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Previous: >>487312162

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
Yae rerun when?
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How do we save Genshin Impact? This decline is incredible. How will an open world game sustain itself on declining budget?
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adolf hitler won
I love Genshin Impact
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My wife and her big sister!
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I think she’s applicable for the reject banner now
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>I will pull everyone and play what I want
>while they seethe with their bricks
In the end I always win
I love watching men fuck
i said a year ago hoyoverse needed to course correct and i got bombarded in /gig/ saying how stupid i was and genshin was "too big to fail" now look the game is on its death throes and here we are scara and al-haitham at the helm of the controversy AGAIN completely deserved the devs are doing this ON PURPOSE YOU FUCKS
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By still making revenue 10 times the yearly budget, dummy.

There's also our sisters shart rail and sleepy zzz
>CoC, a decade old game btfos HSR
>people would rather spend money for a barbarian king skin rather than roll for Jade

We know, everymanletinthegame
jews won
it's over chud
enough shitposting about the event. discuss Neuvillette.
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Kinich please marry me!
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Wait, did Kaveh actually kill Genshin? I thought it was a meme.
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i fucked up the graph, assumed the last spot was july but it was june
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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For me? Its princess Fischl!
Post geo loli's dance.
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Here's some salt on your wounds, camerabros.
Why do you hate Alhambra
Chinkli flopped
You don't remember wuwa
Hagslop killed shart fail
Lolicop will SAVE ZZZ
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sex with alhaitham
IPC rats deserve the rope.
I will not waste a single roll on those filthy vermin.
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Remember when this general was good?
More hȍmȍslȍpflȍps and every female being nerfed into the ground will save us for sure.
Quick powercreep all the meta units again!
Its about Ororon-Olorun, Beelzebub-Beelzebul, Istaroth-Astaroth and others
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For me, it's Iansan.
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>Communists after sending innocent people to Siberia
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my bank is so retarded i asked them to let me buy primos yesterday and it still isn't working!!!! now i gotta do this shit again!!! and this is my last day of welkin!!!!
It's an elaborate shitpost
Kaveh points out something is wrong and marks it
Alhaitham thinks he's retarded and marks something else to not spoil the book
Tighnari thinks the previous borrower is retarded for marking a spoiler
Dehya is retarded
Cyno sees tighnari wrote in it, questions if tighnari is retarded and than scribbles on the rest of it
And than you return the book and kaveh buys it out of shame for being a big fat fucking nerd
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They also flopped btw snooze is a fucking flop not even a month in
do you REALLY need to be humiliated again this month?
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Why can't our 5stars be MILFs?
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Here's her dancing for me
hilichurl slut
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>marry a ugly bitch like Sucrose, Emilie, or Layla
>they all have fat ass and nice tits
>zero chance of getting cucked
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Chinese schizos are actually right this time. Whole story of 4.8 smells of NTR.
At the start of the story we meet female lead. We have some close moments together.
Later in the middle of the story we meet a male character, that is stronger than us. He helps us overcome some obstacles.
In the end of the story focus completely shifts to the fact that new male charater is just better than our protagonist. He almost single-handedly wins final fight and of course gets our girl to himself.
At this point in classic NTR story we see suffering of our weak useless protagonist, who did completely nothing and lost his love.
This is just perfectly summarise 4.8 plot, what the actual fuck.
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i was joking before but now it's getting out of control, why are we getting the same posts every single day?
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Melt support incoming
Wuwa already dropped in revenue. Changli lost to Blue Archive LMFAO
why do hoyo always steal players from their other games instead of their competitors, tencent and cygames don't have this problem
How much longer until Emilie?
>>zero chance of getting cucked
Enjoy your open relationship
Capitano is so lucky
Gulag area in Snezhnaya?
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hu tao my beloved
Cute and Canon!
based bennett
We worship her feet and pits here.
Capitano is anemo
Source: I made it up
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Another 2 weeks.
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I had so much sex with my raiden body pillow that it stands on its own now
>albedo's cocksleeve
>fontainian a.k.a. wrio/neuv cocksleeve
>zero chance of getting cucked
You have Layla I guess, but watch she'll run into Sethos or something eventually.
Theyear plan was a massive fucking mistake.
If all went according to original plan we'd be entering the Khaenriah/Celestial arc now.
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Cheers bro.
Xbalanque and Capitano are so fortunate
Why are Mutt hours so shit?
Open up your game and read the time left on Navia/Nilou
Let’s not forget Hoyo still hasn’t fixed shit. Keep speaking up we can’t let this die out. Indigenous, Pacific Islander, and African people deserve better. Many of our ancestors died preserving our culture and certainly didn’t die to make use our culture for profit. #BoycottHYV #WhyAreTheyWhiteHoyo #GenshinNatlan

Why do they think a Chinese gacha game has this much power?
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Fuck sucrose
Marry emilie(canon btw)
Kill sleepy Layla
if wanderer killed the game like all these graphs show then why did he get a summer event. something's up.
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I hate Ruskis
I hate commies
I hate KGB
but I love Cheld...
How do I cope gig sisters?
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getting cucked by chiori... chiori looking at me as if im a piece of trash while she rides another man... chiori going all " ugh " " ew" as I watch her ride another man.. chiori trying her hardest to keep her bitch-face while looking at me on the eyes as she rides another man..
>hoyo losing to a png game
This is not the win you think it is
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>Chinese schizos are actually right this time.
Didn't read further
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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Now now wuwakeks, while it’s true that Genshin flopped this month, don’t forget that your ‘peak’ of 4th place with Changli lasted for approximately 10 hours. You’re going back to your gutter 100th place in a week
the devs don’t care they have billions in their bank accounts
You’re fucked in the head
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cant believe it
will genshin finally go under 100?
someone should bring up the days to under 100 grossing list
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Because mods allow, or rarher there are no mods on /vg/, only jeannies in their safe space generals. Half the jeannie staff was laid off after the porn filter was implemented and those left are those who just police their home threads.
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Layla already ran into Hat Guy.
Same goes for your game. 3d gacha bubble is bursting.
Imagine five years of "wait for Snezhanya" and then the new cope when that sucks will be "wait for Khaenriah"
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Uh, what? BA is literally EOSing tomorrow
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But it's true that the core plot of current event is just straight basic NTR plot.
Will people blame natlan if genshin EoS in the middle of it?
wuwakek still failing to understand only the first couple days of a new banner make any money
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Stamina should be infinite when out of combat, not engaged in a traversal challenge and not climbing
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Nigga like how are you scared of being cucked by Wanderer. Like nigga he's 5 apples tall and has no dick like nigga he's a fembot prototype how are you gonna get cucked by that. Niggas getting insecure over a eunuch.
Why is it surprising? BA pulled the most anticipated banner ever and double down with another limited. I swear, for someone who keep creaming themselves about "muh sales charts" you have no idea about what's happening on the market.
Does Wanderer consider himself a Sumeru person? How strong is he, lorewise?
He should be a significant part of Sumeru's strength since they didn't have a Harbinger tier fighter.
One would need to be a special kind of mentally challenged individual to not have noticed those things already so I'm, going with the shitpost allegory.
>still no doomfox
The devs don't care bozo. They make whatever content they want regardless of whether it's profitable or not. Nobody asked for 80 Shitto events yet they keep putting them out.
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shes just like me...
Mihoyo hates genshin, the funniest part is, honkai is the one getting crushed without NTR angles.
>But yunli and yanquing
I'm aware, if they don't damage control with their trailer they will reach 150-200 soon.
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>zero chance of getting cucked
Sorry anon, she's been sucking Albedo's dick since before his reveal and has been canon pairing since 1.2.
See people complaining about shitposts but barely see any myself. Filters are working.
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sigewinne was also the worst performing 5* yet she is still used for real time events.

