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Previous thread: >>487245480

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

>Current Events

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.07.25 — 2024.08.08
[000] W Corp. L3 Cleanup Captain Outis
[TETH] Fell Bullet Heathcliff

>Current Extractions

2024.07.11 — 2024.07.25
[000] Dieci Association South Section 4 Director Meursault
[WAW] E.G.O Contempt, Awe Ryōshū

2024.07.11 — 2024.07.25
Target Extraction: [ Sinclair ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Rodion's ridiculously fat dumptruck ass
It’s not very big, look at the official art
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When will we gets to pull Dante ids?
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zena had a bad dreammmmm
binah please save meeeeeeeee
>look at the official art
We had multiple cantos for that to change, however.
ill fart in your ass
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Faust Love
And it hasn’t
good post
Limbus Company but it's that episode where Squidward moves to a gated community of other squids with Dante and a bunch of clockheads instead.
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ErlkoNIG soon...
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Do retarded uptie V predictions
Hindcliff will make many distort.
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Suncliff will still be shit
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N Sault
> Skill 2 - Becomes white. Sin Affinity is the same of the previous 000 N Corp Identity Skill's Sin affinity
N Don
> Skill 2 - Convert Tremor into Tremor - Skewered, applies (Tremor Count) Nails whenever bursted
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EVERY ID is standardized to have 13/16~20/20~32 as their skill rolls, whether from meeting conditionals or just naturally having the means to hit those values
But anyway, Mariachi Sinclair becomes a Sinking Count machine with his crits now also having a mini-sinking Deluge effect
What's happening here?
Its guaranteed
still shit
He's looking at one of those EPI images.
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Made this to celebrate all of you in this thread
thank you bwo
This is amazing
kill yourself sis
thanks anon
this is the kind of insanity this thread needs honestly
Whats the 6 other sins?
I want a fucking gamblecore ID. I want 1-40 on skill 1. I want a new buff that gives/remoces coins. I want an S3 that can triple crit
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>discord shitters all popping out of the woodwork
Look buddy, your astroturf campaigns don't work. We can all see through them. So how about you all save yourself some time and just go back already?
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Go back.
I just started playing 3 days ago. If I can't fully complete mirror dungeons is it still worth spending energy to claim the rewards for the weekly bonus?
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>run a sinking MD team
>bambo hatted kim 2nd~3rd floor
>apply 100 limbillon sinking on him
>0 dmg
>mfw this faggot has a sanity meter so any sinking above 45 does jack fucking shit.
>fuck you
i would be happy if it did even like 1/4 dmg when you reach the cap because this is bullshit. it's a bootleg rupture. shit
I just thought it was funny bro, made me chuckle, have a lil laugh. I still hate faggots
Yes? Probably? How far did you reach in MD?
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>hit 150 max enk
>now divides evenly into modules
>nothing left over
my satisfaction is immense
UTV overhauls all defensive skills, primarily counters and guards to bring them up to par with evasion
anon what the fuck are you talking about
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Thank you
the gay discorders are out to get him
<Mersault, take off his skin.>
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get a load of this bigot over here, why don't you head on back to whatever fascist reddit you came from
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Quick Charon sketch before going to bed. Goodnight /lcg/. Hope this thread will be good
Damn, sucks to be him
That'd be pretty fun if TT Hongers was given that treatment for his s1 and s3 on UT5
thank you anon, goodnight
the thread won't be good
Director is a hack and won't buff old IDs
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this thread
I drew Rodya fat
I drew Rodya small
keep the good work anon
kill yourself
You know how people saying Spicesang is overrated and isn't necessary for sinking teams? Yeah, those guys are complete fucking retards as it turns out
small (child)
goodnight anon, let Charon drive you to sleep
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Goodnight, anon.
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Post it
Hag Hub or Cunny Collective?
I didn't actually draw, but I guess I'll do it later
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Some people can't even dig a simplest jokes.
/CC/ sounds alright.
The wintry breeze of the Country could be felt even within the confines of this homestead. Eighty-three days had passed since I came here to live with my Beloved, and so, only seven days remained before we would have to pack up our belongings and return to the City.
Neither. This is a dumping ground.
Post the loli Ryoshu pics, you know the ones.
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I'm ready, I'm ready.
put one of them back anon, you know we can only afford six sinners
Janny would FREAK
I was on a bus and got smooshed but a fat lady who sat next to me
Fat people shouldn’t sit next to anyone
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Arrivederci, Yi Sang.
For real. I don't use public transportation but if I did only cute and stinky femcels are allowed to sit next to me.
