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old >>486759749
Bros what the fuck are coins and how do I farm them?
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it's looking so good
what looks good about it
Why would I play this when I can play Throne and Liberty?
>4 days to hit bump limit

this game is dead.
this but MUDs
Retailchads won...

They fucking won...
>free to play korean mmo
tarnished undermine real is a currency that you get from bosses in endgame dungeons, you can trade them in at a booty bay npc for epics/tier pieces/recipes/materials
actually kino wtf
Why would you play either when you could play Tarisland?
it gets funnier when you realize classic players are paying for their updates
this but when warriors would ask to dps my groups id say we're full on tanks
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As much as I might get bored of playing exclusively horde characters I'm glad I don't have to deal with retadins

you pretty much have to tank your own 5 mans as a warrior if you want to get anywhere, I have an easier time finding groups as a warlock / hunter / rogue than I do as a warrior that doesn't tank
nobody likes grouping with dps warriors. all they do is cause problems while the tank is trying to pull and roll on tank gear they'll never use
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its not classic unless the login screen features the original dark portal
>charge charge charge
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Doesn't help that you need some decent gear as a fury warrior to even hit anything / do good damage. Finding a raid spot isn't as hard, but getting to the point where you're raid ready / preBiS is a massive pain (HoJ, DM E bow, items with hit rating in general)
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like you or the other anon said, its fine if the warrior just mans up and tanks
pinky cope is the most truly pathetic of all the cope flavors
who the fuck even joins these ironfoe and hoj HR groups?
>uhm yeah every desirable item in this dungeon is for me but you're welcome to tag along for uh... the uh.... uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh........
>black rock eruption
>sit outside of ubrs
>put pet on aggressive
>log into a better game (anything else)
>doing sm gear runs
>already have the shield
>never equip it because im 2handed tanking
>drops again
>group doesnt know i already have it
>need anyway
ez money
Based pay2notplay chad
subbed for 2 years thanks to the wow tokens I made playing cata for a month
The most laughable part is when they HR something like HoJ and then proceed to spam LF a tank (LAST SPOT!) for an hour straight before disbanding.

It really has reached idiotic proportions with people HR-ing LBRS gems, the epic ring from the final boss AND quartermaster pots.
Retail won
but this time unironically
Are the different MC difficulties going to share lockouts? Is it going to be impossible for me to find a casual mode MC?
how did all 4 versions of classic wow failed so hard this year?
I should probably start selling those runs lol my lbrs boosts are selling for 300 an hour though. Idk what ironfoe and hoj would even sell for anyways, id imagine 500 for ironfoe and 100 hoj idk ill try it tmrw
>im a nigger furry class come carry me through the raid so i can vacuum up all of the shit you dumb cunts
moonfirebeam carry
It's not too late to play cataclysm, same subscription. The content in cata is evergreen and you'll get prepared for the mists of pandaria expansion.
we could wait 2 years and still be prepared for mop bro
nobody likes cata
nobody ever liked cata
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Saars!! Please play cata saars!!! it is good like vanilla+ saars!!! Saars it is good expansion like tbchad!!!
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We are so heckling backerino
>raids aren't even out yet
>logs went up
how? are people logging world bosses that much?
play it now, play it now
People leveling raids and world bosses.
It was expected that more people checked out level 60 but I can ensure you it is not gonna break 100k and will die in 2-3 weeks.
Damn, incursions really did ruin SoD’s metrics

Who knew that making an instanced retail-tier infinitely repetitive quest hub the 1# best way to level and get gold would make people want to play less? Or that removing dungeons and replacing them with overtuned raids might not be a popular decision?
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errmmm... no, there's a chance MoP classic doesn't even happen because of the retail MoP mode
cata already dead, rip
is this a titlecard for SFM porn?
>Main interest in vanilla world is leveling and casual wpvp
>Most players will drop the game at level 40-50
>Remove leveling
>Game takes a jump off a fucking cliff and dies
Mind you, this is the same company that hates the idea of fresh servers.
It's the furfags' favorite xpac, of course it is
more players than sod and era combined thoughbeit word diarreah esl poster skipped btw
>based on warcraft logs
Yeah. I’m glad i avoided incursions but the EXP boost on some of the phases was ridiculously excessive. Didn’t the bonuses go up to 100% at some point?

It’s amazing that the devs keep paying lip service to the casual aspect of Classic while trying their hardest to make it a rush to max level sweatfest
exp boost is 150% 1-50
its dead thoughbeit
I think they went up to like, 150% or so.
Massively increasing xp gains really fucks with vanilla questing too, see tbc randomly having you skip into a new zone as everything got grey or even pservers that are x5 or so.

Also don't forget they tripled down on wbuffies meta, so the casual number is going to go all the way down when raiding actually begins.
five signs you should skip a post immediately
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>we will add bunch of items to goblin shekels trader
>we will add hunter HoJ to shekels vendor
>we won't add HoJ to shekels trader
And thats GOOD
>thats GOOD
it's biased, faggot.
motherfucker you know how ironic your post is when ppl bitched about doing 10+ runs for t0 item and blizz put whole set to shekel vendor because of it?
t0 is going to be replaced in 24 hours
hoj wont
simple as
You niggas suck ass at this fucking game so you cope, bet you can't even clamweave lmao
>simple as
>lets put hunter equivalent to shekel vendor
kk faggot, nice argument.
boo hoo bitch cry more
>fails to produce good argument
>cry more
kek, what a bitch.
My argument is perfect, hence why its grounded in reality and yours is just a pipe dream
sure, it's still biased which you can't disagree with.

ENTER the Aryan Knights of Vanilla. Their jackboots THUNDEROUSLY smashing the skulls of the Jüden who warp and torture the pvre banilla soul of Classic WoW. Their leader? High Lord Kungen KKKikesbane and his right hand Vvhite Man, ᛋtayᛋafe. The halls of /wowcg/ delve into IMMEDIATE disarray as the retoilet rodents SCATTER in fear. But make no mistake, the Banillische SA Männer hunt them down diligently and hoist the nooses around their necks HIGH. The RETOILET influence is purged in a matter of minutes as Vvhite Aryan Men see the devastation and cheer for the victors. BANILLA is here to stay. FASHY UND FRESHY begins as a NEW ERA of Classic REICHS are launched.
Retailbvlls won thoughever
Shitnilla lost
Recommend a MUD
I'm tired of gay centaurs and wheelchair dragons
I do Nevergrind Online on an off, it's comfy
s-surely memelands w-will save cata, r-right? remembar rag?
Firemaw era HoJ sells for 4k

You get summoned right up to the boss and get to loot it whenever it drops,
im a warrior, though
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SoD brothers, we're so back!
Retail cosmetics/mounts whales are literally carrying this game so hard, you're fucking coping if you think classic has enough players to even make a dent on that.
Stay fascist and kkkikebane where right.
nice self own lmao
SoD died because they removed GDKPs. You simply don't make a decision like that when consumes, trade good materials and other tertiary raiding items cost so fucking much. No one wants to grind gold the old fashioned way anymore.
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better a dead game than a jewish gdkp game
It’s disappointing to see so many people resort to buying gold, it fucks the whole economy for everyone.
>most interest in vanilla world is leveling
I hate leveling with a burning passion, it’s my biggest gate to ever getting back into the game. It’s bad enough that it’s walking simulator for a significant percentage of logged in hours, but the game doesn’t even start until you reach max level, you’re just clocking into a second job to pay for the game with your time.
I’m not “white”, Amerimutt. I’m Evropäisch. Bavarian ancestry.
You don't understand vanilla at a core level.
If you weren't a gigashitter you'd just play retail or similar and be happy.
Don't bother, you are talking to a deranged amerimutt kike or street shitter.
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>I’m not “white”, Amerimutt. I’m Evropäisch. Bavarian ancestry.
<WD> fucks your mother
>people still buying small shitters and regional banks during a recession and with VIX at 16 because ....... its not tech???

LOL and I thought making 10k overnight with QQQ puts was free money. These clowns are gonna get taken to the cleaners
How is the truth a self own? Whale spending absolutely dwarves any subscription profit, retail included.
What's an add-on for making the health bar go from green to red as it gets lower?
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>we want the fash and fresh
>only arvyans allowed btw
Wtb durotar boost

I don’t have time to waste grinding mobs and doing quests, my time is precious, that’s why I spend all of it playing a 20 year old mmo that’s on life support
if you think about it hard, im sure you can figure it out
leveling vanilla fresh when everybody is 60 is the same as leveling in the outlands during WOTLK. It's not the intended experience, and thus should be made faster and/or skipped.

