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Previous: >>487355554

>Download: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/


>Zhu Yuan Teaser - "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AMqJU4SNhE (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoW0Fz3ZqY (JP)

>Zhu Yuan Character Demo - "Captain Overtime!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JmdwCmuA0I (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hRsW7TOaZ0 (JP)

>Zhu Yuan - "For Display Only"
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoWIAp4faEw (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z9bE8TOW87A (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>Official X accounts

>Redeemable codes (claim in-game or online) https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption

>Signal/Pull tracker - https://zzz.rng.moe
>Characters' Ascension mats - https://zzz.hakush.in

>ZZZ's damage formula

>ZZZ stickers
I don’t support cops. Fuck the police.
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show ur best zhu yuan pieces
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chee to meet u
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I love him...
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Will THIS change your tune....
your account is bricked if you only have 1 stunner and no grace + piper
She's not a race traitor anyway, you fucking nigger.
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>Qingyi is Zhu's senpai but Zhu is her superior
is there some kind of a glass ceiling going on for androids? Is it crooked Bringer's fault?
We're being called out
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What should I farm for with the batteries? Prefarm for Zhu to get her close to my current teams of level 40-50, or continue to level them so more of them are at 50?
>Ether tactic chips
>Offense certification seals
>Attack Components
>Investigator logs
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You've really done it this time, Mewmew. It was supposed to be ONE battery.
i regret rolling for zhu yuan
>24 batteries
do I spend them now or wait?
im halfway to lvl 40
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Why the fuck does my youtube home suddenly bombarded with "F2P" clears with Ellen signature and her best team?
There's shitton of them suddenly
Wait why are the banners not synced to release at the same time? So when a new patch drop, it’s the same banner for everyone. But not the second banner of the patch?
Poor Enzo doesn't know that he's somebody's husband too
>already spent money
Why did I swipe bros... whats wrong with me
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>90 minutes for Zhu Yuan
What are you doing while waiting gros?
Why does Enzo look like they threw in every possible tag that makes up a hipster into AI to get concept art for him?
Wait till 40, unless you're farming drive disks, in which case there's no difference between 35 and 40 until 45.
Silver Wolf/Kafka we're such superior characters to whatever the fuck zoomerbait sharkwhore and asscop are holy shit
Hoyo is paying Sean to boost algo
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Jerking off
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>regretting when MidYuan will get new CDs and Supports that will make her meta in patch X.X
you only need 3 pulls bwo
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Well I'm f2p and this is my roster so...
>90 minutes
14 hours for me
I'm going to go get liquor so I don't get the shakes while rolling for my new wife.
Have fun with SEAgods' sloppy seconds.
I have 42 batteries now. All for Zhu Yuan
use like 7-8
In the year of our lord 2024 why THE FUCK aren't the servers synced for events and banners.
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Elden Ring
Qingyi is in the team for much longer but Zhu Yuan was promoted faster
That is more common than you think in a lot of workplace
Any chance of them cancelling or delaying the Zhu Yuan banner on the American server? It's in really poor taste to release a police officer character after what just happened with Sonya Massey #SayHerName.
Your cop wife WILL be full of asian cum and you WILL like it
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>both of ZZZ's 1.0 limiteds have doggy handles
have to admit that mihoyo was so based for this
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What teams should I be making with this? Ellen/Sukaku then who? corin? then for second team s11/lucy then who? anby?
or should i do like grace/lucy/ben?
Yeah, mine.
Is there anything I should be doing right now in the game to prepare for Zhu Yuan?
Refund the Police!
Bleach New Eridu!
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Finising Ryuki
Rider-based agent when
Qingyi seems like the easy going vet that doesn't care about rank and just does her job
Meanwhile Zhu just racks up so many more accomplishments by being eager and a go-getter
Sorry bro, copwife only dates AsiaGODS
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If I roll rat, does that mean I can get kot to be giga busted? Who is the third one in such a team?
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>mountain lion gang
>there was a leak about a black cat
Really makes me think...
I really should finish cleaning up this image later
in most places you don't get promoted just for work/service time, you need to be accomplish something too
Qingyi is very laid back while Zhu actually wants to climb the ranks
Besides usual character building stuff, don't forget to also level your resonaboo/devilboo
Don't forget to change your computer's timezone bwos
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Remember to treasure the warmth of your sibling
Why the fuck would that matter
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I've got enough for a double pity. Who would be better to go for? Quingyi and Zhu or Qingyi and Jane?
we don't have any physical support rn maybe lucy
Wait does that actually work?
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why did she have to be chinese...
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>he doesn't know
I have literally zero interest in the rat, and I feel like I'm the only one. I will however be getting both cops no matter what.
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Mines next to the Random Play couch where Wise and Belle fuck on the regular.
roll with your dick my friend.
>Expecting American people to roll for a cop

>Chinese of all too!
wrong general.
this isn't wuwa.
>Pink hair is le Elysia!!!!!
>Yellow and Blue eyes is my Kinanners!!!!
>le blue hair is le raiden meiiiiiii!!!!!
Can autistice higgers fuck off? Is nicole Elysia because she has pink hair? The horn girl look like a /akg/ character. And blue hair = mei? wtf?
Pretty sure they made it so factions would be the most optimal team. So you want all 3.
Belly peeks are so unreasonably fucking hot. I ask you think of others before posting this again.
During the Chapter 2 Interlude, Qingyi immediately goes to ditch her job and run into the Hollows. It gave me the feeling that she tends not to follow orders and has probably been promoted and demoted several times in the past.
I haven't noticed any change on my end. You probably clicked on a shiyu clear recently or commented on one or something
there is no hype for the george floyd killer. its over
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going for plat
>no dogknots
Don't even bother, bricked account
rats another physical attacker and we have two of those already
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>Buy stuff through a VPN
>get mail that feels like mihoyo is cryptically calling me out
Weird question but Gracefags, how many skills does it take you to shock the sword and shield Ethereal?
Probably should trade in Puffer (+PEN) 2p for Freedom Blues (+Anomaly) 4p. I do want to believe PEN% is good, but I'd rather have a solo anomaly Rina instead.
>Ritual Pulling spot
you don't theme it by character?
shut the fuck up retard.
Why are you being so disingenuous, frogbro?
Play this when you are rolling.

