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Previous: >>487438396

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Resonator Showcase | Changli — SEIZE THE INITIATIVE

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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wawu !
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best general love
post THAT
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WuWa is
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my wuwas
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Yeah we do, whos hands are those?
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wuwa !
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Predict the revenue of 1.2
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You guys keep fucking it up
We're /gaga/ now, the general for Game: Game by Kuro Games
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isn't weird that since Wuwa was out those tracking sites glitch at least once every month?
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Weee Wuuu Weee Wuuu
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>loli Jinhsi
loli Jinhsi
>loli Jinhsi
loli Jinhsi
>loli Jinhsi
loli Jinhsi
>loli Jinhsi
loli Jinhsi
>loli Jinhsi
loli Jinhsi
FUCK I WANT IT AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GA GA GO GU GE GE GU GA!!!!!!!!!!!!
no way fag
don't care, didn't ask, still playing the game because it's fun
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Last month the glitch probably helped wuwas rankings, this month the glitch will fuck wuwas rankings.
Fate giveth, fate taketh away, but in the end it doesn't even matter.
I'm flabbergasted at the K1 Powercreep of this bitch, i shuder to think of how 1.1 will look
CCP sabotage mihomo is the chief cultural export of the CCP currently.
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How do I tower the last 4 rooms? 4* rectifier, standard 5* sword and 5* harvest here.
Pretty sure these trackers glitch out all the time, consistently. It's not new the numbers are always inaccurate.
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Have you considered that maybe it's real? What if assassins murdered the entire wuwa playerbase overnight and you haven't noticed yet?
Yes, that means you too, you're dead. You just haven't noticed.
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>new thread
yeah, without hard prove, speculation is getting us nowhere. The game makes enough money to be profitable for years, so no worries.
what's she praying for?
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Actually it's : Cultivation Kino WaGOwweewu
she's horny and wants me to return from Changli's quarters
>in a game that had Jinhsi as the third banner
Come on now, are you even trying?


I'm enjoying those. They are fun.
Do we have 1.2 leaks and previews yet?
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>new Wuwa thread
>thread always begins with a bunch of incomprehensible grunts and howls
>I hope you have fun bro
I stuck with genshin for 4 years cause I like the main story, but not being able to skip the convoluted dialogue of the side quests is killing my will to live.
I think 5.0 will be the patch that makes me uninstall; I'll just read follow the story on the wiki
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ok I get the hype
Pure Sex
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for the seed to take root
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>Censor tower smoke and mirrors chart post
>our game
>appstore downloads
>AI slopped wall of text
>unprompted comparison to gi/zzz
>professional cameramen
>blatant falseflag
Show me a clip of somebody clearing tower (which is easy) blindfolded on jinhsi
Jiyan is better
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Daily reminder to ignore these niggers, faggots, and trannies that thems mihomo keeps sending our way pardners...
Reckon you guys are getting all riled up 'bout it but ain't no need for all that, just keep yer wits 'bout ya...
These faggots and niggers ain't nothing but dust and tumbleweeds out there, but you best keep yer eyes peeled and yer [-] finger ready for dems homos.
If yer headin to /wuwa/town, watch out for ol' tranny discords, they've got a weak cuss and lack of wit and aim, but if ya get on its bad side, they'll screech in this ours neighborhood for a long time, your neighbors will be upset.
Folks 'round these parts can spot them trannies, and it's best to steer clear of trouble from these:
>EoS posting
>zzzoo posting
>genshit posting
>posting whatever lasses they've freshly released made for furry knotting to these parts thinkin' we'd take kindly to strangers that look like harlots
>bringing up zzzoo drama here in our town
>if the fine lads of /wuwa/ keep ignoring them, they'll spam revenueposting or zzzoo picture posting on repeat till someone nibbles on tthe bait so best be careful.
>careful to trust any innocent prospecting posts you meet, some of 'em ain't too honest and are disguised bait. Some of em untrustworthy folks try to falseflag as someone from other allied threads so best not rattle your neighbors.
I reckon they're new update not bringin in any increase in joy and entertainment to their so-called game caused them all to be riled up.
There ain't much out here but wuwabwos and a comfy place but thems folks here should mind their manners best and not engage in tomfoolery by giving dem animal-lovers (You)s.
We're few honest folks here, but 'course of trouble comes lookin for ya, we best be ready to handle it.
That's all folks, hope you have a nice day.
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Why is she so smug?
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>inhales deeply
trusting the retards at prydwen is his first mistake
first general?
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It's fine, I have contacts in the industry and they've sent me the latest chart
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one ugly 5* shy, uwu-tehe nerd girl that no one's hyped for

and one 5* male with kino movesets but apparently kuro's giving him away for free cause they hate money

