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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Last round: >>487248115
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INCELtration lost
Wifebeaters gtfo
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how long did it take you guys to get, not even good, but just passable?
i got the game at the end of the steam sale like a week ago. and in that time i have learned how to do most of my special moves well enough. but i don't know when it's appropriate to use them, or which are even worth using, or frame data, or what's cancellable or anything. it feels like i climbed a hill but there was everest behind it.
i'm still getting raped by bots. level 5 ken bot is basically insurmountable for me.
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me on the right
Me on the left
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Chun is so fucking beautiful
a couple years
probably about a month? of like conscious effort grinding drills and making sure to fight against bad habits id make during matches
but i didnt feel GOOD at the games until about year 3 of fighting games- thats when i could win locals and make friends and stuff
It's always like that, even after getting the basics down
To many that's the appeal
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My restreamer mogs your streamer and is not even close
LMfao just get the (you) faggot you deserved it
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My ultra-sexo wife.
fucking kek
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I won’t be playing sf6 anymore, the game is just too hard for me and my psn plus has expired. Take good care of my silver 1 modern ryu, farewell.
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>Casually plays SF while focusing mainly on Smash
>Still wins locals
>Still fucks whitepussi
took me like a month into the game to get the basics down - the bread and butter combo, learning which buttons are good and when to press them, having a game plan and a general idea of what each character does
All points are true except the last one
Dabuz is one of the most permavirgin smash players of all time, even Sonix has a girlfriend and he doesn't
Watching Dale without Immo342 is so soulless.
Dale barely rages and his chat is not funny to read, Immo is the soul of LTG streams in 2024.
too many gieffags are doing jump cancel spds now.
shut it down
Also another smash girl obsessed with Sakura from SF.
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
its because he saves lippo mode for his opponents
if he used that shit in the bedroom itd be a wrap
alas, he is but a man
In my first fighter? Months. You need a friend, having someone to answer your questions, live feedback, explain concepts in a human way.
Why does jump work like that, lows overheads, cancels, links, when to throw, how to determine what is good to use and when, it's an insane amount of shit to try and parse together alone.
>Dabuz is using his lips to control Luma!
Shit still makes me giggle when I read in the chat nothing shall beat ShinyMark blowing mad dick on camera on grand finals vs Sonix last week or so
forgot to add sf6 was my first fighting game and this was playing very casually like 2 or 3 times a week. i had about 50 hours into the game playing casual matches before i jumped to ranked. i got placed in silver and climbed to around plat 3 before i hit a wall
wat weg?
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We lost another one sisters...
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SF6 needs to add a 2v2 tag team mode with Mvc1 style tag ins
he was the one that beat betty?
Wait until she sees the absolute state of Master
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This is why we need sfg lobbies
>>Still fucks whitepussi
Why would anyone want to touch an ugly woman? Acquire tast amigo
wait a minute this is isn't /tekgen/
>Still fucks whitepussi
Don't let Punk read this...
>janny deletes the SF related image OPs and keeps the Tekken one

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Punk's GF is way prettier than that Smash creatura. You moron
Dabuz ain't cute but he got big lips and I know that ass takes it good
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The most two-faced man in the FGC
dale is 100k in the hole AT LEAST, he cannot afford to be doing that
its fucking tuesday
But enough about Punk who calls other black men niggERS but pretends to be outraged when people call him niggA...
He gifted another tenner earlier. 20 subs to someone he hates? make it make sense
Bison raped Juri in front of Juri's Husband and he could do nothing about it.
He'll do anything if he thinks it gets him clout
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thats why he wants to get unbanned from evo so bad
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...on my schizo headcanon, because in reality he beat Bison before he could hurt her anymore.
Show that picture where it clearly shows all the old man face lines he has now. Oof
Someone leaked that he buys Turkish gifted subs on the low, each sub becomes way cheaper that way, so he can gift himself a lot and others too.

And he says he doesn't need the FGC. So funny.
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Season 3 leaks
Urien and Falke added
LTG unbanned
Dale is so corny he's a power rangers villain of the FGC
Just a goofy character fading into obscurity but never to be completely forgotten
yeah, after the rape Bison let him "win" in order to engender aggression and motivate him to become a stronger opponent
>Think about playing some Cammy becuz of Punk's win
>Struggling with DP AAs but don't plan to play Cammy for the long term so I don't feel like grinding the input out
>Try Modern Cammy for the shortcut instead
>Immediately drop M Cammy the moment I notice cr.mp is missing
No cr.mp, really? What is the point of Cammy in Modern???
Short height divekick abuse
Dabuz looks like a racist caricature of a jew.
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JH doesn't need to go past 2% of his power to destroy Bison's face crabba, Juri is untouchable as long as he lives
every modern character is missing big normals
what do i do as bison against a cammy spamming divekick
Suffer for your crimes
No st.lk either. Absolute joke of a control scheme.
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Just learn to DP like a man, kid. Or play a retarded version of her because thats what retards deserve. Put some damn work in like a man
Yeah but she is missing her corner stone normal. There is nothing that Modern could even remotely offer that could compensate for such a loss.
cammy is one of the characters that does not greatly benefit from modern, yes
try chun or gief
You can instant dp, instant level one/three, and instant divekick.
But yeah I think every modern is missing a key normal like that it's wacky
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>JH doesn't need to go past 2% of his power to destroy Bison's face crabba, Juri is untouchable as long as he lives
b.mp is a god tier anti air except against far away jumps. Luckily, Cammy's DP extends extremely far forward, allowing her to anti air effectively at all angles.
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Cute and canon.
>just a young single girl
what did he mean by this?
>b.mp is a god tier anti air
For a god-tier AA, I practically never see any decent Cammys use it.
You can AA with 4MP instead. AA DPs are kind of shit in this game.
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She is one of us
Why would I waste days practicing DP anti airs when i'm not planning to main her or anything. Just dicking around with her for the moment than going back to Guile, my main. That's why I checked her out in Modern but no cr.mp...might as well delete M Cammy from the game.
ive seen punk use it for crossups
I put my whole social life on pause because I'm depressed and the only thing I do now is play street fighter.
I have friends and work and sex literally waiting for me to just get it together, but instead I'm wearing the same underwear 3 days in a row
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its not fair Punk of all people fucks THAT bros, it should have been me!
>Padded cell stage
I revoke my sniff. Fuck artists who use that goddamn stage I hate it.
Explain then why Punk has never used B+MP ever and always uses her DP. Surely an EVO winner knows better than some random kid on a Bhutanese Competitive Dog Grooming Forum?
I think I've seen him use it like once and I'm not even sure it was him.
She ain't bald yet tho
Do they even live together
Modern is a joke because CRAPcom doesn't have the balls to actually confront their legacy shitters like that.
Modern is dogshit and already got every permabeg crab crying about being cheating because you got literal, Modern inputs instead of relying on archaic inputs, imagine if Modern was actually designed for competitive play?
holy copium sniffer batman
The clear frustration that literally nothing happened with the “leaks” and his sub counts and viewership continues to be stable or grow a bit is hilarious though

