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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Reminder to report and ignore shitposters, ritualposters, and avatar use.

Previous: >>487297638

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Stay positive /lolg/!
Skipped that post
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Stay positive /lolg/!
So Anon, as a part of our AGILE workflow here we've reassigned you to work on sub-project delta so it can be completed on time. Be friendly with your new coworkers!
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This is a brave statement but I would go so far as to say tryndamere is worst designed champion in the entire game, ruining the entire experience for 9 other people when it's locked in.

Rng laning, crazy snowballing, un-interactive splitpush you cannot punish and utterly worthless when behind. He pretty much combines all the worst gameplay styles into one champion.

Some champions are frustrating when they are over-tuned, or situationally like playing aa champions into yasuo, tryndamere I think is the only champion to consistently destroy the fun out of a game.

I do not want to play against tryndamere, I do not want tryndamere on my team and I don't really even ever want to play tryndamere.

5s duration on ult is also just wildly out of place in the modern game, it was reasonable back when fiddle q also feared for 5s, many squishes can do literally nothing about tryndamere running then down even through co-ordination and cc given most cc lasts a fraction of his immune to death state and his mobility will probably also be up multiple times during it.

The other side is tryndamere on your team and you are entirely reduced to "playing safe" 4v5 waiting for your main character to get a turret, he won't even take tp for you to pressure objectives effectively.

I hope every tryndamere player only ever faces malphite every game in the future.
>Reminder that TryndaGOD is literally the most anti reddit champ
*oh no, the fox girl is eye fucking me... what if she's the manager...*
Lux is the only right choice here because she possesses Nordic Aryan features
and you possess a balding head and small penis
seraphine would be the office bike for sure.
aka nordic aryan features
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>terezi pyrope
They're all gonna be useless and I'm gonna be doing all the work...
you are retarded doe youve never had a job
why did you stopped spamming, hapa tranny? get back to work.
you are an ugly incel without friends no education either
cringe fat retard imagine being this guy irl hooly shit
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"with idiot team I can only troll" - cait after dying once lvl 2 because he walked up under enemy tower 1v2 (next to a wall) for some reason
today is looking a bit rough bros
Four pedophiles every game
no shes just wondering how can someone be so goddamn ugly prolly about to call the local zoo and ask them if theyre missing an animal
Yes mommy...I will
no you wont you will continue being a depressed virgin loser
whoa, two Luxes. lucky me!
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good boy
yeah man you won the genetic lottery so lucky
its a grown balding male much like you not a boy
why is the depressed virgin loser calling other people depressed virgin losers online?
why is viego pretending to be lux again? bro you got some shit to sort out lmao (not your skin)
how many shitlogs did you eat today? the usual 3?
nobody was talking about race bro why bring it up? go back to eating warm microwaved shitlog
who brought up race? bro is hallucinating
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try to talk about league
it's him projecting his bbc fetish
stop licking your dogs asshole clean after he takes a shit timothy
one taco please, viego
sure i got a special recipe: steamy bald incel diarrhea
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>Play Graves (my main), struggling to carry my shitter team in Silver 2
>Decide to play Viego since he’s said to be God tier and easy.
>Already won 4 in a row whilst objectively playing way worse and putting in half the effort
Is this really all climbing is about? Playing the OP fotm champ?
I wanted a taco viego not your national dish, did you not understand? I don't speak spanish, do you have a manager?
>take a glance at the last thread after waking up to see if the janitorial staff did their job
>most of the posts were still up and made up something between 1/3 and 1/4 of the thread
Off-topic, nsfw on a blue board, spamming, flooding, racism, avoiding spam filters, trolling outside of /b/, appears to be an automated spambot, ban-evading, and extremely low quality. All of the following apply but I guess the janatorial staff don’t find it necessary to intervene
you love shit though? i dip it in a public toilet before giving it to you and you ate it all with a big smile on your face :)
I don't like shit viego
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Even worse, she's the one who hosts the after-work parties.
Well, there is a reason the sub-project is behind schedule...
EUW "humans" are not ok
>"I give up" because he got solo killed twice
>Game is totally winable
>"Im 500LP jungle main"
>"Who tf even are you"
>"I dont care if you report me i have a million other accounts"
>"I dont care if we lose"

People like this should have very bad things happen to them(in game)
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how do I have fun playing this game?
What does 500lp mean?
naaah xD someones son is typing this rn imagine being your dad imagine how embarrassed he would be if he saw this bro xD
they nerfed ldr
its over
just kite bro
appears to be an automated spambot, ban-evading, and extremely low quality
enjoy your steamy diarrhea tacos and soft microwaved logs of dogshit imma go bang
This place is a literal asylum
It’s by far the worst general on this site
apart from the bot spam its not really that bad. Reddit is worse.
maybe if riot didn't destroy their game it wouldn't be this abandoned
>riot phlox posting yuumi attach gifs
Secret yuumi attach rework confirmed
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Is this game better than league?
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we love sera around here
Yeah those people actually worship the bbcposter it's kinda crazy lol
Is it the same person spamming IR porn and posting garbage every other message or is it just a fan?
i like gwen more than enchanter slop
Its the american immigrant living in finland
same person
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But Gwen IS an enchanter; she's enchanted my heart!
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Um... Guys.... I collected this much gold before I realized what it's for....
You’ll need a ton more later
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Well no i wont, the game broke gg
It's been like this since i made my post 4 minutes ago gg i close the game now gg
Work de-stress counseling sessions.
>swam barely progresses the pass at all

that's fucking retarded...
Anonymous has been muted for the rest of the game for using inappropriate language and will no longer receive any chat messages.
its ok sis, we're all a bit ditz sometimes
Just do another mission and it fixes it
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My Zoe arc continues
janna needs a full body fishnet, fr
>Reminder to report and ignore shitposters, ritualposters, and avatar use.
mr salty made a thread
also no
Veigar, Camille, Leona, Graves, Ezreal.
>I had firstpick and took Viego.
Did less damage than my Nami. WTF CAN I DO VS this much CC? I rushed mercs and wits end after Kraken aswell cause the veigar was 7-0 before 15 min but everytime we tried anything we got cced and oneshot before playing the game..
You could try mercurial scimitar instead of wit’s end
I just put sugar in my coffee bros
I think I'm turning into a niggalow
good to see this fandom still alive
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>Been 1-4 lp off two times now
Surely third time's the charm :3
im a gold peaker and I never put milk or sugar in my coffee you're on the right path
let him be happy
it progresses at the same rate as summoners rift but ok, it's even better for grinding since when you unlock all the stuff you can guarantee you win every match giving you max points per minute