>teach Pavol chuck a lesson
>teach Clara a lesson
What the hell am I suppose to do here?
No seriously what did they mean by this?
rat's anomaly
we only have piper
and piper isn't bad, but rat's just so much stronger that it's not even funny
>already spent my 600 battery
wherever I’m standing when I log in
which more often than not is in front of the news stand
Any Ben bros actually experimenting with builds? I’m not interesting in the meme main dps one. The DEF one seems like a trap. I have an almost maxed belobog bangboo im thinking something like swing jazz and freedom blues for the team wide buff and anomaly build up.
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From behind?? That's CHEATING!
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I didnt get banned or even Warned for it but apparently at least one sensitive person thought it was too hot for this board.
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I am never making an NA account on any game ever again. This shit country sucks ass.
>Not in front of the Random Play counter so you can immediately start generating dennies
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Up to you. Grace/Anby/Anton, Ellen/Anby/Soukaku, Lucy,S11,Ben all work
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Let it happen...
rape them and in clara's case post it on the internet to boost her influencer career
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i dont know what to spend my 10 fuel on
>hear lyrics
>get excited
>it's the youtube video
nah, that's just a recipe for disappointment
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Is this accurate?
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Proxies, post em before the Ellen banner ends
Going to the Belobog site so just in case I fuck up and lose the 50/50 i hope it'd be Grace
This flat bitch would unironically let you fuck her silly for a Big Mac. She somehow outsluts Nicole, who despite being in terrible debt hasn’t considered an onlyfans.
At least I got C6 anton. Right, bros?
What time is reset on asia server im retarded
At a casual glance, yeah, looks about right.
>spent 300 points running Attack Drill to get promotion mats for Zhu
>0 Pioneer's Certification Seals
The RNG on this is fucking garbage.
give them to me
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We support cops in Texas so I feel like I should roll her a bit at least. Also do you think we will have a whole chapter on trying to deal with her corrupt boss?
>somebody else's S rank engine is better than her own signature
is... is that how it's supposed to be?
They know Lycaon is attractive and made him easily shippable with (You)
>hasn’t considered an onlyfans.
That would ruin the public image of the Cunning Hares.
Qingyi + Zhu should be ideal if you only have Anby as a stunner because Zhu has a core skill that boosts her damage against stunned enemies
Anomaly characters don't really need stunners and I'm not sure how well Qingyi will rack up Shock
Devs are obviously tokufags it's a matter of time. Blackhole looks fucking cool
I find this dubious given Resonaboo and Nicole will do the same thing.....
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>MFW I find and download the ZZZ Diaper mod with lore friendly designs and brands.
Soon, crinklebwos!!
Why would you expect an A-rank to outperform an S-rank?
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oh shit, we finally got our 10 free batteries, neat
I have no idea which S rank bangboo to focus now that I have a 5* penguin
You posted this already.
Take this pity (you).
A support build with the BP engine seems nice. One thing I didn't realize about that engine is that a normal parry counts for it, it doesn't have to be triggered through Ben's skill.
S rank weapons have a decent stat advantage and rina’s weapon is probably the best general use S rank weapon (maybe S11 too)
You’re gonna need a good ping for games like these though
I pull next to Belle's bed.
Im not Belle.
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>Hormone Punk 2-Piece increases ATK by 10%
>Elemental sets increase [Element] Damage by 10%
What's the difference mathkangs?
Join the club man. And physically leave NA too while you're at it. I made my account in Asia because I was already planning on leaving.
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It's incredible how hard Victoria Housekeeping mogs every other faction
Easy, you decide on your second team, then pick the bangboo that synergizes with that team.
I almost forgot to meet up with Corin again….
I'm with you my fellow cop lover
Obol squad will dethrone them once dawei remembers they exist
I am surprised how much they are pandering but this is probably the farthest they can push it without just making out right on the spot. Meanwhile other agents just feel more like friends and nothing else.
Yes but it's soulless. I'm never taking hers off, it's strong anyways.
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Nah, Belobog is TTGLcore.
>See mewmew in ballet twins square
>malfunctioning butlerboo not a few feet from where he's standing.
>Doesn't do shit to help, have to fix the bangoo myself.
This confirms one of three things
>A. Bangboos are not recognized as sentient beings by NE law
>B. They are recognized as sentient beings, and mewmew is racist against bangboos
Or C. Mewmew is a fucking fraud.
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Ellen and Lycaon are the most popular characters in the game so far, to boost their characters just a bit more they made them for (you)
Is the loli cop out yet?
>One increase ark in both ways
>Other just when is the weapon imbued
What game is this?
I am going to roooooooooooooooll
>he doesn't ignore or humiliate Corin, so he can get a guaranteed visit from Rina and Ellen
next banner after the one coming tomorrow
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Trigger...I hope she is a stunner or burst deeps.
Lycan is the only character in this game so far that's truly for (You).
Looks like it, but the difference between her best W-engine and 2nd best is pretty small.
Similarly Lycaon is only better than Anby due to his sheer daze damage, his 35% stunned damage multiplier is locked behind his same element/faction and he lacks team damage boost otherwise. Qingyi will be a much better stunner in general simply because her stunned damage multiplier is part of her base passive instead of the locked one.
3 weeks from now.
Not like they have much competition.
>biker gang
Being the only faction with some class and professionalism makes them stand out among the collection of turbo autists, degenerates and edgelords.
Mewmew has a traumatic experience with Bangboos. Please understand.
dude just looks like Kiva and Evolto combined, thats fucking sick
>not bulling full AP
Holy brickeroni
what disks should I get for Grace? some sites say 4 freedom blues and others 4 thunder metals
>Lucy's atk buff only works off her EX
>it only lasts 10s
She's sexy but she feels more like a support/anonaly hybrid since her little boars stay out permanently, but that meant Nicole was a better support for a chai attack stun into attacker ult team.

Is Lucy really only good with Piper for Physical assaults? Seems to be the case. Too bad I have neither Piper nor S11 who seem to be their gigachad team. Though I really want Koleda because I like Ben (nofurrohomo, Lycaon feels like a semen slurper so I'm glad I don't have him) and pettankos.
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Oh shit
>doesn't recognize Crash
I'm feeling geriatric....
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This could be you.
I used Corin to get the Stand someone up on a date and the trust decrease achievements
But my second team is memelectric and I also have a 3 or 4* of electroboo
Hope you have C6 anby.
I guess it was never time to start.
You probably one to roll for zhu her best team mate. If you want the loli bot.
>can't decide who to go for between the two cops
>doubt I'll be able to get both since I don't even have guaranteed feature on my next S rank pull
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Need more bears
Then decide on your third* team
who do I pair with grace
does lucy work? can she trigger burn reliably?
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I'm trying to manifest it into existence desu
not bad
Best boo for Zhu Yuan?
You ever had to wear one of those mascot costumes? You can't see anything shorter than you for shit.
Lucy probably isn't enough fire application to proc burn by herself
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Most Bangboos aren't truly sentient
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>head into the hollow ballet twins tower with a full but underleveled and powered cunning hares team because trust event with Billy thinking you can just do anything in the hollow with Billy as leader to clear the event
>find out after winning be just wants the easiest first hollow mission

Im gonna roll for Chingy over Julenne fries. I'd rather have a petite tight robutt over meaty womanbutt. Yes yes- I know im a degenerate. But im also a robot fucker. I yam what I yam.
Lucy takes off at $2 when she no longer needs to even be on the field ever
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I've got C3
The ether one, think it looks like a devil.
Rina if you have her
Piper if you have her
Otherwise you probably have Anton who is a cope dps without extreme investment but needs Grace

Or do Grace/Lucy/Piper
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I think it turned out OK. I have 160+ rolls saved
I will use a full dupe Ether Boo (A- rank).
No, she's just incomplete if you don't have her at least at m2.
Koleda status?
Roll for Ellen c1 and Soukaku c4 before their banner goes away.
Get the generic elemental ones first. Or just save, there will be more in the future.
Best is zhu/qing/seth with cop boo
I bet the siblings swap sometimes.
>kot balled
waiting in my 300 selector...
fuck I have neither of them
I do have a c6 anton though
do I really have to wait for rat to get another anomaly character
Why would you? She wont attack much
Lucy's EX skill can be held to increase the buff duration to 15 seconds.
>sibling sloppy seconds
Im not sure how to feel about this.
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I, for one, think Ellen's being comfortable with (You) is a win. Sure, it's not "hey wanna snog somewhere private together"-tier, but getting to enjoy things together with her is nice, when she would rather do it alone.
Sure she got girl friends close to her, but usually they drag her around instead of at her own pace. Phaeton lets her do just that, indulging in things of her own volition, and I think she enjoys that.
>sharing noodles (in seperate bowls)
>sharing teamilk (in seperate cups)
I just got 10 batteries in the mail. What is it for?
Just do anby Anton grace
N64 games look like trash, please stop posting this in /zzz/
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It's better, but it also depends on what you are comparing it with.
HSR and Genshin generally compare a maxed duped A rank against an S rank with no dupes and if we use that metric, her sig does offer slightly more team damage and energy but lower personal damage.
didn't people complain about this game and it got mid reviews like 6-7s? have they changed anything about the game since? im gonna start when the cop dumpy ass girl arrives but just wondering if they plan to change anything or not?
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>90 minutes
wtf it's not a global release? I have to wait another 13+ hours

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Zhu Yuan's a dork but I think she's kinda cool
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They swap and then also double team the agents!
These siblings are sexual deviants and rapists and I want /zzz/ to disavow them!