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good riddance, he belongs on team rupture anyway
Catbox them then, pussy.
The fat woman was Rodya btw.
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Meur WOULD do that.
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Any of these worth sparking or should I keep saving for future IDs/EGOs?
I've only got about 1.3k boxes saved at the moment
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Anon... most of anons just shitting for fun; not even discordtroons and twitteroids THAT delusional with a few exceptions. They won't change a thing, don't worry. They're useless parasites that can only steal and corrupt. PM knows that and this is why they ignore western audience. They're not important. I hope this will help you a little.
Post your booty and I'll tell you
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Oufi and Tcorp Don are cool in tremor teams
Sinclair's Frog EGO is better than his base Zayin desu
Why are you so gay? I had never seen such a gay post here and I have read people wanting to suck cocks here
Cinq Outis is a fun and good 00 by comparison to most
Persuance is a decent all-around EGO
glupo sinclair is a straight upgrade from BoK but also who uses EGO on sinclair anyway
Glupo Hong + T Rodya + T Don + Oufi are all great tremor things together but shit on their own
if that's Dim Shredder for Yisang it's great for rupture but bad for Hong
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Because sometimes people are tired of the same jokes. Or maybe because i think that you're unfunny.
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Of the wings we know of, which do you think (other than L corp and Rcorp) have the most combat experience?
My vote is Wcorp.
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I wish Abnormalities were real.
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Do not ask how i know that
>My vote is Wcorp.
They aren't necessarily passengers on Warp Trains you know.
1 potency effects will be upgraded to 2 potency
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Don STOLE damage. My hard mode for tomorrow is done.

Rose Rodya and Rose Meur get changes thanks to a small change done to Reverb as a status in general. From dealing sloth damage equal to potency to dealing sloth damage equal to how much the stagger threshold was raised.

Right now they have a gimmick that they raise stagger higher than what the potency actually is with their effects. This doesn't translate to more damage with reverb but if changed so that reverb does damage equal to how much the stagger threshold was raised those two actually just do more damage with reverb specially Rodya who has a 40% increase to how much she raises the stagger threshold with her passive.

Sunshower Heath gets his sanity changed to be along the lines of Kim. He loses sanity on clash win and wins sanity on clash lose. Just for fun.
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Just give EXALT some swords and they'll fit just right
You actually are gay holy shit
Just like the anon whose cock he is sucking they cannot read sarcasm and the like.
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They’re not even on good terms lol
The borderguard corp (Z)
Wcorp employees has to deal with insane passengers all the time, I feel like they're the only wing with semi-regular combat
>WCorp is only the train
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You may not love your family but they still can beat your ass
tfw EXALT was literally just the Bureau from xcom declassified.
wonder why they sided with the ayys.
im going to fucking piss myself
>tfw EXALT was literally just the Bureau from xcom declassified
Eh, i wish they'd dig that more than simple clothes
>Gets advanced weaponry
>Gets bonus augmentations that basically turn them into ninjas
They're just Quislings really.
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Sinclair, watch your tone...
Okay Yi Sang, really cool.
Anon I think you should just clearly state your point rather engaging in this autistic fake quoting.
Yes Wcorp does more than their transport business, their singularity is essentially reverting to a save state not the rip space tech they acquired from a failed nascent wing.
But the trains still imply semi regular combat with possible insane fixers and fingers. Which is more thank Wings like Kcorp have unless rebellions and terrorist attacks by their staff is a regular occurrence.
Which sinners could Dante bully into a casual goon sesh?
clean it up janny
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Someone comm this artist for more Rodya fat art NYOW
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Don would be into it
>I feel like they're the only wing with semi-regular combat
I dunno about that. It's sort of implied that every corp engages in violence in one way or another, even if its only with the grunts at the very bottom.
>Anon I think you should just clearly state your point rather engaging in this autistic fake quoting.
I'm not him.
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>It's sort of implied that every corp engages in violence in one way or another, even if its only with the grunts at the very bottom.
The worldbuilding's inconsistent about whether life in the City really is a Darwinian cyberpunk hellhole where violence is part of everyday life or just South Korea but worse.
>artist I recently saved art from deleted everything
I am sad
When are we making a PMbooru? We exchange so much Twitter art that'll be lost to time without an active archive effort
God I wish they didn’t nuke their account
There was a cute one of them sleeping together with a night gown/ pajamas on
(They also drew big binah boobies)
...I don't know how to make a booru
>The worldbuilding's inconsistent about whether life in the City really is a Darwinian cyberpunk hellhole where violence is part of everyday life or just South Korea but worse.
