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Visual Novel General #6532

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>487240372
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bros, I think I love this girl.
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don't look
Flat is seigi.
I will sugar yoshino's eggs
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You wouldn't...
Urethral sounding with Murasame.
No one told me Mashiroiro had animated porn. I only ever saw this in a few nukige before. Is this normal for VNs nowadays and I've been playing too much old shit?
It's fairly uncommon.
9-nine also has it, same developer too.
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I have yet to find a non-NTR nukige where this is true
clover days had it and everyone here hated it
JOPs lost
fate stay night
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>can't climb stairs
>loves ntr
>somehow was a legitimate major threat in the first vn
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Can't tell if her staying autistic even into motherhood was kino or not
I always forget Shirou is legitimately a zako
>Sakura lowkey being unsatisfied
I'm interested to see how Tsubaki's route plays out because she kinda has the Celia problem where she's already way stronger than everyone else even before MC teams up with her.
I don’t really know how to articulate this, but what are some VNs that develop the heroine friendships with each other just as much as with the MC? But while writing the friendship to feel more natural instead of the fake, flowery, padded, semi-formal self flagellating way they always have the heroines talk to each other.
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
And Chihaya is pretty nice, too.
Criminal Border
WA2, for a given value of 'friendship'.
Koi de wa naku.
WA2 should have had Chiaki and Mari fistfight Setsuna
mashifoni did this surprisingly well in my opinion, sakuno banter with airi is kino
You don't really care about this, you just want to feel immersed and not pandered to.
I want to feel pandered to.
Any vns for pandering?
Pretty much any moege
any vn's where it's really hard or takes a lot of time to make the heroines fall in love with you?

i really hate when they start thirsting for your cock for no apparent reason.

preferably no or low action / horror
>Trait: Kuudere
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Rikka loses to the yasashii after like 1 date doe
God I wish I was her toilet
Immersion good
Pandering bad
It takes 30 hours to reach that point.
Surpassing and bedding your mentor ge?
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Reading Criminal Border.
I can't explain it, but Hina is giving off major bad vibes to me even though she's not doing anything inherently 'wrong'. I absolutely cannot help but feel like she's faking loving Itsuki and that she's gonna stab him in the back.
Well, guess I'll see in another 20 hours of reading or whatever if I'm vindicative or just as naturally suspicious of love as Itsuki.
It’s because you’re fatphobic and prejudiced
the sord is watching you plapping
I hate that pregnancy is never really explored in VNs. The most you'll ever get is just a jump cut to several years in the future for one CG of the girl holding a baby, which is completely unsatisfying.
Bro I can see her floofy ears
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Whats a good otome game I could get my 50 year old single mom into? She reads nothing but dirty harlequin novels and I just know this could be an untapped realm of possibility for her.
kinkoi got my hopes up during reina route
EVERY route should have pregnant/children end.
You guys ever realize how the children are always girls? Why don't the girls ever give birth to boys?
yoshino gives birth to a boy because it breaks curse of always giving birth to girls
Wife can't give birth to future competition. I've read enough /ss/ doujins to know how it goes.
no one can challenge my claim to my wife and my daughters
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BR sisters should only give birth to twins, one boy and one girl.
>radio silent since 2017

It finally happened. Their VNs put even their own developers to sleep.
you can attach that to any smiling heroine and it'll fit right in
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that's always sad, the silent death just like ricotta. no bankruptcy announcement or dumb scandal, just gone.
Tsukikana FD was in 2020 but yeah, it's still bad.
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I love my dorky cute wife yoshino
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Yoshino isn't a dork!!
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>yoropiku desu
>atama pon pon
Enough about eggs. Lets start talking about donuts.
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Eggs are the best!
I want to pour budyń into Nozomi's pączek
I hope Harukaze didn't just disappear too. They announced a Monkeys TL and teased Noratoto 3 years ago and have been radio silent since. Its been 3 years.
Do people actually like Yoshino? I mean, she's just Yuzusoft main heroine model v1.0
What makes her different from Nene, or Kanna, or any other "stoic but easily flustered" girl
Who even cares. Anything of theirs that they bothered to translate would've been garbage anyway, we saw what they let Fruitbat Factory get away with.
senren banka has a lineup of 4 mediocre heroines so you know may as well pick yoshino
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Please, donut inside my daughter. Thank you.
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Their twitter just retweeted stuff 1 hour ago.
Yuzubutas really have no taste
I like Yoshino, I can connect to her being a friendless dork like me. And piss turns me on.
Have you read Libra of the Vampire Princess
buhi :'(
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Maybe it's a bot
>t. Natsumefag
I'm not a yuzufag, bub
I thought everybody read moege here.
I read better moege.
Only when I get desperate for human connection but it quickly fades once I start actually playing a moege

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**** your sister
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Who's going to pay me if I do?
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Don't **** your sister
send the bill at