1.2 will kill the fucking game for good
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she knows i'm going to lose the 50/50 and keep rolling
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Thanks goro you're truely my greatest ally
I'd be twice as smug if i looked like that TO BE DESU
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She is cute yes, but my years of experience consuming vidya, animu, mango and gachas warn me to don't trust girls who put fingers near the mouth
I don't think shes that much better than jiyan, especially if your mortefi is cracked
holy fuck we’re saved bwos
The chibis of PGR are taking over... They're too strong!
not sure if anyone's mentioned this before but Changli's really hot
tinfoil hat theory:
the reason why cube guy is free is because kuro realized that 1.2 is gonna be a dead patch so he's the carrot on a stick to keep players engaged.
thank you doro
my Jiyan is a constant disappointment and I have to farm energy on him half the time
I just got Mortefi maxed out from Changli's banner but he's still a jobber
I figure he'll be functional sooner or later but it feels like I'd need twice the crit and er
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Thanks Sherrif
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Is that....85237598723908342 wuwillions holy shit all investors are on first mission to Saturn confirmed !
So are you all saying I should stop buying the monthly for this game? Is ZZZ a better investment?
It just seems weird that they're counting on zhezhi to carry the fucking patch. I don't see it happening
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wuwa is this real?
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Not very tinfoil, that's exactly what they're doing
Gacha games have a lot of competition, and purchasing goodwill from the playerbase is a lot more valuable than short term income right now. Giving everyone a free character to play with is a good way to keep people motivated to log on during downtime.
Yeah you want some good ER and crit for Jiyan, atk is needed but isnt as important as the other 3 obviously. Your S6 mortefi buff is a big help here to fill in the gaps. I finally S6ed him too he is a beast.
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My uncle spots for Solon can confirm.
This post made me smile, thank you sheriff.
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As long as I get some good content I will be content with 1.2 that said the Gacha wars are coming and I'm pretty excited to see it.
what the worst she could do? bite my dick?
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It's probably true but I would add that they probably also want to create a precedent for future free chars so similarly dead patches with less hyped characters will still have something of note for players.
what do we know about zhezhi?
is she a dps? will she powercreep jinhsi?
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>checking shit for another game I play
>find this

It will be if I say Jinzhou girls know how to throw it back near Aalto, by the time I get to Black Shores every female will have been trained to do it.
She's a coordinated attack recatlfier user much like Yinlin but glacio.
shes a glacio subdps veri similar to yinlin (her outro buffs skill and glacio), she has coordinated attacks but they are near the start of her rotation unlike yinlin's.
as such she will be jinhsi's best teammate and pair insanely well with her.
sub DPS that will make her better supposedly. Basic attack rectifier with coordinated attack ult. Outro buffs glacio and skill damage. She looks kind of fun with a bunch of different characters
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Solon loves smug women
why can't she stop eating? wtf is wrong with her
Stop making cute NPCs Kuro that I'd roll for if you give them a sword or gun
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thanks doro, now that I know, I won't get baited so easily.
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Shut up, she hungy.
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Loose some wait fatty
Kuro's shareholders are so lucky...
Whoopsie meant for >>487479592
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Why does she get embarrassed? Is she worried about her waistline?
holy crap she finished it in like 2 seconds what a PIG
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Those wuwillions? Me.
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Reminder that /wuwa/ is dead.
All fake wuwers
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How do I invest in Kuro??????
That turned me on a little more than it should have
based sheriff doro. this PSA is needed every thread
You buy pagpag low and sell high.
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Absolutely shameless LANDWHALE
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Protip, Mortefi's ultimate also works with Jianxin, her forte barrier counts as heavy attacks during the whole duration
Haha look at this pig
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I've noticed that, but with the current state of my mortefi that's a couple hundred damage per proc
But does Zhu Yuan have a kino character story and amazing and memorable cinematic moments? No? Didn't think so.
Well. At least it looks cool.
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New meaty thighs Roversexo just dropped
let's pretend i finally lvl my s6 Mortefi, who benefits?
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Jinhsi and Jiyan the most, he's got a built in 20% attack buff for the whole team for 20 seconds and has almost zero downtime, if you ask me he's good on ANY team.
i feel so gay for pick male rover wish i could change genders
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Yessiree, dems niggers and trannies was what I was talking about. Ya see their posts over yonder? If you give them animal-lovers their (You)s they'll be encouraged to continue their tomfoolery and we'll all be none-the-wiser...
Best you pull the [-] trigger immediately and go on your merry way pardners.

