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>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27th, 7:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previously, on /xivg/: >>487376380
more catboys please
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Femlala EB for my Malera
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Think about femlalas.
femra rape and pitnosis and whatnot
no, you're probably gay
a femlala did this to my corpse in cc
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Alisaie foot smell
brewing up a batch of meena thoughts rn
We love malezen
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Wuk Lumat is a ___.
catboys should enjoy that though
Ever since Mare returned I've been down horrendous and plapping every female race I came across with my F+
I am undertaking a ritual to summon face 2 femra to this thread
i'm a catman
So pretty... I'd be so lucky to have a femlala EB...
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Made it to 100 as a picto, please say you're proud of me and give me headpats.
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skibidibee bababada do badada do
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my catboy is like this (pictured behind)
how many sacrifices
Suck my balls
I still haven't been able to cum and I hate it. I need femra. I need miqo. I need it.. please....I'm going insane.
I'm a sex demon who can't have friends.
you're thinking of malera actually
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Why are lalas like this?
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inside of cerberus is so high quality now
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i made too many
No need for luck anon, just the will to make it happen.
i hate face 4 femra, so i will not be congratulating you
Hey I'm back in the game after a long break. How do people do shaders in this game in 2024? Is Reshade still king?
me in the foreground contemplating it
haha so true sister you should hold her underwater until she's begging to be let up and then you let her up so she has to gasp air filled with pitnosis stink
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Dynamis CC @ 2:15 ET
Dynamis CC @ 2:15 ET
Dynamis CC @ 2:15 ET
fuck you for that DNC LB
I prefer EN to JP because ARR/Heavensward groomed me into thinking this world was set in fantasy Europe.
>it's real
>there are 9x as many parses for this tier as 6.0's first tier
ummmm xisters? i thought yawntrail sucked and was going to kill the game?
I wish my malezen would let me slap his pecs, but in a no homo way.
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I'm spending my crafting scrips on glamour as I level up and do the quests even though I know I should be spending them on materia to overmeld.
I've never once been inside Cerberus.
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need soul evans lalaboy for my maka albarn lalagirl
i plap a full silicon ass sextoy every night pretending its tataru
I would marry a femlala that looked like this and had a gentle personality without hesitation
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reminder if your first thoughts aren't moo or milk they aren't big enough
give me some
have you tried making friends with people you arent attracted to
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Reminder that if you see this faggot in-game to avoid him and warn others that he raped his sister and bragged about it to these threads
His name is Vulgen Maiingan on Malboro Crystal
"Opponents unable to complete party. Match canceled."
I have literally never seen that happen before.
Yeah, everyone uses reshade now.
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What is CC and how do I get to it... it seems fun if it's what all you guys are playing...
I'm proud of you, cute lizard, nice tummy
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This is what this game is all about
catbox proof?
does this mean they are paypigs or want money
My catboy wants this. With a penis.
holy mystery pumpwife on the right
Exquisite taste anon.
Crystalline Conflict.
play the game
I'm sorry for my meltdowns and annoyingness, I'm getting better
If I wasn't EB'd with someone I'd let you go to town on my sunnie for as long as you wanted until you cum your brains out
pvp you unlock it at 30 when you get your job stone
shure but tomorrow im on goblin also
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Actual pic of me IRL watching that DNC LB.
Maybe he did and that would be beyond awful but I'll be six feet underground before I ever take the word of some 4chigger.
CC clearly is the game dipshit that's why I'm asking.
Oh!! I will try it when I can.
I have dreams where I'm a villain/monster that has to be taken down due to my own guilt of being a failure in life.
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You are trying too hard and are giving alt energy
Neat. Thanks anon.
my wife
Gentle femlalas are boring, where are the mean, bratty or jaded femlalas at?
I will critical art a femlala.
Shh just cum for me
They don't need to know
I think I would like to join in on mahjong some day.
>i thought yawntrail sucked
It does. Raids are fun though.
They're all fine.
just myself, see you in the next life
be careful around that catboy
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Been a Elazen for around a week...and im feeling that i may not fanta off of it for a while.was a male highlander for 10 years
i guess i'm also the scatman
Who gives a shit
who up late nightin they lala
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You wanna play the game?

I'm from balmeme.
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gshade was HUGE for a long time but then the maker of it went full retard so people swapped back to reshade for a few months. however, reshade kept having minor compatibility issues for some users, and then the gshade guy sort of crept back into the public space like he hadn't done anything wrong and people either forgot or forgave him and jumped back to gshade since it "just werks" without any configuration or bullshit.
for example, reshade had ui issues for a long ass time and was missing some well known shaders that people liked. none of that is a problem with gshade, so people just went back to it.

i'll get called a gshade shill for saying all this, but yeah that's the history of it. you can use either. reshade is objectively better since it's open source and (afaik) works fine nowadays.
I made lewds of my character plapping a femra today.
look like a REAL fucking vamire
God same here but I just need femra
I am going insane
fellas I play a friggin moonie
omg meeeeeeeeeeeee. i love hunt trains
i am a femlala
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how does someone mess up that badly
just going too fast?
Are these bots or how do they get so much materia?
i'm thinking about streaming the cc meetup
Based. Help them learn an important lesson.
Same, but milking femboys and getting plapped.
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confess this
super important special poll once in a lifetime don't miss this!
>I'm getting better
I'm glad to see you better, how has everything been?
femlalas ruined my life
holy fug same
I know who posted this.
I'm really sorry I wasn't there to protect you.
I am a morning lala.
mods are asleep
catbox porn of lalas
i'm really proud of my viper glam that i made, even though i don't think it's really anything special...
wtf me 3
you first
No I already got stood up tonight and it's almost 2 am so it's time for me to watch reels for 2 hours before falling asleep
>how has everything been?
Terrible but hopeful, it's complicated
>you arent attracted to
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Think I'll play a little freestyle SAM tonight
if people knew what my character looked like they would be disgusted when i sexpest them...
Not a rumblecorder btw
Not a wintrader btw
Doesn't browse these threads btw
Pray we do not ruin it further.
yeah? i bet you wont post my intials bitch
holy macaroni
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Thinking about femras
I like being friends with complete coomer degenerates.
What is a "goonie"
I made a cute glam today only to realize it only looks good enough to wear in places wings are allowed.
I don't mind doing a little extra work on the backend for Reshade. Appreciate it anon.
please marry my femlala
I'm sweating thinking about femra abs
I prefer the other version of honey b lovely that one anon keeps posting...
The latest Gshade update fucks up Dalamud and it is impossible to fix because Gshade has no rollback feature. Also if you're not tech savvy, Gshade now also hides some crucial folders by default in case you're planning to transfer from Gshade to Reshade.

"We’ve received reports that ReShade 6.2.0+ and GShade 5.1.1+ are causing issues with Dalamud, preventing UI windows from opening. We are actively working on a fix for this, and hope to have an update pushed out soon.

