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Previous thread >>486553207

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

>Game links *contains links to official store pages for each game*

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>/drg/ resources: *contains links to ship tags, modding tools/guides, fanart, fics, and dr-related artists*

>in the event of pastebin getting nuked
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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
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*pats her*
Where's the spade?
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In the shed
Go grab it because you're digging your own grave while she watches
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Imagine making your dangan waifu's hair into a braid (unless it's Mahiru, Chiaki, Himiko or Kirumi, then you pass)
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>looks at tenko on the right
So that's why people thought she's Maki's sister
I wanna kiss his nape.
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Tenko has way bigger breasts though.
Junko and Mukuro have different breast sizes, and?
Hajime anon, have you read "Sand and miniature garden" on danbooru? It is admittedly deranged but also weirdly amusing and... cute. non H.
It's not bait, I just thought that mafiosy Sonia looked neat
Third gf
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Pretty lady
mark my words, if Spikesoft doesn't announce or tease Danganronpa 4 in a year, I will make Distrust.
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Thighs worthy of worship.
Did you have to ask?

Get help.
Kill yourselves shitposters.
Magic of music
Why do people say they can't satisfy Kaede?
My penis is really small and she such a gorgeous and curvaceous girl
The average Kaedebro has a penis size of 3 inches.
How about using your fingers and tongue? I'm sure Kaede is understanding.
Those can work for a while but one day they just won't be enough
But don't get me wrong I'm not saying Kaede would cuck me because I can't satisfy her
I'm saying that because I can't satisfy her I would let her cuck me, it's all consensual
I can respect this. Nts is way better than Ntr.
If women could be satisfied by foreplay alone then they wouldn't make such am issue out of dick size.
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Do they really? Or is it just in your wierd echo chamber?
>Do they really?
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The thought of my favourite having 0 doujins is so... despairing.
It's his incel echo chamber. Ignore.
No it's actually true.
>echo chamber
A man with a small penis has trouble satisfying his partner, it's one of the most prominent sayings in modern media and everyone knows it.
Someone's mad over the mahiru design
My Kaede gf has been reading about sph to satisfy my fetish
I'm so lucky to have a Kaede gf
goodnight /drg/
10 cm is not small. Stop watching porn.
Where did you get that number?
School of Public Health?
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He looks tired
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Horse boy
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male menhera
women don't make an issue out of dick size. men make an issue out of it and other men see it and think it's true.
Stardew V3
Stopped reading after the first sentence. It is an issue for them.
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How can you be gullible and a liar
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Reminder that Sayaka is the cutest girl!
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what are they playing?
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So you mean to tell me, Gonta's family is very high-class and influential (according to his FTEs) yet it took them ten years to find their kid who wasn't even kidnapped and taken far away but just wandered into the forest? Maybe I overestimate the correlation between family status and people's willingness to search for the missing member of that family...
I can cum just by thinking about Kaede domming me and letting me watch her having sex...
Gonta was raised by reptilians. Even the most wealthiest of the upper class kneels to them.
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there is much darkness in this world, it's very present in these online spaces
let it consume you, or don't
i chose a third option
Thank you, kotoko :)
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This is so me.
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What if you saw Mahiru being bullied what will you do?
Wow you're so cool
Wow... slightly exposed cleavage.
Meant for >>487513029
Women don't realize it but deep down this is what every man wants from them.
Ibuki looks nice in casual clothes
Shuichi cucking me with the girl who gave him Valentine's choco...
Beating shuichi and kaede with a hammer and violently killing them!
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Only Shuichi (me) gets brutally killed
The last thing he sees is you making love to Kaede and satisfying her like he never could
He (me) dies a happy man
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Did I stutter
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I have not, I may look into it later. Though I've been having computer troubles since yesterday.
God her boobs are so big I want to see them get squished
I want to be squished by them.
By a hydraulic press, sorry I forgot to add
That would be awesome
I'd prefer dark skinned hands
I don't like ryona
What kind?
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Laptop with inflated battery. I removed the battery and have just opted to leave it plugged in until the new one arrives, but I think I fucked up the wifi card accidentally because I have to be in front of the router to pick up any signal at all now and it's not picking up signal from my neighbor's wifi either anymore. I'll open it up again later and see.

