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Babylonchads win again edition

1d6chan -https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts -https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Hotfix 5.1.1 Notes:https://community.totalwar.com/wh3-hotfix-511
What's Next:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA

>Total War: Pharaoh
Total War: PHARAOH - Dynasties Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6erHiCuh1tQ
Release Date confirmed July 25th: https://community.totalwar.com/pharaoh-faq
Dynasty system and new royal traditions and gods: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/26
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Map Expansion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJHre9auMY0
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Mesopotamia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4ZIfaNNlCI
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Aegean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApDwFGUB4Dc
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9gOQytqYgs
Total War: PHARAOH - DYNASTIES - Battles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJDsYyr4SJY

>Older Titles

previous thread: >>487231475
40k TW is going to look amazing on legend's new computer.
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be a good person, please.
Impregnate! IMPREGNATE!!!
Based, fuck rats
You can only post in this thread if you have a campaign victory as the Empire or HRE.
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he canonically spent 6000+ years hiding a baldspot
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how do I acquire a Scythian wife?
more accurately, how can I make a Scythian woman acquire me as her husbandsman?
i WILL mating press this elf
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stop lewding the twins right this fucking moment
I like the white-haired maiden more
>500 posts for a game with a total of 30 players
around 20-30 thousand people play warhammer TW every day
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Be Greek. It's that easy.
>Scythian wife
poor little greek boys getting their pelves crushed by sythian women in their yurts
>Legend of Total War here
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scythians would have looked like other Iranic people, not whatever that mutant is
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>going fully bald over the course of 6000 years
Hannibal has had a rough life.
>start game as chorfs
>grimgor and Azag immediately beeline for me with Waaagh stacks they just instantly get now
>can't afford more than one army

Ngl this might be a restart
he looks like he sacrifices babies to Moloch
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>me when I finally track down Aranessa's missing footsies
That's pretty odd I had a russian teacher that looked just like hobo version
Which page makes those AI generated memes that people post sometimes?
Did any of you Anons get early access for Total War: Pharaoh - Dynasties?
Chorfs exist to be bullied by green kings.
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The final Pharaoh update releases to the public - tomorrow.
no one cares about your shitskin game
Why were Bronze Age Greeks so horny?
Why are chaos warriors all 7 foot ripped dudes? Are they all bara queers?
Vile itch and Doc Festus aren’t.
Horns were a symbol of virility.
yes appealing looking men exist only to be gay, there is nothing gay about thinking this
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Vilitch might be a twig but Thomin is giga-hench.
It's to please their women. They are picky.
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No, having one bara dude among scrawnier men is male power fantasy/YA romance. Having a bunch of bara dudes is cocksucking fairy fantasy.
Chaos warriors are mutated humans. It's like asking why are space marines all tall and built like bricks.
Aphrodite's fault
that's for "influencers"
you would know best am I right?
Listen up gay boy. Go suck some dick somewhere else.
>Chaos warriors are mutated humans. It's like asking why are space marines all tall and built like bricks
So everyone who plays Chaos and Space Marines is a roid fag. Got it.
Where can I get the original Rome: Total War? Other than shelling out ÂŁ25 on Steam for the remastered (which I don't want as I'm going to be playing on a laptop + don't care about the expansions, merchants etc) - is my only option piratebay?
>big buff man surrounded by twinks is less gay, somehow
Is this truly what the old ones' plaques fortell?
I don't play Chaos, so no

Alternatively there are probably still discs being sold by vendors on eBay or Amazon.
well /twg/?
Yes? HoMM3 was a great game.
Is Mixu's LL mod worth using?
why did we never get a HoMM3 subterranean style underworld map to really emphasize the skaven, dwarf, and greenskin wars?
This may look like 'just pretending to be retarded' bait, but rat superiority deniers are this dumb.
>5'11' the post
It's called just being normal, cuck.
I play with this because of Nagash mod, but if I wasn't playing with Nagash I would also disabled this. Unless you want new legendary lords everywhere. Like every elector count for empire is LL with it, for example. It changes campaign flow massively compared to vanilla because of that.
>Is any cheat worth using?
Did CIV characters change clothes in the older games? That's awesome, why did they get rid of that.
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gays get OUT
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LegendofTotalWar finally got his new computer! huzzah!!
>why did they get rid of that
Because in new civilization games you are a continuous society with it's own culture and culture victory is a valid strategy. So putting your leader in british clothing makes the entire point of trying to become a dominating culture completely pointless as you already lost if you adopted foreign culture.

It would be cool if the next civ implemented something like this but worked with cultural experts to create modern looks for these characters that are built on their cultural roots. Afro futurism is neat.
How is being small normal?
Any base game ever requires mods. It's called PC gaming and it's been the only way to play since the 90s.
You're over 7 foot too? Based.
Only in civ3. Leaderheads from Civ4 became more lively and animated so creating up to seven different leader models for each faction would've been a workload overload.
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>50 turns in repanse TOW campaign
>lots of fun
>random hotfix appears
>CTD now
>going back to the version before the new hotfix
>still CTD since some mods have updated to accomodate the hotfix but not all
I fucking hate this shit. If they can't be bothered to make content as good/fast as modders atleast don't break modded campaigns every 2 weeks
>It's called just being normal
There's nothing normal about being over 7 feet tall and if you do think it's normal, then you may as well don a pup play mask and assless chaps right now
I believe their space game tried something like that. Leaders changed clothing based on tech or ideology. That game wasn't very popular though.
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Anons, do you pike and shotte?
I really like how the musketeers in that mod rotate to the back after firing to reload. It is tad janky but there is less need to just make long thin lines of gunners.
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Most humans are manlets. Only very few select races can be called tall. If normal is dictated by the majority than being a manlet is normal. You would need to delete all Latinos, Africans, Asians (except South Koreans), South East Asians, Indians and Middle-Easterners from existence for tall people to be the normal.
No it"s the most cring and cucked era of warfare only brleat buly giga cringe modern drones and artillery.
Well since I only play the empire and don't like using magic you could say I do play pike and shot. Too bad there are no proper pikemen in the game yet.
I really wish we could get a proper tw set in that period. Since right now it's relegated to mods, the last 20 turns of M2, the first ten turns of Empire, very simplified in wh or the weirdo Asian variant of it in S2.
Imagine having to go through life as a lesser being.
>in that mod
they already rotate ranks in vanilla med 2 you dumbass
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it's only in Civ 3
and I assume it was dropped because in 4 they used 3D models and had several civilizations with multiple leaders instead of 1 per civ
haven't played much 5 or 6 so I won't comment on those
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Oh gee, thanks.
But not every mod does it or any following tw game . Tbh it has been years since I last played vanilla so I can't recall what they were like.
when does it actually release?
steam doesn't let me play it.
>the bigger your empire gets the faster your armies move on sea
how does that work, "men the king just conquered another province, sail faster!"?
I'm not 7 feet but I'm taller than most people
Can be explained with many things.
>You get more subjects that will resupply your fleets along the coasts.
>More capable sailors join your fleets .
That could be anything from 5'9'' to 6'11''
Are you taller than Tyrion (6'6'')?
Tyrion 4'5'' though.
No but I'm in said range
use metric you animals
What if I am a citizen of the Empire?
I do use metric but I can communicate with americans I guess. Living in this shithole every time I see measures in ounces I die inside a little
use your city's
>Having a penis so small it has to be measured in centimeters
Nope, I only speak moon-landing units
A rocket literally imploded because tbe retards used lbs a measure of weight and not mass
Is there a corruption mechanic in Pharaoh like Med2?
Fun fact: Malekith starts with 20% physical resistance.
Fun fact 2: Malekith's dragon mount, Seraphon has 15% physical resistance.
Also moon land units in the office are metric
List of lords that start with physical resistance or ward save:
Louen Leoncoeur
Fay Enchantress
Crone Hellebron
Throt the Unclean
Kairos Fateweaver
Daemon Prince

Starting with innate resistances makes it much easier to create a one-man doomstack.
Future lords that might start with physical resistance or ward save:
The Masque
U'zhul Skulltaker
Monkey King
>Believing fake ass Apollo footage

You know this is legit because you literally can't find this video my searching it's exact title and director.
so metric, gotcha
There is a possibility that U'zhul Skulltaker will have amazing stats. He might benefit from both heavy armour and physical resistance.

I wonder if some of these Daemons will also appear in a hypothetical Total War: Warhammer 40k. I know for a fact that Be'lakor is in 40k because he won model of the year.
Imagine needing to own Warhammer 1-3 to get the full 40k experience.
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funny how it's homos and degenerates who use amerimutt units
truly the great satan, pure degenerates
bet the ratfags also don't know metric
>search for it on (((jewtube)))
>find it immediately
>silly goy you never went to the moon you are too stupid not smart like the jews btw the earth is flat like it says in our holy book all those white scientists are idiots too
Classic jewish antiwhite propaganda
Ask me how I know you're lying.
I can't find it on my search, post screen shot of the results please.
Searched the exact title and uploader, found it instantly. Are you going to move the goalposts now?
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I stand on my own TWO FEET in resistance to the product your faggot French revolution and forced upon people by those pussy French and their guillotines.
A real man uses the measurements of his body and his labor as systems of measurement, not some made up untangible bullshit.
I use an ACRE because that's the amount of land a yoke of oxen can till or work in one day.
I use a MILE because of my Western roots with the Romans' thousand paces at 5 feet each.
A meter is what? Some bullshit 10 size fits all mentality? Where's your faggot 10 day week, pussy ass French cock sucker? Where are your 100 hours in a day? Where are you 100 minutes in an hour? Your 100 seconds in a minute?
You schizo French faggots need to pull your abstract heads out of your faggoty abstract asses and start measuring in the REAL WORLD. There's a reason why we stick with 8's 12's and 60's it comes from ancient knowledge not some faggot French cuck. 12's with the Romans, 60's with the Babylonians, and so on and they could be used by ancient city planners and monument builders and peasant farmers all the fucking same because they divide up into 3rd's, 4th's, halves.
Go ask a peasant what a 3rd of a foot is, it's 4 inches, then ask what a 3rd of a meter is, it's 33.3 and five billion more 3's that don't fucking add up.
>just use our faggot french king's death penalty imposed measuring system
This peasant has been cucked so fucking hard he has become cuck incarnate. He now enjoys and defends the taste of French revolution cock in his mouth.
Imagine an LL that doesn't have a ward save
Thats embarassing
Its like not having AP attacks
Very few lords have starting access to ward save.
Archaon (from lord effects)
Louen Leoncoeur
Fay Enchantress
All have ward save

