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Previous >>487312371

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/18
>Cover art for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now out!
>Mini original soundtrack for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
anies marriage
>despite Cold Steel 3, Cold Steel 4 and Reverie being virtually identical, Cold Steel is bad but Reverie is good because it has Nadia in it
ohnononono schizobros
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I enjoyed all of the Cold Steel games.
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She will make Rean kneel in 2 seconds and then go make babies with Van.
Imagine being so mindmelted that the addition of a specific character makes or breaks a game for you. Just imagine all the Reanheads hyped for Kai just because their little faggot is in it, lmao. Same mental illness as the Nadiafaggot.
honestly i hope rean does lose because the reanfag melties over it would be the stuff of legends but it won't happen
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How does she make reanbro seethe so much?
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That's not far from truth since their fight in Kuro 2 connect event was ruined because marchen garten couldn't handle their powers, she'll probably lose interest in rean after he jobs and then will beg Van to go all out with her.
She reminds him of all of the chicas in high school that bullied him.
N*-chan faggot's mental illness is too funny not to mock the ever living fuck out of. Imagine this. You have three completely identical games, written the same way, playing the same way, composed entirely of the same assets, and the one and only deciding factor for liking one and not the other two is that a certain character is in it. Funny, right? Almost like you're about to see it happen to Kai when the Rean niggers return. LOL
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So now that Kai is confirmed to be a piece of shit, where did this series irreversibly go off the rails?
stop bullying na-chanfag or I will make every single OP image Na-chan.
I just want kai to finish Van and co. character arcs and stories, if it manages to do that at least, it'll be fine in my book.
N*-chan faggot likes one of three identical games because Nadia is in it, and that is the one deciding factor. This is one of the funniest things in /fg/ history and will not be glossed over.
azure was where it started to go wrong
cold steel 2 is where it went wrong
cold steel 4 is where it went wrong for good
kuro 2 is where it somehow went even more wrong than you thought was humanly possible
I think the first image could be young Weissmann just after being orphaned by the Salt Pale
But Kuro 2 had Na-chan in it! 9/10 games at worst!
>where did this series irreversibly go off the rails?
Reverie. Ever since it, we've only got one proper Kiseki game in Kuro, with Kuro 2 and Kai being route/side gacha dungeon crawler shit.
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Kuro 2
Honestly I agree with Reverie. It's where they started to get really handwaive-y with the lore and plot, it introduced fucking terrible shit that plagues the series to this day like Simulacrums and curse dancing and as you said they became obsessed with routeshit instead of making real Kiseki games afterwards.
Swapping MCs probably
Our modern age won't like that shit and it proved that no matter how cool Van is, people still fanboyed over Rean far far more
CS3. Kuro 1 was an attempt to fix things, but then Kuro 2 happened and I still didn't recover from it.
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Enhanced the images as best I could, first image is definitely a young boy wearing glasses. Has to be Weissmann.
kek 3rd truly was relevant all along
reddit aint gonna like dis
Smol Nina is so cute
What's up with all the shitposting and doomposting
It's a follow-up to Kuro 2 and the only thing it has going for it is Rean and Kevin. Did you expect those two characters to turn an inherently bad game good? What, are you retarded? Doomposting is logical based on these facts.
yeah the route thing was nice in reverie because it was something new but now that 3 out of the last 4 games have it that's no longer the case
plus with kuro 2 it really hampered the character writing which wasn't a problem in reverie because everybody already had all their arcs and all the new character stuff was given to the c route
i feel like falcom just didn't understand why people liked reverie on a fundamental level and just copied all the suface level elements of it for kuro 2
ignore him, just a talesfag samefagging because he's jealous of the fact we're getting news regularly for our beloved series whereas tales is dead and buried.
>brings up tales out of nowhere again
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>>brings up tales out of nowhere again
Joshua is literally me
please be my gf
No you cannot have him as your girlfriend Duke Dunan.
all I see is kino
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>No you cannot have him as your girlfriend Duke Dunan.
As long as the combat remains top tier I'll keep playing this series. No other turn based rpg has combat as good as Kiseki with difficulty mods.
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Discord tourists doing their usual thing every time we get news but this latest batch really isn't a good sign for the game. Only 2 pages of new info, and the fact that they're relegating important character backstories and Ouroboros' history to Hajimari episode trash in the fucking climax game is ridiculous.
Runnyfaggot... we've been over this.
can you even mod kuros combat to be good
its fundamentally kinda bad
>the fact that they're relegating important character backstories and Ouroboros' history to Hajimari episode trash
It was okay when 3rd did it.
You can mod it so it's not completely braindead, but the difficulty mod for CS games are still the best ones so far.
Daybreak's difficulty mod is lame, it's just a stat increase
>bro just mod it and it's good!
lol, just got play MegaTen.
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That's all these difficulty mods are because Skyfags think an unbalanced hard mode was the peak of the series' gameplay.
>the goyspunk esl mtl made people actually think elaine and van were a couple
They were, but they split off way before Van left because they were just kids going through the motions.
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Wrong, the difficulty mod for CS completely reworked abilities, brave orders, master quartz, items, enemies AI and moves.
They also made people think Rene has a girlfriend when it was just that he had one back when they were at school.
MegaTen combat is trash. Etrian Odyssey is miles better.
What is it that you don't like about the picture?
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Sure it is, which Makes Trails gameplay the bottom of the trashcan.
Not with difficulty mods.
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Massive cope. It will never be true, cultist.
>yeah the gameplay's trash but if the enemy has twice as much hp? GOATED!
id rather an unbalanced hard mode than a nightmare mode where you literally cannot die
Except that's not what the difficulty mod does so good job showing you have no idea what you're talking about.
I'd rather a game where it isn't inflated stats.
Play CS with difficulty mod then.
we're really seeing the /fg/ classic here
tards talking out of their ass
>bro if you completely redid the game with mods it will be good!
Not an argument, schizo. Combat sucks compared to games like SMT. Poorly designed, breaks instantly.
Just use the /fg/ script and the /fg/ combat mod and the /fg/ music replacements and Kiseki games are gold.
>mods don't count because....they just dont okay
Yeah, just play a completely different game and it's just great! Let me just go play actual good mods of good games, like Brave New World for FF6 or FF4 Ultima instead, haha...
but enough about MTL, cheat engine and binga
Falcomfags really do be thinkin' that if you mod everything it's good.
Modders are like artists who think they're better than the og piece of art they critique and try to fix, or cooks of the same vein
I love my husbando
>first image is definitely a young boy wearing glasses. Has to be Weissmann.
Ah, I can only hope! Kiddo weissmann… too adorable!
Name 1 game that mods don't improve.
>Load up the spreadsheet
>Load up the combat mod
>Load up Arvin's music replacements
It's Falcom time.
Any of the trails games. LMAO
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kek holy shit
It improves the enemy AI and balances all the mechanics. Not that you'd know since you've never played it.
We're not playing your fanfic mod.
>bro if you mod it it becomes better than games without mods! (#1 delusion)
>but mods for other games don't count!
Cuckshitki cuckbat suxx.
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mod melty? that's a new one