Also, I've started reading the story now, I'm getting vibes that this is heading down a selfcest/incest route at least from Kamukura's side, is that correct? You can spoil the plot, I don't really care.
Warned you, the doujin is deranged. even though the author said "Hajime and Izuru are Family love" but how would machine translation even get that wrong? Well, it is very bait-y. Author has a specific vision we aren't seeing probably.

Also, you probably should get an ethernet cable for your laptop. Or sign in directly from the router's server/another PC.
eitherway, Goodluck.
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Author made Kamu look and act really cute and edgy. unfortunately they also had to have brain parasites and ship him with... himself. in an incest AU. It is absurd but i want to hear your thoughts on the doujin.
Poor nagito and chiaki, liking someone who's too busy with his ( alter ) ego.
Cute girl friends
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He has wierd blush around his eyes, it looks like eye bags
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i wonder what his tentacle hair could do if you catch my drift
serious case of cute aggression
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NTA but neither of them are cute in THAT way.
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Makoto giving a little kiss to a traumatized Kaede!
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I love my magnificent wife!
Whats there to like about mahiru? she seemed pretty mid. nothing to write home about.
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Face, hair, legs, breasts, vagina. Pretty much all you need in a woman.
She's pretty cute
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Another man kissing my Kaede gf... unf hgggnn!!
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My Kaede gf going out on a date with someone else... unf hggnnn!!!
Now I understand why people say women don't post here.
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But they don't post that about real women they post about anime girls. Women can distinguish fiction from reality, so they won't think those posts are about them.
They do, but you replied to shitposter.
>Women can distinguish fiction from reality
Good one.
You can always vote, hide and ignore shitposts.
That true tho.
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I like how during the beginning of DR2 prologue, during classroom scene and that short beach scene Gundham just has zero lines, he's never onscreen, you don't know he's in the game and the first time you properly see him is in the airport where he introduces himself. I thought it was an interesting decision, no small talk just pouring Gundham on us like a tub of water.
-fag is my boyfriend!
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He was mewing.
Regardless of whether they can or not, even seeing fictional women being discussed that way would be very uncomfortable and make them feel unwelcome here.
No, I don't think so. There's a very small chance their name is Kaede and they're an Ultimate Pianist.
Cute chuunibyou. His arc affected me most ( well, third. first being the mindfuckery at the end and second being komaeda. )
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See >>487590720 and these posts are always deleted, so your argument is retarded.
How does that make my argument retarded? There's no guarantee that jannies will delete those posts before a woman sees them.
Why would they? Every woman is a cheating slut deep inside.
They don't want you to enjoy it though.
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Every man is Nagito Komaeda deep inside.
Surely you're getting your revenge by posting this on 4chan. you sure got em! keep seething and Stacy will come crying back about how your danganronpa waifu speaks volumes of you more than Chad!
How to vote aganist shitposters?
Bizarre non sequitur. I actually can't tell what you are even trying to say in that second sentence.
I wish.
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every man is deep inside nagito komaeda
-fag is a tranny!
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goodnight /drg/
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Luv him.
Just boys bein boys
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Save him.
Luckiest orange ever.
How do i make my DR fanarts gain traction and be ( geniunely, by an unknowing third party ) reposted here?
post your fanart on twitter
Post them here.
don't post your fanart anywhere
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Maybe learn English first also ai is going to take your hobby and job
What did i say wrong? my vocabulary was a bit weird but that's it. also, ai is going to take over everyone's jobs, not just art.
