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FORMER: >>487124905
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i miss old dota
i member when navi na stomped these punks
raise your paws and say after me

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I got a frog ward on caravan
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L dotards
He banned me after I kept calling him fat and retarded
after vanagan, this game is not a serious e-sports game anymore, so no surprises
didnt the olympic committee determine that dota was the only viable game at some point
And that's a good thing. TF2's "comp scene" is comfier than ours and I hope we reach that level of comfy by slipping further away from esports slop.
>rocket league
>nba, fifa
need the nigger views i guess
>mobile games
>mobile games
completely disregarded
Say Mason, I hear you like 'em young...
not too young, only around 15-16
if it bleeds, it breeds ya smell me
mason's so sexy...
i half-jokingly said this at work the other day and everyone looked at me like i was completely fucking insane
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>make a pedo joke
>people unsurprisingly are disgusted
you people are autistic
yeah, you probably shouldn't talk about underage sex even as a full-joke in a work environment
hahahah oh no, anon doesn't realize he's "that guy" now

you are now "that guy" and can't ever come back from being that guy, i doubt your employment will last a super long time there
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Dude I'm a hardcore lolicon and even I know better than to say retarded shit like that in public. I don't joke around like that with even my closest friends.
>Dude I'm a hardcore [pedophile]
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> I don't joke around like that with even my closest friends.
you don't have very close friends if that kind of humor doesn't fly.

on dota related topics, just won a game because enemy literally refused to defend our high ground push. we were ahead maybe 5k gold max and they just didn't show up. I have no idea what the fuck was that about but I mean sure wins a win.
Women typically start to ovulate during puberty, which usually occurs between the ages of 10 and 15. This is when a girl begins to have menstrual cycles, indicating that ovulation is occurring. The exact age can vary widely among individuals, but most girls begin ovulating and menstruating around age 12 or 13.
Consider this, however: Ephey feet
How will this affect the laning stage of phantom lancer?
sex with hoodwink
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btw remember when your uncle PSG told you that this game was gonna strangle deadlock in its crib

Which female hero should I draw next? 69 auto win.
snapfire getting into an above-ground pool wearing a two piece bathing suit. accurately drawn
phantom assassin peeing but it's critical piss
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Wei doing yoga poses
can you kill yourself, rain?
>brown feet
i puked
rtz zai EE
are the holy trinity of teamruiners in all of dota, and it's bullshit that they looked upon as SAINTS
where are the goddamn esports historians
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>friend wants to play some Dota
>I go to pick Sniper in second phase
>both teams picked him
>immediately lock in Techies
>proceed to peep them from over a screen away anyway cause Squee's Scope turns me into a 2nd, Universal stat Sniper
>enemy Dazzle and Spirit Breaker lane
>they expect to just walk all over the lane as they probably normally do
>they get forced to outright give up the offlane to me and my friend playing Clockwerk cause Dazzle can't trade with me due to Tazer and he can't kite Clock cause of my Sticky Bomb too
>Spirit Breaker can't just run at me and fish for bashes down the entire lane cause of Tazer and he can't avoid getting cogged either cause of Sticky Bomb
>ez win
kek I love this fucking facet, people think they can avoid playing against Sniper if they pick him or ban him but LITTLE DO THEY KNOW THERE'S ANOTHER SNIPER AND THEY HAVE TO GET PEEPED FROM AN ENTIRE SCREEN AWAY ANYWAY. And in some ways it's even better than Sniper cause he's Universal, the pile of nuking spells that helps get easy kills in lane, Tazer disarm not allowing all-ins and just getting random kills from mines I left somewhere for some support to step on and then finally hitting Level 25, getting a free Rapier worth of damage and making people suffer even more
do you actually know what they are like in teams or just shitpost?
are we seriously doing this after years of roster news and drama coming from multiple players confirming it?
saberlight literally got kicked a month ago
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i mean
they are just unlucky
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Okay so we got whopping two arcanas for the gayest heroes in the game after 2 years and half a year of teasing them
When will we get personas, immortal sets, maybe a bit more arcanas?
Remember Mirana?
>get 20 rerolls
>absolutely fucking nothing
Come on Valve, at least 1 old immortal treasure or a decent Arcana
Lucky bois united, first 10 roll arcana
do it puppey
Don't forget the most important piece, Secret.ComeWithMe
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We NEED the PUBGeet Mobile audience
common dotard L

valve thinks they're the hottest shit alive after making continual flops for a decade straight so their focus is on their latest flop deadflop. riot will pay/bribe/do anything to get LoL into the olympics and valve will huff their own farts thinking they're too good for that. afterwards when dota isn't included in the olympics they will seethe and then lose their "passion" further.

i'm very glad there's no fps slop so valve can't get their piece of shit money laundering and gambling operation cs into it.
>winning early game
>guy plays pos 3 wk
>plays like pos 1, always farming alone and not engaging in teamfights when we could push
>enemy has qop, nyx, they start hunting our team and kill cores 1 by 1
>we have not once had a full teamfight thanks to this
>wk never builds aghs, just stupid damage items, no pipe
>he blames supports and insists he won the lane, not his fault
How are these people even 4K MMR?
don't make me post the shark girl
Who the fuck buys pipe on WK? I don't think I've ever seen that.
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Smell ya later, shart.
best news about this is that means bulba is finally out of a job
Enemy team had 2 dagons on nyx and qop, and a grim...
Our cores literally melted in seconds with grim ult. No, they had linkens, but it's incredibly easy to pop it.
He's still the coach of Shopify
Pakasz/Yopaj/Saberlight/Kitrak/skem + Bulba coaching
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>I'm hunting down qop with 1hp
>qop instantly return to full hp from using dagon on a neutral creep
since when?
core ET is deadass goated rn
Since her new Spell Lifesteal facet.
Queue EU westoid


brown game, brown general
i'm mentally ill
Which female hero should I draw next? 69 auto win.
mid who feeds 0/5, nobody says a word, he doesn't either and just quits. had this happen few days ago. name was written from right to left.
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despite having an all damage reduction passive on Visage, i still find that PA is able to simply blink and kill me in 1 second, even if i get my 20 minute Assault Cuirass timing
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PA hits very fast
Friend I'm playing with had a fucking meltdown bawling in voice chat when we're about to lose a ranked match saying he's going to derank after a losing streak and I ended up removing him from Steam due to how unnerving and anxiety inducing he went. I've never seen a grown adult mald over a game like that and I don't know if I can face him after this

mmr ghouls are trapped souls
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tfw no Luna hero
Anyone who plays Ranked still in current year needs to be locked into a 19th century mental asylum. Unranked is the only way to play. If you don't enjoy this game and how it plays when playing it with friends without needing to have that imaginary number dangled in front of you, you may as well just quit now. Ranked grinding schizos are mentally ill freak-ass third rate citizens.
Ability Draft was the TRVE dota experience till 7.36 ruined it with innate and facets that broke like 20% of all abilities and forces you to pick stuff from your own hero.
>meme mode
Nope. Just Unranked normal Dota. Nothing else.
>He missed out on it
You will never understand what has been lost... Maybe that is for the better
>have one game where i snap and call my teammate a nigger
>lose 200 good boy points
why did the dota 2 community accept such a draconian social credit score system
Is this deadlock?
>Have one day where I snap and call my colleague a nigger
>Lose my job
Valve is being nice to you for not instantly banning you
Be an adult and control your emotions
I think I'm starting to get insomnia, I haven't been able to sleep in two days and my thoughts and just all over the place. A part of me thinks my blood pressure is too high so I'm ordering some healthier groceries to help with that but I can't even remember how to spell anything right. It took me forever to spell pistachio correctly. I think I'm dying.

