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Previous: >>487349032

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's the Furina thread.
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Me and my daughter
i'm here
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I regret skipping Chiori now that I know she fucks churls
I want to sleep for 36 hours with Xilonen
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Are you skipping?
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my beautiful wife
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yeah I'll roll on the rerun if she ends up being decent.
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Reminder that unlike the previous regions, Pyro Traveler won't be available in 5.0
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They won :3
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i'm a cuck which genshin is for me?
never using a m*le thread because I'm a girl who likes other girls
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Probably. I forget how much pity I have right now, though, might do a coinflip if I'm over 50
if she can give me chev, I’m rolling until I get 2 more chevs
else, I skip
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Is there a Genshin version of this?
Imagine playing through Inazuma and meeting multiple Youkai characters but somehow not knowing what a Youkai is
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Nahida is really sexy.
i can do you one better
Design isn’t sexy and she doesn’t seem interesting as a character + Dendro is the second most boring element after Hydro. Easiest skip
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100% skipping, They not only passed up on fantastic designs for this they also managed to pick one of the worst designs in the game as the final one. Truly a tragedy.
hmmmmm nyes
yeah. i have to roll the shark riding girl for exploration maxxing.
none of them because they aren't real and therefore cannot actually cuck you
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Gonna roll, hit pity, and let the coinflip decide my destiny.
I pray to all the fucking gods in heaven that Chevy is in her banner or I'm gonna freak the fuck out
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>tits out
>still ugly
How did they do it
yoimiya for hidden sex. nilou for humiliation play
She's cute but I am skipping, I don't need her and want to save for Kinich.
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Stupid Hu Tao, you forgot to rotate and resize your cheld. Post the blank version. I'll do it right.
see: sebastos
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she's too much of a screamer for public play.
reminds me of Amber’s beta dance
skip, i need to save for Mavuika and Chadpitano
i dont know when we are getting them but still
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are you a churl or something
Can I get her, Mualani and Kinich with free pulls?

I'm on 39 pity, haven't done abyss yet and haven't done anything in Chenyu Vale and most Fontaine quests. I got like 30 fates rn...
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Now, if I fuck this model
And she just bleached her asshole
And I get bleach on my T-shirt
I'ma feel like an asshole
perro caca
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finally found the last one. i have no fucking idea why the gadget didnt react to this chest even when i was on top of it and i found it by accident when i was joomping around with xianyun lol
It's not autism it's retardation.
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mmmf... i love hebes
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i cant belive she is a 5*
and ninghuang is a 4*
its bullshit
Mualani's feet! Licking between her toes!
I'm rolling. Her dress is pretty sexy with her wearing that stocking body suit and her tits only covered by flaps that can be blown by the wind. Her haircut in the splash art is ugly but looks slightly better in the model.
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No way in hell unless you get stupid lucky.
You're getting 1 of them most of the time, 2 if you win both coinflips and one of the two arrives early.
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Which potato should get a swimsuit skin first and why should it be Nahida?
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>albedo says this while camera points to the hot with the moon
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Imagine rolling for someone's oc.
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prefarmed and rolling C0
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Not. My. Problem.
my guess is that chiori, sigewinne and emilie were supposed to be 4* but they were so fucking dogshit unusable kaveh tier that they promoted them to 5*
>but sigewinne is already shit
her kit is tailor made to buff natlan characters
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i will FUCK this cat
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They're also saying that the Pyro Archon would be the one to give their powers to them. But don't take my word for it.
her EN voice is absolutely terrible
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She can't dance...
If she gets one it'll be a one piece with frills
Her design screams BUILT FOR BBC
If the leaks prove real, her master boyfriend is a tall tanned male
Literally the BLACKED character
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*nekomata, retard
>Mavuika will touch tabibito
the only thing that nahida can get is execution by beheading
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/gig/ said it was outlandish spamming
/gig/ said he's way out of control
i just feel im the only one not pretending
im not out of control im just not in """"""their"""" control
i know im the most influential
that schizo post was just confirmation
this generation's closest thing to einstein
so dont worry about me im fine
I'm 50ish wishes into a guarantee. Of course I'm skipping
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Civ V is simply the better game
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loreschizo here
i have no fucking idea what this event is implying
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i don't have it.
durin but real foreshadowing
>Imagine rolling for someone's oc.
define oc
She would regrow it like spongebob.
Very violent post
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Foolish cheldposter, it's the fact that it's poorly shopped that makes it humorous
Your favorite yuri pairing?
ashikai fan here,
scara will fuck loom in the end he is the hero of teyvat we are just watching his development.
I'm more focused on the obvious Yashiori-inspired landscape at the background.
Also the floating Island that's 90% inspired on Celestia.
fat Xiao put a whole bunch of mysterious shit scattered through the whole map
this event is more important than all 3 of the past ones combined
Kokomi x Wanderer
white bikini for Klee, school swimsuit for sayu, cat keyhole swimsuit for Diona
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>do the sumeru epiloge of the event
>it has absolutely nothing to do with anything
>confused as fuck
>suddenly it hits me
>the plotline is about muddling spoilers by adding red herrings
>it's about these red herrings escalating and causing people to believe that the story holds more than it actually does
>the entire point of this shitty sumeru sideplot is to confuse leakers with a red herring pointless story so they don't spoil the main event story
holy FUCK fat xiao i fucking kneel
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Koko x Sara
Nilou x Wanderer
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overgrown cock
But Madam Faruzan it's immoral to have sex with your students nowadays
kneel harder
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Eulamber and French Eulamber
>the past Summer events were concocted by A, M and B
>with M gone, there's no one to make the settings of future summer events
>hence, this is possibly the last summer event of its kind
Didn't stop her from taking Kaveh's cock on a regular basis.
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Kek, the chinks discovered Mihoyo intentionally cropped out the bell on Nilou's outfit from their social media post
Every other outfit banner has the same size except Nilou's
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Fat Xiao never disappoints. It's crazy how people are still doubting his genius.
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She would kill them before they laid a finger on her.
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>he didnt understand the note that explained the harmosts teachings about strings and the implications of why they said they had to kill everyone on the surface of teyvat or fortuna would overpower everything and everyone
Stop gaslighting me
Now the first word that comes to mind when I think of sexy is Nahida
And sexy is now the second word I think of when I think of Nahida, the first being cute
>implying the Madam isn't getting fugged by Layla's alter ego whenever she passes out
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No, of course I'm not skipping. She's too sexy. C0R1 minimum but I would really like to go for C6 on her rerun
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how are your natlan savings going billetbros? i have one remaining billetbox plus the one from chenyu vale which i still haven't claimed, so it looks like i'm good for the next year until snez
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and monatao
>we'll just finish them quickly
nahida is so shit that she wouldnt even be able to make someone cum
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For me, it's Iansan.
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LOL, ok, thats a little silly
that'll feed a hilichurl camp for a couple of weeks at least, you'll be able to smell the pot in dadaupa gorge all the way from springvale while it's cookin
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4000 images gone.... I'll never get them back
flopped and publicly beaten and raped for it
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Is it considered gaslighting when it's true? Nahida is really sexy.
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Cuckshin Cuckpact
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uuuh bros? these are almost all the key-lore characters
of who?
if it's hu tao i can share my folder with 40k+
Yes. I'm not a metafag and I dislike her design. Too bad they wasted a great jpn VA on a literal who character like Emilie.
well it's working
I'm fantasizing about licking her thighs now
Billets don't exist
in my room in the teapot
she can relax all she wants there
>wank wanderer
>but not like that!
lmao hoyo is a schizo
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she's my navia plunge whore
>the bell schizo theory was actually solid
to think there was that one faggot who kept insisting it's just a random flower lol
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She has soft and squishy thighs. I don't blame you.
roll for c6 Chiori and ploonge with her next time
And now I want to lie on her lap and sleep.
So I'll sleep now then.
Night /gig/
sex with ashikai's voice tho
mating press kachina
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i love her voice (CN)
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ruh roh!
use recuva or some other data recovery software. until you do use your machine as little as possible so the data doesnt get overwritten.
Ok hat guy
>fatty chaser
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i'm not THAT rich anon, maybe after i graduate
post something cute
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thank Morax for Hu Tao, she down with the mission
did it with with no permission, on our own conditions
most Xiezhi with money have been beaten to submission
Yanfei with the big horns did it way different
never listen to Fontaine producers
don't stare at Mora too long, it's Medusa
the ultimate Xiezhi has survived
I wasn't supposed to make it past 45
Clearly they meant to hide his appearance in the event (and that he's the hero)
yanfei never flopped
I love how the chinks are so utterly mindbroken over this.
That looks nothing like Wanderer's weapon though. They're really reaching here
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Furina is still married to Neuvillette.
>idiots chimping out prove it's real
it's just damage control
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gn anon
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Next "summer" event will be about Teyvat Durin's resurrection.
Dragon Spine will be tossed up, split apart, turned upside down like that giant island.
There won't be vacation time.
It's been 8 hours and I played around with my phone quite a bit...
Chinese incels are some of the best detectives in the world. They can detect the undetectable. I kneel.
Nah we need vacation time before the WAR
You should know by now that Easter eggs and dog whistles are their modus operandi
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Why bother when the in-game promotion is like this though?
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haha retard
the useless bottom-tier onahole flopped on my dick
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+3 troves and im only like halfway through sumeru onion
>Billets don't exist
you get a bunch of them if you clear all weeklies
"The chinks" and it's just schizos on tieba
yeah it's kinda reaching but hoyo acknowledges it so idk
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well at least try with one program. there's a chance you could save some files.
Neuvillette's onahole is amazing.
So now that Xilonen is guaranteed new best universal support must pull

