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Grammys Edition

>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previously on /xivg/: >>487300517
where is my eb im going to die
how accurate is this for you /xivg/
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nobody unironically likes face 4 moonies
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moonie status?
I am a hrothgal
Which just reached Plat on her main in SF6
first for abusive moonie eb
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I can't wait to get mad at treasure maps in a week or so
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Anyone seen Wuk Lamat

I need to speak with her
my wife posted this
How big do I have to mod my character's boobs to be eligible to be in the FFXIV Hall of Fame???
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Please recommend me some cool monk weapons
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blm bros, did i make you proud?
are we back yet?
face 3s won so hard
>pct maxhit is 1.5x the blm's
jesus fucking christ
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>my femhroth when I see lesser females
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>Need gatherer scrips to finish melding my gatherers
>But DoH is bonus this week meaning easy money off grade 12 command materia
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My raceswap is a cute one I think.
Start thinking about femlalas.
>first time I saw graha was in shb
blatant lie, even on launch they made you finish crystal tower when you got to a certain point in ShB's MSQ
doing custom deliveries
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first for EBing for items and playing the game together like normal and also pic related rp
please step on me
Christ is King.
a black coffee drinker posted this
gatherer materia still sell for more?
You are the lesser female though, you furry fuck
I think if youre post a reddit post on 4chan you shoulda be permanently banned and then drawn and quartered IRL.
>on launch
that was 5.3
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>see catgirl
>transfem and sapphic in his search comment
Wrong, you fleshy fuck.
Wake me up when gaia head mod works again
someone call the fire department
bro died for me to shitpost on 4chan
Why do ppl think erenvill is going to the the Beast Master quest giver?
Am I missing something?
Bzzt wrong. It was in 5.3 that it became required. You could see Exarch in 5.0 and have zero idea who the person is when revealed.
Getting on to play Onsal
That's not a casual player, that's just a VN player
Hello wife
Fiera wife...
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>fantas off hroth to be the ugliest lalafell
holy sex
If you have extreme roleplay in this game every day, you are not an extreme roleplayer. I am. Every day, I sit on my bench near the limsa aetheryte and watch other npcs walk by and examine their adventure plates, or as I call them, Calling Cards. I find plenty of cute miqote and Au'ra walking around and inquire if they also have extreme roleplay. Nothing has happened so far, but that just shows that real extreme roleplay doesn't happen every day like some people claim it does.
why yes i put my eb in friend group 5 and only ever see them on my friends list
bullshit, I played well before 5.3 and it goes "HEY YOU DIDNT FINISH WORLD OF DARKNESS GO DO THAT" when I tried going into the CT on the first later in the MSQ
probably because he's a gleaner and based on what he did in EW.
Current price of command 12s is more than the current price of guile 12s (on Balmung.)
A tranny classic
I'm just here to be mean to people.
this race swap is one of the most gorgeous moonies i’ve ever seen
I put all my close friends in group 5 because I love them
How did people like Ranjit protect the first without being Wol or having is the echo?
post catgirls with big boobies
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Late reply. I’ve been leveling to catch up to dawntrail and just got to 90 on a class I do want to play yesterday. I guess just goofing around, casual progression, having a good time coming back to the groove of things
he's knowledgeable about animals and gave up gleaning
it makes sense, but it's probably going to be a different npc
I wish you weren't so stupid anon.
Thoughts on this beastmaster concept:
>can select up to 5 beasts to have out at once
>each beast comes with 2-5 weaponskills or even spells, with 1 optional ability
>each beast gives you a mini-rotation ripped off from another class (for instance, enshroud monster that makes you spam, or DNC basic combo with procs, or even some pvp mini-rotations)
>rotations give you various role-based buffs: increased enmity, defence, healing buffs, damage buffs, damage-at-cost-of-hp buffs, etc
>maybe some beasts even have interactions with other beasts, for instance buffing each other's attacks, in a sense creating a dps rotation
my eb is my only friend on this game i do not need anyone else's company
i think viper is very fun in frontlines
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mine still cuter
adorable moonie
Augmented Hellfire Claws
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he's right, you're misremembering
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Reminder that biological females only e-date cute/hot male characters.
>leveled crafters and gatherers
>made a billion tacos
>sold all the materia I gained instead of pentamelding
>bought the airbike
>don’t care about money anymore
Am I playing the game right
BST should have far fewer animals to tame, but each animal like you said needs a setup of skills. Maybe give the BST some basic GCD attacks and then all the OGCDs are commands for their pet abilities. Possibly have a cooldown that lets you swap between two pets you have selected.
the makai garo monk weapons
the pvp monk weapons
the current tomestone monk weap is p nice too
i just started and was in gridonia when someone said "sproutussy" with me targeted
Heyo ranrue.
You are so aggressively stupid
What's this about the Grammys? Is it another Ebin Awards?
would be cool but holy fuck imagine the hotbar cancer of this
This is a trap. No femlala wants "EB for the items only" and "date RP"
She's trying to make you into a husband
yeah thats fine

I have autism and want triple gilcap so I'm stuck waging for a while. congrats on the humble retirement
B is for beauty, obedient, and sweet~
I've been logged in for hours and havent done anything
iam going to q fl and Only target you ehehe that’ll teach u to mess with me..
i wouldn't let that slide but that's just me
B is for Boss Baby
Post sproutussy
Beast master is going to be a limited job (good) s you can actually have a fun job and not a 2 minute builder spender.
It just depends on if they let you tame a good amount of beasts or just like, 5 per expansion
So Honey B will be the filter for this raid tier right?
bro stop blowing my cover wtf
You aren't an NPC
let's wait and see, sis... it might not be so bad with the mods......
literally what does SAM do in FL outside of LB baiting? Why does this job have a damage penalty in FL??
this picture made me smile, i’m going yo save it thanks anon
>bitched and moaned about femhroth since shb
>finally gets them
>fantas off

at least when i bitched about male viera i never swapped off
why are miera obsessed with biofems?
Prepare for limit cuts, mini hello world mechanics, etc
this guy's actually trying to play FLs instead of AFKing for the daily LMAOOOO
same im just waiting for my eb to log on
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everytime i see a femra x miera couple i just think of those league/valorant edating couples with matching names
>why are men interesting in women

tl;dr: He was part of an order of assassins and they just, like, fought a whole lot.
aoe bind and a short cd stun it pretty useful
homosexual race
meowdy /pet

i queued down and going to bed
gn.... stupid
Post your *reads script* V-..Viera?
They want pussy because they never had it.
>see a fellow xaela tribesman
>give a little nod
It's the small things
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Leveling my crafting classes is getting me heated. The Search item feature means that the game KNOWS if you have certain items in your storage. So why the FUCK can't it pull from that storage when you're crafting? Why does it all need to be in my personal inventory, and why don't any of the guilds or the Company HQs have Summoning Bells? For fuck sake, Palworld of all things lets you craft using shit in the dozens of storage containers you've got half-assedly dotted around your shithole base, so why can't FFXIV!?
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His whole gimmick was being an elderly man in a profession where people die young. The implication the fact that he got old meant he was an extreme battle autist and was an extremely formidable assassin/fighter.
I only played one match on it but the amount of aggro you can take and shrug off is fucking hilarious.
B is for.... builded.
they feel like they have to overcompensate for playing the designated fag race
>How did the mayor die?!?! Did an assassin come for him?
>Nah, must have been a random dragon attack or something from the looks of it
>Damn, that's crazy
Will I go to hell for laughing at this?
whatever gn Loser
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because xiv is a joke game made on the ps3 and was rushed to fuck
Hey anon, thank you for sharing. I really do mean it. I've only ever seen people talk shit about SWers which I'm sure you're used to but never the circumstances that led someone to that point and you've been extremely enlightening in that. Thank you.