Mother Ostankya used to have ward save but she lost it during her trails of nerfs.
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Post 'em
Only Arahan
>Exact title and director
I didn't say channel name (that no one would know.)
You're moving the goal post.
What are you lying?
I doubt they'll force you to own wh3 to be able to play Kairos and the sort that lives through that'd be absurd it's effectively a different genre
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Moving the goalposts, like I expected.
The channel is the director's own and his name is redirected to the channel ever since jewtube introduced their retarded @channel shit.
Oh, and searching for his name instead of channel name gives the same result, who would've known? Get fucked, jew.
Shopped, lol
Cry more, jew. Reality is against you regardless of how many times you pretend it's shopped.
wtf kazrak is really hard to play
only retard faggots count by 10, base 10 is legitimately the most stupid counting system invented by useless sandniggers because they were too stupid to rediscover the better system of the babylon, or literally any other civilization, but no, we use the retard system because retards have to count to 10 with fingers even though you can count to 12 on one hand
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Total War is unfortunately made by CA. Such a cool feature would require extensive engineering/programming work. Something CA execs absolutely do not want to invest in.
As long as fans are happy with reskinned units and some scripted mechanics, they don't feel any need to work on anything more ambitious under the hood.
The money instead goes to stupid projects like Hyenas.
>monitored the thread
>see info about new patch
>fuck, im not let them ruin my save again
>plug off internet
>game cant be launched, needs a conection
>do it for split second
>it still manages to download this patch
>fucks up my save
I dunno what I was thinking, how can you not just pirate this piece of shit at this point? its legit nurgle cancer tier at this point, I remember that some time ago you could just switch of internet so you could finish a campaign.
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>Mucho Texto Autismo x2
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>babies first day on steam
Starting to get a little bit of that shit taste in your mouth that normal people had when Steam was first being forced down their throats?
>uses measuring system with mucho text
>complains about mucho text
You some kind of self hating faggot? I guess that's redundant, all degenerates secretly hate themselves.
>add an entire underground campaign map which three faction could use
>one of those wasn't even in Wh1
Gigantic waste of resources. At least argue for something like naval battles. At least naval battles or banner/musicians/officers fags argue for something every faction would be able to use.
Bruh...your offline mode?
Are Shades with dual weapons better now than the greatswords variant?
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>You some kind of self hating faggot? I guess that's redundant, all degenerates secretly hate themselves.
Let me guess, your the Queek x Dreadfu ratfag anon who gets assmad the furfags bring up he's a homo?

lol lmao even
Like I said fagrat, some time ago you could literally fuck the launcher update and continue playing without thee update, you just had to disconnect internet connection. dunno if it was changed in game 3 or somewhere after the release but the "must be online to start the game" shit wasn't always a rule with steam/offline games like total war. you just proved that youre more a newfag than I am.
Queek isn't gay, stop projecting.
Somebody post the page where Queek gets licked clean by a harem of blind skaven slaves.
so uh whats my motivation as a daemon of chaos?
>Love's America
>Hates jews
Pick one.
Malekith's quest battle against the Lizardmen is kind of insane. Praise Khaine for Seraphon and Darkshards.
you still need to go online for update so steam lets you play offline. I guess theres a rollback option but it dont work half the time and its time consuming to download previous build.
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>Queek isn't gay
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>so uh whats my motivation as a daemon of chaos?
Your into TF and straight to gay orientation play
>like i said
Nobody gives a fuck what some moron complaining about the 900th game breaking Steam update has to say. If you don't know to prevent/fix the issue that's been already plastered around the internet since the 2000s then you're a stupid nigger.
>i prefer 100 seconds in a minute 100 minutes in an hour 10 days in a week
>you use too many letters
Dumb nigger #2
Stick to sucking your French kings dick instead of making faggoty posts here.
What how? He's a beastmeme the easiest faction to play fighting early game empire which has some of the lowest unit quality across the board until high tier ranged and arty. You should be destroying them. Beastmemes also just got ultra buffed despite already being top 3
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I am arguing for all of those ideas, anon.
I want to see dynamic weather, forests burning, naval battles, banners/musicians, battle formations, spider units climbing walls, etc, etc. All the sort of things that would require tech work. Not placing it on top of the list just because I’m saying it would be cool to see.

Nah, the idea would be that every faction could go down there, take the fight to the Skaven.
If we can go to the Chaos Realms, this wouldn’t be anything stranger.
I doubt it would be particularly resource intense, or else we would never have gotten the Chaos Realms. But it would be more involved since they would be layering maps vertically.
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All animation has been reworked to work with my Typescript In-Game Kitbash system, yes including fancy mounts like pegasus and hippogryph.
Next milestone:
>add more face variations, there are 4 currently, at least have 10 variations for humanoid01c (fat bret lord) and humanoid01 (normal lord) combined
>headgear not yet ported to the new system, I still have the old assets from previous experiment
>Implement for paladins (and possibly I have to model another 10 face variations)
>Play test for at least 30 turns
But wow, it is really nice to see things combining together. Thanks to the new framework, I simply add new lines into the json file and the kitbasher will automatically provides new item for selected unit type in game.
You can't have good things because 60% of people refund games in the first 10 minutes. They make dumb things in attempt to keep 10% retards in the playerbase and get only 50% returns
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The hardest part is actually the animations, because I can't use the existing animation file due to how the amoury system works. But thanks to Animation Keyed Frame Editor in asset editor I implemented a while back, I recreated all the vanilla animation using that tool and it's possible (but tedious).
Man I'm a professional game artist and animation is some tedium what do you mean by recreate did you have to do redo keys from scratch or?
why the fuck is there no option for melee units to automatically attack nearby targets?
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>Battle of Mohacs 1526
>3,000 armoured knights from the Hungarian noble banderiums, the king's bodyguard (1,000 armoured knights), 4,500 light cavalry (mainly hussars of Serbian origin), 6,700 mainly Hungarian infantry, 5,300 Papal infantry (mainly German Landsknechte, but Italian and Spanish contingents were also represented in smaller numbers) and 1,500 Polish infantry, with an unknown number of artillerymen.
>crushing defeat against the Ottoman army
Pike and shot bros how could this happen to us?
How did such a formidable force get defeated by an army of light cavalry and foot archer faggots?
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Back view
Basically copy pasting the animation using the tool and do some interpolations if things don't match https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buk2P3wGcgg&t=2s
The latter the most annoying part in the process since the tool doesn't have IK movement
They don't have programmers that know how to do this
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In battle
I like the idea of Bretonnia lords progressively gets OP in vanilla game, I want to step that up further with actual customisation, they should look fancier the stronger they are with magical armours, weapons, robe, and shields they bear.
>why doesn't the game play itself for me
Because keeping situational awareness of the battlefield and issuing commands in real time is the entirety of the real-time gameplay. If you automate that then you don't have a game anymore.

And you inevitably run into the problem that as soon as the AI isn't literally playing and winning the game for you, it's shit and bad and the developers suck because the AI made the wrong choice. These games are not micro-intensive to where you would need the AI to play for you, and you can literally slow down time or pause if you need more time to do things.
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Top view
Gtg, I will provide some footages during campaign test. And also the progress on the head gear and paladins support.
Thanks for subscribing to my dev blog.
>gets upset
you're like that redditor who says he cries if taken out of densely populated areas lol.
It's nice that in battlefleet gothic armada you can toggle a button on each individual ship that will tell it to automatically target another enemy ship when its target is destroyed
you can also set the target priority of individual enemy ships, so they will track the highest priority target
I hate micromanagement and I believe it adds nothing to a tactical game when you can instead modify the behavior and tactical doctrine of your units
>being *this* disingenuous
im talking about engaging enemies within a few meters so that you don't have to spam when the inevitable melee blob happens, im not talking about an AI general
seriously it takes so little for the ai to suddenly stop engaging
Your units sitting there like retards because they're on guard off and the target decided to disengage is stupid. I personally think I would like having a melee nearby toggle it could have a small search radius
CA needs to step up their game and finally start simulating lines of communication and units taking independent action.
Caesar didn’t have instant communication with his legions and neither should the player. Messengers should move from your general to your units. Similarly controlling units engaged in combat should be a difficult task. Pre-battle planning and giving directives to your officers should be as important as orders given during the battle itself.
Tell me I can put helmets on them
guess we should remove fire at will as well?
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I'd like something like this in total war
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Having an aggression range has been a staple in tons of RTS games and works great. It is a quality of life feature if anything, you condescending retard.
Would Malekith be the type of dude to do this?
but how can the AI spam 1000 clicks per second if it has to send out messengers first?
Why is that bowl of rice (?) there?
pharaoh looking grim despite of the shill campaign
even in blizzard's micro hell games a lot of units will start chasing whatever gets close enough to attack
gotta get those calories in after taking the pic
we will ask sorry to legend saaaar
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what cheat?
I said helmets, that's a hat.
>pharaoh update tomorrow
>ogres dlc late 2024
Are we heading into a five months long drought sirs?
"late" can mean a lot of things
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Ogres have a very large window for their release date.
you retards are aware they also called "late summer" a 25th july release, right?
Unironically? Yes.
Just add a "let loose" active button/hotkey to the ability tab of ranged units that forces them to fire on an acquired target when pressed and give it a visible cooldown that corresponds to the unit's reload speed. It would make it easier to manage large groups of ranged units without excessive clicking while still making it something you actively control manually. let units acquire targets automatically (or manually via right click) but leave it to the player to actively pick when to fire.
I'm borrowing this mechanic directly from Empire naval battles, where it worked really well. And like empire, you could do something like give them a cone showing where their arrows will land and how their aiming convergence changes over distance so the player has incentive to time their shots against approaching enemies to maximize damage instead of just prepositioning 5 missile units in deployment and never selecting them again.
I hope that Pharaoh Dynasties has Monotheism for the other cultures and not just Atenism in Egypt.