If he is moving into a new nice house, there will be so much seethe
ltg is black dsp nothing will affect him unless someone goes and physically attacks him
I'm sure you could get a 5/10 like that if you tried.
>Had to private his own twitter
>His dreams of becoming an actor dead
>His second dream of being a bonafide youtube celebrity also dead
>Gifting himself fake subs while trying to run away from his life as he is about to be 40
Holy cope lmao
Meanwhile some muchacho fat fuck made 70k outta him by doing nothing but restream
Dale's life is suicide fuel
>You can instant dp, instant level one/three, and instant divekick.
Has any of that gotten Modern Cammy a placement at any tournament anywhere? Because I know for a fact cr.mp got Classic Cammy placements throughout this game lifespan. Modern has meme strengths that has no impact in the meta outside of Gold&Plat play. Like who the fuck cares about a instant lvl 1 that does slightly more damage than a throw for a bar of super.
>imagine if Modern was actually designed for competitive play
Granblue did the blend and it works ok. The game has a bunch of other problems, but I don't think anyone thinks the simple inputs are one of them. It could and should have been what we got. Instant DP and full kits for all
Dont forget: he has a daughter and she has his exact face, his narcissistic nightmare of seeing a part of himself being fucked by other men also came to life.
The 5/10 was posted earlier ITT, its that Smash creatura white girl. Also, you are on 4chan, you are a virgin. Stop pretending you are a reddit poster that had sex
I'm sure a modern Cammy won a hundo at their city game store tournament at least a few times, but you're right its dogshit against a brain
His sub count and viewership is completely fake, dalecel
Nta but some of us do have sex, with men, but still.
How good does Jamie become at level 4?
Doesn't feel like he's that crazy once he hits 4 but maybe I just havent ran into any godlike jamies
I remember around release when Modern hysteria was at it's peak I went into training mode to see what all the hype was about and I distinctively recall leaving training mode thinking Modern was absolute shit/not worth it on every character outside of maybe Luke. Even Modern Chun Li I thought was clearly not worth it, she loses a gang of shit. Modern has always just been a boogieman for the shitter ranks, outside of that it's crippled to all hell.
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Disgusting, but somewhat funny. You will burn in Hell, though. That is definitely not funny
What can Manon do about cross-ups other than parry?
jump back jab
Can that lead to anything? like on counter hit?
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The strings become super long and chip drive meter like crazy. Plus he can cancel them and the command grab you if you're not paying attention, plus he is hitting with a flat 10% damage increase, plus the frame data for a bunch of his shit is different or better, making him harder to punish.
But he still can't deal with fireballs reliably and his divekick is a joke.
sometimes you have to take what you can get lil man
not everything in fighting games leads to immediate reward and you have to take little wins that are guaranteed that add up instead
its the same reason manon players will often end long light strings in 2LK and just take the small low tap and + frames for their next action
or the same situation as landing a counterhit jab after they block 4HP and not converting it

your character is ass and this is a reason why, but you should still take what you can get and within the design scope of manon it actually can be really good if you have a read

