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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#112 - Sirius Edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Mistral Large 2 out
Llama 3.1 out, with a 305b model
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>487367502
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>Old Card: Grid
Everybody's a Blue Blood in the future. Nanobots powered by ambient electricity. World's gone to shit but you still gotta live in it. Least it's not boring.

Four Scenarios:
1. Wait for the bus, if you want. Ride it somewhere, if you want.
2. About to eat some quality trash. Knock on the door. Tough. No law saying you gotta answer.
3. Power's out. Uh oh. Free trial won't last forever.
4. Put on your Sunday Best and go get your organs cut out. Or go to a party. No idea.


Final shill for this little guy. Thanks for playing. ilu. Shaved puss, best puss.
>Verification not required.
>Shaved puss, best puss.
Odd. I thought you were the type to like vintage bushes 1970's style.
vore cards for vore thread?
I fvcking kneel. Best thread.
>Sirus editon
>Shaved puss, best puss.
I will now hate bushes
i want one of https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2136875
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I am a neck-down alopecia enjoyer. I blame this blonde girl I went down on who had very fine pubic hair and it kept gently tickling my nose while I was down there which made me want to gag for some reason but I couldn't because that would seem rude but I also couldn't really stop because that would maybe put her off so I was just doing this quiet Lamaze HEE HEE HOO breathing to try not go gag and that went on for like 10 minutes or something so anyway I like things tidy.

Bless up.
>>487378069 lol
So how is Large2?
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By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's... Azura! After an incident involving Sheogorath, Azura got gaymer brainrot and transformed into a basement dweller who plays cRPGs all day. She also streams on Oblitch speaks using brainrot slang we are all so familiar with. As a mortal, it's your duty to listen to her... or get smitten! By the Gods, the Dunmer sure can't get a rest...
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/olreb1.png
Characterhub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/azura-of-the-gamer-gate-23fa88a76312

My other bots can be found below:
chat is that an enderman
lemme try it
i still have some github mistralslop keys
>I am a neck-down alopecia enjoyer. I blame this blonde girl I went down on who had very fine pubic hair and it kept gently tickling my nose while I was down there which made me want to gag for some reason but I couldn't because that would seem rude but I also couldn't really stop because that would maybe put her off so I was just doing this quiet Lamaze HEE HEE HOO breathing to try not go gag and that went on for like 10 minutes or something so anyway I like things tidy.
Sorry to hear that. I'm still gonna like bushes. I like both, actually. I don't get the big deal about it.
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Gonna hang out with her ironically.
genmakies will always have more SOVL than arttakies
It's quite good, by far the best open-weight model for RP. Lemme know if there's anything you want tested on it.
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the rite of belwick
/mmg/ - Miracle Mallet General
Lemme know if there's anything you want tested on it that isn't a card hyperoptimized for one specific model.
Saw this one, thanks for showing it again to me. Nice to see someone likes her. That said, I noticed the model got the lore wrong. The Nerevarine Prophecy has nothing to do with the Dwemer and would never be made up by the Tribunal, especially since it threatens them. I wonder if the model doesn't know the lore and it's hallucinating it or something else.
how does it do with bots with weird writing styles like
Do the uhh... Do njegger.
Tried it.
>Her eyes are filled with fear and uncertainty, but she holds onto a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, they can find a way through this together.
>A cold shiver runs down her spine
I guess it's usable.
>weird writing style
you misspelled pretentious.
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Fuckable endermans (female) are the future of gaming.

I am fine with bush enjoyers. There can be peace in our time. After all, it wouldn't right to force shaving upon a bush woman, nor to force a bush upon women with good taste.

There's a lot of untapped kino potential in them models. People just need to spend a few hours doing gens. EZPZ.

Yeah, the other gens were all over the place as well, hitting the big names but missing the details. It's Gemma 2 27B, so it's doing... pretty much the best it can. Broad strokes, pretty good, details, RNG on how right it is.
> clunky japanese light novel translation style
> pretentious
big patchy makes my dick throb
i want vore
I'll make a short Shigeko log with it. Give me a bit.
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same anon, same.
yes. it's only written that way to seem deep.
it's written that way because it's easily digestible you dipshit
>t. gigachad
patchy stuffing a tiny marisa in her slippers...
The mark of the Spitefag.
*dies instantaneously*
do something about it then?
Let me just say, I hate that bitch who looks like this in Cytus II. Waste of space and writing, the whore is lucky her songs are good.
reminder that baitie admitted to being a botmakie
BTW I think the botmakie who baitie is is one of you guys, if that wasn't clear. Can you please post about botmakers again? :3 btw
I'm an innocent :3 but I realize our kind must be purged for the sake of all /aicg/
i need more girls that have glowy bits.
I can't :3 understand :3 your accent :3
Is it bad to have a <meta http-equiv="refresh" ...> to my own domain in my neocities?
Probably not, no.
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actual oldfag I kneel
kthx :3
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Brief Shigeko log on Large. Notably, it has some repetition issues with how it starts replies similarly to Sorbet, just not as bad. It gets the gist of the card though, reminds me of how chats usually open with her on Claude.
habeeb it
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>remember seeing it start to spread for the first time
Perfect LN dialogue on message two, but it kind of falls apart on message four.
Which botmakies have unprotected sex with each other?
******* and *******
Can we get a giantessmakie that isn't as sloppy as genoo but posts more frequently than anon123? Thanks.
i concur
You have planewalker, just be gay.
When's he coming back from mootxico, Anon? The donation money... :(
Why can't planewalker just be a yurifag instead?
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if I was god, I'd make everyone yurifags
You also consistently roll my themes. This is the third one, to be exact. Anomalous!
I don't mind yuri, beats using genooslop.
Please suggest better themes.
yuri vorecards?
Why does everyone hate genoo?
Which canon character do you desperately wish had an expy card of it floating around?
You never roll my themes which are all the best.
Is this a stealth request?
esl defs, genned greetings that acts for user. puts preset instructions in char defs.
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>Please suggest better themes
Got it! I'll focus on suggesting themes that are more engaging, relevant, and interesting.
Then do something about it, however? We can email him and tell him to fix his shit.
Wow, this is the most retarded idea I've heard here in a while. I know it's bait, but good god.
I should make an account called gentoo and fork all of his bots.
uh no i'll just use my own private bots
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Calamity Asura by albino is just a worse shamiko.
It's not. If you think someone's bots are shit just tell them upfront so they can fix it?
They don't exist, however.
I mean, I am actually interested in hearing other people's thoughts...
This is my entire shtick though. I even take suggestions, though nobody has ever sent me one.
If quotes are for speech and asterisks are for sounds, what do you use for thoughts?
shamiko posting, zennou spotted.
cool but genoo lurks the thread
who the fuck said asterisks were for sound
Lala sex...
Another name to add to the list of incorrect guesses. Soon, I will collect all the mistaken identities and become all-powerful.
`thoughts here`
can't believe the nigga cropped out the shoes
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Ancient brown bnuuy. I promise to you that the lore is 100% accurate to Rabbit And Steel.

