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#1839 - Silver Death edition

Halo Infinite's 12th Battle Pass, "Anvil", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Community Update (6/20)
>Latest Infinite Update (6/7)

Halo News:
>Paramount's Live Action Halo show canceled after two seasons
>Next Battlepass titled "Fleetcom" teased, will bring VIP mode to Infinite
>Bungie and Creative Assembly veteran developer Dan Gniady hired as lead designer for next Halo game

Previous >>486572002
Christopher Nolan will save Halo
You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1839

>Previous Threads
>>486572002 | #1838 - Halo is 4 Everyone
>>485537984 | #1837 - Anvil
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This is it
the last thread
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>Seriously? The season 2 bluray comes out in 5 days and they straight up cancel the show? I thought Paramount was pleased with Halo's viewership. Wasn't it doing better than the new Star Trek series?
So, a few things.
First, it was much more expensive than any of the ongoing Star Trek shows.
Second, this really has more to do with Paramount than anything. The entire streaming service's future is up in the air with the recent merger agreement.
Also, nobody buys blu rays anymore.
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They're just blatantly mimicking Call of Duty here
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How will they win the war now?
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Did anyone pick up the steelbook?
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what did the halo show have to do with halo aside from the name and inclusion of john 'chief' spartan
I don't know. They could have just adapted the first game and Flood book into a movie or short series maybe.
But then, why bother if the game is there already.
If they had done that and changed nothing else besides race as they are wont to do, the show could have gone on forever
have a nice day halobros
boys make me spurt
i member making fun of hg for thinking shitfinite was gonna be good. The good old days
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has halo ever been as dead as it is now? Was halo 5 ever this dead?
wanna do it? :333
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hes a fucking jewish zionist, part of a jewish mafia from vegas. he simps for trump because trump is also a fucking zionist with a jewish family. he gets endorsements from jews like elon musk who meet with zionists regularly.
fucking wake up you farm animals.
The Endless has arrived
it actually had a lot to do with it, it's just a different dimension take on the events or something
hg played gaylo 5
Pretty much nothing. It's just names and vague images. The whole project was most likely a money laundering scheme.
Reach a shit
It follows the events of the SII program, John, through the fall of Reach and the discovery of Halo. It takes a lot of weird liberties and menderes with bad writing and iffy effects but it's still Halo, just bad.
Boys only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
There's barely any levels in that story. There would be 3 levels in the entire game.
No and no.
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I know you....
how did they stop time
They pressed the menu button
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My uncle at microsoft just sent me this
My uncle raped me
I really want you dead.
i think he's a halohater
no go away halohater
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can we get a CG announcement trailer or outsourced MCC support or an outsourced H5 PC port or fucking something
The fuck is CG?
comba gomba
Next Xbox event
I wanna rape this bitch
how old is she?
sorry, she's an adult
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Tavvie the kind
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When I tell you I got chills...
good it was finally cancelled but how did 2 seasons get made of paramount halo
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they're letting it rest for a while
2 seasons was a given to put up enough of an investment
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well it's been a while, john wake up if you know what i'm saying (halo fans will understand)
I don't get it
Reach is objectively great
imagine blacked echidna
it's fine
>well it's been a while
Not long enough
The campaign
it's fine
I'm downloading Call of Duty
>you ARE halo fans. but this franchise is mine.
sleep well halobros everything is going to be fine
No, Paramount is about to die
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Sleep well….
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Microsoft would have released this 15 years ago.
Wow it's actually fucking over isn't it?
This place is dead as fuck
Sigcord is pretty dead too.
People just move on over time.
I had fun in /hg/. It's been a crazy 9 years.
But nothing lasts forever.
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Anyone tried playing Halo 5 recently?
Up to a couple months ago, I was still able to get into matches easily, but now it's sadly never finding a match, ever, even in what should be the most-populated playlists ;_;
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NOTHING....... ENDS...........
good. fuck halo 5 and fuck you
PCfag detected
Mythic Warzone Firefight is (was) fun and the option to still play it occasionally is not a bad thing.
I tried it extensively for like 5-8 hours about 3 weeks ago.
It was a Friday afternoon so it should have been peak play time.
Shit's dead.
Yeah, you can find games if you're patient enough, but to put it in perspective, World at War from 2008 has roughly 600 players online and you can get into matches easier.
After a bunch of attempts, found a match with 5 other players in regular Warzone Firefight.
It's dead but not 100% dead or broken
Is MCC dead?
No, I just searched for 4v4 with every game and every mode selected, and it found a match almost instantly.
I'm sure it's slower if you narrow it down
>Is MCC dead?
It's endangered dead
not extinct dead, if that makes sense
Deader than disco
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It's more undead. With very few exceptions, the matches are just going through the motions. There are either new/shit players you roll over with ease or old players who know everything about the meta and abuse it. It's not very sporting. If you're a sadist at heart, you'll enjoy it a lot.
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what you're doing isn't healthy
if nobody has anything meaningful to add to the discussion then the general is dead
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hg is ENDLESS and Halo is INFINITE
it's over, isn't it
You're not even playing the game anymore. Otherwise you'd have new webms to post.
I disagree, I like the clips

