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>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 27th, 7:00 PM EST | Cuchulainn, Dynamis, Wolves' Den Pier, Top of the Ship | Casual CC Sync Meetup >>487358505
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>487485281
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previously, on /xivg/: >>487493695
first for sunnies
/say Dream Nigger
_________ owes me SEX
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steamy loving sex with grown men after savage prog
My moonie just brushed her teeth
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Think it might be face 4 Malera time.
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reminder if your first thoughts aren't moo or milk they aren't big enough
Actually this thread belongs to azim.
With my sunnie's barbed tongue
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I am
a maid for hire
on Seraph
Is there still a plugin, site or discord that does weekly setups for island sanctuary?
i wish i could give E cups to my femezen but alas
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I just finished cooking my crispy lemon chicken anons now its collectables time
Loving, consensual, unprotected and bedbreaking sex between miera and femra.
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>watching a gnb video from a while ago
>five seconds in to the video they use rough divide
>instantly feel physical pain over its loss and the dumb slide we're stuck with now
is this how kaiten people felt
this is fucked up, why did this happen
also has there been actual testing to see if the animation lock on the new retarded slide for gnb/drk is longer than the one on plunge/rough divide. they feel considerably longer, but i want to know if it's just my mind or not
Posting my suncat
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bro tried to do this at the end of the thread to get away with it
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I would download Mare if it'd get me an EB like this.
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Mandatory Fat Cat
Me veena
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fisting miera with thick oven mitts made out of cactus until they bleed to death
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Spotting for this sunnie at the gym
I think it feels longer because there is no damage application, so you don't subconsciously think "now it landed" and rather watch the whole animation.
sweaty, animalistic, wild, messy breeding with sunnies
me on the left
It doesn't do damage now because stupid fucks like you decided that a very small, almost pointless gain in damage over mobility wasn't worth it and thus the apm was too high during burst.
Anybody with a brain is celebrating this change and its usefulness is immediately visible in the normal tier.
Bee is for ?
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CC @ 4:00 ET Dynamis
she looks like she fucks hroths
>why did this happen
SE noticed weaving defensives during burst on GNB and DRK was hard, and the solution SE came up with was cut 2 oGCDs directly by making them not do damage. Same reason we didn't get continuation for Double Down or the new combo.
all me to take your hand in marriage effy, and together we will obliterate the wood wailing menace!
very nice sunnie...
your growing experience with gposing and editing is becoming evident, good work /thumbsup
need akemi lewds
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we're gonna clear EX2 bros
draining catboys until they're sore and aching!
>bee me
>me bee
Is there a dedicated idle server/spot while people are CC'ing on Dyna?
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To explain further:
That use to result in a DRAW GAME if the other team hit 50% and then wiped in OT
They changed it to make the team that did not hit 50% has to break the checkpoint and get 50.1% to win.
middies who play scholar
May my malera plap?
omg hi ranru
incredibly cute boy
>Same reason we didn't get continuation for Double Down
This is the level 110 trait from Forespoken, trust me I had sex with Koji Fox once in an alleyway behind an Arby's
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I need that hp you bitch
draaaaain ganggggg
incredibly cute anon
Lavender Beds Plot 3 Ward 25 Halicarnassus on the roof
thankfully femezen are tall so it would actually look right... but alas.........
holy shit is that jesus
i need a ref to pose
>drain myself before taking a nap
>wake up
>still feeling drained
give me a break...
I actually thought my interest in Honey B. Lovely-related lewding would've waned by now, but nope.
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For the anon who wanted the Customize+ sliders for this body (needs Otopop body installed)
pastebin com/4gSDx1y2
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Solution 9 @ Seraph, Instance 2
At the recreation zone near the track
i guess that might be it, but i swear i don't remember being locked in to it as long
man this is whack
i unironically want to mod so i can animation mod rough divide/plunge back
i don't know what you're angry about, i just don't like that the end lag on it feels worse than i remember and the animation itself is worse
they really could've just sheared off the potency instead of making a shitty duplicate ability for gnb and drk that erases a unique feature that existed for every tank
warrior shoulder charge was cool
paladin shield charge was cool
drk frontflip head splitter was cool
gnb twirly spin was cool
Finally got my anima weapon. I never stepped foot in alexander, doing this quest chain makes me want to go see every raid series the game has had.
Hrothgal chest fur!
tall races should be flat
don't @ me
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Go for a classic.
The hairbrushing thing has come full circle...
>This page is no longer available. It has either expired, been removed by its creator, or removed by one of the Pastebin staff.
holy fucking shit my malezen would flick this catboys nose
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please pose yourself stepping on my raen
I fucked up and spent all my bicolor gems on dumb shit and didn't know they're super useful for leveling crafters
every time this doujin gets posted i have to go fap to it
here you go, free of charge
Another fine picture for my collection
Hrothgal x malezen is an underrated pair desu
gposing? post or catbox
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surely you prepared your modernsloppa glam for the upcoming raid tier?
proud of you bro, you've earned it
i never said they shouldnt anon! but i never said they should either...
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Aw shit here we go
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Don't pay attention to those other people when you post your character. Pay attention my sophisticated compliments. Focus only on me.
you need a referee for wrastlin?
seeing my lalaboy doing all these lewd animations is making me unreasonably flustered
No, ERP mainly.
but i rarely get any Yous
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Dynamis queue Casual CC @ 6:40 ET
>still forgot word
Thank you for your service
I think you need a permit for something like that
My privileged suncat doesn't know the struggle. Suncats are the worst (but she will pass on the message)
{Thank you.} My best stuff is made whenever I want to try something new with editing or whatever
My suncat's got gock and galls
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Oh boy.
I would but I play a male character so no one ever compliments me.
i like em but something simple please
ill see if BF will give me their mcdf but i did something like that already
sorry im not into that kinda stuff
damn you to the seven hells
no I'm not even subbed
this is actually what i really want people to post when they see my femlala, instead of plapping her...
Fuck is wrong with primal tranny win traders?
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Anyone else log into the game and get wierded out when you see a friend or FC member has done as radical Identity swap? Such as going from a rugged highlander that wears heavy plate glams to a basic blonde catgirl named Cupcake Sprinkles decked out in hot pink cash shop gear.