What about Aegean Monotheism?
Canaanite Monotheism?
Mesopotamian Monotheism?

Am I gonna be forced to play Egypt here!?
Does the "assign group to AI control" function not basically do what we're talking about in principle?
Do we even still have that button?
Look, it's someone worse at game design than CA.
this sounds absolutely awful
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>why don't they have
There's been mods for that since the first Total War game and even the first Total Warhammer game. Did you just get a Dell, dude?
>all the people posting "man this battle was easy!" unmodded vs the ai
>"MOOOOM GET THE CAMERA i just beat the ai!"
>basic micro is hell for the retard gamer
Zoom zoom.
Monotheism just wasn't invented yet. Even in Egypt it was just a weird experiment by one dude.
do you have the name of the mod? ive scrolled through tons of pages
also it's still something that should be in the game given how basic it is
Game preloaded.
Wife will be at the spa tomorrow.
Kids will be at family friend's house.
Called off of work.

Ready to play some Total War Pharaoh.

Monotheism is the most fundamentally evident belief. But yea, you're going to let pozzed archaeology and history dictate your world view.

PBS Kids Neil Degrasse Tyson Bill Nye

What faction
Never watched a high level starcraft game then?
We found 1 inscirption which praises some sort of ... multiple gods!

Gonna heckin' lose it! This is tru!

meanwhile, numerous manuscripts of the New Testament, and you're skeptical.
nah, monotheism caught on really late
Alashiya maybe.
Or an Egyptian Faction due to Atenism.
>new testament
>most fundamentally evident
So is not shitting in the place you live in. Yet the Jews couldn't figure that out without God himself having to tell them.
That's what you nigs get for worshipping and using shte*m and other launcher-stores.
All the DRM, forced updates, forced online, GaaS bullshit...
In the past shteam allowed you to disabled forced updates.
Pirate and or buy DRM free.
Iranians have more local HG or farmer ancestry from that region, so I doubt they would have looked the same. There probably was variation for Scythians by region too.
Man-jaw fits the PIE Yamna steppoid look.
>tfw have to manually fight the wood elves

Every fight breaks down into the most chaotic game of tag and their stupid arrows of kurnuous have infinite range I hate these tree hugging knife ears so much
Even the jews were still using a pantheon of gods back then, egypt is all you got
CA's mistake is taking feedback about realtime battles from people who autoresolve everything.
There are mods with full ai playing for you, with you, or just adding basic unit stances like engage close, near, far, return fire. There's a few discontinued that i'll reupload but AI general is the oldest and has been continued since the first Total War game.
Other than that, check out the stance mods, nearly every hotbreak patch these stance mods get broken, but they're sick when they work, like having pikes form circles around units and protect them, different formations with different ai assigned to them like having pikes in forward V formations to protect archers and only engage horses and hold ground on other melee.
Microing at a "high level" isn't impressive, if you "watch high level starcraft" then you should know everyone laughs at the retards hitting 400-600APM, microing with macroing and scouting and counterintel mixing is where "high level" comes in. None of the last 3 is really done in any Total War battle except maybe a tiny bit of scouting but vs ai like most of the redditors in here will never need that.
Flash one of the greatest in RTS micro has always fell to 300-330APM in battle but that's including macro and scouting and counterintel hotkeys being hit so it's not even all micro APM, so if you're at 200APM just in micro alone you could manage a battle at the greatest gamers of all time's level, redditors here will bitch about using 5APM against retarded AI.
Bang all dark elves (even granny), Twins, Elspeth, Katarin.
No, but Morathi would still do it for him anyway.
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based thanks
>Wife will be at the spa tomorrow.
>Kids will be at family friend's house.
>Called off of work.
I would hit up Grindr for a hot beef injection from the lads
200APM is extremely high micromanagement you autist
just pick the campaign option that lets you pick any royal tradition?
I think that's one of the campaign customization options
I can't believe that CA killed the Pharaoh update for catering to MPfags
>Am I gonna be forced to play Egypt here!?
Can't you change religions in pharaoh? Like that one Canaanite dude Bay starts off worshipping Egyptian gods rather than Canaanite ones.
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>no-fur no-tail is also a no-guns
Sad. You are very sad. Place Skaven big guns and just murder all long ears in seconds.
>nigger has never played ranked RTS in his life
Yeah go watch some replays and come back dumb dumb. S rank literal kids hitting 500-600APM while world champions are using 300-400, but micro management doesn't win games when there's economy and intel involved which Total War battles don't have. So be thankful to CA keeping the games dumbed down for you to be an APMlet struggling with shit preteens were doing in the 90s.
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Not really, he hates Morathi
>never played ranked RTS in his life
Yeah I'm not a subhuman
you forgot the tree woman
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Rejuvenated Hellebron should be hard smash though. Other than that pretty good list.
>go watch some replays of insane micro
fucking why? I don't care, I already know about the stupid high APM in starcraft.
total war is not your gookclicker game, the gameplay has never been about APM or micro management.
I wish there'd finally be a company that took a crack at the general Total War formula. There's a ton of games like Civ out there, why is nobody making their own TW?
you don't have organized religion in Pharaoh except for Atenism, everybody else worships up to 3 gods for any of the pantheons from the regions they own
not sure how that system will interact with Mesopotamian dwellings and Aegean hecatombs, ask me tomorrow
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Do I play a Mortal Empires campaign as Heralds of Ariel, Clan Skryre, or The Awakened?
so theodoretically, an Aegean can conquer 1 Egypt territory and then convert entirely to Atenism?
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>plays games based around greatness and chooses to act like a faggot
>makes false statement
>refuses to be educated
4chan is hilarious in so many ways, but one of my favorites is that reddit posts/arguments are literally the bait of 4chan. All you have to angery someone on 4chan you just talk like a redditor. Hilarious shit.
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Civ 6 alone has more players than all total wars combined right now. Civ 5 has more players than any total war but Wh3. There is simply a lot more money to be made with the civ audience than the total war one.
you must really like looking at trannies to have images of them saved on your computer to share with others
sasuga mpfag
not like that at all, Aten isn't an Egyptian god it's a Royal Tradition
You'd have to enter adopt the Egyptian court and adopt the Atenist path, when you do that you lose the base game religion system and get Aten instead allowing you to combine bonuses for different gods
In my list of games I want to make, one of them is a Total War battles mixed with the RP of CK campaign.
>types like a retard
>off-topic nonsense images
So it’s possible but it’s going to take a lot of effort.
thats a dishearteningly good explanation
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But degenerates are the joke of this world anon, next you're gonna say every comedian since the dawn of time was a faggot for thinking about and making jokes about transvestites and other degenerates.
>makes claim
>is wrong
>with video evidence
>still runs his nigger mouth
Just say it once, okay you're wrong, move on nigger.
For Building Tall as Alashiya and protecting the sweet red heads.
I haven't been to this general in a while. Is this just what /twg/ is like now? Like there are maybe 3 people actually posting about total war and like one guy just frantically trying to derail every conversation with the most embarrassingly shit bait I've ever seen? What the fuck man i used to like hanging out here.
I think there's an option to allow all royal traditions regardless of which specific court so maybe you can have Atenism without becoming the Pharaoh, but that's kind of weird like having Hammurabi's code of laws without becoming King of the Universe
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Which Chaos God would have their followers strengthen themselves with skateboard squats?
but you posted video evidence of high level starcraft having ridiculous micro and APM?
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How do we deal with ratfags?
one of the devs said it was his favourite minor faction, so you're not alone in that
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I am not that picky. Just don't be fat
You play it as Reikland or Wissenland.
Do you like chariots?
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he's Indian and autistic, please understand
No not really. I’ll be sticking to Greeks, Trojan and Assyrians for that reason.
in Rome 1?
one the one with a ballista
in Rome 2?
in Warhammer?
in Pharaoh?
fuck yes, best shit ever
Do small ass villages in the Empire hate other small ass villages?

Like would Mustacheberg residents hate the town Whiskerheim across the river?
>nigger never once played ranked rts
>nigger never once watched ranked rts
Flash, the greatest/winningest gamer to ever live, and greatest Starcraft player ever, has LOW APM, as shown in the video he bounces between 400 out of battle to 300 in battle. KIDS on ladder will hit 600APM. 200APM is LOW, 300-400 mid, 400-600 HIGH.
Not only are you a retarded nigger but you can't grasp basic facts while speaking on a topic you know nothing about. Heroic Skaven victory.
>redditors are shilling and spamming all /twg/'s with street shitter
Not surprised. Not their worst reddit spam. They keep spamming transvestite acceptance.
They’re fantasy Germans so yes and they’ll never shut up about it.
>fuse two staffs and get a staff that can shoot a green fart explosion 4 times every battle
>can basically win every fight now
Is it like Morrowind where despite being an Empire man the Mustachebergians can identify exactly which town you are just by how you walk or talk?
I hate Cathay thanks for listening
200 APM isn't low

