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# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>Progress Report #7 New Episode 2 scenes will be bonus unlockables. Current technical work is overhauling the translation tool; will be release with the next episode.

# Nemlei's previous games:

Previous thread: >>487184392
First for Andrea > Ashley
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Why do chokers activate my neurons so hard?
Is it from watching TT and FHFIF and seeing Jinx and Frankie?
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Cute couple!
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Ashley would never blush like that cuz she's an impure psycho, only innocent hussies and male hussies blush.
It's so over Andrewbros...The Mopchads won...
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You'd think she'd try and undo some of her haggidity if she had her choice of demon form, but instead she embraces and even emphasizes it.
Kudos I guess.
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I want her to put black lipstick on her asshole before I rim her
That is based, but you can achieve this by putting the lipstick on your own lips, slut.
When did Andrew start doing drag?
You posted the wrong image, you were supposed to post the Andrea shota edit
Because only women wear lipstick and I am a man. Therefor, the only way for me to get lipstick on my own lips, would be if Andrea kissed me.
Guys must wear lipstick if their stinky fujo gf tells them to.
Fujos should only be allowed to date other fujos
No. Their stinky fujo GF will leave kiss marks all over their body.
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>"Really, Andy? Tongue on the first kiss?"
>"Shut up."
>"I was expecting something a little less lascivious from you."
>"Busting out the four dollar words, huh?"
>"Well, someone has to, Mr. Lit degree."
>Andrew would've started choking her if she wasn't so overtly into it.
Poggers, now this is epic, I’m going to post this on r/CoffinofAndyandLeyley
tumblr and anime conventions
I really hope you don't but I can't exactly stop you
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You can probably find stragglers on gaia online who haven't moved on from their "glory days", but you'd be wise to triple check people's age on there.

Just for fun, I checked the forum there and immediately found an active 24 year old with invader zim shit all over her page and still uses the word "smexy", so that's what you can still expect to see there.
They should kiss already
Me and the bad bitch I bagged by harvesting the soul of her neighbor
Goddamn, first the Mop, now "???"? Andrew really can't catch a break
Post ashley's friends
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The ones in her head?
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they're the real deal
This image made me laugh way harder than it should have.
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Reminder that Ashley's one and only friend is Andrew. Imagine how sad it would be if your only friend was your brother lmao!
Boring and generic
Sexy and exciting
They are real ok? She meets them at the supermarket everyday
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Y-yeah, of course, Andrew!
She owns and runs her own supermarket called Foodleys
From the thumbnail I thought that was a klansman behind her
Yep, this one’s going on reddit
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>magine how sad it would be if your only friend was your brother lmao!
Imagine having a sibling
I guess this is the new response we’re doing now, huh.
They have siblings that they don't know about. Mom and dad kept them hidden for a reason.
I guess so. I think the mopposting is just funny but I guess some faggots are trying to force it into a reddit meme
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Can you fucking imagine what kind of issues an estranged sibling of theirs would even have? How would they run into wach other? Also wow how young was Mrs Graves then lmfao
How long before Andrew and Ashley would ask for a threesome
Andrea's blowjobs make Andy dick look like its committing blackface
Flirting begins on day one

Depends on if their older sibling is a lil bitch or not about it
...how established are Andrew/Ashley in this hypothetical scenario, are they working as a tagteam or is it a competition to drive each other nuts at the eldest's expense?
female Andrew would just look like Ashley with a different haircut, maybe a bob or idk maybe shoulder length hair and shitty band tshirt
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Female Andrew is what he's going to be once I'm done with him
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Sorry I missed the last few
Weird because there was only 1 reddit post about it, too.
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Short-haired or long-haired Andrea? Who wins?
Left looks like Andrew crossdressing than a genderbend.
Long hair because Andy needs something to pull when plapping from behind.
Is your unimaginative brain not even going to imagine a shota Ashton (Andrea's actual younger brother) in a sexual situation with Andrea? Andrea banging Andy makes literally no sense you stupid cunt.
Heh, caught ya slippin'
>It makes no sense
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It's hot!
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Someone ask that gay furry to draw it
Of course not, he got no brain.
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Best Nemlei game to play next?
>"Smile for the camera, Leyley!"
>"This--mmm!--better not be for your--ohh!--nerd friends at school!"
>"I just wanted a little memory for us! I wanted to show you how pretty you are when you're cumming!"
>"You show this to anyone and--ahh!--I'll--mmmmmM!--crucify yoooouuu!"
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Better half
Jack in a Castle
Fucking Kek
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Still my favorite Nemlei story. He's literally me
No good Noelle.
Better half is mid and people don’t want to admit it, but a great deal of its appeal to anons here is that they resonate with the protag’s depression.
Better Half is better than NGN
I decided this one. I really like the music.
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was this scene proof that she actually loves herself more than she loves andrew?
Me and my shota bf
only lonely people think better half is top tier
Are you stupid?
yes? problem bitch?
nah, considering how absolutely crushed she is and the fact she canonically kills herself after killing Andrew in the olive branch video, Andrew dying might as well equal her dying.
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Are you lonesome tonight?
Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
>He's literally me
You will never be a man you disgusting fujo
>I really like the music.
It's all royalty free stuff
haven't been here in a while. how close is this game till new episode release?
what is your problem exactly
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NO NO NO DON'T DO THIS TO ME! I don't want to be a woman!
Thiu looks like a dyke.
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If you have to ask…
You’ve been a woman for your entire life, you’ll cope just fine.
Yeah, because it’s Nemlei’s self insert character.
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Preglia (my wife)
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well I liked it
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Anon, I've already told you to stop making these posts about my wife. I don't know how you got this photo of her, but it scares her to know that you're posting these things.
Bunndy cuddling https://youtu.be/SMnuGhWNgd0?si=yVKcF9sEYy_DuLSh

Slav hag real?!
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Based and cute!!
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Andrew, you need to move on. Clinging to her memory like this stresses her out and stress is bad for the baby. I’m sure Ashley would be happy for you to impregnate her if that’s what you feel like you need in your life.
Hello /calg/ i found Andrew and Ashley in real life, but with their personalities reversed, without further ado here they are:

My brother was in love with me

My brother killed himself on Monday. He had been struggling with his mental illness for a long time, but we thought he was doing better. He was on new meds and actively working around the house for the first time in a long time.

Then my mom receives a text: "I'm sorry. Especially to dad" and they heard the gun shot. I was asleep when it happened and was awoken by my mom crying saying "oh my God your brother shot himself. I think he's dead" and told me not to go outside or look out my window.

When we were younger my brother had SAed me. So our relationship had become estranged. When I first told my mom what happened she asked if I could ever forgive him. I didn't have a response.

We were all living apart for a few years until my mom got sick and my husband and I moved back in to help out. Then months later my brother had a mental break and moved back in with my parents too. The living situation was never ideal but we made it work.

Today we picked up my brother's ashes. That's when my mom told me. "You're brother was in love with you. He came to me about it in 2013" So I was around 20 at the time and he was 22. It made my stomach churn. Is that why he abused me? How long did he feel that way? Did he still?

My dad had found his notebook with his plans to take his life. He had a "deadline" of September first. Which is days before my baby's due date. Is that just a coincidence or was there meaning behind it?

