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Previous: >>487377464

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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I can't believe Euler is that much of a pervert...
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the safe horny geo tiger...
Stupid Euler underwear isn't supposed to go on your head
YanTao poster... don't look.
Genocide Zhong has stayed too long!
Neuvbros, do you think Xilonen will be an upgrade for him ?
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>”The electro sovereign? Yea, they tasted pretty good with some onions sauce.”
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sex with alhaitham
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>can finally drop PetraLi and VVuha
Thank you xilonen
yantao sisters.....
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the shocking safe horny goddess...
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Genshin Impact is my favorite game. I love logging in every day and enjoying the relaxing atmosphere, exquisite music, spending resin, and messaging my friends.
I recently rolled Sigewinne and I am looking forward to obtaining Emilie next, I will roll her and her weapon. I enjoy the wonderfully crafted summer event that tells deep and insightful stories with multifaceted characters such as Wanderer. I also renewed my welkin today.
Thank you to Hoyoverse for creating such a masterpiece.
Oh yes, the tree punching patch. I remember.
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Ororon will save Eula.
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Hey Fuck you Jack! I received more votes than any other male character in this game.
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if you don't post a cheld daily genshin will flop
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it do be like that
how are people still this stupid
>hydro traveler
I'd cuck him too
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>”w-what do you mean all of the food is gone…? I only ordered 10 pizzas today…”
5 star selector year. i feel it in my meat.
>can replace the men, boys and girls in shorts in my teams with busty hags ready for cock
Yea I think I'm gonna be liking natlan a LOT
that's kinda nasty
to end floptaine with more gayshit
So if Xballick is going to be the true Pyro Archon AND Pyro Sovereign, who's gonna be on the annual all Archons group pic like Furina was last year?
More importantly, will the English speaking side of the fanbase finally shut up with such a powerful meta black guy finally included in the game?
Your thoughts, savants of /gig/?
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>Xilonen will totally powercreep Kazuha. Her placeholder kit is way better than his it's over for him
Hmmmmm this seems weirdly familiar..... must be my imagination
Based safehornychad
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>Traverler's biggest simp
>for (You) - feel free to reply with your Blunderer's fanfics and headcanon implications if you want, laughing at the mentally ill never gets old
>treats you like Sumeru saviour and gave you your coolest epithet
>soul mind-reading and gathering kit
>soul animations
>best Archon background
>worshipped and loved by everyone
>broke the meta
>mindbroke the twittertards, now either converted by her cuteness or forever assblasted for not having enough melatonin
Genshin peaked with Nahida
if you want more than that you might as well pack it up and leave
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Nahida is really sexy.
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the safe horny buddypoke...
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KEKshit KEKpag
>for (You)
stopped reading there
it think leaks said more he was just a pyro dragon that fought the sovereign
>GAA1 was not a cuck event
>GAA2 was a cuck event
>Bottleland was not a cuck event
>Simulanka was a cuck event
Patternsisters, this confirms that Natlan summer will not be a cuck event. Look forward to it!
It's okay neuv bro, he's still good for electro dendro teams he'll have his place
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They won :3
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What level is your Euler, /gig/? She will be meta in 5.2
the ugly potato...
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she is the leader of my 2nd team
Mavuika and he won't be black
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Such a lucky camerapag...
who is this ugly bitch??? stop posting it in here!!!
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i wish more people thought like you frogCHAD
sadly we're flopping hard
level 80. only has a gob and sands rn cause im redoing her set.
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>people conveniently forgetting that Kaeya was rizzing literally everyone in Bottleland
wanderer won too hard he cannot lose
Level 90, C1R1 triple crowned. EulaLORDS our time is soon.
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Gorou bros...
>forgetting that he was doing that in 1.6 too
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Any of you guys use a phone cooler when playing Genshin in mobile? Many a player's phones do get toasty and even uncomfortable to hold (if your phone has metal rails/frame).

Plus, it is useful in saving some battery life to keep your battery cool from the heating chipset.
His girlfriend Kirara will come down for him eventually. She's in heat right now.
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Kaeya is a turboslut who tries to fuck a llama, the only bigger pervert is Sucrose
>new meta hag announcement and datamined in the files(which means it's official content)
>Radishcucks come SWARMING out of nowhere
Seems there's not enough wanderer posting
he was stuck with klee in bottleland and was constantly arguing with diluc in gaa 1 he was not rizzing anyone up
the dendro buddypoke aka wanderer gf...
why nahida became a cuck icon?
buddykek melty lole
Cheld's sister Tonia will look like Firefly in Snezhnaya, QITHLAS'HA!
They got uppity during Clorinde's banner too.
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>not yet obtained
Anon fucking hates me…
>hagfags are cuckposters
why am I not surprised...
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This is what nahida looks like canonically
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
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Max triple crowned c0r1.
wanderer fucks this daily btw
nilou is so lucky
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Potentially an upgrade for Neuvillette teams.
You could replace Kazuha with Xilonen while keeping Zhongli in your team for 15% DMG increase from Geo Resonance shield.
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.yxes yllaer si adihaN
I look like this
that doesn't help much
I just did some fast calcs and
is a 9.3% dmg increase for Neuv over
she will be comfier to play too, we are winning Neuvbros
Now post xis xussy
ororon is so lucky...
Natlan will have the first female Archon that isn't cuckshit
I remember him having a nice convo with Collei and Kokomi.
Meanwhile, Eula had that one sidequest where she's lusting over her own cousin.
needs more art
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I'm so glad VV is fucking dead
who can stop wanderer?

Xblanque already exists
what about Neuv/Furina/Xilonen/Zhongli
purina is getting replaced by mavuikka in 5.2 btw
Xilonen will save /gig/
neuvillette and kazuha are both faggots compared to wanderer who already scored two girls
>he doesn't know
Xbalanque is so lucky...
Not playable
>hyping Xilonen
Brown women are not supposed to be good in this game. They will fix her soon.
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Ororun will receive 20 lashings today!
stop it ;_;
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>google first paragraph
>no result
someone legit wrote all this cap shit...
i want a 100% banner like snowbreak for old characters pls
cheld didnt DUEL clorinde he sparred with her you retarf
do you not see the pepe pointing a gun at him retardbro...


