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Previous: >>487375681

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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So I just started playing HDR and... Who the fuck was Caelus/Stelle before Kafka put cancer in their stomach?
My beloved wife and my beloved gamer mistress
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I got a blood pressure reading of 150/100 with a bpm of 98 and I'm going to the doctor this afternoon, because I'm worried I might just die
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Reminder these two already had sex
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Every single line from shitterfly is a boring straight forward statement about how she barely knows what anything is. Mash still shows jealousy/passive aggressiveness/sarcasm even earlier on when she's more stoic, samuel is just a complete noncharacter. The ONLY thing there is to know about her is that the game wants you to feel bad for her, but fails to make her likeable at all while constantly shoving her in your face. Even robin while acting formal has far more interesting dialogue than shitterfly. The memes abouy firefly the fandom makes all try to portray her as le hidden wacky extra girl but she is the single most boring character in the franchise.
We don't know much, all we got really is when you talk to Blade in the space china ship during the Kafka companion quest he says he remembers you following Kafka around before.
>Farm streetboxing for a week
>0 crit rate chests, keep getting Crit damage
Clarabros, how do I cope?
That's technically above normal but nowhere near that bad you should be scared, i've personally seen far worse on a regular basis just from stress for like a year straight and got better
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seethe tranny
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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My girlfriend is so cute
Just roll ever piece into crit rate subs, ez.
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I'm 23 bro I think this is way above normal for a young baby child ZOOMER like myself
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Use 4pc longevous instead
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No bully
Bro you should only start worrying when you hit 200 systolic. Then you get a free pass to be admitted to the hospital
>but fails to make her likeable at all while constantly shoving her in your face
only to cuckschizos like you
the rest of your reductive drivels are not even worth arguing on

and I'll repeat again, you'll never be raikouschizo. just stick to /alter/ with the rest of your cuck loving ilk
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No dick shall go unsucked
Why can't we have sexy enemies like Genshin?
That's still above normal tho, he should definitely get checked out just incase he got fucked genetic wise or something
200 isn't worrying That's straight up a stroke
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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Can't believe I became part of her harem
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I need an Acheron merch where her hair color changes
You should change your crit values to 100/200 asap
caelus selfinserting indonesian boy crying abouy his cardboard personality waifu being criticized lmao, get a life
It's a bit high, but your heartrate is also higher than what is normal during rest. If you relax a bit, your blood pressure might decrease a bit. But do get it checked out
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I have more than 400 ashblazing pieces and literally none of them rolled good crit substats
Then I went to farm pieces for Firefly and the first 9 to drop rolled ATK+CR+CD but none of them had break effect
You will never convince me the relics aren't rigged to be shit
hsr gets sexy playable characters instead
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Stand proud, Acheron
You are strong
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Do Serval and Aventurine look better now?
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Does this game have a furina tier broken E6 unit? That can buff whole team, heal it on skill and also have amazing dps? Or did it not reach that point yet?
But we have Borisins.
I saw some keychain that did that on xtwitter a while ago but I sadly didn't save it
Well, there's an old theory around here that TB is that cat that shows up a few times in Stellaron Hunter related splashart.
Based, we call for a Blandfly for a reason
>You will never convince me the relics aren't rigged to be shit
They 100% are.
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>but your heartrate is also higher than what is normal during rest
My heartrate just doing NOTHING is around 90-105. If I start doing a physical activity it goes to around 135+. I'm actually trying to cut down on energy drinks because of this. Buying that cheap second-hand $50 Galaxy Watch 4 might be saving my life, because it made me notice that my heartrate isn't normal, so I actually went and checked my blood pressure as well (with an actual cuff device thing).
Honker Rails
>That's still above normal tho, he should definitely get checked out
Sure he should definitely get checked, but it's not life threatening. I lived close to that blood pressure for years, and I'm still alive. So getting worried about dying is not needed.
>200 isn't worrying That's straight up a stroke
Yeah that is the pressure when you have to worry about dying. That is why I said you would get a free pass to the hospital with that. I once had 200 due to a kidney stone, that is when you feel like dying.
Aventurine now looks like femboy Gepard, and Serval looks scary
At least 2.4 give free march so you can at least build her if nothing else, otherwise it gonna be the most boring patch ever.
E6 Sigga, who in addition to shielding everyone and giving them 20% crit damage, has a FUA that hits for about 1000% of his DEF
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This nigger raving
Luv Acheron
This one?