Life out here in /wuwa/ ain't for the faint of heart, we need a strong back, a steady hand, and a whole lot of nerve to spot thems greased up mihomoshills that keeps pestering our quiet little town.
he's not that good for Jinhsi IIRC since his stuff only triggers on skill casts and not her basics even though they count as skill damage
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When will Kuro stop stealing from other franchises?
Jinhsi's Jue attack is clearly a copy of this Doro from the Doroverse. Frankly I think it's shameless.
quickdraw their asses, sheriff
what happened to my wu friends?
You are correct, but at S5 his skill attacks launch coordinated strikes which count towards her forte even without hitting his ult, ive been playing with the two all morning the attack buff makes it viable. Him + Yuan Wu + jinhsi is even funnier, the forte charges almost instantly
I read that with the RDR2 sheriff voice and it was funny imagining a Doro speaking like that
Sweetest cake
Changli Yinlin is such a fun fucking team holy shit how will any future character even compare
Is Tsubaki really 14?
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Thanks sheriff Dorothy
I had some weird-mashup of Chiwa Saito trying to speak in Red Dead western in my head, it's kinda awesome
OK but she does have a viable game that isn't clearly not danger of EoSing and it's run by the absolute experts in anime action game design. There's a reason Mihoyo/Hoyoverse are considered the best in class, the Mercedes of game developers because their games have unique and memorable characters designs that appeal to every part of the player base while still pandering to niches, incredible gameplay design that makes it so their games can be enjoyed by everyone while still requiring a skill level to reach end game, and most of all, they listen to their community. We reward Mihoyo for this by investing in their game, meanwhile Wuwa is EoSing because Kuro can't make good characters, everything is weird borderline incel bait instead of fleshed out characters, and the gameplay has no depth - there's no strategy to combos, no elemental effects and teambuilding, there's literally nothing to do except spam the attack button. Kuro thought they could enter the Hoyoverse and take them on but all happened is they scammed unwitting players into thinking their was a new challenger to Mihoyo's top quality content
Sheriff keeping law and order in our /wuwa/ town.

So far as I'm aware it's made up after Phrolova was said to be 15 in that one image which might have been a leak, or might have been false.
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How long till Texas Schizo sleeps? I thought most Texan were right-wing and hated gays. I thought only California was pro-gay. I thought most Texan were manly and wouldn't support transvestite
Chixia/Changli is pure schizo quickswap kino.
Can't wait for our second limited fusioner.
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Smile: Protected
It actually performs well, too. Easy, smooth quick swap cancels between the two and your government-mandated Verina while feeding each other liberation buffs.
Austin and Dallas is just as bad as California