What are your rollan plans?
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Take a good picture camerapaggy
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Surely they won't be waiting an entire fucking year to follow up on this? They teased something really big here. By next summer everyone would have forgotten or lost track of how the story went.
My theory is that they plan to add a new Mondo area in 5.4, with the main story being about Durin's revival (maybe the area is inside Durin's rotting guts?)
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why did you leave out jean
this nahida is actually sexy

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>most important event the game had in a very long time and all retards can do is cuckpost
i wish i could teleport to every single shitposter's houses and crush their skulls with a sledge hammer
>make up schizo cuckold theories, forcing the gacha company to overcorrect
>notice overcorrection
>conclude that it confirms your earlier suspicions when you're the reason behind it
Never change China, lmao
The same thing happened to GFL2/Raymond
>only debuffs res
At the absolute best, and I MEAN absolute best, she ends up a geo sidegrade to Kazuha (aka worse)
At worst, you're better off running Zhongli for the 20% res shred and also the best shield in the game.
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need hebehida
My theory is that it'll signal the return of Albedospine winter event kino
probably just gonna use kachina and be done with it
not really a big fan of geo in particular, and i already have furina
i'm also considering buying the burningcoin with emilie and kinich, so that takes away value of a geo support
WHY DIDN'T HE ULT!!!!!!!!!!
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Kinich please marry me!
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Filters get rid of most of it.
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Uhhhhh, >>487314927 , >>487314960 , >>487316903 , >>487317018 , >>487317437
, >>487317858 , >>487318417 , your response?
I'll install recuva on my laptop and see if I can recover them. If not then it's actually over
that’s what I’m thinking/hoping, too
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idc if this is filler this was a very cute quest with voiced rara
better they will memory hole the event and never bring it back up
Need Alice.
I want a Klee with boobs.
why is nahida trying to seduce me
how do I stop her
All the hags and maybe Il Capitano
Aether's(Camera) POV
>from their social media post
which social media though? i want to confirm for myself
I genuinely don't like her design, so I shan't pull anyone but Mavuika so far
I hoped Chasca might be a kick chick but she's bow
I care very little for harbingers besides Pantalone
I don't really like what I saw of the gameplay for Mualani or Sasuke
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i hope you get at least 10 back bwo
Same here, it looks like she won't be useful on kinich so I might skip her after all
Though the exploration perks are kind of tempting
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pretty meh
probably the most likely outcome but if so it feels kinda weird that they'd tease something like this
why not just end the story with "and then klee had fun with chibi durin and nothing bad ever happened"
it's not like anyone would care, that's what happened the past 3 summer events
Kirara’s story quest….
kilala is the mvp of this event, you will see.
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The social media post was made before anyone can even buy the outfit or read the story, retard
What are your rolling plans for the foreseeable future?
Mine is Kinich, Chasca, Mavuika
and Xianyun if she reruns
Nilou is for (You)!
nta but yeah you're retarded, not even the same # of petals
None of the vague shit in the new event is actually lore relevant retards they just dropped a bunch of meaningless 2deep4u stuff to keep fans entertained with wild speculation while they write round 4 of "female archon isn't what people think she is and she has a doppelganger"
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She was always part of the plan. The real question is, how many wishes do I plan on spending on her.
Omg most of the liyue characters (including males) have the chinese knot thing that clearly means zhongli is fucking all of them
What is Xilo's kit?
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i have 140 rolls
and im on pity roll
shenhe when?
I'm a happy little cuck
You just can't handle Rotund Alatus' genius
i just came to siggy's big butt
fuck you gig for making me realize that
They always do this shit LMAO
Remember the Mondstadt where they teased the Hexenzirkel witches... Yeah...
Seems like every event involving them is speculative slop
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>and Xianyun if she reruns
Why? She's about to be powercreeped to hell and back by Natlan characters with better mobility and plunge is shit
At MINIMUM, she provides:
>unknown % of RES shred
>40% teamwide damage buff
>IR in the form of crystallize shields
Seems cracked
Signora, Capitano, Baizhu's Pantalone skin
Yeezus > Pablo
I thought it was interesting how there are three statues of the Goddess of Fate and 3 Moon Sisters, which all links back to the Morai. I know the event was about Durin, but I wonder if the ancient dragon they talked about was Anya's version of Nibelung. I always thought it was weird how The Princess and The 6 Pygmies seemed to be set during the Seelie Kingdom's fall, but the Sinners being the pygmies mean they'd need to be already alive by that time.
shark girl, geo cat girl, knife ears girl, the shut in tsun girl, the pyro biker girl and capitano.
Just embrace it. There's nothing you can do.
Nahida reading a /gig/gers thoughts would traumatize her.
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i always find this video adorable.
almost makes me want to have a goat pet.
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Kinda low on gems. Not quite sure what to do yet in terms of Natlan rolling plans.
My main issue is that I value gameplay over anything else. I could tell you that I plan on rolling Xilonen right now because she's hot but then find out that her kit is unappealing to me and end up skipping her.
As of yet, Kachina is probably my favorite of the upcoming 4 characters (counting emilie). Emilie herself looks interesting enough but if I go all in on Burningcoin i'd be out of funds for the next few patches if I get unlucky, and I really do want to get the pyro archon (or whatever the fuck Mavuika is this time around)
