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>Official WoW News

>THE WAR WITHIN - July 23rd!

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

Previous: >>487403732

/wowg/ OP pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hVutVN5J
haha its false flagging time
Reminder to report avatar/signature use.
i wonder why they disabled the wow token
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Got my little buddy today.

The mount is coming. There was one guy in here telling me I'll never get it... I will be showing it off one day. Keep your eyes open.
Are the Classic profession trees worth maxing at all? Is there anything worth making in them or are the expansion ones only worth leveling?
Just noticed chat window filters aren't working
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Explain to me why everyone was shidding and pissing their pants over the pre-patch. It literally added nothing.
Depends if you want the mogs or are a collector.
where get?
Anyone planning on having an EU guild now that its cross server?
Most of the Warband shit doesn't seem to be working properly and that's the main thing people were hyped about.
Recruit-a-Friend program
It added nothing and removed a lot, like destroying the character selection screen
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you get 200% more per thread this is not hard you fucking retard
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I hate how big everything in the UI is now, it feels like a Nintendo game
They're needed for some of the earlier mogs and have some exclusive looks
>the box is too... LE BIG
Well that's the playerbase that Blizzard is trying to entice
Everything is made for 10 yo kids nowadays
d-don't worry, it will definitely work in less than a month, believe in blizzard bros!
Only the bank isn't working, there's just not as much too it as blizzard acted like there was people are just falling for their marketing speak again
Preparation for the console port. It's why everything modern has a dumbed down, plasticy/playdoughy, mobile-game like design now.
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The War Within should have been a Dwarf expansion.

The Earthen are the progenitors of every Dwarf clan. Dagran Thaurissan II's coming of age should not have been a short story, but his efforts on Khaz Algar and the main campaign focus as he learns of, then units the disparage Earthen clans, proving himself as Emperor who can do the same in Khaz Modan.

The Isle of Dorn, being the surface zone, should have been about the Wildhammer Clan forging an alliance with the Stormriders, learning new ways to empower and forge their Storm Hammers and learning of their connection to the Earthen being much more spiritual in nature.

The Horde should not teach Shamanism to the Earthen. The Wildhammer Clan should.

The Ringing Deeps should have been the Dark Iron zone where Moira and Dagran, together with their Dark Iron Clan forces, cleanse the mines and workshops with fire, steel and gunpowder. In true Dark Iron fashion they would overwhelm Kobold and rogue Machinist outposts with Mole Machines, sabotage and assassins. They'd use heavy infantry and ordnance to annihilate the corrupted Speaker's forces.

Magni would have not been present. It would be in the Deeps where Dagran shows an aptitude in commanding an army, using strategies and tactics that he studied to great effect. The zone should have been a triumphant display of Dark Iron military prowess.

Hallowfall should have been the Bronzebeard region where there is no Arathi present, but the forward scouts of Magni and Muradin's units together with the talented explorers of their third brother Brann. The Bronzebeard brothers work together to establish their forward outpost in spite of the constant assaults of Azj'Kahet and the many creatures that emerge from the endless underwater ocean. They experience first hand how the Beledar changes and brings about the influence of the Void. They gather the faithful of the clans, shaman, priests and paladins alike, to devise a way to combat the darkness.

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>twit h frog
Ez sk p
classic wow or retail wow? i was always a maplestory kid, so I never got into it. i got a new laptop and I want to play an MMO while working. which one is more active and soulful? ideally, i'd like to be able to learn about azeroth lore and wow mechanics/raids as quick as possible
do you play this game with friends from outside of wow?
t. retard that clicked the link again
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>they fucking removed the most fun arcane talent simply because not a single guide was telling people to use it
Yeah I'm going back to Fire, they have butchered Arcane over the last two expacks and I don't enjoy it anymore.
its over
post your fanfiction somewhere else
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The age of no pants is here
season 1/RWF doesn't start for nearly 2 months. they're just gonna ship the game in a dumpster state for Q3 preorder + box sale profits then roll out fixes through the fall/Q4.
Continue your truth here.
>The War Within should have been a Dwarf expansion.
Is it not?
I know Anduin/Alleria/Thrall are on the poster art, but itsn't the main city a dwarf city?
Kurdran is also finally doing something, who is supposed to be the Wildhammer dwarves' biggest hero.
Brann is also the season 1 delve companion after being ignored for the entirety of DF.
Dagran Thaurissan II is also actually a character now AND Magni is back to normal.
Seems like a good amount of dwarf content to me desu
era is good if you just want to play a game and meet people, since it isn't changing all the time.
learning about the lore is probably best in the modern game because of the breadth and the ease of access to most content.
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>1 I f p
>1 f md5
Why does mental ilness manifest in the very same way for all these wow chicks?
>Ugly short haircut
>Bunch of tatoos
>Character looks like a tranny
why did she JUST herself so hard?
what the fuck happend to her?
no one cares about dwarves
i'll try era. thanks.
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Through Bronzebeard ingenuity and the three brothers working closely together they find the means to extend Beledar's cycle, creating longer periods of Light and shorter periods of Shadow. Magni would have sacrificed himself here to communicate with the resonating crystal the same way he did with the Worldsoul, but he would be cured of his crystal form instead.

And then Azj-Kahet. The capital of the enemy and the big bad of the expansion. The Three Hammers, the reinforced Dwarf Clans of Khaz Modan, would unite here. The Stormriders and Gryphon riders of the Wildhammer Clan. The Dark Iron Army augmented with the Earthen Machinists and War Machines they helped liberate and return to the Earthen. The Bronzebeard Expedition Force, whose weapons and armor now gleam with Beledar's Light. They would mount an offensive and create a beach head from where the War Within would truly begin as the Expansion's story would be about this glorious campaign. How the Three Dwarf Clans and their Earthen Ancestors were the bulwark, the hammer and the anvil at the same time until the Alliance and Horde forces arrive to put an end to the menace that destroyed Dalaran and threatened so many other cities.

We would have had side quests of the Gnomes learning more of their heritage. The parallels of the Earthen Edicts and Dwarf Clans and how even united they must retain their cultures.
We would have had discovery, archeology and a proper story of how the Dwarf clans are resurgent and powerful members of the Alliance. We would have seen Dagran maturing in the crucible of war from a nerd to a sorcerer-thane and Emperor.

But we instead got what is the OP's image. We have Thrall, Anduin, Alleria, Jaina and Xal'atath. The cumbrain Elf enthusiasts and Horde players would have hated this, and thus we get a smorgasbord of concepts, Earthen in the Horde and more screentime for anything BUT dwarfs.

The real War Within was taken from us. This expansion's entire premise screamed DWARFS!!!
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They want to become cute yaoi cuntboys.
Do you think she would be my friend
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>had dragonriding mounts
>had regular mounts
>had the option to choose
>now its one or the other
>now you gotta use a 10sec ability to swap between the two
Anyone else think this decision was shit? Why not instead just give us the ability to choose which mount we want dragonriding and not instead of a dragonriding on and off switch.
>Professions now has its own button

Dare I say Based?
rogues are crying hard rn
>This expansion's entire premise screamed DWARFS!!!
Not enough Light and Elves. Best you get is rocky horde Dwarves.
>Horde players would've hated this.
Don't put this on Horde. This is 100% Alliance Elf Faggotrys fault.
The Wildhammer Dwarves were once really good friends with Alleria and her rangers, there is your Dwarf representation :)
I am the blackest horde gorilla negroid but that sounds alright.
the inverse of this image
>back-length unwashed hair
>garbage littered everywhere or autistically organized nerd wall of funko pops
>character is white male tank on account of being brown, overweight, and insecure IRL
>probably a manlet with a small pp too idk
because all the mounts can do either, right?