There are a couple workarounds right now:
If you don't care about shaders, run a repair (right click the log in button in XL), or rename dxgi.dll to dxgi.dll.no to disable them.
Consider downgrading to an older version of your shader application.
ReShade users can downgrade to 6.1.1
GShade deletes old version installers, so downgrading is not possible."
what is square enixs stand about buying a new account when getting banned?
can we get nu-kong banned again
me... I'm considering leveling my bard, but if I do another fate i'm gonna throw up...
the last time i got a deal like this, the idiot seller looked me up under the recent sales records and accused me of stealing from him, lol. then he started begging for the item back after calling me a thief. people are seriously unbelievable. if he'd just asked initially i would've helped him out too.
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The father made fetuses with flesh-licking ladies
while you and your mother were asleep in the trailer park
You only need reshade+REST to fix the UI stuff. Also most people who make shaders are fucking retarded and don't know about load orders or baking LUTs. Or literally anything new in the last 6 years actually.
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that's like pulling on her spine why would you do that. that hurts.
I control my character
He is me in primal form (I wished him upon the game)
Therefore every character I plap is me having sex irl. I'm the guy who fucks the most in my friendgroup
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>however, reshade kept having minor compatibility issues for some users
The issue was never with reshade, users are just genuinely fucking retarded and can not read the instructions provided.
what are you…
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Do fulala like fiddies? I’m kinda curious how that’d all work out
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what do you fucking mean this game has a housing market.
My malezen does this to femra. He then swings them around by their tail like Ms. Trunchbull swung that girl by her pigtails.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
It's just a gentle, playful tug
every time they don't want to respond they just ignore me
i think im done
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If you can't find them it's because they don't want you to find them. Must be ugly or something.
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I am a needy femlala balmung femlala that wants to be taken advantage of
my femra on the left
bro stop using gshade
its literally malware
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what about less catboys

can't you technically queue for/unlock cc without a job stone
i know you need grand company access + a job stone for frontline, though
We can play some other time go get some sleep.
do you like sunnie+
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do you like catboys
kyoppi post
Shit I had no idea about that. Man, fuck gshade.
You say this like it's simple, but when I was trying to get reshade to work and was asking here about it multiple times, nobody responded or people would claim that there just wasn't a fix. This went on for so long that I learned to just ignore the UI issues, and it's one of a few reasons why I believe many people just went back to gshade instead.
My middie on the right
literal who? what's the lore here i tried to do better but there's no visual feedback about what kills you so as sage sometimes i just DIE
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all of you said dynamis was dead, that it was empty, that nobody would play there...
i love girls like this
i love that they hate me
bring at least 5 lives with you next time
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Goldaline, my dear
We will fold and freeze together
Far away from here
There is sun and spring and green forever

But, now we move to feel for ourselves
Inside some stranger's stomach
Place your body here
Let your skin begin to blend itself with mine
jp femlalas are so much for sexier than en femlalas
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Dynamis CC @ 6:35 ET
Dynamis CC @ 6:35 ET
Dynamis CC @ 6:35 ET
Just a guy who streams a lot of ranked CC on Primal, seems like a good guy from what little we've spoken.
sorry i unsubbed
Post late night femras
My femlala looks + acts like this.
When Dawntrail launched, Reshade was borked but Gshade was quickly updated. The Reshade fix wasn't widely known yet at the time and some people were willing to give Gshade a second chance. As it turns out they're still pulling shady shit like this.
my catboy and who
what if I treated you decently and lovingly instead


That I do.
now that ive maxxed all the fates idk what to do now
>i tried to do better but there's no visual feedback about what kills you so as sage sometimes i just DIE
That's me
I killed you.
this games content is literally built to make you want to stroke your penis it is insane how boring it is
JP female characters > NA female characters
NA male characters > JP male characters
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How many mats should I get to be safe for the new crafted set?
goon n plap
Not me, I can tell that much already.
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Aren't the ossified, exoskeleton bones meant for protection? Wouldn't having intimacy with them be akin to playing Russian roulette?
You're penis and skin are fine until she turns over and scrapes your flaccid skin away with her hardened, chitinous scales layered with spiked columns. These plates were made for warfare not cuddling.
Do you want a male middie?
i think i'm gonna filter "femra" again
>That's me
>I killed you.
Won anyways :^)
>jp howler monkeys ever
no thank you
except wuk's, she's fine
Is it gay if more than anything I really just want to spend the night cuddling a hrothgal then wake up to her messy hair and cute cat stretches?
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I'm in here somewhere, you'll just have to trust me
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This is new
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My femlala? She's like this
do it bro. thread becomes 100% more useable when you filter all the fem- race posts.
Please answer >>487385715
You're weak. You shouldn't have unfiltered.
I mean, consider that most people don't care how a shader program works as long as it works, and it's suddenly really obvious why gshade is popular despite the developer being a scumbag piece of shit operating the whole thing as a closed source fork of an open source version that runs relatively well. For most end users, if you offer them a superior product that might require them to read or do some minor troubleshooting, or another product that does functionally the same thing but works right out the box and has some concerning ethical issues surrounding the owner and how he manages his shit (and now, an actual update error LOL), most end users will pick the thing that "just works right out of the box." Some are stupid. Many are just lazy and don't care.
wtf is this?
who finds this shit hot
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>im so goonbrained that i cant stop thinking of compulsively masturbating
>clearly its the games fault
I actually really enjoy the bee song
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wait, does that also fix this issue i have with particle effects? i've isolated it entirely to FFKeepUI and FFRestoreUI but if i just toggle those off, everything else just breaks, my UI itself seems fine but it's just particle effects that break
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Posted this earlier, you need 1300~ tomestones for the mats and then at most 75 from one of the legendary nodes, sands wise you never go above 6.
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Never mind it wasn't me then.
Also someone left this match so unless they're really getting beat I will be sitting here.
um... sure, i like fiddies...
He's a feast-era wintrader, but so is pretty much every primal pvp oldfag
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I love this, nice glam!!
my moonie wife
That's not new to me.
I have Spectrum.
yes unironically
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This picture was taken close to midnight ET so it would qualify as late night, no?
this is like if a middie was a femlala.

shes pwetty..
Are any trannies in queue?
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guess my race.
Download reshade
Download ReshadeEffectShaderToggler (REST)

The main thing is that if you're trying to use Gshade shaders for something, there's a good chance they don't work on reshade because the .fx files they reference are from literally 2015 and there are far more efficient and powerful shaders made now. You generally only need to install the default shaders, the sweetfx ones, and the ones by marty mcfly (quint, immerse and meteor). Otis.fx is good for cinematicDOF if you like that i guess.

>FFKeepUI and FFRestoreUI
These are hack/workarounds from Gshade's origin, and the main reason why it got off the ground to begin with. REST (linked above) is the modern alternative to it and doesn't require Gshade's bullshit autoupdates or whatever the fag's up to these days.
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6sands for a full set? How come they are selling like hotcakes then?
you haven't queued up yet
I-I'd like that too

I wouldn't mind one...
>Also someone left this match so unless they're really getting beat I will be sitting here.
do you have any advice for pvp then? I have mouseover macros for kardia/icarus but aside from that and exp from playing ERBS it's a little confusing to get into the pvp when i dont know the maps/limit breaks

>pvp oldfag
i will know none of them then, unlucky
ok but what if im not gay
because people don't know that or are stocking up to make multiple sets
Hurting my hand a little high-fiving this femroe but still being extremely happy about it.
forecaster is too kino of a boss to be a stupid hunt
wish it was a raid floor
Why are you going after blankposters? Are they your next target after fiddies?
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i love femlalas so much...
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I'm not fucking forced to one class per character like on WOW? This alone is selling me.
Thanks for the tips in the first part of your post.
Regarding the latter part, his updates aren't mandatory anymore at least. Dude seriously backed off a lot, but there's still the obvious concerning issue of his shit being closed source and him dumping all his social credit so to speak. DT's lighting actually makes me very happy so I haven't felt compelled to use any shaders in a while, but if I do I'll keep your post info on hand. Thanks.
Because it has a barrier of entry, getting the gatherers levelled to 100 and gear made and melded.

