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#1074: Chinesse Propaganda Edition
Previous: >>486914313
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Megaman games as well as original titles developed by IntiCreates.

>/mmg/ news
Patch for Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on Five Islands is in progress
MM3 and X1 prototype roms were shown but not dumped
Capcom lied to it’s investors and said they were going to make more Megaman

>fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine, X4 for PC and X7 demake engine are open-sourced
MMVGB remake on pause
MMGB remasters announced
Megaman Unlimited 2 has a trailer

>/inti/ news:
Card-en-Ciel will be released in October 24th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO4njobE1uQ [Embed]
New world for Card-en-Ciel, Love Above the Rooftops: https://youtu.be/TfygGY5sNoc?si=PXghKd_Vv_0xglIn
Inticreates Gold Archive Collection to be released August 20th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE7K4w5d8f4
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit, which was the mystery game in Bitsummit, will be released in Winter 2024

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Akira Kitamura has returned, made a Twitter account and has a Mega Man project coming up though it's not a game or a music album.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time
I have no shitpost this time, what Capcom said to their investors feels like a joke on itself

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
who will finally get a game first, /mmg/ or /srwg/
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Link power bros....!
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Roll is fucking shit
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Who the fuck is this?
Oh, she's from Battle Network. No wonder I didn't recognize her.
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Choina won, Netopia lost.
Fun fact, Roll isn't protective of Rock out of jealousy.
Woman is just racist.
What if Mega Man were to appear in the next Super Robot Wars game. He was in the mobile game, X-Omega.
X Legacy collection 3 soon
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I think we had a discussion about this long time ago

if we just start with the X series, X is range and Zero is melee of course. Question is whether they'll lean more towards real or supers. Debatably X should go real while Zero can go super because of maverick superpowers

X can get upgrades over the course of the game part by part (and shows up in animation), giga attack is a MAP. Alternatively you can let him hotswap falcon/gaea armors.
Zero self-destructs in the first 10 chapters and then comes back or something.

