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>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27th, 7:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previously, on /xivg/: >>487403583
who gives a fuck about some shitty dogshit mount noone will see

people farm exes for parses
not mount
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Huffing Alisaie's sweaty feet.
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Okay everyone under this post has to be nice.
Which DC? I'll give you some.
I'm gonna do the first one for the weapons, but that's all I want.
I farm it for mounts, not parses.
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People will see it because I will post it
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Hello to the rear admiral of guro and his cuckquean e-bf
ur a faget >:(
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My femra looks and acts like this
very wrong and dumb post
who the fuck cares about ex parses anymore
the only thing that matters is the first thing you see when you open fflogs. that’ll normally be the tier. ex parse runs are so last week lmfao
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You WILL be nice frens to each other; the fat-cat cabal is no longer asking
i'm a femra who has jury duty all this week and is already sick of it
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Spooky blank.
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I see you have chosen... DEATH !!
Post moonie butts n tits
What’s the verdict?
Average femra bust
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>tranny obliterated
If catboys are not liked at all, what do I fanta into?
May I plap?
I'm on Crystal lol
People see it in frontlines…. It’s the last thing they see before they run in terror. Also I got people mirin in idylshire on Tuesday. Finally I flew up to my rapists house and he commented on how cool they looked.
It's anecdotal, but most of the people I've hung around with in game care way more about the mounts, to the point where they don't raid at all and just wait until they can cheese it by being over-levelled
Miera are in style rn.
We'll meet in oceania then?
Malera or miera
The day when people can "steal" other chars mcdf's with a single click is when this general will explode with schizos
sin eater eb...
Sure, I don't mind. Pick a spot and I'll meet you there.
I've got you
Catboys are cool. Flip a coin on staying vs changing to a malera
statements made by the deranged
thanks you're too
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Final Fantasy XIV
You will respond to every one.
i want a giant moonie to stuff me in her cleavage
That hair is so bad
I need to prone bone this moonie
elmo post
you are retarded and uninformed
a plogon for stealing mcdfs has existed for half a year if not more
i am
a gay hrothgar
My femlala likes catboys. They pose well with her, and are gentle lovers. Miera make her uncomfortable because they are prettier than her.
bismark gridania, down the stairs
>Phase transition involves you petting fat cat's belly
>It's an instant wipe unless at least one person stops before the phase transition is over
Damn, this is a tough mechanic
My EB thinks the blankposter is okay, and she's got good taste, so the femezen must be in the wrong.
May my sunnie+ plap?
Domesticated catboys?
>tranny obliterated
youre talking about yourself right
i haven't even been put on a case yet, the way it basically functions is
>we come in at 9 AM and sign in
>the judge comes out and tells us if there's any cases that are going to a jury trial that day, and if there is, 7 people are selected to be jurors
except for step 2 so far he's just told us that there are no cases going to jury trial that day and sends us home

also the clerk yelled at us for starting to leave when the judge told us there were no cases, instead of waiting for him to leave the room

only if your name is L.D.
dynamis queue for ihuykatumu
lmao he lives rent free in your head just like the blankposters huh
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>tfw no femra wife to help her with her shedding but she blushes in embarrassment
>tfw no femra wife who slinks in-between your sweater and you when its cold for warmth
>tfw no femra wife who asks you to bask with her on her favorite sunning rock with her
>tfw no femra wife to mist with a spray bottle to keep her scales healthy
>tfw no femra wife to try your best and make her favorite or transitional homeland dishes for when she goes out
>tfw no femra wife to love and take care of
I went malera and its a good time
I enjoy sexy hrothgal tummies.
>also the clerk yelled at us for starting to leave when the judge told us there were no cases, instead of waiting for him to leave the room
Well yea? The judge holds all authority, it's like you american's never learn this in school

Go watch clips of people talking to judge's improperly and getting a worse sentence just because of it
i could just queue as a tank or healer with you for faster queues
A solid choice of position
Perhaps. May I see her?
Where is the diaper folder deagledad420?
Where is your p12s clear deagledad420?
Where is your toy gun deagledad420?
queue healer im up as tank
I'm flipping a coin on my malera blasting on your ass vs your face.
Obladee Oblada
i gotchu
nvm the queue is waiting for 1 dps but it'll probably pop by the time this sends
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>catgirl from cowboy town MSQ has more blacked porn of her than catgirl from arcadion 4 has overall
I'm finally burned out, I'm free I think, I haven't logged in since DT
The only reason I played that game for so long was for the social aspect, friends I made etc.
>Now our small group of friends has been infiltrated by unironical retarded homos and trannies and I can't fucking chat in peace with my friends without having some mentally unhinged retards invade the place I'm at
>no fucking desire to continue the story, it's really mediocre at best, and certainly do not deserve 10bucks a month
>combat is so fucking bad it's insane, I did not play the game for it initially but has to be mentionned. I don't feel the need or am curious enough to level up new jobs
>playing a fem character, and all I see is me attracting flaky homosexuals that want to get railed and never contact me again, it being harder than normal to create strong friendships; when all my male char bros have deep and meaningfull friendships or more, especially with biofems Could be me being jaded/ burned out and not open enough to meet new people
>slowly but surely realizing that almost everyone playing is mentally ill, it being ultra severe like clinical autists that can't even go outside (I'm serious here), escapism trannies from the 3rd world, to light retards that just don't go outside that much
It lasted almost 8 months, that's not a bad run, the longest I have been monogaming. Still not totally free though, I can't uninstal for some reasons, still being nostalgic about my first steps in the game meeting my wholesome group of bros, but it's all gone now.
Who calls themselves Dad if they don't have kids
Hello Viktor Fontaine, are you ready to post a public apology to me on your lodestone and delete all of your UCOB weapons?

P.S. Your e-bf would greatly appreciate it if you turned your attention from the cocks of ala mhigo's bulls and onto him.
I'm going to assfuck this malera
Hey... race and DC?
tysm <3
>unironical retarded homos and trannies
thank god I'm only ironically a retarded gay tranny
hello my fellow goonie. are you prepared to make an abundance of goonie kids together so that we can one day overthrow the corrupt wood wailers
A prudent decision, khagan
qrd? I wanted to play as face1
is this effy
My femra wants all of this
But also a really big happy family
How do I request to be the watermelon in charismatic way?
Of course! I'd give more but I was saving up, sorry. I hope it's enough to last a little bit.
Can someone smarter than me explain the logic behind taking away Monk's buff and dot? I think they stated that they wanted to make it easier or something but every other melee still needs to maintain a buff/debuff anyway? All they added was fire and wind reply I don't think that would make buff management unreasonable...
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I am a sunnie going home from work
my moonie eb pretends she wants this but then just makes me smell her pits?
i need to shove my face in the ass of this moonie
post a cropped front tats picture so we can have it all in one place
do you like malera
where can i find it haha
How did you used to meet new people? I want to make friends as my malera
“Hey, cute femroe, can I put your name to the test with my skull?”
t. https://streamable.com/0pl9o5
speaking from someone who doesnt like monk and didnt like the buff/debuff management (im being catered to for some reason), it was just kinda annoying and cancer if you dont get muscle memory for debuff/buff duration

so for some reason they made changes to make monk more appealing to me but I don't even want to play it sooooo
Wait really? Nah, no fucking way lol
i dont remember making this post lol
It's plenty enough! I was thinking you'd either give me a single gil to fuck with me or give something like 500k, not 3 mil. This will go towards leveling my jobs up.
You are confused. My malera does the assfucking.