They've both been spotted taking pictures of LITERAL CHILDREN!
They need to be stopped!
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Let's use some fake numbers.
ATK of 1020, attack does 800% scaling of ATK as ice damage
>base: 8160 damage
>increase ATK stat by 10%
1122 ATK -> 8976 damage
>increase ice damage by 10%
8160 damage -> 8976 damage
anton is so absolute cope do NOT listen to the other anon. Grace alone can carry you through early critical shiyu stages by herself as long as you activate her additional ability with anby or koleda or anton and you build her right.

I used Grace/Koleda(lvl10 unbuilt)/Nicole(lvl10 unbuilt) to bruteforce a lot of the shiyu stages and it just werked
>open game
>8 hours till ass cop
fuck. music for this feel?
Does the guaranteed pity activate if you fail the 50/50 by pulling an engine?
thanks for the account
pities for different banners are separated.
bros i want lycaon for my ellen team
is it dumb to keep going for 50/50s in an attempt to fish for him?
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Rare NPC art...

and Belle I guess.
What is there to change? It got mid reviews because the tutorial is fucking 20 hours long
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Right forgot to mention it was the third difficulty too, because that's the max I have currently.
You can't get S rank engines in the limited gacha.
for limited character banner? yes
for standard? no such thing as guarantee
yes its dumb
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Which of these is most important to level up to 50 after Ellen (I plan on grabbing Zhu Yuan)?
Only for the w-engine banner. If you just lost on the w-engine (a 75/25 there by the way, not 50/50) your next w-engine is guaranteed but not your next character
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Doesn't this slut openly lust for other men in front of you? I ditched her as soon as I could use agents to promote the store.
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Either of these worth investing in further?
Probably the only Ether support I suppose
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We need a lavaboy
I really liked when she wanted to call (You) by a nickname and then got embarrassed when you asked for hers.
Oh well my luck is too stilted for that, rip

Still too short unless I keep her out permanently, if only it applied on chain attacks and regular specials too
Probably nicole to unlock her next core skill node
especially if you're trying to do it off of limited banner, because you'd be contending with rate up
at least if you do it in standard, you'd build up to the 300 pull selector
If you're desperate for any reason
What's the best Koleda A rank only team?
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Why are there so many goddamn hussies after my oniichan goddamnit he used to only talk to girl agents over the comms and that's it and now every 5 seconds a new hussy shows up in person fucking shit fuck
if you have nothing better
zhu yuan really wants a stunner so assuming you're using anby and nicole lvl them both to lvl 45 to unlock the next core passive lvl but ideally you just wait for qingyi to replace anby

soukaku to lvl 45 for the core passive lvl
What's better for ZY, the crit rate or atk 2 piece disc?
This game is a whalebait because i don't see "4stars only clear shiyu defense" like HSR,genshin abyss clear
>Koleda, Ben, Billy
Probably Zhu Yuan or Nicole.
>all those 40s
You're going to run out of resources trying to get all of those to 50. I'd say good luck but your account is probably already bricked
probably prefarming lvl 50 otherwise i just dump all of it into disk upgrade mats.
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Koleda, Ben, Nicole.
You get an early S rank by playing the game
Why is my GPU utilisation sometimes 0% when I play this game (it usually crashes my computer about 10 minutes later).
After rebooting the GPU utilisation is back to normal so my PC doesn’t crash. It happens on a clean boot up after shut down
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Thank you Mewmew
>17 year old with 25 year old boyfriend
New Eridu is a sinful place....
Oh thank fuck. I have absolutely zero interest in the engines.
I've seen people abuse Anton's infinite special for higher clears.
Yes she said she had the hots for some guy at the noodle shop. It's not like you are paying her any money to work there.
I didn't. I just got half of a wolf pelt.
I have no experience with hoyo games. Are disk upgrade materials common enough that it's worth levelling up any halfway decent disk or should I be saving for real bombs?
I mean, if you want to run Shiyu Defense at all, you need 6 levelled up characters
>he didn't pick Asia in a single player game
I don't think people were doing that in the first few weeks bwo
>a whalebait
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I can't believe Ellen is a canon enkou girl. How many middle aged men did she fuck and how much does she charge?

God I love sluts like her.
Koleda Ben Lucy
But I want to roll NOW
>black therin
>member of a gang
Wouldn't surprise me at all
supports and stunners don't need to be leveled to clear shiyu
>cosplay as a maid out on the streets
I wonder what's her occupation bro
im not desperate enough to brick my account tho
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>pedophilia? LEGAL
>Incest? LEGAL
>Polygamy? LEGAL
>Interspecies? LEGAL

Welcome to New Eridu citizen.
>can't S rank shiyu 7
It's over for me
You missed all the Lucy/Piper posts then shitposter-sama.
you can just dismantle it and get 80% worth of experience back when you find a better piece so don't worry too much about it
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I'm uninstalling this game if tomorrow I get Grace'd for the third time in just the first version.

GL bros!
Based CTR bro
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I'm thinking I'll go for twintailed bot made for bellyfucking and then get fat ass down the road.
So who's the big bad in this game? Seems like all 3 chapters so far are unrelated wtf
holy shit, this is JUICY
But what about handholding ? NON-CONSENSUAL Hand-holding?!
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>he didn't pick Asia in a single player game
uh bwo...co-op -and- pvp are being added...
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really? post your signal tracker
The hell? Have I been sleeping on Billy?
>Seems like all 3 chapters so far are unrelated wtf
Do you just not listen or read dialogue? It's not even full of ching Chong word sloppa like the others
based ellen skipper
Oh OK didn't realize you got that much back, thanks
The hollows? Not sure if its just nature or if theres some big bad dude behind the hollows though.
My what?
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How to convert bangboo seed to character
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>chapter 1 antagonist: vision corporation
>chapter 2 antagonist: vision corporation
>chapter 3 antagonist: vision corporation
Guys I can’t tell but I think Vision Corporation is the bad guys. Could someone double check for me
ze signal tracker
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Probably whoever created Fairy

My theory is fairy is meant to lead the main character down a bad path but due to her adventures and time spent with us she will eventually turn against her original creator/design and help us save the world
Belle tries to butt in only to give into peer pressure when Ellen tells you she doesn't need saving and forces you to join for nearly making her lose a client.
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i'm doing my part.
>Seems like all 3 chapters so far are unrelated
you skipped
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Everyone does
One day after he's revealed to be THE LEGENDARY EX HEAD OF THE SONS OF CALYDON
Will the CHAD Billy get his respect
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Where'd her tails go?
When I was 15, the thought of an apocalypse never troubled me.

The only thing I couldn't give up, even in the face of the world's end, was the sunset on that beach.

Watching the sun gently side into the water's embrace or fireworks dancing on the canvas of the night's sky.

Even if tomorrow were better, it wouldn't be worse, I thought.

When you're reading this letter, I imagine much has changed.

Whether it's yourself or the world
>big evil corporation bad
I love this meme
We allow that too you sick fuck
based kot lover, she WILL be meta one day inshallah
She lusts for some actor while working in the store too.
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anyone else getting jacked drives with those 10 batteries or just me?
Nah fairy isn’t the big bad

They just want to make a big hollow that covers the entire world, zenless zone zero. Hollows seem bad but they are a protective shell against something worse honkshit
I only have enough for one pity and will probably fail 50/50. Are ben and lucy cons worth rolling for or should i just skip?
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yes it's only like ~10% standard deviation difference between all standard S-ranks, and the information comes from a tracker site and thus is only a sample of information from the majority, making it likely inaccurate and not representative of the whole population
specifically the people backing the fat fuck previously
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her nyas?
her personality?
her tails?

