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Illustrated Edition

>Whitestrake's Mayhem (7/25 @ 10AM EDT - 8/6 @ 10AM)

>QuakeCon 2024 (usually means sales)

>Crown Store Showcase, July 2024

>Elder Thread

>ESO Server Status

>Latest ESO Live

>Places to Buy/Recommended Addons/Assorted Links/Tweaks
- There are occasionally Free Play Events for prospective new players.

>UI Addons

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] mail: @taeralis, @zsj
[PC EU] mail: @Arachnomancer, @zsj
[PS4 NA] message PSN: kibukj
[PS4 EU] message PSN: RumpRustler
Or post your @username/platform/location here.

>Do I need to subscribe?
Optional, with largest benefits being access to all DLC (but NOT Gold Road), cash shop currency on sub start/renewal, and the Craft Bag (can save your characters a ton of space).

>Which faction should I choose?
Want to PVP in Cyrodiil with friends? Make sure you're in the same faction. Otherwise, doesn't matter.

>I started with a Chapter. How do I access the OG main quest?
Open your map (or visit a Wayshrine for free TPs) and go to either Daggerfall, Vulkhel Guard, or Davon's Watch. Walk around. "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour" should start soon.

>Where should I begin normal questing?
Check out the OG beginner stuff, first: go to Port Hunding, Khenarthi's Roost, or Bleakrock.

>Pledge/Trial Calendar

>DLC Chronological order flowchart

>The More You Know
- Level Rewards give you tons of stuff along the way, including a free mount at level 10.
- You need to be at least CP300 to queue for vet DLC dungeons.
i farted
Guildmaster Sees-All-Niggers
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Is there anything to set the statues of heads of bosses you’ve killed on?
sure, all sorts of altars and bars and podiums and what not
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doing God's work, low-res anon
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since fucking january only 5 out of 24 threads made it to bump limit, the rest got archived with what 60-300 posts
fuck off to /vm/ especially since by your own admission you don't even play anymore

you wish
we're coming to /tesg/
post hands
yea, the state of this thread is quite bad right now, only me and maybe 2 other posters keeping it out of page 10
we need to recruit more posters (especially the mentally ill terminally online kind) or tesog is will die
Keep in mind, /tesg/ sisters lurking here and making posts like >>487451715
, that if /tesog/ dies I'm going to your general to post about ESO there and you won't be able to do anything about it
Thirding this >>487457152 >>487456406
You better pray that we keep reviving /tesog/ because the only other option is merging it with /tesg/. Imagine your deluge of gigamodded waifu screencaps getting interrupted with posts about class balance or furniture plan prices every other post.
What does the Alessia deck do
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in pc/eu
Why is it when people turn 29 their funny bone disappears zone chat and voice chat is full of the cringiest old ass people and fat bitches
I can only tell people how awful gold road was so many times
venus cult
I hate redditors
billions must be go back to the wailing prison
maybe if you tell me what this leg motif is
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i once took an overhead screen shot of my skyrim guy kneeling in the snow amid the aftermath of a civil war skirmish and one anon thought it was a shot of the night sky and now i can totally see how
So sales report day has come and gone.
I didn't get kicked, so I get to use the mournhold guild trader one more time. Apparently it wasn't even close.
I've burned through my stash of excess motifs and started dumping my excess master writs into the guild trader. I noticed a pattern. All the small ones that are worth like 6-8 vouchers sell almost instantly, but the big ones are just sitting in the guild trader.
The stuff that's been sitting there for 6+ days, should I remove it and relist it for cheaper or what is the meta here?

For context, with master writs I put all the prices up with a specific scale 1 voucher = 500 gold.
How do people figure out where antiquity leads are located? Data mining?
Looking it up online.
Astral projection directed at ZOS headquarters
PAGE 10?
Did they have Ithelia planned when they made Fargrave?
Probably not, but it tied it together nicely. Most realms of oblivion are usually claimed by one prince or another, even if it's not their main one.
The main problem with Gold Road is the many paths addition to the lore. Now suddenly there's infinite parallel universes within the mundus that weren't there before.
Did they explain what the Celestial Palanquin was? Or who the Bearers were? Or what caused the Drain?
being part of the workforce slowly destroys your soul. You can get away with not being a part of it in your teenage years and early-mid 20s, but once you're near 30 and onwards chances are that you either become a wageslave or complete bum - neither of which are conducive to playing videogames. If you're white in 2024, then good luck getting NEETbux compared to shartqueesha mcmuhammed getting their reckless lifestyle completely covered