I'll never know. So much is going to continue to haunt me.
Julia is a ugly cow.
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I've told you before to stop bringing up her ex. That was an awful relationship that she's learned to leave behind. It took a lot of love to get her to love herself, so stop opening old wounds
She certainly is more buxom than Ashley
>t. Ashley
Just because she breastfeeds our child doesn’t make her a cow. You’re just jealous Andrew hasn’t cum triplets into you yet
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Those tits aren't canon unlike these.
You liked it because of the context you heard it in, not because of the music itself.
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Oh please, look at this hefty hussy's hussys. They're way bigger than Dumbshleys
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No way fag.
Cheated on her brother and drove him to suicide, and then in a later post she’s acting like she’s the victim here. Some people are truly evil.
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Ashley is so brutish and mean while Julia is so sweet, gentle, and cute
You can’t really expect me to believe a literal starvation victim has much of a chest.
She wasn't starving for years just a couple of weeks at most.
It has been at least 3 months
Play the fucking game
I hate to defend Ashley of all people. But she wasn't starving until the very end of the quarantine. The tomatoes were the last bit of food they had.
Ugly ass fanart.
Starving doesn’t mean no food can ever enter your mouth. If you eat 500 calories a day you will still starve to death. They were already rationing to the point where they’d regularly pass out, so it’s safe to say she was starving.
They were locked down for 3 months but they weren't starving during the whole lockdown. Ashley herself mentions they used to be fed.
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opinion doesn't matter. ashley has bigger tits in game art. I'm still not into ashley because of no ass
Would they be willing to share one Andrew?
Depends if they are different Ashleys or aspects/copies of the same Ashley
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That raises a good question. Would (You) (the average sibling haver ITT) share your sibling with a carbon copy of yourself?
No, my sister is mine (me)
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No! She's mine mine mine!
Absolutely, we'd all work together. ....Also my attention wouldn't be divided between my two siblings anymore....
I might try this one tonight but >>487446102 looks fun too.
Remembering to give your Juliawife her neonatal vitamins with the breakfast you make her
Looking up best cuddling positions for you and your Juliawife that keep her comfortable with her big belly
The look of pure relief your Juliawife gives you when you massage her feet and ankles that makes you want to brush the hair out of the way and kiss her deeply
Switching to sleep on the other side of the bed so your Juliawife can be closer to the bathroom for when she has to pee in the middle of the night
>"Graves, Principal's office."
>"What did Ashley do this time?"
>"Not this time, son. It's for you."
>"Oh...what did I do?"
>"They didn't say. Go."
>FUCK!! Andy thought. He marched out of the classroom and grumbled.
>What did I do? Was it the cherry bomb in the toilets? The sugar in Mr. Ingo's gas tank? The holes he poked in Mr. Jan's condoms with a safety pin?
>He opened the door to the waiting room of the principal's office and saw Leyley sitting on one of the chairs. Hands clasped together between her knees.
>"I didn't do it!" Ashley interjected, raising her hands.
>"Didn't do what?" Andrew asked, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.
>"I didn't do shit!"
>"Language, young lady!" Shouted the withered leathery old secretary, she pointed a finger at Andy, "And you! Sit down! The principal will be with you shortly!"
>"Am I in trouble?"
>The secretary moved her finger to the empty seat next to Ashley.
>Andrew stalked to the chair and sat down, glaring at the secretary when she wasn't looking. What a nasty wrinkled
>"Bitch." Leyley muttered under her breath.
>Andy quietly shushed her, but she caught the smile on his face and smirked. A smile that said 'I may have said it but you were definitely thinking it.' Andy nodded.
>"So what are we in for?" Leyley whispered.
>"I dunno, but it's probably complete bullshit." Andy whispered back.
>"Mr. Jan?"
>"Dude, shut up!"
>They both started giggling, drawing the ire of the bitter bat of a secretary. Before she could get up from her chair to bitch them out, the door to the principal's office opened.
>"Ah, good. You're both here. Come in, both of you."
>"Don't you usually interrogate us one at a time?" Leyley asked as she got out of her seat. Andy facepalmed.
>"Leyley, for God's sake..."
>The principal raised an eyebrow, "I'm not interrogating you."
>"What would I be interrogating you for?"
>Andy interjected, "No reason, sir."
>He hustled Leyley into the office and sat her down at one of the chairs.
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All are good.
Jack in a castle is a bit longer without clear Nemlei-moments. But I got a few chuckles out of it. It's decent.
Only Delevion is pure dogshit. Nihilistic dogshit, nothing more.
>Also, only No good Noelle has a horrible soundtrack. Otherwise fine.
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Hold up. I don't like where this is going
People hate on Divilethion way too much IMO. I suspect it’s because of its similarities to coffin that people think of it as just “coffin but worse,” which obviously isn’t really fair since coffin wasn’t around yet to compare it to. A better way to look at it is as laying the ground work for coffin as nem’s first foray into that kind of world
I dislike this direction
Anon please continue!
I was not thinking about that at all. It's just that the most likeable character in Divilethion was the bloody demon, and he wasn't great. Everybody else is a cunt.
And there is no point to the story. No matter what you do, people treat each other like shit. They suffer and will continue to suffer.
>No matter what you do, people treat each other like shit
That is just as true in coffin. The exact same events happen in burial and decay—nothing changes except for how the sibling’s attitudes toward each other. And those events are pretty fucking bleak ones across the board. The world is just as much of a corporate wasteland; the parents are abusive and then murdered; the sketchiest place they know is their only hope for salvation; everyone except Julia is some sort of asshole.
>The exact same events happen in burial and decay
Wow I didn't know you played chapter 3 already
If I had a clone, we wouldn't need our sister anymore
Tense, I like it! Feel free to keep going
Don’t be a faggot you know what I mean. The shittiness of the world and the looming air of futility is there in coffin too.
As far as likeable characters obviously that’s a matter of opinion, but I thought Lynn was interesting too, as it’s eventually revealed how and why he is so fucked up, and the toxic positive angle to his craziness is a fun departure from the typical scheming psychopath.
>thiuposter spotted
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If I had a clone, things would get real gay real fast
Same but I wouldn't abandon my sis I aint a monster
I wish I could FUCKING make out with my sister (real life)
Same, desu. It wouldn't be so painful if she wasn't so FUCKING cute. I give and get smooches, but it's not enough. I need to be making out with her face and then her butthole.
You better finish this!
>I give and get smooches, but it's not enough
Well I hope you never get any more ever again. I hope her friends start telling her that it's weird and "incest-coded" for her to give you little kisses and so she stops. And I hope when you ask why it stopped and if they can continue, she'll think you're just a pervert and never talk to you again
That’s a horrible thing to wish on another person anon and I counter your wish by wishing anon’s sister would let the “incest coded” comments get to her until she can’t hide her secret crush on her big brother anymore and they smash
Have any of Nemlei's games actually impacted you beyond being entertaining?
Easy mode: either directly from the games or from secondary content.
Well there you go. Julia is pure. And so is the shy cultist. Also with Andrew, Ashley and the mom you have three characters I care about. Note that the mom shows emotions for Andrew. And our protagonist care about each other while being likeable.
With delevion, the brother is an annoying little brat and the main is a phsyco, but not in the cool Bateman-way.
>TL;DR coffin has good characters in a shit world. The shitty world pushes them together, we feel for them more.
>In delevion, everybody is just shit. Big difference.
Hello heard this is the hag general??
Only if your mother is your sister
Oh no! Andy and Leyley got caught saying the sneed word in class!
>Andy held a finger to his lips, "Let me do the talking, I'm better at getting us out of trouble than you are."
>Leyley nodded and he sat down next to her. The Principal sat down on his side of the desk and started writing in his notepad. The scribbling of his pen and the ticking of the clock was the only noise for a while, almost as if he forgot they were there.
>Leyley looked at Andy. When he turned to her, she tilted her head urgently at the principal. 'Well? Say something!'
>"Mr. Principal, sir? Is there a particular reason that you called us here?"
>"Are we in trouble?" Ashley asked.
>"No, you're not in trouble. Why would you think that?" he asked suspiciously.
>"No offense, sir," Andy raised his hand, "but why else would we be in the principal's office?"
>"Well...it could be because you're gifted and qualify for advanced courses." He smiled, spreading his hands placidly.
>"Are we gifted?" Leyley asked, "Do we qualify for ad--ad--game boy advanced courses?"
>The Graves siblings crossed their arms in unison.
>"Okay, fine. Yes, you're in trouble. Mr. Jan filed a complaint against you. Claims you sabotaged his contraceptives."
>Both siblings talked at the same time.
>"We didn't do it." Leyley said, on instinct.
>"What are contraceptives?" Andy said.
>"He says you poked hole in his condoms."
>Leyley decided to follow Andy's advice and let him do the talking.
>"We don't know what those are, sir." He shrugged. Leyley nodded.
>"You can play dumb all you want, son. But he claims he has proof."
>The Principal opens its desk. The sudden screech of wood makes the Graves siblings flinch. He reaches in and pulls a tiny ring box from it, setting it on the desk.
>"Now, I don't know what kind of proof he has, but he was incredibly adamant that it was ironclad--GAH!"
>He opened the box and immediately yelped. The arm carrying the box jerked away from him, unintentionally throwing it at Leyley.
>"What the--EW! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"
Wait did a used condom fall on Leyley?
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>In the box was a used condom, still slimey.
>The Principal got up and rushed to Leyley.
>"Ashley, I'm so--let me get that off of you!"
>"What the fuck is this? What did you throw at my sister?!"
>"Andrew, I'm so sorry about this, Mr. Jan didn't tell me--"
>"You called us in here and you didn't CHECK?!"
>The door opened a crack, and the withered secretary poked her head in.
>"Is everything alright, sir?"
>"CLOSE THE DOOR!" shouted the Principal with a commanding finger pointing at her. She obliged quickly.
>"Leyley, hold still!"
>"Andrew, don't touch it!"
>"You!! SHUT UP!" Andrew shouted, pointing angrily at the principal before turning to Leyley, "you. Hold still."
>Leyley held still. Andrew picked the disgusting slimy disk off her overalls and took it to the garbage.
>Everything got quiet after that. The principal called the secretary in. She poked her head through the door.
>"Yes sir?"
>"Sanitary wipes and hand sanitizer, please."
>"Yes sir."
>They managed to clean themselves up quickly.
>"Andrew, Ashley. I'm very sorry about--"
>"You're not very good at your job, are you?" Andrew said coldly.
>"Come again?"
>"No, I don't think I should. Come's what started this mess."
>That pun was enough to lift Leyley's spirits. The two siblings left without another word. The principal picked up the phone in his office and frantically started calling Mr. Jan.
>They waited until they were far enough down the hall before they stopped pretending to look traumatized.
>"Scott free!" Andy whispered.
>"We probably got him fired." Ashley cringed a bit.