>finna hecking rev up ye olde esl mtl
>finna hecking rev up ye olde chungus engine
>finna hecking rev up ye olde fart noises from other games
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Bros, look how much soul this image has!
It do be like dat doe.
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Thanks for admitting you've never played them, which now makes all your arguments pointless since you don't know what you're talking about.
>callback to celceta
Unironically kino. Look at the pixels!
why is the thread so bad
cause falcom games are bad
Subhuman shartcord losers here to shitpost since we’re getting news.
Because we can't mod /fg/ to be better unlike Falcom games.
Kevin deserves to be bullied by 3 kids to be fair, karma.
Humiliation ritual.
Doomposters thinking Kai is the last Kiseki game they're playing (lol), even though they still haven't let go of a series they clearly don't enjoy and probably never will.
Kevin will sacrifice himself to save Nadia and Swin then pass on his stigma to Van
The worst part is that if it does happen people will defend it.
Don't be a buttblasted Reanfag. Kevin giving Van his stigma would be a pretty smart way of getting Vagrants locked down.
The odds of Anelace making it and are getting grimmer by the day.
Isn't Anelace supposed to be Yun Ka-Fai's granddaughter? It would be funnier if she doesn't show up at all.
Van leaves Agnes and Elaine to become a Gralsritter in Arteria. Van x Rion wins
Groping Estelle under the belt..
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1 melchior and sharon
2 novartis
3 nina and someone
More pixels..
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When it comes down to it, 3rd killed Kiseki.
>Tests of resolve
>Character bloat
>Non-traditional structure
>Info giving via infodump doors than actual storytelling
I’m more excited than ever. Feels good to actually like these games.
It's all about Melchior. He is the key to everything.
>no cute boy to make me cinnamon coffee and engadin
Its ogre
Finally we get to know what the deal is with him
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Is Melchior getting a mask?
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I thought Rean was supposed to be the main character.....
That's Rufina
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You now remember the retards saying to skip 3rd
I've never heard about Rufina before. I'm intrigued though.
>Gets Falcom out of bankruptcy danger
How do they do it, bros?
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pic related.
She's just a whore that went around kissing shotas.
Does it really matter if you're introduced to Rufina in 3rd or in Kai?
Just like me fr
Aren't you dead, Weissmann?
Got resurrected on a mission to molest as many shotas as possible
It's not just Rufina since Kevin appears to be a major character in this game, not to mention the possibility of the box on Kai's cover being related to the recluse cube. Skipfags might end up missing out on a lot of context that they'd only get through playing 3rd.
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This image is very scary.
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At this point, 3rd was 10 games ago. They have to reintroduce everything anyway.
Isn't he dead? Why are they giving us a flashback about him now?
>appears to be a major character in this game
Wishful thinking. He is in the backseat, both literally and figuratively.
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what the fuck is her problem
Melchoir is linked to Sharon, Harwood, and Lucrezia, so if we've being shown any of their backstories then shota Melchior has to show up.
Has a reputation for being strong, but knows that she is only as strong as lance maiden. So she now has to avoid all combat or people will find out that she sucks ass in a fight.
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Fufu, would you like to know?
Likely just back story for Order of the Moonlight Horse, but through Melchior and Sharon's point of view.
It's going to be a combined thing for Harwood, Lucrezia, Sharon, and Melchior.
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Don't worry, my cock's big enough to be shared by two beautiful ladies.
Shota melchior is very erotic and rapeable!
why are you guys so mean to me
you guys always start arguments with me all the time
He looks like a little faggot.
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>cucked rean by nabbing towa
>now he's going to cuck quatre and kasim by taking risette and mirabel
Somebody needs to stop this menace.
I don't think Crow's cock works after the Rufus incident. Risette will get ploughed by Van, and nobody would ever betray THE STRONGEST.
He’s gonna be a little faggot after I traumatized him with my 13 inch spiky strap
bros, why does he look like Cross from start door 15?
No manlets here
The same reason why Quatre looks like Quatre and even shares the same name and happened to be at Paradise during the same timeframe as Renne. They probably intended on making Melchior actually be Cross but got cold feet about it at the last minute.
This fag has the biggest raging hate boner for Crow. He literally can't stop mentioning him in every thread.
>Responding to a post about Crow is having a hate boner about him
You okay there, Crowbro?
>Crow dumped his manlet buddy to hang out with hot women
it's over Linbros...
did high quality scans get released?
>image looks like censored jav
>ran away to /v/
Yeah, it's not like you talk about him in every thread like some obsessed mongoloid. I guess he hurt you that badly when he cucked you with Towa haha...
In around 25-30 minutes
>came back from /v/
Hi guys did I miss anything
>Yeah, it's not like you talk about him in every thread
No? But are you surprised people are talking about a Kiseki character in what's basically a Kiseki general? C'mon Crowbro. Stop having a melty.
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the strongest vs the horniest
Crow constantly got cucked by Angelica, so I don't think the strongest has anything to worry about.
I am just pointing out how mindbroken you've been since the cuckening incident. It's very amusing to see your senseless lash out from that time, by all means, keep embarrassing yourself.
I don't know you seem pretty fragile that someone joked about Crow and it's somehow some masterplan from some massive Crow hater. I guess all CSautists are like this.
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Looks like Mirabel is finally going to be playable?
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scans mamonaku
I still think Van is going to end up banging her to stop her from destroying Zemuria.
If it's guro, I'll kill you.
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not a bad outcome
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it's up
Why is Agnes such a bitch? She seems cold and stuck-up
First he steals Towa from Rean, now he's going to have a threesome with Risette and Mirabel. Lucky fuck.
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this looks like Elaine
So basically AI Melchior "lives on" in the Grim Garten, causing all kinds of mischief
Van with green hair and earrings
That's Van as a child
It is Elaine. It also definitively proves that this is Hajishit 2.
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gachabros we're eating good
please be better than kuro 2...
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love renny
So (unsurprisingly) the business suits and the Z-1 Queen costumes are back.
that's Elaine, look at the haircut, it's probably a flashback when her dad made Van to get adopted or when Van left her in highschool.
>sexualizing a sexual abuse victim
Wow... classy...
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She's a strong woman who can overcome her past and dress how she wants. (like a whore)
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so after defeating the floor's boss in grim garten there'll be a story event and not just a flashback?
Why did Falcom animate Agnes' breasts jiggling when she runs?
That means it's mandatory content and not complete filler. Unfortunately this also means half the game is going to be taking place in the garten instead of in Calvard. That's why they haven't been showing many new locations.
But they animate everyone's breasts.
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So these sprites are for the Grim Garten
>That's why they haven't been showing many new locations.
Ored, Anchorville, 2 new districts in Edith. What else can they show realistically?
That's like saying doing the Reverie corridor floors weren't filler since they made you do it.
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yeah, but it's also gonna be a dlc costumes for Van, Altina and Lapis.
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hope we get original cumdoll outfit
maybe sharon wants to kill Van for killing melchior
maybe nina wants to kill kevin for killing rufina
Would you date Agnes?
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Novartis gave Ixs cheat codes