if this happens just leave the lobby and open it again, that fixes it
>you look more bottom than some crossdressers
nothing wrong with that btw
Have sex with me
ESPECIALLY if I am one
be my gf?
do I just have to dodge viego jungle?
I've 0% winrate when that champ is on my team, I've never seen it do anything useful nor have I seen a viego player make a correct decision
Good against Kali, if you can hit your Q.s
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We are SO back
can you fizz e or flash over the aurora ult wall
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Now that the dust has settled, why did she flop?
>have to ban brand because my team doesn't know how to play against him
>but also have to ban garen because my team doesn't know how to play against him
anything that says dash you cant
if its a blink or teleport you can
>pick kai'sa
>don't do anything early game
>don't do anything mid game
>don't do anything late game
>keep picking it
legit the only time that champ wins is when their retarded enemies go into meele range vs her and int (which happens surprisingly often) but I still don't think it's a valid reason to keep picking that garbage dogshit cancer champ
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>be in plat 1
>+28 lp a win and -23 lp a loss
>break into emerald 4
>+23 lp a win and -28 lp a loss
Wtf? So they're just deciding I will stay here I guess unless if I win a shit ton? Wtf is going on with this algorithm?
time to do this
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good morning /lol/ig
everyone is talking about how aurora is doing so much damage and needs nerfs, i'm ult q auto e q ing a vayne and doing 60% of her hp
i get that i fucking suck but am i building her wrong by going roa
I solokill her twice
I set up that first dive
But how can I play when I am counterpicked and she outscales while xin ganks me 4 times on repeat
Try to get fruit, get ganked because he is on his way to grubs, she didnt even see me
Try to push wave, he is top as always
I cant freeze against her waveclear nor can I shove
So Im forced to lose more minions and exp or die, those are my options because I cant stay against Kayle ult under tower
I started to mess up as the lane went on, I went in out of anger, but fuck me man what a way to start the day. Yeah I am culpable but its cancer anyway
I got 2 inting mid laners that went mental boom after their first solo death in a row.
Should I just go play normals until my forced losers queue is gone ?
tfw without blackedposter the thread would literally take 24+ hours to reach limit
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realest reply of the lot
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champs for this feel?
this gen hates u
and now ur int on sight
Definitely not zoe
nope. nuh uh. wtf why would you even ?
VAYNE YUUMI WENT TOP AGAINST ME :)))))))))))))))))()))())))))))))(()))
Kai’sa is… le bad??????
against good players she is pretty bad yea
This but unironically
There are no good players in your elo
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You need some awereness as to when to go in, you don't have to wait for enemies to come to your range. She has E or R to avoid key spells that will pin her down or chunk her health, you just do this while applying damage whenever you can. She's pretty straightforward but if you're not about that playstyle you can just pick something like Jinx and spam rockets at max range until you get your passive
>doesn't do anything lategame
her evolved abilities hurt a lot
yet another niggerliscous turboloss incoming
They picked that right away, our top locked in Kayle anyway :DDDD DDDDDD DDDDD
honestly surprised vanguard did as much damage as it did. /lolg/ dying is actually kinda surprising
lolg was always so garbage people were already looking for alternatives
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it really is trash compared to other gens
>but muh /xivg/
congratulations on being 2nd worst
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might be a shorter stream as i have some stuff to do in the afternoon but..
it's time...
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The only tier lists that matter
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never bad
difference between itty bitty titty and flat?
The size of the nipples.
cute voice
>kai'sa and irelia in anything but highest tier

unserious list.
where zoe
>against good players
so you have nothing to worry about
Tiny titty and Inverse concave
you do know our janny is an avatarfag right
no, you clearly don't. you are completely oblivious to how fucking over it is for us
oof no wonder ezreal isn't intersted
>janny is an avatarfag
You're all so gross and disgusting.
You are beyond saving, and you're not worth the effort either.
Hell to you, loligee.
corkis r range is just disgusting
feels very hard to dodge
there are some good players in my elo
I don't like making bad plays regardless of my opponents skill level, that's the bigger issue
>janny doesnt instantly execute all the avatarfags in the thread then hunt down their children afterward
right and obviously there are smurfs in every tier of lowlo. A problem I see now and then is a bad play will happen, person will die, abuse the ping all while completely oblivious to everything. Then another person will die because he fell for the question mark ping meme and next thing you know the enemy has the "free objective" your team thought they had.
jannies have always been too fat for that kind of exercise
Double rainbows are dumb. You’re dumb!
I'm by far the best kai'sa in this gen and she is just a cheese pick which loses to good players please stop backseating no1 asked for ur opinion
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State of the thread is a perfect representative of games state
don't believe the attempted misdirection
the spammer hates avatarfags and that's what initially led them to spam porn until it melted their mind and now they do it regardless
You are low elo and retarded and you suck at hiding it
why do you even care
fake swift
why do you
her adjusted wr is 50.5% for most elos and it dips below 50% if you go high enough elo
the champ relies on the enemies pissinting it is what it is
you cannot deal damage early-mid game to people outside of 525 range and your mobility is shit until late
idk what to tell you. a cheese champ that snowballs due to retarded mistakes isn't actually good in my eyes but everyone has their own definition ig
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they finally managed to fill up all the space !!!
I'm just bored, manic and looking to pull some pigtails.
cc'd 2,37
time alive 2,37
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not so good to be back
Wtf why kai’sa damage so low?
zyra spent 3 minutes botlane before 10 minutes
nothing happened XD XD XD XD XXD DDDDDDDD
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Lets go bois, i saved 11€
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live a long healthy life
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post opgg
boring boring boring
you've gotten so boring loligee
I'll torture you some other time
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I got a pretty decent shop for once
>20 death botlane episode again
every fucking day with this shit
aurora does 0 fucking damage
jesus christ why do you keep coming back
are you not like, 30 by now????
get a job make a family holy shit you're the most pathetic thing still roleplaying it's not cute anymore
i am currently trapped in hell
Why don’t you make this post when the enemy bot lane has 20 deaths
what goes on there?
I'll post that when it happens
>trapped in hell
welcome to gold!
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flash r'd by aurora when i dont have flash
masterfully played by her
im just trash I guess
>support gets visibly gapped twice (horrible all lane but he is playing support so you know he is too retarded to realise the rest of his missplays)
>starts typing and flaming the adc while afk
>negative wr for half a decade in that elo
wp man insane talent
>Main top
>Bot lanes int me every other game
>Play ADC
>Its the easiest shit in the game
>Go 11 / 2 / 11
>Free win
Are ADC mains just mentally handicapped ? Its almost as if playing a duo lane non stop rots their brain...
How many games of adc did you play? Just the one?
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ok do I understand it correctly: spell vampirism isn't a think anymore? did they just remove an entire game mechanic at some point and everyone ate that up? been trying to find hextech gunblade in the shop, couldn't find it. couldn't find my favorite boots that make you go speed mode if you haven't fought for a while. damn the game SUCKS no wonder you post bbc in here
y-you too
1 Zeri game. MVP against a plat 3 ashe main(im gold3 and dont even have mastery unlocked)
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bbc and his 4 snowbunnies