Leveling on fresh when everybody else is, sure that's actually a whole expansion/game in of itself. Dungeons, questing, getting gold for the mount. Doing it after everybody else? No. And that's a big problem with vanilla. People dont want to do chores to play a video game.
>replying to your own post 3 times
Why does fashy und freshy makes our local shitskin so fucking angry?
the juden fears the fashy

>vanilla "elite guard":

dysgenic mystery meat mutt
you forgot
Aryan Ubermensch
>dating a SEAmonkey
he's a puppet of the kikes
Seeth more, hebrew.
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>cant refute any of it
thanks for helping fund it, classic serf
>Salv, Kargoz, Esfaggot, Tipsout
Sodomite addicts that jumped into SoD the first chance they got (aka didn't want fashnilla to start with)
Retard who thinks his sandbox is fashnilla, hates the idea of a fresh that is fash or progressive 1.1+ aka true fashnilla.
Subhuman manlet who can't play fashnilla for shit, addicted to funserver faggotry.
>Muh asian gf!1

I see you also didn't mention ᛋtayᛋafe as you know you can't argue, for you are a kike, a subhuman enemy of the white race. Consider yourself exterminated, yid.
>doesnt count
the expected response
I'm having fun with the new AV and 0.5 quest chain. I also dislike incels and trannies
God DAMN. F&F posters don’t miss
>responding to your own post
a new low, even for this thread
give me a music playlist for mindlessly grinding mobs for hours on end

needs to be at least an hour long
Does anyone know if there's an addon that allows to make conditional keybinds?

Like this:
> [4] casts "Frostbolt"
> if target has "Frozen" debuff, [4] instead casts "Ice Lance"

Couldn't figure it out with Bartender, Clicked, ... I dont think they support it.
not allowed, otherwise you could make entire rotation macros like that
why not just play the game? are you really unable to press more than 3 buttons?
This post angers the shitskins
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>mentions sheen twice
isnt it kind of a grey area? there's healing addons that will cast conditional spells on mouseover. like put different buffs on someone depending on wether they are missing them. which is basically the same functionality bound to a click rather than a keybind ... no?

yes my brain smooth. also i just like to fiddle around with addons and see whats possible
calling it now, 11th boss in MC is the faggot dwarf that gives your rainbow trinket..
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>stay safe's wife is a kike
let me guess, honorary?
>F&F post
>4+ angry same fag replies
You don't understand, if we get a fresh all my botted gold and zulian gdkp tiger would be worthless

say no to fresh
>any post i dont like is the same person
ah this meme
its time
time for fresh
but not yet im a bit busy at the mo
how about september
Germans aren't jews retard
they are when their grandfather has children with one
Yeah, they are even worse. Biggest cuckolds on this planet somehow
>WoWtoken back at 10K gold
>Cata raid numbers are in a nosedive
>ZA/ZG already being released
We'll be in MoP by Q2 2025.
good. mop is the peak of wow
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>good. mop is the peak of wow
>thinks about trannies out of nowhere
only a tranny could have such retarded opinions. Seconding that only a tranny could live 'ironically' in a vg thread posting the same shit every day
So where do you guys think they'll finally stop the original classic train? There's no way they'd do Classic WoD right? And if by some miracle they do, an objectively better expansion (Legion) is next.
was WoD the first expansion to have the mobile app integration? I'd imagine they'd need to resurrect that as well...
indians are next
>The indian tranny screams out as xhe (s)hits you
what makes mop so bad?
But call him a tranny and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”
tokens going up means more people are buying them though
You need to take microeconmics 101.
This would be the reverse of that.
Anon, the driving force here is supply. There are fewer people purchasing tokens from Blizzard thus the price increasing. Fewer people are buying tokens from Blizzard because fewer people are playing. There's a reason tokens crash in price right before an expansion launches, tons of people come back and need gold.
pandas and it's just cata 2. The world pvp was banging though I'll give you that
so you cant actually give a reason
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Deviate Delight is slipping hard. Twitch z-list streamers can't bring in more players?
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at least the mentally ill retards who leveled to 60 last spring have had a good 3 months to enjoy 60 content
the rest of the people still trying to hit 60 are beyond help
soddy is popping. freshoids lost
But Kargoz said DD is Nost 2.0 tho
Why can't Blizzard just

>Progression server from Classic to WoTLK
>Have one Legacy server for Classic and every expansion with 6 month reset.

Blizz could rake up with money and have little effort.
when's the last time you had sex anon?
probably because its more work than doing nothing and they have to figure out a bunch of stuff like how long each phase should take and how long progression should be and what to do with all the characters once its "over"
>WoWtoken back at 10k
Fuck you on about, been 18k for week+ now.
You're saying this is wrong?
Cata is good though
Im telling you to simply log on on server and check for yourself.
>still no reason
Nvm, you're a Eurokek.
>6 month reset

that's insane, even by sweatlord standards
Make it 9 months and it is perfect.
3 months per tier (Vanilla lasts 1 year, cuz longer leveling and 4 tiers ie MC/BWL/AQ/Naxx).
At the end of the rotation you get sent to the expansion cesspool era or retail server of your chosing.
I don't think characters should pass onto the next cycle because of hyper inflation fuckery.
Anyone who actually played and enjoyed wow from vanilla to woltk knows mop is shit. I don't need to give reasons because they're so blatantly apparent. You're just being a little ironic tranny just for attention anyway
Nooo!!! You have to tell me, you have to you have to!!!
I will forget in a minute but you have too!!!
I for one can't wait to sell CM gold boosts to retards.
why do you keep typing out all these words that dont answer the question?
>there's a chance MoP classic doesn't even happen
Imagine unironically thinking this
at this point FRESH is the only thing that makes sense for Shitzard to do if they want to save their sub count since SOD is doomed
literally every fresh after wow classic launch has been a failure, take the hunt
when's the last time you had sex? I did last night and I will again tonight
Would be interesting, but I still think it needs to be stretched out even more.

2 months for 1-60, pre-raid dungeons, pvp ladder opens up
MC / Ony - 3 months
BWL / ZG - 3 months
AQ - 3 months
Naxx - 3 months at least

Assuming you want to have some casual players the phases need to be at least 2-3 months long, since it takes the average player at least a month to do 1-60
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are mass reports a real thing or just botters making shit up to get unbanned? this is the second time I've gotten an angry whisper from another enchanter and I'm starting to get scared
Mass reports are a real thing but they only really happen if you spam or talk in-game. I wouldn't ever respond to these subhumans to begin with. Just ignore them and keep doing what you're doing. Also everytime they whisper you, take a screenshot, just in case.
Mass reports are real
let the kikes seethe
Silly anon, it is split in 12/9 months so it fits better in the quarterly returns :^)
wow that skit from an FF14 streamer really convinced me that this is a real problem
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>are mass reports a real thing or just botters making shit up to get unbanned?

I've heard of botters mass reporting people that were killing them and successfully getting them banned, this was back when they would just fly-hack from Light's Hope all the way to Strat UD and people would repeatedly kill them at the gate.

It's a real pain to deal with since it can take upwards of a month of you sending emails / tickets for them to revert the ban.
Nah. Phase 1 should be 2 months. the rest of the phases should be 1 month. People always quit during Phase 2.
make each phase 4 months
>"the heckin overworld was ruined"
>its barely changed
>"the heckin pop culture references"
>less in cata than there are in vanilla
im starting to think people dont actually know why they hate cata. theyve just been screeching about these two things for the past decade
the internet is plagued with people who discuss video games they've never played
nice gaslighting kikes but I shan't be playing cacapiss
The actual reason i’m not playing cata is because I already sank thousands of hours into that shit when it was current. It’s a form of burnout that will last my entire lifetime, i cannot imagine collecting all those mounts and shit again
da joos
>90% of the classic player base wants fresh vanilla
>shitzard ignores them and releases another shit phase in Sod
reminder that vanilla with 1x leveling, 40 man raids, wbuffs and ranking won't happen ever again
vanilla wasnt even good, it just rode the coat tails of actual good games like warcraft 1-3
it will literally happen in september why are you lying?
that's when you will be playing the tranny within
Trannies mentioned OUT OF NOWHERE
>talk about bidogame
>mentions trannies out of nowhere
you already said that
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I liked the first two weeks of sodomy desu, but after that it was over for good
imagine splitting the already thin content to fucking phases
leveling through azeroth until my lungs give out
>Hard require 226 fire resistance for heat 3 molten core
I hate these faggots so fucking much. Did they not learn from decades of raiding that no one cares for resistance gear?
sodsisters I think it's over
It was so close to being good too, putting in handfuls of new stuff is great but they wanted to dump so much fucking shit cause they want to be experimental. Glad I quit before phase 3, maybe they'll do an actual Classic plus and put only the good parts of Sod in but my expectations are really low.
uh, chuds? sod gained players. soddy is BACK.
it will last 1-2 weeks at max
Safe to say not many people are going to be attempting week 1 heat 3 clears. 226 fire resistance is just way too much. Unironically requires you to go out and farm the stupid leg librams.
sex with mashroomina and bullybait
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so does every version of classic exist to serve the streamer content mill now or what
You can have the first one but bullybait is mine...
both getting mogged by javels GYM BRAPPER
playing classic for the first time (going era), should i go alliance or horde for the first time? ideally i want to expose myself to the lore and then learn about the mechanics/raid skills. what class and race should i go for?
Do you want to be part of the white folk or live in a mudhut or sewer with your 60iq violent nigger friends? Up to you my boy
My rogue is 82 almost 83, I plan to really just pvp. I remember playing my mage back when cata first came out and having some fun with fire. But, I don't have any mages in classic, and would have to paypig a boost. If I had heirlooms maybe I would go farm quick or something but I don't so for barely 2-3 hours of my wages I can skip hours upon hours of leveling one up again. Anyways I don't know what one I should play really, but I probably only have time to really play/gear one character.
kungen is excited for it
Did MC come out today? I don't see anybody in group finder
>3 posts in 1 hour
holy fuck TWW won
mc came out 20 years ago
and classickeks still think “classic PLUS” will happen lmfao
whats tww
the tranny within. he misspelled it
>1 post per heat level of MC

