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We discuss Minecraft news, projects, build ideas, smps, mods, etc.
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see builds!
If you develop anything Minecraft related, keep us updated for feedback.

► 2. NEWS

>MCC endercup + chance to get a free cape for bedrock AND java:


>Fuck Microsoft, play cracked Minecraft with these launchers:

>Mods that you will need 100% of the time:
https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports (removes telemetry and chat reporting)
https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium (optimizes (replaces) render engine)
https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium (optimizes various game mechanics)

>Classic skin textures for offline play:

>New and improved Minecraft Wiki:

>Seed generator and biome/structure locator:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Servers (Advertise them there, not here)


Last thread >>486121854
I think sniffers are cute
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ok but why start from 2 cows
you can just as easily start from 4 or 8
If all is well in the world we get the first 1.21 snapshot within the hour
They need to spawn more books with multiple enchants so you have to choose which ones get wasted and which one is used

Getting a Silk Touch, Feather Falling IV and Luck of the Sea book is a whole lot more interesting

They can use this to balance shittier enchants that are for obvious reason weighted lower too, this even gives more value to something like piercing too because it gets passed up 9 times out of 10 it's actually nice when you get it in 1/10 without needing to make it annoyingly rare like Soul Speed for example
If not I leak the movie.
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Next wednesday for sure

Also I meant 1.21.1
they're working really hard on doing absolutely nothing to those loot tables
they forgot to put etho in the new update, no new videos till its patched
vault hunters stole him
he was the treasure and the vault hunters server was the vault all along
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Me petting my cat before the nukes hit
yes i can see the block vomit
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10 thousand dollars a month in NY
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Makes me laugh every time.
Makes me hard every time.
You CAN faithfully recreate the paintings of the sistine chapel, right?
This reminds me of a build I saw in a dream

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>generate world in beta 1.7.3
>port it to 1.21
Yup, it's kino time.
snacks: gotten, snappers: oh'd, it's etho time.
35:10 villager timestamp
All that MCCI is really showing isn't it?
Can't watch rn but what does he think of the update?
he HATES old minecraft
>cringetho: i love trial chambers :^)
>meanwhile BASEDsuma already has a ominous key farm
new shulker reactor coming
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I like this build, it's beautiful as a stone temple in a hill.
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WHOsuma been on the update's ass since the first millisecond. Cannot build, cannot innovate, corporate drone that OBEYS his masters (Etho, Gem, and Bdubs) Etho worshiped and you lost.
Xisuma is honestly one of the most well rounded players out there
And yes, everyone and their mama worship ETHO.
kek because he's so fat good one ethosis
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Shit at PVP, Shit at Building, Restoner by trade (worst one). B-b-but his personality and voice. Etho is the Lebron James of Minecraft and X is J.R Smith

>>Bri'ish and cannot critique on his music.
Is watching all the etho let's play episodes really worth it? People seem to like that series.
Is ETHo actually [GERG]????
he's the ultimate copy ninja... he could even be (you) and you wouldn't even know

>>487464029 #
>>487468168 #

Etho...I know you're here...
I would say yes, partially out of nostalgia but also out the actual content

But more than nostalgia it's jusf the context that his series was within i.e what the game('s development), community and youtube scene was like at the time

If you remember it, or maybe have a solid idea, you'll still appreciate the series despite it's age and low quality production even in lieu of nostalgia

You should know the original map did get reset and the current one has been around since beta1.9, you can start watching from then if you want but chocolate island is still popular among fans, you can also start from the latest world tour to jump cut to modern
Nice that pillager farm finally got a use. I thought it was incredible when he designed it.
This has me curious about whether a mod that can replicate older world generation on newer versions is possible
>beta 1.7.3
>Port to new version
>Right after Etho post
You kneeled to Big Etho.
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In this episode of builds from reddit: something that actually looks good.
you should have just claimed this as yours
Yeah, it's been done by mods and data packs.
it looks unfinished
Few things are more satisfying than watching nostalgiatards and combatcucks aka "meincraft is LE boring" get BTFO
Only people that lack creativity and whimsy find MC boring. They just want it to be a linear rpg where they can chase the big numbers.
Is there any tool to generate chunks on a map without actually playing the game?
I'm going to ask what your desired end result is here because I don't think you understand what you just asked
Lets say I create a map and I want to generate up to 100k chunks from spawn.
Without playing the game, but having the game open? You can run a script that teleports a player to load chunks