This is garbage. Forgive me for writing this.
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This sucks. You suck. I'm reporting you to interpol for sucking.
I’m going to masturbate to this
I only meant to keep us out of page 10, write a complete story, and avoid writing porn (again). 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Can you continue the story a bit further, the thought of leyley with cum spilled on her currently has me rock hard
Breddy gud up until
>>"You're not very good at your job, are you?" Andrew said coldly.
I don't think younger Andrew had that kind of backbone. But the writing itself is good, and any earnest effortposting is good posting.
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I wanted to show as much rage as possible while still keeping him calm.
Sure, but he's only 2 years older than Ashley. I don't know that 2 years is enough to go from
>Do we qualify for game boy advanced courses
>You're not very good at your job, are you?
Especially if the latter is malicious. It was a good read! I'm just pedantic.
>Captcha: AN0YH
To be fair to me, they were using cuss words that I didn't even know about in-game with impunity.
That's a fair point. Thinking about it more, I can see it; while I did know a lot of swear words (and racial slurs) as a child, I didn't really use them. But they were neglected, and it's obvious even before they slay Nina that Andy and Leyley are fucked up. Really, a rejection of authority/social hierarchy makes sense.
You've brought me around to your side, especially since Andy's the one that's always being useful and thus "leading" in a way, so of course he'd be able to pretend to be more grown-up than he is.
Ashley's awesome fat tits are on my mind more often than not.
The principal is a nonce for showing a used condom to children on shaky grounds
He has a habit of speaking nonce sense when he's panicking. Can you really blame him? One of his staff had a psychotic break and put a used condom in a box and claimed it was evidence.
u/orodes_1 here, can you make another set of greentexts that’s more wholesome? This includes the sexualization of a minor, which even in a joke format, means that I can not post this to the subreddit. Perhaps you could do something wholesome like an Ashley x Mop post, the last one did very well for me and the redditors love mop posting!
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I appreciate the bump.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
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I want one
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Why don't you fags like mall goth sister ;_;
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>There is absolutely no good explanation as to why you're rummaging through their sex toys. And the truth "I want to tie mom up" doesn't sound any better.
Because it just looks like crossdressing Andrew trying too hard and doesn't fit his character.
>Because it just looks like crossdressing Andrew
Yes nigga and I want to fuck it heterosexually
Now make one with Andrew's ass and I'll buy it. Don't tell Kit9, he'll send pizzas to my house again!!!
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holy fuck that majority
why did you post this abominable "art"
Ashley is so hairy because she's an abominable snowman? It all makes sense now!
If you can't deal with a bit of hair you have an erectile dysfunction
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How would you feel if Andrew got a mustache in Chapter 3?
She is going to get her brother possessed by the demon and let it use his body to fuck her isn't she?
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For a moment I thought they were going to get raped not gonna lie
This is after they move to France
>t homosexual
Women have shaven for a bit over 0.03% of human history; were 99.96% of all men that ever existed gay?
ewwww icky wicky!!
body haaaaaair??!
get it off get it off!!
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I would ironically stop playing the game. Ruined.
99.96% of all men didn't have any other choice. But once humanity had a choice, men moved to shaving
Nigga evolution is our choice
Oh no... the worst type of mustache
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wtf andrew are luigi?
A for Ashley
Super Graves Bros
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I so badly want to have sex with Julia while I whisper dirty, lewd, lascivious things in her ear the whole time
I wanna nuzzle my nose against hers than headbutt her unconscious and bury her alive. I'm not a psycho, it's just cute aggression! That's completely normal!!
A cookie that eats itself?!
Huh that's kinda cool
Imagine how cool it would be if the artist decorated a cookie/cake for Ch. 3's release with unique art.
Cute bunnies
WARNING: Disturbing image of Andrew being lobotomized like his dad. View at your own risk!
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>Forgot to spoiler the image
I'm going to kill myself
It's ok papa graves. You're doing your best.
What will you do if Andrew and Ashley DON'T have kids together in any of the endings?
Thanks, Anders. I appreciate it.
Cry hysterically and smash all my windows in my house with open hand strikes
Carpetbomb Nemlei's house.
Oh, and write a fifty-page fanfic ending to correct this massive oversight.
I would scream and cry and then make fanart of their kids anyway
Throw molotovs at her house.
Crack my fingers and neck, go into xX_h4ck32 m0d3_Xx, get Kit9's account, make a post that says "lol sory guys that was just a prank!!!", then hire a team of top men for $3 million to remake the ending so they have kids.
Nemlei doesn't deserve Coffin if she doesn't make them fuck like rabbits and have a dozen kids
it's just a joke Nemlei pls oh pls don't not have them not fuck to spite me. I'm only jokking I wouldn't do this ok I just wanted to make a joke don't worry I promise I won't do this I don't even have $3 million I promise.
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The game release has been delayed six months to design kids, rewrite Burial, and hire bodyguards. What the fuck have I gotten myself into.
We did it coffers! We terrorized our favorite creator into doing things our way!! Don't ever let anyone tell you terror doesn't win!
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Duly noted!
Need yous
I can't wait for incestfags to get BTFOd when the sane platonic door becomes canon for Burial. Think about it, they already avoided that vision due to Andrew burying his incestuous feelings that night. The hitman vision happened hours from when Ashley got it, clearly they were supposed to fuck in their parents bed but they didn't. Vision averted forever.
>"opt out" route is canon
Now THATS cope. It's clearly there for fags who don't want to see yucky incest so they don't have to watch the fuck scene.
The sane route will still have incest kek it's unavoidable
The room in the incest vision looks nothing like the parents' room.
It would be peak kekery if it did actually still have incest but the only difference was that it wasn't as overt to the viewer and you only get hints of it happening off-camera.
That would be...interesting
>let it use his body to fuck her
That's not him so it's extra no-no and extra vile to her.
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Absolutely degenerate. They won't get the demon involved until things start to get boring. So 40 years from now at the absolute minimum.
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Normalfags like you will seethe and cry once it's revealed all routes led to incest including the sane route and decay.
Who says she has a choice in the matter?
She does.
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Nonconsensual demonfaggotry is canon already...
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>non consensual
Pretty sure the demon calls the shots
"???" is going to plow both Ashley and Andrew's wheat fields. Prepare your anuses
??? is going to ask for Andrew's firstborn so Ashley will have to help with that
I don't *truly* believe this, but my intuition is telling me that a relationship like theirs is going to end up bringing a "Damien" into existence. They'll treat the demon possessed child lovingly of course and it will love them back, but it'll eventually bring the destruction of mankind (which neither Andrew and Ashley will particularly be bothered by, considering the world they live in.)
It will bring the destruction of the world... after they die so who cares.
Nemlei's next game is now confirmed to be the child of Ashley and Andrew 200 years later still looking like the day they turned 18 from eternal youth. Destruction of the world, self-sacrifice, or haram endings.
It could be like in the new Omen movie where it was revealed that Damien has a twin sister. It would be funny if Andrew and Ashley conceived a new generation of fucked up siblings
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>Can't we make a deal??
>Oh, YoU gOt An AsS oN yOu AlRiGhT. SeE tHaT's He'S TaLkInG aBoUt. SpReAd yOuR aSs OpEn DuDe. YoU cAn Do ThE aNdY sHaKeR, hUh? ThE aNdY sHaKeR, GiMmE tHe AnDy ShAkEr, DuDe, ShAkE yOuR aSs! TaKe YoUr HaNds OfF iT aNd ShAkE tHaT sHiT. PuLl YoUr ShIrT uP. I KnOw YoU CaN sHaKe It, ShAkE iT! YeAh ThAt'S sOmE AnDy AsS rIgHt ThErE. Oh YeAh, ThAt'lL wOrk. YoU gOt ThE bOoTy, DudE! GoD dAmN. LoOk GoOd, BrO? YeS. YeAh NiCe, HuH? AlRiGhT ThAt'lL wOrK fOr HiM. PuT ThAt CoNdOm On.
the larps around this game are alarming
Rather have opposite sex clone.
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Goodnight /calg/
I wish you all happy hussy dreams
Would you cum inside your girl-self?
>incest route
Another tasteful sex scene.
>sane route
No sex scene but Ashley jokes about "last night".