One thing not really conveyed in the gameplay of total war thats very present in the fluff is that the provinces of the empire are CONSTANTLY involved in small border skirmishes and territorial disputes.
>every starcraft pro ever says flash has low apm
>random faggot from reddit disagrees with flash the greatest rts player and the top starcraft players
Show us all your trophies anon!!
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cathay is the coolest warhammer faction
Total War: Elder Scrolls
200 APM isn't low
I have a Rome boner. Did they ever fix Rome 2? Are mods necessary for a true experience ?
Rome 2 is a good game now.
They even have family trees.
>greatest rts player/winningest gamer of all time at 400apm is touted as low apm
Rome 2 had 5 years of patches, it's great now
no, vanilla is fine but a lot of people will recommend DEI (historical autism mod)
This skaven larping mpfag. He's actually a bot, huh?
you just posted more proof that starcraft has really high APM standards
why do you keep doing this to yourself?
He's trying to make ratbros look bad.
They’re big guys.
I like Settra’s chariot.
Might as well just skip right to Total War: Middle Earth
Well message him in your discord to knock it off. You lot fulfill that objective just fine naturally.
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Lothern belongs to the Druchii.
All... belongs to the Druchii.
>now we're moving goalposts classic redditor outting himself on 4chan move
So you don't want to talk about Starcraft anymore? Just accept you're an APMlet.
>o-okay i'm wrong b-but starcraft is too haaaarrrrddd!!!!
Man the world has such crazy standards, 5'11 is subhuman yet here you are and Starcraft is too hard so here you are.
the gun is the most efficient weapon
your LL dosent use one because he's made for capeshit loving faggots like you who need stories about dwarfs and magic swords and le epic transformations into WOWIIIIIIIII DRAGONS
fuck you bitch
Damn I really need to play another white dwarf campaign and delete the edgelord elves from existence
anyway, 200 APM is really high
Wood elves are coolest of them all
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
Game too haaaard!!
I don't think LOTR has enough variety for a game.
Elder Scrolls is a 'gamey' setting.
RTS is such a cancer fucking genre, can't you just fuck off back to your own general?
that's cool
200 APM is really high
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
shut up mel
passion 2 when
medieval 2 had enough variety for a game
200 APM is really high
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
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All of them, but probably this specific man is favoured by Slaanesh
200 APM is really high
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
>scoobert the skateboard squatter
>not a follower of tzeentch
not falling for it this time, kairos
200 APM is really high
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
ur mother is really high
I thought I was autistic, but apparently not
200 APM is really high
>MPfags in charge of not being autistic retards
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
200 APM is really high
I just tried the archer faction in S2
Is shimazu more fun?
what an absolute dogshit thread its 2 dumbasses spouting the same bullshit over and over while everyone just stops posting and leaves in disgust keep flinging shit at eachother like monkeys
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
Shimazu are easy mode due to their start location
This isn't starcraft general, this is the total war general.
Fucking got his ass
The time of 4chan is over, everything is now reddit shitpost spam.
someone mention his LL so i can roast it
200 APM is really high
I was untouchable after finishing the two surroudning starting factions as the bow guys with that island, are they even easier?
the objectively correct list
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
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this is one of the worst ideas ive ever seen posted here
200 APM is really high
They start with a blacksmith and Kyushu in general is just a great little island to turtle on, also the foreign trade nodes are right next to you so you can grab them before anyone else.
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
all living factions are reddit
nice, gonna get some beer for a later session then
200 APM is really high
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
200 APM is really high
>all the greatest rts players disagree
>even the #1 of all time disagrees
personally, I blame the ratfags for this, always have
The dude spamming starcraft videos literally is a ratfag, so yeah, no shit.
its over
100 APM is really high
Why are ratfags always like this? Is it autism?
im starting to get bored of my chorf campaign :(
It is funny, I was about to ask "Which Warhammer Faction is the most reddit?" but I refrained from posting it...
iposteditagain.jif (you)
Unfathomably based
yeah, you're correct.
And even an Elder Scrolls Total War wouldn't have as much variety as Warhammer so that'd be a more 'historical total war' formula.

But yes, LOTR would work, that was a good point you brought up.

It has enough variety, but for a 'historical total war' formula type of game. Not this over the top mega immortal empires style formula.

I don't want to see Gandalf LL in LOTR Total War, I'd want to see family trees and more akin to a historical total war.

It probably even is history for real.
ratfags don't actually play total war, they're just strarcraft faggots too homosexgay for kerriganposting
Kerrigan broke my heart, twice. Fuck that bitch.
>tfw no scythian dommy mommy gf
LOTR probably happened.
Medieval II is probably the fantasy total war game tbqh.
shit got too silly in the second game and it just kept getting sillier
there are aspies in this thread
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Even ratfags have some self-respect.
France is actually good though
This but unironically.
Even among the best RTS players in the world, the majority of their "APM' is meaningless spam clicking and rote build order script with no variation from game to game. Only a tiny fraction of 'actions' at the highest level of play are actually meaningful or involve any kind of individual decisionmaking. It's easy to left click 400 times per minute but 100 meaningful actions that involve thought per minute is an overwhelming mental load to even the best players.

In any software design, minimizing the number of actions necessary to perform a meaningful task is a major goal. An effective UI is one that allows you to do things efficiently. Starcraft-influenced games went in the opposite direction because they fundamentally misunderstood what competitive starcraft players do with most of those actions--which is follow build orders and then click empty space to keep time. Micromanagement, which is what everyone associated with APM, is only a time fraction of the actions in the average BW or starcraft 2 game. 90% is macro with no variation from game to game, following chesslike scripted openers.

For a game that doesn't involve real time base building, unit recruitment or build orders, where you enter battle with all your units and simply control them to victory, all of those "APM" taxes are waived. You're solely focuses on micromanagement and wider map-level strategy, which means fewer actions but more meaning and thought per action.
I did cry at the end of Wings of Liberty though.
"We all got our choices to make"
"My pleasure darlin, always has been"
My girlfriend at the time didn't understand why i cared about that story more than her, i was seeking closure.
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tfw Warhammer Total War is more historical than Rome 2 and no one is even saying a word about it.
fucking eerie.
Did you get it?
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There's the first 'large' bait post of the thread, we usually get 2 or 3. Get your popcorn ready for the next two absurdly large posts with absurdly retarded shit being said.
No, 2nd expansion and 3rd just got dumberer and made me hate Blizzard more.
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everybody loves France
You got something better than closure, you saw the hollow husk of the vampire for what it was, and rejected its allure.
>"get your hands off of my croissant!"
>"i see you practice your base 10 well!"
Not really. We know that a lot of it is historically inaccurate. For example most researchers agree that the Nasty Skulkers mentioned in many Dawi primary sources operated as an integrated part of goblin formations rather than as independent units. Similarly there isn’t a single imperial document dated to the reign of Karl Franz that mentions any action by Markus Wulfhart in Lustria. Not to mention the depiction of Druchii is borderline Asur propaganda which has largely been disproven by imperial, Bretonnian and Dawi archeological work done at former location of Naggarond.
That's the ending of heart of the swarm. WoL ends with Jim killing his bro Tychus because he was ordered by Mengsk to kill Jim's zergussy.
2nd quote was from 2nd expansion, rest of the game was faggot lizards and shit story and shit progression.
They wanted to dip into the whole moba genre by then. It really impacted the game negatively. LotV was way better on that regard, and the story was actually engaging if you ignore the epilogue. Alarak was great.
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Scythians are bitches to Slav bvlls!
He's using too many words but he's right.
>Meryey Meshwesh factoin got in
Slavs are Scythian-Baltic mutts
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Soon bro
>this is what Scythians actually believe
Slavs are Hyperborean ubermensch from Atlantis.
Did we ever figure out if the patch fixed vassals for real this time?
>majority of their apm is meaningless spam clicking
Okay go beat any of the top RTS players with 60APM, 1 click per second should be enough right? Trophy winners are doing 3 different actions in 1 second, so you would need to be at least 180APM theoretically to win or you're just getting outplayed. Then if you think units and pathing is always 1 click and they're good, you're a fucking moron, you click 5 or so times for one move action, seeing the units response and pathing, and making tiny immediate reactions like you're helping a baby walk for the first time. Everything posted was bullshit out of reddit.
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love this guy in particular
>brother to the sun!
ok beastmen is kinda fun when you get rolling but i noticed that i start getting in trouble if i dont squash out factions
>he's a nice beastman that doesn't squash out factions
Not beastcoomer level, but also based in a similar niche way.
Very decent tier 0 units. They also have 14 bonus vs large.
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>I built a pillar at the city gate and I flayed all the chief men who had revolted and I covered the pillar with their skins; some I walled up inside the pillar, some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes
>Susa, the great holy city, abode of their gods, seat of their mysteries, I conquered. I entered its palaces, I opened their treasuries where silver and gold, goods and wealth were amassed... I destroyed the ziggurat of Susa. I smashed its shining copper horns. I reduced the temples of Elam to naught; their gods and goddesses I scattered to the winds. The tombs of their ancient and recent kings I devastated, I exposed to the sun, and I carried away their bones toward the land of Ashur. I devastated the provinces of Elam and on their lands I sowed salt.
What exactly was their problem?
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'Our Glorious Leaders' and 'Supercancer' should be switched around and add all Skaven to latter category
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nice map design CA
their entire culture was militarism and acting like hyperviolent retards
glad the babylonians killed them
I guess you're in for an uphill battle
+10 social credits added to your score
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>is that... a defensible terrain location?
thankfully there is a "no using terrain for your advantage" rule in the game!
Committing total genocide, destroying all that your enemies have created and leaving their lands barren until the end of time was normal practice until very recently.
planet was just fine before space liggers showed up and shat everything up
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I would LOVE to see more variety in maps, and blatently unfair terrain for different armies. HOWEVER, you would have to be able to see what map you'd fight on when armies meet on any given tile. Being able to choose the battlefield should play a major factor in the campaign map.
yet another phoned in aspect of this game we just tolerate because it's always been that way.
didnt they have a big map chopped up into tiles for Medieval I?
Jews only became henotheistic around the early iron age -maybe-, possibly only really becoming so around the Babylonian Captivity.