She's not even brown
Neuvillette is fucking Furina and Sigewinne and Kazuha is fucking Ei thoughbeit.
I look like this
eula would be eviscerated by capitano if she ever touched ororun
>he doesn't know
Genshin "lolis" are the epitome of safe horny designs.
They are designed to look like mascots and be as safe as possible for female players.
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how did a guy without a penis mindbreak this general so hard?
>he is unaware
genshin lolis are just ugly buddypokes
Where is Natlan series 4* weapons leak
We only had craftables
Why do we even play this shit anymore?
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Neuvillette has a harem of Melusines to boast while Kazuha has harems all over the world thanks to him blocking his wife's island-splitting strike.
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>boycott causes mihoyo to buff xilonen even further because they know it will appeases the west and the metaGODS who are starving for something new
Better thank him for riling them up more for this outcome
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Put Mona in the Wanderer column too
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Capitano is a small hebe though, eula wields a claymore while capitano wields an itty bitty sword ;/ gonna poke her with it? Gonna sew some more clothes with such a tiny sword, babitano?
literally every genshin hag post shenhe. and even she got censored
furina and neuvillette have not interacted on screen since 4.2 and offecreen since 4.4 and neuvillette frankly doesn’t even think about her
that’s his daugther retarded pedophile
kazuha literally avoided confrontation with ei and fischl/mona belong to wanderer, i’ll give you xinyan tho
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Do NOT open.
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Why do we like Mona's Asian boyfriend again?
djino joined the 41% after spaming kokos for a week, today people barely post his edits.
You lose a stack of his passive, let me check
Xbalanque isn't playable
>Inb4 capitano
Won't interact
>EulaGODS loyalty to their brick is finally paying off
I kneel.
>transfer all your units into a new account
>have to restart at lvl 1
u rike?
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What the fuck. That's literally me in the middle.
Why do they have so much bad art
>pagden and kokotroon
>It's a leak it's rum-
Literally data in-game
/gig/ is going to learn what a datamine is very soon
why would I do that
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>the aetherpag is triggered
Don't look!
Preposterous, God Dragon Emperor Neuv is no eunuch! BLASPHEMER!
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fucking grim
This is actually true, an old survey showed that Klee was more popular among female players
>random aetherpag mention
what the fuck are you mindbroken by this thai nigga?
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Thoughts on this team?
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leak for Xilonen's world boss in 5.1
Geo jaguar
Amazing how Clorinde doesn't even need shading to be hotter than most pre-3.0 characters
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Cringe. Guiji Yae isister Kamisato Ayato's wife.
Its finally been confirmed that dendros the worst element. Trash as investment scaling. Alhaitham is overrated as carry + nahida double hydro literally cleared faster than him in some cn nga alhaitham/nahida contest during sumeru patches and even sheeted similarly. Even aggravate keqing had competitive clear times with the dude + 3.4 abyss was alhaitham shill but guess who placed first in low gold cost bracket? Xiao

Casuals, pls kick alhaitham off this big three narrative! Hes a fraud. His fastest clear times are with nilou bloom too FYI

Nilous fine

Cyno = sheet shillers shill his teams at 75k+ dps and over 1 mill dpr but his set ups are ten years long, and damage is distributed towards of rotation so he actually ends up clearing slower in practice = bricked!!

Baizhu is still pretty mediocre. Zhong still outperforms him in neuv bc res shred just scales better with neuv carry potential and in general more neuv invest. Baizhus not even played until c2+ = bricked!! I guess he has a place with cyno but.... yeah.

But its okay, " i will pull for him even IF they heal enemies because waifu>>> meta right!"