i wonder if capcom realizes how much money they arent making by not adding seasonal outfits to the cast
Brian gets more done with one nut than most of us in this whole thread... I'm going to the gym
>imagine if Modern was actually designed for competitive play?
It was design for competitive play. Capcom was banking on the one button supers & specials being so strong it would cover the drawbacks from the loss normals. What happened is that theory =/= reality, Capcom simply got it wrong and it turns out shortcut supers&specials aren't all influential so Modern flopped competitively. Capcom should've approached Modern like AUTO mode in Alpha where instead of balancing shortcuts by a damage tax they put the disadvantage on the meter( meter recovers slower & cool downs if needed).
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Yeah you are totally getting that "outfit" from Nu-Capcom. Totally
just like we didnt get cammys leotard?
Gross lol I don't look like that tho. I'm cute and fit and hung. My ass isn't fat but whatever.
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>tfw no chun li cosplay gf
White privilege...
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Every single new female outfit added was a burka. Keep coping and hoping.
They have the figures from the first batch of costumes, but it's not like they can just shift dev focus on a dime away from the avatar shit. (This is cope. It's extremely likely we're always getting avatar cosmetics because capcom is retarded and structured so much of the games monitization around the 2/3rds of the game nobody cares about.)
need dat
me with my qt jun gf who keeps me in check
i noticed the japs had trouble turning the tables at evo, they either steamrolled or got rolled
meanwhile the western players win or lsoe had closer matches overall
Aris streaming... 3S
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he uses it to check blanka ball ambiguous crossup shenanigans
he dps otherwise
rog got cancelled for sf6 because of bisons ex knee stomp sadly
He always does that
tfw cammy will never look at u like this....
A 100% bannable offense, that twitch watches out for. So how is this “obvious and overt literal fraudster” getting away with it and outsmarting everyone?
Hilarious that Cammy gets a button that blows up crossups, but when SHE jumps it's a mixup
Most carried motherfuckers in the game
Why is there a Tekken image for the OP?
it's cammy bro you had 20 years to learn the matchup
oh i got a chun li cosplay gf for you at evo lil timmy......
If you bought avatar outfits you are officially a faggot and the reason why Chun isn't wearing Yors outfit right now.
Sorry I didn't realise you were better than Tokido and Bigbird
they lost to da alfa not cammy :)
They lost to EX divekick on wakeup, the strongest wakeup option in the game
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why is she like this
who would even want this
what did she mean by this?
He stole that tech from UMA, he explained it on stream. Why take the throw or tech 24/7? Gotta Mena it up and be random random
She's not about that flaky shit, a rare quality in a woman.
>Most carried motherfuckers in the game
Who do you play?
Jamie and Ryu
>Ken and Rashid players
There are reasons they're not playing Cammy and it's not because they don't want to get carried.
She 1000% annoys Decapre
Would Kazuya's gameplay work in sf6 or parry kills his casino gameplay?
>who would even want this
hes in sfxt
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Esports is now real sports, see you at the Olympics.
why the fuck are the saudis even doing this
Is the new mortal combat easier than sf6 ? I got destroyed all day with my silver 1 modern ryu, like 20 losses to 4 wins. Took me like 1000 ranked fights to get to silver 1 with my modern ryu, I’ve accepted that sf6 is just too hard for me. I want to continue fighting games, but need an easier game. Sucks but it’s true.
yeah but is this really gonna make gen alpha think islam and saudi arabia are heckin based
Actually yes, the middle east is a popular holiday destination now, Dubai and Riyadh for example.
The world cup was the biggest possible win they could have gotten in the public eye around the world
changing the image of the country to appeal to outside investors and the general public. oil will become somewhat less important in the next 100 years or so as fuel (will still be important for plastics and other things ofc) so they need to diversify their economy and this is one part of that, along with massive infrastructure projects and so on.
yes, that's the point of sportswashing lol.
if humans have the ability to know this and discuss it and be aware of their intentions
why does it still work
The pornified zoomer gen is gay, they will never become muslims as gays get lynched over there. So no
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same reason why ads still work
Why are you talking to yourself
There is a reason why they give Chun Li a whitewashed face in SF. AKI is much, much closer to Asian reality
are you telling me that its actually over?
Terry keeps throwlooping me...
Same reason you have an unjustified distrust of places you've never been and people you've never met
it was over 10,000 years ago lil nigga
It's not about being Muslims, it's about these countries being taken seriously on the global stage instead of being the pariahs that gets strongarmed into selling their oil and gas more cheaply
You're so brain addled on culture war bullshit that you can't see this
trips on salman
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You are not immune to propaganda.
so true, I'm booking my flight to kabul afghanistan as we speak, I'm gonna wear my pride shirt
Based gay poster
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aki came home and found out i didn't do the dishes again...
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>You're so brain addled on culture war bullshit that you can't see this
Um, we are being controlled by a usurious Kabbalist Transhumanist elite that wants to destroy all gender and Christian civilization by replacing reality with a Simulacrum ultimately trying to usher in the Antichrist. Your turn. My eurdition is over 9000
>it's about these countries being taken seriously on the global stage
stop killing journalists
>reads baudrillard
>still isn't able to elevate his mind past the mundane judeo-christian false historiography
lil bro u aint gonna make it to the Absolute like this
I did not for one second agreed with sportswashing, I think the regimes in middle eastern petrobaron states are disgraceful
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banana ken
Member Super Monkey Ball had that official collaboration with Dole bananas and actually had Dole decals ingame? Weird
is that weird? it's a monkey game.
member banana ken (the jp player)
There is reality AKA God AKA Christianity and there is the Simulacrum AKA Kabbala AKA Judaism. The whole freaking planet thinks like a Kabbalist today, so do you. Whatever I think becomes reality. There is no reason to existence. There is no God. Reality does not exist. I think am a woman BAM I am now a woman (ignores reality). Peak Kabbalist thinking. Beat it Jewboi
nigga saw the first jp nerf and dipped
He disappeared the second Amnesia got nerfed, really makes you think.
Shut your mouth retard, get the hell out of here. Go talk politics somewhere also fag retard.
Go back to /x/ fucking schizo
a neophyte trapped still trapped on the wheel of samsara .
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>wheel of samsara
Buddhism is another strain of Kabbalist thinking. Wow, the amount of stupid people in here is OD. Tell me, who or what decides the difference between good or bad karma? Are you anthropomorphizing empty space or what? Absolute dumbass
Fuck your mother, get out of here.
i throw out terms like golden crumbs of knowledge to lead you to the right path, and you sniff your own ass like a dog. the demiurge vibrates strongly in this one, as it does in most abrahamics, sadly.
sis i just wanna short short super in 3s
Oh no, this mister on the internet has read a bunch of books and is smarter than me I AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW
Punk is a better player than everyone in here. What now?
Who would the guy with no ears main in sf6?
at least im not black
Not me, I'm GAWDlike.
But you are dumb and stupid so who cares?
nigga blue deejay is better than most of the thread lmao you dont even have to mention punk
Has blue deejay posted a selfie?
i haven't the foggiest. what a strange thing to ask.
It’s really hard to fully explain why, but the main thing that makes Terry’s face look so fucked up is his cheeks, right?
Unironically this. Being decent at SF is not a real skill like drawing or public speaking/acting to be worth being black for.
i dunno he seems so hungry for attention. wanted to see his stupid face i guess
Yes he looks like a male model, AND he's high MR
Clayton could never hope to match his greatness
>looks like a male model
So do I. Lot of male models on this website of the 4chan, whothathunkit?
Remember when Cammygooners spent months downplaying their EVO winning character?
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Punk won with a high-mid tier character, what is the problem?
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No one in the short history of SF6 has ever considered her a top 5 character. No one.
i always imagine hes literally deejay
Every respectable player has Cammy in their top 5. Even DSP and Black DSP know shes broken and top tier.
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>$200 for something that could fuck up easily playing fighting games
fuck snoy
If you win a major with a mid character, that character no longer mid.
Which means anyone that said they were mid in the past is either a downplaying liar or a dumbass that's bad at the game.
There are no other options.
is modern controls basically the same as a casual mode that other games tend to have?
Modern is babyfood.
you're paying that much and the analogs aren't even hall effect, it's a scam
yes but it gets a 30% damage nerf and missing normal buttons. still annoying as shit though
that is never how tierlists work even in games with rigid tiers like 3s or marvel
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here's /sfg/'s queen
/sfg/'s queen is shuckle
Let's be real if it was literally anyone but punk you'd have a point. He literally could have won with any character since he can just out fundie anyone on the big stage. I didn't see him do one cammy specific thing in top 6 so cammy still hasn't won a single high stakes tournament in the history of the game. Until we see at least 2 (two!) cammys in top 32 evo then we can open up a serious discussion on if she's mid tier but anything above that is just trolling and should be ignored by anyone who isn't just salty they can't cope about her non existent gimmicks.
kys shuckle
he has a net worth of at least a million and a steady, healthy income stream, and a hot MR1800 white girlfriend who models as her primary career

what do you have, exactly, mr superior aryan race man?
fuck I actually really like the core of how Bison plays, you can actually play neutral/footsies with him and he's good at it
it just irks me how ignorant scissor kick is and how many people seem to be playing him for some reason

debating going back to my old main Rashid as a result but he's probably even higher tier so why would I go back anyway, what would even be the point
I don't know what to do man
thanks for reading my blog
hikaru the aki pro looks more female than her
Who cares if the character is top tier or played by chimps, play whoever you like, quit being a bitch.
>He literally could have won with any character since he can just out fundie anyone on the big stage.
not really, although he is good enough to win tournaments with side characters. matchups matter and cammy is also the character that plays to his strengths the most. his kimberly or month 1 bison would have gotten destroyed at evo. anyway, cammy is obviously a really strong character, punk put her just outside top 5.
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Bison will probably be gutted in like a month while Rashid will very likely stay high tier at worst for the entire game's lifespan. Rashid is Nakayama's baby.
bison is kino and he has a lot of room for unique expression. scissor kicks are good, but they're another flavor of pressure entirely from drive rush into jab or drive crush into mp into cr.mp into his devil jump, which are another flavor of just raw devil jumping and being +4 on block and getting your mix started