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Sounds great to me
Elaborate. Does Ashley enjoy it or does it break her into being a hollow husk?
Holliw husk. Andrew hate fucks her, gets post nut clarity, realizes that somewhere deep inside he still had some brotherly love for her and kills the both of them. Mercy killing for Ashley, death sentence for himself.
They both become reluctantly intertwined with open hostility on the outside and helplessly enthralled to the other on the inside.
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Also kino
It would absolutely break her. Ashley is childish and has Andrew on a pedestal, an assault like that would destroy her world and her image of him
Adding onto this
Could be the no star or incomplete star run and
would be the 'All star' Decay ending
Do you think Ashley would have the strength and resolve to leave Andrew after that?
Let's say she tries to kill him and fails. Would she just submit or run away?
Alternatively, she might be delighted by him losing his sense of control in the first place enough to see if he'll do it again, I mean, she doesn't have a frame of reference for anything different does she
I mean she had the vision of him killing her or at least trying to. So him losing complete control like he's making chocolate pudding at 4am would probably terrify her immensely sex aside
>Do you think Ashley would have the strength and resolve to leave Andrew after that?
No, she can't live without him for better or worse. She would just stay with him and try to cope that it was a demonstration of love or something. She could also simply try to forget it but live in constant fear of Andrew lashing out.
>Let's say she tries to kill him and fails. Would she just submit or run away?
Assuming Andrew doesn't kill her after that then she would stay with him regardless.
Ashley is a scaredy cat, before picking any route she was already anxious that Andrew's changing and tried to talk about it to the demon because she has no one else. Are you kidding me? Getting raped by her brother would 100% break her.
>No, she can't live without him for better or worse.
This is the bottom line. Putting aside the romantics or even purely "human" aspect of her, she is a creature that has put essentially all of her weight of being onto Andrew being there for her. By the time she could even start making friends, the neglect she experienced as a child had already reinforced her infatuation with Andrew.
I'm not saying she's autistic, but it's kind of like how autistic people get interested in something like trains at a really young age, then base almost their entire existence around it, reinforcing their own obsession by both convincing themselves that nothing else engages them similarly and simply being as engaged as they already are for anything else to comparatively measure.
I think it's incredibly sad because underneath her whole being is just a sad lonely little girl who's only light in her life was her brother.
>I think it's incredibly sad because underneath her whole being is just a sad lonely little girl who's only light in her life was her brother
Man I just want them to be happy...
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I can fix her
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If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous of a mop, Andy
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I-I'm NOT!!
It's something I think about, but this is why I put some of the blame on Andrew for the way things got (prior to the things he'd obviously be guilty of). Not necessarily that he was knowingly doing things, but that there's a feedback loop between their behaviors that lead to them both becoming the people they are.
Ashley wants Andrew's undivided attention and affection. Put aside everything else and that's the core of who she is.
The person she's become is a reflection of the Andrew that she sees and no one else does. She gripped onto his darker nature because it's what truly stimulates him beyond the facade of "normalcy" he's so desperate to achieve.
In a way, they've become symbiotic and serve as two halves of the same person by the time they're in their 20's.
I say this lovingly but Ashley is practically parasitic in how she has pressed herself into Andrew's psyche doing everything to assure that Andrew is just as obsessed with her as she is with him.
That's the difference I see in the terms of Burial and Decay. Burial is Andrew forfeiting his desire of independence and both siblings embracing "Ashley and Andrew" as a collaboration rather than something that needs to be dominative and submissive, while Decay is Andy going to war with his "parasite" leading to either it consuming him before dying with the host or him ripping it out with a chunk of himself forever missing likely leading to a painful hollowness where that parasite once was.
So sexy...
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I just love the look in her eyes during this scene. It's not fear, shock, or even discomfort, it's like an android encountering something beyond its understanding trying to find some way to rationalize his behavior with the person she's known.
One week til the next devlog, I hope we’ll finally get a release date
We need it. These threads are dying
I will release inside of Andrea
The quiet of the thread made me feel especially alone tonight. Dunno why it bothered me more than usual.
Hag thread
Looks more like a e-whore than mall goth.
How much do you reckon they really understand each other? Ashley is stumped by Andyhera in Decay and even mask off Andrew in Burial confuses her, meanwhile he described her as "hard to read" to Julia.
Him telling Julia that was just obfuscation. He understands her pretty deeply but he doesn't really understand the problems he causes her (yet).
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I'd say short hair is more 80's "goth" in my head. Kinda reminds me of the slut from The Breakfast Club. Outside of the greenday shirt, left looks like she'd be more fun to hang out with at least.
I feel it. I'm used to the threads being more active but lately it's been dying down
IIRC The black haired one is a virgin so she isn't a slut
Maybe he does but he's selfish or justifies it as her deserving it and him deserving her as a burden for what they did to Nina? I can see the former more than the latter, I mean this is the same guy who lowkey kept his sister a virgin orbiter while he was getting laid
>Dunno why it bothered me more than usual.
It's been a long time since I've seen it so you're probably right. I just remember her playing into the idea that she was a nymphomaniac
I like her. She looks cute with makeup running down her face and with smeared lipstick on her lips
Yeah, she gloats about being a nympho but retracts it towards the end.
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That's a complicated thing to answer. I don't think Ashley has some deep psychological understanding of Andrew, but I think Andrew knows how much she loves him and doesn't hide his true nature around her either.
I think she just expected Andrew to be upset, spiteful, or miserable, as he usually is, but I think everything that happened then made Andrew come to terms with the fact that all he really cares about is Ashley.
I think she was just realizing that something had seriously changed about him and couldn't tell if it was a good thing or if she had broken him.
I want Andrew to burst into tears (of joy) when he fucks Ashley
I want Ashley to burst into tears (of joy) when Andrew fucks her
Sweet tea Rakeem and Vic Cherry ambush Andrew and Ashley on their way to the motel!
Can they defeat them?
i don't know who they are. ashley would kill them both for being black. andrew would tell her "stop ashley, that's racist!" but then in his internal monologue he'll say "heh fuck those niggers"
>a women laying a scratch on them
I think not
Because you’re an annoying redditor who’s constantly seeking validation
this thread has been mindbroken
I meant that in the sense that if he benefits from something it seems to create a heavy bias in how he views things. For example dating Julia has both sides of that.
He already knew Ashley hated Julia and the prospect of him dating someone else. He didn't even like Julia by his own internal monologue and saw her as a useful idiot to distract Ashley. But in the heat of the moment he started dating her anyways to get rid of rumours.
He started to willfully ignored Ashley's worsening reactions entirely because he Julia had evolved from a trophy GF to a surrogate for fucking Ashley while he still had the real Ashley (without incest) in private.

tl;dr - Andrew is selfish. He probably inherited it from his mother because even she was willing to sell her kids out for enough cash to buy a new home and did her best to forget they existed akin to how Andrew forgot Julia existed after her usefulness expired.
>racism headcanon
Weird. If they're from a fictional Scandinavian country they're far more likely to be socialists so no homophobia or racism, being a moderate leftoid would be the normal thing to be for Andrew. To be honest Ashley strikes me as a social Darwinist since childhood but she'd most likely be one of those housewives who vote just like their husband cuz they don't give a shit about politics.
I think the brain rot afflicted nonas who write that stuff are kind of funny. It’s no different than males who are very into firearms and tactical equipment. 98% of both of these groups are completely harmless because they’ve gotten off sufficiently from larping.
That’s exactly what i wanted you to say.
Do you think Andrew would sell off and betray Ashley given he could have a clean slate and a new life?
That would be like asking if Mom would sell off Dad.
Andrew/Mom would probably take a bullet to protect Ashley/Dad respectively.
At the start of Episode 1, no. Towards the end of Episode 1, maybe.
At the start of Episode 2, no. Towards the end of Episode 2, definitely not. Not even on the Decay route, but only because he'd rather kill her himself to make sure she was dead.
>NOOO NOOOO NOO!!!!!!1!1!!!!!
>Why aren’t the cannibals voting for Kamala Harris
Take your annoying ass back to redit/twitter/discord
>Towards the end of Episode 1, maybe.
I don't think he would be happy about it and would grow to regret the situation and it turns into a crippling incurable depression.
>he'd rather kill her himself to make sure she was dead
He'd only want to kill her for their own benefit, ending their struggle in defeatism, not to get rid of her.
Who the fuck are you quoting?
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>socialists can't be racist or homophobic
lol lmao even
I'll take your bait and advise everyone else not to, but the only reason you don't hear about racism in Nordic countries is because no one there gives a fuck. What you consider racism is just normal there.
Dude, there is nothing more offensive to these characters' incestuous sensibilities than negroes.
Not really? Equality is packaged together with their worldview so if they reject racial equality they're hypocrites just like conservatives who suck cock in secret and publicly bash homosexuality.
Agree on both fronts. Andrew may not depend on Ashley in the first two episodes like she depends on him, but he would be utterly broken without her around. Even when he despises her the most, he still loves her deeply. That would be a wound that wouldn't heal and I think he'd always feel guilty.
Ashley doesn't discriminate, she equally hates everyone the same amount.
>conservatives le bad!
not every single piece of media need to be 100% in alignment with your political views for you to consume it
Lets be honest here. If she a saw a black or an asian she'd think they look weird as fuck.
Next they'll be saying the siblings aren't incestuous. Oh wait, they already do.
I... anon. You'd call me a hyper chud if I didn't suppress my power level, I think conservatives are bad because they're inefficient diet ledtoids that don't want to go to war with their supposed enemies. I would gas chamber +80% of cuckservatives.
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You're a hyper chud and that's a good thing
the chuddin chudrew and chudley
If Ashley saw a nigger (“black girl” for the socialist queen itt) hitting on Andrew she’d respond exactly like someone on /pol/ would
Lament of a Fan

Ignore this if you’ve heard it about a billion times.

Why is it always art of the two of them fucking or just acting inappropriately with each other. I like to think this is just a joke, but *everyone’s* making it, and it’s not slowing down. I mean, I get fandoms have a part of them that’s pornographic, but why does my favorite game’s fandom have to be 99% full of porn when canonically it’s not an AO game.

I mean… I don’t see a lot of crossover art (some exists, yes, but like in the single digits). They’re never meeting characters of similar games, like Omori or Sally Face and just seeing that they’re not alone.

I don’t see any art of the two of them eating people, or fixing their relationship for that matter. I love gore. There’s never any gore of them just… cutting people up… seeing all the different organs and pieces inside of them… presenting the different cuts of meat.