Also lazy tax.
Thank you.very nice roe
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r8 my WHM portrait
one of the raids will have an add phase where a referee tries to stop the fight and both the boss and you have to beet up the referee to continue
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awww HELL naw
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I wanna spend the night with a Hrothgal and have her wake up pregnant.
im xffing rn bros
would use untill on the floor twitching, drooling, and leaking from every hole
you suckin me off or somethin?
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So I see the image uses some ores and balls. I'm going to assume to craft these into bars or do they actually use those instead of the precrafted stuff?
Correct you can play every single job in one character.

If you really are new, I gotta tell you the biggest tip, the MSQ (Main Scenario Quest) aka story progression unlocks 99,9% of content in this game, it should be your main priority if you want to unlock dungeons, raids, trials, features, more maps, etc. EVERYTHING is locked behind story progression, even access to expansions.
By 7.3 it will be able to do 0 mechanics. Sad.
>These are hack/workarounds from Gshade's origin, and the main reason why it got off the ground to begin with. REST (linked above) is the modern alternative to it and doesn't require Gshade's bullshit autoupdates or whatever the fag's up to these days.
ohhh, i kept them from the whole swap from gshade to reshade and never really had an issue until dawntrail, i'm glad to hear there's a more modern version, thanks a lot, anon
You aren't! You can swap at will to any of the jobs at any time. This includes all the crafter and gatherer jobs, btw. Warning our crafting is way more gay and tedious than WoW crafting though
which femlala is this?
you're not forced to, though it can be irritating to gear multiple roles in current content in a timely manner. otherwise there's no real downside.
wtf... we're not even married
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my femlala is like this with other femlalas
>hmm time to queue some casual cc for fun
>gnb never junctions, dies 5 times, does 7k damage
I thought those cringe fucking portraits were reportable
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Just finished Endwalker's base MSQ!
Wow what an ending. I really enjoyed this and I was shocked when you know who just flew in to help us in the last fight!
If someone had told me I'd be riding him into battle I would have never believed it xD
Both Endwalker and Shadowbringers were absolutely amazing!
Now time for the post MSQ :p
That's awesome, and in regards to MSQ, I've heard as much from one of my friends. A bit gay but I'm tempted to at least skip these early quests.
how the FUCK do you respond to this without sounding mad??
Okay, but would you cuddle with her?
my femlala on the left
which dc?
Every time balmung femlalas post this shit, I get weird /tells from people who think it's me and then I have to suck them off so they won't feel bad.
I'm with you on DT's lighting. I actually just use a color grading effect right now and literally no other effect. Minimal change to FPS, like literally only 2-3 fps and that's only in areas that aren't CPU bound. I use some DOF shader when in gpose but that's pretty much it. I don't really think the game needs reshade as much right now.
my apologies suna-sama
that sounds terrible, i am glad this doesn't happen to me haha....
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Good thing I never play WHM except with people who won't report me!

Excalibur, Primal
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The materials from the "Vendor" section will become available the 30th from the tomestone vendor, and you need to mix those with the Legendary mats (the 3 star materials on that image) to create bars and leather yes.

Pic related is an example, the Haritaki is a legendary material you gather, and then mix it with the tomestone material Titanoboa Skin to make leather.
i look and act like the right
We saw your post in the last thread, it's just that nobody gives a fuck. Keep your QS shit on Balmung where it belongs and fuck off.
He beat me bloody (at mahjong)
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>30 years to build an unbeatable army using technology with limitless potential
>what if the butler robots had guns
>what if all these cars civilians use had guns
>give me 3 humans that use regulators
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The fuck do you think you earned, exactly?
A connection?
I don't think you recognize they wouldve gotten literally anyone else that day. You were not special, there is nothing keeping people around you.
We're here to cum and then farm. Go away.
Of course. I am not a monster.
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I've gotten WAY better at samurai today compared to yesterday but I'm still whiffing that instakill LB...
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Congrats! It's all downhill from here sis. Prepare for VHS Disney Sequel vibes going forward. And I'm not talking about the rare decent disney sequel either.
my advice to you is, don't skip a cutscene if it's voiced. If you're bored during non-voiced scenes just kinda skim a bit to try to keep track of what's happening. You don't have to do side quests with the yellow markers unless you are a curious lorefag interested in the setting. Quests with blue markers always unlock SOMETHING, and can have decent little side stories but are pretty skippable too. Do your job quests every 5 levels, they are important and unlock new skills.
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DT also reversed the depth buffer, so a bunch of shaders seem like they broke but it's literally just changing this thing to the 1 I have here.
It's slow I won't lie but looking back the world has to be built, you ARE a literal who, you gotta build your rep, believe me, it eventually gets pretty kino. I didn't skipped but you do you bud.
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reporting for duty...
wouldn't you like to knowwwwww?

polly post
So I shouldn't waste my time pre crafting level 98 HQ materials?
go away you annoying nobody
there's a fair bit of padding in arr, but if a quest is voiced or seems like it involves a leader or one of the scions it's probably a good idea to at least skim the dialogue. they will still be relevant later. local npcs are more for world-building.
quests also have updating descriptive text, so you can check that too.
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Dynamis Queue CC @ 11:30
Dynamis Queue CC @ 11:30
Dynamis Queue CC @ 11:30
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thinking about BIG
>losing an /xivg/ mahjong match
someone is ending up on the table...
don't try and get some wacky 4 man kill with it, 1 or 2 is totally fine
just stay calm and know how to target people with the debuff
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>start game
>having a decent amount of fun
>check pastebin to see where peopl started
>not a single clan in my data center
am i doomed to have to interact with ""normal"" people
Will do, awesome.

I'll take the other guy's advice and atleast for the basegame just care about voiced stuff and nothing else. I've heard it gets better from... heavensward(?) onward.
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my male middie acts like this
>another chocolate Excalibur cat slut
Is there over there I'm not aware of?
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And what if I stole your skin
We could have had Final Fantasy XIV: Cinderella III.
you can still do that if you're precrafting collectables
there is no fee to travel to dynamis you dumb fag
illegal nipple detected, say goodbye to your posting privileges
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im a late night retard and responded to the wrong post, sorry... was meant for >>487385997
every single player in this general is on balmung, crystal
the ones who are not on balmung, crystal DC visit or make alts to come here
You will now be ignored here too.
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>no visual feedback about what kills you

I use audio feedback more than visual feedback personally. A lot of important big nuke abilities like WWT or Drill have distinct audio tells you can Recuperate to react to in time.
As a SGE sometimes you're just going to explode, but as a general rule for every job, your best defensive tool is Line of Sight and anytime you notice all 5 enemies have clear sight on you you should keep in mind you are in danger.
welp im bored of /xivg/ and horny now, gonna write a degenerate 4 way between krile, tataru, nanamo and me in ai
take care
But transferring to dynamis is free...
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You should because pieces of gear uses multiple intermediate materials. We dont know which ones will be used yet but so far level x8 materials have always been needed.
just drop that shit raw into a DRK yoink
if you keep posting tits you can stay
Is there what over there?