its almost like gig lives in this fantasy bubble they made up for how they think the company runs or feels. mental illness.
They really like him and want you to also think he did nothing wrong and should be rewarded by all. You hate him for getting away with it while Signora died? Fuck you. Here's Wanderer getting bitches.
2025 is when it will all go down. Tons of 3D gacha will be released next year.
You have literally nothing to do but manage your stamina while traversing terrain. Taking that away is not the positive you think it is.
nahida looks like THAT??!?!
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My theory is nobody is actually reporting the poster and instead filtering them
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Nope, still not addressing. Try harder.
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>b-but what a-about
emilie got a collab before her release and no one cares about her. genshin has been making baffling choices lately.
>there is a real possibility of the Pyro Archon being male
What would be your reaction ? Would you roll ?
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Sorry, I'm not a Chinese incel
None of the characters in the event have or want sex
Genshin is an asexual game
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>poo... t-
waste of time theyll just keep coming back like a little fucking roach.
Wanderer tapped Navia after he had his way with Nilou (aka sex).
nahida looks like this btw.
Man it's going to be super weird when the plot starts to actually move forward is Snezneya
We've been stuck in a limbo only getting teased with plot points for like 5 fuckin years
a bull and his cuck...
Chiori is too sexy. I can't concentrate whenever she's onfield.
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I love frolicking around dawn winery for crystal flies
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>/gig/gers cheer when Neuvillette gets nerfed.
It gets reverted.
>/gig/gers cheer when Mualani powercreeps Neuvillette.
She gets the biggest nerf in Genshin history.
>/gig/gers cheer when an anonymous poster leaks that male units will become less relevant.
New leaks come out saying male units will be the "main characters of Natlan."

They're going to reveal Mavuika is not the real pyro archon, but that Xbalanque is. And I'm going to laugh at all of you when it happens.
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Jean is a SLUT for dropping Diluc for Kaeya.
This is what wuwaniggers hype up? This is incel tier slop.
Yeah, but Sumeru is factually the region that started the decline.
>genshin is on its death throes
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>93 reports
Gee, I wonder why people don't even bother now.
>see a male character
>immediately thinks of getting cucked or gay sex, sometimes both somehow
you guys don’t still don’t get it that the reason why certain things feel so low effort nowadays is because they lack time not money, it’s not even a conspiracy theory when them having to rush things to meet deadlines was leaked
All they had to do was make a playable melusine and she'd make bank.
Lazy motherfuckers.
so what are the 5.1 and 5.2 reruns
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Fontaine's battle themes aren't that bad, but the only solid one is Lamentation et Triomphe
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I asked for Itto events in every survey
My opinion matter
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>Lure Lumine into their house under the guise of helping them out
>Tie her to a chair and gag her
>Ignore her protests and tears
>Force her to watch as they passionately FUCK
that's just how it is I fear
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Can you stop being cucks for 1 second?
it's not a baffling choice. what mihoyo does with their characters has no reflection on the fanbases perception or performance.

the game would be full of only hag females if they made the """"right"""" choices.
you’re are a little gay boy arent you how about you get inside the house and suck my cock
didnt the game give out a free xinyan a few years ago?
why are you running around the fields with kazuha
>>Ignore her protests and tears
If Genshin is on it’s death throes then the ‘hit open world Wuthering Waves’ will he EOSing in a few months
I will roll for everyone, I don't care about any of the mental illness that gets posted here and most of the time anyone who gets uppity usually are what they get uppity about
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after this I instantly started using 4chanx
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So, Venti lost to Signora on purpose, right?
If he wanted his Gnosis, he would just ask Alice to protect him.
Tazzyronth is so lucky
I'm expecting it, and I'll skip without hesitation just like I did with the crybaby "dragon".
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>Durin is coming back

>Stormterror is no longer in his prime
>Venti also isnt in his prime and is dying to erosion
>The KoF are jobbers and their strongest members [Varka ect] are away on a expedition
>Wanderer's and Albedo's combat strength is ambiguous
>Klee is too young
>Not clear if Alice would give enough of a shit to intervene if he decided to rampage again

Is Albedo retarded? Why is he telling some random dude he just met this info instead of the KoF so they can prepare?
Shenhe and Kokomi
Mods don't do anything about people raiding us no matter how many reports they get, they genuinely want this place to be bad. The only thing they'll delete is shit their advertisers would chastise them about.
I started a year ago but I'm not gonna use xianyan I just use kazuha to jump at em
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>hes hiding it from nahida
he really is scared shitless of alice huh
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>the game would be full of only hag females if they made the """"right"""" choices.
Don't threaten me with a good time.
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yunli and yanquing is literally pic levels of delusion. The event story already leaked and there's nothing, and she no way fag'd him on the livestream and in the story itself
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>New unit banner / New unit banner / rerun banner
Yeah, I see now.
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>Fishcl shows up
>Event significantly improves
it's that simple
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I am playing a video game
I don't know what everyone else is doing
go play blue archive/nikke or some other generic harem waifu game if that's what you want.
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First time using the encounter point system to skip my dailies yesterday but the quests I had then are the same quests I got for today's reset? Is that how it is?
weird melty but ok
Ventis gnosis resembles the Queen, the strongest chess piece.
He’s probably the strongest Archon, just not in conventional strength.
>he actually thinks the plot with move in snez
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People liking cute and sexy girls? Woah what a revelation.
Wanderer slightly improved in this event, so Shartschl is worse than him now. Hopefully we don't see her again any time soon.
have you even played the 4.8 event? if you don’t think you are getting cucked or watching gay sex on screen you have permanent brain damage
Fischl smells like gamer girl BO
And what does that say about hoyoslop then? Isn't literally a new patch with first rerun of Navia? Lol
>Thinks about BBC man when xe's mad
You ok there lol
This general needs to get deleted ala /scv/
He literally tells you. The fairytale world is a reflection of the real world. Because Hat Guy was able to save Mini Durin, Hat Guy might be able to to the same with Big Durin. Playable Durin soon. (Male or female?)
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>make game with shit traversal
>sell traversal characters with planned obsolescence whose abilities will go to shit in the next region, allowing you to sell NEW traversal characters with snez traversal abilities
who did these devs learn Judaism from
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Loom is a sensitive girl
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Thinking about crowning my Candace (even though it doesn't do anything).
She should really get a better support set too.
nothing feels low effort this game gets more and higher effort content more regularly than any service game that has ever existed. this has been true for four years in a row now. if you want to see low effort, literally play any other game. seriously play one other game.
pretty sure she gets extra drops when she picks stuff from the fields
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Wanderer's one-night stand is so cute...
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>deleting the most active general on vg, from the most active board on 4chan
they will never do that.
Is 5.1 even getting a rerun? I thought it was xilonen and chasca
they learned it when they made dori
>make fun of the archon being fanta furina
>it gets scrapped and natlan gets the sexiest designs
karma is a two way street and you just jinxed yourself again
It's not going to eos. If HI3rd pt is still going Genshin will too.
because wanderer and durins fate is now intertwined. its his fate now to be involved in durins resurrection whether he likes it or not, albedo is just being a good guy.
who ever made this abyss 11 needs to be shot in the head the faggot slimes have a jump cd of like .5s and they just fucking spam it over and over kill the tower before i can get rid of them because they're in the fucking air until they do damage
>go play blue archive or some other generic harem waifu game if that's what you want.
That game has a variety of girls instead being
>full of only hag females
The anti-leak slurper is somehow even more obnoxious than the people who blindly believe everything the leakers post
there goes my hype for Natlan
they literally scrapped/retconed female Pyro Archon with this bullshit
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it wont, theres no real competition for now, either lazier hoyo games or wuwa who plays like genshin but has no otaku appeal
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>Trusting White
How many times has he been wrong about kits already?
>wuwa and zzz not even on the list
what the fuck happened to those games? zzz had an insane amount of hype just a week ago
We DESPERATELY need a hoyo board or something
Just unfortunate wuwakeks will cry and beg to be let in
Bwo, did you read the text?