so it's really like Hajimari huh?
then most likely we're getting character episodes too.
What even is this? I might play it if it has character episodes and thus story significance.
No, I prefer someone more lively like Judith
gacha rolls for items and stuff most likely like in Hajimari.
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it seems like a mix between important flashbacks like in cs2 shrines and character episodes, but it looks like all of them are done in VN style.
Yeah. It'd be funny to date someone so horny.
>but it looks like all of them are done in VN style.
actually I wouldn't mind that for once, it would add more depth to the storytelling and characters.
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>anguis: the world is about to end gm, what's our next course of action?
>gm-chan: fufu, go hijack marduk's marchen garten and turn it into a virtual playground
Agnes is horny?
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fufu, everything according to plan
If she had her way Gramhart would have been a grandfather by now
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Yes. Very horny.
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But isn't she the type to abruptly fall out of love or leave you for another guy?
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She's still Vansexual even if she knows that she might lose to Elaine
If you take a woman's first time if she is in love with you, that woman will never, and i mean never, be able to get over you.
>didn't even get her own swimsuit
Still mad. Perfect chance to express her cutelewdness wasted.
what if hatman is just alberich
all the swimsuits were reused from older games, that's our lazy hack falcom, haha...
Agnes is highly sexually active though and has been since she was 13. Slept with at least 50 guys by the beginning of Kuro 1
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Then he'll be needing Gayorg.
Rufina died in S1198, Nina is 19, so that puts her maximum 8 years old when she met her.
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bottom right under bergard, hatman is a party member
Those 50 guys? All me
so he's not an anguis then
i suppose
ok albert
He's a S Rank bracer. Surname Arnold.
Well she does look smol here >>487432159
That's just Feri
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tile effects when you step on them
>treasure chest tile
get an item
>free tile
nothing happens
>door tile
enter a dungeon. there is a dungeon-specific mission that you have to complete
>mira/G-token tile
you get mira and G-tokens which can be used in the gacha
>pom tile
starts a battle with a pom
>? tile
mystery tile, don't know what will happen
Behold, Ourobors' fifth anguis and kai main antagonist
the gameplay loop
>1. select a region
>2. choose your move on the board
>3. select a door tile on the board
>4. complete the mission in the dungeon (within the door tile)
>5. battle with the region's guardian
>6. region clear
as you clear more areas, members of various groups become accessible
as the amount of members increases, discussions between members of differing groups can happen
the society will interfere with your progress as you clear more areas. unexpected truths about the society might also come to light
This goofy ass nigga still president in kuro? Damn
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Play the games
I am. Currently in Azure.
> Bring back one of the least favorite features from Kuro 2
> Just add Hajimari's gachashit
> Just add Hajimari's daydreams
That's actually kinda comfy, definitely better than marchen garten.
pretty good
Estelle's fart box
The main reason why people disliked marchen garten because the rewards were shit and the only motivation to go through it is to see an extended ending. Grim garten already looks and sounds way better than what we got in kuro 2.
>Hajimari with way less characters and bloat
>Finally doing it right this time
Yup I'm thinking this is gonna be another sky 3rd
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Cao is getting a flashback btw
nice looks fun
Ummm girls dont fart
That sounds like a fun gameplay loop, I just hope they won't overuse it to info dump all the important exposition and it'll just be like star doors in 3rd.
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Kai will be Kino because of Rean and there's nothing you can do about it.
True, I like seeing this faggot getting cucked and humiliated.
No game with Rean is kino and nothing you say will change that fact.
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He's a big boy.
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CS1- Kino
CS2- Mega Kino
CS3- kino
CS4- Kino
Reverie- Mega Kino
Beautiful bodies
I don't date people under 25, too immature and their lives aren't together yet
Van is alone on the right, so seems like there is a hub where you can talk to everyone inside the garten, unlike Kuro 2's
yeah it's basically a hub like in 3rd where you can interact with others, choose new desination and watch memory quartz flashbacks.
The question is how required will Grim Garten be? Will it be like Reverie or be completely useless like Kuro 1+1
>not training Agnes at her prime
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shame that this shithole is the only place where I can discuss the games without trannies jerking each other off
>Reddit genuinely believes that Laura isn't complete dogshit and goes out of it's way to defend Rean
>Falcord is self-explanatory
>Twitter is just twitter
no idea why all of a sudden retards start coming out of the wood work but I'm glad that not everyone here is mentally inept
>Implying cakes aren't prime
We like the games here. You seem to hate them.
>be completely useless like Kuro 1+1
you're required to finish marchen garten to see an extended ending, something similar could be in Kai with the difference that grim garten will actually be filled with worthwhile content in between the grind.
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It's basically mandatory considering how it has a bunch of story content tied to it.
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How annoyed would you be if Agnes acted jealous and possessive over you?
Cakes and hags are for virgins.
Prime 16 yo pussy is for chads.
why would I care what a high schooler thinks of me bwo?
You really need to get off Xitter, gaylord. You're just posting random screenshots of random people all day long.
Kek it's that chink who's obsessed with rean and shizuna, and makes those shitty koikatsu garbage.
My life is hollow now that I've finished Kuro and I have to wait 3 months for Yskino.
If I was Van I would be confused why she feels that way about me, would chalk it up to being a touch-starved hormone overloaded teenager and find it a little cute.
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This chink is unironically obsessed with him
what if the rean wank is just for promotional purposes and ads but he's barely in the actual game
>万能戦士、ふたたび!! 歴代屈指の力量を誇る
万能戦士、ふたたび!! 歴代屈指の力量を誇る
>「閃の軌跡」シリーズの主人公であったリィン。 同シリーズではあらゆる戦況に対応できる圧倒的な 戦闘能力を誇っており、本作でも活躍が期待できる。
>The all-round warrior returns!! Rean was the protagonist of the "Trails of Cold Steel" series, one of the most powerful characters in the series. In that series, he boasts overwhelming combat abilities that allow him to handle any battle situation, and we can expect him to excel in this work as well.
Reanbros won again hahaha
I'm getting that feeling myself. Kondom even said they were hesitant about putting him in the game.
>when the little harlot leads innocent boys like Albert on by cuddling with them every night
Go play the Shadow Hearts trilogy on PCSX2 or something and stop being a faggot.
i would kiss her
I'm about to play Astlibra, people praise it a lot and some say that it has a similar feeling to the older falcom games.
Haha, he spent 5 games kneeling to Sword of Biting Gale.
It's got the perfect amount of jank. I loved it
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6 soon fufu
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i never felt like rean was super strong, because his games always made sure to cuck him out of his cool moments. In CS3 he had to use "THAT" against some trash mobs only for the old class 7 member to cuck him, in Hajimari his fight with Arios was beyond cucked, not only Arios was a robot, he was also damaged prior the fight and then rean goes "it was a tough one, not so much different from the real arios", while real arios could easily destroy 2 of his robot copies lmao.
Uh-huh. Keep crying that Van cucked Albert just by being around Anies
Only Cassius and Arios come off as genuinely strong in the whole series without being tryhard or cringe.
What you felt and the truth is just different lmao
you will never have as much fun playing kiseki as this chink
The series is so oversaturated with strong people now that it doesn't mean anything. Cassius is the most impressive and godlike anyone will ever seem since he was around when the series was a baby and he was clearly in the top tier all by himself.