And of course General is being tricked by Char to drop the colony.
Damn brats, walking around demanding correction!
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My only experience with Battle Network is Network Transmission, the first volume of the manga, and a couple episodes of the anime.
the correction insurrection
Is Iris a secret character you can save? That feels like something SRW would do.
They'd both be SS size so unless Zero gets some absurd skill like the Belial he's not tanking shit to become a super.
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>what Capcom said to their investors feels like a joke on itself
What happened?
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>During Capcom's 45th General Shareholders meeting, one attendee asked about the company's plans for the Mega Man series. Capcom's response was to the point: "Mega Man is one of our highly-valued IPs and we are considering how to create games for it on an ongoing basis."
>another investor inquired if the results of the Capcom Super Elections, where Mega Man was a very popular candidate, would influence the production of new titles in general. Capcom replied: "We value all our IPs and are considering ways to utilize them not only in games but in other media as well. For games, we believe the gameplay and specific appeal that an IP holds are important. We take a multifaceted approach to our games, including new titles, remakes, ports, and collections."
maybe he only gains super traits in maverick mode then. like super ignore size and shit
yes but the only difference is she shows up in dialogue occasionally. That feels like something SRW would do.
>Mega Man World 3 DX GBC (Translated to Brazilian Portuguese)
I knew it was one of you
>complete non-answer
How can /mmg/ shitposts compete?
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There's a serious lack of chinese propaganda in this thread. Lots of filthy Neot***ns tho.
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Our hero shield attacker did it
More like a straigh up lie
She's too cute and funny to be stopped
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Oh right, Mayl and probably Roll.exe are half black and just pass for Japanese.
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Remember to have solidarity with the rest of the working class in the popular struggle.
struggle sessions
4 hours a session (sometimes overtime)
2-3 times a week on weekends
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The popular struggle to end the capitalist yoke has no schedule.
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Today's Inti stream will be iXcellent.
I can feel it in my bones.
>if Zero goes to sleep for a century, somehow Alia finds a husband
I really really like this image
Avert your eyes before you start thinking to collectivize.
>if Zero goes to sleep for a century, he somehow ends in slop hell
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cute progs
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>showing off the collection first
So much for that.
Is it worth posting in here today? Feels like janny is going to get angry and delete.
Chuuba plays MM3
Just do it, nothing is impossible.
Chuuba plays DASH2
Forget about all that commie propaganda and join the templars instead. We got big butt hebes.
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>posts a confirmed noass
The meat on those child delivering hips says otherwise
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>Lumenfags still mad that their idol was graduated for good and never got a solo game
after zoamelgustar-sama
>Tries to show Lola has ass
>Uses a picture that displays that she has barely no ass and fanart
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So apparently there's a game called Planet Garden IV with Christmas Miku. Fascinanting.
>X4 is considered the best
>boring vanilla platforming
>X6 is considered the worst
>engaging chaos gameplay
why do rokuman fans hate fun
>X6 is considered the worst
>engaging chaos gameplay
stockholm syndrome
>X7 is considered the worst*
>all this to cope that she really has no ass
Chuuba plays Z4 (p2)
>X4 is considered the best
literally because of the anime cutscenes
>Dark Roro over the regular one for the idol spot
Pack it up. Ass or no ass, you just can't beat hot evil women.
>you just can't beat hot evil women
GV and Copen do it quite often.
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It's over, Inti has been defeated by the ESG menace. Or by the Youtube guidelines.
It's the funniest shit to me how prudish they get over fiction, but if you tell real woman to cover up more then suddenly you're literally satan.
That's what happens when you set them on fire
So Prado is both the hottest and the coolest woman at the same time.
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Oh no
heya, heya
Oh no
Here be "The Count Feliz"
Der Frühling blue tit in Paris
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Did you know tits and boobies might refer to actual birds? I thought that was interesting. Imagine them being used as an X boss.
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These are the sort of people who say that the Earth is flat
X6 armorless soon
Darknass Trigger too powerfull for YouTube and Luke from the streets
That shows more thighs than ass here.
One should have been just a white sheet just to take the piss out of YouTube
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Evil women do tend to mog the heroine almost every single time when it comes to anime.
is he going to put that evil eye in her booty hole?
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All communist revolutions so far have failed because the damn brats start to care about private property once they have to share their ojisan
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That's a she...I think... that's what says in the fluffbook
Reviews are irrelevant, reviewers are brainlets and tastelets.
>People here do think that Diabellstar is a dude
Except when they agree with me.
i don't know what the fuck that even is and i am going off a HAND
why would a girl want to shove something in another girl's ass??????????????????
Zero Collection (DS) or Zero Legacy Collection (Switch)? I just want to play Zero 3 with the Japan-only content that is missing on GBA.
>X4 is considered the best
>boring vanilla platforming
>X6 is considered the worst
>engaging chaos gameplay
All the DS content is in the switch version
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maam that's assault
The janny doesn't do shit. There's a fag blatantly posting vtuber shit and the mods do nothing about it.
It's always okay when women do it, chud.
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Did you know that if you only have netnavi cum or pussy juice as food you won't have to shit or piss?
>zero has a bad few years of elf wars
>has to body swap
>wakes up to blond girl telling him x is evil, reploids are being killed
and zero never breaks poker face
Because it's not Zero by that point it's Inti's crappily written self insert
Is it true that Team Colonel is objectively better than Protoman? I prefer the latter's characters and plot by a long shot but i've heard Toadman is broken and i want to have an easy time with the postgame
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You can't eat digital information anon. Wrong franchise for that.
He has a tender gaze. According to Ciel.
Ciel never comments on it
so no x9, legends 3, zx3 or starforce 4?
Z series is basically a fanfic, don't think too hard about it
>Literal not canon material
Do you think Ciel just breaks down into song canonically at the end of Zero 4 like some corny Disney film or something
Not with that attitude you won't.
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Long story short. That hand belongs to a girl who used to be bullied by the blonde girl
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Duuude, there's next to no chance Crapcom will make a BN Dive.
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Meddy requires you to beat the tiles in both extremes to clear a line, while Toadman just sings and gives the ability to clear a line to another character. It's easier in that aspect but aside from that there's not much advantage on a team over the other, your chip folder is what make or break the postgame liberations.
With me*
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Adept genetics seem to work exactly like gacha rolls which kind of makes sense. Most bosses would be the equivalent of those five-star units while the average person ends up one of those low-rarity character with bad artwork. (But still noticeably more attractive than a normal human)
Then you get exceptions like Elise and Grazie.
IIRC some version of Team Protoman has a bug where Meddy ability is completely broken
so mega man is dead?
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SoloMiso my beloved.
Elise is that one unit that broke the game, had to be patched out silently and never talked about ever again outside of forum that need a low hanging fruit about how hard the devs can screw up the balance of a game.
That's in the initial the jap release, the bug was fixed in the international releases.
Could be worse. Imagine having powerful adept parents and siblings but you're just a minos.
No power, no good looks, no advanced intellect. All you have is being a rounding error.
Don't worry, if you get your kilos as a male, you will get more pussy than a cat shelter.
Well, you WILL outlive everyone around you and if you don't mind to slice your lifetime in half, you could eat like a pig and that rounding error into a rounding victory
Dats Lev.
Megaman 12 will feature a playable Roll.
>Megaman 12
crapcom milking the franchise as usual
Was believable until you said playable Roll.
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shoulda just said megaman powered up 2
Gunvolt operates by shonen logic, not hentai logic.
Background uggos don't get anything.
2 or 3