The coin was heads. You know what that means?
slime up kong's boygina is his all time best
Should have been friends with me bro
They were the shortest buff/DoT rotations typically requiring 'more' thought into when applying them beyond just your rotation where every other melee is just automatically weaving theirs into their normal cycle, at least that's probably the logic they had when doing it.
oh boy, [REDACTED]:30 am
it sure is a great time to go to bed!
Yes I do.
This is a total guess, but it's likely meant to help cut down on button bloat and to focus more on the stance system alone. I personally don't approve because I thought the buff and dot were fun, but then I also liked old summoner so I dunno.
>hates the pedo who ruined aether
Wtf she's... based?
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>give me a single gil to fuck with me
That would be evil, hahaha! I'm glad to hear it's enough though. I wish you success with leveling your jobs there too!
You've got the sale's pitch down perfectly. It's gotta be done, FUCK the Wailers
It is
Can't be done. It would be dangerous
Your malera is taking a life of celibacy and working full time in the Dawn Throne's gene labs
no you aren't
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Hear. Think. Feel. Cope.
Good enough for me! Will report back on results
Damn what a sore loser, literally everyone lives rent free in his head lmao, as expected from asmongoloid soldier and wowfag.
The best part about aether is all the worst people on the dc have been shitposting each other for nearly 3 years. It's a goldmine to watch
yawn, wake me up when we get the blacked tattoos back
putting big tits on femzen is a mistake, it makes your pinhead look even more obvious
elezen supremacy
femezen horse cock, balls, puss and anus
answer my question instead of samefagging >>487414962
I don't even remember a cat girl from the cowboy land MSQ. Only the bunnygirl.
It's kind of sad almost

He thinks all these people are his enemies, yet none of them care about him, and sometimes don't even know he's doing it

I makes me think he's on drugs, but maybe he really is just a schizo, this isn't normal behavior
I went f2 but
>height difference really gives you a different perspective
>animations/idles are cool and pretty varied
>more people stop to check you out, it's actually a big difference
The only thing is the horns can be a bit obstructive but that is mostly just an account of the horns on my picked face being quite big
Malera is hated and I want to make friends.
What male species should I change into?
I'm more concerned about the MASSIVE hands. And maybe a little excited.
get off my FUCKING race you whores
>It would be dangerous
i will pester you one last time for a catbox then
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I say this to other catgirls but mostly because they annoy me.
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They were able to get EBd, anon, and one of them is a transphobe.
So, where's YOUR EB?
Fanta off my race you creepy diaperdyke.
What race? I'll get my fanta...
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There is a fight between giving her big saggy tits as she has or making her flat every day in my head
>default size hands
elezen sisters....
i am only working one day this week because of my fridge and car issues

i hope that someone will be on later to talk to me while i try to slog through the msq
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Yeah, I'm trying to level Black Mage right now. The rotation is kinda brutal to memorize.
my eb left me
and I haven't been able to find another because i'm a bit of a failwife
>tranny cyberslop
I get off quite a lot of races
Still looking for my femhroth wife
I believe this fully
>Malera is hated and I want to make friends.
It's just you bro
NTA but I made most of my friends in a giant sprout farm fc. We eventually had a giant schism due to various woman (legacy edition) drama, and our small splinter fc picked up more people by raiding savage and poaching people from PF. Now it’s pretty self-growing, and I make new friends from RPing, which is nice because it’s a different crowd than the raiders.
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Right here.
Typing exclusively in lowercase is not a personality
>don't want to level or do extremes or anything
>don't want to play any other games
>lay in bed early for 3 hours in the dark until i eventually fall asleep
>wake up today
>still don't feel like doing anything
>keep laying in bed
BLM used to give me trouble too but you'll get used to it and know that rotation like the back of your hand soon enough.
can you use a voice gen to read this shit, I'm at work sis. Greentext videos on YT do numbers.
You know nothing of being hated, amateur
I got EB'd for the items and now me and the bro have a fun banter about it.
Adana Nitsah
Viktor Fontaine
Ranru Shiraishi
Lucienne Fontaine
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Waiting for the right fiddie anon
FtM haircut
I've been looking at two very similar femhroth faces on my screen for the past half hour trying to decide which I want to go with
no other fanta I've done has been this difficult
does anyone else ignore the objectives in shatter and solely target players?
goodnight i love you mwah mwah etc.
I am not the right fiddie...
I like Ranru
I used to post in all lower case, it's really just one less thing to think about when typing. Well, maybe two; punctuation and capitalization. Honestly typing like this just feels too formal for 4chan, like, am I typing a dissertation? No, I'm just replying to fiddies with my cock in hand.
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Yesterday I drank and puked all over my apartment
Plz step on me with those heels and say mean things to me
i appreciate you husbandposter
Reaper adps is obviously too high
Black mage adps is obviously too low
good job yoshi p
>this isn't normal behavior
he literally melted and posted his airsoft mag gun after DB outed him, what do you expect?
It's only a phobia if it's irrational. Being what some faggots would call "transphobic" is a requirement for a high quality, mentally stable EB.
post more yanna
god i wish that were me. i've been thinking of going to the liquor store and getting booze so i can drown out my depression
i type in all lowercase when im trying to blend in because acting like a lethargic teenager gets you cool points during na hours
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idc about your drama but that is an embarrassing samefag desu
I anulled my EB that I PAID FOR.
>you play as a pink haired woman with cat ears and tail, me? I play as a chad highlander that looks exactly like my wife's boyfriend, now go join the 40% and stop posting on this general, ywnbaw
>Adana Nitsah
Cool blank
>Ranru Shiraishi
My BBC hotwife
today is the only day off i have had all of july. ill do anything for a meetup. please
off to dream about pretty femhroths, gn
Turns out it was just a pun name they don't really RP
>It's so over...
But they accepted the friend request and I'm joining for roulettes soon, so I have a new friend to hang around with
>We're so back
obvious samefag
The Starchild
The Demon
The Spaceman
The Catman
I just made the Manderville Relic finally because I was lazy, can I desnyth this thing later or is the only option to discard it and throw a replica in my dresser?
I want a frozen pizza
Regretting it the next day, especially while I’m in the office
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I'm trying really hard not to melt at you here.