Plan is to drop 74 on the emilie banner and then see what happens.
she's still a teamwide healer hag with lots of mods
>VV gives 40% RES shred
>Kazuha gives 40%+ damage buff with 1k+ EM
As I said, geo Kazuha sidegrade. She'll be amazing with Kachina at least if you want to run mono geo since geo res shred is so rare.
lantern rite
Ayaka, Ganyu, and Xianyun
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neuvkeks your days are NUMBERED
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(You) are not Wanderer.
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>roll Mualani no matter what
>roll Mauvika if she's a good off field pyro/vape support, skip if she's more pyro on-field slop
>roll Capitano unless they unmask him or make him a jobber
Based mihoyo
They understand that tiebacels are mentally ill so they cropped it out in advance
>kek themselves
no they do it to kek the ones still playing, like you
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>Mondstadt cast shows up
>pay attention
>Sumeru sharts show up
>lose interest
take your meds conspiritard schizo
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wish i had an account so i could see more comments
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I assume that I'll craft the spear for Kachina, but probably nothing else.
Maybe there will finally be a good bow in Snezhnaya.
carbmaxxers stay winning
titlets will seethe
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Resources are fucking horrendous rn. Need XP books for my characters but severely lacking mora. Meanwhile I need artifacts too because unfortunately farming for 4 months in the grinding shithole isn't enough for an EM Sands. Need to do all this with a stamina system as fast the physically disabled. And I need to mine underwater too fuck this man.
The shred not being tied to VV is better thoughever since it can shred geo/phys/dendro
I just want her C2 and you're totally wrong about plunge, she makes it do crazy numbers even before C2. I just want to see them go even higher.
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I still believe
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They're both good
Bitch, I'm back out my coma
Wakin' up on your sofa
When I parked my Range Rover
Slightly scratched your Corolla
Okay, I smashed your Corolla
Why are newfags like this?
I can't wait for these two to never interact
God I want to behead Furina
its a boy
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when is that? next year? that would be so long, i would be able to roll for fire archon and still have rolls
you wouldn't do that to me, i'm a cheldposter too.
Most based post itt
It’s going to happen in a year
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They added any cute boys lately?
Mualani, Mauvuika, Citlali. Then whichever gameplay from other characters I like the most.
I love the pair, but this is where I draw the line.
The way it's worded makes it sound like it can't shred ameno, dendro, or physical.
Zhongli's shield is a universal 20% res shred so I'm guessing 30% shred, maybe 35%.
If Venti and Raiden got powercreeped and Nahida is often replaced by Baizhu, why would Zhongli be safe?
Haven't been keeping up. What's the news on Xilonen? Is she a support?
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HOW can anyone say this game is for straight men when there is shit like this in game?
Because he's literally China
>Maybe there will finally be a good bow in Snezhnaya.
Aren't Tidal Shadow and Proto Crescent already very good?
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I'm glad I'm still sane in this world
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You see it's leaders and it's followers
But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower
You see it's leaders and it's followers
But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower

I throw these Maybach keys
I wear my heart on the sleeve
I know that we the new slaves
I see the blood on the leaves
I see the blood on the leaves
I see the blood on the leaves
I know that we the new slaves
I see the blood on the leaves
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How the fuck did I get glitter on my dick
The only teams where you want Baizhu over another healer are Neuv + Furina teams. If you aren't running Neuv, you want Siggy instead.
but Dehya already powercrept him.
I want to behead Ei.
Emilie Kinich Xilonen Chasca Mavuika Citlali. I'm so fucked.
Nahida would fit right in 4chan. She's that one retard that tries to fix and reform all the other retards on this Archived Mongolian Matrix website.
You fucked a Melusine.
Because that's the Pyro Archon.
She's a girl. It's natural for women to be attracted to handsome men.
Prototype Crescent stopped being good when they stopped consistently giving elites weak spots
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Yellow Dehya
White Dehya
Literally me
I want to befriend Ei.
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name 5 things you dislike about your favorite genshin
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Most likely but
I still have hope
The day the powercreep Zhongli is when they release the geo Sovereign Zhongli
Pyro archon, Chasca, Xilonen, Citlali.
For rerun:
High priority: Clorinde, Alhaitham
Low priority: Chiori, Siggy
Extremely based
Is Siggy for cute or for sexy
Rank all of the summer events from best to worst
>Khaeriah did nothing wrong
>Has 7 transcendence tier individuals and called Sinners
1 = 2 > 3 > 4
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I mean who wouldn't?
Do you guys actually care about the girls being with other guys? I thought you didnt give a shit about Aether.
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>secret room with items from all the previous summers
...Is this the last summer event?
impossible, I love every aspect of Emilie
I love her haircut
I love her glasses
I love her voice
I love her body odor
I love her yaoi collection
I love her passion
I love her turret
I love her legs
I love her kindness
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Archons are literally named after demons
GAA2 > GAA1 > Simulanka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bottleslop
>Dain plainly stated the Sinners betrayed Khaenri'ah
My favorite > Another anon's favorite > Another anon's second favorite >>>>>>>>>>> Your favorite
For me, it's 1.6
she isn't with other guys, people just like to shitpost and larp as incels
It was always known Khaenri'ah deserved it
4.8 > 1.6 >>> powergap >>> 3.8 >>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>> 2.8
God she's so ugly

Her character is a non-entity and her design sucks ass.