It's both. All the bureaucracy is fake engagement to mask the cult of violence crowding the City at every waking moment. A comfy Nest life is built on the foundations of blood.
There’s danbooru but it’s shit for anything that’s not limbus atm
Nonsense. We have no use mingling with backstreet shitters
Almost a year since the incident… so many old artists… lost to time…
People should be nicer to artists, because even “tolerant” people who say just draw what you want get upset when people do just that (they seethe at the big tit binah artist constantly)
Now what about a second incident?
What's on your mind?
No, we should stop coddling artists and their tantrums.
I miss this artist...
People should be nicer to people, online interactions are basically hogwash through and through, artist or not.
Someone post that comic where the sinners got aged down, it was cute but I was at work at the time and never got to save it
doki doki waku waku
I dm them demanding nudes (of them)
Never said anything about tantrums
Most of the time these artists get shit despite not saying anything
>Meursault just turns into Shota Hokma
Just get rid of the terminally online leftists
I wish I could just leave, tbdesu.
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For some reason I want to step and crush her legs.
Zoomers can't function without being cringe online
people should be nicer until there is a good lora model of them
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Shincwair... N.Corp laid off the Inquisitor Department... I lost my job and my Hammers... Guido had to pawn off his mask and works at Arby's... he can only afford one ampule a day... can I have that coin back? Pwease?
this is my fetish
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Just give me my Happy Meal already.
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The Beast
>People should be nicer to artists
This but the opposite. Artists nowadays are by and large a bunch of sanctimonious pricks with non-worthwhile opinions. Porn artists are the worst.
Ignore the anon above me, he's delusional
Listen to the anon above, he gets a lot of pussy
I will only be nice to PROVEN cute and stinky femcel artists
That is a very strange way of saying an artist refused to draw your voreflation mpregnation request for free
Listen To Me Instead
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Snotty predictable reply = Ugliness

A porn artist's drawings reflect the interior dimensions of their soul.
So the man of rectangular containers looks like a fallout centaur?
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You send a tiny batch of sinclair voreflation mgprenation requests to the same artist and all of a sudden you're "psycho" and "harassing him". It's all because of woke.
Interesting way to say you're a sycophantic cuck for some two-bit porn peddler comm whore "artist"
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Oh wow, are we doing the
>not an artist
thing again? Been awhile. I wonder if it's the animals don't have free will guy.
I think we should be meaner to artists actually.
>t. person who draws
>I wonder if it's the animals don't have free will guy.
I forgot that faggot existed
Fuck you anon
People won't demean you to get you off anon. You have to pay for it.
Ok, You're a cutie! I bet you draw well and soulfully! You do great work!
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>paying to get off
lol, lmao.
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I would pay to spoil a cute and stinky femsang
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You will wegret this Shincwair... I am She Who Grips the Fry Basket, the purger of impurities in the Icecream machine.
And we're out of happy meal toys.
I pay to spoil a cute and stinky femsang
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>artist is good
kill them! bully them off the internet!
>artist draws like an 8 year old (may actually be one)
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*I* did this.
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>And we're out of happy meal toys.
I don't think you should be interacting with 8 year olds anon.
We live in an age where underage girls groom adult men
This but unironically, holy shit discord is a wild place for an old man.
Absolute kino and the whole meltdown really made me like Netzach
Blue Archive
I'm the victim, anon.
This is so real. The other day a girl forced me to pet her head. I felt so violated. I cannot look at my wife with honest eyes anymore.
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Give me the next best thing before I go over the counter.
Wow, can't believe you'd just go and out yourself as a petophile like that.
I'm sorry, I know I should've worn mittens. My bare hands were just so inviting. I didn't mean to.
Round and round we go
Holding onto pain
Driven by our egos
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Where's my FUCKING money anon? Huh? Is that all? Don't fuck with me.
I've been terminally online since I was 12 and I've never interacted with a woman that entire time.
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You have and I guarantee it. There's women among us all the time.
T. Don and Rodya are very worth it if you're a Tremor enjoyer. Hongers Wailing is mandatory for Tremor. Rest are whatever.
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We know
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Stop posting Doroshu's
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I wonder if there are limbabs who have saved even the most garbage of my drawings
no i will not post examples
>This is so real.
leftist lingo. leave right this instant
I'm playing stardew valley and growing crops RIGHT NOW.
>Not just smoking fishes
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Reminder that grills online are sus unless they can provide proof
Anons don't count.
