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Closed Beta Edition

>New character: Venom now available

>New character: Adam Warlock now available

>Latest patch notes

>game trailer

>Beta FAQ
Beta runs from July 24th - August 5th
Signups available on Steam store page
Twitch drops running from 25th - 28th if you didn't get a code
People will get codes by playing the game they can share
Official Discord / twitter will be handing out codes too
Reach Level 30 to permanently unlock Blue Venom Skin in full release

>characters abilities (official site doesn't show abilities for some reason)

Previous thread: this is the first thread (and maybe the last)
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What do people think of the initial roster and the upcoming characters? Who else would you like to see?
I'm surprised the roster doesn't include Miles Morales, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, or the Falcon/Captain America.
Also surprised by the lack of Captain Marvel, but don't particularly care about her anyway.
I wish we had more X-Men.
Let's breathe some fucking life into this general good God.
Who's everyone's favorite hero right now and what's a trick you've picked up with said hero.
there's no reason for a beta to have a general just go on /v/
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Coomer here. When are we getting porn like in OW?
Is there a tier list yet of the characters? Just about the play it for the first time and hoping it good.
>iron first (lin lie)
fuck china
Space lord = flying tracer
Spiderman = scuffed dps doomfist
Venom = scuffed wreckingball
Black panther = scuffed dps doomfist hybrid
I will be maining these 4
I hope to god that Moon Knight doesn't get random bullshit magic powers like in the tv show.
Guys, does Mantis's Healing Flower (Right Click) stack? Or do I have to wait till the heal timed out before I cast it again?
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There are tier lists from the alpha but this new beta just out, new characters have been added and there have been balance changes so it will take a minute for things to settle and stuff to be discovered. With the current matchmaking and everyone being new it's kinda irrelevant until ranked comes out. Hop in and try out a bunch of characters and have fun until things get toxic during the full release and people start shouting at you for not picking the right team up character for the meta. Right now obviously you will do way better with an easy character who you can pick up instantly and kill noobs with, it's your chance to try everybody though and press buttons simply to watch cool shit on screen happen, you can easily get into a game where your team steam rolls and you get 30 kills and 0 deaths just from mashing your face on the keyboard. Experiment with the more difficult characters, if you're coming from a shooter like Overwatch you can figure out how to play the characters with a heavier melee focus without getting instantly wrecked. Tiers will move around a lot so it's not worth paying attention to unless a character is instantly some broken S+++ tier or a character is instantly bottom F tier but I don't see anything like that. From only a few hours and to get conversation going I'd say
>Tank: Venom (straight into S+)(need more games with decent team comps and less retarded enemies to decide on the rest and actually make use of them as tanks)
>DPS: Scarlet Witch (Easy S tier)(Iron Man will demolish if enemies just don't look up as they are prone to do right now so he is fun to play, once people learn to look up it's hard to say I haven't had enough hard games as him to know)
>Support: Rocket (Easy S tier)
I'd try playing around in the sandbox arena. I've spent a lot of time there trying to understand how the characters work.
Oh yeah good idea, thanks
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Rogue. Give me Rogue.
Don't really like any supports so far so l'm just waiting for Ultron.
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So we can all agree this is by far the worst ability in the game?
i main Tracer and widow in ow, which hero on this game is the closest to?
So I'm guessing that Doctor Doom will be an NPC enemy for the foreseeable future.
/vg/ faction when?
Does it even have auto-lock on? I swear it never hits anything.
Star-Lord for Tracer, Hela for Widow. Black Widow's leaked abilities sound exactly like Widowmaker though she's not in the game yet.
Where's the new leaks at?
Remember to check off "Easy swing/Automatic swing" on Venom and Spiderman. It makes a huuuuuge difference.
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forgot pic
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Reposting my lore stuff from the other thread.
>Doom and Doom 2099 are beefing, caused a multiversal war between each other
>Loki and Hela control Asgard.
>Guardians and Venom are currently fighting Knull and his army of symbiote
>Present day Avengers are trying to stop Doom
>Street tier heroes are working with Blade to fight Dracula who's blotted out the sun and leads an army of vampires
>Cap never defrosted in present day, he's working with Black Widow to stop Doom 2099. Also Widow is around a hundred years old and still looks like a supermodel due to S.S serum
>Wanda is Sorceress Supreme. She picked up Magik to help with Krakoa
>Time storm caused the Island of Krakoa to land in 2099. Storm and Magneto are the leaders
>Magneto sees different mutants across dimensions with an upgraded Cerebro. Looks like Psylocke is trapped with either Arcade or Mojo. Namor but he's already in game. Phoenix is coming to earth
Does anyone know how to play on 4:3 or set a custom resolution. It only lets me play on 1920x1080 and 1280x720
Yeah, if they want a Chinese martial artist, why not just add Shang-Chi?
>Play anyone but tank
>Die instantly to anything