Without the game even running? Impossible.
I think you want a chunk pregenerator for that, you can find some on google.
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in mid 2023, I played some minecraft on version
b1.8 -> 1.1

This was my base. Soul? or SOULLESS!
(by the way old minecraft is buggy and inferior)
I wanted to make something like this based off Boullee because the scale is cool but i don't know why i'd expend the effort in single player
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Dragon Egg museum
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>chunk border
doesn't feel like an upgrade from b1.8 to 1.1
>by the way old minecraft is buggy and inferior
where's the video that will "btfo" betafags, gerg?
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The reason for the chunk border is because I was having trouble getting the map back into SP from the server, should be out tomorrow, its the reason I loaded the map back up.

here is a screenshot of the back which I built a big bridge but it got deleted in my Sp version

I made this :D
Forgot to mention it's not finished
nice website you made
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>there are people still playing b1.7.3
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Weird but genuine question, why does everyone seems to play Minecraft at this GUI size?
and by everyone I mean literally every MC player. It feels gigantic to me, and it's even more obvious when you play with mods such as JEI, since the menus don't even render properly because there isn't enough screen space. I play on the scale before that, and everything fits so well on screen it seems the game was designed for this scale in mind. For reference, I play on a 24" monitor.
>old minecraft is buggy
so is [current version]
Why haven't transportation pipes been added to the game yet? Instead we have laggy and expensive hoppers or laggy and unstable water streams.
spruce contrasts too much with oak planks but its 1.1 so its fine ig
i hate when YT video has gameplay with GUI this small, its aids to look at even on 1080p
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>wall running to show off but really it's because he can't make a 4 block jump
nm it was 5. forgive me eefo
>dead coral blocks alongside stone blocks
>small ui
>no background blur
it's gaming time
>can't find flat terrain
luck issue or just really picky and lazy
>diamonds are easier to find but caves are harder to navigate
So he's complaining that cave exploration is actually challenging now and you have to use blocks instead of wandering caves or strip mining for hours? I mean, it's not even that hard and it's definitely more fun.
The new caves are cool but new terrain is ugly shit
I've voiced this opinion before and it's true. There are two big things
1) originally terrain (and caves) were more playable. They had more flats and were generally more navigable. The cheese caves and mountains are difficult because its a constant slope which are annoying to navigate
2) the old terrain used to use some weird voxel system afaik which meant you got weird terrain, big overhangs and things like that. The new terrain is a heightmap so it moves up and down but it's much more consistent and linear. It also feels broadly more samey with each mountain having similar landforms
The only thing I'll agree with is that the massive caves and mountains are too common which makes them feel less special. It feels to me like you're almost always in sight of a mountain or tall hill (reaching around y100) and every caving trip I find a giant cave or two. If they were half as common I think that would be a good balance for me.
But his complaint about never finding any flat land shows that he's just being too picky. There are still plenty of reasonably sized flat areas.
i would have agreed with the "no flat land" comment but then i take a look at my single player world and i'm on a snowy plains biome that borders a spruce forest and then a plains and there isn't a mountain or raised "hill" in over 1000 blocks in each direction from where i am
they're definitely being picky about locations, feels like they're the type to want to start on flat land as soon as they open a new world and get disheartened when they spawn in above y level 70

the caves are a bit too much but it's strange, if you go into spectator mode and go under ground it doesn't look that bad at all. i think the main problem is there's too many openings to these caves on the surface but in reality these caves existing it would make sense for these openings to exist too
If it was up to me, i'd do 2 things
1a) break terrain into 4 tiers (ocean, low land, mid land and high land) each tier would have a different median land height, like 44, 64, 84, 104
1b) overlay some kind of matrix that modulates the tiers so a snow biome would become (cold ocean, snowy plains, taiga, mountain) for example or (ocean, desert, canyons, mesa) for a hot biome
1c) you could then interpolate between height tiers with cliffs or slopes so the landscape transition was different
Adding another variable to land generation would create more varied terrain and if rivers generated at a higher altitude you could have native waterfalls (flowing from midland to lowland)