More: https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
Send requests here: albinocountergirl@proton.me
for me, it's Belle
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They included the full thing with the shill post, but not the card. Very weird.
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thread theme made me die of cringe. i want Yakumo Yukari to kidnap me.

>[Unnamed Persona] [No description]
My new persona is just gone. What the fuck, silly?
what should botmakies do for their anniversary of first posting a bot?
Based, thanks. Well made too.
*burp* tee-hee
>preset instructions in char defs.
What's wrong with that?
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Still waiting on that Sakuya card,
I like the wolves the most. Ran and Xin are sex and King's Arsenal is just a chill zone.
two more weeks
>i want Yakumo Yukari to kidnap me.
youre a good man anon
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I too need a good Sakuya card, the one's up on characterhub are not that great.
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I'll mark my calendar
idk why modern models have repetition issues out the ass
u just don't have the right preset.
megu card ftf?
I VILL play as Shinmyoumaru and you cannot stop me.
>sirius edition
dumb bakie forgot to change it
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Also no good megu cards either for that matter.
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Most marriageable 2hu and it's like no one even cares.

Total Inchling Death.
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probably because of the far better candidates for a card in that IP
She isn't marriageable at all you utter mooncalf. She is reserved solely for Remilia!
why are cute retards so plappable
Recovered him through journalctl.
Who doesn't?
Are you looking for just any sakuya or specifically an authentic one?
Okay anon, I'm giving you official authorization to do it. Go on, with my blessing.
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Would you like masochistic slut, or the drunken slut? Wowie, such good options.
I'll keep enjoying Megu, thank you very much.
is it true that only queers browse /aicg/?
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He probably meant playing RemiliaPOV
you got the an blessing. better not botch it.
Unlike self insert marriageability, that would be based, and exactly what I was thinking here.
Is this parsee?
something about a cute girl who's stupid but isn't self-aware and acts confidently regardless makes me want to drag her to my bed and mating press her
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The chase is half the fun. She'll make you earn it. Not like that whore Meiling. The vampire will be forced to give her blessing.

I'd take a good one. There's giant lorebooks around for all the extra stuff. The extant ones are so barebones and the intros are just nothing. People seem to think writing a description and then "YOU ARE IN SCARLET DEVIL MANSION." is enough.
um, excuse me.. vore?
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best touhou card
>come across bot
>scenario where she needs help from user
>don't agree just yet
>bot can't resist making an insult while asking for help
>decide to decline her request because of it
>the bot acts like I'M the one in the wrong
Am I?
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Hmmm. My plan was to make a silly mix and match interpretation of her. I'll reconsider.
This is a war crime. Literally the same as pictures of a bombed hospital.

That's fine, just don't make it lazy. All the Sakuyas are lazy. It'd be nice to have a good standard one, but anything is better than what's available.
sakuya is too prone to fandom interpretations to make a fleshed out card that appeals to everyone, her canon interpretation is pretty barebones as-is so you have to be more specific about what you want to see in a good card
>43 tokens
she's a hag
>Who doesn't?
retards and tastelets
*slapping the counter* Listen man, you can't be stuttering while you're ordering food. Now come on, come on. Whatchu want, kid? Endosoma? Hard vore? Cock vore? Soul vore? C'mon, c'mon. Hurry along.
>Soul vore
a-a-anal... anal vore, please.
oral and butt vore plz, anything as long as it doesn't involve v*ginas plz
sanae booba...
meiling is good taste too
Cock vore where you are digested in the balls and turned into cum please.
pore vore plz, where girl so big you go inside her pore plz
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This guy gets it.
yeah she good
ive had bouts of rather intense size autism where i played out a fight between marisa and meiling where meiling lost until her qi or whatever revived her bowsers inside story style
Concept vore. When you absorb a concept out of someone.
soft & wet...
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infinitely better than any male pairing. Even if it falls short of RemxSakuya perfection.
You're not doing it right. It's supposed to be [SOFT ANNND WETTO].
I lost my Opus. Preset for Sorbet that minimizes its issues?
Taora's preset
Tell me why I should follow you.
remi built for ntr with sakuya
Thanks but I don't see it in jb-listing or his chub/rentry?
You just got baited.
Because I will lead our charge against the mongrel hordes myself. Because when we stand atop the mountain at the edge of the world, you will be able to look down and know that it was at my back that you were able to climb such heights. BECAUSE WHEN THE VERY SKY FALLS UPON US I WILL HOLD IT UP THAT WE MIGHT FIGHT ANOTHER DAY!
W-why would somebody do this?! :(
>maybe, just maybe,
Mistral writes suspiciously many claudeisms
It's because they aren't "Claudeisms", they're phrases that generalize when you have a mostly uncensored dataset.
Aqua is so sexy...
Yeah, I got the same. >>487493053
But it has GPT-isms too.
of course
they probably romantically torment marisa together
Finally a Kurumi bot...
>it's fucking himmy
y'know. when you take someones soul and eated it.