It looks really cool but sadly it's not available outside Korea. I wish Mihoyo would make a similar official merch
>gave Serval a drug problem
>removed the one quickly identifiable character design element to Aventurine's backstory
They were fine the way they were, weirdo.
BASED. Blandbin and blandfly are some of the worst written pieces of cardboard in this game. At least blandbin has some connection to an actual character like sunday even if she significantly brings him down
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Ratio don't look...
just heard the news, what's the current cope?
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Haha that's our Acheron
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We simply embrace it
>gaylus and gayther fags getting cucked this hard in their respective current patch
Holy shit that BPM is pretty crazy. Either it's the energy drinks, or you are severely out of shape. Do you feel any other symptoms of high blood pressure, like getting dizzy when you stand up too quickly? But do get it checked out, since it can have other causes. But don't worry about dying just yet, high blood pressure kills very slowly.
I can use Yunli just fine without Tingyun, right? I'll just slap an ER rope on her.
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Based and factual
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make it yourself
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IDGAF if he's gay
I'd still ride him until my ovaries exploded
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YanKING...I kneel...
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>Either it's the energy drinks, or you are severely out of shape.
Both, actually. I've been trying to quit Monster for a few days, but before that I drank a can almost every day. I'm also ~90kg at my short height of 178cm.
I'll just NTR Yanqing, as simple as that, why does /gig/ seem to think cucking can only go one way?
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Just because he's got a bf doesn't mean he can't be bi.
Aventurine, although using him as a DPS even at E6 is a meme, he will be invincible and will clear anything in the game but won't do it quickly enough for cycle based modes
/gig/ do be buckbroken from getting cucked too much like that
if Yanqing was a Neuv tier worm rather than a designated jobber and literally the worst character in the game people would be melting down non-stop about him
Gaycio wishes that slut would settle down for him
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They make it work.
Only in fanfic
Weight helps, but it's more about the heart being in shape itself that lowers your bpm. Like athletes can get a bpm lower than 50 during rest, just because they trained that much. So if you just sit at the computer all day, your bpm at rest is also going to be high. But good that you noticed, and that you are taking steps to resolve it. It won't kill you now, but does wear out your body faster.
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Yes, I assumed that was obvious.
By that logic literally every hoyo female is boring
Hsr potential man
Sisters, I have to pee but I just saw a roach... I can't do this
They are, all hoyo games are absolute garbage, go (re)play Final Fantasy I-X
It's laughable how much they try to prop up this jobber.
>Farm streetboxing
>0 crit rate chests
I mean that's not exactly incorrect either, Firefly is just amongst the most bland
Jade without hat reminds me of a certain anime or gacha character but i can't remember who
The next patch is a skip patch for me, so I don't care about Yunli. I think Mihomo is testing some shit by adding a ship couple and homo in a single patch. If it's a big success, they'll add more homos, and all new female characters will get shipped with other characters in all future patches
what star railer would love to get hilichurled
But March doesn't act like cardboard
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Dragon's onahole
What is firefly’s personality?
One of the very first things she did in the patch stream was call YanKING a loser
That's why we can't let the patch succeed.
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What is anon's personality?
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She's based but grandpa yuan needs to shut the fuck up
> and all new female characters will get shipped with other characters in all future patches
This will happen regardless. Thank Firefly for that!
Weapon of war that tries to be a normal girl to cope with her limited lifespan but cant fully shake off her programing
feeling burdened... and... uhm....

that's not a personality that's a circumstance
As she should, but you already know the shipfags are just going to spin that into more fuel.
one thing that bothers me about YanLi is that he unironically looks girlier than her
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It's yuri
Actually irrefutable
and the biggest indonesia's fanboy revealed himself
you really want me to send you some ampo snacks and nike shoes that bad, boy? you could've just order them normally you know
>Sigga has his hat in pretty much everything promotional
>doesn't have it in game outside of his fua
I hate this
are you seriously trying to imply that yunli isn't a shipshit character?
The shades too. I'm convinced the CCP didn't want to sell a pimp like design or something, it's so retarded
Battle autist trying to be normal is definitely a personality
Is any of this reflected in game? She really isn’t depicted as a weapon of war as we see in her trailer she just cries like a bitch while another sam nukes the bug.
Our General is trying to ship her with jobking and she is not interested
Too bad it's barely depicted in Firefly's case
She's just a nice dying cancer bitch who likes (You) and socially naive
What set does Clara want then?