I am going to assume that's bbc on top because it looks male
Ekko is underage you sick fuck.
If you play enough adc it drains your life force and you become a husk of a human being
Willing to buy an account for the first time cause fuck grinding normals to get to 30 only to discover you're losing 3x LP and gain 1x.
Got a simple question, can you change the name with these accounts?
>play adc
>have better supp
>play adc
>have worse aupp
>get facerolled
replace lb and caitlyn with irelia and sona and thats a perfect bbc harem
Yes you can change names
I have a fresh lvl 30 account EUNE ready soon(though with spent BE :/)
The ashe didnt even get facerolled... She went 9/7/7 and got ACE
16 is old enough
actually akali is a ricebunny
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>"What is broken can be reforged"
Broken women with mental baggage CANNOT be fixed!
how do I disable sound effects in the launcher HOLY SHIT this fucking game why'd they ruin it so hard? anyone playing dota too, did valve fuck it like that too?
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How the fuck does everyone always manage to max all of their items except me?
How does keeping the cards for later help anyway? It almost always improves a stats instead of a skill despite having it at level 5.
Which skills and stats are you supposed to get on Riven anyway? She's supposed to be the strongest champ for this mode but I've found her super underwhelming. Her shields are kind of okay late game, but she has shit damage and she's garbage early.
broken wombs produce no eggs
If you leave a card on the ground and level a weapon to 5 you will get the evolved form the next time you pick up a card
>How the fuck does everyone always manage to max all of their items except me?
You aren't prioritizing weapon upgrades over stats enough
>How does keeping the cards for later help anyway?
It doesn't and anyone who does this is a retard. But the principle is that by not taking cards you can take them after you level your weapons up to level 5 to upgrade them after. Its retarded because you can easily upgrade all your weapons by just taking every card you anyway and leaving cards on the ground means you are delaying upgrades meaning you gather XP slower.
>Which skills and stats are you supposed to get on Riven anyway?
What you had is mostly fine but you always want uwu blaster to deal with bosses faster. Max health is a wasted stat on her since you get infinite shields anyway
>It doesn't and anyone who does this is a retard.
Thank god someone else said it
People in matchmaking have legit spergouts if you pick up cards because DUDE WE NEED TO LEAVE THEM TILL LATER
Fuck off
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maybe because he was plat and you are gold
All the noodles had to go somewhere
amu westwood streams are so kino
she is so fucking low iq
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Aaah, I see, thanks for the input.
Shindas handwriting is so ugly and juvenile
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the way you want to prioritize your cards from level ups is like this
>first prio
stats or weapons you need but dont have them already
>second prio
weapon upgrades
>third prio
passive stats
also dont try to save too much and dont reroll unless you really have to, if you get something that you need on the first roll just take it; save your rerolls for later
>How does keeping the cards for later help anyway?
the strategy is that you save the first few cards to see what yuumi augment you get, this is for the augment that gives 5% for each card you pick up
outside of that you take all the cards up until minute 10, after that you save 5 cards on the ground and take them when you have a weapon thats ready to evolve, this part needs communication if youre in a party and if you use the matchmaking people will generally ignore you as theres at least 1 shitlord that thinks hes the main character and will take cards when he likes it
By the way, what if I get fucked by the RNG?
It's kind of easy to get the right stats, but getting the right skill can be a pain.
ye theres chance you can get fucked over
i just had yuumi fuck me over really hard by giving me 2 aoe augments and a shit tier one so you just eat it up and try to improvise
sometimes you wont even get the passive you need for the weapon you have, it does happen but if you plan ahead you wont need to worry about it
i forgot to add
when youre choosing cards, if you have 2 stats you dont have and dont need and 1 you have, take the one you have to level it up; saving your rerolls is more important early on then trying to get the passive/weapon you dont have; you generally level up 35-42 times (from hard diff upwards) so you have plenty of levels to get the things you need
I still miss everfrost
is the sion legendary and dragonmancer vayne worth it?
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did someone send me a friend request and then got their account banned or something? lol.
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just went 9/5/11 on viego and won but the champ anxiety is still there so I can barely find the nerve to lock him in most days
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Sona your fat tits are taking up the table space.
you can do it my love!
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Haven't played league in a couple of years but did Riot ever add voice chat for pub games/ranked?
no, theyre on a holy crusade against toxic communication in their game instead of fixing the shit client or banning soft inters or any other matter thats actually important
That fucking sucks, voice chat in Dota was soulful as fuck and I wish more fighting games had it.
Is voice chat going to be in the League fighting game?
there is league voice for duos/parties but idk what the point of it is honestly
no idea, they added that to valorant but haven't said anything about the fighting game
Oh one other question, has Tyler1 gotten challenger since he did those challenge runs on each role?
Plat players are bots btw i should easily be in emerald rn as I peaked P2 before emerald was a thing back in season 10-11
Every single one of my account got terrible skins in my shop.
Curiously they were all skins where the person who mains those champs only own them as a 3rd choice and to complete as a collection, the ones where they don't use very often.
That or more mediocre skins for champs you rarely play or played once in a blue moon about 3 months ago.
I also curiously got the same Soraka skin on every single one of my account despite the different in her play rate or ingame activities.
They probably genuinely rigged it so that the good skins are left to be purchased at a full price and for the player to get a good deal on mediocre non core ones so that they can manipulate players further with the idea of a good deal.
If it's not 50% off for a good skin I'm not paying. Doesn't stop me from playing the game just like anyone else anyways.
Chances of being able to solo carry myself from Iron to Master with Zed mid?
this whole "general" is filled with paid riot shills 24/7
You can.
Especially now since stopwatch is gone and Zhonyas is more expensive.
Also there are just wayyy too many bannable champs that Zed barely ever gets mentioned thesedays.
Not to mention the lack of legacy skins too btw.
What kind of moron would spend money on this website
morons at riot games
Goodsmile company.
Champs to send this message?
that person is from another server
bots be acting wild, had some level 1 account with the ign "her dog" or something before too
me :]
>completely straight for 23 hours a day
>desperate for having a toxic abusive adc cum down my throat for an hour
champs for this feel?
Braum, Hwei
just had a 4 minute teamfight over 1st drag
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yea man this kai'sa champ is bussin pls nerf riot
meanwhile ezreal gets to miss 90% of his spells and still outdamages me wp
swap the champs and I go 25/0 1v9
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gonna go for braum since it's easier to self insert as althoughbeit I imagine it would be easier to fulfill such fantasies if I looked like hwei
skill issue
not in the slightest, if you can't tell how much worse kai'sa is than ezreal, then you have issues with your own skills (iq)
massive skill issue, you bought kraken instead of statikk for her hybrid build, you are were you belong
>Bed intruder
>Were looking for you
>We gonn find you
>Was (probably) never found
idk i just spent like 2 minutes typing various messages to you but the ultimate synopsis is you are disgustingly bad stick to nautilus
yea man with statikk I go 1v9 pew pew insane damage for sure (0 procs in teamfights) (0 utility because we are turtling all game because we are 10k gold behind at 15 mins thanks to our toplane)
dogshit take by a dogshit player
Why would you wanna talk to random retards on the internet?
Just use omegle or some shit.
It is dead.
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you cant itemize correctly
you have heal instead of barrier
you went even in a fucking lane that had gragas support in it
youre trash man dont play her, ezreal shouldnt even be playing the lane after lvl 3 yet he went even with you
No fucking way, since when? What happened?
cool blog dont care
I hope my lolg crush talks to me today...
Nice winrate
now go switch your diaper you smell like shit
dont forget to complain about emerald tomorrow ok
ready to play??
90% winrate when my team is trying
don't care still
neither gods nor phreak nor men could ever compel me to vocally communicate with the animals that play this game
reminder for every time this topic gets brought up
What makes a champion “unbalanceable?”
try not building 14.whatever kraken rush on kaisa and maybe youll get out of low emerald next time
if they ask me to play...
guys who is a bigger faggot nigger blackedposter or endless losersq
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The explanation is in the website. But tldr probably cases of bad actors using it to pursue abuse, grooming, human trafficking, etc eventually mounting multiple lawsuits on the website.
no matter who you compare it to it the spammer will always be worse
any other answer makes you a bbcspammer apologist unironically
thanks, try looking at the pic before backseating irontard
Is Mordekaiser completely op?
>kill him twice
>post level 6 he walks over me even without ult
gl anon
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Hi, I'm Anon, and I'm happily married to Soraka. My cute wife.
*Show them pictures of Soraka and I, so they understand that I'm taken."
*Processed to get the project done on time with no hic-ups of any kind*
Kindly refuse to celebrate with them after finishing the project, so I can fuck the shit out of my wife.
I make more in a day than you make in a month.
But the family thing is not happening, eww
I am not roleplaying
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ah so you are admitting to either having rushed GUINSOOS OR FUCKING NASHORS on kaisa kekd a bit desu(desu)
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I wonder if cocklover anon used omegle given the amount of cocks you could see there
are you atleast 30 or over?
whats your salary sis?
cool see you in plat this weekend
ritual posting trying to summon him
none of those are ritual posts
bring up a topic they are bound to respond to!
Like unironically, what are you supposed to do against morde post level 6?
Back then I'd tell you to get QSS but now that it's gone.. well I just don't play top.
don't use words you don't know the meaning of
you are honestly the most disgusting poster in this general endlesslosersq every single screen you post is cringe I guarantee if you added me and we duo bot(mained adc for 10 seasons) I could spend 20 minutes explaining all the ways you fucking grief the game and especially lane(how you can lose lane on NAUTILUS is beyond me) but its ok hf in s14 emerald I queue adc one in 10 games and step on cockroaches like you in my forfun first time aphelios games
I'll pass hope u have fun there bro
no, I am telling you to look at the pic and use your brain for one nanosec to realise that statikk wouldn't be better there
drama alert!!!
lmao newfag
desu my favorite kaisa build will always be manamune guinsoos I have never felt like she needed the onetap the wave potential from shiv regardless of the stats
whats the matter, draven main cant play anything but draven?
its ok that little ego of yours getting annihilated is the most fun to watch
have fun in plat loser
who? what the fuck is going on
how do I get to the next step with my lolg?
EUTARDS love protecting their kind
Take e and slim down. Keep exercising but focus on aerobics and stretching rather than trying to build mass and definition.
u wanna duo endlessloserq? I have eu acc
na down 5
#3197 will play on 170 ping and still fist
I love kaisasissy
Is endless and brokenheart the same person
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Oh hey, Store is up and still no Kog!
>Rod of Ages
>Lyandri's Torment
>Unending Despair
>MR item
what do we think about this build
Season 10 was a mistake
bitch I spent 6 years of my life hitting 200 lbs muscle mass at 5'7 I'd have to reroll respawn on a fresh wipe server to go for a different build now
>newfag uses words they don't know
>gets called out
>doubles down on being retarded
I'm not even EU
No but seriously though, is there a way to beat Morde without straight up banning him?
>kill him twice
>take two plates off tower
>level 6 he all ins me and I die