>In addition to Fie, who has built cooperative relationships with various factions within the Republic, and Towa, whose grandfather is an astronomer, Rean and other members of the Empire are invited just before the Starteika Project 1, and the story of "Kai no Kiseki" begins to move forward. A "certain hint" about the Zemuria continent that has been laid out since the "Trails of Cold Steel" series will finally be told in this work.
What hint?
The only thing I can think of is the barrier.
Only Skyfags still think Cassius is that strong. Dude already was surpassed by Arios.
The barrier around Zemuria. Though you could say that it might be the Herschel connection.
I know he's low upper tier at best, but imprinting is still a thing. Cassius felt more impressive in the context of Sky than the current top-tiers do in the context of CS and Kuro. Cassius in Sky 1 was basically God with no competition from any character introduced to that point.
you mean pedos
Fuck i love quatre.
An ankward nerd cute boy beats every other combinaton of girl + something.
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so is Hatman an s-rank bracer who specializes in magic?
When are we getting better-quality images of the screenshots in the promos? I can't translate any of the text.
Next time they update the website, so it should be in 16ish hours.
Fast arts guy....
It's sleazy, but using pedo for a 16 year old is overselling it
Funny how there's no Agnes being with ASO in any of the screenshots. This looks like a foreshadow of something.
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>no anies
Van and Shizuna are the first time it feels like we entered another echelon of strength with party members. Well, Shizuna a little less since her availability is extremely limited in Kuro 1
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>Funny how there's no Agnes being with ASO in any of the screenshots
blind anon I...
Who? You mean Anus?
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if we're talking about lore wise then base Van isn't really on the same level as those who constantly practise in swordsmanship or martial arts, but the game makes sure to tell you that Van is a slacker and prefers to fight with different styles. Shizuna even says something about Van not having the right mindset to utilize all of his strength. Grendel Van is one of the strongest character in the series and potentially he can be on the same level as McBurn if he completely fuses with his diabolic core.
>Not even just the nips, the chinks love Rean as well
Westernkeks...there's very good reasons you faggots get treated as second-class citizens and get games years later while Japs and Chinese can get to enjoy the games at the same time with simultaneous releases.
She has a really nice ass
Cope reanfag
Cassius self-nerfs by using a staff.
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What is Rean's appeal just seems like a generic doormat goody two shoes anime protag
Cassius is lame and has a silly mustache
He is a nice guy without a personality and a harem; he is every jap Otaku's ideal self.
With a super secret fighting dty
dumbasses, that's feri not hatman
lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick
You can clearly see hat outline on the character
That's literally it. Falcom's games are generally played by otaku, and otaku always slurp up generic self insert trash like Rean.
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I love Na-chan!
you can say whatever you want about the story and characters but at the end of the day the kuro games are video games, and the gameplay sucks
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Nadia will break Kekvin in Kai.
I can't wait to play kuro 2. If the nips even shit about it, it's must be really something.
whatever you want to believe
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its a side profile for the sub characters, it's clearly a bandana and the hair colour matches feri not hatmans.
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
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He deserves it!
Woke Falcom must make every man kneel to Wokedia. Very sad.
Lloyd and Tio?
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They're fun.
The worst thing about Kiseki is that debuff can blocked like status ailments. I wish they'd take debuffs away from Crafts if they're gonna cuck you like that.
I get not blinding a boss
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Why Celine is there
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The hair looks closer to Feri's than it does the hat guy unless they royally fucked up by making it dark purple instead of the off-white lilac color that it is on his model.
this is like when retards here were convinced that duvalie was playable based on a pixelated portrait and it turned out to be feri
Shit like this is why brazilians should be banned from /fg/. They can't tell the difference between different characters, let alone being capable of fluent English.
I'll take generic self-insert trash Rean over ugly wokeshit DEI queer tranny protag that we would end up getting if Falcom started listening to and pandering to west like what /fg/ desperately wants them to do. Just look at Square and Capcom.
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we were fucking robbed
black haired nice guy who every girl loves and uses a katana is the japanese version of "wow he's literally me" despite most of these people being shut in neets
Looks normal and unassuming, but is actually super special in every possible way.
Awesome guy who has a potential to master everything in life and could ride a cool robot friend.
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>rean is so boring she fell asleep
she would never with van
kai will be a good game if shizuna suddenly win the reanbowl
sounds better than marchen garten at least
Mid 2010s LN protagonist but has imposter syndrome and secretly hates himself. I kinda get the appeal by the end of CS4 and Reverie since he got better when he started to understand he deserves better
>uh im so perfect and im good at everything and girls are all instantly in love with me and im in line to inherit a beautiful hot springs town in the mountains, im such a loser
wow what a tragic sympathetic character...
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Hating yourself at some point in your life is a relatable trait.
>Hmm, how shall I enact my master plan of doing absolutely fucking nothing?
Only one of them has received a figurine that shows off their butt
Lloyd has Mishy, Estelle has a Pom, and Rean has Celine. The bigger question is why Van has nothing.
he cute!
Is it Rean? Is there a thicc Rean figure out there?
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>Watch Mishy in Boots
>Think its a Toy Story knockoff
>It ends up being a horror flick
Caught me offguard
mishy has a dark side just like kondo...
I've hated myself since I was 8 or 9 and don't want to change. Feeling positively towards myself is gross and uncomfortable
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Is that girl in the darklight district the first yandere character in the trails series?
i hope they dont ignore the movies in kai
There's another movie theater in the casino district, so there's a high chance they're still in.
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Kiseki should have never left handhelds
What's the recommended choices for Ys 1 and 2 on Steam? Chronicles or Complete? Which soundtrack is better?
You should have never left your dad's ballsack
Chronicles ost is Jindo arrange (it has live instruments)
Complete is jdk arrange (Sonoda, Ishibashi, Shirakawa, Nakajima, and I think one other guy)
I prefer Chronicles but both are great especially Ys II
Oh also, Chronicles lets you choose between a few different soundtracks
Idk if Complete does
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Today, I will remind them.
What's that picture? I vaguely recognise Rufina
Rufina speaking to Nina. >>487429339
>Yeeeees we want Kevin to die for Van's sake
Shut up
Seems like I can mix and match the art and the soundtrack. I prefer Complete's art at the moment, but I'll probably experiment with it and the soundtrack.
>Crow going to cuck Kasim
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he needs to be stopped
Characters that could defeat Rean 1 on 1:
>nina and someone
Fucking secondaries who started with Cold Steel holy shit
Cedric and Cao would make him kneel too.
It would be pretty smart and a good end for Kevin if he died to save Van.
didnt cedric in a divine knight lose to juna
Fuck me for thinking Kai would be good I guess.
Yeah, he's pretty weak.
Once again, Kusoeaters prove that they're the worst thing that happened to Trails.
Whatever you say Reantaco, time to eat your tamales
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>The main reason why people disliked marchen garten because the rewards were shit