A soft spoken kind girl with a strong willpower to achieve what she wants without being fully altruistic nor egoistic
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She's a girly girl who acts prim and proper and uses keigo even as SAM, she loves fashion and tries to dress herself uniquely with frilly dresses and make up. But she's hiding her weapon/mechanical autism and violent tendencies that tend to innocently slip up when she's having a lot of fun or when something related to that gets mentioned, as we can see by the baseball bat line, the bazooka segment, and Firefly commenting on how video games don't do much to her mechanically compared to piloting SAM, there's also the distinctly burnt enemy next to her once you see her back in the dreamscape, which she clearly dispatched on her own off-screen in. It seems that despite having been an artifically engineered war machine and having developed of sense of self and breaking free of Glamoth brainwashing, she actually seems to be really into combat machinery out of her own volition anyway and acts out and practices combat lines, much like Welt and Nanoka do.
She also seems to have grown found for TB specifically because of their own schizo antics and adventurous lifetsyle and ridiculous job resume, likely because it represents to her someone living their life to its fullest, which is what she admires and seeks out the most to accomplish.
I hope shipfags don't ship Feixiao with homo
march 7 hunt seems broken asf no?
can she sub for a ruan mei if you dont have her in ff-hmc-ghallager core?
NTA but streetboxing
The problem is nobody else wants that and the other set is useless so it's not efficient to farm, while Longevous does about 3% less damage but shares a cavern with a very useful set
Too late
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Already do. And Moze.
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>b-but spreadsheet says 2+2 is le 2% worse!
at full stacks
and most importantly you get TWICE the amount of potentially useful relics (which happen to be useful on other characters)
The chinks are already doing that with both the fox and the edgy guy.
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NTA but just give her your absolute best CR pieces out of any set, I just used 4pc longevous because I'm a day 1 player who farmed the fuck out of that cavern for supports, and it's 16% free CR which Clara really appreciates because all of her supports buff CDMG. I also fucking swear the streetbox cavern is fucking rigged, I farmed it endlessly at first but I only have 1 CR chest and it has shit subs.
Your Moze?
she's already dual wielding
maybe you'll be able to join her harem kek
kill yourself analwormer
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>Wake up
>Go to /hsrg/ after checking some things
>Anons are coping that Yunli is still for (you)
>looks at the time
No wonder
Yeah that's the one I saw
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Elio should've been a girl
I still can't believe Yunli is actually for (you)
Name one character that shouldn't be a girl
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Polyshipping wins.
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Redman or Caelus, depends on preference
>shipshit and cuckposting
This really is just mini /gig/ huh?
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C&C... this gen sucks
Still hope for lingsha
Girl loves some good bazooka
Which Trails series is the closest to HSR gameplay-wise? I wanna try them after knowing that the producer is a big Trails fan
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I will never stop believing
when we get sent to real dreamland by sparkle, we see all the scorched enemies on the ground, and then there's her massive LARP when we meet Sam (with BS and acheron) there
there's also her getting excited over rocket launchers and wanting to try combat moves in hanu's body
what's the reason behind this ship? same workplace or just a random ship?
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aventurine's body count?
Feixiao is their boss so according to retards they are madly in love and fucking every day
He has killed his master + all the other slaves canonically
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Moze is her bodyguard and she features in his artwork
Gay fox came out of retirement to be her doctor
There's a reason people have to force any amount of hype over her
you know that's not what she meant
I have no idea for moze except that she is in the back of his art. Jiaoqiu was a doctor but he gave it up for some reason. He picked it back up because of feixiao
>character with slut energy whose interactions with (you) put them on the path of wholesomeness
Why is this trope not very common? Are used goods that scary?
Do you guys enjoy being wet blankets?
Who cares if two homos orbit around her? Nobody likes this kind of girls anyway, it just means she's a roastie with everyone drooling over sexing her
threesome with yanqing and yunli (it's straight for me because yanqing will dress like a girl)
Moze is the secret intelligence officer
We both know that is more than enough
Not that it matters to me since I'm skipping
Only character that caught my eye is lingsha
Uh oh shipfag got called out and is now mad
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Child belly, erotic
My last 2 digits
no one discusses the game here at all
just characters and posting art of the characters
literally unironically touch grass
Blame pagfly for killing the game
Firepag and her consequences have been a disaster for /hsrg/.
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discuss my cookie-cutter MoC clear
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They are fucking
why are you using bailu instead of ghallager for example?
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She's also trying to cook for you using SAM lasers. She's like a female version of Sagara Sousuke
I haven't built my Gallagher yet, and I think it'd be a waste to do it NOW with Fofo rerun and Lingsha coming up in the next few months.
>old man
we're going to have to wait for that shota a longer....
