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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
3v3 Team Mode F2P beta: July 25th 7PM - July 29th 12 AM PDT
Major balance patch in October
Dizzy in October

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.07/Slayer fix is out)

>Season 4 teaser

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>487181880
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First for sex with Transphelt poster!
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If the poison skill is also on block, 3v3 is over.
Stop trying to groom our new friend. Just let him like the cute girl
Using EVERY single one of Elph's eggs~
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breadly sin
Transphelt IS an egg!
Lets get crackin
Taking a bath rn, but when I get out in about half an hour, would anybody like to play? :3
each ready symbolizes me plapping her btw
My artificial human wife, ABA...
We know, Sol
>6P this fag
>new thread before page 10
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I had to update the OP. It was a bit outdated
>new thread before gay sin
P mappa is only negative when unspaced, if someone's FDing you out of range for f.S, guess what tool you have to re-engage for plus frames?
>But they'll just 6P!
Collect your free 2D/2H CH.
is there a current chart of most to least played characters
when do we get another grappler that's not Pot?
What does transphelt smell like?
2D loses to some 6Ps
We need female grappler
lucy will be a grappler
Potemkin is all you need, baby. M*bile grapplers are disgusting.
Gabriel will be a grappler in s5
P mappa is always negative, it doesn't go far enough to hit meaty in it's active frames to be plus
K mappa is only plus at 2/3rd screen and 2d/2h don't reach to stop people from 6Ping it
>anon doesn't know what he's talking about
Hopefully never. Pot is iconic but grapplers are a waste of a roster spot
>Least Played: Goldlewis, Zato
>Most Played: Sol, Ky
Funny enough Goldlewis pickrate and representation is directly proportional with ELO, despite being only 2.9% of the playerbase population they are 14% of it on the 2200-3000 ELO bracket
I kinda wish there was a fancy profile page in Strive where you could customize it a bit and could access info about your plays and match history that practically every single other fucking fighting game at the moment has
I hate this design and by proxy everybody who likes it.
>good fanart
>ruined because the faggot just HAD to put that nigger in
i hate twitter so much its unreal
Maybe it'll be an intro look and she'll do the stupid transformation like in the past
Seethe harder
You want decent profiles and a real ranking mode? FUCK YOU! YOU GET TOWER, FIGURINE MODE AND THE ISUKA PARTY MODE!
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>Ranked mode
Not really, I don't care about that part
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cotton candy
Grilled cheese
Honestly I'm mildly intimidated by the patch and Axls changes
He seems REALLY good now and as a long time Axlbro I am having to rethink a lot of my core gameplan and combos
Crazy to see how far he's come since the Beta
Jesus I remember before he even got one vision or before TK bomber was easy to execute

Just rizz she was mogged
that is the gyatt of that guy who was hated
by the god of mogging
Just rizz

No one here is rizzing that gyatt
Gronk is dead now skibidi is here to edge all day
It is a edge who failed
Because he didnt rizz hard enough






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Dizzy has mystery nigga wings now and people are somehow upset?
Obscenely based
Dizzy has wears a burka now and people are somehow not upset?
Will Kizzie ever be gawdlike and do well in a fighting game major ever again
unfortunately, fighting games no longer reward gawdlikeness
P mappa is not always negative but oh well you can get CH I guess.
slayer is almost twice as present as sol and ky you dishonest nigger
also you dont understand the stats. theyre not individual players, but counts of a characters appearance in the total number of matches. you could say its roughly equal to character players assuming everyone plays around the same number of matches per week regardless of who they main, which id assume to be the case, but its still per match, so it adds up to almost 200%, not 100%. idk if it counts mirrors as 2 or 1 occurance, but still: gls are around 1.5% of the playerbase, not 3
i meant someplace where its possible to view all of them in a descending order or something
if thats a yes, then ill making a lobby!!! :D
bedbros wwa
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NA WC 400232
come join!!!! pls!
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This is probably just ragebait, but I'll reply anyways.
I've been a long time dizzy fag, both for her gameplay and her design. So this change pissed me off a bit though not as much as when I discovered that she was married to Ky in the godawful Overture/spoiler] but I'll wait a bit to see the new design, I was already prepared for it to be changed as it wouldn't fit the new art direction that Strive is going for. I still play xrd and AC so I still have the Dizzy I love if Strive fucks up.
I'd be more worried about the gameplay changes, as I'm sure that a mod that restores her original and xrd looks will release quickly.
I already lost hope for the bubbles staying, so I just hope that her fishes and ice spikes are unchanged.
And here you have the average American FGC racist, telling you that if you enjoy the original games and design, you're antisemitic(???) and at fault, and it's DEFINITELY not the white Americans' fault for fucking up games you like.
Enjoy PedoEvo, you subhuman piece of vile shit.
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I like the new one more.
this one's silly
They already shown a gameplay character sheet with her in that design so no
She had to super to get her old outfit back in Xrd so she can have both
stripper dizzy >>>> royal dizzy
Because Xrd Dizzy was design with XX Dizzy as a base with only added clothing. At best her crop top can get blown off or is optionally removeable.
Pot players I hope you're taking notes
Coomers always go kicking and screaming when a character gets redesigned because of plot progression
Nobody complained when Pot ditched his slave gear. I hope the next game has a big enough budget for legacy skins for you fags but get a grip.
No redesign is better if it includes the removal of underboobs.
Donkey Kong from Super Smash Brothers
i play jacko like this
>lobby as soon as proctored exam is about to start
fuck… fuck……
This guy's undergoing extreme character crisis
>Considers Testament
Just play fucking Jack-O LK
why don't you tell him that on xitter instead of shouting into the void here
It literally hasn’t even been 24 hours since he said he would play May
why are they making me wait until october
sorry lol! maybe if mine's not up by the time ur done u can host n i might be able to join? :p
I hope Dizzy gets an Elphelt-tier rework after waiting for 3 years. Please, Katano
“I expect Nier to get overnerfed. I expect to read the patch notes and think, ‘Nier did not deserve all of this.’”
- Brick
can someone please tell me what the point of a.b.a is
why would i play a character that can't do anything off their jabs and has to rely on a meme form to play the game?

refunded. this game is a joke.
Wrong thread I had too many tabs open
bro clicked on the wrong tab.
she gets to become the best character in the game for the rest of the round off of a 4 frame jab that's easily hit confirmable.
She literally wins the game off her jab you baboon
>getting filtered by big body mode
bros, i got demoted to floor 7...
ganbatte anon
Same. I get overwhelmed by Elphelts. :(
this is the worst fighting game out by far
but enough about melty blood
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Unlike Bison and Heihachi, Dizzy won't be brought back.
Granblue exists. I prefer fighting Happy Chaos to that borefest
is there a mod that removes the little girl with bedman?
i already can't see anything that's going on because of the character
Sol Badguy will finally be renamed to Sol Goodguy in the next GG game
yeah gamebanana has a No Delilah bedman mod and a Bedman - Delilah muted mod
Yup here you go
had some more underperforming games and got demoted to floor 6, played against testament/zato and didnt win a single game...go on without me bros...
Delilah actually moves based on what type of move Bedman? does (guard crush, overhead). But I get that it gets some getting used to
>using cheat mods
that's gonna be a major yikes from me dawg
how is it a cheat mod?
what does the 2nd character on the screen add other than eye candy for the pedophile tranny playerbase?
I hate fighting Slayer so fucking much
sf6 is worse
so is mk1
granblue as well
I find the explosions and flailing robot limbs makes bedmans shit hard to see, not the loli

You can't really use that as a tell, because while true, like 50% of the time Delilah is fucking about half a screen away
bedman? is a visual noise character
delilah being distracting is part of the character design
I love fighting games.
After picking up this smouldering piece of garbage for a few hours, here are my criticisms:

>Horrible Hulu main menu UI
>Horrible UI in general
>Terrible matchmaking
>Terrible lobby system
>No way to blacklist people from matchmaking
>No way to stop people from repeatedly challenging you
>Cringe chuuni music, actually embarrassing
>No frame data in training mode
>Have to go through 2 menus to turn matchmaking on in training mode
>Touch of death gameplay
>No neutral
>LITERAL tranny playerbase
>Fanbase that doesn't play the game
>Fan favorites returning as neutered shells of themselves

Overall I give it a 1/10
This game made fighting games as a whole worse and you are retarded if you play it regularly.

u really expect me to read all that nigga
modern fighting games:
SS+: Samurai Shodown
S: Soul Calibur
B: Uni2
F: T8
F-: SF6
dogtrash: MK1
Anji is a grappler
actually true
Post ML, +R, GG2, Rev 2 hours
you got filtered lol
how are you guys still incapable of mentally zoning Delilah out.
they're pedophiles
>Cringe chuuni music
why are musiclets so obsessed with lyrics and non-ironic vocals
underageb& is still going through that phase where they feel insecure about having emotions
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Closed GGs to everyone

To the Bed/Zato: How do you like their new changes?
>tfw fighting games will never be popular or even have a stable player base
>because modern gamers do not want to work for kills/anything
feels great
death to this tranny genre
who are you quoting
Because I play bedman by focusing entirely on delilah and letting my imouto protection instincts do the rest
The bedman j.s change seems pretty crazy and the zato teleport feels good to use in some fullscreen pickups. Burst not taking away the whole eddie gauge is also a super welcome change. It was a little difficult to use the changes since I'm a bit rusty but they do seem noticeable.
>schizophrenic tranny starts posting about their Judaism ran movement
got to love it
>Type Lumina above Sys:Celes
>Anything modern above Sys:Celes

The only thing you got right was MK1
hey alright
uni is just heavier strive
the more popular a game is the worse it is, which is why strive, tekken, and sf are so bad.
mk is always bad and that's just a fact of the world, it breaks the above rule.
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take it to /pol/ chudtroons
uni is blaze blue if it was good
>thread about a game no one plays gets derailed
a toast to gamers
fuck kikes
UNI is KoF if you had anime setplay and combos
holy fuck this thread is bad
C: SF6
D: Everything else
F: MK1
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it's because i'm busy doing classwork and can't ontopicpost
It'll be interesting to see how those characters evolve with their changes. I saw a point where you did a couple j.Ses and it actually sideswitched your opponent with how strong the vortex is. It'll be interesting to see how that translates to conversions and mix.
Zato seems a lot more playable in general with the burst changes, and not getting totally screwed over after reading burst is very nice is well.
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>"anime game" with dogshit movement
>anime game with proper kino movement
yeah you're an idiot
A: Tekken 8
B: SF 6
C: everything else
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strive having an air backdash makes it infinitely better than uni, you're right about that.
bbcf is a trans kino airdasher though
Did you have a rough day or something bud? Relax
i know this board has jannies so why don't they clean up this thread
this capcuck is seething lmao
Whats your issue buddy? Talk to me
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Stop that
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It may be time to open the Baiken scat folder
I'll only stop when you have hand sex with me!
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I've legitimately got no clue what you're rambling about bro. I recognize the words (aside from the last one). But they don't make much sense.
Anyway, whats got you like this bud?
Unfathomably based
Play Granblue, it's the white man's game
I didnt really read what you said but I want this whore to bear my brat
hon is what /lgbt/ calls ugly trannies who don't pass so he's basically just using /lgbt/ slang to LARP as a tranny in order to derail the thread
report and ignore
Feels like 2022 /ggg/ again.
Wrong reply?
i think he died of his rare heart condition like a year ago

i don't remember this dude spamming tranny posts on post cooldown in 2022
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>Play Granblue, it's the white man's game
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>see fellow Baiken sister doom about bottom tier past couple of days
>Play on the new patch and win consistently

I will never drop this character
The network gets worse with every single update
Her boobs should clap audibly when walking forward and I wont hear otherwise!
well, those are two men all right
but i dont think you get to talk about pro players buddy
please go back to posting the youtube video i dont post here anymore
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i'm not an expert but i think the one on the right is just a REALLY ugly woman with a flat chest
left is definitely a man but i'm not sure if he's a tranny or just cosplaying
Strive is so bad it sent a nigga into a melty after playing for 15 minutes
your work WILL be remembered
So anyway... is anyone actually playing/labbing anything or are we going to keep talking about trans shit?
I'm playing
first time in /ggg/?
tomorrow. I have an exam in 8 hours
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I bought a physical copy of #Reload months ago for collection reasons but now I kind if want to try actually playing it for novelty/nostalgia reasons. Looking into getting an OG xbox
Take your hashtags back to Twtitter transphelt poster
people say /gbfg/ is a cesspool but at least the shitposting there is funny, here is just cringy
>finally block Elk Hunter
>he's STILL safe
>there's also a followup just to knowledge check you like every single other one of sins specials
this is literally one guy, you can tell by the timestamps
if jannies did their job things would improve massively
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>give johnny bigger hitboxes
>give him better oki
>give him more combo routing
>give him better movement
>give him better damage
>completely unaffected by wild assault changes
holy fuck why did anybody think this was a good idea? johnny was already fucking obnoxious to fight against, why would you make the worst parts about fighting him even stronger? jesus fuck arcsys
>this is literally one guy
What's his obsession with the Elphelt fag?
I Dandy Stepped through a WWA today
he's just trying to stir shit up
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words cannot express how much i hate fighting johnny
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Is it finally ogre?
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If I block your burst I should automatically win the round
sex with elphelt poster
Ram's penissu wenissu...
I love my wife's new afro
Why does Guilty Gear Strive attract so many cute transgirls?
>soive is so bad it cause schizophrenia
many such cases!
>jonathan tene wished they would have kept WA wallbreak hard knockdown
zatofags man... scared of any form of interaction...
Why should I use WA now? That move is useless now
Strive is not a Guilty Gear game
zatofags all have a massive persecution complex
you have literally all been asking them to make it useless for 2 years straight
>nearly perfected
>died to chip
this isn't a johnny problem
all those miniscule tweaks and they still didn't give testament any actual buff
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I want to plap Elphelt so hard that onlookers think im actively murdering her.
>>completely unaffected by wild assault changes
now you know that's not true. everyone is hurting for not having free hkds
plus... idk. maybe he can't tick throw off wa>2k at some ranges? you're almost right but you're still wrong
Only xturd chuds wanted that
Worse bait than all the off topic ones
you are right, it's actually something better
Anons are extra unhinged today
whos the most girlboss toon?
>get bored of game
>time passes
>open game
>don't have fun because I'm out of practice
>close game
>drop game
this is how it ends
whos the most girlboss troon?
Are you stupid? They meant XX.
Imagine a /ggg/ without schizophrenia
anon... that wasn't even bait, that was just a bad joke...
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Could such a thing truly exist?
done talking to a female (female)
I can now play in your lobby
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how the hell do you manface an anime character
Need a threesome with these two
Made to be in a semi constant state of pregnancy
baiken's womb is poisonous and she can never bear a child
Anons... you don't always need to be horny
>go to sleep for 2 hours
>quality of the general decrease by 150%
I'm glad I'm responsible for the high IQ in this threads.
god thats so hot
I will never stop trying!
i'm not horny i just want to see dizzy in her pretty new dress for non-horny reasons
Literally me
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Granblue or SF might be more your speed
I'll always remember how they brought Bridget back and didn't officially say anything about him until after the refund time window expired. Intentionally waiting so people weren't able to refund the S2 pass is why I'm out on ArcSys forever.
Then why are you here?
>bought character because you wanted to jerk off to a crossdresser
>found out the character was, in fact, a crossdresser
>got mad anyway
i don't understand
the same reason everyone else posting in the guilty gear thread who have never played a guilty gear game are here
Ah so you're here to jack off. Got it
i unironically think like this
then why don't you play street fighter
I get my ass kicked in those games even more
When the Bridget retcon was endorsed by ArcSys, there were thousands of comments from Japanese fans who hated this and attributed it to western "porykore". The only Japanese posts you'd find cheering it on have been unsurprisingly revealed to be white dudes larping. Vindication.
>beg for a lobby
>don't get one
there is no justice in this world
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Then what do you call this?
why is that relevant?
you don't need a refund because you paid for the character's gameplay and visuals, right?
My wife
please make zansei rouga frame 1 invincible
And here you have the average American FGC racist, telling you that if you enjoy the original games and design, you're antisemitic(???) and at fault, and it's DEFINITELY not the white Americans' fault for fucking up games you like.
Enjoy PedoEvo, you subhuman piece of vile shit.
Wasn't there a lobby just a few hours ago?
Just bought GG Strive as my first fighting game. Let's all have fun together
such things were before my time
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i NEED sex with autistic brown women
Personally, DIzzy is the only case where I feel her covering up is a change that I like. She's a mother and a queen. She has actual knowledge of society now compared to when she was wearing basically nothing. Plus, I don't mind since my coom queen Jack-O was untouched
im the tiny exile
me personally i think she's hotter this way but the change also does make sense characterwise
Sin tummy!~
Why did they feel the need to make Bedman jS into one of the best normals in the game
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I'll play later
>play match for the first time in months
>suddenly too scared to play anymore
not even a coomer but posts like this are so fucking retarded. how is character that got covered the fuck up body while having same face hotter? shes logically either the same or worse in sex appeal lmao. she doesnt even have some specific coomer fetishized apparel like idk pantyhose or something that could support what you say on some level. you disingenuous coping negroes are worse than cancerous coombrains i swear
he's been at best bottom 2 since he was introduced
why do you think
covering a character up doesn't always make her less attractive you retarded porn addict
i bet you don't even think EGL is hot
>im not a coomer
>but how can someone wearing clothes be hot???
how hard to learn is jacko
she's easy except when she's difficult
hope this helps
thats not what I said you retarded projecting double digit IQ baboon.
that's what she makes my penis hehehehe
She got milf appeal now. You’ll understand when you get older
you can't fathom how a character showing less skin could be more attractive which suggests you are the low IQ baboon here and you can't be attracted to a woman unless she's waving her bare breasts in your face
I watched a twitch streamer pick them up as their first GG / Strive character while having only played GBFVR with modern controls as their only other fighting game. They were able to get to 10F in maybe ~200h total. It will be a pain sure, but if you can actually learn then you can definitely do it; especially if you already know fundamentals / system mechanics.
That said, Baiken should wave her breasts in my face.
IM 3 - 0 NOW
just play her and jerk off to her abundant rape porn when you lose
This but Elphelt's thighs. But also her breasts
>You’ll understand when you get older
Milfs have very specific appeal for younger men who like/prefer older women. When you get older MILFs are literally just regular women same age as you are nigga lol.
Breast sway hypnosis...
This is true. I used to like milfs when I was younger. Now that I'm older I prefer young busty retards (I mean girls that actually act retarded) like elphelt and R.Mika
that said while i do enjoy dizzy's new outfit more i hope there's still the shape of her big naturals visible underneath
nigga said big naturals
sorry her FAT TITS which are NOT FAKE
What's wrong with big naturals?
i honestly dont like how much emphasis GGST has on the importance of counterhits and frame data, feels a lot like street fighter in that way. I honestly don't mind the wall system, which i thought i would hate. the game is over simplified but the new complexity in resource management is actually really annoying to me. the poke gameplay is weird af.

