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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>487331105

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/07/23)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Nogxy lost, have fun still being called that 3 years from now
Post your character in your favorite look
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but enough about nogshai
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The black cat!
Does shitfingers still have a crush on Hamulily?
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Will this kino ever be topped in NGS?
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>crack V
they are all here everytime and everytime the thread is utter shit
Itt: EMV is queen of /pso2g/ again
Yes, but Hamu has Crack V blocked
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kind of

can you stop callin me that?
Nah, you deserve everything bad that happens to you lol
that’s not true miss piggy would never block me
File deleted.
why are you so cruel to me? that’s no way to treat your queen!
Nogtten the cuck lost bigly
Your mother is the real queen, shame that you physically assaulted her.
i can leave for hours to weeks and still piss ppl off
kritten hasn't posted for a month and nogxy still melts down over him
No proof. Stop making shit up Rope.
>the people that want me gone still want me gone after some time!
This is the retard who spammed the thread when pelle failed his "test", so please stop arguing with him, he can't, doesn't and won't accept anything that isn't is own headcanon.
nogtten you never left though
Apologize to your mother and kys shitfingers.
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Uhhh... Good morning, pso2g...
why do you sound like schizogri while also mentioning him in third person?
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this is my current favorite but i’m tired of it. i am going to make a new outfit later and post again! so y’all better be nice today~

because your queen commands you to~!
Why are you in that pose with such kissable lips bro
Because you're a hopelessly narcissist with schizophrenia.
Ugly pariah
QRD on:

How much of an improvement would the thread be without the pariahs spamming their shit here?
im gonna be real with you. the thread would be dead as fuck.
I'm in this list!
I wanna agp for you..
God I want you so bad. If that’s wrong then I don’t want to be right anymore. .
emv is prettier than aia
Die shitfingers
When it comes to faces he's prettier than rope that's for sure.
Goddess you’re back
I am going to shitpost like it’s 2022.
agp is lame! It's not simply a fetish for me, I'm mentally a girl and have been since I was a teen!
prettier than Pellegri
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i have just started experiencing this agp phenomenon since posting on pso2g. some nights i can’t even pleasure myself until i am sure i have made at least one of y’all come first!!
Not much tbf. Thread is dead for a reason.
That's not agp lil bro
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uh oh
I'm a minheight with really bad agp
I can't imagine sharing a discord server with shitfingers man, this is already too much faggotry
Hint? I'll call you a good girl.
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are you stupid? if you come here to act normal or make frens you’re fucking retarded. and you’re probably in there
Shitfingers doesn't want friends, he wants sycophants
i share a discord with you idiots.

you’re worse. shut up.
whatever you say cracklord
you share. a server. with Choukai.
Oh no he's CRACKING
I'm not in this list!
that’s one of yours retards lol
grimjak likes little boy avatars to grind in his parties with him
I share a discord with coomers. It's pretty chill.
Now back to your scheduled shitposting
Shitfingers really can't help himself lmao
Crack V spotted
step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls step on my balls
Are you ship 2?
I will find you.
simmer down franz
THE BLACK CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think you might be right about that, anon. .
I don't want friends, I want a partner!
Hey... I wonder if we're a good match!
You guys should see the shit he says in random blocks during the day. He just spams area chat with generic stoner philosophy
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thank you...
Hamu is quality fap material, change my mind
want to find out?
we should strife to tribute him everytime he posts his character
Are you max, mid, or minheight? We can start there!
>Will approach you for sex:

>Needs to be approached for sex:

>Needs to be approached for sex (Hard mode):

>Doesn't know what sex is:
the pso2g officers fear emv
Max, black skin
thoughts on Medusa getting doxed?
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This guy needs to take better care of his eyes.
>not knowing
I am willing to educate the bottom 5.
ill never be popular enough for the list...
i don’t approve of it