>thread literally shitting on the upcoming arc and characters
>MoC/PF/AoS is solved content
>SU/DU is whatever
What the fuck do you want to talk about?
busy playing zzz
My game is on auto. Try to do that gigger
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I just post the occasional Kurara and go play something else
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Topaz thighs
They literally didn't even make a new event anon, they're neglecting hsr to make you play zzz
Normally youd get new events on the second half of patches but we got jack shit
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Morning sisters. I overslept but it's yet another day of trying to force a DU V6 victory.
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>they straight up acknowledged that they made her for footchads
Ok hoyo, I may roll her out of respect.
Spending primos on two limited abundance is much more of a waste, unless you are not f2p in which case that's cool
Do I really need Ruan Mei for Firefly or can I get away without her?
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Who will win?
im running hmc(e3)-ff(e0)-ghallager(e3)-pela and its doing fine for me
I plan on replacing pela with asta soon
literally me
Beta testers didn't test a lot of march comps, they spent most of the time trying to make JQ not shit
it's only a waste if you don't actually like the characters and are just a metacuck
and in that case rolling for any s*stain is retarded
yunli seducing old men with her feet
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Been buying Express Passes since late 1.0 or early 1.1, after I realized that HSR is a keeper and not a FOTM. With a little luck I SHOULD be able to get E0S1 Yunli, E0S0 Fofo, E0S1/E0S0 Feixiao (depending on cope cone options) and E0S0 Lingsha. I'm still behind on this patch's story and exploration, haven't quite fully finished DU yet, and I haven't even started the bird crush event.
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This is the best outcome of all.
i normally dont like feet but i like feet on hebes and cunny if the feet are cute and small
what is my mental illness called?
you lose 10-20% damage, if that doesn't matter to you, then she's not needed
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Hagbros, when is the next dot unit?
gayfox doesn't count
Anon, there is nothing going on. We have discussed the new characters to death during the beta. An anon that setup a private server even tested comps we suggested. No new events, MoC is kinda a repeat of before, story is done. We even discussed Fate after the livestream last week. Wait until next week, 2.5 beta will start so we will have lots to discuss then
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Straight man syndrome
you are an honorary footchad
I prefer them on mommies but its fine on all girls for me
issue for me was i cant really justify rolling for Yunli, idk how strong she'll be (i do need a phys atk) and feixiao might be busted + i want a kafka rerun for copies
4* are pretty cheap to build, since they cost less resources. And you only need to level Gallagher's talent, so should be even cheaper. You could probably build him in 3 days, while Lingsha will require you to wait 9 weeks.
I'm going all out on Feixiao's banner after skipping 2 whole patches. He better be on her banner or else not even Da Wei can escape from my wrath.
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The Keeping up with Star Rail confirms that Yanqing is a Dexfag and Yunli is a STRchad.
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Foxian without tail are trash.
Ehhm Constance haha
>black swan leak got pushed to 2.5
>means kafka might be 2.6 earliest
>unlikely though since they're rerunning fagtio, which means acheron is more likely to be rerun soon
brothers....i just want to roll for kafka
though i dont mind dumping on acheron either
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>they doesn't go full LUK
Fucking zoomer.
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I have 50ish rolls and no pity
Do I have time to save until this sex fox?
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I have no idea how people with newer characters have worse clear times than my e0s1 Seele. Do you just leave the game to auto the only end game we get every 2 weeks or something?
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Anon they're not gonna give any character a 2nd rerun. If you've missed out on Kafka wait for the special banner they're setting up.
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Good morning frens
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I know that feel, fellow latefagbro. Started playing HSR the patch after her rerun. I want her so much
SeeleGOD...how? Argenti being fire just makes stage 2 a cuckfest
I have RM but for the sake of testing I'll be using M7(hunt) when she comes out (building for crit rather than break) and check the results because I still think crit march will provide a better total team damage
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I'm just unlucky with relics and all my builds are shit
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>Want Yunli
>Want Feixiao
>Want Lingsha
>want Tingyun
>150 rolls
Powercreep was never real, HSR players are just extremely retarded
Assuming you are true f2p you would get 85 rolls in 2.4 and about 50 rolls until her banner ends.
>special banner
is this even good? i heard they dump 2 or 3 5* uits in one pool so you can get giga cucked
In a game with no pvp
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>Ruan Mei
You did not play the game.
>acheron, kafka, BS
Do they have their sigs? Currently saving for them. Wondering how much investment they need for endgame
Bailu is peak soul
Why are HSR events so much shorter than Genshin ones? Allegations of cuckposting aside, the Genshin summer event is like 12h long. Meanwhile every HSR event is done in like an hour or two, if that.