>bm hunter is bugged doing 1,3 mil single
>Not played since Shadowlands
>Cannot fly in Stormwind
Am I missing something? Forums say to tap space twice but I don't even have skyriding.
Not super difficult to wokr horde into this, mostly Orcs and Trolls, but doable.
DI would butt heads with pretty much everyone because you need a heel that mellows out and gets along.
Wildhammer would have conflicts with any Dragonmaw Orcs that remain and small contingents of Forest Trolls, mainly Revantusk.
Bronzebeard would would bring some of the Alterac Valley animosity towards the rest of the orcs and a Zandalari/Frostmane conflict given how the Frostmane arent very large so they would ask any Zandalari for help.
The other Horde races may be less at the front with dwarves tho. Tauren havent had great encounters with dwarves so they could be easy to fit in. Could play up the Dwaves vs Elves trope for BE and Nightborne. But thats about all I could think of off the top of my head.
so many thing are either bugged and OP or completely dogassshit right now
No you're wrong and also stupid for thinking this
>Could play up the Dwaves vs Elves trope for BE and Nightborne
This was never a thing in Warcraft lore at all, the dwarves had always gotten along with the elves.
for your information I got a haircut yesterday and my mom said it made me look very handsome
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>cringeriding is supposed to be the "superior" option
>true flying is the one you have to unlock through pathfinding
really, REALLY makes you think. Almost like they sold players a terrible feature and gaslit them into thinking it was better and now mazed retards insist it's totally faster and more convenient because um well uh... it just heckin is! meanwhile every free thinker with a brain understands the superiority of true flight.
>all those addons
can't really make fun of the XIV world first cheaters when WoW is almost identical...
This is just every white woman past the age of 27
game seems pretty fucked right now
If you think dragonriding is hard you're mentally deficient and should probably just kill yourself.
wow, yeah, the deathknight questline is literally unfinishable because of the fucked up frostwyrm scaling
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I like dragonriding when I gotta jet someplace but outside of that I like regular riding and I liked just having a regular and dragonriding mount next to each other, now I gotta hit a 10sec button to swap the modes then a 5sec button to get on the mount everytime.
dragonriding is significantly more enjoyable than sky swimming, not sure what's too hard to grasp about this
Niggers like you is why we can't have nice things.
Boomer thread lmaaaaao yeah
The Horde should have got a completely separate storyline with Khaz Algar being a home to a Mogu group that have an entirely different idea about the Titans and that the Earthen can shove their Edicts where the sun don't shine (and then have them as the Allied Race for Horde)

yeah I dont care about the peacecuck story or that this billion dollar company doesnt have the budget for separate faction campaigns, what we got is a travesty
That's a shit pic, either learn to draw or use 'jaks.
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the quest near the end of the deathknight intro zone. ballistas 1 shot the frostwyrm and even a full mana bar doesnt kill a single ballista. the scaling on the quest is fucked up
>4 insta seethe replies
>no arguments
>only rage
its what happens when you shit on something that rag/azralon players like
go on, just try shitting on worgen and see what happens.
>ok I will reroll monk
>combat wisdom
wtf is this shit
>still no bagnon update
did they just give up?
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explain whats nice about having only dragonriding or only regular riding instead of having both at the same time you dumb fucking faggot.
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>Go look at my old vanilla characters on my original server
>Find a bunch of BoE vanilla shirts
>Each is worth 1-1.5 million gold
Turn the fucking warband banks on, now!
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skill issue lol
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>i was only pretending
Whenever they add a fun feature that makes the game less of an ancient shit, fags like you have to sperg out, so they a "compromise" like the steady flight right now.

I thought that shitters like you would fuck off to classic if you so insist on everything staying the same forever, but I see that's never happening.
so apparently in midnight they are planning to redo the exodar, make it look less like a dump
the new draenei theme was accidently releeased in the prepatch and datamined, sounds pretty good ngl
exodar is going to be the midnight capital?
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No, in the Draenei heritage quest theres a ig reveal at the end that Velen is planning on building a "New Shattrath" for all Draenei. So the ones on Exodar, the ones that stayed in Shattrath, the Repentant, the Krokuul,the Lightforged, The Broken, and the Lost Ones.
warband screen is dumb
can't even select which animation to use
time to stop playing with a mousepad, lil bro

>le racist genshin pic
post hand
boom big reveal
its crazy how much seethe you can squeeze out of brown zoomers if you say "dragonriding bad"
well it was a 'big reveal' in the quest itself, everything was leading up to it. Wether or not Blizz actually makes one who the fuck knows. Midnight would be a great time to do it tho, given that BE and Draenei and their respective cities were both intoroduced in TBC.
>hunter talents fully reset
now this is epic
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I have not done the warbands warbank questline with any other character, so what does this mean?
Bloomberg is reporting 500+ members of the WoW team have just voted to unionize
warbands bank is disabled right meow

make sense bethesda just unionized a few days ago
it menas its disabled
they're disabled for now
Can't wait for more AIkino.
>video games are getting worse
>the unionize
oy boy, I sure am excited for a real video game crash
Oh right, I did read about it! Great start for the pre-patch lol.
has blizz announced that the patch was just a prank yet?
yeah with the 18hr maintenance, didnt you see it in the announcements?
>Earlier today, an official vote of over 500 eligible employees working on World of Warcraft was tallied and certified. With this, Blizzard Entertainment has its first ever “wall-to-wall” union, encompassing the entirety of a game development team instead of just one division, like QA. The union includes designers, engineers, producers, artists, QA testers, and other developers, most of whom are based in either Irvine, CA, or are part of a smaller team in Massachusetts. The group is called World of Warcraft Game Makers Guild, or WoWGG, and is a part of Communications Workers of America (CWA).

>Additionally, a second group of Activision-Blizzard QA workers based in Austin, Texas have formed a separate union with Communications Workers of America, called Texas Blizzard QA United. The roughly 60 developers involved primarily work on Diablo, Hearthstone, and other games. Both unions concluded their votes today and have been officially recognized under Microsoft’s labor neutrality agreement and certified by an independent arbitrator.
The new character selection screen is so bad that they should just allow addons to modify it. There, all problems fixed.
when is bloomberg going to report that these 500+ employees still dont have the acumen to make a game expansion thats better than what a portion of that dev team's size has managed to pull off 10 years ago
rip wow
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>loot green item with a missing appearance
>can't equip it
>you can "use" it to learn the appearance
>if you vendor it you also learn the appearance and get 70g
why do they have to be like this? it is necessary to jew a couple players out of a bit of gold
they won't, unionization is one of those things that sounds great on paper but realistically promotes incestuous hiring practices and laziness
for a proper look at this, just admire the trades unions who have been donating millions to politicians every year that bring in a slave caste to do these same jobs the union members themselves were doing, and how every union complains they can't replace their aging workforce when they have made it nearly impossible for new people to join a union or rise through the ranks
>Incestuous hiring practice and laziness
This has been the case at Blizzard for well over 12 years. We tried no-unions and we got to this point in time right now. Let's try at least something else because just how much worse can it get, considering they're already cutting back on "Glory of"- achievements - Which is implicitly a downsizing of allocated resources and effort.
Seems like hiring those young wide eyed bright haired queer commies paid off!
i'm a brainlet. can anyone unironically explain to me what this means for wow? is the game going to get less content?
will be harder (impossible) to fire garbage devs/DEI hires and lay off people in droves when their games flop
damn, so anne stickney won...
blizzard is at the point that it is because they've been hiring a very specific kind of person that wants to be a game developer, lazy trannies and dei hires
a very different problem than hiring friends/family, but equally as bad
turns out you shouldn't hire people because they "fit your culture" when they can't even do the job
the only way it can be worse is if you're like bethesda and replace your entire workforce with SAAAAAAR
>will be harder (impossible) to fire garbage devs/DEI hires
Apparently this week microsoft has fired a bunch of people from DEI departments according to an angry DEI manager's emails.
wasn't that a few weeks ago? or did they fire more? might have been trying to clean house a bit before the union went into effect
the whole reason blizzard is stuck with talentless frumpy women is because all the employees with a modicum of skill get offered double their salary by riot and swooped away. fix the dogshit pay if you want to retain talent
>source: dude trust me :)
Unions served a real purpose at one point in time, but now they've gotten so bloated that they only serve to hinder progress and make consumers' lives harder.
Look at the UAW, for example. For an ENTRY LEVEL assembly line worker, GM spends roughly $90k a year on a combination of wages, benefits, and other associated costs. This is an employee making $45k a year before taxes.
Think about that next time you look at vehicle prices.
>500 hundred devs of the wow team decided to unionize
>that's basically the whole team
this game will never get rid of trannies and onions writing...
>UAW becomes unsustainable
>all the factories go to mexico to save money
>prices remain the same
thanks, I hate it
XIV won.
Well yeah, why lower prices when the consumer has been conditioned to the feeling of a fat cock lodged in ass? Just leave it there and enjoy higher profits, most people are too stupid to notice the correlation anyways.
I liked having 1 Dragonriding mount and 1 TBC flying mount on my bars for different scenarios. I dunno why they didn't just make the flying toggle a Dragonriding ability that you can activate while in mid flight.
redpill me on surv
Less damage than MM or Surv and just as flimsy with the added downside of being in melee range so you have 5x as much shit to avoid. Supposedly it gets good with Hero Talents.
it's bussin
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Also >>487463629 expect more trannyfaggot walks and protests and whatnot.
buy tww, foxxo
It is now even less "Surviving" and even more "use explosives"
Rename the fucking thing to Tinker already. It will appease my autism and piss off the Tinkerfaggots.
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monk is so good with lighter than air. one of the best changes this class has got in years
so is EVERY flying mount dragonflying now?
I thought it was only some
Just did but the "Upgrade" button is still there, strange
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There's like 4 mounts that aren't total
Unironically, can these faggots and trannies (blizz devs) just fuck off and just work at factories and constructions? They are fucking lazy pieces of shit.
Today was pre-patch release day and they spent 12 hours of maintenance with me sitting in front of monitor and waiting to play the game i paid my money for.
And what i saw instead? The bunch of faggy 'Lets show support to devs!' threads at reddit and wow forums.
FUCK NO. Why the fuck would i support the lazy incompetent morons who got paid all while giving me, the customer, a finger? Its ME who they should fucking support today. Im getting robbed.
Blizzard Devs can go and suck my cock.
Thats it.
There are a few exceptions like the ghost otter because they don't have animations yet. Anything that shares animations with 50 other mounts is covered.
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I've had my bnet since 2006 but haven't received any of these yet. hopefully just because it's patch day and they're slow going out.

