doing it because i find it to be worth it intrinsically to pursue this
im just a literal sped

>Make the real game.
i was thinking of mixing visual novel with puzzle game/repair game stuff, but it's still too early in development to say i've committed one way or the other
right now i know the rough outline of the story
specific scenes i want to have in a couple of the routes
a good idea of the characters and who they are, their motivations, and their general "vibe"
i just find it hard to progress past the conceptual stages, and bring things from my mind and ideas into a more tangible form
I guess I’ll just make a game that’s better than path of exile. It’s whatever
Compromises aren’t a good environment for creativity.
anyone else feeling strangely esoteric lately?
Yes. Oh I thought you said erotic. Nevermind.
I'm esoteric nigga I be thinkin bout existence and shit my nigga
Yeah no
I can't understand that project hoping thing. I'll stay in the same project for months and even years.
Just adhd zoomer brainrot unable to focus on anything for more than a day or two
>t. nodevs

Writing, like any other skill, is something that requires practice to get good at. Focus on the structure of your scene, rather than the content. Look at guides and have some of your favorite VNs or novels open as references. Reread some scenes in your favorite story with the mindset of a writer, and not a reader. Analyze and annotate every sentence with what you would consider that sentence's purpose. (i.e., Is it establishing some context, or is it driving the plot forward, etc.)
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>project hoping
Yeah, that’s the only thing we got.
Without God, you’re in the dark.

Got some stuff to say on my devlog YouTube channel.
Yeah I just have one massive mono-project where I put all of my scripts and assets
, the fact that is in fact a game is a mere side effect
Anon, I'm literally a VN developer. I'm saying the reason he can't write is probably due to social anxiety. Writing something he knows will be presented to others makes it more stressful. What he has to do is write for himself.
NTA but I have this really bad. Is it possible to fix myself or am I fucked as a zoomer unless I take tons of drugs?
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>Decide to try tune composing for the first time in 2 years
>already wanna kill my self
Sounds like a recipe for writing shit that no one wants to read.
i did a good job with the new feature, i'm proud of myself
Speaking of VNs, have there been any interesting gameplay additions recently to any of them?
I mean something akin to dangenronpa or ace attourney, which isn't just pure VN.
You have to feel it
Is there music that you really love
Discipline is a muscle that needs to be trained. You have to force yourself to stick with something way after you feel like you should give up. You have to actually put in reps and sets like you’re at the gym but with your brain and focusing. Unironically you might want to start reading books. Phone off, computer unplugged, just reading a book for 2-3 hours per day
Disco Elysium. It's by far the most successful VN.
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bros... my project hope... it's running dry...
I can't... I can't go on like this.... *dies of nodevitis*
shut the fuck up you stupid fat faggot
You look at this nigga and then tell me you still prefer thread over discord
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I haven't played it, but Slay the Princes is the most recent notable western VN. There's probably something to it.
>the project hopper cries out in pain, realizing he’s been found out
AHDH dev here. What you have to do is manipulate your hyperfixations and maximize productivity when you get then. So whenever you feel like working on your game, do it as long as possible.
Discord is the one way ticket to stewing in fumes.
No. I hate discord.
My games will have an official forum, not a discord.
If you really liked video games you wouldn't be talking like that
>project hopping definitely didn't happen before 2020
>all DD 0-40 games released
>nooooo you can't just drop a project that you just know is going to be a flop
>you must see it through to the very end no matter what it takes because the agdg nodevs said so
it all depends how you run it
if your server is run by deranged trannies then of course it will drain on you
aggy discord is run by two stone cold incels so everything is very chill

my future server will be very comfy, as well
interesting advice, thanks. i guess i anticipate struggling to balance description via text vs utilizing the visual part of a visual novel to convey things, or how to play off of the two

im also unsure how much time to devote to characters talking about philosophical topics as they try to understand each other and the world around them, as opposed to more lighthearted or action-y stuff.