these are all the opinions of a complete casual noob btw. i dont mind the mechanics simplifications, as i couldnt play every charater properly otherwise. so yeah. im kinda retarded.
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Fashion wise yeah, a full dress can be more attractive than a skin revealing one. But also the key word was hotter I think. A swimsuit is always "hotter" than a fancy dress (unless we're getting into those party dresses with a lot of cuts but that's different).
Yeah for sure you can be find a very covering outfit cuter or more attractive, but it's not fair to say it's "hotter"
t. Autistic that's REALLY into dress up
dizzy's old outfit is easier to jerk off to
however it is much less attractive, and therefore less hot
simple as
You ever dress yourself up irl?
>erm Im autistic so that means when I say that being hot can only equal nudity its not a retarded porn addict statement
when you dress up autism fashion wise are you plus or minus and can it be low profiled
I would never dress up as a girl. Not even as a joke
what if it was the only way she'd have sex with you
In which fighting games is frame data not important?
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Shut up hag lover. Your taste is as trash as can be
You mean I have to dress up as a girl to have sex with a girl? Yeah that's fine
don't get uppity when you are one (1) single step away from being a cross dresser
Difficult if you want to do things "properly ", or if you want to do the cool stuff.

However 90% of players don't know the matchup and will just get hit randomly.
If she puts her titties in my face I'll wear whatever she wants. Does she want me to wear the sonic fox fur suit? I'll do it if it means titties
You’re a weak willed man
You're damn right I am. Not let me see them titties
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idk, the importance of framedata poke-wars in neutral like in SF are different than the importance of framedata in games like blazblue, dbfz, dnf, umvc3, mvc2, and ssbm. those games have movement options in neutral or like huge screen-wide moves that can be spammed in neutral to simplify that part of the game
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I’m a cunny connoisseur but sometimes even I get the itch for a dommy mommy
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fake fan
delilah is for protecting
get j.S looped you scum
Thank you
importance is completely relative to how seriously or how much the game or your competition makes you learn frame data
when I played smash semi-competitively I won multiple locals without even knowing what frame data was

Obviously its better to know than not know, but if you took any top fighting game players and threw them into a brand new game and just made them scrim without any way of testing or finding out frame data, they'd still more or less figure out their moves approximate frame data pretty quickly
in mvc2, mvc3, dnf, it feels like those games are forgiving enough and simple enough to let me have fun and get cool combos but in GGST it feels like i just need to lab combos based off of what normals i hit them with, like i need a combo off of counterhit sweep with RC, one without RC, one for if its not a counterhit, and repeat that for my P and K moves and shit.

I probably sound like a retarded noob typing that out but yeah, part of why i dont like GGST is i dont understand the complexities of the combo system to take advantage of it and do shit on my own. right now i just do S>HS>special>RC>repeat and it seems like doing anything more custom than that is gonna either drop me the combo or not be worth the damage at all when i can just attempt wallsplats.

I play slayer and sin btw but i've tried every non dlc character, i like sol, ky, and ram as well.
why do pedos want every single child to have the exact same personality
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I trust in the "Iron Tager in strive" plan
Can I get a qrd on Gio vs Millia? I want to play one of them since I like rushdown gals. I just want to get a general idea what their main differences are.
As you play the game more, you’ll slowly begin to understand combo theory. You’ll get a feel for things like “I hit them with X move, Y can gatling off of that and cause a launch on hit, now I can hit Z in an air combo that causes hkd.” Make sure you check the Dustloop for your character too.
Strike throw grounded neutral vs airborne movement with mix off every knockdown
Gio has more discrete movement and a lot easier damage. Her mix is primarily strike/throw through prodigious use of multi-hit normals and guard crush. One thing to note is that her normals conditionally do chip damage when she gains tension, which makes her stagger pressure scarier innately. Millia is more continuous in her movement which is mostly airborne, as well as more focused on setplay left/right & high/low mixups.
Giovanna has an easier time counterpoking in neutral. Millia has an easier time escaping away from opponents thanks to her movement options.
I like both
I want both
If I'm forced to pick, the floofy dress gets the fish mangler
Anyone wanna play Master Duel?
yeah i feel like i have to be albert einstein to understand how to convert my combos correctly but in all the other games it feels a lot more forgiving. Like in most of the fighters i play you can just fish for your combo starting moves and convert into a combo from there, or just try to convert your stray hits into a combo starter hit. I was even playing accent core alongside learning strive and it felt more fun, the simplicity of just fishing for my launcher and then jump cancelling that into some normals legit felt more satisfying than all the effort GGST put in to make me be able to do more complex combos. im assuming my combos are slightly more efficient in GGST as compared to AC where my combos are gonna do 0 damage compared to actually good combos, but i dont really play fighting games just so that i can do horrible combos and still be as good as someone landing 20 hit BBC combos on me. not tryna complain either, i just feel like something is wrong with GGST beyond me not knowing the combo system. aside from DBFZ and melee, i dont really know the combo system of any of the FGs i play.