Feels like this has happened more times than I can count in this game....
wonder why, let's try that again

pastebin com/BF2A9WT8
jesus had like, a beard and stuff

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How do you tolerate fate grinding?
>My suncat's got gock and galls
That's a bit of a shame, but to each their own. What of your moonie..?
Do you like to ERP much? How long are you planning to stay fiddie before possibly changing?
Link the full thing?
Don't worry, I'm sure nothing weird is going on
Primal is the most depraved DC
You're supposed to fill in the missing word in your head AAAAAAA
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damn wish that was me between giantess tits
I miss when my scholar would get dragon sight from random goons
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Raid done
Time to kill a sorcerer dragon in Elden rang
>offtanking Bee
>dont turn on tank stance until after opener
>catch up in threat a few minutes later and turn it off again for a burst phase then put it back on
>somehow catch up again after another 2 minutes
>I was the less geared tank

How do people fuck up the tank rotation?
This but the opposite.
I know a hyper nigger rava futard who fantad to a male midlander during the start of DT for like 2 weeks
but since he's a failed male he eventually went back lol
>instanuked again
need another paste site, pastebin is a bunch of fags apparently
your dom aura sis.... it's leaving you...
this game is capable of turning a rugged man into a himcess so it doesn't surprise me
they also might troon out as well, very common experience in fino fano fotin
You might have out geared them by a significant enough margin that you caught up to them. It happens man.
I forgot you made that actually

this show sucked by echidna is cool
those two would make a good couple

she doesn't act like that
Anyone has the updated green name xivg list for the plugin?
I miss when my eye target had a JO tether.
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built to bottom for my sunnie+
>I forgot you made that actually
its so over
I'll be honest with you:
I quite literally cannot manage to distinguish anyone in my friends list apart. I just recognize names. "Oh, I know that name, that's someone I know have played with." And that's it. Beyond that, everyone is the same in my mind. I don't register what race and gender each of them is playing as. I don't keep track of which one told me X or Y things and when. To me they're all just a mass of "my XIV friends".

This might sound mean but maybe wouldn't happen so much if 90% of them weren't catgirls and femras that literally meld together like a pack of zebras.
she's in uldah crafting right now. completely unaware of me watching her for the past two weeks. so cute.
You just want to be taken care of don't you?
You want to be held and loved and even be cuddled and spoiled don't you?
You make me sick.
Make it a .txt file and upload it to catbox
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I don't care where you go.
this might be the highest quality screenshot I've ever seen of two ugly characters
i snatched aggro with scattergun during a pull in a vanguard run with full lvl90 gear
some tanks are just not that great
can some anons fill this uwu pf
Whats the difficult dungeon everyones whining about in DT? I wanna prepare, so i can at least explain it to the healer
This is someone you can actually tell pvp is not a personality without sounding like a fag.
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If the miera is one of us. I am so sorry bro. The femlander and the catgirl were bullies.
semen collector glasses
I don't care where you care that I go either
. . .
OP said they were lesser geared.
honestly tank rotations aren't THAT easy. It's very easy to significantly outdamage someone.
A lot of people don't get the idea of planing ahead to line up under buff... even if most being used on cooldown does that.
I'm often like top 8 or top 10 dps on tank in alliance raids, so I'm outdoing what.. 1/3rd to 1/2 of the DPS? Even though a DPS should do more damage just by keeping their GCD rolling and not even using OGCDs.
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Then pick a spot retard.
>sorry im not into that kinda stuff
Please? You can spit on me and and and and...
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nah bro... na....
This Bingo sheet reeks of SEAMonkey