what the fuck
i created that word i can use it however i want
you fit in here tho bet
Why does the my shop have champs the person doesn't even play?
I wonder if you can animation cancel his ult before the other world is summoned or spell shield off his ult with fiora.
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im thinking coven nami is the buy here...are any of these other ones good?
Actually I was up 3 kills, 1.5k gold and he still fucking 1v1d me
just coven nami, the rest are shit
be my girlfriend?
oh yeah well I'm hiroshimoot and I can permaban you
janna skin is goated but its a shit discount
You don’t need Rod unless you are in a lane and it makes your early game really weak
yeah if only it was 50% off :(
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I finally got a good Your Shop after not buying anything from it for years. Still thinking about Sona and/or Sera...
god my shop is so shit I barely even touched these champs and even then they are the shittiest skins for each
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I’m Quitting League of Legends (ADDICTED)
woa u got nice discounts
the immortal journey sona looks rly cute imo
adcs items getting GUTTED soon lmao
Can Kled carry games?

I'm sick of winning games of champions only to get dogged on end game.
Karma skin was -50% and I wanted it ever since it came out really, so it was a nice surprise... c:
What a sissy
good adcs dont deserve to be strong pre 30 minutes
is that the skin with the wings if im not mistaken? saw it once...it looked so cool
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Victory awaits
i havent played in 6 years but i have come back for some deranged reason

recommend me some viable & fun junglers very thank u. i am thinking of kindred. my old favorite was vi