Great posts
>complains about people not playing
>gets into a game, people don't play
>it's over, isn't it
it actually kind of might be
This place is actually extremely dead now
I have to ask, why is the Halo community actually so fucking stupid? I keep seeing shit like
>man i hope the next game isn't f2p so there's no store!
Whether it's F2P or not, I would be in favour of them making big changes in order to make Halo more popular. It's kind of crazy that Halo Infinite multiplayer is completely free, and it isn't a gimmicky battle royale, yet it's still massively unpopular.
>page 10
what da shrimp
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Is this the halo thread?
>grenade jumping restored
Infinite is BACK
>clamber exists
you go ahead and waste your grenades though
cmon guys! we NEED to get only 143 more posts before the thread dies so it can count.

143+250x61 = 15393 posts minimum to reach thread 1900!!!!!!!!!!

Then and only then will I make a SPECIAL announcement, the likes of which will change /hg/ forever...
something BIG is going down
Only at #2000 will you have my permission to die.
The regular Ravager is still going to be garbage, but the Rebound sounds like fun.
Don't know why they're buffing the Stalker Ultra's damage to match the regular one. It already fires so much faster and takes longer to overheat.
Sorry but it's actually over this time.
This is the most artificificially propped up I've ever seen /hg/, and I remember the mid-H5 era where people quite literally just resigned en masses to letting the thread die.
There's not even the pools of support to pull from anymore. Sigmund's discord is dead too. There are some other ones with less people but they have no will to play Halo with the thread.

We had a good run. We can revive the thread for /hg/ 4.0 when the next game is announced.
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Halsey for president.
It's HER to make HERstory.
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>Look upon Trump Tower one last time and remember: you chose this path.
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I don't join reguloid lobbies but is JJAB really not only a 30-something, terminally online, borderline pedophile but also a manlet who lives off government NEET bucks?
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>I don't join reguloid lobbies
They don't play Halo anymore so it's not like there's any worthwhile lobbies to join
>but is JJAB really not only a 30-something
>terminally online
>borderline pedophile
Hes not actually a p3d0, hes more just a fat neet obsessed contrarian that gets really triggered by rules about age of consent. He desfiniteky masturbates to 2d lolis. Thats probably the extent of it though.
>but also a manlet
>who lives off government NEET bucks?
no thats me :3
He's 40 now
>Ravager straight buff
>Sentinel Beam's distance-based damage removed, headshot damage removed
VERY nice. Way more consistent and dependable now.
>Disruptor's dot is back-
Oh god...
>-but requires 4 shots to supercombine, and no longer constantly descopes during dot, but most importantly it's dot particle effect is less obnoxious
...Oh. That's not to bad then. It was always really annoying to fight but not that much of a threat all things considered, so maybe this will help it be less annoying and more respectable outside of BTB.
>DMR rate of fire nerf
Nice. This thing hit too hard as a starter, and it's the most boring weapon in the franchise, so this will make it more interesting.
>AR buff
Oh god.
>Skewer faster reload
YES! Thank you. This thing can't even kill a warthog in one hit like the Spartan Laser could, so it's not that OP.
>SPNKr, Sniper, and Bulldog max ammo increased
Nice. SPNKr and Sniper always seem to be near empty whenever you pick them up off someone and you're always out of ammo. Hope these changes get added to campaign too, especially the SPNKr and Sniper max ammo. They run out of ammo way too quickly to be lugging around with you so you always feel pressured to empty them right then and there. And now the bulldog is a little less useless to carry around.
>Ravager Rebound acts more like a Brute Shot now, plus has a charge-up kill shot...AND can knock enemies up!
Oh shiiiiiit!