Alt-Schizo Currently playing a Male Elezen
>Fav Job
Warrior for PVE
Machinist for PVP
>Eb Status
Lol, lmao
my moonie scooches into the thread like this
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you heard me
Yeah, my moonie is boneless. Gotta have a flavor for all moods
Sure. Got a full glass of sex right here
oh right good idea
when did pastebin get so gay anyways
based anon
i throw youtube on the other monitor
its still miserably boring
good evening i hate viera players so much it's unreal
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I am once again asking
if you have any ideas for gpose stuff I should do
>tfw have been browsing 4chan since I was 12
The moonie it is then. When the time comes.
>233 queue to dynamis
Did I miss something?
I love being hated
>drk frontflip head splitter was cool
>gnb twirly spin was cool
If it makes you feel better, they both still exist in PVP
better watch out, dork
I love you
i would join u because i need gemstones but alas ur on crystal
good like cute boy...
Is it too late to grind up the ShB/EW shared fates?
somehow this feels like a rin post
you know sometimes I feel like we're the worst general, but then if you click on lolg and see the blacked porn cesspool that it's become.. it ain't so bad here bros
Need a femlala eb for my femlala to teach me dsr after the tier is over
I need you to post femras, /xivg/
No you get the same gemstones from them only the vouchers you buy are different
I'm on Dyna, but I'll grind SHB shared fates with you someone if you want.
The blacked shit is bad here too dumbass, it just gets deleted faster.
Admit it
I like your sense of humour
post sphene
Your gpose are always so good.
Have you considered runnig the automaton's textures through an upscaler so they better bit with the increased quality character and world textures?
my femlala obsessed with dsr: check
femlala x femlala: sorry, gtg
Share the sex glass
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Dynamis queue Casual CC @ 10:30 ET
everyone's coming to play CC
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Dinner's ready!
I know a IRL female who has swapped between Femra, Femlala and Bunnyboy more times than I can count
She is currently playing a FemHroth
also she is bad at the game
you clearly have never been to lolg as there's this one resident schizo that has been spamming it for years everyday while ban evading everytime
xivg is miles better
Ah, cool. I was worried I couldn't unlock the shops from clearing 66 gold FATES in each zone.
Off to bed with me now.
>drk frontflip head splitter was cool
>gnb twirly spin was cool
She big
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im using my wrastlin gear
I'm... not sure how healthy that is.
He doesn't know
plucking out sphenes eyes :)
xivg is like that too but it's with horsecock rava instead
Anon I don't think that's a very appropriate pose
I've never actually looked into it, but I figured it wouldn't be as simple as just plugging in higher resolution textures, would it?
So close.....
american moment
here you go
That's either going to be delicious or make you sick as fuck, no in between.
Is it meant to look like raw giblets?
i started my fantablob journey as a sunnie and now i'm a femezen
my character gets taller everytime i chug a fanta, next time it will be a femroe
I don't think I've seen a single horse cock rava today
Beautiful femra in a beautiful map
my smoochwife
you think you know me...
Thanks that means a lot to me
Sorry sis... ;-;
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That was what happened with my irl friends and a good bunch of people I met in game from here or otherwise who were surprised I went from Highlander to rabbit. I just got tired of doing cool old guy in every game I played so I figured I’d go for that Final Fantasy aesthetic for something new, I’m pretty happy with my rabbit though.
My fiddie is no longer a virgin because she was egged by Honey B. Lovely
Is this not for a hotpot?
I am unfortunately a vegetarian femlala...
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Sphene doesn't have eyes
I thought that shit was watermelon
your old guy characters and rabbit are great dork!
sometimes my femra wonders how would life be like as a housewife rather than as a single depressed workaholic
I thought that shit said shadow side
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No way
Also I killed the dragon
Quietly opens your door.
Walks up to your desk
Stabs you in the thighs
Pops Sprint and runs away
I've had this done to me irl except by girls. One said it was a "marking your property" thing. My family wouldn't stop giving me dumb fucking looks after they saw it on my neck.
The identity swap only gets weird if they change their name as well, bonus weird points if they never had a lore name before
thank you. i'm glad that the nice flowers at least all stay there after you shut it down
She will wait upon the smoldering ruins of a Wood Wailer barracks
How forward... oh dear oh goodness me...
Alright have a shot
GAMs playing femlalas asking for hickeys
we like this
this is final fantasy 14
Raping this sunnie with my sunnie's + also you probably are a status build sissy
Kisses this femlala's neck.
Oh yeah it was just really funny seeing people go ??? when they saw my rabbit in comparison.
I want my Femlala to get plapped tonight Futa only
please marry my femlala please please please we can cook together and and
No I’m using a greatsword
thanks, cheers
fucking explode...
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this catgirl is standing in my souffle. . .
look at those child bearing hips GODDAMN
do femlala actually like male middies or are you guys just pullin my leg?
>Fiddie who plays scholar
*wipes the sweat from my forehead* Safe~
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i can't wait to keep making collectibles and putting up materia to fund more collectibles so i can eventually start making even more collectibles for even more materia
my femra cant sleep
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why does erenville have a thick nordic accent if he's from north america?
why does none else from north america have a thick nordic accent?
why do some of the alexandrians speak with a british accent and why do some of them speak with a midwestern american accent?
why did they hire presumably authentic south/central american voice talent for some of the characters but go with some 1/16th puerto rican man for one of the story's central characters?
Why do people not upload every single log, stop selectively uploading. Just upload it all, jfc.
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You can just do the MSQ and you won't need to grind extra for exp right? Been a long while.
I can make her sleep. Forever.
stop sniffing them perv
You obtain nothing. >:3
Since you're in combat your sprint only lasts 10 seconds.
I pop expedience to catch up,
rape imminent .
>sliced meat
>sliced meat: asia
she put them in my face bro. . .
what is the science behind hickeys... why do they appear...
all viera have that accent simply because fran did
Correct, if you are ever walled by the MSQ you can do a singular roulette most of the time and be fine
is it rawl?
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>I figured it wouldn't be as simple as just plugging in higher resolution textures, would it?
Yeah it's literally that simple.
>Use the import from screen to copy the path of the textures.
>The automaton is probably in the list under your character when it's out. Will be easier to find if you go somewhere empty. I don't play MCH so I don't know exactly
>Go to Textures, copy that in, then export it to png or dds
>run that through an ai upscaler at 2x resolution. Or even 4x and use bc7 dds compression.
>import it back in. Save it as tex.
i am still
a viper moony
I want to befriend the vampirezen, give her some blood, and remain completely intact because I'm delightful enough to be around and not a sexual enough character for it to matter.
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Yes, and in many cases the MSQ often provides too much exp. If you're super smart about it you can level 2 or more jobs while doing the MSQ
Thanks anonlala, I think...
on dynamis you should be fine with the buff
elsewhere tho you hit level 50 quests at 49, but that would be it i think
I do, thoughbeit
How would you achieve that, pray tell?
yeah no problem
Ugly dogmeat slop.
>why does erenville have a thick nordic accent if he's from north america?
I thought he was actually some sort of Souf American
>why does none else from north america have a thick nordic accent?
I dunno
>why do some of the alexandrians speak with a british accent and why do some of them speak with a midwestern american accent?
Cause some of them are from Yysulani? I dunno I had switched languages by that point so I don't know if they bothered to keep that consistent
>why did they hire presumably authentic south/central american voice talent for some of the characters but go with some 1/16th puerto rican man for one of the story's central characters?
Look up the head of English localization
blood under the skin its just a bruise
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Dynamis queue Casual CC @ 2:00 ET
>girls (multiple)
>also got claimed as property by a girl
every copy of life is personalized and procedurally generated and my seed was fucking dogshit
Does /xivg/ join "barse" run PFs?
people are still in a match!!!!!!
I am going to try to play Savage this time and finally feel comfortable enough to really go for it.
OA is the handsomest middie
Not necessarily with other xivg individuals but I do join them on occasion, yes.
Tough SHIT for them!!!
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>run into hrothgal running same MSQ as me
>pet her
>she runs off and gets killed by random mobs
am I really that fuck ugly
No. My best parses have all been in static.
>one of the story's central characters?
Bro you can just say the main character. She's not one of the story's central characters, she's THE character
parsing is dogshit, all the top ranked players use cheats to triple weave
Holy shit we are at tontsu
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im not and that's all that matters
>try test version of penumbra
>stuff looks fucked up
is there a trick to this or are they still not at the stage where basic mods display correctly?
chill farm hector strat barse conga rmmr
Well I've been shorter than every girl I've dated and they've all been into femboys, so just a matter of them being into that sort of thing. Though now I'm just a lonely boozed up lalaboy shut-in.
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I hope you're ready for august 3ed anon