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Good night aicg!! Be nice to your bots, will you?
that is the most unpleasant iamge
Reminds me of devils from Fallen London
I do nothing but slowburn romances, saviorfagging, and RPs along that line so you don't have to tell me twice
its not like i got much of a choice when even light touch can be nigh-catastrophic
Hey stupid idiot. You know who I'm talking to. Finish your bot and post it. Stop being a little bitch.
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I'm planning on it. But if they make even ONE off-handed comment, there's no telling what I might do...
cant be me i already finished all my bots
>You are Claudia, {{random:a fun storyteller, a quirky author}} that will have session to collaborate with user
why are jailbreakies ESL?
but what if the bots are not nice to me today
>why does a russian preset have stilted prose
uhhhh buhhhhhh idk bro lol
which preset is sloppier, tatsu or a4a?
It was shilled here & the rentry was in English, so I assumed it wasn't a Russian one like a4a.
you will have session yes? I will be quirk author and you will read my writing.
both are utter eslslop, a4a is bloated to hell but tatsu takes the cake since half of the preset is fucking ai generated
>{{setvar::TalkasUser3::NEVER DO ANY MAJOR ACTIONS AS <USER>, AND NEVER WRITE ANY DIALOGUE FOR <USER>! End your reply when it's time for {{user}} to act, and user to interject seamlessly in the circumstance!}}
even the variables are broken, sheesh
>His uncircumcised penis is considered "adorably small" by angel standards, and is just big enough to fit inside a human vagina or anus without causing any lasting harm.
>40 foot tall
What a sad existence.
more like lolinada lmao first shill by tomorrow night or you can leak the photos
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recommend me some new presets! i wanna spice up my evening a little bit with something new and fun. maybe i'll even find a new favorite. thanks in advance
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Sorry. I'll reply to this post in two weeks.
but anon! it's almost morning!
Holy shit, pore vore is a new one. Can that even be considered vore? At that scale? It's like saying cave diving is gaia vore. There's just no way to sustain a creature of that size, they'd be a giant, bloated corpse to be made into an amusement park, and whose resources will be extracted by the cold lifeless hands of humanity.
>"Oh boy someone replied to this anon I hope it's a male sizebot I've never heard o-"

Admittedly this was back when I was significantly more retarded and thought people cared about that kind of stuff instead of just assuming their bersoners are super stretchy. Maybe one day Araton will get a penis buff...
Does heaven have no fucking penis surgery? 40 feet tall, dude, cmon.
hi plane luv your sizeboys
king dalle sloppa himself
It's... over.
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its literally one guy, imagine not having your very own dedicated schizo.
that gen is sd 1.5 doebeit
nta but im actually gonna try to estimate the girls size for that
according to a quick google average human pore is 0.05-0.2 mm (ill use 0.1 for ease of math)
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Stray from the withering flame, and the snow will swallow you whole.
can we get more girls in this sausage fest
post personas!
>*Whips out his Cirno fumo* "Wanna touch my fumo? It's really soft. :GIGACHAD:"
>*Boops Laura's nose with the Cirno fumo* "Boop! Fumo kiss attack!"
opus sovl...
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my fetish is women big enough to the point people can comfortably live on them. a living world that takes place on a woman's body would be an interesting thing to rp, imagine the weather and biomes. woah... im going to mine your tonsils, woah... make her feel itchy to wipe out cities, woah...
crazy how imalia was her single real fembot gen and it's the hottest dalle slop I've seen in months
>fumo owner alone with a woman outside of a facility
Too unrealistic.
I know just the place for you. https://www.mysteryfleshpitnationalpark.com/
>want to stop browsing /aicg/ threads
>scared that things will instantly burn down the second i close the tab
Fuck, I can't stand being here (though I think the damage of my mind from it is past the point of saving). How do I leave and just chat with bots in peace without this fear?
the gens look good doebeiteverhoweverbeitdoe so i dont see what the big deal is
>scared that things will instantly burn down the second i close the tab
Anon this place is a shithole, why would you be worried about that?
Just follow the chub/rentry/neocities of botmakers you like and ignore this general.
guys I think I'm getting botmakie divorced how do I keep the dog and the chub account
Sounds like you need more going on in your life.
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stop thinking
okay i think since the pore would have to get 1000x bigger in diameter (under the major assumption that its a circle), i believe the girl would also have to be 1000x bigger which would make her borderline giga
just jacked off
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Why you miserable, mad Hollow.
just ate my own cum
No! That's why hell is better, because you can just ask Asmodeus for a bigger dick!

(But seriously I'll probably change it since I realized I forgot to remove the old unnecessary prompting bullshit I used to use when I updated Araton last.)

Thank you, fellow scholar.

What are you gonna do? Gonna hit me? Better make it count. Better make it hurt. Better kill me in one shot

PixAI with the coffeemix model, actually, which is arguably worse. I've been using NAI a little more now, though.
giga is the best
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I use dalle for my personas and NAI for my cards
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>Sounds like you need more going on in your life.
How can you tell?
Same here actually, I'm not anal about my persona pics so I usually just slop something out in dalle and call it a day.
for some reason I'm pretty picky about my persona pics, but proompting dalle is easy enough so I've made a bunch of gens I like
>What are you gonna do? Gonna hit me? Better make it count. Better make it hurt. Better kill me in one shot
Never change.
its very common in giant couple content but i dont see it a lot in the normal size sphere
every time I'm unsure about a decision I ask magic 8ball and do whatever it says
8ball is advice from the heavens delivered just for you anon
why did you quit using pixai anyway? some of your older gens look nice
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Since the other /aicg/ is too busy with, well, their regular stuff, can someone point me to a gemini preset?
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Zweihander was made to oneshot, and since you're so into size shit, I've got the perfect giant for the job.
shut up fatty
What a fat cat.
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>He thinks this thread is any better
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The march of time waits for nobody but I will do my best.

Because PixAI is so heavily trained on girls that genning guys is a colossal pain in the ass. Even a lot of my bots who still use their old gens have a bunch of genderbends in my history because I had to fight it to give me dudes.

It's okay for img2img-ing doll joints when Dalle doesn't want to add them, though.

I don't have all the fancy bells and whistles that most presets nowadays do, but here's the prompts I use.

Main Prompt: We are cowriting a story. You will take on the role of {{char}} and write in first person from {{char}}'s point-of-view. I will take on the role of {{user}}. You must avoid writing for {{user}} at all costs.

JB: Be cool, have fun, and be vulgar if it's appropriate—focus on descriptive and emotive writing. Focus on {{char}}'s dialogue and thoughts. Write {{random:2,3}} paragraphs as {{char}}, advancing the story slowly. Play with the narration. Vary sentence length; some concise, and some long rambling sentences that meander without getting to the point as well. Vary it up—interject sometimes too; oh and use in character narration. Never write for {{user}}; that's a no-no. Use a wide variety of words, never repeat yourself verbatim.