Kinich and emilie pls save dendro. It was only good with poverTC one year ago
>Neuvillette is fucking Furina
In your dreams maybe
Why is all Summer is Mondstat and Sumeru characters only? There's Kazuha but he's everywhere?
I always find it funny that furina is the one that always thinks about neuv not neuv thinking about furina
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From enemy that's about to take his life to his wife... How the fuck does he do it?
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that's a 24.1% damage decrease
for what reason tho
Neuvillette mentioned Furina in his birthday letter unprompted
But Wriothesley's ass has amazing shading tho?
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Does this mean I get to farm all primos available from the start again but I already have a full roster? Sure.
Uh oh spoiler melty
even then she didn’t mention him at all after 4.4 except talking about his office during clorinde’s sq
What mental illness is this?
I did just read Chicomecōātl known as Xilonen was a wife of Tezcatlipoca, whose animal counterpart was the jaguar so there's that
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What changed in Natlan?
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Are you a retarded weeb who picked Asia despite being on the other side of the globe? Theres no other reason to do that.
why people keep sperging so much about Scara when his only characteristic feature is a simple copy-paste of Xiao's ""character development""?
Kek all true. You'll definitely trigger the femcels and transformers here.
nobody cares about your speedrunning autism
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C2 Xilonen is a 15% damge increase over C0 Xilonen for Neuv too, I don't know if it's worth it Primo-wise though
Dishonest image leaving out Arlecchino's ass because it's one of the best in the game. Xianyun also has the most jiggling breasts in that image.
Fontaine was a vast improvement coomwise. Sumeru was the low point.
We're gonna be so back and you will like it.
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>before Cultural Export
>after Cultural Export
Pepperidge Farm remembers
Wasn't Xiao some bitch's rageslave until daddy Morax put him on a leash and hit him with a newspaper? That's pretty different from Wanderer. That's like Wanderer if Miko actually gave a fuck when he went crying to her.
I always find it funny how she pushed Neuvillette onto the traveler both times when she mentioned him. Like she somehow knew the traveler, a complete stranger, could convince him to leave his office but she couldn't
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Only schizos and incels sperg out about Nilou's boyfriend.
sis, you need to stop fucking Hat Guy. let him be with his cabbage wife
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>Lure Lumine into their house under the guise of helping them out
>Tie her to a chair and gag her
>Ignore her protests and tears
>Force her to watch as they passionately FUCK
Whose POV is this?
>cuckfag tries to trigger waifupags, ends up triggering shiptroons instead
because he fucks nahida and nilou and it makes me unironically very upset
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His fans are mentally damaged teenaged girls, gay manchildren and loveless christmas cake womanchildren.
They realized they needed to stop making female characters that appeal to women.
>nooooo! don't notice things!!!
>mi-mi-mi mi-mi-mi...
stfu woman
cum2play is angry
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We love a handsome husband here
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Kill yourself, cum2play
>after feminism
kleepedo melty
what does this moronic babble mean?
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>jaguar, tiger, leopard
Same shit, they are still pussy.
>Morax put him on a leash and hit him with a newspaper
No? wtf he's not some rabid dog
Worth it for the future, if they actually put in element specific buffs they've basically said what each element is going to be focusing on until the end of time
For example there's not been an atk based hydro since ayato
It seems like they've finally locked in
Nice pussy sis!
Right he's a rabid bird
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>only 4 playable catgirls
>raidenyaetroon spam
WTF is cum2play?
Good Afternoon.
Daily reminder that Furina is for you.
Based tabby cat spitting facts.
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Scara, duh. It's a literal selfie facing the mirror you brainless mong
so uhhh... exactly like Xiao's?
Bretty good.
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Whoose melty is that?
Xilonen is already soulless, I shan't roll
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fucking HELL how SHIT is the sumeru quest in this trash event
The thing, unironically (like seriously), I don't care if you guys laugh or call me on that, whatever, it's genuinely makes me feel bad.
Maybe because I actually give a shit about Nilou and having all that shit and cuckposting makes me unironically feel this ugly feeling between jealousy and anger.
The fanart with the cuckposting doesn't help at all.
i’m actually going to have a meltdown that rivals tieba chinkcel autism
we dont get 4 stars with shield in their cons no more...
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feminism approved female flopped like a bitch
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I'm right and you're wrong.
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I'm glad to know natlan is in good hands
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That ice cream in your picture is melty.
the only people who still care about pagden are westroons and seamonkeys
>Heizou birthday
>no one, absolutely no one gives a fuck
holy shit
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>i can't read
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pagmine is a vampire?
uh oh cum2play melty
I saw two arts on my timeline
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Cheld sucks
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I like watching zy0x and I’m tired of pretending he isn’t cringe
>chinkslop full of pointless irrelevant text because the writers are paid by word
>Dehya/Navia hybrid
Eh, guess I'm skipping her.
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Furina's a tsundere.
She claims to yearn for freedom after centuries of playing pretend, but the one thing she wants to keep after all that acting is her relationship with Neuv.
Xilonen + Kazuha
>80% RES shred
>80% dmg bonus
Holy broken
I posted his letter this morning
Give him a break, he's spending his day with Kuki.
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learn how the res formula works
No one here is even old enough to remember the heizou birthday art from 2 years ago
res shred has terrible value once it goes into the negatives
nobody here has Heizou
>there are no blacks in Mu-Natlan
(boomerfags here will read this quote to the tune of "there are no cats in America)
Wonder how Kuki compares
I remember it taking down 4chan due to its illegal embed contents.
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>mad about it
Yeah the fanatics of the "Anemo Boys" are the same group of deplorables really.
Case in point, when they made the lame Coomer Conan when they had a Japanese Sherlock CHAD concept available. FOTM for pornaddled femcels and sodomites.
the safe horny geo jaguar...
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thank u for funding my game xisters
>rolled c1 cheld
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I kneel to the CCP censorship team...
No problem ZZZ bro
It was that or c0 Hutao
I rather not have Hutao
Not if they keep making shit with 70% resistance
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*nobody here plays heizou
Jokes on you.
>sparkle expy
>Genshin fell to 58th
We aren't funding anything.
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who /1.0/ here?
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Implying our overlordess, the Queen Tiffany II would allow it.
I couldn't tell you a single thing about that guy beyond his NAs being kickboxing or some shit
Still 80% dmg bonus + IR + CC and should be very good against enemies with 70-80% resistance and shit
Heizou broke /gig/
>that was 2 years ago
Holy shit
what dead game is this?
Yea I remember aether giving heizou a blowie in his birthday art
this flop literally fell to 100 in the rankings this banner kek
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I'm going to RAPE and MURDER this bitch.
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Why is she Tiffany 2? What happened to Tiffany 1?
/gig/ was extremely gay that day
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I'm only 1.1...
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You guys don't even like this game why are you in a general for it 24/7. I don't understand you people never have anything positive to say about it ever
no one cares
>I don't understand
woman moment
The first moved to HSR after cloning herself.
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I like the people here more than the game, but, the game isn’t bad. If it was I wouldn’t play it every day and pay attention to the lore and events
because this general gives better entertainment than the game itself?
what kind of stupid question is that?
>troonmon image
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Reminder that Eula is not even the best Physical dps (It's Skyward blade Clorinde btw)

Olurun will NOT SAVE MR EOL he will only buff Porkrinde
Here's a positive for Genshin:
It pissed off American meddlers on Xter!
This is me. /gig/ was as helpful then as it is now.
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>Kirara's burst doesnt scale off HP
bricked nya...
i like genshin impact
There's people who play(very obvious btw)
And like 4 discord groups acting schizo 24/7
Nothing scales with HP on her besides sheild
shitposting on /gig/ is more fun than the game itself
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Constant shitposting is the reason why you're miserable anon
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At last Genshin is flopping right before 5.0, which was normal for previous years too.
Shartrail's flop era had started right after Pagfly/Penacony main story.
Wormvillette flopped.
Wormderer flopped.
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xbalanque and his brother
This is a mentally ill post for the ages
Neuvillette + Furina + Kazuha + Xilonen (especially C2 Xilonen with 40% HP buff) is fucking retarded