2a) remove the cheese hole caves or whatever they're called
2b) create other cave generation algorithms that you can explore. You once had noodle caves, what if you had a flat wide cave or a cave made of lots tall winding paths (like a collection of chasms). These would offer new gameplay challenges
I like the world gen but I agree that those giant caves are far too common.
use minecarts
The type of cave that has to go are the really thin ones that ladder down in like 2-3 blocks per step
Your site, or just your church?
Both are nice.
unironically, if only Mojank had the same ideas you have and also executed them well...
>actual design
>good use of color
>grand sense of scale
this is the antithesis of every grifting minecraft youtuber, if they entered this world in game they'd burst into flames irl
No, they'd just "upgrade" it by turning it into an imported blender model. But before showing off their thirty second long timelapse they will have several unfunny skits where they call up their friends on discord and have them help with the build. They will also sprinkle in buzzwords like "ultimate" or "the best ever" while dropping in a few engagement farming techniques. After finishing the build they will also have a montage of their friends reacting to the build with the most annoying and obnoxious zoomer voices imaginable.
you forgot spamming f5 and zooming constantly to make it look like xhey're """talking""" to a viewer + random "bruh", fart reverb and metal pipe falling sfx to make sure that drooling ipad kids with dwindling attention span won't not click away
>>487561068 (me)
>won't not
ESL brainrot
Lol @ Welsknight "returning" at the end of the month. How convenient
we need to RETVRN to the ways of old minecraft youtube content
comfy survival let's plays, simple and straight to the point mod reviews and HONEST hardcore series with no cheating of any kind

those who make such videos or at least similar ones, will inherit the future of Minecraft Youtube content
>we need to RETVRN to the ways of old minecraft youtube content
impossible thanks to yt algorithm pushing same "I've Got Hemorrhoids After Playing This MC Hardcore Challenge", "Old MC Good New MC Bad", "Modders Good Mahjong Bad", "This Hypixel Skyblock Item Costs 10 USA GDPS" videos over and over again
people that would commit to a change and start making those vids won't get any feedback because they'll be out of the algorithm loop
I hate those videos where youtubers take some minecraft horror arg and talk about it as if it's real. I almost didn't click on this, I almost thought this was another one of those, but it has "solving" in the title so it seemed more legit.
Does this guy not know how grass growing works?
wait this video isn't about why the fuck alpha/beta MCs sometimes regenerate your freshly deleted worlds in new chunks?
is there a mod for 1.0 that disable the hunger bar?
tried https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/1279005-1-0-disable-hunger-bar-mod but it doesn't work
That's a theory in the video, yes, but the question is why it happened with allegedly a stranger's world.
auto-sorters are nice but they can only sort one item instead of groups so you need to have hundreds of chests for each item making it so you have to walk to the other side of the storage room to get something which is counter-intuitive.
How do you counter this autism?
What's some other easy redstone contraptions you add to your world for quality of life improvements?
I love Pearl so much
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so without using light sources, without placing down string on top of the deepslate and without going to build limit and making a glass platform is there any other way to make sure this path stays uncovered even when it's snowing?
hire a janitor
or pistons underneath i guess
>hire a janitor
only if the copper golem won the vote...
They should put a mojang employee's life on the next vote
pistons don't seem to work either as they're both limited to how many blocks can be pushed and can't have the snow layers to the side placed on top of them to make a shifting floor to quickly remove the snow layers

there probably is a way with pistons but i'm too stupid to figure it out
i just mean sticky pistons pushing up then retracting
this is exactly why i said i was too stupid, forgetting something as simple as this and they'd be away from the sides of the path and won't interfere with snow or snow layers. let's see if i'm too stupid to build something like that too
I want to replay 1.0 without the hunger bar
newer versions sucks
>they literally added hunger to the game
What's next a cancer bar? What about all the starving Africans playing minecraft on their smartphones, mojang?
Unironically shits all over most of gerg's soulless builds.
nvm managed to add the mod to 1.0
because you're a dumb fucking nigger who doesn't know and doesn't want to know what's present in certain Minecraft versions
anyone who plays
>alpha 1.2.6
>beta 1.0
>beta 1.8.1
>release 1.0
is a fucking retard who doesn't know that
>alpha 1.2.6 and beta 1.0 ARE THE SAME FUCKING THING and that it's better to play b1.1_02 for the same fucking experience
>beta 1.8 is PART 1 of the Adventure Update and it's fucking UNFINISHED
>1.0 is a buggy piece of shit that DOESN'T EVEN HAVE FUCKING SNOW because Notch decided to fix it after New Year's as 1.1
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it's as simple as this right? i'm not over complicating it?
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i feel like this is way too much redstone just to get the entire floor to move up and down...
detector rail and minecart
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i forgot these things existed, they also seem to slow the minecarts down so i need more power rails to keep momentum. they perform the perfect wave effect too this way, i'm thinking 1 snaked rail underneath the entire path to trigger once per day