Do you have any plans of leaving the industry, possibly pursuing higher education via self studying ged or something? Any dreams in general that you'd want to tackle once you're done with making some money?
Why are femlalas so husband-obsessed? Why are grown men trying to catfish male characters so much? Why is it always femlalas? Why can't it be femra or fiera?
need to do this with my eb so bad
Gukumatz...forgive me...
I'm not waiting for an EB im just lazy and retarded.....
that's all femhroth players. there are like 3 left
People that fanta off hroth because of no hats are weak-willed
I'm literally Lamitt but I won't fail like she did.
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Can play a tank with Chiten and the innate damage mitigation for a few seconds and has a bind and aoe lifesteal.
>Why does this job have a damage penalty in FL??
Because pvp with this many people sucks
b is for bloonie feet
I'm literally Lamitt and my goal is to win!
im lazy and retarded and gay we aren't so different you and i
This is almost as bad as the two people obsessing over the german hrothfag...
because femlala players tend to be the most needy in ways more than one. they play a race which focuses heavily on group identity and cohesiveness and getting a husband secures a private and reliable source of comfort which, to be fair, everyone wants
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What do we think about this?
What I said here>>487313084, I have really no clue what to use. Never really got into tattoos before. No, I'm not getting womb tattoo.
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Enjoy it my Hermano, it’s yours.
anyone wanna come level together on Dynamis? I need to get my whm from 79 to 100
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eb like this?
For laughing at it? no
For using that outfit? yes
enjoy looking like a faggot i guess
Any brown princess femlalas?
get a spade
Only a husband will dick them down the amount of times they need it
sge doesn't feel very involved at all
my moonie looks like this
Black cat savage is gonna be so funny for parses getting mad
>Randomly get chosen and yeeted by her upper cut
>Miss out on 3 gcd for it
it actually doesn't know, it only keeps a record of whats in the inventory if you open the retainer. so if you haven't opened your retainers since putting stuff in there it wont show it. practically this only mattered back when they implemented it so you needed to open each retainer to propagate it, but that's how it functions. this doesn't make it not retarded, mind.
I think SCH is the most fun healer so idk.
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>no tribal glams but tons of cyberpunk ones
>no cowboy glams, just madmax ones
what did square mean by this?
I don't play ast in hard content but surely it should be in the easy involved and sage should be with whm?
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is it random? i thought everyone got hit by it at least once
Nala my wife
is there a mod that turns societies back into tribes?
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This is the truest of true
ps. ast sucks ass stop tring to make people play it
the rework just added 5 new buttons instead of consolidating what shouldn't be a button
draw should be play
Any examples of what it is? I might get it/make it, if it looks good since like I said I have ideas what to get.
I've been trying to figure this one out too anon. Why can't the other races be just as husband-obsessed and catfish male characters? It's always those damn femlalas.....
>literally just one new cyberpunk glamour
Make a character that hasn't finished Endwalker yet
These are the people playing your healers everybody
it's going to have frequent pantos while also dodging hearts that'll make you kill your team by not spreading and will end friendships
meant to say fun involved*
This list is old
New damage reduction modifiers for FL basically means you do CC damage if you reach BH V
What’s baffling about FL balance is that there are changes they can make to the jobs that wouldn’t affect CC at all but they just do these meaningless percentage tweaks.
If Salted Earth had a max draw-in of 5 players, for just one example, it would be unchanged in CC but no longer an automatic alliance pulping win button in FL.
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I will continue to baghold my hrothcoin.
what actually happens in savage:
everyone gets bounced but it has to be light party stacks
I LOVE CATGIRLS (not hroth)
In normal 4 random people got hit.
That mechanic had way too much effort put into it so it's most definitely going to be featured in savage too.
hey nice moonie
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SCH is fun tho, fuck SGE. Stop overwriting my critlo with your garbage shields.
>Leon Lailoken also fanta'd off hrothgar to middie
Your King access has been revoked, I'm sorry
Ill never forgive them. This was supposed to be my chance to get tons of new tribalslop and cowboy glams added. And they just make 90% of it the futureslop. I'll never get another expansion themed for it.
It's very fun but I think reaper is still the choice for solo queueing, you can't do shit as viper if you get abandoned
post your moonie
Was gonna say I figure that's what'll happen for that mechanic.

In M4 I think the cannon phase will have her turning the gun back and forth a set number of times so you have to be standing on the side it doesn't 'end' the AoE on.
it's fun in both modes
it's the new rpr in which people don't understand it, do no damage, and bitch about it being bad
Based Sage hating SCH player.
today I'm going to say middie sex
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please share picto hud layouts
it could be overwritten?
I am
a lalaboy
waiting for a friend at Gong Cha
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am new, how do referral codes work? does anyone have one i can put in?
i shant be posting my middie today
4 at a time get hit but the second time the mechanic happens 4 more get hit. I think its based on role since I always play healer in raids and I have literally never been chosen by that mechanic during the first instance of it happening, but always second instance.
Leon is a King in all forms, except when a Queen in female forms
Guys, I have something to confess... I only play Reaper because of my unwillingness to actually learn mechanics.
>get chosen
>"accidentally" land on the platform that kills us all
haha whoops ;)

built for LLC
i'm a biohole and female character enjoyer
(preferably played by other bioholes)
Oh no that sounds horrible haha I hope the femlala im friendly with isn't trying to do that to me hahaha
I just wanted Paglthan gear that was both dyeable and had its role requirements swapped around.
Instead we got Paglthan but with locked diarrhea colours and the same roles. What was the point?
i need my toxikon charges back, nerd
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Theres the MCH lvl 100 outfit, if that counts for anything
i am
a viper moony
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*creak creak creak*
NIgga are you going to hire them?
Then why are you talking to the glamor dresser?
King of being a faggot maybe
Nah, you're gonna have 4 people launched at once and the other 4 have to catch them to prevent the platforms breaking
I like to spin around a lot when marked to stress people out but I never grief on purpose
I agree mostly because he was very willing to fuck me in front of my EB.
as sex workers for my Little Lalafell Cock
i just want a hot male malera man to protect me in frontlines
Hey don't be like that, I think they're cool. They just didn't stay on hrothgar
did you
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me when I polish my moonies
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referrer gets items when you reach certain levels and milestones
here's mine if you want to use one
Lamitt never scored
Parsers are already getting upset about everkeep and being the group that gets flinged across. Being targeted at all by the upper cut will get them just as upset
But you can't even see what I'm wearing!
why is fishing so bad for purple scrips compared to endwalker... I feel like I'm only getting like 5 toari suckers after a full 30 minutes of fishing
>toe ring
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Do you think we'll ever get the frustrated Margrat emote
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We kill for Azimborea. Not for some used up e-hole.
wuk lamitt
Yeah, I'm well aware. >>487315017
Wouldn't you like to know.
Limited Liability Company? Yeah, I bet they work hard.
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polish your moonies on the regular so they dont lose their luster
Sanchez your chest is partially visible in that screenshot. We all know what you're wearing
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>streamers that were on the media tour have started damage control and are calling people msq andy when they see someone express their dissatisfaction with Dawntrail’s story.
You ARE a real #BADASS right? You DO make fun of people who enjoy stories in video games right? You WILL defend YoshiP’s honor right??? Savage is almost here bros, now the REAL game can start. #MSQANDYSAREWORSETHANHITLER!
you can still catch the old fish and turn them in you know
>haven't received a single /tell since DT started
Why do male middies always post fat wojak gf memes?
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Pretty much what >>487316234 says.
You have to have bought the game but not yet bought a normal subscription time.
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>excited for one second after noticing it's the Paglthan set
>feelings immediately dashed
>they mention they had to die to be taken from the first
>tfw you realize they probably had to kill each other, with the last person (likely Ardbert) left to take his own life
>he probably had to kill Lamitt with his own hands
holy shit...
i love fat bitches
Farewell, ladies, or should I say... whores? Yes, me thinks that "whore" befits your ilk more than the fair title of "lady." For too long you've pranced around, played games with my malera's heart, and had fun at his expense. No more. Today, a handsome, charming, funny, and strong malera abandons the dating pool out of pure disgust. Today, he is going his own way. You WHORES had a chance with him and you all ruined it. Don't come crying in half a decade when you're dusty, busted and used up and chad doesn't want you anymore, because my malera won't hear you.
I dig the new purple pag scouting set. but yeah the others being poo brown is awful
toe rings mean you're a free use queen of spades
Does this guy ever queue pvp
Can I kill a streamer on his stream and sweep him
what's suicide
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Hey can you do me a huge solid and never talk about or mention your faggot streamers in my thread ever again? Thanks bro.
>there are glamor pieces locked behind having friends
fuck this game
In savage it will probably target everyone at once and there will only be exactly enough solid tiles.
from what i can tell your eb must have a cuck fetish
i read this in a dennis reynolds voice
what the fuck why didn't I think to do that immediately
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fact checked by true moonie patriots: FALSE
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does she look ok
>Tadric the Vainglorious: Time to thin the herd...starting with that dwarf perhaps?
>Ardbert: Don't you touch her, you bastard!
>Lamitt: I can't.. breathe...
>Ardbert: Branden─we have to defend Lamitt at all costs!