We literally had McBurn in the party in Reverie...
Also, in terms of party members
i never really hear complaints about it outside of /fg/. same is true for 99% of the criticisms here
/fg/ is really one big echo chamber that mistakenly believes their schizo opinions and beliefs are reflected by the overall Trails fandom
Take your meds, sperg retard.
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If you don't like it and just want to wallow in shit taste all the time, go back to r.eddit

Of course the irony is you call /fg/ in an echo chamber when Kurofags and Coldsteel fags are constantly at each other's throats and every thread breaks down into a flamewar, but everywhere else on the internet where you are only allowed to be relentlessly positive about the entire series is somehow not an echo chamber?

Every iteration of mega-dungeon crawling has been done poorly in this series, and it's only gotten worse each time, especially with the inclusion of gacha mechanics.
Cope and seethe Kusoeater. Mcburn is factually the strongest party member we have gotten to play as, let alone other top-tiers such as Victor, Aurelia, Arios, etc. Van and Shizuna are not the first ones Kusokek
kek its always the shizunafag sperging out
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>leave McMeme to me
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>leave McMeme to me
If the REAL Jaeger King was still around, he'd be showing that uppity jumpstart his place
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is this a localization mistake or is hamil calling joshua a girl
I don't think Falcom could optimize for Switch though
will there be a dengeki steam this week?
Not Estelle. Estelle is too weak
They're usually on Fridays and get announced the day before so it's pretty likely.
kek i thought i included lloyd
But yes him too
They'll probably do one to showcase Rean and co.'s crafts and potentially the Grim Garten
Kiseki should have never left pc
This sounds fun. I hope grim garten also has minigames, like TRC.
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Hot and wet beach sex with Sara
Estelle is the weakest Kiseki protagonist though
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Is it possible to make a full fufuchad party in Kai?
You missed his point entirely. In fact, you reinforced it.
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best hag
Almost certainly calling Joshua a girl. Him being feminine is a minor running joke going back to the school play in FC.
Hope to god Kai is not a bloated mess.
Elaine really feels out of place with the Spriggans.
>gets wallblocked twice by Van in Kuro 1.
>sides with the bracers in Kuro 1.
>sides with the bracers in Kuro 2 and even fights against the Spriggans during the intermission to... test their resolve.
And now, she sides with the Spriggans. She should enter the Garten with Zin or Fie as a bracer, but she gets a pass with the Spriggans for being a fan favorite, I guess. What's the point of being 'grey' if you have a bracer in your team.
Fufu... screenshots do indicate that spriggans will split up in 2 groups while other groups will do their own shit. But something tells me that closer to the end everyone will meet up and we'll get 30+ clowns in one scene.
Nice flabby butt
Isn't "Altina" in this actually Quatre, then
That screen looks like the fucking gacha lol
BUt they're already pandering to western wokes with Daybreak?
That's literally Van, not counting Ymir?
Delete this. Homosexuality is a sin and the good priest Kevin would never engage in such degenerate behavior
This is really nice
Van knows every single person in Zemuria doesn't he
I want to fuck Sara like the whore she is.
Don’t be so sure
Right, sadly neither of the artists really make sky stuff anymore
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you're a pedo if you think agnes is hot
Characters that can beat McMeme 1 on 1 while holding back:
So these are the secrets to learning Thaumaturgy...
If that's Rufina with her back to the camera, it's kinda neat that they're sort of mimicing the old art style of the Sky flashback art
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>loli nina
Haha, that's another Kuro loli for the collection.
Is Tita girly or a tomboy?
A tomboy but in the traditional sense, not the sporty stereotype. By the modern usage probably not.
why is she a whore?
Have you seen how she acts? Or how she dresses?
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
How does she act? she acts normal to me and her attire is lukewarm compared to other kiseki sluts out there.
You're probably one of these guys who think any woman is a whore just because she has a sexy body lol or maybe you're just shitposting idk.
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>clear grim garten stage
>get to see these tits as your reward
falcom know what they were doing by tucking the tie inside the boob cracks/
She acts and dresses like a whore, and you being a coy faggot about it doesn't change that fact.
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Looks pretty slutty to me
Those tits are amazing
Yeah you are just an incel who hates attractive women. Maybe they should send you to a country with Sharia law so you can behave.
You're a pedo if you call other people pedos
Say what you want about them, but Falcom still knows how to make sexy women of all ages.
I want to blackmail her into live streaming herself degrading herself
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you got me on that one...
I wish that more female characters would get costumes with ties tucked in between their titties
Isn't her entire schtick the fact she's a massive virgin who acts like she's a whore kek
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She looks like she fucks dogs
Those are some big, juicy boobas
I like ties on women in general, its a fetish of mine.
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so will they have a rematch now that Van can transform at will? Or it's gonna be another connect event?
Yea after she's done whooping Reanie boy's ass she's gonna go fight Van who'll be able to give her the real challenging fight she craves
Thankfully the racists in Calvard will be dismantled so they can no longer launch constant terror attacks against the innocent Crossbellans to spread their disgusting ideology.
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Based OP.
Rate how slutty the following are

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I'm kneeling so hard right now
A lot
A lot
A lot
A lot
A lot
A lot
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my super sniffer is ready
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We need an updated Kiseki smell-chart.
Emma is a turbo demon slut who wants to get plapped by devils.
Girl pits smell fucking good bros
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what's his endgame
To become the next <<C>>
I bet na-chan smells really good
Nadia smell erotic
He does what most bracers cannot through the support of the guild head.
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She has an intoxicating scent like Tio.
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Noel x Kastle <3 <3
haha, typical anies
She is pure, but knows how to please a man. Big flirt, but would only give it to Ban-san. Not very slutty.
Slutty. She wants Van to just shut her up with a kiss and ravage her, preferably in a somewhat public place.
The virgin whore. She craves cock despite getting none, and would give it to anyone that told her crass things like, "Nice tits."
Not so much a whore as much as she is a femcel raper.
Mega whore. Wants demon cock. Is a witch, so she can't control it.
Moderate whore. Dresses like a whore, has the body of a whore but behaved somewhat modestly. She would, however, let Lloyd repopulate Crossbell with her pussy and she seems like the type to masturbate to rape fantasies where Lloyd keeps her tied up for being Yin and abuses her.
Nice view
Pretty accurate
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>Not very slutty.
Yes. What happened in paradise was against her will.
It would be my pleasure
But not all the other men she teased and fucked after she left Paradise.
Yeah, me. Im those men.
I wish Quatre and Joshua were in paradise together so i could have a threesome with them
>Acerbic tomato creator shows up in Basel