Did you have a stroke?
I would literally EB you after erping with you, whoever ghosted you is a fag...
I didn't say there was, nigger.
Learn to read.
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>whiffing zantetsuken
You get used to it. Just try not to feel too humiliated when you inevitably fire it into a PLD/DRK LB
wrong. i'm on mateus.
I only use two macros in PvP one is to announce PLD covers and the other is a focus target macro.

/pvpac "Guardian" <t>
/quickchat "Covering Target"
/mk bind1 <me>
/mk bind2 <target> <wait.11>
/mk bind2 <me> <wait.1>
/mk bind2 <me>
/micon "Guardian" pvpaction


/mk attack1 <t>
/quickchat "attacking target"
/micon "attacking target" quickchat
please do not sexualize the rroneek, the sneed and feed jokes about their chucks are already bad enough
i appreciate your sweeping anyways, thanks. my house could use a good dusting
I'm not even a lala right meow
we really are living the ffxiv vhs disney sequel huh
hi mery
learn to make a coherent post dumb faggot
and yes you did
[1:54]Mimi Pan-chikoKraken earns the achievement “Battle Bred I”!
[1:54]Mimi Pan-chikoKraken earns the achievement “Hungry Like a Wolf I”!
The only way to whiff SAM LB is being a retarded ape who holds it all game trying to instakill. Just use that shit to secure kills.
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And i took your liver and I took your lungs and i took your heart and i tossed you down the river and jerked off into the stream
> I've heard it gets better from... heavensward(?) onward.
that's a common misconception, while the game does indeed get kino in it, it doesnt mean ARR is bad, it's just not as good as the rest of it, but it's still has enjoyable moments, some not so enjoyable, but some moments you'd be glad you witnessed. I would say, after you fight Titan (you can't miss him, he looks like a giant chicken nugget) start paying a bit more attention
I'll do you one better:
>lose a tournament thing
>still technically in charge of that military faction, and the only biological son of the current king, not like you're gonna be fucked over completely because of this loss
>nah, gonna go into my 30 year time chamber
>enter a time bubble for 30 years
>be the ruler of a nation for 30 years
>meet a woman at some point and have a child with her (???)
>live a fucking life in the time bubble
>emerge after 30 fucking years of ruling a futuristic nation alongside a queen who loves her people to a fault
>NONE of this rubs off on you in any way
>emerge after 30 years just as angry about that old dirt tournament as you were when you went in
>literally still letting some dumb bitch and her catboy "brother" live rent free in your head that entire time
>audience members forgetting you were even in a 30 year time bubble because you're literally the exact same as when you went in, you didn't mellow out, you didn't learn what it means to rule and have a change of perspective, nothing
zjj was such a wasted fucking character. imagine how cathartic it would've been if he emerged as a successful and capable leader who still needed souls but 6D chess maneuvered wuk and koana who have like 0 leadership experience or something. and maybe he'd even try that shit with papi, but his dad's like "boy i wrote the book on this shit" and countered him or something idk
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I've unironically recently been writing bots for my F-List profiles to help me with writing roleplay with them and increasing the amount of roleplay I can engage in in one day...
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Surely it can't be that bad :'D
A lot of people told me ARR was bad but I enjoyed it :p
I'm gonna start doing this, I always forget how much damage potential a raw ZTK still has
Fellow brainrot...
_____ with hrothgirls.
yes i would like to know, how else am i going to take advantage of you, dummy
I think impure thoughts of my thighlander constantly.
this poster is my friend who I cherish a lot!
this thread is absolutely stuffed to the gills with femlala posting
so anyway... what's the best hairstyle on a femlala?
keep in mind that, even after arr, some pretty important scenes are still unvoiced. you should always at least click through rather than skip anything with the scions or obviously important msq character because they'll be the ones actually driving the plot, especially with the way arr meanders.
there is always someone otw
i don't know who that is...
What is the point if you aren't doing it with your own writing? I can never understand people who use AI in any context
Dawntrail's story is as bad as your posts.
My male midlanders sunnie crush
The opening trailer for DT was where I got disney vhs sequel vibes the most. But when this song started randomly playing, I REALLY felt like I was living in a bad disney sequel.
I hope you can enjoy it. I wouldn't wish my experience on anybody.
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furry coomers glam be like
>obscure ass fucking message board
Anon it's not 2006 anymore...
Should I craft the Grade 1 Gemsaps or will they introduce Grade 2Gemsaps?
i am such a gay grown man faggot
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honestly commendable that not a single piece works together
you probably couldn't even take advantage of a wet paper bag... why should I tell you huh
>wants server status changes
>refuses to play dynamis
>says square will not get $$ to transfer out of them
Sounds like you can't read, you brainrotted troglodyte. They don't want to start on Dynapiss and move off when other servers open.
Go back to school.
why do they always put the most random colors
the pinks don't even match
I want to see what they look like when paired.
what are they plotting...
>on some obscure ass fucking message board
how dare you talk shit about this wonderful basket weaving forum
there will be a grade 2 added
me too sis (male)
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me too
do you like miera
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If I told my boyfriend what im into and what i thought of it, what i thought the world should resemble, who should be in charge and who should be reduced into toys, he would turn me in.
me to sis but not really but I say sis anyway
Guys I think the femlala cabal fucking hates me and I have no idea what I did to upset them.
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A poop feast.
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they been more like this
nigger you didn't imply any of that you fucking ape
look at what you're typing before you post
why can i see my brothers character here
oh god
mother of god
post front plz
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female fingers typed out this post
they just want to coom, and just slap together glam that checks those boxes, bikini, skirt and thigh highs
Please post malera
my maid wife
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[2:00]Registered duty arena has changed. Registration canceled.
me but i play a femra
Unloved? Ignored by everyone? Loser
my femlala is pretty much just like the one on the left
my moonie is so cute
As you wish
Cute retard fish...
It's baaaaaad.... I'ma stop now
so i can focus on gooning and not on writing
Someone post B.-lease?
my malera is like the one on the left
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Huffing a hrothgirl's panties after she tanks a raid all night.
You got more attention than one of them from their crush who doesn't even like femlalas or you don't like femlalas sexually. Femlalas are basically incels but anime moeblobs piloted by skinnyfat adult men.
in hindsight, what the fuck were they implying with this part?
I thought we were gonna actually look for treasure, but we more or less knew exactly where we were going throughout the story and the events in it led us to the city of gold naturally. i don't think we ever had to consult with a tuli resident for map info at all.
honestly the more i rewatch the trailer, the more i feel like they just lied in general, but i guess that's normal nowadays. did we even get a taco during the msq? like, an actual sitdown scene where we ate one? i don't recall us ever eating a taco. at best, we had popcorn with graha off screen.
So I should bother prepping grade 1 right?
That poster was not alive in 2006.
idk what I'm doing up still
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This person doesnt exist anymore but i can kinda puppet them around if i vaugely remember what they typed and sounded like
hey wanna?
I can see a penos O_o
I can't go to crystal
Sleep well
does she like femra
Is there a program that lets me cheat at mahjong?
as in I manually put in each piece and it tells me what to do next?
now turn off the mods
it's built into the game
waiting to take my dick
for what race…
Teach me something interesting, /xivg/!
>smelling the arousal saturating them from a night of combat
I grind DoL jobs to wow lore videos.
thanks friend, now before you die post face
builded for my malezen
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>Femlalas are basically incels but anime moeblobs piloted by skinnyfat adult men.
Lots of them are trannies. Like holy shit I've met so many trans femlalas it's unreal.
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yeah it won't be used for anything, there will be a tome material for it and a gemstone material used in the new recipe
do melee dps LB just one shot you or are they just a lot of damage
It doesn't make me win
raping dream girl
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This weird nerd is forcing me to learn how to play mahjong. She won't stop talking about pondwater, send help
femra, duh
Thank you, you too anon
Both ways
If they are all focusing you then you're pretty much deleted.
NIN is a 1 shot if you're below 50%
SAM is a 1 shot if you're a retard
I missed the event
is that heavensturn samurai armor available on the mogshop or anything
yes snes SNES
Even at professional level play, Mahjong is still like 70% luck.
because mahjong is a game of chance, playing perfectly can't make up for bad luck.
Dynamis CC @ 4:25
Dynamis CC @ 4:25
Dynamis CC @ 4:25
Someone else call after me, I'm going to eat.
yeah i do! because i think youre pretty!
i wish a rava would kissnotize my femlala...
>Even at professional level play
I'm not asking for professional level play, I'm asking for computer level play
i want to meet this merciless middie someday..
I have found the quest to unlock transmog...
yeah it's like $5 or something.
so hrothgals just look like dogshit then?
>mfw it's neither of those things
How many you reckon I should prep?
this place is one of forbidden knowledge
you come out having learned stuff you wish you hadn't
>SAM is a 1 shot if you're a retard
>Use an aoe near a sam 20% of the time
>Netcode sends your ability out as chiten goes up
there's more to it than being retarded, but SAM is a retarded gimmick job
Let's see your femcat.
Again, that's built into doman mahjong already.
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Moot is gonna be very upset when he sees and hears this.
>lays next to you
>put my arm around you
back when it was called the Feast, people used to use macros to mark targets and countdown a timer until your team would burst that target. it was instrumental in getting kills because healers were pretty strong and could keep the whole team alive through just about any amount of steady damage. you also had to CC the healer AND the burst target at the same time and at the height of the burst damage or you wouldnt get the kill. timing and coordination for it was difficult for new players, especially new melee players, who were expected to do the countdowns themselves. it was this steep learning curve that really killed the Feast.
uh oh trannyra melty
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You have 2 charges of an 8K shield gained from a DoT that gets boosted by your damage increase and goes through Guard, and you also have an invincibility circle that automatically controls space
Weenie fucking baby
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No they look splendid.
Extremely cute blue ra
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which melee should i level
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Really fucking horny tonight bros
What should I get off to?
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>roommate posts here
>every once in a while we get a ban because of his love of femezen posting
femlalas must be prevented from gooning at all costs
Primal, Famfrit
are leveling and high level dungeon roulette worth it exp wise or should i just queue for aglaia/current dungeon
post femra then, we might have already met.
im just asking a question, no need to be upset that i dont know stuff and want to learn so i can stop griefing
>spamming AoE when SAM has a full bar
No it's just being retarded ackshually. The screen gives you all the info you need to avoid it.
Later, when I get my grubby hands on some fantas, probably some time next week or so
Have this old screenshot in the meantime
my femlala is not a gooner
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i hate the sam changes
>spamming AoE
stop coping
I would just be capped on gemstones, there's no way of knowing which one is used for the pots
and then however many you feel like
This cat, on my fiddie's face, without stopping.
Levelling yes (as long you haven't done it for the day)

