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Think positive edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
Poisoned: >>487382045
Release the fucking patch, Michael Zaki.
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Darn, was about to make it.
when patch
can I have a quick qrd on piercing damage?
What's 4chan dot org opinion on the Cross-Naginata
I don't think Tanith is a very good role model.
imagine the smell
early next year
Why is NG+ so much less interesting than just starting a new game?
no power progression
testing if my soundpost still works
no character building or challenge
What level should I go for a dedicated Belurat invader?
Nope, I think catbox purged it.
Lemme try with mine.
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..Is that the Two Finger? So it has existed since the Crucible era? Does that mean that it is bound by the Hornsent? Or does that mean that they coexist?
im the opposite id rather go to ng 20 than do another character
give me your nastiest stormveil invasion builds
tired of trying to invade at sl150 with fun builds and running into constant hostcels are their gank squads
want to make someone else miserable in return, hopefully they'll quit before they become a hostcel
cause they didn't add bonfire aestics or anything to make it worth doing besides farming rot/sleep stuff you will use in 5 minutes anyway unless you somehow miss things on your first playthrough or want to dual wield most of the weapons in the game with itself.
I realised after posting that it's because the host I used shut down more than a year ago
idk if that's two fingers but they almost surely existed in crucible times. Metyr was there longer than EB

One more try.
It looks like two people pressed together with a worm or something wound around them.
>Hotlime Miami
>real difficulty
>Elden Ring
>artificial difficulty
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I'm a new player and I'm doing all the fucking quest and exploration before Margitt
NG+ sounds fun if you want to try OP shit, since half of the good weapons and talismans are apparently near the end game, like the Alexander one
I think the sounds player is bugged since it doesn't load the webm if I turn it on.

Nah, file is missing, that's why.
Same with >>487428312
I don't know how people use Spinning Gravity Thrust, it's fun but shit keeps whiffing especially on Senessax and it's giving me a migraine
*well the miami one works, without the player active, so now I don't know. guess chanX handles sounds anyway

how about this classic <---
Oh wow, I didn't know that. I wonder if his "normal" sneks are actually cuties and not malevolent, and only the base snake is explicitly evil. Honestly, the more I learn about Messmer the more I feel bad for him. No doubt the crusade itself was evil and horrific, and he is responsible for his actions, but how can you say no to your mother, who is literally the vessel of a god?
Works on my machine.
Why? That sounds like it'd mush my brain.
So why is he called Messmer?
Does he mesmerize anyone? Has mind powers?
So far he seems like a basic snake fire guy. Why that specific name?
can the blind spot weapon art be dodged?
I thought so at first too
>Ohoho they have statues of two fags kissing
>Let me see see their faces
>Their faces are just fingerprint

It is most certainly the Two Fingers
ruiner is such an underrated game
you can dodge every single attack in the game
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If you look at the holy arc spells that the inquisitors cast, they literally look exactly like rune arcs, meaing the spiral that the hornsent worships is likely just the elden ring by a different name, and they were guided by the two fingers before Marika came along and usurped them.
you dont get to complain while invading that spot.
Hello Darkness.
Get them, puppy!
That one Miquella music video is just so fucking cute
Just get some Hefty Lightning pots and the talisman + head gear that boosts those.
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>They can grow tits tree

I don't know, guys. Maybe the hornsents are not that bad after all
>use it 10 times in an invasion
>don't hit anyone a single time
>get knocked out of the air repeatedly

you fucking lied to me. this is quite possibly the worst ash in the game as it never hits anyone ever, with the added bonus of probably flying off a cliff if you're near one.
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embrace the bomb
Pretty sure those are shamans that have been embedded in the trees.
Any drawfags here?
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How do you explain the loli tits tree then

Nah, if they were, I'd harass them to draw Miquella getting spanked.
Got to Shadow Keep first using the Church District Entrance and ended up going to the Viaduct Tower to reach Rauh.
I had like skibidi level 10 when I fought Romina
>just uploaded
>uploaded 16 hours ago
>literally the same build
stick your controller up your butt, that might make you feel better
Why does Castle Ensis have such a bad frame rate?
Wouldn't be the first time he does it
yes there are
Easy explanation. A shaman child was embedded into this tree, most likely against their will, for the hornsent to have in their garden.
dirka dirka, muhammed jihad ;)
I want someone to draw a drunk and happy Millicent, hugging a Tarnished with one arm, holding a bottle in the other, and shouting "I am Lemonia, Blade of Tequila!"
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hecks that
Of course. Dodges have iframes and nothing bypasses iframes except status buildup.
The problem with blindspot is that it ALSO has iframes, so you can often activate it on reaction to another player's attack, iframe their attack and blindspot will land in their recovery, before they can cancel their attack with a dodge. Essentially using it reactively as a defensive tool makes it unsafe for other players to press buttons against you at all, which is cancer.
That's super cool anon. Your playthrough of sote sounded like a real adventure.
Skill issue, git gud.
they stole my assassin build as soon as I posted it, the one with black blade and blade of calling. this was quite a while ago now, thankfully my idea was shit and I have a way better rogue character. nope not posting builds right now eat dick fextralife.
The Dancer re-useable fire spray is also busted for twinking.

You can DEX-max with
> Prosthesis wearer
> Millicent Prosthesis
> Radagon Soreseal
> Dex knot physic tear

That’s +25 DEX, so you can easily reach 40 as a twink. That makes Dancer fire spray do 577 pure fire damage for a pitiful fp cost.

At same stats a lightning pot does 430 to 760 depending on which type you use. And can be buffed by x1.2 x1.17 by Talisnan and hat.
That sounds cute anon I dont draw though
>Same golden hued spell
>Same FTH golden lightning
>Same tree centered government
From what i see the only thing Marika changed was the death system. So i think this is what happened

>Ayyy lmao
>People worship ayy lmao
>Nazi gas chamber
>Marika says fuck that shit and usurp the Hornsent
>The Scoobydoo tree is three shades of fucked up
>Marika moved to the upper floor
>Chased the giant fag away
>Embedded the Scooby doo tree / Elden Beast into the Erd Tree
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after spending 1.5 days trying to beat her while having the flu I decided to stop until I recovered
beat her in 4 tries, each time I got her down to like 10% health before dying
i'd love to see some "delicious in dungeon (dungeon meshi / dungeon food)" type arts of elden ring that would be neat
I can't draw (besides engineering drawings and I prefer CAD) or gen currently though.
Literally couldn't even be bothered to make a more original art for it too
Holy shit what did they do to Hand of malenia?
The waterfowl weapon art is absolutely worthless now.
Like what? Land Octopus stew?
yeah it's pretty shit. hopefully it gets buffed in a later patch cause it looks cool as fuck.
holy shit they brought back the dragon nigga form from DS3?
You think so? I think its still very strong
I think my neighbours heard me calling Radahn a nigger
brutha Radahn doesnt deserve this..
I've still not managed to damage anyone with it, even at point blank range.
They just roll and it totally dodges the whole thing.
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Sellen creating graven masses to access the primeval current and birth a new star = Hornsent creating jar saints to access the spiral current and birth a new god
New slides, whatd'ya think?
Fuck Egon.

Looks like a Baldur's Gate character.
doesnt even have to be food related I mean more comfy dungeon crawling and like other anon said scenes like milly drunk
shouldn't have killed me right after entering the arena
Resident evil Castellan looking
Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy making family of his loyal Recusants = a valid expression of the Law of Regression, perfectly kosher under the Golden Order
bloodfags got to Brianne game of thrones, its over
Is that Gwendoline Christie?
If you used anything besides fists then you didn't beat the game.
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One fine day,
with an uwu and a purr,
a baby was born,
and it caused a little stir,

No blue buzzard,
No three-eyed squirrel,
Just a feline feminine,
Little Catgirl

Alone in the world,
She's a little Catgirl

Out in Scadu,
Or back in Leyndell,
All kindsa critters try to give her hell

Gotta rise above it
Gotta show off my thong
Gotta stick it to the reds
Gotta sing this song

Alone in the world,
She's a little Catgirl
Why do so many of the dlc bosses jump you the moment you enter the boss arena?
In the basegale its Radahn with his bow and Firegiant with the avalanche.
Not many and they arent as quick about it
pierce damage is good because I can hide behind my shield while poking. Cross-Naginata is good because good range and bleed
it's only ever been useful for ambushes
I don't remember a patch touching it specifically
miyazaki doesn't want you casting nuke spells before the boss can do anything
Don't you DARE approach Miqueller the Kind.
are dual spears still considered OP? i never see anyone use them anymore. wondering if i could get away with picking them back up again for invasions and not be considered a scumbag for it.
piercing is good, especially against knights and armored opponents like relanna. The cross naginata is one of the best spears in the game, and if you can get someone to drop you a second cross naginata, or just cheat one in, you have a super powerful and braindead build.
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Been using naginata since it was recommended to me. The yari is okay but piercing damage is usually lower than other damage, but compensated by having better counter damage and being less mitigated by armor/thick skin.
The yari having bleed also helps.

To prevent buffs.

I'll spank him.
I'm with Thiollier on this one. Sorry, not sorry.
How did it a nitwit like you get so tasteful?
>gravity thrust is shit
goddammit there goes my commader gaius cosplay idea...
I aint let it get to me I just gon' creep, down in graveyard plains....(etcetera)
a tarnished tried to approach me, he got lairy
the great elden rings power allows me to feel...

im not good at rap or changing lyrics to rap.
I can't believe anon likes anon's type B more than mine.
The kind of woman who it would be just as satisfying to stick a knife in her heart as your dick in her snatch.
It's OP in PvE, stunlocks humanoids (even knights) while dealing truckloads of damage and it still has access to cold/bleed for some god forsaken reason so you can drill bosses for insane status build-up.
why am i genuinely having more issues with mohg than any other boss, his moveset is so fucking awkward
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I can't PFFTHBBB his tummy without getting closer.
It's not exactly the same because Fextra is running dragon form...with no dragon communion
Like ok, whats even the point then?
literally anything works in PvE, retard. that's not an argument.
Occult Bloodfiend Forks with Sepuku get 173 bleed at 60 ARC.

That’s almost pre-nerf bleed levels from the early days.
preach it sister
You just made the stupidest post I've read all day. It is so stupid you've made me upset.
>try to fight a 1v2 in an invasion by myself
>basically just ends up being a duel except i'm also getting some bullshit thrown/cast at me from behind over and over
>and that isn't even considering 1v3

i don't get what im supposed to do here... this just feels like "duels, except worse".
Miquella's ass is mine and mine alone
good. not sure how this relates to elden ring though
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yep... just have to pick them apart and try to rush down the one that's low

never ever get close to a wall ever or this happens
Oh? Then come as close as you'd like.

I claimed it first. For spanks.
I would rather approach your ASS.
That means I have to kill you just like Radahn then
Is there any armor in elden ring that looks kind of chicken-ish?
chicken-ish in spirit or feathers galore
you can beat the game at RL1 anon. meanwhile there are very few viable builds for standing a chance (let alone beating) ganks in invasions. whether something is "OP" or not in PvE is irrelevant because you can make anything work. no one cares. PvP is what's difficult to make things work in, because people don't have AI that behaves the same exact way every single time you fight it, to the point where you can do no hit runs.
Chainsaw Man and Elden Ring are in the same universe.
>you can beat the game at RL1 anon
some autists playing the game for thousands of hours doing like 100 damage a pop to bosses and beating them after imprinting their attack patterns into their brain isn't viable
Please stop posting.
dlc has birb themed stuff and I already found gravebird feathers armor
base game has a helmet thats so rare I don't feel comfortably sharing but fuck it, the scythey doll guys drop it. but not their weapon, you can't get it.
commander gaius's armor, unironically.
>Using your brain isn't viable
lmao okay idiot
>PvP is what's difficult to make things work in, because people don't have AI that behaves the same exact way every single time you fight it
unless they are bleed twinblade spammers or roll catchers or crouch pokers or RoB users then they are very predictable
If it makes no difference then why does leveling or weapon upgrading even exist?
i accept your concession. and take your own advice, thanks.
drake knight helmet
>this is the only DLC
>meaning the itemization will not be fixed
>no new ashes for fist weapons, etc
>no more weapons to fill the new types, such as stabby shields and martial arts

Why do they do that?
Did they just lay the groundwork, and if you want more martial arts, you'll have more in Elden Ring 2, twelve years from. now?
I can't believe some anon was actually trying to say it's a good ash of war for PVP.
The only upside to it is that it seems to have seemingly unlimited poise. Meanwhile it's so fucking slow and takes so fucking long to actually start doing shit that unless you're fighting an actual retard it's worthless.