Aaaand I'm out. Love getting 2 shot by tanks. Don't want to play 1 tap COD I wanted to play a team shooter
hello big boys how the fuck do I play penny parker
Place traps, stun enemies with webs while shooting from a distance.
Concord might be more your speed
this is strong as fuck desu, squishies get fucked up when they run into your traps
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>Verfication wasn't working on PC or Laptop
>Switch to Phone
>Still not working
>Said it was out of steam keys
>had to spam the puzzle
>It finally worked and got my code

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gee i wonder why!
is it just me or is black panther awful? I heard people say he's like genji but he's doesn't feel that way to me
He's good, but you have to get used to his combos and know when to leave. I was watching a streamer name Samito and he's pretty good with Black Panther.

This. As a added bonus use F to hang in weird places and ambush people, its funny.
What is the puzzle thing?
cant connect my twitch account, i mean, i connected but doesnt detect it
How the hell do you connect your twitch to the MR site?
on the marvel rivals website click twitch drops and then click redeem
then it'll ask you to connect your twitch

it's kinda obtuse
cant connect my account either, doesnt connect, Anyone with an extra code for steam na?
How do I get good with tanks?
Where is the ghost rider.
mid beta patch is going to add Human Torch and Jeff the shark
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Looks like Marvel Entertainment is really pushing Marvel Rivals. It's getting a lot more promotion than most other Marvel games have had.
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Peter is more popular than most of these characters put together, yet he is nowhere to be seen. Really makes you think.
i promise you that nobody is forgetting who peter parker is, especially when miles isnt even in this game
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>punisher right click
Is it always better though? With Venom I'm fine with auto swing desu. I don't need to be as precise I just need to swing right in to engage or swing away
I wonder what this rate would be if you exclude Asia. Is Luna really that popular? In brand new ranked it makes sense as people need to pick an easy healer sometimes but in all the casual games I didn't see her as much as someone like Loki on heals
It is because sometimes you get a shit angle and faceplant into a wall instead of going up to slam into someone.
Fair, I haven't played him enough I guess because even slamming into a wall I seem to be able to go straight up regardless
game runs like dogshit
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>Who else would you like to see?
Lucas Bishop. This game is a shooter, and he's one of the few high profile Marvel heroes that uses guns on a regular basis. I also think his mutation (absorbing energy, then converting it into enhanced physical attributes and/or energy blasts) could make for a really interesting ability pool.

They'll probably avoid adding him because he's a cop though.
Is there a exclusive female healslut character like mercy in this chinkslop?
UE5 is such a meme, I turned all my shit to medium but there's still stutters once in a while
So next key claim is in 9 hours from now almost to the minute right?
Once we've done the old "watch for an hour on twitch" we're just smashing that button at midnight UTC on the dot?
then pray the chink captcha doesn't fuck up
What the fuck is the Conquest mode? I queued into it for over five minutes but it straight up seems like nobody is playing it.
god damn it I want in just to see if my piece of shit pc could stream it
yeah pretty much, I thought I missed the restock but kept spamming and got it. try it in atleast 3 different browsers
How do I get a code?
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How am I supposed to focus with this fat ass shaking in my face?
Adam Warlock
So when are Thor and Jeff dropping?
anyone use controller on pc, how is it?
Probably tonight. Trailer was shown off at the con and there's an announcement in a few hours.
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Thor looks cool, love the winged helmet.
Dude, Mainland Chinese AND Taiwan do not like Shang-Chi because of the character's roots in being the son of the actual Fu Manchu (until that got retconned)
Do we know anything about datamined stages? I'm hoping for New York, Wakanda, Krakoa, Latveria, Knowhere, and the Savage Land.
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oof I would keep this general alive if I could get in
so long gaybowser
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from reddit, so you can redeem your code

These steps are written for chrome. Other browsers can use it but shortcuts/tabs might be different.