High level not really, it's mostly used for tomestones.
do you help him out bro?
different computers play at different levels, anon. chess.com has bots you can play against and they range from retard to literally impossible to beat.
most of the people here are complete dog shit at cc so rest assured you will be better than people like that anon in no time
Famfrit, Primal.
How did SAM change?
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I appreciate the kind words anonymous poster
Lying is a sin
>spamming aoe
if you're going to be intellectually dishonest there's no point continuing
Mahjong isn't chess though.
Can't wait to bully DRK players when I wake up but for now this fussy lil bunbun is going to bed
That's not B.
>iterally impossible to beat.
i dont think i've seen a single pvp streamer who didnt use camera cheats
>most of the people here are complete dog shit at cc
like who
That is quite large
does anyon else see the conk?? <_<
Fine, since hyperbole makes your shithole bottom out
>using AoE near a SAM with a full bar even once
What a cutr hrothgal /pet /pet /dote
gotta be me
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Looking for people on the chaos data center who want to do savage when it comes out..........
We already have TWO people.........
Join us........
>i-it's hyperbole bro!
jesus christ
Famf primal rit
don't fret too much, just keep queuing and take every game as an opportunity to learn something new
No, but I was giving an example.
There's bots that can think like 300 moves ahead.
i am a puppyfolk femlala...
>doing savage
>with xiggers
psure he's talking about me
m1 and m4 themes clear m2 hard
No, you weird-ass tranny.
anyone want to farm ex2?
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Oppa fashion style
hell yeah brother (im fresh prog)
Right but it's an entirely different game. I feel like you're just trolling me at this point because you surely understand the difference.
only if you help me clear
Don't get mad at me because you're bad at mmo pvp that explicitly shows you things that will kill you on your screen. I bet you get killed by the robots in cucktown too.
would frothgals having paw feet like that be better or worse
Are you sure you want to open this door to progress through the dungeon????
Are you sure you want to teleport to this aetheryte that you had to click on 8 times because there is so much clutter on the map????
Are you sure you want to use Aetherial Reduction on this fish that has no other use??????
Are you sure you want to skip this cutscene??????
The absolute state of retards
continually coping isn't winning you any points
>Literally only non-aoe is Ruin
>RDM no longer able to use root/silence when SAM holds full bar
>BLM no longer able to use their LB
>PLD no longer able to use Confetior
Your logic dictates a SAM should never actually LB because it locks down somewhere between 20-80% of the toolkit of every job in PvP.
Naga is really the best jong AI I can think of out there, and it requires payment to access. Even Naga struggles against humans at the highest level. Something free like Mortal will play above average, but it's hardly superhuman.
i made a golem that looks just like my sister and I jerk off to it every night with the thought of having getting her pregnant so i can force her to get a abortion against her will.
Would you recommend I craft the actual gear to sell or waste my time crafting orange scrips to sell materia instead?
Someone make more CC calls so I have an excuse to talk about my femlala PVP crush.
>biohole catgirl with puppygirl in her info

the fuck does this mean?
ted nivison lookin ass
on second thought im not sure
*exits dungeon*
Ok but you have to be my femra wife.
wanna rp that
>that you had to click on 8 times because there is so much clutter on the map
hold CTRL you moron
Careful, I bite in my sleep
>Are you sure you want to teleport to this aetheryte that you had to click on 8 times because there is so much clutter on the map????
hold ctrl newbab
>most of the people here are complete dog shit at cc
it seems like a lot of people kinda ignore grouping and the crystal, they just run to dive backline which i mean if that works sure but it feels very separated from a group effort if that makes sense
we love YesAlready don't we folks
Bro your yesalready??
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Ha ha yeah
You can't talk to people during CC.
lmao pozzed datacenter
Going over every possible situation would take forever. You know for a fact using AoE around a SAM with a full bar is a shit idea. Stop trying to argue this objective fact, it's boring.
>>Netcode sends your ability out as chiten goes up
it doesn't do this even when I played on 500ms dogshitter ping on materia
sam is able to activate its counter for 5s every 25s , if you're not sure that chiten is up and the LB bar is nearing full, don't don't cast your shit near the sam
most people who understand sam shit will use chiten a few seconds before its lb is fully charged since it's less obvious that you'll be one shot when you get the debuff so be smart
it is legitimately one of the worst LBs in the entire game and it's completely worthless if you just don't attack the sam when he's winding up
make PF and i'll help you clear
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dynamis casual cc 7:45 ezt