i feel like GGST is attempting to garner fans of my skill level by simplifying their game, and as a retarded noob i dont like it.
>Simplify gatlings to cater to casuals
>Casuals find old gatlings easier
bravo daisuke
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This fucking move might be a contender for worst in the game outside of joke moves. It's a frame 7 parry which already kinda sucks, but what do you get for parrying? 33 frames of lag! Sure, it's invulnerable, but so is knockdown. You're literally giving your opponent free oki for what... the amount of meter you get from one HS?
Now you might say, but anon, this move isn't meant to be used at close range! And yeah, it's clearly meant to discourage projectile spam. But is knocking yourself down at full screen really that much better if you're dealing with a zoner? There's a good chance they can oki you from whatever range you're at anyways. Even if they can't, you're still eating another projectile before you have an opening to swap to rage mode. A little extra meter won't save you if they don't let up.
They really need to let you cancel a successful parry into an attack. Even just making it special cancelable would do wonders, letting you cancel into swap or advance on zoners with Haul and Heed. Maybe in 3 months if we're lucky.
between AC and xrd which do you prefer?
I disagree
>makes zoner matchups playable
whatever bud
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>cutes your path
gatlings were changed to restrict combo routing
no one thinks the current gatlings are simpler than the old ones
plus R
>gatling rules standardized
I sure fucking do
>makes zoner matchups playable
It literally doesn't, you're better off dash blocking.
the proper term is recovery actually
can anyone give me some tips on slayer to do beast combos? that will probably make me like the game more.

I was trying in the lab to do those combos where slayer does a pilebunker loop but i cant get the pilebunker to hit correctly. I figured the execution was something I should save for later when i'm better at converting combos in general.

So what are some braindead Ez ones?

In training mode i was doing CS>FS>HS>Pilebunker>RRC>another pilebunker and usually that would lead to a wallbreak. But when i tried it online, people were blocking the first pilebunker in the combo, so it made me think I wasn't doing it fast enough. But IDK if it was because the training dummy had the incorrect settings... I just ahd it on default and was checking the combo counter, IDK if that is reliable or not.
Wanna play the Strive boardgame on tabletop simulator instead?
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I miss May posters. The thread is soulless without them
You are correct, my mistake. It does also have a ton of hitlag, though. Makes it easy for the opponent to react and set up oki, because fuck you I guess.
one lobby please and thank you
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elphelt's new outfit gets my dick infinitely harder than her old one did just because i have a fetish for thighs
I literally just turned the game off bro
do you mean hitstun?
but if you turn it back on we can play
"Play"? Like little kids at recess?
The fuck's this guy talking about?
I have to sleep bro
if my next match is a panda ill make a lobby
I hope your next match is a panda
whats the easiest character to play in plus r? i like justice but i am not great at half circles. lel.
Does she actually have hotpants or is it just a black void?
it was actually a lightskin steve but ill make one anyway
>do you mean hitstun?
It doesn't have any hitstun, it doesn't hit your oponent.
Spats actually
Every character has a high skill ceiling in that game, I'd recommend trying each out and finding out what playstyle goes best for you.
In terms of simplicty, Ky is probably the "easiest" but as I said, all characters get hard.
finna fwip
what makes the skill ceiling of the game so high?
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shes got spats on yeah
It would be interesting to see a grappler that can move during a special throw, and combo off it, but I think there's no way you could balance that.
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i have made a LOBBY
code is 202311
all are welcome
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ft3 please milord
i made the lobby wrong lol holdon
Does baiken care about her personal hygiene?
She's completely unshaven, front and back
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You guys aren't ready to accept some of these placements.
Elphelt and Testament are forced to make real decisions if their opponent knows the matchup
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Nah that sounds like me and I embrace it desu
But that doesn't mean I will
I want transphelt poster to embrace me...
On second thought, I should have put Jack-O in Multitasker.
i jerk off to all the pics you post
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No thank you
>Jack-O controlling 3 servants + herself + the opponent's micropositioning
>Below Happy Chaos
This sounds like bias against the EVO champ...
but why
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Is that so? Well here you go
>Well here you go
maybe im retarded but sin kiske feels easier than slayer. what makes him hard? the food bar is fake af
Can anyone on the illuminati servers give me a QRD on the latest drama?
It's a total troonocalypse it seems
The patch will barely change the tier list at all (except Baiken dropping to bottom 2 lmao).
Sol/Sin/Ky/Leo will continue to be strong even without DP RC. Nago will continue to be strong even though WWA is worse.
The bottom tiers got a bunch of "cute" changes but nothing that really addresses their fundamental flaws.
When the hype wears off you'll see it's all exactly the same as it always was.
how does this affect me personally
Wallbreaks not being always a HKD is a big change you've somehow missed. Johnny also got a huge buff to his midscreen mix
Then get to it bro >>487365660
I already did.
I need MORE
bedman having more forward momentum on jump is a good change that helps him not have linear dogshit neutral
one of his fundamental flaws is no conversions. being able to convert off stray j.S hits does help, even if it's a change that effects one starter
goldlewis player tried to fuck every tranny in the strive scene and drama happened
based and on brand
What the FUCK is wrong with Goldlewis players?
New cancel culture icon just dropped bros, where were you?
they should make the wallbreak animation shorter i dont wanna watch all that
i say trannies arent real women but hes really getting the whiny annoying part right so ill call her by her proper pronouns now. go umisho!
what happened
wait the nigga hes canceling goes to my local holy based no more lewisfags in my city
I'm cancelling LK. his abuse will go unanswered no more!
haven't umisho and razzo been together for like 2 years? did he cheat on razzo with this luca dude? but he won't even give hotashi any tranny bussy? lmao
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these niggas can't be for real, i literally bursted out laughing after reading this
>where were you?
Playing the fucking game and ignoring that gay shit
what fucking decision Ky does ? Stun dipper in neutral to beat half the character ?
everyone gets umisho's hole except for hotashi
what makes him hard?
all his shit is fake
How does LK deal with the fact Umisho and Razzo were probably sucking each others femboys cock behind the counter during his event. These fags must be a pain in the ass to hang out with and all these fg players always have to share hotel because of how broke they are.
smoke coming out of hotashi's ears like a cartoon character when he finds out he's the only one in the FGC who hasn't been in umisho's bussy yet
These people are actually disgusting. Everyone involved is a degenerate. I can't believe these people have actual social status and ban people who are significantly closer to normal
To start with, combos are really long and kinda hurt to execute.
But most importantly, characters have a ton of tools, not only do you have a lot of special moves, they also have EX variants that are useful depending on the context.
I main dizzy in all games, so I'll use her as an example:
You have double dashes, which means that you can use it to fly through the screen, but also to do crossups.
Her icespike can be used as a combo ender, but also to create mixups with a FRC, it also has a variant when used with D, that is used for space control.
Her fishes have 5 variants depending on the button you pressed, I won't specify each variant as it would be too long, but you'll have to decide which one is better depending on the opponent, place in the screen and context.
I won't talk about her scythe as it's basically useless, except for screen control, though she has better tools for that.
The game is extremely fast paced as well, so you have to execute and react quickly
Shock state application and routing afterwards.
It is literally one dimensional, but it is a decision.
>t. ky main
Finally, an actually kino youtube channel
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>may runs up to potemkin's face and does a raw super
>pot just sits there and doesn't try to block it
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elphelt's moves are goofy
she sneeds it
>i even gave them what they came for in the first place
lmao this nigga got his bussy blasted
the may would probably beat me
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ggs all
*vacuums u*
The difference between top tier and the rest of the cast really isn't that large (except Happy Chaos they need to bust his knees again)
And a lot of those buffs do help a lot with fundamental weaknesses
Testament no longer has to give up Stain pressure to use teleport for resets and turn stealing, and now reaper his further and more consistently. The arbiter changes also does a lot
The buffs to bedman's air buttons helps his neutral, pressure, and conversions massively, he is far, far better than he used to be. It's almost an Anji tier glow up
You can't just continually trade with all of Potemkin's buttons anymore. He gets real Oki off of a lot of shit, you have to respect him now, which changes his gameplan massively
I don't need to talk about Johnny
no i will not lab elphelt yes i will stand still and get hit by the rekka yes i bought this game to block
you are LITERALLY me wtf
you plagiarized this post before I could post it
Hmmmm yes today I will block against Slayer *dies*
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why did johnny want to fuck bridget when bridget was 13
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because johnny wants to fuck
Thank god they finally took Baiken out back and put her down after she has been dominating the game for too long. Low tiers like Nago and Happy Chaos have a chance to play the game.
bedbros, we won. we fucking won
ggs all