I have of course. I have given them a form of flesh and bone, carved them deep into mine own beating heart, where they rest next to my restless soul.
For as long as I draw breath, they shall exist in one form or another, artist Anon.
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I did, yeah. I won't post any examples either though.
Yi Sang isn't afraid of fishermen is he?
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I save OC no matter what.
Anons are all smelly loser men.
Have you limbus?
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Goodnight /lcg/
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The impossible dream...
im not smelly
Das Kreatur
I think so
it's crazy that your tisim is so strong that you never noticed
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>anons actually think foids are among us
Lmao. Weak women couldn't handle the xtreme discourse of /lcg/
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You're just imagining things anon.
this but with boys
Now, I'm not a pedophile, BUT
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but have you gangnam like i have?
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Did you draw Meursault
I... I think so...
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i don't send dickpics to women heavier than 55kgs, sorry
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holy shit
surely you meant 45?
also it's hand pics, duh
same here, I only send my dick picks to men under 55 kg
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My fellow Limbabs, I come to you today in a time of great crisis. As Blue Archive is doing its 100 free rolls, and Hina's event is ongoing, I must relay to you unfortunate news. I will be skipping ALL my mirror dungeons to focus on Hina's event, as the Hiniature takes priority over all things. While this is just an excuse to be overdramatic and have fun saying stupid shit, I ask for your understanding and forgiveness for this troubling event. Thank you for listening, for I must now go laugh at Makoto for being stupid, and jack off to Eroha.
No one wants to see your misshapen mangled cock bwo.
90% of guys don't know how to take nice aesthetics pictures period
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i spit on your luck, may you receive nothing
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What did he mean by this?
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10 words or less
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dont show your face around these parts again
ive drawn every sinner pretty much at least once
damn, that means you're not me, I'm still missing a few
I see some of my literal 30 seconds in MS Paint drawings show up once in a blue moon on here, so no doubt someone liked it enough to keep it
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I'm skipping my mirror dungeons to jack off to Iroha.
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>ever having pictures of your uncovered hands
WOW. I'm not THAT much of a whore
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We are gonna pummel you to death
More plump women for me
see? it wasnt that hard
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This one?
Well yeah, but it's feels fun to indulge in prose at times.
I got Hot Spring Chinatsu for my first pull. Just like how I WILL get W Outis on my first pull, as I did with Ring Sang.
Hods clothes in Ruina are confusing me
Is the black part of the dress attached to the skirt, or Is it separate?
I save all Saults. Thank you for your service anon.
That's exactly it, saved, thanks anon
I know we're in an anonymous money trading forum, but you really shouldn't self-report like that
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Stop victim blaming
I could have saved her.
makes me sad that in modern day times I'll never find a decent guy that hasn't plastered photographs of his genitals everywhere for anyone to see.
I hate it.
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>Outis CV is the same CV for Koyuki
I am one of those two things
I just wanted to make all those girls having a hard time happy....
I slapped my belly too much now it hurts
A dick pic is the first thing I show every woman I meet. I have collected 38 restraining orders so far.
What fighting game and what character does each sinner play?
Ryoshu plays Marvel and she plays X-23, Dormammu, Vergil.
I would have for sure thought Ryoshu would be a Mortal Kombat player for the fatalities, but I can see her doing Marvel too.
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I'd say the black part is just a panel of the shirt. Black panel is shortest, white part is longest and brown part middling between the two.
I've only played mvc so that one and they all used hulk and war machine like me too
Just plaster photos of your tits everywhere first sis
they are not trannies though?
MK would be too slow and laggy for Ryo.
Dickpics are always more for guys than girls anon. All it lets a female know is condition of your environment and if it's ugly/dirty or not.
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I have spent 0 thread and 0 exp tickets on every single tr*mor ID/EGO
My dick is comically small
You don't need to tell us bro. That's how we know you don't have a sub 60.
I have sharded UT'd and max lvl'd every Tremor ID.
Think about it this way, do you think a woman would get horny by seeing nothing but a dick?
I would never take a photo of myself in that way, let alone send it to strangers. I cannot fathom it.
No, I think a woman would get horny by seeing nothing but MY dick.
True me and my bros send each other dick pics all the time. We used to dick-check in person everyday way back when, but then high school was over, and people started going to college and found jobs and relationships, and you know how it goes.
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No all the girls like it when I show off how much I can cum!
pyost dyick NYOW
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This, but also the other way around
There's a lot of girls I've met that don't even take a nudge to send bob and vagene I don't send those kind of pics, met a girl that kept asking for one which was weird
That sounds about right,
I’ve seen some people draw it like it’s connected at the back, and the game doesn’t give too much attention to it either
It’s cute but confusing
I would unironically post mine here again but I just jacked off, so another time perhaps.
