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Previous iM@S Thread: >>487288706
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (July 23rd): >>487272526

>Archive of >>487201004: archive.is/FguRW
- /@/ Draws Weekend Morning TV: >>487288854
>Cinderella Girls
- CG Natsumi's birthday 2024: >>487351604
>Shiny Colors
- SC Jigenshiki Kyousou Wonderland" and "LINKs" now streaming: >>487299691
- GK Lilja's "Wake up!!" digital release: >>487350258
- VL Cosmo reviews her top 10 iM@S songs on July 25th, 7PM JST: >>487291963
- SC Kaho/Asahi swap fancomic TS: >>487349841 >>487350081 >>487350394 >>487350691 >>487350924 >>487351223

July 24th, 10PM JST: VL Manaka plays Shinya no Ramen: youtu.be/RolrLjPqdq8 >>487180895
July 24th: Song for Prism "Jigenshiki Kyousou Wonderland" and "LINKs" CDs
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You know the rules, and so do I.

Natsumi is too pretty to be mute.
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- Theme: Draw the idol(s) as if they're in a weekend morning shows like Precure, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Pokemon, Yugioh, Punirunes, Ania Kingdom, etc. Western ones like Doug are allowed as well as those which got a re-run in morning (like Kemono Friends and X-Men: The Animated Series). Write the name of the show it's based on and maybe even provide the link for its OP / theme song (insert song is fine too).

- References
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本のテレビアニメ・特撮ドラマの放送時期一覧 (土曜日)
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本のテレビアニメ・特撮ドラマの放送時期一覧 (日曜日)

- Rule
Usual rules apply so no AI, no photoshopping, etc. If you're feeling a little bold, provide a wholesome SFW version along with a link to the lewd original.

- How to contribute
Please reply to this post and/or use "WeekendAM2024" to make it easier when checking the archives.

- Deadline
12:00 JST GMT+9, July 28th 2024

- Submissions
MegaRin The Super Fighting Robot >>485549632, Spongesawa Hiro Lifting Weights >>486093871, BunPink Miyo >>486099914, Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Haya >>486614775, The iDOLFORMERS >>486754064, Aromage Ayumu >>486813026, Lovely Chizuru of the Silver Castle >>487056913, Ojamajo Tsumugi >>487097524, Queen KoGaNe of the Stars >>487297202
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I’m giving Ranko and her delicate gloved hands lots of love.
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LOL mizzymotoooooo
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Daily reminder this is a mecha franchise.
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or not

[Nocturne of the Blue Queen]
2024-07-19 ~ 2024-07-26

- Skill: Checkmate Game (Dominant Harmony)
Every 6 seconds, there is a 35-52.5% chance to boost the score bonus of Cute idols' active skills, and the combo bonus of Cool idols' active skills for 3-4.5 seconds. (Only when playing a Cool-type song with only Cute and Cool-type idols on the team)

- Leader skill: Dominant Duet (Makeup&Voice)
Raise the Visual appeal of all Cute cards by 150%, and the Vocal appeal of all Cool cards by 160%. Cute-type cards will also receive the type bonus from Cool-type songs
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>- GK Official Survey (July 23rd to 30th, 5PM JST): >>487234773
So one of the questions is what games you've played in the past. Since one of the purposes of the survey is for "PR Activities" I wonder if some (or all) of these are collab/crossover partners bamco is considering.
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my mellow yellow girls
Good evening sirs, I want to marry Minami Saki.
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>Street Fighter 6
Reminds me of the Spy x Family and the recent Fatal Fury collab. However, if there's one thing I want is being able to dress up your favorites similar to how Gothic wa Mahou Otome used to have collabs with other series (still upset that they had Card Captor Sakura and Rayearth collab but not collab outfits.).
Good, less competition.
humping lilja
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Why isn't she smiling
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Kanako is cute
You need to salute the flag first.
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When is the 19th anniversary stream again? Is it tomorrow or the day after that? I have to bum at a friend's house until Thursday afternoon (in America) so I'm hoping it's the day after tomorrow but I can't recall nor do I have the YT link
It's the 26th
I took a nap cause I've been feeling ill since the weekend, what tha fuck happened towards the tail-end of last thread lmao
Which means not tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know bb
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July 26th, 7 PM JST
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was for >>487368563 but whatever
You can have another idol from my folder as an apology
Let's not bring it up, metashit should be left alone.
Saki feels pretty fitting here.
I wonder if we'll get chibis for everyone like in the MOIW thing. Getting them in a higher resolution would be pretty nice.
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Pop Links 2 soon™
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Tours is probably the closest thing to that.
Fat Princess
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Squeeze the Moogy
Hopefully Tours will do well so that we can have more danketsu projects down the road.
do her hobbies ever get brought up in-game?
While they did announce something about chibi stickers (although it's a prize rather than goods), it's probably gonna be similar to the orchestra live where it's just them.
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going in raw
What are the chances the next MOIW will be announced in the party
I bow down, Oreimoman.
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The second location test seem doing nicely and they added a couple more sites lasting up to the second week of August rather than the initial end of this month. I'm just hoping that they don't overproduce the machines just because they're getting good impressions now (mostly because those who are going to the location tests are iM@S fans already and I recall a couple of surprise/guerilla test locations during the first one doesn't have much players).