Why waste primos on her when you could pull for the Pyro Archon or this >>487367012 sex goddess?
so like the hellpriests from nu-doom?
things will get darker next year with snezhnaya on the horizon
why is she such a buttslut
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holy shit bros!
the fact that Fischl out of all people is with this group reinforces a lot the theory that "Fishl" (the book character) was a real person
Similarly to how Wanderer recovered his memories from a "fiction" book, Amy also found "her true self" after reading one, which also granted her a vision and Oz for a very mysterious reason. Princess Fischl's book was definetely written by one of the witches and Oz is the exact same type of life form as mini Durin, he's the "good" version of another bird who existed in Teyvat. (Thunderbird)
4.8 > GAA1 > GAA2 > Bottleland
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love sosa... bitches love sosa huh?...
let 'em know then... rari's and rovahs...
hey... hey... heeeey heeeeeeyyy
god y'all some broke boys, god y'all some broke boys

these bitches love sosa, O end or no end
fuckin' with them O boys, you gon' get fucked over
RARIS AND ROVAHS these hoes love chief sosa
hit 'em with that cobra, now that boy slumped over
they do it all for sosa, you boys ain't making no noise
y'all know I'm a grown boy, your clique full of broke boys
GOD y'all some broke boys, GOD y'all some broke boys
we GBE dope boys, we got lots of dough, boy
GAA 2 > Simulanka > GAA1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bottleland
GAA1 = Simulanka > Bottleland > GAA2
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Xilonen and Mavuika. I don't know if I should go for Dendro Sasuke rn. I'd rather wait to see how Capitano and Xbalanque will turn out.
I think summer events just aren't good. We need Winter events to come back.
The rest of them, I don't care >>>>>>> GAA2
GAA2 > GAA1 > Simulanka >(barely) Bottleland
This means Oz is techincally Japanese. Watashi wa Ozzu desu.
>Traveler and Paimon
>Wanderer and Durin
>Klee and Dodoco
>Albedo and.... Oh nononono
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wait that does makea a lot of sense
Simulanka = GAA2 = GAA1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bottleland
'they' got the support from the royal family which means the support of the entirety of Khaenriah
Personally, its problematic but I don't give much of a fuck about it because I think the game has much bigger issues than those, the game is dying, and I dont want Mihoyo to get into that place of comfort where they'll just live off hype and wing it like the lazy fucks they've been so far
Kazuha SHAPED you
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i hyavent byeen ablye tyo styart thye syummer evyent, is it actially gyood or is it byad?
GAA v1
GAA v2
As long as they keep denying us an annual beach episode I agree
Who is white Dehya?
GAA2 > GAA1 > Simulanka > Bottleslop
So she was never schizo?
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You can't use her on-field unless you do the C6 Bennett + Xianyun meme.
Her skill mechanic is not optimal for this game's combat flow.
Her leotard texture is still Itto-quality to this day.
As a Liyue character, she is effectively imprisoned in mediocre events.
She isn't real.
Emilie, whoever is holding Kachina hostage, Xilonen, Iansan, Mavuika. Clit if she does something interesting.
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OK here's the tao with a properly aligned cheld. Note the tasteful stretched proportions, which add a smidge of smug yet earnest humor.
>then threw that all away because of the allure of power
Reminds me of the Tribunal.
It's fine, they chose a theme and went all in on it which is respectable.
good ending and lore but the first two acts and all the puzzles are pure toddlerslop
first part is meh but I enjoyed the rest a lot more
Amy will never amount to anything
You're a visionary
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Rolling for all females, skipping all males.
Same plan as Fontaine, Sumeru, Inazuma, etc...
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I'm mentally ill...
I hope this means they kill off Fischl soon.
gaa > bottleslop > gaa2 >>>>> stepping in dogshit with your favorite shoes >>> simulanka
I will never let sigewinne give me a checkup.
You know she'll drug you while you're out cold to be unable to be turned on by anyone except her.
At least you don't have to worry about the food, since nobody dares to drink her drinks anyways.
The first area in Simulanka feels like it's from a completely different story from the others. They should have included some little toy dudes there.
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I'm still going to use the old one.
stop taking your meds
your true name is fischl, not Amy
the doctors are lying to you, they are not heroes of justice
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Navia/Xilonen/Mavuika and who do you think should occupy the last spot? Chiori? At this point, who needs a geo healer when you have furina(forma de natlan artifact set)
GAA2 = Simulanka > GAA1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The other one
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Where can I find everyone in the overworld after the event
This enrages the bikinischizo
Kleepedo melty
GAA2 > GAA1 > Simulanka >>>> Bottleland
>all these delusional fischlpags putting gaa2 over simulanka
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Siggy would never do anything like that. She's a kind person who just wants people to get better.
Also she likes people being cute.
i have the tism and in all element quizes i get water
what would be my skills?
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Any cute boys added lately?
not using, your time was wasted AHAHAHAAHAHA
>he's the "good" version of another bird who existed in Teyvat. (Thunderbird)
Oh that's pretty cool
not even into her, yet the event was so much better than Toddlerlanka its not even close
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inb4: Princess Fishl was the princess of the Primordial god's civilization
What possessed Mihoyo to add Wanderer to this event knowing how much hatred he has LMAO
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2.8 > 1.6 >>>>>> 4.8 > 3.8
just a 1:1 copy of Candace’s kit
Linux computer usage, card collecting and shower evasion
GAA2 > who gives a fuck >>>>> literal horseshit >>>>>>>>> the current one
You must be 18 or older to post on 4chan.
they just wanted to show he is just a tsundere now
Imagine caring about blunderer at all
There's literally nothing wrong with bottleland
i like the paper animals i got worried for the hamsters when we were going to the cave to retrieve the llamas berries
I didn't actually finish GAA1 and never got Barbara's swimsuit skin
GAA2 was one of the best events we've ever had, way better than the other summer events.
probably fanservice, he was going fullblown for (You), same as Nilou. But its done in extremely lazy ways
Outside of being awful
Missing your rent payment for the third month in a row
...on opposite's day
what? you wanted kazuha??
does anyone have that picture of Nahida looking like nilou?
im ok with this

i dont use linux, and i take a shower everyday
same I'm relieved they're okay
>he was going fullblown for (You)
lmao scarapags are delusional
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I miss GAA2 the most because the character driven stories are better imo.

We have a whole cast of characters barely used and no background and depth given to them. Like look at Yelan, we know nothing about her at all.

GAA2 even made me like Xinyan and want to use her in overworld for the first time.
Imagine if every event tried to do this and made us like the past characters more than just trying to put focus on new characters.

