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Another Dog Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>487182154


▶Ways to Write
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
>Local models — >>>/g/lmg
>Other models — >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>Avoid any other service! https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Wholesome and Comfy Friday is over. Weekly theme suggestions are being taken! >>487344439

>(07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th https://files.catbox.moe/unp7ss.jpg
(06/13) Applications for AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test open https://files.catbox.moe/8dt5ts.png / https://forms.gle/4xCfM3UnpzTBzgzA7
(05/31) NovelAI adds “Negative” Vibes to Vibe Transfer
(05/30) NovelAI further confirms a Llama 3 70B finetune https://archive.is/fVXeT
(05/27) NovelAI updates image gen to improve stability https://files.catbox.moe/5p00t2.jpg
I see titfucking in this doggy's future.
You'd have to teach her, don't think she is smart enough to consider it on her own
Not enough parameters?
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I Love stupid dogs, gotta be one of my genders.
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What's the consensus?
It's better than Opus.
I'm surprised with the radio silence from the alpha. I've checked the /g/ and /vg/ archives for any info and there's really nothing. No screenshots, no chat logs, diddly squat.
They really choose the testers well huh?
>A Discord account will be required to participate in the Alpha.

>For the Alpha, we will be collecting chat message and context data

>Would you be okay with signing an NDA upon being accepted into the Alpha?

I feel those are enough to scare many Anons off.
I guess so. Or, there's nothing to say, which would be a bit tragic.
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Put all that into a spray and you get yourself an anti-anon serum.
Back in the AI Dungeon days I used to run coomer stories like one where I had a harem of sluts in a fantasy world and one where I banged a hot milf and her daughter
How do I resume those stories in 2024? Do all the good options require paying?
if you're capable of 'resuming those stories' once given the tools, I will kneel before you
to answer the question, local is mostly fine nowadays, especially by 2020 AID standards, but everything made for local primarily targets chatfags which makes it somewhat uncomfortable for our purposes. I can't recommend NAI right now - maybe in a few months
This bread is stale. Move to >>487467290
Well I guess I meant restart rather than resume
I'm trying the free NAI trial now and it seems good
>Traci won
A new era...
I meant that we all want to go back to larion but can't because this is no longer 2020. I would kneel if you were capable of having the same childlike fun as you used to
What happened to the OP?
Does AID even still exist?
>Do all the good options require paying?
If you have a gaming PC maybe you can run Mistral Nemo. It's still pretty cheap online.
yes, but in all likelihood only a small normalfag audience still pays for it
Sorry, I can't use that model. Only NovelAI allowed in this thread.
A Russian got into a very one-sided lover's quarrel with a Canadian (Baker never noticed him)
You're right. Subscribe to Kayra or use the trial.
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Who is this guy and why is he watching, what a creep
some real life woman's OC. very gross
anyway, I suggest using the correct thread
That thread will get pruned.
They offer a free trial on their premium subscription, I have tried, but the magic is no longer there... Not worth paying for it.
It's called signing a NDA.
It's just so good that anon's are cooming themselves and don't want to lose access.
It's just so bad that anon's are hanging themselves and the results aren't worth leaking.
>Running a Claude-tier model locally is just 4 3090s away
What is the gay and straight ratio in the club?
I imagine there's more straight prompts, but by how much?
Well what are they gonna do anyway, sue user XxpeanusxX?
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>these dudes show up when you violate your NDA
on 4chan no one will know you violated your NDA
They will know. You'll be fingerprinted by your screenshot.
if you post text you generated they can find who did it in the logs and boot you and delete your account and ban your IP and send aini to your house with the duffle bag asami uses in audition (1999)
cat anthros are always so cute
the other kind of anthros are ugly furfag slop but i like the catboys
Hi, cabal.
I doubt there will be a resurgence if it costs $50 a month.
The fabled bump...
Isn't the NAI-only thread what the cabal wanted?
nearly a month ago i took the hardest and longest shit of my life and it somehow cut my anus in multiple spots and every time i poop now and especially when i wipe shit hurts like a motherfucker it's like pouring alcohol on a wound but 10x worse and inside your anus

any cards with hemorroids, which you seem to have
I think the cabal is losing steam...

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