Either make one yourself, or ask for what you want so someone can host it :)
thx u 2
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im beginning to think you guys arent japanese
well that's why you don't drink the day before work, although that never stopped me either
There’s a meetup later today. The Spooky One.
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i'm not even joking LMAO
tranny formed
May I plap?
What gave that away?
>named watermelon crusher
>doesn't crush watermelons
I feel ripped off
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Height 100 = Dom
Height 0 = Sub
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erm.. nani?
>garleans are the cucks in the game lore
>retarded sluts still treat them as some weird ass dom empire
this is what cutscene skipping does to your brain
>american threatening gun violence
how did they manage not to get fbi raided
simple as
He is insane LMFAO
It wasn't a samefag, I'm just weak to super heels and it was the only post in the thread with them, but I understand why it may look that way
Moonie gock in my femras ass
>germans are the cucks in world history
>jewish porn still exists treating them as some weird ass dom empire
It's almost like.. nobody cares
Thanks you're too
That doesn't look like an airsoft mag but still DB won against Kanchelle even though he took a massive L on Kyoppi.
well up until late Stormblood the Garleans really were fat dicked chads that did whatever they wanted
nice schizobabble
Go suck her futa cock sis, I believe in you
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Why does Erenville keep trying to get me alone with him?
have some self respect instead of simping for the thread laughingstock
"shooting guns" is not a hobby
if you're a range hero you're no better than /k/ larpers
either shoot some dinner or shut the fuck up
>retarded sluts still treat them as some weird ass dom empire
To be fair before EW started whitewashing them Garlemald spent 1.0 - ShB raping everyone in Eorzea in the literal not metaphorical sense.
my soft faggy meena blushes a bit whenever he sees another cute bunbun...
listening to fugazi rn lads
For me it's unwound.
Nice nonresponse while you shake and dribble out your micropenis begging for your ass to be filled by a superior dommy mommy
he never posted his real gun so everyone is guessing he's just a sore loser with an airsoft gun pretending to be a "chad".
How can I be the BBC hotwife if you're the BBC hotwife...

Explain that...
they did have straight up rape camps
no plap
500m gil penalty
what is it with mil larpers thinking they are doing something with their """gun collection""""
just be nice to me and hang out and you could be…
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>he used the expansion theme as a leitmotif in two cities and three battle themes and two lyrical versions and a sad cutscene bgm and an upbeat cutscene bgm and
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This zone is kinda cool to fish in, I like it.
I'm not gay but I think fags are really cute for some reason. Like posts like this warm my heart up a lil bit.
but americans can just walk into a store and buy one so if it’s real that’s cringier and monkey behavior to brandish it on 4chan desu
listening to portishead rn lads
>trannychal went radio silence after being outed for 39023890182903182901302 time
checks out.
Where's your lore proof Anon? Please be true
Well, there wasn't really space to be alone on the boat ride over and with him feeling pent up...ya know...
this, stop shitposting about your moonie glocks no one care
Me on the right
he's admitted he has schizophrenia back on the aether discord when it existed
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>Garlemald spent 1.0 - ShB raping everyone in Eorzea
Meanwhile what really happened :
>hehe we just built a giant airship lets rape eorzea
>the rape :
still listening to radiohead lads
Aww, I think you're kinda cute for saying that, straightanon! You have a nice day :3
need fulala
for my lalaboy
My moonie is on a mission to eradicate all soft faggy miera and all soft faggy catboys
Soft faggotry will not be tolerated, only 80's bara buff homofaggotry
She will then choose one soft faggy catboy to not vivicect and forcibly straighten him with itty bitty kitty titties and tight moonie puss
What kind of meetup?
thank you Gaius, very nice speech
listening to massive attack rn lads
my lalaboy hasn't been fulala'd in too long
He's tired of every other yapper in your party and knows you don't speak much so you are the perfect companion for him
You too gaybro, enjoy your wedensday.
listening to mitski rn lads
What's the most FTM coded race?
El goblina
Bro your grown man brain just told your grown man hands to type those words and click submit.
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post link
*throws kid a in the trash* everything in its right place LOL
Pussy doesn't arouse me
sayin' i aint your right fiddie
you probably find one o' them "i like picto" type fiddies
it's mostly heavy implication, but there's a few times through ARR-SB that some Garleans make comments that could be seen as referring to them having sex slaves
it's been years since I've played any of that content so I can't refer you to a specific instance off hand
Queen of /xivg/!

Tell your e-bf to write her the formal apology and she will, perhaps, deign herself to respond to your desperate cries for her attention and strap, Lucienne.
Your point?
My point is either be a real faggot or get lost.
I could never tell if Gaius' speech made complete sense and we were just on opposing sides of ideology, or if it made exactly zero sense and it was just a weird ramble of justification. What a strange fellow
Finno fanta off my race bitch!
Ok I’ll rape you instead and ain’t giving you jack shit
I don't get it, so he's admitting to threatening to murder someone with a gun?

And then posting on 4chan with the his home computer his plan about how he'll make it look like a self defense situation
Something the police will search when checking your internet history before they lock him up.