Albedo (and the Witches) want Durin to be a good guy again. Scaramouche has the same life story as Durin and so does Mini Durin, so they want Durin to be cured by the other two.
If they wanted to kill Durin, the Albedo+Klee duo could do it without much problems.
Because their fates are intertwined
Mona literally told you that Simulanka is a reflection of Teyvat
zzz here we are recycling
probably goes for>>487324409
likely goes here>>487324754
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the hu tao rap killed this game
it's when the decline started
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Cappet, Boborano, Albizzi and detective are all for ME!
i used venti and the overloads one shot him

its pretty fucked up ngl
I mostly felt like I was back in middle school
Dawei reads the Talmud every night before he goes to sleep.
But all 3 Natlan characters so far have crazy traversal abilities*, why would they stop

*when in Natlan
Because slurpers will eat it up instead of getting universal movement mechanics.
Just look at the guys bragging about Yelan's C1 for crossing that shitty desert
the hu tao rap was a breath of life
>le fake archon copout
fat xiao literally needs to kill himself. not a single original story since liyue.
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Is it true that Nilou got pissed off at a figure of the traveler being too close to her? Lmao what the actual fuck Mihoyo?????
furfags actually think this
what would a good candace set look like? something like noblesse that improves basic attack damage?
no we really don't. no series deserves their own board. it'd just turn into /vp/, where only like 3 threads on the entire board are active and the rest just stay up for weeks/months to rot.
because 4.7 event was just sooo high effort stupid slurper
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>She can assist ATK based bonus characters
Welp Neuvillete is fucked then... Its over [real]
Other threads like to post here for some reason.
Remember the traveler is also probably involved since we're the ones that added the last piece needed for mini durin to be able to leave
reminder that Genshin is still THE most successful gacha game

An undeniable fact
Cute cat
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bro your wanderer?
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I-I'm sorry.. Ok?
>bitchface while also riding a churl
fuck.. I NEED chiori to cuck me...
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yanfeiposter doesnt even talk about dogs anymore...

i like the original pic of this image :D
Will Chasca be on 5.1? Pyro Archon on 5.2?

Bro, your Venti?
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it was literally the peak of genshin tho
Weird that posts like this weren't being made when the anonymous leaker said male units would become less relevant.
if you dont lie about genshin and make things up to make it look bad compared to abject garbage like wuthering waves, you are le slurper.
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She's in beta dummies
Mihoyo is testing all possible combinations with her before release
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You can't go wrong with crowning who you like
i wish i was as naive as you
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devilish dori... my jewish lolibaba wife...

I did that...
That sounds like a good thing, I don't understand why you'd think that's bad unless you love to be annoying
is consistent non-energy gated off field pyro enough for her to take a spot in neuv and mualani teams?
Durin was always a good guy. Even when he was dying, he didn't even blame Dvalin or Venti. He was regretting they didn't meet under different circumstances so they can be friends.
nahida, navia and yae get to fuck this?
Genshin will collapse in 2 weeks.
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hu tao is the BEST and most ICONIC design in all of genshin
kino name
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You'll sign the petition, right /gig/?
Why are they even blocking the transactions? Do you have a pitiable daily limit or something?
Genshin has and always will make more revenue overall in its lifetime than star rail

An undeniable fact
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I crowned Chev.
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He can't really do much about it while he's in fairyland entertaining his sister. Albedo is massively over-competent and deals with many more matters than the specific role in Favonius demands of him.
Albedo's mission is to reach the far side of philosophy, find a way to break fate and build a better future for his brothers and Rhinedottir. If that includes Wanderer in order to save Durin, then so be it.
You must be blind then. Several Fontaine characters have incredibly lazy kits, NPCs still look fucking awful, and most of the recent quest content is AI generated VN text dumps with no gameplay.
I'm still getting her
I can't resist delicious tanned feet AND exposed tummy, plus she's very cute
nilou, fischl, and mona's pov
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Stop cuckposting or i'll post extremely graphic gore.
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No, Jews would make the characters ugly in the process because it hurts the feelings of the women they're trying to spend money to seduce.

Difference between non Jew capitalists and Jew capitalists is that the non-Jew capitalists still love their own people, nationalism.
If she's has decent pyro application/dmg than it won't matter
>vape character
what is this retardation
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mualani breastfeeding your children with her microbikini tan tits
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>Joins your party
If her app is good enough then it won't matter, the vapes will be strong enough (at C1)
wuwakeks are proud of this cropped screenshot, from their launch month, where the android charts got broken for two weeks, where they lost to genshin by 45 million dollars anyways.
Bro it literally says hydro characters
She probably buffs vape since they know hydro is heavily HP based since 2.8
I'm gonna post scat prepare yourself
Yeah? Maybe you should eat some fries too!
no black girl should be good
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Damn she's weaker than Noelle...
Genshin also makes more money from PS5 and PC.
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dog? where?
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I will not address this either.
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>hyper mobile surfer gameplay looks aids description and gameplay wise
How does Mihoyo do it? Even with all its flaws it still maintains a level of quality far above any other action game.
>freeze team for mualani
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Her app can only be triggered by NA btw
B-but he's not trying to kill the traveler or the waifu's now, he totally doesn't still deserve death!
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Furina a cute!
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I know the media literacy here is pretty low but you guys have no idea how far above Hu is the most of the rest of the cast, additionally every single person that sees her will think "Yep, that's Genshin" the only other character that elicits that reaction is Klee but that comes with the pedo baggage
Map is designed with various ways of traveling. I don't see the issue.
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>fanta furina flops
>leakers revealed as frauds
>all they actually got is concept are, or snippets of concept are, and are smashing them together
>have to find another leaker who didn't bandwagon fanta furina
>this leaker is also full of shit, just didn't pile onto fanta furina
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That boy in shorts you posted?
Mogged by Sparkle.
If we want to be super specific:
2p: 20% HP
4p: using the burst gives X number of stacks (Yunjin/Shenhe's quill-type) that increase normal attack damage for the on-field character based on the wearer's max HP
They're too busy posting here and in /zzz/
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Stupid fischl couldn’t find Klee
fontaine characters are substantially better animated than 1.X and 2.X and 3.X characters. theyre also generally power creep.
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dehyaGODs holy FUARK
I love space Citlali
it is interesting they decided to gut her damage completely instead of equalizing it with neuvillette, I don't think anyone would complain if she was as good
I have to wonder if the "assists hydro characters" thing is the leaker trying to do their own theorycrafting. I don't imagine her assisting hydro in any way besides applying off-field pyro, which a handful of forward-vapers will use.
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you won't!