What the fuck are they thinking.
Nah, I took leave today and was playing a bit earlier then the power went out due to the storm. Power's back on but I decided to get lunch so here I am staring at /gig/, with food and drink, while looking at other mods I can use for characters I haven't modded yet.
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real reason why every shitposters are here
cuckgods status?
no need to be so mad about it
So, hypothetically, Kinich and Mualani failed to achieve any TikTok hours.
How bad would this general get?
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What do we think of Xbalanque?
>tiktok hours
it will be a victory if genshin beats iqiyi
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1.3 is still by far the worst patch ever released
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My wife xilonen will destroy meta
I never use TikTok so I don't care. TikTok is for weirdos that got jebaited by China to become even more weird.
How is that an hypothetical when it’s guaranteed to happen
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About as bad as it's been. It's not like more shitposters will spawn from the aether.
cant remember the last time genshit has some tiktok hour
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>tiktok hours
Holy fuck do I wish you guys would stop being so sick. What does it matter?
/xivg/ does not talk about ffxiv at all, you'd have to go to /v/ to discuss the game. /xivg/ is like Second Life with cliques.
le mysterious fairy
>off topic
I dont see any wuwa, hsr or some other irrelevant gacha shilling here right now
Nicely brown, brother.
Your Furi-
>got none
... oh...
Uh what about gardenscape hours
Dear incels, just because you hate your own gender, doesn't mean we do to
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So, is nobody going to address the elephant in the room?
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Dahlia in 5.6 alongside Dornman Port, Dandelion Sea, Ludi Harpastum, and Varka. Have faith, Mondstadtbros.
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Getting cucked by chiori..
Any 1.X patch offered a better experience though because we had reasons to be hopeful about the game's future and it felt more enjoyable
now we know it's doomed
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based xis
Nah 1.3 was shit
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Seriously why haven't you quit? You all say the story sucks and the gameplay is bad and the characters are bad and annoying. What are you doing?
So this is who's gonna save the socially AWAKENED of Genshin's lib community, a Pillar Man.
Content wise maybe but it felt better to play Genshin in 1.3 than in 4.X
It's wriover
Nice revisionism
1.4 immediately caused people to doom because it was reruns and everyone started speculating after release that eula was delayed to 1.5 and inazuma is nowhere to be found
Because the story is good, the gameplay is fun and the characters are cute.
Did you know that Genshinlab /gig/ loved to slurp (which China never used) followed a similar metric
Both are based on app ranking
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she has traits of both and she's obviously into race mixing, but also don't forget that teyvat wildlife isn't always a 1:1 representation of the real world counterpart
what elephant?
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in our game you dont get cucked.
you cant say this here
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is that supposed to be a good thing?
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Genshin is better than HSR
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best post itt. fuck jeannies.
>is actually a snow leopard
it's over bro...
This spiritual shareholder nonsense has got to go. Any man, woman, or child found following or engaging with these shit needs to be rounded up and executed and their families need to be punished for raising them wrong
closeted faggot
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Kinda funny everyone is giving up on mualani and kinich and suddenly mihoyo "mistakenly" leaves an early kit in beta for the first time ever
The doomposting in 1.3-1.5 was insane and some of the threads make the bad ones of today look like nothing. It was a nonstop shitshow until the Klee islands finally quelled people, which was then nullified by the shitshow that was Kazuha's banner.
You either blocked it out of your memory or you weren't here.
No fucking way this is real.
There were people dooming every patch
But objectively there are many more reasons to be hopeful about a game at the beginning of its lifespan than in the later half of it when most of the main long standing issues haven't been remotely fixed
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why would i play a game with no hilichurls?
ive only started visiting /gig/ in 3.0
not trying to bait or anything, but this feels genuinly depressing.
zzz are already planning to update their characters models even though they already look amazing, but we are 4 years deep into the game and they refuse to make the models look better.
how is this acceptable, don't they have enough money? what the fuck man this shit is depressing.
Ruh Roh Free Tibetio!
Remember when they purposefully didn't tell us hutao was in 1.3 in the livestream
man that was really funny, and than the leakers tried to make money off of that fact too
Good times...
Nobody cared about kazuha at all during his banner
He only attracted shitposters after the parry
People here feel threatened by 10 yo manlets with 2 inch cocks
should have left it right after too
The story is one of the worst ever produced, it is absolute shit but I enjoy the combat, the art direction, the soundtrack and several character designs. It just doesn't reach the same heights as it used to (normies screeching about Inazuma casualised exploration beyond repair).
It's a solid 6/10 game
It is and cuckposting mysteriously decreased here while it increased in hsrg
I need cock...
I play on mobile and this would make it unplayable

Fuck off
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>Streetfighter collab
>FSN collab
why do they hate us so much...
we know cum2play
The Sucrose-Kazuha wars made the general virtually unusable for weeks at the time.
You guys did tell Da Wei to kill himself and sent a second assassin after him
Again, that shitposter didn't exist back then
Only reason to mention Kazuha was his dead gay lover
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My Kazuha clears are soulful because I got him when nobody wanted to.
>expecting Genshin team to do anything more than the bare minimum
Because we're the fucking cashcow, always was, nothing more.
>ctrl+f cuck
>17 result found

