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>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-war thread: >>487049638

Based bovine edition.
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>less DPS than fixer/handmade
>but greater that quad effect applied by default
>an overheat mechanic that doesn't seem to actually stop you firing the gun, maybe it increases damage the longer you're firing?
>huge AP cost, which even if it's reduced with a reflex sight is probably still going to be a bit ridiculous
I don't get it
>London comes out tomorrow.
>It's a complete disaster.
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Fallout lego train
>content that is supposed to come out with the next season
>all they've got done is the introductory quest, which spawns a random brahmin in the middle of nowhere that you escort for supplies you can't use
>the entire system where you own a location, put together a caravan, and set a destination is not present
>in the current system the brahmin just stops at random boxes now all over the side of the road in Skyline Valley, and that's it, you're done
>meltdown rifle is barely put together and is weak as shit
this is meant to be ready in a month, huh?
oh, it's level 10, why the fuck did they give us a level 10 version of the weapon
trains are antisemitic
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That's nice.
>pay an NPC 4000 caps to start an event in the middle of nowhere to escort a brahmin
>all so you can get...more caps...
>and supplies so you can upgrade a run down tunnel
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>we heard you guys were going to farm this event to get loads of legendaries to complete the grind quickly
>well, we can't have that
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[Great news]The Finch family joins the minutemen!
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wth Heather I saw you getting fingered by Curie
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Rip my 3 month 76 character, almost had all the rare apparels (from scamming)
back to chad vegas i guess
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Well, I hope it's good.
>literally couldn't get it working
It already leaked it has stupid fish people
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You mean the dev stream that was open to anyone to watch and the fish people that have been known about for years?
NTA but that sounds about right. Also they're in one of the more recent media trailers in spring. I've had eyes on this for a while and I would have brought up a leak if I heard of one.

I haven't checked in Fallout modding in a bit, are they STILL having troubles in mid summer dealing with Todd's "Next Gen Update"?
Also I've heard it'll come with it's own "downgrade" program, but otherwise I found an alternative via The Midnight Ride, so find it there.
>are they STILL having troubles in mid summer dealing with Todd's "Next Gen Update"?
Yeah, they gave up on trying to make London work with the next gen update in the short term because it still proved too unstable. They have said they'll continue trying to get it to eventually work after the release on the old version, but who knows when or if that'll ever actually be done.
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>it has stupid fish people
Here you go remember to like and subscribe young summer boys
Oh no I mean Fallout Modding overall, not just London.
They don't talk
They don't speak to retards.
What do you know? Maybe if you spent more time understanding and less time popping a cap in day asses; You'd be less of a bigot to Creatures from POC Lagoons.
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what exactly did you do?
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[Purchase ticket to the Capital Wasteland ($100)]
If you really took that thing down with a minigun within spitting distance then that corpse is surprisingly intact.
>their sonic voice attack is just them shouting in ebonics
nta but
It's not a minigun
There's a whole side of the body you can't see
How are you an expert in how miniguns affect magical bear monsters
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these festive scorched quests are the fucking worst
my fo4 char name is Dopinder
>28AP is -25% vats cost
>28AP with an automatic receiver
how did they know we needed an energy weapon version of the 10mm submachinegun. What a piece of shit
I don't think they're done with it yet, but if they nerfed canned coffee and started making automatic weapons that were VATS inefficient but DPS efficient that'd be nice, especially now that they're trying to bring VATS crits down in line with everything else (they will fail to do this meaningfully)
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It's definitely going to be a shit show worse than Frontier
There's red flags all around it
Now it's just a question of whether it will have something as embarrassing as pedo shit in Frontier and whether people will give a shit about it
>There's red flags all around it
>bosses die to quick because of player damagemaxxing due to untested synergy of systems
>make 12 players do the damage of 3 as the hotpatch circa 3 years ago
>crits bypass this and make bosses not terrible to fight
>only do half the damage they did without this "fix" and are now the only viable way to play
>genious idea: fuck with crits actually doing damage
>now 0AP aimbot rifleman is even more the only viable way to play or 16 man SBQ fights will fail
>plasma casters instantly bricked so out of PA heavy guns are no longer a thing
>second to vats spam still is PA heavygun right clicker, also doing even less damage because no natural crits through boss buff
>bosses now require too many resources to bother running at all
>niggas start nuking for fauna to fuel the rmt flux discord troon out of game economy keeping the servers online
if they did any of that it'd break what little playability exists in the game. Nothing is going to make taking random potshots at a worldboss work that wouldn't make everything else kill bosses quicker.

Making default vats be limb targeting and the cards just increase accuracy/damage would make more people know it's the only viable game system. Because it is the only viable game system. Making that piece of shit and all laser rifles have 7ap in automatic configuration would make them useable. as it sits the goddamn alien guns are the only viable energy weapons in the game on any playstyle.
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Their standalone releases are pretty low quality and look like this (I really don't believe Bethesda coomer trannies can make anything good)
All this shitshow with internal fights, leaked gameplay and lies about project completion
Gameplay and concept artwork looks pretty bad
It really feels like another Frontier
did they have trans people work on it? if so, guaranteed pedo stuff in it.
the Kris Tyson incident has proved that all transgenders are pedophiles
m-muh New Vegas abloobloo
VATS isn't fun, though. Tapping q and holding m1 is some phone game shit.
>Nothing is going to make taking random potshots at a worldboss work that wouldn't make everything else kill bosses quicker.
I'm assuming you mean a buff to non-vats would be an indirect buff to VATS, but I think it can be done both with an automatic weapon with a massive AP cost, a nerf to canned coffee/cake, and either a legendary perk card that prohibits you from using VATS or a ghoul related card, perhaps even several.
>nerf to canned coffee/cake
What did they do? I’m guessing they made the effect no longer stackable?
They haven't done anything yet, but they should is what I'm saying, and they probably will. It's fairly fucking stupid that a paid camp object lets you completely negate the AP mechanic entirely.
>bethesda out of nowhere
lmao can you keep a lid on it for one post schizo boy?
Ah. With the incoming nerfs to VATS and Eviction Notice I stopped second-guessing them.
>I want to press lmb, not q then lmb!
the only movement and mobility gameplay comes from using a jetpack and marsupial together and is only common on vats players. Stock non vats gameplay is identical to vats gameplay but you get even worse hit registration. It's still crouching and magdumping things until they die. You're asking for something the game can't do, look at sirfield as the most tuned version of the system with stock jetpack jumping, corner mantling, and still shit edge leaning. It's still not borderwatch or destiny or name a real fps and never will be. You just don't like the game if you don't like vats (because it is bad at a mechanic level as an FPS)

If you want to do the automatic run and gunner you ironically have to roll a good mg42 and mod a heavy gun build around it
>1x magnification
>bullets actually do damage (but not good damage)
>enough bullets to kill
>mobility with the right mutations
>hop into power armor for armor pen in bigboy boss events
>I want to have to aim
canned coffee doesn't work that way anymore. You don't generate AP during active vats, everyone just has like 400AP from running 30-40 agility and uses guns with 2-7AP cost. The piece of shit energy rifle would actually be good with it's rolls, not great but "ok" like the commie lesbian railway rifle as a preroll, if it had the same AP cost as a combat rifle or even alien disintegrator. There is no fixing not wanting to use vats in a fallout game that can be done on the devs end. If anything they should make heavy guns fire bursts in vats.
just tested it on PTS, the canned coffee AP regen works as you are actively using VATS
Like the project lead being a bald incel furfag?
I'd rather have furfag at the helm than ricecel wannabe weeaboo
The Dr Disrespect incident proved all cis males are pedos.
>new 76 patch
>absolute nothingburger but breaks half my mods
thanks todd
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hard pass