>28 seconds to hit 1 enemy
>d-doesn't count
Kek next cope
Maybe "to make him less poisonous" would be the best way to mention it? And it seems like they want to make the "normal beings" like Wanderer do it, rather than having some entities like Alice doing it, given the theme of Simulanka.
What happened to "like raidens e"?
>Jews would make the characters ugly in the process because it hurts the feelings of the women they're trying to spend money to seduce.
But I've been listening to everyone tell me that jews ran the porn industries...
>babbies first le quirky girl
I am a pathetic failed troll CONSUMED with trying to attack people who tell me i'm a failed troll. Reality literally hurts me.
sparkle is also a boy
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>another 5* hydro dps
Stop it.
>far above any other action game.
compared to other gacha-slops yeah mihoyo gameplay is unmatched, but never compare it to real games ala dmc n such
She's too busy sucking Wanderer off
If the pyro archon is really Xbalanque that would make 3 male and 3 female archons, 50/50 split, kek
>believing pre-beta kits
surely you guys don't do this
literally the most famous gacha character by a factor of like 5x

anyone disputing this is delu
Someone inside mihoyo's offices designed this by hand
>Several Fontaine characters have incredibly lazy kits,
more like the most innovative we've had since launch
>first gun users (Chevreuse, Navia and Clorinde)
>archon with two forms (Furina)
>hydro cannon (Neuvillette)
>pure slugger (Wriothesley, as opposed to Heizou who uses his legs)
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post something cute
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Is that a new leak? Because Neuv CA can trigger raiden E
Furina controls gravity
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yeah, a rerun of the queen of censorship that started a week ago during a boycot , its sad to see wuwatards not realize that not beating genshin at its worst point in history isnt an own. Wuwa is a genuinelly bad game only propped up by people with gds who can say nothing actually good about it without it being a comparisson to an alleged shit game
She's a cute girl, people will spend money regardless of her damage or playstyle. There's no real benefit to making her strong.
no because neuvillette counts if you're not delusional
It's altered pasta
best summer event so far?
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My 5* erotic wife.
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Jews capitalize on everything if they can deceive enough people. Porn is the result of feminism and natural supply/demand. Jews have no moral principles/nationalism/love for their people etc. so they will naturally fill every gap of supply/demand in the Western world.
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wait... is Mualani just hydro Euler?
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its Mualover............
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i like this image
>Mauvika will only apply on na
If she's supposed to work with Mualani she'll probably do it in intervals like B, Mualani can't use nas while on her shark (besides the strong hit)
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why is everyone posting on gig
not even sean would dare to step into this dogshit thread.
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kilala should join more events
I can't deny the pull...
Glad someone else has figured this out
so what is the benefit of making her weak
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I've been summoned to save /gig/
yeah but siggy and chiori flopped bigly because their kits are unappealing garbage
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>If they wanted to kill Durin, the Albedo+Klee duo could do it without much problem
The last time he showed up it needed a Dragon+Archon duo to kill him, what makes him confident they can beat the guy if hes still corrupted?
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Sparkle mogs her in sexiness, maybe? But Hu mogs her in design overall, Hu's silhouette is unmistakable, the design with the chinese flowers symbolizing death and rebirth is absolutely brilliant, the hat and shorts and cape perfectly fit her character, overall shes just pleasant to look at, even though I'd rather fuck Sparkle sexiness isn't everything, from a purely objective aesthetics POV Hu mogs all
I love King Navia.
But muh exploration! Why are you care about META in game for children? ROLL ROLL ROLL
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I am a winner CONSUMED with winning against people who beg me to address their laughable claims. I am literally thriving, in reality or otherwise.
I stopped playing DMC5 because it's cringe and dull. idk why so many people pretend to worship DMC and the long-dead dead character action genre no one actually spends their time on that shit. what people actually play is league, fortnite, and genshin.
>believing the fabricated hype
Lol zzz literally has an event where you have to watch a trailer to get gems
The shark girl having 25M views is completely organic kek
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>new players can't get Kirara in the event, you run out with 5 rolls left
that's too fucking funny, what a scummy dogshit company
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it begins
execute order 66
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genshit has no otaku appeal unless you are a cock starved homo tranny
which most normal people arent
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They won.
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He is busy over at /vp/
I think everything the witches touched should be culled, they have brought nothing but problems
>various ways of traveling
Sure? But it has to account for people who don't own the characters, and the traversal abilities are so diverse that the level design can't be strongly customized around using the new abilities. It's just a large vertical map.

So what's the argument in favor of having the abilities deactivate once you get to Snezhnaya? Especially since everyone will have already explored most of Natlan by 4.2, so if you get any of the characters on a rerun you won't have nearly as much to do with them.
Isn't it obvious? Making other characters who wouldn't sell as much stronger in comparison. If she's appealing in general and clears abyss easily, other characters are ignorable.
There is absolutely no way she is that unfun to play. Please tell me you guys are just making a joke
he's just like me
it's over
>Imagine skipping Mualani Lawrence for meta reasons
/gig/, you disappoint me.
Rolling for meta makes no sense. How many primos do you get by having the best meta character rather than the ones you like?
still on /vp/ huh kek
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What happened today?
Sure sure, whatever makes you cope at night fag
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Fine, I'll roll for her C6.
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She's not coming out until at least 5.2 so why are you believing kit leaks when we don't even know who's in 5.1 yet. It could be Sasuke but he could also be 5.0
Charlotte's kit is really cute and nice too. Not to mention her special gadget
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You see Yoimiya
I see freedom from ever having to equip amber for a puzzle again
nta but tabibito will purify durin just like dvalin. then durin will dransform into a sexy dragon girl and i will roll.
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Sparkle belongs to the sewers
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>I will pull every female!
>uhh uhhh ahehehe funds are getting right guess I'll skip emili-
Explain yourselves "waifukeks"
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Mauvika will make Nilou vape T0, screencap this
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It's my prophecy. I got a feeling they would try to cuck Neuv from her kits
No one is skipping Mualani. It's shitposters all the way down.
>I stopped playing DMC5 because it's cringe and dull
Tell me about the rest of the entries + other games like Bayo/NG in terms of getting jerked off too hard
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I will... make Mualani plunge...
/sbg/ is STILL a thing?
this but unironically
i guess we could say this before neuvillette
Are those furries?
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/gig/, KNEEL.
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She's very cute and soulful.
>into this dogshit thread.
you think this is dogshit? lmao
this thread is mid
you have neuvillette and anal worms
This is a Scarayume game, accept it.
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For me it's ZhongTao (Solar Beam).
Ok I kneel
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Weekly Pantalone ritualpost. Please don't give him a vision (but make him playable)
My deepest and sincerest apologies for flopping and ruining the game
How many times do you want people to tell you that she's fucking ugly?
Why is 4chan full of schizos?
playable hilichurls?
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Arle have a cock
Klee with months of prep time can probably vaporize everything on Dragonspine.
"An explosion that would make even Alice proud".
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NTA, I don't really care about pandering. But she does have nice jiggly booba and her kit is amazing.
I didn't see you last week
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I'd rather have sex with Hu Tao desupyon
Klee is massively powerful and so is Albedo. They probably can't kill it, but they can knock him back into dormancy.
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>No Genshin male has Aventurine's "come over here and ride me until your ovaries explode" look in his eyes because Genshin males are only for other Genshin males
How do we cope /gig/ sisters?
i accept your concession
Yoimiya is still the worst debut banner
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/gig/ is a straight man's general
most normal people aren't otakus either
Depending on the team you're fishing for vapes, energy, crits, and actually hitting the enemy
And all this to....do slightly more than arlecchino who can hit as wide as a truck
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you thanked kazuha for digging your grave
now you thank neuvillette for nailing your coffin shut
Calling Neuvillette an archon would be a grave insult to him, so no.
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Genshins for this feel?
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im saving!(i already own navia and nilou)
>Porn is the result of feminism and natural supply/demand
I don't think that getting underpaid and ran a train on by 10 tyrone really is empowering, especially when the bigger jews (card companies) raped the fuck out of sites like 2 years ago
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Topaz is so lucky
There's no way her debut did worse than Siggy's
why i am seeing so much aventurine straightwashing
>boethius tells us we are immune to phobos bullshit
>next patch the traveler gets fucked in the ass by the loom of fate which is literally the same exact thing
good god these writers fucking suck
I want to get raped by Sparkle so bad
Genshin just isn't the game to play if you like loli, and geo is just kinda uniquely cursed. Chiori is cute but not that cute, her design doesn't stand out much.
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There's no spinning around it. You lost, /gig/. It's time to throw the towel. Better late than never
im rolling emilie regardless myself, though only c0r0 for now and c2r1 on rerun.
How do I get more starsail coins besides the minigames? I still don't have Kirara but the combat trial is beyond impossible.
why is kiara from hololive holding hands with a self insert? i thought she was gay
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I LOVE FuTao posting.
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that thread went to shit>>486193226
I don't always make a weekly post, I forget sometimes, and I don't even do it at the same time anyway
>Space Kaveh who simps for his boyfriend space Alhaitham (Dr. Ratio)
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I only said this during 1.0 then I started seeing dykes and ugly girls made to appease women and a flood of faggots and mentally ill women.