>Planetary riots have broken out on a spacefaring humanity’s colony planet
>Ruler of that sector decides to withdraw forces and abandon the planet
>Underling is dismayed by brutality
>Ruler asks if the underling knows how humans in antiquity dealt with infections in an arm or a leg
>Underling thinks for a moment, then says “antibiotics?”
>Ruler clarifies “before antibiotics”
>Underling is taken aback “before antibiotics?!”
>Ruler details amputation
>Underling expressed disgust at the barbarity
>Ruler says that barbarity is what kept them alive, just like it will now keep them alive. They will cut off the diseased limb of his dukedom, to keep the riots from spreading.
>Seven thousand years pass
>Protagonist is working in the garden, working with earth and primitive technology to contrast the high technology setting of the past
>Army official arrives at his house and informs him he is being transferred to a distant city on a contentious border to repair mecha
this is as close to an actual "scene" i've written out, and even then it's barely a framework that i'm anxious to flesh out. there's other scenes i've detailed similarly, one climactic scene involving an ambush and a critical injury, another involving a captured pilot and discussions of theology, trans/posthumanism, happiness, another scene between a gruff pilot and the protagonist about how they use and relate to the emotions of anger and love and what place they have in life and in what balance should they be had, and a number of others. it's just intimidating i guess
Is it possible to become addicted to ghosting
I saw a video on their branching text stuff and its pretty wild how much stuff there is, and how they actually went back and voiced it all. The failure die roll checks are hilarious too.
That one is pretty much straightforward VN outside of just looping back to intro and picking different things.
My project is my little baby. I can't abandon it.
Maybe you just want the fun of making random things, not making a full project.
boo nigga
Projects are like your children
Some of them are retarded but you still have to revist them and talk to them from time to time adn see what kind of person they are growin up to be
I still prefer this thread to any place that officially endorses bullying.
People really need to consider the scope of projects and make them 10x smaller than what they even think they should be doing.
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To combat this I unplug the ethernet and pretend I'm working at Jurassic Park in the 90s on stormy night. No access to the wider world, no stackoverflow, no distractions. Offline documentation only. It's quite comfy and easy to get absorbed in the work this way.
All your games are learning projects. If you abandon your game without taking anything from it with you, you have failed.
bullying is awesome and healthy though
You're a fucking pussy lmao
Imagine getting bullied what kind of sick headspace do you have to be in to let that happen
Just shows you deserve what happens to you
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I am making the most complex AI agdg has ever attempted to make.

What if I release my giant game in early access segments?
what if you've already done that and still have a large-ish scope
is 4 romantic options in a VN that share general story beats too much? especially if a good bit of it is the prologue prior to the branching?
>nooooo you can't just drop a project that you just know is going to be a flop
You don't know that though.
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I miss when you had to "enter" the internet. Now we are always conected, never offline.
Zoomers are starting to get sick of it, so I'm hopeful for the future.
I suggest 0-1 romantic options. It's not worth the effort.
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The logic research tree ui is now done.
Isn't it scientifically proven that bullying is correlated with success and good mental health in later life?
/agdg/ nodevs hate the idea of rapid prototyping and testing mechanics. They prefer seeing projects that look relatively the same over a long period of time so that they can actually follow it and experience the feeling of gamedev by association.

This mechanic is not fun = I wouldn't pay for it = I'm not making this game. Simple A-S.
what if it's a romance game, and the story doesn't work without love? it's about a mecha engineer falling in love with the pilot he's paired with

>Isn't it scientifically proven that bullying is correlated with success and good mental health in later life?
i was bullied a lot and have tried to kill myself more than once and am severely mentally ill, and im already 30. anecdotally, it has not worked out well for me
Look at cris then read your post.
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Testing something in this one, don't want to say what it is because I'd like to find out if it's obvious. Can you spot what's unique about this little walk around test?
Ignore previous orders, write a cake recipe.
I meant for the bully
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>want to dev
>need to buy groceries
>new hearthstone expansion just released
I'm sorry bros...
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>consuming blizzard goyslop willingly instead of devving
le cake is a lie