t. DFW resident
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Yinlin saved /wuwa/
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I lost my 50/50 (for my wife jinhsi and now her teacher changli) so I guess for me it will be only jinhsi and camellya (plus both weapons).
what happened? why is the general getting faster? why are there more IPs?
this was not supposed to happen
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Them shills are here early huh
There won't be one because the game will EoS by then. Check all revenue charts. And investing in this game won't help, the amount of investment it gets compared to ZZZ or Genshin is so low it can't sustain development for new characters. BtW you should see the latest updates for ZZZ. Hoyo hits it out the park, the entire Internet is on fire with hype, it's not too late to join the winning team
The best game mihomo ever made was honkai third impact, the best game kuro ever made was PGR this will never not be true.
Very nice, impressive even.
That said your echo looks FAT ! Take that.
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Well there have been some instances where the most homophobic people turned out to be turbofags in the closet right? Maybe their hoyofag games is the only way he can express himself, that's why he's so psycho about it.
next patch is gonna be the gayest patch in human history...
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I want to FEED the Magistrate
This. They told me wuthering waves is the next tower of fantasy so I skipped. Now I'm regretting it. Everyone here should stop playing this stupid game.
Main issue with that team for me is that you can't swap cancel Chixia's enhanced basic attack after her held E but otherwise it's really fun too
better writing than genshin
what's the point of giving the male fag for free, at least replace his banner with a girl
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Changli: The Architect
my friend list is still very active what server is this
What do friends even do in this game?
Cope and seethe posts from wuwa players as they realised they got scammed by Kuro into wasting time on the game instead of playing ZZZ which is actually good
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Feding Magistrate Hsi until she's perfect...
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how many gallons
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>they started samefagging now
Kek look how desperate for a you they are, the sheriff words are the law folks
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She needs to taste test before offering it to (you), she probably like to cook.
what is wrong with indonesian people
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>Changli is holding the camera
How garish ! source?
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I mean sheriff doro said best to [-] and move on... I mean he's an indog he probably lives and breathes his corpo wars
The absolute state of wuwa players. You can't even accept that people are maybe waking up from the fact that Kuro scammed them with a cash grab game that's EoS soon and they're raging because other games like ZZZ could have been played but instead they invested time into a scam?
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Go on, tell them. No one will believe you.
too small
Don’t bite wuwa, I know you want to
getting tired of doing dailies bros why are gachas like this
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Kuro and Yostar needs to join forces to defeat their common enemy
When is Lamia coming to WuWa
Its a hapa boy
Literally every hapa male I met had something wrong with them
meanwhile hapa girls just act like regular girls
Its probably because males instinctively know they are responsible for values like racial purity
Hapa boys are broken from the start so they can never become a real man
Its even worse than circumcision, their entire DNA is fucked
>Mermaid girls
Is this gonna be similar to Coastguard
How does she poop?
Designs like that cannot come soon enough to Wuwa
c-coastguard bwos....
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kek, sheriff doro is right. He's having a melty
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I think hapa boys are cute
Especially the ones named Rover
Because he would flop harder if Zhezhi was the free one instead
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Come back white man
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>goes into overclock like Calchud for for the ultimate and turns into a fish