you can do that with daylight detectors right? i suppose i could give it a manual switch to just press now and then whenever it's been snowing
Does snow fall on waterlogged blocks? You could try that. Just use top slabs
that'll actually be the easy part, i've decided to use slabs for the bottom half of a block for the deepslate sections but in others i'll be using blocks that don't have slab variants like gravel, concrete/concrete powder and calcite so need something to help keep the snow off those blocks too
I think its so funny how many people are in the thread talking about how big caves are bad because mobs are hard to fight. This has to be one of the easiest fucking pve games out there. Big caves have actual shit issues but this is not one of them.
Just use streetlights? You could also use water dispensers, or lights that only come out when it's snowing.
>etho on vault hunters SMP
Iskall won
grian lost
Yet he'll have every episode of the next life series out on embargo lift while VH gets no content made
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Simplest way, I guess.
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It needs two pulses, so if you want to use a daylight sensor or some kind of a clock instead of an obsever you will need something like this.
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Any way to trigger spawners from outside the 16 block radius? I've got a cluster within 50 blocks of each other.
thank you for this but i regret to announce that i have decided to take a much more annoying route which is to move to a different biome that doesn't have snow and layer the entire area with snow blocks instead. i didn't take into account how annoying fallen snow will be for other parts of my build so this seems like the easier method

i won't get to take any nice screenshots of it snowing around my base but i don't mind, i never intended to take any for that reason in the first place
Bot accounts?
I wonder if spawner cooldown ticks when player is not near, if it does you can probably use railroad to move yourself, but I doubt it will be very beneficial.
>too lazy to clean the snow off his roads for immersion
Again, it's easy with a water bucket
it's actually a lot harder than the piston method, firstly it will ruin the paths having random dispensers placed around the area and secondly water will remove wanted snow layers i would be placing manually around the areas of the paths themselves. water and dispensers is probably the worst method imaginable as it creates 2 new problems on top of solving 1
Light blocks with power 0 will block snow without making light but you can only get them with creative/commands and if you accidentally place anything inside of them they disappear.
A railroad that keeps me circulating (while afk) and driving all the spawned mobs down a chain to the center for when I'm not afk? Perfect!
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I mean manually this time. Although I tested it and I don't think it's possible to pick up the water fast enough.
i'd tested this method before and used it elsewhere but i'm playing on a server so don't have access to those, i could always ask the owner to see if that's alright but i doubt it and don't mind if he's against it but it's worth an ask at least as that is the easiest method

yeah the water places above the snow layer so it makes an even bigger mess than it should, if it replaced it instead like solid blocks do then it might work but the problem would be that i'd spend so much time doing it manually it would get tedious and tiresome
Nah, even if you break the snow and place the water, it seems to be impossible to stop the water once it reaches 2 blocks away from the source.
The most fun method would be a flying machine adapted into a snowplow.
I'm not sure if this is something that's only emerged recently or if it's been around a while and the algo has only shown me it recently, but wtf is up with channels that have massive survival worlds where they sunk dozens of hours into colossal builds except everything they make is always ugly as shit?

All the comments always just seem dazzled by the effort and time so I guess they just don't need to bother making it look good? They're literally just playing Minecraft as a job and don't even need to be good at it because the simple spectacle of the number of blocks someone can obtain playing 9 to 5 is sufficient to impress the kids/bots/Indians in yt comments

For an example see some of the ugliest builds I've ever seen in this video at about 6:30
is there a MC 4 adults channel without the need for inserting references constantly or even a constant voice over (and if there has to be, preferably a dry german accent)
The only mature Minecraft channel is Etho
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>it's "gerg starts public drama with some yter I never heard of until ten seconds ago" time again
Why is Etho playing Vault Hunters and not building proper shops?
I've been watching Etho's backlog. Chewed my way back around to where I first started watching him, around the time of the silverfish mining / pop-up sheep farm / bomb factory. I started on the map reset, went back to episode 1, and regret this; better to just start on episode 1. But the milestone / world tour episodes tend to be not worth watching.