One day I will missinput less and combo properly
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oh yea!!! ggs!!! x3
go to bed, LK
this but unironically
This patch just sent Sin back to bottom 5

listen and learn.
wait a minute. is nago a reference to yasuke?
probably an oblique one
he was born around the same time period iirc
nago is a reference to me because he is tall, muscular, and elphelt wants to be impregnated by him
elphelt wants to be impregnated by every man she has ever met
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including me
actually you're the one and only exception because she can smell your terrible genes from here
Especially me I'm quite virile
Hey that was ME! That was ME going "I wonder if burst will cancel the bombs on my chest".
jk i will lab
we need a SOVL tier list
I love my wife and our 7 kids!
Never stop procreating!
sorry for having autism it's my father's fault
That elphelt poster really broke you dudes
>my toon
BVSED and SOVL. Radiates pure sigma energy
>you're toon
cringe and for losers. probably trans-coded
They might have given Bedman too much this shit looks cancer
i'm really sorry for a moment I thought it was unfair that you could just burst and avoid the bomb entirely but then you died
What does Elphelt milk taste like?
Me want mommy Elphelt's special made choccy milk!!
3 years of this game and I still can't stand nago, wish they'd nerf him to shit tier
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Does Dizzy have a DP?
Chocolate milk comes from ram and gio
You can block those bombs after bursting there
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She never had one before and I don't expect Strive to give her one.
daisuke here queen dizzy is a powerferu character. to show this in gameplay we have made her a well rounded rushdown character with long normals and a dp
Dizzy is losing bubble for sure but I think she's also keeping ice spike.
But what about fish? Will she keep them?
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That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
It'll fit with Ky and Sin but I think we have enough well rounders.
If she does only the 2 biting variations and laser are kept.
These kinds of wackattack cross ups probably won't happen very often in actual matches
You see cuhrazy sequences for most characters on Twitter like this but they're usually more trouble than most players think they're worth to learn
>censored dizzy
I sleep
She uses quite a but of nesquik
Who do I commission to make a skin of picrel?
Who is worth picking up out of Elphelt and Testament now? I haven't played for almost a year and want a new chara to play
im not lk but test seems to be better then elphelt as far as fun goes, and he probably has more potential stuff to be found in the long run
Give him a white skin so I can watch the meltdown
Elphelt does seem better but also more one-dimensional and boring. I'm no pro so that probably doesn't matter.
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testament seems pretty strong. Elphelt had her offense and defense buffed but her neutral is still pretty bad for a character with such big buttons.
kunaboto (and Venus body in general) is my guilty pleasure
could do without the ugly bastards though
The soive community is the gift that keeps on giving
Actual freak show
Who the fuck is Luca
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>I'm so demi I might as well be asexual
>character is perpetually top 5
>their mains still downplay them constantly
why are they like this
I read the document RedIAmNot uploaded and feel genuine disgust. The levels of degeneracy that he talks about openly happening at Strive events is crazy.
He could already do half of that prepatch he just has a much easier time getting to that point.
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>best performing Goldlewis at evo gets ousted
This is a win for downplayers.
I miss when the Japanese dominated guilty gear, now we have this
playing asuka raises your IQ
japan is gapped in tekken, gapped in street fighter, gapped in gbvs, gapped in guilty gear, gapped in melty blood, only good at 3s and under night.
>Bedman vs ABA
Oh, so this is one of those "whoever runs pressure first wins" matchups, I see.
A man that did nothing wrong.
isn't that just guilty gear strive
Isn't there a stage with shorter wallbreak animations? idk I always play on random stage and I swear sometimes the animation is super short.
defense isn't bad in ggst, it's just hard to do well.
ABA has better defense
illyria stage is the one youre thinking of but i think it runs badly on shitty pcs
I need my wife portrayed in her proper proportions and Kunaboto is the only one capable of doing so desu.
>Goldlewis player grooming bussy
sounds like he's just trying to get in-character
L'oro Di Illyria? That has normal Wallbreaks
what happened to may? the last time i came here was when the game came out and i remember people were spamming about her so much.
they are all the same age range so it's not grooming. it's just sex.
Elphelt has the same appeal but she's hotter so mayposters moved on
yeah looking into it a little more it seems like he's just getting hit with the troon version of "I regretted it after the fact so I'm gonna call it rape". Go figure the estrogen makes them behave like actual women. Red deserves what's coming though, should've stuck with the gaybros instead of falling for all this manpussy nonsense.
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>33 frames of lag!
What mains do you have the most respect for?
Beelzebub mains, Ryu mains, Mika mains, Lidia mains, Kenshi mains
I only have respect for Bedman? and Zato mains.
Umisho is the best example why gatekeeping Trannies is an important part of community building
May mains. They get a single great player on their mid-high tier character and suddenly they have to deal with gaslighting for the remainder of the game's lifecycle. HC/Zato mains are like the opposite version of this phenomena
people always talk about the sharkparty orgies but no one ever told me about the rediamnot poz party
>Had to win 9 games in a row to get celestial challenge