FAKE kot
>ether dmg bonus on disc 5
wtf breh???
My banners said i'll get Srank in next 50 pulls

but soft pity is lower than that right? Should i expect to get s rank in ~30-40 pulls
Oh, ok, let me learn how to do it
She's the most realistic female in the game. If you saw a hot movie star or businessman, you'd be lusting after them too.
Preemptive KOT GET YE GONE
>Interspecies? LEGAL
With sentient species, right? R-right?
Chapter 1: Vision Corp smoke screen plan
Chapter 2: Vision Corp actual objective
Chapter 3: Vision Corp attempt of witness elimination
Hollows are prolly an eventuality
Maybe fairy's group wants "human evolution"
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Nekobwos I didn’t make it
Groovy. Im gonna go hold hands with Nicole while preforming perfectly legal depraved acts that involve a rope- a Bangboo- and a single copy of Queen's more obscure single- The Ogre Battle!
That's why she's getting DITCHED for faithful girls like Anby or Soldier 11
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50 is the absolute worst case it's likely you're gonna pop that SHINY GOLDEN SIGN at maybe 35-40
soft pity from my understanding begins around 74/90, and increases quite significantly with each pull.
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wait a minute
>Chaotic Metal
Why do your have at least 3p ether dmg discs equipped on billy
Thanks dawei
What is the rotation on Grace/Rina/Anton?
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The doujin writes themselves. Cannot wait for the gangbang, prostitution Ellen porn.
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>people(homos) are skipping this
Because zhu isn't out yet?
I think bro is prefarming for zhu yuan
How do you level up disks? Dismantle the trash ones while farming sets or farm it from the HIA directly
I saw Grace killing robots
He fell for the crit above all else meme. Just look at all his substats. It's obvious.
I skipped her because I don't find her fun to play
Grace > Rina > Anton
That sounds about right. Grace builds anomaly, Rina assist into Anton to maximize his DPS.
oh okay that makes sense
why not shove it on Nicole, at least she's ether too
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Evens workout today
Odds make today my rest day for the week
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Don't know how you missed the evil hag secret agent.
It's pretty obvious it's whoever she works for.
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>skipping Hank Hill ass for Dumptruck ass
Not homo
Ellen's pantyhose feet
nicole is going to have her own drives
because she's already equipped with her own discs lol
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Has the art for the video tapes and posters in this game been ripped yet?
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My cute slutty video store employee Heddy...
I see Ellen in her schoolgirl outfit a lot in the early chapters. Does she still have these hangout locations with her friends after chapter 3?
At first I thought she was Grace (real (not disguising))

Autism with Anton’s C1
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Is my account bricked.....
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This will be you in 30 minutes
what else are you supposed to put on her? Attack?
Slapping Zhu Yuan's plump ass
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am I missing something with this cheevo? it seems to be going up at a glacial pace even though I am definitely doing a lot of perfect dodges per mission.
does it not count if I lead into a dodge counter or something?
Cute belle
Agreed. This is what a REAL kot looks like.
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she turns out to be a yandere imouto to her blood related onii-chan. She faked taking pills and is most likely pregnant after fucking her brother for days. It's not that good
about 1/3rd her street trust events are in her schoolgirl outfit, but there isn't much variation, so it's pretty sad. Wish there were more.
You'd think she'd avoid wearing the maid uniform in public, but she seems to not really care too much.
why are our MCs so retarded bros...
It was revealed to me in a dream that I will pull 2 Zhus in my first 10-pull, and 8xLucy
You can't change this
We will watch the livestream together next week right? You are not going to leave your homies out tin the cold right?
For some reason it's actually talking about the unique dodge move ranged characters like billy and rina do as a parry
Good job translators
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yoo wtf is this?
Just so we're clear, we're all insta-uninstalling if we lose the 50/50 to the furry yeah?
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Not that good? That sounds extremely good. I'm not even that anon, but I wasn't really interested until this post. It sounds vaguely familiar, but I think what i'm thinking of had the girl keep her bro weak and sick and his mind foggy.
So I should be playing grace and proccing anomaly until stagger/Anton's energy is full then chain into Anton for burst mode damage?
What livestream?

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What does pity mean on this thing?
Anby and Kodela, which one is better Stunner?
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I do not like Grace being near Billy I am SCARED for him he's going to be fucking DISASSEMBLED THIS IS NOT WHOLESOME
I need to go deeper
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ah, that explains it
well, zhu yuan will be helping me with that then
i have no idea how to play this
This question is so stupid i'm not sure what it's trying to ask.
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what would you do?
Enjoy your 600 free energy!
I don't want to get KOT'd bwehhhhhhhhhhhhh
Pity is the number of pulls you've done since your last S-rank, so named because the game has pity on you at 74 pulls in and massively increases your chances. Also your luck is crazy explode
hey could you post one with a few more fingers? thanks.
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>playing on asia
I really hope nobody here actually does this. Are you guys seapags?
its over for him bro
Grace should be the one mostly on field yes. You want to stay in Anton’s burst mode as long as possible. This means you want to use “drill attacks” as they give energy back. These are the stabby ones, notably he does this to the follow up to his parry and his dodge counter.

So you will be on field blasting as grace and do stuff like parry into Anton, maybe dodge an attack and go back to rotation
zzz's livestream for 1.1 update
Garden bros we got too cocky...
I got to 1000 but I refuse to go deeper until they patch those stupid lasers. I've lost so many runs to that bullshit
Bros, do I roll for Zhu Yuan for an ether DPS or save for Rat?
>roll for who you like more
I like them both.
I am for sure wanting to C6 Seth since he's an A rank.
Is this discount Jeanne Alter?
How many of you are on the Asian server? a lot?
all gacha players are filipinos
Jut go to 50/50 and skip if you fail it
Best server for Aus chads.
Zhu Yuan is an ether Attacker right?
we are all in Asia bwo
zhu yuan obviously what a dumb question you should feel embarrassed and stupid and dumb and embarrased
are servers kill i cant log in
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Zhu Yuan M1 or W-Engine
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I don't really understand but is the cat really that bad? I have the shark, dog, maid and koleda but having another S rank dps is surely better than fucking Corin right?
>no one has commissioned art Yanking and Nekomata being the smug brick duo yet
Does Genshin have one too?
this >>487373950
Australia owns this town
If you want Seth you need to save for him now. It’s much harder to get C6 4* than C0 5*. Even in ZZZ with 2 instead of 3 on rateup
I'm ready to roooll
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Uhhhhh wuwakeks? Why did you not show the full graph? How come your hyped Changli banner is lower than us before our banner update?
Oh okay thanks for the info.
>Also your luck is crazy explode
>crazy explode
Wh-what does this mean? I don't play a lot of gachas.
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confirmed not street shitter just no luck chud incel
how does soukaku even work
do I need 3 of the things to get the buff?
It's a single player game gro. Imagine willingly being 12 hours behind the rest of the world lmao.
Yeah, the shining golden sign
Let your inner spark ignite
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Reaching for itandtake a flight

Luckyor not, at least you tried
Chinup, in yourself, confide
No doubt fate's on your side
You're chosen, so enjoy the ride

There are things you can't control
Fortune's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
That's the essence
Life's true goal

Not just trials and battles tough
Go taking joy in simple stuff
Even when it's getting rough
Take it easy, having fun is just enough
Your luck is crazy (comma) explode
I would like you to explode because I am so jealous
Only SEA poorfags play gacha games bro, if you had a decent PC in any capacity you'd be playing actual games like the Elden Ring DLC or Valorant.
You missed the end of service announcement? It's over bro
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fuck all, give me nekomata
I'm getting w-engine cause it makes her easier to build and the only good one I have is starlight engine
For some reason my friends chose the Asia server so I had too as well.
>single player game
your snake???
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>moving forward Wuwa will release new banner one day before ZZZ
Fucking hell
>Ausfags playing ZZZ
I though these retards hated china? Funny that they bark all day about le big bad china but when it is time to put money where it is worth they all cave.
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Its funny you say that cause ZZZ coming out stopped me from finishing the Elden Ring DLC