ShB Tank Role quests were something
Hes not saying the MSQ is good. Hes saying you're dumb for rating the entire expansion based on the MSQ which you do once and takes up as fraction of your overall playtime, even as a casual.
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That's how I felt too... sucks not having any bone armor, but at least we got bone weapons, I suppose... there's always the hope (cope) for crafted/dungeon gear
remember when this guy had a meltdown because a random hroth tank outperformed him consistently
She's your character dude, if you like her then she's perfect.
Hopefully that's the case, since it was paired with a beam stack you probably have to organize which tile the beam target goes on so it can stack with the other 3
This is a problem they always have sadly, reuse an old set which looked good as it was and give them a worse palette that can't even be dyed, and keep the sets the exact same with no shuffling around.
>enhance fertility
getting you ready to carry black triplets
Sorry I'm only good at ice licking and CC
>which you do once and takes up as fraction of your overall playtime, even as a casual.
I know people like to pretend otherwise but a large amount of the playerbase does msq and msq only.
im shallow and seek validation and acceptance from others
i also want people to plap my character, so
i'm going to barf gtfo
Maybe try a more silvery hair.
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B is for beauty, obedient and sweet
Beware the sting, of your pitiful defeat
Be mine forever, and always play your part
Before it's over, I'll capture your heart

My wings are humming, honey, stay a little while
With just a pinch you'll be delighted and beguiled
I'm not your baby doll but I can make you smile
No nectar sweeter, sweetie, I'll drive you wild
My heart is pure as lace, and laced with purest pride
My frills are wild flowers, begging for your eyes
My lips are poison, and waiting to collide
Come play with me, darling, you'll be surprised
>its fate calibration light
i think i would try and do a darker shade for your hair color but if you like her that’s all that matters. her face is cute
shut the fuck up I haven't received one since the night DC travel got implemented
Can anyone help? What is that spade?
B is for Boss Baby
Do they have a JP version of this song? I feel like this only works in English
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it's a blacked fetish thing that some faggot is obsessed with
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There are very, very few people who buy the expansion, sub for a month, finish the MSQ and then disappear until the next patch or expansion. I have never once met one of these people.
Spade tattoos are indications of someone preferring the company of black men. eg Queen of Spades or Queen of Hearts for women that prefer white men.
You don't meet them because they're unsubbed, silly...
german pickle rick
i dont know if they do any songs in japanese, that thought always crosses my mind but even the primals peform everything in english other than like yoshida doing that 1 song in japanese
Not impressed with this thread so far.
I love that movie
No not the aphrodisiac poison lipstick mechanics nooooooo mmmmfff
Penos yae Weenos
>I have never once met a person who as you yourself have said do the msq and then fuck off
Real big brain you've got there anon
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Even my male character has gotten tells. How did you manage to lose so hard?
I do this.
>Sub 15 days before expansion.
>Do all Endwalker post-game content first 15 days
>Do all Dawntrail launch content last 15 days
>Come back in 2-3 years
waiting for my eb you dont need to see me in such a state
>parsing normals
unironically kill yourself
Funny how Queen of Hearts is never seen, huh
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I was about to queue up for this week's raid series so I could get my pieces.
Did you want to join
Haha, oh no I hope were not all lovey dovey and supportive of each other hahah that'd be terrible hahaha
easy to get tells when you play a bottom faggot like you, but don't call yourself anything but a failed male
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are you retarded. posted the fixed version for you
Sometimes I forget the sub fee actually is a factor for the POOR NIGGERS in my thread
Ideally I'd like to land a job with animals, mainly dogs. Ive done it before, worked at a doggy daycare. Its a lot of effort but you dont notice it since the dogs are very good at making everything feel like play, and they appreciate your presence.
But thats a bit of a ways off, and id have to explain my resume gaps.
Honestly sex work is a decent source of income but it's not something to maintain. You interact with too many bad people and you start to see yourself as a commodity, in a more direct form. Some people can contend with that, many cannot.
anon yoshi has literally talked a lot in the past about how the only reason it's ""ok"" that so many people sub for a month and then fuck off is because the mogstation whores fund everything
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. . .
Apparently femlalas do it
because white "men" are pathetic and bbc rules even in this game
Not them but I’m on primal
>Stop overwriting my critlo with your garbage shields.
not how it works, fag
I've seen dark femlalas with it
Flow had a japanese version didn't it? Or maybe I'm misremembering the name, I remember one of the EW songs or something had a JP version.
Or I could be horribly misremembering
You can't even pass even in FFXIV? Damn, even my maleroe got tells
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Did i touch a nerve, anon?
lick THIS
Gaia bursting into the eden fight made me realise much of dawntrail is copied moments from previous expansions
because white men don't feel the need to engage in raceplay and gooks are the only ones making QoS content anyways
>Play Sage
>"Hey, this is fun!"
>Play Scholar
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you said that when i did extremes as well, i shant be doing that still
im on primal playing a male character and ive gotten a few /tells since DT came out
try working on your glams and if you're afking do /cpose until you have a good pose to afk in
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the fated dawntrail expedition
cute femmyzen we can fix your parsing ways
I'm reaching level 100 on SGE and I still don't have panhaima...
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only 50 more weeks until i get the mount
no retard you dont get it. having 3 non-synergistic major tools of your kit that locks each other out of using them is very fun and very interesting!
>Play CC
>All greens are fun
>SCH sucks ass in Casual though cause it needs a decent team to bolster
3/4 ain't bad though.
SB had a bunch of japanese songs for trials
Posting about black people makes anons upset. No one really cares if you post about white people unless it's trans related.
this what?
>he says when people go bleached bleached bleached meena bwc constantly itt
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DPS #40 in queue
white 'men" are spineless. why do you think so many of them are trannies now
fate farmin
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I almost always forget that I even have a sub fee until the 6 month mark happens and i'm like "oh yeah, that's where those spendings suddenly went" and carry on my day
you yourself literally just said nobody posts that :^)
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proper btanz
mad response
stay mad fag
I think you should fanta into a lalafell
Woah! Is that a shitnose moonie?? CUM SEX RAPE FUCK! We like this! Palmraping my goonstick to this particular moonie that looks like all the others!
all i know about is this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdYUYFGqROo
i havent really looked into it much
you people are exhausting to listen to sometimes
my catboy is
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Be Raided
please dont refer to me based on my role
Perfect for my femzen
mine is also
Akemi are you here
Whatever you say healsissy
Oh so you can tell I was wearing a fat cat bodysuit?!