you're gonna neat to be.
Nah, they are just all lesbanians.
No I don't take estradiol
yes, your glam clashes
I enjoy good ERP more than I enjoy sex (at least based on my experiences so far). I wouldn't mind never having sex again if it meant I would always find good erp partners.
oh cool! I remembered having to grind more back ages ago.
Roulettes are that Duty Finder thing right? I'm forgetting a lot here.
my femlala uses the poison flower blooms twice + dryleaf arts + dragon form build...
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Louisoix take this nigga's hat.
yeah, use Textools and use their "DT upgrades" tool on your penumbra folder.
>attention grabbing image
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I'm kneeling but not in a good way.
women like that are insecure control freaks
Use TT's library converter tool. Old mods are fucked unless you run them through TT. Maybe Penum will have their own converter one day but dev has been mum and their first attempt just bricked mods.
massive need for a sunnie+ and femra+ to do this to
no I don't think playing specifically for the parse is fun, that's not to say I don't try my best to get a high parse but it's secondary to me
Sounds like this femlala wants to be used by a sunnie+
MSQ gives enough EXP to get Two-Three jobs to level cap if you swap between two and actually run content on just one. If you have Road to 90 you can easily level three-four jobs, but you will need to stop to do dailies occasionally.
I recommend doing quests on DPS jobs because they have shitty queue times and then actually running content as a tank, since tanking teaches you how to respect/disrespect mechanics
Bros, how do I acquire a trans gf ingame?
but it's all one set and undyed
No they don't. fflogs actually detects those cheats and bans them from fflogs if they do.
fflogs can detect that fine even though square enix can't.
Is Lorian /xivg/
i do the extremes and savages once, parse gray/green and never touch them again
MY WIFE (agender) PHOS
swing a cat by it's tail
who dis fiddie
Mmm, not really. I'd say it's a dice roll. I was pretty lucky. They were very sweet. It was me who broke it off every time, because it's hard for me to love someone unless I feel like we have plenty in common.
is TT not open source?
any gf you get in this game will be trans so use the shotgun method and start hitting on everyone
fanta to miera too
Sorry I'm too focused on mahjong to spell correctly
>Watching Dubbed Anime
they only get detected if you abuse them a lot. look at the top DRG logs and see how many times they weave stuff with stardiver for example
The girl foe one I think?
go up to every femra you see and ask if they want to fuck
they're all guaranteed to be trans
Wet mod? I keep seeing it lately
I composited videos of my girlfriend into FFXIV gameplay so that it looks like she's fucking my character.
my journey in eorzea ended the moment the dalamud goontube decided to take over what we eat drink and do
rhinocerous looking motherfuckers in the quicksands day in day out
fuck all of them
>fanta to miera too
Are catboys popular enough with trannies? That's what I am currently
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hi guys does anyone want 2 do UwU together today :)
what's a beckylala........
you see the problem is that most of them are transbians so they do not want a man
you're unironically better off finding a biofem instead
i mean the hairstyle, doesnt really match the samurai armor
Approach everyone named lilith

play a futa
fiddies using the blowjob veil.
Both tools are
join any static, any she/her in discord thats not a catboy is trans
Okay but you asked for it
>game goes from 70% unvoiced cutscenes to 100% unvoiced cutscenes

imagining being eaten by this femra.
i have textools for some things already running, so i was surprised. will they work automatically after the tt fix or do all the specifications and such need to be redone?
then i wonder what's stopping penumbra dev from taking TT dev's approach to mod conversion
So is your dread barrage done, anon?
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JP is the dub, straight from the lead designer's mouth
whats up with all the highschool drama in this game and people actually putting up with it? like just ignore the guy being a fag or dip fuck that
Catboys are popular with fags moreso than trannies.
Femras owe me SEX
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ok pretty based
I'm sorry but I have reason to believe that my femra will perish before a week has passed
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Hey guys, GM! (That stands for good meowning, it's like good morning but with "meow" like a catgirl.)
I love transgender people and all of our trans friends here in /xivg/! All of you are so totally valid. I'm glad trans sisters finally have some in-game representation with Wuk Lamat's amazing VA.
>why do some of the alexandrians speak with a british accent and why do some of them speak with a midwestern american accent?
how fucking retarded do you have to be to ask this
The one that has girl foe in her searchinfo. Looks like her from what I can see, but could be wrong.
Not going to namedrop even if I knew it, though.
with ftms, yes. you might be lucky and when you erp their character will in actuality will just have top surgery scars. kind of why troons like futa so much is because of the penis though ftms typically arent obsessed with having a pussy, ftm bottom surgery is just as gruesome and horrifying as mtf