I don’t see anything depicting them with normal faces. It’s just like Ashley has an anime girl face in every single picture. However, I did enjoy in the canon art where the siblings had pimples in their teens. There's nothing raw or human about them.

They never look like they’re starving. They always have sexy bodies. Andrew has the washboard abs and Ashley has the over-inflated chest and ass.

None of the art tries to say anything or have any message. It’s just them… existing. Andrew is always looking bored and like he doesn’t want to be there, while Ashley is a maniac 100% of the time. There’s no dimensionality.

They never get to change their clothes, to wear something different. Ashley never gets to wear pretty dresses or long pants. I honestly don’t care what Andrew wears, he doesn’t look good in anything. I mean, he’s just a guy with black hair and he's never made an effort to be anything more.

Honestly, please direct me towards a worse fandom. I want to see it. I want to know I’m not in the worst one.
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You're gay lol
You're probably right, but like someone else said, I don't think she favors any particular group of people and hates everyone who isn't Andrew equally. She would just say whatever thing she'd assume would hurt that person the most.
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You're very gay lol
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>How Ashley became racist
Probably, but it's all hypothetical. Nemlei doesn't draw Asian or Black characters.
>words words words words
the left can’t meme, even in the incest thread
>Ashley encouraged Julia's self harm
>b-but she wouldn't do a racism
Cope. She's not a PC Hollywood villain, she'll go for the throat of any hussy. If the hussy is Jewish she'll try to make her cry with oven jokes.
And for good reason
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6 million dead hussies
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Is it the truth or are you just joking?
You want to start a fire in the thread
Is it the truth or are you just joking?
You want to start a fire in the thread

Old friend from the previous war
You'll put the rope around your own neck

Don't pick a fight with the defiant shotacons
You'll lose your swarm of little brothers
Don't pick a fight with the defiant shotacons
You'll lose your swarm of little brothers

Brave and beautiful is my little shota
For centuries he has not given over his virginity
Brave and beautiful is my little shota
For centuries he has not given over his virginity

Old friend from the previous war
You'll put the rope around your own neck

Don't pick a fight with the defiant shotacons
You'll lose your swarm of little brothers
Don't pick a fight with the defiant shotacons
You'll lose your swarm of little brothers

Wish for others, what you wish for yourself
To escape from a cursed destiny
Wish for others, what you wish for yourself
To escape from a cursed destiny

Old friend from the previous war
You'll put the rope around your own neck

Don't pick a fight with the defiant shotacons
You'll lose your swarm of little brothers
Don't pick a fight with the defiant shotacons
You'll lose your swarm of little brothers
Lmao this, “people” are honestly mindbroken redditors if they think that Ashley cares for equality, bipoc rights, gay marriage, and asian representation in media
Keyd shotachad
She called Andrew a cocksucker which is apparently homophobic these days according to reddit.
Ashley has such a strong in-group preference that she refuses to date outside of her bloodline. You literally cannot get more racist than that.
kill yourself serbian
The funniest part about this edit is that the area that’s filled in shows hot fat edp is
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Stating the truth is not homophobic!
Blah blah look harder.
>the same guy who lowkey kept his sister a virgin orbiter while he was getting laid
He was just trying to release some heat and not fuck Ashley lol
live your life serbian
So Ashley is:
>extremely misogynistic
>hates casual sex
Coincidentally, there are no brown people in the game, and the story is about how lockdown is a corporate conspiracy... Nemlei is based.
If he had no intention of fucking her he should've pimped her out for food.
Jesus fucking christ he's trying to be a good brother.
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Cry about it
We need to cancel Nemlei. Reddit do yo thang!
A good brother doesn't want his sister to starve to death!
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What can I say apart from ToTAL SHOTA LOVE
Why is pimping his sister for food bad? Andrew has progressive views on sex, he didn't look down on the 302 lady.
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Lady from 302 isn't his sister. He'd backhand her for even joking about being a callgirl
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6 million dead alabama residents
Then you agree with my initial post that he's extremely selfish and doesn't care about the damage he did to Ashley by keeping her a virgin orbiter.
There's nothing that makes Andrew more mad than thinking about Ashley fucking anyone else.
He damaged her by not wanting her to be a whore?
Let's not pretend Ashley would consider fucking anyone else ever lol
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Square up lil nigga
well he damaged her organs by not pimping her, but more importantly he also damaged her by keeping her an orbiter instead of convincing with the power of his penis that he loves her
When you take a good thing to the extreme, it ends up being worse than the alternative. Ashley can't be with anyone other than him and he isn't willing to take responsibility (yet).
This is true. Andrew should fuck her
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Considering that nemli has never engaged in forced diversity, and is most likely a hyperborean queen, I’m surprised that she hasn’t been called out for it by the woke mob yet.
>Considering that nemli has never engaged in forced diversity, and is most likely a hyperborean queen
How about we don't start pushing this shit so she doesn't end up feeling the need that she has to?
Don't worry friend, I got some epic fanart for you!
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Nemlei of all people would never feel pressured, lol.
The sad truth is that Jared Moore has big cuck energy, so unfortunately he’s probably trying to get Nemlei to write more strong bipoc characters anyways
Don't jinx it
nta You're right, it's gay AF to think about wokefags so much. Just enjoy your non political entertainment.
Cute edit
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More? Ok!
terrible edit
Thank you :)
The next game will be about an overworked artist, it'll feature more classical VN elements in the first half, and the second half will be an RPGMaker adventure dedicated to curb stomping Korean IP thieves
Nem-chan you don't have to spoil your next game like that :(
No, it's going to be a pretentious 4th wall break game about an overworked game dev where it's perfectly normal and interspersed with random unnecessary live-action bits nobody asked for and add nothing to the game.
>interspersed with random unnecessary live-action bits nobody asked for and add nothing
So like Spongebob? Will Kit9 be playing the role of Patchy for the live action bits?
No. Like Inscryption.
>So like Spongebob?
What? I know the show did live action bits but they were very rare.
They were unnecessary and added nothing. They only made episodes worse. Sorry, Patchy, if you're reading this, but you and the parrot fucking sucked.
I hate it so much when so called “creatives” make work that is exceedingly generic self insert content.
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I'm sending Potty to carpet bomb(shit) on your house!
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Shit taste
Fuck you :(
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Andrew and Ashley are both apolitical. The world they live in is immensely corrupt and dysfunctional. That would push anyone with a working brain to an extreme level of cynicism and apathy in the absence of a viable and better alternative, and there is no reason to believe one exists in Suomalia. If they hold any ideological conviction, it would be of a very nihilistic strain. Communism, fascism, muh democracy, theocracy... no ideology that asks for loyalty and faith in your fellow man, whether on the basis of class, race, religion, nationality, or just humanity in general would resonate with the Graves siblings due to just how hopelessly shit everything and (almost) everyone is. This doesn't preclude either of them from exhibiting "racist", "sexist", or "homophobic" behavior. They aren't wholesome chungus Reddit "I hate everyone equally but I would NEVER utter a racial slur" nihilists, but any such display would still be an in-the-moment manifestation of their general misanthropy rather than a particular hatred for the group in question.

Andrew's nation is his sister. Ashley's god is her brother. That's where their loyalties end.
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Words words words
Sibling sex!
I'm gay
That's basically what they were saying, so good summary.
Are there anymore good story driven Coffin fanfics? I'm already done with Eyes and Roots and Birdcage.
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pretty sure this is SFW but still gonna spoiler it
What are they doing?
Lost one of my brothers around 2013 to suicide, I came home from 7th grade on a nice spring day, and heard the news.
Sometimes when I see a train, I think about him
He had severe depression and psychosis. Runs in both sides of my family. I never really knew him that well, especially because he was often consumed by rage, we had some good moments together though. He wasn’t gay (as far as I know, I’m pretty sure he was aro/asexaul) so he never molested me.