I missed the blazing hippogryph twitch drop despite watching fat towel for 4 hours and they never fixed it.
Almost all of them. However, that doesn't mean they'll look as good dragonriding as mounts that were originally designed for it. Some have really half-assed dragonriding integration - either the animations look stiff and unnatural, or the model falls apart somehow, or both.
some I was pleasantly surprised with 2bh. the cloud discs having their own whirling surge is cool. others like the ironbound wraithcharger bouncing like a show pony was silly.
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This you?
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i was kinda hoping they would do something about the whole "its worse than the other specs in every way" meme
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No, but I wouldn't be opposed to being such a thing!
i've had the base version bought for months so it's either bugged or they decided to permanently push more crap on people in game now.
>520 frost mage
>200k overall
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>inviting or joining groups with mages in the year of our lord 2024
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my pets nooo
Looks like they really knee-capped Fire this time around
Trans coded post
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I found EU Maye in goldshire
did they change the ui? something feels wrong/off.
>Comments on this news post are locked.
my wives!
There a list of flying mounts that's been confirmed to not have skyriding?
>3 dots icon
its her!
>Get a nice menu bar on top
>the SHOP SHOP BUY BUY BUY is the first button
really outstanding gacha game innit?
Blizz juiced up hunter class tree so much, I have no idea what to pick because its all really good and accessible...
anyone running wow on linux? Get a black screen with sound if I launch classic while retail runs just fine
but hey at least the devs got a union at micrososft.
use a vm, wine breaks all the time
this happens every prepatch
they will fix it
mage is cursed afaiac
>be me
>season 3 fire: 250k overall
>season 3 arcane: 250k overall
>season 4 fire: 250k overall
>season 4 arcane: 250k overall
>pre-patch fire: 250k overall
>pre-patch arcane: 250k overall


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>check link
>it's real
My lv 70 tank feels bricked in mop remix
>did the mailbox leveling cheese
>used all of my bronze on gear upgrades after hitting 70
> ilvl 264
>heroic dungeons hit me like a truck,like losing chunks of my health and scambling to stay alive
>meanwhile at lv 30 I was crusing through these same dungeons
What should I do?
>lose the addons button
>adds shop button as the first one

Not even gachas are this dishonest
more content
How the fuck are you only 264 after using all 80k bronze on upgrades? You get 346 items FOR FREE by default from literally anything you do at 70.
Scaling is fucked from about level 60 to you've upgraded gear a few times at 70.
elemental blast enh feels like shit
lightning enh feels great, lots of zapping
the fuck
ice strike.
is it still the old talent build for shams or is it the latest now
I am so pissed off about this, fucking niggers at blizzard don't even play their own game apparently.
Let's pump to pandas!!!
wait so OCE can't join NA guilds? the fuck
>dragonriding change is a massive failure
>warbands character screen is a total mistake
>warband bank doesn't work
>sending currencies to alts makes them disappear forever
>all your action bars are being reset
>legacy content scaling broken as fuck
uh oh wowsisters this doesn't look good for The Tranny Within
Trannies mentioned OUT OF NOWHERE
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heres the 4chan guild
>dragonriding change is a massive failure
Only to the mentally retarded
t. homosexual brazilian lalafell player
>lose the addons button
no way they really did that
ah jesus, wow is really lost isn't it?
I don't want every flight from point A to point B to be a fucking minigame which requires pushing buttons and monitoring resources, sometimes I want to just press autorun and have it fly me in a straight line. Or I want to hover in the air while waiting for a rare to spawn. In DF I could just have a normal mount on my bars for that purpose, now I have to wait for a 5 second cast time and remember to cast it every time before mounting. It's a downgrade from DF.

im starting to worry about how little blizzard spend on TWW
what the fuck is that voice recording quality? did they record in a garage?
I'm seriously going crazy over it. Whatever I do my DPS remains under 300k.
we dont have one
unless you want to join the programming socks trannies on illidan
the oldfag trannies on undisclosed server but i think also illidan
or m*yes tranny guild on mg that he was gifted
that's an AI voice anon
join mentally ill on MG
I need to do my pre-expansion bag clear out but I have no motivation to do it.
I horde so much shit.
Was mage balanced around hero talents? Is this why it's still so shit?
Haha yeah
what are you on about

Join <BLT>
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which one
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So click the button that reverts you to old flying???
I used to be able to use soar and a normal flying mount without having so stand there like a retard for 5 seconds
idk man I literally haven't used my leveling bronze on anything else
I didn't have to do that before prepatch and I was happy with how it worked. They made the feature significantly worse.
you'll live with it
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>Braindead PvE niggers see the bomb getting pulled to them
>Have a whole two seconds to press any sort of defensive or movement ability
>Say BRO???? on mic instead of doing anything to rectify the situation because their addons aren't honking at them to press their buttons
yes that's why it's funny thank you for pointing that out retardbro
Dragonyawn lmao
I haven't played any of my 70s in timewalking because I'm too focused on raising my alt army but why can't you gear normally? normal to heroic.
It sounds like you wasted bronze upgrading items from level 20 which was not what you're supposed to do.
ya thats the symbol for unholy
what about it?
Ion needs to fire the entire development team

they have forsaken him
i dont think he cares that much
This doesn't make sense though. Consoles are dying and PC is thriving. Granted that Blizzard is retarded, you're probably still correct
the gcd is too low and there are too many rotational buttons
MOP remix is great
wish I hopped on it earlier
wish I hopped on plunderstorm too

will be back for the next event

Personally would really love if they took old in-game events and extrapolated them out into a remix too

Like gates of Ahn Qiraj remix and it takes place on old Kalimdor with actual Qiraji encroachment in zones and invasion events.
Why do you wish you jumped on it earlier? There's a month left. I started 4 days ago and I have 3 level 70s.
Is there a way to see how many runs you failed vs timed on raider.io? People say they leave so their profile isn't blemished but I can't see a way to view this info
MoP remix was dogshit on launch tbqh
it took them months to get it into a state where it was actually worth anybody's time
The first few weeks of Remix SUUUUUCKED. Only after they crazy buffed the thread and bronze caches did it become enjoyable.

Also the leveling xp requirements went way down after prepatch, so leveling in remix should also be 100x faster than it already was.
>i wonder why they disabled the wow token
Hopefully a step towards getting rid of GDKP
weird copey gaslighting but you do you
Resubbed and have created a GAY dragon tank. How do I get to 70 fast. Do I play the Remix, or has pre-patch changed things? Anything particular I need to watch out for?
it's a good vehicle for leveling alts and grabbing collectibles from previous expansions
gets old pretty quick though so they'd need something new to shake up the format
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>buy new rig (Ryzen 7, 4060)
>140+ fps
>get to Valdrakken
>35-40fps on high pop serv
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1 am researchers kino
FPS in dense areas is entirely tied to the single core performance of your CPU
it's time to rewrite wow in rust
just don't lock twice
remix. download addon called no bonus exp, turn it off. do heroic dungeons without looting the exp off bosses (it will send them to your mailbox). when you hit 25, make sure you do each raid once for the bonus exp on cape. spam heroic dungeons. periodically turn the addon on and check if you have enough exp tokens in mailbox to hit 70.
back in shadowlands one of the UI devs was unironically talking about redoing the UI and addon API in rust
Remix is by far the fastest way to level but your character will be stuck in remix until the xpac drops.
Do you think they will ever make it so the dragons can stay in human form?
Let me guess, the third from he left?
Lua is pretty good as far as addons and UI goes.
i doubt you gain anything but pain unless there's a rust implementation of lua somewhere
god i wish i were my dracthyr
seems like i'm becoming more autistic as well
gn bros
god i wish you were your dracthyr
gn king
>bought the xpac and resubbed
>still nothing to do in game
uhhh bros...?
It's a 7840HS that's what I'm not getting
it should by all accounts handle it with no issues
wow is old and garbage, simple as

the game was originally designed when most people had 56k internet, and high end gaming rigs had a cpu with one single core, a video card that didn't even have active cooling, and 512mb of ram if they were lucky.