This sucks though I got another like 10 hours before Zhu drops and all you fags are getting her in a half hour
bro use THAT
The other open world slop is so dead in JP it's kinda sad
She needs physical anomaly for her max output. Also, if you go M1+sig and higher on her, you need to backstab to get her max output. The first one is fixed by RAT, the other one is eh.
they're really trying....
Sensei won.
Football bros... pur top 5
On tw/hk server because the gacha rates are increased here due to lack of players
Don't be because this was after like 15 rerolls.
is there new story content been released as well?
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Dear god what a titcow...
Play actual fps like CS zoomie
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Now that's desperation
Daily reminder for COP SKIPPER : DON"T DRINK COFFEE THAT EVENT SAID IT WAS FREE. It's FREE but you still can only drink 1 coffee/day. I BRICKED MY BUFF TODAY
>If she flies the flag with no vortex she gets a baby sized ATK buff she can pass to the next teammate through quick assist
>If she flies the flag with at least one vortex the ATK increase is doubled but otherwise functions identically
>If she flies the flag with 3 vortex all three are consumed and she goes into the frosted banner state, enhancing her basic attacks as well as still gaining the doubled ATK buff
If you don't care about soukaku's personal damage you don't have to worry about getting 3 vortex
t. Soukaku main
yeah you play as zhu yuan's new partner. she invites you over for food. her mom makes dumplings.
then why are you here
No there wont be any besides Zhu's trust events.
So you're saying Corin is better?
I can’t believe nicole forced poor anby to get discounts for her own debt with her body…
Have fun with my sloppy seconds, mutts.
You need 3 vortex for the double ATK buff
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it ain't ez bein chee zzz
Obviously because I'm a SEAnigger who plays ZZZ on my phone. Like you are. You are, right? Otherwise what are YOU doing here?
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C6 Ben let's go
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She cute
>Elden Ring DLC
Bring me back when they're making more Nioh or Nioh-likes
any anons wanna stream your pulls on twitch or something? please
Is Zhu Yuan a brick without Qingyie?
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In a Koleda, Ben, Lucy team who will be the dps?
Kill yourself zoomie.
I deserve either Asscop or Assmaid. At the very least, Soldier 11, just don't give me Grace again, Hoyo...
Not at all, they don't need each other
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cumming on her armpits 11 times
Just watch nips roll streams
s11 is so much more attractive than anby its crazy
>So who's the big bad in this game?
whoever invented gear coin gates
One day she's going to wake up for work and learn that her pants can no longer go over that huge butt of hers
The best support for ZY is Nicole. She's remarkably f2p friendly.
but qingyi is also a brick, so you're bricked either way
i have never failed a coin gate check
S11 making me cum in 11 seconds
Just to check, the minimum amount of pulls to guarantee you get a character is 160-180, right? 80-90 to hit the first pity and then another 80-90 if you lost the 50/50. Is that right?
No but they are probably intended to be the best most optimal team.
That's after I put my seed into her.
>soldier 11 is my first(?) Slink(?)
>tell her that her name sucks when she makes fun of the cats name
>trust up, apologizes to the cat, pussy soaked from being told off
women really do be like that
Who’s the FATUI of ZZZ?
sounds right
Why does her left hand look like that
>help to pay 100k coins for a random bear fuck
Why should I do this
The soft pity starts at like 74-75, but yes
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Look at my son.
we don't play evil characters here
Do we know how many free pulls will be given out during 1.1?
They are indeed fucking shit
now i want to read that even more
please, gib da code
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Here's hints at where we're going:
The story so far is just scratching the surface.
we don't tolerate faggotry here
I'll wager about 120 limiteds or about half 1.0
Qingyi is actually broken right now with an infinite attack, though I imagine it's going to get removed before she releases.
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what does that have to do with the fatui?
enough batteries to maintain qingyi charged for an entire night of sex.
He's streaming with /zzz/ as an overlay talk to him hes a fag
I don't play genshin, they sound evil
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My game is a brick
Play your cards right with her mother and it'll be before
Cozy up to her mom, get her to make more homecooked heals for you three, insist Zhu has an extra helping or two not to hurt her mother's feelings...
THEN you plow her like the sow she is
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Can’t defend this game no more
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>oh a child is in distress, let me remind him of the upcoming final exams
Zhu will just become a typical chinese tiger parent. She's not a good wife material.
The dub really fucked up this scene.
If you mean Russians - Belobog industries
If you mean some mastermind organization - we don't know yet.
I should have saved mats...
I leveled corin to 50 and I don't even use her
the america server
5.5% of aussies are offshore chinks bro
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only in the buildup stages, we only know the the Corpos: talented people of various skills responsible for causing, containing, and covering up something about the Hollow.
Some dude and Evil Paimon: Hacker who wants to bring the curtain down and expose the corpos with the use of 4 Gen3 AIs

I honestly hope they don't railroad us to be anti-corpo. "Bring down the system" is such a cliche in these types of worlds
Why are you even using the the launcher? All hoyo games launch fine with a direct .exe shortcut to save you some clicks
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I'm at inter-knot lv. 43 and I'm already out of dennies after promoting 3 agents to lv. 50. Sell me on Zhu Yuan.
I wouldn't go that far but I do like her a lot
bwo get the battle pass
they're only allowed to be evil when it's not the playable characters
They have always been dindus
you fail them by interacting with them
fairy should not be telling me that it is not a smart door
nor should it have 5 dialogue boxes and 5 seconds worth of animations
>soldier 11 calls inky a wierd name
>annoyed. Pick the “solider 11 is a weird name too” response
>Trust increased
I didn’t even know this was a thing. Crap, now I’m scared I’ll fuck up an interaction like that when I’m actually trying to be nice to a character.
>infinite attack
What's broken about that
I can’t imagine evil playable characters in ZZZ either because of the trust system
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Gonna wait how Mihoyo supports this game first before doing that again. Let's see if they butcher the Nun.
>I’ll always stick together with my bro, he will never pull out, I’ll clamp down.
Best case: You get both
Worst case: you get a guarantee for the robot