Nothing makes higher-ups drop the support for a game faster than absurdly high expectations/projections.
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Shiny Party time

I'm guessing they'll focus on Gakuen's first lives and the teased Hotchpotch 2 this time then maybe announce MOIW at the end of this year.
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Maybe this is a hot take but I think Lilja might be cute
feeding lilja my blood sausage
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You might be right
>I'm just hoping that they don't overproduce the machines just because they're getting good impressions now
Aren't arcades not as big as they used to be in Japan anyway? I would imagine they have more reasonable expectations regarding Tours.
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Lilja's new song is giving me Pokémon vibes, man I miss playing good Pokémon games.
Wasn't there a Bamco financial report about them saying along the lines of "focusing on quality, not quantity"?
I NEED a cute shotacon dancing on my lap
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is that why they're cancelling CG?
Yes, they are weeding out all the whos for the upcoming billion live.
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Dead thread so here is the top 3 most fuckable from each franchise
Hana my beloved
I relate.
I relate.
Agreed strongly.
No opinion.
Not bad but really?
Do you have a top 3 for GK or
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Where's "Others" (961 Pro, etc) and Gakuen? Maybe throw in the Top 3 most fuckable robots (iDOLs, Steam Yuka, that SideM mech, etc).
Kamiya followed by Michio and Kanon is really funny. The fully-clothed 32 year old math nerd and the 9 year old. Impressive range.
WTF, I mean she's really cute, but I wouldn't say she's sexy.
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>that SideM mech
315Kaiser is cool.
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little girl spotted
What's the consensus on how bad Liljas VA is? I feel like shes deliberately singing in that manner of voice but I can't say how much she'd actually improve if she drops it.
She reminds me of Nono's VA.
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2z2 also drew Lilja,
I'm not sure if she's just genuinely shit at singing or just really good at pretending she's fucking shit
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show 'em that one song, hijs
absolutely godawful aside from takane, ranko and kanade
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They're all pretty much novices so there's not really a need to pretend.
Tenka is still the champion in the "sing but do it badly" category
Ume but her dance moves are sexy instead of dorky.
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coin show
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Well here's my take on it.
I don't want to bang dudes.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to out the 981 girls with AS or in other, but it felt irrelevant since I didn't rate them that higher. Though Aya might be tied with Cosmo for me.
This is my first time seeing the KR girls.
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She's already better than most initial CG and ML. They're just giving her nothing to work with that mucb
>I don't want to bang dudes.
You don't even have to want to fuck them. Which ones are the most fuckable? Otherwise decent taste.
Ha... hahaha...
she sounds cute and emits a huge ganbarimasu energy
she doesn't suck the composers suck
>it doesn't matter that she's still awful as long as she's ganbarimasu
Uzuki has actual talent, mind you.
Well if you insist (and I won't cheat by saying the trap trio), if I think about it:
>Sora, Genbu, Makio
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961 Pro (Leon, Shiika) and 0936 Pro (Kohaku, Aya) falls under the "Others" category. Although, you could just put "Rivals" category where you rank them alongside Shinkan Shoujo and Maou Angel.
haha look at mr. gay here, what a faggot
The one for Hakusen is literally one of the best they could get before they had to settle with their B-team.
Thank you for balancing the scales.
nono's singing is kino
I still don't believe you because you chose the Nichika clone
Breast city and then 72s...
are you the composer? why'd you do it man?
Who do you have in mind?
His other works are pretty good

Why he went generic VN opening for Lilja. No one knows
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>Maou Angel
Now that's a rare sight around here. Wasn't one of them share the same VA as Leon?
hey I know that girl on the left
Lilja is still ugly Asahi to me. Maybe it's the bangs
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nayutaseijin went for his newer style of music instead of his classic ones with his signature distorted guitar. He went just fine composing an idol song for proseka but Hakusen is really just kinda eh. I actually was surprised when I found out that he's the composer.
Are you willing to share your idols to men?
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It's weird how Kotone and Lilja have to deal with their low singing ability in their scenarios, but everyone just accepts Saki's gremlin voice because she's supposed to be competent in everything.
Because Saki just wanna

Wanna fight somebody
she should do more jobs like that
Yeah I can't stand Saki's voice at all, but the YouTube view count clearly means I am wrong and I need to replace my faulty ears
When you have the utmost confidence and dare I say.........aura
You're excused
Admittedly yeah that was an easy way out.
Doesn't the scenario have her put her dancing as her strong suit while Temari claims vocals?
Her singing voice is still somewhat tolerable, but when she talks normally, it's just really unpleasant.
well, has she?
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How about Haruna's Glassy Robo?
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producer you working on that golf swing?
How do I combat these thoughts of me not being worthy of my idol as a producer?
Get good at something like drawing your idol. Spread the good word.
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Kotone is actually better at dancing than Saki, so that leaves her with, uh, nothing..?
Saki must've swallowed a squeaky toy for her voice to be like that
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Think about it as "impostor syndrome" or "Dunning–Kruger effect" wherein your own perceived level of being a producer is somewhat lower than it actually is because you're more aware of your inadequacies. It's kinda like how a weeb thinks he knows Japanese even though it's just surface level but those who have studied longer feels like they're not up to stuff.
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asahi is a once in a thousand year idol
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I like Saki.
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Don't golfers have to wear a pair of special shoes?
we know that, sakiavatarbrosis
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Saki has 5 million views on her song
Me but with Yoshioka Saki
Sayoko why are you dressed like a whore.
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Counts. As well as the steampunk Matsuri.
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-Twins legally count as one person
-CG was the hardest unsurprisingly due to quantity
-Didn't really have toruble with ML
-Yes I am a trapfag. DEAL WITH IT
-Only GK that really gets me going is Ume. Come on, Rinha...
-Ayaya did not deserve to flop
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i haven't been in awhile because playing basketball is free. a few years ago, i had a slice to my drive and when i fixed it, i can hit both straight and also slice/curve the ball where i want it to go. it's almost like clairvoyancy guiding the ball like that

start getting active physically. you just feel good in general

yeah, but not always. fancier places, yes, but the cheaper places i used to go to had people playing in basketball shorts and slippers; barefoot sometimes
>-Yes I am a trapfag. DEAL WITH IT
hmmmmmmmmm nyo!
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Kaoru love.
>actually using the colors of the branch
Nice. Although, why purple for "Others"? Is it because of Kuroi?
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now watch us mizu the plants
stop posting sayoko
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Why only Ume for GK? Sumika seems right up your alley seeing you picked Megumi and Mei.
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>barefoot sometimes
>Yes I am a trapfag. DEAL WITH IT
We know, Daigo
the bad men like hiro
Stop making me want to fuck Sayoko until she passes out and is pregnant.
I don't have a link to that top 3 tiermaker, but if I did
I would put all the loli
*keep posting sayoko
There are no lolis in GK
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china is a loli
hiro, china, kotone. close enough
Beetlejuice? Candlejack?
I fucking love this adorable ball of sugar. Her smile heals me.
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Might as well add Rinami or Sumika because they're as close to lolis as those three.
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I like purple