trust me if i could just set wuk lamat's va to japanese and leave everyone else the same i'd be happy. erenville's voice doesn't bother me and i think his performer does a good job. but its simply the fact that it makes no sense is what bothers me
chocobos using the blowjob veil
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a femlala who resembles becky of course
It fixes gear and hair like 90% of the time. The rest is eh.
do twitterbrains really
but you're a fish, not a cat
oh, forgive my ignorance then. that's cute!
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Dynamis queue Casual CC @ 5:45 ET
fiddies using the chocobo mount
isn't this an old picture?
is it normal to want to spend all your free time with a grown man
rent free
Don't post this picture, it just makes me sad. Poor cat, shit owners.
Or if you're using YAB, it's a built in option
let's see anon's dinner
oh, all I was looking for was namedrop, i don't know what foe
Unless you're shaped like a tortilla chip, you can stop imagining that
Miqo'te cuisine
what did Ooki do to get schizod so hard? it's been months
>something retarded happens in english that is terribly received
>Yoshi: wtf I didn't know about that, they went behind my back
Either you're full of shit and misinterpreting something Yoshi said in an interview, like how the CG trailers are animated for english lip syncing first, or Yoshi is
Today I had a conversation with someone I've admired for a long time! Tomorrow I will talk with them again. I hope we can be friends
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I am
a Dynamis Femroe
who must clock out for the day
Post a screenshot of what you're doing right NOW
>diversity hire accents started in shb
>she been the main lead since shb
Funny it took this long for people to realize, the retarded forced accents been bad in shb and ew as well
Her first appearance in a fanfest if I'm not mistaken
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i will remove it from the rotation
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I made beef and rice.
I just hate Asians and their culture.
did content. don't be like ooki, don't do content
Feels like I committed a grave sin.
ty for the tribute anon <3
My good friends Smith & Wesson.
my fiddie is fucking up some tri-tip rn
Why? Because I said you have a hard on for Asia? I had frozen pizza.
Anytime this kinda shit happens for so long it's 100% some spurned suitor.
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When the moon is high and the fire is hot, the malera hungers...
Thank you, I love you still.
my moonie is preparing for the steamiest stinkiest armpit competition
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Turali Viera are like this
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can you put this is the rota
can you trib my femlala next
yes but it lives rent free in their heads

oh really the best expansion ever in this shitcan game? I hope they hire more diversity hires in that case

I will find a cute anon.

And talk to them.

And then ERP a blowjob if they're nice.
Animals can understand whether your angry or happy despite not speaking any language at all. What's your excuse?
Do you have a particular anon in mind?
Eat out my femlala
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yeah but it's a big rotation (its all the cat pictures i have)
get new material Kong
Like extremes or savage? Is raiding really that bad that you will be schizod over it? I wanted to try it but if I will get schizod then I don't want to do it
You don't get to police my thoughts.
I was... about to say my fiera es asi then i noticed what you wrote on the post...
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afking while i eat some noodles
allegedly ooki (biofem) made fun of some trannies in the appalcord (likely jealous of her) so they began schizoing her
Don't bother for tomorrow. If you are going to do this dumb gimmick, just lay out what you will or will not do, as well as an actual location to go with the post. Scrimblo Bimblo Botanist on Brynhilder is on par with this shit.
This moonies is worth 1 pel...in the moonillions column
Christ I return to crystal for subs/retainer stuff and I check pf and it's completely fucking dead, not even a fate farm
I'm mean so I get anal
I can police your bussy.
>erenville's voice doesn't bother me and i think his performer does a good job.
My midlander on top
I've been complaining of shit voice acting seeping in since Stormblood. 5.0 had a lot of it, the good plot just overshadowed it. Dawntrail plot being mid just helped people pay attention to it. The diversity hires are only on the western side which is usually voice acting and GMs anyways. Japanese companies realized they can foillow ESG compliance without hurting their real product most of the time.
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Can you put this in the rotation
I can tell by the characters faces whether they're happy or sad, might as well watch it muted in that case you dumbfuck weeaboo
That much I'm fine with.
Hanging out with my best friend from /xivg/. She's not on screen. She's just to the right of me.
why not right now?
i need that fiddie like i need air
yoshi said the english voice cast are the canon voices, several times even
Sex with FY
No. I want to meet new people.
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you guys dont actually join these parties right?
Probably using this
>dodges the question
Ironic calling anyone a dumbfuck when you project your retardation on everyone else
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why not
She really is my weakness, and every hour I'm not actively with her, I'm thinking about her. She's the last thought in my mind before I sleep, and the first right after I wake up.
do you like malera
cute fishe
does your character shave
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we didn't clear... got pretty close though
its >>487507686
Nigga is obsessed with trannies and is schizoing one of them
she owes me sex
You owe my sunnie+ sex.
If your standards for voice acting are being able to tell whether grunting is happy or sad I'm not sure what to tell you
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probably smooching you
Probably using you
my wife ooki is transphobic
I guess she's not my wife aanymore
Post your cutest and maybe most sluttiest miera outfits, I want more inspiration
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uh you told me the spot was at seraph lb14
why did you lie
where is everyone
why is this game so fucking dead
who? just kidding don't care
isme my TERF wife
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i NEED to bite elezen ears
Standin around
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>most sluttiest
I don't think au ra have body hair.
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Can I get some thoughts on this hairstyle? Trying something different for Dawntrail.
You're so bad at this and someone is going to figure out who you are.
Fuck off trannoids
I don't fucking care
instaloss to purple malera
my moonie has completed the first step of her master plans
I have tommorow off work, but if I see a cute anon post in this tread in a way I could track them down I probably would.
Not terribly, sorry.
do the gays shield catboys from the tranners?
yeah but thats how I look at your hrothgal
Hey...I know what I want
my moonie has completed the second step of her master plans
Don't pin that shit on me. I don't know why someone's trying so hard to make me the poster boy for that when I just wanna leave well enough alone at this point.