Now I identify as Otto von Bismarck. What a journey as a man.
we won (at cuckoldry)
Kaveh or Neuvillette?
who is the bigger worm?
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Wife Hu, fuck sparkle I'd say, you just know Sparkle is the type of bitch to be loud as fuck in sex and shake her ass like a vibrator to harvest your cum like a combine harvester, while Hu is more vanilla in sex, but more caring in real life
Did he just no-way-fag her?
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Actually, Blue Archive has like zero hags, some look like hags but like none are over 18. I'd say 15-16 is the most represented age group. That anon gave you like the one game where hag lovers have nothing. Of course some might say looking like a hag is enough, but I'd disagree.
Get out of the bottom before talking shit homoslurper
Oh wait you can't lol
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So many newcuties getting filtered by the event
It's just lazy fomo bait while devs clearly running out of ideas what to do with new characters.
Neuvillette (Hydro Cannon)
Ajaw (Solar Beam)
Apep (???)
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fucking called it, i knew that navia will brag about the adventure the moment she gets home.
More like people flanderised the fuck out of her upon hearing about her prankster nature and ran with the flat brat correction after
she probably came many times there
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ugly girls need to cultivate better personalities
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I'm gonna miss Furina so much and now that floptaine is gone, the chances of her making an appearance again are as small as my dick.
Dendro hag (flat) who plays pokemon
Frenzy Plant
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>The permanent benchmark for every single future DPS is going to be how well they do compared to Neuvillette
Grim future
>Mavuika isn't the archon
if that's true then I won't be rolling for anyone in Natlan
I'm tired of this shit
Reminder that if you don't like Wormderer you should genuinely quit the game.
This event guarantees he will be plot relevant in the main storyline and most likely far more important than Tabibito.
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Forever in our hearts.
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I am monogamous. There's only one woman in my life, and her name is Hu Tao. Don't care about them other hoes.
That baby factory on the left...
Also the gold standard magnum opus in terms of character and story telling. Truly Neuvilette is the God of Genshin.
Why is /wuwa/ so dead and /gig/ so alive? Is everyone just posting here
finally genshin can start healing
maybe having different characters do different things is more fun than having every character turn into inferno rider until EOS (next year)
i want to see some cutscenes of the small head girl
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>gaylus indian posting out of context scenes to make anyone look for (you)
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>/gig/ loves to watch
Wanderer is a bro and if you disagree you are wrong. If the Hexenzirkel are OK with him, that shows he is a good dude.
But enough about Emilie already
>Actually, Blue Archive has like zero hags
That's why I even argued against it, if we run with hag=body type like we do here, then you still have a lot of different girls past someone like Shun/Kasumi/Kanna. And why I didn't counter Nikke even though that still has token chestlets and such
I think you can only get them from minigames
when are you going to stop being such a faggot? or admit what you are, one of the two
>Is everyone just posting here
If I told you yes, will you stop talking about /wuwa/?
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His game
>aventurine straightwashing
What does this mean?
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This right here is why she was nerfed. Fat people HATE
dislike wanderer? too bad, he'll be back as the central main character for the next dragonspine event too.
I lost a lot interest in the shitty plot due to Irminsul, and 4.x made it so I'll never even look at it again.
I always knew I was a Cuck
>Mavuika is not Pyro Archon
>they will probably make male characters as real Archon or they will do Neuv 2.0 and there will be no Pyro Archon at all
thank fucking God I didn't got new welkin or battlepass. This game and whole company may burn at this point.
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>copying Yae and Arlecchino

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I pretend to be a "yume" of my favorite character because /gig/ doesn't accept male fans of cool male characters
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simulankaxisters...... wtf........
genshin is the most popular and successful game on the planet, and wuwa is wuwa.
the consequences of giving him everything except for stagger resist at c0. people wouldn't like him nearly as much and arle would probably be the comparison if neuv didn't heal for half his health bar every 6 seconds.
I can't believe they cucked us out of even Navia. I'm fucking done with this shitty game. All in on ZZZ from here on out.
ACK moment.
I've no idea who you are or what you're talking about. This was my first post in this thread. I was agreeing with you.
And nobody will ever measure up unless they literally do 2x his dmg because there's no way mihoyo will EVER give someone the same brain dead AoE as him
Best region. Hoennfags can cope all they want about their water trumpets
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She's perfect
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Why the fuck is there no platinum medal for the combat event?
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bro, first you fuck sparkle once just to have that succubus shake out your cum with her spry japanese ass, then you marry Hu forever and settle for less violent sex in exchange for love and affection and raising a family, thats how the fuck marry kill memes work
If you told me yes I would ask why
who the fuck voted bottleland
Those Aether posts are even funnier than usual after what happened this event.
I am rolling Emilie out of pure contrarian reasons. I will also agree with anons that say she is ugly.
>Xbalanced will look like Lance
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>4 year old genshin lowest point = 38
>2 month old wuwa lowest point = 184
He spent a fair amount of time with another male character so that means he's turbogay, pretending otherwise is attempting to turn him straight.
Straightwashing, if you will
>acted the most evil of early harbingers
>the one shilled the most and forced as a good guy now
git gud
it's not like I can tell you apart because neuvkeks say that kind of shit unironically
Fontaine ended as massive flop and Natlan is going to be another shitfest based on leaks.
This game ended at early part of Sumeru
All I learn every time I ask why you all aren't pulling Emilie, is that waifukeks keep becoming homos and they're proud of it and try to make themselves cool for it
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>summer events have consistently gotten worse
I'd just friendzone Sparkle because she's quite pathetic desu
Man, why'd they not put that shit in the show. I almost pissed myself laughing reading it. I bet GRRM was in fucking tears.
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Cool, Jinhsi still sold more than the current cuck banner
I'm not rolling for an ugly woman when we have an entire region of cuter girls
Rather have this than cuckshit tbqh.
All the stars from past summer events are back in simulanka epilogue
>canadian aether when his male gf is here
ALL the past stars are here.
yeah just like fischlpags are the ones voting for gaa2
97% of non-virgins agree Masturbating feels better than actual sex