worthless mod cunts can't do anything right
then they un re un broke it I guess, it isn't as common as you think because AP management doesn't matter with the regen rate + pool size on a vats build. If they "fix" it it'll probably just fuck with heavy gunners using infinite AP to maintain vats with plasma miniguns. You can fire 80+ railway spikes on a full AP bar if the fucking sbq or earl doesn't break line of sight on random bullshit and have your AP refill out of vats by the time the reload animation plays. Every nerf just makes unyielding-vats more mandatory.
Keep moving, TIDF.
I'm fully aware it's not significant when it comes to most commando weapons, but it does mean that any weapon that performs well but has a high AP cost remains usable by VATS builds regardless. So if, for example, the V63 Laser Carbine was an attempt to create a high AP cost weapon that benefitted from being fired without stopping so as to make it viable while free aimed but useless in VATS, which it seems like it might be, it would be irrelevant because people can just down 5-10 canned coffees and forget about it.
they intent on nerfing every weapon i guess, lets hope my godroll plasma caster gets to keep flying under radar like railway did for 6 years, its a good thing discord troons only care about abusing a camp resourrce you have to farm in a private world for 5 hours to be able to do a boss marginally faster than without.
>which it seemed it might be
>all prerolled legendary effects are vats related
if anything it's a bug related to the default receiver being automatic they STILL haven't fixed on the 10mm smg meaning it isn't getting the proper AP cost reduction. And rather than fix that underlying issue they'll just leave it as trash.
if they fuck up crits through boss buff it kills plasma casters as a weapon entirely. It'd be a drop to like 1200dam a mag if you were critting 90's on 60's every other shot instead of 600's.
>all prerolled legendary effects are vats related
That's my image, I rolled those, the one from the testing box is not legendary.
It has some weird overheat mechanic that is not explained in any way and doesn't seem to do anything. There are weapon mods that increase the rate of overheat and overheating faster is listed as a positive effect. Firing until you reach the height of the heat meter doesn't stop the gun firing. The overheat bar also has only a very small segment that is "safe" and then the remaining 75% is all "warning." I'm thinking it'll either have bonus damage when overheating, or they're retarded and couldn't set up the mechanic properly, and actually mean for it to be a weird way of balancing out how huge of a fucking magazine the gun has.
the new meta will be auto axe/chainsaw but they will nerf it once some cordtroon shows bethesda how fast an optimized build kills earle but i honestly dont care if they ruin bosses completely, they've been worthless for me for years
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Comfy Novac
does the "overheat" bar decreasing show as blue or red when on mods? Sounds like it's a negative that they can only represent with positive numbers and it's a couch against actually being a usable SAW. Mechanic is probably supposed to be like the HMG in cyberpunk overheating if you shoot 100 bullets too quickly. If you can mod it what is it's semi auto AP cost. If it's the same then it is bugged somehow.

whole thing seems like a bad fucking idea compared to the high damage energy rifle people assumed it'd be from having a fusion core baked into the model.
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There is only an automatic receiver at the moment. Overheat increases and decreases are listed as positives and negatives seemingly at random actually.
Nice shot, friend. There's a big dinosaur at Saugus and I'm sure Bethesda did not add it due to Novac. Both Saugus and Boulder City (my birthtown) are let downs in Fallout games.
cis males are the soul of the world, so you are wrong
I'm sure I'm not the only one with this opinion, but why was the music better in FO3 and NV compared to 4? I'm not just talking about the OST which is obvious, but I'm also talking about the songs on the radio stations in game. Its like Bethesda cheaped out for 4, I can only think of maybe two songs I like from 4
more like dr disrespectin' age of consent lololololol
>I'm sure I'm not the only one with this opinion
Yeah, you're not. I play without game music but 3 and NV had engaging radio stations. I tried downloading the NV ones for 4 (love lounge singers) but can't get it to work.
that's quite the shitshow. From that I'd assume it's not getting the AP reduction from the automatic receiver for the same reasons the 10mm is still broken. overheat is probably bad if contextually "heavy water jacket" or something lowers overheat rate even if it's being displayed a debuff. The way down is big and low is up follows with that. So something bad is supposed to happen when it overheats. That really fucking sucks when comparing it to say a quad LMG on a heavy gun build or alien disintegrator trying to use energy weapons
she was 17.99 years old, calm down tranny! Kris was talking to 13 year olds
Inon zur's a good budget jeremy soule and the choice of instruments and sound design help carry his work, aside the combat tracks which are extremely jarring. I fucking hate that double bass motif in EVERY track, you know "that" DUDUDU shit.
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mfw i missed literally a week of fasnacht and this guy has FIFTY-TWO (52) of the new glowing ones
One of them afk assholes or scammer/hacker
i didnt even bother logging in because i dont care about the masks and i dont have f1st for the acid exploit, but it does make me feel a bit better knowing my deathclaw mask is even rarer now because they diluted the pool with all that extra shit
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definitely not afk unless it was running on a million accounts at once
i had two (2) accounts running every hour for the week i didn't miss and still only got TWO of the new masks
with London confirmed coming tomorrow (from TK-Mantis and Kotaku) how fucked will the general be
>with London confirmed coming tomorrow (from TK-Mantis and Kotaku)
It releases in just over 5 hours.
>how fucked will the general be
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>how fucked will the general be
Frontier 2
>downgrader doesn't work because of some micropatch
>templars and 80's skinheads end up cringe for some reason
gonna be great
nice trans army you got there
i don't think it'll be as bad as Frontier, nothing will. I think at worse it'll be "okay"
Redpill me on London. EnclaveKino or nothingburger?
too much hype, too much todd sneed. It'll get nitpicked to hell and God help them if they have anything le quirky for the redditors who'll use it as a bat against their writers to defend Godd and Emil.
The only thing missing at this point is pedo shit
Otherwise London fits all checkboxes
will London have guns though? I know they said they will be heavily decreased in use but will we still have them
>from TK-Mantis
how has this guy gone from trying to cancel oxhorn to trying to be a pillar of the community
wasn't Oxhorn a big baby about New Vegas lore and is a huge bethesda shill
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You can already install them for your Fallout 4 and they're pretty bad
Ugly animations and weird textures and all that
Since when did people jerk off the NG update
It’s shit
What are the chances they've updated these internally since?
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The leaked playthrough looked okay graphically. Not amazing but base fallout 4 tier.
where can I find the leak, woke-sama?
you're probably thinking of MATN
There’s fish people. Unlike Frontier you’re at least seemingly not meant to be sexually attracted to them though. This represents a giant leap in fallout trannymodding.
>mutated human orcs good
>mutated radiation animals good
>literally rotten undead zombie-like humans good
>fish mutations bad
why is muted fish humans a hard pill to swallow
Welrod uses vanilla animation and either shines too much or absorbs all light
You clearly don't know PrillaDog very well.
Not everyone is a furfag like you, Prilly.
My expectation is that it’ll be mediocre, the same as almost every other Fallout 4 mod. There’ll probably be dumb shit like not being able to join the ruling faction because they’re evil rich people and hate gays and fish people or something.
>Want to play Fallout
>Dude check out these le lovecraft fish people!
Fuck off Todd
You've been shoving that shit into every game you've made since Morrowind
The plot is literally Fallout 4 but replace synths with fishfags.
This is worse than the Frontier because it commits the biggest sin of all, being boring.
That’s hilarious because I will immediately murder the fish people.
>vaulzon shipping company with the amazon smile arrow logo
lmao, these fags aren't very creative, are they
i don't mind stuff like fish people simply because we know zero about the world outside of the US
>have had formula-p forever
>finally craft it because forced by todd to pick flowers, but so is everyone else
>all reagents have shit item degradation
>hard part is ash roses, the brown double niggers in an all brown biome
>finally have a stack of 80 +3 luck chems I will literally never use
I see why no one crafts anything ever.
This current scoreboard also seems especially shit. The melee weapon being a shit preroll isn't exactly a cremator and pemmican ain't no infinite canned coffee.
what's all this drama about this fnv mod called Fallout Ashfall and how it went woke?
why did they go with fish people...why...
remember those lovecraft games that all came out around the time this was getting off the ground?
yeah I feel like this will flop. "mittenlurks" also? seriously? this just totally screams like a redditors wet dream
The reason Tarantino and Kojima could make just copy-pasting stuff they liked work is because they had passion for it.
These fucks just go "this is cool/funny, let's do it" without a single thought about how it all fits together or what it's about.
>praising kojimbo the hack
yep definitely some minor Frontier dev here
oh boy I can't wait to see what weird sexual fetish the London devs couldn't help but add into their mod
they're bri'ish so it'll be BMWF
is Brian Blessed voice acting in that mod?
if not then it is doomed to be quite shite
I hope this is going to be as fun as the Frontier release.
is Fallout London going to be a real rpg or more like Bethesda's fallout games?
>It's definitely going to be a shit show worse than Frontier
do they also have furry porn in the mod?
if you're one of those people who said London will never come out then it's time to apologize
it might still be a shit mod though
you mean like... content-wise fun or..... "content-wise" fun
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That remains to be seen.
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Is london going to be paid later kek
frontier 2: electric bongaloo
>character named England
Easy one click downgrading probably was asking a bit too much
Countdown was until 2077 for me, I guess you're getting nuked soon.
It should be, it's basically a new mainline fo game
anyone want to zip that shit and upload it to someplace? I don't wanna make a GAG account
You forgot the magic word
It's 33gb man
god save the queen
wanna replay Fallout 4
should I get the unofficial patch?
oi m8 you got a loicense for that mod?
yes especially if u play on survival cause it fixes random encounters
guys i downloaded it, wish me cuck... i mean luck...
good cuck
Have furry... I mean fun!
Goon cock anon
I hope it's not as boring as New California.
>hoping for any mod not made by a Eastern Euro to be not boring, cringe, or pedo
kek, Miami is the last hope for Fallout 4 trannies
> cringe, or pedo
That would be funny because of the drama.
But enough talking about New vegas moding dilatation community
>log-in 8 times into globohomo galaxy
>have to then zip a folder just to install it as a mod
fucking fish people tech
Eastern Europeans are inherently cringe.
So..have someone tried London yet? Show screencaps!
um... when I open it up it crashes after the starting screens
>he doesn't know
lurk moar newfag
the installation itself is ass, not there yet
>you have to downgrade F4, either manually through Steam console or using their dodgy launcher
>then you have to register on GOG and install their client
>click on it like it's some sort of malware raffle
>deal with Itoddler GoG interface and download it
>THEN you have to zip the data folder and install it through Mod Manager if you want to use it without breaking F4, and copy their INI
Cringe post
torrents are too scary for zoomers
You can download the manual files without galaxy and why isn't your game already downgraded?
>delay the mod for months because "muh bad update"
>makes you downgrade your game anyway
Fucking kek
can someone just upload the full dang thing i downgraded it and dragged the zip into modorganizer and it crashes on load after the opening screen
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I started fo76 for the first time. My profile has a homosexual flag. I would never let a man do anal to me. I'm going to uninstall this trash.
>he redeemed the homo flag
>he redeemed
Why did you think that would work
I'm still zipping it...why couldn't they just release it that way in the first place?
my guess is they got gibs from GoG
because thats what they said to do.
downgrade it, zip the data folder then drag it into Mod Organizer and install that as a mod
God Bless America
God Bless The Enclave
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well if anything i can be absolutely sure that fallout london will have better weapons than fallout 4 because holy shit bethesda can't make any gun look good
You weren't strong willed enough to resist the free aids button and have been correctly reported as a homo
>playing 76
>not a tranny
Yeah right.
>fresh install
>use their malware downgrader
>steam credentials probably stolen and on sale right now
>game downgraded
>open up gog
>add Fallout London to cart
>complete purchase for $0
>open GOG Galaxy (tm)
>install Fallout London
>Launch game
>hit new game
>infinite load screen
That's it, I'm going back to The Frontier
textures look weirdly unpolished
it's a pretty baffling procedure. meanwhile it just works if you buy fo4 on gog because I guess gog paid off the devs.
You have to copy the data folder on your fo4 folder manually or zip it and use a mod manager because bongoloids are retarded
Whenever you buy a new icon, even if it's free, it sets it as your icon automatically.
Atomic shop > icons then pick what you want.
90% of rainbow flags you see in game are from people like you who redeemed but didn't know it set them as gay
That's what happens when you buy all your assets. They don't have the correct normals or shading data.
can a chad just upload the whole complete patched thing or a torrent or whatever i dont do all this shit im lazy
you know
when steam shuts down (and it will) and gog is the only option left
youre going to regret making fun of the best video game platform
>Fallout London Release
Retarded question for sure. Do I need an existing character/save of any kind or can I go in with a level 1?
You sound Turkish
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Alright I fixed it, I just had to delete folder in My games, I had left over junk files in there from a previous install.
Asking you to trust tranny modders with your steam credentials is insanity
>fallout: looney troons
stop asking
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>london releases
>nobody can get it to work
Frontier CHADS we won.
>something releases
>niggers immediately want to be spoonfed
read the mod page you slack jawed nigger
kys tranny
Ok using their ini fixed the endless loading screen.
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For real? I thought that was gonna be quirky sidequest or something. They're gonna have to try reaaalll hard to make me empathise with literal shadow over innsmouth fish fags. Kill on SIGHT.