okie dokie
shes trans you old fart
Which femlala is your crush?
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>nooooo stop doing content just erp and talk about your hrt doses!!!!!!!!!
Can you trannies just be quiet........?
She wants to be walked around on a leash while begging for daddy's cock
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for the past month I have been despite being totally non-caring about them before
I really want to sleeve one or get sleeved by a fulala but I'm too much of a pussy for that.
that’s not what he said
i’m not on crystal so likely not
No that's PSY I just need the tinted glasses.
>Sam has full bar
>Sits on crystal
>SAM free-pushes it to the end-goal because I am not allowed to do anything near them
you're brilliant
stop posting now, retard
you dont need to pay attention to the crystal until the last 20 seconds unless the enemy has broken through your checkpoint already
Pick one lol, that's a tranny dogwhistle, no pun intended.
Dayum, you think about them a LOT.
The Hints box in Doman Mahjong is hardly a best-move-all-the-time system. Sometimes it can make rather dumb choices where you have to know when it's wrong.
The only (you) you got was me insulting you. Your partner doesn't want to be seen in public with you. That's how sad, pathetic, and forgettable you are.
Did someone else crash on crystal?
I can see the charm of either option.
I'm not.
Why are pvpfags so dumb?
>Actually it isn't my fault for doing something every learned not to do week one of new pvp
This is why it's always so shitty when Crystalfags hop on a bandwagon.
you're an insufferable poster but I'm sure at least one anon will join your static because they have a tranny fetish
I caught someone using a PVP automation bot before DT's release. I won't go into details as it would reveal who I am, but filing that report and then seeing them be mysteriously absent for the first two weeks of Dawntrail was pretty funny.
>trannies live rent free in a anime posters head
like clockwork lmao
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Im tired, this is ridiculous
I was trying to get every tool pentamelded but changed my mind after this, the others will only get 2 XII and 1 CP, idc anymore
We all hate femlala posts, femlalas should stop posting forever.
not him but i don't mind if you bite me
or just walk into the sam and hold the crystal without attacking? sam's neutral damage sucks fucking cock
you know EU hours have begun because of the extreme presence of penis in the thread
i know youre full of shit because the only bots that get banned are the incredibly low-hanging fruit gil farmer bots
wow nice brainlet cope
I have realized once again that my oblivious friendly actions have put me in way too deep.
*shields myself before pressing aoe buttons*
what now samcuck
>I was trying to get every tool pentamelded
Por que
helping someone cum is more than friendly anon...
>shes a tranny you faggot
tsubame gaeshi is tied to meikyo now and zanshin costs 50 meter so it's really easy to spend too much gauge if you have the muscle memory from ew sam where you mash on shinten during your 2m
dude these lopporits are so fucking funny they make me wanna merge without looking
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You are weak like baby
it's literally just an efficiency calculator it can't be wrong unless you do something dumb like enter furiten
idk my autistm trigerred and decided he wanted every tool pentamelded bc leeee ''100% completion''
I don't do anything like that, man...
i am
a gay hrothgar
we're discussing pvp sam retard
im grinding my CC wins achievement with xivg because its easier to get wins with them than with non xivg rando casuals. i dont think its because you guys are bad, either. whenever i queue up on aether i get mouth breathing retards crawling out of the woodwork onto my team, winning is an uphill battle and i lose more than i win. maybe its the act of playing on a different datacenter thats helping, but matches feel more fair this way. not sure why.
what dc...
they call them hunt boats now? first time really doing a bunch of back to back trains and it's pretty fun ngl getting so many nuts n' tomes and shooting up my s rank mount progress feels great
>Walk up and do nothing
Found the green player.
odds i log on and gpose
evens i play amagami
Is penta melding even needed to craft the new stuff?
the reply chain bro
not him but calling someone a nobody on xiv is fucking embarrassing, get a job
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I'm a male and don't want an EB that isn't a femcel...........
It's so funny how I'm the insufferable one when I'm one of the few that aren't just tranny erping all day in the thread and I'm actively encouraging people to play the content.........
But I guess that strikes a chord with the people who just want to hangout in limsa wearing modern glam degeneracy and treating the game like it's second life...........
why did you say "gay" twice
TEE BEE AYCH it is bad design that people excuse because it's not the best melee in CC in every capacity. SAM LB should work like MCH where it's pure raw damage and bring afflicted with kuzushi makes it go through guard and ignore shields and other mit.
nta but i've been seeing bioholes hop on the trend recently too
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exhausted but I need to make gil..
Anon... the person you initially replied to had PVE content queued in their screenshot
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did u craft for scrips or bought directly? honestly the boring part is that im crafting and it take hours, I could just open universallis and server hop for 500 materia till im done, I have the gil.
wagmi bro... just a little bit more bro...
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Kaoru best girl if you claim otherwise I will personally see to it that you never post in this general again.
you won't personally see to shit you retarded pedophile, kys
>i hate trannies but play a female character
is there a bigger cope for a egg?
ok even better
you can walk up and just hit the sam for free
if he casts chiten just don't hit him because you have more than two brain cells
if you somehow fail step 2 you can just shield yourself and survive the 120s cd lb anyway for free
if you EVER die to empowered sam lb you made a mistake, full stop
Oh yeah?
And yet you're having a major melty because I decided I preferred not to interact with you anymore, even gave you ample reason as to why before blocking you.
Genuinely, I hope you can make some good friends and be happier, and I'm sad that cannot be me, I simply don't have what it takes to endure your presence at the moment.
It isn't negative, don't get it the wrong way, but it's too much for me to handle.
Wishing you the best, sis.
A femcel is not going to eb a biomale who plays a female character LOL
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im only on my first playthrough but im going for morishima and i love her especially when she says wow
Bro...those materia are gonna burn a hole in my wallet...I gotta get it ready...
j-just a little more and we're good... no worries bro... just...
ah fuck it's over
do you like k.k. plainsfolk balmung femlalas
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>random femra said this to me in my raid roulette
I completed my duty as a viper.
I'm impregnating Miya and you cannot stop me.
>5 bucks
time to become a paypig for the night
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what did i do?
not him but i only play a female character (and play this game at this point) because this game is cheaper than buying a dollfie and clothes for the dollie, and accessories, and such.
it shouldn't come as a surprise that people consider you insufferable when all you do is complain about the game and/or trannies in the most limpwristed fashion imaginable
The answer to the question "Do you like X" is inverse to the answer of the question "Are you a lala?"
402,284,953 isn't enough for this...I thought I got enough good karma to start making money but I was wrong..
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It's a shame I can't find a more matching hair
played good, or was really hot, or they were all friends in a party and chose you for the comm
as far as cc games go aether has been incredibly low-tier for some time, so you aren't completely wrong
still scratching my head at the game i had earlier
some of it depends on what you play and when, though
joined with a premade
baofu bros...
nah man you need like double that surely... haha........
>felt permadead
>second highest on leaderboard
wtf is the metric for this game mode of doing well anyways
niggas will have 400 millino gil and wine about being broke niggas
can enemies see what i /say in frontline
also can i get banned for trashtalking
also why are moonies so fucking ugly
It's a shame that MCH can't use the sniper out of PvP.
>attention whores will attention whore about random shit for an excuse to post their toon
Welcome newfriend. Wait until you meet Molly.
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I just got them naturally by playing for fun
you can get banned for trash talking, you can even get banned for targeted emoting
it depends on the severity/if they care enough to report you
(You) problem
yes, yes
Yeah but he's right
everyone always wants to plap, but i just want someone to hold my hand and tell me everything will be okay from now on...
i shall be logging on and engaging in a leveling roulette on the monk or dragoon class i havent decided which one
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Nobody is going to know everything, and everyone starts somewhere. We fail, learn from our mistakes, and hopefully get better than we were over time. The only person anyone should be comparing themselves to is who they were in the past. Making fun of people for being ignorant of something that they haven't encountered before or have yet to find a work-around for is both foolish and incredibly mean-spirited.
my cohealer casted medica 3 33 times while I only casted it 8 times
am I the problem
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u have 2 iq
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i'm broke, can you buy me raid food
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dynamis cc 12:45 ezt
>tell me everything will be okay from now on
I can't lie to you like that. There's a common end for almost half of futafags.
headed to the moonie mines
whoever has my voodoo doll stroke it a lil
i called my entire team a bunch of retards in all caps in frontline 3 years ago and never got punished even after someone said "reporteeeed~"
I only have 100k gil
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one less male highlander for me to sexpest.....no......
both would fix my catboy, probably
instead i'll continue to go without either
>but also a futard
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God forbid someone dares forming their own opinion that hasn't been regurgitated as safe to the thread cliques..........
I've literally never had a wrong opinion so try again.........
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sure, which one?
*pulls your stupid hair really hard*
everything will be ok from now on, sis
chin up
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why do people even play CC when FF14's pvp is notoriously dogshit? Play WoW for better CC, more nuanced class differences, more addons, and better PvP rewards.
i'd still use discretion with your insults, though
the better move is to just not say anything in chat at all, in fl it's especially not worth doing anything inflammatory
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sorry but its only downhill from here buddy
it's gonna get way worse
>have 180m
>feel guilty for buying something that I like that costs 2m