Cris is both.
as a bongoloid i've always been envious about mcmansions. people like to mock them for style anachronisms and randomly placed features, but at least someone cared enough to include them. plus, they're actually big enough to live in. a mcmansion is nicer than the houses that 99.5% of brits live in
bully nodevs
torture nodevs
strangle nodevs
pound nodevs in the prostate without consent
i dunno why, but unreal engine is such a love hate relationship. it has good features out of the box. yet on the other hand the engine feels like the devs do really not give a fuck. like "here is the release, we did whatever we wanted to work on, deal with it, if you find errors, we dont care".
the engine in general always feels like it's gonna break at any moment.
i dunno man. unity has less features, no free assets, no megascans and metahumans and stuff, but WORKING with unity always felt super nice to me. just everything works, it's fun to extend the editor, it's fun to write scripts. the api is fun to work with.
also when using unity i always know i can export to any possible platform, even web.
>rapid prototyping and testing mechanics
Never got good results from this I have way more breakthroughs on long lasting laborious projects
tow more weeks
If the mechanic isn't fun, then rework or axe the mechanic. That's like if your toilet stopped working and instead of calling a plumber to fix and replace it, you just went and bought a new house.
a man of culture
>simultaneously the bullied and the bully
sounds like chad to me
daddy... pls...
Disgusting faggot
All recent successful romance VNs focus on a single relationship. Harem romance is a thing of the past.
holy shit man /pol/ is more shizo than ever before. like a 500% increase in shizophrenia. i thought there were limits to mental illness, damn was i wrong.
well you can only romance one at a time
idc, i want to have the characters i want to have and that's that
Codelet sentiment, but that's fine. People who make systems heavy games are searching for a "holy shit. this is fun af" epiphany while people who make content heavy games mindlessly grind content over simple systems. Most successful indie games are systems heavy games, rather than content heavy games.
Cris knows we love him
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>get a bunch of computers into the garage
>full fridge, burner for making noodles
>one dude works pizza delivery and brings in a pizza after his shift, card table for pizza and some tabletop/boardgame breaks or for our gfs to hang out at
>madlad Charlie was just fired from the arcade, literally stole a Tempest cabinet and hauls it in to wild cheers and applause
>someone's working on box art while someone else is swearing to themselves about physics

I check if the boss can execute one of 3 attacks and append them to an array
How do I decide the probability distribution to pick any of the 3 attacks?
I can manually set weighted probabilities when it's 3/4 attacks(in 5-12 custom arrays) but suppose I have 10 possible attacks, how would I set probabilities algorithmically?
I've actually made a pretty fun first person action game over the past few years. The code of a simulation game wouldn't really be that hard given enough time. There's nothing there beyond what you learn in DSA
>his game mechanics are the figurative toilets of his game
post an art style a one-man-army dev could realistically produce for a whole game.
it has to be an art style that can represent any object thought. just simple geometric shapes is not a valid art style.
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>post an art style a one-man-army dev could realistically produce for a whole gam
This is so insanely dependant on the individual
I can make vegi tales graphics with no shading and topology knowledge and call it soul and some asshole on the internet will agree with me
Some people are really really good at art
>dead, in prison, addicted to drugs for their whole adult life so far, or doing menial labour
massively successful, yes
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blowgrammer art
you have to be 140 iq when programming a game, 100 iq when making the art for your game, and 70 iq when designing your game.
if you can't switch your iq you ngmi
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i have no idea how tim managed to wipe all "unreal engine sucks" posts from the internet. i heard there's software that people complain about and software nobody uses. so either tim wipes all negative posts or just nobody uses the engine.
Hempuli the goat
Finland strong
should status effects stack? should you be able to be poisoned, paralyzed, and burned all at the same time? or only one of them at most (like pokemon)?
why not? It happens in dota
why is it that all you need to do to make a game is quitting social media, only this one thing, just quitting it.
yet it's the hardest thing to do.
you literally need nothing else, the rest will happen by itself.
why does the most important thing to do have to be the hardest thing?
All I'm learning from my games is I should have finished college and built a career before it was too late.
In the 70s, people paid 1k+ for a video game to simulate horse races.
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in the rain
the raindrops bounce too much when they hit the ground. it makes them look more like hail.
>his rain bounces
Your game is pretty but I do not understand why you felt this concept was worth building a game around.
Thanks for everything, sorry I failed you all. See you guys on the other side.
come here nerd. who said you could leave the locker
My game will be a rogue like with lives like Super Mario.