I'm sure they weren't humoring you
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Yes, women inevitably lose to The Cock at the end
yours is ugly, please don't post it again holy shit
>spoiler picture isn't a rooster
You disappoint me.
Girls unironically can't look away when a guy sprays. Male superpower (not including indians)
Sending dickpics isn't about the enjoyment of the female it's about the validation that they are pressured into giving. It's a confidence boost.
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Reverse psychology isn't going to save you here.
How come it never works then?
faust maid, so cute
You're the most delusional one here
Dante, I'll come back tomorrow. I promise.
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Okay, did anon really post his UGLY LOSER COCK here?
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Just living a different life than you it seems
Which sinner is likely to take dick pics (and why is it Sinclair)
....Was a mistake.
laughing-choking to death seeing Sinclair getting aged down to a newborn
It never works.... for you
It's actually Meursault (he has been asked for it)
I don't need to (people scare me)
PENIS Company.
Probably for the best though, being deluded means you won't get depressed. You might not have anything worthwhile but you take a bunch of supplements and get compliments on how much you can cum, right? That's validating in its own right. That makes it all okay.
She's so cute and soft looking.
Ye, it's a great comic. Nice style and very funny. Good Characterisation. Same artist as the kids version and the matching underwear to socks one.
are you really mad because anon can cum gallons?
I'm actually kind of disappointed that the resident cum blogger is so lazy about it.
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I will protect him.
Since you're so educated about this topic, how many female nudes did you receive from sending your dick pics?
How much someone can cum or not doesn't have any impact anything outside or personal enjoyment I'd argue. I think it'd be weird to be upset at volume. Since it doesn't actually matter and is just for fun.
I just hope he'll be okay and not poison himself accidentally.
>never works
You mean you don't get a confidence boost or?
okay Humbert Humbert
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Nice thread limbabs
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Thank you very much.
Male *clap* issues *clap* need *clap* to *clap* be
*clap* discussed
>viper turned out to be a serial rapist and a kidnapper
Don't "bwo" me, dick pics don't work as a confidence boost for women to post nudes
Limbus Company
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Quite, quite.
NTA but i have been asked for dickpics a few times
What? No, Anon, the confidence boost is getting a "nice cock bro" from the recipient. It literally has nothing to do with getting anything back.
Oh it's attentionwhoring, got it
This >>487359886
That's the main reason it's done. If it leads to something else all good but it's just empty validation.
Femanons don't understand how us male limbabs get hounded to share dick pics. Obviously that's just step one. These females then try to groom you into going to an animecon...... it's a scary world out there
Did you really think there was some kind of underground market for dick pics? Maybe an exchange rate of boobs per inch of cock? Bonus nip slip if the transaction includes a cum shot greater than 52mL (by weight, scale must be visible)? You might have autism
>Order a pizza
>Accidentally pour a bunch of salt onto it
Sinners for this feel?
Yeah I misunderstood what the original post meant. Pardon my retardedness.
Just wash it.
>make sure you're not deformed
>make sure you have decent grooming
>aesthetic sense
>how clean/nice your room is
>obese or not
These are the only reasons a request would happen
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just pour the salt off lool
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I accidentally opened the pour side instead of sprinkle on sesame seeds the other day and drowned my roommate's meal in them...
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this image keeps getting smaller and smaller...
Sisters will talk like this, but then ovulation hits and they go completely crazy for it
I did the same and haven't use them in WEEKS
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Im seething
Only if they already find you attractive, yeah. Not random greasy bozos.
That's beautiful.
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Sometimes I wonder how much a local sign shop would quote for one-off for-personal-use acrylic prints like that.
Sleep well
gn /lcg/
ovulation is a psyop made up by the government to make more babies
sleep well me
This but with refractory periods. He can cum again just keep at it. Use a lil elbow grease.
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Why is she so fat? What's her secret?
She was just drawn that way~
Can you absolute retards stop larping as women
Can you absolute retards stop larping as men
>linton and hindley
Can you men and women stop larping as absolute retards
Mon amour
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You think I was pretending? That's sweet of you, anon.
Ok, I'll stop.
I wouldnt get turned on seeing a giant slimy clit
And i dont mean on a person it is just a giant clit draggin its way like a slug
The female groomers shut us down....