What a dumbfuck.
Oh that makes sense.
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Real quick anon, can you refresh me on how Arenvald was conceived?
I still love you, you know.
>talking about yourself in third person
I posted a male midlander golem I made in early endwalker times and people called him ftm and said he is valid so I assume it is male middies.
put on the maid outfit
You have to let go.
>he's admitted he has schizophrenia
it will, you don't have a choice in the matter
you're too soft and faggy to stop me
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i need to find salvation
for i might have knocked up a moonie
he is completely in the right, his peers are too genocidal though
Fantasy-Pahjeet land...home...
I hate you beepy
Hello, rabbit.
stinky poopy
*fucking punches you*
you fool, now you're going to be eternal breeding stock for her
she's gonna make you father HUNDREDS of moonies
what have you DONE
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Ok we kinda fucked up with the Agrius, lets build a brand new aurora class airship and invade eorzea. Introducing the gration, the new rapist airsh-
>gets its engine permafrosted by shiva and permanently stalls in the middle of fucking nowhere in the sea of clouds
gangrape of my catboy
>Soft faggotry will not be tolerated, only 80's bara buff homofaggotry
Unexpected allyship but I'd still rather all of the above co-exist.
I had a random lore thought today, which in hindsight is very obvious but somehow never occurred to me before
it's fucked up how the only people that just completely understood the cycle of souls in the Lifestream was some random Xaela tribe
like Sadu's tribe just straight up nailed how the cycle of reincarnation works while everyone else was going on about gods and shit
Sucks for them being stuck there
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I wanna join a static bros... I don't want to PF another tier...
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These birds are so stupid looking it actually makes me not want to do my levequests.
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They should've built FF12 Bahamut, it had a neat design.
>need 1 electrum ore
>smallest stack is 19 of the mbut it's cheap
>throw the other 18 away
samefagging again? LMAO
>Sadu used to be a man
Tranny like all au ras, male or female.
just realised the garlean ship looks like an amarr ship from eve online
Wondering if I should grind out the DT fates alone right now or wait in the hopes that I find a friend or EB to do them with
tag urself I'm Kisame
im sorry, i wasn't strong enough
both mentally and.. physically...
form the ultimate shitter cheat static with kong kyoppi and kanchal
call it the KKK
I don't get how the fuck this guy got banned but the guy who spams tranny and pedo in response to like 50 posts a day doesn't eat a perma.
Not a excuse for being shit if it's true or not.
You either wear the leather pants and have pecs sizable to my moonie's meowers, or you get LB3'd
There is no compromise
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As a 80's bara buff homofaggotry, I will kill you if you touch them
I have gone from a 1-7 to a 65 on EX1 that’s pretty cool I think getting better at it
what about hard faggy twunks?
Never mind then. I hate catboys so much it's unreal
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What about femlalas?
I want to say Hidan, but if I'm honest it's probably Kakuzu
Rev got called a himcess once then went scorched earth trying to getting him permabanned. It's why he was no longer around during the DB spam
Mating pressed
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POV: you have failed your quest, and are being taken back to the Lifestream
As everyone should
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I need a Deidara coded eb
To be twunk, you need to have some pretty good muscle definition, and therefore aren't soft
There is still the danger of Moonie Pussy Gay Conversion Therapy, though.
ever since penumbra updated I haven't been able to make my cat ears mod work at the same time as my tail mod

final fantasy xiv
i am
an uncollared gay catboy
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Malera are creepy groomers and get reported by everyone in the thread
Thank you gaybro, we shouldn't fight each other.
I am
a male midlander
who is working from home today
I feel you bro, but I don't know how statics are formed. Do I just create a PF and say "looking for a static" or something?
i need this one for my fidlander
We should kiss and cuddle instead
my only EB for a year left me for a bio that then left him after a month
parry (-15% rape)
Reaper instakill meta
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Femras with XXXXXXXXXL tails
Almost, but there's zero proof they are really able to divine who gets reincarnated in who like they claim, and it's also unlikely a soul would travel to the center of the star only to get reincarnated among the same tribe of what, 1000 people? and countless times too
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who else is parsing normals?
how about you let me be your octopussy traveler? ;)
This hair was built for my goonie
based femra
You go to a recruitment discord and beg to join with a resume of your logs like the good little pussywhipped miera you probably are.
Footjob first
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>it's a lalafell
Can I just not reincarnate instead?
jokes aside a cool glam, I have an angel one myself
Gaius' speech works off two key principles, a kind of Garlean-Man's-Burden of protecting savages from themselves and the summoning of Primals and a bit of what's referred to as the Melian Dialogue - that the strong do as they please, and the weak suffer what they must.
This falls a bit flat when he says "1v1 me bro" while riding a supertank and getting openly manipulated by the same people encouraging and assisting the beast tribes into summoning Primals, but it all lines up when he goes Shadowhunter and realises he was being completely played. It's a cool speech anyway, and the bit about "For the world of man to mean anything, man must own the world" has echoes of what Varis talks about later in a less unhinged way.
He's a true patriot, and believes his own rhetoric of 'uplifting the savage'.
>not a 100
yikes this nigga finna blue on savage
Nobody if ur scrub ass is getting 99s HEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH /dunk /packwatch
still getting hit with the 85% though
i want to bite them
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return to tradition.

I hope these fucks finally found their promised lands, those sorry chimeric abominations. :( I genuinely loved them.
Sounds like you won there.
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haha me too sister i loooooove parsing normals it's so ego boosting!!!! im so good at the game look at these normal parses!!
how the FUCK did you know I was a femra
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I'd like to go back to when gay people were just gay and men could play female characters online without troon degeneracy ruining everything.
are there any other lockheed martin employees in the thread that listen to charli xcx?
We should also cook for each other, do chore together, watch movie and fall asleep with each other
i mean why wouldn't i
no but i used to intern at Leidos though
t. femra
troons playing female >toons always existed en masse in mmos
you enjoy it
whore = femra, simple as
not saying that's a bad thing
There are recruitment PFs posted but generally people will use recruitment discord servers or reddit. Contact the poster, express interest, link logs and wait to hear back. If you don't have logs then say you are new to raiding and aim for a casual static.
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I can't tell if it's the mods or are they always that strangely proportioned?
I swear I've seen ones with seemingly very nice proportions

I did what I could
Could you be a dear and not finish inside? I'd have to make you carry all of the eggs afterwards if you do.
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That snake FATE ain't fuckin around.
Of every 10 people I spoke to in ultima online 3 of them were trannies.
So, too, did regular normal dudes playing female >toons.
Static I applied for is asking for logs but I only have extreme and ultimate logs. Which do I show?
do you even know what your point is?
what do i queue to max out vpr from 80, dungeons are taking too long to pop
>whore = femra, simple as
best you can hope for is a femra whore who whores to just one person loyally. there's no exception to the whore = femra rule though
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I just realized I got the honey bee music and left the raid without rolling for gear
I wonder if, in the hypothetical scenario where in Yoshida moves/is forced onto a different project, if they'd change the Wandering Minstrel's look or keep it as a kind of homage
Theoretically, how do I find healsluts?
Ultimate logs, they actually say something of note
Everyone can do Extremes, they're easy shit
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both? link the ultimate ones though because they're more important imo
we called them avatars and characters back then, its only when wowfags took over is when people started using "toon"
Help me level up my healers and hope you get lucky.
pretty sure if you spam enough itt you'll find one. i was healslut posting myself and found a tank eb so
The honey-Bee brain rot is starting to kick in
I still call them characters, calling them "toons" just sounds retarded
WoWfags need to go back
they always look that lanky and pinheaded
ideally you should be able to fit exactly one head between your chin and your nipple line, femzen can easily fit two
Just link them your character on fflogs and they can go through it themselves.
Find a slut and tell them to heal.
need fiera
They just evade if they do and the janny gave up until a new one rises to throne and gives up after one or two weeks again
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me otl, just fought gulool ja ja btww
I think I'm happier NOT knowing what the hell they're saying at this point
no, you get MOONIES instead
no refunds, exchanges, or warranties
pumpin femra
Indeed. It is the best point.
I say toons because it gets you mad
post fulala...
I grew up playing WoW and not a single person I know called them toons. They were either characters or for pvp sometimes twinks.
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Those are mine, and they're modded, but not so extreme that they're far off normal elezen proportions. I also posed the shoulers a little low but yes, femezen have very lanky/stretched proportions. XIV has long necks in general, femezen even more so, and their shoulders slope down a little more compared to other races.
does it?
grey moonies
Definitely wait. Doing it with your EB is so fun!
I wish they would let us have tails like this
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Nearing the end of Heavensward. Does the writing fall off in Dawntrail? As-in, they stop all their "twas", "forthright" and "cessation". Using less complex syllables to describe something with a distinct (European) fantasy novel dialect.