3 if less peppy
What's wrong with pep?
>doesn't know Luke from Streets drew a fat ass on stream
darkness noass has no power
Was believable until you said Megaman 12 will.
And yet even Yamcha ended up a pro athelete
>tell ciel zero sees that reploid girl all the time
>Classic again
No thanks
Didn't he also get a cute hebe alien girlfriend too eventually?
needs to wait like 1000 years to marry.
So, you're saying we're getting X9 with playable Alia.
That's just X8.
DiVE has existed for years now.
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Says this when there's a snek that attacks by doing poledancing
Of a dude
And how is that relevant at all? Fat ugly normals not getting shit would still happen Serpentine or no Serpentine.
You are wrong. Both in snek terms and what you said about the fat bastards
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Are you a lolicon?
I am a Levicon.
>the original version had bare legs
>she deleted it and reposted it with stockings
They were the first ones to fall. It's hard to follow the orders of your overlords when a girl out of your animes just wants to live in your closet
How many Capcom characters wear blue?
>Cope 2.0 except he has easier access to Septima-based weaponry thanks to his siblings
>also he fights *for* Adepts instead of against them
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No I'm not.
>Gunvolt operates by shonen logic, not hentai logic.
Nobody tell him about Zonda
that she died because shonen logic dictates the crazy loli dies?
The girl who died because she's the bad guy of the story? Yeah what about her.
When was the last time a shonen MC killed a loli?
Gunvolt 2.
One word anon, Dattebayo
So the last example you can think of is from 8 years ago. That sounds like an exeption and not the rule
No, that proves Gunvolt is a shonen. Because if it was hentai logic he'd go full Rance on her body.
That's bullshit believe it!
Actually no. Female antagonists have a very low survival rate on hentai but they rarely if ever die on Shonen, hell even the male villians have a 50/50 chance of becoming friends with the MC after they lose to him.
Yet Gunvolt didn't rape her. No rape, no hentai logic.
>No rape, no hentai logic
Because people like you, when we finally got on screen rape it was a miko raping a dog
Somebody here hasn't seen La Blue Girl. When the MC doesn't rapes a female enemy is because she's 100% about to die, the ultimate death flag in hentai.
Actually she was raping a dragon, not a dog.
And GV could have raped AND killed her, not necessarily in that order.
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Fan No Hitori didn't direct that game. But if he did, I bet the story will have made more sence and ending would not be as retarded. Hell, people might even be asking for a legit Kirin spin off.
Anon, people are talking about GV2, not GV3.
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he doesn't remember anything though
I think at the very end of Z1 he starts to remember, and even then the first thing he remembers is "yup you're not X".