>Open https://www.marvelrivals.com/twitch/#/index and login
>Press F12 to open your browser's developer tools.
>Press CTRL+SHIFT+F and search for "initNECaptchaWithFallback" (without quotes)
>Click the - on the line with "initNECaptchaWithFallback" (see pic)
>Reload page and try to redeem.
>Website will hang. Press F11 inside the developer tools window.
>Go to the console tab and write "options.apiServer = 'c.dun.163.com'" (without quotes) then press enter (see pic)
>Go back to the previous tab ('Sources' in chrome)
>Click the button that looks like media play icon in the top-right of the developer tools. (see pic)
>Solve captcha
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Magikfrens, give tips and combos. I feel like she has animation cancels somewhere
you can cancel your sword swings with the punch button
new shark trailer
idk how to give you a code
jeff from overwatch team
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I saw the full character roster leak and I really hope they dont give reed a beard. He should be clean shaven

My favorite marvel hero is psylocke

But I'm really enjoying scarlet witch until she comes out

Just gotta time my blow up move better
I hate venom soooo much
I wish Namor could place his octopus friends farther away from himself. Still keep it arc-based so he has to lob them. No need in having their placement be based on line of sight. Just wish he could throw them rather than drop them.
>"watching" twitch stream for the drop
>Chat is people complaining that nobody gets a key
>people trying to sell keys
Seems like a great system they've got going on
wtf I came here to see anons bitching about Jeff being reddit and cringe. Where did all the chuds go?
young reed, sue and ben is so lame
based, i like that she gives magneto a big sword that can 2-3 shot their back line... i usually out DPS the DPS if I have the sword
dev team is currently on stage in discord >>>/v/683774090
posted there some rough highlights.
We hate you too
Characters get at least one alternate skin, so one version (probably the default) would have a beard and the other be clean-shaven.
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Today I asked my teammates if they knew standing on the point captures it faster, and they said no.
New cinematic trailer

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I blew my self up and ended over time !!
least retarded open queue teammates
spiderman is so accurate to what he would really play like in a game like this and im shocked they went the route they did with him
Unironically one of my favorite hero shooter characters ever made
Hydra Erebus Base, The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda, Klyntar, Empire of Eternal Night and Krakoa were leaked
I've read in the lore blurbs somewhere that Dracula used some fucked-up spell on New York to engulf it in darkness so I guess Empire of Eternal Night is vampified NYC
>so I guess Empire of Eternal Night is vampified NYC
Makes sense given this trailer >>487682920 with bats in New York.
So it's basically Marvel's recent Blood Hunt event only with Dracula behind it all instead of Varnae.
Have to say I like what they're doing to locations, giving them a spin that is still very grounded in the Marvel universe in a "What If?" fashion
Seriously, they did such a good job with him. The low health isn't a problem because spider-man isn't suppose to just tank hits, he dodges and avoids them.

His kit is perfect for quickly getting around people undetected, pouncing on any opportunities you see to eliminate/deal damage, and then getting out before they can retaliate.