Not gonna lie, that got me feeling nostalgic when he reminisced about making it. Feels like fucking forever ago now
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yeah that surprised me
There is not enough porn of him
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topkek what a faggot
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Jesse Schwarzer...
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Anyone who says Renne isn't the biggest whore of Kiseki but in fact is a "pure maiden" shouldn't have an opinion.
>If I poorly photoshop Rean's hair, eyes and eyebrows onto a character then it looks just like him!
seething reanbro
It's over Reantaco you lost...
marduk sure is working crow to the bone here
Don't feel so embarrassed, retardbro. I'm sure that you'll come up with something better next time. Post the Crow cuck image. That's bound to ruffle some feathers.
Eat your tamale.
What's a tamale?
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Thorndyke has high expectations for his subordinates, especially one as notorious as Crow.
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Yes her vaginal tract and anal fissure is seething with disgusting filth and cum.
What a shameless whore she is, she even claims to crave BBC and apparently has an onlyfans on the orbal web.
Huhu, that's Renne for ya. She strives to be as depraved as possible to fulfill her desires of maximum pleasure.
>gililam making crow working double time for all the shit he pulled as c
Fuck, I'm still mad that Renne's grimcats costume is ps exclusive. Every Calvard girl needs this outfit.
she's a good girl she likes tending to the men's indeed by showering herself with their seeds while being surrounded by a bunch of needy cocks and spitroasted. Truly a ravishing demonic experience so I can't blame her.
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Who will be the winners and losers of Kai?
So then where's Wazy?
See >>487482441
What about Wazy? he's not popular.
winners: reanfags
losers: kiseki fans
Shizuna is losing for sure. Her whole backstory is getting relegated to the Grim Garten thing and her role in the "main" plot will just be jobbing to Rean.
I think you meant western fans, but falcom doesn't give a shit about you anyway because you will give them your money like a good paypig regardless.
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i stopping giving falcom money after cs4
So you're reanbro masquerading as a hater who stopped paying after Rean's games ended who didn't even give them a penny when the one thing you hated disappeared, really says a lot about your beliefs.
Renne is pure and no autistic diatribe your ill mind comes up with will change that fact, chudcel-kun.
Maybe if you were nicer a girl like Renne would take a liking to you.
i didnt buy hajimari and thats just cs5
True, that was rude of me. Maybe if I am nice she will jerk me off like her other fans...
No it's 3rd SC
As we have already known kai's structure that is just like 3rd/hajimari, it is likely that they are capable of uncovering most of the mysteries this time without the need of kai 2. I was always not a big fan of the door mechanic since i think it is a cheap way to tell a story. It couldn't be helped this time though unless you expect falcom to do a 200 hours long game
Hard to tell, but one thing for sure, since nips have rean brainrot he'll be the winner... Kondo seems to like Van and the way they came up with him as Calvard's protagonist, but Kuro didn't sell well enough to justify making 5 games with him, I wonder if rean will bring back senfags for kai.
the doors are fine for things you didnt have the time to fit in anywhere but using them to reveal such fundamental things is just so fucking lazy
>As we have already known kai's structure that is just like 3rd/hajimari
3rd and hajimari's story structures are completely different, wtf are you on about? The only thing they have in common is doors/daydreams.
i mean the door stuff
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well for 3rd, doors were the only way to finish character arcs, except for Kevin and Ries. I don't think Kai will over rely on the daydreams or whatever it'll be called, since it looks like it will be just flashbacks to flesh out character motivations or some interesting story bits like in CS2 with shrines.
>since it looks like it will be just flashbacks to flesh out character motivations or some interesting story bits like in CS2 with shrines.
Hopefully it's just that and not something like shoving Risette's whole backstory into it instead of having the character herself discuss it.
CS2 shrines are nothing like it, they're just visions of Dreichels for Rean to see
yeah, main characters should get their backstories and development in the story, while closing some threads with sub characters or characters who already died but didn't get enough screentime can get a daydream/door treatment.
who knows, mb some of the daydreams in grim garten are GM's visions.
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it amazes me how falcom will try so hard with the fanservice but they won't actually go all in
like you really can't take like 1 day to make a model for ries? you already reuse the same 5 faces for every character anyway
>Taikun stuff was 40 years ago
>Grimcat henshin device was made 50 years ago
>McBurn got to Zemuria 50 years ago
>Orbal revolution was 50 years ago
>C. Epstein passed away 50 years ago
They all connect don't they
They don't really care about Kevin or any of the Sky cast that isn't Loewe or Runny so it's not worth the effort in their opinion. They'd rather put that effort towards more unnecessary CS wanking.
then why is kevin getting featured so much
CS is amazing though and people love that arc, so it's understandable.
I unironically want 5 more games of rean. I don't give a shit about any other protagonist.
kek was this a fate post?
Joshy has a harem
Roido has a harem
Mexico-kun (Rean) has a harem, with a man in it
Ban-san has a harem with a boy in it