Watching is simply superior
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but she's a demon in bed
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>Hoennfags can cope all they want about their water trumpets
I can’t take it anymore I’m skipping natlan until neuv gets another rerun
>d-doesn't count
Gayshitters are embarassing stop making excuses homo slurper
GAA 1 > Simulanka > Bottleland > GAA 2
Simulanka is not worse than the others, it is just considered the 2nd best event.
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there's only one way you can still keep fighting
>call it summer event
>stop making it beach/vacation focused and even stop making more swimsuit costumes after GAA 1.0
well what a fucking surprised that every new "summer" event is worse and worse
you may not like it, but bottleland was peak summer event
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I want KFC


When are we getting the KFC wings?
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Would you trade her plumpness for her pre-nerf damage?
Now post honkai star rail.
i cant believe wuwiggers come to gig and salespost. L M A O
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>as long as they don't make someone stronger than him every future dps will guarantee several more Neuv threads
/gig/ will never escape him
uh oh wuwajeet melty
no, make her fatter
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Emilie is probably core for all future teams, so I am rolling.
She is Kazuha 2.0
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kot feet
GODvillette broke every metafag at once
Remember half of neuvillette's issues can be attributed to furina
They knew exactly what they were doing with the cons, the skills, and the massive synergy that still has not been seen since
It's one of the few times mihoyo has matched story with gameplay and clearly they were not ready to do that yet
lol, obsessed
Back to the topic, I don't know if having very restrictive exploration passive (and don't forget saurians are a thing), while being extremely janky to play and having combar performance on a level of late Inazuma chara is my definition of fun. On contrary, there will be like two characters in Sumeru worth rolling for and I don't know if I even give a fuck about them at this point.
Current event is a huge step up from Bottleslop and GAA2slop desu
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unfathomably based
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Ah yes, Mualani nerf was absolutely justified.
Becuase it's actually great when single target dps character deals less damage on single target than aoe dps character. Good and fair.
Do you think Kirara will get angry if you try to trim her nails?

>I would ask why
well, feel free to ask
They should've made a bare legs skin.
meant for>>487328019
Sewers are for peacocks like you.
>freeze team
you're all retarded
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I like Klee's mom, Genshin never had a hotter hag
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same bro but I spent my last disposable income of the funds on Ellen banner in ZZZ now I can't afford to eat out for at least the next week and am living off eggs and bread
2 more beta cycles... it COULD get worse
No one cares what's empowering, everyone is just doing what they can to survive. The difference is that Jews will sap everything out of everyone to put themselves up on pedestals with zero care for the welfare of anyone else. There is no greater calling. No desire to touch the hand of God. No fear for their soul.


Imagine every human being was like this, our society would be perpetually stuck in the stone age.
>shittier Nilou but for burning reactions team
well no thanks. I skipped Nilou and will do the same with Emilie. Specially that Pyro "Archon" is another support not DPS
So basically I'm just not gonna roll for Emilie
I know..... UGH I know....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not rolling for Emilie is all
>100% unprovoked shitposting
>!Akemi tries top pretend he's not the mentally ill one
>New leaks come out saying male units will be the "main characters of Natlan."
Do you have this leak?
I forgot to mention the poorfags, thank you for reminding me
If Kaveh went though the tenth of what Aventurine went though he would've killed himself already
>gayshitter still clinging to its past glories to cope its present
It's ok.
I (neuvGOD) will roll for her and put her in charge of the other abyss half.
I considered skipping her until I saw her numbers
I'm rolling Emilie for her numbers and kit.
I voted for GAA2 because of Mona's Island
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Nice try, but no. GAA2 is widely considered as the best summer event by everyone who isn’t assmad about being incapable of solving puzzles.
Yeah being able to put new traversal abilities on characters you already own instead of rolling for new characters is cringe desu. It just feels more valuable when you pay for it. Same reason I'm happy they removed updrafts from burning grass in the beta, much more sovlful if you need venti to do it.
Nilou feet
I've noticed how a lot of them like to claim that Simulanka suddenly got "better" when Fischl showed up after shitting on the event for days. They're not even shameless in their blatant bias.
I will have about 120 pulls by the start of 5.0.
Will I be able to have Chasca, Pyro Archon and Mualani?
F2p (Welkin, BP)
I just wanted anything for burning at this point and her legs are hot.
I don't think she's gonna be that great before Mavuika and let's be rerun - they definitely gonna rerun her at the same time, just like they did with Baizhu and Furina.
basado, genshin also needs some god incest
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Holy shit. /hsrg/ is fucking cancer
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I was considering that too since she has some pretty decent plunge multipliers iirc. Too bad that'll probably work really poorly with marking targets and her E in general.

>if we run with hag=body type like we do here
It's a bit of a mix of factors. You've got to account for age and persoanlity like with our lolibaba Dori, lolibaba is essentially the hag/loli tag combined. But I wouldn't call Nahida/Qiqi lolibabas even though technically they are, since they don't really act in a fitting way. Then you've got Faruzan which has the "hebe" model but is definitely a hag personality and age wise. And Navia who has the "hag" model but doesn't really have the age or personality for it. What I'm trying to say is hag is a spectrum.
What's so bad about Emilie aside from having a basic looking design? Burning support is a legitimate niche and whilst her outfit is last season she's got a very cute personality!
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cant have anyone threaten toilet hegemony
it WILL get worse, the year of homos that was supposed to end with fontaine never ended
it will never end
its going to be eternity
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I had to look up a Youtube clip to see if the previous Abyss cycle had the same enemies because that slime monolith floor also gave me the shits and caused me to use an actual team for the first time on floor 11 in like a year or two. Yet it was exactly the same as the previous version, which I didn't even think about twice.
Could Neuvilette tank the Solar Beam from C6R6?