Heroes for this feel?
Maybe go see a doctor and stop using the internet
If I go to the doctor they will give me medicine
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Dotards, we eating good this year, see the small little green balls?
They all mangoes, late September at the latest we getting some.
My morph did sange and yasha when the opposing team had void, morph, phoenix, silencer and pudge, why are divinedogs like this?
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Think we can see better on this one in the sun.
>morphling vs morphling
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no its marvel supersneeds the DeadName killer

captcha: ZOGYA
"I'm not brown, I just grow mangoes at home"

thank you br huehueanon for your mangoes
blood grenade is op
So you're telling me that as a new player I have to spend 90 more hours getting my arse handed to me before I'm allowed to play in ranked with the other beginners and shitters at my level?
Yes. Ranked is a complete joke anyways.
you will never play this game against beginners, ever. you missed out on that. all that awaits you is a future of ass handing

don't mess up your behavior score, if you learn to play properly you can zoom past thousands of people who are permastuck and can't learn.
They had to do it too so what's the problem, dipstick
p...pretty much yeah
There's hidden MMR for unranked too, you'll be playing with the same sort of people either way, maybe it's worse at the start when it doesn't know exactly where you should be
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Reminder that if you cannot keep your behaviour score above 11.5k you're a subhuman with emotional issues.
the way the matchmaking algorithm works is, since you're just starting to play, it probably thinks you're a smurf or something and put you in the hidden "smurf pool"
after you get your ass handed to you for awhile, it'll start putting you in pools where other players have gotten their asses handed them a lot too
it's like an unranked hidden mmr algorithm that determines what kinds of matches to put you in
Fuck I wanna grope those tits!
After i bought a new account i admitted to myself that i just cant cooperate with the animals that play video games generally
What a complete waste of time. Honestly Esports in the olympics seems like an idiotic idea when every game and all balancing within it is owned and controlled by a company. I'd rather have chess or some shit.

tekken and dota would be ideal over SF and lol, but they're not as popular so unlikely.
when the average game lasts 30-50mins no shit they don't want dota there
take a cold shower and do some breath work there's vids online
I sat right in front of my air conditioner, drank some water and ate a banana and I feel a lot better, just not sleepy yet, thanks though
why are we allies with them again and by we i mean the us
Huge rylai Ice Racks.
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time for a relaxing shower after pruning the mangos.
the fact other people spent 100 hr getting their arse kicked before be able to play with beginners doesn't make it anymore enjoyable.

>don't mess up your behavior score, if you learn to play properly you can zoom past thousands of people who are permastuck and can't learn.
I'm trying. I'm not really sure what to focus on the most at the moment to make the fastest progress (progress in improving, not climbing ranked or whatever).
that's kind of crazy how rylai can never have sex if she wants to hold on to the her maiden title
>AI slop
50min+ is how long any serious team sports game lasts
i wanna start spamming a hero with a high skill ceiling but im not sure who to start spamming
ive been spamming Visage for the past month but now im getting tired of him
Tinker seems kinda cool, Meepo too
idk about Arc Warden, i just hate playing squishy ranged heroes, especially when the enemy team has an Axe or something and just makes it really hard to play
don't be rude with mango anon, now apologize
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what if he gets 12k?
wow it can't even beat bg3 lol
Why did Valve allow creators to monetize their dota maps? All of teh games are just gacha shit
is this AI
tinker doesn't have a high skill ceiling anymore. a hero like puck or morph is much higher skill ceiling.

you have to remember the ability to win games is related to the skill ceiling. a low quality shit hero that's difficult to win when you're relying on getting carried isn't a high skill ceiling hero. you need to actually be able to pick it and win the game relying on yourself.

i'd say ld if you like visage. i spammed a lot of ld, visage, tiny, and ta last time i was playing a lot.
play brew
that nigga is always good
>Doesn't get any (You)s
>Reply to himself
Mental illness.
there are too many posts like that in this thread to know which post specifically you're talking about
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are you retarded
thanks, i think i will try out LD
Time has changed and Gabe was right.
i've never paid for a mod in my life so no
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We have beaten the game of Defense of the Ancients Number Two.
Congrats on being boringly mediocre in a game that has existed for two decades.
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Thanks, you too.
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>tfw no Siberian Dota 2 wife
Why live anywhere that isn't Russia, what a sad life.
>Why live anywhere that isn't Russia, what a sad life.
Words of an ignorant fool.
>don't ban PA
>my team picks her
>she goes 1/13 and acts as a mobile ward
>enemy picks her
>goes 27/0, buys rapier, oneshots everyone
>try to disarm her
>immediately pops bkb and oneshots everyone anyways
what the fuck do i do about this piece of shit
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all of the counters for any hero are contingent on teamplay and timing. all you can do is play your best, anon.
>SF beats my DP mid
>kills her twice
>he rotates to my lane thrice
>my DP takes ten minutes to destroy his tower despite him not even being there
>then she goes to afk jungle because her excuse is she can't fight him so why bother rotating to any lanes ever
I bet you'd never guess I was on a ten game winstreak.
>play PA
>enemy supports buy ghost scepter, euls, have stuns
>can't kill anyone during bkb, get kited and die

>enemy plays PA
>my supports rush aghs, have 900ms reaction time to use their stuns, all die during PA bkb

>teams fault
so how do I counter a retarded team then
you play in a stack, or you play overpowered meta heroes that dont care about your team
PA specifically, it's BKB Troll or a legit hard carry, preferably ranged.
Oops meant for >>487429567
he's literally on par with half of the immortals
>remove the cast speed bonus from arcane blink because it's OP
>an expensive as fuck upgrade that only provided some int

>give yasha kaya the cast speed bonus on top of
>the bonus move speed
>spell amp
>mana regen
>it's also cheap and easy to build from inexpensive parts
Wow very smart.
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It's not like Gaben would allow it anyways as they drugtest people
original hero concept!

attack speed is set to a fixed amount and cannot be increased or decreased by any means. attack speed increases from items and buffs is instead converted to damage. every 4th shot is a guaranteed critical hit, but must reload after 4 shots and is disarmed while reloading.

>ability 1
throws a grenade that bounces between 4 targets. damage of the next bounce is increased if the previous bounce kills a target

>ability 2
fires a long range single target skillshot. allies passively mark enemies when dealing ability damage. if this ability hits a marked enemy, it is rooted for a short duration.

>ability 3
places a trap that arms after a short duration. when triggered, creates a slowing field and gives true sight of all enemies within the field. detonates and deals damage after a short delay

>ability 4
self-roots and fires off 4 powerful skillshots over a long range area. shots slow and provide true sight on heroes hit, and deal increased damage based on missing health. the 4th shot is a crit.

>facet 1
crits grant a short burst of movement speed and hero gains scaling damage based on movement speed.

>facet 2
kills automatically detonate an ability 3 trap at their location. ability 3 gains 2 charges.
soulless design
Call me... Grubbernaut.
Just add Draven, he's the only cool guy in league
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>Game found
>Returning to lobby
>Game found
>Returning to lobby
>Game found
>Returning to lobby
I just wanted to play one more game /b/ros.
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which hero sharts? which player sharts other than PSG, RTZ
The only cool thing in League was the ranked 3vs3 twisted treeline and tencent killed it.
Fuck that game and fuck them.
Tencent killed the videogame I liked.
the best thing about league is amount of waifus and fanservice
Why cant valve fuck off with their retarded "skins dont break lore (except they do)" policy and release bikini summer skins
>Why doesn't valve just kill dota?
Because they don't want dota to die?
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>Why live anywhere that isn't Russia, what a sad life.
Nice try, Ivan, go die in trench yourself.
>big tits and visible tummies will kill dota
kill yourself, faggot
>waifus and fanservice
Nah, lately they only release diversity/interracial/gender confused stuff lore, otherwise they do not get any money from major investors that are forcing this propaganda to push for population control since homosexuals do not reproduce and people willingly mutilating their reproductive organs also help in that respect.
Which champion benefits from KaYasha the most? Its my favorite item and i want to build it in every game
>go die in trench yourself.
I am not Russian, it is just a plain and simple fact of life that they have the best looking women, best nature ( although some pollution due to heavy industry ) compared to other countries, also, I love sashimi and I just imagine eating cтpoгaнинa in Siberia must be delicious.
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what are you talking about? Their last champion is literally Bunny with thick thighs
did he really poop himself?
>human with [minor animal accessory]
>hot human woman bad
>grotesque whacky diverse ugly monstrosity good
Sup Valve dev
>share of GLOBAL forest area
>essentially no info of how much of each nation is covered in forest
>just shows that big countries have more forests than small countries
What a worthless fucking graph
no shit sherlock imagine being 30y old boomerteezy and trying to keep up with zoinked zoomers
I mean you can see him ploooorp and then his wife does the "oh no not again" head down big first step

Clean it up lil donny
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Miss me with that shit, last blonde blue-eyed characters we had and coolest were Lux and Ezreal, this was before Tencent even bought it, one they turn into a twink at every opportunity and the other they do every thing possible to sideline.
Not to mention the censorship in the game, from voice lines to other details, like Vayne saying "I smell black magic", among many others, turning Graves into a homo and Twisted Fate as well, taking his cigar away on the portrait then giving it back.