And in true spider-man fashion, if all else fails you can still make a difference by just annoying the enemy and wasting their time trying to kill you instead of playing the objective lol.
None of his kit feels "gamey" in any real like a character like hela is shes clearly the token sniper character, you are just literally playing spiderman
Im not one usually for marvel shit its amazing how accurately he was put into this game
I can easily forget I'm playing an overwatch clone when I play him. He feels genuinely fun just to traverse with and play with his movement (as long as you turn off the automatic web swinging setting)
I actually dont mind the auto web swing its fairly predictable
Who's the worst character?
scarlet and her ultimate
Panther and Hulk by far
Isn't Klyntar just a goo planet made of Symbiotes?
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>only a couple days into the beta
>already have retards whining about 'x diff' every match and demanding people switch off heroes if they aren't doing that good
OWbabs trying to enforce their rotten competitive brain-washing on people wanting to have fun
mute and report
it's mostly made of Symbiotes but I do not recall it being visually a big pile of goo, more like trees made of Symbiotes kind of deal, also Knull's throne room
I wish they used some other iconic location than Klyntar but maybe they'll use some twist again
This should've been the route for Marvel to take a while ago. Every knew there was a market for superhero video games, they should've saw that their movies quickly lost their magic and instead invested all their major resources into video games. People dream about super hero games, superheroes are literally perfect for this, yet they persisted on safe popcorn date movies for years on end.
a lot of marvel's videogame push is on mobile, I don't know how successful it is but there's a bunch of mobile marvel shit out there now
After playing for about 15 hours I can say that to my surprise I haven't gotten pissed from losing or losing to any particular hero except Ironman players. Fucking annoying niggers.

The game is really fucking fun and I haven't had this much playing a pvp shooter in years like this.

It's Overwatch faggots that do this shit. You can tell even by the way they type.

>.t used to play Overwatch
Mobile games in general make a lot of money since it's a low investment for a high reward.
Playing healer feels absolutely awful. They managed to make it worse than Overwatch.
How is it "awful"? (I don't really play support in neither).
Feels to me like you can heal a lot more in this game compared to OW.
Game is a lot more burst-oriented, dive-heavy, which makes it hard for healers to juggle between saving allies (who'll get burst down by Punisher anyway) and self-peeling (against Spiderman and Venom). There's also the issue of fliers in low bracket. If you know Overwatch any good Pharah/Echo are basically untouchable even in gold rank. But here half the duelist roster are fliers.
He will certainly have a beard in this game, I can guarantee it
So the only way to level up Galactica quests is through dailies?
I can understand some frustration if you don't get a good team comp or your instalock DPS gets 2 kills total but games are still winnable because of the amount of retards on the other team. I didn't expect so much toxicity week 1, people literally just picked up the game of course they aren't going to be flawless, it's also a fucking beta your rank doesn't even matter, if you aren't winning you can still have fun and learn your character like these teammates obviously aren't stopping you going pro. I'm glad people are taking it seriously I guess so I get a chance to play the real game. Most people are having a blast though.
It's actually crazy how few players look up to shoot or how few players will try help the healer in the backline getting dived. Iron Man 80% of the time is just a free win in low ranks right now, all it takes is a few people to look up and he is dead they just don't bother, I just hit gold though so I'm expecting people to improve. Ults are crazy down in these ranks too it's like Season 1 of Overwatch on steroids with team wiping ults
Yeah unfortunately. I hate these kinds of systems, when I have time to play I should just be allowed to grind. I'm not logging in every day and if I do I hate being forced to play quickplay or a role I wasn't in the mood for just to get battlepass xp. Hopefully it's pretty generous in the full release, I think they gave a bunch of easy xp at the end of the alpha so they might do the same again for this
>people literally just picked up the game of course they aren't going to be flawless, it's also a fucking beta your rank doesn't even matter

I have to keep reminding myself of this, but god damn is it hard. I can already see heroes that are a shitter magnets (ex: Punisher and Iron man
>It's actually crazy how few players look up to shoot or how few players will try help the healer in the backline getting dived.
I always end up up begging my teammates to shoot down Ironman (to no avail), and when I try to shoot them down myself (as a healer) what usually happens is :
>My tanks would get melted in the frontline
>Enemy Venom would dive and interrupt me
>Ironman would then respawn and recognize me as his main/revenge kill target
But all I have is a shitty sleep grenade/one-time freeze with 12s+ cooldown. It's a shitty situation all around. Nobody wants to play healer in OW but in Marvel Rivals the healer experience is somehow even worse.
this is one of the biggest gripes I have with this game
I still don't really like having to play healer and it seems like most people don't either, I wish they'd just not bothered with it at all and made healing more ubiquitous, i.e. light self heals with some light group heals, along with the healing pads
anyone else notice the unowned filter toggle in the heroes section?