they are both great depends if you want caster or not
whats the tranny within
what happened with sod? I thought it was going to change the world?
>im trannies not trannies obsessed trannies with trannies trannies trannies i trannies swear trannies
go to the archive and look at the thread during sod announcement at blizzcon and have a laugh
sodtards realized they wasted so much time farming shit raids for absolutely zero reason.
They moved the devs to cata for a few months and when they came back to SoD they though everybody enjoyed playing garbage so they turned sod into garbage and everybody quit shortly after that
turns out a lot of modern players don't actually want to discover shit and see runes as a chore, also pvp is a shit show
make you wonder how many of the people bitching about runes and sod pvp are looking forward to Legion
Anyone with a brain realized SoD was going to be shit when they announced leveling phases. It's an instant tell that they just recently got the project greenlit and now need time to actually develop it. It was even more hilarious when it was announced that the same team was also working on Cacapissym. Classic+ will never happen. It will never happen the way you want it without them first hiring a bunch of people specifically for it. SoD was setup to fail.
What is the 20 fire resist to cloak called?
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>it's super populated
you could be playing eternal fresh whenever you want
hc only seems fun if you duo self-found but its not the same game
looks like war within might be the only version of wow worth playing for the foreseeable future
>cataslop doa
>sod can sod off
>era is a graveyard
>lolcore has always been a meme
only fresh 'nilla can save wow now
You can do that. It's fun just playing on the server though.

>era is a graveyard
>Org and SW literally pagged to the brim on every server, thousands of players

Sure most of it is GDKP spam and shit but still, its not a graveyard by any means.
we need fresh hc :/
we need fresh right now more than ever
Wildfire Cape
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I don't think even fresh can save classic. I think it is finally over.
stop posting this ugly brownie
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Why does this only show world bosses? Wild Growth NA btw.
Why change anything
right click > filters
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Thanks anon!
Do i need fire resistance gear as spriest if i can output 750 to 800 hps on group as dps ?
>half of the list is about putting retail features into classic

How can one company be so fucking out of touch with its playerbase?
>new or unexplored storylines and lore
>new reputations and rewards
>new/reimagined raids and dungeons
new? sure. reimagined old content? fuck off
>new/future races pulled back
>new/future classes pulled back
>minor class changes
how minor we talking here? stuff like making paladin blessings last longer, warrior shout buffs last longer and making meeting stones actually work? sure that's great. adding shit like crusader strike? no thanks, play TBC and beyond if you want that
>returning player re-entry feature
classic doesn't need this
>new player experience
this already exists. you start at level 1
>new group events and rewards
maybe. depends how they go about it
>ongoing class tuning/polish
>guild bank
>collections UI
probably fine, idgaf about toys and playing pokemon
>dual talent
i like this
>new/future class and race combinations
>improved social features
>pvp honor system improvements
the old system was fucking degenerate and encouraged very unhealthy behavior, not to mention cabals of discord trannies that would gatekeep it. the new honor system was the best thing blizzard have done since diablo 2 resurrected
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Best place for 55-60 levelling? I'm doing Un'goro but not sure if other anons have a better strategy. Rogue tank main if it matters.
>the new honor system was the best thing blizzard have done since diablo 2 resurrected

While I'm not a fan of the old system, it was better because of the gatekeeping. Every server had a pvp community and you needed to work together in order to rank up. The new system is waaaaaay too easy AND can be done completely solo or even worse, botted. So you end up with lvl 55 shitters that do nothing but lounge around in AV and are already rank 11 by the time they hit 60, completely skipping the need to farm preraid dungeons and basically being on par with T1.

Everyone and their mother is R14 now
>50-60 sod is just warriors and ret paladins running brd and reserving everything
yeah fuck this. august 26th cant come soon enough
>bro you dont understand bro just sit in discord for 17 hours a day for 3 months with obese porn addicted americans bro
Then maybe you shouldn't get access to welfare pvp epix, eh??

>do these mindless raids for months on end, hoping the items you want actually drop and you outroll the other person / bought more gold than them

dude, this sucks, I just want full t3
didnt read
I just tell warrs they can tank cause they always do shit damage and ill just heal and cast flame shock and do triple his damage.
100% regret buying pre order. My bro will probably play for a week and probably leave for private servers again...
>guys what if we made the only good balance druid idol a boe that is insanely rare
>genius, put it in the game NOW
why the fuck does an idol cost more than an epic mount
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What's this guy doing?
>pre ordering a digital game
you are the reason retail is like it is lmao
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>Drop off a ledge
>Ringo collapses
Go fuck yourself.
Do you have shadowstep
Cannot Shadowstep friendly targets.
Since when? Was it removed in Cata?
shes playing soddy sis
>Started auto-running
>Lost Ringo
>tfw you need something from a sub-optimal dungeon
It's fucking OVER
If its so rare why did 2 drop for me from the dire maul rare arena? They're unique so I could only grab one
>Can't understand basic drop rate chances and how they work
Post brown hand
what the fuck is this soul warding rune

about to just make a 5x shadow priest group to do it
>cant into humour
Yikes sis, not a good look.
>all you get is a worthless cosmetic for heat levels
its over for sod
have fun farming and dropping thousands of gold on FR for a worthless cosmetic nobody will give a fuck about

to think this will cause guilds to splinter because some people dont care about cosmetics but some will want it

molten chore for 6 months
SoD is a joke
im unironically killing time until war without
literally nobody is excited for TWW
even my friends who play retail dont care
its the most obvious rush job in the last 10 or so years of retail. probably not good or playable until at least 6 months from release, if ever
>heh, no ones gonna be farming essences at 3 am on a weekda-
>10+ people at water elementals
>10+ people at air elementals
yeah I'm just gonna swipe fuck this
At least we have Indiana Jones
Just wait a month and 90% of the playerbase will have quit
heat level 1: old mc
heat level 2: more fire damage +1 loot drop
heat level 3: lot of FR + 1 loot drop, cosmetic

if you dont care about cosmetics there is no point even playing this low effort trash
The only reason wow still exists is because of cosmetic lil bro
I started playing sod again yesterday and I'm level 54 am I wasting my time (I fell for the DD meme for 2 weeks)
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>another classic+ andy basically admits he wants TBC
lack of dual spec in TBC got fixed by private servers 7 years ago and you will survive without pet battles
That's supposed leaked survey that is floating around for Classic+ project that was presented by ex-community manager or w/e, check Stayfaggots vid. SoD is a test.
You mean the shitty "Molten" prefix version that gives a little glow to item?
There is extra boss now in MC, some faggot itt stated that it's most probably the dwarf from BRD for gay rainbow trinket.
I quit SoD right when Phase 2 launched, probably after burning out on Phase 1. Just found out about the new Phase and the new dungeon, is it worth coming back to the game at all?
New playstyles like warlock/shaman tanking are what interests me the most, did they expanding upon that in a meaningful way? Or are they just porting gameplay mechanics from Retail and calling it a day?
i will never understand how NOT PLAYING THE GAME is a W
warlock, shaman and rogue tanking are incredibly fucking awful. ´
Warlock has 3 buttons at most, and it heavily depends on fire damage (most elementals are still fire immune, btw) and hard casting while being hit.
Shaman is unironically hard casting spells with zero (0) pushback reduction or sitting AFK in AoE and pressing 2 buttons each 10s.
Rogue has zero AoE while every DPS and tank has incredibly busted AoE, they can't tank dungeons for shit and won't be brought to raids. To add insult to injury, they had good AoE in the PTR, but it got nerfed multiple times because an over geared rogue could AoE farm some spots and they require Tier 1 2p to have "ok" aoe for dungeons. Which you won't be running when you have Tier 1.
Mage healer is dead and has been dead for 3 phases.