and on top of that, he has good buttons like you said in general. he's awesome. i can already tell he'll be the only charge character i play or would like, and it's not like we're going to get many more, so i'm just really sticking with him.
I hope they gut a couple things he's got
long as he still has strong buttons in neutral, a good anti air and good drive rush checks he makes this game so much more enjoyable
just use an xbox controller like ending
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I know you’re here gamer 941…
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Mari mari!
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Deep down inside we are all gamer 941. I hope so at least. The Good, the True and The Beautiful
unironically using throwing around dei like that is npc behavior
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Would Rashid's Ysaar lvl2 disappearing if he gets knocked to the ground be enough of a nerf that still keep it strong?
It's been weeks since I've last played against a lily
>when you put hands on your girl, is it self-defense cause she's bigger than you?
not another angry midget! lmao
why can't I get above 1400 MR
so kids are just retarded now huh
NERF EVERYTHING. Most BS move in a fighting game, it so doesnt fit in a SF game, it belongs in anime trash or mahvel or something
it would still be cheap as shit, i think they should just lower meter gain by a lot universally
you dont know how to stop mashing
this game is retarded and all you can do is mash
why the fuck would I block and let the retarded niggers playing this game do whatever they want
wth is a dei higher?
that SF_Screenshota nigga is a fuckin' loser. imagine booting this garbage up every single day to play amateur photographer with some of the ugliest models in the business today. multiple uploads a day for over a year, he must have a photo of every character from every angle by now. what an autistic fucking hobby. at least the niggas who do that shit for Skyrim and Final Fantasy actually made their characters, and aren't just circlejerking pajeet digital arts and crafts. lmao
zoomer language for diversity hire
ESL here, what he meant to say was hire, I feel. But he is stupid so yeah. Not a native speaker, but I am definitely right
because every interaction is about risk/reward and hedging resources
if youre constantly just hitting buttons like a mong because you dont want it to be their turn, youre gonna lose
extremely based, and you know it isn't a bot because of the authentic human spelling error.
How does sf6 compare in difficulty to tekken and mk1 ?
The Chun faggot?
Sf6 is a fighting game and the other two are memes
It is very difficult. Fifteen billion mechanics and you gotta watch out for all of them. Its too much hence the mental stack overload. Only play when you are black or asian and no older than 25
He would be based if he was somewhat professional about it and released proper sets and on proper time.
He just uploads randomly, sometimes with the most scuffed angles, at least shitters like Akaranger or whatever his name is, while most of his work sucks, at least he uploads full albums full of screenshots on pixiv.
okay I'll go play a real fighting game instead
this game is for fucking retards
SF6 cammy is not attractive
Least schizoid Cammygooner
Sf6 is too hard for me, need something easier for now. Will come back to sf when I have more fighting game experience.
Ken or Akuma?
who's more satisfying to play?
who's stronger?
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or just stop mashing you retard
just take the throw and when you know theyre gonna throw jump out and take the potential crosscut dp and slap yourself on the wrist for fucking enough to put your dumb ass in that awful situation to begin with and then slime in at them to do it to them
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Nothing wrong in using SF6 to craft photography because fuck playing this dog ass game, but dude acts like a sperg and just dumps shit there at random times without ever interacting with people, shits cringe as fuck.
Ken is stronger but Akuma is much, much cooler.
i heard mk1 is easy as shit. tekken 8 was only easy for me because i played old tekkens, dont play that shit either way
Your heart is hard, brother, your life is going to be very unpleasant. Lighten up, will ya. Be nice, be kind, be good.
cause that nigga akaranger is a real hobbyist, SF_Screenshot posts like a pajeet employee Capcom hired to damage control their hideous game with cherrypicked screen grabs.
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Kill yourself.
How are you all THIS jealous of some twitter random lmao
compared to literally any girl from any other SF game, i agree. she is the only attractive girl in Slimer 6 though. they made sure of that when they raped all the newcomer concept art and flanderized Juri into one of those annoying mid-30's women who still tries to present herself like a 22 year old.
SF6 is easier than both games.
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crabbas mad at some random nigga screenshotting a fuckin game. thats crazy.
i do like being cool, is he harder to play in terms of execution?
>"real hobbyist"
>Actually accepts money for his screenshots
Ok Akaranger.

Imagine calling anyone else a jeet when you keep using those disgusting proportion mods like a literal subhuman nigger going apeshit for big ass and legs.
tfw cammy will never text you 200 picture of her cats per day
Thanks, gonna try the tekken 8 demo. Sf6 is to hard for me, took like 140 hrs 1000 fights to reach silver 1. I’ll come back to sf when I have more fighting game experience.
>just take the throw
cuckold mentality
I'm not playing this faggot game anymore
accusing anyone of being jealous of an Indian intern who gets paid 5 rupies an hour to hunt for the best screenshot angles in a hideous game for 10 hours a day is hilarious. LMAO
>hurr durr any criticism = jealousy!
Nah, you just have a complex. I like SF_Screenshots overall, but I dislike his "silent protag" persona and lack of consistency, that's all.

Akaranger has the better upload schedule but has some real bad taste. Always using those trash ass mods with off-model proportions and tats/piercing.
kami 6 owns you
I love you and Jesus loves you, forever and ever. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
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>Duhhh SF6 has roback neccode it's the perfect FG online experience
>Wrong inputs
>Dropped inputs
>Delayed inputs
>Oh, you wanted to not do a level 3 after getting your qcf+k blocked? Oops here it is anyway
>Game after game every day for eternity

I genuinely hope the people who made this game are in a flaming bus when it goes over a cliff
nigga inventing personas in his head for a twitter account that upload screenshots of a fucking game lmao
No idea what they are talking about. But it is probably really degenerate.
>Akaranger has the better upload schedule
He barely does any "content" outside Chun-Juri-Cammy. And instead of keeping his page clean, he keeps retweeting ugly cosplay whores or coomer art.
Skill issue.
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Has the patch politicking begun? Who are we rallying to nerf?
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no one should be nerfed (besides maybe ken and rashid lvl 2) but they should buff the bad characters
>Oh you wanted a DP? Here's lv1
Street Fighter 6 is easier than MK1 because you actually have to think about the universal mechanics in Mortal Kombat instead of mashing them, cause their main UM is tag assists that are unique to each character. Tekken 8 is more difficult than both games because every character has like 6 throws and all their throws require you to memorize the correct throwbreak input correspon to that specific throw animation. Street Fighter 6 is the easiest because the Drive System is Mickey Mouse nonsense and Modern controls let you skip learning 33% of the game.
>t. don't play MK or Tekken cause i was a die hard Street Fighter enthusiast until Dix
>Being this absolute retarded to miss the point 2 times
Post hand. >>487352940