I like gyarus(Yui was a runner up for CG) but it takes more than that for me to find them sexually appealing, I like her as acharacter tho, and her VA is a cool gal.

Pic related
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Daily Iku weather report.
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>it takes more than that for me to find them sexually appealing
remember himeno?
Did the semi-blue outfits have unique comyus? I might have missed out on something like GKP staring intensely at Ume's cleavage.
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I believe!
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Need more idol fusions.
Why is Hiori separate from Himeno?
Saki legitimately has "Aura" and X factor going for her. Ume has higher stats than her but she still can't win, even with producer's help. The in-universe equivalent of visual is expressiveness and Saki has higher stats in that than Kotone or Temari (way higher in Temari's case). Kotone's singing is also canonically shit and her stamina needs fixing before she can actually display that dancing talent
How could I forget the strongest idol. Even Mai would be afraid.
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My turn since everyone was doing it
And no, I am no Lolicon, I am a shotacon instead.
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Knowing Shirofox, this Himeno is probably the magical lesbian sex daughter of the Illumines
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You guys are having fun eh?
Which hairstyles for Ritsuko and Azusa? I guess Miki kinda counts too.
only event Mao and Sumika/Rinami have them, for the rest it's just a skin from gacha
>I am no Lolicon
I couldn't tell by all the milk trucks, thanks for clarifying
That's a surprise pick.
Kogane and Choco milk.
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Folded ponytail (pineapple) for Ritsuko, I don't care for which hair Azusa uses as long as she Ara~
>Kanade, Mei, Megumi, Miki, Takane, and Sensei in almost all lists.
I see.
*clap clap*
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The desire to inseminate a tease fake hag is too strong
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And that's why I'm grateful to MK for giving the first kanade gets impregnated out there.
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Alright here's mine
Had to think hard about this one
My brain immediately went to the "ex-girlfriends" route rather than the obvious "extra".
Not bad, even included both Hisakawas.
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Buy Lilja goods until 8/18.
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Ai is alive!
second CD to sell 0 copies
No. I will buy them for cheap at K-Books next year instead.
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Descending order left to right. I am a simple man.
>Kotori not in staff
well i'm surprised
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>no dance trainer option
How do you think Takagi proposed to Shiika's mom. I can't see him being romantic even before Kotomi's incident left him eternally resentful.
>Has Kuroi
>no 961 Pro idols
Most of my favorite idols and staff aren't on there, it's just sex appeal.

I like pretty faces.
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Nothing less from a stupid producer working at a middling production.
>no SMs
Interesting. Who's your main idol?
Very nice
Look Kuroi, while typing your shit I was multitasking and writing my face fic about how Takagi reconciled with his wife and child after said child wanted to become an idol. This begins the beautiful story of a father and his talentless daughter whose dreams will break.
thanks, kool-aid man
>Yes I am a trapfag. DEAL WITH IT
Hmm..... Nyo
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I wanted to do a u149 sub-branch, but I'll have Arisu as the representative since I'd bang them all
>samefagging this hard with those SM choices
Kanon's being used like an onahole...
No Ami/Mami because they're taller than Ritsuko?
It was already obvious with Kanon appearing multiple times as if anyone gives a shit about him.
Awww, Shitposter is mad we are united posting the top three idols we would like to fuck the most
Is he not popular?
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well he's the girliest looking little boy
This general attracts certain types of people these days
Just as popular as the Queen of /@/
And which guys would you fuck
Shoma, yeah!
I lost iori in the stack, and then I didn't want to pick a twin
Kanon is a dead ringer. Should've just went with Pierre/Saki/Ryo
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Ami and Mami may be taller than Ritsuko, but that's okay because they're also hotter than Ritsuko.
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Skelly pits
>hotter than Ricchan
lmao no.
Shoma tier
Shoma actually cares about SideM unlike that ugly shota.
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None. Never played SM.
I was also dragging Ami and lost her in the shuffle. But putting Mami is already good enough.
Kanon speaks better English than Sh*ma
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We appear to have differences in taste.
I don't think half the people answering Kanon know how much of an annoying brat he can be. Generally not what shotacons go for, Shiro always struck me as the shota bait idol.
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this is a which idol would you fug tierlist, not a popularity list
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What about a which idol do you want to fuck which idol tier list?
I'm not a cuck so it's empty.
Agreeing with yourself is kinda pathetic denyansu
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>Kirio indirectly asking P to fill his hole
Shippertrannies and yuricucks don't belong here.
Looks like Momoko but without the funny parts.