>*men and wo(men)
don will win the dantebowl
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actually it's faust uwu
She already lost. Faust has won, is winning, and will continue to win.
dante... dulcinea...
Gluttony works outside of battles and she never realised + Hod feeds her
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Yi Sang will be the sole winner of the Dantebowl. Fausttards need not reply to this post.
get ur cock out limbab, i wanna hear you whimper
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Fem Sang will be the sole winner of the Dantebowl.
Beatrice will MOG all sinnershitters
Alt. Dante will be the sole winner of the Dantebowl
Femsang unironically is the perfect woman. That mirrorworld is too strong
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<buttersang is MY ideal.>
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Anon, reuploading is prohibited...
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Post only the rarest pairs you got
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For real though guys and gals
Just go to a whore house god damn it
Put them back Danteh... we have Yi Sang at home Danteh...
For real though go back to discord
She isn't. You're just delusional like always
Give me the money for it, and I'll think about it
And throw away my holy virginity to some HARLOT?! I don't think so.
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>Meursault greets me when booting up the game
Today will be a good day.
Retain your purity and self respect instead please.
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<But I want to collect them all...>
>female groomers trying to psy-op us into taking clients
Not today!
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femsang mentioned
Director... Please do a monthly check-in thingy again like with Molar Outis
We desperately need resources
why cant real women be like this
Did you know roaches cover each other in their own saliva? Do you think gregor gets that treatment every night?
that seamonkey really broke u huh
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I did not know that they did that. Icky.
Ok but what if the slimy clit was a slime girl instead
>extremely online anon who always pops up to denigrate our cute femsang now replying to mentions in less than 2 minutes
This is a general with ritualposters, and people who are obsessed with ritualposters
you should take your meds NOW
I think the uuoh femsang anon! and femsang anon hater are the same person.
the less gay rp you engage in, the better your time here will be.
the real question is why is this guy still glazing a faggot that doesn't even ritualpost anymore?
he's protecting his own creation. duh.
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Erlking next week or nah? Walpipi? Warp? Please say it won't be a dead week lads.
>our cute femsang
"she" hasn't even posted in months bro
It worked
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>wasting money on premium sex instead of regular
>when it lasts no more than 5 seconds
It'll be the great rebalancing, all the shit IDs will get major buffs all the strong IDs will get like a teeny tiny +%10 or whatever somewhere
Next week will be Shishu (死週).
whats wrong with her eyes
They're the same person. It's a shitpost for Yous.
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Fuck you mean, i am the same faggot who ritualposted about that femsang whore originally, i am always /here/
>Spending money to fuck actual whores
Don't be mean. She can't help being Asian, not her fault.
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But I want Rabbitshu
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>5 seconds
Some people are just that desperate. Know a guy who paid a prostitute to take his virginity.
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is there a problem?
extremely online kun...
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UT5 will make him a real 000
He's already good wdym?
He's good but all the other 000 jannies are much better.
He wants WSault to be a powerful DPS ID as well.
DPS is all that matters for good or meta IDs.
See >>487366886 ?
>Meursaulthomos homolighting themselves into thinking that Sault got good IDs again
*does this to you*
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Not all IDs can be the damage dealers, we need IDs to be the de-buffers as well.
He needs to be able to get more charge though, that's a given.
How do you know me
lol of course
>t. Meursaulthomo
SEAbros always be seething about white dudes I've noticed
evens draw limbass
odds draw oc
Not many debuff IDs getting used out there lad ngl, not unless they also shut out damage like Rcliff or WDon. That said his charge issues aren't too bad with UT4 and he's still fun.
it's sad
Have fun drawing!
Yume hours!
Good luck with your OC.
It's most important for specific content (RR turn autism).
Yeah, he functions just fine at UT4 for me. I don't have any issue with him personally.
>we need IDs to be the de-buffers as well.
No. We genuinely don't. Only debuff that matters is Fragile.
The issue is you don't see people calling gripfaust shit because she's not a DPS heavy ID.
People just like to shit on Meursault's IDs and always have. It's just part of the thread culture at this point. He even got Kimsault and still gets shit on.
Gregor however is completely forgotten. Is it better to be remembered for being mediocre or being forgotten because of it?
If that were true none of you would have made it past Kromer.
gripfaust is shit because her s2 takes forever
>t. newfag
Gripfaust is good because she's hot and this general isn't full of homos just yet.
Yes, grandpa, and G. Corp Gregor is still S-tier, now let's get you back to bed.