I'm going to E6S5 Fofo just to send a message to Dawei
In Genshin they made it so you could get spooked by other limited charas in the banner, yeah, and the guarantee didn't even carry over. Hopefully HSR's version will be better.
Uhhh, at least 2 more weeks on the mines
One cares about the player, the other only about player retention.
He already knows that mihomo players are paypigs
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Based thanks my man
the cat was there during the jeppelia rebellion, which happened a bit before penacony
so it's either elio (likely since his cape has a cat tails) or the other mc
devs spend most of their time playing the genshin events and have little time left for development
because that "event" is the entire patch with a whole new area?
We need another Foxian Tale event
Please be Acheron levels of broken
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>Do they have their sigs? Currently saving for them. Wondering how much investment they need for endgame
Acheron has her sig cone S1. Kafka is using Weltcone S1 and Black Swan is using Sampocone S5.
Keep in mind last MoC went much better and I cleared in 7 cycles instead of 10. The action advance trotters hard carried Firefly's side.
I'm spending ALL my TBPower on the Firefly/Yunli mines and I keep getting garbage.
I forget, has Firefly met Aventurine?
You just jinx it
she's hunt
she's gonna be topaz level of broken as in people keep parroting she's absolutely necessary for a certain playstyle yet she never sees any play
why do you want her to be bad
>not a WoE build
Fucking garbage build holy shit
It's enough for me if she's around Boothill level
No. It's a shame really, as it'd bring /hsrg/ to its knees.
Implant weakness mono quantum things and just focus on Argenti. My FX is extremely tanky though so I know I'm almost never in a situation that I'll wipe. Also my Sparkle is E2 so there's that but everyone else there is E0.
She's just E0S0 with meshing cogs.
I see, same for Acheron?
>I see, same for Acheron?
she's much better: >>487406150 (me)
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
acheron was never that broken
just blessings and stuff that shilled her insanely hard
>moc 12's side 1 keeps murdering my team through my gepard's shield
ebin, simply ebin
That sounds extremely stupid since we're talking about old characters here, they should instead make the pity faster as incentive
>Acheron was never that broken
I see we're entering retard hours
That's their way to make you unable to use Trend and roll for JQ later.
My Bailu has no issues dealing with the Three Stooges in MoC12 side 1. On the other hand my Fu Xuan absolutely jobs to Argenti's AoE attacks kek
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People forget that the SAM persona its still her too
Nice. Can't wait to play Dotcheron
Why the fuck would anyone want a 12h long event?
Foxian Tale was long and good, but even then it wasn't half a day long?
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She will be in the middle of the pack
>playing since start
Do NOT pull on reruns idiot. That is only for people having started the game later or if you want dupes for your favorites.
If you look at the data, it's often just 1 cycle difference between the old unit and powercreep unit. And that is shared cycle, so in practice it's probably less than that. And we constantly get new units that make the older ones better, like how Sushang and Himeko got a boost from super break. There is some powercreep, but it's way less than most people think. Retard just like to blame powercreep when they can't beat endgame
>Do NOT pull on reruns
I'm getting kekked by yanqing...
Just got my first team to lv 80. Which is the better play between finishing this team and getting a second team to lv 80?
Not my fault new units either homos or complete bricks
She's hunt so they need to give her everything hunt current has
>extra turns
>free stats/crit
To maybe be good enough
It can be better or worse compared to Hebecheron (SW + Pela) depending on the content. Keep that in mind.
I skipped Fofo the first time so I could save for Ruan Mei and get her on her rerun. It is now time.
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>Break March 7th is budget Firefly
I will now build my HMC
why are metatrannies like this
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Bailu is the most underrated character in the game
Probably because the dots eat your shields and gep has no sustain outside of it
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I will coom if she's got FUA
My account has been FUA-seeded ever since I got Clara as my first character
I have never lost a single FUA unit 50/50
My life is FUA
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The gap moe is there for a reason, i think that's just the artist wanting to see more of her cute side just like how she portrayed herself to us.
I hope Feixiao have turn kill like Seele or something similar in her kit.
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>hunt le bad
Leaks/rumors claim she has Break and FuA mechanics in her kit. Maybe like a 5* Xueyi?
Hunt at this point equals FUA, there's no other way to unbrick the path.
>Genshin summer event is like 12h long
I doubt it's that long. Also the only content of the entire patch. And do I have to remind you of the literal content drought that was the previous patches. They basically sacrificed two patches just to make this 12 hour event.