And all the other degenerate pairings. The normal yuri pairings are completely boring. I don't have opinions on the boys because every attempt I've ever made at understanding Yaoi pairings and Fujoshi taste has resulted in failure. But the yuri pairings that are obviously gross and wrong are entertaining.
Is Shiro the only Mofu with a P here?
What about those who share their idols with other men or those who self-insert as fans and execs instead of P?
My best Saki run….my highest Yaruki run was about 30k so it’s good to know there’s a trick to this
Kanon was only picked because he was one of the girly looking picks which also include: saki, pierre, and ryou
That's the only factor for non-sideMp's here when they filled in the sideM row
Shipping is cringe.
NTR fags are worse than animals, they should get shot desu with you.
That's not true. I don't just like Pierre because he's sexy. I also like him because he's dumb. He's one of the better male dumbsexycute characters in otaku media. I love dumb idols.
Sounds like cucks to me
Anons, don't fall for it, he will try to derail now that we are entertained posting stuff we are happy with.
But yet again, you did not fell for it and he's replying to himself
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Here's what makes me happy. Shiawase even.
okay for the 2 non-gays that watched the sideM anime then like you
Great, another yaruki run where all active skill cards appear first before you even built up your genki stack. Just what I need. Every single fucking time. God I hate this lesson plan.
What were they thinking with this card, that cleavage is a crime
>get another logic SSR
>still no sense SSR
that coin gacha is cursed
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Kaiga's waifu
I'd rather fuck Shoma desu
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Maybe it's just the other P's that I follow but I kinda get the impression that the top 5 girly looking SideMs would be Saki (obviously), Kanon, Pierre, Ryo and Rei although I usually see Ren being added for some reason.
Well I ran it a few times and somehow got both notes and still not fucking SSR
I have the opposite problem, but it looks like you have plenty of coins to get that sense ssr
I am convinced that the sense gacha secretly has way lower rates than the logic one
You forgot Rei, If I made a list he'd be on mine for SideM. I would pick him over Kanon any day.
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i wish ayumu were my wife
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I forgot he existed
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>those are 87s
Anime insists on fucking up my perception of bust size.
If it weren't for the eye color, I'd mistake him for Chiyo should that be posted without context. Okay, not being abrasive/insulting should be a red flag but some artist don't care much about those small details.
Chiyo's hair wraps around her head
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saki will get a stalker that isn't Ume ?
Saki is the stalker. Ume was initially the main red before they swapped it, so all 3 had a stalker originally.
Original Saki seems like the Gary/Shigeru complete with "Smell you later, Ume" but literally.
what would GK look like now in the alternate timeline where Ume is the main red?
no one will be around to call temari a fatass
would Temari and Kotone still be the main blue and yellow?
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>"Smell you later, Ume" but literally.
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The theme currently in the lead is onsen trip.
Reminder from yesterday the most voted groups are E, D, and B. That means if you aren't voting for group D, you are a dunce.
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Probably but their rough edges and not willing to work with the other two would be toned down. I could see Temari be somewhat closer to Relations Chihaya while Kotone be Meguru with money problems instead.
Why does he have a vaginal mound, complete with a slight indent where the labia should be, instead balls?
Unf... Onsen Mano
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What if I don't like feminine men
Easy. You're gayer.
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>mostly mommy picks
Nina, is that you?
You know when some say >Draw a girl, call it a boy? Well, this time it went too far.
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I love Jiro.
Ume milk! MILK!!!!
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Need voluptuous idol bodies
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Very pretty.
>breast veins
Kinda rare sight for fanarts (or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough).
UGH, imouto milk.
They should have put Minna No Kimochi in Growing Stars.
You like the Hana of SM so nyo
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Then why's Shoe there??
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Good thinking, there would be a high number of older men at the racetrack.
I kinda want to choke him
Mochiset road

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>Near the end of July and Moontube still isn't back
What in the world are they doing over there?
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I'm guessing they have a lot of videos to go through but they do have some 2021 video (probably because they're doing tags now rather than by year).
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The upcoming stream is ruined without scrolling comments!
How's my taste

AS: Takane, Miki, Kotori
CG: I don't like CG
ML: Kaori, Fuuka, Karen
SM: Michio, Seiji, Michiru
SC: Meguru, Chiyuki, Natsuha
GK: Ume, Rinami, Sensei
What about Others (Leon, Shika, Aya, etc) and Staff (Kotori, Mishiro, Asari, Trainers, etc)?
I have staff with their branch
For others Shika and Kohaku are pretty hot
This link just takes me to https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/
Rude bodies + Meech
You're not on a Japanese IP and/or using a Japanese VPN? Yeah, it'll redirect you to the news blog post.
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Gaijins are redirected there probably to prevent additional attacks, you have to VPN to view the temporary site.
>I don't like CG
But why?
is his name really engorge
Or Temple Road if you prefer that
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God I wish that were me.
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You want to become Basa?
So that tells me they believe gaijins are the ones attacking the site.
I think that you should learn to believe
i don't want to be near that black void...
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Mochi road, take me home.
producer had sex with nina. what happens next?
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Non-financial firms in Japan have little to no concept of cybersecurity. Huge parts of the Japanese internet are still on http (not https), two factor is non-existent, open-source and code auditing are regarded with suspicion, and security through obscurity is the norm. Japanese pirates trade files on a proprietary encrypted network. Everything is built on trust, and the assumption that no one would hack anything because that would be a really rude thing to do.

Blue Julia...
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what too much honor does to a mf
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Man, that is some cleavage you could really stand across the room and throw quarters at to see who in your group could get the most inside.
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>Everything is built on trust, and the assumption that no one would hack anything because that would be a really rude thing to do.
Reminds me of those documentaries about Street Fighter x Tekken where the higher-ups were warned about having on-disc DLC and people would discover it right away but those bigwigs didn't listen.
Believe what?
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Ppl said madoka has the easiest bracket but now she might lose against kiriko and its her first fight wtfff
Kek toru lost first round, I guess most popular sc idol no more huh?
>themed voting event (theme chosen by bamco)
>Asahi wins
Wouldn't be the first time
KirikoPs have been campaigning harder than most fanbases so this round is the likeliest place for Madoka to lose right now.
I liked GK more when I was struggling to get my first A+ than now that I'm farming contest decks...
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Switching mid-routine and not knowing the dance choreography sounds like a nightmare scenario.
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I remember being excited for my first S rank just to find that the memory it makes is usually garbage anyway so there's not much point.