Paladin/Druid tank is okay I guess, but at that point play retail.
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This place fucking sucks.
That's just BFD/Gnomer/ST, world boss logs aren't public
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Why is this sword sparkling? Can't click on it.
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I played classic back in 2019-2020 and enjoyed it but ended up flaking out before the last raid tier. I heard that there isn't eternal TBC or Wrath servers, is that true? That's kind of disappointing. Does classic era have a stable and persistent playerbase, at least? I'm going to assume the season of discovery thing they're doing isn't going well because of modern blizzard.
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Its because its been the same slop since Legion, people get hyped cuz its the new expansion but if you actually ask them.
>do you wanna M+?
>do you wanna pvp?
>do you wanna raid?
People fucking say no so unless they've been playing all along for the mounts, mogs, and cheevo grind yes they will just show up to level then vanish and I don't blame them.
EU era is still very much alive

plenty of bots and gdkps though
How come Sword Specialization human racial doesn't stack with the Weapon expertise rogue talent?
i should have +10 to one handed swords but i only have +5
it does stack though
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why does it say furry
Friend is asking me to play Cata with them, they are already 85. Any estimates on leveling from 1-85 spamming dungeons with an occasional boost? Planning on Paladin purely for the easy leveling.
Have you considered playing with good players?
Everyone on my friends list wants to m+, raid and pvp
joke about druids
why are dudus such furfag homos?
>al*x played a dudu
i'm not a homo...
still can't believe that piece of shit potted...
Catapiss is a gigaflop so most likely mop gonna be the last attepmt (if it happens at all)
post your troon sis
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the cryboomers won.. they fucking won..
Can't wait to go to MC, ninja something, then never play SOD again
>caca fails miserably the first time
>it fails miserably the second time
I did 1-85 in about 30 hours /played with no heirlooms. I think if you really tryharded you could get it in 24 hours
I don't think it's possible to rank in the new system as alliance. Not joking, after r12 the only way I can progress is through av weekends.

It seems that alliance is now the pve cuckhold faction and horde are the ego problems pvp faction. On my horde alt, people are constantly looking and forming premades, constantly looking for wpvp groups and forming them.

Alliance is fucking crickets on all forms of pvp. Alliance pugs are mostly brokies who cant afford gdkp and arent willing to grind gold. Its a bunch of shitters in awful gear hoping to get carried. They lose every game to horde who are also near brain dead, but they actually have a drive to win. I've started taking my horde alt more seriously because of it. It wasn't always like this. I blame human racial and warcraft logs.
>pvp players all roll the faction with pvp racials
having static caps at 450-500k that don't change even when the game is in a lull is the only downside of the new system. i was queueing a few bg's alliance side and getting 3k honor per hour, i don't think we ever capped a single flag in maybe 3 hours of queues. it's unironically better to be running sand in silithus. but that's a hard line for me just because if the pvp is so dead you have to run sand then there's no reason to have the pvp gear to begin with.
dudus should be naked in order to use their furry forms!
I mostly play horde and while it's true that we constantly have premades forming for AV, the average player isn't much better than what you described. Lowbies, afkers, griefers or just people in really bad gear that don't stand a chance against the npcs, let alone an ebin dragonslayer in t3, excluding premades, we lose 80% of random matches. Upside is we have sub 5minute queues.

>after r12 the only way I can progress is through av weekends

I Imagine most people do 8-14 mainly through AV weekends, otherwise you're really going to struggle hitting 300k+ unless you go super hard during the weekend.
cata is still a bigger success than sod
low bar desu

>guy who talks at .75 speed
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are you prepped?
Soda hates it...
but just 1 day ago it was good...
>soda is aging so poorly his gf resorts to using thumbnail picture from 1 norwood ago
it's over for him
So that's all of SoD with maybe DKs, Monks and DHs from future expansions. It sounds good on paper, but the same people who gave you Gnomeregan, ST and incursions will be making it so I have 0 hopes of it being good.
only tier i have are the boes i bought off the ah
0 fire resist

yea im ready to raid tonight
>SoD race to world first
>Staysafe can't even find five guilds competing
>ok guys i'm going to compile a list of streams competing for world 1st heat 3
>so go ahead and link me some streams..
>ok no guys this is hype, really
is it a race if only 3 guilds are competing? you default into the top 3 lol
does anyone actually like this mental nigger?
so what is going to happen with sod characters when sod is over? just dumped into era with all their gay molten core cosmetics?
To be fair in retail only 2 guilds are actually competing, the "small" difference is they are doing raids literally designed that only the 40 best players in the world can clear them with paid weak aura writers. In SoD no one cares
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The race to who cares by literal whos.
kungen will get the world first as spoken in the prophecy.
I care
Can't find a MC group for heat 1
I have 6/8 T0.5 but i don't have 100+ fire resistance even though you don't need any
heat 3
how about heat fresh
we're all here
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heat 3?
more like shit heap
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exciting race
for me its the fartseller
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Will Rag have two maces?
first boss wipe lul
hard molten core exactly what classic players have been begging for
what heat level is kungen doing?
link to kangen stream
classic boomers can't handle the heat
kungen is holding back. theyre clearing the raid tomorrow
Staysafe 3k+ viewers and subs raking cash into a giant bag, sensual in melting because he couldn't clear 130 viewers
they're not clearing the raid tomorrow lmao
payo 10k viewers
4 way cage match

the elite cryboomer tagteam
heat 3 rag
vashj's multishot
a red circle

who ya got
i could solo it
any info on poison immunity on MC mobs?
Warlock tank dead.
Rogue dead.
Warbvll stands provd
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Poison immunity, yes or no motherfucker.
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>som bosses
>just nuke boss ignore adds
>shazzrah drops band of accuria
>if you wipe your runback is from inside BRM
>no special rewards if you clear hardest difficulty OR the mystery 11th boss
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. you guys pay monthly for THIS?
I just got back, what did KIKEBANE do?
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>I just got back, what did KIKEBANE do?
>insta indirect seethe sharty reply
many such signs of an iconic seeth
>5 minutes later
the left cant meme

3h later still havent found a pug MC
>the mystery 11th boss iiiiiis
>a fucking fireball called the molten core
>that just spawns adds and shoots fire
weow thats so creative and amazing. please where do i re-sub???
jesus that was terrible
fresh when?
LOL nothing happens
>for a som copy paste and a red ball that spawns a few adds
>giant ball of fire with no mechanics
>no special loot
ahhh I'm discoooovering
back to cata it is
So you get to tickle Rags ball. Bravo blizz
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>11th boss is Ragnaros' ballsack without any mechanics other than spawning mobs
Fattrend, you have outdone yourself, you fat bankrupt fuck.
paypigs pay for this
>these autists spent weeks farming shit for this
0 competition either. lamo, dead game
shenna fucking won
twow unironically wow.
They didn't even give Rag two maces. Holy fuck, even spawning a giant wolf would have been more creative.
classic bros... we lost.
still better than retoilet the fart within
>2k viewer stream of the guild that cleared 11th boss
>everyone shitting on sod in chat
love to see it. now if only people would start unsubbing.
>sod mc had less effort put into it than the raid itself that was made in a week 20 years ago
SoD will be dead by the time Firelands is released. Poetic.
did anyone clip the "new" boss?
>wolverines height is 5'3


It took me this long to understand why Alex tries to "literally me" that character.
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era cucks cant handle the heat
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it was a giant fireball, the molten core.
i believe you, but i have to see it for myself. this is just beyond pathetic
3hours 33mins in
>zeroji already saying hes gonna quit sod cause mc sucked ass
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holy fucking kek it looks like a molten turd. how fitting
>they made a promotional clip of this
the hubris lmao
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>4 months for copied SoM bosses and a giant meatball
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>the first actual new piece of content in sod was fighting a molten turd
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>aggrend is lead dev, hes obese
>his 2nd hand dev is a fat ham-planet
>new raid boss is a meatball
what did they mean by this?
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fat chance, they are unionizing now. means they will be stuck with these obese, diverse useless devs and QA. its truly over for blizzie.
There's no fucking way they delayed P4 just to make a floating meatball
I can't believe this
I refuse to believe this
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>world first
>playing disturbed
>15 minute delay

It's all so cringe. This game is cringe.
They didn't want nobody to steal their elite tactics. Like stacking the ads in the corner and burning down the boss. Or stacking the ads in a corner and burning down the boss and standing still and DPSing down a molten meatball. All these elite tactics need 15 minute delays and top secret clearance.
in awe at the size of this lad
he's a big boy
my original idea for a hidden 11th boss was ragnaros but he's dual wielding a 2nd sulfuras and he'd be called "ragnaros unleashed" or something

hire me fatgrend I'll fix your shit game for you
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hey soddies, come play EQ2 with me, it's still povpinvg ovff
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<Clover Club> Horde [NA] Crusader Strike RP-PVP is recruiting for Season of Discovery PHASE FOUR!

As we did in 2019 classic, we aim to clear content efficiently and have fun while doing it.