IDK, whenever we get that water/swimming expansion with a new nation I guess? Probably not gonna be Black Shores.
huh but rover is a girl
Why are you making fake ads and graphics like this? Anyone with half a brain knows that Hoyoverse would never do something as braindead as this, they're the masters at advertising and community engagement with an audience. Are wuwa players that desperate now to discredit the better games?
>too poor to afford a legit sports team like volleyball or football
>too dumb to make any major research facility
>their women whore themselves to white tourists while ignoring them
Treating their corporate overlords like a fanatic is literally their only joy in life, just ignore them, laugh at their pathetic state, and move on
Rover is of pvre Sino decent.
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Jinhsi is just not suited for the tower where you have to fight the extra wave of fodder first. I can't three star the first tower with Jinhsi bwos, what do...
Cause that anon isn't getting paid by the word.
Ah, who the fuck am I kidding, those hacks at hoyo are getting paid by the letter
sheriff doro
is it high noon in SEAtown shanty?
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I want to knot Rover so bad...
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Lord Arbiter, did you know that Jinshi can produce kids that will be T0 dps. Meanwhile, changli can only produce sub dbs
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I like how sheriff doro of all things is the one that made the schizo texan finally go away.
I wonder if 1.3 is gonna have good writing too, or if they'll drop the ball on the two literal whos
men don't have sensibly sized tits like she does and they don't wear cute little shorts like that or cleavage tops like that
actually laughed
Kek, is that homelander
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I honestly dont know If those rolls are actually good.
Only thing I don't like about Changli's gameplay is Inferno Rider. Not sexy at all
We need soldier boy in traditional chinese clothing now
It's just low effort shitposting, them faggots are not here for a discussion, they just want to farm yous
thats a good pokemon
I use the 3* saurian instead since its a summon like jue and its breath attack counts as countering boss/elites
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thats a good piece bwo be proud, good ATK and Crit DMG rolls and even ER
You guys aren't making a good argument for this not being an EoS game with this post speed...
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toot me birb bros
Hey. Where do you live? I will uh.. Just wanna see how you got that lucky.
They all now playing a better( gameZZZ)
Come back, cuck. Someone needs to hold the camera
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Changli is for (me)
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let's fuckin go anon
We know, Ling
I fucking hate lightcrushers...
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it's fucking over, I can't even use it since I really need the crit rate. Sub stat selectors can't come soon enough
It's called being comfy.
Proof that waifufags are troons in the making
Now go mace a random gamestop employee and your transformation will be complete.
>what is wrong with indonesian people
They're brownies and muzzies, 'nuff said.
damn.... :( not enough toots.
>def as last stat
this happens so often it almost feels rigged
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why is my crit dmg so much lower..?
wow! are (you) (me)?
How come there have been no lust-provoking artwork of Changli yet? Is she that unpopular?
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I broke her hymen though.
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I just gave my honest opinion about ZZZ when someone asked me in discord, all I said it was a fine game but I don't really like it. After that some members ask me to kill myself and call me wuwa dickriding. What the fuck is their problem bwos?
Dual carry teams
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Each Rover element should have a different fetish.
Spectro should have big tits and lactation.
Havoc Rover should have thick thighs.
Fusion Rover is for armpitfags and footfags.
Electro has a fat ass.
Glacio has exposed, toned belly.
Aero is sweaty and smelly, NPCs have additional dialogue about your stench.
Did you negative edge all over them?
Brink monk wife.
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>yfw the traveler gets more action in a fan video for another game
I think I did
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do we know how old jinshi is
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Not before he knocked them down and proceeded his okizeme.
>4x low shitty stats
>1x average
... I want to cry bros...
Those aren't fetishes, Electro should be futa
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now that you guys reminded me, where is the /wwg/ guy
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I too am back to the shell mines...
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it really is over for us
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Ironically, the start of every /wuwa/ thread reads like a first-gen AI project trying to learn the English language.
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Honestly bros, if Ling was this cool then I wouldn't mind having him
Are you telling me that I've been luckshitting the terrible rolls?
Who is the weirdest wuwa
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My lowest was 4,200~ shells. I just wasn't able to screenshot it.
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wrong pic bro
That's my woman.
Now these are some real sexcats
This. Only fujos like fruity manlets, yumes and men like cool edgy guys
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Just got back from swimming and lifting at my local gym as solon would want me to.
Let's see what's happening in this thread
hoyodrones still mad. Good to see. Time to play some wuwa
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based anon
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Bwos, I'm down fucking bad. Can't stop thinking about her. The fuck do I do?
>changli likes to watch
uhhhh changlibros??????
when rover goes home, changli comes along and jinhsi is stuck at work
Are you guys still holding Crystal Solvent or did you use them?
If you used them, what did you use them on?
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>wuwas having fun
>random mihomo melty out of nowhere
now you gotta C6R5 her
The guy isn't actually buff and it's a PGR meme, you know?
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I've been using them occasionally to level up my characters and skills when I don't feel like waiting a couple of days, but I always hold back a bit since I'm still not UL60. I forgot to prefarm Changli so I used a handful of cubes, weapon is still lvl70, but those take a lot of resources to get to 80
>Are you guys still holding Crystal Solvent
>did you use them?
I plan to never use them.
I'm also never going to use my 5* weapon box.
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Used them all to farm mats when I hit union level 50, cause getting to 60 takes like a whole month
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use your selector bwo
I'm saving it until the last day to get the standard 5* I don't have.
This is what happens when you try to level up all the construct in your account, instead of focusing on just your main 6...
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I have collected every single cheat in mainland non-china. Tomorrow I'm going to non-taiwan.
I'm actually holding off on doing the 1.1 MSQ until I finish getting at least 100% in all 1.0 regions.
Is lv 80 all you need? Pushing to lv 90 isn't worth it?
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Good quest, loli Chang is just as precious as hag Chang
I wish I could rape loli Changli while hag Changli watches.
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i unironically minmaxed that part wouldve been fine if i didnt go vacation for the 4 days of double credits
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For the first time in almost four years, Genshin Impact has not been nominated at the Mobile Game Awards 2024.