>Meanwhile every HSR event is done in like an hour or two, if that.
We do get long events, like during 1.4 and 1.5. People even complained about the ghost hunter event being that long. Just that the events are shorter now because we get big story updates. 2.1 and 2.2 were basically more than 8 hours each. So they probably planned shorter events to not overwhelm the players.
shut the fuck up and roll the fox
>nu-March can yoink an ally's element making it easier to reduce toughness bars
>a lot of new characters have some sort of way of applying their own element onto the enemy
remind me why I rolled for this cute brick again?
Nothing is more of a brick than reruns. I know some people do a lot of shitposting and cope posting, but that's just not a thing. Alone because of shilling, but also in general.

If you are a late starter it's different. But if you willingly skipped a char, that char wasn't particularly important to you to begin with.
Retards complain about powercreep because they see their E0S0 unit taking three cycles to clear while checking some giga whale youtuber with E6S6 team clearing in half a cycle
do people really think feixiao can be salvaged as hunt? the only way they can do that is by making her nothunt, by splashing on ult, dealing aoe on skill, and shit like that. trve hunt character will be eternal bricks
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Skillissue. Honestly the damage was pretty high, my Acheron survived with sub 100 hp
Did that side with FX just now, key is to spam her skill more often to get her ult faster. And maybe getting the herta cone can help, that one is probably best for her personal survival due to all the aoes also hitting her
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Sushang? Literally Emanator level. That poor bastard Yanqing had no clue while she merely pretended to be retarded and barely holding up against him.
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bro your
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Didn't the leaks say shes basically a single target debluffer?
Topaz was fine rolling for on her rerun
>Can draw a badass Caelus
>Chooses to draw him as Peter Griffin instead
Dont know if its funny or annoying
>Fuck it, just make him do a million damage on basic attack
>Nobody will complain about powercreep because he's a male character so nobody will pull
Implant doesn't equal res thoeverbeight.
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Its funny
Gepard is only good if you have a whaled main-DPS that can 0 cycle
>dot in base kit
>even more dots at E2
He’s yours now dotkeks
My problem isn't powercreep, it's the stupid shilling. Ever since I can't remember when, the enemies are weak to either Lightning, Physical or Fire. That's it. Other elements? We're supposed to tie a rope and end our lives.

When was the last time Ice was shilled? Quantum, which some retards called "one of the two elements that is impossible to vanish from meta, along with imaginary"?
Literally me.
ackshully physical is also shilled
but yeah quantum and wind are fucking dead
..wind shilling soon tho!
Hoyo sucks at games, and what's new?
>>dot in base kit
Gui does the same thing and doesnt cost you 160 rolls lol
>rolling copies
At that point you may as whale whale for every sidegrade in the game
it's been a fucking year and brickhillkeks are still coping, hilarious
You can salvage Hunt by making them hybrid/sub dps units like Topaz
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Wind shilling soon
Yeah, I honestly find the complaints about powercreep pretty stupid. It's more that the newer units get shilled more, which can make them seem stronger than they actually are. You can see it in older units that share a niche also getting stronger, like Himeko last MoC and Clara now against Argenti. But retards have convinced themselves about there being big powercreep and now have confirmation bias on everything they see.
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opinion discarded
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The imaginary shilling has not stopped yet.
yeah those are pretty nice. Well I guess if you're clearing 36 stars you can just go with it until Lingsha if you really don't wanna build Gallagher.
>Break shilling meta
>Most units are weak to the elements with the best break damage
The fact that you're posting the physical break hunts on a fire/physical break shill mode while the other hunts are nowhere to be seen is proof enough anon...
I'll even ignore the usage rate
most boring meta ever, even when fua was shilled I could play the shit I wanted
The funny thing is that Firefly doesn't even need her enemies to be weak to fire lmao.
I pulled on Topaz rerun, she is still good. I'm probably going to pull on Fofo rerun, she is still bis for dot and good with the new Yunli. Kafka rerun was probably the best time to pull her, since you got BS the next patch and had the meta team. While those that pulled on her first release were called bricks and had to use 4*. Just avoid the reruns of shit characters that have fundamental issues with their kit, like Blade and Jing Yuan
PF frequently has shit weak to ice tho.
There's no point in rolling for new characters, if the older ones are equally capable of clearing all the content the game has to offer. There hasn't been an Ice limited character in ages, so there's no Ice shilling. It's just that simple.