I heard it turned into anime slop when they answered demands to be more "near to the source material" by Dawntrail.
But then I'd out myself..
Wrong. Men playing female characters were not troons. The troon subversion hadn't occurred yet. None of them actually claimed to be women IRL, and all of them just wanted to look at a woman while playing.
You're either a zoomer who has only lived under the pall of the troon subversion your whole life or you're a dissident yourself.
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need fiddies now
>can mount in mor dhona
>can mount in idyllshire
>can mount in rhalgrs reach
>shb - the worst expansion for gameplay comes out and all of a sudden you can no longer mount in endgame hubs
really makes me hmm
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Just play the game and make your own opinion.
good morning
I'd say it's about the same, Urianger is just so over the top with his dialogue that everyone else looks like they're speaking modern english
Ah I thought you might have, but why doesn't everyone do that?
Your adjustments still very much looks Elezen. The neck still looks a bit longer than normal. Is still lanky. You didn't go crazy and just make a fiddie with Elezen face or anything. You just unfucked the bad vanilla rigging.
why hasn't anyone done Cahciua poses where she tops
You the type of summer ant nigga who thinks trans people didn't exist before 2012 lmao
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how the fuck do i disable the screenshaking effects from all these new spells? why the FUCK does my delirium combo cause earthquakes?
A lot of places lose the emphasis they put on dialect after SB, and I hazard to say the Sions also toned it down a notch but then again Alphinaud just shut the fuck up a bit so it might just be that, now Urianger carries solo.
It wasnt meant to be...
Fiddie delivery, where do you want her
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but its soooo far awayyyyyyy. I just don't wanna get buyer's remorse when I finally get there in several months.
>urianger-tism is still in the game
>t. booktist femlala
What dc are you….
gnb is way hotter
Post lalaboy instead :3
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What for?
GNB is objectively better in 99% of cases.
>the worst expansion for gameplay
Blud skipped EW.
Been playing MMOs for years, there's always been tons and tons of GIRLs (Guy In Real Life) pretending to be women, they just didn't take HRT before, but they'd always insist on female pronouns, post fake pictures, etc. These days people are just more open about being _trans_ specifically rather than just pretending to be a woman outright.
twinking/smurfing was playing a low level char with gear they couldn't possibly aquire at that level (so you stomp the shit out of level restricted PVP matchups)
But then I'd out MYSELF!
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Needs a bigger one, I can't see who holds the copyrights.
>where do you want her
My bed
There is a setting for screenshake somewhere, I couldn't tell you where from memory though. Good luck.
Ahh.. but it's ok for lalaboys to be into that sorta thing, y'know?
I meant up until that point sorry that was unclear.
I did skip the final third of EW though.
Good morning
Hi thank you my day better now
queue for vanaspati on light
i was hoping someone knew from memory, that way i don't have to dedicate an entire week to digging through the configuration menus
You won't. DT in some ways its written better than HW, it just drags the fuck on for almost no real substance.

Imagine the section in the tailfeather where you talk with the chocobo fuckers and the bugmen and later fight ravana. Now imagine if that section stretched for 5 hours instead of 1.
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Glad to help, little buddy.
It's Fuck My Femlala Wednesday and I'm going to spend the whole day making a well-designed /c/ so I can walk into the Quicksand and get ignored and wonder what was the point of putting so much effort into something nobody will ever see or read
I guess, but it's not my friends the problem, is our group becoming too big and I hate that, it just isn't comfy anymore
Your best bet is friends of friends, just be normal and master some few techniques I will teach you
>Be the one that leaves, always
>Don't chat for too long unless it's really fun and the persons are really interested
that's pretty much it, ask questions, never complain, never talk about yourself unless asked questions or have good answers
it's that simple
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You think I want everyone knowing I'm a huge slut for big thick fulala dick?
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Let’s travel to oceanic and run away together
Why are you putting effort when you can just say what you're looking for and post a location here, retard.
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Excalibur, Primal
Carry on then
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Meh, I'll take it. I really like ARR/Heavensward's dedication to the dialects so hopefully it's not too hard of a drop-off. I do quiet enjoy any bit of Urianger screentime I can receive so I don't mind him solo-carrying Victorian English.
I saw a really pretty /c/ yesterday and I wanted to have one too..
people customize+ing the base vanilla bones hate the race and should fanta off off it
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Why not?..
It's probably obvious just from looking at you anyway, wouldn't it be a relief not to have to try and hide it anymore?
What is the best craft for orange scrips? I know it's usually CUL but I don't have a retainer at 100 to get the meat for it
Meant for >>487419364
lalafell performs fellatio on the president of the united states
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if I want to take this tier kind of casually and just PF the savages, how early can I expect a clear? would week 2-3 be unreasonable?
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Why... why did someone decide to use up nearly the entirety of a retainer's market slots for titanium ore?
They are actually selling like 10 stacks every day, too. But it's 1/5th the price on other worlds.
Is this for submarines or something?
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fishing fiddie
You can make your pretty /c/ Thursday, and get plapped today.
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>glam i want is a chestpiece from the last boss of a shb dungeon
>hasn't dropped in 5 runs
my giraffe is going to become the angry giraffe
The only relief I'd get is from the dicking, not the outing!
sucks to suck, mines made of people I already knew who are pretty good at the game
>fight it for the first time
>Die because of lag
>no revive for the entire fight
>it dies
>suddenly 50 revives
I really don't care for this
depends how hard floor 4 is, we don't really know
clearing up to floor 3 in week 1 is very reasonable if you can get past the retards stuck on floor 1 early

generally i'd say week 3 is reasonable if floor 4 isn't too hard
gluck gluck lalaboy
>recruitment discords
But >>487418651 looks hot as fuck