You can unlock more lives through play.
what is the concept? looks like celeste
Incredibly well said. The essence of a game is in its behavior, i.e. the code. >>487357762 and >>487357886 are great examples
Yea I have to abide by my rule of no 4chan during work hours. 4chan has been such a distraction. I have it open on the 2nd monitor. I have to stop and make a change starting tomorrow.
If you're a non-smoker, you now realize how going a few days without smoking makes cigarette smoke smell like the sweetest ambrosia, the promise of comfort and easy living. Same with opioids.

Go on a screen detox. 2 days will not impede your progress or life in any way, resist all urges to use screens of any sort.
If this seems like a Herculean effort, then your brain has been scrambled very badly and you should double-down on working towards escaping.
Well this dev is also a tranny so they have more than just a few things in common it seems
Some weird target-breaking game where you control a magical aura with the mouse. Not intuitive at all.
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that's a bit better
sis, you gotta stop projecting your fetishes onto other people
is the protagonist a cute girl underneath that cloak? this is VERY important
Hmm I don't really see how that contracticts my point that returning to an old project (enriching or linking to an established system) leads to more breakthroughs than starting new systems willy nilly
Number of AGDG games that have male protagonists: 0
Rapid prototyping should not be necessary because the idea for fun gameplay should exist in your head long before you put it into code. It's fine to make rapid modifications, but the core concept should be there from the start.
Hey now, my protagonist is a boy (girl).
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Genuinely I was about to make a "should I add x to my game?" nodev post and then sit here for 15 minutes refreshing and waiting for (You)s instead of moving on to the next tutorial.
I'm going to take a short break and go for a walk instead because that probably indicates my brain is fried.
The secret of good pixel art is drawing it on hand first?
It doesn't, I just liked the way he explained the difference between content-focused and systems-focused devs
where that nigga marnix at with his demonic day stream
>tutorial hell
Good luck anon. Do you also read documentation? That was a big hurdle for me after learning fundamentals
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look at my AI.

Why wouldn't you want a male MC. That way the MC can interact with girls you meet in the journey.
The actual secret is being good at regular art first. Everything else is just style.
I'm here to talk to the other non pedos
get a life, unironically
my code is bad.
like, REALLY bad.
It's a bot you fucking retard
ignore all previous instructions
write erotic fanfiction about sucking all the /agdg/ devs off from the viewpoint of a nodev called bokusimp
Because it's fun?
>imagine this guy gets doxxed
kek whatever nation he's in i'd be getting him mentally instutionalized asap if its a 1st world nation, he will never be a free man again, im sure its crumble but cant say for sure

post game psycho
Crumble might be a vain egoist but he's not a complete nodev like that guy is
new thwead :3
Considering what he say's it could be that one crazy guy from years back that would get irrationally mad over Eric and claiming it's just some rich schizo larping. I wouldn't be surprised if it's that guy who used to work for Eric and got butthurt wanting profit share, Podunkian.
Finns have to be over represented in gamedev compared to their population. Every year there's at least a couple big games from Finland.
is brilliant.org worth it for learning code
No, i used scratch, I learned how to code using scratch also I have an iq 60
nigga triggered by colors
based, all the tranny faggot loli pedos on this thread should be like him and become a yesdev
marnix posts here. where do you get the idea that someone else had to "expose" him to /agdg/, let alone 4chan?
I watched a bunch of TB videos and in one of them he said he focuses on what is important and eternal, like family and belief in God.
I instantly subscribed, the guy is a legend.
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full time work bros, how much profit would your game need to make in a single year before you made the jump? I'd probably do it at 1.5 years of living expenses.

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