Whoever is in charge of this update needs a raise.
Out of ten!
>Some Ghost nerfs
Yeah, for some reason in Infinite, this vehicle seems to get away with a lot more than you'd normally expect it too, at least compared to previous games so it's kind of refreshing in terms of the sandbox. I don't mind it though, and since these nerfs aren't straight health or damage nerfs so it will be interesting to see these changes in practice since they actually affect the mechanics/handling of the vehicle.
>Some Banshee buffs
Yeah, unlike the Infinite Ghost, this thing has been a paper airplane, so hopefully my team actually uses them more now instead of giving them all up to the enemy team.
Was there any sensible reason why effects like that were neutered? Besides hahaXD mobility animation.
The game's netcode was a total disaster up until a couple months ago.
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Come on in kid
You're one of the regulouds now
Just have a seat
Early on they were all about 'Competitive DNA' or some shit, so anything too fun that introduced some unpredictability was removed. Think it's also why they removed player collisions and stuff too, and to prevent griefing.
See you can't even come up with a witty reply. You're all out of ideas. You're done.
What does player collision and friendly fire's removal have to do with competitive?
Ever since Elden Ring this general has been fucking trash
Ever since Halo 4 this general has been fucking trash
No fun allowed = Competitive Halo
Then why does competitive have friendly fire?
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No. The balance and movement is terrible. I did love the armor and that's the only reason I played it for 10 years in Grifball lobbies. I miss spawnkilling with the egirls and bros so much...
The first before video takes 5 shots to kill, and the second before video takes 6 shots to kill

There was a body shot in there.
No. I think we're just getting started.
Ass backwards. Social should have friendly fire, competitive should have all the anti-fun mechanics such as no friendly fire and no grenade jumping since they hate fun so much. If we had friendly fire in social, I could take out our team's banshee user that has been doing nothing but trying to splatter everyone on our own team drive off the cliff with our warthogs while we're on the turret. It's so hard to report someone for griefing in-match so at least let us get revenge and or stop this asshole from ruining the rest of the match. Absolutely no fun allowed.
Friendly fire is on in ranked so that throwing grenades or firing rockets has some level of punishment, because you could potentially hit a teammate with them.
They should add friendly fire, player collisions, and grenade physics to social too. It just makes the sandbox more fun overall because of the unpredictability. It was fine in older halos, there was no problem. Why can't they put it back. Well, they are adding grenade jumps back so that's a step in the right direction. More sandbox interactions = More Halo.
>What does player collision and friendly fire's removal have to do with competitive?
Personally, I'd be fine having those in comp, but the people that are complaining about it not being are just scrubs.
Halo 5 Warzone had no friendly fire but you could teammates people over
Not that it matters though because warzone is terrible
BTB: Heavies Slayer
BTB: Fiesta Slayer

BTB: Skockets Slayer
BTB: Team Snipers
BTB: Fiesta CTF
BTB: Escalation Slayer
Squad: Slayer
Squad: Land Grab

343, if you add Squad: Heavies Slayer and Squad: Fiesta Slayer, I will add them to the Primary list.
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First, they said they were going to buff the physics, then half a year later they went back on their word and said they weren't, now 2.5 years after launch they are again? Make up your minds. What kind of circus is running this game?
Hes actually 60 now
have a nice comfy night halobros
Good graphics
>What kind of circus is running this game?
The kind with all clowns and no ringmaster, but that should hardly be news to anyone at this point.
Should the next game try equipment/armor abilities again?
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I made a CE UI template for this stupid Twitter sheet if anyone wants it.
Halo 3 - How to get 4 Arbiters on The Covenant

How easy is it to get a comms suspension appealed on Xbox?
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why even play halo now?
So... what should I play?
wanna swordfight? :3
No, freak.
Bleach Brave Souls
Call of Duty
I only play Halo and
Reminder that if you don't use the Wraith as a mortar then you are a fool. It's not a Scorpion and those who treat it like one will often lose. Use that arc to your advantage
Not that easy I suppose, it's all largely automated these days. You can check your Microsoft account I guess.