the doxing or what he did. why was Boss in there art getting fucked on the phone ? does actually pay him for amateur drawn cartoon porn?
Wanna start soon?
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Boss cucked* sry i’m trying to drive and Hitpost
Who do I raise social links with first to get into Arisha's clique?
Woah that's a change, I honestly expected a minheight reply. None of your friends want you? Partners usually come from friends as a natural evolution. I think they are missing out you sound optimistic!
its fine anon, ill remain invisible for 3 more years...
>Finding partner in this game where everyone cucks eachother
I envy you
why do you want to who do you like in there or do you think they will raise your social value?
His clique disbanded they are all in different alliances
I've never cucked anyone!
I want to be popular too
Well that fucking sucks. What happened?
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i wouldn’t. i mate for life like penguins
I don't see my friends in that way and meeting someone new is always exciting
no one wants you though
Where did you get the bike?
because they’re scared of being exposed when i don’t even do that shit bc y’all are paranoid now
This mod
I see now, I got a few myself which i feel weird myself advancing forward with. Are you on now?
whats the most alive alliance and the most dead for pso2g
Oh, it's a mod. I thought it was an ingame item.
dumped by the clique and his friends
All Global Alliances are dead
Good, they were all terrible people anyway.
I approach my wife for sex plenty
oh. why don't they merge?
Sadly. Would be cool if SEGA made stuff like this.
Because they are all bots
kupcake kingdom most dead
Come up with an alliance name if all 5 S2 VG alliances were to merge hypothetically
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El fat gatto jumping board
Maybe someday, probably. Excite bike collab? lmao
y’all idgaf about your stupid alliances anymore it’s not me asking this gay line of questioning before someone accuses. probably is grimjak again or someone y’all voted off pariah island
>Global Alliances
>JP Teams
is this cat unusually red or is my monitor fucky
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It's sunburn!
Cecile you could have joined my normie alliance you didn’t even give normies a chance. .
You never seen sunburn in your life ig
He went and joined a normie team
daikkuri wouldn't survive
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I am...
Normie teams are generally happier desu
Before we do, are you NA or EU?
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Thoughts on >>487461702
They are surviving now?
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This is one is wrong about me...
How do I find you? Just to try out I don't think we'll get along that well anyway...
why do you think that?
they're normies now
>this guy gonna expose 100%
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king when will you mate with me and consummate our love ?
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You namedrop people you crush on randomly.
You would pull a kritten and talk nonstop about whoever you managed to groom.
This is just false
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Honestly can't pick just one as my favorite
Whatever I'm wearing at the moment is my current favorite I guess
Seek jesus
male kneeling2
dignified greeting
Low self esteem possibly, these things never work out!
I am the real fan, ignore the other copycats
I don't know what any of these look like
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My favorite alt, too lazy to switch out right now.
i'm in this picture!
Alt?Choukai? the guy obssed with newcomers, new players and returnees uses alts?
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likewise, i'm a discount doppelganger for a reason
ESL seethe
but Choukai, you've been caught making English spelling/grammar mistakes before. pot calling the kettle black, are we?
Jiggu never approached me QQ
Don't start getting uppity kisa or i will leak your logs. I warned you.
leak it pussy
Do it faggot
How do I find a pso2g wife like this...
qrd on the hot blonde?
You sure you want your logs leaked where you shittalk toblerone or, insult buttoms or call one of the ppl you ERP'd with "boring as shit"? Just asking if you are sure about that.
Would Toblerone accept a rapist like Ollie and Jack into their alliance? There is your answer.
How were you raped?
Body sliders?
just shut up you're not leaking shit bitch stop wasting our time
please do
You won't do shit pariah.
I think we should be nicer to each other
Why do you ask this every time he posts?
I'm a very nice minheight...
That's a lotta yappin and not enough leakin
Ai doesn't give out sliders. In fact no twitter sluts ever give out their sliders
They are nothing special anyway, most pics are with mods
Doppel looks nothing like that
Stop LARPing and post the logs.
Trying way too hard. Won't leak them today
Ollie goes around wearing a cube, find a bunch of afk players, and started using modded emote on them. He record, take pictures of the act, and post them in /aco/.
LMAOOOOOO maybe next time you'll have something
you mean you wont leak at all legit wasting our time fuck off you spinless fag
Yeah but that's normalfags, who the fuck cares what happens to them?
maybe those people deserved it.
what were they wearing?
I haven't seen any good leaks in a long time
I rather make you seethe now and then i post them later.
Now that it's over, does your minheight have a gock?
Shitrope admitting to being a schizo is a good one
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i know right?
Never seen someone be emasculated this hard. Are you scared? What a bitch.
King Ollie
the list is fake...
posting fake text log k bud
Kisatroon already damage controlling because he knows what's coming.
Post it we already told you.
talk about koishi
Notice how Choukai been creating drama and stirring shit since base, that's insanity.
That's it guys. In light of recent drama: the tobleorgy will no longer allow the use of vapes on the premesis.
talk about chelkie
talk about cecille
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Video game discussion?
likes to grind!
but it's not content or meseta!
cant he's got to go make the fake logs first
actually all of the above!
I spoke with Choukai only once and he started droping the weirdest kinks and trauma dumping he cucked his friend
Hello friend, will you be upgrading to the new 10 star unit?
>Toblerone and upgrading
Lmao they'll wait the welfare, I fucking hate these sex pests
Aiatar has such good gear bros...
I need to affix my gear with ggs mostly but I'm so lazy and dun wanna do the duel 2s and 5s I'd almost rather buy ggs and sell some eradi reeeeeeeeeE
I should just scwatch for the aug transfer pass pain...
In toble...
I want to meet you but I don't know how to navigate it without people stalking...
Remind me what a cv wingard is...
just a recolor i think?
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what color...
how do I fix my agp...
switch to t1
what the fuck is agp
I can't right now we took too long debating here! But if you're curious, I have the Elegant theme on my lookbook (I think it was Elegant)
trans people in denial
I love my wife!!!
I just crave going back to T2 when I do...
I'll plap the agp out of you.
Ship 2?
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I love him...
nooo if you do that it'll just get worse
does it stand for something?
We can keep trying until it works <3
Me and who?
me on the right!
Minheights should kiss more
if my minheight crush ever loves me back there would be so much kissing...
what happened to runali and otoki...
Me on the right...
They're busy IRL and playing other things. Still happily together.
>moved away from pso2g tobles and etc
>happiest than ever together
What a surprise
When are you moving away from pso2g At
i always thought they were cute together so i'm glad to hear nothing bad happened
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but she's the cutest!!
so, it's me then...
where do I send the tribute
Good for you Cecile
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You may leave any offerings at the local guard outpost.
Apparently the max level has been raised to 90. Level 100 when?
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Nogxy here
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Hey guys why is custom animal suit 25+ million?
If furries can spend racks for their fursuits irl, then they can spend racks for their fursuits ingame
furries are mentally ill and will pay beyond premium for animal shit
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cuz cute n fluffy
That was a hypothetical, I didn't realize this was already planned. Do both the Japanese and western versions have the same schedule?
this LQ is garbage who thought it would be a good idea to keep it for another week
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>why is TDM so popular?
The entire game is mentality ill just to pay an arm and a leg for cosmetic
But this doesn't even look like typical fursuit, or anything remotely anthro. I'd assume furries would have no interest in it.
yeah i HAL my VALDI
I dunno maybe because its trapped in a scratch absolutely no one in their right mind would spend money on?
do you think WD can afford it?
It was 5 mil max last year, but the scratch might as well be Furry:The Scratch
>reruns no longer lower prices
>bogging losers purposely buy out sought after outfits in reruns because people start searching them when they show up in the banner
I use to defend this game but I think EoS is probably a year away at this point
The main problem is that the chibi suit is in a T1 scratch. In a game where T2 matter
It happens in other scratches too in the T2 scratch one of the older swimsuits was cheaper before the rerun
Reruns lower prices if the reruns are worth scratching. The problem is 9/10 of these reruns are complete shit. They're not 'popular items' like the revivals on base were. They're just random shit so the handful of desirable items don't drop in price because no one is willing to spend.
>EOS is soon because I'm poor
Globaltards baka
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my wife
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Yuri secs?
Nogxy deepthroating Queen Rope's steamy logs
scat rope is the one eating shit though
nice rope cope Nogxy
Most likely a schizo
>Shangri-La scratch confirmed in August
>No preview for September's "Shonen Manga" collab