He still interacts with people in the comments and drops full sets roughly at the same time instead of uploading outta nowhere like the other sperglord.
kekken 8 is the easiest mashing game
cause he's a regular Twitter user and a hobbyist, and not a fucking Capcom intern?
take your meds and reduce your screen time
Punk won evo on that.
based sigma honorary diamond lifer
Rashit lvl2 and Blanka lvl2 more nerfs needed still
show me Tekken 8's version of these SF6 Rankings charts that make it abundantly clear that they put everyone on an escalator to Mickey Master.
>reduce your screen time
best general tip ever posted on this website. this man gets it. there is hope for you
I’m downloading the tekken 8 demo, sf6 is too hard for me even with modern controls it took 140hrs 1000 fights to get to silver 1. Maybe fighting games aren’t for me, but I’ll try demos before spending money.
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i think he's a JPer
>Samefagging this hard because someone called you out for being a illiterate black
you're gonna get your shit rocked. shit is like saying you're downloading the demo of multilevel chess because checkers was kicking your ass. lmao
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anon is the same person. we are everywhere. better go back to red dit
If you combine all the blocks on a non master rank together you get a block higher than master rank
>Show me Tekken
Who give a shit
> I don't play tekken but I know how it works ok
I thought Sajam was short?
I don't understand why you guys post this shit like there isn't an elo system and legend rank in master. I mean, I guess I'm the actual retard for replying to you when you're not going to sincerely entertain any argument and just go back to posting the image regardless.
You need your medications. Being obsessed over a Twitter game photography account because he just enjoys posting images is not healthy.
If it’s not for me I just won’t purchase the game, but I’m hearing that it’s easier to get pretty good in tekken. Can’t keep bashing my head against the wall in sf6 anymore, it’s not working out for me.
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they should fix this, tekken is retarded too but not this much. really just manipulation tactics to keep scrubs playing
What’s funny is that sf screenshot was and still is a jive god
It's easier to rob people without actually learning how to play. It's harder or more time consuming to get good at just because there's so much shit you have to learn yourself to not get robbed.
the soul still burns
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ryonacels get out
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i think sf6 cammy is the most beautiful girl on the roster and the best she's ever looked and i don't know why people keep calling her ugly
yes she has a bit of a 5 head, yes she's a bit of a midge, yes she is british - no one is perfect, we all have flaws
cammy is built for ryona, simple as
Majority of the playerbase isn’t in masters, you just don’t know how to read graphs. The bar is so high because the graph doesn’t show the MR ranges, so it’s just bundling all of them up together. A low MR master is practically a diamond player, and a high MR master is in an entirely different league. That’s also just not mentioning how majority of players are in Gold, Plat, and Diamond, which is normal. It’s like you retards just saw a long bar and it shirt circuited your already small brains.
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Go buy sushi in Japan now!
no and your explanation doesnt make this sound any better. most people should be like silver but in modern games you cant even derank
Marisa is so fucking repulsive
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didnt know ed worked at gamestop
enjoy failing knowledge checks. lol

because what you're saying doesn't mean anything. it doesn't change the fact that there are more players in the THIRD HIGHEST BRACKET OF EIGHT BRACKETS than there are anywhere else on the chart. Rookie players are put on an escalator that immediately speeds through the first 4 brackets before people really start getting filtered.
'mmy twerking on 'li
this. Street Fighter 6 has the genre's first participation trophy Ranking System that gaslights players into thinking they're prodigies. lmao
>most people should be like silver
Based on what? Your arbitrary belief that the masses somehow can’t figure out how to do a combo, block string, and block? “I think people should be in THIS rank” isn’t an actual argument, and it’s ignoring the fact that, again, a low Plat player is more or less Gold. This is akin to the “Gold is plat” cope that spawned when 6 first released.
bell curve failing post
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Kill the SF6 devs, shoot the SF6 devs, light the SF6 devs on fire, gouge out the SF6 devs eyeballs, impale the heads of SF6 devs on pikes, skin SF6 devs alive, feed SF6 devs to piranhas, dismember SF6 devs, decapitate SF6 devs, impale SF6 devs, throw SF6 devs in a woodchipper, crash cars into SF6 devs, blow up SF6 devs with rocket launchers, torture and dismember the families of SF6 devs,
I don't like sushi and I'll probably never go to Japan
>cant even derank
this snowflake gen suffers from ginormous egos that deserve EVERYTHING handed to them on a silver platter for free, no effort required. imagine deranking kids, they couldnt handle it, suicide beckons
kami 6 total victory
I can't believe I have to wait 11 months for capcom to maybe announce a fun grappler for SF6 or maybe not
Men in their 50s are the most likely to kill themselves, boomers are so thinskinned.
If you find her repulsive, you are perfectly healthy. Only a degenerate would find that abomination hot. Women dont look like that, its total and utter perversion
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i've forgiven Banana Ken now that they've shown off Terry WEGgard. i'm sorry i was so hard on him, i didn't know how much worst it could get. at Banana Ken's Alpha costume looks good.
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crazy how 25 years later and 3s is STILL the best sf game...DAMN.
>posts the only good thing about the 3S top 6
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kek, paypigs
ok thanks for the donation amigo
in the mean time, you could always try SFV Abel. it looks like he has a lot of King's sauce from Tekken, like spinning DDT's and sit-out Powerbombs. looks like he has an anti-air grab he can combo into, too.
I can't believe Pokimane betrayed the FGC
Wait there wasn't a single Ryu in top 96 of EVO? Paladin was the highest placing Ryu at 97th place. Ryu did worse than every character besides fucking Dhalsim. He got three pages worth of buffs how did this still happen
'sim bros...
>single Ryu in top 96 of EVO
Whoa there, changing goalposts much? There was a Ryu in the top 100 so that proves he is ridiculously good and doesnt need anything. Shut up
Ryu doesn't need anything.
Braindead tweet and braindead post bringing it here.
why would you pick the bad shoto instead of the many good shotos?
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my face. right in there. FUCKING YUMMYPUSSYY
Based Sony ruining everything they touch
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some people genuinely prefer vanilla
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after evo, hugo is definitely IN.
But Ryu was supposed to be one of the good shotos after all his buffs
sakura, the only good shoto, is not in the game yet
hugo feels like a base roster character with how hes all over WT. too bad we need dhalsim and blanka in every game
Is that Marns leg?
how does this fat ass nigga do it
a total of 8 legs on that couch, do the math
The bitch on the right is a man for one
why would i pick ryu over ken when ken has a better cr.mk slime?

yall know this game is like 90% cr.mk slime, right?
shut the fuck up sanford.
ricki got the snip before that picture was taken i think
crazy how 6 chased off raging nogs like sanford and ltg so hard. i want to see them have a heart attack playing this game
Yikes, that dude is crazy
>got that dick split
>doesn't shart politics constantly
>just plays fighting games and posts "thirst traps" for chasers
>fucked art in the ass
ricki is the only fgc troon i respect
if you cant do a combo you should not be in silver no, silver should be for decent players. makes no sense that everyone gets master
the fact you can have 1200 elo and be called a master also makes no sense
Clayton mogs real celebs in some videos and pictures desu.
>get hype due to evo
>turn on the game
>game sucks
>turn it off
it's not fair
>because what you're saying doesn't mean anything
Yes, it does. Anon is pretending the ranked system is easy and effectively lumping the entirety of master together when comparing it to Tekken. It'd be like lumping purple and up together in Tekken and pretending it's all one rank. Tekken's ranked distribution would also look off if you did that and most of the playerbase would be in the second highest bracket.