N Faust:
Shits out SP for free
Has access to Fluid Sac so more SP+HP
Gaze is an insanely good buff
She also works with bleed because of nails
Has an evade and is decently fast

W Meursault:
2 slash fragile but has to spend 3 charge
Gains 6 charge max a turn himself from skills
Up to 8 def down on S3 by spending 8 charge which isn't terrible but also not good
Have to use Regret to make him roll good but his other Egos are also good

N Faust just has more going on that helps make the strong IDs better but W Meur is only really good for slash comps which pretty much don't exist.
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I love Shootis so much.
Silence coomer
lol get better taste nigger
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As you should.
I live rent free in certain posters minds
I won
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She is very cool and sexy, I love her.
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this bitch swallowed up all of my lunacy when she came out and i had to shard the whore the next walpurgis
You make the place smell nice so I never minded.
Bwo just buy more Lunacy. Just one more pack bwo. I hope you're stocked up for the next one
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Love me wife Outis
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>didn't have enough Lunacy to hit pity
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didnt get regret faust the previous walpurgis either so i had to build up to 13000 something before shoutis was revealed
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Don stole the precious...
My favorite part of using Don is how she just steals all the damage the rest of the team does.
W Corp UT5 will save rupture.
*pokes your chubby tummy*
new meaning for don thief
Are you american
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almost.... there....
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>pick ahab as my last boss just because i have glimpse of flames
>its ego ahab
the one fucking time i want to enjoy pushing their shit in and i get this
Ganbatte limbab. Play everyday and you'll get there in no time.
gigabased activate windows chad
That's spanish, not portuguese
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I hope they never make another Zwei again
Activate Windows Corp singularity NOW
Just install cracked windows, spicbro, it's not that hard.
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why would you rp as me
go to /g/ and find out how to activate it you lazy fuck
why are you up at 11:33 at night?
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And just like Ayin here, I actually stopped ignoring it.
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Stop it.
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why are you guys RPing as me?
why would i not be up at 11:36 at night
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my brothers
Sometimes I ask ourselves how we can use this theme.
Good posts me
Once again it is us keeping /lcg/ alive.
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Todo es culpa mía...? ¿Qué culpa? Me atrevo a decir que TODO ES GRACIAS A MI!
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>another week not finding kim's card packs
>folder with all MCU movies on my left monitor
>Mirror Dungeon with 400 modules on my right one
>Bleed Team selected
Yeah I'm thinking it's grinding time.
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>first node of floor 2
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Yeah Im thinking EOS soon
No, not really.
i just want story content...
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VA must be happy - finally can voice a young person in her 40's.
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Wow, he's literally me...
Snek Fanatic Gregor any day now.
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She’s in her early thirties
Fun fact, Hod Malkuth and Tiph’s va’s are older than Binah’s
Hag Tiph
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>She’s in her early thirties
how much longer until coat meur...
I attempted to draw an employee of mine.
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2 years
Sauce please
Your evils predefined.
Worst song in the game
Your favorite song and the favorite song of the anon below me
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wish they'd done more with these guys
good work, keep it up limbab
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Tomorrow you WILL roll or shard my wife.
I never goon and I never roll.
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I will roll, but mainly to get new IDs as a latelet and, more importantly, to get more thread. Woutis would be nice, but I won't expect much in 20-30 rolls. I got dieci meur and I have no idea what to do with him.
I will spend ONE (2) decaextraction ticket.
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She's my wife, too, so yes.
I only roll if there's an 00
The best way to use Dieci Meur is to not.
That's all mili songs
Well I have the start of a sinking team with maid outis and ish, and no other sinking IDs. He could probably fit somewhere there while I don't have the best sinking IDs. Focusing on building my bleed team rn though.
You bench him.
You make him punch the enemies. He is not that hard really. His s1 is count neutral. His s2 eats 2 to apply up to 6 sinking and his s3 depends on how much insight and erudition you can stack. I used him on the railway with the sinking team and he worked just fine desu like most IDs nowadays.
Maid Ish is also dogshit tho so bench her too actually.
Why is dieci a sinking faction? Do they steal knowledge on hit and it represents them getting dumber?
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They beat you stupid until you get sad.