PLACE YOUR BETS, FOLKS. Given that no series is too old or esoteric for Sega, I'm personally hoping for Full Metal Alchemist/FMA: Brotherhood or something
Shitrope is fat because he takes in double the amount of nutrients. He shits out his own food and eats it again. Scat queen
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Why does this general have so many vicious and evil posters?
Sounds like Queen Rope crushes Nogxy in between her cheeks when Nogxy tries to eat her logs
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That's right her fatness comes from recycling her own scat logs
Are you not getting tired of namedropping your boyfriend at the same hours everyday?
If you're getting mad at Nogxy being said maybe you should leave
It's literally spam at this point and it does nothing but contribute to lowering the thread quality even further
nobody cares besides Nogxy and Nogxy defenders which are you?
You are just mentally ill
>shitropes schizophrenia is getting worse
maybe eating more scat logs helps?
Do I cheat on my wife with a lively brat?
Nogxy makes him chimp out so I post it simple as
I'm not even boxy you fucking retard
Ok nogtten
why dont you just invite your wife along to double team the lively brat?
Fake, my dear Haruhi would never say the R-word.
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in 2006 you could call someone a gay retard and not get cancelled
i never understood this person. what was the point of him existing in this general? all his rants were incoherent, never had a real opinion on anything and generally no backbone. unironically what was the point
>gets mad on Nogxy's behalf
>says someone else is a retard
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Your mother asks the same thing everyday about your existence lmao gottem
I'm not even mad shitrope. Stop projecting.
You can still do that now. The younger people I know that are extremely left use those terms all the time for things.
The likelyhood of that happening is way higher for you since you are in a dead general posting satania, fatso.
Nogxy melty uh oh
imagine think its not as bad in jp lol
i never realized that someone posting pictures without context would cause this much of schizophrenia in people
Every general is like this. It's insufferable.
I cheated
with choukai?
Is he really into that...
with a lively brat...
No you didnt you are just a shitskin cuckold trying to force your dogshit fetish onto the thread
based. finally someone told the truth
Many such cases
And you know this how?
thread theme
If you have less than 250% potency you deserve to get cucked and subjected to being a cuck
Did it hit home? Stay ashamed. your fetish is boring trash
the one crying about cucking is the biggest cuck in the room desu
>Third worlder fetish
>How do you know?!
>thinking man's fetish
>third world
So much cope over a shit fetish
>trying to downplay the popularity with slander
#1 fetish in Japan for a few years in a row btw
He already said third world anon.
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Sorry you aren't SMART enough to be a cuck, sis!
If you have to uplift yourself in support of your fetish then it ain't it chief
Why are you even mad at cucks? If you don't like it, you won't partake in it and neither will you agree to subject yourself to it.
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According to the latest statistics, Japan’s fertility rate — the average number of babies a woman is expected to have in her lifetime — stood at 1.2 last year. The 727,277 babies born in Japan in 2023 were down 5.6% from the previous year, the ministry said — the lowest since Japan started compiling the statistics in 1899
uh oh cuckold melty
>wet back shows his face for this
An experienced voice in this matter LOL
was he the one being upset about other peoples fetishes the whole time?
checks out
this one aint a own if he shits on cuckold garbage
I don't want a cuck, I want a human dildo!
so you are telling me wet cuck is based for calling out trash fetishes??
Sorry, I belong to two others
After being cucked ten times over, I'm sure he had a bitter disdain for cuckoldery as it was against his will.
>it was against his will
>he knew his e-boyfriend was a town bike
he brought it upon himself
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Stop being weirdos
Pits or feet in NGS?
who are taken town bikes?
sounds like someone too good for him if he cant wrangle the sluttiness
Fetish is still complete trash though. He's not wrong either way.
Your mum
My wife!
I wish someone would take me!
can someone that isn't an ugly baboon post feet please...
This, sort of. I mean, it's kind of nice to think about...
I'm a perverted slut with an insatiable appetite, but I really wish someone would just swoop me off my feet, steal my heart and take care of me!
Would you really give up the whore life to love a special someone?
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I mean eventually yes
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Romantic sluts... I always wondered what it takes to woo them. Not like I can pull it off.
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waddya say let’s bury the hatchet kisa?? your alt is really cute unique and cute!