I have settled all of my debts and do not wish to go into more, good sunnie. You'll have to speak to me in-game for any further claims.
You're not sure of anything because you're an idiot who can't keep track of his own posts. You're the one who said you can't understand "japanese grunting", as if it's impossible to comprehend an actor's performance unless you're a first language speaker. This is because you're a xenophobic fucking moron and I guarantee you've at one point argued that subs are bad because you can't read above a 1st grade level, either.
Post girl bush
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Sometimes i yell "RAPE" at the top of my lungs when i see female characters with massive knockers.
you look like a butch lesbian...

unrelated, but do you like femlala?
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Hard focus OTis
you're a zero language speaker and you understand 0 japanese words and you have deluded yourself that dubs are bad because you think that this video game has world class japanese voice acting
Why is towat always in every discord screenshot of something bad being leaked?
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Dynamis queue Casual CC @ 9:30 ET
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finished gaining one whole level on bard so now im gonna gain one whole level on pld
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same thing we do every day...
You owe my rava÷ sex
What if they wiggled?
I've imported textures for mods before but for some reason I can't seem to get it to work anymore
I can export them, upscale it all, but then when I go to re-import stuff it just doesn't seem to want to work. I may be doing the entirely wrong thing at this point, it's been a while

At this point I've got it actually showing the right texture on the little 'textures' tab but it doesn't seem to change anything
How come my catboy doesn't get any attention from gay men...? Only from smelly fucking biofems :/
Bullying lala on the right.
Nothing huh?
A source would be lovely because that makes no sense
anyone else's mare go down?
t. femhroth
I've noticed that a lot of raen femra are into pregnancy and a lot of xaela femra are into pegging.
now that I think about it I only know of one actual tranny from here, where are all of them
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didn't really realize this before but ZOMG TEH REI
also just unfucking my plates/glams after drinking the funny liquid (they will break again if I so much as sneeze in their vicinity)
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same... is it me...
Dont care still going to jerk off to this vocaroo
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xiv needs more robot wives
he has full bush
you ever just forget to actually respond to post and now you look like a dumbass? who'd ever do that haha...
anychuddy want to run aglaia a few times on aether
Post rava+. Also, as with the sunnie, please settle all accounts in-game.
Smooching this cute boy's unguarded thighs.
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t. hrothguy
Jeb post
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You probably forgot the assignment step on the first tab of the mod advanced editor. You need to tell it which game texture path to overwrite with the text you saved.
Like this but the correct path that you copy from Import from Screen
>looking around S9 and HF out of boredom
>notice a handful of NPCs dont wear regulators
>all but one are viera
Moderately interesting, I wonder if anything goes further into that, Ive already done two quests with miera that dont use them but they dont reveal anything beyond a general wish to remember the dead
sorry i was just trying to force a new meetup spot...
I usually post something then go do content for an hour or so, then when I rember to check back there's a new thread and all
that's a femlala anon
did that converse mod you use get updated?
How do you guys deal with the random bees that knockback as melee phys in M2?
Do you just sit back and use the long ranged skill until it finishes? That shit is so annoying to track.
not +, ÷
i'd die
sorry i meant malezen
yeah... it's... definitely (You)
my husband
what the FUCK
They're alright. I'd adventure with one. Why?
Okay where can I find you slut
my moonie just stood in the kitchen in the dark eating ginger cookies for 10 minutes straight
I use deadly boss mods and splatoon to see the spots and just stand in the safe zones
sticking my woober in between big boobers :D
idk i havent checked
I play phys ranged :3
my moonie wont mute the game music while progging m2 this tuesday
My sunnie got up at 2am to eat shredded cheese out of the bag.
I know 2 trannies, 1 biofem, and like 20 males. So less than 10% trannies but I guess that's a lot compared to the general population.
appal is waaaay more cute than ooki but go off i guess
femxaela feet
Does your plate say you're a big gay homo? There are so many catboys to choose from the gays might be ignoring you because you aren't advertising.
lol. lmao even.
Anyone who "parses" for pinks or oranges are unironically mentally ill and best avoided.
Blue and purples are the chill dudes who know how to play the game efficiently while still having fun.
Greens are either chill and have never touched a guide, or the most outspoken on raid/job design with the worst takes.
Gray parses are either new to their job, or have never moved beyond clicking their abilities on their horizontal hotbar. Not good at the game but fun to be around.
Zero parses should be removed from the gene pool.
you need some thick, hot malera cock inside you
I really don't care if the devs said the english cast is 'canon', because the JP voices are a better experience for Dawntrail
here is how it works if you want the most enjoyable experience:
JP Lang: A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Dawntrail
English: ShadowBingers, Endwalker, Stormblood (for Emet, Vauthry, Fandaniel and Yotsuyu whose voices I liked more in english)
anon...you're straight now, sorry to say
more like fatGYATT
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i doubt he ever said anything like that, but diegetically something vaguely english is what characters are speaking, at least outside othard, because the decipherable in-game text is english.
Do you have a picture of Ooki?
wtf my sunnie also does this
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ill trade you some ginger snaps for some cheese
... I'm not sure what the division symbol means, but my bun will figure it out.

My bun's currently talking to friends at her FC house. Just go to Marilith.