I don't think the ranked system in this game is great for the record. Frankly, every FG ranked system has been dogshit and I'm baffled that they just didn't add elo across the board like nearly every other competitive game in existence. SF6 still wins though just because of the MR system that's better for anybody whose remotely decent. Outside of that, both games have issues.

>Rookie players are put on an escalator that immediately speeds through the first 4 brackets before people really start getting filtered.
Tekken, for instance, literally does the exact same thing. I think you outright can't even lose points before yellow if I remember correctly. Tekken is also even more fucked because they match based on prowess now instead of exclusively your actual rank. Meaning you can get an easier ride into TGO just by playing only one character.
this, except the opposite with 3s
>get hyped
>open up 3s
>have a blast
3s isn't fun
i love it though
i love it though, hah, you know?
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you had artificial fun
you feel artificial love
kys clayton
I assure you, I am not him. But I enjoy his content.
I’m tired of drive rush dominating SF6’s meta. Cr.mk drive rush, raw drive rush buttons, fireball drive rush, drive rush for oki. Imagine how much more unique these characters could feel if they toned it down. My motivation to keep playing is very low
season 2 will fi- ACK
Daigo looks how I feel
Where can I sneak in 360s as Lily?
When you're + and close to the opponent
When you're - and close to the opponent
games anyone? NA/EU diamond+
When you're neutral and close to the opponent
When you're + and far away from the opponent (they'll drive rush at you)
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I spent 10k on the SF4 music and found out that the stage themes aren't included. All the SF2 remixes in SF4 suck ass.
Shut up bitch
why do some people take street fighter so seriously? it's just a video game
it's all some niggas got in life
It could be me up there winning the milly
there are cooler ways to make a million than playing video games, plus you're likely not being made fun of
it's all i got in life
what would you do if street fighter didn't exist?
20 years.
For real.
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I live in the suburbs. Absolute jack shit to do here.
I think SF6 is the first fighting game I've ever played where winning doesn't mean playing better than the other player
Yeah but I like playing video games
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So I went to the supermarket today, and because I'd promised my daughterwife Li Fen that if she was good I'd get her favorite cereal, I found myself in the cereal aisle. As I looked at the box of Fruity Pebbles I noticed it was illustrated with this big pour of milk splashing into it, and my mind kind of wander. I thought about how much of my cum Li Fen has taken, and I wondered if the total amount I've ejaculated into her could fill a bowl, and then I thought about her eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles in a bowl of my cum, just imagining her bringing the spoon to her little mouth and past her soft little lips, and delicately chewing as she savors my flavor.

I admit I sort of lost myself in the daydream, but I was snapped back to reality when some guy said to me "hey you really like Fred and Barney huh faggot" and that's when I realized I was standing in the middle of the cereal aisle, clutching a box of Fruity Pebbles with both hands while my raging boner tried desperately to escape the confines of my pants. I went to the checkout as fast as I could and I didn't even bother to grab the receipt I just ran out of there.
What the FUCK am I supposed to do against this nigger gief as chun.
Who likes grappler actually, I want to stick a fucking knife in their head and see how long they can survive since I doubt anything is in there at all.
Thank you Capcom for giving gief drive rush and buffing both his meter damage and frame data.
You are all useless shits and should kill yourselves.
Chun already does low as fuck damage compared to the rest of the cast in this game so thanks for buffing niggergrief AND MAKE ME DEFUSE A BOMB IN A COURTHOUSE WHILE THIS NIGGER TANKS IT ALL LIKE IT'S NOTHING.
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why is capcom botting their replies?

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First fighting game then?
Funny thing is I didn't get hit with that shit once, this dumbass is so shit it was obvious when he was going to do it like a kid giddy to try out his brand new super soaker SO I SHOOT HIM WITH AN ACTUAL FUCKING GUN BUT HE'S IMPERVIOUS TO BULLETS SO IT DOESNT MATTER ANYWAYS
Probably work my old job as an attendant in a nursing home
Jp twitter has pajeet bots
if it works it works
maybe you should be more random
It do be like that
why? why are jeets like this?
Zangief vs Lily is fucking ass holy shit. There is basically nothing he can do.
are u a girl
are u a boy
what if I say please?
you idiots scared her off. i was bout to smash
i was about to drink the wet chorizo from her colita
He is live
you geniuses kept her here. i wasnt bout to smash
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>sharing tips with a lily player
The only cool ways to make millions is either jewing people in the financial industry, sucking dick (literally if you're a woman) and getting some cushy middle management position that does nothing and shouldn't exist, or actually creating something meaningful in life. I'd rather just have fun playing Street Fighter
bored so here it is the top 3 most fuckable characters from each franchise

kitana, pre-mkx sonya, jade

chun-li, cammy, ryu

lili, lee chaolan, nina (with long hair)
I forgot to mention that I love grapplers
why are you listing men faggot
>Dale beating around the bush just to play 30min of something
Holy shit, I feel already scammed and I'm watching a restream with no ads
This dude stream really devolved
its 2024 you CHUD, sucking dick is NORMAL
I just check like 3-4 times a week for troll channels on youtube to upload the highlights.

Last stream of his that I watched live (in the restream of course) was the one people talked about in the thread about him being exposed on twitter and taking 1 hour break to the point people thought he killed himself.

Decapre, Decapre, and Decapre

im not gay or even bi but they make my dick hard, not my fault
Cassie, Kitana, Sindel
Chun-li, Juri, Cammy
Asuka, Zafina, Lidia
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>Chun-li, Juri, Cammy
Agree, they really are the right picks for the main female trio of SF
Poor Sakura tho she lost her spot to Juri
It's his brilliant mastermind tactic of making his stream as boring as possible for the "trolls" to clip him he wants them to struggle and stay in his stream watching his boring old ass talk instead of playing, which obviously backfires and he loses viewers and fans that even turn troll because of it.
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>saves season 3
Nigga went from single handedly keeping sfv on twitch alive to this
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EVO is a business now. Company earnings matter more than the 12k payout in a stacked 5000-man tournament.
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No it aint
Tokido would’ve got 0 dollars if he used Akuma
>bunch of """""men"""" wasting time talking to each other about which girl they will never fuck is the hottest as if this has any value or purpose
Nu-males and their obsession with cuckoldry, even in emotional level.
If you are bored go do something with your worthless ass self.
Ken needs buffs.
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no one playing a character that can fireball DR should be complaining about anything
That "rog" brain in action. He doesn't even think about collateral damage or long-term, just his petty vendetta against the trolls.
People really trying to downplay punk cause he's black.
Crossover is a laggy Deejay player, GTAB.
Top 6 is so fucking shit
Naw man I'm watching high MR non pro Chun replays in clients and its the same shit, wins are when they outplay in neutral, losses are when they're just completely shut down by gimmicks, all games are them walking back and forth at a distance waiting to see if they can react and answer the bullshit thrown at them
lagoverRD plays ken
will this retard ever stop crying about his characters?
chunrilla thinks they're playing neutral with their autofootsies
Chun niggas be like
>i just won a race against a bunch of people on foot while driving my car, i’m such a GAWD
ayo my nooch is lowkey GAWDlike
bro its so over i cant believe i lived to experience dystopia
I hope Terry is top tier
I hope Terry's face gets fixed
Street Fighter has some other contenders, I think Viper could be up there she wears a tight unbuttoned suit. I also think Kolin and Falke are good even though they're scrimblos. Sakura is a classic but honestly I never personally cared for her, she was always overshadowed by other girls for me
>I keep complaining about the st.lp cr.mp flowchart
>nobody gives a shit
>Punk wins EVO
>now suddenly people are listening