I once got an online suspension from Call of Duty (yes I know...) by commenting a CoD advertisement on my dashboard which had a character wearing a beer hat/helmet. I wrote "it's immoral to market a game rated 17+ and advertise alcohol and drug consumption at the same time or similar".
I have gotten two further enforcement strikes because my game reviews contained "profanities" (I don't swear anyway).

All of this makes me happy about the fact I ditched my SeX well over a year ago.
Helldivers general is always making new webms despite their game having close to the same amount of players as Halo.
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gaylo sissies...
How do you drive a Warthog?
Left stick up = drive forward
Left stick down = reverse/brake
Right stick right = turn right
Right stick left = turn left
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Alligators = halo fans
Indian guy = 343 industries
Fish in truck = new halo game
I am a driving god
If you're driving always remember that the gun is not a short range weapon and splattering is only for specific circumstances. Giving your gunner mid range allows them to easily kill enemies
Sadly some drivers will drive so close to enemies that it risks not only boarding but your gunner being at a disadvantage.
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Way too small. Those aren't supposed to be kitchen knives.
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like this
I can't believe the Halo Killer ended up being Halo.
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I can.
Cortana killed halo. She's always blowing them up then pinning the blame on the cyborg.
The real Endless are the angels in Doom Eternal
How do you even follow up something like Infinite in the first place?
It's impossible, nothing can top Infinite. There's not even a number higher than that.
Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck is the endless?
Digital virus I think
The prequels were always great!
The Harbinger and Khan Makyr are pretty much the same character.
Halo 5 was always great!
why does the design look so atrocious lmao
Will any of you cunts talk about this obscure easter egg?

343 343 2 343

>To shed some more light on this... I looked into this egg a few years ago using Assembly (modding tools) to figure out the technical details. (Cheaty way to do it, but, I don't think these mechanics could've possibly been discovered any other way!) Here's my notes from what I found:

>"The technical way the egg works: there are many crystals in the starting area of the mission (I estimate 50+). 35 of these are important for the egg (I'm not sure which ones). Each one of these crystals has a number associated with it, 1-35, in batches of 5 (1-5, 6-10, etc). The easter egg will trigger after 7 tests have been passed, one for each batch. Every minute, the game will perform a check on which crystals have been destroyed. If the first batch (crystals 1-5) are ALL destroyed, it will pass the first test; either way, if it passes or fails, the next test won't take place for another minute. A test can only be passed if all prior tests have been passed: i.e. you can't complete the test for batch 3 before completing the test for batch 1. If the area is left before all tests are passed (by dropping down into the next cave), the tests will stop, and the easter egg cannot be triggered. If all tests are passed, the easter egg will activate after the scarab battle.

>That's why this method is inefficient: just destroy all crystals to ensure that every relevant crystal is broken, wait 7 minutes for all the tests to pass, and then proceed. If the relevant crystals were known and numbered, there's probably a way to do all this much faster/as you proceed through the mission start area normally. But I don't know which crystals are which :^)"

^ I forgot one detail with this -- I forget the exact numbers, but the explosions begin at a semi-random time (between 30-60 seconds, iirc) after the scarab explodes.
meant for>>487696145
Janny has rangebanned my ISP for posting images, so I can't post Halo images

Truly I am persecuted

(I definitely didn't do anything to earn this rangeban so it must be some random person on my ISP)
Tell me which image you want
where drops
drops dont start until the first game starts
Are they playing halo or shitfinite?
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Halo starts in 5 hours.
I was just going to post some random Halo Infinite images to bump the thread
Pick one (1) and ONLY one (1).
okay which escharum do you want?
reach a kino
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I'm going to play MCC tonight and none of you are invited. I am going to befriend randoms on VC and tell them how cringe you all are.
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how- how dare you!
Halo: Reach is a 2010 first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft Game Studios, originally for the Xbox 360. The sixth installment in the Halo series and a direct prequel to Halo: Combat Evolved, Reach was released worldwide in September 2010. The game takes place in the year 2552, where humanity is locked in a war with an alien theocracy known as the Covenant, which seeks to exterminate humanity. Players play as Noble Six, a member of an elite squad of supersoldiers, known as Noble Team, attempting to stage a defense of the human world known as Reach, which falls under Covenant attack. The game was the last in the series to be developed by Bungie.