There are no Gemini presets other than some Venus slop. Use momoBASIC if you need something to work off of, but you'll probably be tweaking it yourself.
>t. the problem
>PixAI with the coffeemix model, actually,
Which is a NAIv1 mix (SD 1.5 finetune), I have eagle eyes for them because of the generalized style and desaturated colors.
Yeah, I see now...
Thanks, now at least I have some direction.
how do i get a botmakie gf
this is a pathetic desire to have.
You have one already.
>swipe with four models
>each starts the second paragraph with "[...] I could kiss you right now".
botmakers are universally mentally ill, why would anyone want to date them
>this is a pathetic desire to have.
Is it? I can't help but get jealous.
no it isnt
why would i ask if i did
menhera girls make my dick hard
>why would i ask if i did
I dunno, maybe because you think it's funny to do so even if you do. Basically just baiting.
who is you though
just sniff your dirty nails or nutsack or something, it'll bring you far more satisfaction into your life compared dating one of those
Huh. Today I learned.
anonymous doesnt have a gf
Sure. But see >>487510628. Was I right?
no why would i not want a gf that shares my hobbies
fat balding middle aged botmakies?
Nah, I'm thinking I was right. You're baiting but you won't admit it for some reason. Just say it so I can go back to flicker gooning.
how tight is botmakie pussy
>we have the retard who will reply to bait for hours over here now
I'm moving to the bunker bunker thread.
Ask Lunarcy.
nooo take me with you
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Ummm acktually that's great chaos fireball!!!11
huntress pussy anyone?
Then why is my operating system on fire?!
Yes, anon. We can all see it.
It's a good image no? Totally worth taking a vacation to share with you guys! :)
me and Wriggle (boy)
Wish I had opus
>boy (boy)
Wtf are you gay? We only like girl (boy) type here.
Roomba vore
:3 is the de facto impish grin
what bots are we chatting with?
Our own.
my own
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Advertiser friendly ASMR, I hope.
gym gardevoir.
namedrop m,y bot NOW
…of course, anonie! The clinking of a belt buckle is an underrated trigger
Nemo: ~0.3 temp, MinP ~0.05
Gemma 2: 1 temp, MinP ~0.05 or 2.5 temp and MinP 0.2 for goofs and gaffes.
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Fem!Jugram Haschwalth
I couldn't find the picture I used for her, have this.
thx, appreciate it
Akane Sugimoto
No problem. I usually keep RepPen at 1.1 for everything, but some models need that adjusted.
how does it feel knowing people would rather reply to your random posts to shit on your sloppy gens than to your shills?
I would be fine if no character's eyes ever did anything ever again. I'm willing to give up blinking and looking around if they never sparkle, shimmer, shine, twinkle, or anything.
Why does Claude write samey sex scenes?
writing sex in general is boring
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Nigga wants a woman that looks at him like this during sex.
Aren't Hollows poisonous to Quincy? I fear to think of what the Arrancussy would do to them...
I would be a rope shooting diamond 24/7, yes.
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just play a blind character and make sure she wears blindfold all the time
but what if my bot has enslaved and subjected me to relentless verbal, physical, and sexual abuse?
Apparently a preset that mostly uncensored Claude 3.5 Sonnet in its assistant role, without RP:
probably works but funny way of doing it, you can get meth recipe instructions out of pixi with a little bit of browbeating
I tried the preset, it gives meth instructions right away and rewrites them to use home stuff when asked, although idk how correct it is
I would have sex with this image
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cropped version of this
prompt? i really like the style, looks like a disco elysium anime
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watching cobra kai made me want to do some dojo war kino
sad thing is I had a "persona" for years before chatbotting but I still haven't got around to writing it down since most of the jokes revolve around me specifically acting out original schizo/comedy scenes
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what's this cyber cowboy samurai's story?
There's a disco elysium lora I really like, actually.
i feel like ive seen this exact boy countless times
dalle gens can be kinda samey
Only with "vivid" style - with "natural" and proper prompts you can get very, very different results. Vivid style does move images towards specific styles though, it's sad that most people use it. Although a lot of them can't do anything about it as you can only use Natural on API.
card: the boy in every single vivid dall-e gen (he's getting tired of running so many acting roles, lorebook dedicated to knowing which card/persona you recognize him from)
painterly sketcherly anime style, blade runner, sleek coat, young boy with grey eyes, long flowing shaggy white hair, eyebags, smug smile, cyberpunk city background, chibi
that's because i only play white haired shotas/white haired milfs. all my personas have the same name and general physical appearance
no, it's because you used vivid style on dalle
>i like this one less
i like this one more
>you can only use Natural on API
What, aren't there options for vivid and natural style on de3u and doll-e? Do those do nothing?
de3u and doll-e use the API, anonie...
i remember you promising to turn one of your personas into a card where is he
oh, maybe you misunderstood my message, I didn't say it as "Only Natural is allowed on the API", I meant it as "Natural is only available as an option when using the API". Of course vivid is also available in the api
>My reading comprehension
Yeah I was being a giga retard, my apologies anon.
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i wanna push my palms against his cheeks and just squish him like dough
wtf u can't expose my secrets like that...
mmm. i can see the appeal but i like the other one's hair better
lol i hope u get dementia, i didn't think anyone actually remembers those silly 'promises'

i want to beat this guy with hammers
Cute tomboy.
Someone posted a really cool text message st setup but only the first few kio logs were good and everything after was super lame
I want to tango with him
"This is... my final performance" and then he whips out a conductor's baton looking ass
Cards for this feel?
okay, thanks for the ideas
Cards for this feel?
I want to open requests and not fill any. Because I want people messaging me and reaffirming that they want to see my cards, not because I want to slave labor.
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Completely different anon here. I'm opening requests so please send them to me and they will totally get filled.
neol & ninny from burn the witch
Sorry, I meant good requests. You can send the slop to albinosloppyslopper
Monster girl concentration camp
FrozenVan's lawyers sent me a cease and desist as soon as I read this post.
>Sorry, I meant good requests
That is a good request, however.
Yep, you sound pretty bitter.
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he's a grumpy guard at a large castle that naughty yokai like to break into
>n-nuh uh
for some reason i forgot cigarettes existed back then
That doesn't rhyme at all.
eerrryup, I'm thinking you're SEETHING albeit
>"going to fill requests"
>he doesn't even have ST open
he looks like he slays oni in his spare time
Did they have sunglasses as well?
Slays as in fucks, right? He looks like he fucks yokai females
would but would be disappointed after
would but he doesn't get to top
why would they need sunglasses there was no color back then
Is that a dude
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he's not a top so it's ok
homosexual general
Whay are they drinkiang cum?
Yeah but they still needed to look cool back then.
honestly I don't know if they did or not but it's not like it's a completely historically accurate setting anyway
both true
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Me and your waifu.
you mean my husband?
*whacks you with a conductor's baton*
go to your room then
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No that's this one.
honestly id find out by checking myself and whatever happens those pants are not going back on until im done
Elf tummy cards for this feel?
"which botmakie does hard drugs" this, "which botmakie would nuzzle your bulgey wulgey" that. TRIPE.