Alch is PROBABLY the second best.
The real cost is in the crystals. CUL and ALCH typically consume less crystals in the subcrafts.
toon is a carryover from UO and toontown, retarded zoomer
Aw.. mine's probably too small for you anyway. I don't like hyper..
my femzen has a mental breakdown whenever she zones into solution nine, the technology is scary for someone who sent her entire life living in a cave and and the bright lights burn her sensitive duskie eyes
Balmung Quicksand..
There's one character introduced on SB that has his own autist inflection that makes him look like a tryhard teather kid, so you have that to look forward.
do people talk to you too, are more friendly or even flirtier?
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Anyone want to do anything in the game?
Toon is the ultimate reddittranny filter and I love seeing them lose their minds over it trying to pin it on x game they dislike (in this case wow).
If you're doing world fates with launch gear you should set your spawn point to the zone they're in.
Everyone is going to die and there's no point wasting all that dps hoping for a rez.
You need to progress past the first two floors asap to not get trapped with the retards who can't clear them. This goes for reset every week. Week 2-3 is reasonable if you get lucky enough to not spend days held hostage.
hot or not it's a heresy upon elezen body


Same, it's pretty funny.
neat, thanks, i guess week 3 isn't so bad since i won't be held to any sort of schedule
Any size is fine... it's how you use it that matters... too big isn't as fun and enjoyable as a more reasonable size
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Effy post more lewds
I mostly just lucked into it because I was turning in materials for a crafting quest in Tuliyollal and someone was talking about it in chat, so I zipped over. I'll keep that in mind for next time though, thanks.
W-woah, I didn't know anyone else felt the same!
DT DRK just sucks
I did not know at the time but now I miss the APM of the old DRK
Effy don't post any more lewds
Raiden, Light
35k-50k members in each bro! Basically required. Don't you love needing a thousand different discords to do content?
also i forgot to mention it gets significantly easier if you play meta jobs/roles. if the dps check is hard and you can play high dps jobs like PCT or (post 7.05 buff) BLM then that can be a big difference. playing RDM on floors that dont have hard (for PF) dps checks is also valuable.
the best role to prog PF is healer since you it's the role with the most general impact on both DPS checks and heal/mit checks.
Alright I'm on it
Alright I won't
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Fiddies! <3
So what happens if I join a static now
But we don't clear 1s within 1 instance timer, 2s within 2 timers, and 3s within 3 timers, so I decide to ditch them and clear in PF instead?
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make me
anyone got any show recs while i mindlessly craft
sell me on ur favorite show
Well, I'm into all sizes. They all have nice things about them. Reasonable, realistic sizes are the best though because you can do the most with them...
shemale is the derogatory word for transgenders which have existed long before 2012, el retardo americano
grey moonies
grey femezens
in rue lingerie with c+ scaling
i NEED them, please assist
we should kill all people that put elven ears on nonelezen
>Crystal is closed and world travel is closed
it's over.
I knew I shouldn't have added my friends on my balmung malezen alt.
I miss dark arts
I miss the old abyssal drain
I miss old DRK
Why did Yoshi have to ruin my job bros
idk how you could see this as a bad thing
if you like anime and/or jrock then watch Girls Band Cry.
Fav show of all time behind bocchi the rock maybe
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I'm going to be a tad bit racist for a moment and say I kind of wish they hyperfixated on other European cultures - or even slavic ones. Celts, Gauls, Germanics, Proto-Indo-Europeans, mayhaps. They may have drawn dry all the medieval and British Empire inspiration so they probably wanted to move on to something more colorful by that point.

I'm just not that enthusiastic about the lizard aztecs... I've seen those in a certain other property already.
>Sunnie+ chats up my Lalagirl
>her woober is only 2 ilms long
Sis...if I wanted that there are plenty of Malera and Miera around...
playing without noclippy is like moving in water man, christ
thanks foir the lesson, teacherbro
shemales are troons are different, not physically but mentally, I'm sure shemales like ladyboys in Thailand do not care if they have a penis or not and don't even hide it
trannies are mentally unhinged and will scream for hours if you misgender them
you have
really basic ass taste
>le removed penis with le saw after raping them
it was a botched circumcision at his birth, which is the root of all (((problems))) including the rampant autogynephilia you're whining about
as another lalaboy fulala lover, I love all sizes...
just play in your own region buddy
I couldn't believe how much better the game became once I got noclippy

I will never understand how commiefornians could possibly be bad at this game
Thank you, mystery lalaboy.
Maybe my dark fwulala will stumble onto you one day..
i like jrock why is this a problem?
>don’t care
those are transvestites
shemale came up as a slur for trannies
they’re the same thing, also final fantasy xiv?
Its okay sis, You'll find someone better
I believe in you!
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This is gonna sound a bit out there, but stay with me: Call the Midwife. It's surprisingly good and the music is nice.
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>her woober
I play sunnie+ and I had one femra call me daddy, and one flist homo call me momy, now I don't know if I should RP as she or he
If someone chats up my lalaboy with that size, I just engage in SPH. Even my lalaboy is bigger...
>go from a 70 parse to a 99 with no clippy
It feels so good not clipping GCDs man G*d bless mods and plugins
It's woober wednesday, post your woobers
Another word for tranny
>ladyboys in Thailand
Also trannies
When a fringe group becomes large enough of course it'll be full of screaming retards, stop trying to revise history.
See above, tranny.
I try to keep my whorish tendencies in check... but yeah.

That would be ideal, yes. It's nice to whore around a bit but I'd rather have a deep connection with one person than just fuck randoms mindlessly.
Your should customize+ it more to bring the shoulders down closer to the chest.
The distance between the face and nipple is weird.
nobody called it a fucking "toon"
are not your mouthpieces, tranny
ladyboys are another flavor of tranny, shemale is another word for tranny
Did you make her neck thicker/shorter????
Hahaha wtf
huh, I thought those were just edgy blue huns or asiatics. You learn more about them in Stormblood right?
dynamis queue for wor qor zor mor
Sure https://files.catbox.moe/1r4h9w.jpg
I would hope he is considering based on the alchemist guild questline in 1.0 Malera would be the smallest men on Eorzea following the quests logic.
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i am
a mighty warrior
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I will NOT ask again (I will)
Post the FACKING femroes la
no you didn't, you can still find ancient board posts and screen caps with the same terminology
why are you green
nvm it instapopped
This guy is the other kind of useful idiot. He sees ONLY the subversion and reacts violently towards it which the propagandists then use to "circle the wagons" and reinforce their narrative to the other useful idiots they already hooked.
"LOOK! It must be right if guys like this hate it!"
You're also playing directly into their hands.
I'm not gay but why am I turned on? Is it over?
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Yep, Final Fantasy XIV won the MMO wars
>new raids cater to every fetish
>lalafells have breasts so I can rape them extra hard
>all mods work
>new facial bones mean better sex poses
>new raids weed out all the toxic shitter assholes
jesus christ trannyzen
groomers are 25-30 years old only
>cater to every fetish
Not mine
i have grown to hate the bikini on the right so goddamn much
Funny how you didn't reply to >>487420859, you're the useful retard spreading misinformation about Money's shit thinking anything he says on a vg thread matters to begin with
kys kike tranny
Do you like moonies
thats the power of aether manipulation. Thats how people without so much as guns were able to beat Garlemald.
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my femra looks like this
>s it over?
Unironically yes, You can remain at that stade tho
I find futa shit to be hot but will never touch or let a man touch me IRL
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the tech is not there
>all mods work
lalamaxxing lalamaxxing lalamaxxing
that's not how that works
>another thread in which brainbroken coomers try to explain why “futas” are totally different from trannies (whom they hate)
Piss off zoomie, MMOs are OUR genre.
no i stretched the chest upwards