is there a name for this feeling
what should I gather for crafted raid food?
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I crafted for scrips. I don't buy shit.
Gargleblast my balls old man no one believes your bullshit lies
>i love her especially when she says wow
You should listen to Wan Wan Disco Fever then. I like her normal/good end, but her "best" end is too anime for me.
the hud is taking up almost as much screen as the actual game is
is that all addon shit or is that just wow's interface
I will not play pvp in an mmo.
it's fun
im not locked to a single class that you have to GEAR for pvp like i would be in WoW
scrooge syndrome
This is unironically 95% of EBs and friends playing this game, btw
worlo hasn't been good since 2010 and i'm not giving my money to a company who drives female employees to suicide
they banned people for setting off fireworks on dead bodies in pvp
I never said you were wrong, only that you talk about in the faggiest way possible
i don't think i want to post my femlala here anymore
Money sense.
its all addons aside from like 1 thing
My EB is so much richer than me...
Do you not get exp if you disconnect toward the end of the duty or something? I could swear that you get exp and all the duty completion stuff. Just that you might miss out on loot rolls.
this is fine, very fine
are you on primal?
you are grinding your teeth in your sleep. see a dentist sanchez
i play the pvp of whatever mmo i find fun
i don't find wow fun anymore and i played it for a decade
xiv pvp is objectively garbage in comparison though, there's no arguing that, even with how bad wow is in these new expansions
I don't have an EB...

not really, I'm the same way where I have 20mil+ gil and don't want to spend 100k on something I could get myself
you need to be a certain way to have the drive to amass money in this game
And fool that you are. You blocked someone who did no wrong against you. I played you like a fiddle. So now you either batton down the hatches and commit, or admit an anon you never met made a fool of you. Such is the fate of the mentally weak.
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my femlala is having impure thoughts lately...
my eb sucks me like that
>i'm not giving my money to a company who drives female employees to suicide
Blizzard didn't do this, Activision did. As the saying goes, don't throw your last chicken in the dog kennel and expect the chicken to still lay eggs.
Aether, but we can meet up in oceania.
She looks like she enjoys the company of dragons
>I'm a male
>plays femra
sure you are sis
I love this artist they are easily one of my favs of all time
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Tell me about them, dear femlala.
im the poor friend..
You must be my eb because I make sure that thing is drained.
i'm a toxic frontline gamer
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I have begun my mahjong training arc, you people don't stand a chance on august 3'ed
I tried to be your friend but you were mean instead so I'm glad you're unhappy
Why do they call them a cheese quesadilla when the word quesadilla has the Spanish word for cheese in it already?
Why not?
it's more enjoyable to not post sis
my femlala hasn't had any of her medications for three days and probably won't be able to get them ever again
I rediscovered them a few days ago and they have good stuff
same reason people call cheese dip the spanish word for cheese: they're dumb
..i swear i think i know you
No fucking wonder femlalas dominated the "worst posts in the thread" poal, holy shit
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>just write your posts in academic prose that is so boring and dry that no one will ever read or respond to them
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dynamis queue cc 4:30 ezt
>You blocked someone who did no wrong against you
I blocked someone who tried to blatantly manipulate me and guilt me into spending less time with my friends and more time with her (Despite trying to include her in my daily in-game activities and talking to her all day on discord for over a week)
But if you wanna think you've won, go ahead, I was never interested in fighting you anyway.
Hey... nice captcha lmfao
who is "they"
Yea, it's not even close, femras are a DISTANT second.
Probably because people think "no fillings" aka plain also includes the cheese.
Nope, never met anyone here. If you want proof, my character's initials are HC and I'm a fiddie.
it’s time to address the people
explain why dawntrail was so poorly written
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I love Sphene
She can do no wrong
does anyone wanna do a leveling roulette
i have plenty of other grievances with the company in general besides that one, but it was still the tipping point for me
and even if it's on the activision end, it's still activision blizzard, still under bobby at the time, so my sentiments stand
if xiv didn't eat up most of my game time i'd probably still be ganking alliance shitters on a private server, though
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same sis...
Most sane lala/lalafucker
Correct, I'm glad you've realized that you don't need to phrase your posts like you have a lisp that rivals mike tyson
Didn't people bitch about Endwalker?
Why did they think Dawntrail was going to be different?
based horde player
May I plap?
Which academy teaches you to use 19 ellipses?
Lil Xan University?
I have 400mil and I wont spend 500k if I can help it
Based. Good luck.
Femras have a hidden reverse scale, if you manage to find it and rub it, they will feel extreme pleasure.
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Anyone have frontline macros I can copy? or a resource for making them?
I promise to rarely use sounds unless its for retreat or going to an A/S rank node
Who is the one that keeps schizoposting you? Name and shame
>that one tier where they standardized the pvp stats (with gear only giving something like 1% all stats per 10 ilvl over the tier minimum) and everyone flipped their shit causing blizz to immediately reverse it
my femlala does this
booblet flatbeast tardra eb will be canon in 7.77
post full
k.k. is a pretty cute femlala...
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I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
If you think writing in discord canned phrases and posting anime pics makes me more likely ro read your posts, ur mistake, I mentally filter your posts most of the time because you can tell just from a glance at the long lines of elipses and the anime pic whatever is contained within is going to be insipid drooling on yourself tier retardation.
>The only (you) you got was me insulting you.
I replied too >>487388309
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Can I have like 100 so I can buy a house and decorate it?
Stalya Verlasch@Balmung
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Police girl.
oh im sorry,Seras Victoria
My middie does this to femras
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>china exclusive
they can't keep getting away with this
You can buy an appartment and decorate it for like 500k-1mil
smhing my head bro
Smooching this cute suncat
why is this allowed
I've had it suggest calling riichi when there are literally 0 potential tiles remaining in play to win with.
Not enough space/item slots
yup, this anon is a transgirl
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which should I go with
Don't most modern mahjong machines riichi automatically?
my hands in a femra's skirt at the moment but i might be free tomorrow afternoon, i'll be on the lookout for your fiddie at meetups as well.
WoW pvpers are all about shitstomping people with worse gear than them
insanely based
last cc call for me, btw
Yet another cute one
don't ask me dude i got most of my gil from hunts and subs
Same, I don't want the attention.
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1 or 2, i like them both
because they're not spanish and don't care about hurting 3rd worldie feelings
the part i didnt tell you is its on materia......
None, stop being a furfag
you know what to do...
Finally some femlalas are getting the message that they aren't wanted here. Now we just need to get rid of the rest.
because they’ll just ban the game if they don’t get exclusives
I don't take advice from trannies sorry
me love
forever just because
Which face is this so I can be racist to this ugly face and go "vomit, face x hroth..." like I would face 2 catgirls or face 1 catboys
I'm a bigger who's too scared...
miss chatting with ya in voice chat buddy not gonna lie
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if you're a male and play a male character, hell yeah
if you're a male and play a female character, enjoy being a lonely faggot forever LOL
this lalatroon is still assblasted I see
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this thing should just be a big monitor
said no one ever
>spoke their name and they disappeared
Some people are actual curses manifest, holy shit.
NEED a femlala EB who will stab me in the back after earning my trust completely (in a cool dramatic way not an NTR way)
I'm asking a question, your character is just really ugly.