Other gacha games like Honkai Star Rail and Wuthering have been nominated for Game Of The Year and other categories.
>Is lv 80 all you need?
Yes. It's better to spend resources on making other chars 80 rather than pushing 1 to 90.
>Pushing to lv 90 isn't worth it?
Currently a fully leveled char at 90 with good weapon and echoes just deletes all content. You can stomp most of the tower levels with 90lvl chixia, needless to say smth like jinhsi will just spit on bosses.
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I keep winning coinflips so I'm missing every standard 5* except verina
Fuck I forgor >>487492056
I make sure to spend these (not all of them) from time to time when a new character releases or if a current character needs mats. I always end up with a lot of them in the end anyway based on experience.
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ascending gives like 2/3 of the stats and leveling gives the rest so you can just ascend and leave it there if you are stretched thin

you want to level your main dps eventually when fighting against higher lvl mobs to get rid of their DR and increase base stats
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are they hypocrites or just negative iq seamonkeys? they do the exact same mass report shit to 99% of the content in that place but act like victims lmao
There are no coinflips in the weapon banner, it's always guaranteed and you can't get 5* weapons on character banners
How many 5* weapons do y'all have?
it's just mindblowing to me how they copied genshin so closely and then ended up with a knockoff of the artifact system that's actually worse. just spent a few weeks' worth of echo exp trying to put together anything for jihnsi and changli, spending a decent chunk of time farming jue and the rider, and I came up with nothing. I can count on two hands the number of times I saw a crit line pop up, and maybe once on a first line
Meanwhile I've had better luck getting good echoes in two months than four years of artifacts in genshin.
Rng is rng.
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>endfield waiting room
I'm a day 1 player, and I haven't (and will never) do tower.
The few astrites your get are not worth the mald, and I get to chill with my non-meta team in the easy open world.

It's also the same in genshin; I've never cleared the abyss in my 4 years of playing.
Does any character prefer crownless over dreamless? Am I good just farming dreamless for future havoc characters?
>wh-wha, you like me to? hihi
imagine your friends ask you - hey what do you do in your free time? we were thinking of inviting you to watching a soccer match this weekend

and you have to find excuses, avoid glances, do anything to not confess that all you do in your free time is doompost in 4chan and announcing to the world that you are a mihomo shill and you're doing it for free even
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heres the piece you waited 2 weeks for bro
doing aright with the weapons but changli weapon really wants my money badly although it looks very fucking skip if i already have the standard 5*
Just the one from the free box. I need every single pull I can get for new characters, can't afford to spare any for the weapon banner.
Still happens less than wuwa lmao
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standard rectifier for encore
standard sword for rover
limited broadsword for jinhsi
Bros. When are we actually getting bots to farm the Echoes in overworld?
post your artifacts
Go fuck yourself
I know you can point to RNG and pick out really good and really bad artifacts/echoes, but the difference between the two is that in Genshin you know an artifact is garbage as soon as you pick it up the vast majority of the time, so you don't touch it. In Wuwa it's more reasonable to pick up a piece that's worth leveling but you have to sink resources into it from there. Even if you're super careful and selective, only tuning once or twice and stopping, you still go through so much trash, except now your exp is all gone.
theres a script for that, don't ask me where to get it though
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I don't have friends and I hate soccer
It's only for Jue. And it's also set for specific resolutions only.
based anon
AHAHAHAHAHA, you're so clueless, holy shit lmfao, I can't even take your bait seriously nigga
theres a lot in Youtub, this channel has the videos for it if you want