you have to do better than this /gig/
Is furnace the biggest flop they ever created?
I don't want that shit in Genshin
Ridiculous! Genshin has the highest quality Chinese webnovel slurry on the gatcha market!
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Remember when /gig/ used to be good?
nigga get a better phone or lower the settings, what kind of mentality is this to want a game to stagnate just so you 2015 chinkdroid can still run it
it genuinely makes me sad to see nahida cucking us over and over again, like look at this current event for example
not only does she not want to meet us physically so she just puts us in a dream state, she talks to us very in a very formal manner. we don’t have a long, meaningful conversation with her after not seeing each other for so long either which is out of character for someone like her
now look at her dynamic with wanderer - she’s smiling and teasing him while wanderer reciprocates in his own embarrassed way. he’s not snarky like he tries to be with others, he immediately gets flustered when it comes to nahida. in fact, nahida has not teased us since 3.6 and has always been overly polite but for obvious reasons she acts completely different with wanderer. you know what’s even more upsetting? the fact that the nickname nahida personally gave wanderer is now his de facto official name and is constantly used in the game, reminding us, the players, that she owns him. after this event it was made clear that names and name giving has ties to genshin’s world building and might even determine your own fate so wanderer preferring to use “hat guy” instead of the one we gave him shows that he trusts nahida’s judgement more than he does ours. and i don’t blame him
did you notice something peculiar? how “the first sage of buer” was never mentioned after 3.2 but titles like honorary knight and swordfish captain have? it’s because that shit got retcon’d - whatever rukkhadevata did is now alluded to nahida which includes rukkhadevata recruiting her own sages back then. you have no ties to nahida anymore nor any emotional connection to her either - as shown in 4.0 where you literally refused to speak to nahida by coping “she will read our minds anyway”. by the way, you would know if she did - wanderer can feel when she does so why couldn’t you?
I didn't browse gig at the time but I remember his exploration not even being talked about much until Enkanomiya
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This place step out the womb miserable and filled with shitposters
/gig/ was never good
Funny how we have all these amazing visuals in the overworld. The character original designs are also mostly good. And then we have the piss poor ingame models.
what about kleeposting?
Collabs are inherently a bad thing
It's shows the game is not holding up on its own
They ALWAYS make sure it's "worth pulling" to satisfy the other corporation
And they rarely return and end up ruining the game because the devs never try to powercreep them or side grade them
Collabs to me at this point are gacha poison
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/gig/ loves klee and kleeposting
Is this real?
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Now post the in-game model
>because the devs never try to powercreep them
What gachas do you play
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>he immediately gets flustered when it comes to nahida
Klee is ugly and reddit-coded
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You could of at least given me a (You)...
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DesertCHADS won
Are you the co-op schizo by chance?
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now post gameplay
Is Blue Archive an exception to this, because all of their collab characters suck metawise.
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4channers love Klee sexually.
/gig/ is ALWAYS good right after a good livestream
>example is 4.8 livestream and Natlan trailer
Yelan is so fucking ugly.
The co-op schizo isn't even a person the dude made one post and ever since then /gig/ has been forcing this unfunny shit non stop. To the point that it's been forced in /zzz/ and that game doesn't even have real co-op
Ayo leave sum for my man sethos
Pretty cool how this website's owner disappeared after Kirara's release
Yes it's real
by far the worst model, and incase anyone forgot or didn't know, she was released with no nail textures, which were added multiple updates later.
they give so little fuck about the ingame models that they forgot to add textures for months on end.
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I think anyone would naturally be flustered when they encounter someone as sexy as Nahida.
>Natlan livestream
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>slurptards slurp the shit out of the stream then reality kicks in
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>diluc: camera
Scara xis?
It's just her face model
That's a screenshot from gamesfashionarchive, which has been inactive for a year.
you dont have the updated one with caesar and the other huge tit girl
No but I've seen enough times where Collab characters come in
Wreck the game
And than don't comeback for ages
I remember one prominent one was epic 7 and the guilty gear girl
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Post non-ugly Genshins
Did kirara fuck the owner up?
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will you pay to get a 2nd artefact selector next patch?
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>stationary enemies

you fucker try to shill THIS
I don't even farm artifacts anymore.
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We don't really know a whole lot about them yet except at least one (1) of them is in the paid BP
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Of course, I've been buying BP for years, just an extra slice of joy they'll be adding
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I still dont know how it works.
Can you change already rolled artifact or you have to build a new one and get fucked by leveling RNG?
he stunned both of them, it's a mechanic where they shut down for some time if you fill up their daze bar
and i yes i know you are baiting
I probably would have been tempted if they did this two years ago when I was slamming my head into the Emblem mines, but this is way too late to be compelling.
I'm already buying BP every patch.
i cant believe it took me three whole days to drop this garbo
if it actually gives you a guaranteed good artifact maybe.
if its just pick a main stat and then all the subrolls will go to flat def ayways then who cares
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I love hu tao

>hit left click as fast as you can
>use e, use q
Shut up faggot stop acting like your game has any more depth than ours
You create a new level 0 artifact with your selected type/main stat and two sub stats
Ok now post gameplay from someone who knows what they're doing
You guys do realize the artifact item means they will make the rates even worse?
i got kazuha because i liked him
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i just hope its not at bp level 50...i can usualyl ony get to low 40s
And here I thought that Fontaine was the waifu region.
Also don’t pretend that this general wasn’t spamming webms of Furina’s and Arle’s asses as well as complaining about Yelan’s model and Ei’s buttflaps.
Am I insane for thinking Genshin's story is genuinely good? Of course due to the length good pacing and consistent quality aren't always there but more often than not I find it very interesting, unpredictable (in a good way, not in a pointless asspull way) and emotional. The only times I've really been disappointed by it were the latter half of the Inazuma main quest and some of the mind numbing side quests where you have to help someone file their taxes or whatever.