Now what's funny is that he then spends the next year in the desert autistically slashing X clones
wait, they got a new bitch on the inti stream
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>another virulent hater of lolicon busted for having CP
It just keeps happening.
arf! I want one
>Sorry, I forgot to draw Kalinka's tights, so I'll upload it again! Apologies.
the original was taken down seconds after this was posted
Which would you say has better games between x legacy collection 2 and classic legacy collection 2 ?
classic no question
one can go so far as to claim that every game in classic2 is better than every game in xlc2, putting personal enjoyment of X6 and X7 aside
classic, no question
Kyle Carroza, a former CN show runner. For mighty magiswords.
Linabros we were too cocky
I heard he blacklisted a girl from the animation industry over Invader Zim pornography
sonia + luna = suna
Iirc he shared her art page, Twitter I think, with coworkers and got everyone to harass her and eventually remove her from the industry.
Once again black women are shown to ge superior.
>coomerkek still seething
lmao daibu more like dead
Well since we are in waterboarding hours. Did anybody here saw how hard ArcSys censored Dizzy?
they dressed her up as a miko, meaning she's getting even sluttier
No, I kinda stopped following Strive after I got done with perusing Bridget content when she launched.
who gives a shit about guilty gear after Xrd
cry more faggot hope they keep censoring your favorite slop
In reality she's basically wearing a burca
Inti isn't gonna do that, at least for now. Mega Man is dead so it doesn't matter what Crapcom does anymore and Shantae is getting a pin up book. So now let's hear you cry about those things.
>Inti isn't gonna do that
they are going bankrupt even better
They will also add a character from Edgerunners and you just know that both parties got upset when they saw that most of the replies in the comments were "where's Rebecca?"
>Inti isn't gonna do that, at least for now
they've already started
NTA but if things were going that bad, they would already have pressed the Pupuya red button.
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Lucy lived on the moon while Rebecca got smashed
they literally crawled to make a yohane game. They're chasing the western money now so that button's gone.
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Lucy is already forgotten while Rebeca is still making both Project Red and ArcSys seethe
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i was expecting David :(
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>he says while seething that it wasn't rebecca
grey is so unlucky
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>there's a Kirin brain jar somewhere in Asimov's basement
Now we only need iX3 to put her brain in one of these Mantis robots and she'll officially be a Fan no Hitori character.
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>no matter how each timeline goes, the character's birth is fixed
>it's wholly possible that BB exists in the Asimov timeline
how horrifying
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More card-en-ciel, now with playable blade
iX3 real?
always has been
My bestie
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Naw, too large.
Shadow Yakumo was responsible of preventing Sumeragi from doing stuff like Asimov. Also they are a liability in that timeline. I won't be surprised if Asimov made an example out of them at best and went full on human farm on those mikos at worst.
Mmm... Colonel's manly chest
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Nah, odds are they just got rebranded as elite footsoldiers.
>World Flipper
Compared to the usual fodder, yes.
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>kohaku is supernaturally skilled
So she's somewhere below the 7th wave, interdasting.
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on the other hand
possesses, huh...
Dumb and genki is good. Not as good as dumb and smug, but still good.
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>5th and especially 6th level used to be special that they would be recorded in history
>in the far future they're pretty much on the same level as any other Minos
Pretty fucked tbqhwy
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>you can play as Blade!
>in a card game
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Far future? GV3 is not even a hundred years after 2, and by then anyone not being a 7 on the life wave is already a statistical anomaly more than any tangible population.
You know how in the US less than 0.05 percent is trans? That's a much bigger population size than minos have.
based on gv3, maybe it's better we don't get inti's take on blade gameplay
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sounding real close to an adept
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It's just a pretty tittle. In practice those mikos go down like donuts in front of Alia.
I'm never gonna get over how Dave made a whole new level in the NTR scale "Water Dragon"
At least she got that. I don't think there's a Gerbil card.
wtf I love cuck in ciel now
GV1, 2, and iX2 have their own set according to this