climate change

cope, my femzen looks more like a woman than your bastard daughter of slenderman and a linebacker
Only has one set of genitals, it's a shemale.
Mongols and huns are are just a bastard eastern mix of indo Europeans. There's plenty of stuff relating them together especially with DNA samples.
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i'll try.... but i make no promises ;)
As a lalaboy, I am disgusted, what the fuck is this
i just swing axe good
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Here's a pre-update Roe (because my screenshots are a mess)
>stretched the chest upward
LITERAL washboard
i love both actually
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Although there's a bunch of reference to cultures and culturally significant customs like clothing and such, it's hardly of any substance overall. But you'll get a lot of other cultures once you leave Eorzea which is specifically XIV's Anglo Europe, and the Celts get a little of a nod but you have to understand Celts for Japan is just druids and fairies basically.
futas are intersex
trannies are men
both are gay
my femlala is like hidan
and that's a good thing
nightlife is already back sister
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>new raids cater to every fetish
Are you telling me they have slight hand-grazing with furtive glances and standing so close to one another you can feel the warmth from the other person but you dare not move an inch lest it become improper due to the differences in your stations so you sit there and quietly burn from within for the chance to feel their hand upon your face, to hear them fondly call your name and have it wash over your soul like a healing balm?
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You too!
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why do you look like a mexican photoshop edit
Someone told me I ruined their rape ERP by being too real
but you're raping this femlala
I would rather raid in PF than deal with static drama for the third time or one/two retards holding the group back.
byebye anon, but grab your phone and post album
Wondrous tails should give one full level
it's too early to be horny xivg
Go to Limsa plenty of there me as well
me lalaboy only am talk like this after head bonk
Are there any cosmetic tops that are just a clean shirt and tie that arent from mogstation?
I hate most of you people Jeez Louise you're cooked.
My femlala likes small, aesthetic and nimble penises… She always feel bad when she have to scale down a guys dong to 80% when posing so it fits well in her body. It feels like she is rejecting the guys vision of himself.
will never not make me laugh
>wanted to do the 4th floor for boots
>coworker scheduled an hour long meeting
>another one scheduled one right after
i have been told on several occasions i am not only cooked but full-on fried
I wouldn't. That is maximum cope.
Learn to join mature statics and there is never any issues. I love raiding with boomers.
Holy moly
Is gcd healing really THAT bad?
prove it and i'll marry you
Yeah but depends on how she looks and how lewd she is
Post her
wageslaves should not play mmos
no but it's boring
I do a couple here or there but it's the least interesting way to handle healing a mechanic
too real how?
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Why are femhroths like this?
I'll do that next time.
i clip less = more dps for me
But she's not tired?
Happy to help
>Just trust me bro! Circumcision is kosher!
Some of the crafter jobs get a little close (Alchemist in EW comes to mind), there's one with a jacket from the twin's mom's delivery
my wife!
He wasn’t even the delivering doctor you disingenuous pseud.
they rarely do anyway
isnt a criteria for futa to have both sets of genitals then? all i see are men with tits.
That's my boss raid mechanic, which is basically the Ifrit EX chain but it lasts the entire fight and every pair gets one so moving away from your partner actively hurts you, but I also add gaze Mechanics to someone on each pair and only their chained partner can look at them or be instantly killed.
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You are (NOT) immune.
orange girl bad
I actually am, this character does nothing for me sexually
GCD heals are relatively weak and cost you dps.
Also unnecessary when your team uses mitigation.
Wait that actually sounds really sick but also painful.
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Shit, wait or was it Alchemist from Stormblood? I can't recall off the top of my head
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>"ladyboy" phenomena that occurr naturally.
how many times has this exact picture been used I wonder...
I'm immune unless she is a futa and plans on feminizing my lalaboy.
not current but former
what's xcx
fuck off nigger. hypno bee shit is lame as fuck
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might be a contrarian take but I much prefer the post-apocalyptic/SMT vibes to pissneyland
>do good as samurai
>3 commends is common for me
>do good as reaper
>0 commends despite top dps
smartest mierda cumbrain
I absolutely played a woman and pretended to be one in early wow and uo. It wasn't to pretend to be a woman and be called ma'am, but instead to have people be nice to me and to get lots of attention and be given things.
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When travel opens we should frontline together
joke's on you i play two mmos
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>Futa with both genitals: Bi if solo. Gay if two. Gay if you're female (natty) when it's Futa on female. Lesbian porn with extra step if male.
>Futa with balls: Trans/Gay even if a female partner is involved.
>Futa with balls and vagina: Beyond help
what is this new meme? I have been away
for a week
>this guy didn't get runescape married
You are such a fucking liar lmao
I've met plenty of actual unironic transsexuals in every mmo I've played from OSRS to Fallen Earth to UO to Alba18
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i kinda like the color scheme, reminds me of this album
futa on male is straight as can be, bro
kanchelle doesn't even raid and I don't cheat
little nigga are you always here trying to fact check and gaslight
maybe you deserve this torment if your entire life revolves around your /xivg/ reputation
Being in a party with cheaters = cheating.
this guy is right in that trans is a social fad and wasn't before
in theory it's just cardinals and people with gaze move out but it would be funny to see the seethe of something like this on a normal raid
Do you get paid to be this retarded and to spew this much bullshit? How old are you, 18?
i still haven't cleared EX1 sisters
vii rat
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Heck yea! I got a bunch of classes to level
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where can I find more of this hahahah
>you're BEEing hypnotized anon XDDD
its some cringe forced meme bullshit
bro can you go back to your old reshade, it felt soulful
Ouch oof owie her ankle
I use to like vii rat until they showed me something called custom udon and were like telling me how hot it was
who knew that the futa to pedo pipeline is fucking real
That's quite all right, I haven't even attempted EX1 or 2.
I haven't done anything except level jobs since msq ended
I wish I was that dog
Why is Vauthry the most meme-able character in the game?
Is that fucking Doom?
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I knew a troon (as in a born male who not only pretended to be a woman in game, but also in VC and in real life) around 2006 in WoW. Good tank desu.
people pretended to be woman to scam retards out of their money, not because they genuinely thought they were women. and even these people had the minimum amount of decency to know they should be ashamed of what they do by not showing up on voice chat or posting photos of themselves. meanwhile in modern day troons will make no effort to hide their man voice, post photos of their blanding neckbearded ass in a dress, and harass biofems in their FCs asking if they really think they're women and witchhunting them as TERFs if they don't.
Athena's gone bro... it's time to move on.
your troon looks like shit now
use your free fanta
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isnt udon just japanese soup
>design gcd healing
>hmm this is always available so lets make it weaker while the less available ogcds are stronger
>give healers so many ogcds with short cd so you can just spam them without ever having to touch gcd healing
And that's why the role is trash.
Trannies were invented when Donald Trump took office in order to undermine society and stop him from draining the swamp. Don't you watch Truth Bomb?
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That's sick.
>bare your SOLES XDDDD
i hate that stupid athena shit too
bro I clearly just opened the thread if I'm replying to something over an hour old I'm not constantly in these threads