Seriously disappointing that's the main story, but I'm not surprised when every faction are just various groups of larpers already.
>be lazy
>download a collection
>working good for the first 15 hours
>now it crashes every 10 minutes
is there a list of essential mods that work together?
How are you all so retarded. It took me like 5 minutes to set up the mod. Why were any of you even running the Bethesda onions generation patch
"it's vaporware" trannies on suicide watch
>Fallout: Woke Fish People
>mod got barely released and this dude already made 25 Minutes of Useless facts video
>spoiling every easter egg before anybody has a chance to play it
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Yeah, cant get this shit to work, but at least the shill squad they hired is working full blast on every social media platform.
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Londonbros...not like this...
can you feed and seed the fish
work on my machine
you guys said it was never going to be released though
so, is fallout London catered for wokegenders?
It's mandatory to select your gender, because of woke.
remember to execute any tranny NPCs you may encounter
>they added a Kris ava Tyson NPC in the dev room
I'm here for the funnies.
If you considered the post-apocalypse British Fascist Union being led by a woman woke, then yes.
Can any bongs instruct me on proper etiquette for your country, am I supposed to tip? How often do I clap here?
Watching the stupid chuds ITT get filtered by the most basic mod install ever is concerning
This is why modding should be gatekept from retards
the people having trouble installing are trans though
3 seconds in it asks if you are a femboy or a trap, lundun has fallen to the woook.
detox from reactionary propaganda
Just say "bro i dont trade first" and if they drop first logout the server
>not a single person actually playing it
>wookie transgenderism plaguing everything is... le good
back to 76 troony
>immediately makes a star wars reference
you also need to grow up
There's a screenshot right there tho. I'm currently calculating the experience in my mind because it's going to take half an hour to download. Yes, I've determined it's not woke enough because you can't get impregnated with fish eggs and also they reference tea too much.
Objectively false all the cute trans girls are busy playing and having fun and all the smelly dumb chud scum are here complaining they can't find the date folder and complaining about the cute trans girls having fun
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>finally get it to work
>immersion almost immediately destroyed by le patreon computer
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I make a point to play through and 100% any total conversion mod, I just have to download it on a shitty internet connection.
You also need to dial 8
>dial 8
damn you really are stuck in 2016. maybe post a triggered or big red image next?
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what are these dialogue choices
No wonder I'm seeing all that dicksucking on the subreddit, they got alot of people invested in this shit
why are you always so mad
LMAO, they shouldn't have driven Emily and Stroka away, they were decent at dialogue.
>get a literal free game bought and paid for by finsubs
>bitch because muh immersion puter
I got the brontosaurus and vintage water cooler plans, is there any others worth grinding the gifts for?
Jesus that's bad. At least fallout 4 had the courtesy to hide fake choices.
>discord trannies already on full damage control
they learned nothing from the frontier rofl
It keeps crashing.Great job.
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First impressions:
The accents aren't funny enough.
Also I remembered I'm playing Fallout bore, so I'm collecting junk for a mechanic I heavily dislike
>literally losing his mind over a gender neutral bathroom
Never go to legoland in 1999
>literally losing his mind
Okay somebody clear up this shit for me.
Why cant just these modder trannies put this up on steam or gog as a speperate game like Enderal did.
Say what you want about Frontier but that shit atleast worked without me needing to do all this side shit, (what idiots idea was it to force people to give their login passwords lmao, i really dont feel like sellng my logins to modders who clearly are just gonna sell it)
meant for >>487578114
I'm sure that's not the worst of it anyway
They did
>Old Longfellow treats Nate as the son he lost
>Nate bonds with this because he knows what he had lost