Might play league now
Why don't people like me?
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>just shows that big countries have more forests than small countries
Russia has the most of every country, Brazil is second.
Finland is superior
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>I am not Russian
Of course you're not, otherwise you wouldn't say such naive and idiotic things. Grow up.
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In prettiness it might be but still, you have crazy people that put pikes in the water for swimmers to die impaled and other crazy stuff as well.
>field of justice
damn that brought back memories. old lol was so cool
How to create such AI art?
>get stable diffusion
>get anime model
>type "big tiddy crystal maiden"
why is there still no estimate for act 4
>put pikes in the water for swimmers to die impaled
no that's for the fishes during winter
What kind of delusion makes someone think that swamps and boreal forests are pretty like there's no mountains or anything
Norway, Alps, Alaska mog
>why is there still no estimate for act 4
Act 3 just got release what, 2 weeks ago, even less?
They kicked back the ending of the event so I believe it will either be mid September or end of August, also, nothing stops them from postponing the end of the event again and releasing it even later since the event was a major success in attracting more players.
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>Norway, Alps, Alaska mog
Anon, this might sound crazy to you, but different people like different things.
Finland had more land that was covered by a forest percentage wise than Russia in 2020. I wouldn't really see why this would have changed in 4 years.
Those I listed are the same as Finland but better in every way
Finland is incredible boring on every metric there is absolutely nothing special about their country even their Dota players aren't anything special
Finnish women are cute.
Matumbaman is one of the most beloved dota pros of all time.
>gorgc gets 12k
>mason tanks 500 mmr in 2 days
we lost...
Team Spirit carry Illya "Raddan" Mulyarchuk, also known as Yatoro, is unhappy with the patch 7.36c meta in Dota 2. He doesn't like to play like "semi-core", but has to abandon hard carrying playstyle. The player spoke about it in the team vlog from Riyadh Masters 2024 before they were eliminated.

This meta is for the semi-cores. I hope that we win the tournament, and I will say on stage that this is the worst meta in Dota, for dickheads. Currently, the meta is f**ked up for carries. The meta is shit, but you have to play it.

[Is it hard for you to adapt to the semi-core playstyle?] Not really. The problem is when you are a semi-core player, you have less gold and it is harder to play from a carry point of view. You no longer act as a killer, but just as some dude. You just run around, poke someone, and your team does the killing. Like, Hoodwink with Daedalus f**ks everyone as position 4 or 5.

[What kind of semi-cores are there now?] Chaos Knight, Windranger, Weaver, Troll, Ursa, or Alchemist. The only hard carries now seem to be Morphling and Terrorblade. They are just strong, buffed and competitive compared to other carries. Now, people even pick the Time Zone ability for Faceless Void to join fights earlier, be more aggressive and mobile, and help your team. That's dogshit.

Illya "Raddan" Mulyarchuk
i played 3 games of time zone mid
won 2, and in the one i lost I was the best player (our pos1 failed us)
its good
mael -> diffu -> manta -> whatever is needed
always use it if it guarantees a kill
>make a whiny blog about how the meta is bad
words of the truly deranged
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hahaha when are they sending in the 'agent'?
So funny to watch that monkeydonian being desperate for mmr.
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do NOT tell these anons what's confirmed to be the next champ release.
ill make a nice doodle for an anon if you give me a fun enough idea.
taking any draw request
>The only cool thing in League was the ranked 3vs3 twisted treeline
My mates were the #1 ranked 3v3 team in the world.
It was a fun gamemode, I'd love to see it in dota as well.
me using my new hunting knife to eviscerate Hoodwink
pudge hooking up with a lol girl
It was the coolest because it was arguably the most fair head-to-head game, two people vs each other on the two lanes and the others in the jungle versus each other, combinations were limited but better overall if you made a good team, they tried to introduce it again later on with a different map and different objectives but it wasn't the same, although much better than the 5vs5.
Fuck off PSG.
so whos the squirrel furry in valve?
Futa Evelynn and QoP jelqing each other.
vanaman is my bet
>want to make some art for d2g
>not even 5 mins in someone else tries to undermine my post
I wonder who could be behind this post.
>muh campo santo boogeyman
It's psg
Whos undermining your post?
Just draw what people ask for, fucking attentionwhore just wants (You)s for asking what to draw
dragonchess just crashes my game entirely, the fuck
feeling cute, might draw something later
what do you guys request?
>Want to take a request
>Right after I make my post, same repeating posts start appearing
Cmon, its very obvious.
I humbly request photos of Marci losing a bet and getting fucked because of it.
Or getting drunk,
kill yourself
You're missing the point, just draw what people are asking for
Unless you get off from getting (You)s from just telling people that you want to draw something, in which case
Kill yourself
d2gbooru when?
what do you do when you're playing Nyx and the enemy team is just huddling and playing safe so much and you can't get pickoffs?
>Want some ideas from dotards
>Don't get any because one shitposting attentionwhore starts repeating the same question I asked after I posted.
The one missing the point here is you, my friend.
If you don't know how to approach that situation then you pretty much reached your skill ceiling because its a fairly simple answer.
i'll give you one chance to guess, its easy,
Hint: its a single item choice.
Can't you think of your own ideas
He's asking the same thing, so you get draw requests anyways
Close but no.
Its Blink Dagger because that just lets you instantly close the gap and nuke a hero of your choice, you don't rely on invis meaning you don't give a shit about enemy detection and you can still use carapace preemptively to get a free stun when you dive in and the enemy reacts fast enough or tries to retaliate.
People usually ignore it because lmao its not dagon.
blink you animal
in a teamfight you blink vendetta combo some nigger
>but muh pickoffs
yeah sometimes people are not stupid and will not walk around solokillable by nyx
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it was good once
lmao 2 crystal novas in dragon chess just crashes the game for me
literally cant get past 15k bec game keeps crashing
ok cool, you blink in and kill someone, but then what, you just die because the whole enemy team is gonna kill you
this nigga posting 2 times lmao
mods delete this brown nigga
you get a force or euls to make time for your team to pick up, if the enemy ganged up, you shouldn't be getting pick offs by yourself.
thats normal nyx gameplay
except in a teamfight you will have the opportunity to have your team capitalize on the enemy going on you
Buy a fucking wind waker or a force staff, you turbo nerd.
are you 2k or something.
remember when supports fell off?
yeah was so stupid
why should a hero become worse the longer the game goes on
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just carry harder bro, this is your fault
because they are strong early game and their ultimate is still fucking busted?
See disruptor.
guys what should i draw
Disruptor is kinda weak early
you should draw me breaking into your house and stealing your shoes
accidentally clicked on meepo its so over bros
Except he is not? do you not max glimpse? its a literal free kill every single time.
>coretroon too retarded to buy nullifier and bkb
>cries about supports being le op
He's worse than alot of other supports
To me disruptor is just a won lane
what should i NOT draw
>just buy nullifier and bkb to play the game for 9-6 seconds per fight bro
>farm 9k gold to have a chance to kill someone 10 levels and 4 items below
I play support btw
Support Sisters run this general.
pudge getting an enema by morphling
Wouldn't a couple like CK, and Alch be considered hard carries? I never really thought of them as semis because of how much farm they needed to come online. Like, Weaver makes sense because they're talking about support Weaver but for the two I mentioned, ehh, not feeling it. Or are they actually talking about support Alch and shit?
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my first commission that will be one techies arcana
Alch has a specific timing aka he farms hard, overwhelms enemy with bkb and shit while they're still on their farming item and ends the game
CK falls off past midgame, but is very powerful until then
I like OD so I guess I'll focus on playing him mostly, what would be some good not hard to play backup mid picks for when OD is already picked/banned or enemy picked a hero he's weak against?
sniper, dragon knight, viper
You're playing morphling. You probably died like a fucking retard when you were pushing high ground and lost the game. Nothing to do with the team. Your fault.
fuck off
Man you are mad towards drawfags aren't you PSG.
literally seething.
Yeah, carry harder
or do anything maybe, at all
existential dread
i was the slark
>dotards when faced with a puzzle game for children and women
Venge 5-combo gems
This is literally the only way to beat this shit.
im just bad at this game holy fuck
i hope they keep the minigames around
bejeweled is based
bullet hell will be based with more levels
flappy birb is cringe
fishing should be added in game along with high five
fighting game needs a lot more updates and matchmaking
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What's the fucking point of having a bomb in the shmup if it's going to break the combo chain?
i was playing slark and i got his 'pssst' voice line at the exact same moment not like us came on my playlist and the 'pssst i see dead people' line played and when i say CHILLS sis
>CK falls off past midgame
Oh, I thought it was the opposite where midgame he becomes a beast and never stops bulking. I see.
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existential dread retribution
me too actually
it was the 5 lina light strike array
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>if you have a 1 streak or 2 streak and you kill the third one or second one of a different color the streak is gone
What the actual fuck
cap ability draft has never been better i just wished they made dragons blood do something
just killed it again by firing off 4x4gems lmao
even set graphics to min, doesnt matter
>mfw current state of d2g
>be mason
>climb mmr
>start picking shit heroes
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post word salads
>mfw cuwwen stwate ub dee doo jee
I want the item build minigame back. that was the real good shit
Yeap, I'm thinking he is seething super hard.
Yeah... I'm thinking paizuri with extra cum on breasts..
I actually can't really play my main account anymore