now i want to make a blonde geek alt inspired by Choukai*.+
feel free to stop existing any time now
Sorry i called dibs
Never do drugs kids.
>now i want to make a blonde geek alt inspired by Choukai*.+
You won't fix your face but do it anyway
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You look like ass, and by ass I mean Rope's unwashed shitstained asshole.
>wife cheated on me
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I will give my life to /la stroke you...
>true minheight
>Smug face
>Cute af
JPchads win again
Want to have revenge sex?
looks like shit
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thanks yumeki
i’ll make you love me so much Choukie that no T2 will ever be able to fulfill you again i want to ruin you~

what face type do you want her to have (blonde + glasses) and what type of blonde? she’s going to be minimum height okay?
Not him but do a cutie face if you're doing minheight
you're genuinely vile
>the furfag isn't using that disgusting blob anymore
Good. That shit is vile.
pso2g(s) for this feel?
I want to see a genuine attempt at T2 face
you wanted me to tribute you didn’t you you wanted it to be true just unblock me i won’t tell anyone
i miss krittening where is she. .
>bf is still in NGS
>shitten gone
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Not my favorite but I don't feel like taking another screenshot

i’ll work on it i want to do sylphid and lively too i have so many makeups snipt can’t really use
He should have stuck with emv. she was going to have him as her general in the menhera army supposedly but Kritten blew it.
Shut up cracky
who do you think you're talking to? you're projecting hard
Playing TF2
Any dataleaks past February?
miss porky

it’s about the message
you have actual issues, seek professional help
if i's about the message then at the very least give her a good reason to unblock you
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i’m a way better companion, asset, friend, and fuck than Everian
Want to be friends?
You really didn't prove that lol
I dunno, the horse is a pretty damn good fuck
you have to go back to the clown oh my god
Eve is based though, reconsider this angle you're not gonna win
i'm afraid "two-faced" isn't enough to describe you
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ñiņĩ /pso2g/~
make sure you don't wake up tomorrow
hope you don't wake up!!
good night wake up safe and sound darlin
lesat obvious samefag
Galama says, “Sweet dreams.”

She told me to tell you that, okay?
cucked miss piggy straight out the bed zamn
>and this little paypiggie said
>wee weee weeee
>all the way home!
I'm glad shitfingers is around because he makes most of you seem like well adjusted individuals.
If I may interject for just a moment here, I know this general is rather busy with an important discussion, however, I have but one quick question to ask and I will be on my merry way.

Does anybody here know when is the Red Planet ver2 expansion going to be released for PSO2: New Gendersis?
the what now
Mars expansion. We have space ships now?
mars? the discount dark blast?

next week
about time we got out of this halpha simulation
I think calling them space ships is a stretch, but yeah next maintenance
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let’s pretend like we are reddit for the next 10 posts.