I got 10 likes when i see other artworks of the same quality get 500 easily
And get outted as a 4channer on twitter?
If you post decent boyxboy art on twitter, I will inevitably post it in /drg/
I like drawing cute boys but not together ( despite being a low-key enjoyer of yaoi ) >>487631861
BTW, mahiru isn't cute.
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1. It's just "fanart", not "fanarts".
2. You don't need spaces after and before parentheses
3. Capitalize your I's.
Here is what your post would look like if it was good
>How do I make my DR fanart gain traction and be (genuinely, by an unknowing third party) reposted here?
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btw, kill yourself
Your art will never be as good as ai, btw
holy BASED
Based, but also don't reply to mahirufag. He's an autist.
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Keep sucking ESL dick just cause you want free fanart you retard
Anons recoil in fear when faced with avatarGODS
I get mine from pixiv and danbooru so it always shows me the newest uploads.
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>try to help anon learn English so his posts don't look retarded
>get my dangan insulted
Anons are the worst
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(not) first ship but best ship!!!!!!!!!!!
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Junkuro Better!!!
I wish Junko sat on me like this.
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you wish. mukuro isn't even real
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Not only is she real, but she's my sister thank you very much! She's not very good at it, but she's real!
Welcome back, gummyGOD
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my apologies
mahiru is the far cuter freckles girl though...sorry...
Kill yourself
sully another general you jacobian scoundrel
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Can you give me the quick rundown on Jacobian ideals. What is my philosophy!
i just said something random which works because im doing a jordan peterson parody and he just says random words
that's sweet
Finished the story a few hours ago, disassembled the laptop again, turns out I didn't reconnect one of the wires properly to the wifi card, so I fixed that up. Internet's working properly now.
Going to be honest, I didn't really like the doujin. It lost me by the second half, it was hard to follow where it was going. Got really tired of the brother complex shit. At first I thought the premise was just going to be a Hajime who actually was happy with his place in life because he had a brother like Izuru to lean on so to speak and was happy enough with being needed by a person who technically shouldn't really need anyone. And that was a simple enough juxtaposition, but then oh no Hajime is also his own form of possessively unhinged and both of them are kind off their rocker and I have no idea what the point of Hajime's illness and him pretending to be sane was, I think that got lost in translation. Not really a fan of how Chiaki was characterized in scenes with Nagito, Nagito also felt somewhat off in relation to her. The premise seemed interesting at the start minus the brother complex, but it just got too ooc and odd for me. Pic related was cute though, I'll give it that. And I found amusement in noticing that Hajime and Izuru's boobs were growing in size every chapter
Wow her boobs are awesome in that bra.
I want to RAPE gundham
Gundham is for consensual sex only
8 god damn years of spilling semen to Kaede's boobs
That must feel amazing.
>Boobs on the hot pan
Uhhhh? Despair I guess.
It's a heatproof bra.
Man, they come up with the weirdest shit at those fashion shows.
V3 came out 8 years ago?
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The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, eight years ago... We had classified intelligence that a new type of Killing Game was being organized. The whole thing stank...but our noses have been out in the cold too long
I want to put my nose in her.
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Hey hey hey
>mukuro is the ultimate soldier because she always follows her commander's orders
>Mukuro is literally Forest Gump but even more retarded and cucked
Kill yourself.
Deny it.
busy boy
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She never lived to see that...
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okay fair is this better
Saito needs to kill that deranged bitch
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I wasn't complaining I was being sad :(
Sad Hiyoko has to ruin so much Mahiru art
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aw im sorry...
Hurray for your wifi.