Sorry I'm sleep, hunger, and love deprived
there's a larger percentage of black trannies to their overall population than whites
i got called a tank pitslut few days ago i still feel dirty about it
A bit of casual CC to hit 100 on SMN/SCH
So like are these a bot or are you typing these out?
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t. viera
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>wicked thunder is now dying before the final shooty phase
thats disgusting, thanks for the warning
perfect for massive meena BWC
i said dont...
>two casters
I unironically think it's rude and dehumanizing to do that
keep it up, anon
>Cant use Dissipate when using Seraphism
We have subscription statistics and the amount of subbed accounts barely dips in the months between patches.
>Flow had a japanese version didn't it?
no, no FFXIV songs have a Japanese version, they're all the same across all versions
how the fuck are tanks pulling that kind of dips
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I dislike middies and catgirls
Yes anon?
I was pretty sure there was a JP version for some shit
i'll refer to you by job instead
I’ve been emoted at but not no /tells, but I have been doing a lot of solo content so far to be fair
I'm not typing your full fucking RP name, Rehw-Marouc
how the hell can 2 week old content be already undertuned
Okay wait, so...you selected female Miqo'te, right? And then, you clicked on...wait for it....Keeper of the Moon! Yeah, that shit. And then, wait for it...you clicked...face 4! Now we're talking! Get naked and let's PLAP!
>litter shitters more than twice as good as lizards
i dont believe it
She goes into the final stand phase when she is below 20% and not currently channeling anything else. It's a normal phase change rule.
should've factored gender into this as well
anyone wanna farm ex2 for 3 runs before i get sleepy?
theyre good tanks and the dps are shit
*Pulls you to the side and speaks in a hushed tone*
"Um, listen. Akemi. You cant leave your poop sock all over the place, okay? People have been slipping on it and someone is going to get seriously hurt. I didnt want to say this in front of everyone else because nobody knows youve been doing it."
Why are you here if this is true?
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Oh no, they didn't learn from the EW alliance raids
you can stop laughing now ...
maleoids would've never recovered, + chads fuck their wives and do content better than they do
Go to behemoth… Latinx CHADS don’t fear social disapproval for chatting up hot lalafellian ladies (don’t try ERPing with them though, their English is at best at a 3rd graders level and they probably top out at 70 IQ)
in this case you could just say rehw, it's just as long as typing out the job.
sorry trannyra but it's objectively true
Now all of China knows you use a poopsock!
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It's times like this when i think of how Nald'thal gives you a damage bonus after scales. You would skip a lot more mechanics if they didn't give him an hp pool that assumed you'd have a damage boost, so maybe they should do that more
are you supposed to overcap on white paint as picto? or is it more supposed to be a movement option? It doesn't really feel worth to use for damage
With Honey B being the first time a first tier raid boss has been universally liked, they have to make her a more important character right?
I wanted tribal gear so fucking bad. I guess at this point Meracydia is my only hope. Or maybe some random shard that just happens to be primal as fuck.
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>more malezen than femzen

>hrothgals just came out

>more middies and mhiggers than fiddies and thighlanders

>more mierdas than fieras

>all low in the performance chart
really makes you think
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reading/listening to omega's narration as it travelled from its own star to ours made me feel sad for it despite it being a soulless war machine

sort of like how people felt things for opportunity, the mars rover
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DPS it is.
movement option, but you shouldn't overcap
Don't say latinx, you fucking gringo. And also do not talk to lalafells they are fucking evil. Slap them while they do not give us a /kick emote.
Yea omega is cool
Is that a penis wearing a scarf?
Thats very cute UwU
Optimally its barely a dps loss so yeah you can overcap it freely just make sure you're using it when you need to move or if you need an immediate weave.
Please help me
I am fundamentally retarded

Do I hold Pnuema or do I use it off CD and ignore the fact it heals.
When do I use Holos? It seems weird that it heals and then barriers and applies a mit so it seems like you would want it to use it after some damage went out to mit further attacks but nothing like really exists in XIV
What's the priority for healing tanks in W2W pulls? Looks like Taurochole then Druochole
Do I open up with Soteria?

What's the order for big raidwide healing? Is it? Zoe and then Physis?
>plugin spotted
photo is edited, cannot be used as proof of anything
Nevermind. Zoe says spell so it has to be something hardcasted. I wonder if it means Zoe then Pnuema. Does that mean I hold Pnuema then?
>Do I hold Pnuema or do I use it off CD and ignore the fact it heals.
Why would you ever use pneuma when you don't need to heal when it's the same potency as dosis? Are you retarded?
conveniently forgetting tsukiyomi
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>got to 100mil gil
>could easily buy the 7.5mil mount
>instead I try and earn another 7.5mil because I don't want to break that nice even 100
Sex with Lyse.
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I didn't notice that I just saw damage and aoe and assumed otherwise. Sorry.. I was just rushing through keybinds as I'm being asked to use SGE for something immediately...
she only does that with hrothgars
I don't know or want to know or envision what a poopsock even is
The healers were only healing the tanks and the DPS were constantly dead from raidwides
what top is this
my gimmick is hovering over the beast tribe npcs with my extreme mount, collecting (you)'s
You could be thinking of some special concert or album release, but in game all the songs are the same
stop being pedantic
There are a lot of people in the story who are implied to be on the Warrior of Light's level like Raubahn when he had both of his arms, Estinien, Musosai, and the top dog Xaela like Magnai and Sadu, and Godbert for some fucking reson and if your impression of the Warrior of Light is that he's some Superman figure who is impenetrable, superhumanly strong, impossibly fast, etc, you're not getting it. It's more that he grasps and masters jobs insanely fast and intuitively due to the Echo and that he is incapable of giving up when everything rides on him so he surpasses his limits when the only alternative is that everyone else will suffer.
He's not baseline Superman. If he was the story would be boring with no stakes. It's why people like Ran'jit and Zenos can beat him, because they're fighting a really competent man and not a DC superhero or w/e.
Resume gaps are not too big of an issue, what people do is fake work at mcdonalds as a background check does not check where you worked, only criminal and drug history. I probably won't advise lying but that's up to you, there's a lot of resume gap explanations that you can do. If you decide to pursue college then resume gaps aren't an issue as they won't even talk about it since you're in education. Animal shelter, veterinary care, or maybe just a random job at petco or something sounds nice. You can always volunteer to get a headstart with your dreams as I know a lot of students do that. I can see how if you're in that environment too much that it'd reflect on you, for example the people here. Thanks again for sharing anon, I hope to hear back some progress from time to time!
use physis before zoe because physis gives a healing bonus that'll apply to the regen that zoe gives
just follow your heart with all the other stuff