>factions all over the city that use glaives, swords, flaming swords, flaming fists, guns, among other things
>you're getting beat up by people who actually just use plain fists and fucking keys
El directore, I kneel...
been trying him the whole week, honestly he is not bad, but sinking teams dont need him at all, for literally anything
count is covered by:molar ish, deici hong, rime shank woman, maid outis and edgar greg
and potency is covered by all of them + bushSang
also bygone days which is not the best, but still funny
Deici Sault is grat on discard teams and alone, but he brings NOTHING to sinking besides funny haha gamble, you need him to discard a bunch for a good skill 3 that MIGHT be a positive or neutral sinking count, a bit unlucky and you get 9 sinking potency and eat all the count
funny and honestly not a bad unit, way better than rhino, Rcorp and Wcorp, just no team to fit in, unless you go full deici/discard I guess
also I know every mersault ID is good with Regret, but man, he FUCKS with Regret, most fun solo MD I had in a while
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Auspicious numbers
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and from yesterday
Dieci Sault would've been a must have, had he released in Season 3 when Sinking had barely anything.
I never get this lucky wtf
very nice
A lot of IDs are gonna start to fall under that category sadly but it's common for games like this.
>He is good
>We already have a full team though
You only have 6 slots and they are getting better at making IDs better in general so there will be a moment where any new ID either kicks one out (which means another ID became obsolete) or they are just good but not good enough to change any '''''''''''''''''''''''''''meta'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' team not that this is a really important thing in Limbus anyway.
he would be a must have if Deici hong didnt exists, deici hong + echoes of the mannor stacks way more sinking, be count or potency, than DSault could ever wish to
ill correct myself, is not that he doesnt fit on sinking teams, is that there are already better combos and characters to use,
I do belive the endgame will be either 10 or just all 12 sinners in fights, so there will be space for everyone, but we are like 2 to 3 years away from that, and a lot of IDs can release in that time, it will be either powercreept or plain bad for the "meta"
it could also be that director is releasing underpowered IDs to giga buff them with the uptie V, but that would be annoying
I recognise this poster
That would just make support passives useless and just make fights a mess that can barely run on phones already. 6 seems like the perfect number. Half on the fight, half on support.
Which poster am I
counter-argument: kino
not every fight has to be a 12 sinners figth, we'll just get some with more and HOPEFULLY some with less, I really want a solo sinner game mode that starts with 6 skill slots
gameplay will look like rr4 from canto 8 onwards, BL Meursault's kit is pretty clear on what they aiming for
Nah I am 70% sure they are just going to make the backup system a thing more often. It allows you to use all the sinners, it lets them pretend that sinners dying is okay, the buffs are small but can be useful.
Your favorite pm character but fat
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i hope that the backup mechanic makes pm more comfortable with adding instakill mechanics. could be pretty kino if done right
A fat clock... Dantehh
Does doom scrolling kill your motivation to draw?
in the sense that you're just procrastinating drawing, yes. stop distracting yourself
Ah.... he ate too much...
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I bought all the packeji
>Even the-
My luck is irrelevant.
Also the event barely takes any time at all so get back to MDs lazybones.
And I'll take Makoto over Hina any day.

>but why not spend that on Limb-
I bought the battle pass what more do you want?!
This game somehow is the economical gacha game I've ever played.
It's also genuinely fun to play.
BA knows it is trivial gameplay wise so it lets you skip practically all the content so you can focus on the VN aspect.
Somehow I think fat Meur would become more like a cube than round.
He'd be a rounded rectangle for sure.
>my wife
I don't remember posting this?!
Ok papa I luv u
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STOP! This is grooming the elderly and I WILL NOT allow it.
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Reminds me of the gaggle of troons that use "papa" on another board...
which board? I want to go there
to imagine an adult man saying this makes my skin crawl
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ironic, because my home board was /prog/. modern /g/ is too tame for my tastes.
thanks anyway.
I call my mother mama
I am 25
nigger like you should be fodder only serving bullet human target practice
In ENGLISH, mr. Pablo Tortilla Hernandez
if Roland knew what black people were, would he call them niggers?
Calling your mother mama is cute and normal imo.
Calling some guy on 4chan papa is a lil sus.
Do black people exist in the city?
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sorry you missed out on something beautiful
newfags. and dont give me that smoke war cope, you're all fucking tourist newfaggots
Only during his furioso stage. He is more soft A type of guy.
If you're looking for a bunch of troons ro call you daddy just go to lgbt
have you guys bought merch?
>fucking tourist newfaggots
I prefer the term tertiary, thank you very much
/lgbt/ is unironically only the third gayest board
And you know that because?
Isn't that were they'd be?
if you're actually looking for it, you'd probably have better luck on /soc/ and /trash/
ah my bad
I want to go to the sandwich place.
I want to EAT the subconscious.
I have, yeah.
That’s my real papa though
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yuri sexo
Gregor's dreams are getting strange.
Thanks to Olivier being a real one he knows the difference between black people and niggers
No hype, huh...

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