I'm doing it anonymously because I don't want people to know how mean I am.
i gave joi+cei to an an ebin here
And if I play both?
soulless retard
the bird is to mimic the skywatcher's
your loss then!
can someone recommend me some good reshade presets for gameplay?
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You can get banned for pretty much anything in frontlines, except for actually cheating for an advantage.
I am aware and I do not care
are lalas the most astroturfed race?
Some people play the game for fun and not as a dating sim anon
I play a male character and i'm lonely
not my character, I just remember your melty from last night lmao
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seeing dynamis CC this active this late at night is nice
femlalas and mooncats
Thank you for the warning, that's a cut femhroth, I'd have approached them had I known no better
Kill yourself you stupid fun hating nigger.
>not a NTR way
wanna be a cute lala
don't wanna get hit on by grownass men
simple as
nta but hey....
bro your projection
majority play it as a dating sim (most female character players - majority of players are female miqo'te)
damn picto just really fucking sucks in cc doesnt it
Hmmm... Does anon really want to be NTRd by a cute femlala like me? How sad...
sure bwo
that's where I'm leaning too
nah, they simply look better than any of the other races in the game
face 3 I think? I didn't pay attention after I found it in the char creator
>I was never interested in fighting you anyway.
>instantly goes full melty at the first drop of hostility
>just get here
>calls suddenly end
I see how it is.
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There is no room for affection at the Mahjong table. It is a field of battle. A place for war. You will see this face in your nightmares after our legendary conflict.
*sigh* I know.
it does not help that, if you are k.k., I consider you a friend and it'd be awkward.
I think painting should be instacast during combat, that's what's holding it back
yeah, I do...
>Roes so forgotten we're not even on the bad posting list
It's so over bros...
yea sure
gl getting rid of the fulalas and diaper pedos
femhroth is right there though?
are you going to be at the CC meetup, by chance..?
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Catgirls are the real answer
Grown man.
i play men since i relate to men
i don't play women since i can't relate to women
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job for this feel?
>i'll be on the lookout for your fiddie at meetups as well.
I'll probably miss the meetups in OP because the game only lets me go to oceania and Dynamis, that, and I have a terrible memory so I'll probably forget too.
>tfw face 1 catboy
>tfw my favorite hroth alts are face 3s
well fuck you too, then
Why does anyone bother playing BRD in CC? You don't get kills, you do the least amount of damage, and all you do is rack up assists which mean squat when other people on your team are putting in the actual work to get kills and do all the damage. You're taking up a valuable slot on your team that can be taken by a tank or a healer who will have a bigger impact on your team's ability to win.
Give me the uncensored..
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he a fan he a fan he a fan
Viper and Ninja.
I can't play a representation of me because nobody can control me, even myself.
So I control a cute girl because women should be obedient to men (me)
>k.k. friends with biggers
specifically to make you angry
no no, sorry. i just want a break to do something else. i've been at it a while.
I keep hearing that name, and people having similar stories that they were overbearing and that they had to block them or tell them to leave them alone.
Why so many people all in the same 2 days? Where are you guys even meeting?
why didn't they let her go hoodless in her normal Dawntrail outfit bros it's so unfair
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epic game square
BRD is good.
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It's fun.
*silent nocturne's u before u can bonk my PVP pals*
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it's fun
also, genuine skill/teammate issue
I see. I do apologize. Truth be told, you were entirely unknown to me before I saw your post. I decided randomly to antagonize you. I am saying nothing but the truth here. I was mean to you simply for the sake of being mean. I'm sorry you experienced that, and wish you the best moving forward.
This is the only time I'll apologize. Future victims will have no such benefit.
Unlike tetris which is an epic square game
my lalaboy isn't like this but I hope you find one that is, sis
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>he plays phys ranged
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I don't understand. safety reasons?
How much do you think a froth would charge to put my sunnie in a headlock while they're both shirtless?
I'm just glad the KH series are no longer square epic games.
You can only trade 1mil gil at a time
DRK. Good riddance.
>dating barret
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You can only trade 1mil gil at once
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Because silent nocturne used to be the most fun ability to use in PvP anyone you wanted dead you could just hit that from max range and watch your melee make them eat shit as they couldn’t fight back. But then yoshitpiss decided people were having too much fun and his game needed to be more like esports shart and gave it a 10 meter range instead stupid fucking gook bastard I hope Dawntrail flopping kills this fucking game fuck me.
you should. the basics and burst are easy to pick up, and the little nuances of knowing when to silence and use your bind aggressively are straightforward as well
{Good luck!}
It's also not a square game, epic.
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ok its up on materia
I'll do it with a froth golem and your sunnie for 20mil
i don’t really go to meetups sorry lewd middie..
based, it's fun. for me it was the >brd posters that got me to pick it up
Queens gambit is a square game epic
I need a prostitute, I'm not trying to buy a bitch a house.
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Sir that's an illegal act.
ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Be sure to read your tooltips and make note of which teammates are going to do silly dives so you can give em a little Paean after they pre-purify.
And what race are you, sad anon?
Tucking this annoying little BRD into bed.
i'm also a femlala
would suck your grown man cock dry for posting this alone

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