I don't want to play with kong though
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>went from being a fat fuck to a normal weight
>lifted weights between DPS queues
>went swimming on days it was too hot to play anything
>got a purple parse last night
>And that's why the role is trash.
the role isn't trash to play because you aren't spamming medica 3 bro
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Okay trannies here is the brutal pill for you
If you say you are futa, you have to have both sets of genitals. If not, you're just a man with tits.
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the new graphics messed them up
I'm still kind of messing with them
xivg sure is cranky today
I knew one around wotlk/cata and he was a bad tank
He tried getting my friend(a minor at the time ofc) to wear dresses, you know, as these types of people do.
>brutal pill
>it's just something everyone knows
I sleep
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Lala players will never experience this.
Is this why twitter trannies call futa a slur?
Is this that one massively-popular mega-celeb or a poor imitation?
Lurk moar before posting
how much of your day do you spend posting about trannies
why would I want to
female with a penis*

Shut up, retard.
Futas aren’t even trannies they’re straight males who don’t have enough of a personality for anyone to interact with them if they were a male character but they cannot bear to embrace the role of a woman so they just HAVE to have a dick so they can act dominant when it’s time to fuck
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who is bill ted
popularized and monetized =\= invented by
your talking points are weaker than the kike news outlets that regurgitate them for brainlets like you
If everyone knows it, why do you retards argue about it whenever it's brought up?
Probably, but I wouldn't worry about what twitter trannies have to say about anything.
Female with a penis? Where is the vagina then? Your character is a man with tits if they don't have female genitalia.
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and every day i thank multiple pantheons of gods for that
futa players and trannies are just failed blues
that's all there is too it
It also works in-game because it's an f-list slur
my lalaboy is builded to be you're new friend
Make one male, but just as cute
That's totally right
but you get laid way more playing as futa too, so..... ehhhhhhh
t. catgirl with a large penis
friend and confidant of Formale Roe
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Reminder if your first thoughts aren't good morning or how did you sleep you're not nice enough
>witchhunting them as TERFs if they don't.
Offtopic but i never got why someone would be a TERF, just trannies over reacting like usual. until i saw a video of someone scrolling through a lesbian dating app. it was all men in lipstick with beards. i never knew it was that bad.
Brutal pill is telling futards no normal person will ever consider them women
More of a Rufus fan myself.
I got Madot Suki @ Balmung a 3 day ban for being a creep in-game
cool malezen
>also no balls futa is the worst thing in the world unironically
So you’re a tranny and hate actual original hentai futanari. Bets on you being a hyper blacked horsecock faggot? The likelihood is high, so high it’s become a meme now.
they probably look too old for you youre right
yeah those grapes are probably sour anyway i never wanted them
Just say you hate futa and like tranny porn, nigger.
Good morning. Go get something to eat if you haven't already.
cuck shit is cringe. polygamy is a sin god will smite you
are you AI generated
>he doesn't want to give head pats to the twins
Your loss.
You post shit like this and don't even post source baka
Normally I would, but not for you.
It's not your blog
good morning my wife
>be me fucking around in Flist with a male char
>create a shemale char from my XIV character, with two times less pictures, no description, no custom kinks
>ping ping ping "Hey mommy~"
I mean shemales are fucking gay by it's so fucking popular
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Is the definition of a porn category meant to be a "brutal pill"?
NPC response. HRT addled your cognitive function.
It's part of the reason. If the game forced you to use your gcd toolkit more you'd notice the 1 spam a lot less.
> Brutal pill is telling futards no normal person will ever consider them women

How is that a brutal pill? Surely they know that themselves?
goodmorning boobfu, care to eb?
A lot of them are so far gone they think futa is a normie accepted feteish
is this supposed to be a sex thing or something
>If the game forced you to use your gcd toolkit more you'd notice the 1 spam a lot less.
not really. they'd have to rework healers to have more interesting GCDs (and not just have them be more powerful). responding to every raidwide with the same button every time is not even close to being more interesting than what we have now
i would be considered a TERF. i like having small women's only spaces for things like tabletop gaming, hobbies, and stuff like cosplay. i want to talk to other real life women about how they approach things, not an incel in his mom's dress with a fetish. more and more women are becoming exclusionary of troons, but they don't outwardly say it in fear of backlash.

final fantasy xiv
I got called vanilla for not liking scat, so honestly, I'd take whatever someone on XIV says with a grain of salt.
You've got to be some kind of autist to get hung up on fantasy genitalia like this. It always sounds like the greatest of cope to me. "I-Its different because th-they have a vagina tucked behind their big balls!!"

The brutal pill is nobody gives a shit about you screeching over the terminology, futa, shemale, tranny, whatever. The original 'futa' (balless) lost out to balled futas. Futa with vagina lost out over time to those without. There's a reason actual trannies hate people playing dickgirls, because its a fetish thing. That's all it boils down to. I play a female character with a big dick, do you think it will make any difference at all if they also have a vagina to anyone here.

Like this shit is so weird to me. "I can only masturbate to women with dicks when they also have vaginas, otherwise its fucked up!"
I'm gay so I'm immune.
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what if my first thought is to /pet this rabbit friend?
What they believe is that society can be bent by force into fully exterminating the idea that they aren't real women. Those who parrot the party line shall be praised and rewarded. Those who dissent shall be driven into the sea.
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I cannot believe this works in pvp
I bet everyone in FLs uses this fucking plugin
it automatically targets people that'll maximize your aoe damage
That's cheating
I wanna goon with my toon with someone's toon moon
Garlemald has always been an impotent meme. The only reason it succeeded as much as it did was because Emet was heading it, the moment he 'died', they couldn't expand, only hold what they had (barely) and it completely fell apart before the silent /nod and /handover autist came and fucked em up.
worse than just being good at the game most likely
Dumbass lol

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