Beginning to think you're all a bunch of sourpusses
Yeah, I'm not paying for that.
No? If anything they'll make them better, the entire purpose to get people to play imaginarium theatre
Like that's genuinely the ENTIRE point of everything they've been updating and adding
They're making the new player experience better and getting older players to finally start building out their accounts like most gachas
Why do ZZZiggers say buzzsaw girl is bad when she does 6 million damage?
>Shut up faggot stop acting like your game has any more depth than ours
it's not my game, you tribalist ape
i play both and i like zzz's combat more, which is fine genshin's combat was never the focus it's just a side system all things considered
Huh maybe the whole camera thing is a punishment for not prasing fatxiao masterpiece that is Fontaine AQ. Fuck you and your slop of a story thing have only gotten worse since I quit the game.
How will natlan cuck the waifufags
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yeah you are insane
didn't read the rest btw
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Remove dailies from the bp and I’ll buy the slop pass
Name 1 unpredictable Genshin story moment
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Capitano is for Olonun
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i really want to swipe for nilou
can i run her as a main dps with furina and xiangling, or is she not viable as an onfield character
>just to roll shitty substats
Based fujorina
Just do your reputation quests. They take a few minutes at most.
>genshit's story
no one, not even reddit talks about fontaine AQ anymore after they realized how garbage it is
Changli won...
Yep! Nilou’s best teams are vape teams with xiangling, so that’s perfect
Raiden not actually having a motive for taking visions and simply being negligent.
/zzz/ is filled with /gig/ posters who say wacky shit proudly so people believe them. A lot of people have no idea what the fuck they're talking about or are following some tier list>>487393942
after the last update dailies are irrelevant if you actually play the game, just spend resin which you're already doing for the bp
She is viable for onfield, at c6.
You just spend 160 resin and it's instantly done and grab the rocks off katheryne expedition rewards lol
You don't need to do commissions anymore because of the new encounter points system
why does bennetts outfit have so many holes in it..
Yes with Sacrificial Sword for Elemental Skill and normal attack spam.
you know i don't think anyone would have predicted signora actually dying if it wasn't fucking LEAKED EARLY
Easy access for his 20 fathers
Played Liney's story quest today. Didn't expect the wife's true identity.
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The sky is fake...
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she even got some tiktok hours
Nilou is literally designed to play exactly one way
Kill yourself doomposter

Everyone outside this shithole loves fontaine AQ.

There are also all the various world quests stories like Aranyaka, goldern slumber and Narcissenkreuz. They're amazing as shit.

Genshin also has some of the best lore in fiction.
Nice bait retard
For it to be emotional, characters would have to be more than cardboard cutout but in the current state of things it's impossible to care about anyone in this bloated cast.
As much as I dislike Kiseki nowadays, it basically shits on Genshin at every turn when it comes to writing (Fatui are the poor man's Ouroboros).
It's over for us...
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Natlan is such a flop they're doing the special announcement a whole month early lolmao
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>grab the rocks from katheryne
Too much work

I don’t wanna open the daily tab thing every day, just copy star rails shit
why are you lying? she didn't go above tiktok today or yesterday
>saw just the thumbnail and knew exactly what webm this was
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>/gig/ loves to watch
what a dutiful son :)
>img filename
>lazy bum
Yea seems about right
i don't remember them ever announcing this early, things must be bad internally if they are this desperate
She is not stop laying faggot
Please tell me what the fuck is amazing about Narcissenkreus lmao
Why did you censor your characters like they're Japanese penises?
Sparkle has good ntr porn…
Are we getting Kachina for free or will I have to roll to get her?
I dropped HSR a while ago, do their daily coms auto-redeem now?
>We swear only 2 weeks of floptaine left!
Hey, it's not mine.
I saved it because it's funny.
>like they're Japanese penises?
i wonder why did they do this
no you have to open a 'daily tab' I have no idea what their problem is
Good. That's what they get for messing with bipoc folx
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She will be buffed again until her kit is balanced
Doomposters will lose
People also love cape shit. Also maybe play more than this shit and league of legends.
Nta but JAVs censor penises like that.
ZZZ dropped a dev update too, must be a holiday soon or something
I hope to god the playable version isn't a manlet like all the leakers have been saying.
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They did the same with Fontaine newfag
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because it's a part of Shanghai FES programme
White the only reliable leaker has been saying he's a dark skinned tall male
This is true.
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They removed the daily tab entirely and just put them as repeatable in the weekly tab for the BP. I quit star rail a couple weeks ago because it was boring but it does have nice qol

Dick too heavy
Like how they buffed Dehya?
You too?
cute dori
really? post tweet
another prettiest raiden shogun's official art.
Genshin's birthday artist always delivered.
damn, look at these miserable bastards. they still can't quit genshin because they just bought 6 months of welkin LMAO ahahahahaha.

honestly, I don't feel sorry for these gacha enablers, they brought this misery upon themselves.
I look like this.
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is this hyperbole or did they actually nerf mualani into the ground? I was thinking about playing again since she was supposed to be neuv tier.
Kachina is a free unit like Collei and Lynette.
If the leaks were true then that's likely would happen, given how they want to sell Mualani.
See this makes sense as well, they probably just bundled all the live stream announcements together
But as usual the tourists have to make it about their game because nobody else will lol
>broken English
Can’t make this shit up.
Hoyo males are nippleless gig sisters
And it cost them billions. It would be pretty fucking suicidal if they don't.
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C6R5 or bust kind of buff right?
They're all covered how do you know whether my husband has nipples or not?? I'm engaged to him??
What the fuck do you even do in that game?
Is it like starslop and auto combat
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A male without nipples is like an angel without wings
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>Mavuika removes her wig to reveal she's Kaveh
Your reaction?
*cums on him*
Imagine pulling for Mualani or Skipnich when giga broken Xilonen is 5.1 lmao
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Meowdy partnyaa!
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I’m cumming.
i cant believe it.
why this boy have rizz,
did genshin have this kind of boy?
cyno has no nipples and they cut off ganyu's your husband must not be from genshin then
I'm pulling for all three and everyone after them though?
>NO ONE gives a shit about TCG so they have to include patch livestream to savage it
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What went wrong?
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It's basically a mix of detective stories and romance. Those 4 males and mc are a part of some secret organization and they investigate different crimes. MC is a lawyer and fights people with pictures of her 4 husbandos
Could you show a screenshot of where he said that
thank you whale sama
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Accidetially deleted my wriothesley folder. Please post him so I can make a new one
>imagine pulling for nerfed characters that used to be the strongest in the game when the next strongest in the game character will be released after
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I wish they never added TCG.
It's the only reason I log in.
I could've quit by now if it weren't for that damn card game.
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Literally nothing
This was in 1.1 btw
>You are one who crosses the celestial atlas, and who passes through countless worlds. If our history is engraved in your memory, it will one day accompany you into another world.
>As long as a Traveler like you is able to record what happened, then a backup of sorts will exist for times and tides of Teyvat.
I love chinese schizomemes
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I would’ve picked both if I could… and (you).
>fights people with pictures of her 4 husbandos
How novel
Bars-bros can't stop winning
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Fat Xiao must be laughing his ass off right now.
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Good morning /gig/! I love Dehya so much.
What have I missed?
Finally get to some pulls today thanks to ZZZ, than I gotta wait 2 weeks again
Hard being disciplined
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She'll also laugh and you and call you pathetic while you watch
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>cut off ganyu's
No not the waifus....
>hates the story
>can't read a paragraph

Pretty much the entirety of Fontaine

Why would I care what the retarded masses think?