i think locking heroes behind a paywall is a bad move, even if its like league of legends where you can unlock them with the blue currency.

what do yall think
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I want at least one black order member.
OW2 put their new heroes behind a paid battlepass if you wanted them day 1 or you had to grind for them and they ditched that model for all heroes for everyone for free bc they make enough dosh from the cosmetics
If the chinks want to squeeze money out of their players by restricting access to the majority of heroes this will be Marvel Rivals demise as OW2 will outcompete them even with all its flaws.
hopefully they realize that nowadays money is in the cosmetics and not gameplay restrictive elements before launch but you never know with developers and their stupid decisions
Depends how quick you unlock them and how many are free at the start I guess. For F2P it's not the worst thing, so long as characters aren't locked in the battle pass for like a month. Currently the best part of the game is the variety of characters to try out, it could certainly kill my enjoyment. Without role queue as well it will be toxic as shit when the DPS main has no good healers and people are complaining about team-ups. It kind of works in league but in this game I don't see it being a good thing at all unless we live in some crazy fantasy land where close to all the current beta roster is free.
Cosmetics alone should easily be enough to sustain the game, it would be absolutely retarded to kill the fun to try squeeze a little extra money out of the players. Make the game fun so people play and then buy cosmetic stuff
It all depends. If you can earn a hero within a reasonable time I don't really care. If it takes like 15 hours of playing to earn one then it's really bad.
Also they NEED to give enough currency at the start to let people buy at minimum 2 of any character they want, preferably 3. If you can't get 1 of each role within the couple of days then it's going to be very bad.
Holy fuck this game is fun
It's becuase you're not playing with Overwatch players. A lot of the people right now are casuals who just got into the game. Give it a bit until Ranked separates the people who know what to do and the casuals in Quick Match.
Try teleport --> spin wing thing ---> to E ability ---> sword swing to punch.
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I've found my main
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Lore experts - she's legal right?
wish they used her spiderverse design tbqh
ofc you do pedo
I dunno. Movie Peni looks around 12 and comic Peni is 15 iirc. This one looks around 17-19.
I can only see it making sense f2ps can unlock them for free via grinding like LoL and only if the grind isn't absurd, or if there's a small reasonable fee for every character including future characters, like $20-$30
Multiversus went for that model but the grind for unlocking characters is timegated as fuck for free players and a character costs $10 if you want to skip the grind, needless to say only the most autistic autists can stomach that shit
That's actually a pretty rad-looking trailer. Especially the shot of the two Dooms facing off.
The visuals are superb all way round. Really interesting that chin bugmen could produce such classic comics sovl
So much rubberbanding in this game holy fuck. The effect is more pronounced on anyone that can fly or perform quick moves. Just play Mantis for 1 round and observe from the backline how everyone's almost freezing their asses off. If they don't fix this shit by launch it's DoA. With how important aiming is, fixing rubberbanding issues should be #1 priority for these devs, but it seems they haven't given a fuck about it since alpha.
They'll probably add Thanos first.
>Scarlet Witch is a left click brain dead drain character except she deals a shit ton of damage

Cool. Fun
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Unless I fucked up, this should work.
Heres your key, anon.
I think you got her confused with Hela (fuck that hag)
Both are broken, but Wanda a little more because of her better mobility and much shorter cooldowns.
how do you fuck up a code rollout this bad? even ubisoft does this well.
Do they give you the code on the website itself or they send it to your email??
the key starving process is intentional lol. they want the gullible ones to keep watching streams every day. whats crazy is that everyone who clicked that green button on the steam page before the beta launched were guaranteed access
hulk isnt that bad, you just have to realize his ult is only good for his m2 because it does like 150 damage pierces, and has very low cooldown and that his normal m2 is also ranged.