>Post your yfw we are going back to le outside space when MARS expansion update drops :)
Greetings reddit! Who the fuck is this drug addict and why is he spamming our forum non-stop? He's been at it for years what the hell
We are going to Mars?? Huh
Humor me for a second since you're clearly not going to bed and will just stay here shitposting, why do you want people to hate you?
Hello fellow ideological lukewarm simpleton hehehe that’s just r/trektrans for I tolerate and cherish you. Here kind stranger, Have a free 4chon pass to give you chat gpt friend a little pick-me-up courtesy of Wet Doodles and ShoeRope!
you hate everything about yourself and see it reflected back at you here you’re irreparably flawed just let me c-c…cuc i mean fix you hamu. are you ovulating btw
kill yourself
"ARKs will discover objects in space sent to us by the darkers..."

As a distinct participant of this community, I strongly agree with Nostradamus.

His brilliance has enlighten me of our shortcomings as of late.

It wasn't Zephetto whom had kept us within the confines of this world, it was the darkers all along!

You are a fool for thinking otherwise. Don't get me wrong, I can get down to Zephettos vision- but his recent thought process has not aligned with his ideas.

Starless? They are simply a heightened and structurally complex version of DOLLS! ... What say you?
What is it like to ovulate in zero gravity? Is it like strangulating your testicles where the pp is stored? Huh?
You know maybe EMV is alright after all. After she went to bed the thread got noticeably worse and lower quality.

Who is /our queen/ again?
Stop projecting, shitfingers.
>I'm going to sleep guise
>doesnt go to sleep and continues selfposting
EMV affixed his gear, please pray for his mother. She might actually not survive once he hits the limit break button now. (crack pipe)
does it really matter if all he does is spam stylish roll like a lost roach when he's not just standing still?
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pso2g like this?
kek, you're in THAT thread too?
s-shut up
It's okay, I opened it because the OP was relevant to me too...
I used to be like that...
I have a vrchat friend like this
are you a cute minheight?
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Hey that's me!!!
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>Alpha's Hair at 28m
What the FUCK it doesn't even look good
find me right now!!!
Then why are you complaining about the price~
cause everything in this scratch is expensive as fuck for no reason and it might become a trend
>what games do you play when youre lonely because none of ur friends care about u?
Cringe ass losers. Thought pso2g fags all had friends? What happened to that narrative?
Looks great on my minheight!
>/pso2g/ is one person
you all act like bots
Nuh uh, I act like a slut!
It IS already a trend
It'd make sense if it was 1m or 2m since it puts it on the radar and people buy a few items without more listings.
However that is absolutely 100% not the case if an item suddenly jumps up 15m in price.
only when he’s cycling targets.