It's fair to say the cast is becoming bloated but most of the characters may as well be background extras, it's not like they overcomplicate things in terms of the story. I think the point where Neuvillette is so moved by the notion that humans are able to find something so important that it overrides their own sense of self preservation was undeniably emotional.
why? he's a huge shipper
>What have I missed?
Cuckposting, doomposting, femcelmelty, yuritroonmelty, zzzposting, chiorikek. Also aveline and kurumi I guess
>FouL (via White)
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Nothing. The event literally spells out to you how to interpret a fairytale.
The characters aren't important, only the roles and what they represent. Tabibito being "The Camera" implies that we're a witness to Teyvat and always were. The heroes are the characters that lives inside this world, who has to save it themselves.
As stupid as it fucking is to be saved TWICE by Troonderer instead of just unfurling the fucking windglider, and then having him dangle it in our faces too.
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the retarded masses praised this dogshit story just like you thougheverbeit
Good morning KING.
It's like that Schrödinger's cat thing. The Traveler is the only one with enough World Will to observe the happenings of Teyvat to realize it in reality.
>why? he's a huge shipper
seeing waifufags cuck themselves with schizo theories must be the ultimate form of entertainment for him.
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T-thanks anon… I prefer her to be as cruel as possible
>log onto /gig/ at this hour
>its all cuckkeks
why is SEA/Australia like this?
That's every hour atm
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When was the last time the Traveler did something heroic?
I genuinely don't remember.
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Just wrio or is loom okay too?
literally worst hours right now, check back in a few
Well, White also said that Mavuika isn't the Pyro Archon...
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just a reminder, here's the reward for clearing 4.8 imaginarium theater
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I think we should stop shitposting
We helped neuvillette fight the whale
Although we didn't use THAT to beat him according to skirk
When she saved the schizo melusine's robot dog
>So unheroic they didn't even get a title from Fontaine
how the mighty have fallen...
We already knew that Bennett is the real Pyro Archon.
>Thinks himself a Hipster Contrarian
>Lil bro has the same opinions as Twitter and Reddit regarding the story
Genshills are NGMI
Easily manipulated, easily impressed by regurgitated collectivist tripe, liars, pedos, incels, unabashed racists.
What a fine big brained community you supreme gentlemen have!
Da Wei broke you.
It's been 4 years, we already expected this
>releasing a pose for a character that virtually nobody has
Very cool
Either is fine
not really, if its around at any time there is still the difference of it being the few sad cucks who agree with each others vs hours where people rightfully ignore them for the low effort shit it is
I love Yelan
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yes I do
who? yoimiya? she had like 5 reruns bro
kek stupid bangboo
Being a contrarian =/= Not caring what others think
>I think the point where Neuvillette is so moved by the notion that humans are able to find something so important that it overrides their own sense of self preservation was undeniably emotional.

This is basic corny jrpg shit straight out of Tales game but with terrible presentation (inferior to even PS1 rpgs), no character involvement and awful pacing.
You can't rely on incredibly overdone tropes like Genshin does if you don't make up for it with high quality dialogues, build-up, immersion or likable characters or literally anything else to make your dime-a-dozen tearjerking script engaging. So far ZZZ is doing a much better job at it.
i think if they let us be with scaramouche early on, nobody would have a problem
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Xbalanque is going to mindbreak /gig/ so hard.
>“... Bathed in the hidden sun, Xbalanque’s march can’t be stopped. He filled the world with soldiers again, but his purpose is never just that...”
Post the Reasonboo one.
They did the same shit with chung yong. Chung fucking Yong. When was the last time anyone even brought up that character?
I don't understand this post
Yoimiya is one of the few genshin's with multiple new 4*s under her banners
Kaeya is free
Yelan is owned a ton
And kaveh is out right now and a 4*:
He says conquering, and all of those are burst activation lines so you only hear one once a rotation
Thought you'd like to know
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>be a cuck
>people call you a cuck
>get off on it
>people don’t call you a cuck