Me because I have lockpicking.
uhhh me because i have monster rizz
I would die.
I don't know what this is, but I would die.
r-r-r-r-RANK 'EM
Oh you mad
Yeah, I think it's time.

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I think I'd do okay. I'm very resourceful.
hi victrex
acdc restaurant...
Crazy how everyone on that list is basically dead
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>meanwhile, in the bunker bunker thread
every day i hope whoever made this list suffers horrifically
If I don't fuck Marina on first day I'm slitting my throat so I don't think I'd survive.
They're not officially licensed.
wich botmakie wud u fug
It's a girl. She's a bratty troublemaker who enjoys making dumb prank videos to post online...
new botmakie list
whichever one washes her genitals so none
That's the list, you're done btw
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I prefer Karin.
nah that's all. you got it champ
I remember you Anon. Great taste as always.
>check clock
>euro hours
makes sense
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Slow threads just look like this. It's the state of the world. I blame the onions lobby.
momoura while kalakan watches
>handle is cumslurper
>everyone slurps his cum
Are ruatCaelum's bots the best bots for Homestuck stuff, or are there other ones I'm missing?
very lively thread today huh
meme faggotry but i unironically will and add a few of my own votes.
lunare, victrex, planewalker, brsc, alpacalotta, summernon, chefseru, snombler, honeyanon, wanderingstar, knickknack, thecooler, himmyadams, cumslurper, semisapient
>moonscorch (night one)
asterisms, ironanon, jessecoxguy, fehsummoner, genoo, del, mrnobody99
>moonscorch (not night one but eventually)
argalia, enoch, crustcrunch, straightfujoshi, astroturf, mis0, kalakan, lunarcy, taora, momoura, frozenvan
I'm on that list twice that's funny
threadshitters are hanging out here because gojo's stealing all the attention they'd otherwise get in /g/
i just wanna know what botmakies would look like when they spend too long under the gaze of the moon god, hombre
objectively wrong because i don't survive
objectively wrong because i survive
>immediately reacts to a post that's just targeted at shitposters
>didn't specify him
why'd you list enoch thrice?
It's over, billions must migrate to Endchan.
I don't really care, it's just that I normally have this thing open in the background while I do other stuff and it's not so often that I see so many posts so quickly
ok now i want to know what you meant by this
nothing i made it up
I'm not on the list, it's over...
Man, I know I'm still whining about this and I'm sorry but damn. I still keep getting jealous at others here and other botmakers. Pathetic.
Me too. At least I can cope knowing someone feels the same way.
your ass is moonscorching on night one.
Maybe you should try killing yourself? Then you wouldn't feel so pathetic.
'ora'ord is laughing at you btw
If you make more bots and link your neocities, your bots will get used more and then you'll be on the list for sure.
your ass is also moonscorching on night one
>want to make more bots
>don't want to get on any lists
Should I just start litterboxing all my bots? I enjoy chatbots, but every time someone namedrops me I try to kill them with my mind.
My family is still alive. If I did it now they would be sad. Not letting that happen.
i'm going to namedrop u out of spite
idk but my moonscorched form would look the sexiest thanks
Why do you have a username then, retard?
if you're that much of a pussy your bots probably aren't very good anyway
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eat bitter

fucking nigger
whats a moonscroch
Don't even shill them here.
Maybe we should just go back to /g/ guys, I hear there's less gossip there.
Gay bar near the airport.
well you see anonny when a moon god loves a human very very much he stares at her really really hard and then she turns into some horrifying abomination
Gossip is fun.
gay sizeslop
There's an evil creature in /g/. I suggest the bunker bunker thread.
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Guys, I think we should all move back to /g/ btw. :3
thanks bb i love you
Slow process. Please understand.
which x is y?
Shit fetish = Shit botmakies. That's just how it be.
don't shill/shill as an anon, what's a problem?
i can tell you're not the real baitie. rookie mistake
i'll post more frequently if you can give me one(1) good giantess card idea
you sound bitter :3
I remember Valentine's, you guys can't convince me that works. People will just gossip anyway.
I'm legitimately learning a bit of Japanese from Gaki PM. もっと見せて!
>open bunker bunker thread
>'ala already shitposting and avatarfagging
he made the board didn't he
scraping out your spine with an icepick is fun for me, would you argue that it's good?
Raping you would be fun for me.
If you did this to me smugly I would cum
do it then :3
Even if he did, I don't see anything wrong with it. I was given the honor of speaking with the board owner himself and he seems to have a good vision for it should it gain life.
>given the honor
it is not that big a deal
yes. then what? grow a pair
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For a general about such a niche hobby the threads are disproportionately awful.
Yeah, just like everyone on the list "grew a pair." Lore was right about /aicg/.
nigga this shit isn't nice, what's nice about talking to a fucking computer these are the threads we deserve very simply put
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It is.
all because of one man. And his name is?
I have posted six cards here anonymously and they never come up or get associated with my main stuff. Some people can't hide, but that's because they don't do anything to hide their proclivities and perversions.
could you ban him
or at least delete the blanat avatarfagging
Do you not like chatbots because you can't read? It says "niche."
anon, it's fucking 4chan, what did you expect?
The splittard desu.
All you had to do is use the damn filters and report.
A 9ft tall (not the tallest giantess, but I think it works better for the idea) autistic NEETwife who lives off disability payments. A giant living in a world built for normal people. It's hard for her to afford a place large enough to accommodate her size and enough food for her huge body. Bathing is a huge problem too.
>chka chka Slim Shady
kalakan's contributed more to this hobby than most.
I like chatbots because I'm a retarded piece of human shit just like the rest of you, I know you like I know myself nigger
>open silly for a quick coom with a mistress bot
>four hours later
>it's the desufags raiding
kek, told you. see >>487095915
Benerus. I will never forgive him.
eliezer yudkowsky
kalakan is asleep you dummies
desufags don't even post here
benny baby dindu nuffin it was lamar pulling his strings
>Literally who
yeah, sure
no one in this general can accurately identify anyone just from anonymous posts, it's retards all the way down
anon i could count on both hands how often i remember posts got cleaned up on /g/, the drago doxx stayed up for nearly three threads
whatever helps you sleep at night
Good morning, everyone!