I actually couldn't read the entirety of the third part and half of the second because it was untranslated, but it seemed interesting.
The parts with Chiaki and Nagito atleast, the childhood brothers segments made me cringe really bad.
I could've ran it through a machine translation but it was too much effort for every single page, i got to git gud at Japanese already.

Why was Kamukura crying so much? I know he wanted to trust Chiaki as a friend but then he attacked her then cried and hugged her? I hope the motive for that scene didn't have to do with Hajime.

I actually really enjoyed this unhinged Kamukura. It is something to see this creature who kind of transcended humanity be really vulnerable and get so attached. That self harm scene added around 10 new headcanons to my Kamukura Izuru registry in my brain. This Prodigy who's factually above everyone also getting moments of intense anger and sadness... Cute. He isn't so above emotions now, is he?
I also loved pic-related moment for obvious reasons.

Scratch me not reading the third part, i actually have not read the majority of it. wtf, why is it so long? That translator didn't even bother huh! Ah well, i didn't miss much....?

I agree, i really loved Izuru's boobs. The author honestly drew him really attractive...Wish the author also drew a better story while at it.

Anon, if you have good fic/doujin reccomendations please do share!
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I don't get it
Which Dangans do you think are not virgins?
Taking care of Ouma!!!
Shuichi "Mr. Hands" Saihara
None. All of them are virgins.
Kotoko is not a virgin
Virginity doesn't start counting until you hit puberty
>possibly junko
All the females
Kodaka said 12 students out of the 48 weren't virgins.
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i'm trying to cut the floorboard support beams but the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting angie
Oh no what happened
I guess just the events of V3.
>Why did Saihara-chan suddenly put his hat on? Could it be that he feels guilty and can't look me in the eye?
>If I had trusted Ouma and cooperated at that time, could we have reached a different, better ending?
He doesn't know, he so doesn't know
Danganronpa 4 will be announced at the next Tokyo Game Show.
>Miu calls Gonta big dick
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I remember Himiko calling him that parodying Miu, but I don't remember Miu doing it herself.
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>Why was Kamukura crying so much? I know he wanted to trust Chiaki as a friend but then he attacked her then cried and hugged her?
He was going to pull the plug on Hajime and was giving up on him, told Chiaki that she couldn't stop him, but Chiaki being Chiaki does her thing and reaches past his despair.

I can't say I share your enjoyment, personally I don't care to see this depiction of Kamukura. I understand there's appeal in seeing a usually stoic character act more emotional, but in my opinion that's only appealing when it's earned. It's a rare moment above the rest brought forth by something harrowing/meaningful. Like Chiaki dying right in front of him, him perfectly capable of helping her while she's still able to speak and still not even attempting to change her fate.
Here where it's just in his character to be his own brand of overly emotional and attached to Hajime, it's too removed from the actual character (aside from the fact that he is separate from Hajime here) to me that it's just someone else entirely. A vessel for the author to make the story they want.

I wouldn't say the story was particularly long, the translator comes back halfway in the middle of the story and then disappears again to the end. I just copy and pasted into Google's image translate for the rest. Shoddy translation, but I got the gist of things for the most part I think.

I don't read fanfiction and I don't have any doujin recommendations that I think you would be interested in. Thanks for giving me something to pass time with, but respectfully, if you have any future recommendations, don't bother if it's anything like this one

On a different note, it's SDR2's 12th anniversary today.
Yeah, that's basically it
Fair enough, you're right. I don't like this doujin either, i thought to bring it up because it seemed deranged and you mentioned you didn't really like ships and simply liked Hajime a lot so, i thought of something incredibly funny to do.

My favourite fanfictions are entirely different but i wouldn't like to share them here, they're too precious. And yet again, they're all shippy. But truthfully! i am very picky about Izuru's characterization and all of my favourites's characterizations. Bur specifically Izuru because apparently no one in this entire fandom gets him.

The anime scene you're talking about might be what permeantely locked Danganronpa and specifically Izuru to my brain. I really loved it and it instantly made Izuru my favourite character. man, Danganronpa is unironically peak fiction.
Of course fanfictions will have a hard time reaching that peak.

Please tell me about them nonetheless, Im curious. I'll judge if they're to my taste or not.

Happy SDR2 day.
At 55:45, in Jap dub Miu describes Gonta as "デカチン" which just means big dick
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i fucking hate komahina
goodnight /drg/
Fear the man who speaks with hands
Beta babis
Insanely fuckable
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I remember before V3 came out some people thought Ryoma's going to be the first killer because he's a sportsman like Leon and a funny looking guy like Teruteru.
Picrel is a fanart from that period.
>We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
Meeting Kirigiri-san
He is so lucky.
What's in the binder? Detective cases?
Boob pictures.
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Luckiest couch ever.
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Chat is this real?
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I have a crush on Sayaka... is that weird?
No, she is super hot.
I have a crush on Fukawa... is that weird?
Yeah she is pretty ugly.
Does /drg/ use English dub or Japanese dub?
Only looks-wise or does she have a sexy personality?
Her personality is very sexy too.
How so?
She lies to you and visits other guys during night. That's hot.
That's my type of girl...
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>simply liked Hajime a lot so, i thought of something incredibly funny to do
I might be retarded, I'm only now understanding. Very funny anon, but self-inserting my way into brother complex Izuru doesn't do much for me.

I like Hajime the way I like the female characters. I want to fuck him senseless. He's cute and the idea of him having nice sizable bosom while not being too particular muscular gets me off more than I can really describe. He's pitiful in his own way and the few sprites he has where he has a tear forming in the corner of his eye when he gets mildly upset drive me up the wall. Maybe it's part of why I find Mikan attractive too. I probably have a crying fetish. Most doujins I've read are usually just straight up porn involving her, Junko or Chiaki. But that's just the thing, I can find all the porn I want of them, but Hajime I can't have shit without it being fujo content. Logic should have it that maybe I would enjoy Mikan x Hajime, but I don't want to see them banging each other, I want see them objectified and fucked at the same time. Maybe it's the lack of non-fujo Hajime content that makes me hornier for him in particular, I want what barely exists.
Toko looks like that chick from the dream door game
Real coomer problems on aisle 16
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Styling Booki
Thats... uhm, great, Anon.
This is a bit dissapointing to hear, discussing the characters with you was fun, but this is just just 101 coomdom.