Yep, that's it, that's the post. This is Final Fantasy XIV, the most sex-positive MMO ever made. You like this.
Neo Kingdom chest
>doesn't understand basic MMO culture
what the fuck?
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>holds x key
not so fast
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what's a good techslop top that isn't from vanguard or pvp
i don't wanna just wear vanguard stuff and there's colors i can't match easily on a lot of the PVP stuff i like
she looks like she wants to fuck but no one is touching her
>physis before zoe
*physis before kerachole
open every dungeon encounter with that
Post malera.
I think I'm done with femzen. I love her face but the proportions and animations are really starting to get to me. I'm staring at the bunny pill. I usually hide headgear anyway.
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I rolled a 13 on wings and lost again
>that'll apply to the regen that zoe gives
Zoe doesn't give a regen you fuck
Ironworks or Scaeven.
Understood.. me learning fast
damn that sucks bro, i got them on first clear.
attending next fanfest with the sole intention of having sex with anons
another noteworthy trait of the WoL is seemingly unlimited anima so they can travel between aetherytes much more frequently when it takes others a day or longer to recharge
Easy there Joao Tia, there is that spicy temper! My femlala needs a brown cabana catboy to clean her pool, mow her lawn, and apply sunbathing lotion to her obese thighs.
wait for what job?
I hope CBU3 take wuk lamat and writing criticism serious but ignore the content nerf demands.... am i i on copium?
do you like catboys
I want deposit my semen inside of several anons and not take any responsibility
be like that gay guy who made his hrothgar paladin his profile picture on grindr
My wife
i dislike her
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Hope you like really old women who play femlalas
my WoL shoots her anima all over catgirls
>low in performance count
that doesn't even begin to describe it. If I see a viera or a miqote in a party finder I actually leave, not joking.
The WoL is baseline superman. Elidibus says as much when he meets you in the Tempest and walks you through the memories, he says you have "the strength of a beast, disgusting and unnatural" or something like that. Ran'jit had a lucky hit and a technique that nobody had seen before and Zenos never came even close to being the WoL, he only got the upper hand one single time because we got sick in the middle of it. The WoL has the power of a god, and that's a fact. There's something extra in them that the other echo-users don't have.
the screenshot was a viper
How old are we talking
Can we do it raw
i already went to a con in 100 degree weather i'm sure as fuck not going to one 100x the size and 1000% more autistic
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Unless they modded the swords to be on the side that's a Ninja. Same top regardless though.
I am not a catboy, you vile fiend
That's a good point, and one that I am aware of and consider quite often. In early ARR I was frustrated by the Company of Heroes storyline because I felt it was absurd for them to pressure you to travel across the continent to pick up ingredients and then they all just sort of appear on Vylbrand and have a feast. I try to rationalize it now as they were testing your anima since you're using unattuned aetheryte shenanigans to ambush Titan, which is presumably how they did it in 1.0.
But a big part of the Warrior of Light's heroism is his ability to teleport around like a maniac and it's even a plot point in Shadowbringers post patch.
I mean I've always heard it but I don't want to think about it!
You do realize that most anons are str*ight m*les right?
men can't get pregnant retard
they will instead make everything significantly easier while shoehorning in more wuk lamat
please enjoy and understand
then why do i always see futa mentioned here?
>You could be thinking of some special concert or album release, but in game all the songs are the same
probably that then
miqo'te are the best players though
i fucked a tranny last fanfest and ill attend next fanfest to do the same, but im not going to fuck any anons if i can help it
I really wouldn't, all the straight ones are psycho paranoid schizophrenics and all the gay ones are psycho paranoid schizophrenic trannies. You really deserve better, anon.
When I was in the heavensward I was messing around with a chessboard in a isolate room just to pass the time, went to the bathroom and somethin weird happened.
My white king had lost its head piece and I had found an extra bishop on the floor.
Fino Fantasy 14 Do you remember the alamo?
oh yeah
the swords just looked like viper swords so I did not think about it hard
They can get AIDS though
>he says when people go bleached bleached bleached meena bwc constantly itt
That's literally just me and I say this only when I see a dark rava
mind broken by meena BWC
>staight males
>over half the posters play goonbeast femchars or femlalas and regularly erp with other grown men
lmao even
I’m jealous the samurai died 3 times and yoinked them
>The WoL is baseline superman.
He really isn't and you're dumb for thinking so.
Can I say I love you while cumming inside with a condom?
>and it's even a plot point in Shadowbringers post patch.
I don't remember, do they say that explicitly or is it "Yea you can go between shards so we need you"
need more of whatever this is.
Hey remember when the day/night cycle affected dungeons? Yeah, me neither.
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hi guys does anyone want 2 do UwU together today :)
like others said, old man thats really experienced and survived this long by being good, but a detail glossed over is the fact he can also sense Aether, see him clearly seeing you and the twins being in the room despite being invisible, or grabbing the invisible fairy, so basically he can just sense attacks and turn them against you.
If you're wondering in the Thancred fight everytime Thancred goes invisible he basically halts his aetherflow, gets a debuff thats basically killing him so Ranjit can't find him
It's funny how hard one femra mindbroke you.
Wish ranged cunts would stop standing on the boss with their fucking AoEs
yeah but not with u
You retard I was the UWU poster. Ooki mostly posted about TEA
ravv azimborean vril
my femlala just got pregnant from watching this vid
I like how he posts a list of anons Ooki "carried"
but also posts one of Ooki's low parses while calling them bad
which is it are they bad or do they carry ultimates
He carried multiple people through UwU
probably scaevan or ironworks
I was gonna say late allagan but remembered that was pvp
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Where the hell are you people playing that tanks and healers are flirting with each other in dungeons?
The only communication I ever get in my dungeons is "hello" "o/" and "meowdy" at the start and "gg" or "tyfp" at the end.
can we meet outside of fanfest, I'll pay
>he doesnt have a healslut
nice argument, now argue with
-the beast tribes
-the garleans
-the ascians
-the dragons
-the garleans again
-the ascians again
-the ascians again but also with krishna this time
-a really mad mexican
Just because you don't think the warrior of light isn't strong doesn't mean he can't snap his fingers and fix shit. I'm guessing you're one of the retards that is powerscaling based on Wuk Lamat's buff. Fuck off.
>Zenos never came even close to being the WoL, he only got the upper hand one single time because we got sick in the middle of it
he trounces you every time but the last
you only survive in doma because the villagers show up and he gets bored
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have you tried not being a bottom?
xivg doesn't play the game so they come up with these weird ass scenarios on their head
finally a transbian catgirl tank who can pull this dungeon correctly. been getting nothing but returner crown maliddies all day
>he doesnt have a healslut crafter eb
my femlala is stressed, scared, and anxious...
I flirt with my tank during dungeons but it's in our private linkshell where you can't see it.
DPS-kun, you see, Tanks and Healers have a special bond, a mutural attraction, Tanks protects Healer, Healer mends Tank, they work together in harmony, sometimes they argue but they learn to work together, it's a sacred bond.
tell me what's up, do you need a hug
you better take responsibility anon...
Did anyone legitimately play with Ooki when he was around? Or was doing content with anons another one of the things he lied about?
I was about to say "what's up with the recent femlala hate" but I realised I actually like this
Total pedofell death
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>samurai died 3 times and yoinked them
that was me
No I don't and I'm eternally mad. They don't want PLDs.
nuh uh. last time i was in a dungeon when the healer died the tank spanked her in front of me and the other dps. really!
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Nobody in this game talks out of fear of being reported. Lately its only snide remarks followed by an "lol" to let people know they're joking.

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Anygamer on the chaos data center want to do savage raids together.......?
We just need six more........
You have nothing better to do so why not join......?
the last time we did a fight without the power of friendship carrying us was stormblood lol
he looks like he exclusively fucks raw
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>all the straight ones are paranoid schizophrenics
jesus christ, you have no idea.
I will responsibly leave the malformed child out on the steppe for the yol
I kneel samurai sama
>you only survive in doma because the villagers show up and he gets bored
we survived because we broke his helmet there so we've shown growth which peaked his interest.