God I hope they go with an actual ranking system next game.
Zato, Bedman?, Asuka and Goldlewis
Im glad I'm not the only one who feels Sin needs a rework to his resource. He doesn't even use his eat mechanic
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>Gee this Guilty Gear Strive game is pretty fun, I wonder what the community is like
Umisho is so annoying I genuinely do not care if he really got raped.
dangerously based
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>They get a single great player on their mid-high tier character and suddenly they have to deal with gaslighting for the remainder of the game's lifecycle
this but leo mains unironically
Reading parts of that bullshit the whole situations seems to boil down to:
> Bunny fucked a guy and regretted it a few weeks later which is basically rape obviously
> Umisho wanted to fuck the same guy, then changed his mind but the guy flirted for 2 interactions longer than Umisho wanted
I said I do not care.
> not caring
Silence is violence anon you are now banned too
Show up anyway, none of these trannies have enough self-esteem to confront you about it.
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>mist finer is basically full screen now
I'm going back to slime fighter
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>normalfag friends are on holiday
>open beta so I am gonna queue up with shitters and potatofags
yeah I am just gonna stick to the tower.
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You are not even wrong.
The degree to which insanely loud Twitter trannies manage to shit up every community they touch is frustrating.
Umisho got his cheeks clapped by the Dickinson. The other dumb slut got butthurt after he ignored her for refusing to put out.
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Next season for sure...
Whole situation is further evidence that Umisho is only ever held in Top 16 by win trading tranny chasers.
It's just not fair bros...
Striver here
Why do you guys want this boring chink bitch when there is a robot and a possesed dude still left. I dont get it
She is cute, hot and also a very good cook her food is delicious.
Leo's had like seven different players win majors, but that said if you're still playing Leo after this patch you're a real one.
all of those with the exception of tempest were during launch strive when everyone but Sol/Leo/Nago were joke characters.
There's a reason you don't see razzo make top 8 that much anymore.
Is Naoki going to sing about dicks in Venom's theme?
Yes, nago's dick in particular.
nigga Leo was shitting on everyone for free for two whole years before being nerfed down to a humble S-tier. The fact that fewer people were winning with him has more to do with his players quitting Strive to play other games than anything
That’s because Razzo dropped Leo not because Leo isn’t insane
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>Just as ggst's image as a tranny game was clearing up after an amazing evo run and people start talking about the game positively
>The cuck chair incident happens
Will ggst ever recover from this?
her kit (parry, cards, command dash) and movement made her very fun to pilot in older games, but in Strive she'd probably be stripped down to be just another tardmash character so it's not so bad that she hasn't made it in.
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Newfriend here, is it too late to get into this?
no because you will be playing with other shitters who jumped on the game after evo, so if anything you came at a good time.
Im really horny...
Why the fuck did they buff Bedman?? He already gets to be +60 at the end of every block string. Why the fuck is this allowed?
>bitching about Bedman pressure
How are you this bad at the game
bedman fucking sucked and you are downplaying how hard it was for him to even get his strings going
the arm explosion is still a mere +3 with huge pushback and it cannot frametrap or stop you from walking out without error coverage
bedman pressure was strictly tension based and if you even bothered to use FD he was struggling
all this and he couldn't convert stray hits into combos or even a raw c.S into any damage means he was aaaasssss
Tell me how to beat it then because im tired of getting folded by the bed man
maturing means realizing all fighting games are kusoge
>don't have to super os safejumps anymore
so odd...
failed another una exam today (33 and still halfway). At least I'm free till september where i can play strive non stop and get raped even if i have 3k hours. Life is a non stop humiliation ritual for me
Anon no....delete video games from your computer it's sabotaging your life.
Is it just me or is Axl's charged tornado actually overtuned now? The amount of free pressure I can apply with it from ANY DISTANCE is insane, it covers so many options and if they actually get hit by it you can do whatever you want to them.
Most of the roster cant do anything to stop you charging it at full screen, a lot of them cant even stop it from midscreen unless they're anticipating it. On HKD you get a guaranteed charged tornado and HKD is easier than ever to get with the buffs to snail and HS. Once the tornado is out, 99% of people have no fucking idea how to deal with it either. If they try to run from it then I back them into the corner and rensen them or run in and mix them, if they try to jump over it theyll either eat a 2s combo, get airthrown or fuck up and jump into the tornado, all of which end with them in HKD so I can just charge another tornado except this time they're probably at the wall.
>people are suprised that trannies are mentally ill degenerates
>people are suprised that le tolerating everything leads to enabling subhumanism of this type
No way dude how could this happen?! Truly mysterious!
go study for your exams, it’s prolly more fun than this dogshit
Elphelt...... is made for..... for RAPE!!!!
>where i can play strive non stop and get raped even if i have 3k hours
you probably have some compbrain issue which causes all kinds of psychological damage to you if youre not fulfilling your need for AAHHHH IM COOMPEETING daily. you need to realize that if youre not the type of person to enjoy competitive shit, then it will never be fun no matter how much you fry your brain. try playing video games with a beer cracked open and actually unwind to have fun instead of working a second job. my opinion of the game improved tenfold once i realized that at floor 10 and winning 80% of my matches is far more fun for me than fuming and dilating in celestial over losing most matches to most people.
most normies in any game but especially fighting games are so obsessed with muh improvement that they fail to realize that its not a crime to be the <1% of players who play competitively in tournaments (and make less than the plane tickets there and back cost them unless its 1st place)
look so ugly as fuck, as expected as blackcock sponsored
>i can play strive non stop and get raped even if i have 3k hours
you legit might be retarded no joke.
Holy shit why does umisho have to be such an annoying gigatroon.
Ain't no way Trannysho does not already have AIDS given how he seems to try to have intercourse with every troon, gay or bi person in existence.
> given how he seems to try to have intercourse with every troon, gay or bi person in existence
Well with everyone except his boyfriend
Just make it 5 frames and it'll be fine.
Below average grey matter post
yea. axl tornado covers his weakness too well
high iq post
Bedman mains have really been sticking it out with 0 midscreen combos
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arakune mains
>people coming out and saying how terrible the strive community is
No wants to mention the big elephant in the room, huh.
Elphelt's 2 big elephants in the room.
Bridget's big elephant
Kizzie barely plays strive these days
what does he play instead?
strive's like a big pepperoni pizza, you know?
and you can't eat pepperoni pizza every day, its just not good for you dawg
you gotta mix hamburgers, tacos, even tuna sandwiches some days, if you want to keep a balanced diet, ya feel me?
that's why you gotta play all kind of fighting games
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>spend almost 2 hours drilling some basic combos: a mid-screen and a corner
>spend 6 hours playing matches and failing to execute them even a single time
Are you me, anon?
It's a meme to pretend to want her
No one actually likes that chink bitch
finna wake up and blame the beasts
so what do i actually do as ky if axl gets a charged tornado out and i have no meter
>What do I do against braindead multi-hit projectile pressure
You enjoy the taste of your own medicine.
time to block kysissy
real matches are the true lab
Talking like a monkey ironically is still talking like a monkey
what yo finna do about it hwite boy
no cap?
>Just got officially diagnosed with autism
Time to main Faust
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Congrats bro
you mean jack0
hello /ggg/ how is the 3v3 mode going to work? I'm dumb and didn't understand the website description.
>how is it going to work
it's not
last I checked he was playing a lot of granblue
There are 3 dudes
1 dude is the one playing the game
the other 2 dudes either use a generic skill card or a character specific tag (I do not know if the tag is auto or someone controlling directly)
The dude playing and one of the dudes waiting can agree to switch with eachother
You can only be the main dude once per round
As a DP CHAD, I'm enjoying the changes
Knowing that there are no guard rails makes my run up DPs express my overwhelming virile energy even more clearly
if you lose the first 2 matches and then easily 2-0 the last one it should actually count as 2 losses for your opponent and 3 wins for you, as this clearly indicates that your opponent is a weak player who only robs wins from randoming out divine gamers who simply operate on too high of a yomi layer, and that you were able to download and humiliate him when you hardened yourself against his bullshit
which chars have the best pressure? i like when i can make people scared to press and just extend pressure
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I am just getting into strive. Liking Bridget atm.
I havnt played fighting games since 2015 and was mucking about with xrd playing Johnny.

What are five things you recommend me to learn/practice in order to learn the game better?
haven't played in a while, what does this mean for Sol's damage? can H.DP still be RC'd for combos now since it doesn't have any invincibility?
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thoughts on a 3v3 tourney for all the newfags to hop into? this sataday
1 dilating
2 injecting HRT
3 buying skirts and dresses
4 joining female sports competitions
5 using the female restroom
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play the tutorial missions, they help a lot in teaching core mechanics
learn 1 bnb
learn 1 dmg cashout with meter
learn your defensive options like your dp and 2p
then just play matches. no practice matters if you cant execute it in a real match.

have fun!
1. 6P
2. 6P
3. 6P
4. 6P
5. 6P
Cool idea but good luck finding enough people lil bro
meme tournaments usually get a higher turn out but I wouldn't be optimistic
ill hit my local body builders to get on the gear to max out my gains. Not at the point where Im feeling the plateau yet so will hold off on roids.
yer man freedom of movement like those Greek blokes right??

Im working my way through the tutorials and missions cheers mate. Will check out the defensive options also.
>play matches
In a bad timezone so will probably just hit my locals and get bodied to learn.