Sums up my reaction.
Coomers are the true humans. This world belongs to us.
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I coom to Mikan every morning.
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If it had, you'd coom to a real life woman and not a dangan. Instead, this is this depravity.
Best morning ever.
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What would you do in this situation ?
I usually keep them in the wrapper so it doesn't spill when it melts.
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Dangans are way easier to coom to than real women.
I would Dangan /drg/'s Ronpas if you catch my drift.
I don't get it.
Why would phallic imagery do anything for Toko, a woman? this comic doesn't make sense.
I see seven girls I want to have sex with. And one robot.
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I said you wouldn't be interested, I don't know what you expected. I'm not averse to reading a more story-driven doujin, but they're usually shit. At least a coomer print does it's job.

If you still wish to talk about characters, feel free. I may engage or not if I feel like it. I get the feeling the rest of people in this general won't give you their time anyways.
That image is really cute.

Fair enough... hmm. I don't have anything in mind right now. I don't think i've ever seen Izuru as the bottom/submissive in all years of my fanart hunting. Yet Hajime gets portrayed like that quite often, another win for Izuru.
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V3 if it was epic
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Wait, this looks familiar
She's jealous because she wanted an ice cream too.
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I get it.
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I mean Toko fantasized about Aoi having sex with, I assume, men, so it's not out of character for her.
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I think it makes sense for Hajime, he's not one to initiate when it comes to stuff like that. Even if he's with a woman, it'd be out of character for him to be any sort of domineering/assertive guy in bed like a lot of hinakoma stuff do. Even the game calls it out in the Mans nut bonus, it's just not like him to be like that. Not to say he's incapable of being on top of anyone, but if he did, it'd probably be in a soft way like an untainted Christian man that only does missionary vanilla sex with his wife and nothing else. Supremely average man does supremely average sex if we're not factoring Kamukura, but even factoring his talents, I can't see him going out of his way to utilize them in bed. If he does anything more than vanilla, his partner would have to be freakier than him, which I don't think is hard with the bar I've given and the rest of the surviving cast are all freaks in some way. Now being an outright bottom or even submissive, biggest candidate for that is post-dr3 Hajime because as I've said in prior threads, he would be put in a position where he's always going to be needed, has to be in control, will be relied upon thanks to his talents. Combine that with his volatile emotions, I don't think it'd hard to imagine him giving up control to someone else in the bedroom if only for momentary peace of mind. That's not an uncommon occurrence even in the real world. Though even that, Hajime would not get there himself.

Anyways I want to fuck his tits.
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Would hajime be into men or women? Also, you're the most passionate hajime fan i've seen in all my years of DR fandom, and unhinged.
but being fair, i am unhinged too but in the opposition direction.

Hajime and Izuru really are polar opposites, the fandom consesus is that Izuru is an absolute sex god who's only into the most kinky BDSM on earth. It actually is annoying because i feel it'd only make sense for him to be outright asexual. And if we are twisting canon a but for fanservice he wouldn't be all that enthusiastic. I guess they think Izuru would find the extreme stuff interesting rather than vanilla but those really aren't. To project a bit, but i feel he'd share my own sentiment than all romance and especially sex are painfully boring and uninteresting and are only driven by insticts and hormones that when they're not there, you realize how animalistic and low brained they are. Izuru is on another plane, while Hajime is a bit... pathetic. average. normal. normie. But that's the entire plot point.