We also defeated zenos there, he then just went "hey lets test this new sword" and got a gary sue powerup
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we are so back goonerbros
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Who's the best looking xivg male middie?
can i rape you
For me it's Tank/Tank. Preferably two xaela.
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Form a line for the haglala, gentlemen
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>switch to scholar for faster arcadion queues
>3 minutes pass
initials or some form of hint?
what're the JP and CN glam sites called again?
need an alternative to eorzeacollection
I don't play with trannies.
You expect a warrior tribesman to know or care about what a condom is?
must not be gay
must like snickerdoodle cookies
must enjoy gposing and be happy to let me pose your character whenever I want
must have an innate deep-seated hatred of anyone who is intensely homosexual (faggots not just gays)
must run daily roulettes together
must attempt to convince me beast tribes are worth doing
must click on all the 4chan advertisements and tell me if they're worth my time I have been getting recommended super deepthroat 2 for a week straight
must be a catboy (male)
must enjoy raiding all the time we can do TEA let's do content together anon it will be fun
also please teach me about big fishing and come do Ifrit EX MINE with me
thank you for your consideration
>healers are nothing but sissies
>uppity dps and tanks get surprise when a healer doesnt put up with their shit
how do we take back healing from the submissives?
no, you proved slightly better in combat so he bothered to continue the fight
it's a scripted loss fight same as the first time
Why are glubs like this.
How the fuck does limit cut work?
I talk to my party like im playing a single player game and they're just AI.
>t. Tank main
no WoL is a shonen protag, strong but their real power is overcoming their foes with sheer will and the power of friendship when pushed to their limits
Every single person in these threads is paranoid because they're all living three seperate internet lives and this is the one where they get to be edgy and say gamer words. And if anyone in their other two lives found out, it'd be over. So you won't make friends with anyone from here, you'll say maybe three sentences to them and then the gates clamp down. It's sad almost, considering how desperate so many of them are for someone to care about them.
Kick them from the group
And replace them with someone who wants to do their job
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eb like this on primal
my moonie is bored tonight so she will put on the chastity cage again
If he did, i'd be dissappointed
show the name so I can report them for this :)
How do people make portraits like this but mine doesn't let me save anything that isn't full on centered on my char's fucking face.
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You are the main character. This is justified.
I know Skelomae was updated but was ivcs and the racial bodies base?
Your expressions have improved a lot, they look great
can some anons from light/chaos DC travel to shadow and que for the normal raids
my femra on the left
do you want him to cut you down and take over your tribe when he grows up...
Luckily for you, he does not and never will.
I hate Wuk Lamat so much. They've shown that they are incapable of trying to have someone else take the wheel of an expansion, because they are so used to having next to no dialogue besides headnods and fist punches. Trying to cram several expansions worth of likability into one character and then utterly failing.
It worked with Emet.
mirapri.com for jp
I don't really remember the minutiae surrounding it but it had something to do with the idea that you can teleport with your belongings intact because you see them as an extension of yourself, so you could bring their souls in vessels across the rift if you saw them as an extension of yourself and not individuals. It's a little silly but it's magic and I ain't gotta explain shit.
I try to rationalize it in my head, so this is a head-cnaon, that when you travel between points via teleportation you're dissolving yourself into aether and anima is the force that allows you to hold that aether together and propel through space and in this case the rift. Someone with too little anima would not be able to complete the journey or may dissolve into the lifestream or ambient aether or something. So seen that way, the Warrior of Light having a ton of anima that lets them teleport around makes them a reliable way to convey souls around. We did this with Zero too but idk what exactly served as her body, since when we convey the Scions their bodies were at the Source and we joined their souls with the bodies, but Zero theoretically doesn't have a body in the First so how did they do it? Don't remember if they explain this.
Anyway, I like to think maybe the reason the Warrior of Light is so good with anima has something to do with Louisoix's spell. Maybe trapped in time or whatever he had to hold his aether and identity together or risk dissolution somehow and when he emerged, he'd basically mastered anima.
Hey anon, are you not satisfied with your relationship? Or are you single and depressed.
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>You are the main character.
i do not want to smell that cage
Atma melting again?
I unironically almost reported them for the portrait cause they were doing that "Silently not roll to see if people leave" move.
Nightlife is back? Too bad you can't travel to balmung
anyone else a normal straight guy in a relationship with a tiny asian woman that also play ffxiv?
Im looking forward to it then
Good! A hot malera like yours needs to spread his seed around.
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go ahead, i'm all ears
wuk lamat is closer to luffy from one piece than naruto
but anon....all the femlalas are cute....its ok to have bpd and be a weird pedophile, you just can't appreciate quirkiness....
I like this elezen.
another shitty roulette Celi?
How did you find that tiny asian women
Sounds like a worthy son, strong hybrid lalagarthan stock
an order is denoted by a set of shapes above player's heads and happen in sequence i.e player with 1 shape above them has something happen to them, player with 2 shapes above them has something happen to them, repeat until all players with markers had something happen to them. i'd reccomend watching a pov video of like TEA limit cut to get how the sequence goes but different limit cut mechanics have different nuances and timings to them
May I plap ingame?
is this a vooris
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You tell me.
jesus christ wuk's performance here is bad-bad
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I'm male(high test)........
their face is in center, it's just behind the ass
I have 5 masks and 5 separate friendship groups and my humor is beginning to become one... very worrying.
no they were trying to get you to drop the whole fighting titan busniess because to them you were just some random dude and they knew from experience how many people die fighting primals, and if you didn't want to leave then at least you'd get a last meal
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This thighlander cannot roll good numbers so we spamming bee fight
Is that an offer?
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nunhs look like this? lmfao sunnies are such a joke
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I am a femlala on the eternal queue...
Emet was just a ride-along.
i saw a nunh femra once
Nothing important, boss.
I wish we could cull the femboys and futa from this race
Stop, its too early for me to jerk off to femras..
Can you straddle my face
she sent me a tell in limsa
noooo don't kill the futas they're so sexy aha
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On that note of the eternal queue..
What are these larger orbs in the sky? Is there an Eorzean Solar System out there?
> We just need six more

Must be a crystal thing, I never seen anyone say anything besides that on aether
i was not disappointed. thanks anon
How did you attract her
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the PCT just came on nero
>40 year old woman posts
>surprised when the horny men all reply to her
this really is not the board for you sis, but thank you for stopping by...
Post face
happened once to me on aether when i was a sprout
is there a yoga studio minion mod?
i need it
oddly cute pixels
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she's just surprised and planning how to take all of us one by one
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So is Preservation being set up to be our next big enemy like the Ascians were?
Although there were implications that they already stopped existing as a group so maybe not.
>one by one
a woman her age shouldn't need to ration us out, she can take us all at once
May I plap?
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I've gained an appreciation of M1's theme. It reminds me of Space Channel 5 but with a bigger focus on keyboards than brass.

Whats wrong sis..
nah, our next big enemy is ascians again
Quick roll to see which MNK glam i swap to.