I don't think he's stronger than Origin Palkia.
how would you fix genshin’s writing
uh oh now sean is here
there is ZERO way its worse than /gig/
No problem bro, enjoy the additional cope
>game is impossible for new players to get into
>all new content exclusively for whales
why our game die doe
/gig/ continues to prove what other generals say about us
Shitposting trannyschizos will ignore how Mualani has a freeze team in this image.
>it WILL get worse
>it's female
>I roll
>it's male
>I skip
simple as
most of the important characters are third years, most squads only have one 15 year old
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Mavuika will be Pyro _______
GAA2 just lacked a stronger cast. Mona and Fischl are OK, but... I don't even dislike the other two but they aren't good as event carries.
>first alice meetup was a stenograph
>second alice meetup is a lamp
>third alice is... the same lamp from last time
How fucking lazy are they?
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don't bully fischl-posters
/gig/ is still better than the Fire Emblem generals, bruva
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She's kinda ugly, I don't want her.
The 2nd straight male on /gig/...
Truth nuke.
Also, Fischl and Mona are just better at carrying an event than Klee. I'd say this even applies to Xinyan, too.
She isn't really burning support - burning supports her.
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You want vape? Here's vape.
See how this amazing single target dps deals uuh 0.2k dps more than aoe dps. And with much less clunk to boot. No we really needed that nerf, it was absolutely necessary.
It's full of shippers wtf did you expect?
why so greasy
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current glories, their lowest point its still 5x higher than an absurdly shilled new game by tencent. /wuwa/ entire exitence is based around killing genshin, hoyo BROKE you
Blonde and dark green kinda look bad together, if her outfit was any other color I would roll
you get enough rolls to hard pity her why the fuck are you swiping
wtf I love kaeya now?
Bottleland and GAA2 were equally bad imo. I really hated these events.
honestly despite how ugly her design is I'm only rolling because female dendro 5* are way too rare and I just know that they're going to cook with pyro loom so she will soon leave my nilou/aggravate teams
I've been asking for an character that plays a role on burning since early sumeru, there is no way i'll skip on her.
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i hereby declare this event as the kinoest of kinos.
events story implications on teyvat are interesting and the dragon encounter was very memorable. kirara outfit is mega cute, kirara is mega cute, alices den was really cool, navia is king.
post event familiar faces visiting the world is nice and it will only get better if they will make them move around every once in a while to give the impression of them actually also exploring it.
it was a little shorter than i would like it to be, but overall i think that its my favorite exploration event so far. a pleasant surprise after all the doomposting.
He's a hudro type but quite tanky. I'd say he could survive one hit
>lolibaba is essentially the hag/loli tag combined.
Kuzunoha banner eventually..surely...
>No Sucrose
It's cool I didn't want to feel cucked by Albedo
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they know is they show her too early it will spoil the fantasy, she's like a popular e girl that is edging us not wanting to show us all the good stuff at once. but boy o boy will people burst once she is shown
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It's possible, I imagine it's gonna come down to 50/50s though
This is so out of character. Hu Tao would never be startled by a stupid little sparkler.
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Please don't mog Fischlpags again FurinaGODS... I beg of you...
started late and couldn't grind day n night fori t
>26 vs 28
>200 extra damage for 2 extra seconds
Neuvbros she's still stronger than him despite the nerfs we got too cocky......
mihomo should have sent death squads to the neuvfags houses to execute them
Germans look like THIS?
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LMAO he was right >>487328562
>r1 jade vs r5 widsith
>same damage
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i find it a little sad that as soon as they release xianyun every character that comes out after her has some dumbshit "e mode state" that doesn't synergize with plunging
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Calm down, ClericOfTech.
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an unvoiced quest with THE characters from THE game and the plot is kinda interesting? holy shit what happened here fat xiao this is not like you
which widsith rng roll is this too
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It just keeps happening
>this is a brain of your typical Neuv fag
Cannot say I'm surprised.
the peruan is pretty vocal about his fischl bias, but he was always an insufferable faggot so makes sense
>boy o boy will people burst once she is shown
absolutely no one will care
>advertise a free Kirara
>gatekeep her from new players with an impossible timed combat trial
it's funny how much they want this game to die
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>Theyear plan was a massive fucking mistake.
No matter how good a game can be, even a Gatcha, how can it live for the 6+ years required for the story to unfold.
QoL improvements are literally like rain in the desert or panic-deployed, artifacts are still a huge pile of shit, and characters are now uninteresting and inevitably boring. People get tired, competition (even internal) arises.
Not to add that, since it is designed to run on mobile mostly, technically ages like milk in the sun.
I suspect a Bleach-like disastrous ending, and I have to wait for years to see it
only women find that homoslop quest interesting
Nice cope, but I'm not the one making excuses to why gayshit flopped though
>swiping for Ellen
I sure hope you got Lycaon because the cops are are going to make you wish you had more cash
>he keeps on deflecting to the puzzles
GAA2 started the wordslop and longass questline trend that Sumeru and Fontaine is infamous for btw
skip button
That was the price to c6 my Furina Lawrence. Now I will have to be strategic about pulls for a while. And it is not like Natlan will have unlimited male banners like Sumeru for me to save.
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Natlan is so ass. It beggars belief that Hoyo would put so much love and care into upholding the cultural integrity of Liyue while pissing and shitting all over everything that’s non-CN/JP, nor European. I tend not to get offended by these things, but when I saw the supposedly Nigerian character (picrel), I was appalled. I’m proud of my Yoruba heritage, and to see such a lazy, borderline disrespectful interpretation felt like a glob of spit in my face. Forget the skin colour, the outfit alone is appalling. If they wanted to make some kind of hipsterish, colourful graffiti region full of pale/tanned Chinese characters then they could have done so without pretending to skinwalk our people. Disrespectful and crass. I’ve perma-deleted my account already and will find something else to occupy my time.
kill neuvillette
>an impossible timed combat trial
just attack, anon. what are you even doing?
Neuvillette is a kind and compassionate man.
He would NOT like seeing so many characters nerfed to prop himself up.
He would rightfully call it unjust.
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>Blonde and dark green
Worked for honcuck
>impossible timed combat trial
come on now
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I want both cops + miyabi thats it, not that interested in the other chars, so whether I'll swipe or nah remains to be seen, probably not tho I'd rather eat out more I'm craving greasy food daily these days
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>it's meta
>I roll
>it's not
>I skip
simple as
Literally no reason to roll for any other dps if they're not better than neuv. All dps banners are guaranteed flops now. No one will roll for anything anymore.
introduce more neuvillettes
it's very obvious it's not him writing that
>nahida, zhongli, XL
She won't want this team over using Kazuha, Yelan and any random pyro. Rn, Thoma and Dehya are unironically good options for her. But the pyro archon should improve things for Mualanj quite a lot in this shit pyro economy.
>inb4 but she'd buff Neuv more
Neuvillette is worse for forward vape due to how his kit works.
>impossible timed combat trial
How is it impossible?
if you get max score on everything else you probably dont even need to do the combat ones, if anything you can easily clear it on 1x and that should be enough
I fvcking kneel...
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no he's socially retarded like all his fanatic worshipers, he couldnt even figure out that the guy and his pet melusine gave their lives to prop him up
>Neuvillette is a kind and compassionate man
Too bad the devs aren't
I will roll for who I like.