I think he regretted what he did to you, he assaulted you out of lust and mental illness in my opinion. Part of his attraction to you was from mental illness. His regret certainly didn’t help, But he did what he did because he was sick. I sometimes find myself feeling guilty, I’m an aspie with no friends or relatable interests and no matter how far I get I never seem to get to a place where I feel accomplished. I wonder why he died and I’m alive. Your brother has found peace, and you have a life to live.
Giving her a back massage.
Oh, okay
Leaky leyley
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Fuck you
Alright I'm looking it up
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Holy shit
Well then, let’s both dress up as thiu (pretend I have a phallus)
You and your brother could have thiumaxxed in real life, but you were too shy to suck his dick. All jokes aside I’m sorry that happened to you.
>pretend I have a phallus
What happened to your dick?
Did you seriously copy and paste this from the reddit
medium kek
Ahh yes I forgot that only males exist on the internet, carry on without me then.
You're goddamn right!
Reddit is always screencapping us, I though it would be nice to mix it up for a change.
You know what, fair enough.
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Don't be like that, I was just teasing you
Noelle is built for bullying
Noelle is built for kissing (gay)
>thigh freckles
What is ivy built for?
Marriage and only having 1 child that's heavily spoiled (Ivy and the father me will be imprisoned and enslaved by the Delphic state for not providing our child a siblingspouse)
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Unironically the smartest Anon
Someone should screenshot that and post it back onto Reddit
Ivy would not allow this and anyone who attempts would be subject to swift correction
Love this sexy smug bitch. Do you have a full frontal of Noelle too?
And when I see it on reddit, I’ll screencap it again and post it here.
Afraid not, only 1 more of Ivy (with foot too, not very detailed though)
Still very nice. Who's the artist?
Sillysucc, also did some of Noelle pissing her pants, I hesitated to post those though because that interest is kinda niche, plus they are fully clothed. I can post them if people want though
Go ahead
do not
I would keep my girl-self on birth control just so I could cum inside her as much as possible without worrying about pregnancy
>not forming a family with your girl-self
I would beat the absolute shit out of my girl self and make her realize how much of a stupid cunt she is. I hate her so much
How about this I will catbox these too even though they are clothed, so people not interested in NOELLE PEEING will not have to see them

The first one was actually posted before a long time ago which is how I found the others
Not for a while. I want to enjoy our hot and romantic youth before setting down
Thanks fren
I love how embarrassed she looks! Fuck that is really cute
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She's so cute
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Kill yourself.
Just want to say that actual socialist countries viewed (and most still view) homosexuality as bourgeois decay behavior. Our socialism (the one that was done in praxis, not on paper) was about tanks and dams, there was no shotafag spam. Socialism =/= social democracy.
Why did that of all things make you upset anon?
It’s not him this time
this comment put me in tears laughing
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Nta but he just hates cute things
Right? I like to imagine the relief felt so good that even though she’s embarrassed she has to start touching herself. I mean her hands are already right there...
but this isn’t an ERP server so I will refrain from going into too much more detail
Live your life
Because he likes birds, not bunnies
I rarely attempt to write greens, but would people be interested if I tried my hand at an erotic Noelle peeing green
Lmao. Faggot birdwatched got mad
lay the groundworks (not by pissing on the ground) for NGN fics, we desperately need them.
Cute Bundy you got there.
He's based. He hates niggers
Even more based!
Why doesn't Andrew simply impregnate Ashley?
he knows his dick will expload from being around his pregnant, even bigger titted sister
Please make it something more normal. It would invite bad luck to open with something like that.
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I think in the Burial Friendship route the siblings become occasional friends with benefits. Not like Andrew is going to be celibate till the dies. They'll do doggy to compartmentalize the incest.
Someone write a fic of the Sane route siblings first time having platonic non-sexual sex
All animals hate niggers though.
There's only 1 person who posts irl bunnies in this thread.
This is the greatest sentence of all time.
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And that someone is me. Ryan Gosling!
He is literally me
Everyone has a bit of Ryan in them. Not me tho, I am literarily picrel
Is that a frog?
It's a boi
A very mischievous boi
On the other hand, being weird will also mean it doesn’t get posted to reddit.
>It's been months since the fateful day quarantine began, and weeks since the Graves siblings escaped from their apartment
>In this time spent completely unseparated from Ashley, Andrew has had absolutely zero sexual releases
>It'd be impossible to so much as jack off without her overhearing
>This bitch has been fucking torturing Andrew with non-stop sexual remarks the entire time, as if to say "let them eat cake"
>Pregnant this, anal sex that. Offering her virginity this, feeling her ass that.
>If this jezebel wasn't fucking unbearable enough, she REALLY likes to get touchy.
>Andrew could only hide so many stiffies before his luck ran out one day: Ashley had crawled up over Andrew's body, and she was wondering why he was gritting his teeth like he wanted to bite his own jaw off.
To be continued?
Absolutely, keep posting things the sexualize minors, both shota and loli, and glorify suicide/self harm so the redditors can’t re-post them.
that doesn't solve anything
you're just trying to use that as an excuse to retroactively justify shitting up the thread
Please refrain from starting an argument about this shit
I just wanted to know if people wanted a greentext about Noelle cutely peeing
Just post it, anon. You don't need parents permission
Not done yet but I will in a little bit
Ok finished
>One day Noelle was walking through the christmasy woods
>"I have to peeeeee!!!" She cried while the wind blew the leaves of the trees around
>"but if I pee" she thought "someone might see me" she thought
>Noelle didn't care Noelle had to pee and pee was coming whether she liked it or not
>"eep! Someone's coming!!" she thought to herself while someone was coming in front of her
>Noelle jumped in the bush as fast as she could while a big busty burly man came approaching with a beard and red flannel shirt
>"Hello? Missy? I saw you jump in the bush, is everything okay" He said in a booming big voice
>"y-yes! go away I don't like you!" She said in a way so she could hope that maybe she could scare him away
>Oh no it's coming!!
>Noelle began to pee in her pants uncontrollably
>"Miss I'm coming over *sniff sniff* huh? what's that smell!?" the big man said as he troddled over to the bush
>"Stoooop! Nooooo!" Noelle yeeped allowed
>"Wh-what the heck is that? Do I smell pee?! I do! You are peeing! You are peeing behind the bush! What's your problem?!"
>He said
>Noelle was caught red... or hmmm shall I say yellow-handed! She was caught peeing behind the bush! How embarassing!!
that solves everything
those who are against it are just trying to use that as an excuse to justify others making greentexts so they can post them to reddit
cute boi
Very cute
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>discordchads making the imageboard trannies seethe
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At this point there aren't even good posters left in this shitehole. Ep3 might bring the oldfags back, but I'm not counting on it.
holy sex look at that face
Not him but you're a low IQ faggot and should kiss yourself.
I'd have you killed if I could
Thats not even me mine is WAY hotter
this reads like a shitpost
Same here, let’s turn him into soup.
Why are you looking at him like that, miss femanon?
I think I've made up like 20% of the post in this thread just desperately trying to keep it alive and entertaining. Be creative anon! If we can still come up with shit like Ashley fucking a mop, there's still plenty of things we can explore.
nta but the quality of posters left is so low that new devblog's can't even bring 24 hours of actual discussion even when they have actual things to discuss or speculate.
A devblog with a release date isn't going to fix that. God forbid the old guard comes back and sees the state of /calg/ now.
Learn to read, I said this is NOT a server
I’m not even in any of the discords nor do I ever want to be
This is the face Andy makes when Renee cleans his foreskin
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Could you imagine the sheer seethe if this shitehole suddenly got post IDs?
>God forbid the old guard comes back and sees the state of /calg/ now.
I've been here since June 2023. /calg/ has been hurt worse by better
1) Lmao based
2) True but with her tongue
I think I've made up like 20% of the posts in this thread just desperately trying to keep it alive and entertaining. Be creative anon! If we can still come up with shit like Ashley fucking a mop, there's still a chance that it’ll get reposted to reddit and it will bring us new users!
Why does Ashley make me uncharacteristically aroused?
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I just think that he is very good looking.
Are you male or female?
I've got no shame in my post (outside of maybe vent blog posting), but it would suck since there's a lot of fun to be had by jumping into conversations and pretending to be people.
Cmon anon, none of knew some fag was gonna do that. Are we not supposed to have any fun because unimaginative fuckers want to steal content and get credit for it elsewhere?
Mal, why?
It's just the contrarian poster. He will specifically copy and warp peoples posts just to be a nuisance.
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Oh well, then look as much as you want~
Ironically, the contrarian faggot is one of those same content stealing redditors
Truthfully, I have multiple "personas" I play in /calg/ and I'd be really embarrassed to have that exposed. I only play the personas because I think it helps with fun, on-topic discussion, but it's not something I'd want to admit to
>there's a lot of fun to be had by jumping into conversations and pretending to be people.
There isn’t please never do this ever again.
>Are we not supposed to have any fun because unimaginative fuckers want to steal content and get credit for it elsewhere?
You post wholesome big chungus redditor style memes, you can have way more fun by being toxic and the side effect it that it won’t be reposted.
Ironically, the contrarian chad is the one who is most against those content stealing redditors
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YES this is what I needed
I don't know if there is a specific name for the clothing/outfit they are wearing but I love it))
Thank you for always sharing this gold mine with us!!
>"Go slit your wrists! Maybe then you can go be with Nina and quit complaining about your friend being dead all the time!"
>The words kept pounding in my head, maybe I could call Andr-
>"You're not the only one!"
>No matter what I thought of, Ashley had already said something about it
>Maybe she was right
>Maybe it is my fault that Nina died, she did say she was going to my house
>Maybe it is my fault that Andrew's not available, he just pities me, there's other women around him
>"Maybe I can fix this," was thought that broke the noise in my head
>The silence in the room, however, was broken by the sound of fabric on skin, as I pulled my arm warmers off
>I look down, seeing the short, haphazard scars, and smile
>I had been doing so good
>Or was it bad, since I was letting myself fester in other people's lives?
>Either way, I was going to fix it this time
>One red line intersected all of those thin white lines as I sucked in air through my teeth
>Did it always sting like this?
>Lie down in bed, a few tears falling from my eyes as I smile
>I did good, I'm sorry for taking so long to find you, Nina
finally, a relatable greentext
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Your catbox links always make my dick hard
you can play pretend edgy 4chinner all you want, but I grew out of that about a decade ago. I'm not interested in memes and I never have been. I'm just here to have a good time and I'll post whatever I want lad.
Kill yourself
you can keep being an edgy 4chinner all you want, me, I’ve been the same for about a decade. I'm interested in memes and I always have been. I'm here to have a good time and I'll post whatever you want lad.
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>this is what I needed
Oh~ so what you're telling me is that you and your shotahusband wear those kinds of outfits? Sexy. Does he also plap you in a mating press while his face rests on your massive milkers, looking into your eyes, his half-closed and tongue out?
Thank you. Lewdicrousart drew some gae stuff so check those out on EX if you want :)
post the link to your suicide stream
Live your life
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Her mammaries look quite panicked
My favorite part of that image is how Andrew also looks worried
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I think this sometimes but then I go back and actually count my posts and it's like 15 max out of 800. Which is still a lot, but not ridiculous for a thread people actually talk to each other in.