Finally got the gloves from A-4 so just something from 3 to get this week. Funfact we wiped on the victory portion of the fight cause the healers got sleepy and did not move out of the circle aoe between the beam.
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my bad
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At least you're honest about it. Maybe consider not masking up? It's disingenuous and also super shitty to the people who make time to try and be friends with you. If you can't man up to what you're doing anonymously if it ever came out, then don't do it. If you say slurs about people in one group and try to be friends with them in another, don't do it. None of you know the first fucking thing about making friends, so the fact that all of you try to fit in wherever your miasma seeps is absolutely laughable. Focus your efforts, please, and stop wasting normal peoples' time. You're only setting yourself and the other person up for disappointment. Alternatively, just try not being a massive piece of shit so being your real self doesn't sound so unappealing.
too big
my moonie is rotting in her eb's bed all alone
what did they mean by this pose
she has ass fangs
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whatever you do, please don't post malera wearing the butler suit!
fyi to all the lonely depressed men here, you would have a lot more success if you got a personality outside of how bad you want to have sex
i have had to endure so much goonerposting from the men here who want to date me, as if i'm just going to fall for them if i suck their dick or something? like literally just talk about something other than sex or work (who am i kidding, most of them don't even have a job)
We still don't know what else is on the shard
pretty sure they are all dead
So what's the most popular race in FFXIV, moonies or haglalas? I know that moonies have had a bit of a moment due to many of the classic 'cord 'bins, but old hags (women over 20) are getting a huge boost in the rankings. And they all play femlala, which means it's okay to rape and sleeve femlalas. They tend to be braphogs and footwives or something, so you just fuck 'em and use them as an "onahole", which I think is a sex toy? Anyway, you like that.
did you eventually date someone from here
>lose on honey b orchestrion
>lose on wicked thunder orchestrion
>win bitch bummer's orchestrion
>not even 1 mil
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my character?
like this
How do I use textools
Do you mean right now? What roles do you need?
I hate when people start learning the "names" of people involved with the development of video games. They just immediately talk about that person as if they are the only one on the game. Of course I'm referring to Ishikawa and how people don't shut up about Ishikawa this Ishikawa that without even knowing her specific involvement from scene to scene compared to others. It's like a huge red flag that a person is trying to "fit in" with a community or they want to seem more authoritative by throwing around names for no reason. Same think happens with WoW. "Omg Danuser, Omg Hazzikostas" Like stfu dude it's an entire team of people.
made to get penetrated
preservation is all dead and we're not going back to that shitty reflection after this post-MSQ
it was probably my search info. we just started chatting and had a really long convo
added each other in discord
met eventually
there's only one person from here i would date and they've never been a man, i'll tell you that
ive noticed that if someone has a pvp title of any kind they are a lot more likely to ragequit or afk if we're losing
open transaction
import modpack
do what u need to do
cancel or commit transaction
There isn't a rest of the shard, it was rejoined. What we don't know is how Alexandria managed to avoid it.
My personality is being into spreadsheets
Wayy too much assumptions bro, I don't use slurs and stuff, I just have different masks because I'm a cleric IRL. I have my main religious group irl, my other normal group, and then my internet group (normal), my 4chan group (not normal) and a redditor group (semi normal).
what was your search info? now I have to know
We only get a few public names for XIV, mostly Yoship, Ishikawa, Soken. Most of the staff and their exact involvement is hidden beyond what's in the credits.
wow you use EW Sage relic?
how unique
is that your personality
brother you need to tell us what was in the search info
go back
I don't but at the same time I can recognize when I'm in a hopeless situation
exactly, and once people learn a name, certain people just fixate on it as if they are addressing the entire dev team of probably like 500 people on a more personal level
My personality is drawing low-quality hentai but selling it for 300 dollars a piece
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Try going DRK, they look pretty bad ass… and malera, the most attractive combination
>What we don't know is how Alexandria managed to avoid it.
It was not rejoined. This is very likely another shard, probably the 9th considering all of the references.
Found the cutest hrothgal
Give me some advice blm bro, I want to do good numbers like you
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I am
a retarded femlala
who rolled for gloves tokens TWICE this week
Despite already having gloves from week 1
Please understand, I am retarded. IT WILL happen again...
Are we calling the new raid A<number> or M<number>?
what the hell is this supposed to mean
post femrangerie (2).png
>betrayed the froth alliance
You deserve it
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Healer, ranged, melee, casters, tanks......
Just when savage releases.....
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i just put some pinwheels on my fence

patiently waiting for dc travel open back up so i can buy proper furniture for my yard without paying 50x markup..
>meet one depressed guy
>he just talks about how shitty everyone else is the whole time
>ask him if he wants to add me on steam to play videogames
>"You're being way too pushy. I think you need to back off"
>meet another depressed guy
>he goes on a three day long schizophrenic rant about how he hates trannies even though he plays a female viera
>apologizes and blocks me before I even have a chance to respond
So like, the men here have wayyyyyy more problems than just being boring, just fyi to your fyi
is there a mod where if you use Seraphism instead of putting on a dress it gives you a really big bulge or something?
Have they given any timeline on that?
Am I the only one who feels like Hrothgals are really trans coded? It kinda makes them lose a lot of the appeal to me.
big moonies.
people are calling them M# but I'm sure that won't come back to bite them in the ass when the next two tiers are also M1-M4
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>Try going DRK, they look pretty bad ass…
Do they?
It means walk-up tell. It's the roleplayer's way of saying "please please please message me first and give me attention"
I could be down, I'm on Chaos and have no group for savage (was planning to just try things on PF). I only got WHM leveled though.
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hrothgal to watch me play Elden ring
DTF, because that’s the only RP people do here
probably not an entire studio, but there are yoga balls, probably. Chances are someone has made a yoga studio apartment or fc house.
because so many bbc obsessed trannies like kanchal play xiv

for women of color white men are at the top of the food chain
hrothgals don't pay attention to obsolete races
Yes ndja, you are the only one this obsessed with trans women.
men are so insecure it's crazy lol
>talk to a guy from here
>he just says fleehhh blehhhh fwshheuyuuu whenever I try to engage in a serious talk
>block him and move on
forget it
a highly-trusted and extremely reliable source (random post i saw on /xivg/ a few days ago) said it would be the tuesday update when savage raids come out
Will you listen to my SF6 related melties and tell me that I'm right despite the fact that I'm wrong in my seething if I do?
literally nothing special, just basically a tell bait to get a convo rolling
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Never fails
>giant sword
>darkness n stuff
Yeah, it’s pretty cool. Plus they clear trash pulls quickly
oh nice
shame about the mint ice cream eyeliner otherwise I'd go bug her
You can walk up to them and send a /tell basically. The rest of it says they're a female for males when doing any RP. ERP or otherwise.
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please don't call it a...please dont do alexander dirty like that....
I will come back to hroths anyway, it was obvious I was gonna fanta between the two sooner or later
Lalas are too cute not to play as them every now and again
If you really believed me when I said "I'm not fantasiaing anymore" then you don't really know how deeply the fantablobism runs in my veins
only if you let me bully you for losing, for being a miqote, and also punch you in the stomach during sex twice a week.
Why does Ndja schizo people he thinks are women?
*presses flush*
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yea, time to pose some real art
Do you want to make an EX1 learning party for me on Dynamis?
arent girls cuter when they are a little retarded
>doesn't like flower girls
Ahh... anon...
Ok you're just trolling and made your story up

Obviously we'd want to know what you put, but you can't actually come up with something convincing because it didn't happen
why does the ground still look like that? i thought the graphics update was gonna fix it
I think there are trannies who have definitely swapped to the race but I wouldn't call them tranny coded. They're big scruffy tomboys for me.
give me a stairway feet
Aaaaaaaa giwtwm
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Whm is fine......
Add sandris Nolan on Ragnarok.......!
I'll get online tomorrow because I had to vomit so I'm bedridden........
most of them are really like this. i once said something vaguely philosophical and he just called me "edgy"
after that he spammed the thread with racist shit for the entire weekend instead of doing anything with me like he promised, so i blocked him. if you're reading this by the way, i hope you kill yourself, slime. fuck you for what you did to me. never come back to this thread.
>Queues for A3
Verification NOT required.
>mierda homo pretending to be straight
never stop casting, the 0.5s timesave on a swift despair/star is a trap, save movement tools
be bis, all slots grade XII, best food, pot on cd
dont get unlucky with crits
/ac aetherical manipulation <mo>
What do hrothgals smell like?
can you not just message anyone already? i dont understand
>next raid starts with M
i'm gonna laugh
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It's so over..
I'm not sure why people are worried over this. At the end of the day, who cares?
changing your face doesn't absolve you of being a bad person, pedophile tranny
if you want to get trapped, he's a 13k dps picto and absolutely trash at reading aoes.
never understimate the cool factor of a giant sword. shame their self healing fucking blows.
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Are (You) a good little drone for her?
I'll have a uhhhhhhhhhhhh number 3 with a number 6 hold the lettuce, extra fries and ah uhhhhhhhhhhh
They're like a pillow smelling of the giant bottle of pet shampoo they just used up
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I need to take more.
It means DTF
Wuks tranny VA forever ruined them. Thats why.
Sure but only if we play mvc2 when the mvc collection comes out
who the fuck is ndja
don't be sexist, tranny
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Rin isn't a pedophile and they're really kind. We chatted about shoes and music for a few hours and I got to really learn about them
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pls bro you're a boomer just like me i know your ass been here a while don't do this...don't let them forget...
AAC is the only reasonable choice because the raids have it in their names, M1 is dumb because it's obvious next tier is gonna have M1-4 again and A is taken by Alexander
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Very well.
it's obviously because I don't wanna reveal who I am
Housing zones didn't get updated, just got a better lighting engine. But not the insides of the house :^)
Thankfully reshade helps mask the poor indoors lighting.
You're gonna make it bro, never give up.
easy peasy
>tfw almost fumbled a femanon from here by offering to perform oral sex