Great use of shaders & block vomit.

Cover it up with a glass roof at build limit.

>unknown risks
Minecraft is the most documented game in history. It has zero unknown risks. Also your voice is annoying.
Based Gerg
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>try bedrock for cape
>tons of kids paying for cosmetics
What the fuck man
Also holy shit that anime demon girls skin is that actually for sale too?
I just watched a new Etho video for the first time in months after having started rewatching his let's play from the beginning and holy shit he sounds like he's on meth in comparison to his old stuff kek
anyone have a good server to play on?
Why is there so much fucking villages, i just started a new world and spawned into a nice seed, spawn on small forest island with a larger forest island only 100 or so blocks away, then the mainland is only a few hundreds blocks away too, the mainland is all forested valleys. Then i find a nice flat plains biome surrounded by hills and mountains and i notice there’s 3 fucking villages i have to spend 2 hours removing.
what did villages do to you
I hate it. I have so much hate and how he's changed is another thing I hate.
Anyone else noticing a downright weird uptick in "old minecraft sucked, new minecraft is better in every way, microsoft is a small indie developer, two wood recolors a year is simply too much to ask from them, you entitled chud!" sentiment across the internet lately?
This is how marketing is done now. Gerg needs to tell us how much kikerosoft is paying him.
>His new upload to the series for the past few years has been consistently for the purpose of playing the new updates.
The series is just deadweight now, Hermitcraft and VH won.
Now that you mentioned it, that one popped up in my recommended too. It's just the latest in a long series of them. I think the mob vote broke a lot of conSOOMers
That's me, i'm posting that. Whenever you read that post it's me. I'm everywhere
i thought he's gonna attack nostalgiachuds (me), not youtubers devoted to algorithm
there are far less things to do in those versions so you have to be extremely autistic in order to enjoy them more than modern versions
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Name 3 that isn't Etho.
Destiny when he played MC
>destiny used to play mc
Explains why he's such a pedo
Old versions used to come out every couple months and had a development team one one-hundredth the size it is now, and were often only slightly smaller in scope than they are now. Also
>implying people played vanilla
>gerg starts public drama with some yter I never heard of until ten seconds ago
When was the last time gerg did this?
And what are you gonna build there? A lot of players just build houses, entire towns, and have nobody live in them. You're lucky to have so many villagers, you could build them an empire and be their god emperor.
Did you miss the flood of the opposite type of videos that these are a reaction to? I still get recommended those but don't really see the ones you talk about.
last month
Oh, I was hoping for actual drama not that cute one upping
He tried to start shit with mumbo but mumbo just caved instantly so it went nowhere sadly.

Worst I've seen is the jetstarfish one where he just lies about shit for half an hour so you sign up for his patron to get his mod
bought Minecraft in whenever the alpha shit happened--how out of touch with reality do you have to be to think this is a live-service game? why would anyone expect updates after launch?
Collecting 10000 pounds of a trans flag me
New Gerg was pretty good
On that note, when's the next video? Didn't he say he'd play the new update?
He said he's working on the next episode in a stream, but that can mean a few months. Good thing there's other blind playthroughs to watch until then.
>It isn't Nostalgia, old minecraft was great.
There was nothing wrong with that video, why bring it up? It's just some guy sharing his opinion without the usual "modern minecraft is irredeemable".
if you're making a ragebait video you need to execute it at 200%
>nothing wrong with that video
>just some guy sharing his opinion
the video mostly consists of random facts (half of them incorrect) and some clips with zero correlation made to how they make the game better or worse
Which ones in particular? I watched it a while ago and it was fine. The guy showed off his builds, he was respectful and he didn't stuff his video with skits or sound effects. It was a video of a guy talking about his point of view and explaining himself. Which random facts and clips did you take issue with?
bait or you're thinking of the wrong video