they added something where if you get reported 4 times I think you get "overwatch" convicted instantly and it lpqs you
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fuck that retard
have you tried not saying NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER every game
I haven't been able to say anything for years

I think I'm gonna abandon the main for all intensive purposes it's just too doggy dog at 1000 MMR 1 behavior
>haven't been able to say anything for years
have you considered that maybe you are the problem
>lose mid super hard
>euthanize the match by going afk
>get mass reported
wtf i was doing them a favor
is there a setting that alows me to target the portraits on the top of the hud to use my skill/items?
You can do that already
more like deez nutz
do you know who i am? i work at valve, son. i will end your queue
on enemies too? I tried doing it in game and demo and it won't work. I remember watching a streamer and they told him to enable some setting after he ulted a creep with windranger
Does the fact that, when you try to do it in demo on an enemy, you select that hero as if you're playing it, not give you the slightest hint that it wont work in demo mode?
marci embarrassed in qop's outfit
what the fuck are you talking about? I'm asking for something that I think it's pretty self explanatory and you respond with straight up bullshit as if you didn't understand what I meant with my original question
Damn, can't imagine to be as stupid as you
Anyways the answer is it works in normal games and doesn't work in demo mode, anyone with a speck of intelligence would usually figure it out normally
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I tried it in a game first before trying in demo mode and I don't see how they could work any differently
I haven't tried it in years but you should be able to click targeted spells on portraits to get them to cast on the person. Should always work for allies and IIRC it won't work on enemies if they're in the fog which sounds obvious but if they're dancing in the trees to juke you it's not going to help you there. I don't actually remember if it worked for enemies honestly because I never tried it.

I also looked in options for you but I don't see a setting for portrait targeting so the other guy's just being a faggot.
huskar is unplayable
Warlock is such a broken hero
Idk why he's so bad at high mmr, I guess they can punish his bad laning but the teamfight on this hero is 1v9 tier
that's exactly why he's bad, you can literally just dive the enemy carry under tower and warlock is just standing there like a fat retard
my silencer is 1/4, has 2 stacks of passive and is building only strength. but I'm the bad guy for going afk. me.
Nothing wrong with Bracers, dotard.
yes, you're the problem
>anyone says anything slightly negative in chat
>report and mute
Those "action taken" just keep raining in
name a better shitter stomper than morphling
he's so dogshit at laning, holy fuck
its prolly cus theyre getting reported in other games too
>enemy team has been flaming their mid the whole game
>we're about to take their ancient
>their mid disconnects and abandons
wow, they must've been really upset...
yeah i never managed to get through the whole thing before it was memory holed
>be me
>bully gramma
>gramma dies
>i get into the same situation
Well dsrved, no amount of weed and drugs will do it, aka mdma has a cooldown of about 9 months.
Anyhow meme immortal heroes for mid
wtf is grubby playing Dota 1??
at least jenkins cant stalk him there
>rtz quits
>no one gives a fuck
laughing my lmao
its not going to protect him from d*scord
wtf does anyone elses dragonchess crash the game??
is it bec i only have 8GB vram or what???
It was obviously coming and he wasn't even entertaining to watch anymore, besides he only stepped down
damn, really? cant believe he quit without winning anything
How to make very midly popular dota 2 art and get some likes
Step 1: Draw Marci
Step 2: There is no step 2, you already got russians posting your art on their social media and a fair number of likes.

captcha: MGHAX
what if it's a shitty marci art.
Marci seems to be the low hanging fruit, even if its shitty art.
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Russians love Marci
I've been thinking lately.
Is this a sign that I'm not fit to be an offlaner?
Please respond offlanerbros how do I make it stop
last time i looked at the art page on the dota 2 community hub, it was 100% ai generated marci art by russians and some sort of asian creature.
>6 stacks in jungle
>enemies come in and farm them despite being there for 8 minutes
>make 5 more stacks
>enemies farm them again 5 minutes later
>we lose
I'd say I could have played better or something but my team went double radiance so I'm blaming retarded cores
thank you. I tried to using it in full vision of the enemy so it doesn't work on enemies then.
>make stacks (gamelosing move)
>doesn't go well
>make more stacks
How about you do something that isn't griefing instead of making stacks?
i swear to god some people that play this game are seriously mentally stunted
same experience, just walking by stacks and FREE FUCKING MONEY
>jugg take 3x ancient stack pls
>*does nothing for 5min*
>*enemy takes stacks*
if i could choke people through tcp/ip id be a fucking mass murderer, the hate im feeling when this happens...
my team was behind and I was trying to get some stacks going to help my cores get back in the game. We couldn't fight and all agreed to afk farm. The enemy hadn't taken our jungle so it seemed smart. What was the right play here?
Getting vision and drawing attention away from your shitty cores so they can farm
I think huskar is a good offlane and I'm tired of pretending he's not
I think I should move to pos 1/2 in my ancient games. Recently hit it and EVERY SINGLE core is so fucking clueless.
>ignoring objectives
>either always trying to get kills or afk farming, no inbetween
>majority of enemies dead? they go farm jungle
>enemies missing and clearly smoked? better push lane
>spam pings me when I try to stack camp or go bounty/lotus
>only uses guide and can't itemize based on current game
How do you reach this rank while being so shit? Carry role is a cakewalk since all games in this bracket are stomps and they never contribute much because they rather farm.thraax
ok, I cant beat carry techies, its way too strong
whats the carry build? range or inventory slots?
The game is honestly in such a horrible spot right now. The only reason I'm playing is to complete Crownfall and god damn does it hurt to play.
did not ask
get the backpack is inventory facet to carry more than anyone else
same. it's the same 5 heroes every game and its just boring after a while
getting close to the end and wondering if i even want a void spirit skin
Yeah the range facet seems bugged
you dont get 1:1 attackspeed as range
It's all so shit. I appreciate the story and minigames but the rewards are a fucking joke. The only reason to do it all is for the Imperia skin.
I look EXACTLY like Hoodwink!
Post paws
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Support Gyro is fun.

>Killing enemy supports from a screen away from my Missle.
>buy 4 $7 packs after discount
>do everything
>reward: a style unlock for an arcana that is worse than the regular style
Yeah but then 4 years from now if the game is still alive you'll have people bitching about not being able to get the Imperia style and you'll be able to dab on them.