my thermostat has better system specs than that now.
Tranny game
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remember to turn on show silhouette when obstructed in options too
I'm not even bothering to log in. I might log in on the weekend for a bit. I'm just playing other games. I took a few months off wow and decided to upgrade my rig and started to foray into other games. Now I'm playing 3 games at once. It might actually be over. This shit feels old and trotted out now.
>your character will be stuck in remix until the xpac drops.
characters go to normal servers on the 19th one week before the expansion comes out
imagine the NTR erp scenarios...
>quest in worgen starting zone where you ride the horse to the cathedral
>the worgen now just kill the horse and you get dropped off in the middle of 80 enemies
nice one
thanks for the intel, pedantic-bro
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They increased the ilvl of old azerite sets so you can go lightspeed on the ground, pretty funny.
bro your torch?!
I have a great mog for a gilnean priest, but it doesn't look great when you go werewolf
life is suffering
>was flying around doing the race unlock quests
>couldnt log in yesterday due to maintenance
>log in today
>cant fly on my FLYING mount
>it now says "skyriding"
why the hell cant i fly in areas like legion now? this is fucking retarded


doesnt do shit to them rofl
they just keep running at you and kill the horse in like 10 seconds
All vehicle scaling is broken atm
How do you read those names?
>more commie shit
also calling it a "guild" is the ultimate irony
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They actually nerfed the dungoeon/mail grind. Why?
what? bonus xp comes from the bosses the end dungeon reward doesnt do shit
What old collectibles?
It's all MoP shit.
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>decide to level up in pvp and forsake my mouseovers for party 1 and 2 macros
>fuck around with modifier macros for a bit before deciding to remap my mouse buttons
>changed four buttons to f keys
>need to rebind four spells on every character i have
lava shaman is bus-shock-in
How do I enable this? I can't find it in the options menu
im surprised none of you fags noticed they cut the xp rewarded for world boss kills by 200%
>blizzard nerfing the """fun and overpowered""" game mode AGAIN, this time like a month after everyone already finished and quit so there is only a small trickle of last minute people coming in and out for the next 30 days
Seriously what the fuck is their problem?
Why is blizzard like this? Everything about this company is a fucking disaster these.

Every single game they run is a mess and every update they do to their games is a fucking disaster. What even is this company anymore?
Remember how once upon a time this company unironically prided themselves on their 'blizzard polish'? Obviously that died ages ago, but holy shit it just keeps getting worse literally every year. This pre-patch took the servers down for the entire day and it STILL LAUNCHED IN A BROKEN STATE. Unreal.
the big xp comes from an item the boss drops, not the final end reward for rdf clear.
you're falling for shitpost bait mate
it's 3 hours to max in remix right now with no mailbox abuse
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4 total questlines in this entire game that don't suck donkey shit
don't usually go world bosses while levelling. if I'm gonna use the character I'll try to get 50 from first raid lockout take it to isle of thunder, try to get a good troves in. if not I just do raids and park them for the night.
It most definitely is not.
I literally did it this morning, it is.
name em
Unless that anon is lying about world boss exp being nerfed then how is it bait you dumbass? Yeah you can still level quick in remix i did myself multiple times, but without mailbox abuse it literally unironically was still faster to level in retail through timewalking dungeon spam than in remix which was THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME MODE.
So not only is the entire point of the game mode practically useless, but they're nerfing it even more? Why? What could possibly possess someone to make such a decision?

It simply doesn't make any sense and just makes the company and dev teams look more clueless and retarded.
What were you doing to hit cap in mopmix in 3 hours? I'll give it a try.
You are mad about literal lies but go off brother
So world boss exp didn't get nerfed?
dungeons to 25
first 3 raids
dungeons to max
literally nothing special, you get 3-5 levels per dungeon once you finish the raids.
anon idt waiting for sha of anger is part of the speedrun route
i would just camp them on the daily while i was doing something else from 60-70 because each kill was like 60%/bar and obviously that was before the prepatch nerf but i did it on one of my characters last week and got around 20%/bar
i have no idea, the only thing i can come up with is that they felt it was a "bug" or something but why bother
at any rate leveling is super quick from 50 up now with the xp nerfs
I walked by sha at one point and he gave me two whole levels for killing him when before they were about 70% of a level
so yeah seems fine to me
regular dungeons with quests or heroic dungeons with larger exp drops?
heroic dungeons obviously
literally 0 reason to do normals
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I literally played earlier today. Why are all my buttons gone?
happened to me on a fresh character too
its a real bitch
no problems on any other characters, just the new one
ive actually had problems like this before during dragonflight where it seems like the server rolls back certain things randomly, but it was only with macros that i recently created.
you didn't parse high enough ion took them away. character bricked.
this game is fun but it has the worst playerbase of mmos by a long shot, how do your guys cope with playing the designated glue sniffer game?
anybody try the magetower since patch?
Crusader Bridenbrad
Harrison Jones in uldum
Balance of Power
Don Quixote
classic is far worse
i dont have experience with any other mmos outside of this one
what about the gun drak questline, I loved it
classic is the same game with the same community problems
gw2 and eso hands legitimately good communities
>Focus on m+
>Log in
>All buttons gone
>Letter in the Mailbox from Ion
It's over isn't it...?
a gift for miguel
dragon isles adventuring: being yourself
after my ohn heart from windsage dawa
siege on dragonbane keep - not a traditional quest but you are helping beef get revenge on the people who put chemicals on his water.
Not at fucking all.
Casuals are subhuman in both versions.
Classic poopsockers are most of the time retarded retail casuals.
I really don't care about your grey parsing experience btw
>classic is the same game
wrath and cata are the same game, but for retards
vanilla and tbc aren't quite on the same level
>with the same community problems
yes BUT the classic playerbase is like a caricature of the retail playerbase, basically all the same faults but turned up to 11 and the frequency is more pronounced of insane men to normals
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Well that was fun. This was happening only on one character. Disabled all of my addons and reloaded, no change. Looked through the error again. It was being caused by having the fucking Sleight of Hand conduit in my backpack.
>play retail
>have to hard carry at least 1 shitter in every single dungeon, that shitter is guaranteed to receive a piece of personal loot in their chest and the end while you get nothing for your effort
>if you do a raid random retards will roll need on every single item, either for transmog or to try extort gold out of the group
>play classic
>everything has low health so you don't have to work hard to carry shitters in your group, feels more relaxing
>everyone just universally greeds or passes on all loot even BoE blue and epic drops unless they literally do need it and will equip it
be careful now, you're going to prove me right
the communities have tremendous overlap and game no significant differences
this restores your buttons
/run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) PutItemInBackpack() ClearCursor() end
/run for i = 1,10 do PickupPetAction(i) PutItemInBackpack() ClearCursor() end

first macro is for your bars, second is pets if youre a hunter/shaman/mage/whatever else has pets with abilities
incredible how cursed shadowlands is
>LFD/LFR hero is a classic andy
Yeah I just got 4 levels in a heroic. 45-49. still going to save up drops though because I'm not going to play gimped from 60-70.
>random projection
I'm talking about M+ and heroic raids you fucking moron.
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>new double jump talent for Monk resets fall damage
>b-but the community is toxic!
Shut the fuck up you cowering worm that is the gayest and most sissy excuse
>don't use the lfd/lfr tool
>only host my own keys
>only raid with irl friend and his guild unless it's timewalking
>never invite spic realms
>drop group / kick if someone is being even a tiny bit of an annoying faggot
may seem ott to anyone who hasn't interacted with this community but. when I think how long it's been since I had my playtime wasted by a poor or nonwhite person I'm reminded I'm doing the right thing.
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fucking kek
that looks the south park gangs characters
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>Pyromancer admits that he bought his Mythic Fyrakk mount with "gold"