post your aelio intruders rank 3 gunner dps or shut up ham planet
Weren't you going to bed like an hour and a half ago? Why are you still self posting?
Go wash your hands brady, don't want to get meth residue on your mother's face.
Let's be real, who has friends online in 2024, at best they are aquaintances, one day they'll be gone anyway.
Sometimes he stylish rolls an extra cycle waiting to perfect roll before popping a chain trigger so he can channel the full duration of the PA with iframes and extra potency to boot. There are much worse gunner on ship 2 than EMV.
There're a lot of codependant people in here for sure
his gear alone puts him in the top .01% right now
This is pure cope, also there're no other hairs similar to it
This is the weirdest melty you've had yet brady.
Put the crack pipe down, and go stylish roll to sleep.
Post ARKS Records time
calling me vile makes my pp refill instantly
What's next, you want little minheight feet on your face as well?
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any csl?
Watch out! he will try to do a 3 hour feet erp
shut up cracky
For what?
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Lets be friends.
Another dead week, atleast they could've given us a different LQ, they are adepts at recycling and then back to Aelio for the...8th time?
Anyone for a quick fap, no weird shit, meet and get to it
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>Any other grown men want to log into a video game to mutually masturbate?
>No weird shit
why aren't there any t4 pso2gs?
Meet me A1
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Nogxy is still mad the blue fairy christened him Nogxy huh
r u casel?
you just know one of them is choukai trying to find a fap buddy lol
>popular block
We really doing this again?
S2 ret com
trip back on
It's always Choukai
Still waiting in ret com
i peeked into a1 fast its doppel or koumaru
Only person that showed up is Cakewalk from Enlighten alliance but it's clear they aren't interested in fapping and just stalking
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Good night pso2g, have a wonderful everyday
Good thing I didn't show up if you're just dropping privacy like nothing!
Nogxy here just finishing him up 2nd job to pay for my 24th year of college
Yeah, exposing stalkers is great.
>Anyone for a quick fap
>Yeah, give me a block
>Gives empty block
>Only comes to stalk
>Why do you drop my privacy!!!
>it was squishy again
>it was sdoll peggy 3000
ain't no way
What makes you think Cakewalk visits this thread
>it actually is choukai
>it was gwiz
well well well...
why are literal normies who in this thread anyway
>emv shows up
>everyone flees
like clockwork
it’s so lonely now
Snooze loose or something something
I saw who it actually was, as soon as I joined the block he immediately whispered me and said if I namedropped him he would rape me and post a cum tribute of me on /aco/...
obviously lying cause you would've namedropped him otherwise
You're on thin ice.
I don't understand, is that supposed to be a deterrence or something?
Perhaps I can be of assistance...?
you are either emv or a minheight like me.
won’t risk it, thanks though anon!
i want to fap with a minheight...
I hope it’s me!
based peacemaker dabbing on the warmongers
go to bed crack v
>or a minheight
>didnt try out throne and libery before the open beta ended
who the fuck are you even quoting mate
i just midheight t1 on minheight 2 ama
Shut the FUCK up Jiggu, god damn.
>when the schizophrenia kicks in
how did you know?
I am a minheight lively. Thank you for your time.
I love Jiggu
post butt
I am not lewd, sorry.
I'm minheight but not lively, breaking new ground.
stop spewing mindless garbage everyday holy fuck
I'm a minheight lively who makes others unfaithful!
You can be minheight and not lively! Those are the ones that are the freakiest…
I HATE Jiggu.
For you, HATE! HATE!
I'm a faithful minheight lively!
I am a maxheight T2. Thank you for your time.
What if I'm freaky too? Does that make me a trailblazer?
Sure does!
Maxheight T2s will be converted to cocktoys!
I can't stop thinking about having sex with my minheight wife...
But she's asleep.
Why are you all brown SEAfags and weird euros
Nice, time to see if people like T2 x T2 or T3 x T2 with minheights!
Minheight livelies will be used as onaholes!
Where is the minheight list that’s been posted?
franzburg, gyro, cappu, rinka, doppel, mokku, ollie, maku, andesi, kou, potionaholic, choukai, crimson, aiatar, tsuna, stena, machi, lucifi, alice, vehk, milocc, xevel, shiro, xear, erdbeere, chelkie, stella, kirschmesser, necromanceme, rumlatte, angery, graal, moira, finchy, atalanta, chanso, chiaki, ciel, esvatira, lulu, galama, w-41fu, melissa, kouwaseki, shine, buttons, grizzermacht, squishy, hennika, fall, firo, neith, romalea, rope, alicia, jiggu, grimjak, caelestis, otoki, runali, wakaba, akari, remi, krittening, gpof, bastet, buelle, chu, asuka eros, void blade, renee, nihlim, moratheos, firegreen, nightfire, caduceon, werin, nashai, boss, maki, rainasu, agm, yuno, sura, fanda, boxy, redrey, morgan, nutmeg, piyoko, marceline, piper, jack, khu, pellegri, kriell, yomiki, nia, ars, rance, platinum, wilow, cornelia, jole, koishi, oxion, amaranthe, holden, squib, horse girl, tok, sipsoo, lofn, nym, nightfire, agent mitsumi, mieri, everian, blender franzburg, gyro, cappu, rinka, doppel, mokku, ollie, maku, andesi, kou, potionaholic, choukai, crimson, aiatar, tsuna, stena, machi, lucifi, alice, vehk, milocc, xevel, shiro, xear, erdbeere, chelkie, stella, kirschmesser, necromanceme, rumlatte, angery, graal, moira, finchy, atalanta, chanso, chiaki, ciel, esvatira, lulu, galama, w-41fu, melissa, kouwaseki, shine, buttons, grizzermacht, squishy, hennika, fall, firo, neith, romalea, rope, alicia, jiggu, grimjak, caelestis, otoki, runali, wakaba, akari, remi, krittening, gpof, bastet, buelle, chu, asuka eros, void blade, renee, nihlim, moratheos, firegreen, nightfire, caduceon, werin, nashai, boss, maki, rainasu, agm, yuno, sura, fanda, boxy, redrey, morgan, nutmeg, piyoko, marceline, piper, jack, khu, pellegri, kriell, yomiki, nia, ars, rance, platinum, wilow, cornelia, jole, koishi, oxion, amaranthe, holden, squib, horse girl, tok, sipsoo, lofn, nym, nightfire, agent mitsumi, mieri, everian, blender
Begin the ritual to summon a maxheight lively.
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>Dependable, got your back (100%)
Agent Mitsumi

>Safe to chat with (75%)
Asuka Eros
Rinka Linca

>Don't tell them secrets (50%)
Void Blade

>Can't be taken seriously (25%)