This thread is top heavy with oldfags according to the census.
Holy shit, the mop poster is not just a samefag, he proudly admitted that he’s a samefag.
I'd be worried too if my sister came on that strong
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>Does he also plap you in a mating press while his face rests on your massive milkers, looking into your eyes, his half-closed and tongue out?

I'm not that anon, but what is that website?
Maybe I'm missing it, but I only see claims and not numbers.
He know she's factually right. The demon will end the world for her if Ashley gets pissy from a lack of daily brother kisses.
Same. Kissing with my shotaconwife while she holds me up is a dream ToT

>what is that website?
exhentai. Just make an account and you'll be able to view shota/loli content after a week :)
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That's because I posted the wrong page.
Nah, I don't samefag. There's no fun in forcing stuff like that. I just might jump in a conversation and pretend to be someone else from time to time if I think I can do something funny with it. I also didn't take credit for the mop thing, just citing an example of new lows we're still able to reach.
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That's so wholesome and so hot at thesame time... amazing.

OOH my dumbass forgot about that website)) Thanks again and sorry for being this dumb sometimes
I'd rape you if you tried. And trust me, I'd do it in the exact way that you DON'T like.
It's a shit meme althougheverbeitever. Flavorless practically off topic filler.
All so tiresome.
The sheer absolute state...
wah wah. Go shit yourself or something. don't know what you want. these threads shouldn't even be going still.
That's about the ratio I expected anon.
It’s over… /calg/ is dead
Stop doomposting and talk about your sisters instead!
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>That's so wholesome and so hot at thesame time
I know, right? Your tastes are based too. Would you like it if your shotahusband wore those tight coinpurse thongs, gloves and thigh highs? Now imagine said thong snapping after he sees you wearing an equally sexy outfit. You would just pick him up and suck him off right there lol

>Sorry for being this dumb sometimes
Low IQ woman... erotic
Will you be my mom?
Hello fellow users of /calg/, do you believe that perhaps maybe in episode 3 Ashley and Andrew will murder and/or eat another human being? I am very curious to see what your answers are, this will be very interesting and exciting.
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I think sisters SUCK
>I'd rape you if you tried. And trust me, I'd do it in the exact way that you DON'T like.
Too late I already came
No.... Noooo!!!!!
Take that back anon! Please!!
I want to see you stream it when you finally decide to kill yourself.
Anon, I'm a man. I can be your dad.
Sure, why stop not? What's one more murder compared to the rest.
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Shotas in thong... oh god it's beautiful. I need to coom artist ASAP lol

>Low IQ woman... erotic
No. Ashley and Andrew are going to be a good girl and boy from now on in Ch. 3. No more eating people, murdering, stealing, swearing, or bullying! It's going to be a wholesome chapter full of light-hearted romantic comedy moments.
They will kill and eat Julia
>I need to coom artist ASAP A true modern hero

Sorry, I just remembered that old post and had to use it, especially in a time like this kek. Don't worry, you're still pretty -3-
Doesn't count, Julia is not a human but an animal.
Ashley pls
Additionally, you are transgender and dark-skinned.
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>A true modern hero
Just doing my duty for based /calg/ users (like you!)

>especially in a time like this kek
LOL It's fine I'm not mad I found that really funny
Yeah that's true.
I certainly hope so! I'd like to see them get proper day jobs and learn to be less dependent on one another!
This would certainly be a shocking turn of events! Wow
What is Andrew doing with that mop in a toilet!? Haha, what a quirky looking scene I wonder what got them into that situation!

Thank you for the discussion everyone, this was very insightful. I'm excited for the next thought-provoking /calg/ game-focused discussion. I'm sure there's many more to come!
I'm going to "insight" your holes "ful" of cum.
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>Just doing my duty
And you did it amazingly Like this woman here https://files.catbox.moe/kr1cbj.jpg
also us https://files.catbox.moe/nl1b10.jpg
Need more long haired femdrew i mean andrea. ..
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Should I molest this kid...? He looks really cute and all but- wait... what's that bulge in his pants?
This is why nobody makes OC anymore.
I like to believe her top is cropped at the waist
>And you did it amazingly
ToT nudist beach are awesome

Based Andrea
Ashley got cramps and Andrew offered to help
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>What is Andrew doing with that mop in a toilet!? Haha, what a quirky looking scene I wonder what got them into that situation!

It's a broom dumbass.
I usually prefer missionary, but this position is very erotic. I can almost feel the warmth of skin on skin in this art. THAT I WILL NEVER FEEL AHHHHHHHHHHH
Actually it's a mop. I called Nemlei (yea I know her, what about it?) and she said it's a mop and not a broom....... dumb ass. >:)
Andrew and Ashley action figures when?
Never ever... Just the other day, I had a dream that they announced Andrew and Ashley Nendoroids and was so disappointed when I woke up.
Andrea is built for tsc (tiny shota cock)
Don't want to get too off topic but I wanted to thank the anon who recommended the Scott Pilgrim anime. It's been a nice hit of nostalgia
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I'm not great with Blender, but if it was something like Nendoroids, I could probably (potentially) design them for 3d printing given enough time.
Here's one I found of Mari from depression quest or whatever that gay ass game's called. You might be able to even get the guy who made this one to design them for you if you pay them.
It's rare for something to translate well into different mediums especially when you go from text to audio, but it really nails how I imagined the characters in the comic so even if I'm not in love with its ending, it was a great throwback.
That looks cute!
>depression quest or whatever that gay ass game's
Fuck you, I liked Omori. It made me just as sad as Coffin did
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>depression quest
Wait a minute... Omori is just Better Half if it was straight
straight and based
omocat made the cutest shotas
I should add that the caveat here is that if you/someone printed them, you're probably going to have to hand paint them unless they've got a really fancy color switching printer and getting it as smooth as what's shown there is possible, but it takes a bit of post-processing and elbow grease. It's not too hard to paint, but painting the eyes just right is a bitch no matter how big you make it.
I'm just joshin anon. I wouldn't be looking at omori stuff if I didn't like it.
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And cute sisters too.
I finished No Good Noelle. It was cute! But I think it needed drawn scenes. The characters look very nice.
If you ever gave modelling them as Nendos a shot, I'd be extremely interested in buying the print files from you. I don't know how to 3D model, but I have an airbrush and would love to make that dream a reality.
>I'm just joshin anon
Gomenasorry. I'm a bit sensitive
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Smells like someone thinking of bootlegging...
Know that the Finnquisition is always watching!

KEK full?
I loved NGN. My main complaint is that, at least in the route i took, she flips from hating to liking Yule too easily and that seemed jarring. But overall it was great
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Too late, Nemnem! I just bootlegged your ass!
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Yeah I think Yule's route needed to be longer to develop more Noelle falling for him. It's funny how Ivy's route made me dislike her a lot but then Yule's route somewhat redeemed her. I wasn't expecting to feel like that
As much as I need money, I'd probably just want to give them out for free if I did that. I don't give a shit about Kit9, I just don't want the stress of having to meet personal expectations to make something worth selling.

If anyone wants to give it a shot themselves, here's a blank head model someone came up with for making Nendoroids
Kit9 fucks the SHIT out of this plushie after Nems kicks him to the couch for accidentally calling her watasi in bed
Sorry but I don't have this one.
I have these though.
I'm in love with myself..
Don't worry about it. Thanks for the links anyways!

Anime name? Is it new?
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Good luck with that!
russians are better hockey players than finns
It's certainly small enough for him
Nothing wrong with having a small and cute plushcatwife
Yeah, fairly new. It's alright
There's a lot wrong with that but I want to fuck my sister so who am I to judge
Did you make that? It's pretty cute
Post the other version of the second image
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I did! Thank you anon. This is one of my first ever sewing projects, so there's a lot to improve on. I also made the best things in the world.
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Sugoi! They look adorable.
It's nice seeing russian lenguages in media. I hope it no longers become a taboo.
Cuteness overload
You mean this one? https://files.catbox.moe/7i5zce.jpg
Also paizuri https://files.catbox.moe/a7lv0w.png

Yeah, it is a stupid thing in the modern day lmao. You ever seen red dawn? That shit was comedy
Daww, I love those. Shame I can't have stuff like that as a 20+ year man without people assuming things about me. Still have an old cow plush on top of my bookshelf I keep around because it reminds me of my first dog at least.
>it is a stupid thing in the modern day
Indeed. It's nice seeing things slowly going back to normal.