this guy is a cool betachud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbFUK3r8GGU
NTA, but this is the video you both talking about.
>Which random facts and clips did you take issue with?
This is the video I was talking about. Which one were you referring to?
Holy fuck you morons watch the gerg video where this fucking conversation started
Convo never started because gerg talked about different video.
So again, what's wrong with Dialko's video?
>argumentum ad populum
>picks the most retarded video he could find to refute
bravo greg, you outdid yourself yet again
Built a mob farmer underground.
What does this mean?
bathtubs are freemason symbolism
Looks like minecraft themed cube shaped bath bombs. I've been waiting for this, but the execution looks disappointing.
The most insane product tie in
etho in the new pearl
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Does anyone remember that one old as fuck minecraft 1.4. overhaul mod (or it could just be a modpack) called "Minecraft 2" that was very elaborate? It had it's own title screen that was a render of a wooden base where you could scroll left/right like in a zelda ocarina of time menu (where one screen was for local skin customization/preview) and added dirt slabs to the world generation, along with many other features I can't recall?
I only remember it from a youtube video showcasing it, but can't find it (tried typing combinations of "minecraft 2 mod" and "before:2014" into the search filter).
Bathbombs have been on the rise again
I love Pearl so much
So after probably 6 years of not having played Minecraft I decided to play again. Bought it again because I lost my old account dating back to Alpha. I boot it up on my work laptop (13th gen i7, RTX 2050, 32GB RAM) and this garbage STILL doesn't run well. I remember running this on my 3rd gen i5 at 100+ fps as a little 12 year old. Am I missing something? I installed optifine already and it still just hovers around 30-40fps at 'medium' settings.
Use sodium
Yeah installing now. I have a tendency not to read the OP like a dumbass.
Allocate some more ram too. Go for 6 or 8.
>https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium (optimizes (replaces) render engine)
how about replacing it with embeddium? Sodium 0.6 is going to be tranny loicensed
Is there a way to prevent lava from burning nearby wood? Like placing glass over it or something?
>More RAM = better
the game doesn't need more than 2-4 gigs nigger
Still not perfect. Got an extra 20fps still with stutters when loading chunks but at least it's playable. How'd microsoft fuck up so bad?
You know what it's actually staying above 60-70 pretty consistently so I'm good. I remember the stuttering was always a thing.
oops quoted without actually replying
you can
>use a gamerule
>use petrified oak slabs
>use nether "wood"
>check fire spread mechanic to see where you need to place your glass/other blocks
>Still not perfect. Got an extra 20fps still with stutters when loading chunks but at least it's playable
there's Simply Optimized modpack if you want to install as much performance mods as possible
>How'd microsoft fuck up so bad?
1.13 removed numerical IDs and forced Minecraft to use json files for every single element of the game
>forced Minecraft to use json files for every single element of the game
My nigga what the fuck
Fucking retard did you not see his specs

Anyone that can open their file manager knows too much ram loops back to bad, that why I said 6 (or 8 max)
I put it on 8. Same performance.
>there's Simply Optimized modpack if you want to install as much performance mods as possible
I'll try this as well later
i saw that, shit was abysmal. isnt selling a mod also against the eula kek? not that mojangsoft really come after people but still seems dumb to do it so publicly
>Minecraft to use json files for every single element of the game
That's simply not true, we'd be able to fully mod the game with data packs if that were true. Also, I'm pretty sure stuff loaded from jsons gets translated into machine code once it's loaded, same with item ids.
Where can I find voice over changes for villagers? I saw a 2013 post with "female simlish" but the file structure is outdated.
Make a resource pack and use the sounds from that one.
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Bdubs outdone himself yet again.
holy shit
I don't feel bad at all about straight up calling him the best builder in Minecraft.
I know exactly what you're talking about anon.
Bdubs more like idubbs

This is the guy Bdubs shouted out
>video immediately starts with a call out on several hermits
>Wow that looks amaz-
>*zooms in*
This nigger really can't help himself can he? Even when he makes a good shape he ruins it up close by making a pillar out of five blocks.
It's the same with all his builds. They look really good from a distance, but god forbid you walk up to them.
I think one thing even he himself doesn't recognise is the sense of scale and majesty he can pull off, he should work on his cinematography and composition to really hone that
How does this fit in with the farm
It's not hermitcraft it's his singleplayer
this guy is like the final boss of blockvomit
Based bdubs, hermits aren't good enough to look upon his real works directly
This mf didn't know how you buy fabric lmao
Less block vomit than some of his other builds, but unfortunately enough block vomit to look bad up close. Looks spectacular from this distance and further though.
cool, but how do you get into the castle?
Well, I just watched his video and he says he built the building with the purpose of it being in the background, which is pretty much the only time when block vomit is forgivable. The glass panes trick he's been doing is pretty cool
big steps
>doc redoing his entire netherite helmet because he wants flow trim
Where did this misconception of trims come from within hermitcraft? You can re-apply new trims over old trims, he's the 7th hermit I've seen redo an entire piece of gear because they didn't know you could add a different trim to replace the old one. Ever since the first snapshot you could replace them, it never was a one trim-one item deal so why do they all think that's how it is? Xisuma is the only one who re-applied a new trim to old gear and even before he did it he was certain it wasn't possible till his chat told him he could
That ending was sovl
>"professional" minecrafters
What's the deal with this "Actions and stuff" thing going around?
New terrain generation is objectively superior to any prior iteration of it. Truly massive caves are still rare. Nobody misses strip-mining for diamonds.
All that's missing is more cave biomes, the underground will eventually feel like an underworld.
underground in snowy biomes should generate frozen caves
Sounds like he's more bothered by crashes, bugs, and QOL features than missing content.