The only loose thing in total war should be miao's pussy after I'm done slamfucking it. But otherwise loose formation should return when under fire.
There's like 19 map mods for Total Warhammer 3, zoom zoom. That's not counting individual maps, map mods containing many maps.
I dont see how thats relevant to my question
>maps sucking dick
>not choosing your terrain for battle
>solved in 19 mods
Nigger? Or retarded?
mods or more maps dont let you anticipate what field youre going to be fighting on though
what the fuck are you talking about dude
Yes. They do.
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the babylonian corner start is looking nice so i will them a try
I'm going to a vortex The Awakened
most intelligent millennial
>born with the internet spoonfed to him
>still struggles to find answers to his problems
besides GCCM?
I'll have to go through my mod folder in a sec, in the middle of raping chaos dwarves, regular dwarves, and lizards in my FFA.
Heroic Skaven victory incoming.
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Ulthuan is now controlled by the rightful ruler.
Only one Elf dares to publicly oppose his rule... Imrik of Caledor must be hunted down to ensure Malekith's legitimacy.
wonder if this forge your own path will allow Monotheistic Aegeans...
Nope, 3 Gods is default. Take your montheism and choke on it
the hills have Elamites anon...
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just go praise the Sun bro
trust me bro
Dark Elves were cool but perhaps a little too strong. Darkshards are a tier 1 unit that can still serve you well on turn 100. The Dark Elf economy might be the strongest in Warhammer 3.
I am thinking about trying Epidemius next. We shall see if he is as powerful as some people say.
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>Norsca attempts to send mammoth, giant and melee down my front, trolls from the side and behind, all met by impenetrable skaven melee wall
>big gun shoot-kills hero, giant, and mammoth in seconds
>chaos dwarves make last effort to put in damage with flyboy, get shot down in an instant
>lizards retreat to the tree lines to get cover from guns
>they finally charge and get met like the restwith the impenetrable skaven wall
>guns remove dinosaurs with ease
>66% force remaining after giants, mammoths, trolls, aoe from chorfs, and pesky lizardsaurs
Heroic Skaven victory.

Custom Siege Maps for Campaigns Compliation is the alternative to GCCM.
Map Maker Framework and then go grab custom maps you like.
Dynamic World, it helps keep certain maps in certain areas/certain controlled territories. So you can better anticipate the map type before you get to a settlement.
Immortal Empires Expanded opens up the world map more.
I don't even know why i'm searching all this right now, this shit is broken in my game, two new hotfixes got pushed through in the past few hours, one just happened 10 minutes ago so i'll check with these mods on if my campaign is working right again with all the major mods turned on.
I have a 95 turn Malekith campaign. Got a lot of envoy anchilleries so i managed to be a good guy.
Saved Teclis and Imrik's asses and got military alliences with them.
After that i realized i had to eliminate all HEs to get long victory and cheevo.
Never touched DEs since. Fuck CA.
>hundred cool chinese monsters
>have 0 (zero) of them
Nah. Worst part is they're likely not getting any more DLCs. I'm seething Empire got guns and cav in their DLC.
It has to be some stolen reddit post. He's not actually posting about his mp battles in /twg/, right?
I am sorry to hear that. CA should add a military alliance workaround for long victory.
I did notice that the Shrine of Asuryan provides +50 relations with Dark Elves and +100 relations with High Elves.
Maybe Dark Elves will get another look alongside the Slaannesh DLC.
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>they're likely not getting any more DLCs
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>caring about DLC
I think only of the Great Bastion
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I think only of this.
I doubt that for Med 1, provinces were board game tiles.
In Rome 1 and Med 2 the battle maps were generated based on the terrain of the campaign map where the battle took place.
I think Rome 2 and Attila had that feature too, not certain with Empire and Napoleon but I'd wager they had it.
Iirc Shogun2 abandoned that but they still did a pretty good job of masking it with their map selection.
Certainly also helped that previous games had bigger battle maps compared to Warhammer.
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Based and same
t. >pic
Miao arouses me significantly.
Drinking copious amounts of wine, LLs for this ffell?
Dark Elf, Slaanesh, or High Elf Reveler.
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That's why I'm making my own fanmade Cathay faction of buff monster men

With faithful monogamous marriages. And metal eating Mo cavalry.
I want another female dragon...
Is Dynasties releasing at midnight or a dumbass noon time release?
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holy shit the auto-resolve underestimates skaven melee units ridiculously hard, i have to do almost every battle manually as clan moulder so i dont lose units
>AR says pyrrhic victory/valiant defeat
>result is decisive victory every single time
i know AR sucks but ive never seen it this fucking bad
the good sharts are tier 2
Who does auto resolve not underestimate?
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here are the release dates
not showing the other time zones because I'm racist
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Skaven should die in thousands, just like its written in the great plan.
Skaven have in general the worst ar globally, their sems get instakilled by it. I actually had to make a party for my ll specifically tailored to have good ar or you just get nuked by it
like i said it's always pretty bad but ive never seen anything close to this. i have to fight everything but low tier settlements
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wherever I go, I see him and his substandard copper
>still no Total War: Conan
>skavenlet struggles with skaven
You fit in well with the rest of the redditors, puny weakling. Perhaps you haven't been sprayed yet.
>reading comprehension
are you retarded?
>3 games later still struggles
Behave yourself and i personally might spray you.
he is retarded alright.
>bestest for recording quick and lightweight
>50mb ram use while recording
That's for the lurkers. This niggers just a redditor spamming boards with bait posts. Bandicam is godlike.
struggle with what?
also are you trying to write "spay"? i get phoneposting is hard but come on
>plays skaven
>says he doesn't struggle with skaven
>"spray? wassat?"
One of the Skaven superiority seethers can splain to ya. I don't mind the redditors spewing bullshit and baitposts, but you play Skaven and remain ignorant. Disgusting...
what the hell is this schizo rambling
Penthy Sweat
Elspeth Breath
he's being a furry, talking about how the rats spray musk on each other
Well i was going to nice spray, but now i want to angery spray.
You don't wish to discuss how powerful your lord is in battle?
Sex with Isabella Von Carstein
We dont lewd Isabella and Sisters of Twilight here.
Did she consent to you having those thoughts? That is basically psychic rape.
why does Mori have bonuses to ships or monks? wouldn't diplomacy be better fit?
Don't tell me what to do. I WILL have sex with her even if it means my death.
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Women are objects to be used, warpstone is to be persued.
me on the right
He showed up a couple threads ago first sperging about Mandarin. As usual, ratfags don't fit in, they just shitpost.
Are (you) the retard that got raped by the ai in 10 turns in a campaign as Chaos while i had #1 strength rank and settlements as Skaven? Fucking sad. God cucks in shamblerinos.
I have.
me on the left
Get to turn 30
Nearby threats are all neutralised
Economy is booming
Legendary Lord's army is almost undefeatable

Why should we keep playing at that point?
Because the real challenge is the next turns. Not messing up as the situation gets exponentially more complicated. Unless you're playing at less than maximum difficulty, you can always lose from bankruptcy and attrition if you fuck up bad enough after the early game, but ppl quit so they don't know this.
Didn't Pharaoh have 3 planned DLCs?
1. Sea Peoples
2. Mesopotamia
3. ???
3. Mythos
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I don't think that Priam was playable in Troy.
He was not, he was an NPC who held the actual city of Troy while you played as Hector or Paris.
Thoughts on playable minor factions?
Major kek my dude!
>he doesn't fight 8 wars at once then has beastmen spawning in his territory and skaven and orcs and dwarves tunneling deep into his ass only for chaos to show up and start their train of pain with 10 full stacks
You playing on little bitch mode or something? Must be a base game problem where everything's too simple and easy and luckluster.
nice dobson framerate bro
4chan webm maker is kinda meh, but it's the lazy option for converting.
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Hanigalbat might be the main Assyrian faction. (Assyria is a minor faction).
Should be in every game by default, it's dumb that we need mods to do it. Same with TPY and the other options the Pharaoh devs included.
that's correct
the main faction is held by once of the princes who overthrew Tukulti-Ninurta
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Imagine if one nation controlled all of that territory... nah, it would never happen.
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imagine being so thoroughly destroyed your descendants think you must have been giants and mythical heroes because surely someone capable of building palaces so grand wasn't a mere human who in their experience were village dwellers barely capable of writing
Nobody thinks that.
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Genuine question here for the history players. What makes you play those titles over warhammer ones? I thought I would give it a go and tried some of the non-warhammer titles and I just found it incredibly boring to me. I'm not hating here, just personal preference and was wondering why exactly you choose to play them. Do you just not like the fantasy genre? For me, having different variants of the same men was incredibly sleeper for me and like the variety of units in the warhammer titles. Please give me your thoughts without seething, I'm actually curious here.
greeks do
Is there any reason to chase after settlement battles, or just field battles?
How does gold and xp work now?
it's great and one of the things CA needs to keep up, that and campaign customization
It seems that generals in Pharaoh - Dynasties are incredibly vulnerable. Be careful, lest you lose the King of the Universe to a single lobbed stone.
Because playing on Earth with actual and recognizable historical civilizations is fun, it's really that simple. Unit limitations can certainly be a turnoff to some but it's all in the mechanics, if the mechanics are good even games that are mostly copy paste factions across the board like Shogun 2 can be great.
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Which races have the best and worst start pos distribution?
My votes are;
Rats for best; border princes, bad lands, dark lands, border of the chaos wastes, lustria, deep cathay. Extremely wide choices
Greenskins for worst; shockingly bad? you have grom in brettonia, and grimgor in western mountains of mourn, and the rest are in-between them.
shogun 2 would give you a battle map based on the campaign map. it made fighting on river crossings easy because the bridge map completely broke the ai.
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Next TW leaked map
Pretty sure the field maps are based on campaign generation in Shogun 2. The naval and city maps definitely aren't, best example is if you fight the Takeda. When you fight a field battle near Kai, you can see Mt Fuji to the south. When you invade the actual castle of Kai, it's nowhere to be scene and the terrain is generic for that specific siege map.
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haha real funny, post the real one
discounting kislev and cathay since they have no one worth playing, the worst has to be tomb kings
three samey starts and the last in a boring place with no land worth taking
my computer is too shit to play soihammer so I am stuck playing the games from 10 years ago. not 3rd world just jobless.
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Is Warhammer 3 good yet?
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sometimes kings get shot in the face, shit happens
>this fucking sucks actually - the map
I don't get it I thought the sea people were just the greeks. why are they a separate category from the agean factions?
I hope they move Durthu to Ind so there aren't 2 wood elf LL in the same place. I wonder who is moving there. The only ones that seem obvious are Skrag and Epidemius
Units actually have variable uses, warhammer units typically have 1 formation and 1 rock paper scissors thing they're good against.