In a bright side, people in fallout may have more hygiene
On a dark side, your typical JAV Scenes involving cute female janitors and park rangers were possibly common in those
As I know London is just overwriting some of the original Fallout 4 files which could be a problem for its release on Steam
>I'm sure that's not the worst of it anyway
God your life must be fucking exhausting
It is on gog as a separate game. Are you retarded? Is this what happens when people don’t look for themselves about anything and just take their opinions from /vg/?
>what idiots idea was it to force people to give their login passwords lmao
It downloads from the steam depot. You could use any downgrader. Or just pirate the pre next gen version. Or just.. not have installed the mod breaking bullshit update to begin with.
you tell 'em xister
They did not you still need a specific fallout 4 version
and how does that differ ?
zoomer boys can't do anything without their hands held huh
>specific fallout version
It’s the version immediately before the todd patch. It’s not like they’re asking for a random version. Why did you all even install the update? It broke more than it fixed.
Yea i get it i get the depot stuff still hard to trust it.
wich downgrader would you recommend that downgrades it to a proper version (sure i could download a depot myself but idk how long that would take)
I did not i just reinstalled fallout 4 to play this because aside from this bullshit i know im gonna have fun also hi london dev.
Just find a torrent for fallout 4 from pre May. It’s the version immediately preceding this version, so any after mid December 2019 and before May this year should do.
It would take exactly the same amount of time.
name a more iconic duo than nora and BBC
How big is the depot anyway is it as big as if i were downloading a second fallout ?
trannies are ruining society. they are all pedos
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kill yourself tranny
it's the game and all dlc (minus the "high" res texture pack, 30ish GB
Wow, London really is the dog's bollocks, innit?
Being a tranny is a mental ilness that should be cured not celebrated. asylums should be reopend and trannies should be treated there.
34gb for me
Brahmin and the word nigger.
why is tranny iconography always the most half-assed shit
>"Hmm i wonder what Frontier devs did wrong could be inserting politics into their mod,couldnt be hmmm"
Kekistani posts
Not gonna lie, this feels boring as fuck to play.
nora and raider cock
well it is fallout 4
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the world is well done, it doesn't really feel like Fallout for obvious reasons but it's cool seeing stuff I recognise, idk if I'll play the whole thing I'm just walking around
They dont call it Fallout BORE for nothing!
>trans bathroom in the fallout setting before the bombs fell
yeah..... yeah sure that happened, jesus this is a disease
You bring a good point....
why did they change the perk interface if the system is largely the same? It's now just worse looking to scroll through the perks
>new content is shit
sure thing fren
>ghouls, thamesfolk and all identities
trannies literally grouped in with ghouls and fish people kek
Yeah uninstalled, that was boring as fuck.
Filtered lmao


I should join one of these patreon findom groups. I always take my skill at writing for granted but where do they find these fucking retards? I think my skills could actually be valuable if this is the standard
Why is the voice quality so bad? Sounds like everyone is using Xbox 360 mics
This mod is a filter between zoomers who are too tech illiterate to install a mod and who get bored at any kind of exploration and everyone else.
Shouldnt you be on discord explaning shit to people instead of here on 4chan london modder ?
Im just filterd because i dont feel like inserting my steam login into a downgrader
I'll pass along your feedback to the rest of the team and add more explosions and power armour.
Don't use it.
No just tell lead modder to make this a standalone like enderal if they can do it so can the london team
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Wait, you people actually play or try to play that london thing?
I lost all hope for you.. I'm disgusted
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stop your nonsense /v/ NPCs
real talk can I play as Nate Higgers?
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1960s British woman, apparently
Enderal is bad
I do because at the end of the game its more game to play but these brain dead trannies dont know how to realse a mod
Dont need explosions, theres no "hook", I'm walking around pointlessly, theres nothing really keeping me invested in the world.
yet i could download it without needing to downgrade my game and i can still do so at any point since it is a standalone
2077/2200s yes, but aesthetically and culturally the 50s/60s
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For me, it's Commonwealth Slavers, the best Fallout 4 quest mod.
Yes, there were some amount of blacks in the UK. Not a huge amount but most of these settled in London and it was the first incidence of large migration to the UK. Happened 1948.
Yeah everyone knows there's no blacks I'm the UK right
>aesthetically and culturally the 50s/60s
What do you mean by this?
Aside from all the /pol/ retards trying really hard for another "HABBUNING".
I am simply not enjoying my time with it, doesn't feel like Fallout at all.
Ngl skip the fish people and vagabonds stuff and just explore. It’s a lot more fun.
Some sort of data leak is gonna come from that installer, calling it now.
the FALLOUT: LONDON consensus:

Shit writing
Boring world
Cringe UI
Completely unremarkable

Is there not a main quest hook?
no mention of tranny propaganda
guess its time to play it
shut the fuck up chud the mod is great you are just tech illiterate and can't install it properly
Are there vehicles in London or are Fallout 4 Modders just too stupid and inept to be able to add that?
>refuse to explore
>refuse to talk to NPCs
>refuse to give the story time to develop
How did you get through Fallout 1 and 2 exactly
should I reinstall for this england mod? the general idea sounded fun but I'm worried it's just gonna be brown and river without any substance
Xilandro is a New Vegas and Frontier CHAD.
He would never make a mod for Fallout bore
The latter. Frontier were pedo trannies but their severe autism at least made them certified technical wizards. Fallout London dev team seems composed of average IQ goysloppas
Voice acting is always infamously terrible for non-professionals.
>give the story time to develop
It's a fucking mod that's maybe 5 hours in length at most
I didn't play them they look really unappealing.
>How did you get through Fallout 1
You need to find the chip to save our vault my friend.

>and 2
You need to find the GECK to save our vault my friend.

>You need to find out who you are
hmm I really dont give a fuck actually plus I already know who I am (i'm roleplaying as I should be)
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place bets on the tranny flag being hidden somewhere
Crazy that you rushed through those in 3
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Apparently there are horses and bikes.
Are you digging through files in case there's something in there to be mad about?
You can't use them. They're NPC only.
digging through them because it interests me, and I'll just laugh, no reason to be mad
>P-Pls stop looking there's nothing to find
Yup, there's troonshit in this mod. Keep searching.
now she looks like ellen ripley
Great idea.Except that that is not possible since it keeps crashing.
Is there a better version of Armorsmith?
given that the idpol is already rearing its ugly head right from the get go, you can COUNT on it being in there
Ugly headed post
thank you fallout london for bringing newfag tourists into the thread
Why are there zetans and supermutants in London wtf
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pretty homophobic I think!
>super mutants
Fuck really? Why can't Fallout ever get away from the orcs no matter where it is
I haven’t had a crash once.
that didn't answer my question niggerfaggot
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What, where?
not a spoonfeeding thread, nigger cattle
works fine on my machine lol
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You think THAT is the problem with those?
Manual install of Follon, it launches with no issue, but when it comes to starting a new game the loading screen never stops.
Any idea what I could have done wrong?
oh sorry, did I interrupt your tranny ERP?
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Why is he so god damn ugly?
There are trains.
cause it's a nigger dog
You have to install the game with their installer that comes with the download on GOG.
And you cant use mod organizer, yes, you have to fuck up your base install of Fallout 4, theres no two ways about it.
Is this the dogmeat of this game?
Damn, I guess the whole mod looks as plastic as their preview mods
They definitely fucked up material properties and it's definitely not supposed to look like this
Just extract the contents of __appdata to appdata/local/fallout4 and __config to my games/fallout 4, and overwrite as required. Extract the contents of the main folder to where the fallout 4 exe is and the Data folder to, well, the data folder. Then load from f4se. It’s not hard.
Do not use Armorsmith
...Welp, thank you for your help.
>have fallout 4 GOTY on xbox one - useless
>have fallout 4 on steam, but only the base version - need to pay for upgrade, but then also the install would be a pain
>don't have any Fallout 4 on GoG - would need to buy the entire thing but install would be easier, supposedly
What's my best option do you lads think? Boss man won't pay me until the 30th regardless.
nigger all GOG games are free
I only own Toddout Bore on Steam and considering >>487588259 I'm gonna make a whole second GOG install just to use this shit
The guy is wrong. You can easily manually install.
That's what you get when you buy assets.
play fallout on steam without the nigger mod
can't install it lol, given up
>are they STILL having troubles
Well one problem is that a lot of people /here/ are retarded and think London is "a" mod, when in reality it is an amalgamation of dozens of mods.
My friend worked on some of them, and apparently a lot of the people that made parts of the mod(s) simply aren't willing to work on them again, so they can't "just update" it.
>start New Vegas
>immediately asks for my gender
Yep, ruined by the WOKE
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Just watch it on youtube or something, I'm sure they've paid some streamers to speak positively about the game for your enjoyment.
You just have to move some files…
As other comment said frontier were all degens but they had massive autism that made them wizards at coding.
These trannies dont even know how to realse a mod in a non fucked up state
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feels good to be an AMERICAchad right about now, in both ways.
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condoms for some reason
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Safe sex!!!
Sneedclave bros... I'm appalled..
huh same brand as in F2
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Is Horizon compatible with Sim Settlements 2?
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Why do modders keep giving ghouls and humanoid monsters totally normal and healthy looking hair.
because bethesda does it with female ghouls
>Install it with GOG
>Crashes on start up
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I sorta assumed that every civilized female ghoul is a Wig Enjoyer like the very obvious one on Cait's manager
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Because it humanizes them
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So how's London? it alright? it living up to the up the "hype"?
I never even heard of that shit before today but it's plasterd all over the front page of GOG
its over
london has fallen
Most people can't get it working and others are still playing the game
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Wait wtf my basic fallout just straigh up dosnt work ? im confused
The fuck are you having a melty over
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All those retards who said for years Fallout London wont drop. Today you got ass blasted.


did he just say China?
the mod is pozzed! boycott the mod!
people with vanilla are playing just fine
people with 500 mods cant play it
dilation pains
>random gog.com shirts
but why
Is fallooot London Engaland good?
it dropped but bearly anyone can play it
How big is the mod btw? Im running low... desperately low
Do you have fallout 4 on Gog ? if no the you either give them your login or suffer downgrading in some other way
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I get that it's in the UK and the "no guns" meme, but the insane lack of them is actually kind of annoying.