also does this game have demo mode yet like dota 2? i guess not because they don't want people to actually test heroes before they buy them
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ah bummer I really wanted the new Xayah skin on there but that ones alright
Spare yourself the mental pain and do not play this shit game again
>also does this game have demo mode yet like dota 2?
no, but there's a "free to play" rotation of diff champs you can play everyday
Yes yes, very pretty fairy with wings, can't wait to play with it, hihi c:
no, I have 5 champs that I'm better on that draven what the fuck are you saying
I don't have an ego and if anything your insecure screeching is giving me one
>masterwork chest contains nothing but orange essence
Diana is good
Vi is not unless you are high elo
Xin is decent and similar
i usually play it and dominate with my dota carry over skill and then as soon as it starts putting me into sweaty lobbies i quit for the next several years again
SG Xayah is really good.
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reminder that Nami is cute
bro i got the 2 masterwork chests from the pass and got the orange essence and a fucking emote
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How do I climb out of Iron 4 0LP?
shes a fucking fish you freak
I cannot connect into my swarm games.... RIOT??/
nice, have fun with it!!
but anima squad has a cute hat and the admiral aesthetic they only use on victorious wild rift skins
>Play Aram
>Flash e as Trist ignoring teamfight
>Almost closing the game by 100hp in Nexus
>Enemies fighting behind me notice too late
>Enemies type gg
>Inhib spawns
>Die because I locked myself in
>Lol btfo Trist
>1D 9H
when you're at 9D 1H you should be getting there
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>dmed a content creator
>they actually responded
Plug in your keyboard
Click attack on the enemy until they die
Farm minion, singular
Buy items
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Anon please
If youre on EUW i can help you
do Trundle tops have a rock for a brain?
what was the dm about
You think I am joking but I am not
whether she'd be willing to peg me for 8k a night
Hey do what you want but SG Xayah is in a short SHORT skirt...
wholesome simple champion runs at you and autos you to death haha REDDIT GOLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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There's more fish now.
people really think this and then seethe about Briar
You can sell your account for like 100 dollars and start another for free
no i meant in their macro awareness
why are you trans?
Lets be honest this general is so dead all of you who post even semi regularly are r/leagueoflegends frequenters dont deny how addicted you are to this game
There is no macro below diamond
It got buffed and I think is getting buffed again
I'd rather not, it has some of my favourite skins like xmas Katarina
The only subreddit I visit with something even remotely close to frequency is the one for my main
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yeah, butt it's not enough
why did you censor the number as if we wouldn't know it's 60-something
I only made a reddit to check out the art community and I use it so little I forget I even have it
except for those times anons will link a riot employee talking over there
Even the goychest is a scam... it's so over
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why am I back in bronze 3...
Post your opgg
post your feet (instead of opgg)
r/leagueoflegends sucks ass. its always just esports shit
Sorry but there's too much insane BBC posting for me to share my account
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not bad
smolder and his hoes
most niggerlicious yourshop I've ever witnessed
another shop where riot gives me absolutely nothing id ever buy
i mean seriously i havent played yone in like 3+ months
be my gf?
Star Guardian Kaisa is the only good option i see here
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i forgot to attach the pic again..
ive picked sion twice EVER
what does your number of games have to do with getting doxxed
(Kassadin): dont pick zyra
npc: i'll pick zyra
: ti's my main
: so
: ^^'
: u can disco nunu
: isn't my problem
: bah baise ta mere
(Kassadin -> Nunu): bro typed a whole paragraph just because someone said dont pick zyra
: i just told ya
why are you trans?
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You're welcome for the healing, team :)
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Hop in the erp bush, nonny!
We're discussing armpits.
what are you talking about
didn't need it bitch
champs to get a gf bros?
Yeah, players gonna abuse that shit
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(you will quit the game and go outside)
I don't even hate the idea of having emotes in the game I just think 99% of them are designed to look retarded and incomprehensible just for the sake of diluting the loot pool
*picks zyra*
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So wait, what if Soraka... but is a fish too?
About to finish my last placement
Will I end up in plat 4 or gold 1
yea I did that's why that frog lost his shit and locked in ezreal support
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the only good emote
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i too would troll your game if you trollpicked my main away from me because of your monkey ego
cool story bro very L9 of you
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The game loves to screw you over weapon levels imo. In multiplayer i started taking "whatever i guess" weapons for the last 2 slot because the luxury of saving at least 5 cards for evolution is impossible with the ADHD teammates. So might as well take weapons/weapon levels when the game graces with one instead of the usual "3 brand new passives fucker".
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how would that be even possible?
How do I prove to /lolg/ that I am an actual biological woman?
i'm posting from the shower
sup lolgee
>trying to prove that you are a woman in the first place
gtfo tranny
post your bbc folder
L9 more like F12 if you pick up what I'm putting down
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You shouldn't really need to.
how does this even make sense lol? most trannys will avoid the topic
girls pronounce my name with a long y like you're supposed to but the guys always pronounce it like an i when they see it i hate men
Atleast you shower.
I'm imagining Jhin with Nami in the shower pic or something similar.
Just played Sylas in arena and now my hand kinda hurts from the button mashing
>evolved Aurora's hex
>objective didnt complete
ty riot very cool
why the need?
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I'll reach silver by the end of summer...
if the creator wasnt behind that then you are wasting our time
>play aram
>2 afks
>1 of them comes back but pings 400 ping
>the other afks for 15 more minutes
>they don't remake or surr
>they actually try to 3v5 thinking they'll make it
>ask if they're 3-4 premades
>no response
>still lose
>guy still afks
no they don't, you disgusting troon
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Instead of GoatRaka... it'll be FishRaka.
>They honored me
why?? what..
you ever just think about advertising for your advice and being paid by others for it?
trannies literally cannot stop telling people they are a woman
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did I ever mention how ANNOYING ashe is to play against?
>perma slowed for free if I try to fight her in lane
>gets to track me for free when I'm jungling
Because people keep calling me a tranny despite not being one.
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now I'm tempted to see it
There is no point trying to prove the truth unless it's math.
if people keep telling you that you are a tranny based on your anonymous posts, then you are one
if it bothers you, then you are one
if you make posts like that, then you are one
>theres at least 1 shitlord that thinks hes the main character and will take cards when he likes it
Literally me bny the way.
This game hella weird today man like the players are playing like they don't value their time at all, the type of people that just accept their fate and torment, like they don't got anything to lose.
holy newfags
youre supposed to as for tits with timestamp
go back to r*ddit
is this who I think it is…
I google boobs and get a billion results.
I don't fucking understand matchmaking in this piece of nigger shit game anymore, I sign up RUMBLE TOP and since I got nothing else other than darius game gave me for free I sign up as jungle darius as well then press play button and game says I'm support rumble (???) then I go top and no one cares
How do you win this game?
just transition, twice if necessary, to fit in
problem solved
Rank 1
If you want to 100% it then rank 1 in every server
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Post you're shop.
Splitpooooshing if you're a solo player.
The typical go to picks are Tryndamere top or Trista bot, wild card is jungle because of rift and towers still being pve I guess.
Beats to convince people to transition to
Neeko has a 0.67% winrate, she is the 2nd least picked champion in the whole roster of 150+ champions.
They'll either call you a tranny or a fat bald white male so ehh
Mmmmm… fish…
start flaming and tilt them in game
if it is enemy you can easily tilt and bait them into inting or throwing
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SB Soraka is alright. But The White Chrome is pretty nice.

It maybe on the list.
everyone being called the same thing should appeal to you since this is an anonymous site

it's kinda crazy because her passive was adjusted to being crazy annoying, you'd think people'd pick her more just to be a female shaco with a timebomb
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I got the Qiyana skin I wanted... but at the worst sale possible... the monkey paw curls...
i like the green one, looks like night elf from warcraft with the nature aesthetic and purple skin with the green hair. their racial home is quite japanese looking too or atleast the roofs.
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I'll try to draw one myself
That's a compliment, sweaty

I want to go back...
>fish raka
so how would that work, would she have a fish tail or two human legs but scaled? or tentacles? or jellyfish ball gown? ears are fins of course.
>"I give up" because he got solo killed twice
>Game is totally winable
>"Who tf even are you"
>"I dont care if you report me i have a million other accounts"
>"I dont care if we lose"

I'm literally all of these (usually in different matches)

those were comfy times and the client actually worked (if you ever had problems it was because your internet was shit instead of whatever posesses it thesedays).
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I hate the soul-crushing feeling of being absurdly fed and slowly bleeding out because the enemies have two absurdly fed champions, one of which has a Yuumi.
At least I did good, it is what it is.
stupid cheeky brat
needs… correction…
This theme actually gave me huge ladder anxiety back then
I was always shaking and felt like I had to take a shit
guilty of "i give up" though there are many causes
im also optimistic sometimes and reject surr votes
too many things contribute to the feel
kali shmexo
>and the client actually worked
it didn't, retarded nigger
yeah met a lot of people who had to go pee during loading screens so the feelings the same lol

better than now >:
actually so fucking retarded that troons often listen to eurobeat dnb kinda spammy ass aids music and then turn around be like

>"mm look at me I'm so girly in my pink dress and pink socks"
like bitch go listen to kali uchis or clairo or some other girl shit
>4 Darius perma skins without owning him

What means this
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Does Riot still give you the missing RP for a skin if you send them a drawing?
I want to get a chroma, but I short of 4 (FOUR) RP (RITO POINTS).

Should I bother drawing an artpiece on MS Paint and send it?
yeah they should

I don't think mspaint works tho they had me draw soraka on paper and take a selfie with it
I just opened 2 hextech chests and 2 keys in a row off a single chest, what are the odds?
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bros I bought kraken on kai'sa I literally trolled my game?
now I see that I could've let my 10k dmg dealing topside carry me by buying statik, I'm so sorry bros kraken is so bad with onhit kai'sa:(
sweet, what's the max they give you?
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How the model viewer going?