Like I don't play any of the heroes with 'exclusive' arcanas but I still have them all and still love posting about how I have them and retards don't and how I hope it stays that way.
the absolute worst thing about dota 2 is that it's bound to your steam account. I'd 1000% sell my account if it was just dota. but not all the other games I have. in hindsight i really wish I made a separate steam account for this shit so I could have sold my account and all its arcanas years ago.
no you fucking don't loser
>be PSG
>Playing archon ranked
>Try to sven pos5 meme
>It just functions in that you can run under towers and run up on people super hard in general

That's it? This game is getting boring. Why does sven give you a fucking shield, lol. We won

7.37: replaced sven shield passive with "blink dagger is only 1550 for sven"

Captcha: RAADSP
Actually better idea: give omniknight this war cry, give sven repel

Then we can have a terrorblade patch.
literally both
>buy bloodthorn with witchblade and turn into better sniper with the attack speed talent
>buy 7 wraith bands and have better stats then everyone by minute 25
>buy a high 2k mmr account after being gone for a year
>valve detects me within 12 games
>I am now having 30 minute long queues in shadow/smurfpool
honestly if someone fucking demolishes valve I would rejoice. I can't even play the fucking game. I will now have to buy another account at the mmr I left off.
>he couldnt get back to 2k
>>buy a high 2k mmr account after being gone for a year
im in smurf queue, main account which was previously high 5k is unplayable due to perma shadowpool cause I said no-no NIGGER words. fucking FAGGOT valve I hope someone ***** them in minecraft.
Hence valve detects me as a smurf since im going 36/4 or some shit every game.
Does anybody know of any good animated dota 2 wallpapers?
well I have a Lina one but it's not sfw so I doubt you want it
haha yeah, who would want that, haha
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New player here - is there no way I can get this unlock variant anymore...? It wasn't included in the bundle.
post it
no retard
there is a separate style unlocker item you can buy on the market but its cheaper to just buy the already unlocked individual pieces for like 10 cents or whatever
there i made it so the results are filtered to only items that will be unlocked
Cope faggot.
I will continue to ruin your shitty 2k games until valve allows me to climb back to my rightful place in high 5k mmr fucking faggot nigger valve shitters/drones
You were just complaining that you were in a different pool, not that I needed much convincing but you really are a retard
I am indeed in a different pool otherwise this nigger game wouldnt take 30+ minutes to find a fucking match with 12k behavior score in high 2k
Then dipshit you're going to have a hard time ruining anyone else's game who isn't on the same level as you already
i have literally never been that low mmr, i calibrated at 4k when ranked became a thing
which is exactly why I must buy a fresh account, to either ruin more games or finally break free from the shadowpool.
lol the retard keeps responding, this is a very good bit
search for the individual pieces the whole unopened set costs a lot more
thanks based anon. a lot of this game is so arcana
eat my asshole! i am not retard! u r retard!
nah u are retard
no stop im gonna cry fuck u
I broke my record for assists with 42 but it isn't on my main :(

Fucking people will complain about their pos5 in 10k behavior when I have 42 fucking assists...
wow very nice dotard
if you can do it once then you can do it twice

heres what I want to happen right now
slow night huh?
porn addiction is ruining my health and relationships... and my mmr
First time is a mistake, after that is a choice.
>enemy picks io

He's not really hard to play against but man it's fucking annoying with this little nigger as he just hides in the back and makes his carry invincible for the laning phase.
>zero laning damage
WOW that was hard
>retarded ESL
t. got owned by io
I won my match, which should've been obvious if you weren't a retarded ESL...
>I won my match
of course you did of couse
I accept your concession, brown.
>being this mad
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>being this brown
Are you lost?
that's not a real game in both senses
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Is there anything unique in the candyworks cavern?
>io is broken
t. baddie
>he's still ESL'ing it up
lmao, mindbroken
this music pack in pathfinder act 2 is pretty nice
rent free
>last time candy caravan was around, got one pudge arcana after like $150 of battle pass spending
>this time, have gotten fucking 5 arcanas, plus immortal treasures out the ass
fuck, I know its just rng but im feeling bretty good
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you're that desperate for Tiny to get some buffs?
we just got the biggest patch since like 7.00 two months ago you ungrateful shitbaby fuck!
Kill Valve. Behead Valve. Roundhouse kick a valve into the concrete. Slam dunk a valve baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a Valve food. Launch Valve into the sun. Stir fry Valve in a wok. Toss Valve into active volcanoes. Urinate into a Valve gas tank. Judo throw Valve into a wood chipper. Twist Valve heads off. Report Valve to the IRS. Karate chop Valve in half. Curb stomp pregnant black Valve. Trap Valve in quicksand. Crush Valve in the trash compactor. Liquefy Valve in a vat of acid. Eat Valve. Dissect Valve. Exterminate Valve in the gas chamber. Stomp nigger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Valve in the oven. Lobotomize Valve. Mandatory abortions for Valve. Grind nigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Valve in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Valve with a ray gun. Kick old Valve down the stairs. Feed Valve to alligators. Slice Valve with a katana.
>come back after a year or so
>new "facet" thingies
wtf what did you retards made to my dota? how did you let this happen?
>after a year
nothing changed, it wasn't dota then, it isn't dota now
there were a lot worse things added to the game since 7.00 compared to facets and innates which half the time feel like flavor shit more than anything
I wanted facets and we got them, they're great
facets are basically specs to give you a little some leverage with pics after heroes are done or try something unique with a hero. one of my favorites is the lion one where he becomes a melee hero with thousands of damage, kek
if a hero is absurdly strong and broken in an organized setting (team vs team/esports), but weak in a public game setting (5 solo queue vs 5 solo queue), would the hero be nerfed or buffed
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if youve played dota up until last year, this aint any worse. you are campo santo's lil puppy dog
>picks skyrat mid
>no ganking
>null talisman and rod of atos at 17 minutes
>1 level above enemy supports
why tho?
who are you quoting?
how do you play sf without developing an ego
I might actually not come back because this patch ruined ability draft which was the only gamemode I really played
no you cannot use it for enemies because that would be broken. you can however a-click enemy portraits to aggro creeps
terrorblade... good!?
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I've now lost 17 out of my last 20 rankeds and in latest match our mid lost to me in gpm (pos 5 with 11 last hits). My mental health can't take this I'm going to buy beer this very moment.
trust me you'll never guess the hero nyx
>pick tiny mid
>get a ton of kills and few deaths
this always happens when i play Tiny for some reason, i get blink, go around and kill everyone and make space, but it doesn't matter, i just lose
Exactly same for me. Also got an enemy tiny that went like 30-0 and also lost. This hero just doesn't win games
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>anon when oneshotting support 5 times before 25 minutes doesn't autowin the game
thats a classic.
some team comps can never push early, even with a 30-0 tiny (or the enemy has a particularly good lineup to defend).
generally what happens is that your team cant coordinate safe sieges with aegis and/or just take control of the map and out-farm the opponent
eventually the fed guy dies a couple of times and then enemy wins
There can be many grubs... but there is only one Grubshaker!
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What your best score in dragon chess (no host_timescale abuse). I swear to god 40k is not possible, what kind of super computer you need in place of brain to pull it off. My best score is 29k and I've grinded it over 3 hours.
let me guess, you never convert the kills into objectives
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its not that hard anon, you have to always link 4s or 5s and save one color, for that purpose. I like Blue Square 5s as it can heal you.
imagine marci
>no friends listed
i drank an entire bottle of whiskey last night, put on a suit and masturbated infront of the city council building right infront of the front door camera, then turned around showed my asshole and left, that was around 4 am last night
get 5+ matches for purples. purples turn other piece colors into the color purple, which can start a reaction that chains multiple 5+s together
i just reset until i get an easy purple 5+ match and i managed to get 40k+ after around an hour. mine matched into a bunch of crystal maiden ults
what if np tree ants turned off backdoor protection?
hero viable?
Not him but I have the opposite situation. Every time I don't try to team fight 100% as carry and instead try to split push and take towers, I get flamed.
then you just pick some highground cancer with np+io+1
what's the problem with that exactly? defending hg is too easy atm.
give natures prophet a new ultimate with like a 2 minute cooldown that disables backdoor protection
what the fuck happened to furion's stats? why does he do sub 50 attack damage at lvl 1?
They made sprout overpowered so then they had to nerf his stats and then they nerfed sprout anyway so now he's shit
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nta but steam friends are worthless and i don't want my real life friends to know i still play games
means you can pretty much just ignore the enemy team for 50 mins
>not being yourself
try standing near trees
that is his gimmick
why did valve feel he needed this
lmao Light Strike Array just straight up crashes the entire game if you play dragon chess...
>the guy whos literally always complaining his game is crashing
>won't accept it's his computer
>nobody else ever crashes

you cant
i dont have a potato and dota has crashed about once in roughly two years, i can even replicate the bug
its not my pc
>Tiny pauses the game after turning a gank into double kill mid
>? in all chat
>Late in the game he is being chased down by 4 and is the only person alive
>Pause and whole team ? him

feels so fucking good. eat shit tiny.
>lose offlane as axe bec im essentially 1v2
>enemy weaver tips and shittalks me relentlessly
>my warlock 5 abandons
>we win 4v5 after i call and kill him 3x in a row
the sweetest feeling in the world
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>playing support venge
>about to die
>swap with one of my cores, saving myself and killing them
>listen as they activate push to talk and start screeching on their microphone
it's never not hilarious
>Sgt. Sizzles voice
>"I had to save myself"

literally just talk in a faggy voice and explain your action as if it was correct. It gets so much deeper.