Also someone said earlier the accents aren't funny enough, for me it feels like theres an extreme lack of British culture stereotypes so far.
Shoulda started me off in the pub where the two warring factions are in the midst of a football game and I have to brawl my way out of there while some guys screams about being kicked in the bollocks.
There are black people in Camelot
Ok I'm installing through GOG again if it still crashes I'm giving up.I have already spend way too much time on it and it's probably not even worth it.
Fuck off.I had a downgraded and clean steam install and it constantly crashes.If lot's of people were playing it you would see far more screenshots.
I'm playing right now.
So far it's just more Fallout 4.
Which is nice, because I already played everything there is too many times.
And also bad, because it brought me back to /fog/, which I finally had escaped from.
>I get that it's in the UK and the "no guns" meme
UK police unironically outmatch any burger 'police'. Its just the citizens that dont have guns
> like theres an extreme lack of British culture stereotypes
Shut in troon devs like every other mod ever made

>UK police unironically outmatch any burger 'police'
Maybe the secret service lol
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>oi our police are the bloody toughest around mate!!
if they were allowed to fight back against nogs and muslims we'd be 100% white in a day
the other day I saw a video of a british cop losing a 1v1, and like 6 british officers struggling to detain an carry a single fat british man
Im english but this is cope
It hasn't been 24 hours and it's already worse than The Shitier
the UK has guns, mostly hunting related. just no 200 clip mags fully auto with incendiary rounds. no 50 round riot shotguns with explosive ammo, no mac 10s with a mag so long you can use it as a stand filled with cyro rounds
zero fucking shortage of single shot shotgunsguns, pump, lever and bolt actions

lemme guess, you also think japan has no guns as well
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There is no way.. they actually turned the pipboy 3k into a 2k and got rid of the awesome perk screen for.. this?
Makes me wanna throw up
went through all the textures, other than what I posted there's nothing else eggregious unless it's very well hidden somehow, if there is it'll be in the dialogue and I can't be bothered to open the mod in creation kit
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this is tranny shill cope
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I'm playing on a steam install just fine, but I'm phoneposting so no screenshots.
I just went on a train ride and crashed.
So does the mod feature any Muslim rape gangs?
t. NVtranny hypocrite
>oi I would take me country back but ya need a loicense for dat unfortunately so I just gotta stay back and watch pakis take over my entire country I do!
same, just spam T and it'll skip the train crash cutscene, the videos crash my game every time
Good luck.It worked fine in the tutorial for me but started crashing constantly as soon as I got outside and joined the gang.
and what exactly is america, france, sweden and germany doing to stop the brown invasion?
>Oi we have bloody guns! Me grandad has a one shot knick knacka musket he does! It may not be a bloody rip shredda 9000 but it does work! It’s only 30 seconds to reload between each shot it is!
You would just complain its a rip off of Fallout 4 if they didnt try this, but it does look pretty crap
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My point is that I've yet to come across a gun in london.
America has non cucked self defense and weapon laws that allow you to execute niggers with assault rifles for accosting you and the courts can’t do shit about it. Any country with cucked self defense laws like Cucknada or Krautland are automatically fucked because you have to let pakis rape your family and steal from you or you get sent to prison for fighting back
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a ripoff of f4? So you mean.. just fallout4? Sounds awesome! can we get some more Fallout4?
Cant wait to see this post in the next thread and the thread after that.
I found a 9mm pistol in the opening train station, it was hidden in a briefcase
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It's a buggy mess, crashes, will most likely steal your data and is a gateway to becoming a full troon.
>use at your own risk
Tourist season open boys finally some fresh blood can't wait to see what the /v/ermin cook up. Getting real sick of the tranny shit it almost makes me miss some of the tripfags
Speaking of losers where's buff at
Melee only gods, we're FEASTING
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Play fallout 76!!
It is NMA and the kiwis discord, bonus for >pic
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What is it with Fallout fans who make maps and giving the great plains to some fanfic faction and assuming Texas is still around as a local powerhouse? Why is there no map that doesn't make wild assumptions about how much territory the BoS and the Enclave hold in the midwest? Why is it all based on nothing?

Weak bait.
Until all the blacks in your hometown overun and shoot your family
>puts trans flag
>walk around in pacifist mode and watch incels teleporting to my camp trying to start shit
nothing personal chuddies
Doesn’t happen. Niggers are a stagnant minority and 90% of them are relegated to inner city ghettoes where they shoot and abort each other. Whites stick together in suburban and rural communities. The only white people who choose to live around blacks (it is a choice) are hustle and bustle libtards who are delusional and eventually get robbed/mugged/shot etc (and that’s a good thing). Indians and spic colonization is way more of a problem but that’s more due to culture and smelling like shit rather than violence
NC was terrible why would anyone defend it?The only good part was the vault.
>trans flag
That doesnt exist anon
Its your usualy big tranny mod that will likely steal your data if you use their methods.
So its your choice.
Apparently god is stopping me from even trying since my base fallout 4 dosnt work
The main quest at least had some good voice actors to help carry it. Bragg, Silverman and Elsdragon for example.
This is so delusional its kinda sad
I'll take things that never happen for 500 Alex.
Eh it's always been /v/ and any users that would overlap between nma and Kiwi in their general browsing. This place too small for active raids that's why it always happens whenever something happens s
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Discord, duh.
I'm only tripfagging because you asked nicely.
Yeah some of the voice acting was good,but when I played it on release everything was empty ,the desert was full of floating rock and I wasn't the biggest fan of the MQ.I tried to replay it recently but stopped after the second wave attack quest.Terrible idea to put those in.
It's the Enclaves lovers only cope, same with 76.
Ironically they're two of the shittiest Fallout media
It's pink and cyan
/fog/ nuking camps with gay flags is s big evidence
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Trans people dont exist so how can a trans flag exist, anon?
>gets 10 years jail time for stopping a Paki from raping his little sister
>gets another 5 years because he said a racial slur and called a horse gay

Yeah show those Americans who’s boss mate! Bloody hell yeah!
Is this what we're doing now? NC bad?
Jesus Christ we're devolving into /v/
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>Enclave lovers cope
That's not HOI4 though
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This is such a shite portrayal of London and British culture, I'm going back to Starfield.
(Legion wins btw)
What did you honestly expect?
It wasn't a Frontier tier fuck up,but it wasn't good either and that has been the most common opinion for years.Did you live under a rock or why did you think that it was popular?
This explains why there are so many tantrums in /fog/
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I love OWB map
>girl leader isn't woke... because ok?!
>it's been in my consoomer media for years so...
>accepting the predictive programming
Not to say LONDON isn't just incompetent and just has it because railcucks, operators, edgy twinks, 76notliketheotherraiders, etc. have girlbosses in real fallout games

It's "transgressive" by purpose in the rules of the medium. Which is faction undermining by normal person perception.
>4x garbage
The general consensus has been "it's alright". Arguing that it sucks is just bad faith horseshit.
>The general consensus has been "it's alright".
its been out for 5 hours. Just stop and calm down
The Frontier was good thoughever...
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I'm alright with a bong fem-fuhrer if it means I have a pass to make London British again.