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> Getting into strive
> Bridget
I am doubting your motives for wanting to get into the game. Helping you seems like a bad idea thus I do not wish to do so.
I want to sniff Dizzy.
based kill me baby poster
Kinda. Bridget has good pokes that have better reward so he does not need to counterpoke with 6P upper body invul that much. I recommend checking out his dustloop page for combo and strategy guides.
1. learn to meaty, this is very important because low level players love doing wake up grab
2. learn when to 6p, very important part of the game
3. learn basic combo for midscreen, corner, and with RC
4. use FD
5. be aware of what's safe and what's punishable
Checking out dustloop website now, thanks mate.

Meaty? Ill probably figure out what you mean anyway. Combo's are what Im learning/practicing atm
Thank you in advance.
Meaty is when you hit someone at the same timing when they're waking up, grabs are very fast (2 frames) so if you mistime your meaty you can get punished with a grab
FD is faultless defense, use it to push people away
Chimaki chuds, our time is now
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I'll be real with you gentlemen, Sin is the biggest loser of this patch. Sin was a character that was effectively carried by his DP. It was his best antiar, best counterpoke, best defensive option, and his best combo tool. Now it's been gimped quite hard since he can't RC it, but also cannot even kara cancel from it. Not even on hit or in a combo. He doesn't have an H version to make up for that either. This nerf is so devastating for Sin that I can honestly see him plummet back down to bottom tier like in season 2. In season 2, he was a character that was literally only his DP and was shit at everything else. After his buffs he gained some strengths and kept his DP allowing him to actually be scary. Now, he retains all his flaws, but doesn't have the single tool that made them less apparent. It is so over once again Sinbro
It's not that bad Sneed
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I hope you're right... But the few other decent Sin players have already begun dooming as well
someone had to suffer so that bedman could move up to bottom 3
I’m suprised they even removed DP into RTL.
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May is as close as you're going to get
What feels the worst to me is not being able to kara cancel DP, I used DP a lot during combos and losing the ability to just kara cancel it on the fly if I got meter makes his routes feel a lot stiffer, but I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it
But I'm hopeful that now that his DP isn't as overwhelming they're going to look at the actual issues he's had since S2, like his godawful fS and beak hurtboxes
link please brother
That's exactly how I'm feeling too. The reason why this nerf is such a big deal is because his DP was so good that it compensated for his giant flaws in other areas. Sin's defense blows? Just DP. Sin's antiairs blow? Just DP. Sin's neutral sucks? Just DP. He blows really badly in a lot of areas, but his DP was able to just carry him in those regards. Hell, some of his MUs that he did well in were literally only because of his DP. Biggest example off the top of my head is I-no. I-no neutral just OBLITERATES Sin. Sin's buttons are all either too slow, too small, too "covered in blue boxes", or all the of above to do anything to to I-no's neutral options. Sin had quite literally one thing that he could to to beat her stuff and that was DP. I-no's hoverdash means that DP getting blocked meant that I-no is in the air and Sin could gazelle step and at least remain safe after an interaction and even convert RTL if I-no gets hit. Now? That shit is straight up gone. I've always said Sin wins that MU, against what other Sin players thought, strictly because of that stuff. I can't even imagine what fighting a competent Ram or Chipp will be like now
why didnt slayer win evo? he looks broken
I wish I was a young boy getting molested by Jam
Goldlewis player went on a tranny fucking spree and now the NA strive scene is divided on a troon vs troon civil war
so I should buy strive on this steam sale?
Yes as long as you stay away from american events and discord servers
unfortunately the lesson learned from this event will not be that poly relationships are hedonistic and unsustainable so it's just going to happen again in 5 years
What character do you guys recommend for someone with horrible execution.
nago and ky are the retardproof ones without any form of wide cancel window and manual timings whatsoever
Elphelt is the easiest character in the game imo
>is mentally ill
wow who could have seen this coming
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Suddenly I don't feel bad for never going to a strive event anymore
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>Don't care about your e-troon rape fantasies drama
>Don't care about your coomer poster
>I just play the game
I just hope my nigga Anji finally gets the buffs he has been promised since launch and not another schizo changelog of nothingburgers that changes how he is played AGAIN!
I'd rather read a full novel full of e-troon rape fantasies than a single paragraph of anjifag schizo downplaying
Everyone in this game does damage AND can dashblock. K mappa is not beyblade
>Just had the hypest showing for Strive at evo
>Ok balance patches with some kinks but otherwise a step in the right direction
Umisho and his troon drama just had to put a dent on those huh. Just more reason the game doesnt need his ilk
I might drop him and go back to Ram as a main. Not even because of the meta, but because super kara cancels are the most fun part of playing him and they took out the coolest one...
Why do these people feel the need to write shit like this on twitter
>it’s just now hitting people that when you nerf all the fun stuff out the game to appease the twitter shitters, the game becomes less fun
Sad, but also funny.
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Can't we just go back to the times people settled this shit privately in court.
Not gonna read all that, but this shit is 100% always either too important and serious for leave it to twitter, or too irrelevant to try and make internet drama about it, no in-between.
This game's balance changes have been overwhelmingly buffs thoughbeit
The only people who complain about Slayer damage are mashers who dont respect what he can do. Literal floor 8 behavior. Just look at how that twittard (((discourse)))) went from a week ago regarding Slayer. When you have characters in the game that can do similar damage with better tools like Nago, or force you to play blocking simulator like Asuka, why the fuck would you play Slayer at a high level?
They want Luca to be banned from every tournament and have his life ruined so he kills himself. That's the only reason to make this public.
kinda, for most characters
but universal changes are usually nerfs, like reducing damage all across the board, weakening WA or killing DP RC, with some exceptions like taking off the damage scaling from RC
Because universal mechanics have generally been very, very strong.
You might be the first person to claim the damage didn't need to be tuned down.
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>I'd rather read a full novel full of e-troon rape fantasies
You know, I find Leffen pretty annoying
But people like Umisho are a legitimate stain on the community
I wasn't complaining about the damage getting lowered, just pointing it out.
Though as someone who doesn't play in tournaments I didn't mind too much, games ending early just means I play more games.
Also did Ram ever get any buffs? Other than when they reworked a bunch of moves and her rekka changed, or when most characters got new moves. Feels like she was so overtuned on release that 99% of what she's ever gotten is either a nerf or completely reworking how a move works.
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>I'd rather read a full novel full of e-troon rape fantasies
No fucking shit you would because all you fucking trans obsessed faggots are closet trans pieces of shit and you just let your inner desire just slip. Only you dumb fucks who are OBSESSED with trans faggots who won't SHUT THE FUCK UP about trans would say shit like that
Ram also got a new move you dingus!
I don't care about trannies but I do like e-drama. This just happens to be tranny e-drama.
Leffen is a bad winner and a sore loser but he knows when to keep personal things personal at the very least. I dont like people who air out dirty laundry like Umisho. I sincerely wish he doesnt top 8 a major again
Leffen got canceled like 12 years ago and almost got permabanned from the Smash community so he learned when to shut the fuck up.
>when to keep things personal
>outted m2k
>makes everything public
>jumped on the grooming bandwagon hate then turned out it was false he didn't say shit
i had no idea we had leffen stans in here
Now thats an image I haven’t seen in awhile
long, lithe valentine fingers in my mouth
>outted m2k
m2k is gay?
He hasnt done any if that during his Strive run though. I dont care what he did in Smash as long as he kept that garbage there
I believe he outed him as having a non-functional cock.
he outed himself on that to prove he didn't rape anybody
i forgot outting was meant for gays only but no, he forced m2k to admit his dick is fucked up and is a medical condition so he can never be intimate to dispute accusations of jacking off on someone's bed that leffen kept promoting https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/16883/leffen-under-fire-for-past-toxic-behavior-towards-mew2king-kensou-and-smash-community
lobby doko
>complications from circumcision
not easy being an american, I see
I wouldn't fully trust Leffen to not jump on any (private) drama bandwagon in the future. But tbf that's all smash shit, isn't it?
As long as he does not start shitting up the strive community (with THAT kind of shit), he is still better than Umisho and his posse
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No one posts Anji memes because no one plays Anji anymore, his playerbase is extinct
ohhh i remember that accusation now
I'm glad I'm not famous, I wouldn't even try to 'debunk' any allegations, just tell them to take it to court if it is true
I'll be real. I don't give a fuck about trans as long as they don't talk to me or get pissy if I say "he". But I saw that faggot post by umisho and I actually burned my eyes and read it. Dude jumps on the bandwagon of "I was le groomed/sexually assulted" after seeing someone else say it. Dude literally admits he was showered in affection and likes it, then plans, PLANS. P L A N S to hook up at the next major. And now is suddenly regretting it because his inner circle is convincing him he was groomed? Like mother fucker that's what the shitty girls do when they regret one night stands. I fucking hate the dude with a passion now like you just want the fucking attention and drama. You made the choices explicitly. You were not groomed, that's how people normally hook up. That's how guys hook up with girls on a natural basis. Jesus
"Lovebombing" is a real thing that abusers do to manipulate their victims. Unfortunately, histrionics learned the word and now apply it to any time someone they don't like is nice to them.
The key that separates lovebombing from normal affection is that lovebombing is accompanied by a threat, implicit or explicit, of revoking that affection, to manipulate the victim in behaving a certain way. But that's not what happens in Umisho's story; he just says this guy was lovebombing him because he doesn't like the guy.
yeah i caught that lovebombing thing too. like thats supposed to be when an act of abuse has already happened or like you said there is a threat of removing the affection but they were clearly not close or in any relationship at this point . like isnt it just some guy whos interested who could POTENTIALLY stop being interested? thats not a threat
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I think I want to learn a second character
NOOOOO Don't cheat on her, transphelt poster!
no, it's not, it's the same as "gaslighting", a buzzword used by therapy-addicted cluster-B loonies trying to cover for their own personal failings.
Most tame Pot player
Gaslighting and lovebombing are both real things. That's why cluster-B's love both words.
that's like saying autism isn't real because le quirky zoomers misuse and self diagnose themselves as it
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Do you just sit around waiting for me to post or something?
lovebombing and gaslighting aren't medically diagnosed mental development disorders like the good old 'tism
Become a bedbro
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Maybe. I was actually thinking bed, slayer, or may
that's lovebombing you sick fuck
they're behaviors
that's like saying being an idiot isn't real because idiocy isn't medically recognized like retardation is
I know, that's why I said other than getting new moves, or having moves be completely reworked
I just realized I lovebombed my dog by petting him
I'm a fucking monster... should I kms?
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Join us
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Yo check this out:
I screenshotted and sent this to the all the Strive TOs, abusers like you should be banned
good day everyone
Lovebombing (affectionate) Dizzy
Lovebombing (affectionate) Jaggo
Nah he's has bad behavior even after joining Strive. See the ShinKensou fiasco where he was trying to bait him into fighting him in a twitter war just because he disagreed with him over Chipp not being able to compete at high level.
Lovebombing (abusive) Dizzy
Lovebombing (abusive) Jaggo
Just realized I was lovebomed by my parents while growing up. How do I go about suing them for grooming me?
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What's /ggg/'s favorite GG song?
Need to know this to know if I can trust you guys about the gameplay...
Roar of the Spark
Holy Orders is up there as well
Communication (Sin vs Ky theme). It's honestly one of the best video game OST of all time to me
Man now that you mention it, I saw you parents at the supermarket once. They took the last pack of jasmine rice. I wanted to buy that.
Ever since I did not feel safe at that supermarket anymore. It is disgusting they are allowed in there still. This city needs to do better than that.
Perfection Can't Please Me
what is a lovebomb?
Elphelt mating press....
Diva of Despair
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lovebombing is a tactic used by abusers and cults to keep people from leaving them
basically you shower someone with endless affection until they do something you don't like and then you immediately withdraw your affection entirely until they start behaving the way you want them to again