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Bladebros we are so fucking back
I feel like that's going to be a theme from now on anyway, unless they want units to flop. Feixiao should add weakness to wind, Ting 2 should add weakness to quantum. If they don't, why would you ever roll them when Firefly just rolls over any kind of content?

I know they'll find a way to make her weak one day, but you can keep saving until that day and the new shilled unit that comes out by then.
I wish I could at some point do a dropping the act kind of thing and convince everyone that I was just pretending to be retarded my whole life. But alas I was fated to be the real deal, a genuine retard, ever since I was born young. RIP in piece. My favorite character is Sushang.
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>shitting on hunt after Boothill has been released
Do you not have S5 GNSW for Kafka?
stats out for the new moc?
and? hsr does the same thing except the entire patch doesn’t even take half as long to finish
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No Yukong! Bad Yukong! Stop trying to take off your uniform!... wait you didn't mean literally? S-sorry...
Feixiao will flop harder that Bootleg
>waiting for Yunli
>I know they'll find a way to make her weak one day
They have it now, it's called locking toughness bar. Good luck doing damage to Sam before her chuuni mode lol.
Pretty much, you still gonna need units for PF and maybe AS, but in terms of MoC you're set for at least an entire patch cycle if you rolled Acheron and Firefly.
don't think I'm gonna roll for SW. I prefer hags
The implant doesn't affect enemy resistances, only toughness damage. Even if the enemy doesn't lock their toughness bar an implant isn't going to help if the enemy has 60% fire resistance (which they are already doing in apocalyptic shadow)
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I'm assuming that Acheron will be rerunning with Nu- I mean Lingsha's banner
>When was the last time Ice was shilled?
Nearly the whole 2023
Quantum was only shilled in 1.0 (and a bit in 1.3)

Electric and Wind got shilled more often after PF was added as one of the two usually show up there almost every PF
Imaginary and ice were shilled from 1.3 until 1.6, physical got shilled in 1.5 with PF but this year it has been shilled a bit more
This year (2024) shilled Electric and Fire a lot, for obvious reasons
Even with Jade, quantum didn't really get shilled that much, quantum is cucked (I blame SW and Mono-Quantum teams)
Wind is a dot coded element, I'm not sure why they're making a DPS with that element.
it's only been 3 days gro... wait till next monday
You are giving your tourist status away. I'd like to see you playing this current patch and not needing 12 hours for the content. (at least the 12 hours you'd take in Genshin. I think it's more ~8)

Reminder, we had 1-2 hours of story, ~2 hours for the event, and the dumb as fuck universe.
>d-doesn't count
Yes it counts. It's new content, with mattering rewards. You don't need to like it. That's fine. But it's content.
If they do that they fuck over everyone except DoT though
> Wait for DoTs
> Wait for FUAs
> While doing the same Crit Hellgrind
> Hunt
Goddamn thinking about this alone is annoying me already
to make you waste your stash rolling for a literal brick with tits
PF sides always had Ice and/or Fire, Phys and/or Img, shock and/or wind
I was talking with my friends about a theoretical "Enemy that absorbs DoT"
She will run with Ratio
Forgot to quote sorry
It's really funny that Firefly ('s team) is at its peak performance against enemies that are imaginary weak rather than fire weak
Roll for Fofo or save for a proper DoT sustain? We should get one soon, right?
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dont like all those weakness implants new chars are getting
matching weaknesses is fun
In retrospect, wtf is the point of the ice element outside of SU?
>Lock toughness bar
>Moc passive: do bigly crit damage and dot damage to unbroken enemies
And boom, now an anti Firefly gamemode
>proper DoT sustain
what would that character do?
To give some HI3 expy dissociation in the future
Before that, get fucked, you have the shittiest element
The heal on dot blessing from SU.
>he thinks i’m talking about 2.3
>when 2.3 was a penacony main story patch
actual retard
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They're not going to just shit on a whole playstyle like that.
Debuff that increases dot damage
Buff dots (let them crit for example)
Provide extra healing every time a dot is triggered
>rolled clara today while dumping perm banner rolls
it's over...
MOC never had passives like that, maybe you meant apocalyptic shadow
MOC usually doesn't cuck players out of some playstyle or archetype, MOC just boosts the specific shilled one
PF and AS are the ones that are more inclined of cucking you out
yunlibros not like this...
Like Imaginary: keeping enemies in broken state where they take more damage for longer
Gratz, now you can skip Yunli and still get your unit shilled
Like how they totally didn't shit on Clara and the counterattack playstyle by releasing enemies that don't attack?
Definitely funny
Sorry for killed the game.