>fantastic map design
>technical marvel in vehicular gameplay and traversal
>wild and insanely memorable story
>epic set pieces
>shitload of content
>impactful and meaningful decisions the players can make

Based based BASED!!
ok pedo
I'm talking about New California, not London.
Also whoops, forgot to go back to being an anon, sorry about that.
Back to your samefagging ways huh?
not on Granite's watch
London is out? finally my Paki Nate will fit like a glove in that mod
Motherfucker don't make me bust out the rock puns
I'm gay, will FO Londonistan cater to my tastes? I don't want to deal with homophobic Islamic gangs DESU.
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Just trust me you'll be fine....
and when im BACK in The Frontier I FEEL IT
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Based, truly the American of the century
can someone repost that list of serums to buy in order? I got speed demon and marsupial I think i'm supposed to do egghead next?
What are they aiming at?
Fallout 4 and 76 are just SO fucking ugly

The characters look like play doh and have extremely goofy proportions, the weapons are huge and look stupid as fuck, the proportions of everything in the entire world in general just feel retarded like the scale of everything was interpreted by a small child. Total shit
And after playing Starfield, I simply cannot go back to the ugly ass characters with the thin skeletal noses and pointy jaws
>And after playing Starfield
lol your whole post became redundant when you said this
nta but starfield has actual pbr which doesn't make it playdough except for the crowd npcs
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Starfield characters look better than Fallout 4 characters, that is simply a fact
what did we think about the tv show
It was shite, like London
Unfiltered kino and a great homage to the games with its own spin on the world of Fallout
get some new material
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lol ok then
>no bodyslide
>no custom skeleton
>no mod support ever lol
>going back to 2010's tricks to make a bethesa short legged square torso'd titless man collarbone woman look anything like one of just giving them massive asses in place of hips
>locational ship damage is still fake
Didn't reply earlier because I got distracted, but that cluttered mass of tiny city states and tribal territories is way more accurate to the spirit of the series. The massive unified faction-specific claims to land are the exception, not the norm.
pre update image, they fixed the eye animation, added subsurface scattering to them and contact shadows
just download the mod in my screenshot buddy boi
That is... if your paperweight build can handle it.
Force feed Redditrannies feet first into an industrial meat grinder.
holy shit the /stag/ sloppers are out in force LMAO
Based. Ave, amicus.
Total shit. Cringe dialogue, constant plot contrivances, huge plot holes, shit all over the lore and took established well written characters that were well written in the games like Mr House and turned them into retards. A truly pathetic effort that to top it all off was filled with corpo slop DEI “anti capitalist” propaganda while simultaneously exploiting basic visual references to further merch sales in a great twist of irony. Fuck niggers
Did Starfield not allow custom body morphs like fallout 4? Pretty shocking step back
The problem is that they're niggers, anon.
that doesn't invalidate my post and anon's
fallout 4 is indeed a very ugly game infact it looks as bad someone taking starfield npcs and building an entire game around that style
playdough core cuz adam dead
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Outfit studio updated last month to support the morph files, only a matter of time till Starfield coom completely destroys the coom market.
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Who are these guys? Internal Enclave politics is actually a pretty interesting subject.
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The king does not understand the feelings of men...
Damn you got any other copy and pasted criticisms used to criticize any mod/game regardless of reality??

I remember only getting these NPCs before I upgraded my PC from a 1080ti I had for like 8 years
You see how low level the baits are from the tourists
have any sites like gog-games uploaded the prepatched london yet
Wow I've never seen anyone else articulate the show like that, felt like I was alone in this opinion. I partly disagree with the exploiting visual references for further merch sales as iconography is just a consistent thing with the franchise and when you make established IPs there are just going to be consistent details and etc. But yeah the disconnect between the writers and the rest of the franchise is hilarious. While the fallout show is bad it could have been worse like the resident evil netflix show
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entity streaming problems because bethesda is incompetent or to spite modders no character has a body at all, exposed skin is all baked in to the outfits. "nude" is an underwear clothing item, clothes replace it. The bodymorph thing on the player screen just stretches the outfits. Which since 0,0,0 isn't default and can't be set exactly has made it very hard to make individual body/outfit replacers since they get neck seam and chittering everywhere depending on how you've stretched your character if a modder tries to use that system at all; the only thing that works is full replacers like unity pak modders do to modelswap shit. Each outfit has to be manually replaced or reshaped externally then injected back into the game to get NPCs to not be fat mutt abominations. The entire clothes on body base layered equipment system was abandoned and nothing like what exists in fo4 or skyrim modding is replicable. Sirfield is a piece of shit
it was alright. I liked the references and the regular shmucks complaining about how naive and stupid vaultdwelers are, good fo3 vibes there. BOS also came off as impotent religious jackoffs that was fun.
the npc that has never been over the hill to the next town was funny.

the only really bad stuff was the fact that the lore from the previous games is dead, ncr is gone, shady shores is relocated and done, bos east coast might be dead, new vegas is about to be done. ghoul juice is weird but okay.
it terms of the main three for entertainment it goes ghoul. goosey, and max.

its down
order? are you rarted?
just look at the wiki and take all the mutations that help your playstyle.
And take empath, as long as you're in a team, even by yourself, it's net bonus.
The ftontier shat its pants and crawled to death so Fallout London could run.
Hmmmm, nah
Post the cute pink haired boi paladin.
How big is fallout 4 + london
I have little room on my PC atm
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Two possible presidents for the Enclave in a Hearts of Iron 4 mod. Old guy is Anderson who's a purist that still supports Total Mutie Death. Young guy is Douglas Granite who's a reformist that no longer supports Total Mutie Death and wants to reform the faction to be more tolerant of mutants, how tolerant they become of them if you go with Granite is your choice though.
It is good outside one retarded shitposter from poland who crossoboards here and at /co/
Sounds based, is there a proper Unity revivalist faction or are the super mutants all retards as the secondaries always insist they are?
It's like 66G total.
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Haven't played as them but there's Troll Warren who retake Mariposa and form New Mariposa and basically create a new Super Mutant army. I think Texas also has a few Super Mutant nations as well.
There are but it's fucking boring
Basically just reforming New Reno into Super Mutant Country but you don't even get any claims
But there are some factions in Texas that are remnants of another super mutant army and they actually have a lot of stuff
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Oh lmao, i installed Shadow of War recently and it was like 108 GB

Might have to uninstall ARK or some shit
I have so many fucking big games i barely play wasting space in my HDD

ALSO my fucking mouse cursor has started bugging out and constantly clicking. I found out about it about 20 minutes ago.
Very nice. If retaking Mariposa is on the table, then I'm interested. The plethora of Enclave content (even within the NCR of all places) was tempting enough as it is but being able to retake California for the Master's ghost has me sold, I'll play it one of these days.
the game itself is 88gigs, that's assumedly just the mod or helpful sar read the wiki on base game size from 2015 instead of looking at his steam install. This is a ~140gig monstrosity all put together. with needing space for installation.
I gave the london cunts my steam username and password only to find out the mod is about as fun as playing in sewer shite.
welp, that sucks.
I'll take anything at this point, my favorite faction has a bad habit of not getting mentioned.
I hate video games. Maybe in a months time i will get ro
Didn't the mod devs say the West Coast was planned to get an overhaul? Or was it just Vegas they are planning on overhauling?
The fucking mouse shit happened again so i sent the post early
iirc Doug's mom is possibly The Chosen One. Ol Sarge had tribal fever.
Bros what do i do, the game crashes after train ride intro
Tribals have big dicks and gushing wet fertile onahole pussies, so I'm not surprised.
Source: I made it the fuck up
>are you rarted?
For me it always crashes right after the guys in the intro say they're gonna put me back under.
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>recreating the spirit of the New Vegas strip in FO4
I kneel
>gog only downloading at 30mb/s
>L O N D O N taking twice as long for half the filesize as it took steam to download the entirety of fallout4
Why must troons infest everything they touch? Can they just not act normal?
>act normal

Troons are spawned from the husks of degenerate porn addicted beta males who become mind shattered by the prospect of being a real man. As a result they will never be able to even approach mental stability and rationality
So are we ready to admit that Todd was right and Fallout should only be in the US?
Fallen London is a better post-apocalyptic bri'ish simulator anyways. Does the mod even touch on Britain's fall towards the end of the 21st century.
No Todd was wrong, gimme Fallout Mexico, Fallout Canada, and Fallout Japan
Yup whole West Coast was in the plans of getting overhauled, Shi, Reno, Vegas, all will get more content since their trees are ancient as heck.

