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thread died while I was asleep edition
Last thread: >>485888394

>Commercial games for Linux

>Libre games, source ports

>Stuff for running Windows games
Wine (mostly used via Proton, Lutris, etc.): https://www.winehq.org/
Proton (comes with Steam): https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton
ProtonUp-Qt (installer for custom Proton builds): https://github.com/DavidoTek/ProtonUp-Qt
Bottles (Wine frontend): https://github.com/bottlesdevs/Bottles
Lutris (Wine frontend and game launcher): https://lutris.net/

>Other (non-Proton) compatibility tools for Steam
Steam Tinker Launch: https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch
Boxtron (for native DOSBox): https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron
Roberta (for native ScummVM): https://github.com/dreamer/roberta
Luxtorpeda (for other native engines): https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda

>Unofficial launchers for platforms lacking proper Linux support
LGOGDownloader (GOG) (CLI only): https://github.com/Sude-/lgogdownloader
Minigalaxy (GOG): https://github.com/sharkwouter/minigalaxy
Legendary (EGS) (CLI only): https://github.com/derrod/legendary
Rare (EGS): https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare
Heroic (EGS, GOG, Amazon): https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

>Other cool things

>Linux on other boards
its over cachyos bros... we lost....
BTFO Cachyshills, eos masterrace reporting in
NOOOO we lost the last one...
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So rude...
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Not on my watch
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cinematic 12fps (only because of screenshot, 24fps in game)
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Get fucked
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>RAM 14 GiB
I guess game were larger back then?
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Me and the boys
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This time I picked a proper observing spot.
Well, that's it for Act I. This game is better than Starlance, I wish I would've found it out sooner.
Linux users are the vegans of the PC world.
imagine beeing at computers...
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>quad-core ThinkPad W520
Using a hunk of hardware that needs something like MX Linux or Debian with something meant for more systems seems a bit brain dead
*more modern
>seeks out threads about a thing just to try to shame people who partake in the thing
>compares those other people to vegans
Are you sure this analogy isn't backwards?
doesn't cachyos provide v1 packages with lto enabled? looked like his issue was that there was no nvidia driver, which if arch doesn't have in it's main repos then he would have to search the aur anyways.
>You lost, chuds
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of course, the one and only, one of my favorite games from childhood
I had bunch of shit open in the background
also, thats freespace right? did it always look that good or is it some kind of mod?
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coop bump
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sunbros bump
Did you play the neverhood's devs new game? It was a kick starter from what I remember.
>made by same people
>music is great
>is actually on gog
>linux native
>just 2euro
oh neat, I'll buy it... wait
>gog version is missing latest patch
>game is apparently far worse than Neverhood
>also buggy as hell
I'm still considering it, but it doesn't seem all that great
>gog version is missing latest patch
Many such cases, apparently.
You could tell the developer you're waiting for that patch to hit GOG before buying their game. It might not be enough to make them fix it, but at least they'll know (or, if you give in and buy anyway, perhaps believe) that their behavior lost them a sale.
>did it always look that good or is it some kind of mod?
That's Freespace 2 Open with MediaVP modpack
thanks, I'll look into it when I'm in mood for a game like that
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Huh, this game's also has medal case. I guess Starlancer was just a shittier copy of the Freespace 2 all along.
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I'm but a simple asteroid destroyer!
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Nothing personal
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surprise buttsex
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>we're deploying reinforcements now!
Do I look like I need reinforcements?
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Lmao, if you start wiping them out before they figure you out during cutscene they won't give a shit.
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Thank you, Zeta wing!
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I was thinking that Linux gaming became a thing only when DXVK was made, but I was wrong. There are plenty of native Linux games and the one that could be played on wine with wined3d/opengl.
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I wish I could've seen the light sooner rather than being average slop consumer.
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27 years ago John Carmack figured out elevators in first-person shooters. This technology scares game developers to this day
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Fuck, those Quake 1 webms are really hard to encode, this one took almost an hour. I hope one day I'll buy 7950X3D and whatever faggot own this site will allow AV1 so I'll encode with svtav1 preset 4 at decent fps.
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That was the moment when I realized I should ignore all past, present, and future opinions of everyone who said the mission packs were bad.
It just more levels which is good. I already beat vanilla Quake and arcane dimensions and was looking for more content to pay, so when I found about expansions I was very pleased.
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I completed the entire Desu ex series. What now? Should I play Desu Elysium? I'm itching for another isometric game for linux
Have you played any mods for the original game?
I don't really like the original that much, I mostly like the isometric one for the gba
Pathfinder if you can stomach the autism.
CachyOS chads where we at?
>Linux Mint 22 is out
Time for a clean install (which is the only time my games ever get uninstalled; it's for the best).
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trying to get mangohud or some sort of fps counter to work with cyberpunk on lutris.
game seems to be running great but I wanted to know how well it's performing on my hardware.
the checkbox option in lutris remains permanently grayed out, and trying to launch with environment variables yields no results.
I've gotten it to run just fine with vkcube and I know it'll work, so I'm stumped with my limited linux knowledge.
what would be an easy alternative for this?
If the option is greyed out then mangohud is not installed on your system. If you're using flatpak version of lutris you have to install flatpak version of mangohud as well.
Why? It doesn't have any release update mechanism?
>has troubles installing it
>installed cachy with no problems on my machine
There's a Deus Ex game for GBA?
Enjoy new kernel and mesa anon
>flatpak version of lutris
yup that was the issue, thanks my guy.
haven't been using linux for quite a while so this flatpak stuff is new to me. I guess I'll do some reading up on it.
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Nice try
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Hunter waits for his prey
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So I've beat Red Faction on my SD. Can't say the games was good: levels are boring, small variety of enemies, destruction feature is mostly gimmick with no real impact on gameplay, especially in the endgame. 5/10
Yeah it's in the first screenshot, maybe I'll release the rom dump later this week, it never finished production
and pipewire
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Those guys look like a small version of Dark Souls mimics and sound exactly like them. I can't believe Miyazaki copied Quake!
Can't wait for you to release the HL2 and Deus Ex GBA crossover game.
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Not so cocky now, aren't you?
Lmao, I forgot that Linux Mint was using PulseAudio by default.
I think Linux Mint was a menace for a newbie Linux users until last release. People were installing it as a noob-friendly Linux distro only to be pointed out that their software is old af.
ive heard rf2 is worse than 1
tfw sabayon merging with funtoo couldn't keep it alive
>why doesn't this distro optimized for v3+ work well on my 2011 thinkpad?
I thought Linux users were supposed to be smart?
more and more become like phoronix forum posters by the year
It's amazing how far things have come since the days of playing CS 1.6 on WINE.
>since the days of playing CS 1.6 on WINE.
At first I was sad that Linux users were missing out to golden cs 1.6 days since it was only released on Linux in 2013, but then I realized it was playable on wine years before.
I'm shocked with how much effort goes to hell iToddlers run games. I think in 2 years installing Linux on Apple devices would be the only way to play them.
Quake is the Dark Souls of Doomquakes

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