Wake me up when they add some different gameplay.
>and the assumption that no one would hack anything because that would be a really rude thing to do
Man, that just speaks to the Best Koreans who would TOTALLY never do something like that to the Japanese, because Best Koreans are very not rude.
Believe in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb17uaaldwM
Didn't the voting close off 24 hours after each set of matches? I wonder if that was enough time for effective kiriko lobbying? Though I guess their set was one of the later ones(iirc)
Where did everyone go
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Making fuckable tier lists
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Morikura En's C104 doujinshi will have some of her va-liv art included in it.
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did anyone seriously expect Hana to win
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No but somebody will spend 12 hours samefagging arguments about it
Nihehe...it's Hanover...
if it the voters were limited to /@/ posters only then maybe, she doesn't seem all that popular in actuality
hana btfo
@non's are always right by the way >>487363062
Lol, lmao
I was kinda hoping Madoka would win cuz now that she out of this, MadokaPs are gonna go all in on the group election. Though thankfully since that one is ingame we don't have to deal with xitter secondaries there.
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It's not like they were ever mutually exclusive
I was the reply saying Mano would win.
her previous book did too
Pictured: two LOSERS ft. Koitus
I am now investing all my money into Mano.
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I never doubted Tenka
Complete IS and Alstro takeover, complete noctchill death
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But good for Tenka I guess.
Glad Hitomin's moral support worked
No clue
No clue
I think you mean three LOSERS.
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we won
Nyehehehe...you were awesome, Hana.
>winning from designed to be unpopular
She ain't making it past the chookster.
Wait you're right, I actually thought Hiori had gotten kicked out already. Noct living up to their in-universe reputation for once, lmao
Noctchill is officially the least likable unit
Alright guys, bets on who wins the entire cup? Every noctchill being dead and every Alstroemeria and Illumine surviving probably confirms the power of bloc voting.

I think Asahi is probably the strongest contestant with Kiriko killing Madoka. I'm not sure Kiriko can pull off the feat again next time she runs into a strong enemy.
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Bit late on the party but whatever
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>Luca forced into a unit with two unpopular loser ass bitches
Why'd they do it to her, hasn't she suffered enough already?
Luca, you're getting eliminated in 24 hours.
I remember a lot of posts saying that Hiori would job to Koito and none saying the opposite.

You like bushy women.
I forgot how good Shizuka na Yoru ni Negai o and the Hatsukoi series of songs was.
Imas definitely needs longer compositions again.
All according to plan for the Luca vs Mikoto finals
People forget that IlluminePs ALWAYS group. noctchillPs have bad unit cohesion.
Thank you, Tenka, for becoming a mass murderer for our sake...
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I know you guys literally spammed Tenka tweets just to spite us HanaPs and y'all should really evaluate on your actions. She would have won if it was a regular voting in game or a normal poll by the way, not this hashtag garbage. She's popular and loved and this literally doesn't prove anything, Tenka also sucks by the way.
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Tried to give myself some extra challenge by limiting it to Red/Blue/Yellow except for KR (because I don't know how they're grouped) and Others (not much to choose from).

GK's Yellow boiled down to Sumika or Sena but Sena's training wear is hard to resist. None of my top favorites made it in while those who got pick are still high in my list.

I thought this page was hot and the fixed-point camera pages were nice
The winner of LucaFuyu takes it all.
Looks like the whole world hates Hana
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Better luck nyext time
>Everyone from Noctchill lost.
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>how fucking rigged do you want this tournament to be
Come on, you're giving /@/ too much credit. Occam's razor would probably lead to the conclusion that older idols have more time to endear themselves thus, with the exception of Luca, the winners is mostly made up by them.
This is 9/11 for NoctchillPs
The Hatsukoi Namassuka Special and Perfect Idol series were peak. AS just hits so differently back in 2011-2013 era. I miss those days.
I suspect torus loss made torups mad and no way she loses to fucking madoka so here we are
>gets a full unit nendoroid announcement
>immediately gets shunned by the fanbase
I did expect Madoka to win but it isn't surprising that she lost. noctchillPs having bad cohesion was already brought up a ton when Toru lost and KirikoPs did some campaigning while MadokaPs did nothing at all. I didn't think it'd actually matter enough to kill her because MadokaPs are still less insular than ToruPs but the pieces were there.

Left side went entirely as I expected it to but a lot of the right side bracket caught did catch me off guard.
what's the voting for? just a general election?
those aren't on youtube
The voting closed 24 hours after each set. By the time Toru's loss was confirmed her and Madoka's fates were already sealed
What's there to be surprised about on the right side besides Kiriko? Even so during the actual voting period you could have seen Kiriko's win coming.
So who's gonna beat Fuyuko now?
Luca the God Butcher
>Hiori vs Mikoto
How do I make both of them win?
>You like bushy women.
Does seem to be the case, I do like a good bush
I think Nendroids are cute though.
Hiori as well maybe, the others were all but confirmed based on popularity alone.
>it isn't surprising that [madoka] lost
Yet you were doomposting yesterday how she would win anyways because of recency bias and twitter secondaries. And now youre claiming madokaPs didnt do enough, like no shit if people like you hold unreasonable grudges against her wtf is this
I love Haruna
>another predictable fuyuko win
Why even bother
That's the problem. It should have been my idol instead of Hinana or Koito.
Expecting her to win isn't exclusive to not being surprised ESL anon. I thought she'd win but her loss still makes sense after the fact, people were explaining in the same conversation as the recency bias exactly what we're see now. This isn't new info.
I don't like Nendroids or statues because they don't do shit.
>ESL anon
>what we're see now
nendo joints move enough for posing
Have a sampling.