>Automatic blacklist (0%)
You’re so silly
this needs to be updated
You don't use your wife while she sleeps?
South east asians are subhumans
just open the last thread?
my wife (male) wakes me up to use me, this ensures i’m too weak to do anything!
see >>487461702
>every name mentioned twice
>except nightfire, mentioned 4x times
crap list
Fuwa Kumi
Astraia Envi
Void blade
Gold Fox Mk. IX
Tartarus Drone
C.Revolver 214D
How do I erp with Mis?
Why did you remove Taz and Xi Gundam from the list
There are several T1s on that list
some of these rarely play
minheight with AGP?
what a dogshit thread
unfaithful minheight lively wife..
Goodnight, /pso2g/!
Goodnight CUNT
I hope you KILL YOURSELF!!!
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Please stop namedropping me...
>trix bag says mystery colored milk, same slightly pink as always
my disappointment is within expectations and my day has just begun
Be thankful they stopped doing that puff ball garbage. I'm glad they went back to the fruit shapes.
Please namedrop me!
No, that gives you more power!
Alright, lover~
Exactly! And I need more power so I can bring about EoS!
Wish for it harder and we'll never hold each other ever again~
You want me to put it in your mouth? Okay!
use me while i rest i only exist for your pleasure añon~
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I like NGS.
calm down shy
my sis on the left
character file please?
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My fashion sense is fucked.
There is no such a thing as fashion sense, it's all preferences
Who the fuck designed Lizentos's moveset and why do they harbor such hate for humanity
not favorite but pic I guess
It use to be okay only because the hitbox was so fat that it hit you no matter what it did pretty much so good for a bad reason
now it's just miserable in every single aspect and he's close to the worst
Oh no no no
Can i be your friend?
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deth... maybe it's better this way...
Sure, send me a friend invite and we'll hangout!
Post the picture
the embodiment of autism.
so be it...
/stamp 419

Looks okay since zoomed, but ingame and without mods, shade and etc its horrid with spaghetti arms, just being honest
do you also like dead island?
imagine actually wanting to fuck a fridge lol
>he doesnt want to turn his cube into a ice cube
>the whole thread is wet dreams convincing you he is boxy and him arguing with men who e-date each other because of their crippling porn addiction
bring back erp posting
what if its women e-dating men would that make it ok?
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gooooooood mornin, sirs…!!
when are you going to interview me?
Are you azrice?
whenever you’re available.. today i dont have much going on. was planning on farming some or just sleeping in for a change
It's the methhead shitposting again. He gets ignored even by normalfags in-game. This is the only place he can get some form of interaction with others. It doesn't matter if it's negative, he's that starved for attention. Even the mentally ill autist that was Kritten has learned to move on, but cracky's just a natural born reject.
what would that even entail though anon?!
would you be able to stay hard in a cool place like that anon?
Me and my midheight wife are looking for a third...
Don’t act like you wouldn’t mating press the Samsung Series 6 RS66A8101S9/EU American Style Fridge Freezer with SpaceMax™ Technology - Silver, like your life depends on it.
That's a nice fridge
Shouldn't you be talking that over with your wife...
I really need a wife that I can obsess over that will treat me well...
>Nogtten has moved on
Hes literally here shitposting alongside the pariahs lmao
Are you caseal?
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I really need a wife that looks good without shaders and mods.
I am!
post your minheight wearing the same underwear
>half their owned emotes are Rev
this actually upsets me
Seek help
An amusing and awkward thing to agonize over
didn't he move from jp to na recently? he'd have to buy all the bogged emotes if not getting the rev variants
You are a bunch of failed cuckolds playing this dogshit game who the fuck are you calling loser
A bunch fall into the CSL parts category; they don't even exist on the market anymore
you’re welcome post more
lol sorry for party rockin? what do you want to talk about / do today?
>one calls him a loser
>instant aggression towards everyone
Doesn’t sound like EMV. Pure conjured projection. Seek help.
>Deleted replies
You cannot even make this shit up.
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favorite line strike card?
>their failed PSU general dies
>now they resort to spamming /v/ threads
what's got the discord clique so up tight lately?
Who cares about your Globalbab tranny drama. Fuck right off.
>what's got the discord clique so up tight lately?
He indeed jumped to global; a lot of shit would be too expensive to just go and buy, if not flat-out unobtainable because of the Fresh Finds shop from the PSO2 years.
Minheight livelies see an older looking T1 and instantly turn the brattiness up to 11
hey you degenerate faggot trannies stop trashing /v/ with threads of your fucking dead game, fucking degenerates there is a reason for these containment generals.
Minheights were built for t3s desu
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Okay, I'm done with her. Time to never log into this character ever again!
Hey I only spoiled some CS' secret seggs room ONCE
It's still there by the way, and I've found plenty of others in other CS' but I think people are starting to get better at blocking them off so only the CS owner/people with build perms can open them up
I can see why you're done that might be your worst face yet. Legit looks like a man in a wig.
>endless amounts of compiled logs
don't blame us, those mentally ill lincoln project JP weebs have no affinity with anonymous
you should feel pitty for they/them, in about a month Xigncode will banish they/them to the shadow realm
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Show me your character before you spout your bullshit my man.
>the modbeasts log in, not realizing XIGN is ONLINE
>trap card status: activated
You're right it does look like that one popular fag crossdressing manga
That's me!
You would know about fag crossdressing mangas
Stop liking old men.
I can't help it!
They activate my cocklust so badly
Hows it feel knowing there hasn't been a post for awhile now and everyone is just looking at your post lusting over old men?
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Was it you who said my character looked like a man in a wig? Please respond before I decimate the wrong person.
Fag shit was all the rage back when I last frequented /a/, I gtfo of there when they stepped up a notch with tranny shit though.
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Very well, carry on!
>Nearly saw Azrice chimp out at Boxy over being called a tranny
So close to kino
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not today shitrope.
if i ever said you looked manly
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>Nogxy showing up at the tail end of the thread to bumpslave
Why would other people lust over old men too?
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sure we're talking about the same person?
Hehehe nice...
He chimps out often
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What content should I farm in 2-3 hours?
Nigga scroll up and READ. Azrice got caught dressing up with a wig.
Why are you spending your summer holidays talking to yourself in a dead thread? Go outside and live nigga.
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I love being defeated!
I love being feet'd!
>instantly upset when your name is called
by minheights?
by anyone...
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Post faster we're almost there
isn't it cute? shitrope and his boyfriend bumpslaving together
I just post like random screenshots. I don't get the unwarranted attention.
nogtten lost
>Still haven't shown themselves
Heh, cowards but even if you did show your ugly mugs you're 1000 years too early to face me.
Okay transrice
minheight steppies…
on my face...
I would... but I'm not meeting up with people from the thread
Hey, I know who this is!
Nogxy can only do low IQ shitskin activity after all
stop you have a wife
My feet stay firmly in my sneakers!
If there isn't content in 6 minutes I'm going to bed.
both wrong!
why do you think you'd know an anon from a single post anyway?
>this will finally be the pyc that makes me people like me!
we are so close to another pyc
is there a catalogue of all the cosmetic stuff anywhere
arks visiphone and nekowa are your best bets afaik
What do you do?
Content happening get the fuck on
So you don’t have a wife? You’re saying I have a chance…?
I see all.
wishful thinking and/or schizophrenia, depending on the anon
well technically....
But can you see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