Kevin is the only kiseki MC without a harem, but because Rufina died. Now it falls to Ries to mend his broken heart and to soothe his body the way only a woman knows how.
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Orbal breast impplants
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>unnecessary CS wanking
anything CS for you is wanking, but objectively pandering for CS has been very tame so far with only 3 more characters returning as opposed to how many characters returned from Crossbell in CS4 and Reverie.
Haha... yes Rean is one of the most iconic Playstation heroes.
There are 3 virgins in this poster and they all are grown men.
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Joshy made a choice so he doesn't have a harem anymore.
But the Taikun stuff was 10 years after those things happened. Unless prior Taikun was doing some shit 50 years ago.
I love the shape of her waist
He never had a choice, Estelle protagonist grip on him was too strong to escape.
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i'm gonna miss Ban-san... the only good protagonist since Kevin.
Rufus doesn't have a harem, at least I don't think.
These girls love showing their asses
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He used to be look like a normal human, unlike the demon form we saw him in daybreak fight. Maybe it could be another mcburn case?
Banfags are not better than the Rinfags, who basically ship him with every Calvard girl but they hide behind the facade that "he's cool so it's okay". You are all cut from the same cloth.
I don't ship Van with anyone. I don't care who he romances. He's just more fun to hang out with than le haha man.
Maybe you don't but a bunch of people here do.
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It's definitely strange to have all those significant events occurring around the same time. At the very least Epstein is connected to Grimcatz, and it wouldn't be surprising if he had something to do with McBurn being isekai'd since he was clearly messing around with something incredibly powerful.
I could've sworn they didn't call them nuclear weapons in JP, right?
i think it was reactor weapon
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Van just works as a protagonist better, since he isn't a black hole that makes everything in the world revolve about him, I also like how his personality mixes with other characters, he's genuinely the only protagonist who has chemistry with almost every character which is why I'm excited to see him interact with Kevin, Rufus, Crow and even Rean.
I don't, haremshit is awful. I'd prefer if Falcom went with Elaine or nobody at all.
They were reactor weapons in jap.
>the only good protagonist since Kevin.
Nah I agree, Vanfags really are no different from Reanfags when Rufus is unironically a better protag and like Estelle and Joshua doesn't have super special chuuni demon powers to carry his ass
I don't hate Rean because he has "special powers". I hate Rean because he's a fucking boring wet rag.
Why do their faces look the exact same
the game purposely stated that the event occurred just right after the orbal revolution so i think they would be somewhat related to each other
Ban Verde vs Ban Azul marino
because kai is the lowest effort falcom game yet
What's the coolest orbment combination?
Is it mandatory for the last chapter to ALWAYS have a boss rush sequence of back to back fights?
Van is cool, Kevin is cool.
You better answer me why Rean shares his face model with a faggot NPC?
Ban-san will appear many times more. Just like Rufus and our beloved Rean.
yeah even if vans games flopped he's still an mc they won't just ignore him for the rest of the series
still you probably wont see ronnie or risette or judith in any game after this
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Why are they still hiding her?
It's always the side characters that suffer in falcom games...
Kondo said that Van is literally him, haha.
Highly plot relevant or she's a Dingo tier NPC.
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Kondo loves Van
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Everyone loves Van!
I thought it was Crow, I guess he moved on from the prototype.
I bought Cold Steel 1 because Trails of Daybreak looks interesting, but I wanted to kinda catch up on the series before buying into it.
It's not bad. I'm at the festival and I'm genuinely interested in some of the characters like Jusis and Fie, but I'm also not sure if I'm up for playing 3 more games of it. Nothing has been quite as heartcrushing as Josh and Estelle.
Is skipping to reverie and daybreak viable?
you can play any game you want, just expect that they're going to reference shit you have 0 idea about and character's will show up that you have 0 attachment to because they're from other games
Eh, Risette and Judith aren't impossible considering their professions but Ronnie doesn't have any reason to leave Calvard unless he suddenly decides to wander the world. Popularity doesn't mean as much as Kondom said it does either since nobody was clamoring for a Towa reappearance yet we had to deal with her in 2 of the 3 Calvard games.
>I'm at the festival
just finish the game bro cs1 is very good
I was just using them as an example. I don't think you'll see many Calvard characters in the next arc if they decide to do one and not just skip to the finale.
he looks so happy and naive
They never did explain how Taikun acquired the third Genesis did they?
Reminder New Class VII killed the franchise
haha... please be excited for kuro no kiseki final cha- err haha woops we cancelled that one i mean kai no kiseki
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Well, /fg/?
I'm finishing the game. I'm just also really bored of it by now. Didn't even s rank it like I did with trails in the sky, and then people are saying 2 is apparently the worst in the series.
honestly i don't think there'll be a next arc
kondo can't even pretend to care about kiseki in interviews anymore
they'll probably do a two parter to wrap the games up and that'll be it and they'll probably just reuse the kuro assets/combat again
no east arc, no arteria arc, no seeing all those countries we never got to visit
they'll probably throw in some crappy sky remake in there too at some point
You did not need to add he looks naive
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I wish i could pump the semen out of shota weissmann's cute cock. Definitely one of the most erotic falcom shota illustrations, wish there were more because shota-fied versions of characters are always hot.
the thing happened just right after the festival is very good. You may change your mind
Is it not possible that the prior Taikun either found it on his own at some point in his life after Epstein somehow lost them? Or maybe it was given to him? Either way, it seems he knew how to utilize the true power of the Genesis better than Almata did.
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i can't wait to play cold steel 6 bros
wasn't it the genesis that transformed him to a demon?
same I hope its good
angry anies is cute
Since when did we have a gay pedo?
Calm down sis
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he had these claws even in his human form after he was imprisoned and with his genesis not in sight here.

i don't think the genesis is what did it.
It's trails through coldbreak the 3rd for you.
Kevin was absent for the whole 13 years because his game flopped and most people don't care about him. I'm sure Van will face the same fate.
Bros, sharon japanese voice is pure sex, it is like audibly fap

Also, why did hardly anyone notice celine being a talking cat in cold steel 2? I have noticing she been very chatty but only ONE PERSON noticed so far
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Nah, I think Van will appear in the last arc early on, because for one Kondo said that kiseki will end in 5 or so years before 2030. Despite Kuro selling not that great Van has the highest chance of returning since he's quite popular and relevant to the main mysteries of the overarching plot.
i keep reading kuro 2 is bad... is it reverie tier kind of bad? pls tell me its not...
play for yourself and form your opinion, why is there so much NPCs these days?
Does anyone have pics of the swimsuits in 1 ? They are all new game+ and fuck replaying 100h game
swimsuits are paid DLCs
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which film brochure am i missing the old dude said i was supposed to have 12
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haha... kuro 2 makes reverie look like a masterpiece
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Hajimari is Kino
Kuro 2 though..
Ok but is Kuro 2 as woke as 1 though because damn that shit was a slog
golden blood pg 13 version and golden blood directors cut are 2 different movies
Has Nina ever done nude scenes?
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and you fuckers lied to me that i could start with trails through daybreak
People really expect this series to drop the 1 thing that makes it unique just to appeal to newfags huh
Kuro 1 is good
Kuro 2 is bad, but still better than cold shit
Why do they only complain about this now? No one complained when CS3 expected you to have played Sky and Crossbell.
its a meme tweet
Is there a way to watch Kuro no kiseki 2 radio broadcast with jap VAs? Because falcom youtube channel made them all private.
what about the other panels
and they only got van and agnes va's? i remember the cs3 voice actor panel they got like everybody who was main cast
If you were forced to choose between having Lloyd or Rean for a best friend, who would you pick and why?

Why did I not include, Josh, Kevin, Rufus or Van? C'mon, you know they're too cool for us, haha...
i feel like rean would go further for me but i don't want to have be a babysitter for his emotional problems all the time either
lloyd would be a good bro
Lloyd because he's just a normal dude. Rean comes off as an alien in basically every bonding event. He's always like "Oh, you like [thing]? Haha, I haven't gotten into that, but I really get the appeal!" He sounds desperate to fit in often
Lloyd gets a lotta hate despite the fact he is just a normal guy. Just a cop.
He is not the son of a legendary bracer/military man that trained under the best swordsman in the world.
He is not a child soldier used to try and create the ubermensch.
He is not a fucking student of the best swordsman in the world.
Nor is he a dude trained by this old badass that had demon melties.

He is just a dude that wants to catch his brother's killer and make the place he calls home better.
I liked Lloyd in zero/ao and despite his annoying character traits he was pretty likable. Hajimari ruined him beyond repair, he literally became an embodiment of the worst shounen tropes and falcom also managed to degrade him into a one dimensional character.
ye rean is a fucking tryhard
its like he'll have a complete mental breakdown if someone doesn't like him
Thanks for the sales, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
>one dimensional character
This isn't exactly a trait unique to Lloyd. Hajimari flanderized a lot of the characters, and that's obviously gonna happen when you have to give 50 characters screen time.
Will maxim finally get back with paulette in kai
I hope so but it'll probably go nowhere just like the whole Oscar and Bennet thing
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Sorry we didn't have the time, we had to make sure Rean gave another 50 speeches about happiness.