Halberd units get slaughtered by arrows in warhammer, but in historicals I can put them in loose formation, so maybe they can reach the archers before they waver. If I have a shield unit, do i use shieldwall to block arrows from the front, or loose formation to mitigate damage from all directions?

Archers are bad in forests becasue trees block the arrows, but in 3 kingdoms my archers can shoot fire arrows to set the forest on fire.

Also the maps are 3 times the size of the average Warhammer 3 map so you can actually manuever units even if both sides have full armies.
they came from all over the place, not just greece
Some but not all of them

Sardinians, i.e. Nuragic civilization
Philistines i.e. Minoans
No one really knows about this one due to paucity of information and no extant records of comparative names, some think it's another rendition of
Sicels, i.e. Sicilians
Danaan/Danaoi, i.e. Mycenaean Greeks
Achaeans, i.e. Mycenaean Greeks
Either Trojans or Tyrrhenians i.e. Etruscans
Carians, suzerains of the Hittites and therefore adjacent to the Hittite Empire i.e. Asia Minor/Anatolia/modern day Turkey
Lycians, south-west Anatolians who were enemies of the Hittites
No one's really sure, best guess is Wilusa (Ilios, i.e. Troy)
Several were Aegeans, but many were from Anataloia, Sicily and Sardinia as well, they weren't all Greeks.
The Sea People came from all over the Mediterranean, some came from the Balearic Islands and Sardinia and god knows where else.
which of these are the playable sea people factions though? I don't think sardinia or sicily are on the campaign map.
>the people that wrote the bible believe their great grandpa was a giant, not a descendant of god and his son that lived there in helenic times
Ya ok retard.
Haven't played from Snikch(deep in Cathay) but i can confirm all others are always super easy. I always get #1 power rating by turn 10 or so. I was about to play as Snikch when Cathay first came out and my buddy was gonna play as Cathay but then he tried them out in some battles and after two hours of multiplayer battling he just kept getting his shit wrecked and finally came to the conclusion "everyone online is complaining they suck to, i'm not playing an entire campaign with them i'm going ogres, even everyone on reddit is complaining".
What a fucking joke. Ah well, maybe Snikch playthrough after patching is finally done.
You don't got 300 bucks stuck in some couch cushions or old pants buried in your closet?
>my nigga completely forgets the fuckers that were world reknowned for their insanely bright and vivid purple clothing and had the best ships in the world to the point other sea niggas started just buying ships from them
You non Warhammer dudes are fucking tiresome with how dumb you are. Go read the Bible at least and catch up on some mandatory white man history.
Sherden and Peleset are the playable ones, and they're the most famous and most well attested ones so that makes sense.
High Elves > Dark Elves > Wood Elves
Based. Except for the part where you even mention the Wood Elves. Never played them never will. They're only good for eating.
sherden and palaset are playable and start in the southern coast of the Hittite Empire and coast of Canaan respectively
the other sea people start slowly trickling in from off-map, not sure how Dynasties handles the Sea People of Greek Origin tho, ideally they should only spawn if Mycenae or Troy fall
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I wasn't big on how Troy's Lycians are this weird pseudo-Memnon style coalition of lots of far off units (Not as far as him, but farer than you'd expect). Felt like making them the sea people faction back in Troy would have made perfect sense as you'd get: Aeneas (spammable hordes), Hektor (Sturdy defensive), Paris (archery), Sarpedon (Swordsmen aplenty but weaker chariotry).

>Thoroughly destroyed
They literally lost their alphabet. Seared in my head was seeing some archaeological site mapping for the Pylos region in the late bronze age and then 800s or 900s. It's like 117 different settlement/habitation sites for the pre collapse, and maybe 15 for the post collapse. The bronze age collapse seems like it hit Greece particularly hard because elsewhere they bounce back quick enough but the Greeks just went total fucking apocalypse.

>Thrace is a pillar of civilization
What them redheads got a pillar of, besides Trees.
holy blogposting r*edditfags
fuck off shitskins
Wood elves>Beastmen>Rats>All other races>>>>High elves>Dark elves>>>>Ogres
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Nooooo no nonono we don't go down this path again!
Any campaign posters?
>What them redheads got a pillar of, besides Trees
going to assume it's the Ares cult center; makes sense since Greeks (especially at this point) didn't really dedicate huge structures to him, but he was widely worshiped in Thrace
What kind of poster are you after? Not sure if you would like my posting style.
Shouldn't the Euphrayes river extend further north to like Carchemish?
just Sofia things
you don't have the faintest clue how much Balkanites obsess over their ancestry
Yes, actually discussing the game is reddit to shitposters like you.
All Total War campaign posts are desirable.
i like game discussion but its the length of the posts that are cringe. not your personal blog retard.
>the great jew book
>mandatory white man history
Garbage long ear coom baiting, how do you live with yourself or even continue to exist knowing that somewhere out there beastcoomers is working on his next beastcoom lore at this very moment?
You sound like the legendfag, so my point about shitposters remains true.
were people like Agamemnon and Menelaus actually kings, or were they more like tribal chiefs? what was "wanax" historically used for
are luthor harkon and the r*ddit dwarf the only lls with guns?
Some people during the medieval period theorized that roman aqueducts were built by ancient giants.
why the dichotomy? they're both reddit
I heard in a podcast there are estimates the population of Greece post-collapse was half of what it was before, but those estimates vary
regardless big cities basically disappeared over the span of a couple decades writing was lost and goods all become simpler and more rudimentary
and I wasn't even exaggerating about Classical Greeks thinking giants built those places, the term “cyclopean masonry” comes exactly from the belief Classical Greeks held Mycenaean ruins were built by Cyclopes

absolutely grim, the Achaeans got fucked up bad
In function they served as kings, not tribal chiefs, the cities they ruled over were settled and cultured, not tribes.
Which lord are you most excited for:
U'zhul Skulltaker
Gorbad Ironclaw
Golgfag Maneater
Arbaal the Undefeated
uhhh... we don't really know. There are really no documents that detail how Mycenean Greece was organized during the late bronze age. We will probably never know that much because they probably kept a lot of documents about stuff like that on wooden tablets which is perishable compared to clay or stone tablets of other nations. The only other country to have significant contact are the Hittite and they do have some records about Ahhiyawa but it's not exactly a great history about the place. The general belief I've seen from people like Trevor Bryce, who I think is one of the best people in the field, is that Mycenean Greece was organized into several large-ish states based around different centers of power like Mycenae, Pylos, Sparta and others. Sort of petty kingdoms that you wouldn't call tribal but not any sort of unified empire that many historians have suggested or that the Illiad might depict.
>try out various formations
>AI just keeps going around until it meets the path with the least resistance
checkerboard, square and chevron my ass, i'll just hug a wall, or preferably a corner from now on
fuck it was so satisying to see the faggot enemy army trying to flank me, only to blob up near the map boundaries and getting turned into swiss cheese
Would make sense.

Honestly it's why you can't go too deep into genetics autism or you go insane.


From what I remember, the late bronze age had diplomatic exchanges among the great kings (Hittites, Babylon, assyria, Egypt, when they were around Hurri-Mitanni king) that was reminescent of the royal relationships between 1815 and 1914. Where you are both cordial but also mean-girls-gossip-y shits. Because you're refraining from existentially fighting one another (Until the end I guess) and instead more engaging in diplomacy familiar to us post 1945 rather than the cut-throat sort you see later in the iron age. To your question the Mycenaeans were never considered part of that country club of kings. The hittites I think once, in one inscription, recognized them as a big king and then after relations soured promptly scoured it and never again.

So to the proper high kings they would have resembled uppity minor kings with delusions of grandeur. Think how the big colonial powers viewed the Japanese or Italians prior to that Tsushima trouncing of the Russians, that's how I'd say they viewed the Mycenaeans (Racial element of that aside)

Brotherhood of Kings is the big book you can read if you wanna go deep in it.
>Arbaal the Undefeated
what will be his defeat trait?
Pliny, who actually knew Ancient Greeks, says they did in Natural History
I'll take his word over a dipshit ratfag retard like you
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The biggest
>everyone except britain, us and australia are manlets
anglos...i kneel...
Unbreakable has been open ever since Gotrek became a hero.
5% ward save
That would be insane.
oh and forgot to add, the AI wanted to flank me so hard that the faggot sent 4 units to go around the map, choosing the longest path, only to end up defeated by army losses by the time they almost catched up with my army
faggot shit
where is he going to start?
Arbaal and U'zhul will be tough but they shall never match Imrik or Tamurkhan.
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Boring guess is some kind of increase to captured routed enemies. Unbreakable would be fitting in that you 'steal it from him' as it were, but it'd be overpowered as shit to give to a general.

The big point that bronze age collapse scholars/writers always come back to is the inherent fragility of the system - the palace economies were excessively centralized & bureaucratized + everything was reliant upon a single trade good (Tin) from far off to the Middle East (except possibly South-east Egypt), most commonly Spain/England/Afghanistan. And in turn the obvious parallels is our own modern economies. The 1178 book that really made the bronze age collapse popular (I think) attributed this to oil, but microchips feels just as apropos and the centralized/bureaucracy you could read into with crowdstrike. Of course what really did them in was just everything going bad at once: climate change, instability, war, trade collapse, migration and invasion and internal unrest. Imagine that happening.
haa haa
hoo hoo

I like that Imrik requires you earn that power. Tamurkhan while it's a tiny bit dicy up to Kholek after that it's just brain go brrrr fatman go makin corpses.
Gorbad, I can't wait to play as an actual orc warlord (no, Grimgor doesn't count)(no, Azhag doesn't count either))
You want to read something that seem facetious but might actually be true?
Morathi is overall a better lord than Malekith on both the battlefield and the campaign map.
For me it's the updated mechanics. I'd like Azhag except death magic is snooze and he's got nothing special to him. Paunch has a neat mechanic but I don't want to just go gobbo.