Only real setback is her not being chosen since they seem to limit how many bosses in each game gets in. It's highly unlikely, but it's a possibility to consider.
My personal guess would be Gerb, Desna, Teseo, Tenjian, and Zonda.
Also next Inti stream will have GG2 Nanako's VA as guest, so it's a safe bet to say they'll use every one of their IP.
DMFD might have a chance after all.
If BMZ isn't in the game DMFD and CotM won't be either unless it's paid DLC.
>join resistance base
>constantly hounded by the reploids
>only 1 bathroom
>no a la carte food service anymore
at least it's not living in weil's slave hive right?
>constant gangbangs
>he values comfort over freedom
I'd post that screenshot of Ciel and Zero discussing that in Zero 3 but imagine I did.
a drama cd about life from the pic of a human neo arcadian would have been so interesting. Humanity seems happy with reploids being down trodden because they are completely different species in a way, if it was happening to other humans, maybe there would have been a slightly bigger resistance
>only 1 bathroom
Reploids don't usually use bathroom, so you only need to share with Ciel.
Didn't Ciel have a literal shower right next to her bedroom in Z1?
We kinda see that already with Z4, with Neige's group. The majority of them was fine living under Copy X as he systematically gun down Reploids on a whim, but once Weil makes everyone's life a living hell they immediately fucked off.
BMZ and CotM make sense because it's not their IP, but why not DMFD?
Humans have always treated reploids like traditional 20xx era robots not capable of feeling. And the thing is, robots and such are a relatively recent development. It's like expecting racism to magically end when MLK said "I have a dream"
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I will be Ciel's toilet so that whiny anon won't have to share.
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Because it's also not their IP.
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Huh. I thought they only acted as publisher.
Hakama was also involved so it's a tri-party collaboration.
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I'm almost done with game 1 of BN4. Will i have to buy C-Slider parts every single playthrough?
Pretty sure key items don't get transferred, yea. On the other hand I think it's tied to specific tournament scenario so unless you got fucked and had to do the same one in two run, it won't matter much.
Yes, slider, shortcuts, django and bmd reset on game+.
If you're low on zenny you either use untrap and grab gmd in the undernet over and over or you use locEnemy to farm in-battle gmds in ACDC area 3.
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What a game. Trying to keep track of all the BMDs and PMDs plus playthrough exclusive chips is autistic enough.
What a game indeed. It selling the highest because of BN3 positive reception only to almost kill the subseries is the icing on the cake.
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>not "That's your job, lazyass'
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Why haven't you done your part to save the genies from extintion, anon?
Because I hate genies.
Because my wife is an adept.
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Why? Why out of all the races that need you, you had to pick the one that sees you as a seedbag?
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What Mega Man Zero FAILED to Do...
>What Mega Man Zero FAILED to Do...
be shit
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Flashman sexo
>play this mediocre game please!
>post offmodel slop
lol lmao even
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Her butthole?
Squeezes out large ones.
Your "hero"? A remodeled Roll.
the constant population decline probably didn't help any either
every week was a casual -1million people for like 200 years
>x5 will be peak and the perfect ending for my masterpiece aka zero series! - CONman
meanwhile X6 is better than X5 and the zero games lmao
Dragaliabros.....it has happened again......
I want to be sandwiched by Aile and Pandora
It does a pretty good job at that at least
How important is the story in battle network I’m thinking of buying one of the legacy collections should I start from the beginning does it matter?
You can skip 1. Start with 2 is fine.
>How important is the story in battle network
lol lmao even
they are separate entries and not a big story at all
I'm pretty sure Ciel won't share her bathroom or shower.
Is the second collection better than the first in terms of quality?
If there's ever a Star Force collection would they include the Battle Network crossovers?
5 + 6 are worth it yeah
but 2 and 3 are also good
There's a chance that OS could make it in since they already have half of the work done, but don't get your hopes up since they could also separate Zerker, Saurian and Ninja to inflate the number of games to split the collection in two.
>3 games into vol 2
i know its capcom but cmon
Why is everyone in the robot timeline gay while everyone in the internet timeline heterosexual?
2-3-6 = good
1-4 = bad
5 = meh
Don't Roll and Tron want to fuck Volnutt, though?
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>You don't even notice your paradise is already lost...