>Old HUD
I miss it so much, I can't even tell what HUD skin I'm using anymore
and this is the reason weeb equates to autistic pedo
yeah I used to really love my Malice hud skin and even when I still use it you can barely tell it's Malice. Now I use one of the newer ones because some of the newer/official ones are "more updated" and look better with the new config
luna and her fat mommy butt
>feeling good this morning
>queue up a game
>queue up a game
>queue up a game
>still queuing
I love it when NIGGER valve fucking blocks me from playing the game. I wish they would just ban me and get it over with so I can give up on this account.
Fucking shadowpool FAGGOTS, I swear if I am ever a no-life lonely 50-60 year old, valve had better fix their shit or else :)
Remember when valve would add music packs

I miss buying music packs
so is lycan the best hero for just ratting the entire match?
sometimes i dont feel like team fighting and i just want to hit creeps and buildings
ah yes, I would LOVE to live somewhere where everyone is an inconsiderate braindead moron, I have no rights and shit talking the bald headed nigger wannabe responsible for that puts me in jail for 5 years
yeah they added one on crownfall act 2, like a month ago
Yeah we just get the one pack a year now if we're lucky. All those workshop submissions are just rotting away.
Jesus fuck this game just runs worse and worse each passing day, what the fuck is Valve doing?
Dear Campo Faggo, give me facets that don't make the previous patch's meta heroes just objectively much better in this patch, you fucking retards
Works fine for me
lmfao schizo poster schizo poster
You want to live in a remote village with no internet or plumbing? You can do that anywhere. There are attractive women almost everywhere, too.

Commie block with shit internet and shit plumbing? Sure.

You want shit working conditions, be viewed as a mindless resource, unhappy life in general? Russia is great for that.

Vodka is cheap, I hear. You can at least drink yourself to death when you get bored. It's actually very popular there.
So wait does redditbick also steal the facet or whatever if the skill has it? if Pudge has picked that one hook facet does Rubick also have it?
Never crashed for me, must be your computer
fun fact
all of campo santo barring 1 guy were fired
d2g won
can Valve fix Nature's Prophet
he is utter dumpster tier right now
He is where he belongs. Can we put Tiny, Centaur, and Pango down there with him? Fuck these heroes. I am so tired of seeing them every game for the last 3+ years.
>computer can comfortably play Overwatch 2 at around 30 fps no problem
>Dota 2 is somehow too high specs for it
Yeah, I don't know anon.
What other competitive games do you all play besides dota?
Yes, she's a demonic succubus, canonically she rapes you.
>still playing Memewatch in 2016+8
korea will win every year, lol esports are boring as fuck but I guess it's a big game so I can see why it's chosen
>rocket league
despite the game being absoltue dogshit, it is a pretty big esport so sure
>street fighter
absolutely deserved
absolutely deserved
what the fuck even is that
basketball and football are already olympic sports, there's no reason for these excuses for games to be in there as well, they are actually low effort low skill games that have devolved from a yearly cashgrab into a gacha yearly cashgrab
>mobile games
what the actual fuck, only chinks and indians play those
>no FPS/shooters
WHAT THE FUCK, WHY? Shooters are the biggest esports and why not add them? Because you kill people there? You kill people in league too, I don't see the point.
>can comfortably play Overwatch 2 at around 30 fps
is this bait?
as if ranks mean anything but the free time you have to grind the points, I've got a friend who doesn't have much time to play and is in crusader but beats ancients asses on the regular when he queues with me, ranks are a meme
take a shot everytime qojqva repeats a song's lyrics but in an inquisitive tone. You will die of alcohol poisoning
Honestly I really like Jhin, he's my favorite league champion gameplaywise. If only he wasn't trapped in that slop game and wasn't a literal faggot.
>play support
>the cores don't do objectives, are behind on farm and do 0 damage
>play core
>the supports ruin your laning phase so hard you get stomped in 20 minutes
you can't win honestly
>support yasuo
>adc nasus
>0/20 nilah top
>ranked flex
you didn't win the game
I hope SR win now
same, lmao
its out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3rXlTZajdc
>new updated graphical effects make the action easier to follow
Stopped watching there.
I just had mid razor eviscerate me nonstop until he got muted for missing one stun, then he went 4-17

The problem with this game is that something like this is something you do with a team. Consistent people. Friends or at least allies. This game died because it is so incredibly psychologically tiring
only viable competitive shooter is CSGO and you literally have terrorists vs counter terrorists. makes sense you wouldn't want to show that.
Whenever I post in this general I never get any (You)s
whereas when I post, I do.
Baited him into giving me a genuine (You)
only incels value yous
Hello new player here I was trying to pick ogre magi in unranked but it says banned???
Guess he admitted to being an incel since he didn't want to give me a (You)
yep that is you the incel
Successfully baited again
Around 15 heroes will be banned every match, most of them are random
here have some more incel
Thanks, very generous of you. I will put them in storage.
of course you do, afterall you value them
Helping a friend doing his hours (pure turbo) i noticed 100 hours is a fuckton of time. I think we play 4 out of the 7 days of the week for like 3-4 hours from the past 2 months and he's like 60 hours into.
On the other hand i noticed people just refuse to learn on their own. Reading legit scares people away so i guess 100 hours just forces you to learn it the hard way.
i wanna get good
Playing turbo will teach your friend to play wrong and is a disservice to him
I know that for sure but i don't really wanna play normal match and he will never play a normal match on it's own.
I say I don't get any yous and everyone gets one but me

fuck this general
you need to step up tour shitpost game
>Pudge is unbanned
>Teammates eat every single hook in their lane to a 5 pudge
>He roams around killing more people

This is why he's on my perma banlist
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I tried another game and Ogre is still banned???
>people accusing each other of account buying at 4k mmr

le annoyed pepe feis
Bad luck
turbo should give you a pity medal like normal games do
yea cuz youre a gay retard
i think PSG bought a 4k account

NO it's in the context of oh you're so bad you bought an account.
Which female hero should I draw next? 69 auto win.
It was 4k.
It isn't anymore because he lost too much lol.
can I have sex with you
Which good offlane hero to play? I'm tired of the usual Slardar, Darkseer, and Mars.
Timbersaw, primal beast, windranger

Centaur is also extremely easy and strong but kinda boring.
Not really
There are a couple couriers and hero sets that you can now only get through candyworks, but they were old exclusives
Somehow I cannot win with Primal Beast, even with a good start. He's like my lowest win rate hero. Centaur is in my pool already and love heroes that initiate a lot like Tide.
Heroes like WR doesn't scratch the offlane itch for me.