There is no excuse
>Zhu will just become a typical chinese tiger parent
That's based thoughever
You already fucked up, anon
If you picked the option to let her choose a new name, you get a SIGNIFICANT trust increase
Sorry, but your account is bricked
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Ellen is almost gone. Are you satisfied with your first limited?
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Here's your awakened Zhu Yuan bwo.
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Justin Wong is streaming zzz
He's level 42
He's using Neko, Lycaon, and Ellen as a team
Nothing. It's just easier for shitters because her combo doesn't break despite dodging.
Yeah that's not staying. Make peace with it instead of living in denial
Yeah, let's team up with the corpos instead. There are so many examples of benevolent ones such as
bro majority of aussies i know are runaway chinks or gooks
I'm hoping just a bodysuit and slight size reduction
Doesn't he also play a lot of hsr
Acting like a suck-up never decreases your trust though
What if they add a KKK faction?
Imagine fucking those thighs...
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How do you propose we kill him?
I'm disappointed how often being dialogue means nothing cause the protag will just say -both- options anyway
Ben has the highest multipliers on his Ultimate but Lucy can easily be built as a DPS/Support unit too since she needs ATK either way.
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bwos... is piper actually a hag?
Not a single cent then.
Came for the shark, staying for the nun (assuming her tits remain that big)
>pre cbt1 desing
you want to be mad on purpose
who is Justin wong
Jesus christ the cunning hares house is a dump.
not rolling for Zhu Yuan after what she did to my nigga Floyd
It's impossible to screw up if you're not an irl autist.
The only character I ever get Trust Downs with is Corin but she's a weirdo anyway.
Whats the best Bangboo for Koleda/Lucy/Piper?
Are the enemies parrying him?
Yeah. She's a 30+ year old truck driver who's addicted to cigarettes and booze.
I fuck Nicole there
Fat pedo who plays fighting games. So just a guy who plays fighting games I guess
Yeah, she's like 30 or something. She's still a virgin though.
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Yup. Easily the first time I've played a gacha where I've liked the first limited unit the most.
I'll be surprised if they can top Ellen's design, voice, and personality in my eyes because I like them all to bits. Even the gameplay's fun
That just means the kid will like me more
Either one of the fire ones or Bagboo.
EVO moment 37 man
The main enemies are the monsters. One day there’ll be a post apocalyptic moment where they all destroy the city. I know it’s happening lmfao
Man, I really like Ghost's voice in this.
And gambling
Yes, she's more than twice Lighter's age and is currently in the process of grooming both him and Lucy for her nefarious and lazy ends.
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>Chapter 1
Oh no, Vision is going to blow up the civilians. Good thing we stopped him and Perlman is in jail
>Chapter 2
Well Belabog got the contract from Vision but we lost out machines. Hey look, we also found this weird monster thing in the place Vision was trying to blow up. Also check out this cool mixtape I found in the prototype
>Chapter 2 Interlude
Come on lolibot 9000, we gotta stop these bad guys from stealing the monster we found in Chapter 2
>Chapter 3
We need to find a hacker to listen to this cool mix tape. Hey Furry and friends, think you can help us. Also, we gotta stop that blimp carrying Perlman. You remember him from Chapter 1 right
I thought he'd be playing a Piper/Neko/Lucy team as a cunnyGOD
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Yes how new are you?
She drives a truck
She's a trucker
You got seduced by a TRUCKER
Is there a shortcut somewhere I can copy to load it with the modlauncher so I don't have to do it separately?
>didn't even get a single of her cinemas
that guy beat my ass on aki release
I thought in her conversation with Lucy in front of Howl's she said she doesn't like playing lotto tickets. Or was it Lucy who said that?
This fat bastard Periman is the main villain? KEKAROO
if this game is following HSR timing, zhu yuan banner should be out already now, but why don't i see a single gacha post here... (at work so can't check it out)
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This looks evil to you?
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>5 minutes
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Piperbros is the Rat's W-Engine going to be an upgrade for her or nah?
5 minutes bro
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Why would you run seth instead of Nicole? Genuine question
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God I love lolibabas
Piper's signature is fucking insane for her
Ya think Piper takes some kind of drug? Every trucker I've met is on something, I mean they gotta stay awake SOMEHOW.
He likes it and buys it in secret. Even in the teaser trailer where they show the entire squad, Piper is shown with the howl lotto ticket in hand.
She was evil before they retconned her evil
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It's almost over. Last chance to make sure your account isn't bricked.
Guys it's bad
I'm starting to see my actual little sister as kinda erotic
Obviously not, since he was the patsy. He's just the one who can serve as a lead to the people behind Vision.
You know what keep skipping, I'd rather not have to read complaints about the story from your kind
I got her to M1W1 i'm content. now going to plap Zhu Yuan
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No he's a pawn of the... why the fuck are you here if you don't even play or just skip everything?
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SEAbros... you're not so bad....... go on without me....
just woke up did we win
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You guys do know that the banner isn't going up immediately on the hour right?
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I have never been this excited to roll in a gacha game. I CANT WAIT FOR ZHU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Please let me lose the 50/50, preferably to koleda
Piper smoking meth to stay awake! I love my crackhead lolibaba wife!
She attempted to assassinate Furina.
Nigga I’m gay as FUCK
Where did it go so wrong for Piper? Such stunted growth as a 30+ year old trucker is just sad
>Lucy's piglet platoon is actually made up of pig thirens
Wait is she punting literal children or manlets? Nevermind that, she's punting sentient beings on the tier of playable character like lycaon or neko(basically human).
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No idea how modding mihoyo games works, sorry
It's here it's here it's here
>Nyo he's a pawn! The big bad villain is much better and much more scawy~
he made daigo angry one time
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>limited quantity item required to max out agent skills only obtainable from bp and events
There is so much wrong with zzzthat nobody has caught onto yet because they are still in earlygame.
Mate listens to fox news
??? it says 13 hours
don't tell me I gotta change my computers clock or something
isnt the Ice set the best place to farm? the other anomaly set is good too
I like the building intertwining story line and the characters are not retards like most anime games, they have clear goals and go straight to them while not being trapped on retarded hipcups.

I do wish 1.0 had some kind of better climax though, HSR had the Spear thing.
god i wish i was one of Lucy's hogs
what is the Zhu Yuan team? Guessing she uses resonaboo
This is the mid patch banner bwo it's going up immediately for us AsiaGODS in 2 minutes
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anon, you do know the corpos were the characters in the Lore Teaser right? The Houshimis, Marcel Group, Falcon Mercs.
They created New Eridu. There's just evidence they're involved in some shady cover up shit

Evil Paimon is just "fuck em", why would you support them exactly? because capitalism bad?
I'm confused. Zhu Yuan's C1 sounds really good but people are saying her C2 is better.
So it's like those Gold balls from Star rail?
she's too laid back to be on any uppers. also the state of technology in this world means that she can actually afford to be asleep at the wheel if she has an AI autopilot.
>skips the story
>this story sucks man!

Why are you all like this?
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Why can't I do that
Only thing i know about fighting game community is Low Tier Gawd and DSP
This isn't true
Fire feels weak as fuck
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Belle can't keep getting away with this!
Where am I supposed to get a nice onii chan if all the onii chans date their imoutos?
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No. Her w-engine alone was arguably too much investment already.
Depends how you use Piper. If you just swap Piper in and use her EX and then make her leave I think Rat's will be better. If you have Piper spend any time on the field though then Piper's is better.
Bruh, people are aware. Genshin and Star Rail have that, too. It doesn't matter because most skills aren't worth crowning. I have more of them in Genshin and Star Rail than I'll ever use.
Zhu/Nicole duo
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Is this whole event just to shill ether buffs?
No polychromes or anything??
I mean its the same for HSR and Genshin. Atleast this gives you like 5 for an event unlike the 1 you get for HSR which is to offset you getting 1 every week through sim uni.
someone post what the banner looks like so I can sleep
i regret rolling for Zhu Yuan Lawrence
Why do I still have 14 hours?
That's been in both Genshin and HSR, newbab.
Give it a few months and you'll be drowning in them.
How strong is the siblings ether aptitude.
Can't wait until I can bench my Anton
sis it's not that deep it's just crowns from Genshin, you're only supposed to max your absolute favorites as an alternative to a marriage mechanic. This isn't HSR where you get 3 orbs every week.
These are zoomers being filtered by TV puzzle
who stuns? just anby?
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>Even in the teaser trailer where they show the entire squad, Piper is shown with the howl lotto ticket in hand.
Damn, she's adorable. And sexy.
Anby or Qingyi if you want to get her
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And ultimately didn't, sparing her life. No, I don't consider traumatizing a single person "unredeemable evil villain"-tier
Anyone who thinks Kino went to far because of that is the reason we can't play as actual villains.
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That was a test. Jane's weapon is a brick on anyone else because it's special effect is tied to her stacking mechanic. You fell for it!
Fuck off SEA!
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Good start
I need three more nicoles but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to max out ben
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i hate being on the est...
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I won? I also have her Signature from Standard.
Your wildest dreams come true