Group 1 - Friday 6PM PST
Group 2 - Saturday 6PM PST
Group 3 - TBD (likely Tuesday 6PM PST)

- A guild guaranteed to clear content - The most successful NA /vg/ guild, backed up by a track record of success during vanilla classic
- A clique-free, welcoming 5+ year old active and growing community
- No women/trannies
- Low-quality shitposters and retards need not apply
- PvP guild events + active discord/VC

Due to the viability of almost all specs, feel free to roll whatever you enjoy playing. We will have a spot for you.

Join now! Message anyone in-game with the OP post #. If you have any questions regarding the guild, feel free to add Exub on discord.
>clear all content
>couldn't even clear tbbc
that doesn't count
>sodomites ACTUALLY waited this many months for the molten scrotum
sod bros will not be able to recover from this
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sodsisters... whitemanebvlls are making fun of us again..
>here's the epic boss you've been waiting for 4 months bro
Cata lost
>you have to have 226 FR or else you just get 1-shot by fire mechanics
>you have to be exalted with hydraxian to even spawn the last boss
yeah this is the phase that's gonna bring back people to sod
at least cata doesnt have ballsacks for bosses
After all these years... we truly have defeated The Molten Core
Haven't played wow since legion and I'm bored with what I currently play. Is SoD worth a look for like a month or two? At first glance it does look more interesting than just playing classic for the 20th time.
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Anyone complaining has no one to blame but yourself.
>trash in onyxia's lair is hyperspawning
>you have to farm molten chore for 6 months while aggrend works on bwl gear
>all you get is a useless cosmetic
>hidden boss of bwl will be a floating wing of nefarian
is there an addon or a guide on when to downrank spells on a priest?
always did
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>the final boss in bwl is nefarions throne
Wait for SOD phase 1 classic
I wish
I'm not complaining, I'm laughing
with sod being the main game, I can't imagine how rushed and bad TWW will be
TWW has like 200 devs to Classic cumulatively having 10 across 4 game modes
Well to give you an idea, the servers went down for literally an entire day just to immediately disable the only new feature that came with the patch. Half of the talent trees came in a broken state because they're still actually working on them and haven't finished yet, they'll just update them to the "finished" versions on launch to try buy themselves more crunch time.
>heat level 1 drops less piece of loot per boss while being piss easy
Sod is saved
the same amount as it used to*
wow this pic surely aged very poorly
heat level 1 (faceroll easy): 3 pieces of loot per boss
heat level 3 (moderately difficult): 4 pieces of loot per boss
>(moderately difficult)
just a fire resistance check, that isnt real difficulty
the new boss was cleared with no wbuffs
brother I didn't say it was hard or any true test of skill
>p3 gets old quick
>play cata launch
>fun farming prebis
>excited for raiding
>quit 1 month in
>get back on SOD
>fun farming prebis
>raid day
>see floating fireball
>get kicked from guild
>quit before the raid even comes out
Jesus a couple months ago i thought I would be playing both versions. Now i'm pretty sure i'm donezo.
And apparently the TWW prepatch is alphaclysm levels of broken right now, and that's with 95% of the wow team working on it.
It's July 2024 and I'm wiping in Molten Core
>expansions and mainly Legion
>i wanna play this race but limit myself to this world because.... because
>see above
>expansions and also >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>implying blizzard balancing. See: soddy
>catch up that everyone hates allegedly? see: soddy phase 4
>Classic WoW already has that
>See soddy balance above
>cata (at this point this "leak" feels like yet another epic /v/ leak bait
wow look at that, 0 original ideas and/or philosophies, it's all borrowing from other things
before i get angry cryboomers, I'm up for a real classic+ shit, but at this point it just feels like chasing a rainbow unicorn honestly, good luck finding that AND catching it
go back to heat level 1
>aw man
and ctrl + w lmfao
>play the first month of cata (the most fun part
>play the first month of phase 4 (the most fun part)
>soon to play the first month of a new expansion on retail (the most fun part)

Yea I've figured out wow
We might be witnessing the death of classic here. Cata numbers already dropped below the halion bump and they'll probably drop to pure degen late stage ICC numbers by the time firelands comes out too late. No way in hell are the MC numbers going to be anywhere close to even the ST numbers. I know the streets are hyping up MOP classic but i doubt they even reach that
>pay $0 extra for cata
>pay $0 extra for sod
>pay $50 extra for TWW
That's where they lose me
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I'm expecting era to get a bunch of returning players in the coming weeks, beyond that I have no idea what to expect from the genius minds at Blizzard

Where do you even go from here? SoD / Classic players probably don't give a shit about retail, era is slowly losing steam, dare I say fresh?
>tfw you realize youve spent 20 years of your life leveling through elwynn forest
you know all their problems would be solved if they just released fresh
>probably drop to pure degen late stage ICC numbers
they already have desu, its not good
200 people couldn't finish a single 10 talent hero tree for rogue before release. truly legendary levels of incompetence on display
Freshjunkies are so fucking annoying but around now would be the perfect time for it, even though SOD has been a pseudofresh. What else can you do with a barebones team aside from pulling the FRESH lever?
>go from here
They need a bigger classic team. The problem is that their shitty hiring practices, shitty hiring pool and shit pay combined with microsoft trimming the fat is that they can really only focus on one "classic". Cata's polish and potential for tweaks like they did in TBCC and WOTLKC really suffered from SOD. Part of it is cata is almost at the "formula" they finalized in MOP, but they pretty much only do bugfixes with cata now. Depends on whether or not they do titan rune dungeons for firelands and DS but i can see them skipping em. SOD almost fucking died as a result of them going "holy shit cata isn't in a playable state and it's one month out".
Nah it's still above 250k on ironforge. Late stage is a like 75-100k away but depending on how many players SOD leeches away it could be only a couple weeks away. I can't believe i'm numbermonkeying around right now but the worst part of the graph is that the raiding pop already peaked at week 3, way too soon compared to TBC and wrath. It's almost guaranteed to follow the same falloff curve that hard raids have consistently gotten in classic (SWP ULD ICC)
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SoD might as well be completely dead at this point, I can't see anyone defending it after MC

>What else can you do with a barebones team aside from pulling the FRESH lever?

They should honestly just let CATA run its course, close down SoD and give us a fresh server while they take the time to work on something else. Having such a small team and working on multiple projects is one of the dumbest fucking things they could be doing, yet they're already trying to go in the classic+ direction while trying to maintain (and failing at):

>Classic era
>CATA (and beyond?)
soddies are pathetic
you just know that if fresh was a thing, nobody would be playing sod or even cata
>grind cata reps
>grind cata points
>grind TB dailies for bis trinkets
>grind raids

Why does cata suck so fucking much? It's so boring.
>we have to le go le back to le 40 man raids with nothing but fury warriors
the only people who want fresh are assblasted browns. the ONLY PEOPLE.
>classic grind good
>cata grind bad
Yes. Unironically grinding vanilla and TBC and wotlk was somehow more engaging than cata. Cata is unrelentingly boring for some reason.
I don't know what kind of degenerate raids you're joining, but most raids I've done on era were pretty mixed, if nothing else it makes loot distribution easier.
I'm not even a brownie but the more i play sod the more i realize that it's really only human male ret paladins and the odd druid/shaman that want or even care about sod. Everyone else wants 'niller. Even the holy pallies in my guild miss the good ol' days, mostly because blizz, for some inexplicable reason, removed the original colored lawlbringer set and replaced it with 3 other awful colors.
lawbringer always looked like shit. Judgement was always the GOAT set
The main problem is the powercreep relating to runes and them failing to control the spiral. We're doing TBC DPS already. As a result most of they spent too much time doing wide balance changes for 60, even more tuning the raid to feel good for these numbers, and less time actaully adding shit. It's sad because the real vendor was a really good touch alongside how you upgrade rep rewards into purples, but then you see MC and think "what was the fucking point of all of that?" They upgrade the cutlery, the plating, the drinks, and give you a really good appetizer, only to find out that the main course is spoilt rotten.
whats the bet that t2 recolors will also look like ass making rets even more butthurt
they could've saved a lot of time and effort on runes and shit and instead just ported tbc to vanilla, capped levels to 60 and called it a day
TBC fresh
unrionically should have though. just set tier 4 content equal tuning and gear to tier 1, tier 5 pegged to tier 2 and tier 6 pegged to tier 3. maybe Black temple more so 2.5
Alliance racials are pvp focused.
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>doing molten core heat 3 for extra drops
>cant equip the gear because ill go under 226 FR
the conflict inside will pull pretty much everyone who is playing sod away because those people clearly want retail mechanics/class design
You're both right and wrong. The main thing you should highlight is the devs are just incompetent baboons. SoD was advertised as very casual friendly, but the only thing they ended up doing was give SoM mechanics + recycled retail spells. This is nowhere near the level of difficulty of retail and obviously casual players don't wanna repeat the same raids for the same gear on higher difficulty. If you want actually challenging content, you simply go to retail, but the SoD turds who pretend they're world first raiders cannot clear a +5 key on retail so they just get their slice of glory on SoD. Just watch SoD numbers evaporate in the next 2 months to the point there will be legit less than 10K logs worldwide.
noob here, which expansion changed wow to like it is in retail? i mean the change in leveling speed, progress in general and absolute zero feeling of any accomplishment. was that cataclysm?
id go with mists
its not casual friendly at all. era is more casual friendly. you can just level, do dungeons and play the game without this stupid side piece of going completely out of your way to get runes that, for some, aren't even worth getting because they're terrible. the wild gods one for example is just so poorly designed. so i have to go to the hinterlands in an area where i'm expected to be around level 50 FIRST for an item, then go back to RFD to get another item where i'd typically be around level 40? should have been the other way around. but of course the devs never really played classic so i dont expect them to know something so basic as this
its a gradual change, no one expansion is really to blame for it. prot warriors are insanely broken for leveling in wrath, for example. you can find classes in retail that are weaker than wrath warrior leveling-wise.