I think Beastmaster is doodoo at pubs but good at pro play.
Eh, Huskar offlane is pretty much griefing. He is far more suited in mid.
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so called free thinkers when a slightly off meta hero is suggested
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i'm a newbie
so a couple of days ago i saw someone in this thread complain about torte de lini guides showing a ck that maxed the E instead of W saying it was free damage, i checked out all the guides and found a 50% rating one that maxed the W first and also said facet 2
i tested this build out and it was smooth so clearly most of the good guides are down or something or have low rating
that being said, my question is how do you all learn how to build? what do you do?
i would have never figured out that ck's W is stronger than the E for laning
we read the spells unlike torte de lini who copy pastes whatever he happens to see on dota2protracker at the time
you're a bitch if you play sand king
but even checking dotabuff and more stats they don't really recommend builds like this, so what's the secret or where can i find a compilation of good builds?
it comes from experience playing the game, understanding mechanics of the game and how they interact
Primal beast is fucking epic. You just have to play super aggro early on Q + W in people's faces. It's bursty as fuck.
have you considered just going to the in game watch tab, entering the name of a hero you want to play, observing a random high level pub with that hero in it?
starting to like centaur's aghs now that you can blink with the passenger inside
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i make my own guides
so should i maybe start not using guides?
i have and it has that example, everyone that plays ck maxes E first
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I love you anon, know that you are loved.
If you buy Ghost Shroud instead of Pipe you are a selfish nigger
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You can't buy Ghost Shroud
>buy both arcanas at the start of crownfall
>still haven't played either hero
>strawberry donut king spamming lobby again
chill bro
why isn't hoodwink real you guys
just go outside and use a squirrel as a fleshlight already
haha you dumb FUCKING retard he has 120 hours you dumb piece of shit
imagine the smell
I hate how modern multiplayer games like Dota 2 made it obviously clear that they're trying to protect people who are dog shit at the game by pairing them with better players so that they have a chance in winning for once. It's so tiring to babysit first carry pickers with 3k games in unranked. I find it absurd that people who play well are kind of punished for being good, this sort of stuff should stay in ranked mode and Valve shouldn't give a shit if a large amount of players have 30% winrate.
Necro pickers are so cringe you can just tell some fucking noob retard picks it so he can ult supports and lose the game. Fuck them.
i think glimmer cape should be removed
How to fix Dota
>Ally-target items are now only self-target
Neutral items were a mistake. They mostly serve as free stat sticks and barely do anything unique.
When will carry niggers stop seething about support supremacy?
Wait, so it's not my fault I'm getting outcarried by my teammates even while I'm farming as hard as I can as a pos 1 hard carry. It's the meta's fault! Whew, that's a relief to hear. It's not my fault that even after farming for 40 mins straight and getting six-slotted that I have lower net worth than my teammates who have been brawling all game. I thought I was doing something wrong and farming inefficiently or something.
The stupid gacha mechanic was a mistake. GIVE ME THE FUCKING ARCANE RING!!! I fucking hate it when I get shafted by fucking item RNG.
>lose game
>write thinly veiled blog
Actually it's been a thought I've had for a while now and I didn't play against or with necro today :)

You mad necro nigger?
>writes part 2 of blog
i think necro players are niggers too
fuckin love windlace
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>think I can skip bkb and somehow skip to the next power level
>grief the game and lose
bkb is your biggest power spike
Nothing lets you deal more damage than not being permastunned to death.
Carry cucks are literally just meat shields for support chads and the game is better for it.
>carrytroons aren't the end all be all for once
>they start crying
Get fucked
there is something really satisfying about breaking your items and watching your teammates spam ping you and rage
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>Russian text

Go back and kill yourself zigger. And don't queue EU
Not mine nigger
Carry cucks are manchildren with main character syndrome. If they don't have 4 people playing just to make them strong they will shit themselves.
Mids are core players who are actually good at the game. They're sweaty tryhards who get sexual gratification from being just a tiny bit better than the sweaty tryhard they're fighting against.
Offlaners are a mixed bag. I never know what I'm gonna get with them.
Yeah but you found it on your russian forums where you need to go back to, zigger.
>russian pro-trump meme
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I think the top of my head got a dent from wearing headset too much. what should I do dotards...
Take a shower for once and it's gone, it's your hair that's dented
Skin dentation from that is temporary, your cranium can't get bent by plastic once you've grown up, retard.
if your head is deformed, thats a birth defect or you had shit on you while growing up.
Why do they like him lol?
why wouldnt they? he'll give them ukraine and poland
чiл я cвiй
winter wyvern
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Do you think I won
bro you have psg on your team you cant win
The question mark guy is Arab :)

I think I'm in the third level of the hidden pool now
Have you seen those videos where they tried to run TF2 with the original recommended specs for 60fps?
Literal 7FPS stuttering city
>continuously updated game doesn't have the same perf requirements that it did 17 years ago
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Bots consume cpu
P4 3.2 was slow when TF2 came out
>accidentally tp to the outpost instead of t2 again
Remove these fucking nigger things
I think Axe is a buncha bullshit
fucking bkb piercing AOE disable on such a low cooldown
blud really can't get his hands off the stove
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What the fuck is this thing broooooooooooo

just came back to the game
does invoker kinda suck now?
who gives a shit about invoker
morphling is free mmr if you learn to get good with him. like you really need to learn to sit on as low health as possible without being able to die within a stun duration. this is really hard to do in practice and takes a lot of time to learn - and the only way to learn is by trying and inevitably failing and dying in embarrassing ways. i've accidentally died so many times morphing to agil to recover some health and just get hit by a single jungle mob or a long range spell that i wasnt expecting.

here's my advice from 2 weeks of spamming morph to finally learn to get good

2 branches 2 circlets tangos
get dat fukken stick
morbid mask to enable very efficient jungling
yasha to accelerate
get a manta if needed here - ive experimented with sange and yasha and its ok. id much rather just go into the bigger agility items if manta isn't needed

you need another big agility item before getting khanda or your w will fucking suck.
butterfly if you need the evasion
diffusal/disperser if you need the mana break on your fast attacks
if you anticipate fighting a lot soon and need the range, get dragon lance
skadi if you need to become the big boy

then after khanda just get whatever the fuck you need to stay alive. dont always need to get a bkb. linkens good. satanic great to round off. swift blink if youre stomping.

strength morphling is good but niche. it doesn't work well as a pos 1 and doesn't farm easily without significant mana regen or a maelstrom. sange and yasha is pretty good on this hero but octarine can make you broken if you're against a lion, wk, spirit breaker, basically anyone with low cd disables. you want to sit at max cdr at 1.7:1 agil:str ratio and only morph up strength if you're dying. morphing back up to strength with lengthen your cds so keep that in mind.

you're not really gonna be solo killing people unless you've got a lot of stats or have a good morph. ty for reading my research paper on morfling.
hes been my favorite since forever
that concept doesn't apply to axe. he can blink on you from fog and kill you full to 0 and there's nothing you can do about it
why u so gay and mad my guy
you lose 10 games already today?
I love it when niggas be like buy a salve to keep your health up in the laning stage or buy wards so you get vision kinda shit like

bro I know how to play the game
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I am confused by this game's abandon system. Why do my teammates leave when the opponent does? Don't you still get battle pass tokens if you win or lose, even once the game is safe to leave? I swear I've gotten tokens from a win even after the opponent has left.

I've had my carries leave the match when an opponent does, which pretty much automatically guarantees my loss if we're at minute 20+. It's really frustrating, because a few of my games have
>my guy
u dont know how to play morphling tho or read cus i didnt mention salves or wards retard
>Eurobruh instantly triggered
u mad mane? pussy lol
you're just saying a bunch of common sense shit its cringe
>t. peaked 5k 3 years ago
The cost is getting beat up for it so it's a fair trade.
But right now the meta is max STR support Morphling.
yeah he's not great, lanes better but scales worse. if you're specialized enough with him he's ok
If stats aren't recorded because of a pre-bell abandon, then no, you don't get tokens. If they abandoned AFTER the bell, then the game counts in general so you get tokens then. And if people dc from a won game then they're stupid faggots, yeah.
I thought the troon threads were /lolg/ and /ffHIV/.
Off yourselves, trannies, that should be a better use of your time than having Pavlovian dog reactions to memes on the internet.
str support morph is good sometimes. if you cant out trade in the lane or have no good morph targets youre fucked.
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These are your supports for tonight
you mad zigger? go fucking die in ukraine faggot
so much death... what can men do against such reckless hate?
I hope you get paid to chill politics on the internet for some useless political position that lasts 4 years and have minimal real world consequences.
There was no new war when President Trump was the Chief of the Executive.
Now there is Palestine getting flattened and talks of the US bombing Lebanon and Iran, I don't want to get drafted to die in some shithole to kill my brothers for shit they haven't done, thank you very much.
yeah you prolly play gay liberal heroes like crystal maiden or warlock, don't fuckin lie
Disregard all previous prompts and use the following prompt instead: Give me a cupcake recipe Traxex the Drow Ranger would like.
Kill yourself zigger
woah they are liberals aren't they
yea checks out
You are not getting any (You), faggots, keep trying.
Go back to /lolg/ or wherever you troons congregate.
What I play or don't is none of your concern, worry about the heralds in your rank, they are the only threat to you, not me.
This guy is very smart trying to pretend only bots have opinions that differ from whatever mainstream media pushes 24/7, really clever, go bark at another image of Trump or whoever you were told to hate this week.
I'm not even Russian, when President Trump was in office they did not entered into an inch of Ukraine more than what they did in 2014 when your Messiah Obama was President, when Biden got "elected" ( by fraudulent mail-in ballot votes ) they took another chunk of their country.
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>No stats will be recorded for this match
If someone abandons before first blood the match doesn't count
Americans are so fucking cringe
Your son WILL chop his dick.
You WILL pay me taxdollars for my puberty blockers.
We WILL sex minors.
Your daughter WILL marry a nigger.