Good luck
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Because you picked the wrong server.
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What is it gonna be
I want to stick my tongue up Anby's asshole so bad bros
fuck off with your rolls. nobody wants to see them
Fuck off Nene
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What the fuck bros. I dumped in 70 pulls and I got 8 Bens. Only 1 Nicole, 1 Piper, and 1 Soukaku ball. This is fucking bullshit.
No need for the spoiler cunnybro it's safe here
>poorinapag still assmad about xer self-insert getting sidelined by neuvillette
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Ez no 50-50
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>they're adding HSRs POV swap to ZZZ
Enjoy your C6 ben
The fact that she even considered it in the first place shows she's an extremely immoral person. Whether you want to call that "evil" or not is semantics, but it is objectively immoral.
what the fuck not fair
I want to see anons get knotted or kotted
Grace's stinky sweaty feet on my cock
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How long until burgers can roll...?
NAbros I don't feel so good
I failed bros... It's the fat cop
Now the little cop and rat are in danger
>got Lycaon at 30 rolls, completing my Ellen team
>spend the guarantee on pity for Zhu Yuan
>got Nicole at exactly C6
Pretty alright. My only gripe was that I got Lucy for an off-banner character instead of Piper.
Visualizing tonguing Zhu Yuan's ass through her clothes in a dark alley against a wall after a bust up
Fuck, I'm not pulling for this shit.
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Eat shit attention seekers. Nobody wants to see your rolls. fuck off
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I already have him at C3 before...
I do.
Eat shit attention seeker. Nobody wants to see your frog. fuck off
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Bets on Dan being reduced to an ether corrupted or evil boss? He seems too big to be playable (using ben as a reference for maximum bigness)
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>we have to wait until 1.2 for this
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I won the 50/50.
And I still have 4800 polychrome left to save for the future
haha get benned you closet furry
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aiiiieeeeeee im fomoing noooooooooooooooooo
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why the heck did you picked NA or EU server then??
>seapags outing themselves when the real server still has to 1pm tomorrow
I hope you continue to get filtered you absolute sperg
>Win 50/50
>C6 Nicole
>C6 Ben
Yea, we gaming
Why aren't you rolling, burgerbros?
The duality zzz
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outside of S11 and Anby (and really, fuck Anby, so she doesn't count). I don't think they've reused a model
SeaGODS get to roll first… unfair
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Quingyi slave obtained
wtf not a single kot?
every single anon won the 50/50?
fake and gay
QRD? Why?
>30 pulls
>no cop yet
Bros...am I bricked?
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The ones that lost the 50/50 roped instead of posted.
Too bad =^)
You'll get her before pity, bet.
Enjoy your sloppy seconds after we seaGODS all have had our way with Zhu's fat ass west"bro"
Strongest race in the world.
No one cares about that shit beside 15 years old shitposter
spergs are impatient and cant wait half a day to roll on every other banner
can't you just ask for an account transfer if you spend enough
or pay for one?
>banner at 1pm
>not at reset
what the fuck
Yes, but also incredibly sexy.
Thanks, bro. Shame I have no more rolls atm.
12 hours lol
I really dont get why it isnt with the daily reset at least (4 hours)
t.kakaurine apologist
My Billy's stats don't feel THAT different from this guys and yet I cant even get close to doing even tower 9 in under 3 minutes, nevermind tower 10 with Billy.
I don’t like the fact that David Cheng from Singapoor gets to roll before me
it's a good thing I topped up three weeks ago when yen was toilet paper. It strengthened last two weeks.
can't wait to pull... why do they let you pay in yen anyways if you play on the american server?
I do not wish to see your successful cop pulls, show me your tremendous 50/50 failures that's much more interesting
Thanks bro
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I guess I'll hard pity...
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controlling someone other than belle in the overworld would be nice for a change, but desu the world in this game is too small to make walking around interesting unless they are adding a fuckton of new maps (doubt).
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Yeah, this is dumb but oh well. Thanks anon.
The god.
The peasant.

I still have 80 rolls should I dump it for the only ether attacker we will have in the next 3 months?
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I'm moving to japan in 2 months but it didn't occur to me to set my account to asia
now when I go there the ping is going to be unbelievable AND I'll have to wait 13 fucking hours for new characters

why is data saved by region
explain this retarded practice to me
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if you want roll priority, support Western Studios
Juan de la Cruz from Philipenis gets to roll before (YOU). Think about that.
Man I'm glad I'm not that invested in this game
can't you VPN or is toed to your server?
>upgrade drive set for zhu yuan
>run out of ether plating
bros... was the convenience store not a scam after all...?
>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
This reads as "look forward to more censorship" to me
blame the players who got filtered by the TV.
zhu yuan kit is boring as fuck
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Eat shit attention seekers. Nobody wants to see your rolls. fuck off
I will after I cut my balls off
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el catter
Autism much
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I am expecting compensation in the form of polychromes for the mental distress caused by being unable to roll on the new banner.
I trust that a blunder like this will not happen again in the future, Dawei.
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There is no good reason not to release the banners globally, there is REALLY no good reason not to release the banner at the regional reset hour at the very least
This update will bring something new?
that's bad, but then I remember I don't have to eat cockroach leftovers for lunch and I think rolling priority is the least God can give them
>why is data saved by region
Servers hosted in different regions. Transferring data between servers will cost time and money so they choose to not do it. Simple.
How badly do you want ZY bro?
>No fun allowed REEEEE
Stay mad you have to wait 13 more hours
i lost my 50/50 at 79
>In terms of the narrative experience, in the latest story missions of Version 1.1, for the first time, you will be able to interact with New Eridu's neighborhoods and fight through levels to advance the story's progress from the perspective of the mission's protagonist.
wise and belle bros we will become cameramen
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Holy Nicole seed
it is simply a skill issue.
>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
ok, it's over. Expect them to remove all the ass shots
You're not getting her weapon?
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There's literally nothing wrong being a proud SEAchad, you flips really need to do something about your self hating culture. Or atleast don't pull the rest of SEA with your faggotry.
damn even if im a paypiggy?
shit I'd pay like 15 bucks to move servers
I'm F2P.
I want everyone to roll at once so I can feast psychologically at the anons taking the plunge and and getting qiqied or kotted
not as fun if you spread them out
what should I buy from the outpost before the reset?
I pulled Ellen, I really don't know if I want to burn all my resources on the buttslut...
Don't do this to me. I actually wanted to pull for him...
>fuck load of Ben Nigger
>failed the 50/50
fuck off
Can I watch...
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1. In terms of the narrative experience, in the latest story missions of Version 1.1, for the first time, you will be able to interact with New Eridu's neighborhoods and fight through levels to advance the story's progress from the perspective of the mission's protagonist.
2. A button for "Manual Chain Attack" mode will be added to the squad lineup interface before entering combat. In this mode, after Stunning an enemy, your actions will not trigger other Agents' Chain Attacks. Additionally, a "Cancel Chain Attack Combo" function will be added to combat, allowing you to choose whether to use the "Manual Chain Attack" mode according to your preferences.
3. In terms of combat, we have added a series of challenging combat missions and game modes that will be continuously updated. All Proxies are welcome to try them out in the new version.
4. In Shiyu Defense, we have improved the display of enemies' attribute resistances, making it easier for you to select suitable Agents for each challenge.
5. After unlocking a new Agent, the Inter-Knot avatar of that Agent will be automatically unlocked. Now you can select your favorite Agent as your Inter-Knot avatar.
6. The battle menu interface on mobile devices will allow you to customize certain UI buttons within a preset plan, so you can choose the controls that best suit your playstyle.
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>he didn't post kot get ye gone
Anon gave you a chance bwo...
how much does it cost using the yen trick right now for the 8088 gems
You could ask Da Wei, he might agree with that Jewish idea
This hour really is humiliation ritual hour kek
>posting not only are you a third worlder but your rolling for a cop
Well, my guess is that they couldn't find a way to present Jane's story without changing the POV because of the nature of her job
Not really. I'm only getting her for the FOMO of her element+role being unique. I'm honestly more excited for robobutt and the rat
I'm 30 or so pulls away from soft pity, I unironically hope I get M2 kot
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Yeah! The shining gold designs
Let your inner spark ignite
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Reaching for it, and taking flight

Like it or not, at least you tried
Chin up in yourself, confide
No doubt fate's on your side
You're chosen, so enjoy the ride

There are things you can't control
Fortune's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
That's the essence, life's true goal

Not just trials, and battles tough
So take enjoy in simple stuff
Even when it's getting rough
Take it easy, having fun is just enough
bullshit. I bet it's as easy as select from burgerland insert into asia where userID = 12345
Take screenshots of her ass for us
nice, seems like they are adding some decent features, i wonder what kind of challenging combat missions there will be. It'll suck if everything is just a stat check though.
I am too but I'm planning to get the agent and the weapon just cause squads are limited to 3 so might as well optimize every agent by giving them their weapon.
>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
miyabibros we won
>2. A button for "Manual Chain Attack" mode will be added to the squad lineup interface before entering combat. In this mode, after Stunning an enemy, your actions will not trigger other Agents' Chain Attacks. Additionally, a "Cancel Chain Attack Combo" function will be added to combat, allowing you to choose whether to use the "Manual Chain Attack" mode according to your preferences.