It feels like this game is wasting the hard work of their previous designs by giving them some cookie cutter personalities but no unique backstory and emotions.
and you need to be under 18 to like Toddlerlanka
Mona’s and Fischl’s islands were more fun
even Xinyan’s island was okay
having zones themed after characters is cool, though we could’ve done without another retelling of Kazuha’s backstory
the puzzles were simply better
The only people who disagree with GAA2 being the best summer event
>newfags who missed out so they have to cope by saying they hate it to overcompensate for missing out
>extremely insecure klee fans
>does it anyway
They're based for that alone
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>adds Wanderer to your summer event
>makes him the hero cucking Traveler out of the position
>ties him to Albedo's plotline for no real reason
You're welcome gweilo
Nice falseflag kleepedo
I think it's finally time to admit we need more actual cucking and relationship drama in Genshin so it can be like more like a soap opera
Women slobber over the flying twink, that's why.
>great puzzles, music, scenery, atmosphere
Only the most delusional of pedophiles would dislike GAA2 because it doesn't have their pyro buddypoke
>multiple fischlpags on /gig/ pretending simulanka is shit until fischl showed up
wait I didn't mean to quote Barbara
Is she? How fat we talking here?
GAA1 > GAA2 > Simulanka > Bottleland
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she's a shielder with res shred and other buffs the dataminers can't tell. Hoyo is using a Gorou's burst as a placeholder for hers, but I hope the leopard counts as a construct personally.
No, we need to hear again about how Wanderer was just a poor little reject nobody wanted who was done wrong by everyone and that's why he did bad things.
are you me?
because this is my rolling plan
It was honestly way too forgettable. Even the map. I just didn’t have fun exploring it. And no offense to their fans but Kokomi, Eula and Collei in one cast is like watching paint dry
according to whomst
Only Simulanka faggots would claim GAA2, just look how many shitposters Simulanka has attracted
Crazy how they made Xinyan less ugly but don't let you have that in the actual game
I like it
setting myself up for disappointment hoping chasca is an anemo dps and rust is her bis
Why yes I want to hear about Kazuha's slop story for the thousandth time, give me more of his cock daddy Fat Xiao!
>How fat we talking here?
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They want us to like him so hard but don't understand why he's hated. The redemption will not be redeemed
Is she trying to seduce me?
>bricks inazuma by leaving a bunch of loose ends that will never be tied
>bricks sumeru with his dogshit boss fight and interlude
>on his way to brick mondstadt and more specifically dragonspine
yae was right little bro had to be put down
i liked it but eula and collei could have been gone and no one would notice. kokomi could have been replaced too but her role was acceptable
>I am thou, thou art I
>I am the Shadow...the true self
she’s cryo, sis
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GAA2 simply won
I can't wait for Mona to do something relevant in the story
Just say you’re jealous and salty that you weren’t here for 2.8. Much easier and less effort than crying and shitting yourself because you didn’t get to experience it like all of us.
fat ass
idk I just like the cast better this time
mualani (c2r1), raiden, hutao and mavuika
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*Lends you all your power*
How would you respond?
>treasures that are wayyyy out of range for comfort
>giant cast but only a handful did anything substantial
yeah, sure.
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GAA1 was the best simply because it allowed for the existence of my favorite genshin webm

purely based on the skins that were made for them
They needed to stick Eula in somewhere. I personally asked Dawei to do it as the last remaining Eula simp.
fischltroons are really mentally ill
That's nothing
in case you missed the memo, this fucking event is character driven
>pretending to be an oldfag because he joined in 2.8
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I'm going to leave these here and go.
As much as I love Klee, GAA2 was easily one of the best events we've gotten so far. Something about Mondstat characters just feels right
shut up foolrina
this is pretty fun.
tennis-like gameplay is cool.
unlike that parry using yunjin/beidou tennis
she has an anemo vision in all the screenshots i saw...
the old hag will asscreep mona
her grandma ass will have sag physics
>why yes i love gaa2, it has all these summer-themed areas like, uh, a japanese building, and, uh, some musicslop, and, uh.... a medieval castle... and a starry night.... yea summer!
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Fat Xiao's is terrible at writing redemptions, tbqh. Schizomouche didn't need to be Arlecchino'd, but there were better ways to explore his character. Akechi is similar to him, but I had much more fun with him in P5 Royal.
Why are kleepedos attacking fischl posters again?
The main plot was a story unrelated to characters until the ending, which is still more about the lore of the game and not individual playable characters.
Shenhe already did but nobody cared about her
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siggy says to go to sleep on nahida's orders
calm down. it's shit, no need to get butthurt over it
>missed out
Hahahahahahahaha I can’t even imagine that level of regret
I want to asscreep Mona
don't you dare mock my account like that.
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Klee might be some kind of magic creature that Alice have spawned as well, her dad simply does not exist and she's simply way to powerful for a small toddler
everyone present in that picture is abnormal is some way or another
what would Nilou’s, Kirara’s, Navia’s and Wanderer’s islands be like?
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GAA2 was better because it the puzzle caused some serious seething
I can't say the same for simulanka
Oh and of course, the play and the crows
Nah get dabbed on you fucking faggot. GET FUCKED BITCH!!!
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It also has one of my favorite webms
When will aveline and kurumi collab?
hello, im nobody
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Good call, Siggy, Nahida is proud of you.
Remember to go to sleep if you're tired. gn
I do not miss hunting down the hundreds of chests in GAA2 without a compass at all. I don't miss having to go through hours upon hours of walls of text from its quests containing unimportant shit I don't care about either.
Good riddance and I'm glad Hoyo learned their lesson to never make something like it ever again.
it does both teyvat lore and character development
>you're not good enough for me
>no wait, please don't leave, I'm lonely!

Fuck. If I knew how shit this girl was I never would have rolled for her. I wish there was a way to unroll a character. I don't even want my gems back, I just wish I didn't have to be reminded that she exists.
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c6 yelan bow
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Lore-accurate Traveler Love Interest Tierlist
I will never be more than one person, and me talking to myself proves nothing.
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Mid to late Inazuma was Genshin's peak.
>great events (Albedo and the whopperflower, Irodori)
>great quests (Liyue interlude, Raiden SQ2, Perilous Trail)
>best succession of banners
Back when you were looking forward to the game's future.
>gonna swipe one more time for the year in this current patch
>I can't make up my mind between Nilou and and Emilie
They both make dick hard but fuck... This is a difficult choice
>"Simulanka was good"
quite unruly behaviour
Just say you’re 30 little anon :3
I agree wholeheartedly but you tried to sneak in Irodori
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Anon, Nahida is 500 years old and watches you as a hobby.
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I am obsessed and mentally ill. I should seek help.
>Oh and of course, the play and the crows
You mean one of the worst things about GAA2 that everyone that was actually there and isn't trying to revise history hated back then?
honestly same. this was peak era. i actually looked forward to what was next instead of dreading.
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>tfw saw some anons saying a few puzzles in the third area are hard
>reached that area myself
>they're all baby tier
gig never fails to amaze me
I always knew it was the alzheimers talking...
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Rugrats is kino
I have way too much energy left
Ditto. The positive aspects of it are fondly remembered for good reason, but some people forget how much it absolutely sucked to actually play it.
i had 4 voices in my head until i took antidepressants and each one died
i dont feel my name is my own anymore
and looking myself in a mirror at a certain distance feel weird af
only pedophiles and homosexuals disagree
night /gig/
nahida is too cute and i want to dream of her
The PS1 rugrats video game with the spooky ghost level had more difficult and complex gameplay than simulanka
>I do not miss hunting down the hundreds of chests in GAA2 without a compass at all
interactive map
>I don't miss having to go through hours upon hours of walls of text from its quests containing unimportant shit I don't care about either
filtered klee pedophile
The play was hardly that bad and the crows were only a problem because you couldn't easily tell which one you were selecting. In essence it was plenty good, just clunky
you're a cuckfag or haglover? i know she's not a hag but still
Oh, you like gaa1 or 2?
Oh, you like verulyam mirage?
Oh, you like simulanka?
>you’re still in the womb!
funny how they're deflecting now, what a bunch of faggots, probably joined during Inazuma boost too, or even worse, Sumeru
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>the era of Kazuwank where we have to fucking hear his shitty backstory three different times
Haha no.
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Nigger. You are a nigger.
What character was developed?
>mid to late inazuma
>already memoryholing how much /gig/ shitposted about genshit being dead back then
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Btw, why do GAA2 haters always use the "you joined in Inazuma" cope? I'm a day one player, you just got filtered and I didn't.
Yuri is ok.
>needs a compass to look for treasure
>"goo goo ga ga"
lmfao, and I thought the rugrat thing was too much
Yuri is good. Troons are bad.
Simulanka is a huge floodgate for the lore
it's the complete opposite of a filler patch
it's fitting that pedophiles are also puerile
It was that bad, so much so that the drawfag that we used to have drew a piece shitting on it.
Troons have overtaken yuri so where does that leave us now
you're trolling
not my nahida
I only ever think about Pazaak
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I haven't tried Simulanka yet but as someone that was here for the original GAA 1 with their easy puzzles, I'm surprised every summer event has filtered at least a few anons, the hardest most likely being Mona's island and you just had to connect the dots
>Wanderer is like… le Durin!
>Albedo nowhere to be found
>more hexenzirkel slop
this event was the most offensive one yet
The statue skits filtered me harder than anything else in this game ever has or ever will
ok, what's the lore that i should see and care on that area?
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is this seriously our fucking anniversary present
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You're the nigger.
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I just like red heads and bare feet but something about green Lisa hits my buttons in all the right ways too. The hair may not be the most flattering on her but she's cute and sexy in her own way to me
Nahida and Sigewinne are corrupting /gig/ into being lolicons.
How do we stop them?
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>Kaveh's retardation - the quest
who asked for this?
understandable Pazaak is not for everyone
is meant for >>487374228
Dehya actually said this
I see someone just rifled through a thesaurus.
That was with the interactive map retard. I know you're desperate for a silver bullet "gotcha" and blame everything on the puzzles, Kazuha's island, or your Klee pedo boogeyman (her events were bad also, but at least the chest hunting was tolerable), but GAA2 was objectively the worst summer event and Simulanka mogs it in every way.