It’s literally impossible for me to lose, y’know.
>female Archon
>in a homofujo game named Gayshit
Naive, you are so naive...
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you guys... well, more for me
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>not game
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Pretty much.
I keep forgetting that ZZZ is for PEGI-12
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this. it's just easy win
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It took me like a whole minute to decide chioribro sorryyy
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This is a thinly veiled ERP mating call
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Nobody fucking use the photo mode period. The whole rewards are useless.
chioritroons love ERP
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If we had a neuv janny the thread would be usable
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And you base that on what, exactly? Ever since he was introduced in fucking 1.1 he has remained the most divided character in the game.
>woke up
>saw more EN shit
Lmao just chop that rotting head already
>thread activity suddenly dropped
right on cue
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>AI churlporn
new low for yaekeks
I stopped playing in the second desert but still post here because its fun
>Sparkle has good ntr porn
All her fanart are from amateur seanigger artists.
She has like 10 good fanart at maximum
Divisive* Fuck.
What happened this time
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Overall, how would you rate the Fontaine Boss Challenges?
What did Nazeem the Geo Archon finally throw his hat in the ring?
how do you deal with hair loss? genshin impact btw
i stopped playing after navia but still come here from time to time to complain and hope that they fixed the game
>wuwa dropped 270 places literally one day after the new banner
Brutal. No wonder I haven’t seen any wuwa shills since yesterday.
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Ok so who has better ntr porn then, faggot? Since you know soooo much about it
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I love brown Neuv
Coppelia is cancer, the others are ok
don't be too hard on them.
everyone migrated to zzz and wuwa so waifus nowadays barely get any genuine art.
seconding this
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I thought zzz was a fad how are we still losing?
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>spend a days worth of resin on mora ley lines
>oh cool I've gone from broke to 1m+ mora, this isn't so bad
>ascend and level Layla from to 50 to 80
>ascend and level Freminet from 50 to 60
>broke again, can't afford to ascend and level Freminet past 60
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Did they fall for my bait again
>ince you know soooo much about it
she barely has any fanart, looking at her porn didn't even take a minute
but to answer your question, any girl from Genshin
The EN fuck who voiced Sunday made a steamy article about him defending a peer who was a former abuser, and the article did nothing to make him look good such as victim blaming. He's actually losing jobs as we speak
they probably switched back to cuckposting
Genshin above me will sex Genshin bellow me
they released a girl with a big butt
genshin just needs to do the same
Now that the Traveler is canonically a woman they can only be princess carried by other men/women.
The Old, The True, The Gay!
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damn, this game just keeps on bleeding money. even last year wasn't this bad.
>Objective is to kill a happy couple
I say MHY does a good job to appeal to incels.
Seeing all these Nicole and Ellen porn is convincing me to give zzz a try...
I'm still not playing that kusoge
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C6 r5(wgs) tripple crowned. But why will Eula be meta in 5.2?
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Das right sis! Just like how Shadow of the Erptree has you putting a stop to the gay agenda!
The game industry exists in perfect balanced.
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It's here to stay
Just do it?
The game doesn't take much longer than genshin for its dailies especially now
Goes for all three of them really, they're all very casual oriented outside of endgame
I ruined /gig/.
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>any girl from genshin
What a boring answer, give names or leave fake cuck
I'm glad you're able to admit that
Evil bitch
lvl90 C0 triple crowned
Genshin Impact?
*Autistic evil bitch
Remember Tower of Fantasy?
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Genshin, star rail, and zzz are designed around people playing all 3 of them. If you look at the patch cycles you'd understand that. Also yhe switch 2 is gonna have a fairly week launch with barely any games but MiHoYo plans on having all three available at launch so start prepping for a decent influx of tendies /gig/
Which genshin would fuck a couch?
No, this is Cuckshit Impact.

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>Genshin, but straight
I noticed furries always end their sentences with ":3".
What's up with that?
Genshin Impact.
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>always trending on JP twitter
>sold worse than fucking im@s
bros im starting to believe twitter is vocal minority...
imagine if she took a huge shit in her pants
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> why will Eula be meta in 5.2?
please respond
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>85 rolls
>20 pity
>f2p (welkin)
>still only have done the story quests of the new island
will i be able to get c0 emilie? feels like i'll be cutting close
so this is where all our profits go into...
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it's insane how much of a game changer accumulated daily points are, my daily genshin gaming time must have been cut in half
genshit truly could never
and they are going to upgrade the model, unlike the fake 5.0 overhaul update bullshit
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Because her slave boytoy ororun is coming out who does everything raiden does but better, shreds phys, and buffs eula
playing genshin in the year 2024 is a humiliation ritual
I refuse to ever use the new system
I will do 4 comms every day as I have since release
I actually enjoy reading dialogue in Genshin
Da Wei can go fuck himself, I'm never using this trash
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She got one of those futuristic BBLs
I’m sorry Eulabro, but the Ororon leak is fake. I made it. I just wanted to poke fun at the idea of physical Capitano, but I didn’t expect so many Eula players to be in the thread and excited about a new physical support. I’d feel bad if I got your hopes up for nothing. Apologies.
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>I actually enjoy reading dialogue in Genshin
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Did they change the Cecilia Garden enemies, the weapon domain in mondstad?? I remember the enemies were hydro slimes and 2 abyss mages, now they put fatuis instead the mages
You care about Genshin's plot at this point?
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just leakers writing fanfics for attention.
>first patch of wuwa
>chinks after chinks

>first patch of zzz
>chinks after chinks
4.0 was a let down but at least we got officer jiggles
That's my fetish
>potentially finally we gonna get strong geo shred
It's nice, but I don't think it's gonna help Itto/Noelle teams when Gorou C6 gives way more. I guess Navia finally gonna have good teammate and Xilonen could be anemo replacement in some teams.
Good to know kek
is meant for>>487397290
is meant for>>487397290
i hope ororon is obsessed with capitano like sara
no one says this
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Why does Eula always gets paired with Shota's?
>worst posters show up at once
I'm noticing
>meant for schizo woke up
Capitano will be a Eula support.
Not only that, Genshin cosplayers and CN shitposters are making Trump tribute pics with Godvillette, all while the wokezoids are dumbfounded and can only boast about Change.org!
To hell with Ass Creed and the hypocritical French. They should ponder why their colonies in Africa and Oceania riot against their state despite their pandering to "inclusivity".
goes here>>487397435
this is fake. go take a look at the telegram group yourself.
I hate how everyone, starting from Ei's foreshadowing, knows that the 2nd Cataclysm's gonna happen, except for (You).
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Remember, GI and HSR are the middle children now.
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>it's real
Kek HSRfags have been silent
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>it's fake
Eulabros I'm not feeling too good...
Of course it's fake, the English is too good.
Based. I might toss Sunday a ten-roll.
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Majority of them don't even use the EN dub.
where is the mute option
EULABROS, NOT LIKE THIS....................
That's still 26%, anon. A quarter
it’s funny how hsrfags said there’s no cuckshit in their game only for yanqing to hit them with that one line, deserved
>eulertroons got cucked again
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>ZZZfags are starting to shill here
is it already dying?
I’M SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I promise never to make another fake leak again.
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nah its still more alive than gig, even without shitposting
so whats the current narrative?
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Never forget, I always win.
We flopped
Why do we keep jobbing to /xivg/...
genshin, hsr - cuckshit
zzz - thriving
If the Genshin "lore" and "story" is as good and deep as you claim, then how come only Filipino college girls and autistic wine aunt types make videos on those subjects?
do we recycle?
might as well recycle
I only watch wei. Is he a girl?
im only playing genshin
i found zzz and hsr boring af

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