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That's not dark green blindbro
26 second neuvillette 52.6
28 second mualani 52.8
Learn to read the image before you embarrass yourself again
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I feel you, I was hoping a cute plunge synergy girl would come soon after her release too. But I'm fine with doing jank things like plunge Navia/Yae/Klee while I wait. I like ploonging so being able to play older characters in new ways is nice by itself even if it's not particularly meta.
Skill Issue
>massive synergy
You are half right. One of the main selling points of his c1 and the elemental restriction is so players can run him with furina. But the problem isn't really furina it's the fact that he hits everything in a cone in front of him. The HP manipulation and self heal he has is most likely intended so he can charge furina by himself. Comparing his self heal to the other fontaine characters like wrio and lyney is laughable.
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If you can't get 5K in the fights you'll miss out on a total of 15 coins which puts you at 60/75 which is exactly what you need to get Kirara
If you can't even get 2000 points in the fights then you're too new to even have to worry about these things t b h
I gave up during Liyue AQ. Genshin story was never meant to be good.
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>finding that garbage interesting
My condolences.
im not even a fischlfag, its just the very last thing that i did in the event lol
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damn chong getting all that hag action
Is the combat trial really hard? Other than my Klee team, I didn't use very strong teams on the other side.
fuck off shounenfag
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introduce less worms in your ass
why are bejitabros like this?
Genxisters… it’s so over for us. The ugliest most annoying thing you’ve ever seen is better because it’s more blacker
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>fontroons teaming up to shitpost the new natlan characters
say it ain't so!
>be me
>ex-/gig/ resident
>decided to check on /vg/
>clicked on /gig/
>it's the same old same old shipping spam garbage
>no gameplay discussion whatsoever
>just a bunch of retards baiting each other
lmao ahahaha. well I am glad that I have uninstalled any kind of gachaslop garbage out of my system. I cannot imagine playing this garbage and interacting with losers like all of you for the rest of my life.

don't mind me, I am gonna spend my free time learning about the collapse of Mongol Empire instead. Maybe rewatching some KINO 2024 Hungarian Grand Prix highlights from last week after that. Oh shit, I forgot that my car battery is completely dead and needs replacing, just what I needed after being back from holiday
bye lol
hey koult
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>fears he will become corrupted like Durin and transform into a rabid monster that will have to be put down
>Cinnabar Spindle's lore says the sword can "withstand the corruption of a venom that could corrode a mighty dragon,"
>implies he might've found a way to circumvent it
>probably used the purified essence he extracted from the traveler at the end of The Chalk Prince and The Dragon to create the Spindle
>Cinnabar Spindle's lore also has Rhinedottir telling Albedo to "reach the far side of philosophy, and create a new destiny for myself and your brothers."
>a "Spindle" is defined as "a round stick with tapered ends used to form and twist the yarn in hand spinning the long slender pin by which the thread is twisted in a spinning wheel"
>which would naturally remind one of a loom, which is "an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread," which implies connection to a loom of fate
Albedo might've cracked the code of defying his own fate, which is what Rhinedottir tried and failed to do.
Get some competent writers, and only straight men. No femorrhoids and faggot subhumans allowed.
That's great anon. Sadly, that mindset doesn't sell banners.
can someone tell me why we're letting these spics shitpost mualani?
who asked tho
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>Neuv fag doesn't know what DPS mean
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tbf this team hits like a truck(chiori replaceable)
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cared enough to blogpost
you lost
polite shotas are rapebait for mature women
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>fontaine characters are substantially better animated
For every furina and Lyney you have a wrio or Neuv, or Chevy with boring as fuck animations, or a Chiori continuing the status quo.
Balances itself out quite well.
anyone who is loyal to fontaine has already sold their soul to the toilet, their words are as worthless as an eye of the storm
Did you finish your physics book?
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Tell me again why you wouldn't use Emilie with mualani
Just need a reminder after that embrassing calc
remove male characters. The less dicks in story the better.
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>diverse applied only o the skin color
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Reminder that Nahida and Dendro originally broke the meta. Sumeru should be nail'd
is meant for>>487329828
this sums up my problem with Neuvillette I don't mind him at all but how he's focused on by the devs makes it bad.
It's over, only level 100 can save us
Thanks you
Because their banners go right after eachother
huh, people play it because they like the gameplay. Not that easy to find open world games with good movement and combat. I do think it has pretty notable advantages over genshin gameplay-wise (while genshin has other strengths)
That said I don't wanna participate in any schizo gacha wars.
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If the game is under your charge it will be the most p2w gacha game with pvp and ladders. If I want that, I can just play any of those 2D auto battler gacha games.
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The navia set and for weapons, I'm not sure about 5 stars but they're all good. For 4 star weapons I like using flowing purity; Widsidth is too rng for me.
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don't forget emilie having probably the worst animations in the game
stop whitewashing characters and more diverse cast interactions that’s all i ask for
only if that ends up buffing old characters with a new passive if not it'll kill the game even harder
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Yeah, I've been running that team with Yae instead of Chiori the most these days. I'm hoping Xilonen really synergizes with Navia because she's who I'm looking forward to the most in Natlan.
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kneel before your king, worms
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I just finished my fresh roadkill tamales and now I'm about to jerk off to Neuvrina NTR
Nah this one doesn't feel right, shenhe would say master but idk about ganyu
let's be honest, things were better back in Mondstadt and Liyue
Now THIS is a guy that likes to watch! A true GenshinGOD!
I can't stop thinking about Hu tao legs...
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my goat doesn't look like that
So she can never Vape?
Imagine how delicious Ganyu's cocogoat milk must taste
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Mi querida esposa Mexica Ajolote Citlali
>Neuvrina NTR
Share it
naviacord raid
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I kneel naviaKINGS
Why do chinks like scp so much? Their novels are full of scp themed shit too.
because my dogshit starter characters do no damage?
it leaves you 5 rolls short. lol.
>you're too new to even have to worry about these things
you're right, I just should just not worry about getting characters. Just stick with Kaeya and Lisa and not get Kirara for another year.
No shit, it's a FGO shithole now.
The alternative would be nothing selling at all. I guess that's what you want huh.
troll free OP
fuck off cuckfag you lost
Math fags were mistake, but at least I assumed some of you understand what you are reading.
>>it leaves you 5 rolls short. lol.
Bullshit, if you do everything else except the 5K points you should have enough
>Not that easy to find open world games with good movement
The former's easy
If the genshin truly has nothing to sell, you won't be here doomposting about it everyday. The CCs won't be spending all day hyping up genshin killers. The server would have closed down already. Who are you trying to bullshit? Like I've said, if you want a game with tones of powercreep, you will find plenty in gacha. Many of them are eagerly waiting for your generous spending.
And how do you sell things? You have to be an absolute moron to believe that it's fine to release a product that's worse than what you have now.
>And how do you sell things?
How have they been selling things? How did they make any money with deyha? By your logic, genshin has been making almost no money most of the time. Why are we even having genshin killers for? To kill a game that makes no money?
How do you not feel retarded for saying "sean" like this. Literally all you doing is admitting you have no proof your boogieman exists, and you have to make up random shit to cope.
"Wait for Snezhnaya" has been such a nerf for characters like Cheld too. Bro can't do nothing but job for five years.
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so what Natlan crumbs did we get from the summer event?
Dehya made no money you idiot. That's why she's in standard. How long are you going to be willingly obtuse about this?
Wait... So Emilie has a skill with higher uptime than cooldown as well as her ult also triggering the deployable from that skill... And you can't have multiple on the field at the same time. Wtf? And this is a 5* character's kit. One single ability with no variance. Nothing but a vase bot.
So that 13mil all went to cyno's rerun because he was busted electro dps huh? Or are you suggesting that hoyo has been selling powercreep every patch until Neuvilette? Fucking disingenuous little seanig faggot.
So why would they put her in standard. Fucking idiot.

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