UMmm... WTF

>Lloyd gets a lotta hate despite the fact he is just a normal guy. Just a cop.
That's the reason. He has no special power nor he's trainer of any martial arts but still could keep up with strong people by his will alone. He's the most shounen bullshit character in all of Kiseki.
My only hope is that rean's involvement will be at the minimum in kai and he's just being used for the marketing reasons...
Does Yume know Maxim is her dad yet?
>Vanbro last struggle
Rean will hijack the game and overshadowed everyone like he did in Hajimari.
that's why it's called cold steel 6
>nothingburger appears
>everyone calls it a nothingburger
>shocked when nothing happens
those allegations come up like every year no one gives a shit
Sounds like you're a weak-willed bitch unlike Roido, anon.
Plus, people constantly mention that in Zero and Azure: that Lloyd acts when push comes to shove. Plus, that one bracer did teach him an aspect of the 1st form of the 8 memes.
im in crossbell in cs3, I was decently hyped to see 3d crossbell but its not hitting like I thought it would, tio was nice, altina is carrying hard, kurt seems alright
maybe I'm just burnt out from just finishing 2
I wanna make it to reverie
its been a few weeks already though
>I wanna make it to reverie
should we tell him bros...
Haha... about what? there's so many things between CS3 and CS5...
>he doesn't know about the Twin Blade curse
i ship van with shizuna
Holy fuck Chapter 9 Renne & PaterMater is insane on hard+ i just spent the last 30ish mins getting my shit rocked with a Tita handicap expecting special dialogue and the two barely say anything to one another
i forgot but why didn't olivert show up to that celebration in heimdalr in cs3 again
fuck you that's why
Cedric banned him iirc and made him pilot the Crimson Wings
Huh, Falcom isn't updating the Kai website at the usual time.
Are they going to do it later today or are they waiting for tomorrow?
Or is Dengeki going to have some reveals and do the update after that if they are having a stream tomorrow?
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Spoke to soon. The website got updated.
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the game will be so good...
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oozing soul..
Who's that?
Probably Dominique, but I'm not sure.
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what does it say
I though this was photoshopped.
Just saw it in-game...could they really not just draw a new pose or something?
>It's Feri again
we told you that yesterday lol
Why are the schizo theories better than reality?
DeepL translation, but you get the idea.

>No matter how much you argue, you are still in C Epstein's hands
>As long as you don't realize that, you can only go in circles!
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was melchiors backstory really necessary
>I'm pretty good with knives, you know? Ehehe, even Kruger praised me!
>At that moment, I seemed to have spoken in a language that was clearly different from the language(s) of Zemuria.
What the fuck bros... What did she mean by this?
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Dunno if anyone noticed it with the scans, but they are seemingly bringing back the hub from Hajimari where you can talk to the party members.
Nice Kuro 2 was really missing that
Literally just Hajimari 2. Reanbros we are SO back!!
Thank god.
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it is more of the foundation of the gardens i think? The stuff that Harwood did to D:G cult and Order of the Moonlight Horse
That was the best part about the TRC
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So Crow was sent on explicit orders from Gilliam as he confirms here.
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And the one who turned the Garten into it's current form is this guy confirming he's with Ouroboros.
the anchor in the dark ost already confirmed he's an ouroboros guy anyways. probably an anguis.
i love this art a lot
crow really can't stay away from the ladies huh
more soul than the entirety of Kuro 2 and Cold Steel 3 and 4 combined
>"Low effort" doomers BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
>>At that moment, I seemed to have spoken in a language that was clearly different from the language(s) of Zemuria.
what does that even mean? Did Nina come from outside of the beyond
so wait, is this going to just be a 3rd style game or a main story and you can access the shart-in at any point?
>Spriggans are delegated to episodeshit
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Fie is so beautiful bros...
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That's 100% young Dominique, the mole on her left cheek is a match.
why the fuck did kuro 2 even exist
why are now getting episodeslop about the characters BEFORE WE EVEN HAD THEIR FUCKING ARCS
god i hate falcom
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she is just a side character nigga who fucking cares. It's not like she is super important to the main narrative. Just thinking her backstory as a nice bonus
Grim Shart-in
Shart Swell
March in Shart-in
Shart Break
Release the Shart
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So it's not just about Ouroboros there are actual episodes about the side characters too?. And it's only backstory slideshows? That is so goddamn lazy lmfao. Falcom have completely checked out of this series.
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I'd rather them do that and get them out of the way in side content so they can focus on the main plot.
It's all a consequence of Kuro 2 not doing anything except for Quatre's backstory (and bits of Aaron and Judith)
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is there a guide for patching kuro 2 im retarded
i'm a skilled Sharter
hajimari ruined this series
wait, what? i'm an English only player and Daybreak 2 we learn nothing except Quatre?
go fuck off and play tales faggot
We wanna discuss theories and speculate, not throw melties like 3rd worlder esl faggots.
yeah pretty much
Pretty sure hat guy has to be Grandmaster, has same dialog, just heavily disguised.
what interests me though..
>Agnes isn't on the Grim Garten roster but Elaine is.
when did her mammaries get that large
Never encountered the sentence structure of the first one but it's something to the tune of "The song/poem my mother taught"
The second one is a Taikun episode, "The young conqueror does not rule the radiant capital"
The third one is a Celis & Rion episode, named after the seals they call when they invoke their stigmas
>the taikun plot is reduced to an episode
1st one seems to be the origin of the grimcats story judging by the picture though.
honestly i prefer it this way. I don't like they way they just info dump character's backstory at the end of the dungeon (Almata, Leonidas, Xeno, the two Stahlritter girls...). Like they are just side characters do we really need to know their sobby backstory? As long as the door is just about the side character it should be fine
>Kuro 2 shafts the Spriggans and just becomes a shitty filler game
>Kuro 3 reduces them all to episodeslop
Kiseki is dead. We will never get a real arc again.
shut up brazilian 3rd worlder esl faggot
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dam viola got raped... i feel really bad for her now and this adds to her moral complexity as a character
>still calling Leon "Rion"
engrish MTL really rotted your brain
Still chose to kill her, she's a fucking bitch. Almost as bad as Claire or Angelecia.
the more they show off of kai the worse it looks
I killed Viola and Olivia, I let Alexandre live because he wanted to die
shut up brazilian 3rd worlder esl faggot
go back to whining on discord like you usually do, green grass.
why are you making fun of brazil dont their women have good butts
shut the fuck up retard i dont care about your discord troon drama, fuck off back there if you love it so much
I play the games in japanese and it is Rion both ingame and in the official material
Sorry, its not necessarily a Taikun specific episode, but it is an Aaron episode. One of Aaron's titles is 羅州の小覇王 and that's what the episode name is referencing, not Taikun.
Their men are stupider than the average trump voter and pretend to be able to read English fluently, whereas in reality English is jumbled in their head like MTL.
>Sorry, its not necessarily a Taikun specific episode, but it is an Aaron episode. One of Aaron's titles is 羅州の小覇王 and that's what the episode name is referencing, not Taikun.
that is even worse lol, main cast characters being relegated to episodes lmao
i want to put my peepee inside Judith's mom
I let everyone live cuz my Van doesn't kill.
It's still low effort though
So did I
Whatever you want to believe
Beautiful girls :)
I don't think they're shitty.
If only... (I like the idea of these two)
Best girl
I ship Rean with Shizuna.
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Sorry we didn't have the time, we had to make sure to add in more chapters about white supremacists
Holy shit this is just the Northern War dungeons

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