people praise this game?
Probably because of what came before it.
I don't think anyone would put it at the top of the list but it's less bad than X7
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We can't even blame Capcom this time.
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Card-en-Ciel is saved!
Why would you pick the goldfish?
It might, un ironically be the best thing that could happen to them.
>internet timeline heterosexual?
Get a load of this guy.png
>implying all songs don't get a.i.'d
What? I thought Akumatsu already forbade/controlled AIsloppa in workspaces.
Human creatives are a liability, don't you know - they might try to steal their work out from under you ala Ken Penders
>all this hysteria over what amounts to bitching at a computer to do sentence mixing poorly, and draw fucked up hands automatically
They also want more black representation...for a product aimed at a demographic that only wants to see black representation at the business side of a shotgun on their games
>Strike says AI
>Schizo goes back to self hatred
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He ballin
>looking at that high resolution scan of the Star Force 3 logos posted a few threads back
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>just notice there's a giant fucking hair on it
it's not a stray_pube, but it's about as disgusting as one
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The 7th wave classification is somewhat bullshit, since someone with extremely weak powers that dies to any Sumeragi mook if unarmed (aka. most adepts) are still more "powerful" than Maya in Gal Guardians.
I think the difference is that Maya had to train and develop her powers while the 7th wave (even if it's an underwhelming ability) is something you can just use naturally.
>buy luxury reploid
>breaks down 1 week after warranty expires
>buying neo arcadian reploids
X8 was my favorite MMX game. It has a god tier OST and perfect trio redesign. Sakurai was the perfect VA for X, and the game would have been better if not for the gimmick stages. There are too many of them.
Card en Ciel?