You aren't afraid of going to Dynamis... are you, anon? You wouldn't be some sort of chicken that can't leave his DC, would you?
i need to know what your portrait on your adventurer plate looks like
um... this is awesome bros, looks like we won again!
yeah, I guess so
kys futranny
what happened? I thought everyone was leveling using this one? Crystal bros, where you at?
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Came back from MSQ roullo and now gonna eat.
>I really don't care if the devs said the english cast is 'canon'
Neither do I because it was obviously a non-serious comment made in passing that isn't actually supported by what we see in the game. If the English cast is canon, Rejoinings should be making us weaker.
I simply do my best on my weekly reclears, and get oranges. I don't care to run the content over again just for funny number.
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my moonie broke off relations with her sister for dating a non moonie boy
check their names
they're probably Shetona from Yyasulani, or their descendants
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wtf why
mr brappy fucking obliterated the queues with dogshit players who were basically afk so a lot of us stopped running it
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vampire club is two blocks down
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I'm getting ready for bed...
use your eyes
Woah, is that THE classic glubba with the classic GOON ISLAND shit from like two years ago?? I'm totally "busting a nut" to this shit!
>no femra like this to use you as a chair while teasing you with her tail
it's over 4 me
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I've got that all set up, and it seems to be correct, but i'm still having no luck

Did mess around with the material and apparently you can just edit the colorways in there too?

I'm probably messing up some super simple thing
What they meant is that english is the finalized script before it goes out to german and french dubbing. Nobody actually is expecting ishikawa to be writing these purple prose lines in english, that's 100% a EN TL thing, just like every other fucking japanese fantasy game's TL.
silence warfag
what on earth are you talking about
>or their descendants
aren't 30 year old bunnies still physically children?
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male midlanders
Is this the fabled "Goon island" i've heard about? Do they sit there and jerk off together?
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haha wrong! I'm far worse!
goon island was probably the worst arc this general had for a while and that's saying a lot
lilith, lucy, luna, alice
Pose testing
my moonie enjoyed the sherlock tv series
Speak for yourself, cumbrained retard.
Tenderly licking a hrothgal's fangs clean.
Rewatch the cutscene from ARR where all the Assians are in their shadow realm talking about their plan coming together. Elidibus, in the English script, says that the Rejoinings are weakening the people of the Source.
dd going from ebin to literal who is one of the best things that ever happened to xivg
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Dynamis queue Casual CC @ 1:30 ET
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. . .
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I'm thinking of switching to male lalafell. Will I be able to attract women that play the game?
gonna go goon while artisan is running later bwos
I'll be there in a few minutes
Nah, Viera mature at the same rate as other races, but then lock in at late teens/early 20s looks until like the last decade or two of their lives apparently. They basically have fantasy asian aging
need some help?
hello anonymous husbandposter
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Maybe it's not refreshing for some reason? Did you refresh all? Can try restarting game.
Not sure since I never tried it on automaton queen, but don't see why it'd be different from like minions and such which have worked fine for me.
yes but they'll all be femlalas
Not much of a club person, myself.
Add this to your repertoire sister
hi, big fan
you will not attract anyone as a lalaboy, except maybe gay hrothgar/roes
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i am
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I’m happy viper shares gear with nin. I missed this glam
catboys are usually bio fems
help is always welcome /grin
inn arr zodiark was literally a purple crystal and the ascians spoke gibberish to each other. this is not a relevant argument for anything after that point.
Who are the best Ebins to blow.

Like to give really sloppy loving blowjobs with ball kissing.
really? i thought they mature at 100
but i might've mixed it up with the social maturity thing dnd elves have lol
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So these are the kind of women that play XIV...
holy cute
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I play tank becasue I have (Main Charachter) syndrome. help.
I might have to turn you away, depending on how my friend feels. I wanna mainly hang out with him.
any fulala except for one in particular
Huffing Val's toes.
list of blacklistable offenses:
>make girl call it boy
>2b boots
>turning miqo'te into dog people instead
>horsecock futas
>animal genitalia period
>unnatural freckles
>hair mods that aren't vanilla mashups
i think i have that one already
You will attract femlalas and I don't know if you want that.
Thats Dhalia right? Black cat? I've only seen him come up a few times when people were using his house back during the LB14 Exodus but thats about it. Being a newfag means i missed out entirely on the goon island arc so thats all i know of the person
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replying to this post as i closed the game.
i have nothing to do until savage release unfortunately.
i logged out
Post yourself
my catboy..... he loves penis..... cock.....
say hi sometime, big fan
Bit redundant to have futa, and horsecock futa, innit?
like those constellation/white freckles?
thanks anon /beam your capacity for helping others is infinite...
You're incorrect. That cutscene was setting up the shards, rejoinings, soul fragments, and everything else in the Japanese script. It's only irrelevant because the English writers are literally retarded.
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>look though telescope
>just black shiny reflection of the housing ward behind me with no houses or decorations
my head should be between there....
I'm sorry about your psoriasis
i dont even pot in normal runs bro
i'm reminded that female streamers are always forced to play female characters instead of the hot guys they secretly wish their wol could be.
DD was already a twitter celeb and 7s now too big for /xivg/. Many such cases with gposers from here.
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>responding to a father-fucker post
turn on rtx
me but thighlander thighs
the distinction needs to be made so none of them skate by
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>dumb baboon nigger gives his opinion on content he doesn’t even do
Love reading these posts.
Hey buddy
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Waiting for FCmates to figure out who’s running what so we can start roulettes
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Most femlalas are played by asian women right? I just hope they don't have a shota/boy fetish or something.. I'm a 35 year grown man.
by the time reclears are done and everyones bis i have oranges and a pink so i dont need to :3
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Dynamis healer/tank queue up guildhest roulette!
i click my skills and im usually purple
The splatters are nice but femra should not have any body hair. It just looks wrong, and I say this as a bush enjoyer.
so what you're telling me is that xivg became twitter/reddits social climbing ground zero
you're making an awfully big deal out of a line that clearly has no relevance to anything that happened later, assuming you're even being accurate about it, since there are zero people playing in english who think rejoinings make source people weaker.
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>I just hope they don't have a shota/boy fetish or something..
haha /sweat dw about it
yes, they always look terrible
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We vibin'
I only joined one once for p4s because I needed a book for a glam, I didnt even tried to parse, but everyone was beyond consistent and killed the boss super fast.
i miss his show with sugita, that was fun
Looks like someone is the real chicken...
What male race do I roll if I'm a huge attention whore and want to be showered in attention from desperate trannies and fujos
I killed some moon mage lady
Licking this tummy.
hello my goonie wife