Sex with Fall
I've fallen so badly for another anon
We are so back T1 bros.
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check em
I hope it's me!
Be careful anon!
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I require large minheight asses desu
list the minheights with the biggest asses
floor is ass
>post number also ends in 7
That sounds gay
Yeah it's going to get pretty gay
I sure hope so!
Minheights belong to other minheights
They belong to wiz
The proper pairing is thick milf t3 x minheight desu
thick milf x minheight t3 is better
As long as the T3 isn't an ogre, sure
This but not a fridge
a midheight that's thick in the right places is good
Shut the fuck up Caelestis
I'm going to fuck that horny dog and her friend desu
We know it's you Tiddy
It's not!
I know this is going to end terribly for me
>implying gyro isn't going to just watch cael getting rail by a T3
Oh you're that weird cuck that always imagines ntr scenarios involving anons you see in aelio lol
Except there is a video of this happening and it was posted here a few times already
You mean the single video you found in the mod discord, that you desperately searched months back to find? The one nobody really cared about, other than the dog's lack of care for the salon game of who they're doing poses with?
>funpost about kissing minheights as a minheight
>actually dream about such scenario
>can't see faces they are covered in a black cloud
>It's cute pecks first then full on tongue
>hold her butt
>wake up
I need to ease it up...
I will never understand why wet cuck has such a hate boner for c and g desu
All I wanna do is plapplapplap a minheight
Happy couple even with horrible sliders

They're happy. He's not.
Be careful. Minheight kisses are addictive.
I haven't had my first as a minheight, yet...
How can you spread the gospel of minheight kisses if you've never had them?
I use my experience with midheights and just imagine it as cuter, softer, sweeter! Also reading media involving such things leaves me fantasizing about it...
me on the right!
I need you and a friend to help me with a BIG problem
Why would a minheight want a used goods midheight instead of another pure minheight?
Sure! Just kudos me. Anything for a nice oji-san
minheight, duh!
It's not the same, that's a completely new person! New memories, new feelings, new desires!
What about oka-sans?
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>hag so lonely they become a bandwagon minheight just to get any action
Go court some T1s.
if you don’t have the true soul of a minheight it’s not meant to be sorry
Midheights that switch to minheight stick out just like T1 mains that switch to T2.
You know it when you see it.

Minheight is a state of mind, not just a slider value that you can just adopt.
You picked the words that hurt the most and hit the hardest... time to whither away... ;_;
hey anon, it's going to take some time getting accepted into the minheight circles. Don't give up. Learn the mindset and become a proper brat, and eventually you'll be one of us.
However if you're just a height tourist I hope you burn!!
The minheight initiation process is pretty rough on the body.
I hope you're prepared.
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I'm not a brat, just stoic. I could never be mean to someone else for sport, but I'll receed...
You don't have what it takes to be a minheight...
minheights are either bratty or shy, not stoic!
Shut the fuck up, Jiggu
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Don't worry, I'm giving her up for adoption as we speak...
h8 minheights simple as

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