More like, Card incel
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>still more "powerful" than Maya in Gal Guardians
Only in the sense that they're more attuned with the Lifewave. Like Kaname is higher in the spiritual power ranking than the sisters, but she can hardly fight out of the castle herself.

>Reploid broke down
>manufacturer made sure repair would be impossible without going through their official branch
In the future there will be a shaqfu.com equivalent for Pallette models.
Inti has elaborated on this only on a single cancelled web novel so I don't know how much weight it really holds now anyways, especially when they've shown they're 100% willing to drop shit they've established before for no reason. GV lore is a joke these days.
>these days
Well yeah I guess 2022 was long ago wasn't it.
I don't think so. People here did a lot with what they where given. The only two damming things that would have to be retconed would be Kirin and Shadow Yakumo. And Morbing time would have to be erased. Do that and it's all good. I don't think they gonna, but it's not something like that new Star Wars trilogy that completely nuked the whole setting to particles.
>Regina unit
I don't think this anon might not be very smart
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The timeskip was a bigger problem than anything. Like removing what you said still means that they won't touch on the fallout of GV2, Cope still got removed and GV still got uber powerful cause Tsuda gets autistic for his Locke OC.
What part of Inti not actually respecting its own lore do you not understand here, all the supposedly deep lore with blanks for headcanon was bait to engage retards and then all of it was dropped, by the exact same people who set all that shit up, unlike nuStar Wars which was set ablaze by someone else that bought the rights.
And before all of it is blamed on Tsuda's autism alone, Tai isn't any better: iX2 is such a lore shitshow that the BMZ artist threw a fit calling it "shitty world".
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Tai was given some very absurd and fucked up guidelines and timeframes to make iX2 BY TSUDA!!!
Capcha: SAYHEY
X8 is by far my favorite, I love all the shit you can find in it.
If my biggest complaint is that there isn't enough, then it's probably a fun game.
That says more about the writing than the game itself, which I would say is passable at worst.
Having two Ride Chaser stages suck ass tho.
This is from the recent Street Fighter Swimsuit Special. If you can't tell there's a Servbot in the background.
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Nice Blodia
>Roll and Tron can't get to space before a bunch of fight hobos
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Oh hey, it's that fat chick from this season's anime. The person who drew her forgot the knife ears tho.
I want an Elf Wars vidya game adaptation.
When you destroy all the enemies in an area, you can "place" a Diva as a result of the control, and in adjacent areas, you can get the effect of a live from the start of the battle
>asking for the world's biggest disappointment
so weird that the battle of 1999 and elf wars both happened in the same timeline
damn i was going to make a reference to the battle of 1999....
another low effort abrahamic symbolism reference...
>it'll be an RPG like CM was
>also don't get too attached because everyone dies in the end
wrong it will be a metroidvania
with gradius parts
>go to the reploid rescue shelter
>see alouette model
>trusting inti with RPG
permadeath but you can make your own zakos like disgaea
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Finally done
Now I can rest
Well done phone devs those were a fun pair of games
what about battlers tower
Does it have 3 mettaur
Anon please, everyone already knows.
I miss when mobage means "games made for mobile phone" and not gacha.
Some fresh Roll
I like this.
Boner killed, thanks.
Oh, it's Meido isnt it
■ Rewards for Dominating an Area In the dungeon, when you destroy all the enemies in an area (room), you will have conquered that area and can choose from three rewards.
>choose from three rewards
Does it include gravure shots of Ancie.
Kabeume does some nice work.
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How would X feel if he knew the last human alive was a tranny?
christian for cool factor. Not the first time religion is used for inspiration.
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Hory shet Danganronpaman.
>use Treble probably to skip the block section
>flies around aimlessly
>land on the bottom floor
??? Literally why?
Not true at all. We had something very cool and cohesive until GV3(not even iX2) had to fuck it all up!
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>BN6 panic music is permanent in postgame
>gets fixed in the collection
>exact same problem happens in BN4 and you'll have to deal with it every playthrough
>doesn't get fixed
I don't get it
Damn bratty Rommba tempting me with sex when she should be cleaning the mess
But you're describing the exact scenario that was talked about.
The fix is starting a NG+
He said that it wasn't set up at all in the first place. I said that it was.
>Try this with my adept daughters
>They start acting even worse
>Even the one that wasn't a brat is behaving very bad now
That's how women brains work
>Shadow Yakumo was responsible of preventing Sumeragi
They literally didn't exist before GV3 other than flavor text. That's why the plot of the first two games even happened.
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She's so much more beautiful than any other girl in the series. I don't care what losers here say about her.
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I wish the original ZX had an 8bit mode
>he thinks they're making it
All you need Nakayama and any one who can make good JRPGS, traditional or not.
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We don't Inafune or Capcom. China has been saving Mega Man for over a decade
>Not even a game
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Promete wants to know Aile's location
aile deserves spankings for wearing such tight shorts. look at this.....
damn delivery girl, making my packages sit at the border for 20 days, never giving me tracking updates... this is all YOUR fault
Holy moly, her skintight butt
>trusting inti with RPG
then you didn't try
>walk up to prairie
>pick up and take home
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>elf wars not inti
ああ 勇気の場所だな
Disgusting porker
>we already saw Sparda be sodomised by Mundus in what should have been his moment of glory
And that's just talking about Crapcom games
>t.needs glasses
what would you write?
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>Following a sonicfag artist
advance 2 melt
>Image has unfollow, meaning that the anon was following in first place
I'll get to it one of these days
Ojedabros they stylin' on us
Project X Zone 3 never?
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Rent fucking free holy shit
Never, and even if they did a new one Klonoa wouldn't be in it.
Not happening, Reiji and Xiaomu got closure already and the director fucked off out of Bamco.
>telling x his redfren will lose his body and sealed away, his 4 kids will die, his city and redfren will blow up from falling space station, his likeness will be a child's toy
"good, i hated what 4kids did to my favourite anime" - x, probably
4kids megaman zero
good thing zero is no longer canon
>Zero the character is gone
Oh no, what do?
Mega Man improved a whole lot
>tell him he can avoid this future during the nightmare incident
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X left his kids before they were even born. He's a deadbeat father.
Inter's ever changing story sometimes say they were born BECAUSE he sealed himself so yes
>Ware wa Miku nari! Ahahahaha!
Is there a rap?
MML3 never ever
but magmalag 3 just released?
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no thanks fag
i sealed myself to hide myself
Well Zero is a little bitch after all.
I don't see any rabbit or man.
Tsuda had nothing to do with iX2 to the point the first time he got a spin at it he openly stated on a livestream that he wished he had actually overseen it.
So pretend that GV3 never happened and keep dancing around it until someone who cares comes to make it proper with no timeskip bullshit. And meanwhile make a Kirin series of spin off games directed by Fan No Hitori.
I am not saying it wasn't set up at all, I am saying they don't actually have any respect for the lore they established and that all of it was bait to engage retards, which is proven by the fact that the exact same people dropped all of it when they deemed it more convenient to try and go for a new audience without anyone forcing them to do so.
Nobody bothered to make even a slight mod for any of the GV games even before the franchise self-destructed in the eyes of fans so I highly doubt this will ever happen. Just face it, it's fucked.
Zero is a bottom bitch
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Prepare Backup stream for today if there's something happening later
Regular activities shall resume next day
Blame english tests
This is how the janny stabs you.
wouldn't be Inti otherwise.
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should jankter melt be postponed again
i don't mind missing it, i may hop in but the no stream it's because i need to wake up early as in 3 hours after melt to panic setup/study
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what's the cock port for on an incinerator robot
What is there to study? The language is just a mess.
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Ask Dr. Light why did he give his trash burning robot master dick definition, not me.
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We're finally back at Jank of the Night, a hack that 100% of the reviews recommend and most definitely won't softlock 10 hours in