Use nyaa if you want the rest, bro.
Is there a mochi near you?
That was me retard, you're pretty awful at figuring out individual anons based on posting style. Well, that's the average intelligence level of your kind!
I just feel like you guys intentionally talked shit so everyone would vote for the underdog
Is your asshurt so blinding that you seriously think a general of like 60 dude(on a good day) had any impact on the result?
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Well we also viewbotted the DARS collabs videos
The only one who has half a shot at it is Asahi because that vote will split the StrayPs
noctchill's punishment for losing

Love that little hint of erector spinae.
Severely underrated detail.
I've got an erector for her
And after either Fuyu or Asahi gets eliminated we'll have to see if the Ps of the eliminated one stick with their unit or go against it by voting for the other side out of spite.
yeah, the illumines know a lot about that!
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She looks like she's about to do a hellsing
Oh no. I'll vote inside Asahi's cunt now.
why is it Korean
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I'm voting for this
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now she really snow ho
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Mighty Sailor is here to protect the thread!
I still can't believe we got pantsu and we didn't even hafta gacha for it.
SS could never
Did we just forget about that high kick from that solo MV
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Oh no

Live footage never
I thought most of them are black void
now a pantsu gacha would be nice
>shopping for pantsu with the girls
Heh. Who needs panties? The idols always take it for me anyway.
>Who needs panties?
And that last past made no sense.
>Live footage never
Yukiho takes off my panties and rails me.
mon frère?
i don't speak fred
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>drawing something like this after working as a concept artist in shinyani
Sola is so fucking based
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Why did it have to be this way..... Tenka and Kiriko fighting to the death, there's no winners but losers here.

It's over. The least I could do is bury Kiriko's ashes when Tenka wins her way to fight her evil twin sister, Amana.
>sola mano and ame hiori within one hour of each other
Where the Meg at?
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Ask Asari your questions about producing with #教えてあさり先生 and maybe she'll answer them.
So who will ask when we can produce her?
we're here
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And it's your problem now

Lilja's VA made and burnt some cookies.
Fucking hilarious how nobody ever picks Kazuki here when they pick a F-ags member
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Sumika's VA drew arto of them together. Very close together to Lilja's VA, they probably timed it together.
10/10 girl
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They're in the same agency too, so they could reasonably be getting along normally.
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Please present your ticket.
Is Rock-chan a better nickname than Salt-chan?
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Misuzu but her voice isn't grating.
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Plove bros?
There are other P-l9ve idols.
>my choices for the first three matches lost except Rinze
I hate it but at least I have a backup.
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Nothing for Others or KR?
I agree with your picks but disagree with your cheating
Just throw Leon, Kohaku, and Letora somewhere. I'll abstain from KR since I haven't got any strong opinions there.
All the female idols and OLs are fuckable to me desu
I don't care who y'all want to fuck
Kassy said that for the Cryst@loud clapping practice video that was played at Tokyo Dome he didn't have a white shirt ready so he bought an undershirt from a conbini nearby and it ended up being really see-through.
I tried locating that video but it seems like it's gone and this is all I could find.
To be honest you can already tell when the SC/TD surveys shows similar results, i.e. everyone wanting to fuck Mei, Miki, Fuka, Megumi, Kogane, Takane, etc.
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CoMETIK Style Book Bonus CD will be uploaded momentarily.
Also, I got the fancy 'doka card from my LIVE FUN goods delivery today.
fuck off with your robotic spamming bikinischizo
To be fair, it's "wanting to fuck" so body types play a big role. It's also kinda the reason why the girly SideMs gets picked more. Likewise, if it started as "idols (You) want as daughter/son", answers will skew towards those usual candidates.
flying get...
The idolfucker
Girls are melting, please wait warmly
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CoMETIK Style Book Bonus CD

Guess Ps of other units joined forces to take down the most powerful unit.
On my face
In my mouth
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Good morning! Let's do our best with Nina!
I’ll do my best to give Ninachang lots of pats
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Noticing a fair amount of Ritsuko-lust from these lists. That's neat to see
*lots of wombpats
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Since she lost you get Tengatoes instead. Good luck.
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okay, here's my list
How can you sleep at night?
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Based omni/hypersexualP
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With my idols
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Mornin’ doods.
Same but Shoma would have his own tier
Putting some morning wood in her
So how come SCPs only get together against Noctchill but never Straylight?
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>this thread
why are you gay?
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everyone loves Straylight
everyone hates noctchill
SCPs are all Fuyuko fans
it's because of the bridal thing
What bridal thing?
I like Asahi the most from Straylight.
Straylight is good
I’m straight but I would fug him. Didn’t say a name but he popped up in your mind, didn’t he?
Seiji, yes.
Idolmaster x Nikke when
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Not im@s but it could be. Every producer needs this.


If I know japanese, and I don't, Madoka's seiyuu says that all 4 losing in the first round is very noctchill.
You got that Mano card holder thing?
Do you have pictures of the items?