Looks cool though.
sl1 is supposed to be a challenge for when you get bored anon. its not that hard its just tedious to overcome shit you need with no stats (which is the challenge)
I beat O&S but I don't think I can be bothered with elden ring at sl1 plus i'd need to delete a character to do it.
also the actual hard challenge is sl1 without weapon upgrades (or spirits)
that's a non sequitur. you want to try rephrasing that?
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>boulders role at you
ok so im playing Crash Bandicoot now? is hat where we are?
no fix for flail default ash, no all the things that needed fixing from base game, ONE throwing dagger weapon, i'd be lying if even I don't think its a mess.
and if I see another glass shard drop I want another rebate from sony (I got salt and sanctuary with the 2 bucks they gave me back for preordering)
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
do spirit ash levels impact invasion ranges?
No. No one has.
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>low level coop character gets summoned to do Limegrave dragon
>I have Igon's Greatbow
Any chainsaw enjoyers ITT?
I'm trying to practice it to deal with cheaters in seamless invasions. I followed Steel's guide on youtube and I can initiate the animation but it just stops and I do let go of the guard button as soon as it starts.
We had rolling boulders in the base game, it's nothing new
I'm not talking about fixes. Fixes can be done as a regular update. I'm talking about content.
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did need about 10 tries to beat Consort Radahn
did need about 80 tries to beat Bayle
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
DaS had boulder traps, eldenshitter.
More like 10 tries to """""beat""""" Radahn.
No it did not.
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Why is this guy not a blue phantom instead of a yellow one?
ds2 did
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>i don't get what im supposed to do here
Reject direct confrontation.

Embrace ambushes and ranged combat.
good morning erg!
nta but sen's fortress definitely had a boulder trap
Hi, snek
What's up?
I swear they are taking the piss on the players with this DLC, and I'm all for it.
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The only ending that fucks over The Greater Will is The Frenzied Flame
You know what to do.
Kill yourself revisionist trannoid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1uz_6ZzdtI
Yes. Marry my wife Ranni.
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meant to include this image
Goldmask's ending makes the gods themselves obey the laws. You make Greater Will your bitch.
That's better than just taking its toy away
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it's 6 pm
>ired of trying to invade at sl150 with fun builds and running into constant hostcels are their gank squads
Boy do I have bad news for you, it's not much better at Stormveil, only that you have far less of a shot to kill the passworded phantoms while you also get two-tapped.
The Greater Will is above you you retard.
Goldmask only affects Marika
the L2 on those dancer swords lets you go on forever. it only takes FP for the dance to initiate. I wonder if you could dance through the whole game
Basically just need to 2 shot whoever you’re fighting
there is no evidence this is true btw
I mean you don't do dragon form for dragon communion
Never mind, you have to let go of the L2 button and press it again after the animation starts but the polski fuck forgot to mention it.
With no future DLC or sequel planned, the only future of this general is a slow descent into madness. The only question is how long it will take for the thread to completely decay.
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Generic Dex build.
I made mine around looking like a thief and would sneak around have fun.
Now you also have access to hefty lightning pots, Spark Perfume, the new perfume usable item, Rot pots, etc for any annoying cunts. If you're planning on memeing with night maidens mist like I enjoyed doing, you just wear an int ring to use it.
Now you can go as easy as you want against people you consider honest, while also being able to pull out the most disgustingly strong shit against people you consider dishonest.
Also forgot about the sleep bolt shotgun into perfume combo.
>Milicenta vs Malenia
+20% all dragon communion incantations damage for 1 minute when using the heart in dragon form
>troonveil/darkmoon simp sword projectile spam
yep you're getting cragblade pata'd
Why did the hype die down so fast? During ER's release you had rapid fire generals for months and /v/ was top to bottom flooded with ER threads before things started slowing down
This DLC isn't the same situation? Elden Ring itself was the subject of about 5 years of frothy hype and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH posting.

The DLC was just hotly anticipated by the poeople who enjoyed ER the most.
There is only evidence that it affects Marika because what we presented Goldmask with was evidence she was fucking around and marrying herself, breaking with the way the Order is supposed to work. So Goldmask makes it so not even the currently appointed God can act contrary to the Order envisioned by The Greater Will (or rather, its servants, because we know that the order was constructed based on the instructions of the Fingers, who havent received comms for a long long while)
We will have a year of DLC keeping us from madness, then there will be some sort of complete edition, which will bring some fresh blood and delay madness by a month or two. From there we will have to hold on for just two years before the next Soulsborne game is announced.
I think we can manage two years, don't worry.
or you can just use your regular weapons and have a 20% boost to shit anyways
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Oh hey, i found the Miquella.tm sword
back when traps were designed to kill you, not just spook you
How do I, a filthy int/faith caster on NG+; beat Uncle Mohg so I can gain access to the DEE L Cee?
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Type Bs
Extra webm for when I invaded a giga twink taunter shitter. Emphasis on shit because he was really bad. I was about to pull out stronger shit to deal with his Frost Lance+ Madness Spear combo but I didn't need to.
With magic prolly, idk
>blacksteel twinblades get the godskin r2s
yeah, we're fucking gaming now
This. Goldmask is a GreaterWillfag and think it is a perfect god who can do no wrong and he wants the order to return to its origins and become immutable so that it cannot be corrupted again. He never considers that perhaps Greater Will itself f is corrupt.
you have to stop having empathy for the gankers. do not feel guilty. show them no mercy. know that they deserve it. honestly don't know why anyone who tries to be "cute" in enough invasions doesn't come to this same realization naturally themselves.

tl;dr Fuck 'Em. sword lance r2r1 true combo into piercing fang roll catch. suck my dick.
It's a DLC for a game that's over 2 and a half years old.
Animations should be like stances in Warframe, transferable between weapons in same family. I should be able to put Inseparable Blade moveset onto Godslayer Greatsword if I so desire.
shoulda sent the elevator down and kicked him off the platform
They are not boulders, they're iron balls. Boulders are stone.
Learn the difference, ESL.
I'm sorry, /erg/.
I should have listened to you when you told me to pick anything other than a Wretch with no heirloom for my first Soulsborne character.
Now I'm stuck in an unwinnable state with no means to progress, even after overcoming the three easiest Shardbearers.
>The whole thing is, these games aren't balanced for PvP. They're PvE games, with some PvP slapped on the top. It's like your McDonald's toy in the Happy Meal.

is he right?
I mean the GW never really does anything so it's a neutral entity at worst
Yea. It is primarily a PVE game. It's also primarily a single player game. It's balanced around Single player.
PVP is just a fun sideshow that you can do.
Co-op is the exact same fun sideshow.
Had a dream where Miquella was fucking every Elden Ring girl my Tarnished liked. What the fuck.
Wretch starts at the lowest rune level and has the most base stats, setting aside gear it's the strongest class. Heirlooms barely matter at all, it's just convenient if you take the early seed. If you've beat three shardbearers you should have gear by now, negating the only downside of Wretch.
Does DLC explain the turtle pope? From. what era is he? Why is this turtle a pope? Can all turtles speak, and just choose not to?
Dog, therefore praise the message
Who's the guy in the cuck corner?
Mmmm, yes, very wise
Yes. Pvp is for retards. I wish they would get rid of it
I do have a lot of gear, but I can't equip most of the weapons, and the only armor I have are the dress unifoms I looted from common soldiers in Limgrave and Liurnia.
PVP is the exact same as co-op. I feel like there's no reason to get rid of PVP if co-op exists.
To me invaders are the answer to co-op trivializing the game.
How do you even deal with rot immune bosses on this build? Just dragonmaw?
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This shit is real fucking pretty. Like a depiction of heaven
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if bosses are too fast so you cant use your fun ashes and cool combos when fighting them then that means the bosses are balanced around summoning
So do spirit ashes. Should spirit ashes open you up for invasions too?
Game being trivial by choice is not bad perse.
In any case, coop lets friends play together. There's no reason to get rid of that, ever.
redpill me on "bear communion".
I hate this fraud like you wouldn't believe.

>I really like Malenia (and implicitly all her lore of the Haligtree, her knights and their campaign, and her relationship with her brother)

>I really like the DLC and think it has a great story (which shat on or ignored all of the Haligtree lore in the base game)

Pick one you lying shill motherfucker.
You can't bring spirit ashes to every fight.
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Hot damn
I should have tried the Spartan Hoplite build earlier
Guard countering shit with Barricade Shield trivializes just about everything
Is there any way to turn off that ugly blurry effect on anything, not at the center of the screen? I'm not talking about the depth of field, it's ambient occlusion or whatever RE games call it. No option to turn it off in ER and it just fucks with my eyes.
Can I spank Miquella into being a good boy?
was the 2020 election actually stolen, or not?
These are the """people""" that pretend to be oldfags while they cry about core mechanics that have been an integral part of the franchise since the beginning.
>the game isnt balanced for pvp
the patch notes always have pvp specific changes so thats just objectively wrong
This is the pigfucker moron who thought it would be cool to release a $300 deluxe hardbound book with all his PRE-DLC headcanon in it AFTER the DLC released.
When will Martin finish Winds of Winter?
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Yes. Get rid of pvp. Get rid of co op. Get rid of fucking spirit ash. Give me a true single player experience with coherent fucking plot line.

I have it up to fucking here with the Dark Soul.tm story telling of "they went cuh razy" and "they randomly keeled the fuck over"
Radahn is gay
Stay mad lmao
>Should spirit ashes open you up for invasions too?
Yes? People were saying as much on release day lmao.

Spirit ashes should open you up to invasion. You shouldn't be able to summon at boss doors. Enemy spawns should increase in proportion to the amount of phantoms a host has. BP enemies should come back. Ashes and co-op should not be built-in easy modes.
Go buy Skyrim again then, or something.
Sekiro 2 when??
well they're not going to fix base game stuff now cause they focused too hard on that new content and forgot all about base game.
no rainbow fletched, no flail fix, its over.
>People were saying as much on release day lmao.
No they didn't.
>get rid of everything that makes a souls game a souls game
Shit man why are you even playing this game instead of just going to play shit like Skyrim or any other fantasy RPG.
invasions are for teens who are stuck in anime villain phase
>i hate everything about these games but instead of playing things I like I want them to cater their games to me and me only because I'm the only person in existence and the world revolves around me
When is the purging of zoomoids going to be legalized?
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>Ashes and co-op should not be built-in easy modes.

well too bad because they are. and it's probably only going to get worse considering how profitable it was for the studio. ER outearned literally all other soulsborne games combined. it's mainstream now, which no other game accomplished on anywhere this level.
He's right in one sense, and wrong in another. The overwhelming majority of DS3's and Elden Ring's post-release support has been PVP-oriented balance patches, especially with Elden Ring implementing PVP-only balance changes. On the other hand, it's absurd to take the PVP in FromSoft games seriously; they're for fucking around in invasions and, if you don't take it too seriously, the arena. Saint is a contrarian who often argues against his own interest. You shouldn't take anything he says seriously. You could tell him that, objectively speaking, the games receive consistent PVP balance changes and that therefore they're literally balanced for PVP, but he'd disagree to be contrarian.