Yeah it does look pretty good. Someone needs to give her a bow.
like 10 I think? you broke ass bitch what are you gonna do farm rp on the regular if they gave out more??
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i got the worst your shop in lolgee
calm down I'm just curious
not angy rn
>Music is bound to gender
Are you mentally ill?
I like fast music because I'm a mdma and speed addict, lol
Wow, your shop suck Anon.
soraka is a priest, she fits.
>mdma and speed addict
probably also the reason you're a hypersexual tranny
anons like to make everything about race/region/gender even if it doesn't make sense
A Gwen Player
Her scissors symbolizes your manhood being snipped off
Yeah that does suck.
they dont give much, only if you're just a little short of buying the thing you want.
cant use it to farm skins 20 rp at a time
i would let gwen do cbt to me
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Yeah, I like to have fun, you've got a problem with that, chud?
Are you less bored of lolg now compared to earlier?
Wow anon this is really good
I have this pic on me and I use it for the OP time to time lol, eternally a good laugh.
>you've got a problem with that, chud?
not really tbqfh I'd love to pop some x with a /lolg/ troon (if we weren't continents away from each other)
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>4 game win streak
>top of plat 1, +28 lp
>promoted to emerald 4, +23 lp
>next game, + 22 lp
>next, +21 lp...
Wtf is this garbage algorithm, if I have a 60% win rate overall and am continually beating people at my rank I should get MORE lp, not less literally every game. Is the only path to diamond to have an ungodly win streak when it inevitably gives +10?
Wukong mantheon going suave as hell
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You guys think you have shitty shops?

wtf based ;p

no lol I haven't cared about Legal Legend for a few years, I play the game when I'm HYPER stressed and need to NOT THINK for an hour or two, it's so mindnumbingly boring that it chills me out.
>ban garen
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euw chads are shitting on me so far ngl I was somehow performing way better in na with 100 ms more lag
If you want more.
Imagine my shock of reinstalling and finding out how busted he is, what the fuck happened?
Oh I meant like bored on lolg based on this >>487438843, are you less bored now? Unless you meant the game all this time.
All of the “simple” champions just get mega stat buffs when their winrate gets lowered.
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What the hell is "Classic"? This is the first ever time I'm seeing this
Classic season 1 League of Legends.
I am trash at the game league of legends
i wish classic lol was a thing
Oh lol nah, dunno loligee just doesn't hit the same anymore, prolly the reason I stopped coming here.

oh bee tee dubs if you ever come to exit, hit me up.
Garen is an assassin but always tanky as fuck I never underestimate his movement speed, sustain and damage.
That's the plan, yaah
Any EUWchad wanna play a few norms right about... now?
Him >>487475454
I have only 2 arams in me
>support types "ff15 team diff" at 1:20
>surprised when i start inting
I know that feeling
May he type his IGN...

Arams make me want to kill myself, actually just might be enough to push me over the edge. I'd rather not...
next time you leave
don't ever come back
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why is it that all lolg girls are sweet and desirable on the surface, but beyond their cute demeanor they hide a sad and toxic, almost repulsive side.
why cant you just be my fantasy
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I love you nonny
accurate to irl, but they are repulsive in person off the bat
>You will never have fun again
where do you think we are.jepg
Oh I see. You're sad that you can't switch on a whim. Yeah everyone feels that. We all want to fuck and get fucked. But we just don't have that tech yet.
I'm always insanely jealous of those naturally androgynous people who can switch looks every couple of years back and forth. Like 2 years fem 2 years masc. And they make it look so easy.
Sex! You owe me sex!
Soraka does have a priest skin, and I feel like I'm the only one who uses it.
such as?
damn you are being cringe as fuck today swift
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I don't think I do, but have you tried jerking off?
Do you actually think anyone here knows about it?
Jerking off doesn't fill the void...
too many luxposters
please use different champs to avatarfag
God no, but an invitation is an invitation.
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soz. what if I use seraphine?

maybe try hiring a prostitute idk
Am I allowed to avatarfag as a male champ?
Will you be my prostitute?
I wouldn't risk it.
did you not see the anons already doing that?
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can you afford it? i charge like $5000 per hour, anon
>opponents have empty bot
>we still lose all our dragons
>bot tower still doesn't go down
Can I hire you as a Janny then?
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The darkin lives within me..
RIP Rhaast...
Which skin should I get?
>gay thresh
>gay xerath
>nautilus 2
>racist kindred
>cheesed to meet you (20%??? what a steal!!!)
>gay milio
It's really hard to choose!
>t. won't prove worthy
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i just got chills
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This guy is really good for a player who just joined league. WP my friend, some really do learn fast
It's not every day you see a level 7 jungle player with 10 cs pm
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>kayn eboy
Cheesed to meet you twitch is pretty good
ANY skin that makes non human thing look human is cringe so the first two are out by default
I will have sex with all support mains, especially Sona players.
i sent you a fr
I did it!
>stuck in an actual unwinnable game
>no one wants to ff
good job cutie
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I love Seraphine
not looking good lmao
bash every mage support nigger in the head repeatedly
If by "bash" you mean "praise, pet and cuddle" then sure.

nobody likes you in lane
that's ok, I'm aiming to be a menace so that means it's working
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how do i play confidently in lane instead of being a pussy while also avoiding jungle ganks
i really dont get it
just make sure its a good def
>ally jungle kp at 10 minutes: 1 (one) out of 7
>enemy jungle kp at 10 minutes: 8 out of 16
Azakana finally avatar fagging?
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>only 30% off on Yone
should i still
I changed my mind. I won't be raping the support mains. I will be having sweet, passionate, consensual sex with them.
How do I (as a jungler) convince my lanes not to feed and not perma push so I can help them gank? Every game we lose at least 2/3 lanes and I fall behind on enemy jungler because I died trying to help them.
from based to trash in an instant
>I died trying to help them
stop helping them idiot
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IGN IS mantheon but 170#GORIL
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Spent another day alone? :D jajajajaj depressed losers

Methmaker BBI irelia pilled!
Nicenice welcome to the cult sister

Stfu retard + weird to name your hand support mains but ok xD
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I have the exact same problem, my solution was to pick a champion with the most oppressive and overpowered laning phase.