The Jackals and Vipers are supposed to get proper trees too

When that gonna happen? Good question, current work is all funneled towards Colorado/Boulder Dome Claimants
Isnt this that crazy german autistic chick who made her fo1 oc borderline mind control ryona porn
>we will never get an enclave vs the ghoul boxer rebellion game
If you were one of the 3 people who played Fallout BoS there is also three super mutant tags in Texas who are splinter groups from Attis Army
One of them has a secret path with Robo-Pipboy A.I who tricks the mutie gang to literally recreate a more busted version of the Master, basically a hulking, almost ominiscent biomass who get constantly feed by more people being thrown into the vat
>Fallout Mexico, Fallout Canada
Both got vored by the US so nothing changes.
>Fallout Japan
I think they got vored by China.
Canada is technically part of the US in Fallout they conquered it before the war
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I wish Peterson sounded better
but respect the author for letting the original AR voice actors reprise their roles
Can someone upload the london inis? I forgot to copy them before moving everything to MO2 and I don't want to redownload the entire mod.
Fallout London moggs the frontier btw
is it actually good?
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Oh good, there's more trains than just the Tube.
I recognize this model though...
Maybe it could have if it was made for New Vegas instead.
But Fallout 4 as a basegame has aged so very poorly.
does the collectron still farm resources while im out on another instance? like an expedition or inside westek?
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I knew it. They hired the World of Airships guy.
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>pajeets are in fallout london
lol, lmao even
>when you don't know anything about IRL london or british history
You get generico super mutants North of the NCR who form a new mutant army and are a midgame threat for the purposefully super edgy and evil ghouls in power armor in Washington.

Texas has neutral mutants led by what is basically a used car salesman that are part of a shaky economic union with a completely fucking destroyed Texas Brotherhood and some tribals squatting on tech.
but are there somallis?
This. It’s quite pathetic that my modded NV has unironically better gameplay and gamefeel than Fallout 4 with any number of mods added as well
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kek that is exactly why I pointed a gun at him. I'm pretty immune to bad acting but that guy is something else if even I noticed it.
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>>when you don't know anything about IRL london or british history
Jeets and pakis own london who do you think was doing all the rapings and getting away with it
Did you just think that the british's lust for curry came out of nowhere
Did you just think that your lust for cock came out of nowhere? who touched you?
Frontier was at least funny, London is boring.
oi! Don’t bloody point out that Londonistan is now a bloody Indian colony! Bollocks to that I say I do!
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add fallout london to the slop along with 76 and 4, its over
playing through FO4 for the first time, thinking im going to go with the Brotherhood of Steel
I went with Minutemen the first time. Makes more sense to me, since the Brotherhood doesn't own the settlements, the Minutemen do.
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So is FO London fun? Is it fun to just walk around and look at things? I've never been there so I don't care about recognizing anything and I'm already assuming the writing and dialogue will be chungus shit.
>I installed Shadow of War recently
Me too. A nemesis system in Fallout would be so fucking cool.
You can do a BoS playthrough where you have all settlements without ever joining the minutemen
The settlements don't belong to the BoS, though.
They don't belong to the minutemen either tho. They're your settlements to do with as you wish.
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I've played 5 hours so far. I went from getting 3 shot by foxes in the first hour of the game to basically invincible after buying a set of gear off some armour merchant. Every quest so far has been "go here and kill X or retrieve X". Dialogue sucks ass, voice acting is okay for a free mod but the accents just get annoying after like 2 hours. First 30 minutes of the game was good though. Overall 5/10.
Osidiots are still insufferable.
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Why does the Londonistan want my...
>steam name
>email address
Please sarr provide steam account info sarr we need account information free send game very much please
>It's shit
Wut. By your own admission, most of your playtime hasn't been fun. How is that a 5/10?
Oh I get it very funny. You’re making fun of an Indian accent. Fucking hilarious. You should really go do stand up somewhere. I can’t stop laughing at your genius level humor.
didn't read past
>Oh I get it very funny.
Still, why does a mod want you to fully dox yourself? what could they mean by this?
There's no need to be sarcastic on 4chan. It's very feminine/pathetic and autists might take it as serious. Also, just calling him a "fucking retard" is much faster. It's also faster to just fuck off back to whatever passive aggressive shithole you came from (reddit)
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lol get trolled lil chuddy
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i get epilepsy from the stairs leading up to Lucky 38. Also black women keep propositioning me.
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Sim Settlements 2, Starlight Drive in Rise of the Commonwealth city plan.
They quote about joining the Minutemen when you help them. They never mention the BoS.
Impressive they made something even worse than The Frontier.
It's not worse; are you high?
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>sebastian gaunt
those motherfuckers really took names from the 2 most famous 40k commissars and taped them together. is this guy voiced by baldermort too?
I'm the least gay here.
It seems like a fair amount of work has gone into it so umhhhh maybe
It’s really bad. Frontier was unironically more interesting
Its the new copy and paste shill phrase

Neck yourself
Chill out, asshole.
so is fallout london in the Frontier trashpile?
Yes. If you’re Indian/pakistani/jamaican though it might be worth playing just to see your homeland imagined in the Fallout setting
Joyless subhumans
ill wait for a review but im not huge on britbongs so i wont play it
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This protracted rat punching sequence isn't "bad" but sure isn't interesting. The hard freezes to listen to spoopy handler dialogue, back to back, just isn't polished. Like some dev figured out proximity triggers and started furiously masturbating.
I forgot this general was pretty trash.
Uhhh you okay Ranjeesh?
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there isn't any shadman shit so considerably worse
I’m canadian…
Ok Chris
That’s AVA to you Chudbud
Don't insult us /fog/bros ever again. You're shit, not us.
>scum scare off the good posters
>freakish losers more likely to spend more time on 4chan
Its a simple equation
>retards saying it's worse than frontier
>"cause it's shit"
Fags so desperate for frontier 2.0 they can't enjoy anything
Hello Fallout London dev team
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i'm honestly surprised it's coming out
They say it about everything that isnt their own shilled slop
i like to meme and i won't be playing it for a long time but i'm glad a bunch of people were able to do SOMETHING with fallout to keep the game relevant to at least the slightest degree.
fallout 5 in 10 years bros
>Add a NV-style perk system
>Only add two perks
>Both are minor utilities
>Every other single perk is just a Fallout 4 perk with minimal changes

...why? Fucking Far Harbor changed perks more than this thing.
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>train ride just fades to loading screen
>3 minute loading screen.jpg
>this bullshit
>game crashes
If only there was an actual game here to play and not just a picture of a map to stare at
Kind of a lack of music so far
>900 random made up fanfiction factions

Euch. Pass.
>crashed already
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>got the mod to work on my end
>no issues so far
>customization compendium is the only mod giving me shit for using playable ghouls redux
It literally just crashed on me in the same place it did for >>487632048

womp womp
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Isn't that just mole rat disease?
927, actually
10% more damage taken is no where near the same as 10 less hp?
If you are at 100hp, then it's the same.
Didn't know Fallout was a musical. Weird that.
this is the kind of person who pays for a pass
intelligent thinkers
I'm the most intelligent here. I'm the only one here that knows what the hell is going on. Everyone here is retarded stupid.
Ok pajeet.
That chud didn't get trolled. You're fucking high.
Tried the mod.Steam install was unplayable so I reinstalled it on GOG and it worked better.Still crashes far too often but it's at least playable.The quest so far seem to be mostly fetch quests and I haven't managed to continue the story.Enemies have been mostly ghouls and hooligans(raiders). The gang members all say the exact same line over and over.At this point I'd prefer if they just stayed silent.My main issue so far are the loading screens.I have no issues in vanilla, but in this mod every exterior load screen takes minutes to load. It's not terrible but so far it's kind of boring and there hasn't been anything special that actually impresses me.
i feel bad now for all the times i've made fun of them
Never should have tried to appeal to NV trannies they are mentally ill

76 made the same mistake
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>alt tabbing fucks up vats and conversation camera
>Build? I said we british crime simulator of shanking niggas with a gas station knife today
It's not bad but no one is ever going to want to play this intro sequence a second time. These fucking load times are killing me; SSD in fire port and it's like I'm back in 2015. Put a conspicuous handgun on the first dead scientist for christs sake. Where is jimmyjam widdleshin's lewisgun from the opener when you met him. These 5 goobers didn't storm the not enclaves base with cricket bats, you showed us they didn't.
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Don't feel bad that you are intellectually inferior to me
You need to get a refund for your fallout games and fuck off out of this fanbase. Even the tv show probably bamboozles you.
I know you're fishing for (You)s with that post, but I still feel the need to remind you that you're known as the local dumbass around here.
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I can't watch the show cause it's on MURICAN TV and I don't use MURICAN TV FOR FAT NIGGERS... I only use netflix and crunchyroll cause I only watch anime.
don't make fun of my autism
>first ctd was on the train ride
god damn it trainwiz can make a better train
>don't have 7int
>guy dies poignantly with custom death lines as my character spins a balisong in condolence
>walk 4 steps