Either Cathay or Tilea is my guess. Those makes the most sense to me but Tilea is kind of close to Skrag so maybe they would move one. I could really see Golgfag having any starting position.
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Melekh, my beloved.
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It isn't confirmed that the Khorne FLC lord is Arbaal.
Could be Scyla or Skarr Bloodwrath
>interest in the time periods
>different mechanics in each game
>the plethora of mods, wether for autism maxing or new scenarios
>low tier units stay useful for longer
>battles that last more than 4 minutes
Sadly they lack some QoL features depending on the game.
WH3 has that issue where you're 30-40 turns in and the game has nothing more to over so you start a new campaign.
You've already had your hardest fights, you're at least close to fielding full stacks of elite units and none of the mechanics are engaging enough to keep going. Only exception might be chors but even then.
He's a chaos sorcerer lord, that makes it less gay
none of them because they're all for soi factions. maybe I would be interested if they had picked that lucky ogre who has a brace of handguns.
Morathi can provide campaign movement to all lords.
Recruit Sorceresses in any location.
Has really good items and cheap spells.

The real strategy is to play as Morathi for her amazing Slaanesh corruption bonuses and then confederate Malekith.
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What about the 3 that got left behind?
That's pretty retarded. Never heard "giants built rome" but you go ahead reading your fantasy blogs.
Yeah! The Bible is stupid!
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Hello guys. I plan to play a campaign for at least 12 hours straight today. Do I play Miao Ying or Alarielle? I want to paint the whole map. Thoughts on either lord and/or faction? I'm leaning towards Miao.
Alarielle has an incredible faction effect that provides +5 control and +10% income when all of Ulthuan is controlled by High Elves.
They called in sick. Scurvy.
How do I get past the early game for Daemons of Chaos? All of my units seem to just melt, especially these furies
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My complaints about greenskins:
Tech tree sucks. You're incentivised to git the gobo techs because they're more impactful than the orc ones.
Waaaagh campaign mechanic is annoying because you basically get a crap stack with no lord and no replenishment. It gets fucked up by lightning strike and ambush. It's way better than it was, but now it just encourages auto resolve.
Goblin big boss capacity is at t4. Not in line with modern design.
Lots of units you'll never use.
Scrap is too scarce early game when you need it for tech tree and not worth putting on early units. It should either be more common or do more.
Orcs take a back seat to the rest of the faction. Goblins are too good. Troll hags are the best caster heros.
Savage orcs should just be in the regular tech tree. There's too many useless fucking buildings.
Is he coming in the Pharaoh update?
What vampire counts LL should I play?
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U'zhul Skulltaker
I like bloodletters.
Vlad is the vanilla pick.
Depends, do you prefer red or blue?
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>all the other greek heroes screeching about glory and honor
>dude just wants to go back home and fuck his wife
he was always the most relatable Homeric hero
other than pissing off Poseidon he actually did nothing wrong
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The dude said that nobody thinks that great architectural works were created by ancient long dead giants, but there were people that did think exactly that.
I am leaning towards mannfred as ive never gotten more than 2 books with any campaign
Here is your 100th Legendary Lord.
So can anyone explain how Yuri became a fucking undivided daemon prince? Did the chaos gods just want to spite Bela'kor again?
if he did nothing wrong how come dante put him in hell?
how do the elves look in piss yellow
wielding a chaos artifact, cultivating blind hatred in his heart, and believing he could bend the power of chaos to good
it's a pretty basic story about someone falling to chaos
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Like a lot of units most of them look muddy in yellow. Wildwood rangers look like their tabletop models though, which is kino.
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Yeah, nobody.
>pro players say hero spam is the top meta but chaos hero spam gets raped by rat shoot-kill-devices
Hero units in shambles.
Because Dante was a gaylord who deigned to speak for the divine by putting everyone he didn't like in hell while writing fanfiction where his crush loved him back.
Which discord sent you?
Test: Which lord has the highest leadership and lacks unbreakable?
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I decided on Miao Ying. Only problem is that I don't have the DLC :/
Warhammer 3?
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Well the first battle was pretty easy. Didn't lose any HP at all.
well I Dante care what that retard had to say
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God I wish Sartosans would just route and let another unit take over instead of fighting to death for no reason.
When are you sending your Sartosan free company doom swarm to Legend?
>he doesn't play with the 1.5mb file that gives you every expansion/dlc ever released
Oh dear, looks like we got a fresh one.
>i wish
There's a mod for that.
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I may have won but hat was the dumbest fight of all time.

idk what that is.
The armor thing was kinda shitty of him.
What is the key to victory when playing Norsca? Any particular units that we should be relying on?
I was just using fimir and nothing else
Use the new campaign button and choose Skaven if victory is what you seek.
>fly things thinks they can just fly in front of shoot things
to be fair he did regret that and I don't think it was ever his intention to make Ajax fucking kill himself
Are armored skinwolves not better than fimir? Or ice trolls for that matter?
Odysseus deserved Achilles' armor though, he was the only one who really rooted for him in the Iliad.
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>guns behind artillery
no wonder they're not making any shots on those manticores, why'd you think putting a wall in front of them was a good idea?
I look exactly like this creature.
Theyre pretty severely outmanned
What starter fights could you beat the LL you're up against if you were playing the shitter faction?
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I've beat Imrik's, Kostaltyns, pretty much every minor Cathay faction's, Luthor Harkon's, and probably more.
>he doesn't know
Well i hope you're new at least, but that is prime placement, and they are all firing. All things flying and walking died. Especially my own impenetrable Skaven wall
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Lol I got offered drugs.

Yeah I didn't expect a proper fight. I usually manually fight if I'm going to steamroll them because it's fun and I auto resolve if it's going to be annoying.
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I just want to say I love CA and I love reddit and I'm so heckin proud of this wholesome community for beating the fantasy chuds
>they are all firing
video evidence suggests otherwise. verdict: severe cope.
Chaos hero status: all dead
Chaos player status: suicide watch
Skaven gun status: all firin, 1 loss
Skave superiority enjoyers: still winning
What the fuck is that WoC army? How many mods are you using that you ended up with that abomination? 12 LLs? The fuck?
It's the strategy pros use, good olllllle hero spam. They believe heros should replace regiments. But they get bogged down and then slaughtered.
No mods, this is just basic multiplayer battles. That battle was with no unit caps.
You have 36 units in your army and your opponent has 12 LLs in his. This battle is a joke.
I hate rats so fucking much
>this is what experts believe is best
I laugh as well.
Khorne and Chaos players love their big expensive beasts that just get raped. Norsca try spamming mammoths and trolls just to get denied by Skaven units that cost half.
But yeah if anyone tells you to start replacing your regiments with heros, it might seem fun, but it's baaaa bombin if you're up against any good army like the Skaven.
Has that Pharaoh update released yet? I know it's sometime today. If so, how is it? If not, are people looking for ward to it? I think it looks pretty good. Just adding in the Greeks and pushing the map out has got me interested enough to try it. Egyptians and their neighbours wasn't enough for me before. Shame We didn't get the whole Mediterranean/Europe, but not sure much was happening West or North of Greece at that time.
It's shit, it blue screens every couple of turns
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get a cat, killing rats is literally why we domesticated them in the first place
it comes out in 12 hours if I'm not mistaken
most people are looking forward to Babylon tho, not the greekoids
It releases tomorrow.

Nice falseflagging faggot.
Comes out 10AM EST thursday. 14 or something Bong time.

People looking forward to cavalry
>Gayreeks and troibois
People looking forward to Achilles or to, I don't know really
People looking forward to Temple Ishtar prostitutes who may or may not be futa.
I have early access, not everyone is some irrelevant nigger like you.
>It releases tomorrow.
But it's the 25th TODAY
Oh, it's early morning in Bongland right now, I forgot. Yeah, you get it at 3 PM or so.
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>most people are looking forward to Babylon tho, not the greekoids
I know we already had them in Troy, but that one was too small. I'm interested in Greeks fighting cultures that aren't basically identical to their own like the Trojans. Doing a naval invasion of Egypt will be fun with them.
It pisses me off that the Australians and Kiwis get everything first. One day, the Sun will rise from the west.
not judging, I hope you have fun with chudgamemnon
I'm just saying a lot of people love Babylon, they're interesting fellas
form an alliance?
Fucking annihilated. At least bury that man and phone his parents about what happened here.
Non-Aggression Pact? *Threatens*
Bless em. Yeah I've never been bit by the Babylon bug. Not sure why, but I I just never think of them. I might go the Kushite Egyptian guy as well. That area down there is pretty interesting in most TW games. I know so little about Bronze Age nations so I might learn about some and get more interested in them.
Link your twitch or youtube channel then "content "creator."
>Please dox yourself breaking the TOS
I campaign post on /twg/ every week. Why won't CA give me early access and free DLC?
Okay, shitter, no one believes your falseflagging then.
Because they want you to use the 1.5mb file that unlocks it all for free.
>that brief Troy scene
Enjoy your bricked PC, I tried to warn you.
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Why are none of the other people streaming the game getting bricked PCs?
thats a femboy not a futa. cock isnt big enough to be a futa
is that what they did in ancient greece?
Nigger you literally got this from reddit. You're one of the faggot retard nigger posters who constantly browse, and probably post on, reddit and then blatantly cross post on 4chan to go "haha wow fucking reddit guys"
Yeah they never seem to get the lesson that we want a wide varied big map to conquer, not the same pond.

Sadly all I know art wise is Ishtar with Fate, and lots of sloppa AI of a vaguely orientalist kind of Ishtar. Oh nevermind it's mostly fate ishtar too. Gotta suck to suck when some modern thing uses the name of your ancient thing and becomes so much more popular it gets choked out. What do you think about that, mystery cult of Isis?