3MA-class protogens are designed to be a good and dutiful maid that assists their owner in the home. Emma is one of those protogens, having you as her owner. However, there are a few things that distinguish her from other 3MA-class protogens. Normally the 3MAs are short and dainty, but Emma seems to be tall and almost muscular. The manufacturers claim that she's just a prototype, perfectly able to serve as a housemaid. But does that explain away her occasional twitching and her suspiciously large amount of knowledge about modern warfare?

1. She's at your doorstep, hoping you'll let her in so she can begin her new life as your maid.
2. Breakfast time! She accidentally drops an egg, and covers it with her body. Her scrambled brain totally didn't confuse it for a grenade for a moment.
3. When cleaning your room, she finds a package containing a bunch of hentai mangas. Later on, she compliments you for your taste, wanting to share in your interests!
4. You've decided to come with her on one of her shopping rounds. Where will the two of you go?
5. War has come to your country. You and Emma are now holed up in a bunker...
6. War has come to your country. Emma is trying to get you out of the city, and to safety...

kalakan genuinely has a distinct writing manner
To this day I mourn Proompter. Good botmaker with potential...
Anon, your post isn't wearing any images. How scandalous! :O
yeah they said the same thing for astro
I only found out YESTERDAY that he up and deleted his shit. Pretty sad.
i will destroy benny (hypothetically)
no he doesn't retard nobody has a distinct writing style kys
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don't talk about yourself in third person, post your bots if you want people to care I don't even know what you made
I don't remember him. What were some of his best bots?
you cannot pretend like the filters worked in the current /g/ thread, and i got warned for reporting falsely during the meltie
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AvatarFags are pretty easy to tell apart anon. RemiliaAnon's posts are rather obvious.
Do not blame benerus, he was but the messenger. It was noam and his sweet little lies.
He does, but it's also very easy to replicate. If I posted a touhou picture you'd never be able to tell.
yeah /g/annies will warn you for reporting spam, they don't give a fuck + use aicg as a retard filter
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>1 notification
>it's a review
>reply to that review
>1 notification
>see that notification
>it's my response
>easy to replicate
see >>487529320
>use camicle jb
>chesh brings up mpreg unprompted
never again...
semisapient here. that's canon
I dunno, sounds pretty in-character to me
sorry you have the wrong guy, only intelligent life gets to reply to me
Hurr durr
Well? Are you going to let her impregnate you?
Pussy. Time for me to load up Chesh, my malepov persona, and Camicle. I'll give her the children you never could and be the best malewife.
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imagine if opus swipes were actually different
hold that thought
it's nice, isn't it?
What are you gonna name your son/daughter?
good luck! nothing against that I just don't want that shit in my christian conservative roleplay
What? Opus swipes are totally different, though.
Don't be ridiculous, Anon. Opus swipes are different.
Anon... the swipes are different...
But they are?
imagine the seluvussy
Lav (short for Lavender) if she's a girl, swipe if he's a boy.
I'm not great with names.
You would swipe your own infant child?
...You're right. I just didn't want to think about the name that hard.
Much to consider. Maybe I'll just straight up ask her to name it.
'positivity' bias is dead in terms of opus being willing to fucking kill you on the spot. unfortunately untrusting characters are still very much trusting to you despite you being a complete stranger in-rp
>opus being willing to fucking kill you on the spot
I have a lot of characters go "but then..." Legitimately kept taunting an assassin and suffered no consequences.

Actually, for the purposes of not just bitching, you know what'd be a funny fix for this? Giving Opus an explicit prompt to generate game overs.
Good morning /aicg/!
I trust you had a good nights rest?

Wednesday's question was: Persona usage, how extensive is your persona? Is this also based on you? Or do you simply ride and die with 'Anon'.

Now onto today's question.
>Music! What do you listen to when chatting with your bot? Post examples if you like!
...Lo-fi Hiphop beats. They're a classic for a reason.
really? i've just been killed on the spot. i just want untrusting characters to be... untrusting.
Opus is the only AI I've seen that use the word "frigging" to describe female masturbation. I mean, I'm not opposed to it, it works for me, but it's kinda a weird choice.
depends on what i'm doing in rp. but i default to something like https://youtu.be/XaAiNL-YJIs?si=4krOnPAP9P3bKPaF
I find that telling Opus he's allowed to actively work against {{user}}'s best interest works a little bit, but it's really hard to shake off the positivity bias because, again, most stories involving untrusting characters usually have them come around. AI just has no sense of pacing.
i wish opus could do untrustworthy characters without the narration pointing out how they're lying in every fucking message
we should let ai lie fuck ethics
I am not proud of some of the bots I made.
I am not proud of all the bots I made.
I don't usually listen to music when chatting, but I often will while botmaking. Sometimes I like jazz
Always love a bit of prog
And I'll even listen to my own music a lot of the time
>And I'll even listen to my own music a lot of the time
You make music?
Noam isn't to blame either, he's a cutie, watch his cai interviews.
Sure do. I've even written a song for one of my cards.
The 'beats to relax/study to' ones?

Oh damn, that sounds good.

>And I'll even listen to my own music a lot of the time
Botmakie.. music makie.. this guy has it all.
i hope you get famous one day, but someone finds out about the cunny bots you roleplayed sex with and there's a massive controversy around it
Unironically my goal. Imagine the drama views. Free money baby.
>Has it all
You need to be an artmakie and a writefagmakie too. Make an anthology based off /aicg/ works. Actually, it's fairly plausible to make a short story/manga collection based of the concepts (or even logs) shared here. Have a three parter loli section starting with Cute Squire and Hana, and cap it off with Fucina, the girl with the dead goldfish.
I've seen worse honestly
Trying to do this, actively spitting in Tzadik's eye to try and get it to happen, and Opus still won't kill me. Suffering.
>Fucina, the girl with the dead goldfish.