I fucking hate this "someone gotta win a big tournament for us to accept a character is broken" mentality. It's fucking retarded.

It's like people will never accept Guile is retarded until Du wins something
cammy is fucking busted.
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I hope Mai is top tier
The BVLL is always there to defend his homies
Typical GOAT shit classic Mena W
>get outplayed by honest fundies by the player not the character
Oh mein gott I can't believe my autopilot flowchart gimmicks got beaten Chun must be top tier
50k should be the bare minimum for an event of this "magnitude"
But again, nu-EVO is a joke, I just feel sorry for the zoomers who will never experience a real EVO at least once
You ain't outplaying anyone, that's why yoursorry ass is stuck at 1200MR.
Sorry bros, silly typo.
the real winners are blackrock and other property owners
God damn it i’m sorry i cant type for shit today
>Not live
Thanks, now I'm forced to watch the balrog restreamer with the scuffed mic.
At least he is not speaking right now.

Bros cammy can whiff punish with her jab and confirm into a combo!! They need to patch this! Every normal needs to lead to a random drive rush that you can't confirm or set up a perfect parry when they try to punish!
Cammy looks like she's bout to ride Chun Li's futa dick
shut the fuck up
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Cute homos.
>spelled 'hire' as 'higher'
I am convinced that people who hate Mari are sub-60 IQ retards.
I don't know which post is gayer
Yes that's what I said. Too bad I don't have any gimmick to carry me to a higher MR before getting stuck
Watching you play Ryu would be hilarious
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>plus frames off forward moving normals and specials
>fireball spam
Yeah I think the flowchart is already off to a strong start. I'll play Sakura if she comes out maybe.
>no 'leena
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nigga i'm not reading all that
Free Palestine
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Me and my beautiful wife cammy after our mission is completed!
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brehs...ryu is literally TOO honest for this game.
Shit making me like tommy from the light house
i will find out where all chun li players live and mail them acid bombs
Any girls here need tips on how to play? Haha.
umm me haha umm how do i shimmy xD
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How do I keep up pressure as Akuma? It feels like everyone is able to mash out of everything i do
killing yourself and playing something better like kof
staying alive and not playing something worse like mortal kombat
stop telling sixers to play kof, they're going to invade when terry drops and shit it up
>hit 1800 while playing against a blatant cheater on a terrible match up
Good feeling but god damn, scripting JPs are ass to fight.
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JP as a whole is ass to fight against, i’m just glad he doesnt get a 70% + full screen reset combo off his frame 1 invul counter anymore.
Last time i checked JP is all the way down to 15 place in the usage list for Master, feels so fucking good.
I dont care how cancer grapplers get, i’ll always take them over zoners.
Vote for politicians that want to invest in infrastructure.
Havent had sushi in a while, maybe tomorrow i’ll see if i can get some.
I'm glad Li Fen got away from the pedo and is now safe with Chun Li, Ryu, Luke and MAX DOOD to protect her
why am I not seeing evo webms of rashit level 2 spam into his 50 free mix-up attempts and losing the round for free yet? get on it shitposters
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EVO needs all the help they can get to cover the venue fees. $250 is a reasonable price per person.
Modern American business is just a shareholder circlejerk.
People attach their self worth to fighting games because its (supposed to be) a 100% skill-based hobby. What you put in is what you get out, and for a while that was true. People loved the games and took their love seriously.

With modern games, people take it seriously but for different reasons. They may have watched or were aware of fighting games for a long time but were always shit at them. And when a modern game comes out and gives them superpowers, their interest in fighting games shoots up. They see it as their last chance before they get too old. The new generation doesn't know any better and they honestly think games like SF6 are good, but the longtime casuals and shitters are willingly living in a genjutsu created by capcom so they can feel godlike finally. Its like the matrix, they will fight to defend it.
$250 entry fee? Lmao imagine actually paying that
what is a good fighting game, oh wise one?
I'm not telling you, that's for you to figure out on your own
The answer lies in the heart of battle.
Imagine cheating online for imaginary points holy shit go fuck yourself nigger. Hope the game + script cost was worth it.
in 50 years we're gonna have people who play street fighter X reading textbooks and laughing at us because we let real estate get this bad
they will put money into anything for this game except characters and costumes. lol
Shut the fuck up and eat your CapSushis already.
Cause retards keep buying it.
their business model is to get people who don't play fighting games to play street fighter 6. Making the game better is the least financially viable thing to do.