Absolutely pathetic. Holy shit. Raiding is such a disaster zone.
it is exactly that yeah
>Bro you have to carry peopleeee
You made the group, a non argument.
>People act in self interest
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Alright i'll you a (You) just because you seem so desperate for one.
Imagine beating him to an unrecognizable pulp...
Looking for a main for TWW for PVE and PVP. Please recommend me a class. Why is it fun for you? Sell it to me.
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lol nice
Forgot to mention that Sylvannis is broken and cannot be killed on mythic.
they got the wrong belt on Stan
Further proof that the old models look better than current ones.
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wow is blessed to have so much kino art constantly being made
I mean he is wearing a horde tabard who cares about the belt.
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>tfw no gf with big boobas to wear a murloc romper
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>blizzard voted to unionize
welp hope you guys didn't like playing WoW because microsoft is just going to shut down the studio lmao
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Why did Kyle play as a girl?
Healing is a sissy role, naturally.
uh oh i think servers shat the bed again folks
everyone likes to look at and pilot pretty wow girls
only weirdos pick a girls name and "rp" as a girl in game
its always been like this
dont @ me nigga
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What spell is this?
man the wrath frostwyrms are still so fucking kino with their large wingspans
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>Stormrage down
They probably thought the boys would all be too similar if 3/4 where human males
Are there superares in war within?
should be. there's also 5 world bosses
you have no idea how much free shit I have been given
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Wasn't Kyle a mage?
fk u cid. i mean really. comeon. they make an episode of wow south park of wow for the OLDFAGS TO ENJOY. now new kids comeing along like they was on wowgs on mop and made it good.
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for the love of god tell me im not going to have to play templar strikes in wawawin
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> decided to dust off my only alt (hunter) because alt friendly expansion and patch.
> log in
> over stimulated by all the quests not done
> have to redo ui
> redo spec
> redo keybinds

> log out
You think Blizzard would endorse any of the humor from that show today?
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What do you think she does /wowg/?
Are the people dogging on dragonriding bots or just poor ESLs? I can't imagine anyone preferring old flying to dragonriding except in those edge cases like wanting to afk in the air or afk in general
surgeon during the day
fleshlight during the night
I think a second make love not warcraft episode would unironically save this game. Wow just isn't relevant anymore but south park has managed to become oddly more popular over time.
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>Area 52 down
The dragonriding haters are turbo noobs who are just generally bad at video games. They likely don't know you could collect glyphs to unlock talents to make it better.
Is anyone else having phasing issues in Dragon Isles? Trying to power level my wife on her alts but we're both in different phases... Ion... you fucking cunt....
i remember you saying the same about the warcraft movie on netflix
then it reached top 5 lel
they paid family guy to do them a cutaway in BFA, and they just did leeroy jenkins. it ain't looking good for us we can't produce a quality meme in 20 years... if they'd done zappy boi we'd be looking at warcraft IV goty edition, warcraft resort florida, warcraft V leaks rn...
Now that all raids are awakened, whats the one with the shortest LFR queue for bullion?
maybe? i think that one thing sp does good is to make fun of everyone. so nobody can complain that they're being targeted
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Damn that's crazy to me a real life female woman whos also a lesbian (clearly it says NO MEN right there!) would be playing as a futa on wow. Thankfully they put no men as they are an acutal lesbian!
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>dog in
>click "switch flying style"
>mount up
>hold space bar
>click auto run
>tab out
yep, its gamer time
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Is anyone else having audio trouble with the game? I literally only hear the music.
I'm stupid sorry
I hope your faggot ass runs out of vigor and plummet out of the sky staring at cliffs all day.
makes me think of the stories I've heard from coworkers and friends. men, women leaving their partners + children to go have gay sex or crossdress at age 40 and beyond. living it out online is a lesser dysfunction imo. go be a poorly disguised tranny faggot in a fantasy game in the designated degen hangout, who's it really hurting.
Hello saar

Apparenly they buffed base flight speeds from 310 to 420%? I didnt notice any faster speed though?
i felt it immediately, its p nice
+ crusader aura, we cruisin'
yeah, its 420 now
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Don't forget you can report the trp/mrp to blizzard and the Indians in charge of this division will indeed give the player a 3 day vacation
another nerf for maghar DK. their mount speed doesn't work with dynamic flight and is now worth comparitively less with static. and at last check, admittedly years ago, the racial didn't work at all in rated BGs.
>so nobody can complain that they're being targeted
Is this a zoomer thing?
wrong belt on cartman's character too
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You tell me
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>cant open my backpack even when i use the new keybind and the backup for it that they gave us
>no option available to swap back to old world flying
bravo, blizzard. 2 days in a row where i cant play.
Works on my machine. Maybe stop being bad.
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Wrong pic mb, but the answer to this troons question was indeed answered. Idea was this guy was a realm first yogg zero light player, and now spends their days being a literal cuck

/console cameraIndirectVisibility 1 to enable, 0 to disable
/console cameraIndirectOffset 10
Based; fuck jannies
damn, cat druid sucks ASS with the mastery change. no more ferocious bite scaling...? I like it on paper, bleeds pulling ahead of raw AP multipliers as the xpac goes on, but in practice it just makes mastery a dead stat outside fringe parse scumming cause you can't rely on it. see sv hunter in dragonflight.
it's funny they get so many things wrong but then at the same time cartman points perfectly to elwynn forest
I'm in a top 100 guild where one of our officers has multiple WoTLK realm firsts and he is still extremely good, even in his late 30s.
What what caused the faggot in your image to troon out though desu
they got the belt wrong on kyle too
for esoteric purposes, do you know if hes a physically active guy? they say thats good for your brain.
So you spend your time on wow larping as a janny? Is that what zoomers do for fun now?
druid is just a lame class. No idea why it gets so much love from the devs
How do I join <Mentally Ill>?
They just did
that's a kigurumi
Maybe you could test that theory by repeating jokes from the show in trade.
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That's a fat starfire
>for esoteric purposes, do you know if hes a physically active guy? they say thats good for your brain.
He's fat as fuck, I would say it's just due to the fact that he is a smart person desu.
Most genuinely intelligent people are going to be able to play games at a top level if they put their mind to it, at least IMO.
The trick is to just play other games from time to time. Being a WoW only mono-gamer can send you down dark rabbit holes.
probably because hamletranny was an oldfag druid. stupid good player too can't lie, played with him a couple times many years ago. no coincidence druid got the beatdown, massive nerf to incarn duration which has remained 30s for all specs since MoP, cat mastery nerf, bdruid tentatively looks to have fewer nukes and more loaded into dots. I guess we'll see what final number tuning and hero talents do to them.
I see. been stewing on cognitive decline literature kek. forgot studyfags can suck a fuck when it comes to reality.
Yeah that is a problem
What even is there to do this patch?
Fly to gadgetstan and back
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have to be a nelf and ERP with maye
Wait until next week so you can do a 15 minute questline then wait until TWW drops.
What's the best website that shows the population of WoW player's race/classes and their popularity?
>Brand new patch bring all new content
>Dead general
It's over...
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They worked directly with Blizz people to make the episode. They intentionally have a wrong info just because it fit the episode narrative better.
what website?
>consolidate every character ive ever mad into one giant list
>game freezes when i try to delete the random ass level 3 alts from 7 years ago