leveling became what it is in retail over literally decades. I doubt the dev team is even happy with how it works but they can't really change it so it just stays the way it is forever.
im so disappointed in sod that i might check out tww so i guess their plan of getting eyes on retail worked? besides the start of a new expansion is always pretty cool but i tend to burn out after playing 2 weeks straight and then pushing heroic
>get linked weakaura
>download it
>it makes me /say "nigger" repeatedly
>it hides my weakauras so I can't disable it
Unironically CATA with the addition of transmog. Suddenly it was impossible to gauge what kind of gear a player was wearing, if they were a raider, a green geared scrub or a pvper.

Armor design also saw a significant drop in quality just in terms of aesthetics, Firelands had some cool looking sets but everything since then has been half-assed
How do I buy the author a beer
>SoD might as well be completely dead at this point, I can't see anyone defending it after MC
reddit is tripping over itself to defend sod. and any criticism they can't refute is always met with reminders of how barebones the classic team is. as if that's my problem as a consumer. i think you vastly underestimate the amount of slop blizzdrones are willing to consume.
wait thats right
what good is a bis list if i have to wear 300 fire resist
if i cant use the upgrades inside the raid because i have to wear fire resist, why the fuck am i playing this shit?
>shaman, druid and paladin mains rush to the defense of their sunk cost purchase
I’m an eternally mazed vanilla rat and even I would never defend the current crop of developers working on vlassic, they have no idea what they’re doing.
classic+ needs to add followers to dungeons so you can play solo
can't wait to see how badly nublizz fucks up paladin t2
i can't really explain why, but watching a 20man raid of molten core just felt lame as shit
Why don't you like MMOs bro
the purple one from tbc dungeons or the muted recolored one from legion would be pretty cool if they went with those but knowing faggrend he'll find a way to fuck it up

nice game aggrend
getting 20 morons together is easy. wrangling 40 tards together is a spectacle and part of the charm of vanilla
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can I get a quick rundown on the state of dps warlocks in the current phase of season of discovery
this was the first thing i asked when i saw the FR requirements. like what good is a sicko pve set if you have to replace half of it with resist gear with no offensive stats? i assumed they would be loading the tier gear up with resists to compensate but it seems that's not the case? and if so then what happens next tier when BWL will presumably require some arbitrary shadow resist requirement that necessitates you taking off half the gear you just spend an entire phase farming to replace with SR greens..
>doing some ST with my guild alt run
>rogue who recently joined comes along
>he's doing pretty poorly
>we start cheering him on in disc as more of a joke like "wow look at his dps dude you are killing it keep it up"
>starts turning into genuine encouragement because despite his awful gear and lack of runes he's trying
>out of nowhere the ret paladin pug links details in raid chat
>he's on top so i guess ok cool?
>nobody says anything
>we keep cheering on the rogue and generally just having a good time
>ret guy is clearly getting very frustrated, popping consumes every fight and wings on cd (he's 60 with pretty much full soulforge)
>he's now linking details after trash pulls too
>we've gone from kind of making fun of the rogue and having a good time to intentionally pissing off the ret by cheering on this rogue whenever he does anything
>ret is losing his mind at this point
>"if this is all it takes to get into your guild as a dps you guys aren't clearning MC"
lol ok dude chill
they just need to buff the tier gear, add +25 fr to each piece, so 200 FR wearing 8/8
if the tier gear is any good, i havent looked because i dont play this shit
and to add to this, given the binary nature of the fire res requirements with unresisted abilities hitting for 400k, when phase 7 rolls around and people are decked out in naxx gear, are they going to have to unequip half of their omegajuiced gear to go back and farm fucking molten core? these retard devs legit have zero foresight. it's unreal.
i feel it will only be a thing in molten core because of how much fire is on everything
the cape already exists for bwl to prevent the dot effect

imagine they put 226+ shadow resist in bwl, you might as well stop pvping as a warlock
but bwl already has the ony cloak for shadowflame
the NR will 90% come back for AQ since that was the original point in vanilla before wbuff optimization removed that from being necessary
>mfw classic is bigger pajeetware than fucking pservers
watch further in the vod, he kills thrall with the debuff and thrall is lootable but the gms teleport him away
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>What else can you do with a barebones team aside from pulling the FRESH lever?
Yeah I don't think people realize the shit show that's going on. I'm not saying Blizzard is poor and dying. Look at this graph and lets take a role call.
>Season of discovery
>Mini games like plunderstorm
All of these different types of WoW to try to get people to keep playing. And what do 5 different versions of WoW and a mini game get? Subscriber counts equivalent to legion from 7 years ago.

Genre is a sinking ship. It sucks, but its gonna happen. I wonder what will be left in 10 years.

Agreed. No idea what the SoD counts look like atm. But myself and friend group are a lot less motivated this phase. Personally for me, raiding wasn't what I was looking for in classic WoW. It's a part of it, but not something I wanted to be the focus in an attempt to return to it. But it seems like having a small team split so many ways is only a short term increase in sub count. I think once people get "tired" of this methodology cause they can't keep up with demands, subs will drop again and they will "refocus". Close down some of these versions.
lmao at this jank, the competency crisis is really hitting us hard :(
11th boss is just a giant ball of fire named 'The Molten Core' lol, lmao and maybe even roflmao
>competency crisis
it's just called CORRUPTION
its pyroblast scaled 800%
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Blizzard knows it over, they already contacted Sodapoppin to revive OnlyFangs and Hardcore, expect an E-Celeb campaign to shill HC starting on Monday.
Just play final fantasy xiv already lmao.
I wonder if Reckful was still around he'd make fun of the contracts like he used to
Did they revert the Druid idol change? Wowhead deleted the post
people are saying mc is too hard

blizzard even deleted the blue post and I dont see them saying anything about it
now that classic is dead and buried what's a fun game to play
And the cure?
Fashy! Und! Freshy!
i havent played sod since i hit lvl 50 whenever that new phase came out, should i resub to lvl up to 60 or is it not worth it?
Play the cataclysm sir and prepare for the mists of pandaria like the rest of us
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>Playing TBC Season of Discovery.
>Guild finally takes down Kil'jaden in the Sunwell
>The secret final boss activates.
>It's just the turd he left in the Sunwell
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I'm playing Zenless Zone Zero with some fighting games on the side.

Gachas just straight up won over the MMO model. Modern Blizzard isn't worth my time or money.
i dont like zzz or hi3, but i agree on the gachas winning over mmo model
did you ever play dragalia lost before nintendo axed it?
blizzard could recreate that game entirely using the wow storyline and focus on making good and interesting bosses like that game had
theyd rather put out mobile slop like warcraft rumble instead
sodsisters, we'll get to fight the actual evil that is the ziggurat naxxramas to once and for all cleanse the plaguelands, aren't you excited?
the final boss in naxx wont be kelthuzad itll be mr bigglesworth
>aren't you excited?
with the shitshow they released yesterday? at this point i seriously hope they don't touch Classic+.
>put down an explosive trap in av
>crits everybody for 3k
>half of their entire raid dies
>theres 5 other hunters on my team doing exactly the same thing
surely you picked the right class, right /wowc/?
I don't play on clown funservers
ok now that we can all agree sodsisters lost, can we get a fresh server?
>can be cast from 40 yards away
>triggers instantly
>3k crit
meanwhile starsure does 600 damage and its apparently brokenly OP and had to be nerfed IMMEDIATELY
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Ah to each their own. I haven't played dragalia but yeah, the fact Blizzard couldn't come up with anything more than adding retail abilities, "lol just farm 240 fire res" and a fucking flaming meatball is pathetic to say the least. Even dumb pservers like Chromiecraft maintained by a single scriptkiddie made far more interesting class changes and boss encounters.