I actually wanted to ask but it seems obvious now, you prefer self inserts to canon ships then?
>Would hajime be into men or women?
Not this anon, but Hajime is clearly into women.
Man, Tenko's life is hanging on a string considering she can't swim. One wrong move with her arm and it's over.
Where's kitty Hajime?
She's likely bisexual considering >>487830558
so it's a win combination.
The erotic tongue movement do wonders
He got left alone for too long that he turned into this creature.
I should clarify. This creature is so much better than just a kitty hajime. <3
Drawfag here. i shall draw ONLY the first reply to this post. Must obviously be a dangan character & I don't care to draw your fetish or fantasy. Mahirufag and Kaedefag exclused from answering.
a follow up to this >>487823338 perhaps ?
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I'm far from the most passionate fan, I can't even draw him. I'm sure there's more unhinged out there, I think I'm fairly average as far as coomers go.
I agree with this anon. No matter how many situations he's put into with Nagito, it's pretty much all one-sided and he hasn't really expressed interest like that in any of the other guys, but we definitely have him on record ogling the girls. But Hajime isn't a real person, so I can imagine him sucking a million cocks if I wanted. Who can stop me? And if we go by the arguments from threads ago, apparently every character is bisexual-lite in Kodaka's funhouse to not piss off the yumes.

Also, I don't think Kamukura fucks either. If he did, it's because someone else was interested and he let them and still found the experience underwhelming and boring. I could definitely see Junko trying to take a spin on him if she doesn't get flattened beneath his shoe first.

I don't have a preference for ships. I'm mentally ill clearly for being here, but not to the degree of actually shipping myself with Hajime. It's really as simple as the jpg is hot, I want to fuck the jpg and I'm content with knowing that's a jpg. The jpg gets my rocks off, good enough.
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Absolutely seething holy shit
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Mahiru with a photogun.
I know my reply is the second one, but still, maybe that first reply is someone's fantasy.
An average coomer wouldn't write essays discussing their character's personality though. Average coomers are like... the shitposters here, but *shrugs.

Hajime definitely feels bisexual to me, he just gives off those vibes. even if he leans heavily onto women

I'd think of Junko and also. well. obviously. The man himself, Komaeda. except he'd be way more unhinged as Servant. Rip Kamukura, having to deal with an army of batshit insane simps. The only normal person who liked him he just watched dying slowly.
Actually, he also got cursed with once again showing the series's point of hope vs despair except its the battle between his ships lol.

Hmm...not dedicated enough. Hajime isn't even special to you? BAKA at using dangans like that.
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>An average coomer wouldn't write essays discussing their character's personality though.
Well that's just my clear autism showing, typing essays is something I can't help and something I used to do regularly on /sthg/ because overly nitpicking is how sonic fans work. Habit extends to my other interests.

In any case, dangans are for using anon. I don't know what constitutes as special by your standards, but if it counts for anything, consistently Hajime always manages to be the one I get fixated on the most no matter how much time passes between me falling in and out of this series.
How hairy is your pussy?
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Here you go anon. Who is she shooting? and why a photo gun specifically?
Anyways, next turn!
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Those lines are really scratchy
Holy shit you're actually joking. i am also a (n obsessive ) sonic fan. though /sthg/ is too autistic ( negatively ) for me so instead i go to the other, more mainstream autistic ( positively ) places. Anon...

Dangans are not for using! Danganronpa has the best written and most charming characters by a mile over other series's, So treat your hajime well! he isn't Just a JPG.
Thank you!
I don't actually know, use your imagination.
I just think photogun is a funny concept.
Damn. you draw the next request then, superior drawfag. I request Komaeda eating a cookie.
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Okay brb
>superior drawfag
Superior to who?
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She's not that hairy, what about yours?
>i am also a (n obsessive ) sonic fan
Not surprising, the series breeds mental illness. Being aware of it doesn't save you though.
>Danganronpa has the best written and most charming characters
Alright Kamukura anon, it's time for you to get some sleep now
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If they were well written DR0 and DR3 (shit writing) wouldn't exists.
Without zooming in it they looks like child Toko and child Komaru
Komarusissies, Mukurosissies, Kyokosissies....
Should have been Chadkoto not Shitkuya or Shitmaru.
Glad we both have the same brainrot.

i doubt that if Danganronpa didn't have good characters we would have even finished the games, let alone be invested enough after so many years to discuss them here.
Seriously, What's wrong with the characters? they largely stood out to me even prior getting into Danganronpa. and if they're bad, then what classified as Peak Cast to you?

I agree that not every character is a 10/10 but cmon.
Why do people hate Mahirufag and Kaedefag
Actually, nevermind Danganronpa. Im now curious about your sonic tastes, Anon. even though that's not really this thread's topic...

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