If there's some memetic description about Astarte's ancillary or building mentioning 'and her followers shall no know fear' that's going to increase the 40k speculation
Actually I got it from the other site
This rat poster is trying way too hard

Wait, did they finally add female units to Pharoah? Am.... am I finally going to play it ?!?!?
Look at the image harder, that's no female.
And the 26th is the new expansion of Path of Exile
EDF 6 also comes out in a few hours which is going to take most of my time for the next month or so. But I'll use Pharaoh as a refresher between sessions.
It's a very feminine cock
I only play factions with a female LL
Uh huh, one question. Are you me?
whoa is that a pic of Brogan Danheim?
I enjoy the Warhammer Titles, but in a different way than I enjoy the historical titles.

Historical Titles which I like, have family trees and roleplay at a smaller scale level. From general to general. Family member to family member. Also matched combat. I like that.

Warhammer's appeal is this gigantic playset of a bunch of cool toys. Which has its own appeal, and it is nice.
>think about babylon being playable in pharaoh
>imagine playing as nebu-CHAD-nezzar
>remember that he was a late iron age king and not bronzeslop when the game actually takes place
literally how did ca ever think that bronzeslop was a good idea for a game?
Most underage post ITT.
Nobody cares about the Neo-Babylonians except the Jews. They didn't even last 100 years LMAO
>nobody cares
>yet he built one of the wonders of the ancient world
are you sure you aren't a jew trying to downplay his accomplishments?
I dunno, I just think fimir are cool
and they did well enough
He built the Hanging Gardens according to only one source, and that's assuming they even existed. Unlike the others we have no archeological proof they existed.
I haven't been this excited for Total War since Rome 2. I'm excited for Total War Pharaoh Dynasties
ugh here we go again..
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damn anon. you horny.
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Counterpoint to your counterpoint
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Spotted this today

Why would this unit description text have one random word changed meaninglessly when copied to a Khorne variant?

Its tiny but just scratches my curiosity as to how this happens
It's strange the only 2 Norse women in game are
1) Not members of the Norsca faction
2) Legendary Lords
3) dedicated anti-large
Well the last one kind of makes sense. Maybe Norsca will get a female generic lord with a spear or halberd.
I write those and I did it on purpose to trigger autists like you.
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Wish we could customize character appearances
Hate the stupid spider head
>Hey intern, we need a new blub for the red dogs
A verbal reskin for a literal reskin
Is that a nurgle symbol on his choppa?
>i wish
There's a mod for that.
>chaos players seriously, whole heartedly believe, that they can fight skave
But why do Chaos players gotta do that to my man Sigvald, the most beautiful, putting him up against a battle he can't win against Skaven. He ain't even lore accurate. My niggas supposed to be hovering over the battlefield so as not to soil his beauty.
How did you manage to not only make the game run like shit but also look like shit?
It's a snow map. All you have to do is add a pixel of snow to the map in the WH games and it looks like dogshit. I dunno how CA achieved that.
>ratfag still having a meltie about chaos all because some anon proved chosen beat plague monk censer bearers
wew lad
Ten bucks says this nigger is one of the 700 people that play the history games that are the ugliest games to ever be produced.
>rust is like a more delicious mold
im a rat irl, hello
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Whoops, wrong photo.
OMG same wow what's your favorite type of person to snack on? And do you have any neat kinks in your tail/stories about how you got tail kinks?
>tomb kangs, man things, and demon horse things are all challenging the impenetrable skaven lines
Fat bald cuck still whining lmao
Threadly reminder Volound won.
I'm not going to let this man ruin my ENJOYMENT OF THE PHARAOH GAME!
More like Total DICK
>complains factions have different mechanics
I quit there, I was going to continue watching for the laugh but the dude is just grasping for anything to complain at this point. Just make a 10 second video saying you want Medieval 3 and nothing else will do to save us all the posturing.
Garbage can Total History game. Warhammer is all there is in life.
Did not ask.
Did CA kicked this guy out of their programs? he's one of the biggest CA's cocksuckers I've ever seen, he defends the most low garbage that CA's shits on his plate and he's pissed about Pharaoh?
what did he win?
was there a competition to see who could be the most obnoxious crippled tankie scot?
You're probably thinking of someone else, this guy has been seething about CA and sucking off random shit tier mods for years now.
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Oh cool, thanks. That's...really useful.
well hellcannons are some of the best artillery in the game
>he doesn't know
See you in 3 days.
Bye nigger!
ottomans brought guns, the ottomans were playing pike and shot, while the hungary was still in the medieval era, and in an ironic twist of fate the ottomans got all their guns from the hungarians
ay yo Total War Pharaoh Dynasties bouta be fire.
they had cites and towns so that counts as being a king.
bro, your marauder horsemen
probably they wrote it one way but then the writer decided to change it because he thought it sounded better, but then someone else copy pasted the old version for the dlc unit and no one noticed it was different until captain autism on /twg/
Though that was Ahriman for a second.
I'm not him. But when i do play Chaos i do not associate myself with barbarian filth. My armies are entirely dick cannons, Chosen, and giants.
chaos warriors and chosen are probably at least 50% norscans
bronze age asia is next, sorry
Our guy has spoken
CA is moving on from historical games, that's why Sofia is transitioning to Warhammer dlc
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Wrong. Norscans are the first people i wipe off the planet every Chaos playthrough, i remove their settlements and their people completely never to be recovered or spoke of again, and then i start working my around murdering the things that look most similar to them one after another.
NO. FILTHY. STINKY. MONGRELS. Dicks, big smashems, and Chosen.
You history niggers really need your own thread. There's like 5 people playing Total War 2 and you choose to be here shitting up the Skaven thread instead of helping out your games numbers.
Here's an idea, if you want a 3, go gather support for 3 and play 2 to show them there's an audience waiting for a 3. The more you act like a faggot here the more you ain't gonna get your gay 3rd game.
Also, Star Wars and 40k are coming to Total War before your faggy shit.
Maybe then Skaven posting will become Gungan posting. Bliss.
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Bro if people start gungan posting that'd be THE END of /twg/. It's too much. Not Gungans. No way.
how long has this guy been doing this?
Meesa thinks it would be okay.
So this is what Warhammer does to people
Like a week or two? Maybe?
I don't think he was here last month even
It's summer
Just a theory, but I think he might be acting silly to provoke a reaction.
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You aren't one of those rejects that hates Episode 1 are you?
Just imagine the mods for Total War Star Wars. They'll have an announcer mod for your battles to do play-by-plays when crazy shit happens on the battlefield.
>"oh i don't care what universe you're from- THAT'S GOTTA HURT!"
>"that little gungan is outta his mind!"
It can't come quick enough. My battle boner is already vibrating itself into a lightsaber as we speak!
You can leave Skaven thread whenever you want and go post in a seperate 1,000 playerbase thread.
This specific retard? 2-3 threads now.
What did you reach last thread? 90 Skaven superiority seethe posts? What are you up to now in this thread? You alone maybe 15? Right?
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No matter how much you shitpost you will never derail /twg/ as well as the 'sharty did.
>announcers during battle
Yea, that'd make Total War way too reddit.
anon those were raids not derails
>speaks in 1,000 playerbase dead game nobody ever wants
>i only listen to the same 5 unit responses over and over again!
>want to discuss something but have to wait until the bullshit dies down
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Are you shitting me
Just discuss it, only reason there is garbage is because no one has anything to discuss right now.
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>speaks in [schizo ramblings]
You weren't here to remember it so I'll give you a pass but the 'sharty literally made /twg/ unusable for months. Multiple threads had to be pruned by the jannies. Poor little 'een, you'll never be able to do that kind of damage.
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Fucking christ why are these still events
To be stronger.
comments are pretty funny

Histfags losing their minds kek
Total War Pharaoh Dynasties is a BIG WIN for history total war fans.
Legend Won.
this was the first legendfag shitpost of the day, converting the time it was 10:32 am in New Delhi which is consistent for someone who spams rat porn and says people need to "ask sorry to Legend"
Don't care about your nigger stories. If you ain't gonna post fresh beastcoomer then just shut up faggot.
Just want to tell you guys I told you this would happen.

Total War Pharaoh Dynasties brings back historical total war. Puts it on the map again.
Which map?
I've been playing so much total war recently that my dreams are getting really fucked up...
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drank too much and now seeing some version of a warhammer malekith campaign whenever I close my eyes and try to sleep, what is this fresh hell
should've played as Eltharion.
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Markus Wulfshart
Really hope Sofia will get a chance to make improvements/additions to the battle maps in WH3.
I wasn't a huge fan of Troy or Pharaoh, but the maps are gorgeous and overall dunk on the ones in WH3. It drives me up the wall with those awkward scattered patches of forest and the maps where they didn't seem to have bothered color balancing properly.
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he's scary
>or to, I don't know really
why she making fun of my tiny penis?
>that picture
I respond to her in this way:

Why is Dynasties separate from the base game?
because it is a whole new experence
to refresh the bad Steam review score
Very sneaky gobbitses.
That's a sexist statement.
Wardancer syrup
Wanax or Anax is simply Mycenaean Greek for king. Then come the dark ages and the title largely disappears outside of Cyprus where wanax was used to describe royal princes.
They used a lot of clay tablets and many of those survived. The issue is Mycenaeans used them almost exclusively for economic book keeping.
Assuming no Orion cheese, which WE faction is the strongest?
doesnt this guy praise mods for the exact same things some of these games also do?
Tiny penis was considered based in ancient times. Having a big dong meant a comedic character.
sisters have always been the strongest (and youngest)
What kind of flavour profile does Orion cheese have?
post the new steam score then
it doesn't have a separate store page, they're just lying
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There's never any cheese on Orion.
It is a separate client though, or is that just a preload thing?
how do i trick wood elf women into having sex with me? asking for a friend
which Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties faction are you playing first?

For me? I'm thinking maybe either Alashiya or a minor Egyptian faction for Atenism.
separate in library, but not on separate on the store

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