It gets this unsettling AI-slop feel if you stare at an arch for long enough.
>bdubs cheat tools
Given how deserts and mesas are more likely to have lush caves beneath them, no
Cold biomes should have some scalding cave biome beneath them, like underground volcanoes
post office crew trial chambers start at 24:00 in pearls video
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I managed to piss off redditors so I guess my video was successful.


In all honestly, I wish I had more chance to talk about why I think modern Minecraft is better, however I framed the video around Sipover's video
which was that terrible, he barely makes and substantive arguments to even talk about. The nearest was his two dumb "modern mc problems".

I did however receive a DM from Sipover today, he sent me a 10min audio recording. I am not listening to it.
Jesus christ, blockvomitards are something else
>see look, the colours on my mountain show up from far away
So what about when you stand close to it you absolute spastic fuck?

Also people who use worldedit brushes or whatever for natural terrain instantly lose all respect from me. Terraform by hand or fuck off, cheat
What if it's his proclamation of love
Next time watch the videos you use as examples for the thing you don't like.
Seeing the comments reference gregtech makes me realize this general is just a year in the future. Reddit will turn on the flat texturing style of building by winter.
Blockvomit will stay mainstream as long as the hermits are doing it, which will be as long as the fans in their discords who design and produce schematics for their builds are doing it
Honestly, this whole sipover debacle is pretty funny. Gerg wanted to do this "old minecraft bad" video before, he even admitted to it, but he dropped the idea. I'm guessing that the reason he dropped it back then was because he couldn't find a person retarded enough to easily tear down and thus paint anything close to their viewpoint in a negative light. All that without having to argue against someone better. Presenting your opinions in good faith is just too scary I guess. Maybe he's just a greedy boy who wants those views and doesn't care about anything else.
>The #1 Trick to Build Better in Minecraft
>gives instructions that only work at a massive scale that almost nobody uses and that only look good from far away
>#1 trick: don't look
>use world edit to get these specific block states
When it comes to build tutorials and advice that woman posted either last thread or the one before it had a way better video

By far the best minecraft series to date. Notice how he doesn't complain about the new features, he just has F U N.
Etho WARPED Nostalgia fag with his wisdom and logic.
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nostalgiafags lost
modcels lost
microsoft won
Etho would know how to light the TNT
im playing prison
>Nobody misses strip-mining for diamonds.
Isn't that normal?
4chan is always just a bit ahead of the curve, but for the dumbest reasons usually.
I miss it because it was an option
Good architecture and good shaping, but like everything Bdouble0100 has built in the last several years, it really only looks great from 10 chunks away with fog cranked up because the mottled texturing doesn't actually look very good.
If he pared down his block palette, this would be twice as good.
Dude is just using zbrush in minecraft now lmao. When does it go too far and cease to be minecraft
I do make good builds.
Thats fine then.
If he's building just for the environment, you have a different ruleset to follow for it.
Every time, bro.
I think a trend for small compact builds that are designed to be seen up close and personal would be wonderful for resetting the building community and getting people to work on projects that actually fit with MC's style.
Just make a vid capitalizing on the reactionary trend and explain why NuMC is good in a way that most MC-tuber morons can't.
You'll get bazonga views for it probably.
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>stared playing Minecraft as a kid
>kids are now old enough to play
>still suck at building
>eldest makes better builds than me
Its over, isn't it.
Did gerg really pretend that getting a max level villager is difficult in any way?
All of this whining about large scale and palette builds yet whenever anyone here builds shit it looks like ass
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>it's better because...it just is ok!