If Project Epoch turns out okay I'll probably try that, the betas were pretty fun and it's one of the more transparent pserver crews out there. For now I'm happy to play free chinkie actionslop for a few hours a day.
Cata and Sod was the combo that killed classic.
reddit trannies have turned on SoD finally.
It's over, no amount of astroturfing can save fatggrend now.
Expect a 3 hour Countdown to Classic podcast where Josh will defend the SoD team and gargle their cum.
some normies still cope that phase 5 will be good.
fresh classic is coming in september-october 100% now
i wish this was true, but its not. they wont do a fresh for a long time. theyre too deep now, they have to keep doing sod and let it run its course, same with cata they need to let it finish. then maybe they will maybe consider doing fresh.

jk they will do mop classic.
Cata won BIGLY. Get on your fucking knees and accept it soddies.
not really. they are both trash
if sub counts drop (and they will since sod is shit) and TWW releases the end of august it would just make sense to open a fresh classic server in september-october so that they can keep up the numbers during last quarter
it would make sense ECONOMICALLY so there is a chance shitzard follows this path
On your knees! Worshipping what?

Gdpk? Won BIGLY
India? Super powers 2025
Wannabe white? Lost BIGLY
unless the streamer shills dont start all collectively shitting on sod or just not streaming it, it wont matter. all the lemmings just play what they play. which is why aggrend and streamers have their tongues in each others assholes.
If blizzard wasn't a DEI Nepo shitheap they'd just hire the vanilla+, Epoch and Ascension guys and pay then an unlimited budget (150$/day).

But that would mean accepting whites>>>>>kikes>>>feceskins.
I unfortunately agree with you but we need some hopium
im staying on pservers till they do fresh classic. or if by some MIRACLE they do classic+ without it being shit. id rather play on a dead pserver or play other games than subscribe for the dogshit that is sod/cata/retail
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>caca numbers are a disaster and it's only phase 1
>won bigly
lol, LMAO
Post SoD numbers sir
who says I'm playing sodomy you retard?
Post private server number
>season loses 95% of its population before lvl 60
>people are FINALLY turning on SoD

Right. Quite literally no one cares about this steaming pile of shit created by DEI hires on minimum wage. When you have prvate servers maintained by eastern euro slavic scum being paid in vodka and weed who produce better products you know it's fucked.
>i can't really explain why, but watching a 20man raid of molten core just felt lame as shit
Maybe because MC is a lame piece of shit raid that was made in an extremely short period of time? And all attachment you have for it can be chalked up to nostalgia? And that you've cleared it a million times as you chase every previous "fresh" how can a new server for a fucking solved 20-year-old game be fresh? server, constantly re-starting your character in an attempt to feel the wonder of doing it for the first time again?
>in an attempt to feel the wonder of doing it for the first time again
What is this head canon. The world is more fun that the treadmill, and it's empty outside of fresh.
Don't bother. Jews, like him, will never understand.
>who produce better products
but this isn't true
Retail won..

holy soddy winny roo!
imagine being a normal player who had waited months for something new only to be met with this. at least grifters got paid to waste their time, but damn!
I legitimately got out 2 weeks after p3 and i managed to convert all my gold. Im so glad I'm out of that shithole.
>turdle wow got assassinated
>sod is fucking dogshit
>era is stale
classicsisters...it's over
>admitting you played sod at all
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now that every version of wow is DOA
it's time to return to the reals discission:
which goon troon makes you coom coom?
I actually had hope. But it's entirely obvious they have no idea what they're doing. The funniest thing is that they can't make it into a functional waygate to retail because they are driving both classic and retail players away with their incompetence. Every soddie still playing this abhorrent abomination should be publicly shamed and ridiculed.
They need to add a second 6p bonus to T1 which adds +100 FR whilst in MC. It will make T1 go from ~45 to ~145 for a 6p, so around 205 with totems, and 225 with the cloak enchant. So you only need one more tier piece or revered AD enchant or one libram or one literally anything else instead of having to use 2 librams, cloak enchant, drakefire medallion, a couple of upgraded TB rep items, etc to block half your bis
we are here for now
Based on the survey they sent out to certain streamers / friends & family, they have absolutely no idea what to do with classic+ beyond just grafting retail features onto classic.

Sad part is the community doesn't care or want vanilla in its purest form, they like the idea of playing vanilla, but they hate most everything about it. So even if get community voted changes they will only lead to the game becoming retail-lite.
no one is there
why cant wowcg have game discussion like other threads?
i'm there right now, troon
Is classic back? Is it fun?
like what?
>oh boy, I sure love spamming shadowbolt for 2 hours in my raid with no mechanics!
classic has no gameplay, it's social media before social media was invented and thus it's gameplay has nothing worth discussing
>1 insta indirect schizo seethe reply
Holy shit this general is dead. Classic lost Lmao
theres a reason the game didnt stay in vanilla forever
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>awwww maaaaaaaan, this game is soooooo baaaaaaaaad, i caaan't belieeeeeeve this is what claaaaaasssiccc has becoooooooome
>*can't quit*
they're not called junkies for no reason, just remember that
someone post the frog comic
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that was fast
right place right time
and just wanted to check casually and lo and behold, he's playing soddy lmfao
stick around for some molten crybooms soon
Its time go grow up and move on. Classic is gone and only for mentally ill private cucks refusing reality
Alliance cucks. Just solo it like shamans. If you want something so bad, farm it yourself.
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You're wrong here. Private server rats are on private servers. Era only has gold sellers and manchildren who refuse to let go. S*D has only parsepigs who believe parsing in MC makes them world class players.
>sods new p4 priest rune requires running a full strat but killing the postmen and all bosses in a specific random order, and then having other people use items on the bosses to suck their souls, and then use the souls at urns in a specific order and if you fuck any of it up you have to start over
>Just to unlock basic class functionality

No one can ever convince me these faggot devs actually play this game
Thats a long fucking time bro
classic...is dead??
ganking people while they're just about to finish escort quests has to be one of the top 5 things to do in this game
link to crybooming please
Tbc. Adding talent points was what broke the camels back. They now needed new talent trees and created a spiraling problem. By wod there was so many abilties they pruned half. Now with draginflight there is jjst as many preprune and even more talents
yeah, even me as a vanilla fan will agree vanilla isnt a perfect game it has a lot of flaws, but its more enjoyable than other versions. and when you make big changes to it like with sod or hypothetical classic+ you just end up with retail-lite.
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>4 clueless posts
Sounds like people think they know what they want but they really don't know anything
anyone saying something different is retarded
I know what I want, pure vanilla.

honestly at this point, i would be happy with a fresh era realm as it currently is.
>they like the idea of playing vanilla, but they hate most everything about it
kek this is just nostalgia at its finest
era has some serious flaws, but it's currently the best thing we have in regards to a vanilla server
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soddie are you ok? are you ok soddie?
then go play it
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I am, just hit 60 on my third char
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>classic+ survey found
>be me
>have sex near daily with my gf
>have a job and go to the gym
>pvp god
>never watched a streamer in my life
>think anime/gatcha is pathetic
>don't live in 'irony' on 4chan
Guess what? I'm enjoying sod p4. Compare yourself to me and make your own conclusions
just below killing a melee after they open on you and just above not paying third worlders for summons
>be me
>jack off near daily with my fleshlight
>take benefits and sit at home all day
>pve god
>never read a book in my life
>think anime/gatcha is amazing
>live in 'irony' on 4chan
Guess what? I'm enjoying sod p4. Compare yourself to me and make your own conclusions
seething lmao
seething lmao
Genuinely embarrassing display. When's the last time you had a meaningful conversation with a woman (not mother) anon?
Genuinely embarrassing display. When's the last time you had a meaningful conversation with a woman (not mother) anon?
I'm in the bath right now so we can chat about what's been on your mind if you like? Which version of wow are you currently playing?
retoilets are making fun of us again...
>going up before MC even opened
yeah, im thinking soddy is back
>here's why losing 90% of your playerbase is a good thing
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I'm quitting SoD raiding because it's too hard.
dude that is a GRIEF that gotta be a grief THATS A GRIEF if i die thats GRIEF 100% A GRIEEEF
did you try equipping the arbitrary fire resist requirement that makes you immune to all damage, sis?
Am I the only one who thinks needing resists is cool? I can only assume you're all retail broken parse brains who don't like doing less damage
it needed to be a bigger part of itemization like it is in arpgs or it needed to exist outside of it completely, like with enchants or maybe specific quests that could add resistance to items

the current system is shit
i have no issue with resist gear but making abilities do 400k damage and requiring an amount that forces you to take off half your actual gear and creates a pass/fail state is objectively bad design. and this requirement will remain for the remainder of sod even into naxx.
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resist gear is the ultimate brackism
>phase 7
>players are doing ulduar levels of damage and have 12k healthpools
>ok guys we're going back to farm molten core tonight so please remember to take off your tier3 and put on your cinderhide armsplints of the monkey
bindings dropped for kungen!!!
Game is so dead and the devs so lazy that they juice the loot drops for streamers.
Hail to the king, baby
it was the joos
wow this thread really fell off
instead of keeping the thread alive with your totally not ironic dead game posts why don't you talk about the game? >>487760061
I just wiped an UBRS run