In the 90s and 00s, the internet MMO community was filled with young people who still had hopes and dreams and a naive sense of wonder and curiosity. Now everyone is either older and jaded- or if they are zoomers then they still have probably already seen several of their eceleb streamer "heroes" get outed for being discord groomers or other shit.
they couldn't even decide how shit worked within the same chapter you expect way too much from present day zos
Bro I have no memory of what those terms even mean. As for the celestial palanquin, quoting uesp
>Another belief regarding the Bearers is that before Fargrave settled into its current location in Oblivion it was carried from place to place by the four Bearers. That is why it is also known as "the Celestial Palanquin". Once in ancient times, four great colossi moved the city onto their shoulders from one location to another for eternity. This process resulted in establishing connections between the realms the city visited. Those connections took the form of permanent portals which remained active as of 2E 582.[4][2]
Blackreach vanguard light
I just had a nightmare where a shitty cardgame minigame was added to eso and every update afterwards had to pay lip service to it.
Luckily Zenimax isn't THAT retarded.
Finally got all 10 of my toons to cp
your invite to /tesogvip/ will arrive shortly champ
Huh. The implication there is that the city of Fargrave isn't from Mirrormoor, but settled there after Ithelia disappeared. Still allows room for my theory that Fargrave is a fragment of pre-kalpa Yokuda.
It doesn't explain however how the stone structures in the area around Ithelia's loom happen to look like the ones in fargrave. Unless the Yokudans had a cult of Ithelia themselves.
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i might consider if it's not full of normalfags and you're not the one pity bumping this graveyard
I don't think they had any of it planned ahead of time
Look up Sanguine's Revelers in the guild search thing! ^^
Just finish Gold Road story and can't say I enjoy the main quest. After you gathered the relics it became fetch quest within the main quest and near the ending they keep stretching it by having you go around the world closing the portals.
They did a great job on the first half of the main quest but the quality really drop in the second half.
Everyone ready for midyear snoozefest?
Got ping-kicked from Battlegrounds, they have no chance of running this.
>go to a random delve
>return to Beragon's townhouse
>go to a random delve
>return to Beragon's townhouse
>go to a random delve
>return to Beragon's townhouse
>go to a random delve
>return to Beragon's townhouse
>go to a random delve
>return to Beragon's townhouse
Completely unplayable, the moment any combat starts my ping goes into 4 digits and I get kicked.
>scouting report is for on the other side of map
>crazy kings
>unkillable cunts stand on the point for 10 minutes circle-sucking each other
what would it take to make one of the retards at zos actually load up the game and queue into a random battleground? It'd be very annoying if this was just the last patch, but this shit has been like this for years now
They don't play their own game nearly as much as a proper mmo dev studio would.
Remember the tranny that left ZoS and then published this 1-hour expose video about how twansfobique they were to him where he played recorded conversations with his boss?
One of his big , damning 'bombshell' complaints was that one time, his boss wanted the devs to socialize over the game a little and forced him to *gasp* run a dungeon with her...ONCE. He recorded himself crying about that incident for at least 5 minutes, probably more like 10-15. Just to reiterate
>be head of a department at an mmo dev studio
>realize that one of your duties is to make sure your employees are in touch with what the experience of the game is even like
>go around telling three of them "Hey, instead of one of those HR teambuilding exercises, how about we spend maybe 10-15 minutes running a normal dungeon together instead?"
>The first two react normally
>The third one refuses, you have to spend 15 minutes putting your foot down and telling him in no uncertain terms that he's going to participate in this.
>He's literally in tears, sobbing into the microphone and crying to you about how this is supposedly draconian and unreasonable and puts too much pressure on him.
>He even raises his voice and tries to intimidate you at several points.
>This is a paid employee who is paid a 5 digit salary and doesn't even have to show up to a workplace, he can do everything from at home. And he's still pretending like he's being tortured over this request.
If they have to worry about employees throwing a fit over a 10 minute dungeon, you can bet your ass none of them is playing bgs on the regular.
When Akachad slew Lorcuck,
He ripped his heart right out,
He hurled it across Tamriel,
And the heart was heard to shout:

Red Cuckold! Red Cuckold!
The heart and soul of gays.
Red Cuckold! Red Cuckold!
Buttfuck us till the end.
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the worst event in this game is BACK
the ayleid motif: Good
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A bunch of my listed stuff expired.
Isn’t bombing dead because ganks are running lots of detects now?
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is it possible to make an Imperial woman this beautiful?
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bitch lookin like a gmod character
I've played through reaper's march 3 times now and it still confuses me.
If the dark mane is an agent of namira, why does he team up with javad tharn? What is he even trying to achieve?
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>Get home from work
>Hop on ESO for the 2 hours I get to play per day
>It's fucking nighttime ingame.
So with the new tours shit it’s like a giant list right and that means I can turn my house into a casino and list it?
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i mean, i've heard of cave fish, but
Why do you even bother with the event
>imagine myself in your shoes
>hop on eso for the 2 hours I get to play
>finish doing my crafting writs
>half of it already over
>haven't even touched rnds or leveling legerdemain on alts
Esosisters should i bother to return? Stoped playing couple of months before Gold Road release. Anything interesting was added? Or i can just wait for 50% discount
>anything interesting was added
not really
>or i can just wait for 50% discount
nothing interesting is planned for release, you can safely wait eslsister
Go back.
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>Gold Road release. Anything interesting was added?
Shit, this is sad. West Weald is smol location? And what about scribing?
west weald is okish. there is a main story, side quests, 2 public dungeons, a handful of delves. daily quests. a gold buyable home. motifs/furnishings. what you'd expect mostly.
story is not very good but it wraps up the ithelia arc. I liked the scribing quests' story more than the main one, but they're also the kind of quests that are very annoying to do multiple times for alts.
scribing is ok for healing/tanking. very lackluster for dps.
new trial is ok. not particularly difficult.
skill styles are neat if you like the color but there are too few of them rn.
none of the mythics are stand-out good.
in fact none of the new sets shift the meta at all

If you don't care about metaslaving you may have more fun with the new sets/skills and playing around them.

upcoming update is adding a housing browser so you can see other people's houses, and a few areas/bosses/sets to infinite archive.
update after that as far as I know will just be dropping new companion
>its okish because it has literally the bare minimum features they could sell as a chapter
Maaaaan i wish they would rebalance the sets. There are so many sets in the game and most are literally garbage. I dont understand, they dont have enough money to do something decent?
uh, yes. what do you think okish means?
I think the balance team straight up don't know what sets are meta and why they are. Most of zos's issues stem from the fact that nobody there actually plays, or if they do, not with the community at large. Not that every set needs to or should be meta, there is room for playstyles that are more fun but do a little worse in ideal circumstances. but some sets have no practical usage and others are wildly below the average even when used to their fullest potential.
and pvp is disgustingly broken. most battlegrounds are decided at the queue, where no amount of playing smarter or better can change the outcome if you or your teammates didn't bring the right build.
>what do you think okish means?
something acceptable with at least the same amount of content for the price as their old chapters
like a 6/10, not something thats a total ripoff
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Is there a good video to watch about pvp
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Datamine suggests a couple of new Battlegrounds, as well as a group pvp finder
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Did they fix issues with FPS drops in trials? last time i played was in 2020
>Did they fix
>Have they changed
>Did they add
the answer is always no
I'm afraid of frying my pc with trials so my solution to that is to simply not do trials.
Not doing trials would solve your fps drop issue as well.
Is orders wrath and trickery good together I like the thought of getting a random buff I can’t control.
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my sub ran out
pvp in this game is not worth anyone's time
>3 members
do you uwu erp all day or what
i don't want to be bombarded with this shit
what's the best way to level a new char to 50?
imo the best (but not the fastest) way is just doing the story zone quests because you get a lot of extra skill points
I renewed mine just a few days ago.
I now have 10k crowns and there STILL isn't a sale on dlcs.
and the fastest?
probably alik'r dolmen grind

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