After releasing Halo 3 in 2007, Bungie split into teams to develop two different games—what would become Halo 3: ODST and Reach. The developers decided to create a prequel to the original Halo game trilogy, freeing themselves from the obligation of addressing old story threads. As the game would take place on a human world doomed to be destroyed, they focused on making the environment a character unto itself. Longtime Halo composers Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori returned to compose Reach's music, aiming for a more somber sound to match the story.
I pick both: the highly-acclaimed game, Halo Infinite.

Post him if you want lad.

halo 5 still had 99+ custom games on the browser up until late 2019, over 4 years after release
shitfinite is done
>3 years to implement a feature that was there by default in all the other games
there was a period of time between late 2019 and late 2021 when mcc was really popping off and there was a general feeling of optimism in the community (ignoring the coating shit)
i miss it, now all halo games are dead af
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Infinite won bigly.
okay but which one?
a thousand Escharums occupy my hard drive
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It's up
There are almost as many people playing halo as are playing helldivers 2 but helldivers players have a lot more creative energy. I think halo is just a comfort food at this point with how little interest there is in generating meaningful discussion and artwork.
>muh fuggin starship troopers larping game!!!
shut the FUCK UP!!
Up to you lad

Like I say I just wanted to post random Halo images when the thread reaches page 9 or 10
There you go again not generating any meaningful discussion or artwork.
filtered post above
saved two posts above
>fans doing shit in their free time are able to nail the look and feel of halo using fucking unreal while a team of overpaid pajeets given 7 years and unlimited funding can't even manage to get the fucking multiplayer right
How embarassing....
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cute cute tana
tana tana cute cute
filtered post above
JJAB91 is the main character of /hg/
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>Halo DOOM'fied
>same old weapons
from the beginning you know the result
>you can feel the vaseline filter
this thread?
Still Alive?!
And as /hg/ dies, I leave you all with this:
The last time Halo was culturally relevant.

Not clicking
I clicked with my thumb
NOT HALO (In many different ways):
When people are playing video games they don't shake their controllers constantly

My immersion in the scene is ruined
The narrative just shifted.
>hurr durr muh Battle Royale???? Where is it????
What a retard
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How did she do it?
microshit has shut down like 30 studios but won't shut down 343. whats with that
What the frick
How does a Halo show get cancelled?
An entire generation of men know the name Halo
I have no love for the show, but the cancelation has more to do with Paramount than the show.
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halo infartnate is alive
anon you can stop posting
we made it to 250
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No we need to resurrect /hg/. This general used to give chills
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>It's finished
Halofest 5 (August)
Halofest MCC 10 year Anniversary (November)
Halofest Reboot (2025)
>leaving out Black Ops 6 Fest
shame on you

God Spartans are so fucking lame now.
343 probably has some dirt on M$ and is being blackmailed. If 343 goes down, so might M$.
>my childhood games
>reduced to a butchered cashcow corpse
my soul
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Damn, they extracted and altered your memories? And then destroyed any copies you had?
How is MCC population? Haven't played Halo in like a decade, thinking of popping in to play some 3 or Reach.
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Leave Atriox to him.
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sleepy beddies time
Jjab is a man thougheverbeit
with that helmet? not for long
what da snail
Its ok but obv Halo Infinite is where its at
Bonnie Ross Ziegler
it’s gonna alright halobros I promise. if there’s anything I want you to take away from me, a rayman fan, it’s that I want you to remember that things always get worse before they get better so just hang in there!
But it never got better for you.
Rayman 4 is being revealed next year tho
unchecked trips on page ten!
343 is a money maker despite everything.
that's a load of bollocks
It's crazy how Marty decided to throw away his good reputation by trying to become a politician

Also he says "I never wanted to be a politician and I still don't" - that doesn't sound like something that will inspire confidence in voters.

"Yeah I don't actually want this job that I'm asking you to elect me for"
That's not an intelligent analysis. If you're going to take someone in bad faith, nothing they say will actually matter.
>"I don't want to be a politician so I am becoming one!"
>"Please donate to me!"

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