cluster-B personality disorders like umisho also use it to refer to any situation where someone they don't like is nice to them
vocal theme - Crawl
instrumental - The Man
are these trannies getting tested for stds??
no, which means that they probably all have AIDS
maybe hotashi should be grateful umisho won't give him bussy
Sky Should Be High (Vocal Version). 2nd for me would be maybe Sheep will Sleep~ if you become fatigued~ or Ky's Overture theme
You know this degeneracy could have all been avoided if Katano hotfixed Steady Aim
So all these people are going to these tournaments and fucking each other?
Awe of She (original X version)
Irony of Chaste
Suspicious Cook (XX arrangement)
Still in the Dark (XX version with the guitar)
And of course, theme of the real Ky Kiske, Commander of the Order of Holy Knight and slayer of all Gears, Pillars of the Underworld.
This two faced negro should get AIDS honestly. I do remember him spewing some shit about "LGBT and tranny freaks" in discord and here, he was /fgg/ fag who got smoked by multiple people from here on his streams including Baron lmfao. Virtue signaling cuckolds always are the ones with biggest skeletons in the closet.
>I do remember him spewing some shit about "LGBT and tranny freaks" in discord and here
i've never heard this, i just know he's a tranny chaser
yeah i dont remember "tranny freaks" happening
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Very unlikely.
Same for AIDS
I really like does the sheep count the sheep?
Yes, do you really think they travel and pay for hotels just for a measly prize pool
Thats my point nigga he was one of those in the closet after asked goin about fags and troons but then became virtue signaling chaser lmfao.
I do remember not many people do but its not like it matters anymore so whatever. He should be happy it was inside private discord channels or on mic so no one was autistic enough to record him. Twitter troons would try to smoke that nigga if someone would have receipts
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Yes, and they probably don't wash their hands afterwards.
Guilty Gears of Halo Theft Auto 5
Am I crazy or do the riffs in Holy Orders and Awe of She sound suspiciously similar?
there are similar riffs across different tracks. All the valentine's themes have similar structures or melodies. thats the most obvious one of course
I don't get it, why would anyone want to travel and have sex with some sweaty and autistic fg player
listen with your left ear then your right (then think about sin's eyes)
Trannies are groomers, so indoctrination and eventual sex is one of the entire points.
And as you can see demonstrated: manipulation and control.
Also it's not like they get much action outside of their "community" so they gotta get in as much as they can during cons and events.
DPing at end of a blockstring never gets old
They're going to give Dizzy her iconic nipple suspension bikini right?!
R-right anons?.... Right?
Probably not, but all the porn artists will continue drawing it.
>giving anything legacy/iconic
its been 4 years. move on brother this game is not for you and never was. IP also is not for you anymore.
>no it's not gaslighting is made up
I mean if anything you just proved it's real by doing it in real time
What's this new Umisho drama
Only in Ky’s bedroom
Jack-O pose is literally right there
Read the thread faggot
Actual tranny grooming stuff. Dont bother anon.
There has never been any sign of intelligence anywhere the term "situationship" shows up. Its peak millenial and gen Z brainrot where people are allergic to categorizing themselves properly.
The irony is that they are so diligent in identifying their individual selves like their genders and orientation but can't apply the same diligence when categorizing themselves and another person. Its a fucking relationship, call it as such.
And I know you were raised by a single mother but that doesn't make me a psychic
umisho had sex with another tranny and then regretted it afterwards so he's smearing the other tranny as a sexual predator but in the version of events that umisho gave us there's nothing that suggests the other guy is a predator
I got a visceral chilling sensation run through my spine when I read this.
So why does nobody talk about Chipp
new thread
Not hot enough
because most of his strive gimmicks lose to random mashing
getting whiff punished is a skill issue
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unironically agree, anji is the definition of forced rps, I respect trannies playing bridget day 1 more than anjifags
>i'm always plus off fuujin unless you jump and interrupt fans, btw i can hit you low at that exact point :)
Diva of Despair sucks. Diva is objectively superior.
it sucks this happened just as i started going to my locals cause now i feel like if i say the wrong thing to a they them theyll put all my buisness on twitter

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