I have a spare steam key but I'm afraid if I post it

A bot will take it
The key redemption site, make sure to select the platform you want, solve the captcha and then copy or screenshot the key. And if anyone is still trying to get in, try right now, those bugs put more keys up.
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yeah, I asked because i completed the captcha successfully and nothing happened, after waiting I just reloaded and it was out of stock again
i've only played maybe 8 hours and i'm already getting bored honestly. compared to overwatch which i've played since day 1 and still not bored. they will need to make some big changes and add actual fun heroes. not sure what it is, but getting kills just isn't satisfying unless you pull off some crazy trick shots with spiderman. the skill ceiling is more about team coordination rather than individual mechanical skill.
lol so the game has custom driver level anticheat but my universal triggerbot that runs off OBS works just fine
Who is the best solo healer?
Send it to me

RivalsKey@sharklasers dotcom
you boys wanna watch a fellow 4channeler play this shit?
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What are the odds one of them will be Maker?
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Fuck this game. And fuck storm
Mantis or Luna
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>Sees Normalfags enjoying Marvel Rivals 6V6
>Starts think that maybe this game will start to take away our player base
How much is he sweating now?
jeff & thor update is today btw
I need to see Peni ass. Gameplay reasons for hitbix examination.

Promise your not a reseller first

And I'll give it to the person that post

The best psylocke cake
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I don't feel like playing a tank or healer tonight so I'm just not gonna
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I've been signed up for before the beta went live and can't get in. I'm not a reseller, just wanna try the game
Go ahead, you'll fit right in with the other braindead shitters
Who are you kidding, it's the same thing in bronze-gold Overwatch. People don't shoot flying enemies, they shoot tanks.
>inb4 skill issue.
True, but I thought this game is taking the casual approach unlike the tryhard and sweaty Overwatch? So when 90% of the players don't shoot fliers, the problem lies within how the game was designed to benefit fliers. They are usually not within line of sight, they can shoot from blind spots, healers cannot handle them without sacrificing tanks, they are harder to hit from a distance especially considering high server ping/lag, and when suppressed they can just play passively to accumulate ultimate and oneshot everyone. These developers tried to copy Overwatch, except they also copied most of its problems.
Have thr character models been ripped yet?
I'm playing for fun :)

Okok I'm gonna post it here

But it will be broken up in 3 spots to confuse the bots

Example :

(1) First 5 numbers
(3) 3rd set of numbers
(2) Second set of numbers

I'll post it in 5 mins from this post
Based. Thank you.

good luck psylocke bro

(3) -VD36G

the game is really fun and i really like it

witch and punisher i my best characters so far

pls add me

i'm yams_yams
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Thanks, got it

nice i hope you enjoy it

also psylocke best cake
Why don't you get more mmr points if you beat higher Ranks?
Because matchmaking is balanced. Both teams are definitely equal
>go against my gut and go tank since we already have 3 dps
>one of them gets ZERO kills and my single retard healer doesn't ever heal me
back to locking in dps no matter what fuck this shit
the fanbase for this game is already insufferable holy shit. some fags the same level as me told me to uninstall kek.
Probably your own fault for not carrying the game 40-0
This is why I just mute everyone and insta-lock Iron Man every game. I'm having a blast btw
just did a 5 dps 1 healer match and it was kinda fun desu
shit got retarded
>Ranked season 89 days remaining
>CBT ends in 9 days
wtf does that mean?
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Holy fuck I knew something was up with the aim, I thought I was just a shitter
>Aiming is telegraphed diagonally between your character and the crosshair
What a shitshow.
who cares. if everyone has this """disadvantage""" then nothing is broken

ur just a shitter

>quotes something he doesnt understand and just goes along with it, thinking its the end of the world
lmao lol
>The target is not the target
>This is somehow fine
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the 5 dps meta is in full swing lets go boys
as my support says 'kill or die'

My highest kill count with punisher was 40

That is the biggest vidya rush I've had in a long time
punisher is really fun for how basic he is. its strange how refreshing a "normal" character is in a game full of characters that can fly and make teleportals and what not.
Currently level 12, anyone know if i should be on track to hit 30 and get blue venom? i dont think i'll get it which sucks but oh well
You only get xp from missions. How many days have you missed?
how did the match just not end before you got that many?
i started playing the day the codes first went out for the beta, or i'm assuming when they first went out? the galacta quest when i opened the game was at 12 days.
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You just know I'm going to lose every game tomorrow
Then you should be good to get blue venom
soz i guess that(>>487819067)doesn't really answer it but i haven't missed any. i've probably only missed out on one or two dailies?