And you would be right.
Yeah pretty much. The dude a left-leaning faggot, however, stopped watching him because of this and the loud commie libtard types in his chat that he had no problems with (this extended to mods) meanwhile any opinion right of center got nuked on site. He also has a spic gf iirc so of course he's biased.

>PvE tard giving his coal opinion on a game he drops after months/year tops. Multiplayer is where the longevity comes from and those that partake in it keep the game alive. Remove pvp and you have a much more boring co-op experience.
I will continue to kill groups using my overwhelmingly high skill to dominate them.
have you played baldurs gate 3
Is Goldmask gay?
What for? One weeb game is enough. I'd rather they picked another culture for their next standalone game.
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Of course it was and they will do it again because they literally can't win a fair election at this point.
If he admitted the lore is shit then how would he advertise his $500 headcanon book?
Yeah why did they make 5 medieval games
Most loresloppers are frauds. No most if not all people sent to those Bamco events are normie frauds and bad at the game. I like this bloke called Dom's Roundtable but he made best weapons list and it was just peak pve tard takes and even then still was not accurate.
These games aren't for you. Fuck off, faggot.
>give me single player souls
go play any single player action rpg you retard.
It is okay to finish a game and move on. Games don't automatically have to be evergreen. Thank God Elden Ring hasn't got "seasons" and all that garbage at least.

And coop is there to play with friends against mobs. If I wanted to play with friends against people, I'd play LoL or something. For some reason you want to turn Elden Ring into LoL
For me it's that Rusty. faggot.
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doesn't this get boring? you just spammed 1 button for a couple of seconds and won. i don't even mean this as a dig against invaders, but doesn't this just get tedious after awhile? spawn in, spam 1 button, win, spawn into next invasions, spam 1 button, win, spawn into next invasion, spam 1 button, etc? i don't get the appeal.
Because that is the proper setting for fantasy games? What kind of question is that?
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>Think positive edition
In Elden Ring only positive things are pure headcanon, unfortunately. Miyazaki gets hard on misery and despair.

That's why in Elden Ring headcanons are canon, and DLC is just a fanfiction!
That's true but I got about 4k ours out of Bloodborne and 6k out of DS3 which kept me busy on the wait till Elden Ring because not many games offer me the same niche and then I moved on. If I wanted to co-op and nothing else there are plenty of games for that and plenty of just 1v1 competitive games that all become quickly boring. Meanwhile, there are only a handful of games that offer PvPvE in this way and I can't think of a game other than these series that has done or copied it that is good. RE6 has an Agent Hunt mode but that was playing as level enemies so that doesn't really count.
are the forks better than the spiked spears in some way? or are they basically the same thing?
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Fuck you fags, why don't you go gaggle on another gargantuan bucket of dick

Soul lore is fucking pant on head retarded and make no fucking sense. You tell me you enjoy "ohoho so you made a left turn instead of right eh? That is 3 bricked quest lines and five weapons loss now hohoho?". You tell me you enjoy "oh yeah she died BECAUSE OF SADNESS, maybe"? You tell me you fucking enjoy "Radahn like ass sex ackually"?

You faggots have been eating literal shit for decades and you actually developed a fucking taste for it. You fucking faggots actually make excuses for their fucking incompetent and flaunt it like it is some kinda fucking art form for some fucking reason

Collectively kill your fucking selves
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thats why its downloadable content, if you dont download it then it does not exist
>it's mainstream now
Elden Ring (base game) is mainstream, or was two years ago. The DLC did not bring back even half the people that bought the base game, and I'm uncertain FROM's next game will either. As far as I'm concerned ER remains an anomaly.
lmfao, filtered discordniggers mad.
>and co-op is there for whatever reason I tell myself
Not in this series sis. You want to co-op? Earn it and deal with an extra mini-boss or play solo.
Yikes, not a good look, sis. Maybe Reddit's more your speed?
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What provides the biggest power spike to STR builds at 200?
Hitting base requirements for shit like Beast Jaw and enough FP to use good WAs more?
im kinda envious that you can enjoy doing the same content over and over again for that long
>lore discussion
r/eldenring is that way sisters!
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i want to unlock godrick's dragon mouth glove, it seems cool
but i'm scared of the short melee range
>mass reply
didnt read, faggot.
mist or beast
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Dragon form does not give a general damage increase in ER.
Is SL25 a good level for a stormveil pot chucker?
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The fun part of mage is using all your different spells to win fights. Gravity Missile is just a meme that's incredibly easy to dodge if you have half a brain. It honestly reminds me of WOG in DS1. It does a big fucking explosion and will deal a lot of damage if you're aggressive enough to just focus on attacking and forgo any defense.

Didn't read sorry anon.
Depends on what it is. Fighting some nigga in a fighting game in a boring square arena or co-op'ing the same shit with predictable AI and movesets is not as dynamic or interesting for me as pvpve in a well-designed level with good/descent movement and combat.
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>another seething ESL meltie
>brings up eating shit out of nowhere
What does he really want
Fair enough, but PvP part should really be opt-in, and not just part of ALL multiplayer. It does not offer compelling gameplay, if me and buddy just have to wait to be killed, and then resummon and run back for no reason.
>why don't you fight back?
Why should we? Its not what we want to do. Not to mention we usually use fun/meme weapons, weird spells, etc. Plus if we don't resist, this bullshit can end quicker and we can go bacl to ACTUAL game.
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>MARIKA'S TITS! Doth thout be mine CONSORT? what does thine mean ye want a DIVORCE? thoust would rather fuck MIQUELLA'S BUSSY instead of my PORCELAIN PRIVATES? Thou'rt telling me FEMBOY BUTT feels better than PLASTER AND STRING? NANISORE? Not only that but its a PACKAGE DEAL and you're also having a polygamous relationship with LEDA and FREYA? Who TONGUE YOUR ASS and SUCK ON YOUR BALLS while you enter mine brothers DIVINE GATE?
>EEEEEE? thout also slain mine brothers RADAHN and MOHG to gain THEIR PROSTATE POUNDING POWERS of ANTI GRAVITY THRUSTS and OUTER GOD AIDS? Ye hath designated me as THE REDDIT WAIFU with a STUPID HAT? And ye wouldst rather IMPREGNATE RYA? The SNAKE GIRL? And thoust already have a HAREM of EVERY WOMAN BUT ME?
I wouldn't go above 20 personally.
>everybody drawing leda to just be temu saber
>PvP part should really be opt-in
It is. You opt-in when you choose to engage with the online systems. Goddamn fucking secondaries get the fuck off my game.
>but PvP part should really be opt-in
this fucking retarded take again, jesus fucking christ
not even going to read the rest because i guarantee it's retarded as well
Or I'll just install Seamless.
Oh wait, I already did.
I know you are entitled to your Rune Arc, but you'll have to make do without it, somehow.
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it's too late
too many people downloaded it
too much money was made
we fed the beast of miyazaki
it will come back for more
and will hurt more innocent demigods
we could have stopped him, guys
we could have saved radahn
For stormveil the lower, the better, 25 will already miss quite a few hosts.
You literally only need 25 vigor + soreseal which is 19 vagabond
it's disingenuous to act like you do anything more than linearly cycle through several different laser beams that all effectively just do the same thing but with different timings. "but i'm different!" no you're not.
Playing with friends is a basic commodity. It should not have downsides.
You'd understand if you had any actual friends.
what weapon upgrade level?
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oh, look at the time
>put sacred blade on.....wait don't have it
>get sacred blade
>put sacred blade on nagakiba
>turn ghostflame dragon into dust faster than my holy build can kill deathbirds
but I like chilling mist on my nagakiba I don't want-
>great katana, in the lake
well alrighty then...
Summoning should be disabled when invaded except for blues arriving.
You can only invade people that have at least one phantom already unless they are intentionally opening themselves with tongue.
>tfw want to run a D&D campaign in the Lands Between
>tfw lore is so incomplete, its easier to make a whole new setting than to fill the holes in this one
do you all legitimately play through the game and pick up every seed, bearing, etc. for every new character?
1/3, yes.
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As opposed to R1 R2 L2 that melee gets? I don't get why you're so upset about a mage using different spells?
depends what the goal is
I used to back in 2022. I don't got time for that anymore so I just use CE to set up builds.
Seamless did it right. You get ONE shot at invader. You lose, you spend the rest of the session as a spectator watching as red kills the rest.
>why dont you fight back
>why should we
lmao ok enjoy afking for an hour so you can get back to the “real” game instead of just easily winning a 2v1
>pvp should really be opt-in
It is opt-in and you opt-in once you summon or use your taunter's tongue. Anti-pvp'ers also helped kill a large percentage of activity for ER by crying on reddit and now a lot of solo hosts won't experience pvp, co-op, or summoning to deal with a red which in turn boosted activity.

>It does not offer compelling gameplay
For you.
>gives up like defeatist cucks waiting to be killed and resummon
"WHy dOESN't IT OFfER COmpEllING GaMEplay!!?

2-3 niggas backing each other up have everything in their favor to beat an invader, not to mention blues coming in. Fight back and win man, you are going against the spirit of the game. Do you just give up on Margit? No you keep fighting.
>easily winning a 2v1
Anon that's the problem. He's such a trash player that he can't win a 2v1. Hell I doubt he'd even win a 3v1. Meanwhile all it takes is having half a brain and you'll win 90% of invasions just because it's a 3 against 1.
Is there even a tiny chance of us getting any supplementary lore material outside of the game covering shit that the dlc didn’t, or are we just stuck with what we got?
>phantom dies
>host starts running back to grace
>block the person you just killed on steam
>they can no longer be resummoned
Save Radahn from his happy marriage?
>seamless adds invasions
What now sister?
the question was "doesn't this get boring?" and melee people spamming L2 doesn't really prove anything because it's effectively the same thing, if that's what you're getting at. cycling through 4 variations of the same laser beam is still boring gameplay of "spam the one OP button until they all die", whether from an ash or a spell.
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>Think positive edition
Elden Rings taught me that life is full of opportunities if you are brave enough.

You can be deformed abomination raised in sewers and become a king with cool castle and a loyal posse of chad knights in black.

If Morgott could do it, we can do it, too!
Let flames of our ambitions go high.
I do (ps4), pc players mostly cheat though, and even console has people muleing or twinking left and right
There's a movie/series coming out that GRRM worked on. But expect there to be no lore, just like the Bloodborne comics.
This isn't a solution.
This is abusing an unintended side effect of steam matchmaking and not to do with the game.
Doesn't change anything I said.
Taunter's Tongue needs to be patched to remove the option of turning it off at will.
I have only played through the game on one character and I haven't beaten the game yet (2500 hours).
No one talks about it because of how much of a shithole the DLC is in general but Miquella accepting and caring for the Kindred of Rot (i.e. his sister's hated children-by-rape who worship the curse he's trying to free her of) is irredeemably retarded.
now this is a rare apu
He consented and is in love with miquella
>le solo hosties need protec

No reason then should have ever been a thing in ER outside of open-field areas because admittedly that would be annoying. Maybe rune arc'd hosts open themselves up as well? I understand that past games has human form, embered etc. so rune arc'd hosts should be available for invasions in non-torrent areas.

If for some reason they hate playing for of the game they can just play offline mode to avoid le red chud.
Really great posts guys for real
*commits anal rape*
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Except you were originally saying that spamming gravity missile would get boring. Which I agree. Only using 1 spell would get boring.
But rotating through different spells built for catching people who are rolling and panicking is not boring. It's fun as fuck. Mage builds are a lot of fun.
Being able to successfully punish a flask by immediately swapping to a comet and precasting it before he has even started drinking is fun. Swapping to swift glintstone shard to finish them off as they try and run is fun.
>wahh nothing is fun stop having fun
You need to lighten up champ.
modern problems require modern solutions, anon.

>Verification not required.
>2-3 niggas backing each other up have everything in their favor to beat an invader, not to mention blues coming in.
Its a waste of time. Why waste time on something we don't enjoy?
Not to mention two PvE players with meme weapons against a PvPer with two crossnaginatas or rivers of blood is not that easy.