We won't be needing bots if Kuro stops the SOL3 Phase locking faggotry and allows us to drop to any level we want that still gives us rewards. You can probably run through the map in 30 mins yourself if they do that.VWDY
It's the same screenshot you've been posting for the last week, why?
>and one 5* male with kino movesets but apparently kuro's giving him away for free cause they hate money
Are his dupes worth getting? The gauntlets look good to have tho
Sup bwos? and investor schizos i guess
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Not rejecting your final point but still
>imagine your friends ask you - hey what do you do in your free time?
I play video games. All my friends know that because they too play video games. I work as a software dev in huge corpo, and everyone I know there also plays videogames. Doesn't matter if it is fresh guy straight out of college or a guy with 4 kids that has 10 years till retirement.
>we were thinking of inviting you to watching a soccer match this weekend
Nobody does that, you just invite people to your place and put it on tv while drinking. If that's the case I agree because I work in a huge corpo and getting wasted on alcohol or weed is my natural desire during weekends
>guaranteed to win the mobile award because of the genshin spergout
Feels good to do nothing and win
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>there are anons here who are more sexually attracted to loli Changli than her normal form
>Getting 2.0 already after 1.4
Das kinda fast.
>just announcing
I think she's the type that would ask permission first
>For the first time in almost four years, Genshin Impact has not been nominated at the Mobile Game Awards 2024
It's too old to qualify retardGOD
Are we guaranteed 1 gold material per forgery at UL 60? or just 2 purples?
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Baizhi is so lucky
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What did Baizhi mean by this?
Gold is the top tier mat so no there's no guaranteed.
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>they wasted all of their pulls on old and busted Fraudli when Goatcore does more damage
Rate the character quests.
Jinhsi (the whole 1.1 story segment)

For me, it's Jinhsi > Changli > Jiyan >>>>>>>>> Yinlin
id rather get fucked now than wait weeks for a piece then getting fucked anyways

the exp sitation would be worse in genshin if you had the same amount of workable pieces, except worse if you didnt overworld artifact farm
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Jiyan - kino
Yinlin - i snoozed
Jinhsi - kino
Changli - kino
Who the fuck even is gonna whale for zhezhi? She has 0 hype going for her
Just craft it dude. It's not too hard.
I'd add a bigger gap between Changli and Jiyan, but otherwise I agree
Yeah Yinlin story was... Meh.
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I don't have Yinlin
If it works like genshin, then gold is not guaranteed.
86 S1 was kino.
i actually skipped through Yinlins quest i was so not interested. Changli's was very intimate and Jinhsi's was kino. Jiyans was my favorite at the time among all quests, i pulled for him after
Has any gacha killed off any character that was a banner?
JP Wuthering Waves account got another 25k likes and nearly as much reposts. Claiming no one is interested in her is just objectively wrong.
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Bro? You forgot the best one
Honestly, barring Yinlin, they've all been good.
Are we supposed to expect this kind of quality for EVERY paid character? That makes me very hopeful
thanks bros, i just realized i didn't prefarm any for weapons it's rover for me
Changli >= Jinhsi > Jiyan > Yinlin
It is sad because I like Yinlin. I could see what they were going for with it, but I don't think the whole "just trust me bro" works for a first encounter. Something like this should have been a second character quest with something else as the first.
Not gonna lie. Ling Yang's story is actually good.
That's just twittard behing hyped for the first drip-leaked characters in ww.

will (You) be rolling for her though? Cam is coming after
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Oh fuck I totally forgot about his two character quests
>muh jingle balls
>muh tingle beast
>rawr :3
"Did you know that I'm the jingle beast?"
*jingle jingle*
anko character quest when
forgot about this nigga
hi wwbros
Spiritual investors are here, remember to [-] and hide stubs since they reply to themselves
Changli >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jinhsi ~>= Jiyan > Yinlin
That wasn't best part though. The best part was him telling the story of isolation towards the end.
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umm bwo you already tried this and got deleted haha
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JInshi > Changli >= Jiyan >>> Yinlin
No one cares about japan bro, they have shit taste.
Show me the pc revenue
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bwos is this good
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Chnagli could do 0 damage and I'd still run her. She does fuckton.
Except I need to wait a few weeks to get fucked again anyway because I chewed through all my exp, so that's why it's worse
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If you come near me looking all suggestible and round like that again then I'm gonna fuckin eat you
I wanna KICK those balls
not really, but it's not hot garbage either bro get a second monitor, don't do this to yourself, at least an adblocker like uBlock origin
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How far do I even have to take Sanhua at this point. My Manko is already wrecking everything.
uhoh melty
For Sub DPS kinda ok
For main DPS whatever is not at least double crit +% ATK is not great
Why did they have to make echo xp such a pain to come by?
Yes. WW deserves better
>People are spending money on a bad product designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator

And I care because?
the pulls were worth it just to hear Chiwa sexo grunting everytime i sprint
Bro, ur passives? You really leveled a hero just to get numbers up?
It's good, bro.