Sorry that you're upset about someone not liking the trash you like.
Please point out the character that was developed?
I know what you're going to say, and you don't want to say it because you know that character is so bastardized and badly written no one will respect your opinion.

Nilou is the same as we remember
Navia is the same as we remember
The traveler is the same, nothing new added
Who else could've been character developed....
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So it's another episode of "You like that thing? Well it's SHIT" in /gig/, huh?
>m is a dragon fucker
>a and b are all knowing powerful beings (we already knew this 2 years ago)
>Durin is going to reawaken (we knew this 2 years ago)
For me the islands, the boat and the OST were all new in 1.6 and it came after no new region for 3 patches. if they let new players replay them and released GAA1+2 together I might concede GAA2 is better because it's a sequel that iterated on the original with more puzzles and the new OST like Die Mittsommernacht-Fantasie was good. but for me it still couldn't beat experiencing the islands for the first time
yeah, I guess Simulankafans really enjoyed their toddler playground
Listening to /gig/ you'd have thought it was a three hours long epic that had the clunkiness brought up to eleven when it was in no way the case, it really was nothing special
Kachina rape
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>JP Emilie has an absolute sex voice
if she kept this design it would've been an instant roll
some of the dots are stupidly placed. stupid shit make me feels stupid
>tasted like venti
>tasted like zhongli
>tasted like ayato
>tasted like algaytham
>tasted like neuvi
>tasted like xboxlive
Please cuck me
>but GAA2 was objectively the worst summer event
Widdle bweby fwinds teh puwzzlels too hawd? Awwwwwwww!
brother... I'm literally a philologist
puer, pueri, puero, puerum, puero, pueri, puerorum, pueris, pueros, pueris
Why do GAA2 lovers always use the "you got filtered by Mona's puzzles" or blame everything on Kazuha?
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Nahida is really cute.
klee pedophile got filtered by mona's domain
Literally nothing about Wanderer was developed, they just reminded us that he's just a poor boy nobody loves him. It's the same "development" Kazuha got in GAA2.
P5 writing is so vapid and shallow that you unironically must be 13 or have the mind of a 13 year old to enjoy it.
i would roll for her if she looks like this.
Because Archons lie. And they manipulate. And every act of charity or kindness they do, you can drag it out squirming into the light and see it for what it is. Teyvat doesn't need Archon arrogance or Archon hypocrisy anymore.
Unironically very accurate, but
>Cheld for Loom only
That’s giga cope. He shows no difference in treatment between both travelers.
Damn, that English voice sounds bored and not in the hot way either
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>islands create things they regret and memories they miss right
Wanderer's would be just be Inazuma city. And he witnesses a younger version of himself with a loving family of a robot sister, caring mom, and weird fox aunt. Angst insues - but resolves that there is no point dreaming of a reality that never comes true.

Navia's would be one where she assigns a person to do a hit, or steal shit, or even protect a family. And her decision ends them getting killed. She laments the fact, and resolves that being the leader sometimes means making hard choices.

Nilou's would be...Zubayr theatre. Where she's at her home and instead of choosing the padisarah desert, she chooses the alajhaka nut one. Nilou resolves that padisarsarahs are way cooler and tastier.

Kiarara dreams that she is delivering a package, but gets tied up in other nonsense and the package gets damaged. She gets a one-star review. She resolves that sometimes she safety comes at the cost of not meeting customer expectations.
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Because you did get filtered now suck my dick
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>it's another thread of newfags pretending that /gig/ didn't shit on 2.8 GAA 2 years ago
GAA2 actually felt like an adventure, and had the puzzles to accompany it, some of the activities might have been complete dogshit like that acting thing, but most of it was kino
oh now you're def trolling.
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this is by far the most offensively bad dogshit event weapon yet
what the fuck were they thinking
Tabibito is for the sibling only
I joined a day before 1.1 and I liked GAA2 the most. Cope.
You say that as if Genshin were any better.
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fuck off philistine
>not even reading the thread
kill yourself tourist, you don't even play the game and are here talking shit
the entire place is a physical foreshadowing
this means every quest there can be tied to real events and we'll probably miss most of it when they happen
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Wanderer, the cockless emo twink, once again shows how sociopathic and incapable of empathy he is. He's a narcissist with a victim complex that thinks the world betrays him and only him.
No one else has mommy issues, no one else has had their loved ones killed, so he joins a terrorist organization to become a god through the exploitation and suffering of others.