>you are going against the spirit of the game
I'm not. This is a casual game, to have fun, read lore, and ogle at beautiful art. I'd play something else if I wanted to struggle.

>Do you just give up on Margit?
I won't get past Margit if I give up on him. I'll get past you if I give up and just respawn. Path of least resistance.
Taunter's Tongue shouldn't allow you to summon more than one phantom and it shouldn't be possible to turn it off.
It also should give invaders rune arc if you have it too.
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People are frustrated with the Radahn fight but after camping outside his room over the weekend as a helper, I can say that his move set isn't hard to learn and there isn't any real bullshit attacks with him. The only bullshit thing about that whole fight is Radahn is so aggressive 99% of the time he immediately closes the distance on you and you fight him near the fog door. Once you go to phase 2 though Radahn and the host teleport to the opposite side of the arena leaving you where you were and as a furled finger now you gotta sprint 6 seconds to get to the host and Radahn, where the host usually gets crumped in that time period. That's the only bullshit part.
there's a chance and they do keep releasing Elden Ring books. The problem is they're always these weird things thay conveniently reveal no lore. The gag manga retelling of the base story. The official omake about TLB romantic relationships, also a non canon gag. That one dialogueless comic that's "serious" but is literally just poorly-redrawing the game's fight. That one novel which has Elden Ring in the title but is actually about two people who meet and become friends due to plating Elden Ring online. And so on. Maybe something with actual lore a la the Dark Souls comics will come out now that the DLC is out but I kind of doubt it. Only thing making me think otherwise is GRRM posting apropos of nothing "I haven't heard anything about an Elden Ring TV show in development" with a bunch of cheeky emojis.
hostcels cannot be this pathetic this must be bait so I shant be replying
Well, Miquella is a child.
And children are dumb. That's, like, their defining feature.
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Taunter should only be available to turn on and off at a grace.
what's wrong with taunter's tongue specifically
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Elden Ring PvP is as bad as it is because of the continuing trend in normie/casual circuits of "red man bad" and the wrong perspective that invaders have "no right" to be the hosts world.
Over the course of the series things have been made harder and harder for invaders with the system being stacked against them from the whining.
In return invaders have had to turn to sweatier and more broken builds and playstyles to try to level out the playing field, which in turn just has the hosts and all their summons doing the same.
In the end what has happened is a significant portion of the would be invader community has been removed from the game be it because they don't want to forced into super sweaty builds or that invasions just have no fun in them anymore or other reasons.
Now all you have left is a small portion of the sweatiest sweatlords to fight the constant gank squads and the rare normal host who will just get steamrolled with cheese.
The crying from hosts and PvE'rs has done nothing but worsen the PvP experience for both sides and has turned it into a race to the bottom.
The next game will continue this trend (if they don't just remove invasions entirely) and the pool of invaders will shrink further.
You can see it with all the original invaders from early souls that quit invading in ER early because of how shit it all is.
We live in dark times.
>That one novel which has Elden Ring in the title but is actually about two people who meet and become friends due to plating Elden Ring online.
How many times has this actually happened
I am the rape ape and you will know fear
You live in dark times
Because MOST of the time it's used by bonfire duelists who want to fight at an advantage instead of going to arena's fair ground.
If I want a pure defense, tank everything with my face build, what should I look up?
>tfw you're a OG Redman and won't ever quit buy also don't ever go for sweaters nonsense
Is Rya's hooman form just an illusion, or she can have segs in it?
this but unironically
Everything Miquella does is peak stupidity, so it kinda fits. All his "achievements" are equally retarded. Let's face it, he is not the sharpest pencil in the drawer.
Recommend me some fun INT-centric builds that don't revolve around shooting varying shades of blue particles for the entirety of your playthrough. I don't like spamming Carian Slicer either

Also, is it worth getting INT to 80 if I want my main source of damage to be magic weapons and AoWs instead of sorceries? I know the cold/magic AoWs scale with INT, but is the damage disparity worth the extra 25-30 points needed to hit the last soft cap? I'd rather put those points into other stats like END and FTH
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Basically it's a ganker's tool
It allows you to set up inescapable gank rooms with no way to turn the tides in any sort of small cave, and they hog priority over ANYONE ever hosting
It's also used by failed "duelists" to set up fake duels where they have twice the estus and rune arc
Host shouldn't be given this degree of control over his invasions, it's like DS2 rat covenant
yeh int 80 good
>Recommend me some fun INT-centric builds that don't revolve around shooting varying shades of blue particles for the entirety of your playthrough.
A faith build.
That's entirely in-character retardation though.
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Speaking of taunter shitters.
It redirects invader traffic to its users with no cooldowns whatsoever. If I invade in some random cave with 300 hosts, 3 of which have taunter's on, the game will prioritize funneling me (and every other invader in that cave) to those 3 hosts as much as possible. This makes it a perfect tool for people who want to gank invaders, and for grace duelists who want to '1v1' on their terms (read: will summon if they start losing).
NTA I'm glad as casualized as ER is they refuse to add an easy mode.

>I'm not. This is a casual game, to have fun, read lore, and ogle at beautiful art. I'd play something else if I wanted to struggle.
Oh, you are, fundamentally. The idea is to struggle and overcome struggle for that sense of accomplishment. They use difficulty to achieve that feeling, Miyazaki has said this many times in interviews so you are like I said going against the spirit of the game and disagreeing with the devs themselves. You can ogle the art and lore and have fun while understanding that they want players to feel that sense of overcoming struggle and the odds. So when you co-op and use the power of friendship, that completely breaks the difficulty of the game for the most part outside of tougher bosses but for the levels ganks can just curb-stomp through it, reds are From's answer or 'balance' to that.
>try to fight a 1v2 in an invasion by myself
well that's going to be literally every invasion unless the host specifically accepts invasions by himself, and in my 2 years of invading i've had that happen 4 times.
I have an idea for a cool talisman for elden ring/souls
> Badge of the weapon master
> - All equipped weapons weigh less (75% less rounded up ofc)
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miss these lil niggas
You can stop at 50.
Also you can get Carian Grandeur just by running to Liurnia early, make a build around that.
It's better if you put it on a greatsword or curved greatsword due to their hyper armor affecting the skill.
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What is the strongest weapon for a MAX level character? Something that scales with multiple stats?
If I get taunted I run as far away as possible and hide in a bush and vigorously goon. They eventually get bored and disconnect every time but not before I’ve cummed
huh yea i think i've been summoned to that shit over at the first step last year... was so incredibly lopsided 5 seconds in that i turned into a bush the whole time till they invited a red that cheesemaxed the host and the other guy
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wow this is so much fun
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i think i just need to accept that i should only invade with the best most OP shit with 0 remorse. the weird thing is that this is actually fun, after you've lost so many times to assholes spamming moonveil or RoB or various other laser beams while you're trying to do something off-meta, maybe even a cosplay build. it feels like revenge, like you're doing a great justice by punishing these faggot gankers abusing every exploit the can in the game. getting as close to cheating as they can legally get without actually crossing the line. it's pathetic, and they get what they deserve now.

miyazaki made me the villain. i feel bad for the legit co-opers who get caught as collateral damage, but there is only miyazaki to blame. fix the game and i'll change my behavior, until then i feel morally justified in doing whatever is in my means in the game (including backup saves) to destroy ganks of all varieties.
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I wonder if they are going to gut black flame tornado too like they did with stormhawk because shitter hosts complained about it so much.
Always feels good to land
use the other sword sorceries. or the mining sorcery.

Or use the carian retliation that does high poise, use rock sling, and when the boss staggers hit it with a carian sovereignty or the other one
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holy drip and people tell me pvp clown suits arent fashionable
>Green eyes

To fanshartists really?
why are you standing there when he rapes the divine beast warrior you moron
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Christopher Walken lookin ass bitch.
Try it faggot ill make out with you
>disagreeing with the devs themselves.
Devs don't matter. Their opinion is worth no more than the opinion of a random player.
Its kind of like the death of the author in literature, except a game is by definition less of a thought-provoking work of art, and more of dumb fun.
Nice turnaround anon
The last hit of BFT can be rolled, so it's not even as effective as waves of darkness.
Pretty cool skill though.
nice l2 anon
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i think he meant straight-up, as in 1v2 with no mobs or anything, probably in a big open field. this happens all the time in open world invasions. the biggest lesson you need to learn in invasions is when to retreat. you lead them into an advantageous situation you don't just fight them head on, that's a mistake.
Miquella wants all things to flourish, no matter how benign or malignant.
>rivers of blood
>as an invader
nigga has never invaded
>NTA I'm glad as casualized as ER is they refuse to add an easy mode.
I would rather they add an easy mode than do what they did,
>nerf ranged enemy ai so you dont have to dodge or juke anymore
>nerf multi boss AI so crystilians are boring now
>nerf heal punish to the point you can double sip in front of godskin without being heal punished.
people praise fromsoft for not adding an easy mode but then fromsoft feels the need to nerf the game in general to appeal to shitters. they should just give an easy mode to the shitters already and let the skilled people play a more interesting game.

Miyizaki is wrong about difficulty modes.
Yes, and that's irredeemably retarded
>anon is mad about something and decides to lash out on innocent people
literal school shooter behavior
reddit was right
I've already tried almost every flavor of faith build there is; pure faith, str/faith, dex/faith, arc/faith. I just want to try an int build because it's the only playstyle I haven't played yet.

I'll give the carian spellblade style a shot, then
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Anon you may have prosopagnosia.
Go play mario party if you want to play with your faggot friends
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I have not. Why would I? Brings me no pleasure to ruins someone's fun.
If I want pvp, I play a pvp-oriented game.
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>1323 (1007 pure phys)
Christ on a stick
Based, gaped that weebsissy
Gankers are infinitely worse than red men at this point. I'm not talking about people who are actually playing through the level, God bless them, or even the people who flood your screen with particle effects as soon as you spawn in, I'm talking about the people who intentionally exploit the advantages that the game included for defenseless hosts when they themselves are PVP sweatlords. Grace duelists, dedicated blues, and actual gankers.
Weed Cutter is only good for invasions and only against absolute retards
Sorry you dont have friends
>letting him kill the divine beast warrior
why are you so fucking dumb poopa
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>dedicated blues
I'm dedicated to watching hosts die. Especially the taunter fags.
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What is this even a reference of?
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If you want the absolute maximum physical damage you can get, Occult Giant Crusher prevails

The site is https://eldenring.tclark.io/ in case anyone wants it
this guy gets it.
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They honestly should have just combined the Blue Dew talisman with the Crimson Dew one. There's literally no point in ever touching the crimson talisman now that we can just infinitely heal and buff with the blue one.
Mental illness. Ignore it.
I meant Gowry.
Thanks again
This anon is cordially invited to come visit Fromsoftware offices to get spat on by entire staff.
>bloodfiend's sacred arm
>bloodfiend's flame art arm
Are these numbers right?
But I want to know
i mean yeah, i'm just clarifying that every invasion is going to be at minimum 1v2 simply because of how the invasion system works.
The Blue Dew talisman is broken in general desu. It pretty much makes blue flask pointless.
>Messmer the Implier
What is he implying?
That the bosses are designed for spirit ash summons
his 18 inches (canon)
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I remember checking my ds2 invasion build last year after playing elden ring.
>level 220
>35 vigor
>all 6 weapon weapon slots filled
>mainhand was ugs / spear / sword softswaps
>left hand was two catalysts and a shield
>0 cheated consumables (except the cracked eye orbs)
>inventory was filled with 300 junk unupgraded weapons from pve
This shit would never fly in elden ring
All this complaining about invasions has made me long back onto my invader to torture innocent people.
My first invasion was a victory. I invaded a taunter group and insta killed the host while he was distracted with my teammate.
Not really in the heat of a fight it's too slow, so in that regard it's not broken. In exploration in open world or if you are a patient/stubborn mofo like me then it basically replaces the need to use starlight shards in visions.
You see it's actually a good thing that invasions boil down to one shot the enemy or be one shot because it means you can get more PvP games in a shorter time and my ADHD riddled zoomer brain enjoys this.
You could invade with a broken straight sword and great magic weapon in DS1 and win, times have changed
It is completely useless for casters, the ONLY use it has is for melee only builds that want to use ashes of war more.
You could in DS2 as well.
DS2 was the last good entry for PvP in the series.
Fire Knight's Greatsword requirements are so high dude...
it's not a 1v2 if you have a horned warrior alongside you, anon.
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DBS in /a/ is one of the best gifts this website has given
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Decided to start my second run after finishing the DLC. Wretch, aiming for a faith knight build. I'm enjoying this more than I expected since I have forgotten more of the game than I expected. Early game enemies definitely feel a lot easier to deal with after the DLC's craziness, but I'm still not good enough to beat the Tree Sentinel without leveling.
I, SISSYrick the Grafted, JOBBER of the Lands Between humbly kneel to:

Morgott-sama, Last of ALL Kings who scared me so much I disguised myself as a woman to flee Leyndell in order to escape him like the sissy I am.