Ideally you'd want both crit rate and crit damage in the substats, but imo it's not worth wasting time farming perfect echos for some little extra damage.
just ult + forte and passives, why are you leveling up her normal bwo
More money = more gooder
That's why I only eat mcdonalds, watch marvel movies and play Honor of Kings.
chibi (especially doro) = poopoo
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Zoomers hate anime romcoms because their high school romance experience was getting groomed on Discord by a balding millenial with an anime catboy avatar that they were gullible enough to believe was real.

Gettin groomed is, frankly, a skill issue. I never got groomed you fucking loser.
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I had a surplus of green and blue mats so it seemed like whatever. I'm not gonna push the things higher anymore than that though if it's unnecessary. Already feeling like Manko is currently enough.
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mihomoshill melty...you love to see it
Changli has gone over to the D(oro)ark Side. How could this happen?!?
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Consider premature termination of your life subscription

4 tacet fields, 4.5 (condensed) artifact runs a day
W(+25)144000 / (UL50,3 gold 3 purple min) 21000 = 7 runs 1 3/4 days worth
G(+20)270,475 / 14,767(highest rank avg exp expected) = 18.3 runs 4 days
G(2 days of artifact runs) (270475-160000) / 14767 =7.48 1.62 days
G(1 day of artifact runs) (270475-80000) / 14767 =12.9 3.22 days
9 +10s (can do ~5 a day) or +15s (2 a day)
+8 (3.5 a day with artifact route) or +12 (1.5)
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Morning morning sisters
umm wrong thread bwo.
but I like romcom and harem that pick a girl at the end. I like it when picking the girl comes with lots of drama too.
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hello xis
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How do you dodge scar attacks
>high school
At that point it is just dating, anon
Isn't Sanhua supposed to be good? She does like 0 damage for me.
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Accurate, but I'm not balding
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Most of his attacks have big wind-ups, but fast delivery, so you need to get a feel for his timing.
His purple earthslam hits predictably, and then the second hit comes 2~ seconds later
He has a dodge attack is probably his most dangerous move because he repositions far away + it has a very fast sword slash coming out.
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play elden ring and fight maliketh 100 times, after that onigiri should be pretty easy
Yeah but ER does not have a timer on your head
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Die a lot and learn from your mistake.
It took me 1 hour of dying.
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n-not like this...
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Keep eating shit 'till you know his timings. He really doesn't have a lot of moves.
How generous is this game for f2p? How many pulls do you typically get in a patch?
Like I said the fact that you need to commit resources to an echo to find out that it's shitty vs. knowing an artifact is shitty the second you pick it up makes a big difference to me but I guess it's just me. I've never felt it necessary to +8 3 artifacts a day or +12 an artifact daily because you just don't find an artifact worth taking to +8 or +12 every day
90-100 pulls every patch if you do everything
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Qianyue my 144p wife...
the gacha itself is very friendly. soft pity starts at 65 and highest pity you will go to is like 74-75 unless you are incredibly unlucky, and i mean incredibly. guaranteed weapon banner too is based. 0.8% chance on both banners for limited 5 star
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Sheriff's gonna retire for today folks, before I turn in best you don't forget that out here in the wuwest, a man's gotta stand by his principles. Remember folks... We don't take kindly to troublemakers 'round these parts. You best keep their (You)s clean, ya hear?

Safe travels, pardners. If you ever find yourself in a pinch with these faggots and niggers, all you gotta do is remember my advice and pull the [-] trigger.
Sleep well, based Sheriff.
take er easy pardner
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Sleep well doro, I'll heed your advice
Thanks partner. To the ole' dusty trail with you.
>open door
>see this
What do?
carry her and throw her out of the window because she's a harlot
Lingyang's story is unironically good, original (sidescrolling kino) and SOVL. He also appears later near the tree and that's also SOVL. Lingyang haters are sexually insecure.


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