she gave me a 2nd chance after that but boy was that a close call
We know it was rejoined because everything to do with the shard is tied to the second umbral calamity, which was lightning. We watch the shard get rejoined in a cutscene.
How do you know that's Ndja, she's always been nice to me
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cut out the bullshit
What you need to do is take that shirt off, go red or purple, go face 1 and install the girthiest, veiniest dickmod you can and impregnate my femra.
oh so we're just tossing words out there willy nilly, gotcha. The part about me being bad at the game is true, though
If you wanna make one, I'll join, but as the other anon said I'm really not the best at videogames
My malera is literally wearing his butler suit right now wtf bro
wow, this sounds super natural and organic
if you think about it, femra cannot wear underwear like that without it getting snagged on the scales
sorry but your pictures are not lore friendly, I will have to ask you to delete them
Why are you blaming me for someone else's posts? I don't even think that.

I do think they're fridgebodies, but that's beside the point.
Only if you're not a woman then Ndja will start schizoing you
t. failed grown ass man
is that the 5th fight or the 11th fight? do you see how much confusion this causes?
You don't have to be good to clear EX1...
god I fucking love tails
>they're curvier than thighlanders
this is the type of wife I want
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impregnate lalas
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is dc travel working again?
NTA but no they're not
If you are so down bad you are pulling dudes from 4chan, you aren’t a prize yourself.
intercourse with femra
You erp with lalafells who are child coded you tranny creep. We all know what you do and what you did.
Oh yeah, he sure will.
now pan up...
>people are calling them M# but I'm sure that won't come back to bite them in the ass when the next two tiers are also M1-M4
You mean like how T9 is actually called "second coil turn 4" ingame?
Yes, exactly. They expect more people to actually go through with it when they see that basically. Even though most with that term in the search info are pretty much the same as those without. They want you to send a /tell, then they'll look at your plate, carrd, and character to see if you're something they're interested in.
not yet
try again next week with 7.05
what would they wear then? nothing?
Post your character
Personally i think it should be AR.
fuck off dick for brains
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That will just make them fatter
they literally are, people posted comparisons yesterday
i wasnt really explicit about it but yeah i learned my lesson
What sort of underwear do hrothgirls prefer?
How does it cause confusion? If it's the eleventh fight, it has eleven in the name, then it's... The eleventh fight
I can't even find the words to dumb it down more than this
Yep, just like O5N is actually called V1N, exactly.
>Ndja was here
Shoes? Really?
Music for sure, I probably spammed you with my literal who J-Rock bands for hours, tho
Yeah, that's why I have 9 totems, but I'm still trash
are cross-dc statics just going to be fucked then if it doesnt get up and running?
Its just to clarify that you're ok with it, I don't like to message people who don't have that on their plate because I'm afraid I'd be bothering them
I can't wait to never have to do M4 ever again. Easily the worst fight in the series.
oh no don't do the blm vpose haha
I'm not joking anon. I want to build a happy lasting relationship?
how the fuck do you talk that long about shoes?
Before or after transitioning?
no, they'll all prog on dynamis
never said i was a prize, and i also don't regularly pull dudes from 4chan. i was just in a really delusional place so i fell for his bullshit
Cross-DC statics go to dynamis.
t. have to go to dynamis every raid night.
boyshorts and spats
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This is probably a long shot for them being around, but a few months ago I remember someone having a conversation here about their character's RP backstory and them having an affinity for lighting magic and I think liking to tinker with magitek stuff (I could be wrong here).
Is that person still around/here? I don't remember who it was.
AR12S is too much to type
You can use whatever woke logic you want but God will smite your kind.
A-a character with underwear??? No fucking way man! SEX RAPE CUM FUCK! SEEEXXX!
That's Rin Yamineko or whatever the fuck.
bro stop staring at your hotbar
Yeah because it really bit us in the ass with turns oh wait
sorry anon, i'm just not in a good mood right now, i shouldn't have snapped at you
I hate how much we worship the presence of women here bros
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>rin changed to a lala to hide from the fallout
holy fucking shit. hoooolllyyyyy shiiiiitttt. this level of desperation will go unmatched for months
>AR12S is too much to type
how fucking lazy are you? it's literally just one more letter
stop projecting, trannyra
But I don't play ffxiv. I don't play video games.
That'd be me, yes
Im a White Mage that actually likes casting GCD heals...
Sorry that sounds like a lot of work+I'm face4+you'll have to ask my threadwife for permission
The 60 minute window for the fantas is giving me an existential crisis.
I cannot set on one fucking race ,and the clock is tickling
you look pretty black to me, sis
Oh OK cool.
I just wanted to ask (spoilers for late DT stuff if you haven't done it) if you think Electrope is as fucking sick as I do...
>*white* mage
>not white
erm... what da tuna?!
qrd? I'm rin btw, I have no idea what I'm being accused of lmao
I changed to lala to match with a friend
Is it about me blocking that anon on disc?
I generally hate malera but this one looks like a chad
I know, that's why I didn't react negatively back. We all have our moments. I love that communicative side of you.
Easy access for the boys
He got caught out for being a pedophile and a manipulative loser who baits people into carrying him through raids and other things. He used to be a hrothgar but after word spread about what kind of person he is, he changed to a lala so his pedophilia is much less weird.
If you want to have nerd glasses, use the Sharlayan healing hat, it’s a lot cuter and works on healer
that actually looks kinda cool. for me what i decide on is by how good their animations look and how 'cool' i can make them look, the only male races i would only play are viera, midlander, highlander, and maybe elezen/aura with modded animations
It really is, and I can use this... I probably write it at least as "currently tinkering with it post MSQ"
well here you go >>487326109
He looks hot as fuck, keep it...
if you toss him, gimme his cdata
Thanks! Glad I don't just look silly
what a bitch lol
Uh, sis? This is Final Fantasy XIV. We LOOOOOOOOVE "plapping" and "sleeving" femlalas. Don't you like that shit? Also, tranny hate is so overblown. I get the concern but you just keep yapping about it, Ndja. It's all you ever talk about. And guess what? We don't like you, therefore we like trannies. After all, Effy is the new thread queen (RIP Appal) and she's trans.
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No response, so it's completely true, got you, thank you for confirming.
um... thank you... y-you too...
oh so it's just made-up stuff, got it
We've all seen the proof Rin, you're a massive cunt. You're ostracized, you better hope that your group of non-passing pedo friends doesn't dump you because there's nobody left who wants to speak to you.
If only others got to see this side of you, they wouldn't be going after you for sex but how cute you are.
not him but can you post the proof or provide their in game name
I haven't seen the proof, please post it
Rin Yamaneko? It's well known, it's on every shitlist you can find around here. Not only is she a shit person, she's absolute garbage at the game.
we're all aware rin's a tranny yeah but the part where you claim "pedophile", where's the proof
You think I'm going to ease your mind like that, like you deserve it after what you did and what you're doing? The proof is in how cold everyone's been being towards you, retard. You thought fanta'ing would fix it because you know what you did, it didn't. Thanks for showing your ass you dumb fuck.
I'm not rin im just a casual acquaintance on their friend list lol
according to the new thread im guessing its because they erped with a lalafell? is that it?
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alright fuckers
show me your bunnybois
heres mine
>most masculine SAM player

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