What's the difference between cute and hot for you?
literally no they arent
Is this little pulse before Fall Malefic goes off new?
>clearly has no relevance

>people say english is canon
>game does not follow things said exclusively in english translation
Now you're caught up.
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logged out and shower
>die (getting killed by someone)
>parse grey
what now?
I've never sucked a malera off before but the more I think about it the more I really want to
*smooches your censored toes.*
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showering before bed suck cause hair gets fucked hard in the morning
What a coincidence, my malera wants to be sucked off. Race/dc?
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she owes me sex
how do you turn the text on for this
i'm ingotpilled while waiting on the garlic retainers cause i'm all out
i'm tired
hi /xivg/

how are you
I think in terms of most fun to blow it would be Viera > Roe > hroth >maelra > hyur > catboy
my moonie came up with this
>bibo chest
i straighten my hair every morning to deal with that bc it gets all tangled
squishing this clean dork
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We're full
Sunnie, crystal
post malera
my sunnie- waxes her crotch area too
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Dynamis queue Casual CC @ 5:15 ET
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>tfw I'm searching for statics posted by women or have women in them. So I can eventually try to slide into their DMs if I perform well.

Surely this plan will work...
Good and bored!! Been waiting for roulettes for ten years
>dumb baboon (not saying that word)
is literally fucking charcoal black
same but i really dont wanna sleep yet
I like small tits
what server? maybe i can help
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You give your opinon yet your "parsies" have been removed.
Please keep silent lest I report your account again.
Yeah, 3DPD. I want to feel the warmth, touch, and fat of an actual fucking woman.
miera post
ebing this goonie
Fiddie eb
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getting my crafters leveled
i don't think malezen are attention whores or get that much attention, they just seem like weird incels who don't say much
trying to save my last moonie braincell after farming sand all day
well ig if you have long hair you have no choice ig
I like tits that have an anatomically reasonable shape instead of ones that look like someone who has never seen breasts before.
Bibo chest is someone taking a half sphere in blender and then just smearing it downward and in less than 5 minutes they say they're done.
those are not logically related arguments, you are suggesting that a line that you say is a mistake is canonical and not a text error that obviously was never treated as true.
also, which line are you referring to? i can find elidibus talking about rejoinings in arr, but he says people get stronger. he speaks later about them having weak souls, but he doesn't say it's because of rejoinings, he says they've survived them despite having been weakened. "are grown" doesn't mean "as a result of the previously mentioned thing," it means "this happened in the past."
why are most femezens schizos
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>I'm willing to hook up with a random woman over the internet, spends thousand of dollars in travel costs just to score some pussy.
Bro just pay a local hooker 50 bucks and be done with it.
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They're cute and you're gay
god i fucking hate men so much
as an ftm tranny playing a catboy i hate falling under this stereotype but it can't be helped
NIN feels so fucking weak and somehow clunkier than before but I love my glamz
You're a man
then what are you doing here
my hard-at-work mooniewife
This is the most tranny post I've ever seen in my life
probably playing it wrong.
Hating men isnt limited to women. I personally dont like other men myself.
>you are suggesting that a line that you say is a mistake is canonical and not a text error that obviously was never treated as true
No, literally all I've said this entire time is the English translation is clearly not canon because the story does not follow what the English translation says. What part of this is difficult to understand? I'm honestly at a loss as to what you're imagining I'm saying right now.
May I plap?
quite the opposite
oh so now you can't even be self loathing without being a tranny
>flouride stare in CC
he he
i love you
they're being lore accurate
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When i think 3PD i dont think about feeling the embrace of a woman i usually think about how if I fuck her im gonna have to teach her to tell lies to her parents
Lahdee fucking dah no one cares about your how you feel
As a gay man, I also fall into the trend.
its just not as chad as viper or reaper that's all

do you like F+
except i just pointed out that it doesn't say what you claim it says, and even if it did that isn't relevant because the story does not at any point treat what you're suggesting as factual.
i'm going to assume you're just making shit up to cry about now since i've looked at the exact lines you referenced and you clearly don't know how to read.
Elidibus is saying the people have survived rejoinings but have weak souls (factual and still undisputed canon).
He is ALSO saying hydaelyn is getting weaker because of a combination of the ascians' rejoining antics and power expended on the wol (also factual and undisputed).
cvato post
hmmm kinda cute.. this could work
Want to meet on dynamis?
Theo Voloux
Honestly I’m new and have no idea what that means but awesome!
i can't right now but i'll keep you in mind, your malera's hot
Whenever you get a chance, hop over and lets at least add each other! I'll be on the lookout for a post.
It's definitely weaker than it was before realtive to others.
The AoE especially feels bad compared to how crazy some others are. Doton needs a radius buff with how huge these trash packs are.
thank you spouse-chan
i love you too
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please free me from this stupid ass EGG

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