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stats gathered by trp addon iirc over ~1month
>blood elf that low
proves that racials meta has a massive impact on what race people pick.
it's MG anon, the server is almost entirely alliance
moonguard tho
trp addon dev
it's MG which is predominately alliance, so yea
Its fun making troons like you seethe for being banned by listing your fetishes on a addon meant for in world roleplay in a t-rated sense. Remember to read the TOS next time.
>More warlocks than evokers, rogues or DHs.
I don't believe this
omg gadgetzan i remember that place from vanilla, im pogging cuz its so pog
>he does it for free
Are you implying most if not all WoW GM's are not jannies themselves? They get paid fucking good boy points lol,
Most of the people there are on trial accounts and will just make a new one if one gets banned anyways so I don't really get the point.
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So the only way to access my Warbank is this portal...and it doesn't work right now, right?
>not even THEY play KT
Can't make it up
fucking nothing works right now. the beta was a bugged mess too and they still decided to push to live.
Yeah, I recognize this anon. He does this often, just a really weird activity of his. I think the anon is 16 or something because what kind of adult would really give a fuck?
Zoomers don't play Wow you fucking dumbass. Most zoomers can't as much stomach MMOs unless its something like GTA6. It really shows none play wow because the pvp scene is basically dead aside the boomers that never left.
>it's fun running around snitching
OK melvin
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No shit their on trials knowing the consequences that would occur if they get reported. Is why most of the bans like the yogg zero light slayer are an active sub, and therefor a prio target for reporting since it not only hurts the players by most likely going trial, but also blizzard losing sub money.
I'm done playing for today. No one's doing anything except fiddling around with broken things. Like fuck this. I'll wait until the weekend.
I bet you also think Mr Beast's friend didn't deserve to be snitched either eh?
It's not even snitching, it's just being an annoying neo-puritan report troll. Verrrryyyy common with leftoids and twitter-grifters. The guy's probably 16 or so
Not really snitching when one publicly states their opinion and sexual desires on a fucking addon for the whole world to see.
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At the risk of being caught up in your completely insane witch hunting cancel culture, which I oppose COMPLETELY on principle, didn't the supposed victim say nothing happened?
That doesn't make a lot of sense, either. Almost all of those people have a main account they pay for, blizzard isn't losing any money on them.
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So you think a leftie is getting peverted alphabet people banned by posting NFSW content on a SFW game that tells the playerbase it's against TOS for posting thing's like that as well as other things. Man a leftist worst enemy is another leftist much like a pedo's worst enemy is another pedo. Gotta love them eating each other alive.
Not reading your seethe.
>brings up streamer drama out of nowhere
I knew you were a zoomer
They do if they unsub due to not standing blizzards own written rules anymore. Another thing that helps is they cannot talk to others about their desires anymore since trials cannot whisper unless whispered first or added to friends list. If anything, worst case scenario is most ERP fags get gagged, best case is they unsub.
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>mom just gave me 27 random pets she had in bank
look at this little FREAK
When are you going back to ceegee?
good shout. fuck the negativity in this place. what are you doing instead?
Even boomers know about this news, especially the parents of Beast's fans. Also you seem rather obsessed about zoomers. Do you get off to them or something lol?
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This you lil bro? Still not tired after getting told to fuck off from Blizzard CS like last time?
Laughing at zoomers imitating neo-puritanism and studying the Affliction Warlock changes.
someone DEI hire worked really hard on that talent, be nice!
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Not him actually. Infact quite the opposite response from the CS
>especially the parents of beasts fans
I almost swallowed my cigarette
I wish they were puritans, they're degen maxxers outside of glowie cancel culture
Being a trial is kind of a non-issue, you just add people with profiles that interest you, most people notice pretty quickly if you target them.
Doesn't stop them from having raunchy profiles either, there's no stakes in losing a trial account you can just remake in 5 minutees.
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gooning to taurslop rn
>He thinks this makes him look good
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Give me worgen paladins
I am no longer asking
Very good point. Maybe if they deflect and highlight other people's pervert nature nobody will check on theirs, right!
>Brags about reporting
>Censors names on 4chan
Yeah you need to go away.
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is leveling slower now compared to when they were gifting out the xp buffs like candy last year?
I use Nobara 40, launch wow.exe with Heroic Launcher, protonge-latest (9-10 currently), using esync and fsync, vkd3d, steam runtime, no fsr hack, game mode and mangohud... All those are check boxes in Heroic Games Launcher. I use the app image version, flatpak was being weird. All AMD system.
Only wants to load properly using a version protonge 8-16 I downloaded from Lutris, still using Heroic Launcher to launch, no options at all checked.

Also standard wow stuff - delete your cache folder, and wtf if it comes down to it.
How do I let my human gf know she either race changes to this or we're done
Is there anything useful I'll be able to do with my army of alts? Assuming I bring them up to cap again when TWW drops.
I think I'll have 1 of every class sitting at 70 soon.
>reports like your's
holy pajeet batman
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>Reportss like your's
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>Censoring names is bad
We had an entire thread of people posting their characters with censored names. An example here
This is the fastest exp I've ever seen but I missed like 3 expansions, DF being one.
I'm not saying censoring your own character name is bad. Especially given that we have some teenager reporting people ITT. I'm saying if you're gonna make a deal and brag about "getting people banned", why would you censor the person's name?
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>you seem rather obsessed about zoomers. Do you get off to them or something lol?
You don't? What are you gay or something?
>Don't forget you can report the trp/mrp to blizzard and the Indians in charge of this division
I wasn't joking.
my first try of affliction was on my remix warlock, who gets way too much damage on dots + malefic rapture because of 36k mastery. funny I like the damage profile better that way, loading tons of damage into the maintenance of dots and just a little in the shadowbolt filler. I'm sure someone would complain it decreases the skillcap
also not sure if bug or balancing factor but oblivion isn't sped up by haste, it always channels for 3s
also every single new proc in the fucking game gets consumed if you're mid-cast when you gain it, including instant malefic rapture and nightfall w/ improved shadowbolt
That pisses you off to no end doesn't it? You wish you could schizo the shit out of those people don't you.
I prefer people my age or close to it. I tend to find it weird people like you seem to be only attracted to people that's 15 plus years younger than you. Like some compensating for some issues you have or some shit.
I dunno about the xp buffs but it's as fast as it's ever been since like BFA, you get a level like every four quests until you get to DF zones.
Not really. Just pointing out the hypocrisy mostly. We go from encouraging thing's like hiding our ingame names, but equally saying how dare you censor the players name when reporting them.
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It's true. I don't want to reveal my position, but those TRP reports are handled importantly and have their own inbox for the CS team.
Not him but you're retarded. Prime fuck meat age doesn't change.
>Reports like your's
Chirst almighty, you were not kidding about ticket department is now ran by pajeets. Still based if they actually did ban the degenerate.
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They do this after when the ban is made. So don't see the joke of this aside the fact. It is a business after all. Don't want to clutter up the answered tickets in the database. Think about the poor fella running the servers!
>still has the retarded circle
just why
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Why is this shit so slow? What can be done? I've tried closing, killing it in task, etc.
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New login screen. Still meh.
>someone called a loot ninja a slur? real shit
Define prime meat. Speaking of zoomers, they're aging worse than some boomers these days.
have you tried just letting it finish
It's going at like 300 Kb/s. This ain't right.
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Any good organization apps/programs you guys run? I need something to help me plan out all the characters I plan on playing and setting it all up to be a well-oiled Warband machine.
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Removing the unique poster count was a colossal mistake. I say since I feel like it's just two goddamn people or possibly one self replying to one another to bump this dead as fuck thread.
I built a spreadsheet in excel
talk about wow
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i wonder if its animated
You are correct.
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I wouldn't be surprised whatsoever about this.

Some retarded avatartranny was spamming here a few months back and I found him gooning in Goldshire and reported his TRP profile.

The guy was back in the thread within an hour whining that he got banned kek.

They -really- hate coomers over there, I think.
Talk about your gay furry buttsex
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>Removing the unique poster count was a colossal mistake. I say since I feel like it's just two goddamn people or possibly one self replying to one another to bump this dead as fuck wow thread.
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downloading and installing are two completely different things. your system just sucks
Guess word is out. TWW is another SL failure. Guess We all are sitting this one out.
So you're saying the CS actually does ban people in goldshire? I thought the CS did nothing and told people to fuck off.
>Nobody replies
>Samefags himself
See how it is by the 30th
Care to show a pic of this fellow? We have a fuckload of avatar people that post here.
refer to these two>>487504869
Kino within already breaking player count records and it's not even the actual launch yet
Gayest sentence ever. That is even gayer than the gay centaurs proposing to marry each other.
Think you mean 4 days after since no way this even will be stable the moment it launches. Knowing blizz they will take the server down for 12+ hours, shit goes live, and then the event gets disable for a few days much like the Warband bank is now.
If it were my system then I wouldn't have just fixed it by setting a download cap.
First response for anyone else who has this issue.
What the fuck
>I'd be doing it irl too
You have been reported to the FBI. Enjoy jail idiot.
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TLDR. Probably funny but again TDLR.
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There's something about the UI that looks off...
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Nice Pasta. Say goodbye to your gold
It's too big!
Anons, I'm feeling really depressed. This is the first WoW xpac since WoD that I'm without my girlfriend. She left me in the middle of dragonflight and so now I'm going into this xpac alone.

I don't know what to do with myself, I feel so empty inside, and I'm having trouble finding what I want to do in the game, I just feel listless. What should I play? What should I do?
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You know the state of WoW is bad when the third worlder's are taking more action in answering and turning results in tickets than the DEI hires here stateside
>Are the people dogging on dragonriding
no one is even doing that you illiterate retard. the esl is you.

stfu already you one note nigger.
vidya with friends. wow, anything really. whatever gets your mind off it
I don't know about u guys, but i absolutely hate having to swap between dynamic / static skyriding for EVERYTHING.

I want to be able to go into my druid travel form and just fly with static skyriding.