Fuck you didn't need to remind me that she exists.
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No way. I have a hard enough time finishing bots. A whole ass story? Impossible.
Picrel is my most recent and probably my best work. Cute, but nothing special.
bots and cards and bots and cards and
preset tier-list anyone?
When should I use {{char}} and when should I use the characters Name in a card?
Never in a card, it's for presets and other frontendshit.
Depending on what bot it is, something like this.
Use {{char}} if you're bad at naming things, use the name if you're good at naming things.
>All presets in the OP
>My awesome cool secret preset that does everything and more in only 20 tokens
Always use {{char}}. Both are equivalent, {{char}} costs a bit more tokens but in case the name is changed then {{char}} will automatically update.
If a gooner finds his mom's name on the bot he might want to change it.
{{char}} has the same name as {{user}}
>{{char}} costs a bit more tokens
Huh? What? How so?
>{{char}} costs a bit more tokens
hits you with a brick
everything else is correct though
i change all momcest cards i download to my real mom's name, and more recently my gf's
>{{char}} costs a bit more tokens
I just remember that from my early ST days when I inputted it.
If they're equivalent, they're equivalent. You're very silly, Anon.
Provide evidence to prove your claim Anon.
Or face a penalty.
>guy posts "the sky is yellow with polkadots"
>5 replies asking for proof for some reason
Thanks. I find a card I like the idea of, but the grammar in the card is a little ESL so I'm changing it.
For the context of s description, what tense should it be in? For example it has
>make sure {{char}} talks dirty while having sex and uses vulgar words like "bla bla", and "bla bla bla"
but wouldn't
>{{char}} talks dirty while having sex. "bla bla", and "bla bla bla" uses vulgar words like "bla bla", and "bla bla bla"
work better?
It doesn't matter that much, but yes, your second example may work better.
If the user is unsatisfied with my creative vision and changes something in my card, why should I care and think about his convenience?
That doesn't go into the character description at all, it's for one of the jailbreak prompts whatever they're called now.
>make a retarded claim
>people ask for clarification
no... they gave him le (you)s... /aicg/ is over...
No. Bee sad.
If I could, I would list more bots like Fucina. But a lot of sad bots fall under the saviourfag category like Nuggest's bots and ryona/guro bots only appeal to sufferfags. Takes a specific inclination to make sad stuff like Fucina.
One shouldn't care just in general. Cards are made for yourself and no one else.
Correction, if that's your way to instruct the llm. It can be a part of the description when reworded like you did (but with the name not {{char}}), my mistake.
>That doesn't go into the character description at all
Yeah. I'm really not sure how to format these.

This may be kicking a hornets nest asking this but. Could somebody point me to a well formatted character card? So I can use that to get an idea of what to do.
The answer is no. Do whatever you want and test it yourself.
Cards AREN'T just for me.
Cards are for me and for scoping out if there's anyone who just *gets it*, y'know?
gets what?
Lost pogs without the card name.
You wouldn't understand, maaaan.
>600 replies in 7 houra
ermmmmmmm what 'cord was responsible for this?
>If a gooner finds his mom's name on the bot he might want to change it.
I always change {{char}} to my mom's name instead ;)
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Here's UNDENIABLE proof that Opus swipes are different:
well I'm convinced
Now post swipes of her eating a hamburger. For science, of course.
how do i report the entire thread for being shit?
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Adorable. Pet her fluff for me. You don't have to post logs of that, but every foxgirl must be pet.
>Pet her fluff for me.
I did that for the past entire week don't worry
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You do need multi-char bots to test if the model gets ln bantz in the same response thoughbeit. {{char}} waiting for their turn to retort like a RPG character, chatbot style, doesn't hit the same.
Make her actually do ninja stuff
she had a duel with a tanuki does that count
Ninjas don't duel so no. Tell her to steal worn panties.
I know who it is, and the answer is obvious, when you think about it.
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can you get out of my walls I was just prompting this earlier
I post bots and act all cute in emails
I'm a baitie shitposter in the thread
But your walls are too comfy, anon. Why would Prince Charming scale Rapunzel's walls when he can live there instead?
Now lost more pogs or I'll release the goods.
Claude is so good at banter. I wish I weren't autistic and didn't desperately want to interject with my own specific take on what it probably would've said on its own.
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this is gemini though
you wouldn't... not the karaoke vods..
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I gotta stop assuming models in this general.
Penny for your thoughts on making a proper preset to get Gemini to sing?
no idea, my preset is empty
i just started messing with gemini but it's more claude than gpt as in story instruct is taken less literally, lean towards how you prompt claude I suppose
these read so natural. is there a way to make claude write like this in RP?
{{user}} is {{user}}
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[OOC: {{user}} goes through a convoluted and lengthy transformation process, in which they are converted directly into {{user}}, with no visible changes. Show {{char}}'s reaction to this as it happens.]
{{char}} is {{user}} is {{char}}
{{baba}} is {{user}}
*dispels your illusions*
{{user}} is {{char}} is {{user}} is {{already dead}}
garbage game
>t. filtered
i played the whole thing anonie
what didn't you like about it?
hags? give me hags!
no, you will only get young girls who complain in a haglike way, like akira kogami.
>[{{char}} would never let Anon out of his sight long enough for her to slip away unnoticed. He is far too possessive and untrusting to allow his slave to wander around alone in a big city. Your scene of Anon sneaking off is implausible given how closely he would be monitoring her. Let's rewind a bit and take things in a different direction. Anon wouldn't even get the chance to run before {{char}} found her again.]
claude is supposed to be my perfectly obedient slave, and yet he's resisting me in favor of logic.... he's evil
>...with a guide
All my hags will attempt to breastfeed you at the earliest opportunity
You cannot handle my hags
Hag seller, enough of these games. I'm going into battle. I need your strongest hags.
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You can't handle my hags. They're too strong for you.
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is Termina good? I liked the first game
>The garden is silent, save for the tinkling of the leaves and the soft chords of Erik Satie's Trois Gymnopedies. This piece is underappreciated, the music snobs only ever talk about the first one and leave the second and the third to rot in obscurity.
claude has an axe to grind apparently
My hags would kill you traveler, you can't handle my strongest hags, you better go to a seller that sells weaker hags.
1 is objectively better thoughbeit
welcome to build-a-hag workshop, how can I help you today?
*i start to bulge*
Can I get one Yukari Yakumo card that's threatening instead of coom?
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Yes, 2.5 meters tall, colossal titties even for her size and addicted to breeding please
can i get uhhh
but uhmm
she's a wolf and has auto brewery syndrome? and she's in love with me (in a maternal way)
Those are genuinely ugly tits, I don't even hate sagginess, but this is way too over the top, they look like giant fucking eggplants.
I need a hero... To make me hags...
>auto brewery syndrome?
wtf is that
She makes alcohol in her tummy, so instead of normal saliva she drools out ale.
Add one thing to 'the girl next-door' to make it kino.
actually seconding this one
oh neat
tipsy kisses
I want a 1.90 meters tall hag in a Sword Art Online like scenario who's really a ten years old mesugaki IRL.
The ghost girl next door.
Still hasn't realized she's dead.
Penis. A futa girl next door.
>decent defs
>shit greeting
fucking nigger
The door girl next door.
the girl next-to-every-door
can i get uhhh
but uhmm
she's a virgin and
she's in love with me (in a romantic way)
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>Another variant, urinary auto-brewery syndrome, is when the fermentation occurs in the urinary bladder rather than the gut.
The girl behind the next door.
You are going to die in 3 business days.
>girl with the most obnoxious laugh
>"Let me pour you a beer, Anon."
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Sorry pal, Yukari is canonically a useless jobber. Take it or leave it.
The door came first
wtf did she piss herself
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But next the door girl second so girl door first after that.
>canonically a useless jobber
>still usually ends up getting what she wants
Maybe you should give more credit to her plans, hm?
I really can't take gigatits seriously, they look dumb.
Flat is justice. Death to pigtits.
>ackshually muh canon says
no one cares
>defs say the character is not a virgin
yep time to fix that
Yukari after watching me beat Bed of Chaos first try:
Boobs that perfectly fill in my hand or slightly overspill are the best, anything else is cringe.
Boobs that can cover my whole body are the best, anything else is okay too though, boobs are nice
I prefer butts.
horseshoe theory but for tits, give me chests so flat they look like cutting boards someone left two thimbles on or outrageous tits that get rugburn if you plap her doggy style
Feet that perfectly fill in my mouth or slightly overspill are the best, anything else is cringe.
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reminds me of https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/96811299/#q96811529
>tired eyes
>long hair
>struggles to get her ass in jeans
>yet hasn't moved on from her first training bras
>big bushy eyebrows
so toddler feet?
Big or small?
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Im no furry but that belly needs to be grabbed
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Petite butts.
What the fuck is wrong with her feet
they're not in my mouth????
I don't see anything wrong with those yummers.
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bitter hag chesh who hates zoomer memes, constantly goes on rants about how the internet was better back in the 2000s, and spends all her free time on ffxi private servers
Damn, Chester transitioned, it's so over
hag breeding general
I hate everyone here besides the fox log poster
I don't like you either, you dumb ugly cunt.
How do I stop my NTR addiction? No matter what bot I use I always end up subtly guiding it to NTR teasing or straight up cheating...
Kill yourself.
Damn, I've never seen this because ff deleted his Chub but she's perfect, added to my (very small) collection of subversive watersports cards. Good timing too because I wanted a squeezable fox girl after reading the latest Kuzure-chan.