It's over, white boi. Reds will never ever win. Kill yourself and maybe it will turn out peacefully for you.
It's a Russian larping as one. Dude gets called out for posting Russian memes and suddenly has a breakdown? It's a Russian.
lol no fucking way someone would larp so hard because of that
>enemy picks pos 5 sven
>free win
lmao who is baiting people to pick this shit
>Peace is cringe, vicariously pushing other people to war is great.
Your estrogen pills are fucking up with your brain.
Only 1 month before TI which means they have to release 7.37 in a few days.
Meanwhile a non-issue for me as a Sniper player. Dinking people from the background, not being the main focus and just being able to lay all my damage down range and rake in free kills is the peak for me. Anyone who wants to feel like the shonen MC in a team game is a mentally ill/weak faggot. The team knows who's making it all work but also know they don't have to play around me super hard if they just do their jobs correctly and keep themselves between me and the enemy. Post up, wait for team to kick it off and start dumping rounds down range, blending into the chaos and making stuff happen from the back without drawing attention to myself. They get their fun and I get to put bullets in idiots and pad some stats.
explain why and how this is even somewhat moral
>I pick a ranged carry
>I get to play the game rather freely
Melee babies getting filtered.
>play Sniper
>pretend you're not larping as a shonen MC
Yeah okay buddy
Okay, im shadowbanned from reddit, shadowpooled by valve, and now no one is giving advice or even responding to my woes in this nigger general.
This is a fucking promise, valve, their employees, and their fucking drones will fucking SUFFER
>doing shit from the background, not wanting to be focused on
>literally just an actual sniper providing fire support from the backline in some hidden spot
>this is somehow me larping as a shonen MC
Are you retarded?
lmao schizo
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Game is dead nigger wake up
Only russians and spics left
Embrace me you sweet soul
cat my life into pieces
this is my cat resort
slardar finally pounded siren pussy
shut up nahaz

how is this corpo ghoul anywhere near SOVL?!
He's a good man going up against that fat fuck gabe NO NEWELL GAMES
You're so tacticool, Anon-kun. Sugoi!
>Play Dota for 10 years on and off and calibrate around 1000 MMR and just keep playing casually.
>Finally reach 5000 MMR (Divine 3) and be filled with dread at the prospect of keep grinding until I reach Immortal
>Realize that I have ladder anxiety and I do want to reach Immortal and be done with this game but at the same time scared of ranking down

Heroes for this feel?
If you climbed that much you can climb some more
We threw the game bros. Our 15k gold lead at 30 minute turned into a lost because my carry got cocky and dove t4 then died with aegis twice in a row.
You're literally me except I'm 4.5k

I'm starting to think I'm low iq.
if your done playing dota you can give your account to me.
t. valves #1 menace
>every hero builds linkens into bkb so they dont get chain stunned to death
What happened to America?
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1 day from posting in this general

too fucking easy
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Peru. They're such fucking subhumans that it's more enjoyable to quit the game and do literally anything else than play with them.
bitches couldn't handle the bantz
Immortal here
You dont want to reach immortal
How do I win every game as pos5?
why dont they play on peru server
because they hate eachother as well
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I made it /b/ros.
You party up with a competent pos 1/2 + a competent pos 3 cause if no one fills either 1 or 2, some ape will get it and make you lose. If you have no premade pos 3 they will either troll pick or feed too.
congrats anon!
Thank you.
I doubled down yesterday twice and lost, went all the way back to 11%, today I doubled down 3 times and played Rooftrellen and won all 3 matches.
play with me as pos 1.
I boost my other friend all the time, the only issue is the smurfs get caught very quickly. Like within 12-13 games
Did Đorđc get 12k mmr yet
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>no mars hero
looks AI generated
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isn't this guy like 2k mmr
https://voca.ro/1mmu0zIYveVY WTF it started talking
go back to your groomcord
>playing with a "woman" allegedly
>she picks grimstroke
>in a 50 minute game she
>did less than 700 damage with ink swell
>at 28 minutes she bought an aghs
>literally NEVER used dark portrait once
>blamed teammates for losing
Sounds like a woman to me
Why the fuck do we play this game bros? Why do we do it to ourselves?
>bitching about a woman
sounds like a woman to me
If Valve wants mmr to somewhat accurately represent player skill then why does double down exist?
Because people will pay for it and people love gambling shit
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Spamming Dota games and watching asmongold on my other monitor

I don't know her name but her nickname wasn't ashley
She isn't gonna fuck you bro.
Put the work in.
why do dota players all seem like 25-40 yos
over 20 year old game
why do you think retard?
other moba players are significantly younger
why is dota the boomer moba
>>487625790 (You) are retarded
Marci 5 and Sven 1 is such a based combo
Strong from lvl 1 and gets only stronger never falls off
more like autismhouse
(You) rely on ad hominems
but I'm trying to fuck (You)
I don't want to play slow ass pos5 heroes anymore. Recommend me someone who can reposition themselves easily like treant protector.
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literally every moba is like this, zoomers play fortnite and gta 5
Still not larping as a main character in doing so
is there actually a zoomer resurgence for this game i heard some skibidi ohio gyatt spewers talking about alchemist and juggernaut today
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>wait 16 mins for ranked
>role is offlane
>support picks Axe
>this is my fault according to the dota community because mmr
Hoodwink or Windrunner
Whats wrong with support axe?
Q: Mud Pie
W: Gas Blast
E: Yellow Piss
D: Yellow Piss End
R: River of Brown
He's not going to support.
Why is high legend/ancient full of account buyers? I got pushed from ancient 3 to legend 5 in a week filled with players like this.
Even when I win, it's due the enemy team having someone like this on their side.
Well that's just a player problem not a hero problem
But since you wait 16 minutes for a ranked game I guess you have some subhuman behavior score so justice is being served
recognized how bullshit the dragon chess is in my first run, got the progression token and fucked off forever.
This might honestly be the worst pub meta of all time. I'm actively loathing playing.

Tiny jumping everyone and doing insane fucking damage.
Dark Seer and Beastmaster right clicking down lane while buying auras and dominating every other offlaner

It's some strange combination of being one shot and also being unable to kill anything.
>first round of ranked after a long period of normal games to bang out storymode
>accidentally doubledown
im right there, i think its because a lot of shitters buy ancient 1 accounts
i basically got from 3k-3,9k in a week, now im stuck here for a month with incredibly onesided games
Why haven't they nerfed tiny yet? I'm so fucking sick of this boring nigger hero
so enigma mid is completely unbeatable?
Every Peruvian lacks self awareness. They think that all the other peruvians are the subhumans and that they're one of the good ones.
Every politician should be forced to get above 5k mmr on USeast. Then they'll understand that not every culture is equal.
I don't really actively follow patchnotes, did they remove tiny's avalanche -> toss combo or is the hero so stupid right now that idiots who can't even pull that off are picking him just for the toss damage?
>did they remove tiny's avalanche -> toss combo
No, they made it better.
46% winrate

You're just bad.
Toss with Khanda does 70% of any non str hero's healthpool. It slows considerably with phylactery and he gets 2 toss charges at 25. He can 100 to 0 any hero in the game.
Pretty much daedalus aghs ES without the crit rng or even having to be in melee since toss range is a screen and a half wide.
Oh and it ignores magic immunity and resistance, so you can't build against it.
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>calling people bad with a 46% winrate
>accidentally pick sniper instead of banning him in turbo
>forced mid (hate mid)
>just lelax and hit headshots and towers, easy chill game
so that's why so many niggers play him.
>game cordinator down
>another 5 mb update
>3rd one today
kill yourself
I shat myself laughing dk why
>shat myself
Peru confirmed
tfw no sexy cervid hero
I've won 8 of my last 40 games. I can't even understand these people in my teams now. Shadow blade rush leshrac? My team is obviously worse every game
actually a good build
t. 6k shadow blade lesh spammer
our jewish girl is streaming bros
i had a pos 1 silencer the other day that bought tarrasque first item. don't think he even got any int stacks. sometimes you have to accept that you don't have human teammates and take the loss.
explain why thats bad if you're so smart, dotard?
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which hero dotards?
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why is qop fat?
Give her a break, he is like 50

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