They probably won't. Anon just demonstrated how fucking easy the task is incase they ever want to.
applies a debuff on enemies, whenever they take damage you get healed (think luochud field but on damage instead of on attack trigger), said debuff counts as dot, some minor dot increase
wow, that was easy
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Congrats on your Clara!

I have no idea how you're not zeroing
you'll be sorry when they add infinite-debuff-man the superboss in 3.1 if you dont roll
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I love my terrorist wife
That's not really the same thing...and those enemies have been in the game for a while anyway, besides the wine nigger.
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>Checked her page on villians wiki
>Hobbies: spending time with TB in Penacony
>Crimes: Mass murder
I wish I could dump a load in Clara
This, but Svarog
She will be yet another character that requires Ruan Mei
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I will simply just get lucky and Effect Res it all away.
Wait till remembrance TB that enables dissonance outside SU
>try to build xueyi
>currently have 120 speed with attack boots
>atk boots have just enough break effect on them to reach 240/250 with buffs so I can't lose it
>only speed boots available have no be rolls whatsoever
120 speed is fine, right?
Tbf those bugs did not act like this, they always hit you first before using the explosion timer, so they were always good for Clara before
DoT sustain would flop hard unless hag
Half of the SU/DU blessing can fit in some dot sustain/support character
Thats just shitting on Clara especifically, probably to make you roll Yunli her direct improvement. It's not like it shits on all FuA.
Anon I don't know where you've been this past year but every sustain flops hard.
First gacha general?
Hey bro I appreciate your level of optimism don't let the guys spamming "huntbrick" get you down. I'm gonna hope that Feixiao is god tier too!
>Firefly gets perfect supports months within her release
>Kafka needs to wait years for her supports
Why are the devs like this?
The dot sustain will just be gallagher because they'll add in another sp-starved dot hag that will duplicate existing debuffs or some stupid shit after he gets demoted off bugbrain teams.
If running with Sparkle in a traditional team, then yes you don't want speed. In super break, I would go for speed. You get so much BE from RM and HTB, while more speed means more super break hits
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Yes, but she'd be the biggest flop
Why would they do the same mistake twice?
Just run Lingsha/RM/BS/Kafka
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Her game!
That's what I'm going to do with my Gallagher when I roll for Lingsha.
A reminder Kafka's solo banner made as much as Firefly + RM while having fuck all to use.
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She's gorgeous
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>Check her on heroes wiki
>List Trailblazer as her love interest
Reminder that Firefly's sales number is all fucked up because Sensortower went full retard.

You MUST multiple her number by AT LEAST 1.6 for it to be valid.
The japanese one wasn't sensortower bwo...
>You MUST multiple her made up number by AT LEAST this number I pulled out of my ass for it to be valid.
Do salesfags really
And that's a good thing. I dropped Genshin mainly because of how much time it wastes with useless shit like that.
Firefly still flopped despite that which is funny
It's true though!
It’s the dedicated shit element along with lightning where they can make their most busted characters without worry of unintentional synergies with their element
she would have to be REALLY good to replace my e1s1 huohuo
waiting warmly for voracity and remembrance and annihilation gang units to come out
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feet game
Remembrance TB will make Ice relevant again.

Next year will be our year Jingliubros.
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Our general
She definitely sold more than Kafka lol
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TB is a bronseele yurifag...
Consider for a moment that while the swarm is part of it, the path of propagation is still a path mortals can walk and receive power from
What kind of acts would qualify you for it, and what powers would it give you?
Where's her tail huh? huh? huh???

As big of a failure as Huohuo.
The genshin event is like 12 hours of npcs slowly talking over unadvanceable text about nothing that anyone cares about while I write shitty APIs.

I really liked the first 2 summer events too, but god these 2 sucked.
The writing quality in genshin has always been all over the place, but god damn they've been on a really shit streak lately while HSR has been on the opposite.
without ruan mei?
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Fofo is miles cuter and sexier, it's a disgrace to even consider them the same race
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let's go!
She half wolf
Remembrance MC was confirmed a hoax
You become bald and fat
FoFo is the ugliest female character in the game and her sales prove that point.
you mean misha and march
jingliu is dead forever
My other gacha has wolves with fluffy tail. I demand they gave Fexiao a big fluffy tail as well.
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And wolves don't have tails?
Nihility then
Same thing
awormturdine flopped btw
That makes no sense wolves have tails too.
So I know he's kind of a dick, but why did Acheron kill Duke Inferno? There just doesn't seem like there was much reason for her too.
At least Fofo has a tail
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Jingliu unironically
It was his wish

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