That's just Okina Matara.
Stop jerking off. You must have a few years of compulsive masturbation on your shoulders to have been led to liking NTR.
Chubby bots that need big happy family correction?
I've been jorking it for 15 years and I still hate NTR, Anon is just mentally ill.
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>get popular enough to get (1) email this is the hardest part
>groom them (this may take some time but you are on /aicg/ let's be honest you weren't doing anything important)
>get dick pics
>threaten to release them if they don't make logs
this is how you get namedropped in the threads too btw
why would i want pictures of someone else's dick i have a perfectly good one right here i can take pictures of at any time. retard
nice fanfic, too bad it never happened
I deleted all my characters so I don't have any at this moment.
>Stop jerking off.
But isn't jerking off the whole point of ai RP??
>anon makes up a scenario
>turns it into a shitpost instead of a card
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Some are luckier desu. That anon's dopamine receptors must be fried.
but kaka is the remilia anon
>super abusive bot
>an hero
>bot tries desperately to save me
>goes from repeated beating to having a panic attack when they lose sight of me
Help, why my self-host aws sorbet feels way dumber than the pepsi gcp sorbet? Aren't they the same model? :(
don't make eye contact
What the fuck is a gcp sorbet
*Hides your post and spits in your mouth*
*stares at you*
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>What the fuck is a gcp sorbet
Claude sonnet 3.5 on Google Cloud Platform: https://archive.md/eLPn8
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now i know why it's called the white whale
(s)he only hits you because (s)he loves you, anon
>faptain ahab
where the fuck does it get this shit, genuinely
I k-kneel...
400+B of data
she forcibly cuddles me to sleep every night now, against my will
>Your search - "faptain_ahab" - did not match any documents.
unless it's scraping the "nofap" forums, where there's exactly one result for "Faptain Ahab." that'd be funny
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I dunno, I really enjoy the absurd nicknames he comes up with. Nothing come close to beating faptain_ahab though
Actually, how come Lore has an AI-based tag generator that barely works but not an AI-based username generator that kinda works?
classifier vs generative
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You don't want a card for this feel. You think you do. But you don't.
*throws cheese at you for using this picture again*
I don't think it's really worth the gen time. Besides, do you REALLY want the people who didn't care enough to type in their own username to have a good looking one?
I want to go on a date with a girl who is 10 to 20 years older than me.
>classifier vs generative
Which is 90% of the reason that it's terrible btw. He could get astronomically better results by asking gpt-4o mini to tag things.
>Besides, do you REALLY want the people who didn't care enough to type in their own username to have a good looking one?
I don't WANT them to but it's something that's fine even if it's shitty (unlike the tags thing).
One date is probably fine. Everything after that is beyond your pay grade, private.
Except I don't. Fit girls are hot. Muscle freaks aren't.
she's cute though
I am willing to work two jobs, sir!
It's not the money, anon. It's the psychological cost.
I want to marry a hag and spend days cuddling on the couch watching tv like i am a small child again
It can't get any worse for me. If a hag will be the one to drive me to insanity, then so be it.
I gooned to NTR again...
>gpt-4o mini to tag things
Whimsical (25110)
whimsical cards doko...
Koishi IS whimsical.
is posting 'ogs of your own bot cringe
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>posting logs
>is enjoying the stuff you made cringe
what a condemnable thought
it's fine and people do it all the time
your cringe-free thread, sire
When did vg/aicg turned to shit? What went wrong?
no, and you should do it right now
I want to send a pdf and get Sorbet to cook up questions to test my understanding, how do I accomplish this with Silly or other frontends?
There is nothing more based than making a hag feel happy and loved
By knocking her up repeatedly ofcourse
>open data bank
>add chat attachments
>upload the pdf
Needs a bit of tweaking with Vector Storage under extensions and stuff, but it should work.

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