They could release a patch tomorrow that makes lily's SPD do 50% damage and it would spark a wave of lily art and memes while everyone says they love the new lily.
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>Luke creeping on Jamie
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where the FUCK is Mecha Juri
where the FUCK is tracksuit chunli
where the FUCK is young bison
where the FUCK is Decapre
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youre getting overdesigned twitter safe costumes aimed at fujos
I'm sorry but It's just not a real sf game without cowboy Ken
Probably trying to rub it in that he's taller than Jamie and then later rub one out to the thought
>watching Tokido's blog
>doesn't drink
>meet up with Daigo
>looks already shitfaced
He will never win a single thing if he keeps this bullshit up.
He already won EVO, is sponsored and is the CEO of some random company, he's just doing sidequests at this point.
Looks like he's just there to promote Hitbox, he seems to care more about the Hitbox booth than the pools where he was fucking eliminated.
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Why is Ryu a manlet?
Don't forget stages. The fact that we get two per pass and they don't even make ones for special events like evo is just sad.
He is japanese
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so is gold juri available in the shop yet
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man if i was japanese, i'd be fucking you all up in this game...DAMN IT!!! why was i born a timmy??
KOF 2002.
evil lily s3
Quite literally hasn't stopped being
Dubai is fucking beautiful by the way. One of the best places I've ever visited.
But I'm a bitch so I have to opt out of spicy food because if you don't that shits coming in hot
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I would love if they followed on the Satsui no Hado Lily thing, but i know better than to expect Street Fighter to follow up on story set up.
Holy fuck look how short Juri is
marisa is so disgusting bruh this bitch is not funny even as a joke character I'm literally not laughing
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Does anyone have "Do it for her" Cammy collage?
I need to know how the Li-Fen chad managed to kidnap her so that I can do the same to Lily
Can we all agree that Street Fighter 6 is the 6th game in the mainline Street Fighter series?
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It's the 7th dumbass
Another headache another climb completing Diamond 3 to Diamond 4.
Bison players are the worst players on the planet and all of them should hang themselves for being such inept human beings
>Wanting this ugly ass garbage just because ISSA SPECIAL EDITION!
Just mod it you faglord.
it would be special edition if it was in the shop stupid it would be just another color
Did you know that studies show a direct correlation between your preferred numbered entry of Street Fighter and your penis size? This means Jivers are packing a whopping five inches.
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Is even more pointless because people can disable/control their opponent skins. Most people out there will never even know which skin you are using, you will be looking like some modded thing or default Juri in their screen anyways. Literally no purpose of trying to rock on a specific skin for your style. You ain't at a offline tourny, people ain't checking your signature or rare clothing.
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I prefer Alpha 3 which means my cock is 3 inches but it's ALPHA
Spam demon flip sis
SF10 bro…
haha oops just dropped my magnum condom that I use with my EX dong
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Will they ever stop having dinner dates?
Alpha isn't the third numbered game, 0-anon...
But my favorite is Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game (console)
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It's so you yourself can see it, dumbass. Who needs some rando to see your skin to feel good?
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>they actually care about how others see them in a game
couldnt give 2 shits. im starved for skins and like the pallet. it wouldnt be special if it was in the shop anyway so what makes you think thats what i care about
Took me a few months but I had no help and went about learning in a retarded way
You could probably become passable in a few weeks if someone was actively coaching you (not paid, just a friend who knows how to play the genre). Learn what your pokes are, learn how to anti-air, then after those two things learn SIMPLE combos that even someone like you can do, stuff like low kick into fireball or a basic thing to do after a drive impact punish, or heavy punch into super if you block a DP, so that you can get some mileage out of your hits. You don't need to be killing people in three touches like top players, but getting some basic damage from your punishes will help you a lot. If you don't know what to do to punish then honestly throwing them isn't terrible, punish throws do decent damage.

Also, this stands for fighting games in general, playing against bots doesn't help much with learning anything beyond the controls. Bots both don't have human reactions, meaning things like mixups and conditioning don't work on them, and they can easily be cheesed by exploiting their AI with things a human would quickly adapt to. You have to play against bots very differently than humans. I would try playing online after you feel like you're comfortable with the controls; even if you lose you can take what happened and learn from it. Be sure to ask questions or even post replays asking for feedback (in a Discord somewhere for the latter, not on 4chan, there are psychos here who may randomly obsess over you)
>registration actually does affect evo payouts this year (all years?) and punk and others got paid the wrong amount

the fuck?
these guys were to busy trying to enforce a infil ban that they coudldn't pay out people?
the fuck?
Oi! The fuck are you lookin at?!
>infiltrates EVO
bros...i wanna sniffy/licky
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2 weeks to get 1700 mr. never played a fighting game before, only play fps.
I look like this
Where's my Street Fighter flavored Yakuza clone
ms white...
When will Capcom stop dragging the world warriors along to every game and dropping dogshit characters that nobody likes like Honda and Blanka
>WW suck
>new original characters suck
>all the cool characters that everyone loves from Alpha and 3rd strike take forever to get in if they get in at all
This roster is so fucking lame
monkey finger curled and now you don’t have ryu, ken or chun either :)
they wanted to see if they could get away with it, and then say it was a mistake when they're called out. Its a common accounting trick to save money.
Niggas will get worked up over Blanka and Honda's dog asses being in the game then ask for some shitter like HAKAN or fucking NECRO
What kind of person plays Honda?
honda made capcom more money than marisa, manon, kim, and lily combined. Casuals bought the game and stuck around to buy passes and chipotle costumes because honda made them feel godlike.
theyre either usually really wholesome humble people that just like playing the weird character that no one likes
or theyre fucking degenerates with room temperature iq that love to be degenerate gamblers and they fucking hate you secretly and each time they scam you or randomly hit you with some dumb shit it gives them power
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30 in a week. virgin/neet/mentalillness
who do i main?
If beautiful biological women can reach the highest rank in your game, there's a problem
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Because shit like this happened
This flopping reset the timeline
depends on how hard you can weaponize your mental illness and rage
id say bison if you have darkness in your heart and have ever owned a fedora or cargo shorts
otherwise juri and mai when she drops
Juri or chun
They are not nerfing rashid or bison. Those characters are model SF6 characters.
however cammy is getting gutted, punk has shown that she is still a problem in the right hands, we can't have people wiggling around like epileptic autists in neutral, you need to drive rush and do full screen special moves/supers.
alternatively chubby chasers
Luckily most cammy players are not the right hands
love me chun, simple as
best girl for real probably gives the best head too
Punk was constantly doing drive rush in neutral, drive rush jab to stop early and bait, he even won the set from a c.mk drive rush
Cammychads WON
Cammy's leotard and level 3 getting censored soon, two more weeks.
What are some good options to do after successfully blocking Jinrai kick? No buttons can punish -5f or -3f, just backdash and reset to neutral?
Jive was the game that censored supers...
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I kneel
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>looks like shit
needs to get on the KAMI3
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>“The game has been in great shape and a lot of fun all the way since launch,” he told us. “I expect it will only get even better from here with each update. …Even in Season 1, the game was so well balanced it was hard to believe it had just come out, but it’s even better in Season 2. It’s incredible that they’ve achieved such a degree of balance in only the second year.”

>“I went pro during the Street Fighter IV era, and compared to back then, I feel like the current player base has a lot of younger players, and the skill level is much higher on the whole. Particularly with SF6, we’re seeing really remarkable performances from a younger crowd.”
You can take your turn back with a 6-8f button if he does the low follow up or take your turn back with a jab if he does the meme overhead, otherwise yeah just backdash
A player named StinkyWinkyXD ragequit on me in ranked
>I expect it will only get even better from here with each update
Haha, yeah, all those many many updates that we're getting...
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luv me some Li-Fen father-husband lore
Does taking your turn back mean punish counter, or just that you're safe to move? I'm not sure how a jab or 8f button is meant to punish when he's only -5 on block at best and probably out of range from pushback, sorry
I'm watching this right now

Fascinating innit bruv?
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best pit-slut in sf6? looking for new main.
Your only options are Cammy or Juri.
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forgetting someone?
Spoiler that shit coon
i've cum to that woman's feet more times than i can count
I love the game! It keeps me young!
Its in a great spot! Its incredible!
Please keep clipping me doing basic anti airs
yeah. apparently King Arthur's legend wasn't even a big part of English history
lmao faggot is scared of seeing women
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need dat

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