It was the one where they have to take escort the Mecha spider

We were on defense

I set up my turret to at an angle aimed at their spawn door

2nd place for 26 kills and 3rd place got 23

It was a massacre

I took a screenshot I think if you wanna see
Post it
>tfw I'm only at lvl 12 on the BP
fuck my life it's joever, I can't get blue venom
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This is pretty fun, any tips for a noob Storm player that just started and played overwatch 1 and 2 for like 1 hour combined because the characters were so fuckin faggoty?
dont overextend or you will get 2 shot out of the sky
stay above your team, giving them speed or damage depending on the situation.
spam your attacks from afar until you can use your ult and wipe the enemy team
Thanks for the reply anon, I didn't even know storm could buff my team.
But of course I kinda just dived into the game when my friend told me to get it and haven't done really any research. But I just wanted to ask here asap because I know everyone here is always on top of shit.
when you hover over your team, there will be a counter on your UI showing you how many of your teammates are in your area of effect so you know how many you're buffing
Fuck yeah didnt notice that yet. thanks a lot.
If anyone got a spare steam key add me on steam I'm usually asleep by the time the keys reset so I cant get this shit from the drop

Steam friend id: 38865772
Would be strange but I suppose it's possible. One of Spider-Man's skins is Spider-Punk 2099 after all.
thor and jeff are out
How does Jeff play? Does his small size give him an advantage like in every game that tries including a small character?
Yes, and he's immune to headshots. He heals by spraying a stream of water and attacks by shooting a large water projectile.
He can lay down bubble health packs for allies, and can also go into the ground where only his fin is visible and moves faster. He still be attacked though. His ultimate has him swallow all enemies and allies in an area, healing allies and damaging enemies before he spits them out. You can also shoot them all out manually.
I just had a game where he swallowed me and two other then walked off the map with us.
>shark vore suicide
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Oh boy, this is certainly an interesting decision for a competitive shooter
Based on some rough math I think you're on track, it looks slow (because it kinda is) but it's more flexible than the alpha where you technically had to beat every challenge. In the alpha they also flooded players with extra missions on the last days to get people easily across the line which might happen here but no guarantees
>To reach pass 30 you'll need 3000 points.
>40 points per daily mission with 4 missions for a total of 160 per day
>you can get 2080 points from dailies alone if you do every set of dailies.
>120 points per challenge a set of 3 every 36 hours
>so that's a total 360 points every 36 hours
>it should take approximately 8 days to get it if you do everything
>leaving approximately 4 days of breathing space to miss some stuff.

It feels fine to me when the game is fresh as I was going to log in and play a decent amount every day regardless of rewards but I'd much prefer to be able to grind battle pass xp like crazy at the weekends instead of daily logins in the full game, especially if I end up paying for the fucking pass. Anyone wanna take guesses for how much a real skin is gonna cost if you are doing all this for a free recolour?
I just started today since I was given a code from a friend. Sucks since I actually like the color blue and prefer it on venom.
What are Thor and Jeff's alternate costume like?
Thor has the "Herald of Thunder" costume that's also in Fortnite.
They need to nerf Scarlet Witch, the amount of fucking times I lost an objective because she ulted is fucking ridiculous.
you have to admit, having a loli in a hero shooter would at least be something new. would've been nice
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What the absolute fuck do I do when my team mates refuse to shoot the Spider nests? They outright won't fucking do it.
i saw you in game before
I hate to say this, but the game is beta and there's alot of people getting used to the game. I don't even think people know you can ping that shit too. Best you can do is ping it and hope someone realizes you can shoot it.
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>Be Jeff
>eat entire enemy team
>Run over the cliff
>everyone dies

Heads up, Keys stop dropping from streams today. Only way to get keys will be from someone in-game.
>Chinese game
No wonder black panther sucks

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