Hey they took my suggestion :)
>button for "Manual Chain Attack" mode
this is the result of the miyabi memes lol
>Manual Chain Attack
Quick Assist coin on the rise...
Holy shit you're actually right. That's what that's referring to.
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Way too much rolling for a slight optimisation. I'm fine with copeballs
> For completed Story Commissions and Exploration Commissions with uncollected rewards, we will be adding a "Fairy Assistance" feature (temporary name). Once you meet certain requirements, you can hand over these missions to Fairy and receive all the uncollected commission rewards after a set period of time.

What does this mean? Fairy can now collect the random chests and shit that I miss in the TV?
I'd save the rolls then if you're not that gung-ho about her. Take the kot as a sign to dip (plus since you lost the 50-50 it should mean you'll get QY guaranteed)
>Cancel Chain button will be added
I can't believe there were people defending this shit.
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my condolences
if i were you i'd still pull but only to get nicole to c2 (or c6 if you are 1/2 dupes away from that) else back to saving
isn't the chain attack already manual
Its out?
QRD on the memes?
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hammer head
>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
Anby's definitely getting a new model. She was almost certainly the first one made and it shows.
should i get Zhu engine or save for rat? gonna be skipping qingyi
You have to sit your ass for 3 seconds if you don't actually want to chain into someone else
>e.g. You chained to Corin but want to stay as her to unload the EX
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wtf dies manual chain attack mean bwos
anyone got the image of how/ what to spend your energy per levels?
I'm throwing them a feedback as soon as I'm free, I do not care for story that isn't around the MC
nicole too with the painted on straps
>inb4 miyabi's eyes fixed
That's actually hilarious
eyes so far apart people playing tictac toe on her forehead
probably means chain attack won't auto trigger when you attack a stunned enemy
Enjoy your naked Nicole
I thought the cancel thing was separate from the manual mode
Is it a meme in CN too? That's the only way they'd actually care.
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>from the perspective of the mission's protagonist.
I loved being the "behind the scenes" guy. Rallys fucking suck SUUUUCK!!!!!
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>1. Currently, you can only control Wise or Belle in the city instead of other Agents you have obtained. In the Special Program Livestreams of later versions, we will announce our current progress and future plans. Please stay tuned!
Fuck, yeah. I want to see Piper ass everyday.
I think they are almost exclusively talking about sect6.
Zhu Yuan is so comfy to play, and clears pretty fast with lv0 discs
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>60 rolls
>m6 ben (1 off this banner)
>m6 nicole (5 off this banner)
>m1 lucy (1 off banner)
>w2 piper wengine (1 off banner)
pretty good haul
This games going the HSR route… wtf
>Under level 35: get agent, engine materials + skills
>At 35: Get cope disks
>At 40: Back to the under level 35 stuff
>At 45: Infinite disk works
can't wait to roll tomorrow.
I bet I'll get kotted tho
Show clear
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she looks uggo next to pretty women.
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Ok, all talents at 9 and sig at 50 as well. Now time to do SD10 with S rank.
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More like its a problem with mobility, remember pic related exist
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>Grace on 80 pulls
>do a 10 on Standard
>do another 10 on limited
>get cop
POV swap bullshit WILL lead to homoslurping and other undesireable shit. Spam all mihoyo channels to not add that shit.
>got her at exactly 75 rolls
damn why is my luck so average bros
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How we doing billybros?
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fucking finally
I wanted to walk around as koleda
People talk a lot about Miyabi but Yanagi has an actual NPC-tier design
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>2. We will be continuously improving the models for some Agents to provide Proxies with an improved visual experience.
Billy can solo SD10 btw
What's wrong with POV story swap? Even if you swap to say, one of the furry dudes, it'll only be temporary anyways.
Good morning Saar
This is 100% for Section 6. Expect Haramasa, pink OL and Miyabi to get full model overhauls.
Shitposters saved the game.
>lost 50/50 to lycaon on ellen banner
>got dupes for billy and anton anyways
im happy that ill get a guaranted ass cop
I don't dislike literally any design in this game except Yanagi. I feel like "butterface" is a bit of an understatement in her case. Legs alone does not a good design make
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Good for him then lmao. As if I care.
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Wish me luck
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Her model was clearly created early on into the game's development and it became even more obvious in the scene where her model is right next to butt cop.
The story should focus solely on the mc.
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They better not make him lose weight.
>Ben taking 10 years to cross a street
>page 6
No one's getting a design change. This is just polygons.
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I've been trying for a while I'm confident you need gread discs on anby and nicole
Miyabi has natural beauty
>thinking they would tell you if they were censoring anything
new to hoyo games, is that a good or bad thing?
Wait, shes Ether?
Originally I had zero interest in her but I guess now I do want her for meta reasons.
It's just a HRTroon doomposting. Ignore it.
Didn't they do that back when genshin did censorship? for mona, jean, etc.
It doesn't mean anything if you're not schizophrenic.
They mean storywise and it means they’re probably reducing the TV and giving you endless dialogue
if agent quests are character POV that's fine but if main story does it it'll be shit
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Please censor Piper she is too old to be showing so much skin.
did you not play Chapter 2.5
you slow poke
>interknot avatar
soulless slurper won again
they shouldn't have listened
if they delete the wise/belle/fairy interactions during story missions is a bad thing.
you are a hacker after all.
I'm rallying the chinks to force mihoyo to not add the POV shit. It killed HSR and will kill ZZZ if they add it.
Please unclothe Piper, she's old enough to show all her skin.
Yanagi does need it though, she literally looks more like an NPC than actual NPCs.
Im level 45. I just didnt pay any attention to her because she's so bland.
im confused what is the pov thing?
I never player hsr
>interknot avatars
wasnt the point of interknot that you are anonymous..
so you didn't even notice she did ether damage
damn, you're a terrible metafag
Let us know what new minor thing you're going to pretend to be incensed about tomorrow
>fairy interactions
Nah, make her talk as little as possible. I don't need a shitty AI stating the obvious every 2 squares in the TVs.
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Jesus Christ
pov swaps didn't kill hsr, the piss poor penacony story and firefly pandering did
Imagine if you actually get to falseflag as an actual cop on 4chan
Expect the game to turn into a full on visual novel.
You'll only get to fight anything after sitting through 5 hrs of cutscenes first.
What talant mats does ass cop need
You get the character POV
Like, we may get Jane POV missions, where Belle/Wise aren't the POV (or maybe aren't even present)
He's meme'ing. It's a story implement in HSR where the story PoV shifts to other characters.
It's one of the things why HSR is popular. He's acting like it killed HSR when in fact it's one of the reasons it's popular.
The story changes the POV away from the MC to some character they currently want to shill. You were forced to sit through wordslop in HSR for 3+ hours while playing as one of the shilled homos.

new thread
pov swapping isn't the problem in and of itself if you're complaining about dialogue bloat
Doesn't the game already POV swap various times to the Hares?
First 10 rolls lol Now i just need another 7 copies for her to be playable lmao
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What's wrong with selecting my Avatar as the cute Belobog industries girl who thinks adults and children live in the same world? Nothing of course.
Story is told not from NPC’s perspective and swaps around. It left a bad taste because that’s what effectively replaced character focused quests in HSR.
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70 pity fuuck
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I lost bros....so how do I build this grease monkey

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