how long have you been a cryboomer?
why did they break lock pets in cata
get farmed clown
Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that cata and sod ruined classic.
vanillachads won
Mmmm nyo.
Cryboomers like you did.
You got one part right
spoilers, it was sod that ruined everything
>plays male tauren
>permanently using items that change your appearance
why tho, why pick tauren then?
>l-le stomp
nigger you don't use that shit in pve
nigger no one cares about taurens in pvp
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i wanna roll a char on ERA to just do bgs with and MAYBE some world pvp.
>ele shaman
which one is the most ez mode in bgs and open world? .
>page 10
its safe to say that this is not only the most dead WoW general, but the most dead /vg/ general
thanks Soddy
More hp. Big health pools are peak boomercore
i thought era was thriving, thoughbeit.
being sub 20k world wide isn't something to be proud of
private servers were like that, but no one cared back then lmao
what is a brackism?
>Brooo... so like, the raid is called Molten Core, right?
>So what if... stay with me... we make the new boss a giant rock... and call it The Molten Core?
>Kino, right?
Any retards still hoping for Classic+ now lmfao?
>twitch frog
nice, no need to read a single line on that post now
>soddies defended this
I'm afraid to see what the sod p4 population numbers are going to be in a week or two. If it's as low as many people think Blizzard is going to see this as there not being demand for a Classic Plus.
>Still trusting blizz to do classic+
Holy mazed, ratman.
let them, else they'd be clogging every other wow version begging for fresh or classic+
let them believe soddy is classic+ (which it objectively is)
>which it objectively is
It's not a progressive server therefor it is not classic+ you fucking idiot.
>It's not a progressive server
how is it not? there's "new" world content, raids and class changes releasing every 3 months along with balance patches
how is that not progressive?
I finally quit DotA after they expanded the map, I don't feel like it's DotA anymore and a lot of veterans I know quit as well; the player base today consists of generations '05 - '12 faggots who want an alternative to LoL and the game panders to them
thinking you do when you dont
RDF, and it's not even a contest
oh shit I misread the post, late WotLK patches changed WoW to look like retail and Cata was the death sentence
>like it is in retail?
Modern retail? Legion.
>Blizzard is going to see this as there not being demand for a Classic Plus.

After SoM and SoD? No way i'd trust them with classic+
>noooo they're cashulizing the game by giving them camp stack timers and tower range
ok bye
wotlk started killing the community with RDF
cata was the final blow with raid finder

leveling was over time and a consequence of level inflation, the level squish, and just in general the game became more end game focused as soon as TBC came out.

Every phase/season/patch was always a soft-reset, but moreso once (I think) Legion, when they made all the ilvl drops go up each raid tier. Legion also started the M+ meta and save the game with a new endgame mechanic that people actually liked.
>muh dungeon community
biggest gaslight of wowfags, nowadays you make a dungeon party and all you see is "hi, bye"
>play druid
>use my 1.5 min cooldown
>get stunned
>my cooldown is completely nullified doing no damage
>pull every single mob to me within 30 yards

>be hunter
>do 3k aoe crits 40 yards away
>chim shot for 2k
>literally 2 shot almost anybody from 40 yards away with a very short cooldown
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>you kill the molten core in the molten core raid
>"this is actually pretty clever"
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bros, is the molten core real? is it a superboss? does it the drop the best loot? i havnt played since p2
so what am i supposed to do after i clear mc and onyxia for the week
What do you want to do?
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>trying to get into ony pugs on my hunter
>finally get a message back
onyxia doesnt even drop anything good does she..
Resistance gear is fucking shit and boring. The fact that they made it a HARD requirement for heat 3 speaks volumes that they have no fucking idea about what people find fun.
how will bwl save sod
Just don't do heat 3 then?
New boss after Nefarian named Blackwing.
>its just a really really big whelp model
>use balance druid cloak rune on onyxia
>pulls all the whelps immediately
its almost like this was a problem they fixed in retail
sorry but i flat out fucking refuse to play a version of classic where melee hunters of all things dominate this hard over other melee specs. what a joke
enjoy your faggy funserver
>They're still forcing the melee hunter meme
Why? Why do they do this? Do they not understand that the melee survival spec on retail is the most hated spec in the entire game? NO ONE FUCKING WANTS MELEE HUNTER. WE USE GUNS FOR A FUCKING REASON, RETARDED TRANNYDEVS!
the devs are out of touch morons
>fun server is supposed to be an insult
classic players are cooked
No one uses guns retard bro
This heat levels system is giga cancer, should've just left MC alone other than tuning it for 20 men
put the 300 fire resist on so you can get those extra drops

too bad you cant equip them because you need to wear fr instead
a fun server is one where you can get goofy abilities, access to the best gear just by paying money, basically playing the game with cheats
are sarthe and monkeynews the only blacks to even touch SoD?
how could you forget /ournigga/ crix
I thought he was some sort of brown asian
mn is the only one with any skill and actually made entertaining youtube content. his streams are a snoozefest though
>balance druid high dps on low percentiles of the easiest mode
>balance druid ground level 90th percentile or in higher difficulties
its fucking over bros
>fire mage
f**k sod
Why is there no new pvp content this phase? There was already none in phase 3, so I thought they'd give us something to do this phase...
Go play dota 2 minigamer
I think we should drop the fun server name. Newfags get confused, we shall call it retard servers from now on.
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Bros why did they make every class's rotation the least enjoyable version of it
I dont want to have to keep up 3 dots on my already 7 button rotation
SoD has proven that a) people don't really want classic+ and b) even if some do want it, the current blizzard team are incapable of pulling it off
most agree that TBC had some of the best balancing of classes and content so they could just port that shit over to vanilla and after a few numbers tweaks call it a day. either that, or just give us fresh vanilla>tbc>wrath and repeat every 5 years or whatever. some would sub for life for that. nobody asked for this retail slapped on to vanilla shit that is SoD. nobody.
Would you buy this chart?
How do I not get killed in less than 1.5 seconds in AV? Who do I pay?
SoD is bad. thank you for listening to my woke talk
ranged class
SoD has proven that FnF posters are beyond right...
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why would i EVER play on ANY classic server that is INFESTED with retail faggots/trannies, because the sub is linked together, and these faggots/trannies treat this CLASSIC server worse than their own TOILETS??? these faggots/trannies see classic ENJOYERS as subhuman RETARDS that is morally acceptable to RAPE AND PILLAGE and cheat at every opportunity?
why are amerikkkans such pussies?
tranny chaser
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I regret ever leveling a warrior on era

>have no desire to tank, absolutely zero
>most groups expect you to tank
>groups that are looking for dpsers don't want a fury warrior, mainly because the tank doesn't like you rolling on their gear
>getting preraid BiS kinda sucks, farming HoJ is a pain, as is getting most of the hit rating gear
tanking as a warrior in era is literally just playing fury you pussy
A wrath server that's level locked to 60 and with some stuff adjusted/removed/reverted to how it was in vanilla would've been way easier and more fun than whatever slop SoD is supposed to be. Mutilate still doesn't have an animation because it's apparently not possible for technical reasons (according to aggrend) what the fuck man
pls respond
>SoD has proven that a) people don't really want classic+
Elaborate. If anything, people quitting Phase 2 after finding out they weren't going to get classic+ with sod suggests otherwise, people do want classic+ and not some shitty substitute.
is there any point in having skinning if you're not the guild / raid skinner? Rugged leather is barely worth selling
loser neet pserf getting trolled by even bigger loser pserf neets

>guy named caitlin
>female dwarf
holy fucking faggot
No shit, did you not see the paris olympics opening ceremony? It was 90% homo faggotry.
>wowg gets daily threads
>wowcg thread on its third day
people quit after phase 2 because it was no longer fresh. classic plus is a reddit meme for people too stupid to see tbc is what theyre looking for
Era is dead
SoD is dead
Hardcore is dead
Cataclysm pretty much on its deathbed already
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as opposed to worshipping niggers, jews and trannies? american flavor of globohomo isn't much better sis. but nobody likes the fr*nch for a reason anyway
>retard pally needs my agi ring

Holy fuck, like 6 pieces of gear have dropped for me in the past few dungeons and I have lost all the rolls for them.
having to group and communicate with retadins is punishment for playing alliance

think of it as a tax
shut up f1nnster
kek id stop making fun of vanilla purists if they made this point. if you only play horde and vanilla, you NEVER have to interact with p*ladin players ever.
Did era lose like half its playerbase in the last two weeks?

Been struggling to get a Sunken Temple group together all day, no SR raids, more bots in any given zone than actual players
they went back to retail
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Its over for Staychud1488
Time to fully go all in on Punkrat tier amerislop politics
I see you here Matt and you are cringe. Your wife is JEWISH so it makes sense you love MIGA!
>more bots than actual players
So nothing has changed. Everyone is playing SoD or Retail.

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