Now they're trying to shoehorn a baby dragon on him like he's some nice guy, all while being a cunt with snide remarks while doing so and being emotionally distant to the dragon, telling it he'll abandon him if he runs off somewhere in the real world.
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Glad to see there’s still some people with taste left in this general
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>tupac’s grip
GAA2 may feel like an adventure, but it definitely didn't feel like summer, nevermind a vacation.
>what the fuck were they thinking
Roll for weapons, probably
speaking of, when are they going to split that godawful banner
βαλλ᾿ ἐς κόρακας
i regret rolling kuki lawrence
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coca cola espuma
it was pretty good, I wouldn't rate bottleland or simulanka over it
Because you did get filtered, dumb kleepedo/femoid
looks like a good cope weapon for sexo shark
Signora, Capitano, Columbina.
maybe Dottore if the dindufication beam doesnt destroy him.
I want Tupac to choke me...
That's fine, I'm not underage or a pedophile manchild.
Don't you love Eye of Perception? The Flute? Prototype Archaic? well this weapon is for you.
with this catalyst, you can build physical catalyst for your HP catalyst user.
Event weapon recently have been bad. remember Sethos's Bow? Tighnari's Bow?
Okay Inazuma newfag >>487374289
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Her VA was able to voice 5 lolis, 2 shotas and 2 hags in HI3, her range is amazing. I feel bad she wasn't casted as a more relevant character.
>Cleric and the other kleepedo ruined klee's reputation
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>80% HP
Like i get its physical damage, BUT THATS A LOT OF FUCKING DAMAGE
Neuve CA is 110% HP for reference.
>a vacation
That'd be the first event then. But we are talking about proper events here, so no Simulanka
shenhe, furina and yelad do flirt in their own way with male traveler
heck even ningguang and beidou
Died a billion years ago and all his former lovers still obsessed with him
Tupac's grip is incredible, ask Will Smith
Well, it's certainly less cringe than the whole "everyone is out to get me" angst shit that Persona is about. So yes, it is better.
klee pedophile... having yet another melty...
GAA2's talking boat alone mogs everything from this event
They never said these were supposed to be summer events like other gacha games do though. Why are you making up a rule in your head schizo
it’s just bants, sis
>nerfed with sword instead of claymore like any other glazers hope
i wouldn't hold my breath for them.
>every 15 secs
it's bad bro.
Current event > 2.8
Cope trannies
Natlan is the fire region. Surely we'll get the sequel beach episode that 1.6 deserves next year. Trust the plan.
lolikeks manage to be the worst posters no matter where they go
kokomis pica is hugeeeee...
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the craftable catalyst is better for her, thus why the event weapon is especially shit
>Gain the Jade-Forged Crown effect when using an Elemental Skill: Every 1,000 Max HP will increase the equipping character's Normal Attack DMG by 0.6% / 0.7% / 0.8% / 0.9% / 1% for 10s. Normal Attack DMG can be increased this way by a maximum of 16% / 20% / 24% / 28% / 32% .
>with male traveler
With both travelers, stop coping. Point out the dialogue differences.
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Uh what the FUCK was that Sumeru epilogue?
>muh trannies
Did you get raped by one?
Wow he sounds just like me. I like his story alot.
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>yeah, I really love Simulanka, how could you tell?
The only good thing about kosekimaru is that he died, freeing me of at least one waverider
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>listening to Genshin OSTs
>suddenly that gay ass song about Alzheimer's comes on due to autoplay
What the fuck
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Barb needs to move up 2 tiers
Shenhe needs to move 3 tiers
Mona moves down 2 tiers
Venti down one tier
Because they are mad nobody likes the event where their dogshit character is present at. They are unable to separate the character from the event, so to them anything where X is, is instantly a good/bad event.
The truth is, Simulanka is shit even ignoring the characters in it.
See how most faggots complaining about GAA2(which they probably didnt even play), are Simulankafaggots
Ningguang spends like half her screen time and voice lines trying to fuck the Traveler
Kachina sex
Sex with Kachina
Wormvillette wormed
Plopvillette plopped
Slopvillette slopped
Shartvillette shartted
HIVillette HIVved
Flopvillette flopped
I didn't get raped by a 2.8pag, no.
you forgot crit. damage from weapon's passive cannot crit.
neuve CA can crit.
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GAA3 with a mirage island for Yelan, Shenhe, Ganyu, and Hu-Tao
how? i only played male
also aether is the canon traveler and lumine the dark pincess
>only Liyue characters
Would be the most horrifically boring shit imaginable
*marriage island
Why’d they even pick Nilou for this event anyway she isn’t particularly popular with both male and female players
It already sounds infinitely better than ShitAA2
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>damage from weapon's passive cannot crit.
Says who?
They absolutely can
This is one of my dream to spend summertime with them.
Liyue is always number one.
>"kleepedos are the ones seething"
>"its falseflagging fischl schizos"
>notice how most people shitting on GAA2 are defending Simulanka
I only want GAA3 with Venti, Zhongli, Ei (no stinko), Furina and Mavuika
Swimsuits may be included
GAA3 with a mirage island for Hu Tao, Yanfei, Xiangling, Yunjin, Furina.
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Fat Xiao is so fucking intelligent, it's remarkable. He's truly ahead of his time.
Only a genius could write such a complex masterpiece that appears only like a clusterfuck to a plebian.
Because Lumine gets the exact same dialogue from them, retarf.
>m-muh canon mc
every time
Same question could've been applied to Eula, Xinyan and Collei.
She was due for a rerun and some horny dev with seniority insisted on her getting plap plap bare feet sounds
GAA3 cast
>Raiden Shogun
envision this on characters like Barbara or Kokomi who never really deal damage
>they only show up on field to press E then fuck off until you reset tye rotation
>with this if they have 60k HP they'll deal like 45k damage for by hitting the enemy with literally anything (it seems to work off-fiend too)
looks good to me, specially with Clam
>not a single male
not happening
they'll shove in wormvillette and the story will be a about how he still doesn't understand humans
then wormvillette will save aether from drowning and all the girls will praise his swimming skills for 3 quests
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remove cringe tao then maybe its good
Found the GAA2troon
no they cannot. if they can, any other weapon with related passive like Eye of perception or The flute will be broken.
the green goblin is in prison for rape
no issues but lets not pretend he wont get another gary stu, or pitybait moment
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islands with some actual summer skins pls no more buddypoke dresses or suits
archonfags are so robotic. look at me I like the most shilled characters aren’t I so great just like all 992828622651627282 other NPC’s who share the same opinion as me?
>Ei with no Stinko
Not in this lifetime.
>every time
i dont know dude, the devs themselves said it
you want to trow shit, go for them
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Proof with flute
our heroes... and kaveh
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I hope they're real swimsuits and not whatever the fuck Jean was wearing
I'm convinced they decided to use someone's fanfic in the game because who fucking cares about the sumeru cast being retards over a shit novel in an unvoiced quest
You've just described the only reason why anyone "liked" GAA2.
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you got baited hard by the NTR smile poster, yikes
first two lines are absolutely true though
now that I think about it, the split island looks like Celestia
Wrong. GAA1.
2 had Xinyan.
>Hu Tao barefoot outfit
My dick
not for long
>sword instead of claymroe
could be as big as a claymore but he handles it as if it was sword.
assuming you mean dottore, he's in the playable character folder (along with signora, inb4 "monster", she has 3 models with different data in 3 different folders. t.modder who has dumped files straight from the game)
Replace Kaveh with Klee and Neuvillette with Albedo, replace Raiden with Mona. Thats right, best Summer events
archonggers deserve the rope
and I'm glad fatxiao stops shilling those teyvat jannies now
instant 10/10
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it was a fun filler episode
Archonfags, sovereignfags, fatuifags
>hu tao
ok cool
uhhhh, really?
why is she there? she's not invited. she makes any event unfun. remember perilous trail? she's boring with that too much yapping.
Eula is much more popular than Nilou, no contest. She also had the longest rerun drought at the time which sparked discussion around her.
Collei is beloved and a free character
Xinyandev was pretty active in 2.X
>getting this mad that furina is more popular than your literal who
based fuck archonkeks
neuvcucks are so robotic. look at me I like the most shilled characters aren’t I so great just like all 992828622651627282 other NPC’s who share the same opinion as me?
holy fuaaark
pagrina is so ugly
ngl, that actually would be the peak of all summer events. Albedo, Klee, Fischl, and Mona are at their strongest when they’re together.
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Freena broke you
I definitely see Neuvillette in the next summer event ngl
Furina isn't an archon
what's THE most fun character to use in general? idgaf about tiers or about abyss and shit like that, just like chilling and exploring/doing the story
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At least we know that Bottleland was so bad that Kleepedos aren't even bothering to defend it even though she was shilled just as much in it as she was in GAA1
>let's kill genshin
Furina isn't an archon so she's good actually.
Xbalanque will be resurrected as a normal human
Mavuika will give her authority to the Traveler and become a normal human
>gets sand deep down in his drag queen boots
>has to go home early to begin the 12 hour process of taking them off
I'd replace Fischl with someone actually relevant to the Hex witches.
signora is dead and will be dead.
who knows about the future of capitano
i know that dottore is playable, i mean columbina as NPC.
It is pretty much inevitable. I would even put money on it
Mondo and its characters are just that good
>actual good synergy between character's personalities
>not some random picks like Simulanka
There's nothing wrong with that. Firefly is also my favorite HSR character btw.
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Its not even an competition
what the fuck was going through the writer's head when they made the great kekening of 4.8 event?
did they invite snowbreak's fired writer as a guest writer?
>best Summer events
wrong, kleeslop is there, already ruined.
Neuvillette will never appear in an event again outside of having like 2 minutes of screentime in the obligatory 5.x event where we revisit Fontaine. Just like Ei and Inazuma events.
Scara? He had good chemistry with Albedo.
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if you got filtered by Simulanka's xhildish aesthetics you are exactly the type of person you are making fun of:
a toddler, completely incapable of understanding all the intricate and discreet undertones behind all the colorful scenery.
Genshin is literally too smart for you lmao
pick from this list
Mualani, Wanderer, Xianyun, Keqing, Chiori
honorable mentions
Navia (test her in trial if you like shotgunning
Kazuha (can one tap most shit mobs if elements are applied)
Xiao (plunge can be kind of shit to play depending on who you ask)
A single interaction between Yanfei and Hu Tao would save this game...
>signora is dead and will be dead.
>he doesnt know
hes playable
shes playable too.