CHADahn-sama, whom I was so terrified of that I hid within Stormveil forever and never leave to this day in fear of the asspussy destruction he will give me should we ever cross paths.

Malenia-sama, the undefeated swordswoman who I, like the retard I am, decided to challenge to the fight where I got UTTERLY dominated before kissing her feet as I begged for her to spare my life and my asshole of taking her massive katana (god I wish she would have done it anyway...)

Rykard-sama, who would DEVOUR my pathetic ass in one bite.

Maliketh-sama, for he will FUCK me up harder than he FUCKED the Godskins if we were to ever meet (Greater Will above I wish...)

LORD Kenneth Haight-sama, my real master of the TRUE ORDER whom I foolishly usurped Limgrave from and should beg for forgiveness from for he knows that I am a RUNT and nothing more.

Mohg-sama, for I am such a giant bitch that I would never THINK to take issue with his Bloody Fingers running all around my lands in fear of the Moghlestation he would give me.

Serosh-sama, who has the glory of being with my idol whom I will never see.

GODfrey-sama, for I WORSHIP his NAME like the KEK I am, even though he would NEVER love a RUNT like me.

Niall-sama, whose Banished Knights SHIT ALL OVER my garbage ones.

ALL-KNOWING-sama, whom considered me so worthless he didn't even use my abilities in his fight.

Nephali Loux-sama, whom POUNDED my graftgina and SHOCKED me to the core like the true heir of GODfrey-sama she is that I will never be.

Tarnished-sama, thee GOD of GODS whom is the TRUE ELDEN LORD that I could NEVER possibly defeat and should have KNEELED to immediately.
Blue Dew + ancestor horn or offhand deathbird axe and you will never run out of mp in pve unless you're trying to spam boss moves
You invade to ruin someone's fun
They taunt to invade your fun
It's a doggy dog world
I love the fact that DaS2's movesets were so well designed that hardswapping was completely unnecessary outside of basic shit like rings.
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how do you feel about taunters in dungeons
>deathbird axe
the what
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Can someone explain to me how Magma damage works cause most of the time I get under 100 from people running into the pool.

I thought only the second hit did the bonkers damage.
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this raises an interesting question
did godrick grafted more cocks onto him to increase his virility? also do you think he grafted a vagina so he could become more like marika/radagon and in his head closer to divinity?
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what's the best weapon to put carian sovreignity on ?
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What's the fastest incantation I can chuck for heal punishes? Lightning spear?
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holy frick dude you killed an invader with the 2000 damage attack in a 2v1? no way
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>cracked eye orbs in DS2
Messmer is not gay and plaps Rellana on the reggy
Imagine them frotting
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>Blocks obvious gankers/griefers/sweatys
>Matchmaking filled with normal people

I always do a friendly gesture too. If they gesture back or something similar I gift items and sever. You can tell who is a brainless beast and who is genuinely cooping (BTW you can see their most recent played games before blocking on PSN and majority I have blocked have Fifa, CoD, Rocket League and some sort of F2P shit)

>Actively opposes any other Empyrean's Order other than Marika's current Golden Order (but he wants a new Order)
>Is such an old Order fan he has motifs of both previous Elden Lords on his armor (but yeah guys he definitely wants a new Order)
>Has corpses of commoners and albinaurics being incinerated in a trash heap (but he's kind)
>He suspends himself with gravity magic while his mutilated childhood horse can barely hold his weight (he's definitely not stuck in the past)
>He literally subdues celestial bodies so he can keep things the same forever, and force everyone to rot with the old Order (definitely someone who would support the Haligtree supplanting the old Erdtree)
>Has Malenia chase him down to the end of the region as far away from the Haligtree as possible where he then breaks off her prosthetic and drove Malenia to discard her pride and use her scarlet rot to subdue him (she's definitely a fujo who actively supports their relationship, and Miquella is not bothered at all by some guy beating up his sister and preventing her from getting cured)

Meanwhile the Tarnished:
>Mercilessly butchers anyone getting in the way of the new Order, including the two previous Elden Lords
>Is a schizo who talks to spirits
>Defeats the boomer Radahn allowing Miquella's Order to be possible in the first place
>Takes Malenia's pride down a peg and helps her regain her dignity through Millicent
>Doesn't give a shit about the weapon or magic so long as it serves the purpose of their ascent
>Commits the first Cardinal sin and sets the Erdtree on fire cause they want a new Order so badly
>Becomes a Golden Order scholar during the Goldmask questline, and can create a Perfect Order without the fallibility of men
>Miquella's pony can tell how awesome they are with just a sniff
>Objectively the strongest being in the material plane by the end of the game
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>she thinks that looks good

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Miyazaki deserves to be jumped and beaten to within an inch of his life, every day, for the rest of his life, for this retarded bullshit.

No skill. Just tedium.
Jump the stomp attacks.
Strafe to avoid the grab attack that vacuums you in if you get within 20 feet of it.
Fuck with the broken camera that doesn't show what the enemy is doing half the time.
And be prepared to waste what feels like HOURS poking it until it falls over, then waste a VERY LIMITED RESOURCE taking a chunk of its hp, and pray you don't die to some bullshit like a grab + volcano attack combo because now you'll have to do the long, slow, boring, tedious, stupid fight all over again, but this time it'll take 30% longer.

This is nobody's favorite enemy.

Not a single goddamn playtester said, "I really enjoyed running around the feet of a big wickerman poking it until it fell over!"

Not a single goddamn person said, "Yeah, I think there should be a super rare consumable item scattered around the map that lets you shorten the fight but not enough to make it enjoyable or bearable in any way."

Not a fucking soul said, "Oh, and make every other kind of fire pot completely fucking useless without explaining why."

They add NOTHING to game. They only detract from it. So why the fuck do they exist? There's more benefit from basilisks and imps in the fucking catacombs that these big boring speed bumps scattered all over the fucking map.
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They don't taunt to ruin fun. They taunt because they're not good enough to kill people without the numerical advantage + the open field advantage.
And they still lose.

As long as they're actually doing the dungeon and progressing I don't mind. It's an issue when they just sit and wait. I had a group of 3 sitting and waiting in the specimen storehouse bottom while they had already moved the large omen body so you couldn't even progress. Every enemy was cleared as well.
This is true. My dad works at FromSoft and Miyazaki told him all smut written about them is automatically canon.
I wanted to try something like this but now it would not be original anymore fuck
you're not going to be that happy with this answer but put enchanted shot on a bow
or fan daggers, or lightning pots that im totally not ripping off from that one streamers ds3 heal catch method......
lightning spear is viable enough but you want something faster than that

or black fireball for the memes
Half of this is headcanon. Keep coping. Miquella doesn't want you, he wants radahn. You were never even a consideration
It should've been us...
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>2000 damage against invader le bad
>2000 damage against host le good
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>retard invader waves instead of ambushing us
>gets rolled into a corner and fucked
But did you like it?
So I know the base game is supposed to have implied villages of normal sane people that we never find because its not that kind of game or whatever but how about the dlc? It seems like everywhere except for Belurat is genuinely empty at this point.
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forgive my absolute lazyness here I cba to add catalysts and armor and shit
This post is the deathscream of all miquella and maleniafags unwilling to accept new lore or that it's what they'll be remembered for
I'm just trying to do a PvP build where I have a sword in one hand and a seal in the other, I don't want it any more complex than that and I don't like crafting so I don't bother with consumables. I've been using black fireball and it's pretty good I just want to know which of the "basic projectile" incantations comes out the fastest, I thought it would be lightning spear.
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Total Host Death
The DLC is full of ruined settlements because Messmer's army genuinely razed them. Belurat, ruined though it is, is basically the only Hornset structure left standing,
*if you don't want moonveil yodas one has less str reqs
uncharged it probably is the fastest for range catch yeah, I have no better suggestion other than maybe honed bolt cause they won't see it (don't forget arrows reach)
>I play a pvp-oriented game.
you don't do shit, low test faggot
lol at the guy who keeps posting as the Greater Will and then not responding to anyone. I see you.
because everything up until mt. gelmir is weaker than the endgame stuff of the previous cycle
>in shadow lands, huge coffins are displayed all over massive cerulean fields
What did they mean by this ?
>>Becomes a Golden Order scholar during the Goldmask questline, and can create a Perfect Order without the fallibility of men
Tarnished didn't do goldmask or ranni. Age of the duskborn is the actual ending because the tarnished is canonically godwyn's son and wants his dad and his dad's unintentional creations happy
Kek love doing this on spiral map plus the gravity bomb knocks em down the stairs even w ledges
Wait for TA's video
The fact that Ymir is only a bit shocked to see you makes me think there's still supposed to be some stragglers out there.
they're spaceships
I have never liked it. Even the shittiest bosses, I have liked some part of, even if that part was the relief of finally beating them. But because these stupid pieced of shit are scattered all over the place, there is no relief. You slog through one, get a shitty reward, then have to look forward to being made to fight several more for no goddamn reason. And all of them are going to suck. All of them are going to be boring.

And some of them, like the one in the screenshot, will be in areas where they like to fall where their face can't be reached, or on uneven terrain that messes up the timing of their stomp attacks.
Why does the L2 on Messmer's spear have hyper armor?
The open world had to be filled with something
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How is every Limgrave/Liurnia Ganker Chinese, Korean or Japanese.... What the fuck. Even now it's 2 am in China and 3 AM in Korea and I'm still getting put into these fucking chink worlds where they abuse all the busted shit and still fucking lose.
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Literally all we know about the Stone Coffins is that they contain "tainted flesh" and have been there so long that the geography shaped around them
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Has anybody here used the save file editor? I wanna level down my 200 character and somehow editing your save file is still the only way to do so, but I wanna know if its safe and won't get me banned from the online in the first place
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the One Piece is real
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ho ho ho
there will be some egg-laying soon
To note that these gigantic coffins lie in a fissure, leading to putrescence magically living (like the purpose of jars I guess), and Trina. Of course Thollier (smarter than others tarnished) would need you to reach it.
I seriously hope the nerf how often they use the fire attack. The one is Charo's Hidden Grave actually made me rage quit for like a week because of that shit.
If you're going that far. Why not just remake your character in CE to the appropriate level? It will take you 10 minutes and is substantially safer than deleveling yourself.

There was not a single item or piece of flavor text that showed Radahn had any connection to Miquella other than being an adversary he had to overcome with Malenia's help. It's a completely nonsensical decision for him to be present in this DLC at all, other than being a convenient way for From to avoid the ensuing PR challenges of having the player marry Miquella.