Am I retarded?
not true
theyre all pretty cool they just dont want a relationship with you
if youre looking for friends who happen to be girls there ya go anything else and kick rocks
her concept art was much more interesting desu
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Finally free tonight
do I play some aram or hatefap to the blkdposters in the archives of this general
I used to like you but you turned away from the actual fetish of it and you just insult people now. You don't even respond to anons who play along with you. You were based but you've become unbased now.
Is this the raka cosplayer
may I see the full picture please, qkm?
fucking retard
We have an afk
Our team ffs against my will as Im getting an another solo top
And I lose lp
I lose lp when I voted no when I have an afk
I deserve to lose lp for that and worsen my mmr
Thank you riot
>see jungler on the other side of the map
>play aggresive knowing they cant gank you
its just that simple
this is entirely uninteresting
ward enemy raptors at 1:10 so you know if he starts top or bot
if he starts top he might gank you at around 2:50 if he is an early game champ
if he starts bot he might gank you at around 3:30
after his first clear he will probably do the same path (e.g. top to bot) so that should give you another 2 minutes of information about where he is
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no what
oh you are here, ig I dont have to go to the archives. Can I please unironically send you money, posting fuel or do edits for you now
any ADCs looking for a beefy tank support player to carry and shoot the shit? Discord is Spearpunkturtle. I am black and very open minded. Be nice, chill, or hot I guess
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idk, seems like a good idea, my main is supposed to be pretty dominant vs some lanes, but i can never materialize it
i think i'm physically unable to pay attention to the minimap or something
on another note, i hate when my friends pretend i'm good at the game for being diamond, i'm fucking awful
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Why do I only have fun with pre-2012 champions?
Good night, loligee

It’s definitely the champ, not you. In heckin Gemerald no less.
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balding []
low test [X]
white [X]
5 inch "penis" [X]
skinny fat/fat []
virgin [X]
manlet [X]
moms house []
closer to 30 than 20 []
depressed [X]
low elo []
no friends [X]
rope soon [?]
this nigga for real?
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Look into the future

you have a right to your opinion even if it's wrong
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I'm sorry anon, I have no idea where it is. It's not on my PC and I can't seem to find it in my usual boorus...

Nice taste. Good night...
Have you considered dodging his skillshots and perhaps even pressing some of your own abilities on him and perhaps even igniting him?
what do you mean? yes it's the champ why I think the champ is not great
the main reason why we lost was my 10k dmg topside if that's what you mean. when my team tries to win I can 1v9 with ad yuumi but that wasn't really the point of my post
maybe stick to something more braindead like naut and leave the caryring to someone else
>haven’t lost lane to a yone top since the LT nerfs
I want to feel bad for the windshitters but I just can’t
kai'sa is way more braindead than naut but thanks for your shitlow input
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You can flame me, Anon, it's okay. I'll support you no matter what! Even if you need to let off some steam by calling me a disabled cancer patient.
ranged vs melee
ganked twice
down gold
down cs
get a solo anyway
doesnt matter as they outscaled from the gold
cant go any other lane either
its just so wonderful
do nothing and wait for you team, that is the counterplay
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Only replying to myself because you are all parasite cancers

I know you are
would you let me spit in your mouth to relieve stress?
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Gotta go bed before i get Ezreal-19 (new covid variation)
Challenge for tomorrow: go outside (failed)

Are you here tomorrow? I wanna ask you something
disgusting adcs need to learn their place instead. until their mommy returns from work we are their babysitters who make them go to naptime
that's why your winrate looks like that in emerald you mongoloid
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ok i got my nut does anyone wanna play rn euw
Um... if that would help support you, I guess so!
i'm sorry raka, i didnt want to be like this but years of soloq torture have burnt away my humanity and turned me into a soulless machine, only good for killing (in game) and tearing down others. thanks for sticking with me regardless.
why are so many anons angry with this guy
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>Are you here tomorrow? I wanna ask you something
probably yes
you gonna swallow?
I'm gonna wind down by trying new things in quickplay. suggest a midlaner and adc to put in my positions for me?
It's okay, Anon. It's completely understandable, this game is hard! But I'll always be here for you.

Um.. d-do I need to? If you want me to, I can.
syndra and xayah
Jungle is too hard to play. I give up. I'm going back to bot or mid lane forever. Fuck top. Fuck jungle. Cancer roles.
of course what else are you gonna do with it? dont mind if I grope you too I lose my stress ball so youll have to do
beta males are very insecure
I get flamed too
What do you want me to do?
Enemy bot is fed, cant go there
Enemy mid is fed, cant go there
I cant match aurora either because I deal no damage, no fucking damage even though I catch her in my engage 100/100 times it doesnt matter because I dont have the damage, I never had the damage except for 1 single solo kill.
Viego ganks me, while the wave is at MY turret 3 times. I dont die but it makes the situation even worse. You dont go top even once as I get pushed in in a matchup where I cant farm or fight because they deal too much damage and I deal too little and you expect me to win. I am polite, I explain it for once in my life without insults. I simply say that I cant play and that I am not angry but they need to understand that. But they dont and I am useless all game, strangled in the crib.
I cant farm, only soak exp and I have to sack wave after wave after wave and I can never even once push it because Viego came running in to save the day
Well played you fucking pedophile, but dont pretend there is any skill in the laning, only the jungle macro
This but unironically.
there are even riot devs lurking here everyday
Do you solemnly swear to never call jungle diff again?
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The discount is so low lol... and fugly skins..
If it helps you relax, I'll let you use me like your stress ball, Anon! B-But do you have to grope me there..?
It's just so aids because I want to play fun champs but I have to vs cancer like WW and gragas in jungle. Like, fuck off and play something fun. Please.
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theyre the squishiest, if you prefer from behind thats alright too
>Make Riven unplayable
>But buff Garen, Renekton and Darius
no chance the spammer could resist this thread lol
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Sure, send IGN...
because playing against Zed and Caitlyn is so much fun. right
bimbo seraphine kissing my cock with her bimbo lips...
jg is so unplayable when your team won't rotate as 3 people gangrape you in your jungle and take all the camps
I've decided I'm just going to play what I want to play in ranked and not care about team comp or counterpicking. I'm not dealing with the mental stress of having to sweat in league. Time to for-fun only.
erp has entered the chat
not the heckin skilled champion...
my winrate is 90% when my team tries to win
I think I just missed every single cannon minion before the 20-minute mark...
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Why does Reddit insist that Hecarim is unplayable trash that needs buffs? Pickrate seems healthy
if you are poking and actively doing things instead of hiding on bush all game, you get all my pets and cuddles
I'm the batman of losersq
Hes part of the cancer that killed league. People whose only personalty is grinding ranked every day just to be stuck in same rank then buy 50 other accounts to smurf, get them banned because their support accidentally stole a minion and then repeat the process. Biggest subhuman part of the playerbase actually
insane projection in this post, I've less ranked games this split than the majority of the thread and I'm never run it down
I am the victim of trolls, so ofcourse I'm against it
this post is spreading harmful misinformation
>Lunar Beast Aphelios and Star Guardian Kai'Sa at 50% off
yay or nay?
the kai'sa skin is ok but iG kai'sa is better
>People whose only personalty is grinding ranked every day just to be stuck in same rank
he's literally me frfr
post ign
Riiiiight its always the trolls, the autofills, the off meta picks, the "draft diff" (ignore that its emerald), the egirl support never me though im the best
12 games today
8 losses
k/da kai'sa moggs all her other skins
10th place struggled
10th place struggled
10th place struggled
misplays, counters, ganks, and more misplays
then trapped for 40 minutes
what am I learning? am I having fun?
I make mistakes and am then forced to wallow in my shit for 40 minutes. Yeah, I get that I played bad I am not delusional so let me go next to practice more
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idk bro but your retarded rambling is not really relevant to that post
if I experience the majority of my losses to be caused by trolls (which I clearly do according to my posts), then it wouldn't make any sense for me to think that trolling is le good
you seem to be a bit iq gapped homie, not a good look
Better keep playing!

niggalow language
real talk from #1 kai'sa enjoyer. Star Guardian is the worst because it takes away her appeal and makes her a fuckin fairy. She's not Seraphine.

iG Kaisa is reddit's #1 chosen (fact check it!) and if that's not enough, go ahead and preview it in modelviewer to see how trash it is. I dont know why ppl like it so much (pay 2 win skin?)