Was thinking about buying it but the asobi listing was very vague.
After Idolmaster x famous indie game Dave the Diver
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Late but my take
Noctchill jobbing during a water gun fight is oddly fitting.
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I think we should add some of these up, there's definitely a pattern.
I don’t know Japanese either but Chanrio is very pretty
maximum cope
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It's essentially just the case, a poster, and a small info booklet that has short overviews of the games and each episode of the anime's first season. It's nothing crazy, but the card case is kinda clean and stylish looking imo.
I actually wasn't planning on getting it, but the box was just sitting there next to the style books at the store, so I picked it up on a whim.
Obscenely pregnant Rio Tsuchiya.
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good koito
evil koito
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low hanging fruits...
Seeing how often they collab with any franchise, maybe soon
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China lewd stocks on the rise
>smol saggers
You have my disgust.
ur getting mogged by tenga gurl
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They're shaped like crumbling pyramids and China is the only GK with pink nipples, though?
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My wife
She looks like a stretched out alien
China would be more popular if her hair was pink.
No, Lilja is the only one, not China.
Rio Momose*
Ume’s large areola.
Dark brown and with ugly inverted milk duds you have to push out the same way you'd get a melted Hersheys out of its wrapper.
does it also taste like vomit?
Meguru’s healthy pink areolas and perky nip
Lilja and Sumika's friendship and bond level up commu is just a badly parodied version of Temari and Misuzu's.
Like Misuzu finally understood Temari's own way of doing things, and they accept that they have to go separate ways to grow as idols is much more meaningful than Lilja's trying hard and succeed while Sumika is just fluffing about doing jackshit.
She's only got one!?
Lilja and Sumika are normal teenage girlfriends.
lilja and sumika are good friends, temari and misuzu are in a toxic co-dependent relationship
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I ate the left one.
Okay gotcha. Thanks.
If there is nothing to in-depth then I'll pass. Have been doing way to many im@s events recently.
Need to conserve money.
Arisu’s brown nipples.
my dick is saying China namba won
What's literally being said is that she cried when all of Noctchill was eleminiared.
Comforting Chanrio. In bed.
Seriously why the artist did her dirty like that...
It's the reply he's talking about.
Why does every branch only have one idol with pink nips? (except CG)
Horny made me stupid.
Because Japanese people mostly have darker nipples.
AS doesn't have any actually
Sumika is avoiding her demons and is reminded by Lilja that running away is never going to solve anything. Lilja is coming to terms that she sucks.
because they don't have as much idols
All the other AS’s nipples look pink compared to the black holes that are Hibiki’s.
>except CG
Kate though.
>Lilja is coming to terms that she sucks.
Literally me.
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The torso is too long, nice coloring.
This one is hot until you see she got like 10inches more in height because of those hips.

Finding good China lewds is hard.
If you didn’t vote for any Noctchill you made Rio Tsuchiya cry. How can you live with yourself?
Miki's are canonically pink
>Kate though
No I'm saying CG has multiple, Kate, Fred, Mary, etc.
>you made Rio Tsuchiya cry
Firmly erect.
>brown haired Nip
Hell no.
Well only in the Xenoglossia universe.
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It's L4U
Guess I'll take responsibility and marry her then. It's the honorable thing to do, I will give her at least 3 children.
I can see it.
How's that allowed
We do not know and can not know the color of idols' nipples, hell, for all we know, idols might not have nipples at all, it will remain a mystery...
On the other hand, we do know that SM idols do not have nipples
SideM already proved that idols don't have nipples.
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Very nice.
Delicious ZR.
I voted for Koito
I'm not an idol but mine are brown if you're curious
Damn, that's rad
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I love Takamori Aiko very much!!! Happy birthday!!!
Wow excellent job.
That's really dope.
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Actually one of the moba magazine artists says otherwise
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The war may be over but the love will last forever.
You always go hard with these, good job man
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the meme songs
I'm glad to see Chocodate get some belated recognition. It's easily one of the most underrated solos.
Hana-sama would have beaten Amana tho
where's ML
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Sex with chidols > sex with kigudols > sex with idols.
Thank you Lilja, I just woke up.
I think Asselin is fully white so…
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The only ones Hana and Haruki could have beaten were Juri, Sakuya and Mei and I'd say Mano as well but Haruki actually fucking lost to her, so maybe they woulf have lost to those three as well.
SfP's longest lasting legacy will be Choco twitter shitposts
Kiguidols shouldn't wear anything underneath their kigus.
Lissy's minxy look.
His real name is Japanese right? Pierre is 100% European, Kei is from Germany but he also has a Japanese name and Ren's Chinese. I think Pierre's the only pink one in SM. Y'all should have voted for Mario.
bing bing wahoo
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She's gonna call the police if she sees you make a move on those 9s
Actually Mario is like Chris where they have a western name and are based on historical figures yet they are Japanese and were born in Japan.
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Sanae's okay with treating Nina like the WOMAN she is
Fuyu ass on face?
Yes or No
>Onegai! Cinderella instead of Step!
Well Chris is half Spanish as well
Getting Pierre to show me his cute pink nipples
Pretty sure Koi Kaze would be highest CG solo
He should be italian
Koi Kozue
sidems don't have those
Pretty sure Step is only a meme with Western CG tertiaries.
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What imas 2 could have been...
Or Riamu's
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Chinese Reika would be cool
very intimidating paisen
wrong eye color desu
reika the sex addict
julia w her weak clit
sadistic paisen
That Momoko looks extra cute and sassy.
I'm glad they changed it from turquoise to yellow, yellow fits her better.
and funny
>Pajeet X
Sounds like ML.
How frequently does each shhis masturbate?
Noice there's nothing better than painted idol toenails.
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Neech: 3+ times a day
Mikoto: -1
They're both ugly
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Am I too late to be judged?
If nothing else Otahen would definitely be a riot to sing in karaoke.
not enough
and I mean it, half their unit drama wouldn't happen if they were sexually satisfied
holy sex
I can understand the girly dudes but there's no way there's that much Chris fuckers here, i call fake.
koumeP finally released lilja mod for custom order maid 3d 2
where's that anon when you need him (not me though)
Checking the quotes, little EN comments to begin with no celebration about Hana defeat or noctchill, at Least I agree with the user who said they did L'Ant dirty by putting Kogane, Sakuya and Mamimi so close of each other in the brakets match
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Them Saitama genes. Chris's long blonde hair might also be a factor.
COM3D2 depends so much on voice acting and dialogue most of these mods don't do it for me...
>the Hiro doujin has been tagged anorexic
I didn't even know that tag existed
it was supposed to be a top 3 of which one you want to fuck
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Be gentle please uwu
post tiermaker link to it or else...
Ugly people masturbate too. Not that I'd know, haha...
hot passionate procreative sex with luca
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she's so sexy
Those are literally all hairy, I just know it.
I don't believe that you guys are attracted in that way to the non-girly sideM's
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The wet suit inspires lust.
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Based, I think so too
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did you crop out subaru or is that the actual image
Sorry but I'm attracted to abs.
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To be fair, it's about idols you want to fuck, not idols whom you want to top you and be fucked.
Bad man
not enough to make you gay
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That's gay
I think you guys must be imagining a scenario where you are gay when you choose your sideM's
Amehiko is handsome, no homo.
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basic bitch coming through
I just want to be held by someone, anyone really. And a guy bigger than me would feel very safe and comfortable.
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It just so happens that I love with my dick.
I didn't know it was idols I want to fuck. Jiro please put your pants on.
Roco is not for that.
It's fuck or be fucked in this world
it's okay to be homosexual
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Something tells me they planned to make Julia more feisty and aggressive instead of the dork she is now.
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Life imitates art.
It could also be like "if that SideM idol is a girl, I'd totally fuck that" seeing how the answers tend to have one of the girly SideM. Heck, a few of them doesn't even bother adding SideM.
why are SeijiPs like this?
Roco's body of work.
Insemination Stars looks different.
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This week's MOR playlist with Kasama Jun's (Amehiko's VA) Master Song:

1. Unmei Kounen / Jupiter
2. Swing Your Leaves / FRAME
3. Mujikaku A Priori / CoMETIK
4. Tulip / Kanade Hayami, Syuko Shiomi, Mika Jougasaki, Frederica Miyamoto, Shiki Ichinose
5. Ki-ma-gu-re Cafe au lait! / Frederica Miyamoto
(New Beat) Refrain Atrium / Legenders
(ED) Orange no Kioku / MILLIONSTARS Team3rd

Takada Yuuki (Yoshino's VA) will be co-hosting the radio with Yukiho's VA in a week.
Mizuno Genki (lyricist for PANDEMIC ALONE, Halftone and other songs) will join as guest in two weeks.
Kisui Shio (Yuika's VA) will join as guest in three week.
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Her pregnant ouvre.
or maybe "if I was a girl which one would I pick"
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Something I'm seeing from these list is the amount of Horny for Uzuki and Mano, so far I've only seen a Mirai and a couple of Harukas.
Well Mirai and Haruka have low sex appeal.
Teru gets picked for SideM but Saki seems to be a rarity.
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I feel like I have very basic bitch taste

For me it's more like
>I don't actively want to fuck them but if I HAVE to dick 2 more it might as well be the ones I think look best
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I want to finish inside luca after three thrusts and savor her disgusted reaction
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She would look at you with puppy eyes and start touching her clit desperately just so she can finish.
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You have to pick. Choose wisely.
Standard Issue Cat type preferences you got there
i will pick the lion
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Not so fast
I'd love them if their seiyuu were girls
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I saw yukimi 2 times on those lists
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don't ask
I'm gonna ask.
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ooh things to do
Yuuko Sanpei is married.
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under her spell
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Thank you, Uzuki’s fat butt and Mano’s fat bust
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r8, h8 and masturb8
literally THE most boring man alive:
F-LAGS looking a bit different there
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it's her alluring jitome witch gaze
No one who wants to rail a muscle midget could be boring.
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Aiko mega sexo
2 and half and half lolis
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and spellbinding legs
The only way it could become any more boring is if you had put down either Takane or Azusa for Makoto
Makoto is literally there
I meant it the other way around
+either of those two
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Sorry, I'm stupid.
Kind of bothers me that you went with a RBY trio for every branch except AS and CG.
Imagine little Rinko belittling Leon and making her cry.
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what are you doing down there producer-kun
Rinko telling Jupiter they're a bunch of loser fags.
Most boring would be someone who just picks the idols with the biggest tits and calls it a day.
Well Takane would be my fourth.
And then Touma tries to lift her up to put her in place but it's too much weight for him and he collapses to the ground.
I wonder how the fuck they gonna make GK's traffic light into an unit. I just can't imagine the three strong personality backing up each other with choreography and dance like say Insemination Star.
Kotone will start dancing and Saki will tackle her off the stage.
Which tier list is this? I like the consistent look of it more.
Feeling called out right now
Look at Unicus
umm, no kazuki?
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The others I get, but there’s nothing sexual about Makio
I think a FemP would be attracted to him more.
Some of Saki's stuff with him is good but I don't think you'll find someone who wants to fuck Makio but not Saki.
He smells like cake and you can lick crumbs off of his bare chest.
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Yes officer, this post right here: >>487442714
Emily wishes she was related to Tokugawa
Ah yes, the twin list
It's referring to the Charlotte*Charlotte events, where she is.
This guy is into inseki, and he's the non blood related adopted one who fuck the others!
>not Megumi and Umi
One job.
Boy in an extremely short skirt, enough said
>Rei, Pierre
Forced feminization
Very nice.
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Let her be.
idols that would be disgusted by a quick shot
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Fuck yes, I've been waiting for this. Hopefully the warnings about the hair being temperamental in the readme are exaggerated.
Emily was a rebellious little shark-teethed brat all this time?
Her mesugaki phase.
Hime's sister and Emily should swap places for a day.
Stop making fun of the English’s teeth!
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Ranko is my angelic wife.
The Japanese aren't any better to be honest
post them seiyuu with fucked up teeth
I always imagined that shark teeth were basically the equivalent of crooked teeth.
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reina should have had braces
that would be way too erotic
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what if you cum'd on them
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