It's an inauthentic choice made out of cowardice, not out of a desire to be faithful to the material and create an authentic addition to the Elden Ring mythos.
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How do I get this NG+ character to the DLC and beat Mohg?
I hate these things as much as the next person but I used Pest Thread Spears once I found it and it just deletes them out of existance. It staggers them so quickly. So much so I'm convinced they're literally expecting you to do just that and nothing else, it makes them actually bearable to "fight"
Fuck off with your perched ship, this is shadow lands here
why come its pulling them that way instead of towards you?
Messmer can you FUCK OFF with all your fucking effects? FUCK YOU I CANT SEE SHIT.
level vig
I'm ugly :(
God I want to impregnate her
She doesn't need a twink with mommy issues, she needs a man like me
pretty sure it's just because miyazaki likes radahn and femboys
It doesn't matter what was shown in the base game anymore. The dlc trumps it. Stay mad.
Remaking a character in CE feels way less safe than just leveling down...
>get to DLC for fists
>it's good but not as fun as I thought
>grab meteor sword along the way
>shits on everything so hard it's just boring
Are light swords or magic (any school) fun?
same bestie
It's a list of reasons why the DLC isn't canon. There is no sense of continuity or respect for the source material it emerged from.

There reaches a critical threshold where the amount of plot holes warrant disregard.
Is Ansbach worth summoning for Radahn? I literally cannot survive more than 20 seconds during his second stage.
you have to accept that mohg's cock and radahn's ass was all miquella wanted

he was a simple boy, he just wanted some prime meat in his bed

nothing personal, tarnished, I'm sure you have great character and so one, but hotness > character, always

you should do some looksmaxing
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Everything about the Ensis region is a fucking MESS in terms of invasion spots, actual literal garbage, the host was in the fucking Fog Rift Fort but it spawned me here
At least i got there in time to protect the black knigga
depends in the weapon and what ur fighting
Oh yeah he's a great help
For Radahn
>pr challenges
No, its just because radahn is one of his favorite bosses he's gone on record saying so himself, and based on the survey they did he's the jap's favorite boss too, and jap companies take the opinions of their countrymen more seriously than they do us, so for fan service they made a "not scarlet rot radahn" boss because even the nips wouldn't shut up about that version of him.

It's the easiest answer to why it was done, simple with less need for speculation as it's based on facts from surveys and what the man himself has said, as well as him doing similar things in the past, like scrapping a lot of new ds3 stuff and adding in a bunch more nostalgia bait for ds1 and to a lesser extent 2.
I resorted to using mimic for this one and it used the fire beam cannon thing and just 1-shot it before the fight even started. The second it turned hostile it just got down on its knees and Special Beam Cannon'd my mimic.

That's why I've been using the Death Ritual Spear. Spear Call Ritual hits multiple times per cast and seems to stagger pretty well. I'll try Pest Threads.

>So much so I'm convinced they're literally expecting you to do just that and nothing else
I feel like the biggest weakness of FromSoft games in general is this exact design choice. "What if we make this enemy really shitty to fight unless the player tries this specific counter?" Fun in theory. Shitty if the counter doesn't work with your build, you don't have it, or it's boring to you.
Who the fuck knows. Those are fucking ancient but judging by the fact that you find grave gloveworts on them, they could be some burial custom where you build a ship for a corpse, or many corpses, and set them sailing on the ocean
>the dlc isn't canon because it hurts my headcanon
It's canon. Keep seething. No seriously keep seething i want to laugh at you on my lunch break
he buffs Radahn's health, I'm certain, not sure how much though
Anon, every summon outside a boss's fog gate increases the health. This has always been the case in Souls games.
If I get both of the ruptured tears on my lvl 20 guy that should be GG for anyone hit yeah?
You will never be miquella's consort
Yea. Even overleveled phantoms should get killed from it.
am i crazy for liking this fight? like alot?
except for that one cross slash move and the arena this fight is insanely fun and well designed once you get over the light show.
its melania all over again... people see melania waterfowl and go "HOW DO I DODGE THAT??" and now instead of that its how do i dodge the light beams.

god i love this game :)
sucks that there is a bunch of cry babies though who dont but oh well they just don't get it.

i see alot of coping about godwyn and well it would've been cool for it to be him it would've made destined death seem alot less important or really scary.
>am i crazy for liking this fight?
>like alot?
Maybe a little, yeah. I still think it's inferior to the first Radahn fight.
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Ok, that's just stupid.
Not only does it stagger really well, but it does better damage than anything else I've tried. The thing only had time to get staggered once before dying. Faith isn't even a main stat of mine and it killed it more than twice as fast as anything else. Thanks for the tip, anon.
The magma does full damage for like a split second which can lead to ppl runnign into it and dying immediately. The first l2 does a billion damage, you’ll never land the followup unless in pve.
i did find myself enjoying it on my second dlc run, there is a certain joy to be found in how over the top it is, and the music is a 10/10
Followup catches people moving in to punish sometimes and it's practically a one-shot.
I only like it because I'm a godwynfag and I'm okay with him not being molested by a shota. I'm glad it's radahn actually.
I’ve been fucking people up with lightning spear. Lordsworn SS with offhand seal/shield. Also packing black flame and flame cleanse me.
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We know Rellana
Hardswapping isn't a necessity, it's a semi-legal exploit to get around encumberance limits.
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>Think positive
Positive thought to brighten your day: Mohg and Morgott are both dead, so they can be reunited in the afterlife!
Messmer is dead.
If Rellana's big honkin twin moons couldn't cure his mommy issues nothing you have can.
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Rate sliders
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Has there ever been a single argument in favor of Fia's ending other than "I'm desperate for pussy and donate to twitch thots?"
Oh boo fucking hoo you red crybaby. You retards deliberately walk into 2v1s with the sole intention to grief people who want nothing to do with you, then whine as if you're an oppressed minority because you don't like being at a disadvantage when outnumbered.
The reality is the vast majority of the playerbase hates you, and you're unable to accept that invading is a vestigial system carried over just to appease crying invasion purists like you who think that people who don't like being griefed are "wrong" and that the opinions of "normies and casuals" are worth less than yours.
There's a reason why the most downloaded ER mod by far is a co-op mod that removes you assholes from the equation entirely.
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necrophilia is a thing
don't kinkshame!
my ‘usband ‘as been euhh… eaten by euhhhh… how to say euhh s-snek? yes snake
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But you don't even get pussy. It's the worst ending because the ending is just you getting cucked by a dead fucking fish.
I'll take poop man over cuck ending
I don't think they like each other.
This is a copy pasta I can tell because half of the pvpers on pc moves to seamless because the invasions there are better.
you're silly
invading has always been the balancing mechanic for summoning, elden ring locking invaders out of half their estus, their great rune, etc just forces the remaining invaders to compensate in a neverending arms race
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Give me your crackpipe next Fromsoft game theories/wishes.

I'll start: ds4 but it's just a hyper-expanded version of the ringed city remade into a ds1-style connected world.
Phase 2 feels like a convergence mod version of phase 1, otherwise it's not so bad. I'm just upset that the final boss of elden ring, forever, is "that guy you fought, again", which wouldn't even be that bad if Radahn was significant enough to feel like someone worth fighting a second time.
but you get skeleton friends.
And friendship is worth more than wenches
>abandons everything for the sake of an Age of Compassion signifying ego dissolution reminiscent of Jesus getting baptized or Buddha attaining Nirvana and losing his sense of an individuated self
>Is not attached to the twin he was raised with, and abandoned his good standing in the Golden Order for
>Abandons his ability to love through leaving Trina behind
>But still wants Radahn, a rando he met in his childhood who was uh... kind and strong? and has a removed cutscene where the Tarnished walked in on them having sex, despite Miquella giving up his body?

How is Miyazaki not getting crucified on every platform for this storytelling. He wrote a netorare fanfiction that doesn't even respect the audience enough to sound even remotely cohesive. Worse still, how are there legitimately people on this board who endorse this? Nodding their heads and going: yeah canon!

Miyazaki sabotaged his own project to enter the luciferian entertainment elite. Even worse, the players are becoming willing participants in it, denouncing the purity and innocence Miquella represents for the entropic haggery they were shoehorned into forcibly, lauding the name of a blood letting cult leader who has been "redeemed" and shameless promoting fanfare cuckoldry that would be boycotted to high heaven in any other franchise.
Why is French Tanith placing a 911 call in English?
Those Who Live in Death probably do deserve a better deal than they've been dealt.
Ranni's love and spectral oral are worth more to me than turning the world into Dark Souls IV.
Kekric the jobber said this
Tibia's summons is so incredibly bad... Enemy barely moves and they all miss, what's the point?
>wrote netorare
>He's so assmad his headcanon is wrong he thinks he's been cucked
Every one of them I have met has tried to kill me, so I doubt that.
Hardwapping in DaS3/elden ring as a skill is a way of trying to surprise your opponent with a borderline unreactable attack, depriving them of the time to see what's coming at them in the hopes that they react too slowly or misread the attack and roll at the wrong timing. It's a way of getting around how powerful passive play is in these games through deception. Softswapping isn't a substitute for hardswapping, because the animation clearly telegraphs a swap and gives your opponent time to see what you swapped to before an attack is coming at them. Hardswapping exists to deprive them of these oppourtunities.

It wasn't necessary in 2 because rolling was weaker, and thus you didn't have to rely on trying to force a wrong reaction to try and get damage on a passive player.
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they would make such a great comedy duo
so much wasted potential
wasted malenia
wasted radahn
wasted omens
and not a proper view of marika's tits in sight

this game...
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Been having a really good time in the coliseum with a magic milady (swift slash) and some spells like piercer / some projectiles for pressure. Put on a bullgoats talisman so I am above 51 poise and thats really it.
What is your go-to?
No one is crucifying him because the marika lore is good and most expected him to be a boss, most just expected just miquella or miquella and godwyn. You're upset because your pedo selfship with miquella was shat on and now you can't cope. Meanwhile I am here comfy with my ball sellen wife.
I will insert the mending rune of cuckoldry and usher in an age of polyamory
A single mute skeleton merchant somewhere was all they needed to get more people on Fia's side.
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How do I look?
>and has a removed cutscene where the Tarnished walked in on them having sex, despite Miquella giving up his body?
What's a good way to beat Lord of Blood on int/fth build around rl70?
I needed a few good days of attempts (I don't track number of attempts) to beat Relanna, but I beat Promised Consort Radahn in like 3 hours total. I blame the fact that I likely didn't have enough skidibis when I first faced Relanna, and that I hadn't found the Deflect Tear until after I beat her. Especially if I had the Deflect Tear, I think I could have beaten Relanna way sooner. Oh also I beat Bayle in like 4 or 5 tries. I always found it amusing how people find some bosses more difficult than others. Its always fun talking to people to see who gave them more trouble.
We have a good view they're not that big. She has a larger ass than she does tits.
>spent an hour sitting on the toilet with a bucket in hopes for one end to blow and ease my pain
guys is this how Radahn felt during his Caelid Conundrum because if so, it's good we kill him
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that's all there is, anon.
i quit. playing granblue fantasy versus rising now and having way more fun.

imagine PvP that's actually balanced, has depth (still with the core timing and spacing gameplay though), and walls so your opponent can't just back up forever. imagine actually being rewarded for being skilled at a game. imagine pushing more than 1 button. imagine all the people.
My dog was like this too until I got him neutered
There are pantsless models for miquella and radahn. An anon kept posting part of the miquella one here and the radahn one was posted on twitter a few times and here once.
back to /fgg/ with this weak ass bait bruh
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In my head-canon they do.
So I'm right and you are wrong!