this is a gacha, theyre characters with unique designs and models, theyre playable.
Scara's not really a "successor" to any of the witches. Maybe someone from another region that we haven't met yet.
yanfei is gig core.

xianyun is fun ngl, too bad i only have her c0
Unlike Ei they're not afraid of letting Neuv leave the house and do funny things every once in a while so no he'll be back
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nonsense, the loli stays in
stack the blocks, blockstacker
When will kurumi post a new video I’m bored and it’s a million degrees here
Yeah, I was bored to tears of the event until Albedo, Mona, Fischl, and the others showed up. Their presence is so good that it even made Hat Guy’s dialogue actually worth reading.
Nilou and Navia have the most boring personalities and they had absolutely zero chemistry with anyone during the event. Kirara was fine since she mostly did her own thing.
Will be screencapping this and coming back next year
I am 100% sure that this will be the cast for 5.8 summer island
>a random 4* manlet
>one of the Natlan tall females
signoraworms melty

Uncle A screenshot soon
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dont let the shitposters hide the truth from you that pagrina flopped bigly
What if we get hoodwinked and it's actually Sigewinne
bros fu hua is hot
I haven't played since furina first released, watching gameplay now and she does look pretty fun, rerun soon or am I fucked?
>Simulanka homos so mad they were falseflagging Kleeposters and FischlGODS into a war with one another
what a bunch of toddlers
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You mean Zhongli will never appear again because he's too afraid Neuvillette will visit during the event
>guaranteed wormderer and wormvillette wank in the future
They're literally killing Genshin by shilling these worms.
When will it stop?
>paired with useless buddypoke
>bricked weapon banner
>no good 4 stars
they sabotaged her
the next summer adventure cast will be
Nice try kleepedo we hate simulanke here too
shut up qq
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Wrong general retard
>Fairytale world has vague parallels with the real world? So hecking deep! OMG LORECHADS WE’RE FEASTING!!!
>uncle a leak
isnt his leak pretty accurate so far? he correctly predicted Cloud Retainer and from the looks of it also Madame Ping.
theres a real argument to be made about Guizhong since we still dont know what Morax's deal with the fatui was and we know he hasnt moved on from memory of dust description.
Mindbroken by toddlertaine anon
neuv left fontaine before raiden left inazuma(she never has)
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if you wanted a cope weapon for seal girl, they already give you picrel for free
ass-graven drinking horn just loses to TTDS and proto amber in half of its niches and loses to picrel in half of its other niches
i guess that's fair, but only in situations where TTDS wouldn't be useful
the only situation where this happens that i can think of is in hyperbloom teams
maybe i was too harsh on it, cloudforged is much, MUCH more useless than it
Already wearing a swimsuit
Will get a swimsuit but the asscheeks will still be censored because she's a starter character
Will get the 2nd 5* skin after Diluc and it'll just be her bandages
Will be holding the camera
Nice try signoraworms
get the camera ready cuckie
>all hebe cast
too good to be true, replace mualani with one of the natlan hags and one of the 4* hebes with your shilled manlet of choice, probably lyney.
fuck I wanna watch rugrats now
you just proved my point by confirming that you think this is all there is to it
who is yoimiya going to fuck next
there is no way Mualani will be fun to play
Lyney is likeable and a siscon so I’m okay with that
only cuckfags and scarasuckers like this shit retarded event
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>Fu Hua mentioned
Mandatory dickpost
cant disprove it?
Albedo, Klee, Mona and Fischl would unironically make the best adventure partners for a Summer event. Albedo alone carries anything purely based off his interactions and events. Klee is Klee, but she goes well with Albedo. Mona and Fischl were big during GAA2 and worked pretty well together, probably the closest thing to decent character development we've had so far
Why so mad? Need some help stacking blocks?
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They want my "extra piece"
There’s a decent chance of that becoming a reality in the future at least considering how all four of them (well, Fischl less so, but she’s fun) are relevant to future events that will occur.

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