Now with the pre patch we have to decide the skyriding form for EVERY mount + druid travel form. I want to be able to assign my travel form a different skyriding form then my other mounts.
I can't believe they let you transmog weapon skins on weapons of different types... if they let you do that then why not just remove all limits? Just let people wear whatever tf they want
>using mounts as a drood
not a drood dood
Just work on yourself. When enough time passes you'll be fine and if you've worked on improving yourself your life will naturally be better.
gl bud
I do agree 5 seconds is too much. 3 seconds would be a better mid ground. Takes almost 15 seconds to go from skyriding when its on cd, to static, and finally mount in itself. Guess this is response to the ground andy's who hated flying since TBC being hired in the programming department.
Static flying is completely useless and anybody who tries to argue otherwise is just coping
Still shits on your generic ocean shot.
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More to enjoy.
you can herb mine loot and interact midair, without aggroing enemies or taking melee swings which interrupt said actions
learn basic game mechanics NEWFAG
how about 1.5s
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>I have investigated this and take the appropriate action
I feel like the GM broken English than the pervert possibly getting banned.
>didn't blur out the link to his case
Don't try to pass this slop off on them. You'll claim SoD is for vanillla fans next
>Got told to just right-click report people instead
Sure showed him.
>Leaves the link
I'd make fun of you fuck up more, but can't fucking see results since shit 404 on my end. Anyone which their country can still read it can see what the juicy detail is.
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Coomer Tumors getting excised as they deserve.
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We had a movie once bros... what happened...
You'd be surprise how many old players that still play retail continue to seethe of the concept of flying.
>We're back to the "I totally got some dude banned for ERPing in Goldshire, trust me" arc
These writers suck
>make reporting ubiquiotous
>remove ability to just kick inactives from BGs
It's comedic how much of a corrupt bureaucracy they are
why hasnt tencent payed them to make another one? thought chinks loved WoW
idk man, considering the faggot got another faggot to write shit like this>>487497074
>>487497289 makes to believe there is some merit his work since I'd doubt some erptard would write this on their own trp with a straight face.
They really should have just used the story of WC2 or WC3, would have been way more popular.
Turalyon/Arthas as the MC would have been kino.
Xalatath and Aleria will be lesbians and the final cutscene will be them scissoring
>Walk into a whorehouse
>What the fuck, there's whores here!
>Tell the cops
>"Uhhh... sure, we'll look into it and take the appropriate action...?"
>Appropriate action is to think you're weird and wasting everyone's time and ignore your report
What spec do I main anons? I'm new to wow, just started in dragonflight, and so I really want to knuckle down and pick a spec to main. Redpill me on your favorite spec!
>wow causing yet another seethe
Yeah you're totally not that anon. I believe you! You got that guy, nice!
>We're back to the "I totally got some dude banned for ERPing in Goldshire, trust me and people seethe at the possible fear it's actually real by continuing to post nothing but copium."
Yeah shit sucks.
You have to land on the ground even as a druid to herb and mine so that's not true, and you'll be flying at half the speed while doing it. Maybe YOU should learn game mechanics
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arms warrior
me swing big thing
go zug hit monster get shiny
me happy
Can equally say you're the guy yourself. That's what happens when the fucking mods decide to go full retard and get rid of the unique poster count like I mentioned earlier.
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i picked the best and worst time to start mop remix
scaling is busted but so was exp
but rep from quests are bugged
I can't tell if this is real, bait, or paid posting. Send help.
Is it just me or do the dynamic flying animations for horses suck? Like the Headless Horseman's mount. They kind of skip in the air rather than galloping like a horse.
preordered 10 more copies of tww
Spoiler alert You're both him
The bucks are in full panic mode now that TWW has been confirmed the best WoW expansion yet.
It's fun to watch.
It's real. I technically played back in TBC with my brother, but I quit when he went to college.
Did they implement ret's new talent tree yet?
How do we get rid of faggotry in games
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The erptroon/neopuritan can be this very thread, it can be you, can be me, it can even be
Go ahead anon, test it out right now. I'll be waiting for you to come back and prove me wrong. Go find an herb and try to pick it from the air, make sure to record it so you can epically own me!
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What will his role be in The Last Titan?
why even have different realms at this point?
just do phased mega servers
You forget wow isn't real life so that logic doesn't apply.
pick content area first
pvp, dungeons, raids

then pick a role
tank, healer or dps

then name some specs or playstyles you have liked in other games
This but policing language during a ball game (competitive play). Imagine if everyone was miced up for problematic language? Laughing my ass off, family
im phoneposting so I'm not doing that. you picked up the game in dragonflight if you think druids can't herb midair.
U post like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Whatever is most fun is best. No way to know that for you personally. I suggest leveling up a shit ton of classes with fast exp. Even if you end up abandoning them for now you might come back to them later.
Also having access to a tank/healing spec is based. You might not want to tank as a newb but healing is pretty accessible to start.
This. WoW TOS is basically on par as a Yakov Smirnoff in Soviet Russia joke.
did they fix class trials being able to do the heritage armor quests?
Problem with that logic is Blizzard doesn't condone whorehouses in wow, especially after the breast milk incident. Would explain why the erp community is in perpetual fear of being banned any second and now must go on trial accounts.
god i want to see him again
sssoooo whats up with the dude samefagging the entire thread about reporting goldshire? tf lmao do u think blizz doesnt know?
fuck them
Why do they prefer WoW, anyway? Seems like their gameplay would be better suited in some other game?
An X-rated MMO would be pretty funny
It's more the retard is getting in the erptards skin. Like two bums fighting over a moldy sandwich.
That’s because WoW has no good villains anymore the last half decent one was denathrius and even he was a 6/10
wow you're really nervous about this huh?
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its even worse, HOW did they do that? How did they take the MSOffice login screen and make it worse!?
What does this mean for gay frogs, centaurs, fruit bowls and /joke emotes?
Because they like the races of wow and would like to basically use the game as their in universe fantasy without having to pay a artist to commission art for them.
nothing ever happens
Does this mean the game will improve or it will just be tone policed more strictly


to me it means we are allowed to criticize the devs even harder now
i dont see anyone getting butthurt though lol just some anon replying to himself saying other people are triggered
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Back to survival.
rate you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
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Yeah... because you're "phoneposting" and definitely not because you know you're wrong....
I've actually be going through and leveling every class with remix. I finished this evening, which is sort of why I'm here.

I'm mostly looking for PVE. I have tanked in other games before, but I'm generally pretty bad at it. I don't really like casting as much, so I'd rather avoid that.
>wtf people are complaining about the shitty log in screen?
>uhhhhhh well i don't want to scrap the whole picture we made so ummm how about we just cut out the hole and put a .jpg of the dornal art in there?
I want to laugh but it's honestly too depressing.
male naga:
ssssssss give boipussssssssy
how much do I have to pay you for ssssssex
Are all world bosses awakened rn?
You leveled every class to 70 and didn't get any indication of what you enjoyed?
The loading screen is going to animate opening the lock. We've seen the finished screen, the closed screen, and the halfway screen. Now we're waiting on the animations.
it's really good
i didnt have to respec when i logged in today so i dont think so but i dont know how much it actually changed from the beta build that they pushed to live vs the build thats up rn
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>Decides to go check out moonguard if this whole mumbo jumbo about erp players being spooked to showing their lists
>Literally first person click was this
Though the faggot was memeing, but seems there really is a chain of events brewing over there now lol.
my mfw when the light emperor kills one of the dragon aspects to raise a lightforged zombie aspect
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oh and just to preempt the cope of "That's a new change!!!!" I made sure to go record the same thing in cata classic as well.
Erpsisters... this isn't true is it?
>blizzard bans all the good ones
>never been banned
does this mean my trp sucks?
you didn't post yfw THOUGH
I leveled them in the remix thing, and I've been told that's very different from how the actual game plays.
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what creatures drop these?
Yes sister... we just didn't want to tell you...
Or good enough that blizzard let you slide. Remember peoples views on what is good and bad is objective to the person and may not always apply to others.
blud got real quiet when those two mixtapes dropped
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my 100mb update is downloading at 50kb/s.
Why would they ban for quality, it's obviously some prog bewshit
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warbank never
I mean yeah and no. They're going to play slower but a rotation is a rotation. How your class interacts with builders/spenders/mana/energy/rage is also not going to change.
Your role in a dungeon also doesn't change. You're either dmg, tank, or heals. If you didn't heal or tank or any of the classes you leveled, you have at least 2 more alts to make. Dungeon spam on repeat with a healer and a tank. go go go.
What was getting at what this elf thinks is good quality is probably shit quality.
Sorry cost cutting measures, try downloading at 3AM
a fuck-alt i took for a spin a few months ago told me he works in blizz customer support. thought he was lying but maybe im being protected?
For every dainty elf whore complaining about getting suspended there's 4 black humans sitting in the corner talking about how they love pumping their BBC to modded up snowbunny dick drainers in goonshire
Every mob, but just go kill the forgemaster a bunch, he drops 30 of them, and you'll need another 500 after the initial 50.
Larp most likely. That or he was a blizz customer support at one point and was no longer working there when you were having your virtual fuck fun.
The Mechaspider has such a cool flying animation with the dragonflying change.
Too late, Daddy Warbanks has already prepped
fake and gay. just tried it in thaldraszus and I can do it fine. taking a vid of a change to the functionality of flight form thats been live less than 24 hours and treating as a feature is a 3rd worlder move.
>cata classic
>amount of bugs / modern features in that broken ass legion client
yeah nah
Most of the time I was in dungeons following a priest spamming AoEs. I did really enjoy questing as a rogue. Stealth is a really fun to play in the open world.
prove it then retard
come on
post some proof
anyone know with the Warband stuff if you can transfer gold between characters? i saw a video saying you can, but i can't find it now, and I don't know how.
Protected by the cabal, you must be a communist
How do I level in World of Warcraft: The War Within pre-patch?
You can't trade it directly until the warbank comes out
almost had me there
>Log on
>Go to some shit v*nilla zone
>Do 3 quests
>Get warband bank that doesn't work
>Log off
wow nice prepatch
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>ERPers are shaking in their boots, too afraid to ERP
Err... so who wants to tell him?
Play videogame.
So can say most of the erp players here seem to be mostly trial accounts when it comes to listed explicit detail. The ones with sub seem to be mostly blank, have an f-list link, or write something along the lines of "Gonna work on the trp later or too lazy to write, here's the f-list.". But yeah, seems for every sub account player that as a trp, there's about 10-15 trial accounts. TDLR, seems like erp scene has taken a hit in terms of confidence.
Since Pre-Patch, my map is telling me I am only on Chapter 1/5 of the Dragonflight campaign, despite me having completed it (I literally leveled a character in adventure mode earlier). Anyone else had this problem?
Thank you Captain Retardius Obvious. It's because the reporters only target players with active subscriptions since there's no point in banning a trial account since they'd just come back 5 mins later. As effective as trying to get a aimbot cheater banned in a free to play game.
how is a bank an advantage
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So is the best flying mount for the basic Draenei pally mog seriously the fucking Luminous Starseeker store mount?
When tinkers?
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>12 hours of downtime was done to make this usable
>Disables it 2 hours in and won't be active again until the main expansions launches a month later
Now watch the pre patch main event gets delayed until the week the expansion launches.
two men
two women
Care to tell us what your main is if you're so sure about yourself? Surely the CS will ignore any possible reports going your way as you kept spamming to that other retard earlier.
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It's over...
I believe they are coming out sometime after the following:

>high elves
>forest trolls
>wildhammer dwarves
This has been happening to me every update since dragonflight launched. I can sometimes get normal speeds for a few seconds if I pause the download for 5-10 seconds or restart bnet but every time it nosedives back down to 30-50kb/s. I have to sit there hitting pause and unpause every few seconds for the entire update otherwise it would take upwards of 24 hours depending on the size of the update. Searching for fixes is a pain in the ass because googling "bnet download slow" is always gonna return garbage results that just suggested restarting your router or some shit.
I had that problem last night. I have 1gb up/down and usually download everything super fast, but for whatever reason the small patch last night took forever.
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Or the Fey Dragon if you wanna be in line with the WoD Draenei.
I just do the Long-Forgotten Hippoygryph since I dress my goat pally in purple.
>Three instant seethe replies
i think they hotfixed it, didn't drop a single one for me
This is a seethe post?>>487513242
>We’ve identified an issue with cross-realm trading that requires us to temporarily disable the function.
nvm i got them now
Is anyone playing Remix or has everyone quit because the tuning is fucked?
Whole thread for the past hours been nothing but seethe or copium. Gotta be more specific lad.
Works on my machine
I have seen no issues regarding tuning in mopmix besides a bdk who didn't know what any of his buttons did.
Sneedthe and Chuckium
When Bard.
there's nothing wrong with mopmix
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I think BM was a bit better.
where is the fucking bagnon update
>it's real
And the shitshow continues.
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>QA lost...
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I'm personally loving Arms. Removing Whirlwind and buffing Cleave feels amazing. What don't you like about Survival?
Anyone else had their entire Dragonflight campaign reset? It says I have 1/5 chapters complete.
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I miss the old bombs with buff cycle. It was fun to check what you have and change whatever skill you use accordingly. Now, it's just a brain-dead spam ability. The damage is good, but the gameplay is a bit meh.
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Did i get banned
>still no tyrhold fishing hole
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Still no way to leave Timerunning?
>no you
Thanks for confirming my suspicions, ESL nigger.
This just means more devs shooting productivity in the foot because they read a mean tweet and now need to take 3 days of paid mental health leave.
doesn't this canonize shadowlands? People were thinking blizz would try gloss over it
Nope, gotta wait until the end.
Now bend over and let me knot you.
It is, and always will be, canon anon. Your fanfiction of writing it out is more cringe than the expansion was.
my sexband
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Braindead spam isn't my thing either, never can stomach Fury for very long. I like thinking and using procs in fun ways.

Also HOLY FUCK 4chanx fucking sucks. Stop getting a "connection error" you piece of garbage.
Did they hire a new guy to do their twitter ads?
These are at least funny, as opposed to the Dogshitflight.
You gonna carry me for tusks?
In reality what it means is that microsoft is going to make life miserable for everybody at blizzard until they all quit.
They aren't going to let game studios that represents a rounding error's worth of revenue to start a union movement that could spread across the entire company.
You need to watch out for other procs.
Fuck having to look at individual buffs, you can still play Outmeme if you fancy that.
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Why does this even exist anymore
It's not bad. It's just for me, S3 Survival felt the best gameplay-wise.
Why does that flavor cost a talent point
Because it wouldn't be flavorful if we didn't have it in the old style talent tree, that forces utility and flavor to compete with throughput.

MoP talents are better in every way.
>Every single new "feature" in the prepatch is either disabled due to it doing things it shouldn't, nonfunctional due to a bug, not enabled yet, or it's some half baked pile of shit that everyone hates because it doesn't fulfil a tenth of what they promised
And now that they've unionized, they can't even be fired for underperforming. Just wait, it'll only get worse.

You guys are right. The leveling is fucking crazy fast. Holy.
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For me, it's carpet
I've never censored my name in any screenshots since /vg/ was created and the only people who bothered me in game about it were cool and fun to hang out with some even becoming long time friends.
And that goes both ways, I've tracked down players from the thread who seemed cool and given free sub time (I have a huge stash of 60 day codes) and even gifted the paypig mount a couple times.
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i enjoyed shadowlands dungeons and raids
i used to use the word "gorm" a lot with my friends at the time

I want the hero talents right meow
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i want the expansion right now
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I really don't want to level a dark iron dwarf because they are shit and boring, but they are the very last Allied Race I haven't unlocked the heritage armor on, and the FOMO of timerunning exp gain is forcing me to level this bitch.
quite literally built for human men desu
10/10 patch desu
Can any Monk player explain where Chi Cocoon comes from

*NOTE* not life cocoon.
probs from chi-ji (the red bird)
What are you willing to do for it?
This patch is gay and sucks cock and eats cum
All fem pandas are legally required to mog away their pants
heh, like your mom
wheres the guy who says NO tinkers are the WORST class i'd QUIT if they added tinker you have SHIT taste
i knoew you're here bestie good job keeping a lid on it
I can't log on to check right now, but I think Chi Cocoon might be what you get when you combine Expel Harm with Thunder Focus Tea.
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>I like World of Warcraft
>start the harbinger quest
>it clearly takes place in dalaran
>but the quest marker is saying go to searing gorge for some reason
>decide to follow it just to see what the fuck it's doing over there
>"Take the flightpoint from searing gorge to Dalaran...."
I don't know what I expected.
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Listen I know we're not the brightest this late in the night but is this still accurate or is it a lot faster?
Yet you're playing anyway
I want to post pics but I also don't want to stop using 4chan-x, fuck me
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Arms feels amazing, also this disk using the new flying looks goofy as fuck.
How do I get the radiant echoes quest? My character is 70 and nothing…
Well yeah, why would I complement the patch and then not play it
Why is that stopping you?
The take flight animation is nice, at least on belves

i really like the roll it does
Don't you mean hoverboards?
everything is nice on belves
I look like this and say this
It will be faster than before for sure, but there's probably some re-optimization to do now that you only need around 30 bonus xp items total. It might actually just be more efficient to loot some of the bonus xp items to speed up getting to 25 and 35 faster.
pretty accurate
It feels amazing and it fucking destroys.
It's not Survival tier, but I'm getting better numbers on my shitass Warrior alt than my Warlock main.
i switched to arms too
Your legs look amazing
It's been having issues starting yesterday when posting an image, just throwing a generic error. Checked the archives and people on multiple boards have posted about it.
I think you can easily hit 70 without even doing Heart of Fear.
because i have a bag full of tier tokens that are warbound
can you mail them?? idk i havent tried that yet.
>hes a dildorider
sorry, watching true crime
pick up engineering and shut the fuck up, faggot

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