Emmanuel Macron
55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris
*slap* nandeyanen?
what is osaka doing in this thread
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I have a date tonight friends. I've been saving it for when I felt really lonely. Wish me luck.
It's amazing how quickly your opinion on a character can change from just one scene
Your tulpa doesn't count, but good luck anyway broski
>saving a date
what did he mean by this
He made a save file
oh. Right, he was talking about some moege wasn't he. haha..
The cutest thing a girl can do is wear the clothes of her boyfriend, right?
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you're reading the wrong ones
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bro, your blazing hot redhead reps?
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bro, your dog reps?
White T-shirt clan...
I prefer the term 'intentionally created autonomous mental companion'
Hope you win her heart Rihiko-fag.
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Put on the paper bag first.
>heroine sneaks into your room and sniffs your dirty clothes
Heroines having a smell fetish is the kinoest thing ever
Especially if they try to keep it on the down low
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more vinnie music like https://youtu.be/dTuOisX4JG0 ?
Will she ever be topped?
I miss Augustge bros
Just as soon as Zako Reboot comes out.
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Fake BR can't beat the real thing
Gilgamesh imouto
Put a paper bag on his head and you can't tell the difference.
I like JOP acid
Alright, that's it. No more cooking. VNs are no longer allowed to bring it up from now on, it's fully run its course. No pun intended.
What so you think of heroines with low sex drive?
Based I'm sick of slutty heroines who fuck before we even kissed. I just want to cuddle.
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How do we solve the issue of bed invaders?
I want a heroine that's so slutty during sex that she knows it's a problem and thus avoids having sex with MC to not creep him out
it just means that they don't find you attractive they will have insane high sex drive with a chad side character
just like lock your door mate
Man this was like, THE trope of the early 2000s. And it's still great
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She's a real BR dough
You let them do their job, then they will leave
What if they can pick locks?
The whole allure of imoutos is that they're falling in love with someone they're not supposed to, someone they're biologically programmed to not to and who society will disparage you for.
Being a reincarnation of someone unrelated to you removes a good 60-70% of the taboo. I don't care if she has BR blood, she's a fake BR to me
Name one who isn't used goods
Nene is kinda like th-
Oh, wait.
Would you save her brother?
>a male other than myself in my love interests' life
Most Yuzuge heroines are just reskins of previous heroines
when you got the winning formula you no longer need to innovate
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just like SMEEges and Asages
No Yuzu heroine is a Meiya clone, though.
How wide are MCs' beds?? I know for sure mine can only fit one person.
I hated those scenes in Cafe Stella where the MC begs the heroine for sex, they call him a pervent and creep for 10 mins and then go "Ugh, fiiine". This is completely backwards. The heroines are either supposed to iniate the sex or be totally into it whenever the MC wants sex.
i have inherited my grandpa/grandma bed and could fit two girls inside
Imagine not having at least enough room for a dakimakura
mine is so big I could fit myself and two women in it, it's a big ol fuckin bed
Did you tell them 'this is the bed where my parents were conceived' to set the mood?
i'm a still a virgin and never had a gf, i'm a side character without a mouth, nose or eyes
Give me one reason to keep reading Muramasa after the bandit captain scene.
At least you were in the same bed with a girl tho it must have smelled great
She was more interested in texting other men than me so i went back to gaming and ignored her completely. And i have allergy so i can't smell shit.
>keep reading Muramasa
You don't.
The monk scene
Immoral sex with little lolis.
>diaperschizo malding again
Buckbroken beyond belief.
That's why you don't find cute girls sleeping next to you.
There's one more ntrKINO in Ichijou's route. See >>487410713
>Miyako made a hole in the floor she could access by crawling under the house just to bed invade Yamato
If she really loves you locks do nothing
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Everyone knows your average moege heroine is an expert lockpicker.
>gets an electronic lock
pick this, boomer
noppai doko
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What do we think about Atri's anime?
even MCs that claim to be poorfags aren't really poorfags
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very flat
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Any yandere imoutos???
NTRkino with imoutos???
Her brother is quite literally me

I love Karen
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Let us REWRITE that.
VNs where a weak loser cums inside a muscle girl?
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give boobs back to lucia
Any VN with misunderstandings?
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Any VNs with favella?
I'm a border in my criminal
Any VNs with a zako chinpo vs a deka manko?
Any VNs with a zako chinpo and a deka chinpo both entering a zako manko at the same time?
Anon's Life
anon's life on a visit to a prostitute
Traps are gross and gay because they have disgusting dicks.
In Kenzen 2 you walk in on a twin brother pounding his twin sister’s manko and you shove your dick in it at the same time (he doesn’t really have a zako but it’s small compared to your deka, also you fuck the boy)
VN with heavy metal?
anyone up for some eroge guessing game?
virus link
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pp grabber
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pp grabber imouto
kino, downloading it now

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