>red dawn
Yes it was PEAK!
>Shame I can't have stuff like that as a 20+ year man without people assuming things about me
I mean, how often do others go into your room?
I always liked the soviets in Red Alert series the best. Just funny with how much they ham it https://youtu.be/g1Sq1Nr58hM

Anyway, what are your predictions for ep3?
The Game Over Screen of Mari and Weegee
>I always liked the soviets in Red Alert series the best.
Soviets carried the Red Alert series fr fr

Ashley's dreaming with Andy. And a lot of info about their grandparents.
I dunno, maybe 8 times
8 times a... day? Week? Month? Year? Lifetime?
Mix in swords, knives, or guns with your collection, and no one will question your manhood again. You don't even have to like the other shit, and you can have the small army of stuffed animals of your dreams. I'm glad you have your cow for company at the least.
yea somewhere in that ballpark. I don't really keep track. Might be 9 or 10 actually
That's what I'm talkin about. One half of my room's got empty beer glasses all over, a football, posters of titties, an electric guitar and the other half's got stuffed animals, a nice little vase with flowers, an echo and the bunnymen poster, and maybe 1 dildo.
Clearly I'd be too straight to be a homo but still secure enough in my manliness to appreciate girly shit.
Anon why do you have a dildo
it's decorative.
He shoves it up his butt, duh
Men have holes too, anon. And sometimes, we want to put stuff in them. Is that an issue for you?
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Yes, actually, it IS an issue, because I should be filling your holes instead of some stupid object!!!
Finns are better drivers than Russians.
Exactly thank you. Nothing like jerking it to a bitch with big ol titties getting creampied while there's a dildo shoved up your ass
Finns would drive just as badly as Russians if they had the same BAC
Which are better, finn girls or russian girls?
But, Ashley, you are a stupid object
russian girls are hotter but way crazier. then they either wall hard and go babushka mode, or not at all
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Sisters aren't objects, they are soulmates.
>babushka mode
Is that what happened to the finnish girl I had a crush on in high school? She looked like she was in her 40's the last picture I saw of her.
your sister is a shard of your own soul as a recombinate female version of yourself, therefore sisters are indeed soul mates
There arent a lot of finns around
Russian girls are whores
Maybe that's why I have an irrational intolerance of her speaking to me.
Mind if I jack off to this?
yes, there is nobody you can both love and hate more than yourself.
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Based and factual
Don't knock it till you've tried it
You seeing this shit, Jared Moore?
I DARE Kit9 to find me and send me a cease and desist. I'll take him to court so I can see Nemlei IRL and tell her how much I love her.
If you say so :) hehe
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That’s a genius idea, I’m going to use ai to make huge amounts of bootlegged merch from Nemlei’s games as an excuse to examine her body in person when I have to go return the $70 dollars in profit that I made.
Why are hussies so massive?
bitch could bite off half of Ashley's body
> to examine her body in person
Well you don't gotta say it like that anon
The power of brother-stealing malice turns hussies into hulking monsters, like a werewolf
>he thinks Nemlei (pbuh) will waste time with him
Coffin ninjas are already in route to your door
How else are you supposed to interact around the inferior gender?
Get back to work on your game Jared Moore, I want ep.3 to be out before thanksgiving.
Because hussies are notorious for eating their sibling in the womb. That's why they strixtly go after brothers/sisters
makes sense
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Yeah, right. They can't afford that kind of manpower. I'll just get an ema- OH SHIT!!!!
Being bombed by the Delphic air force would be an honor
What are some good fan arts to use for computer wallpapers? I've been using this one for about a month.
That one goes hard
It'd be better if you didn't announce it, but go ahead, I guess
Thank you.
It really does. The composition is perfect for this use, too, because all of my files are on the left and the Graves are on the right. Pic related might also be good.
I love how comfy they look. Ashley is so soft
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Ashley is NOT soft! She is rough and dirty and unkempt and bony and annoying to hold
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Hussies can't give the same warm and confort a sister. It's simply nature.
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One of the cutest drawings in the game by far!
Andy sure loves playing with her hair
t. https://files.catbox.moe/u63iux.png
Playing with someone's hair, or having your own played with, feels amazing. It's definitely up there, maybe even one of the top 10 physical sensations
The demon:
"ashley, youre adopted"
Damn... I have never felt that
I want to lick it
I can confirm this. Getting a head scratch or massage legit feels better than orgasming. Lasts longer, too. Andrew just needs to headpat his sister and he can diffuse half of their arguments because it would make her so calm and sleepy.
Now imagine if Ashley played with his hair too or massaged his ears. That would surely give him a stiffy
Julia still got to ride Andrew’s cock first
humans truly are OP, the power of scritches and headpats overcome all creatures, even other humans.
At this rate, Chapter 3 just needs to be back-to-back cutscenes of headpats, playing with each other's hair, snuggling, and kisses. Forget the plot. I want to see them being domestic and happy.
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Maybe but she won't get to bear his children. Her womb will dry and wither away abandoned.
Reminder to water your womb every day or it will get dry and flaky. Same thing happens to dicks. Use plenty of water and some flower food.
H-How do I water my dick?
With a watering can, duh. Are you stupid?
Same but rim and fuck it also
Ok smartpants, how do you water a pussy then? You can't simply stick the watering can inside.
Turkey baster!
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Don't remind me of that movie...
What movie?
several cum to mind
Don't breathe from 2016
I haven't seen the movie, but I think the concept is hot if the basterer is the girl's love interest.
Don't Breathe, I think
>if the basterer is the girl's love interest
I would rather do it the old way in that case
I agree that real impregnation is superior, but for some reason, the concept still tickles my pickle
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So what is your favorite track in the game?
For me
My room has a bed, two desks, a poster, some drawings, three patch boards, and a gun cabinet
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When did mama graves get a name?
My room has your mom in it :^)
Holy peak
I want to smell her pits
Wait I just realized. The ref img is my edit kek
Hurry up and finish this, so I can edit shota Andy into it.
Not me
Love Julia
Simple as
What kind of guns you got in there big guy?
I have 8 long guns
3 12ga 2 7.62x39 2 .22lr and 1 6.5x55se
What irl gun is the closest to the wardens gun?
Ashley’s tampon must taste splendid
Who's got that picture that sometimes gets posted of the Animal Crossing Villager looking at her phone and getting all hot and bothered by it?
You seem to be in the wrong general, silly billy.
Nuh uh, it gets posted here sometimes.
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Fact check: True
Delphibros….. it’s over /watch?v=GssKabl8jo4
This is a Rickroll btw.
The ref image isn't "your edit" because it isn't "yours" at all you untalented bastard
Aside from the baster bit it seemed pretty cool. I should watch the sequel.
I thought it was a stupid movie
Casual sibling touching!
Shoulders touching while looking at the same phone!
Legs touching while sitting on the couch watching a movie!
Pinkies linking subconsciously while sitting close together!
Falling asleep on each other!
Being close enough to feel each other's body heat!
Catching the scent of each other's breath and hair!
Legs getting tangled up while taking a bath together!
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>Legs getting tangled up while taking a bath together!
Have they ever?
Worst thread in ages, bros. I am not giving you any OC tonight for his behaviour, you will continue to go hungry. Bratty little shits.
If it was going to be some shotafag OC then I don't want anything.
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What a mysterious creature. So difficult to understand
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Kimber K6S or k6 target
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Do you think there will be an achievement for knocking Ashley up?
There will be an achievement for not knocking her up since that would take much more effort and willpower
I want Decay because I deeply resent Andrew and Ashley for having a mutually loving relationship
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I think she looks more like a lesbian to be fauci
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They don't deserve happiness. No one does. Those two deserve a long, drawn out, bitter end that they can see coming yet can do nothing about
Sometimes I turn on the news channel and just laugh and scream "BURN BURN YES BURN" for about an hour every tuesday and thursday around 4PM EST just because... well... just because I'm pretty twisted in the head like that... and I HATE the world >:)
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I would let her peg me...
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Id let her rim me
Forget that I am going to stick my tongue in her asshole overnight
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Why are you like this...?
I swear I recognise this artist, jog my memory with your other works?
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Ashley acts like that but she turns into a puppy as soon as Andrew gives her the smallest bit of positive attention
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Keep it together woman.
Based and same
I'll never be a what, anon? I'LL NEVER BE A WHAT??
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Stop shouting, damn it. You are going to wake up the neighbors.
Ywnb ashley
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I feel it.
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I see what you are doing. It's not going to work. It's not going to happen. I'm not falling for that.
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Ughhhhhhh can't she just rub one out or something?
Take a cold shower you horny fuck.
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This is what no big bro dick does to a bitch baka
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Am I supposed to get in the mood with such a shameful display? At least try to talk me into it instead of fucking screaming like a maniac.
A-Andrew I think your sister is brain damaged...
Bake d'nouveau
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my nigga this is the worst tit pad i've ever seen.
>oh Ashley, what soft and bulbous collar bones you have.
That is kinda funny now that I see that, but in their defense, I think they just plopped a custom image onto it and did their best to make it fit with the configuration the site had available.
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Last for sister tits
Last for shota
Dumb nose
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last for hussies

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