DPad - Movement
Double tap DPad - Run
A - Jump
X - Attack
Up+X - Sub Weapon
Down+Y - Change Sub Weapon
Down+A - Slide
Start - Menu
Select - Map

Presumably other buttons will have functions later on

Pressing a pad button - Pick up a pad
p/R3 - circumstances exist under which it is capable of resetting gamepads

perhaps this is a thing that is useful for keyboard players

Starting in 30
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You would think that somebody should have said something against Inti killing their flagship series
I really need to get another game other than half genie hero. But seven sirens is like $70 and I still haven't played EV for a second time.
Any Patricias?
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Stream/Archive: https://youtu.be/D-czi4rLYGc
It bogles my mind how expensive my collection is even if all I did was buy the games as they came out. Pirate's Curse for the 3ds the most.
it's peaceful

like the calm before the storm

before the great war
Great war
And make it a tank war
Great war
And we'll go marching on
Great war
There'll be no encore
Great war
The war to end all wars
>somebody should have said something
Whom? The fanbase? Too insignificant. The staff? They're all below Tsuda in company hierarchy.
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my dick
Inafune...I don't think this is a mistake he commited
I have cop Shantae
Nobody said anything because most of Inti hated the franchise after 2 anyways, if anything waching it burn was probably a relief cause it meant they no longer had to work with the retarded boomer's setting.
thanks for joining today's schizomelt, we'll collect the other five spike breakers next week
I wonder what's up with those early drac pieces, hopefully they weren't bugged items.
surely it was cube and not a bug
surely getting them again wouldn't break the game either way
game is already broken, it's richter's fever dream and he slowly becomes the lord of the castle
As someone who hasn't played SotN and has only seen the intro, I have to ask
This is a meme, right? Richter isn't actually the bad guy of SotN, right?
the answer is go play sotn you nerd
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play the gam you dork
how do we postpone The Choice™ again
>typed in mmg on the catalog search bar
>halo general came up
Welp looks like it's time to do Halomelt
back to card gacha

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