Heavenscale needs a chroma to not make your eyes bleed while you play and Lagoon Dragon is surprisingly good (seriously) in terms of vfx and sfx.

1st skin purchase was KD/A and I dont regret it at all after getting all the above mentioned skins (except for star guardian being in my shop for the 2nd time this year).
ä and ö are hitlerlow
ä and ö are scholarhigh
hey Janna players, if you walk past my minion wave and try to trade with me your shield is not going to help when you take damage from me my support and all our minions
the fact that you pulled off the simple trade into nado and run away combo you no doubt practiced hundreds of times in the practice tool does not change the fact that you lost that trade horribly and now your adc is getting zoned
more to the point why does every single janna player do this
its like the game wants to break me
5th loss straight, 9 of the night and I AM SPAMGANKED BY IVERN AND ROAMING QUINN MID
k/da isn't even a top 3 kai'sa skin stop guzzling the koolaid, george washington laquisha miguel les santos del mundi
hold kjeft ditt jævla bög
>my diamond and emerald friends consistently leaving laning phase with shit like 0/2 in iron
admittedly they're going against other smurfs half the time but still
the true shitterkino games are in mid-low bronze
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Can't use any other skin on Kai'Sa except K/DA. It's her hottest one.
ok did 2 syndra games. went 1/7 the first one and 6/6/6 on second one. also holy hell the quality of games in quickplay is awful
How do I stop gigatilting when i solodie once and mentally check out of the game?
I want to be KDA Kaisa
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I love Lissandra!
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All the music group skins just have superior SFX which makes gameplay more satisfying (especially the sounds in her passive), whereas the model you hardly ever look at.
play a scaling champ to have a peace of mind
Riot refuses to advance my mastery quest because I am too powerful. I have gotten 3 S ranks but it always stays at one of 3. CURSE YOU RIOT
what would you do if you were kda kaisa?
it's called omnivamp now stop using her deadname, chud
go clothes shopping and try out lots of cute outfits
drain all of lolg
kill myself
press Q and go PINGPINGPINGPING and then auto auto auto to go POW
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so how do I break it?
my lolg crush hasnt been here for a week...I think its over...
just got my shit carried hard by a diana ngl
what do in a situation when you jungle and top is a fucking useless dog who sucks cocks 1v1 and cries about not getting ganks from me and when i come he does jack shit
play for your winning lane and get drakes, also mute your toplaner
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the game quality in masters is very poor. Leona and Ezreal started inting each other. I feel like there is no point to climb further when every game is like this.
>top feeds his laner
>his laner can now 1v2
>pings me to save his doomed lane
>if I go we both die and lose, if I don't he'll soft int till we lose
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I'm going to flame you for your sub 20% wr you stupid goat.
does anyone have a cheat sheet for stuff like where TPs land at and stuff like katas skills?
lolg try not to stalk someone's profile for 5 minutes challenge- impossible
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yeah i'm thinking Smolder is my champ
music might be a bit loud
i got roamed on 4 times before 14 minutes by enemy mid
enemy jungle ganked 3 times
I am not at their tower or even pushing :)
Who were you playing?
don't you love when your 4 other players exert so little map presence that the enemy can't find something to do :^)
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There are plenty of posters here that show igns. Don't be an annoying faggot and you'll be fine.
"accidentally" spill water on Sona's shirt
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7 losses straight, 3 of them 4 man 15 minute ffs
Will I win this next one?
how to build darius? i'm either 0 dmg or 0 hp nice game
he's got everything
his tankiness outplays adcs
his tenacity outplays mages
his silence outplays assassins
his splitpush power outplays tanks
his damage outplays fighters
nah i'm out
Woo!! Look at him go! Nantochadku!!
my legs and wrist hurts but gotta end on a win you know
i wonder how bad it must feel to play an early game lanebully adc and lose lane to smolder anyway and then have to play out the rest of the game knowing that no matter what that little tiny dragon will gap you and the gap will only get wider
if a lanebully loses lane to a lategame champ their loss is deserved
gotta end on a loss you know ehehehehehehehehehe
You're smolder lover now
what rank? im diamond on main and emerald on smurf and in need of a non woman support player
and they will all glow with no new news every 5 minutes
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how would kaisa murder you?
>get counterpicked mid
>win anyways
>bot lane goes 0/6
>top lane getting chain ganked goes 0/5
>jungle picked an assassin and is voiding gold left and right doing 0 objectives
>mid game fights are a shitty mess of me deleting 1-2 people before dying and watching the rest of my team lose while doing absolutely nothing
>enemy mid that started the game 0/4 ends the game 9/5 and writes "mid diff" after i finally force an ff
this is legit the most dogshit experience possible and it happens like 50% of the time.
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>keep all chat turned off
>mute emotes
>only turn on all chat at the end to talk shit (if i win)
that rakafag got me rock hard and disappeared without finishing the job
this is why support players are scum
goodjob anon
not raka anon but I can help you out, Im an adc player so I know how to play for late :)
By suffocating me with her fat, sweaty ass.
no I need an eager submissive support
another loss on every front
Well good thing support is so easy, try my bratty janna
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need cuddles rn
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Sorry Anon! Here, use me to relieve that tension!
10/0 score
What does it matter at this point?
I could play yuumi mid with ghost cleanse at this point
i will now play your champ
15 to 5 score
hop on league
"And that concludes our presentation of the health benefits of polyamorous relationships. Now onto the practical session."
21 to 11
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I love my mommy
swarm is pretty fun, any games that are better and are similar? thanks
vampire survivors according to that one anon who refuses to shut the fuck up about it
on a 3 game loss streak, do I keep playing, or give up and go write more of my gay fanfiction
a real gambler never quits while he's losing
(a real gambler never quits while he's winning either)
im not a real gambler, im a poser, a fraud, a fake even
remember being able to op.gg in champ select
>"Dude i've been dodged like 10 times in a row and idk why it's crazy!"
shitters were practically softbanned from ranked and it was beautiful
The body commands and it listens, the body commands and yet it disobeys.
10th loss in a row, most of them with me in the 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th slot etc
So when will my mmr get adjusted?
I want Swain to treat me like both a princess and a slave. Champs for this feel?
I queue up to lose
You're gonna have to win it back.
Stop doing that and start making a new thread.
Why are people leaving in normals
Better question why isnt leaving games an instant perma
Its such a massive waste of time to be in a game only for someone to just leave
I can't do bot games to complete the missions anymore?
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lol that wasn't even me.

Hmmm, I think I'm in the wrong meeting.
its norms who cares
The missions state of it needs to be done in PvP maps, sr, etc in the description typically. So yeah bots have been excluded from pretty much most missions thesedays.
its a massive waste of time and by far the worst way to lose a game regardless of mode
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just finished up my 11 hour seal clubbing session time to go bed smiling.
It said matchmade so I thought they still counted. I'm just trying to do the free missions
new thread wen?
we get it, you're gay

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