your channel needs more ragebait imhotbfnglnocapdesu
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You're surprised that reddit loves trannytech?
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It was over the day you got married. Everything after that is just running out the clock.
I never married though. Nice try j*w.
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skizz you had one fucking job
My builds are great
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Stop crying and go place some fucking blocks.
This is just what having extreme aspergers looks like
>panromantic asexual
Gonna need a licensed tranny to explain this one to me. So basically he'll so lonely that he'll cuddle with any random disgusting animal (possibly literal) but flees in terror if anyone try to get his pants off?
Is the time it takes to mine with & refresh a Diamond Efficiency V pick axe less or more than just mining with infinite iron pick axes and never needing to mob farm to build the enchant up again
not enough brainpower, and even if he pulls of something like that - he'll end up wanking on hermits
much easier to throw "u cont bild" while fighting nostalgiachuds
post them
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i don't get it
Date is a month off.
babies without a stinking partner, based?
basically they're asexual, which just means you don't feel sexual attraction but doesn't apply to other types of intimacy. Then they say they'd anyone of any gender identity and then say they're non binary in four different ways because of course.
that...house is very non-conformist, btw what texture pack is that?
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block vomit bad
>block vomit bad
I agree. But I ain't reading all that.
>What texture pack is that?
Its called Eldpack
In architecture they say something like "beauty is repetition plus variety" attractive things look like every other thing but a little different. If it's too different it becomes ugly
Humans don't like change but they like novelty.
I wish I could take that build and remove all the blockvomit
Get the world download when it comes ourt in a decade (season 2 actually lasted 10 years)
I'm just a bit surprised there's no program that recreates a minecraft build from an image. It shouldn't be that hard, and it would be useful for seedfinding, no?
>the underground will eventually feel like an underworld
The ground should be 1000 blocks deep. I want to get truly LOST down there, to the point where digging back up isn't a viable option anymore. I want to be blown away by the sheer scale of the quantity of rock between me and home.
now this would be epic, who knows, maybe mojank will give us the cave update part 3 someday
So little update on this. It's around 80fps now which is very doable. I'm still wondering one thing about mods though. Can't I just drag and drop shit into a mod folder somehow? I have like 3 seperate launchers installed already for just installing a specific performance mod.

Where's my drag to minecraft.jar and remove META_INF boomerbros?
There should be a "mods" folder in your .minecraft folder that you drop individual .jar files into
Just use mods made specifically for your modloader (fabric, forge or neoforge)
"Simply Optimized" is just a collection of fabric mods that you can download individually and mix and match with mods of your choosing
when mahjong made worlds taller they made height adjustable via datapacks up to ~4096 blocks
huh, good to know
time to look for a datapack to make the underground deeper, I suppose
he actaully has 2 jobs
you'll probably need meme-y "NASA computer" because taller worlds are aids and laggy af
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496 blocks above spawn for mountains to tower above me, 3600 blocks below my feet to act as the genuinely incomprehensible might of the earth.
would installing some performance mod(s) help with that?
>Nobody misses strip-mining for diamonds.
I do. It was an extremely relaxing default go-to activity. Now with deepslate and increased amount of intersecting caves with mineshafts it's become a lot more of a pain.
>3600 blocks below my feet to act as the genuinely incomprehensible might of the earth.
now i want better underground biomes
if there's a mod that changes chunk's rendering from 16x16x"world height" to cutting them vertically (like how cubic chunks did) then it will help tremendously
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Etho loves bratty Gem.
>now i want better underground biomes
I actually kinda don't. I like how brutal the idea of a miles thick monolithic mass of stone feels. Part of the oppressiveness of it all stems from the banality of what fills the void. Feels more infinite that way.

Then again, I'm just an oldversion fag who hates change, so what do I know
Have you heard of stoneblock?
>I like how brutal the idea of a miles thick monolithic mass of stone feels.
there are underground biomes in Terralith and some of them are just replacing stone with granite, diorite or andesite, i wouldn't mind such variety to be placed in various height layers instead of mining same stone over and over again
>I'm just an oldversion fag who hates change, so what do I know
i feel you
underground biomes could be made to be very rare so that the monolithic monotony of the underground isn't ruined

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