Always love at the Holy dude in these games killing the witches makes me kek

"Look at this rotten whore"
Chest doesn't match the rest at all
>korean women are just wannabe white women
>they want to be white women so bad they carve up their skulls

why are they like this? better question: why aren't they carving up their skulls to look more like black women?
>dragons war with leyndell
>become friends and share cool magic after

>lieurnia war with leyndell
>become friends and share cool magic after

>twlid war with leyndell
>ew no fuck them they look yucky
How do these surgeries even work? It looks like it'll never heal to the extent where it's as durable as a fully intact jaw and that any sort of hard force like falling or a buch in the face can do more damage than someone without plastic surgery
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Fair enough. What about this look?
try deathknight chest
Radahn was repeatedly hailed as the mightiest demigod in the base game, but you only got to fight a weakened, zombified shell of his former self. I think it's incredibly cool that you actually get to fight Radahn in his prime, just the way he was integrated into the DLC story feels hackjobby and poorly executed.
I noticed Saint becoming more left leaning too. Such a fucking shame. He was way cooler when he played DS3. But of course everyone in the gaming world (especially twitch) has to tow the line. Its where the money comes from.
damn didn't know somebody could get so mind broken from the fire giants. kek.
Don't have it yet
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Ok this is just getting ridiculous. Every fucking Ganker doing the typical stand in an open field bullshit is asian.
Most common Chinese, second is Korean and 3rd is Japanese.
What is it in their culture that forces them to do this? I don't understand. It's really fucking late, I should be invading other gankers around the world but it's still just Chinese after Chinese.

I seriously want to know. Why are they always just ganking in an open field?
Also bone bow sleep arrows is fucked and is a near guaranteed win if used.
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>We have a good view they're not that big
I beg to differ.
"""prime""" radahn is more of a shitter than the rotted radahn
I don't care if he's left leaning so long as he avoids a few instant fails
>Vaccine apologism
>Participation in vaccinal apartheid [using a vaxx pass]
>Support for trannies
>Support for bug eating and climate alarmism
If he isn't one of those things, I can live with it.
You dont look like Marika
You aren't far off. I invaded a LOT in DS3, but that was mostly because I had more free time. I didn't have a full time job and I was still in University. But when ER came out I was a man. I don't invade at all in this game.
I think Miyahacki just automatically assumed every player was as obsessed with Radahn as he is. It's laughable that the DLC doesn't even change anything about Radahn's already nonexistent character besides making him look even more pathetic and also being an incestuous pedo (possibly not by choice which adds to his patheticness)
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>why are they like this?
Everyone wants to be white.
White is the new black.
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I genuinely just want to turn the world into skeletons lol
Repost the Radahn one
Elden ring (unfinished game) + dark souls V
thats fucking hilarious holy shit
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>marika's tits
stop simping
be a man
admire balls
This is my favorite Malenia artist
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I was like, "THIS is the guy I've seen more rage about than any other fight in the DLC so far? Just BACK UP and he whiffs most attacks."
Then he proceeded to attack straight through a 100% physical block with full stamina for 40% of my hp and slowly burn all my health flasks and now I get the rage.
This is just like that shitty Solitude Knight. They couldn't design an actually interesting fight so they just gave these fuckers stupid high hp and damage and let their attacks magically ignore blocking at random.
Idk what's worse being a gay pedo
Or being turned into a mentally ill yandere with a child's body's cumdump after being brainwashed
Miquella's tummy, you must be 'ungry!
Dark Souls goes Wild West
Bowie knives, nagalooshi, whips, Indian Spirit gods, revolvers
Godwynchads getting some semblance of closure?
get weed cuttered, bitch
intend on respeccing in a bit for 70 fth total... are there any incants that rely on arc specifically?
Being a gay pedo is normal in their society
Scadutree thorns
yeah, really nice balance of cute, feminine and dorky
Redpill me on Miquella's tummy
So is the latter he mentioned. Many don't know this but marika used the mimic veil to disguise herself as a loli and go around raping people. Miquella just took after his mom.
I want to use Braggarts Roar to do bleed and rot, thinking of doing this on a STR build using either Rotten hammer or Rotten Greataxe, both blood infused. Anyone know which would be best for this? Hammer seems more damage but Greataxe has more reach. Are there any other options? I’ll be using both Blood and Rot exultations, roar then spam charge R2s.
A sekiro-like set in a western fantasy setting. More grounded and less mythological than souls and elden ring, but not quite historical.
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>just a host and his RL713 co-op buddy, spamming literally endless spells that are fast, have tracking, and do half my health on contact even with spelldrake +3 and magic fortification

wtf do i do about this? just run away forever? i literally can't even approach 2 people with seemingly unlimited mana just spamming stars of ruin or something similar. i hate this game so fucking much jfc this is unplayable. i miss DS3 so much it's unreal. a game where i could actually use basically any weapon i wanted and i could win against ganks all by myself. even if the odds were stacked against me, i could always survive because everyone just used melee weapons basically. they actually swung their swords, imagine that. in this it's just infinite projectiles that are way to fast and do way too much damage. even if i use something bullshit like dual spears, it doesn't matter because they're hurling giant fireballs from across the map that take out 90% of my life and have an AoE the size of Texas. and they can just keep spamming them like 100 times in a row. and that's from ONE GUY, the HOST, who isn't even RL713 like his buddies are (not downscaled btw heheheh you rike??) im just tired and done at this point. it's just not fun to try to play against this shit on a regular basis. and that's not even counting all of the boss fogs, the bonfire duelists, the empty open world, etc etc etc. all i wanted to do was fight alongside mobs for an asymmetrically fair fight. just so sad to see how far the series has fallen.
Miquella's panties
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The sunflower weapon from the DLC is really good. I didn't realize that it had the most absurd super armor ever for the weapon art. Can just beat the shit out of everything with it.
i'm trying to squeeze in a bit more spell damage.
do i use the int raising talisman (fro 80 INT to 85 INT) or the graven mass talisman (8% damage increase).
You do know that you can just go play ds3 and that /dsg/ is back right? Nothing is stopping you from going to play ds3.
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8% damage is much higher than 5 int if you've already passed 80 int.
Would sniff
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it's not fair
it is clearly merman discrimination
It's soft without being pudgy and a little ticklish.
Makes sense. The cunt is immune to poison and rot? I stunlocked her with poison affinity antspur rapier and pinned her in a corner and even after stabbing her for 30% of her hp neither proc'd. More things that are classic JRPG bullshit: Every enemy that actually warrants use of special status effects is immune to them so as not to "trivialize" the boring slog of a fight. So you gotta sit there and watch this utter retard swing big giant haymaker attacks while slowly walking towards you because they decided to give them multiple layers of bullshit armor.

That is the definition of "artificial difficulty".
You just became weak and soft with age. Congrats on your transition to hostcuck/co-slopper anon.
>magic fortification
>in pvp
The problem is the passive poise or insane poise they have (way more than the player) not hp or whatever else you are crying about.
Can't wait till all the invader sissies stop threatening to leave and actually just leave and never come back
why? soft swappers need some love. and pigeon holing people into 1 weapon at a time is retarded. hard swapping pvpers can go suck an egg for all i care.
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>2 grace duelists
>gnome hat
>backhand blades
Thank you.
ER's progression is pretty good until you need to take a break around after Leyndell for extensive horse riding and collecting upgrade items
I haven't seen a single one threaten to leave. I've only seen them pull out more and more cancerous shit to deal with more and more cancerous hosts.
The weeping penisula
>just repalce pvpve in complex levels with boring static arena fighter bro

back to fightranny general with ye
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combine souls and ac, fantasy mech game and the level up girl is a cute fairy
thank you
It started with the tail end of DS3s lifespam, it was already bad pre-ER. I haven't seen a single ER stream of his except during the ER 1st anniversary event where I sniped and gaped him and his gay Moghcultist groupies.
No, I have my own house, a full time job, and a fiancee. Too many responsibilities and not enough free time to commit to ER invasions. A lot has changed for me since DS3 came out. Can you say the same?
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carian sovreignity on a greatsword or a curved sword?
i like the moveset of curved swords more but i'm not sure if there are huge differences i should be aware like amounts of poise or whatever
Based as fuck.
At least Godwyn won’t be remembered as Miquella cum rag like Radahn will be. When people think of Radahn that will be the main thing from now on.
curved greatsword*
dismounter specifically
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I could reliably break their poise if I timed my guard counter for after the second hit of their combos. They'd wind up for a third hit and get knocked out of it before their attack could connect most of the time. The main problem was they'd randomly toss in a leaping heavy that would ignore my block 50% of the time, and sometimes their forward momentum would carry them past me and cause my guard counter to miss and/or let their third attack hit me from behind my guard.

That even happened with the Shield Crash strat. Sometimes their forward momentum would just carry them past my charge and they'd get a free hit on my back.
It also seemed like they were immune to blood loss...
Just came to that one hentai doujin where some boys stuff a fairy in a jar with a centipede and a spider. Finna merc some people with an OP premade build I found on youtube. Maybe eat some polenta later.

Wish me luck.
>10 remembrance bosses (11 if you count Bayle's heart)
>only 4 of them have cutscenes
I don't see what the problem is with getting a cute femboy god BF
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this build is so dogshit but I love it, how does the build maker still say imp lion only gives 1 vigor whos running this trash site
Some of them are vulnerable to bleed, just not that guy.
What’s so great about Dismounter? AR seems average
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Hm, black and gold... or silver and red? Famcy chestplate hiding corruption beneath, evident in helmet and gauntlet
i just like the moveset and it's something to put Carian sovreignity on. i know it likes bigger weapons.
i just see everyone putting it on greatswords so i wanna know if i'm shooting myself in the foot by using a cruved sword
>Playing INT/FTH will naturally lead you to playing Golden Order miracles and death-type sorceries, complete opposites inlore
>There's 1 weapon for this pairing total in the base game and its a Magic/Fire weapon completely unrelated to both the Golden Order and the Death related stuff
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Heresy is but a contrivance
All things can be conjoined
Their poise damage is pretty much the same. The biggest difference, other than the movesets, is that curved greatswords deal slash damage whereas regular greatswords deal standard/pierce damage.
Also CGS are unable to use "thrusting" type ashes like impaling thrust or giant hunt, so they have a lower AoW selection, but if you intend on only using Carian Sovereignty then this doesn't matter.
I say just use whichever you want because in the end the difference will be miniscule. Not like you can't keep a backup greatsword in your inventory just in case the boss is strong against slash damage.
by DLC logic, we should get a Draconic Tree Sentinel Steve remembrance in Altus
>death weapons are physical + int with no fth
>golden order weapons are physical + fth with no int
>both dedicated casting tools are perfectly 50/50 int/fth split
This will never not bother me.
Mmmm, yes, very wise.
Lion and Gaius really shouldn't count.
I don't use much GO incants rn but I rationalized this by telling myself my necromancer needs to know how to tame the undead warriors
What DO INT/FTH have to run as weapons?
I agree entirely sweetie but these devs would never include such a generous talisman, and you'd probably just get the opposite of the desired effect where hardswappers can just have more weapons and weapon arts at their instant disposal than should be fair. It is better to encourage using lighter weapons if you want a more varied softswap aresenal because then the efficiency of each of your weapons is spread out more fairly instead of just being able to carry several overpowered options so easily.
>using weapons on a INT/FTH build instead of just using Golden Order seal and spamming incantations
>sunflower is a bitch that needs 3 phases to be a threat
>Gaius, Renalla, Romina and Putrescent are glorified midbosses
>Metyr is just barely above the base game remembrance boss cutoff, Astel-tier.
My honest impression is that they promoted half the DLC bosses to remembrances just for padding because the 40$ would've been a hard sell otherwise.
I think Rakshitter has infinite hyperarmour with that great katanas aow and blocking is buggy in ER. I get dead-angled through my guard often.
blacksteel weapons
claymans harpoon
fire knight weapons
metyr hammer
smithscript weapons
hard swapping is better than soft swapping for reasons other than weight, and heavier weapons arent OP anyways.
Literally nothing. There's nothing at all. Rellana and SoNaF.

MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE MAAAAAAYBE we get them to patch Spirit Sword and Spirit Glaive into having good scaling but I'd fucking bet on pigs flying first.
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I also want to add that since you're using Carian Sovereignty and thus I'm assuming will be Magic infusing your weapon, the difference between the standard/slash/pierce damage types will be far less impactful, as most of your damage will be magic anyways.
hard swapping is sweaty and gay
>blacksteel weapons
>claymans harpoon
>fire knight weapons
>metyr hammer
>smithscript weapons

None of these get something proper like a B/B Scaling.
I don't mind some like Gaius or Romina being remembrance bosses without a cutscene, but come on at least Metyr should've gotten something given how important she is to the lore as a whole
>like a B/B Scaling

fat fucking chance you take what they give you
I just beat mohg on my Stormveil invader with no summons, I'm not going anywhere.
Speak for yourself. You will because you're a mentally ill porn addict.
How the fuck did I get to Pig Boi Gaius again? No, I'm not consulting fextra because I'm 100% that it won't be legible
I remember its from the Church side of the Shadow Keep that you can then reach the back entrace of the Specimen Area and then you'll get to him
Sorry but the fact is, it's not INT/FAI if we aren't B/B or high C/C.

You're out here posting fucking FIRE KNIGHT which doesn't even have a fucking INT scaling unless you Cold/Magic influse it and end up with TRIPLE split damage just for a B/D scaling.
I like Curved GS more if 1h or dual wield.
For 2h I pref greatswords.
THE Knight's GS specially works very well with Carian Grandeur and Sovereignty.
>Sorry but the fact is, it's not INT/FAI if we aren't B/B or high C/C.

I don't have to argue with you fromsoft already told you this is what you get
So, anybody else got any experience with this?
Make a new one from scratch instead of chsnging your stats around
Yeah so what we GET is fucking nothing and should just pick Fire/Sacred/Cold/Mag infusion on any old whatever weapon and move on and just be glad we can cast every spell in the game pretty much.

There aren't any INT/FAI weapons. Doesn't exist.
Strong FTH or INT weapons.
Moonveil, Dark Moon GS, Flame art or Sacred weapons with ashes that buff them with more AR.
Thinking of doing a battle mage build, I know I'll be focusing on INT mostly but which stat do I focus 2nd between STR and DEX?
Why do you wanna level down? From what I'm seeing lvl 200 is the most common nowadays for Invasions and coop, unless there's another reason?
Wore character in the entire fucking dlc/lore
Kill yourself
It's not like it matters.
The softcap for the INT/FTH seals is almost the same of the elemental infusions so your damage won't be much worse than a pure INT or FTH build.
TBF Sword of Night and Flame is good enough to serve as your sole weapon and the spells take care of the rest.
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beat the current ruler of the order of the five (four) planets
find out they destroyed the big power at the time because tortured their family to death
>it's just a cycle
200 seems fucking dead for me desu
Ok but can you answer the question please...
No. Fuck you and fuck that. I'm a fucking SCARY NECRO MAGE. I don't want your fucking gay Carian sword. I don't wanna shoot BEAAAAMU at people, I want spooky skulls and shit. It's profoundly criminal that the two worst DLC weapons are the fucking Spirit weapons. Like so fuicking deeply upsetting it's wild.
It’s very clear they rushed a lot of the dlc, and Miyazaki was only really invested in what HE personally wanted to see. The whole Bayle and Igon thing in particular.

Castle Ensis is garbage. Rellana is stupid garbage. The end to Ymir’s quest is garbage.
How as a faith arcane(mainly faith) beat midra?
I don't care. They fucked up BIGTIME on this. Literally take two seconds to test out the Spirit Glaive and Spirit Sword

>Shit scaling
>Shit AR
>Shit AoW [the skulls travel like 2 meters before vanishing]

And the sword is extra specially bad. It's a curved sword with DAGGER hitboxes.
I was really hoping they would have given us some stock sorceries to use for more thematic builds. There’s a bunch of death sorceries the skeleton mages cast, like single skull projectiles, that we don’t get.

I hate it. For some reason they don’t want mages to get variety. In fact, a lot of shit was put into ashes of war.
Really? I'm getting summoned even on my lvl 250+ character, maybe in your region there's more activity on different times of the day
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>Lion's Claw with Greatsword
>poise break at around 50%
>Lion's Claw and R1
you can kill Godrick before he phases, huh?
I use a schythe with Blackflame Tornado on my INT/FTH dude.
I guess you could also put the new ghostflame ash on a Magic Knight's GS.
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good ashes for this in PvP?
I keep telling you guys that Miyazaki hates casters and doesn’t want them to have too much fun. This is how I know the whole ‘Spellbound’ leak is fake btw.
As far as I remember even if you literally OHKO godrick on your first attack, the phase transition cutscene will play and he'll just die afterwards.
Dex because it shortens your cast time and the unique dex/int weapons are generally better than the unique str/int weapons
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That AoW is insanely bad.

I use Cold Grave Scythe with Raptor of the Mists but I would happily run Spirit Glaive if it wasn't objectively SUPER SUPER SUPER bad.
you make it sound like they do it for function instead of form, anon...
I really, really want to like the Godslayer's Greatsword because it looks so cool, but the weapon skill doesn't do nearly enough damage for how abysmally slow it is
PvP is a scourge on these games.
Thanks, found it
Not for me, I thought it would go to cutscene as soon as he stood up from the critical attack, but I got him pancaked as soon as he stood up and that was it
im doing what i can, man. im fighting for my fucking life out here. the worst part is this would all be solved if i could actually fight against the gank alongside some mobs that are worth a damn but every invasion there are no mobs to help.
Elden Ringworld: Combat Evolved
Sword Dance
Flaming Strike
I keep forgetting that Dex improves cast time since I'm so used to Radagon's Icon lol, thank you
>complex levels
>oh look it's another big empty field with 3 dudes in it that are going to spam insanely overpowered and fast laser beams at me with homing, nonstop

i can't take it anymore bro what do you want from me?
I'd use different gloves
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>Lightning Spear
>Flame Spear
>Ice Spear
>Spear Talisman
Poking bros? I think we eatin' good now
Godrick had an ideology?
Retvrn to Tradition (Godfrey)
Tbf that's the only way Mohg or any kind of omen can rise up unless you wanna be morgot.
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Why is Miquella like this?
Shut the fuck up about that already.
Fighting the lame/easy ass ‘ancient dragon man’ (lmfao what a stupid name) right after fighting a random magma wyrm has got to be the hardest I’ve laughed in a From game in a while

It was on purpose right? Right? RIGHT??
I never said anything about open-field slop you know damn well I wasn't talking about that bad faith troon. Skill issue on your part for not disabling open field shitter zones with CE.
No. I’m right, and you’re threatened.
Brat needs to be choked
The Age of Despair might actually entail an upped quality of life for omens. If everyone's equally cursed then at least they won't be worst off.
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yeah i will be infusing it into magic, also i just realized beast cleaver can actually be infused with ashes of war, it absolutely does not look like a weapon that can be infused. but it can which is cool.
it has a bit of strength scaling even after infusing so i might respecc into STR/INT (i was dex/int)
before going into the shadowkeep, i just gotta make sure to get the syrup from moore for thoillier right? thats the only questline that gets messed up
Make Godfrey proud, granted he sucked at it, but hey he tried.
>have the full power of the stars at their fingertips
>learn to channel the power of the moon too
>can control death, gravity, ice, darkness
>decide go use all that cosmic magic and channel it into a sword... or a bunch of swords
>half of those are use exactly like normal swords, bit shiny and temporary

Are they for real?
Wanting to graft/eat/rape people is not an ideology.
dex/int is better if your main stat is int
str/int is better if your main stat is str
Why would they make a sword that can turn against them?
What even is Mohg's ideology? Like I get that he talks about love and reaching out to the some of the marginalized groups in ER, but what ultimately is his vision for the future? Is it just everyone hanging around in his shit-swamp, cutting themselves like a bunch of faggy emos?
Malenia used to kill anyone who looked at him weird so now he's free and horny
He's a Rauh Dynasty/Bloodfiend LARP. Moghwyn likely would've been like a Holy Roman Empire version of Rauh's OG Roman Empire.
Is the Leyndell subterranean Mohg a puppet too?
>What even is Mohg's ideology?
Blood for the Blood God
Why make a sword at all?
You have infinite versatility at your hands, and all you can think of is "hit hard in melee"
That's how a warrior thinks, not a mage
>what ultimately is his vision for the future?
Create a new preeminent dynasty of gay rape babies with Miquella. It doesn't go much beyond that because Miquella broke his brain.
the swords serve a ceremonial purpose
I like that they can rip open holes in reality, and the practical application of that is that they try to crush interlopers under a big boulder, Temple of Doom-style.
The love shit was all Miquella
If someone wanted to follow in Malenia's skills, would they use a Lordsworn Greatsword with blood tax as a sign of swearing their loyalty to her while mimicking her multi-hit and health drain in one or a great katana with quickstep to imitate her dashing side to side?
milady with dane's footwork offhand
I think it's safe to say he has no vision and that he's just a megalomaniac who wants power. All that talk about love is just cult leader sweet-talk to recruit more servants, but he doesn't really give a shit about any of them as his only goal is reawakening Miquella to be his consort.
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it can be quite compelling ideology
if you are into grafting (or rape, or devouring)

i, for one, would welcome our new /fa/ overlord of blood
Was aiming to offhand dane's footwork as well, or mainhand, depending on if I put quickstep on it or not.
Milady seems nice, though it looks too Carian to pass. And I've not tested how Leda's or the other light greatsword fits with Malenia's gauntlet.
I did like 20 invasions at 200 today, mid week, not even in prime time
The fuck you're smoking
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>What even is Mohg's ideology?
- compulsory blood donations
- public lashings
- fashion crimes punished by death
- state-run bdsm clubs in every town with population over 500
- first rule of the blood cult is you do not talk about the blood cult
- varre is cool
- morgott is not cool
- roses are red, and so are you
- miquella is mine and mine alone
- fuck radahn, that strumpet
Their gay rape babies would have been cute
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>absolutely love the look and texture of the gragoyle greatsword
>except for the orange slime part completely ruining it
>there's no version without it
gay game.
Vote Mohg 2024!
Do you guys prefer Cragblade or Braggart's Roar?
Braggart for most cases.
It gives absorption and a ton of stamina regen.
there's a black version, not sure if it looks any better
>page 7
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It's only page 7
>O, Mother...Oh wife, oh chil...
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many such cases
it doesn't
i can't believe miyazaki cut ligma from shadow of the erdtree
i want godwyn as the final boss cuz he looks cool
Aren't quality weapons also C/C at best
who's michael zaki
Baking because I'm going to bed and don't want to wake up to a dead thread

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Say what you will about Malenia. At least her fight was fun.
but would he look cool being fucked by miquellestor?
i don't think so
radahn has a thicc ass, and godwyn is a fish down there
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Does this fucking thing give people brainrot? Everyone and their mother carries one in case they start losing in the Colosseum, but the ones that try to main them mostly just spam the AoW and die.

I use the smithscript ones because they fit my costume but the best use I got out of the AoW was to dodge those retarded throwing claws that headshot you mid roll.
Is the whole Castle Watering Hole area really locked behind an illusory wall? Does anything in-game tell you about it or hint at it? I know it's a rather obvious illusory wall, but just wondering if it's made obvious-er, considering a whole area is locked behind it.
I really want a Smithscript Axe for my new character. Is there a way to get to it's location without killing any DLC bosses just to get it? I'd like to return to the DLC when I'm actually progressed in the game and play through it properly without cheesing bosses, (I got here by cheesing Radhan and Mohg asap at SL 30 but I already killed them a million times over the last few years)
Miyazaki believes in leaving mysteries unfound except in the age of the internet and with player messages you'll probably still find it.
I think the age of despair might level the playing field.
What spells go through fog walls? I know Gravitational Missile does but what else?
do heavy thrusting swords have poise/hyper armor/whatever thing that makes you not stagger that Greatswords have?
Miquella bussy smells like roses
I just chainsaw all griefers and then block them.

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