This needs all the fallout stability mods it's likely incompatible with doesn't it.
what the fuck is that mascot
i get it shouldn't be vault boy but it should be something other than stick man flash game protagonist
I didn't even get to the train ride, I walked across the first fire pit in the beginning and crashed.
london is boring shite, but I didn't experience any crashes.
You need to be playing vanilla.
Then what kind of train wiz are you? smdh my damn head
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One whose game is crashing.
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I mean I'm running a mostly vanilla game right now because I don't wanna push my luck. Wanted to recreate bahama's ghoul in london just for a shitpost but as I said fucking compendium is giving me shit
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Tell me more? Links? Because that OC looks cute as shit and we never got enough Unity lore or material.
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R.I.P. Tell your cat I said hi and tell your wife she's good at doodling and should make more fallout stuff.
is fallout london the same level on fallout frontier? better? worse?
is this another of "the authors barely disguised fetish?"
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not being funny m8 but that's a womans coat you are wearing as your uniform
She's some kind of European, yeah, and all I know is she has the same obsession with the Master that your average femcel has with Spamton.
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>"the authors barely disguised fetish?"
If you say stuff like this you've disqualified yourself from having any credible thoughts on artistic works.
I hate that image, it makes me feel weird.. and I hate you for posting it.
the tv show is on amazon prime, not cable television you triple nigger
Finish underspace already
Amazon doesn't exist in switzerland.
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>you have to launch through GoG
>baked in f4se launch bypasses the graphics settings that are making everyone's game crash from being 1280x640 ultra low on a fresh install with an "unrecognized" graphics card from not 10 years ago.
I am. I even fixed The Void bug and didn't even have to pay a shader wizard.
I didn't even the Frontier crash this much.
Fallout: London is better than anything Bethesda has put out, and I say this as a stupid fucking fat gay piece of fucking shit Bethestard.
Do you speak Romansh?
nta but I think it looks great. The art style really fits the character. Get your eyes checked fella.
No, only the rednecks speak that. There are a few super backwards villages that speak that shit and it's always the nasty kind that looks like rednecks
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I don't need to get my eyes checked, I already know I can't see past 1m..
The issue is this cunt is givving me the "lemme tongue your prostate" stare
Sounds like thats what you want him to do.
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Okay fuck it then. Guess I'll wait like a month to see if it's playable let alone any good.
>but i'm glad a bunch of people were able to do SOMETHING with fallout
based bright side looking anon
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This guy >>487638985 is onto me..
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Projection is a hell of a drug.
what an awful time to get back into the fallout franchise
no u
>I'm supposed to believe you're an intelligent civilized contrast to them
The Swiss really are a doomed race.
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The swiss are ugly little gremlins
Jesus christ this perk menu is way worse than 4's.

Forget aesthetic or anything you can't seem to sort perks by fucking special type.
Our thread's pet retard is enough to make me believe that, yeah.
He's a cute little animal but don't give him voting rights.
That's a shame. I hate to see languages dying.
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Organic, timeless dialects and languages are dying, meanwhile ebonics is thriving internationally thanks to fat cat American astroturfers.
Welcome to piss earth.
A thread pet? Did I miss something?
It's awful to listen to. Don't be sad, it's an abomination.
~Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise, put up a parking lot~
(Seriously, grow up.)
Credit where it's due; they have included at least one more shitty brothel and implications of it being a shitty society where sex is a currency than Fallout 4 or 76 have managed. They didn't even make the girls porn stars or anything, they are scarred up and look like they had no other options.
So much for customer appreciation.
One of the hookers. The other two are naked and I can't post them of worksafe boards. I'm guessing it's a quest location I haven't triggered yet because one is a trader with nothing to sell except handcuffs (lol) and there is a inaccessible door with a special love-bed beyond it like the one from Dukov's place in FO3.
Did you hit your head? I don't speak enigma..
>negress with tumblr hair
I know this one's a hooker but something tells me there are more of them who are written as intelligent.
>download the old version of fo4 through the console
>put it in the steamapps file
>set the manifest to read-only so it cant update
>when I try and run the game i get a disk write error
whats the issue here?
I'm saying that the folksy "abomination" cultures you look down on could very easily be terraformed into a spitting image of an American trailer park thanks to current year political stringpulling in Western Europe. You'll miss them when they're gone, guaranteed.
I.. what? I have no idea what any of what u just said means.
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radroach bit my balls
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Well, don't say I didn't warn you. Horse to water and all that.
it's worse than bad, it's boring
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I think my brain overloaded
Is there a wabbajack list that has all of the basic qol and bugfix stuff already and not much else? Want a list like that as a starting point to add stuff to
Was able to get it to not crash in the main menu by moving all the creation club shit out but then after picking appearance I started repeatedly falling through the floor and just can't manage to wriggle out the tube. Never seen anything like it before
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You said LORD, He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

Now, in the bleakest hour of this world, grant unto me Lord:
The Strength to protect the helpless, to deliver them from this great evil.

The Courage to stand against the wicked, to thrust them back into Hell.

The Swiftness to strike down those who seek the ruin of this world.

Let this monstrosity before me bring no harm this day.

Omnia vincit lux tenebras!

this mod probably won't be good until their are cbbe bodyslide versions of the armor.
Hmmm... nah.
The worldspace is just reused assets from the shittiest part of the Fallout 4 world.
Coomers will just take screenshots in the south of boston, get the same effect.
Well well well. What shitters do we have here. /fag/ would be more appropriate
>Try to use the downgrader
>It spams my steamguard with 10 requests
>Sorry you're being ratelimited try again later bro
That's why it's called steamGUARD. It's trying to prevent you from a horrible mistake
>Is retarded
Many such cases!
When they control your language, they can control the complexity of the thoughts you form. When you see Ebonics, Zoomer language or ignorance being celebrated, they are just NPCs spreading a virus.
All those steam usernames and passwords being funneled into some southeast asians logs as we speak.
Nice /v/aguemind opinion. You can go back to your shithole board now.
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Do people just not pirate the game and slap the mod from GoG on it?
You really paypig Fallout games?
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not sure how much I trust discord fags, and it really doesn't seem like this works on the PTS, but I guess it makes sense

the damage numbers do seem to creep up but 2x seems like wishful thinking, and the second you stop shooting you can say goodbye to all the heat you built up

this could become a very good free aim gun if they add some more weapon mods and tune it a bit better and nerf canned coffee or else VATS builds will still use it
After 1k hours of fun I bought Fo4. Todd deserves it (anyone does if they can give me 1000 hours)
It's ironic you're speaking in completely preloaded terms and phrases.
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Meh, 5 seconds to update
Reword it in non "preloaded terms and phrases"
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It was an honor knowing your account.. May the chinese be nice to it
You're losing. Go back.
>he thinks thats all it takes to protect his account
lol, you'll be getting a phishing email soon lil-bro.
so what's all this about then, fallout l*ndon requires you to verify game ownership by giving your account details or something?
u have to put in your bbc licence
don't be silly, everyone can tune in to the british broadcasting service for free, even the colonies
People who got scammed by Bethesda last month when they updated to the "next gen" update, have to downgrade because none of the modder CHADS cared to update their mods for it.
Any mod that puts a nice big futa cock outline in the vaultsuit?
40 seconds in blender, or even outfit studio if you're autistic enough.
That's something else. Giving your account login info to a modder so he can verify that you bought the deluxe goodgoy edition is an entirely different level of cucked.
sex with riverside fishwomen
What was what?
>banjo playing stops
If "yeah lemme check if you paid for it sweaty" really is what's going on here then that's beyond fucked. Leave it to the Brits to be needlessly draconic.
>40 seconds in blender
Can you post a vid?
I understand.
>banjo playing begins
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i wanna replay new vegas but i cant think of what i want to do
bump any lovely futa cock outlines in the vault suit?
Turn Arcade straight with your fat courier pussy.

where do i download london without giving my steam/gog account shit
you can't turn any NV characters straight
got it installed fine doing the manual install but almost none of the audio is coming through. attacks, animal noises, some ambient noise now and then, the voice actors etc. but no music, no effect noises like for the pipboy or any of the UI it's so odd.
That sounds less like a declarative statement and more like an imperative challenge.
I'm currently working Veronica's voice for new lines with xvaSynth (Nate turns her straight).
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And this is without any photo references, you only need to use the inflate brush.
>Nate as the Courier, fucks every bitch as per usual
I like this idea.
Courier had too much on his plate and a bullet in the head to get Veronica straight.
>op is fucked up again
Why is this faggot back?

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